#Steve is so bitchy and takes a while to warm up to people but once he finds his chosen family he would do anything for them = black cat.
trashgrem · 1 year
Eddie is the golden retriever in steddie and I will not be taking criticism.
Eddie is such a dork but at first glance most people don't know that. Like sure he hops on tables and yells at literally everyone eating lunch, but to everyone else, he just looks like he's an edgy delinquent who refuses to let people push his friends around. Like everyone else's perception is literally Eddie 'the freak' Munson regular HOSTS a satanic gang that plays games that allegedly involve sacrificing virgins and shit, no one would think he's lame they would think he is mysterious and cool, the ultimate bad boy if you will, so the obvious choice at first glance would be to make him the black cat.
HOWEVER, once you get to know Eddie he is a total dork, it's unavoidable. From conversation one Steve quickly realises that this guy who sells drugs, wears leather and battle vests, and listens to angry music is just a silly ball of energy that cannot be stopped. Eddie practices his dnd voices in the mirror and around the house, he loves the kids - I mean to be able to DM for a campaign with that many preteens in it you need to love them lol, he is so passionate about metal music and loves sharing it with other people. He's actually a really sweet goofball. Everyone thinks he's this cool bad boy but he's actually the golden retriever to the black cat Steve Harrington.
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ithehellisbucky · 4 years
Yellow and Fuckboy- Random People Part 1
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Requested: None
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Cussing, brief mentions of sexual harassment, brief talks about eviction, general bitchiness
Author’s Note: Ahhhhh, I finally posted something. I know I’m a day late, but I tried my best. I only had enough time to edit the first half, so sorry if there are any errors. This will be a series, with about 5, 6, or 7 parts, it depends on the turn this takes. Requests and taglists are open. Love you, and stay safe out there!
This is the end. Standing on a crosswalk in the middle of a bustling street with people screaming all around you. This is the end. But then again, you never know what the ending is until it's done. But it isn't done yet.
6 years. 6 years at that job. A good job. A job with a guarantee of climbing the corporate ladder. A job that you had just been fired from.
Why the fuck were you fired? Stupid bullshitters caught one whiff of a sexual harassment scandal and booted you out without a second thought. And blamed it on your "work ethic". Stupid Jonah should have been fired instead, he was the one who would wolf whistle and "flirt" (the shitty thing that he tried to claim he was doing instead of sexual harassment) whenever you walking by his desk. Not you.
Then after all of that shit, your landlord evicted you. Said that "you wouldn't be able to pay the rent" because you were fired. You would've been able to throw something together if he had trusted you. If someone had trusted you.
But no one had. You're just standing in the middle of the street. Without anyone. Trying to convince yourself that this wasn't the end of the world.
This is the beginning. The beginning of something. The beginning of a whole new future. In the middle of the bustling street, there was only one spotlight. And that spotlight is on James Barnes. 
Today was the day. The day to end all other. Bucky's pulse was the only sound he could make out, even though there was noise all around him. 
"What am I gonna do without you Buck." He turned around to look at a face he had seen almost every day of his life, a face he almost forgot was standing right next to him.
"I don't know Steve, but you’re gonna figure it out." The better question in Bucky's mind was what the hell he was going to do without Steve. Every day of his life he had seen Steve. What the hell was he going to do without the scrawny kid who wasn't afraid of a fight but definitely should be? Possibly survive, probably die.
On the inside, Bucky had no idea what the hell he was going to do. All he knew, is that this was the beginning of something. He didn't know what. All he knew was that it was the beginning
An apartment. That's all you needed. An apartment. One bedroom, one bathroom. Maybe even a kitchen, or a living room if you were lucky. Hell, at this point you'd settle for no windows.
Today is hell. It honestly couldn't get any worse.
Something hits your back. It was light, and for a moment you thought it could be a pebble or something. You reach behind you and touch the top of your back, right where the fabric of your shirt meets the strap of your backpack.
Nothing was there. You shrug your shoulders and continue to walk along. The same sensation hits your nose. Nothing, again. All there is is a small wet splotch. Oh. Oh no. This is bad. This is worse than bad. This is devastatingly horrible. 
Looking up towards the sky in horror, you wince as another raindrop hits your cheek. The movies were right. You should never say "it can't get any worse." Because then it’ll immediately start raining. 
At least it's only a small drizzle. Nothing too bad could come from it.
Almost the exact second that thought ran through your mind that a complete and total downpour washed over you. Thunder was crashing all around you, and everyone started running. You pull up your backpack and put it over your head. Like that would do anything to stop the flood that was coming down to you.
If this was a movie you would be running through the rain to your estranged lover, but alas, this isn't a movie. Instead, you're running to a diner that is barely in your line of vision. 
As you run towards the diner the wheel of your suitcase gets caught on the curb, causing you to fall over. While pushing yourself off the ground, you look down and see that your knees have been bloodied by the fall. 
Sighing, you straighten your suitcase and continue to walk towards the restaurant at a much slower pace; partially because of your skimmed knees, and partially because your mood is just as hurt.
Once you reach the diner you stand in the foyer, thinking about all the horrific turns this day has taken. Wiping your feet on the mat and putting your backpack back on your back you sigh loudly into the universe. Not to a person, place, or thing, to the universe.
You open the door and take a whiff of fresh coffee and warm waffles. You roll your suitcase over the bump in the doorway and hear a clanging noise. 
The diner was more crowded than most of the other diners you had been to in Brooklyn, and you wonder what makes it so special. The funny thing was that most people weren't in there to shield themselves from the rain, the majority of people looked like this was just another day, not the day the world was ending.
Dragging your suitcase behind you, you walk towards one of the only empty seats at the countertop. There is one empty seat on your left, and the one on your right is taken by a man in a blue business suit.
You take a seat on the stool and plop your suitcase down on the seat beside you. If someone wants to sit there enough they'll ask. You take a look at the menu in front of you. Within two seconds you had instantly picked out the meal that you wanted: chocolate chip pancakes and a coffee. 
Waiting for the waiter to come over to take your order wasn't easy. You had just been fired, evicted, and then caught in a goddamn thunderstorm; you aren't in the mood to be patient.
For a few minutes, the seat next to you was empty. Then, someone walked up being you, and said the exact words: "Is this seat taken."
A rainstorm. Just his luck. Possible the only thing that could happen to take Bucky down a notch had happened, a rainstorm. It may not be the worst thing on the planet, but it's certainly up there.
Almost the exact second he had said goodbye to Steve for the last time in a long time, the sky opened up its floodgates and poured them down onto him. It was almost as if the weather was reciprocating the emotions he was feeling.
While running to the nearest building he could find, the only thought running through Bucky's head was how he would find the airport. He barely left Brooklyn, and when he did do it, it was by subway. 
The bell chimed as he entered the building, which he could now see was a diner from the decor. Panting, he looked around the room for a seat. There didn't seem to be any until he spotted one with a suitcase on it.
The woman that the suitcase presumably belonged to was wearing a purple sweater and blue jeans that stopped midway up her calves. She was (for some twisted reason that was beyond him) wearing cheap yellow flip-flops that looked like they were from dollar tree. Her backpack was black, and the straps were sagging so much that the bottom of the bag reached several inches below the bottom of the seat she was sitting on.
Grumbling, Bucky walked over to the countertop, thinking of how much he didn't want to deal with some crazy lady wearing yellow flip-flops in the middle of a thunderstorm.
"Is this seat taken?" Bucky asks the yellow-flip-flop-wearing-lady with grain in his voice.
You turn around, trying to make the exhaustion on your face as clear as humanly possible. Turning to face the man who had so *rudely* interrupted your peaceful, if not depressing, brooding, you plaster a scowl over your face.
However, when you turn to see him, you see something that you were without a doubt not expecting. A handsome young man (dear god you sound like a grandmother).
He's wearing a brown coat, and the shirt beneath it is a navy blue. He's wearing a pair of dirty blue jeans, and it looks like the second or third time they’ve been worn without being washed. The black baseball hat he's wearing somehow matches perfectly with the rest of the ensemble. His dark brown hair is tousled in a way that's halfway between "fuckboy" and "my hair is messy because I was busy making you breakfast at 8 AM and I didn't have time to brush it."
But even when you take all of this into account (his flawless body, hair, face, eyes, and general vibe) you couldn’t bring yourself to be nice to him on such a shitty day. "What the fuck is your problem."
Instead of acting offended, or gasping in horror, he simply rolls his eyes. Yep, definitely a New York native.
"My fucking problem is that your backpack is in the seat I need to sit in." He almost looks more annoyed that you... Almost.
You roughly pull your suitcase off of the stool and onto the floor, not breaking eye contact with the fuckboy (that is the option that you have decided to go with since he's pissed you off this much).
He kicks your suitcase out of the way, and for a second he looks at you like he's expecting a big ass reaction, instead, all you do is scoff and stare straight in front of you.
The waiter walks up to you, and within a heartbeat, you can tell that she's new to Brooklyn. She has straight and perfectly combed black hair that doesn't have a single hair loose. She has perfectly straight posture, and the look in her eyes of someone who hasn't seen someone pee on a subway. Not to mention that that makeup matches with her skin tone perfectly, not the half-toned shit that's 2 shades off your skin tone that you wear.
"Can I take your order?" Her voice is far too cheery for a diner in Brooklyn, even the waiters who fake it for the tips couldn't muster up that much positivity.
Feigning a smile you simply say, "chocolate chip pancakes, and coffee as black as my heart." The waitress looked taken aback, and the sickly sweet smile that you choose to plaster on your face remained the same. "Thanks," you look to see her nametag "Manta."
Fuckboy snorts, and you can tell that he is far more amused by the situation than you are. "And all have the eggs and sausage with the-" snort "coffee as black as her heart."
'Manta' has an awkward look on her face, and you can tell that she is trying to push the negative emotions down. Her face soon perks up, and as she takes your menus she responds with: "I'll have that right out for you." 
Your smile remains sickly sweet as she walks away, but it immediately drops the second she leaves your eyesight.
"Why the fuck are you wearing yellow flip-flops?" Fuckboy says with a sneer.
"Why the fuck aren't you wearing yellow flip-flops." You respond, raising both your eyebrows and speaking in a mocking tone.
This lady is getting on Bucky's fucking nerves. She acted like she ran the fucking place, when in fact the only thing she had control over her fucking flip-flops. He was trying not to be a sexist bitch, but Bucky was wondering how anyone could be so shit-headed.
In Bucky's eyes, today was supposed to be the perfect day. Starting over. Joining the military. Yet in "Yellow" (the name Bucky choose to call her in his head because of her obnoxious yellow flip-flops) seemed to be put on this earth to make Bucky feel any emotion but happiness. Fine, two could play at that game.
"You know, I was having a decent fucking day, so I would appreciate if you try not to ruin what's left of it." He said while staring at the clock and wondering how quickly he could get out of the establishment.
"We don't always get what we want." She shook her head in a way that made it seem like she was mocking him, which she didn't seem to be doing. Even if she was, she was doing it horribly.
"Can't I get what I want this fucking time." Bucky reaches into his pocket and rolls around a cigarette that he hasn't had the chance to smoke yet, and contemplates what the consequences of him pulling it out would be.
"No, apparently you can't," Yellow responds. Both of them were staring ahead into nothing. 
The waitress, Manta, comes back with Yellow's pancakes. Yellow's fake sugary sweet demeanor returns and Bucky can tell under the artificial smile she seems slightly happy to receive the food.
Manta puts a coffee in front of each of them, and when she speaks she does it with her trademark smile, "Your sausage and eggs will be right out sir."
Putting on a fake smile (unlike Yellow he actually meant to be nice, and not just to be evil) he said: "thank you so much."
After receiving his coffee he turned to Yellow and said: "What the fuck made you act this way? Why in God's name would you be so horrible to someone who had done absolutely nothing."
Her head snaps back over to Bucky, and she makes piercing eye contact. "You know what made me act this way. You know fucking why?" Yellow seemed to actually state this as a question, but before Bucky could respond she continued.
"I was fucking fired because some shithead said he wanted to get in my jeans. Then I was evicted from my apartment by my asshole landlord. I have nothing and no one in my life that needs me, so why the fuck should I act happy." She pauses to catch her breath, then continues on her tirade. 
"I've been nice to people who haven't deserved my entire fucking life, and I'm so fucking sick of it. You have a look on your face that says that the hardest decision you've ever had to make was to fuck someone from the front or the back. Get the fuck over yourself, some people have shit to deal with."
Why the fuck had you just explained your life story to a stranger. No idea. It just felt kind of right. In a weird and twisted way, you felted more comforted with this stranger than around assholes you had known your whole life.
"I'm sorry you went through that, but that doesn't mean you get to treat people like shit," Fuckboy said in a tone softer than any that someone had spoken to you in years.
Before you know what's happening you feel tears welling up in your eyes. "You're probably right. Shit, no. You're definitely right. I swear to god that I've never acted this way before. It's just, today is different." You look over to Fuckboy and shrug your head. "I've always had shit days, it's just that today was takes the cake."
Fuckboy looks down at his shoes and then back up at you. "Listen, I'm not sorry for what I said, I just want you to know that I believe you. From the story, you told me I'm pretty sure you're not used to people saying that to you.
"I think we got off on the wrong foot." He says in a tone that you're certain you haven't been spoken to before.
"I do too." You exclaim as you twist your lips around, keeping at least one part of your body busy as your mind roams Fuckboy's mannerisms.
"Here's your egg and sausage, sir." Manta puts a plate down in front of Fuckboy, much to his delight.
Fuckboy immediately stuffs his face with the sausage, and then looks over and glares at you. Understanding what his eyes were saying, you turn to face Manta.
"I'm sorry Manta. I didn't mean to be a bitch. I've had a long day, and, I don't know. It's not really an excuse, I'm just sorry." You look at her in hope, with a neutral expression on your face.
For a second you think she's going to react badly, and then she perks up again, excited by your apology. "Don't worry about it! We all have our bad days, and I just happened to catch you on yours." 
You let out a sigh of relief and smile a genuine smile at her acceptance. "Um, here's my card; I don't work at the place listed there anymore, but the personal number still works. If you ever need a favor, just call me. I'm almost always by my phone, and what I mean by that is that I'm almost always scrolling through supermodels Insta feeds."
Upon excepting the card Manta perked up even more, "Thank you so much."
"So, how am I doing?" Yellow asks Bucky.
"...Actually pretty good. I'm super impressed that you can just turn it off and on like that, pretty twisted superpower." He exclaims with a chuckle.
"Thank you, for your overwhelming support," Yellow responds. After hearing her say this Bucky lets out a chuckle, and in his heart of hearts he truly means it. 
"So, what's your life story. I already told you mine." Yellow Pauses to think for a second. "I swear if it's more depressing than mine, I'm going to be super pissed."
