#Steven Universe Actors AU
steven1123x · 5 months
In the summer of 2008, Rose Quartz Universe was filming her son, Steven Quartz Universe, unaware that he would soon become the star of a cartoon produced by Cartoon Network under the guidance of a brilliant director. [STEVEN UNIVERSE ACTORS AU]
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My take on Steven Universe and how Steven got his big break into the acting world and even got his own TV show on Cartoon Network. This was inspired by a short on YouTube I saw called ‘Steven Moves In’ you can look up ‘Steven Universe shorts and watch the video.
I hope I can keep this going for you guys as much as I can. Anyway. Bye, guys!
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Behind The Scenes - Chapter 1: Steven’s Big Break.
June 2008.
“Is it on?” a voice asked. A boy nods. The boy had a head of curly black hair, had black eyes, he also wore a salmon pink T-shirt that was too big for him, and cuffed jeans. He has a Band-Aid on his left cheek, he also had no shoes on his feet as he sat next to his father in his van which had both the doors open. the child flashed a smile and a peace sign to his mother.
The woman behind the camera chuckled, and the boy smiled softly at her.
“Come on, Steven, show us what you wrote.” his father insisted. Steven took a deep breath strummed the ukulele and sang. Steven has heard stories about her team members and wanted to write a song about them, and him if he was a member of his mother’s rebellion so, that was how this song came to be.
“If you're evil and you're on the rise
You can count on the four of us taking you down
'Cause we're good and evil never beats us
We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas
We are the Crystal Gems
We'll always save the day!
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way!
That's why the people of this world believe in
Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and Steven!”
She laughed in amusement then stopped recording and closed the screen to the video camera, Setting it down so she could upload it to YouTube later on her computer. The man, Greg Universe, looks at his wife walks over to their van, picks up Steven, and kisses his cheek. Steven laughed as the woman spun him around. Her husband smiles, grabs her all-white MacBook, takes out the SD card from the camera, plugs it into the computer, and starts editing it for YouTube.
Steven Quartz Universe has a musical talent from his father, Gregory Universe, and the ability to learn faster than other children from his mother, Rose Quartz Universe.
Greg was only twenty-six years old when he and Rose had Steven. And he couldn’t be any happier, they knew that they had to tie the knot, so in 2001, they got married in Los Angeles Rose’s team — The Crystal Gems were there also for it, Pearl, Rose’s friend (And probably crush) was jealous of her that she was getting married to a rockstar and had a baby with Rose in the process the previous year.
Seven years later, they were happily married and very happy with their son, Steven Quartz Universe who was born on August 15, 2000.
Over time though, He wondered why Steven was not aging like the other kids in his grade were. By the age of one, he still looked a few months old. Rose had an idea of why he wasn’t aging.
Due to her being a gem, she and the other Crystal Gems don’t age. But, no matter what they still loved him no matter what.
Steven looks at his parents.
His mother, Rose Quartz Universe possesses a commanding stature, towering above both her husband and son at an impressive height of approximately eight feet. Her taller and heavier build projects a sense of strength and presence. Her complexion is characterized by pale peach skin that exudes a soft and gentle radiance, complemented by defined pink lips that add a touch of delicacy to her features.
Her mesmerizing appearance is accentuated by bright black eyes that seem to hold a world of depth and mystery within them. Cascading down her shoulders, her long, curly pink hair is meticulously styled in thick ringlets, lending an air of elegance to her overall demeanor. Notably, her unique gemstone is situated where a human navel would typically be found, serving as a distinctive and striking feature that sets her apart.
His father, Greg is a uniquely styled individual, appearing with a plump physique typical of middle-age, yet with a touch of eccentricity in his appearance. His dark-beige beard frames his mouth, contrasting with his taupe hair, which is styled into a mullet cascading down to his waist. Despite his middle-aged plumpness, he maintains a somewhat skinny frame. Notably, Greg sports a full head of hair, adding to the curious juxtaposition of his appearance.
Moreover, he flaunts a tan line gracing his shoulders and feet, hinting at his outdoor ventures. To add a hint of edginess, his look is further accentuated by earring pieces that embellish his overall look with a touch of individuality.
The Video was finished uploading as they went back to their beach house, located in Delaware.
His childhood home. A two-story house elevated on stilts, characteristic of areas prone to flooding or coastal regions. The front of the house is symmetrical, featuring a central door and two windows on each floor. The exterior is painted in white, creating a contrast with the green surroundings of trees and a clear blue sky.
A distinctive feature of the house is its spacious second-story deck, accessible via a staircase from the ground level. This deck wraps around the front and one side of the house, providing ample outdoor space for relaxation or social activities. Beneath the deck, the ground level seems open, likely used for parking or storage purposes, effectively utilizing the house's footprint and offering protection against potential water damage.
They walked inside and Steven smiled and looked around his home.
He looked at a spacious and elegantly designed open-plan living space with a coastal design aesthetic. The room is illuminated by natural light and features a color scheme predominantly consisting of whites and creams, complemented by deep blues and natural wood tones.