Bucky ponders the question for a moment, and then answers with: "Nothing too horrible I have a sister named Rebecca, my mom is my favorite person. I have a scrawny best friend named Steve." Bucky continues to think for a few more seconds and then, like a lightbulb, Bucky remembers something that is very important to his story. "And I am joining the military, today."
Yellow's jaw drops to the fucking floor, much to Bucky's amusement. "I'm so fucking sorry. If I had known I probably would of, well, done the same thing." She pauses and looks the other way in shame. "I'm sorry."
"It's all good, I wasn't really attached to my pride anyway." Yellow feigned shock and Bucky responded by chuckling. He was really liking her more and more as the moments passed.
"Oh, and by the way, my name is-" She started to say, but then Bucky quickly cut her off. 
"I don't want to know your name. I'll probably never see you after today, and I don't want another thing to miss." Bucky knew that he wanted to know her name, but he also knew that he'd regret it if he found out.
Yellow raised her eyebrows in confusion (Bucky was beginning to think that this was a mannerism of hers) but she soon realized what he was getting at and then lowered them. "Okay, so then what do you propose you call me then?"
Bucky wanted to act like he was pondering this question, even when in reality he had made up the nickname in his head. "Yellow, because of your flip-flops."
"Again with the flip-flops! What is with your obsession?!" She counters with a laugh.
"So my name is-" Bucky says with a smile, counteracting her statement.
"Na-ah-ah," Yellow responds, waving her finger in front of Bucky's face as if to scold him, much to his amusement. "If I get a codename, so do you."
"What's it gonna be?" Bucky asks entertained by this entire conversation, and curious to see what nickname she was going to give him.
"Fuckboy." She says, making a definite stance.
"Thank you, for that overwhelming compliment," Bucky responds, slightly taken aback by her brutal remark.
"It's not a bad thing. It's because of your hair." She says, her grin growing wider by the minute.
"My hair?" Bucky responds, not sure of what to do with that piece of information.
"Yes your hair, gives off major Jack Dawson vibes." She counters with a chuckle.
"So Jack is suddenly is suddenly a fuckboy?" Bucky exclaims as he takes another bite of his eggs.
"Need I remind you that he painted women nude in fucking France." She says right before swallowing a bite of her pancakes.
"I get your point, Fuckboy it is," Bucky says with a smile that lights up his entire face, causing a chain reaction on Yellow.
Fuckboy was charming. Then again, all fuckboys are charming. But he seemed different, he seemed... Softer. 
"Why are you joining the military, if you don't mind me asking." You exclaim as you twirl your finger around on the rim of your coffee. 
"I dunno; my entire life I just wanted to help people, and I found a way to do that using something I'm good at. Fighting." He exclaims through a full mouth of eggs.
"It sounds like you do know." You say a second before you put another bite of pancake into your mouth.
"Know what?" Fuckboy asks you through a mouth full of eggs.
"Why you're joining the military." You say, your mouth equally as stuffed.
"That's what I tell people." He says, looking over to you with endearing eyes. "I really don't know why. If I think too hard about it I come to the conclusion that it's because I know my life will have come to nothing if I don't do something noteworthy."
His brow creases, and you ponder for a second what your response will be. "How do you know that you'll do something noteworthy in the army? How do you know that your life won't end up as anything no matter how hard you try to make it do the opposite." 
Fuckboy turns to look at you, amusement resting on his features. "Thank you for the vote of encouragement."
"I'm only saying this because I don't think you could ever be nothing. I immediately classified you as a Leonardo DiCaprio type, that's not nothing. You're going to do great thing's whether it's in the military or not."
Fuckboy looks up from his eggs in earnest. "Thank you for saying that, it makes me feel a lot better."
"The trick is to be as brutally honest as possible. You're bound to say at least one thing right if 89% of everything you say is completely and totally devastating bullshit."
You finish off the last bite of your pancake and pick up your suitcase from the floor. "Well, I expect payment from my words of wisdom to be the eight dollars for my pancakes, peace out!"
This conversation had become too emotional, you knew you would have gotten attached if you continued the conversation.
"Wait no!" Fuckboy catches your arm, and your secretly happy that he wanted you to stay with him.
"I don't have to check in until six, so would you like to stay with me until then? I was going to go around some landmarks, and maybe see a broadway show, but I would appreciate it if you stayed with me, for just these few hours."
His forehead was doing that cute crease thing, and you faked internal conflict before saying what was always on your mind through it all: "yes."
His face practically explodes with excitement, and yours does too. You and Fuckboy didn't have forever, but at least you had today. And you were going to live this day as if it were your last.
Part 2
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Random People:
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bucky-iss-bae · 6 years
Puppy Eyes (Bucky X Reader)
I don’t actually know if I’ve done a Bucky x Reader one-shot, although I’ve not done a lot at all, and need to start writing up some more to keep the content coming, but I’ve got horrible deadlines and I’m going Germany next week, so the account might be a little dead, I’ll try to still upload out there x 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader 
Fandom: Marvel (MCU) 
Prompts/Summary: 1. He’s the opposite of friendly. He’s unfriendly. As in don’t be friends with him. 2. ‘You know you’re adorable when you’re mad’ – ‘I can literally kill you’ 3. Slow dancing   - Just following the Reader and Buckys journey. 
Warnings: A few kisses and bad words??? PURE FLUFF xoxo 
Word Count: 3400 
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this, I really enjoyed writing it and I know theres a lot that can be tweaked on, I know this because I’m still trying to improve on my writing... But I just I hope you all enjoy it because I really did. 
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Y/N and Bucky’s relationship hadn’t always been the cutest. There was a time, a year and about 6 or 7 months ago where she would irritate him to no end. It was like, a combination of Sam and Peter, but all in one person. She made him watch TV, she teased him and constantly called him a little lost puppy but became one of his best friends. She was worse than both Sam and Peter because of the feelings he had for her, how she made him feel.
When he first got introduced to Y/N she was shy, and she was quiet. She was good at her job, she kept to herself, but she had certain people she was close to, well everyone yet she was still so quiet. She hung out a lot with Bruce because of how calm she was, they had their own TV shows they’d only watch together. They would binge TV endlessly, old series, as well as new series it was their thing. 
She had similar music tastes to Sam, and whenever she got a little tipsy, even the smallest amount, she would be up there doing karaoke with him. They were awful together, but they gave everyone a good laugh, and music allows them to express themselves.
Natasha, Wanda and Y/N, they were like sisters, whenever they had girls trips, whether it's to the spa, the shooting range, or even shopping, the girls always giggled like they had little secrets, Hill often involved with these trips and in on these secrets as she was the same to them.
She was young compared to some of the Avengers, she understood what memes were and she understood Peters humour. The two of them constantly tagged one another in memes on Instagram, they almost spoke another language when around one another, and although there was an age difference between them, she still understood, apparently her having little brothers and sisters helps.
She also had a somewhat weird relationship with Vision and Scott. With Vision, she often helped him plan date nights for him and Wanda, and when it came to Scott, they again had similar levels of humour. Apparently dad jokes are the worst, but they can still make people laugh.
Thor, he could get on with anyone, and Y/N was no exception. She taught him mundane things and he always told her his most exciting stories. She got him addicted to tiny little fairy cakes. He always asked for them whenever he returned from Asgard, and seeing Thor in the kitchen, with flour all over himself made people wonder if he actually is as powerful as he says he is.
Barton had known her for years, he essentially trained her, before she was an avenger he trusted her to babysit his kids. He helped save her family and motivated her to use her unique skillset further which resulted in her joining shield before she joined the Avengers after a few missions with them.
Tony was like a father figure to her, or maybe like an uncle figure. He, the same as Clint had known her for a long time, since just after he became Iron man. Their conversations were always deep and meaningful, she made him see sense when no one else could, well until Steve could. But still, their relationship was something special.
And with Steve, he could get on with anyone, he had a soft spot for Y/N, just like everyone else has. He saw some of himself in here, especially pre-serum Rogers. Her internal strength and integrity. And they also spoke about sport a lot, she helped him get more with it in terms of the 21stcentury.
So overall Y/N was close to everyone, someone who is quiet, innocent, and capable of getting the job done. Someone who works hard, and when Y/N met Bucky. She saw someone who didn’t want to communicate with anyone other than Steve and Sam. Once the Winter Soldier was out of him he was still quiet and reserved but done well on missions.
When they were first introduced, he almost walked around with a warning sign that screamed, ‘Don’t talk to me, I’m a  brooding scary killer machine’. It didn’t intimidate her in the slightest, although Clint had made a joke the first time she met him,
“He’s the opposite of friendly Y/N. He’s unfriendly. As in don’t be friends with him”
She just looked at Clint, “He’s just acting. Look at him, he’s like... he’s like a puppy. A puppy doesn’t scream unfriendly, a puppy screams, ‘be my friend’”
Clint just rolled his eyes with a snort, “Well, just remember he’s not like everyone else”
Y/N just nodded at that staring at him, he was sat on the couch with Steve, he looked slightly uncomfortable to be surrounded by everyone, “You’re not like everyone else either Barton. No one is like anyone”  
“We’re talking about someone who’s capable of killing anyone within seconds”
“And how long does it take you to kill someone?” She asked him,
“Touché” He muttered,
Y/N just smiled in success, “It’s ok, I’ll prove you wrong, and I’ll be able to be his friend. Just give it time” She said to Clint, he just groaned in response knowing that this is Y/N, she knows her boundaries when it comes to being friends with someone. And she’s going to push those boundaries now.
It was almost like a personal mission for Y/N. She hadn’t told anyone aside from Barton her plans, and that was to become Bucky’s friend. Whether he liked it or not. She could be anyone’s friends, and he really is a lost little puppy no matter how intimidating he is.
When they first spoke she showed no fear, she didn’t have any hostility, and instead welcomed him with a warm smile, “Y/N can make anyone happy. And she knows a lot that can help us get up to date, a little less sarcastic than the kid, a little more with it when it comes to current trends” Steve explained to Bucky.
Bucky just nodded, “Nice to meet you” He grumbled, but little did he know, that was just the start. This small, innocent, and quiet Y/N was about to literally ruin his life for the better and make him believe in love again. It was going to suck, but it was going to be amazing.
It took a while for him to even remotely warm up to her. But day in day out, she just smiled greeted him and had some small talk. It got to a point where the small things made him smile, she knew his coffee order from the local Starbucks, it was a basic black coffee, but she encouraged him to try a few different ones. Each day she watched his facial expressions changed as she handed him his coffee and he drank it.
So far all the stronger ones were more to his liking, and the weaker ones, he pulled a face at but secretly preferred. It’s because he’s a little puppy who acts tough but really isn’t. Well, maybe a little. But still.
Although he didn’t show it, on the inside it made him happy, she took time out to get to know him. She also introduced her to her favourite films. And the best films... in her opinion.
“Did fetch ever become a thing?” He grimaced one day.
“As a joke, sure. But, in the film, there are so many iconic lines.” He just nodded at that, “Can we watch something that’s not as... bitchy?”
I snorted at that but put on The Godfather, Bruce had joined them at this point, handing Y/N the popcorn, and Bucky the Twizzlers. Bucky took them and stared at Bruce in shock, but instead, the three of them sat there watching the film.
Each day the two got closer, everyone noticed this and whenever Clint noticed, he would shake his head and laugh a little. Tony had told her to be careful, and everyone else was shocked at how he was so easily coming out of his shell to become friends with you.
“I promise you, this film is one of the best things ever,” She said to him,
“You said that about Toy Story. And it was great, but it made you emotionally attached to Toys Y/N. Toys!” He said putting emphasis on how he got upset because of the final scene in Toy Story Three.
Y/N just grinned, “This is different, The Lion King will warm your heart,” She said,
Bruce had scoffed at that, he never watched the film with her, it was emotional. It made grown men, women and assassins cry. It made Bucky cry.
“I’m never trusting you again” He grumbled to her as the film ended and pride rock was happy again.
She was laying down, her head in his lap, and she looked up at him. “Oh come on Bucky. It was amazing. You’ve gotta admit that. I remember when I watched this at the theatre. Ok that’s a lie, I don’t remember but I know that I was taken to watch it”
“You know Y/N, I’ve been through a very traumatic life, couldn’t we do something that’s I don’t know... less traumatic?”
Through the majority of the film, Bucky was playing with Y/Ns hair, the gesture relaxing for the both of them. Her hair was soft, and she was soft. Bucky enjoyed spending time with her because she didn’t look at him like he was broken. She looked at him with respect, she wasn’t afraid of him. And she showed him how to have fun, what the best thing to do in this day and age are.
So instead she introduced him to karaoke, Sam was the first one there with them, and Bucky was still so quiet that she had to sing his part with him. He didn’t realise when they first met that she was like this. That she was this outgoing person, especially when its only a few of them. In big groups, she’s the quietest one there, but then in smaller groups, she can be the loudest, she can have this aura around her that is happiness, that makes Bucky smile. He looks at her and he saw someone that had fought to break down his walls, this created such a close friendship between them. Steve was happy, happy to see someone so innocent and so pure teach bucky that he’s just as innocent as she is in terms of life and death. But also teaching him how to be happy again.
Their friendship developed further, but it was Bucky that took it one step further, that took them beyond friendship and instead something that no one else shared, he asked her on a date. They went to go watch a Broadway show, The Lion King to be exact. Apparently Tony helped him with the tickets, and the night was perfect,  they went for food, went to watch the show and it made Y/N realise that Bucky was different. Different to anyone she ever knew. And Bucky knew that was different than anyone he had ever know. She had hidden qualities that no dame he’d ever met in his hundred years had.
It was that night he asked her to be his girlfriend, and from then on things became so much more different. She had broken down his walls, he hadn’t ever realised he could feel this way about someone, that he could love someone the way he does Y/N. Because he loves Y/N and couldn’t imagine his life without her.
Bucky had changed overall since the two had gotten together, after being friends for 6 months, and then a couple, he got more comfortable with everyone. He expressed his feelings, he sung on his own for karaoke and he recommended movies on nights where everyone was watching films together.
The two always cuddled, if not then her head was in his lap. They showed affection in small manners that meant a lot to one another, neither of them were outgoing in big groups, they preferred to stick together.
The first time Bucky said I love you to Y/N was something she would never forget. They’d been together for 3 months approximately, Tony had thrown an extravagant party, they’d all dressed up in their best ball gowns, their best suits and tuxedos. And it was an elegant event. Bucky looked breathtaking, his beard neatly trimmed, his hair was loose, and he looked amazing. Just as Y/N had in his eyes, she left her hair natural, put on enough makeup to make it look elegant, and wearing her favourite outfit. Bucky loved her, he just knew that he loved her. She was at the bar when two arms wrapped around her waist, she felt the coolness of the metal to know it was bucky, and the way he lightly kissed her neck,
“My beautiful doll” He murmured into her ear, “Your dress looks beautiful, but it would look better on my bedroom floor”
Y/N let out a laugh at this and turned around to face him, “Well then you’ll have to woo me tonight Barnes” She replied back before kissing his lips,  
The night was as elegant as Stark could’ve hoped it would be. Everyone enjoyed it, there was no drama and towards the end of the night everyone was slow dancing,
Y/N was in Bucks' arms, the two swaying to the music, “Hey” He muttered getting her attention, she looked up at him, and the look on his face made her go weak at the knees. His eyes held so much love and emotion, it was in that moment she knew that she was so in love with this man, that she has no idea how life would be without him.
“Hey” She murmured back,
“I love you” He whispered resting his forehead against her, this caused a smile to breakout onto her lips before she kissed him, “Good” she muttered between kisses before standing back and looking into his eyes, “Because I love you too”
From there on the two often shared those words between themselves. Soon their routines became similar, they shared a room, shared the love between one another. Y/N still spent her time with the others, but she had special time for Bucky, despite how immature he could be, he still had the face of a puppy.
“You know, you’re adorable when you’re mad” She teased whilst pinching his cheek and walking around him to grab some coffee,
He had a pout on his face and looked like a kicked puppy, “I can literally kill you” He grumbled,
She let out a laugh at that, “Ok, just a warning, you’ll miss me” She said sticking her tongue out.
He sighed and still had that pout on his face, someone had eaten his favourite cereal, he didn't know how to take it. Although everyone knew it was Sam, Sam still denied it especially because he just wanted to eat.
“How about this” She started, “Let's go out for breakfast”
He immediately agreed and decided after breakfast they were going to get some more cereal from the store and they were going to hide it from Sam.
She agreed with him and went to get ready taking her mug with her, she’ll have plenty of space to drink some more.
From that morning on, at least once a month they went for breakfast, each time trying someplace new, and each time trying to make sure the place was aesthetical enough for Y/N to get a pic for the gram. Bucky was baffled but agreed and she made him her personal photographer. As someone who couldn’t use a phone, Bucky had become a pro at taking photos of Y/N, he was also a pro at having candid photos of himself being taken. She never told him, only if they were going on her Instagram she asked first. But between the two, they tried to cherish every moment.
It was a year into their relationship and on their anniversary when Bucky had to teach Steve how to take the perfect photo as he had been over the past year. Well, he started teaching him a while before, telling Tony to teach his man how to get with technology, and somehow Bucky had managed to get the perfect shot, the background all perfect, and Steve knowing when and where to take the right photo. 
Bucky spent time near the lakes creating the perfect scene for the two of them, a candlelit dinner where they would celebrate their one year anniversary for when both of their lives changed for the better.
Y/N had no clue about any of this, she wasn’t even sure what to buy Bucky for their anniversary, she had panicked and gone to Natasha and Wanda. They gave some suggestions, and eventually, she settled on a watch with the date they got together engraved on the back along with their initials.
But he, he had gone above and beyond. She was dressed in a cute outfit, not underdressed but not overdressed, he told her they were going for dinner, she was happy ,what she hadn’t expected was the walk from the compound to the river to have rose petals as a path, to get there and to see beautiful fairy lights and flowers around the beautifully lit gazebo. It was still bright outside so the light pinks of the sky,
“Bucky” She whispered, “Its beautiful,” She said turning to look at him, her heart in her throat, she felt overwhelmed with happiness,
He led the way to the table, and they both sat down and ate. They reminisced over the year, and the 6 months before they got together. How she used to tease him endlessly, how they became best friends and how they fell in love. They ate food prepared by a chef of Tony’s, and the listened to music off of their favourite soundtrack.
When the table had been cleared they stood and danced in the sunset, before he started his speech.
“Y/N” Bucky started while slowly swaying around with her,
Her head was rested on his chest and she hummed back a reply, “What's up bucky?” She murmured,
He felt like she could feel his rapid heartbeat, he had never felt so nervous in his life. Nothing had prepared him for this singular moment,
“I um...” He started, “You know I love you right?”
“Yes Bucky” She said looking up at him slightly confused to see the nerves on his face, “And you know I love you too”
He took a deep breath before standing back, he let go of her waist and dropped to one knee, as he did her hands covered her mouth when she realized what he was doing.
“When we first met Y/N, you annoyed me like no one else did, you kept on breaking down these barriers, and all I could think is how can someone this innocent and shy, create such havoc in someone's life. But it slowly made me fall in love with you, each day we spent together I learnt more and more about you. You became my best friend, someone who wasn’t afraid of me, and someone who gave me a new lease on life.
You’re it for me Y/N, and I can’t do this without you. I had a long ass speech planned, but doll, seeing you stood there, in your pretty dress, looking at me with those pretty Y/E/C eyes, I just know that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up every day beside you, I want to have a family with you, a life with you Y/N. So, ‘Y/N’ ‘Y/M/N’ ‘Y/S/N’, will you marry me?” He asked showing her the beautiful ring,
As he finished speaking tears were brimming at the corner of his eyes, but YN was in full bouts of tears, and nodded, “Yes, Bucky.” She sobbed out, “Yes I will marry you. Oh my gosh, of course, Bucky” She said,
Her answer caused relief to flush across his body as he stood up and engulfed her into a hug before the two of them kissed, Bucky had forgotten that he had gotten Steve to take photos of this moment, he had forgotten the nerves he felt before, he had forgotten how long it took to plan this night, and he forgot his script, but it was all worth it to have Y/N in his arms right now as his fiancé.
“I love you so much Bucky” She whispered grabbing his face in her hands,
“I love you too Y/N” He replied back both their eyes closed and their foreheads resting against one another’s.
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Stupid Cupid
Steve Harrington x Reader
Author’s Note: So, two important things to note here: one, this is for @moonstruckhargrove‘s 1k Challenge, which ended two days ago I know. Two, in regards for this being late, I have a reason! I started some fucking angst with both Billy AND Steve and it...fine. And then I just hated it and it was over 6k and I just had to scrape it all. So now we have some fluff and longing, which I’ve probably written five times and is probably boring. BUT when I say I’ll do something, I do, so enjoy I guess
Tag List: @hargrovesgoldilocks @moonstruckhargrove @casaharrington @denimjacketkisses @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @thechickvic @alex--awesome--22 @so-not-hotmess
Word Count: 2,995
Warnings: cheating, maybe swearing?
Prompt: 11. I love you, you enormous pain in my ass 
You’d been dancing around the subject for a month and a half.
You really shouldn’t have been, but you were scared.
You’d started dating Billy the second he arrived in town and Steve thought you were actually nuts. At first, it might’ve been because he was in love with you, but then he got the shit kicked out of him by the fucker and all bets were off. He didn’t tell you about the scene, because he didn’t want you to worry or worse, bring it up with the asshole that’d done it to him, but he didn’t hold back his disdain about him with you anymore.
But you had a feeling something more was going on. Billy was not exactly subtle about his disdain for your friend, but you assumed it would fade eventually, a sort of jealousy on both their parts. But that didn’t fade and soon Steve was actively pissing on your guy. And Billy, well he’d always been an ass about Steve, so nothing much changed.
What changed was Billy’s attention. Kristen McMasters got a boob job over the Christmas break and all bets were off. Billy was…enticed to say the least.
Everyone seemed to know it was coming before you. Everyone except Steve. He would’ve told you, he swore that and you believed him, but he was distracted by his hatred and missed the signs. And you certainly didn’t see it coming. You knew enough about Billy’s family to guess that the holiday season was not going to be a merry season for him. You thought he was stressed out by upcoming exams and finding the cash to buy gifts for his stepmother and Max, which Neil was forcing him to buy. You thought it would fade when you got to Macy’s birthday bash.
And it did, sort of. Because he abandoned you and, after you went searching, you found him with Kristen McMasters riding him, her fake tits bouncing wildly. You guessed it was a good stress reliever for him.
You blamed Carol, for not telling you what was happening in the room she declaring your missing boyfriend was in. You blamed yourself, for not knocking first. You blamed Kristen, for going off with your boyfriend and screwing him. But mostly, you blamed Billy for being unable to ignore the lure of big, perky, fake boobs. You blamed him for being such an awful boyfriend.
You thanked Steve.
He found you, screaming at Billy and crying as he dismissed your emotions and smacked Kristen’s ass as she scurried out, red faced and head hung in shame. He led you away, letting you cry it out in the car, and letting you punch Carol in her bitchy face, wiping the snotty smirk off her face. Best of all, he let you hide at his place when your mother sent you angrily over to the Hargrove-Mayfield house with the big batch of cookies she’d made for them for Christmas. You gorged yourself on baking while watching movies in his big empty house; his parents weren’t home till Christmas Eve and you hid a batch your mother had made in the freezer for them to have, switching the notes she’s written out from ‘To Billy, Love Y/N’ to ‘To the Harrington’s, season greetings from the Y/L/N’s’ and insisting Steve pull them out to defrost before his parents returned. It was a nice that turned into several days as you just kept hiding their, studying for exams and listening to music and forcing him to decorate.
He helped you heal over Christmas. He helped you when you had to return to school. He held you back when you found Kristen and Billy were a couple and bragging about how Billy hadn’t been satisfied before he ditched you. He drove you to school and brought you coffee and kept Billy off your ass. He took a lot of grief from the guy in exchange for him ignoring you.  It was something he didn’t even think twice about; you didn’t need his bullshit and Steve didn’t really care, it just made Billy look like an asshole.
And it was making Billy look like an asshole. Even Tommy didn’t think it was that funny anymore.
The semester shifted wildly in Steve’s favour-suddenly, the world seemed to go back into place. But Steve didn’t want it anymore. He didn’t want to be King Steve; he wanted to be the world’s best babysitter to Dustin and his friends and your best friend. Internally, he wanted to be your boyfriend, but he didn’t think that was gonna happen and so he held out for the friendship you shared.
Of course, you were more than ready to be with him, if he’d ask. Steve, post Nancy, had gotten incredibly good at hiding his feelings. He didn’t want to get hurt again and you couldn’t stand the idea of ruining your friendship or his comfort with you by bringing in silly feelings. You’d just suffer in silence and watch him be happy.
But it was sort of weird. As Steve gained his status back among your peers, the girls who hadn’t been so vocal in their interest in him began crawling out of the woodwork and into his lap. Maybe they had always been there and you hadn’t noticed, or maybe they simply jumped ship from Billy onto him. But either way, Steve wasn’t as interested in them. And that threw you for a loop-Steve was always a ladies’ man, a womanizer and a flirt. Every girl seemed to have a Steve Harrington story-an encounter or a near miss that bound them in some sort of gossip circle. You didn’t have one of these moments, at least not one that you’d tell anyone about.
Steve was trashed, positively trashed. You knew that he was gonna go nuts, seeing as how it was March break and he had the house empty, again, meaning no one to catch him trashed upon his return. Katy Andrews, a naïve junior, had decided to throw the annual Spring Break Bash at her house, her parents seemingly equally naïve as to leave her alone while they went to Florida to visit her grandparents. The house was destroyed and poor Katy was crying in the bathroom, moaning that her parents were going to kill her, and you had to get Steve back home before he blacked out or did something even more regrettable. He had already smashed poor Katy’s pool table in the basement, although you weren’t sure she knew about that yet. You intended to get Steve out before he started blabbing about it.
Steve wasn’t easily dragged off by most, but you grabbed him tight and kept him moving, hooking an arm around his chest as he whined about wanting to “fucking party!”You were just glad Steve lived close so you wouldn’t have to drive him anywhere. Once you were out on the sidewalk, Steve went with you without a hitch, a goofy smile like pure sunshine on his face. When you arrived at him house, you pulled the spare key from under the mat and unlocked the door, not bothering to try to get Steve to remember where he put his.
“Finally, I got you alone…” he slurred stumbling into the dark house, his warm hands coming to your hips as he walked, well tripped, up the stairs.
“Oh god, Steve, be careful you’re gonna fall down the stairs and take me with you.” You laughed, pulling his hands off your waist and hoping he didn’t fall from the change. He whined loudly as you pushed him up and into his room.
“Alright lay down I-”
“Woah woah slow down, baby, I like it slow.” His hands came to your face and you froze, unsure if he was kidding or not. But his lips came to yours, quick and warm and gentle. And you let yourself kiss him back, a selfish decision you rationalized as the only one you’d ever make with him. He broke away first, rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks, smiling softly at you “You’re so beautiful, Nancy…”
Your blood ran cold, but you maintained an easy smile as your heart broke “And you’re so drunk, Steve. Let me go get you some water so you’re not hung over tomorrow.” You said, patting his cheek gently and pulling away. Steve didn’t follow and you took the opportunity to let a loud and sad sigh trying to keep from crying. You’d done it yourself, letting yourself get your hopes up that he could feel the same way about you. You filled a glass, bringing it back upstairs. Steve had passed out and you decided not to wake him, letting yourself feel a bit of vindictive anger and letting him suffer in the morning. You had told your parents you were crashing at a friend’s house and so made your way downstairs, crashing on Steve’s couch, feeling smaller than ever.
You never reminded Steve of this moment, you didn’t want to embarrass the poor guy, but you distanced yourself a bit after that. You had had hope before that moment but after it you put some space between the two of you. You didn’t want to get hurt and you really didn’t want to get hurt by Steve. So you did your best to break away-you went out with other people, including one terrible date with Keith from the arcade. You partied without him, you drank and danced, you even hung out with Tommy and Carol again and got high in Tommy’s basement, watching Kristen beg for Billy’s attention as he kept his locked on you. It wasn’t fun, not nearly as it would’ve been to just get high with Steve, hot boxing his bedroom with a bag of cheese puffs between you. But it was what you needed to do. You needed to be away.
But Steve kept dragging you back.
He couldn’t lose you, he wouldn’t. He didn’t know what he did but he was determined to get you back. He chased you single-mindedly, determined to keep you in your life. And he did, you were never going away, and he knew that.
He made his moves in small ways too. He took you to prom, under the guise of him needing a date for when he won prom king, which he did by a landslide. He tried to not marvel at you in stiff taffeta as you shuffled around, trying to blow stiff pieces of hair out of your eyes as you sipped spiked punch with a bored expression. Prom wasn’t exactly your scene, but you had some fun dancing with him. He looked so handsome in his dumb suit and, later, in his cheesy plastic crown, you couldn’t keep your eyes off him. Despite not wanting to go at all, you had a lot of fun. It would’ve been better if he was actually your boyfriend, so you could be jealous when Tina tried to hit on him and make a scene. Instead you watched in silence, barely listening to Nancy as she whined about Jonathan’s whining about the music playing at the event. You wanted Steve to be happy and if that meant Tina then you’d deal with Tina next to your broken heart.