In the living area, there is a large, white sofa adorned with stylish throw pillows, creating a cozy and inviting ambiance. Positioned in front of the sofa is a dark wooden coffee table adorned with books and decorative items, adding a touch of sophistication to the space.
Moving towards the left, there is a dining area featuring a simple wooden table surrounded by contemporary chairs, seamlessly connected to the nearby kitchen. The kitchen boasts white cabinetry and a visually striking blue island, topped with elegant white marble, adding a pop of color and a touch of luxury to the room.
Pictures hung on the walls of Greg and Rose’s wedding in California, an acoustic guitar that was signed by Chester Bennington - who was the lead singer for one of their favorite bands LINKIN PARK. Three surfboards lined up the wall. A white one with red roses, A large board bright pink one with hibiscus flowers all over the board which was custom-made for Rose, and the smallest one was light blue with a large white stripe going diagonally.
The room is further enhanced by large windows that offer picturesque views of a water body, enhancing the serene coast.
Steven was now playing on his Nintendo DS in the living room, Rose was cooking dinner as her husband helped her. Steven looks up from his game of Mario. Pausing his game and walking to the kitchen. Steven grabs a chair and stands on it watching his mother. Rose looks over her shoulder.
“Looks like you have a little helper.” Greg smiled and looked at his son.
“What are you guys making?” Steven asked.
“Where making mozzarella sticks,” Rose said Steven’s eyes lit up. He loved mozzarella sticks, and the way his parents made them was amazing!
Rose smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Oh, you don’t need this anymore,” she said, pulling the Band-Aid off his cheek. Steven smiled as he took his finger and felt the soft fuzzy surface, the cut wasn’t there anymore.
He was playing at the beach the previous day. He and his friends Lance and Mikey were playing tag and Steven fell on a rock and scraped his cheek a little bit. He went home then got cleaned up, then he was back to playing again. Rose asked him if she could heal his cheek with her spit but he didn’t want to. Rose respects his boundaries and wishes, so she doesn’t press on.
Rose wondered if he would ever get his gem powers, or maybe it was a possibility that he wouldn’t get them at all. But Steven wants to be like his mother and learn about his gem heritage and culture.
Greg grabs the bowl that was filled with the mozzarella sticks and puts them in the fridge to cool them before frying them. He walked to the sink and washed his hands. He dried them, walked to the couch, and picked up his acoustic guitar that was sitting on a guitar stand. He sat on the couch and began to strum it.
Steven and Rose both smiled. Rose loved her husband’s playing ever since they met at that concert back in 1987. Steven knew the story of how they met. Then they had him — The light of their lives. Steven Quartz Universe.
When Greg heard his full name for the first time, he started tearing up. It was such a beautiful name for such a beautiful, bright, and intelligent boy. And Steven was very intelligent for Seven years old.
But, he does love doing stuff like most kids do, from going to the skatepark to playing video games. And Steven had an active imagination and loved to play pretend with his parents and friends.
Since it was summer vacation and his birthday was in two months, what he wanted to do was visit California and go to a movie/TV studio. Greg and Rose were unsure of this though — Any concerned parent would. But, they wanted to respect Steven’s decision in all of this and be supportive as much as they could throughout his life and moving forward.
An hour passed, and Greg put the cheese sticks in the oven and closed the door. Rose was on her phone texting one of her teammates that she’d fought along the rebellion a long time ago way before she even met Greg. Steven sat on the couch next to her and looked at his mother texting on her iPhone 3G.
“Who are you texting, mom?”
Rose looked from her phone and faced her son. “You remember the Crystal Gems do you?” Rose asks him.
Steven nods.
“They just want to see how I’m doing and if I’m alright.”
“Do you still talk to Pearl, Mom?”
“Yes, I still talk to Pearl, Steven.” she smiled and kissed her son’s cheek.
Steven smiled back. He felt a sense of happiness. Steven then hugs her. Greg pulled out the food from the oven and plated it for the three of them to share. He pulls out the marinara sauce that he’d made, puts it into three individual dipping cups, and puts the sauce inside them. He served it with some Caesar salad and some spaghetti he’d made earlier in the day while Steven was swimming on the beach.
Dishes were put in the dishwasher, Steven was changing into his bathing suit in his room. Rose wore a one-piece swimsuit with a circle in the middle where her gem was exposed. Steven grabbed a towel, walked downstairs, and saw his mother.
Rose and Steven both went outside to the waves and played together.
Greg smiled and walked down the steps of the beach house with his acoustic guitar in his hand. He had his long brown hair tied back in a ponytail. He sat on the sand and played some notes on his guitar as the sun was beginning to set.
Morning approached Greg and Rose were both asleep in their room, Rose woke up and stretched, her pink messy hair falling on her shoulders.
She got up and did her morning routine. She walks out of her room Rose sees her son playing on his Nintendo GameCube up in his loft bedroom. Steven woke up an hour ago and now he was playing Sonic Heroes.
“Good morning, Steven!” Rose called out to him. Steven paused his game and smiled, he got up from his bed, ran downstairs, and hugged her. Rose smiled and bent down to hug him, Standing at eight feet tall. So he only reached up toward her legs. But he didn’t mind it as much. He still had a lot of growing to do.