As summer came and college approached, you began to hit your breaking point. You had two options for college, one within driving distance and one on the opposite side of the state. You had been honestly been considering staying in two, a cheaper choice that could mean renting an apartment in between the school and your home town. But staying in town could only lead to more pain from your longing, a pain that could be ended simply by leaving him behind. Steve was staying in town, he was going to the police academy, so leaving could be the right choice.
But there was only one way to find out.
Steve had been working at Scoops Ahoy! all summer, leaving him smelling like spoiled milk all the time, but flushed with cash and a new found disdain for his classmates and their parents. You hung out with him at work often enough, meeting his co-worker Robin, who you thought Steve obviously had a crush on, until you learned about her girlfriend Heather. You felt silly after that, but it just reminded you that you had to tell him how you felt.
And soon.
You waited until July, because you had to submit your acceptance by the end of the month for community college and the second week for your second choice. You needed to know before you chose.
Normally, you wouldn’t invite yourself over to Steve’s house, especially without a call first, but something in your gut told you that if you tried to call, you’d chicken out. So you got in your car and drove, grinding your teeth and locking your eyes on the horizon, fingers rapping on the steering wheel erratically. You knew Steve’s parents were gone to the summer house in Spain, a trip Steve wasn’t invited on, but you didn’t know if Steve was home.
His car certainly was. You parked behind him, scurrying up the steps and knocking loud and fast on the door. There was no answer, but you tried again, ringing the doorbell, pressing the button a few too many times.
You heard Steve’s voice through the door “I’m coming! Jesus Christ…” He pulled the door open with a scowl that fell away when he saw you. He had obviously just been in the pool. You started to wonder if someone else was here. Still, you held your ground.
“Hey, Y/N, I didn’t know it was you, what’s up?” he said awkwardly, smiling tersely.
“I need to talk to you.” You said, pushing your way past him and into the dark house, dropping your bag on the table by the door. Steve followed behind you awkwardly, wet feet squishing on the tile. He didn’t know what you were here for, but he wasn’t exactly going to kick you out now.
You stopped in the living room, unlit and quiet. You turned to look at Steve, trying to settle your heart and breathing. “Should I go away for school?” you asked breathlessly, the words falling out of your mouth in a tangled string.
Steve’s eyebrows flew into his hairline “Why are you asking me?”
“Cause you’re my friend and I want your opinion.” You snapped, crossing your arms over your chest, foot tapping fasting on the carpeted floor.
“Well I don’t know, do what you want.” Steve said, your tense energy starting to feed into his own and making him tense and snippy.
“Well I don’t know! That’s why I’m asking you!”
“What does my opinion matter anyway, Y/N?” Steve sighed, looking away. His body language changed and you noticed instantly.
Because of course Steve didn’t want you to move away. He wanted you to stay right there in his pocket, where he could hold onto the hope that you’d one day catch onto these signals he was so sure were obvious to everyone and you feel the same.
“You clearly have an opinion, so let me hear it, I wanna hear it!”
Steve groaned, dread settling into his stomach. He didn’t like this conversation, he knew it would only end in a fight.
“Go wherever you want, Y/N, what does it matter what I think?”
“Because I love you, you enormously stubborn pain in my ass and I’m not gonna move away if you feel the same!” you cried exasperatedly.
Well there it was. It’s out. And Steve was deadly silently, staring at you unblinkingly. That was answer enough for you, you pushed past him and rushed towards the front door. You knew you were about to cry or scream and you wouldn’t let either happen in front of him.
Steve grabbed your arm, pulling you back and crashing you into his chest, his other coming to your face, kissing you hard before you could interject or try to pull away.
He’d frozen when you said that you loved him. Because that had never happened before. He’d said it once and the results were disastrous for his self esteem and mindset. But you loved him. It rocked him to his core, he didn’t know what to do. And then you were walking away and he knew he’d waited a second too long. And now he was kissing you and you were kissing him back and oh my god the world could end and he’d be utterly content.
He broke away first, he needed to take a deep breath, but he kept his hands firmly on your face, looking down at you with the softest, most love struck expression you’d ever seen.
“Don’t go, okay? I want you to stay here with me.” He whispered softly.
You couldn’t help the grin that broke onto your face “I thought you didn’t have an opinion?”
“I thought you didn’t feel the same.”
“How could I know how you felt if you didn’t tell me?” you asked teasingly, poking a finger into his chest.
“I thought you’d catch on to…the obvious signals I was giving?”
“And what signals would those be?” you asked, watching Steve flounder for an answer, which he never found. “If it makes you feel better, I was looking for proof that you didn’t like me at all.”
“We’re idiots aren’t we?” Steve asked, pulling you closer to him.
“Nah, we’re just…selectively smart.” You grinned, and Steve pulled your chin up to meet his lips. You pressed a finger on his lips, keeping you apart for a second. “Wait, you…you like…you love me too right?” you asked awkwardly, watching as the error hit Steve again.
“Oh yeah! Shit, right, I do! I love you!” Steve blushed and you pulled him down to kiss you again, clinging onto him as if your world was ending.
In a way, it was.
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Julian Edelman - In a blue moon
hey! could you write with julian edelman? :)
A/N: Sorry if this sucks. I had this idea a while ago, but I’m not a believer of love so it might not have came out the way it should have. Anyways...Enjoy! -Julianne
Warnings: Alcoholic??????? 
“Do you think soulmates are real?” It was something that flew out of your mouth as you two laid in bed. Your naked bodies coiled together. Julian, kissed the top of your head. 
“I think.” He started as he moved a little to hold you tighter. “That there’s one person for everyone. And, I think that it might take a while to find that person, but once we do it’s all history.”
You took in all his words. You wanted so hard to believe in his words, but deep down the doubt took hold. 
“I don’t know. I mean I wanted to believe that one person could love another for the rest of their lives, but it’s hard.”
“What’s so hard about it?” He asked, a smile glue to his face as he looked down to see your studying face. There was so much he loved about you, but your faces were his favorite. You never cease to amaze him. 
“You hear how people say “Well he was my soulmate, so I had to let him go.” I just feel like if that’s true you wouldn’t have had to let go.” 
“Maybe, it’s just not the time for them to love each other yet.” He said kissing your forehead. “Maybe they met at the wrong time, and some where down the line they do met again, and they do still fall in love.” 
“Yeah, but if you really loved that person then everything else just kind of falls into place.” You yawned.
“I guess it’s one of those things you never know until you see it first hand, but right now I think it’s time for bed.”
The memory hurt now. After it all, your words were true. No two humans could love each other for ever. Well half true, because if you were being truthful after two years, you still loved Julian, like it was the first day. 
For the last two years you tried everything to get over Julian, but nothing worked. Nothing that didn’t burn your throat, and warm your insides that is. For the first year it was just a drink here and there but as it came upon the second year, it became drinks here there and everyday. 
Of course no one said anything. Everyone knew how hard the break up had been, and well frankly no one had the guts to tell you want you where doing was wrong. 
“Y/N?” Amber yelled, there was a muffle sound before you heard he say something again. You groaned as you pulled the covers over your head. You didn’t want to deal with Amber, let alone her boyfriend. 
Amber, was your best friend and you were happy that she had someone to love but right now you didn’t want to see others being happy. 
“It’s two in the afternoon and you’re still in bed.” Amber hissed as you stumbled on a couple whiskey and Gin bottles. She kicked them to the side, as she pulled the covers off you. 
“Stop!” You yelled pulling them back but failed. Amber sighed as she watch you in your messy state, but she was sick of it. You wanted her best friend back. She wanted the friend that went out with her on the weekends, who ate to much pizza and who read scary books out loud in the dark to see who could get scared first. Now all that was left of her best friend was a mopey, sad, drunk who bare left the house unless she had to work. 
“God! Will you just get over it! It’s been two fucking years!” She busted. She shocked everyone in the room. Steve her boyfriend look at her back with scared eyes as he looked back at you. 
You were mad. The blood in your veins boiled as you shot of from the bed. “Oh it’s just so easy!” You yelled, casing Amber to jump back a little. “You don’t think I would love to not see his stupid face when I close my eyes. Or feel his arm around my body when I have a nightmare. You think I love thinking if I had just let myself feel the love that I would be killing my liver with booze so I can forget his voice. His laugh.” You chuckled a wet chuckle as you spoke. 
Amber’s face softened as she heard you. She didn’t know the pain you felt, because she had never been in love like you and Julian were in. 
“You don’t have to feel your heart rip in two every night you come home to an empty house. You don’t know anything, I feel right now and I hope to god you never have too. So, I’m sorry if I’m not the person you love right now, but..”You couldn't finish. Everything hit you at once again. 
Amber didn’t want to fight with you anymore, but she loved you too much to just stand back and watch you drown your sorrows in the bottle.
“I’m sorry that you have to feel all that, and I am so sorry that you feel the pain everyday. I know you love him and I’m hundred percent sure that he still feels the same about you. But, what good is sitting here in an empty house, drinking away going to help.” She couldn’t tell if you were mad or actually happy that she was putting her foot down, which scared her. You were always easy to read.
“I don’t want to come over one day and find you dead.” She said, trying not to choke on her words. Steve was the first to see that Amber’s words didn’t go well. He pulled he back fast as you threw a bottle at where her face had just been. 
“Fine. Have fun killing yourself.” She yelled before walking out of the house, making sure to slam the door. 
That was all you remembered. You didn’t remember the call or falling back to sleep. All you remembered was the fight with Amber. So when the pounding on your front door awoke you from your sleep, you were livid. 
“What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want. Amb-” You yelled as you opened the front door only too see that it wasn’t Amber. 
His face should have killed you more, but it didn’t. Instead it made you feel like for once in the two years everything was fine. However, your body wasn’t ready for that. 
“Hey, don’t cry.” He cooed as he held you close. 
The sour smell of booze hit him. He remembered Amber telling him about your drinking but he didn’t know it was that bad. Of course he also became friends with the bottle too. But holding you now, made everything feel better. Closing the door behind him, we walked you over towards the couch, where he held you until you fell asleep. Once you were fully down, he slowly pulled himself from underneath you. 
You woke up only to remember that Julian had came over. Fear filled you as you looked around seeing nothing. You wanted to cry again, but a sound from the bedroom stopped you. 
“Ah you’re awake.” Julian smiled as he threw away the broken glass he had cleaned from the bedroom. Looking around you realized that the whole house was cleaned. Every empty bottle was gone and even bottles that weren’t empty were gone, and for the first time in a while you were sober. 
Julian, could tell you were, as he walked over towards you. “Why don’t you go take a shower.” He said, as he pulled some hair that was stuck to your face away. “Don’t worry. I’ll be here when you get out.” 
All you could do was sit there. You need to tell him. 
“I’m sorry.” You crocked out. Julian’s face softened as he heard your voice again. A sound he missed dearly. 
“I never stopped loving you. I was..I was scared.” You could feel the tears coming as Julian sat next to you, pulling you into his arms. 
“I was scared to get hurt by yo, so I thought if I ended if than there was no chance of getting hurt. Then a year one by and soon it was two and I just couldn’t get myself to come back to you.” You couldn’t finished as the tears took over again. 
“I never stopped loving you either. These last two years have been hell, and I wish you had just talked to me.” He said holding your face in front of him. “If we are going to keep at this, I need yo to tell me when you get scared, okay.” 
“Keep at this?” You questioned, not getting on to what he was saying. 
Julian smiled, as he kissed your forehead. “I’m not letting you go a second time.” 
You couldn’t help but smile as you felt his words hit your skin. “But, you really need a shower because you kind of smell.” He laughed picking up his phone. “I’ll order some food, while you shower.” 
“What do you want?” Amber spoke there the little crack of the door. 
“Can we take please?” You asked. “I brought coffee cake.” You smiled holding the pan up.
Amber sighed as she closed the door, before unlocking it and opening the door. 
“You have until I’m done with this one piece, than you’re leaving.” She sternly said. You shook your head as you sat across from her at the table. You began to play with the sleeves of Julian’s hoodie, before talking. 
“I’m sorry for being a shitty friend, and for almost cracking your skull with a whiskey bottle.” You started. 
“You have the shitty part right.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as she spoke. After it all she was the only one who really cared to help you. 
“I mean we can make it up right now. You could throw that knife right at my head.”  
Amber, choked a little on the cake as she laughed at your words. “As much as you do deserve that, I’m not going to do that.” She sighed as she wiped her hands on a napkin.  
“I’m sorry for being mean to you. I should have treated it all better than I did. Even Steve yelled at me for it.” She spoke. 
“You had every right to call me out on my bullshit. It’s something I needed. If it makes you feel better, I ended up calling him after it all. I of course don’t remember it all but he did. He ended up coming over, that night.”
Amber, became still as you spoke. “And?”
“And, after he held me until I passed out, cleaned my house, got me in the shower, and feed me we got back together. Well actually we got back together before the last too.” You laughed.
“So in a way my bitchy-ness got you two back together.” She smiled. 
“I guess so.” You laughed, as she hugged you. 
“However, next time I will throw back.” She joked.
“I’m pretty sure there won’t be a next time.”
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Request: N/A
A/N: Part two of “Espionage”
Steve Trevor x reader
Word count: 1232
Summary: Steve and (Y/N) explore Belgium together
Warnings: alcohol consumption, mentions of a missing parent
Part 1
(GIF not mine)
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Steve was packing up his things to leave Chief’s camp, when he noticed (Y/N) wasn’t around.  Maybe she left earlier?  But all her stuff was still there.  Did she get captured?!  No… they would have taken Steve too… huh.
“Morning undercover,” (Y/N) greeted, startling Steve.
“Undercover?” Steve questioned with a laugh, slinging his gunny sack over his shoulder.
“It’s your new nick name,” (Y/N) smiled, quickly packing up what little possessions she brought with her, “I thought it suited you and your horrible lying skills,”.
Steve just laughed, handing Chief some money to pay for the food and shelter.
  Steve and (Y/N) made there way down the cold, muddy road, walking in a comfortable silence together.  It was weird, Steve had barely been around (Y/N) for twelve hours, yet, somehow, he felt like they had spend their entire lives together.  Was he really this starved for companionship that he was willing to get attached to whatever human contact he could get?
(Y/N) looked around the grim landscape.  Her eyes tracking the spars and few grass patches, none of which were green, as she felt the harsh sting of cold, smoggy air against her face.  Seeing all of the village ruins and abandoned horse carriages tattered and torn was like having a rusty butter knife jabbed into her side.  What happened to this place?  It was once so beautiful…
There were once lush, green meadows with bright flowers that would end up in women’s hair.  There were big trees children would climb and swing from, causing melodious laughter to echo off the mountains.  And the villages… No longer are they filled with music and dancing, no longer are there quaint homes and gorgeous architecture.  No, instead there’s dead bodies and broken dreams.