“You want to go out for breakfast?”
“Yeah, but what about, Dad?”
“We can wait for him.”
“Or, you can text him.”
Steven nods and pulls out his phone from his pocket then texts him.
Greg walked down the stairs in a black t-shirt and jean shorts. “Let’s go, guys! Rose, you can drive.” her husband said, tossing the keys toward her. Rose caught them one-handed and they walked out of the beach house, Rose unlocked the van and got into it, and Steven opened the passenger side door and crawled into the back, Rose stuck the key in and they went to Washington to a diner in Deleware.
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Steven was reading the menu. Greg was on his phone, Rose looked over his shoulder. “Whatcha doing?” Greg looked at his wife and smiled. “I’m seeing if that video you posted of Steven playing the ukelele got some views.”
Rose’s eyes widen, that video got ten thousand views overnight! “Steven! look,” she said, the seven-year-old looked up at his mother. Rose gave her phone to him and he read the numbers, he looked up with white stars in his pupils as he read the numbers. “Ten. T-Thous-what?!” Steven said in shock and disbelief at what he was reading off her screen.
Rose smiles and nods. “Looks like you are famous my superstar.” Rose smiled softly at him, Steven stood up and sat in her lap. Rose felt his warmth and wrapped her arm around his body softly, Steven felt happy at the moment that he saw his video of him playing the ukelele and singing had gone viral on YouTube!
Rose got a text notification, she pulled it out of her shorts pocket and pressed the button to unlock her iPhone 3G.
She sees the lock screen of her iPhone. It features a background showing her, Steven, and her husband. Standing at his car wash The lock screen displays the time as 9:29 AM on Monday, June 17. Notably, there is a text message notification from a contact named “Christopher,” Rose read the message content; Can Lucas come over today, or is it a bad time, Mrs. Universe? Additionally, there is a slider at the bottom prompting her to "slide to reply.” Rose slid to reply to the message.
“Mom? Who are you texting?”
“You remember your friend, Lucas? his father asked if he could come over.”
“Please, mom? can he?” her son begged. Rose giggled and patted his curly hair. “Sure he can, Steven. Your friends are always welcome.” Steven smiled as he sat up and hugged his mother’s neck. Greg smiled then put a hand on his black fluffy, curly hair
Rose texts him back, saying that he can come over. Steven wanted to jump for joy, but he sat still and kept calm. Rose saw a teen walking up to them, she wore a black apron and her brown hair was in a ponytail.
“Hello, are you ready to order?” she asked with a smile on her face, Steven smiled and looked at her.
“Can I have the chocolate chip pancakes?” he asked. The teen recognized the boy instantly and smiled.
“Hey! I saw the video of your son yesterday after my shift, he’s very talented with that ukulele.”
“Thank you!” Steven said.
“Thank you so much, miss. He is incredibly talented.” Greg smiled
“He is very talented. Who does he get it from?”
“He gets it from me.”
“And he picks up things very fast from me.” Rose smiled. Steven looks around the restaurant.
“I hope your son gets a job as a singer or an actor one day, you're going places. Say,” she knelt to his level.
“What’s your name?”
“Steven,” he said.
“Well, Steven. I hope to see your face in movies and TV one day, and if you do. Don’t forget about who helped you achieve your dreams.”
Steven smiles at her. “I won’t! what’s your name?”
“Oh, that’s funny. I have a friend named Pearl.” Rose chuckled.
“That’s awesome,” she said. “Are you ready to order?"
“We will have the scrambled eggs with bacon and this little guy will have the chocolate chip pancakes,” Greg said, passing the menus towards Pearl so she could collect them, Pearl wrote everything down on her notepad, then collected the menus. “Are you okay with water?”
“Do you have a strawberry milkshake?” Rose asked.
Pearl nods. “We do.”
“Mom, can I have one too?” Steven asked.
Rose nods. “Okay, what kind? we have chocolate, vanilla, Oreo, and strawberry.” Pearl asked him.
“Um, may I have Oreo?” he asked. Pearl smiled and wrote it on her notepad.
“Alright, I will put these in so you guys can get your breakfast.” Pearl smiled and walked off.
Rose turned on her phone and she played a game. Greg went on his and dug into his pocket and pulled out a pair of earbuds. He looked at Steven.
“Steven, do you want to listen to some music with me?” Steven nods happily. Greg gave him the left earbud. He grabbed it and he went into his music and played a song. It was called ‘All The Small Things’ by ‘Blink-182, one of their favorite bands. Rose looked at them and wanted to take a picture of them.
Maybe when Pearl comes back with our food I can ask her to take a picture of us.
Rose saw her walk up with their drinks. “Here you go, guys,” Pearl said setting down their milkshakes and orange juice. “Thank you, oh, can you take a picture of us?” she asked, pressing the home button and going to the camera app.
“I can,” Pearl said, as she took the photo and handed her phone back to Rose. Rose saw them and smiled. “This is so cute. thank you.” she smiles.
Pearl nods. “I’ll be back with your breakfast,” she said walking off. Steven tapped his mom on the arm.