Steve could see (Y/N) was about to cry looking at the bare, broken bones of her country lying in ruin.  “One day… One day this place will be as beautiful as it once was,” Steve promised, gently gripping her shoulder, “I hope I get to see it,”
“Well… I could take you back to my home… it’s still somewhat pretty there,” she muttered, “at least it has people there… living people.”
  It took them about a day and a half, but they eventually ended up in Brecht, (Y/N)’s home town.  And (Y/N) was lying about it being somewhat pretty; it was gorgeous!  The grass was actually green, flower boxes lined the roads, children were still laughing, and men and women still smiled.  It was almost like a glimpse into the past and future at the same time.
“You like it?” (Y/N) sniffed, still a little teary-eyes over the rest of her country, but still glad Steve was enjoying what was left of it.
“It’s more beautiful than Mount Olympus,” he sighed, marveling at the breathtaking sunset.
  (Y/N) led them to her mother’s home where they could stay for a few nights until they were resupplied.
“Mama, I’m home!” she greeted, setting her stuff down by the door, “and I’ve brought a guest!”
(Y/N)’s mom peeked her head down the stairs, seeing her baby girl.  “Baby!  So glad you’re home!  Oh!  You look so skinny, have those actors not been feeding you?” she exclaimed.
“Actors?” Steve questioned, looking at (Y/N) with a quizzical look.  (Y/N) just pressed her finger to her lips so he’d stay quiet.
“No business, mama,” she shrugged, “no business means no money for food,”
“Well then I’m going to feed you,” her mother grinned, “and who’s your friend?  Did you finally bring home a boy to marry?”
(Y/N) and Steve blushed like beets.  “Y-yes…” (Y/N) answered hesitantly, “this is Steve.  He was a part of another traveling theater group.  I met him during the Christmas celebration in Paris,”.  (Y/N) was only marginally better at lying than Steve was.  Luckily, (Y/N)’s mother had no reason to disbelieve her daughter.
“Well come in, come in!  I’ll fix you some dinner!  You two look like you’ve been starved,” she smiled warmly, letting them set their stuff down.
  Steve had never tasted anything so good before!  After eating nothing but stale bread and old, floppy vegetables for months on end, a hot meal and some hot coffee was more than welcome.
“This is amazing Mrs. (L/N),” he hummed, shoving another spoonful of potatoes in his mouth, “I’ve missed hot, fresh food,”
“I’m glad,” the older woman grinned, “and, if you’d like, I have some fresh pie for afterwards,”.  This place was heaven.
“You two are lucky to have come home this week,” Mrs. (L/N) hummed, “Dorpsfeesten is just in a few days,”
“Dorser-what?” Steve hummed, squinting in confusion
“It’s a festival with dancing, music, and booze,” (Y/N) explained, picking slowly at her meat, “but, it’s no fun without someone to go,”
“Well now you have Steve,” Mrs. (L/N) pointed out, smirking smugly that her daughter had a boy to dance with, finally.
“But, mama, St-Steve won’t want to go…” she shrugged, not wanting to pressure Steve.
“No, no,” Steve corrected politely, “a good party seems like fun,”.  It had been a while since he had been to a real party without the impending terror of getting shot.
   Steve looked himself over in the mirror.  His suit barely fit, but, it worked.  Hopefully he was dressed up enough for this thing.
A knock on the door caught Steve’s attention.  “Come in,” he grinned.
(Y/N) peeked her head in the room, smiling brightly.  “Are you ready to go?” she asked sweetly, “all the good beer will be gone soon,”
“As ready as he can be,” he breathed, taking her hand.
  They walked down the heavily decorated road, holding close to each other as the cold wind blew against their faces.  Steve was glad (Y/N) was wearing a fur coat, it kept him warm too.
  As they got closer and closer to the main party, the smells of food and sound of music got more and more prominent.  “So tell me…” he hummed, breaking the comfortable silence, “how did you get into this… field?”
(Y/N) sighed sadly, leaning into him.  “My father went missing about five months ago,” she mumbled, almost already tearing up, but trying to stay stoic, “people said he died at gunfire, but I never believed that.  I know, deep down, that he was kidnapped.  But I’ve found very little leads to find him,”.
“And what about you lying to your mom?” he questioned, grabbing them some whiskey off the table as they reached the main event.
“If she knew I was looking for dad she’d flip!” she explained, taking the drink in her hands, “she lost her husband and she doesn’t want to lose her daughter too,”
Steve hummed, taking a sit.  “Maybe I could help?” he hummed, not looking her in the eye.
“What?” she gasped, a smile tugging at her lips, “would you do that?”
“I’m always up for a little adventure,” he grinned, finally looking at her.
Without even thinking of it, (Y/N) jumped up, wrapping her arms around Steve’s neck and kissing him.
Steve was surprised at first, but this was the most love he had felt in a long time.  He kissed her deeply, wrapping his arms around her waist.  Finally, he had something to hold onto.
@paranoid-borderline-insane @buckyshattergirl @bitchy-tacos @httpmcrvel @uservalkyrie
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themonkeycabal · 7 years
FAM! Please tell us - when is the next Great Installment of WRLWA coming out?? We've still got Ultron and Civil War, with Panther and Infinity War just around the corner. The is tied with my favourite fic series ever, and I've been dying for some updates. Any hints??
Hey fam, I hear you like updates.
Next story is Ultron and the Date, and here’s the first chapter for you (I’m not sure when there will be more, sorry, but I’m getting there):
Darcy liked London. It was old and new, and big and small, and all that contradictory jazz. But, somehow the contradictions just made the city feel human scale to her; like it wasn’t some monolithic mass of stone and steel. New York was still a little overwhelming sometimes. Though, she did come from the land of vast Southern California sprawl — not exactly the coziest or friendliest of human habitats. But, that was really beside the point.
At the moment, what she liked most about London was that it was thousands of miles away from family drama.
The Seattle branch of the tree were in a tizzy. People, it seemed, were miffed. Possibly even vexed.
Calling home had become a real and deep regret, and Darcy was trying not to listen, but her mother was pressing on.
“Marcia isn’t bending. She says it has to be at that resort; she and her fiancé have some deal with the owners. Your grandmother is pitching a fit.”
“Oh no. It’s the end of the world. How terrible,” Darcy murmured and kicked her feet out, lounging back on an uncomfortable bench overlooking the Thames.
It was a nice day. The sun was out and the air was nearly warm. Warm for London, she supposed. But, definitely better than New York sticky. So, yes, it was a nice day. Perfect to get outside and do outside things.
She and Jane arrived in the city two days earlier. And today, while Jane and her mother were bonding over academic journals and fighting over Jane’s wardrobe and how she basically still mostly shopped at Goodwill, Darcy fled the apartment to wander around a little. It was a fine time to reacquaint herself with the area, get her bearings, and give her own mother a call. Such a mistake.
“I know, I know,” Rebecca Lewis continued. “But, she’ll make the trip hell for all of us if somebody doesn’t appease her. According to Jo, it’s nearly war as it is. Uncle Larry’s on Marcia’s side, aunt Ruth’s on mom’s. It could get ugly. So, have you RSVP’d for Marcia’s wedding yet? That might win us back a point.”
“Are you kidding?” Darcy rolled her eyes to the sky and gripped her phone a little tighter, like she could throttle the drama out of it.
Francine Perlman was not a grandmother given to displays of warmth or cheeriness or whatever grandmothers are supposed to be like. She wasn’t a sweet, round, little granny who smelled like spices and made cookies. She was a thin, brittle woman, in both stature and personality. Sour and never pleased, and doubly never pleased with Darcy.
Darcy and her grandmother didn’t get along, and hadn’t since, as far as Darcy knew, the day she was born. Francine was never cruel, never outright rude, but there was a definite chill towards Darcy that her other cousins didn’t seem to get. And it wasn’t just because of that one time Darcy set her grandmother’s dining table on fire. That was an accident, and Francine was unpleasant before that anyway.  
The mystery of Darcy’s biological father — because Rebecca refused to tell and no amount of persuasion or scorn was ever enough to get her to spill, because Darcy’s mom was badass, thank you very much — was the biggest sore spot for the woman. Francine once made the mistake of referring to Darcy as a bastard in her great-grandmother Perlman’s hearing. It was a flipping shame that Darcy’d been too young to appreciate or remember the look on Francine’s face at a dressing down from her own mother. Seeing that again would totally be worth the pain of time traveling. Maybe.
Anyway, Darcy didn’t think that her presence would tilt the scales towards familial peace with Francine.
“Do I have to?” she asked in a tone that most definitely wasn’t a ‘whine’.
Rebecca was silent for a moment, probably steadying herself to deal with a whining daughter, and then she let out a long breath. “No, you don’t have to, but it would be really great if you did.”
Darcy felt her nose wrinkle with distaste and annoyance. She didn’t want to go, it was a pain in the ass, she liked to absolutely avoid the family drama, and being stuck in a mountain resort with the whole Perlman clan sounded like the opening to a horror movie. Unfortunately, she knew, without a doubt, that she’d cave and RSVP and whatnot. But, she was going to make her mother work for it.
“A destination wedding to the middle of the Cascades, in October,” she said, trying to make her voice as dry and bland as Coulson’s when he was being pointedly sarcastic.
“It’s only a couple hours from Seattle. And it’ll be beautiful. I looked the resort up, it’s really nice. Remodeled last year with a huge new spa. Amazing views. And it’ll be autumn. You like autumn.”
Darcy did like autumn. It was her favorite season when she was at Culver, and now that she lived in New York she’d gone all tourist-stupid in love with dramatic fall colors. The seasons really didn’t change like that in San Dimas. They had hot season, and not hot season, and mudslide season, and holy-shit-everything’s-on-fire season. But not autumn so much.
Still, she had to protest a little bit. “It’ll be cold and rainy.” Rubbing at her forehead, annoyed tension threatening to cause a headache, Darcy glared at not-at-all-cold-and-rainy London.  But, it wasn’t London’s fault, and she patted the bench beside her in apology.
“I always pictured Marcia as a June bride cliche,” Darcy continued after a moment. “And maybe at one of the fancy resorts on one of those islands out there. Like Duck Island, or whatever it’s called. Moose Island? Whatever. Just, wouldn’t have figured a mountain lodge in October. For real, did she hit her head recently?”
“There’s not a Duck Island,” Rebecca sighed.
“I feel confident there’s a Duck Island somewhere. But that’s not the point,” Darcy protested. “I’m serious. This is wildly out of character. Should we be worried? Has she joined a cult? Is she doing drugs? What does aunt Jo say about all this?”
“Jo is very excited for her daughter’s wedding,” her mother replied dryly. “I would be, too. In fact, I have extensive plans and when—”
“Don’t push me,” Darcy sniffed. “Oh! Could she be Hydra? Or her fiancé? What do we know about him? Has anybody run a background on this guy? Maybe this is a trap. Darn, looks like I’ll have to pass. For national security reasons, you understand. I am a very important asset.”
Her mother made a low, growling grumble sound. “You’re something, that’s for sure.”
“So rude.” Darcy pouted and petulantly knocked the toes of her shoes together while slouching down on the bench like a put-upon grade-schooler.
“Anyway,” Rebecca said, raising her voice above her daughter’s attempt to change the subject into absurdity. “Marcia and Ben negotiated an event deal on the rooms, but only if you book by August 10th. There was a plus one with your invitation, so maybe you’d rather get a suite?”
“You could bring Steve,” she said with a leading and kind of pleading tone in her voice. Her mother was never going to give up her star-spangled dreams for her daughter, was she? “I think he might be able to charm even my mom.”
“Poor Steve, what did he do to deserve being sent on the Francine charm mission? It’s practically a suicide run.” Darcy snickered. “Besides, I think bringing Captain America would kind of upstage the bride, and I thought that was the biggest possible wedding faux pas of them all.”
“How about Tony?” It seemed like her mother was as desperate for a distraction as Darcy was herself. She must be, to suggest that. Tony would be a bored in ten minutes and disaster would follow. Bad enough Darcy anticipated being bored in twenty minutes. Nobody deserved two bored Starks at their wedding. Not even Marcia.
Darcy laughed out loud. “Speaking of upstaging. Though, you know, I bet he absolutely could charm Francine. Again, I don’t think Marcia would appreciate it and it would be our teen years all over again with the screaming and the door slamming and the brawl in the dining room.”
“And the paint bomb?”
Darcy shifted on the bench and winced. Technically she was still grounded from that incident, since, as she recalled, the terms of punishment were 'until you’re thirty, young lady!’. “I’ll leave the paint bomb at home.”
“Ah-ha!” Rebecca crowed. “Progress! Look at you, ready to let go of the kid arguments with your cousin, at long last. And peace falls across the land.”
Darcy snorted and felt a little aggravated because teenaged Marcia was the actual worst. Bossy, bitchy, snooty, and prissy. So, it’s not like the war had been Darcy’s fault. Nope, not at all. “Right, did you or did you not have an argument with aunt Jo last year about how she hogged the bathroom when you were kids? Like, actually yelling at each other.”
“Well, we were finally resolving that issue,” Rebecca told her. “Sometimes it takes a while. And anyway, I’m not judging, I’m just glad. Marcia has asked me twice if you’re coming. She’s waiting for your RSVP. She really wants you to be there.”
“To show off how together her life is while I’m still interning,” Darcy grumbled. She swore she heard Jane shout 'assistant’ in her head.
“Maybe, or maybe she genuinely wants to share the day with you. She’s not the same person she was when she was fifteen, and neither are you. Give her a chance.”
Blowing out a long breath, Darcy stuck her tongue out at her absent cousin and told her mom, “I don’t know. I’m up to my ears in things; I’m not sure if I’m in the mood for a destination wedding and Marcia’s Marcia-ness.”
“Okay, look at it this way,” Rebecca argued back doggedly, “why don’t you try to mend fences, you make the effort? And then if she’s an obnoxious diva, show-off, it’ll just make her look petty and you’ll look like the bigger person. You win.”
“That’s so manipulative, mom,” Darcy said admiringly.
“I know. Give it a shot. Or bring Tony. But, I’d really like you to be there.” And that was that. That was the firm mom-voice. That was the tone of a woman who would no longer accept 'no’. She’d try and make it palatable for Darcy, but the jig was up. “So would your dad. And your brother. And aunt Jo, and uncle Hugh. That’s five people you actually like. And your great uncle Larry, who will pull a quarter from behind your ear, because who doesn’t love that trick? Right? Come on.”
Darcy scoffed and kicked at a tuft of grass by her feet. “I’m 25, I doubt uncle Larry will try the coin trick.”
“I’m 48 and he tried it on me when I saw him two months ago at his granddaughter’s bat mitzvah. Just think, free money.”
“That’s a pretty big inducement for me. You know me too well.”
“Besides, who cares how together her life is? Good for her, I say. And, you know and I know that you’re not just an intern.”