“Mom, can I get down?” Steven asked, pulling the earbud off his ear and letting it hang off from the floor.
Rose nods as she sets Steven off her lap and onto the floor.
The boy walked towards his chair and tried to get on so he could sit, but he was too short and tiny. Rose saw that his son was struggling so she helped him up.
“Thank you,” Steven said, Rose smiled and kissed his head.
Just then, A boy and his father walked in, Greg looked at them and smiled
He sees a younger man, with a happy expression. He has short, neatly styled hair and clear skin. He is looking directly at his son. His overall appearance seems clean and well-maintained. Additionally, he is wearing a small earring in one ear, adding a subtle touch of style or personal expression to his look. The plain and out-of-focus background serves to highlight his face and features, making him the central focus.
The boy standing next to his father is depicted as a cheerful and happy child with dark brown skin. He is wearing a blue short-sleeve T-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of white Converse sneakers and has shoulder-length dreadlocks.
“Greg, Rose, how are you two!” the man — Christopher, or Cris asked the couple.
“We're good, I’m glad that you came. Greg said, hugging the man. Rose looked at his son.
“Hi, Lucas.” she smiled.
“Hi, Rose. you look pretty today.”
“Aw, thank you, Lucas.” She smiled. he then turned to Steven.
“Hi, Steven!”
“Hi!” he smiled, Lucas went toward him and gave him a high five. “Steven! Where matching!” Lucas smiled, looking at Steven’s blue T-shirt which was a little bit too big for him.
Lucas knows that he won’t grow normally like other kids, but he doesn’t care. Their still friends.
Steven and Lucas both met at school in September two years ago when Steven was in first grade. Lucas had changed schools in Delaware. Steven already had no friends because of the way he looked at others. One boy asked if there was something wrong with him or if he had a disability.
And someone even asked Lucas, in front of him ‘Why do you hang out with that baby?’ Lucas was so angry at this and wanted to kick him in the leg. But Steven told him to let it go and went to play Pokémon with him on his GameBoy.
“Hey, Steven,” Lucas said.
“Hi!” he said happily.
“What’s up? we're going to have so much fun together” Lucas said. Steven smiles and hugs his friend. Just then, Pearl walked back to their table with their food.
“Here you go, guys,” Pearl said, handing them their breakfast. Steven smiled and unrolled his napkin revealing a fork and knife and eating his pancakes. Christopher smiled and put a hand on his son’s head.
“Okay, Lucas. I’m off to work now. Have fun with Steven, your momma will pick you up. I have to work late tonight.” he told his son, Locas nods
“Okay, bye Dad!” he said, seeing him walk out of the diner.
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Steven, Lucas, Greg, and Rose went to the arcade when they went back and played some games, Lucas and Steven went to ski ball while Greg and Rose were on the racing simulators. The owner of the arcade—Mr. Thomas was pleased to see them having fun. He smiled and watched them, Despite that Greg’s wife was an alien. He didn’t care he was happy to see a person or alien, having fun.
Mr. Thomas was standing not too far away, attending the prize booth. He appeared to be in his thirties, with short light brown hair. He is wearing a checkered shirt with colors that include red, blue, and white. He also wore blue jeans and Vans on his feet. He also had a welcoming smile on his face.
“Hey, Steven!” Mr. Thomas said walking up towards the boy. Steven smiled and looked at the man.
“Hi, Mr. Thomas,” he said. He smiled at the boy and knelt to his level.
“Hello, Steven! I heard that your birthday is in two months, are ya doing anything fun?” Steven wanted to go to LA for his birthday and meet his mom’s friends who also lived there. He was excited for his birthday. He was turning eight years old. He loved his birthday a lot, hopefully, this one will be special for him. Steven smiled and continued to play ski ball with Lucas. They hoped they would never separate.
Steven was now in his bedroom, it was ten o’clock PM, and he was playing Super Mario Sunshine. Rose walked upstairs to his loft bedroom. Steven looks at his mom, she wearing her Mr. Universe T-shirt and long pants. “Hey, mom,” he said, still playing.
“Hi, Steven,” she said, the boy smiled, Rose sat on the bed, Steven paused the game and hugged her, feeling the warmth of his mother could put him to sleep. Steven yawned as he hugged her tighter, Rose smiled and kissed his forehead. “Goodnight, Steven.”She whispers, covering him up with the white puffy comforter.
Rose walked downstairs and into her and Greg’s room. Greg was on his laptop. His wife walked to her side of the bed and went in, he looked at her and smiled lovingly at her. “I love you, Rose.”
“I love you too, Greg,” she said, kissing her husband on the cheek. Greg smiled, closed his laptop, and put it beside him. Rose got comfortable and they both went to sleep
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A/N: hi guys! I hope you all enjoyed this fanfic as much as I did. I love making stuff like this. I thought of a Steven Universe Actors AU for a while now. I started writing this three days to come up with, I hope you guys review this it’ll mean a lot to me if you do.