“Oh sigh, mom, sigh,” Darcy told her with a touch of melodrama. Why did she think it was a good idea to call her mom?
“Are you cracking?” Rebecca asked. “I think you’re cracking. If you agree to crack, I won’t pull out guilt.”
“Fine,” Darcy moaned. God, not guilt. “Consider me cracked.”
Rebecca was good enough not to laugh or cackle or otherwise express her triumphant glee. “So, plus one ideas? Clint?”
“Clint’s a good option,” Darcy agreed readily enough. It was a sort of topic change that was at least more entertaining to think about than Marcia or her grandmother. “He’s fun, probably won’t be able to charm Francine, but he knows how to make an escape. And God knows he’s game for almost anything, no matter how awkward. And nothing screams awkward quite like a Perlman family civil war in the middle of the forest.”
“He’ll be a hit at passive-aggressive cocktail hour,” Rebecca laughed. “Any update since the proposal? We could make it a double wedding.”
“The joke proposal. No, mom.”
“Too bad. He’s cute.”
“He’s also got a weird thing with a hot Russian assassin,” Darcy pointed out with a little laugh. “So, Clint is firmly friend material.”
“Yeah, I remember. I like Natasha; I wouldn’t mind seeing her again. She’d be a nice plus one. Though, she and your grandmother would probably try to freeze each other to death with icy stares. But,” Rebecca’s voice dropped, quieting in a way that suggested a secret — a delicious secret, “what about Bucky Barnes? I hear things. I hear that maybe you’re going on a date.”
Darcy was silent for a moment, chilly surprise slipping down her spine. That was an unexpected conversational turn. One she wasn’t sure she was prepared for. “Who told you that?”
That sounded bad. That sounded awkward. Her mom and Steve were chatting buddies? She’d never survive the nagging. “When are you talking to Steve?”
“Darcy, you leave your phone all over the place. Half the time when I call you, I end up talking to somebody else. They all pick up. I talk to Norse gods and secret agents more often than I talk to my daughter.” Rebecca made a frustrated sound and then let her breath out slowly before saying, “You can tell me these things, you do know that, right?”
Her mother had a point. She’d been desperate to talk to people about Bucky for a while, and she’d talked a little bit to Jane, a little bit to Phil, but for some reason she never thought of her mom. That felt kind of unfair. Some things were a little awkward for a mom talk, but not her weird mixed up head about Bucky.
“It’s just been a little overwhelming, is all,” she said, trying to explain to herself and her mom. “Like, everything that’s happened lately. I wasn’t not telling you, I just have a billion things going on.”
“Are you going to tell me now?”
“Sure. I mean, yeah, that would be good.” Darcy blew out a long breath and nodded once to herself. “Apparently we’re going dancing. I don’t know when; that’s his deal, but he said while I’m in London. He’s supposed to visit in a couple weeks. Anyway, he got crazy stoned like five months ago — inadvertently stoned, I mean; he’s not a stoner — and he asked me dancing and I thought it was just because he was, you know—”
“Stoned?” Rebecca guessed, maybe almost kind of laughing. Darcy ignored that.
“Yes! But then he asked when he wasn’t high. And I said yes. But, then I was like, is he asking because like I’m the only girl he knows? Which is the truth. Or because he actually likes me. I mean, I know he likes me, because we’re building a bar together and it was his idea. And we go to breakfast together sometimes, but in a friend way, not a romantical way.” She took a breath before jumping into the next run-on sentence.
“But, before we figured out the dancing thing, it was kidnappings and arrests — did I say arrests? It wasn’t a real arrest, and it was like five hours tops and I laughed at them the whole time because they had no legal leg to stand on so it was mostly annoying to everybody involved — and attacks on the tower and property acquisitions and unexpected bequests and … so many things! So, we haven’t gone dancing yet. Is it a date? I don’t know. I think he wants it to be.”
“Do you?”
“ … Maybe? Okay, I totally brought jewelry to London, okay? I haven’t bought a dress yet, but that’s just because I haven’t had time. I plan on going out this weekend, and actually, I should say, that Jane and I plan on going out this weekend, and there’s no way in hell she’d let me out of it, even if I wanted, but I don’t want out, so it’s fine. I’m sure we’ll have fun and she’ll make sure I get something suitable for kicking up my heels with a greatest generation assassin. So, I’m taking it seriously and I want to go dancing with him, and I’m just—”
“Oh sweetie,” her mom finally couldn’t pretend she wasn’t laughing.
“Don’t 'oh sweetie’ me,” Darcy grumbled and then paused. “Wow, I really do sound like Pepper sometimes.”
“I’m sure your father loves that.”
“Yeah, he always says it with this panicked look on his face.” It all made so much sense now. Anyway. “So, yes, I guess I’m going on a date.”
“Can I offer a piece of advice?”
Darcy hesitated for a moment, but, that was what she wanted, wasn’t it? “Go for it.”
“Just have fun. Don’t make it bigger than it has to be.”
Not helpful. “That’s what Phil and Jane said.”
“You told the Director before you told me?” Her mom sounded hurt and like this might be something she’d hold over Darcy’s head for the rest of forever unless Darcy could head it off.
“Bucky’s my partner!” she exclaimed, throwing one hand up in the air and startling a passing jogger, who ran away faster in response. “There are protocols and crap. I told Phil after Bucky asked me out the first time, because it seemed like I was supposed to and also I didn’t know what to do. He just said to work on our partnership, and he basically wasn’t going to tell me what to do with Bucky one way or the other. Technically Bucky’s an outside contractor, so it doesn’t exactly violate frat regs. Which, by the way, Howard was an asshole.”
“Howard? Your grandfather Howard?” Rebecca asked, no doubt confused at the abrupt change in topic. “What does he have to do with it?”
“He named a sub-clause in the fraternization regs — the one covering partners — after me.”
“I thought you two got along?”
“We did. I loved the heck out of him. But, he was still an asshole.”
Her mom sighed and chastised lightly, “Don’t call your grandfather an asshole.”
“Why not? He’s dead; he can’t hear me. And if he can, he knows what he did. And he’s probably laughing. Asshole.”
Rebecca was silent for a moment and then changed to a brighter tone and tried to get the conversation back onto a more productive track. “So, what are your plans? For London, I mean. How long will you be there?”
“I’m shooting for a month,” Darcy told her. “I have to find Jane a new assistant, but I also kind of have to get back to New York.”
“And have you told Jane yet?”
Darcy’s procrastination on this issue was widely known. To everybody but Jane. She bit her lip and cleared her throat.
“Darcy, sooner rather than later,” her mom said in mom-voice. “You need to let her have time to adjust and you need to have time to hand off to a new assistant. You can’t just —”
“I know,” Darcy interrupted with a growl — though she was more irritated at herself. “I know, okay. Yes, I know. I will do that. But, let’s just, you know, get settled for a few days. I mean, we only just got here and her mom’s going to Spain or whatever at the end of the week, so they’re hanging for a while, and that doesn’t seem like the right time to interrupt. So, like, after that. When we’re settled in a little bit and I see what I have to work with, potential replacement-wise.”
“Alright, alright. You’re an adult, I know you can make the right decision.”
Narrowing her eyes, Darcy asked, “That wasn’t a compliment, was it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rebecca said in a blithe tone. “I’m going to let you go; your dad and I are going out to dinner with your grandparents. I love you, baby.”
“Love you, too. Sometimes.”
Rebecca laughed. “Oh, and call your brother. You know he goes to Argentina in a couple weeks and he said he hasn’t heard from you lately.”
“Ugh. Fine. Go do dinner things.”
“And I want to hear all about the date.”
“Bye mom,” Darcy said loudly, hoping to forcefully yet not rudely end the call.
Rebecca laughed some more. “Oh fine, goodbye. Have fun!”
eta: sorry! forgot to fix the italic tags. Also, thank you!
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erroetcresco · 7 years
D.A.R.E. To Make Out
Aleks might stare at James just a bit too much. It isn't really a crush. Well, it might be a crush. When Aleks finally approaches James at a house party, sans his boyfriend, he isn't expecting much.
[AO3 Link]
The first time Aleks saw James, they’re both in the food court at the mall.
Wait. That is decidedly untrue.
Technically Aleks had seen James every school day for the past two years and some change. He was one of those people that were hard not to see, He was loud and obnoxious, well liked, and well known.
Still the first time Aleks saw James and paid attention was in the mall, a solid month into his junior year of high school. James was there with Steve, his football playing boyfriend, and when he laughed, Aleks thought he might be the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Aleks quickly blamed that on the bumps of coke he just did in the men’s room, and brushed those feelings to the side.
The feelings stuck though, somewhere on the edges of his mind, and he started noticing James more. Not just seeing him, either, but really noticing him. Like - James smiled more at Steve than everyone else, but when Steve wasn’t looking, James looked almost like something sour was in his mouth. Like how James was tan, an even tone all over his body - he had found that out one day from the corner of his eye as he slipped through the locker rooms to set a delivery into someone else’s locker. Like how James wore his hair long, and the curls were tighter when his hair was wet, in the morning when he must have showered and not had time to dry his hair before school. Aleks filed these little facts away in the back of his mind, not sure why he was really taking note at all.
See, Aleks and James didn’t run in the same circles. Sure, Aleks sold to the football players, but they weren’t stuffing their noses on a daily basis. No, Aleks stuck with the burnouts, and he didn’t mind that. He always had someone willing to kick back and get high with, and he didn’t need to worry about what they thought of him, because they were the kind of people that didn’t think much at all. James, on the other hand, hung out with his boyfriend and his football buddies. They were the kind of people to knock into his shoulder in the halls, but not give him much trouble than that.
Despite all that, when Aleks saw James at a party celebrating the football team’s recent win, he went up to him. Half of that was because he was coasting on a cross fading mixture of alcohol from the party and pot he’d smoked before he even came here. The other half was just this need to figure out why he watched James so much. Unfortunately, when he slid up to James, his normally silver tongue failed him. Instead, he stood there awkwardly, beer clasped in his hand, and felt like he was choking on his tongue. The look James gave him could only be described as bitchy.
“What?” He asked, obviously annoyed by Aleks’ presence. Aleks wanted to be smooth, make a joke, anything. Instead, when he opened his mouth, nothing came out. He tried to cover by raising his beer to his lips to take a sip. James gave him an incredulous look and rolled his eyes. Right. Time to try again.
“Where’s Steve?” Aleks asked, almost surprising himself. While he had little to no interest in the football player, it was hard to not see him around. James always gravitated towards him.
“I dunno, he’s coming later,” James snapped, crossing his arms and looking away. Aleks nodded.
“Cool, cool,” A long pause stretched between them. Finally, James gave an exaggerated sigh.
“What - you need him for something?” He asked.
“No, do you?” Aleks blurted. James gave him a look that would have made more sense if he had grown a second head. Then - he laughed. Aleks turned bright pink, but the laugh didn’t feel mocking.
“Whatever,” James finally huffed out, still half giggling. Aleks felt a grin start to form on his own face, and took a bashful drink of beer. It was just pressed to his lips when James swiped it and look a swig. He made a face, eyes scrunching.
“It’s warm. Gross,” he complained. Aleks shrugged. Beer was gross either way.
“Heard you might have something better,” James said after a pause, and fixed an intent gaze on Aleks. “Have anything right now?”
Aleks’ hand dropped to rest on his ironically emblazoned D.A.R.E. fanny pack, and gave it a couple reassuring pats. This was something he was familiar with - he didn’t need to worry about tying his own tongue in a knot.
“Sure thing, sugar,” Aleks said, wiggling his eyebrows. “What’re you looking for?” The question earned him another eye roll.
“What have you got, then?”
“Coke, pot, I got a couple pain pills…” He put his hand out, doling out fingers as he listed his wares. He stuttered to a stop when James’ hand closed around his wrist and yanked him in another direction.
“Uh, what the fuck?” Aleks blinked, confused, as he followed the other boy towards the stairs.
“Well, I can’t just start taking lines out in the open, can I?” James snapped back at him, over his shoulder. When Aleks caught his gaze, he could see the mirth in his eyes. They headed up the stairs, and James pushed them both into the bathroom. The music from the party downstairs dulled when the door shut, and James spun the lock on the doorknob. Despite himself, Aleks let out a nervous giggle. This was so far out of what he could have expected from interacting with James. When James gestured to the counter, he stared at it like he was a fucking space case. He could literally feel himself being stupid.
“Well, are you gonna make some lines, or…?” James prompted. God. Aleks was an idiot.
“Oh. Yeah, duh,” he chuckled, like he wasn’t embarrassed. He dug through his fanny pack and busied himself with making two lines, straight and neat. He was well practiced. When he glanced over at James, the man was rolling a dollar bill tightly in his fingers. Apparently, he was well practiced, too.
Aleks decided that every little image of James he had filed away in his memory bank could be forgotten, once he saw the way James tossed his long curls after taking a line from the counter. His brown eyes glittered in the lights from over the sink, pupils visibly shrinking. One hand massaged his nose. Aleks tried not to stare, and took the dollar when James shoved it in his direction.
One line each turned into two, then three, idle conversation permeating the moments between snuffs. When Aleks examined himself closely enough in the mirror, he thought he could actually see his pulse jumping in his neck, heart pounding. James was giggling - actually gigglin - over something Aleks had said, something so offhand he couldn’t even consider it as making a joke. The giggles were infectious, and he laughed as well.
“Jesus,” he wheezed out, hand to his chest. James had quieted as well, but kept watching him, looking amused. Aleks looked right back, sheepish grin spreading over his face when James raised questioning eyebrows. The silence between them - or as much silence as possible when Cyndi Lauper was blaring just downstairs - lapsed into awkward territory. Aleks cleared his throat.
“You want another one?” He asked, gesturing to the almost empty baggie resting on the counter.
“Nah, I’m good,” James replied lazily, leaning against the door.
“Oh. Then I guess we should probably get back downstairs. You know, Steve might be, uh, here, or something,” Aleks said. James tilted his head.
“Why” James asked “are you so concerned about Steve?” He pushed himself off the door, and stood straight. Aleks worried for a second that he’d ticked him off, judging from tone and expression. “Does he owe you money, or something?” James demanded when Aleks failed to answer.
“No, no, I just - you know. I don’t want Steve to - to fucking deck me for being shut up in a bathroom with his boyfriend,” Aleks stuttered out, holding his hands up to slow James down. Instead, James took another step towards him.
“Why would Steve need to be jealous?” he asked, and this time when he spoke, Aleks knew he was fucked. Beyond the fact that ‘jealous boyfriend’ was literally one of Steve’s main character traits, Aleks had heard that tone before - teasing, like James knew something Aleks didn’t.
“Um” Aleks managed. James crowded into his personal space, trapping him against the glass shower door. Aleks glanced down at James’ lips, very much aware of the position they were in.