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diegosouzalions · 2 years
Magenta Diamond's Origin: VA (Assumption)
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Magenta Diamond: Michaela Dietz
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Peach Diamond: Oprah Winfrey
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Hope Diamond: Kelly Klemolin
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Bi-Color Diamond: Laura Schreiber 
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Lime Diamond: Chelsea Vincent 
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Cherry Diamond: Waceke Wambaa
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Sun Diamond: Laci Morgan
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Moon Diamond: Kathy Curtis
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Aqua Diamond: Ashley Johnson
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Cognac Diamond: Daniel Amerman
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Smoky Diamond: Zach Callison
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Gray Diamond: Alyson Steel
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Silver & Golden Peacock Diamond: Mandy Moore
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thebuttsmcgee · 1 year
It kinda feels like when the Owl Crew were all saying their goodbyes to working on the show again.
Nearly everyone in the tags is getting ready for The End.
Like. Damn. It really is the end as far as we know for the entire franchise of The Owl House.
#its also giving SPoP and SU flashbacks#except its happening in the evening and not during the afternoon like SU or at an all-at-once-release deal like SPoP#getting p emotional#I do remember early in the days. like when Ms Dana Terrace was still in the dt team and doodled Luz#alongside Rebecca Sugar Ian JQ and I think alex hirsch#and ofc the first real poster#and watching it on youtube when it first aired. and even watching it on TV.#I remember a lot of it with twitter too. that viney cult thing. the hype for Understanding Willow. the pic of lil Luz smiling going around.#I remember tons of fics. The Lumity azura actor au thats been LOONG abandoned lmao. the one where Luz was the author of tgwa. tons more.#Of course the excessive hype for Grom.#The hype for the S1B trailer was huge too but Grom. You cannot replicate that. And yknow what? Id go as far to say#not even Hollow Mind had that much hype behind it.#Plus the huge amounts of news coverage and hype after Grom aired.#Like the show was fairly popularish. Nothing too big and was about even with amphibby. But after Grom. BOOM. Huge amounts.#I could really go on. I just cant really believe that its kinda unfairly going away. Possibly never to return. One of The most talked about#animated shows in the past couple years (similar to the likes of Steven Universe! Which was HUGE.) even worldwide.#Nothing lasts forever. It just is unfair the time spent was taken away tho. Happened to others too. Happens so much to animation#and we just Have to accept it because higher-ups are either to proud to their stupid ideals or simply for no real good reason.#This show has had a good impact on animation. I'm always gunna be glad for that. And I'm glad that so many have been touched and loved.#Here's hoping to the future. Maybe more Owl House. Maybe more creativity by the crew. Maybe for better. To The Owl House!#The Owl House#TOH#Owl House
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pink-onyx-au · 1 year
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Nap time! Thank you everyone for your continued support and interaction! I adore it and it adds so much more to the AU than you could know. This is a heads up on some minor down-time for the blog while I rest up and prepare the next episode.
Notes and asks are still open and encouraged during this time! Bored and want to chat? Send me a message!
To see some WIP, storyboard previews, doodles, shitposts, and other projects I’m working on, along with a healthy amount of 3am memes, head over to my trash fire blog, Ceephor’s Shit Show. The "pink onyx au" tag will filter everything for you, along with showing you fabulous fan art made by others that I just love to pieces.
Speculation and theories are encouraged! The comic is designed as close to the show’s logic as I could muster, which means many secrets are staring right at you, provided you know what to look for! Just be kind to one another.
Comic FAQ:
What is this?
Pink Onyx AU is a Steven Universe AU focused on interactions between Steven and Jasper and is intended to be read after you have finished Steven Universe Future, as it contains many many spoilers for the series. If you have watched it already, great! Welcome! The goal is to bring you a Jasper redemption arc that we couldn’t get due to time and cooperate restraints on the Crewniverse. I hope you enjoy!
I do not own these characters or their likenesses except for the single fluffy thembo fusion I created for the story. This is just a fan comic.
Comic is PG-13 for some angsty/touchy themes, minor blood, violence, and gem-cussing. Touchy-subjects will always be in a cartoon-ish metaphorical representation you would likely find on TV and be available for multiple interpretations.
When do you post?
Typically when you see this post pinned, I’m on a bit of a break, but when Nyx wakes up (this post goes away) the comic is due to be released 1 page at a time at 7am EST most days. I try for a daily release. Sometimes I skip a day if I’m behind. Episode release dates are always announced ahead of time by a few weeks.
Is this a romantic ship AU between Jasper and Steven?
Nope, more like an aunt and her nephew trying to figure it all out. No romance between these two here.
Is your Tapas updated at the same time?
Nope, tumblr comes first, and the tumblr will always have bonus content which Tapas will not. The Tapas for this updates after the tumblr version is completed. Usually same day or within a day.
Do you have a reference for Onyx? Sure do!
How do I use the ask system for this blog?
You can leave a message, or even an object, for the characters to interact with. The asks you leave can be answered by myself, Onyx, Steven or Jasper within the realm of this AU. Your asks will have no effect on the comic story. Think of it like the actors are in their dressing rooms and you get to give them a poke while they take a break! As the comic story progresses, their replies to your answers may change! Their responses will be in-character depending on where in the story we are.
My note by the den (an ask) was never answered. How come?