“I mean.” James said, and placed a hand against the glass, leaning towards him. Aleks was only an inch or so shorter than James, but under his heavy gaze, he felt himself shrink. “Unless you want to give him a reason.” Aleks could feel himself turning some shade of color, but he wasn’t sure if it was a harsh blush or if all the blood had drained from his face. Either way, his cheeks were tingling.
“Um,” he almost squeaked out. James’ eyes visibly flicked down from making eye contact, to Aleks’ lips, to lower - making Aleks swallow, adam’s apple bobbing. “Yes - Yeah.”
“Yeah?” James asked, leaning so close that Aleks could feel the breath of the word against his face. The teasing was just a step too far, snapped Aleks out of this weird, blushing virginal state. He curled his fingers into the stupid, preppy button up James was wearing, and shoved their mouths together. Their teeth clicked, and James winced. Aleks almost had enough time to regret it, but then James laid the hand not trapping him on his face, thumb resting just under his eye, and guided him. They moved to just the right angle; Aleks wasn’t sure if he could or would ever feel higher. He pushed himself up against James, free hand finding his waist and holding them together. They were pressed together from chest to hips, moving in a rhythm that was both natural and completely new. It felt like time had stopped, until James pulled back. Even he had a tinge of pink on his face now too, Aleks noted, only somewhat smug.
“That enough reason?” Aleks asked, and even waggled his eyebrows for effect. Jesus, Steve was gonna beat the shit out of him, if he found out, but James was huffing out a quiet laugh again, and Aleks decided that the future beating was worth it.
“Maybe next time, we’ll give him enough reason,” he said, and that froze Aleks right up. Next time, He hadn’t even thought -
“Oh, uh, I mean,” he stuttered out. James rolled his eyes, giving a satisfied smirk that clashed with the exaggerated annoyance.
“Whatever. I’ll see you later, Aleksandr,” He said. It occurred to Aleks that this was the first time James said his name - he hadn’t even been 100% sure James had even known it. James leaned back into his personal space to brush a kiss over Aleks’ cheek, then backed away. He unlocked the door, and opened it.
“Oh, and try not to stare at me so much. I mean, I know I’m handsome, but you’re so fuckin’ obvious.” With that, James marched out the bathroom, and Aleks was left once again, bright red. Yeah, he thought, he was pretty much fucked.
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saffreelove · 7 years
Meet Cute - Chapter 4
Author: SaffreeLove 
Warnings: smut and swearing, come on y'all it's me, there will always be swearing. 
Words: 4000+
A/N: Why, yes, I totally gave my ofc/reader character a name in the fourth chapter. Also, for any fellow con goers, I know he would never be so unattended, but hey, fiction.
There is an epilogue after this that is already written (gasp!) I’ll put it up in a few days.
Meet Cute Masterlist
Around two in the the morning you woke up to go to the bathroom. While washing your hands, you looked up into the mirror and the panic hit you like a mack truck. What in the hell were you doing? You were still in Seb’s hotel room! Why?! What did you actually think would happen after this? Where could this even go? Nowhere, that's where, you idiot. Of course it's not going anywhere! He's Sebastian Stan, and you are his fan. The idea of looking into Seb's eyes while he let you down gently about this being just a one time thing, and what were you still doing here, and did you think this could go somewhere...you didn't want to watch him do that. He would never say it with those words either. He would be sweet and caring and thoughtful. It would be awful.
Last night had been so wonderful. Not only the amazing sex, because goddamn that man had skills, but the hanging out had been pretty great as well. He was funny and dorky and actually interested in what you had to say. The warm smile on your face faded out when you thought about the morning to come. The panic bubbled up again, making your heart race.
Deep down, you knew that this was your anxiety rearing it's horrible, bitchy head. But, just because you know where it's coming from doesn't mean you can control your feelings. Or the fact that your body was already preparing to run. Your hands had already begun to shake from the adrenaline.
You had to get out.
You were as stealthy as possible, given the fact that all you could hear was your heart pounding in your ears. Grabbing your jeans and shirt, you threw them on, and managed to not fall on your ass. Shoving your socks into your shoes, you grabbed your bag and hoodie, and looked up one last time. Dammit. He was so beautiful just laying there. Before you left you took a few seconds to burn his image into your mind. You closed his door before the first tear fell.
Sebastian woke up and rolled over reaching for you only to come up empty. Checking the clock, he saw it was just not quite three am. He figured you were probably just in the bathroom, but as he lay there he realized that there were no sounds of movement coming from the bathroom or the rest of the hotel room, his stomach sank. He got up and slowly walked down the hallway toward the bathroom. It was empty. Nothing. No sound. No light. No you. He flopped back onto the bed, “fuuuck.”
You were gone. He, like a fucking idiot, hadn't gotten your last name or even your phone number. He could have sworn that you weren't the one-night stand type. He'd been banking on you at least staying for breakfast. But, nope. He was a fool and you were gone.
You fell into your bed, released the tenuous hold you had on yourself, and let the tears out, finally. Hadn't they really been brewing since the elevator yesterday? Questions flew through your mind while you were having your pity party. Was sneaking out the right choice? Did you actually do him a favor? Or were you just running due to your fears? Shit. Did you have any chance at fixing this? Could you do anything to make this not the final outcome?
The answer was, “no, you dumbass!” You couldn't fix it now, you certainly couldn't get back into Seb's room, and you obviously didn't have his cell number. Could you just imagine the phone call down to the front desk? “Hi, could you connect me to Sebastian Stan’s room? Yeah, I know you don't have anyone registered under that name and even if you did, you still wouldn't connect me.” Fuck. You were a fool for running.
After a fitful night's sleep (re: not sleeping), you'd come to a decision. You were still going to your scheduled photo op with Sebastian. But, you were going fully kitted out in your Winter Soldier cosplay. It was always your plan to wear it to the photo op, but you had gone back and forth about the Winter Soldier face mask. Deciding that the more anonymity you had the better, you got the mask, wig, and makeup out. Instead of the ‘guy-liner’ he wore in the movie, you would just go for a smokey eye.
Checking the time, you had a last look over yourself in the full length mirror. Not quite a Magenta-level smoky eye, but still fairly heavy. Your wig was much longer and a darker brown than your natural hair, with a slightly fish-tailed braid coming down over your right shoulder. The arm had traveled well, no scratches in the paint. Satisfied with the results, you clip on your con badge, pocketed your phone and wallet, and headed out.
The morning had already been full of pep talks directed at yourself every time you started to doubt the plan. So, not surprisingly, all that doubt popped right back up like a fucking jack-in-the-box as you stepped into the elevator. The same elevator you had been in when your life took a jolt to the East. You took a deep breath and slapped that doubt down, reminding yourself of the possibilities for today.
One: Seb recognizes you even with the mask on, gets your phone number, and you ride off into the sunset like a damn romance novel. You considered this the least likely to happen, so it got to be at the front of the queue.
Two: Seb recognizes you even with the mask on, but feels like he dodged a bullet with you sneaking out, and can just act like you are any other fan. You could sob about that one later.
Three: Seb doesn't recognize you because you have a mask covering the lower half of your face and not even Steve Rogers could recognize his best friend Bucky Barnes with that disguise! Honestly, this was the absolute most likely scenario to occur.
You left the hotel and began your trek to the photo op area. It was only about a 15 minute walk, but you gave yourself over an hour to get there, just in case. The extra time for your walk over there was because people constantly ask for photos of your cosplay and you hate having to say no to fellow fans. After the long hour of stopping and posing, solo shots, arms around fans, funny poses with various Captain Americas, fighting poses with IronMans, and one great one with a male Black Widow, you arrived at the photo venue.
For once, you were glad that the photo ops happened behind curtains. It meant that you wouldn't see Seb and he wouldn’t see you until you walked into the makeshift room for your picture. Somehow, that calmed you. Maybe it was that his not recognizing you could happen in a bit of privacy. Or did you just not want him to have time to work out who you were?
Just then, your inner bitch popped out from behind her curtain again. Why the fuck did she have a curtain? Whatever. “Listen, ho. Since we are actually the same person, let me give you the rundown about what’s going on here, since you seem hell bent on royally fucking us over. You, as we both know, are never going to tell anyone that you had a naked sleepover with Mr. “Hot as Shit” Stan. I also know that you didn’t even sneak a pic of him yesterday or this morning when you ran like a fucking coward. This is our one chance to have a tangible reminder of this weekend. You will pull yourself together. You will stay in this motherfucking line. You will take a cute as shit picture with Seb. You will give him a decent shot at recognizing you. And you will NOT purposefully sabotage any of these things. Because there is no way I’m going to live with the kind of regret and guilt that you seem to be inching us towards! Now, pull up your big girl panties and get the fuck in there.”
Taking a deep breath, you looked up and noticed that you were now only second in line. You could do this. Inner bitch was right, the regret would be debilitating. Stepping up, you handed over your voucher for the prepaid photos. One of the volunteers led you back to the photo set and pushed back the curtain.
Once it became clear to Sebastian that sleep was no longer an option for him, he decided he might as well get to the gym. His trainer, Don, had emailed him a set list for this weekend, full of typical ‘Don notes’ about not banging weights together and keeping his form correct. So, he could at least stay on track with his training. Once he'd checked that the hotel’s gym had pretty much everything he needed, he got to work. As he settled into his rhythm, he found his mind wandering to you, even though he was still focusing on his form and breathing.
Why had you left without waking him up? Or leaving a note? Or anything? Why did he not get your number last night? Why did he not even get your fucking last name? Or room number? Or take a picture with you? Or of you?
He only had the answer to one of his questions. He didn't get your number because he'd assumed you'd be there in the morning and that would be the best time to ask for it. It would have been awkward the night before to ask for it while you were still hanging out on his bed.
He finished up his workout out and headed back upstairs, hoping that maybe he’d see you in the hallway or elevator again. Opening his room door, Sebastian began to think that he might have to accept that he wasn’t going to see you again. He tried pushing the prospect out of his mind and focused on getting ready and called up room service for breakfast to be sent up.
Showered, fed, dressed, and groomed, Sebastian headed down to the lobby to meet the Con rep and begin his second, long con day.
He hoped that by some chance he would see you again.
Seb turned towards you with a smile as you stepped through the curtain. “Wow!”
Shit. Your eyes went wide. Oh my crap. He’s shocked that I dared come to this after last night. Great.
“That is an amazing Winter Soldier cosplay! How long did that take you? What’s the arm made of?” Ah. He doesn’t know it’s you. He’s just admiring the costume. Of course. Look, of course he doesn’t recognize you! You covered the entire lower half of your face! Might I refer you back to the ‘Steve failing to see that it’s Bucky’ outcome of the mask.
Seb was still looking at you, rather expectantly now. Oh yeah, talking. Go on, talk to him. “Uh, it took me about 6 months to put it all together. The arm is essentially just thin foam and paint over a cast. The mask is papercraft hardened with epoxy. And the clothes are thrift store finds that I modified.”
Having been caught up in explaining the details of your cosplay, you didn’t see the recognition dawn on Seb’s face. When your eyes locked back on his, you knew that he knew who you were, regardless of the fucking mask. The photographer cleared his throat and you both made your way over to the backdrop.
“So, what were you thinking for your pictures?” he asked a bit shyly.
“Oh, probably just a regular picture.”
“That's it? No squaring off of the Winter Soldiers? No silly faces?” he asked, “not even a dip?” that last one was said with an almost hopeful look in his eyes.
“That all sounds like a lot of fun, but no. Just you, you are enough.”
Seb's eyes turned a warm blue and his cheeks flushed ever so slightly. In the end, he did manage to get some fun pictures in there. The photographer agreed to the extra shots that Seb requested and said they'd be available for purchase under your account if you wanted the extras.
“Alright, that's it. We got it,” said the photographer.
You stepped away slightly and looked up into Seb’s eyes.
“Thank you, for the great pictures and just, for everything,” you say and then turn to leave because what the fuck else were you supposed to do?
“Julia!” he called out as you were almost back to the fabric wall. Startled, you turned quickly to see him jogging up to you. “Uh, are you busy? Right now? I mean, are you headed somewhere? Cause, if not, you could, you know, sort of, hang out for a bit? Just, uh, could you wait for me to be done here? I really wanted to talk to you.”
You heart had jumped with joy that he wanted you to stick around. Then it sunk, ‘talk to you?’ Isn't that the universal phrase for bad news? It had to be about last night. Was he worried that you would blab all over social media about what had happened last night?
“Sure, of course.” A con volunteer led you out a different fabric wall that you came in through. Down a hallway and through a door to what appeared to be a decently sized dressing room/green room of sorts. There was a little seating area with a few fairly comfy chairs, a loveseat, and a little side table with a mini fridge underneath.
“Feel free to help yourself to some water. Mr. Stan should be done in 20-30 minutes.”
“Ok, thanks,” you said as you sat down. The long, slow walk with all the fan interaction was catching up with you. Reaching back behind your ears, you released the mask straps to take it off. Gently, you set it down on the little table and reached underneath for a water. Knowing that if you didn't distract yourself soon you be having another fun little freak out, you slid your phone out and started up Little Alchemy. It would hopefully distract you just enough.
Your inner bitch was still yelling at you about the fact that you don’t know what he thinking, you aren’t in his head, he may not be concerned at all that you might share info online, so you just need to slow your roll. God, she was a bitch.
Sebastian was cautiously happy that you had agreed to wait backstage to talk to him in a more private setting. He was perhaps a bit more playful with the last few photo ops. His mind couldn’t help wondering whether or not you were still back stage though. Had you run again? He hoped not. He wanted to finally at least get your number, find out why you had left, and, ya know, learn your last name.
Finishing up the last picture with two fans, he gave them hugs and headed off in your direction.
Hearing the doorknob turn, you looked up. There he was walking toward you. Was he purposefully strutting? No, you didn’t think so. That was really just his walk. He just walked like sex on a stick whether he was regular Seb walking to get a coffee or murder-struting as The Winter Soldier.
Screwing up your courage, you smiled when he got closer. Seb took your smile as a good sign.
“Hey,” he said as he reached the loveseat.
“Hey, yourself,” you said. He sat down on the little couch next to you and turned to face you. Just pull the bandaid off and get the pain over with. “You wanted to talk?”
“Yeah. Umm. So...uh,” he hesitated slightly then sighed, “Why didn’t you stay? The rest of the night. Why’d you leave without waking me?” he looked at you imploringly with what looked like hurt in his eyes.
Oh. oh. That’s not what you expected him to say. At all. “I, I’m so sorry, Seb.” Taking a big breath in and letting it out, you looked down at your hands in your lap. Looking at him would not be conducive to getting through this. It was time to just take the leap and lay it all out and see where everything landed. “I uh, I woke up in the middle of the night and panicked, basically. I got this idea into my head that you wouldn’t really want me there when you woke up. That I was just a con fuck to you.” Now that you were speaking, it all just kept flowing out. “That my presence would make the morning awkward and I’d have to hear you explain gently about how you hadn’t really wanted me to stay, you were just saying that to be nice. I was trying to avoid the awkwardness and I didn't want to deal with the pain of having you reject me. And so, I ran.”