Lots and lots of asks come in every day. I wish I could answer them all! Since I draw something to go with most answers, especially the character ones, they do take a bit of time. Sometimes, I get duplicates of the same ask, or an ask that may refer to something that spoils the story if I answer it. I might hang onto those asks for a later time! Or group them into categories to answer all at once. I hoard asks for 1 year in an attempt to get to them. If I missed yours, know I tried and I love them anyway! I hope it does not discourage you in the future.
Curious about the characters? Check below the cut for more a detailed FAQ about the inner workings of the story. Love you all! See you soon! 🧡💕❤️
FAQ’s about the characters generated via interactive asks:
What kind of fusion is Pink Onyx? Are they good or bad? Pink Onyx is a fusion of a protagonist and an antagonist, so their alliance is yet unknown, but they have Steven’s good heart and Jasper’s loyal nature. They also have Steven and Jasper’s flaws, so they can be volatile and emotionally explosive at times, too.
What are Pink Onyx’s pronouns? Onyx likes they/them, but also answers to he/him and she/her, especially when Steven or Jasper is dominant over one another. They also seem to take on a fluid role and prefer a she/her when in a caretaker status. They dislike it/its.
What does Pink Onyx sound like? Personally, I hear them as a youthful, masculine tone. Like Steven if a little older. But I also enjoy when people say they hear them as a gruff, Amazonian-type feminine. I enjoy and endorse both.
Do Jasper and Steven enjoy being fused to one another? For now, it is a struggle, but they enjoy what the other brings to the fusion even if they won’t say it.
Does Pink Onyx need to eat and do human things? If so, do they enjoy it? They don’t need to do them, but they do feel the discomfort without them. Things like breathing, eating, and sleeping are optional for Onyx, but they will become quite irritable if not allowed to do them. They greatly enjoy sleeping and trying new foods.
What does Jasper think about having human organs when fused? She’s pretty grossed out by the idea of organic matter going into her mouth and coming out of other places. The heart beating and lungs breathing she can feel for the first time, and it is highly strange for her to experience.
What is Pink Onyx’s favorite food? They adore anything watermelon flavored and Cookie-cat ice cream products
Does Pink Onyx have any special fusion powers? They do, and as they learn about themselves, more powers seem to come out. Each of their base component appears to be enhanced in a unique way. They have Pink Diamond at their core, so the destructive potential is also there.
Why is Steven hiding Pink Onyx from others? This AU occurs directly after the events of "I Am My Monster", so Steven is very emotionally, and mentally, raw. He fears judgement for running back to Jasper, who in the past, was part of so much trauma he already endured.
Pink Onyx seems to know nothing about human culture and gem culture despite being a fusion. What’s going on? Jasper and Steven agreed to fuse, but they have yet to open up to one another about much else. The fusion exists because they agree to do so, but Jasper won’t open up about her emotions, and Steven is so sensitive yet that he is not sharing because he knows Jasper won’t want to hear it. This causes Onyx to be unable to access both of their memories easily, but they can bring it out with enough effort.
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sundewhasaudhd · 4 months
Hi Tumblr :D 👋
My name is Sundew, I’m a MINOR (high school age) I’m acespec, pan, trigender, xenogender, ambiamorous, and use all pronouns
I’m an artist, actor, script writer, theatre kid, and AuDHD haver
Current hyperfixations: DSMP, musical theatre (specifically Hatchetverse), The Skinjacker Trilogy reincarnation AU, my OC's
Current fandoms: DSMP, musical theatre, Trolls, Hazbin Hotel, Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, Amphibia, TOH, DDLC, The Skinjacker Trilogy, ROTTMNT, Helluva Boss, Ramshackle (kind of), Percy Jackson (kind of), QSMP (kind of), Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Nimona, Mitchel's vs the Machines, Chikn Nugget (that counts as a fandom right?), Bluey, SheRa, Ducktales, Adventure Time, Luca, LMK (kind of), Vocaloid, Tangled the Series, DHMIS, and probably more tbh
I'm currently working on 5 different DSMP AU's/ animated fanfics, and one day I would like to make 'DSMP the Animated Series' and my high fantasy OC's cartoon, both of which would be indie animated and available on YouTube (but we'll cross those bridges when we get there)
This blog does not support cc!Wilbur or his actions, cc!Wilbur supporters DNI
Speaking of DNI, here’s my DNI list: queerphobes in ANY way (and that includes hating on xenogender people and people who use neopronouns), racists, sexist/misogynists, zionists, antisemitic/neo-nazis, islamophobes, and anti therian and anti furry people
I post very sporadically because of school (and by post I mean post creative works, like fanart and scripts), but when I do post, it’ll mainly be DSMP stuff (especially my own AU’s), but I will also post stuff for other fandoms, especially Hatchetverse
I’m absolutely obsessed with c!TNT duo and with take pretty much any opportunity I can get to draw/talk about them. Same with Ted Spankoffski, Wilbur Cross, and the Lords in Black (and Webby) (ESPECIALLY the LiB [and Webby])
Like I said earlier, I don’t not support cc!Wilbur in any way shape or form. That being said I really really super like c!Wilbur (o!Wilbur and q!Wilbur are neat too) and most of my AU’s have him as a big role
Feel free to ask me about my DSMP headcanons (or headcanons for any other fandom listed above), just know I might not always answer immediately because of school and shit like that
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Anyway, I hope you all have a nice day and enjoy my Tumblr :D
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ngc7009 · 1 year
one summer evening me and @how-very-salty made a Steven Universe au in Danganronpa setting. i guess we called it Danganverse? anyway, i finally drew some character sprites, so let me introduce the main cast.
[ Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 ]
Jasper. Ultimate athlete.
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incredibly strong.
succeeded at almost all sports. except for swimming maybe.
was raised very strictly. no love, no affection. only rules and obedience.
in constant rivalry with Garnet.
has vitiligo.
broke her nose several times.
surprisingly good with little kids.
she and Lapis were dating, but it ended badly. Jasper still misses her, though she doesn't show it. for their both sake.
very found of Amethyst, who's like a little sister to her.
wants to cut her hair, but her parents won't let her.
Lapis Lazuli. Ultimate swimmer.
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probably dead inside since birth.
not very chatty. but likes to be around certain people.
selfish and egocentric.
hates bright lights and loud noises.
sometimes she joins Steven in visiting animal shelter.
better not to talk with her about the whole breakup thing with Jasper. it's still complicated.
dyes her hair in blue.
loves ocean and everything about it.
big fan of Lovecraft.
Peridot. Ultimate engineer.
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also known as ultimate fangirl.
likes to read manga and watch popular tv shows.
has a collection of small robots she has built herself.
loves technologies.
sometimes she acts like an alien.
has a silly crush on Lars because tsundere is her favorite type.
often argues with Ronaldo. he thinks that manga is for idiots, and she thinks he's just too stupid to understand it.
Kevin. Ultimate racer.
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too cool for school.
hates Steven for some reason.
in fact, he thinks that all his classmates are idiots. except perhaps for Garnet and Buck.
very cynical and hypocritical person.
womanizer. or just trying to give the impression.
is well versed in cars.
Jamie. Ultimate actor.
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nice and polite.
has a serious heart disease and needs to take special medication every day. never told about it any of his classmates though.
his passion for theater is enormous.
also loves poetry.
has a huge library in his parents' house. and had already read almost everything.
had a crush on Garnet in the past.
terrible afraid of blood. faints at the sign of it.
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daniartist19 · 11 months
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Happy Halloween to all of you.
Have my main halloween art in here but into two parts.
Luz and Anne as Ruby Gillman and Mei Lee: drawing a crossover friendship with a new one was a lot of fun thou.
Older teen Dylan and Dolly as Donatello and Amethyst: Of course it a voice actor references, i really like how they fit their personalities.
Steven and K.O as Wreck-it Ralph and Fix-it Felix: Just wanted to draw the Bad guy and Nice guy duo for them.
Cassandra and Carmen as Ballister and Ambisious: Something for my future AU of Ninoma for my next contest and yes i reall seen them as this lgbtq couple.
Kipo and Johnny as Manolo and Maria: Based of my older The Book of Life AU, they do remind me of them a lot, especially Johnny and Manolo having alot in common.
Star and Wayne as Barbie and Ken (2023 movie): Well, it a good match ever since i watched The Barbie movie on July, Star fits a lot as Barbie and Wayne is like her Ken (more stable and supporting couple of course).
Which one you like?
Wreck it Ralph, 101 Dalmatian Street, Amphibia, The Owl House and Turning Red (c) Disney and Pixar
Steven Universe and OK KO Let's Be Heroes (c) Cartoon Network
Teenage Mutants Ninja Turtles (c) Nickelodeon
Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken (c) DreamWorks Animation
Tangled and Star vs the Forces of Evil (c) Disney
Carmen Sandiego and Nimona (c) Netflix
Sing (c) Illumination Entertainment
Kipo and the Age of WonderBeasts (c) DreamWorks Animation
Barbie (c) Mattel
The Book of Life (c) Jorge Gutierrez and Century Fox Animation
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blooming-violets · 7 months
Sorry this is gonna be a bit of a rant since it’s something I’ve had strong feelings about since joining the AG/TASM fanfic part of the internet, and you’ve provided me a great opportunity to talk about it.
As a trans person, I am BEGGING fanfic writers to stop writing Marauders stuff. I’ve seen so many people defend it with “separate art from the artist” but like it or not they are still supporting JKR. Separating art from the artist only really works when the artist can’t profit from it. She has done SO MUCH harm to trans people and particularly trans youth in the UK and it’s so fucking disheartening and gives me such an ick when I see TASM writers also write for Marauders because it truly comes across as “I love and support the trans community except when it comes to this because I like it.”.