Seb brought a hand up to your cheek and slid it slightly under your chin, applying a hint of pressure to bring your head up. “Julia, look at me. I asked you to stay last night, because I wanted to be with you. I wanted to wake up with you and see your hair on my pillow. I wanted to have a lazy morning breakfast in bed and find out how you like your eggs. You are beautiful and amazing and funny, and I want to see you again. So, the question is, what do you want?”
“I just don't even understand why you would want me. I'm just me, with a boring job and only one stamp in my passport, and it's Canada! I had to make a fuss just to get the actual stamp. And you, you're Sebastian Stan for fuck's sake!” A few tears had leaked out from the sides of your eyes.
“Jules, I'm just me, too. I'm the same dork I was 15 years ago and I'm shocked when that isn't what everybody else sees. And that dork really connected with this girl named Julia. So. What do you say? Jules?”
Sebastian’s other hand came up to cradle your face, gently wiping your tears away. Nearly whispering, he said, “Jules, please say yes,” as he leaned in closer.
“Yes.” You had barely breathed out the answer when his lips met yours. His arms snaked around and pulled you close. You were both a tangled mess of kissing, hugging, lips, tongues, and roaming hands.
With his arms still wrapped around you, he leaned back to recline sideways on the couch, essentially pulling you into his lap.
Once his mouth let go of yours, he leaned his forehead into yours. “So, I have a few important questions.”
“Mmmhmm?” was about all you could manage.
“Number one: What do you want for lunch? Number two: What is your last name? And Number three: Think I could get your phone number?”
“Haha! Ummm, food. Thomson. And ‘Why Mr. Stan, how very forward of you.’”
“Sassy.” He handed you his unlocked phone to enter your contact info, then reached behind him with one hand to the other table and produced a small menu book. “Here's all the choices we have for food.”
Once you finished with his phone, you traded it for the menu. “How ‘bout the chicken & avocado wrap?” you said and handed the menu back, snuggling into his chest.
“Sounds good to me. Water good? Or do you need some caffeine or sugar?” he asked as he typed the order into his phone.
“No, water’s good,” your words slightly muffled as you spoke them directly into his shirt.
He nodded, finished typing, and set his phone down. “Ok, looks like we have 30-45 minutes before the food and an hour and a half before I have another event.”
“Hmmmm, I remember what happened the last time we ordered food together,” you teased as you looked up at him through your lashes.
“Mmmm, me too,” he said as he pulled you up closer to him for a kiss.
As his tongue swept into your mouth, he reached down with both hands to take hold of your ass and pull you up onto his thigh. “I believe I promised you a ride?”
You whimper as he gives you a rough pull forward causing a delicious amount of friction from your black tac pants rubbing against his dark jeans. “Seb, what about the door?”
“I locked it when I came in.” he groaned as he started kissing your neck, careful to avoid pulling on your wig. “Ya know, I never thought I'd find myself making out with a female version of one of my characters. Gotta say, it's pretty kinky,” he said with an eyebrow wiggle.
“You dork.” You gasped, grabbing at his hair, as he rocked you forward again.
“You love it,” he growled as your head fell back with a gasp. He increased both the intensity of his kisses on your neck and the speed with which he controlled the ride. “Baby, tell me this top opens up somewhere,” he asked while trying to get to your skin.
“Here, here, it’s right here “ you quickly showed him the diagonal zipper hidden under the flap. Your hands began to pull the bottom of his shirt up, but he stops you.
“Jules, if you start touching my skin, we’ll have a major problem on our hands. We don’t have the time and more importantly, I don’t have a condom. I’m just gonna have to make this ride extra good for you.” He said all of this while still licking and nipping at your neck. His fingers had kept busy getting your jacket open. A second later, Seb pulled it open revealing your black lace bra with the red star on the bridge between the cups. A low growl made it’s way out of his chest as his mouth began kissing and sucking you through the lace cups.
“Oh shit, yes. Just like that,” you begged. You had taken over the pace of the ride when Seb started trying to get into your jacket. So now, you were in control and could get just the right angle. The right pressure. The right speed. And now that Seb was making you crazy with his lips and tongue devouring your breasts with the lace adding the perfect extra friction, you were set to go off like a bomb.
“Mmmmm, look at you, you dirty little girl, about to come all over my thigh, aren’t you?” he continued to whisper more dirty thoughts in your ear while his fingers caressed your nipples before pinching down on them, hard.
“Mmmhmmm oooh oh yes fuuuuuck,” you cried out as you came, drawing the words out while Seb continued squeezing to prolong your orgasm.
As you came down, Seb lingered at your neck placing lazy open-mouthed kisses and rubbing his hands gently along your upper thighs.
You turned your head to his neck and gave a long, slow sweep with your tongue, a few kitten bites thrown in for good measure. That had been a fucking fantastic ride and his dirty talk had got you thinking.
“I really wish we had time for me to return the favor, Seb.” *nibble* “I wanted to lick you up and down,” *kiss* “And kiss the head of your cock,” *hair tug* “And swallow you all the way down,” *suck* “Not stopping until you came hard down my throat shouting my name.”
“Fuuuuuck,” he shakily breathed out. “You're the devil.” You smirked at him, loving how you affected him. “Maybe I'll just hold you to that later, hmmm? How'd you like that?”
“Hmmm, only if you hold my hair when you come.” As Seb groaned, a knock came from the door.
“Shit,” he whispered out harshly. “Just a minute,” he called out. 
“I'll just be in the bathroom,” you said softly, climbing off him and scurrying over to the private washroom.
When you came back out, there was a spread of food and beverage on the little table and a sexy, smiling Winter Soldier seated on the loveseat. You sat down next to him and reached for your water bottle. 
“So, got any vacation time coming up?” he asked, smirking when you sprayed water out of your mouth.
@mycapt-ohcapt @smkunz613 @smoothdogsgirl
also tagging @whostheblondegirl and @emilyevanston for their awesomeness
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Preference: Their Dream Girl.
Author’s Note: PLEASE READ! This was a request for both personality and looks. The looks part of this was kind of hard because I feel like they wouldn’t have a specific type of girls while there may be a couple of traits they lean toward I feel like they mostly wouldn’t care. I also decided to include gif’s as well but this doesn’t necessarily mean this is their exact dream girl in the gif their just gifs of celebrities I found that I could see these characters ending up with. I just wanted to state while this is their ‘dream girl’ that does not mean that you you could not be with them or anything like that. My dream guy is tall and has a great sense of humor but that doesn’t mean I could never fall in love with a short serious guy. Please don’t let this post ever discourage you but rather let it entertain you and if you would like to be shipped by me then feel free to leave a description of yourself in my ask and I’d love to do that for you :D Sorry for my ramblings and with all that being said, enjoy!
Looks: Darry tends to go for a more classic looking girl. The girls he’s with tend to resemble movie stars and have an elegance to their appearance and they speak softly. This doesn’t mean they’re helpless as the girls he’s with are usually pretty strong as well which he likes. He also likes a girl who’s on the taller side.
Personality: Having to take care of his brothers can take his toll on Darry but the girls he’s with usually not only are able to help him take care of them but they know very well how to care for Darry. His girl’s are usually good at getting him to relax with a simple look. Darry’s dream girl could convey anything with just a simple expression on their face. She can go from sweet to tough in a matter of seconds if she has to and very rarely she can go mean if the situation calls for it. She loves listening to records and has an odd fascination with the ocean. The most important thing about Darry’s dream girl is that she cares about anyone she comes across and will do anything to show it. She knows how to make each of the gang feel better. Even if that means staying up all night to comfort an upset Sodapop who just wishes his brothers wouldn’t fight, making Steve know that he is important too, confronting Johnny’s mother when she saw him being chased him out of the house, and she has even talked Dally out of trouble with the cops once.
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Looks: Sodapop loves a girl who’s shorter than him. His dream girl is never not smirking or smiling about something and she carries herself with a casual confidence as if she is completely unaware of her beauty and Sodapop loves it. Her hair is long and thick, and usually it’s worn down. She always seems to dress pretty casually but no one is ever looking at her clothes, they all are always drawn to her smile.
Personality: Everything about Sodapop’s dream girl is always effortless and casual. She’s never one for drama, if there’s a problem she fixes it and moves on. She doesn’t like to linger on things or dwell in the past, she would much rather enjoy the moment. She’s very good at making every moment a memorable one whether it’s a calm date night with Sodapop where her and him are just laying in bed not saying much of anything or a party where the night is crazy and never seems to want to end. She has no enemies and everyone wants to hang out with her due to her ability to make everyone feel included. Her favorite thing is going for a drive with no destination in mind and surprisingly enough prefers talk radio to music.
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Looks: Ponyboy’s favorite thing about a girl is her eyes. He doesn’t care what color they are, although he has a soft spot for brown eyes. Ponyboy doesn’t really prefer any hair color or length either as long as it’s soft. His dream girl will have round cheeks and soft features. She’s about the same height as him, maybe just a bit shorter, and she also has some curves which he loves. Her skin is always warm she’s not one for large expressions so she usually has a thoughtful look on her face.
Personality: Ponyboy’s dream girl is often quiet at first, she has a lot going on in her own world in her head but once you start a conversation with her she can talk your ear off. When she’s excited about something her nose crinkles a little and she sits up a little straighter. She is open to any ideas and thoughts you might have even if she disagrees she will listen. She loves hugs and any sort of physical contact, even if it’s just hands brushing. Different to Ponyboy’s love for sunsets and sunrises she longs for the stillness and calm that the night brings. They have spent multiple nights just going to watch the sunset and staying outside looking up at the sky till morning. If she’s ever upset about something she’ll disappear for a little while to read by herself until she calms down enough to talk to her best friend or Ponyboy. She’s usually pretty silent when she hangs around with Ponyboy and the gang only talking to her boyfriend, Johnny, and Dally- who has found a soft spot for her. Her favorite way to wear her hair is down and tucked behind her ears and she loves to wear big sweaters or if they’re Ponyboy’s-sweatshirts.
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Looks: Two-Bit doesn’t care if his girl is tall or short as long as she has nice legs. His dream girl always wears her hair up and Two-Bit loves it so he can see all of her face. Her laugh can make Two-Bit grin wider than anything. She has wide eyes and as Two-Bit likes to put it when talking about her is ‘smokin’ hot’.
Personality: Two-Bit’s dream girl is easy going. She can laugh at jokes and make them too. She loves to dance around no matter what she’s doing. She can be very sarcastic and sometimes it comes across as bitchy but she’ll smile after whatever she says and everyone knows she’s joking. She loves food and will love anyone who buys her french fries. While she can be rowdy and fun she also has her quiet moments where she likes to just curl up and read a good book. She loves reading and when hanging out with the gang will often talk to Ponyboy about books. She’s an incredibly hard worker who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She reprimands Two-Bit every time he steals though she knows he’ll never stop. His dream girl also has a great singing voice though Two-Bit has only heard when she thought she was alone but when he catches her he’ll stay as quiet as he can to listen until she stops.
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Looks: Dally’s dream girl has two different looks to her. Most see her when her hair is down and everything about her is done up and her clothes are killer but there are occasions where her makeup is off and her hair is up and she’s wearing a t-shirt and loose jeans and you almost can’t recognize her as the same girl. She can take her face from a look that will have you rushing out of her way as she walks past to one that’s very approachable and kind. Her hands are incredibly soft although almost always freezing cold and Dally tends to take them in his hands to warm them up. She’s supposed to wear glasses but never does unless she is completely alone. Even Dally hasn’t seen them.
Personality: She’s had to put up some fronts in her life much like her boyfriend but underneath it all is someone who genuinely cares. She can be a good ear to listen if you have a problem and she’ll offer to kick the crap out of someone if you want but she’ll also give you the best hug you’ve ever had. She has a lot of friends including the gang who may not understand her all that time but they can see she’s good underneath. She doesn’t mind baking them all a cake if she’s around and they don’t mind either as her baking skills are amazing. She smokes cigarettes constantly but doesn’t really drink. Her and Dally rarely talk about issues but with them it’s almost more effective sitting in silence than discussing their past. They’re comfortable together and always have been. Her favorite thing is when Dally brings her magazines (she doesn’t ask if he paid or not) and she likes to take the pictures from them and put them on her bedroom wall.
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Looks: Steve’s girl is tall and looks older than she actually is. She has strong arms and is very flexible. She always dresses up for things even if she’s just going to school and Steve loves how confidently she walks. His favorite parts about her is her lips and how inviting she always looks.
Personality: Steve’s girl is incredibly smart. She would love to become a teacher and try to teach kids that maybe have a harder time. She also loves to live in the moment and never takes anything for granted. Every night she makes it a point to write down her day because she never wants to forget anything- good or bad. She is a bit scatter brained at times and will lose her keys a lot but Steve is really good at finding whatever she misplaces. She plays a couple of instruments and is in a kind of a band. They perform more for fun than to make it big but she enjoys the closeness being in a band brings. She often makes friends with the younger girls at school to make sure that they have good role models and likes to act as their big sister. Her favorite time of year is summer because she loves swimming and her and Steve always go to ponds together for a swim. When she talks she has a tendency to talk loudly and has been known to smack Dally and Two-Bit and any of the gang really if she catches them saying bad things about girls.
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Looks: Johnny’s dream girl has a unique look and that’s what he loves. He loves how her facial features are both strong and soft and he really likes red hair because of the fact that not many people have it. Johnny loves that his girls smile gives her dimples. When she walks she looks graceful but she is bit of a klutz and will often trip over her own feet. He likes when she is the same height as him.
Personality: Johnny’s dream girl doesn’t appear it on the outside but is extremely tough. She can handle herself in a fight and has many times before. She comes from a big family- which Johnny was hesitant to at first but now he loves it- and she keeps to herself at school. Her best friends are her oldest brother and sister. Though she’s young she’s a bit of an ‘old soul’. Ever since she was a kid she was always vastly more mature than others her age and that set her apart from everyone. She does have a few friends from her school’s drama club. Johnny loves seeing her shows and can usually drag Ponyboy, Steve, and sometimes even Darry to see them. Johnny gets a little bit confused at them sometimes but all he knows is that he could watch her on stage every day. She loves flowers and her room is covered with them from real ones to pictures she’s hung up of them. When they sit outside she likes to twist them together and pin them in her hair. She told her older brother about Johnny’s home life and so he makes sure that if Johnny needs a place to stay he can stay with him- because theres no way his sisters boyfriend is staying in her room. Johnny’s dream girl loves to cook and she absolutely loves people so she hopes to open a restaurant one day with her sister.
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gifs are not mine
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