Even if you ignore the transphobia and holocaust denial (YES IM SERIOUS, she’s denied parts of the holocaust at LEAST twice and she literally did it a second time the other day), the original writing is so fucking problematic. Things just off the top of my head being;
The goblins being stereotypes of Jewish people
The fucking racism with characters like Cho Chang and Kingsley Shacklebolt
The last Fantastic Beasts movie’s plot literally being trying to make WW2 and the holocaust happen
This point needs to be taken with a grain of salt since this was some bullshit Joanne said after the books came out, but werewolves in the universe being meant to represent people with aids. Which is so fucking awful considering one of the two werewolves was attacked by the other as a CHILD
The most ironic part of this is that if Andrew is truly the person he presents himself as, he would probably fucking despise being associated with HP, even if it is just a fancast. But yeah all this to say fuck JKR, fuck Marauders fans but also thank you so much Katie for that last anon answer because I genuinely don’t see that enough in this corner of the internet.
Even Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter himself, has spoken out against her and continues to loudly support the LGBTQ+ communities. When your own beloved Harry doesn't even want to stand by your side, you should know you fucked up. Sadly, she does not, and instead leans harder into her bigotry and hatred.
I've always been someone who is very loud and opinionated when I see things that I disagree with, which I know can rub some people the wrong way, but fuck it. I don't like to whisper about my issues on the sidelines, I like to confront the problem head on by being very clear about where I stand and how I feel. I'm not gonna sit around and let someone align me with JKR just because I'm writing a stupid werewolf and Peter Parker fic that exactly 5 people are reading lol. It's not even a popular fic like get out of my asks jfc. Esp when I can tell this person has not read a single sentence of my story and is completely basing their judgements on my header image of AG's face next to a wolf gif.
In this past week I have seen both a Steven Harrington werewolf au and a Daredevil werewolf au cross my dash. Do we think they're getting called out for supporting HP?? No. Because their actors weren't "fan casted" as something years ago. Fan casts don't even mean anything! There was never a movie about them. AG was never casted or played this role. It's literally nothing but a bunch of fans agreeing that they like his look for a fictional character.
Anyway, I'm also ranting back at you haha. You can rant to me anytime. I love a good rant and I agree with you 100%.
Werewolves were not created by JKR. Andrew Garfield has nothing to do with Harry Potter. Don't make make snap judgments about a person's character based on a picture you saw. Support your trans community. Don't be dick.
And, if they actually read my werewolf au, they would see that it's literally about learning to overcome your own hatred and biases of people different from you and learning to love those you were taught to hate. Crazy concept, I know! 🙄😉
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Can I request a Steven universe ask where a gem who sings, and since it's valentines day, it starts to sing love songs and acts like it's in love. But the gem is a really good actor, that's why it feels and How would Steven and spinel react to this
I'll do some short concepts for this as it's meant to be one character per ask. I couldn't tell if you meant sharing or not. I tried to write how I read your ask so I hope I did what you wanted/you like my take.
Here's a really late valentine's themed ask as usual, lmfao.... I probably should have prioritized these.
Yandere! Steven + Spinel with Singer Gem! Darling
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Delusional behavior, Stalking mention, Violence implied, Kidnapping implied, Slight manipulation, Poor mental health, Forced relationship.
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You are meant to be a Gem entertainer.
Your job is similar to that of a Spinel or a Pearl.
You're not that high in the Gem caste and are meant to sing songs in shows for the Diamonds.
At least... that was your job prior to Era 3.
Now you sing songs for everyone, it makes you happy.
As a Gem living on Earth you've been learning from humans around you.
It turns out today is a holiday meant for "love".
To attract more to your show you begin learning songs for this holiday.
It just so happens while you sing... your songs seem to attract your yandere.
They're already so delusional about you they're convinced you're singing about them.
As a result... you get your taste of twisted love this Valentine's Day.
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⭐️Steven Universe (AU after Future)⭐️
Steven has been watching your shows for awhile.
In Beach City you perform concerts to keep the citizens in a good mood.
It's not like you get tired, either.
You sing because you're happy fulfilling your purpose like a lot of other Gems.
He's a bit nervous at the fact he's fallen for you....
He knows he shouldn't be rebounding from Connie... yet he guesses he can't help it.
The young man shows up to your shows each time to hear you sing.
Steven has admittedly been feeling upset about this time of year due to his breakup and mental health.
Valentine's Day... a day of love.
Not in the right state of mind he finds himself wandering to your newest concert.
A Valentine's Day Concert.
Safe to say while he listened to you singing love songs like a radio he let his delusions take over.
When you sang... it really sounded as though you were in love.
Steven's been watching you to the point his obsession is pretty solid.
He wonders if you've noticed him....
Did you feel the same about him?
Maybe you picked him out from the crowd and dedicated your songs this time to him.
He must be your favorite...!
To anyone else this would be an insane conclusion.
However, Steven is not in the best mental state.
You have no idea about his feelings.
You're completely unaware about the new stalker and savior of the universe obsessed with you.
He's convinced that your singing is genuine and that you're yearning for him.
Steven decides that he has to confess to you today.
Sure, you may be a bit new to love, but he'll guide you!
Once the concert finishes Steven leaves to buy flowers of your Gem color and metal jewelry.
He tries his best to choose what goes well with you.
By the end of the night, Steven finds himself on the doorstep of the house you're staying at.
When you open the door you're left perplexed.
"I- um... I came after hearing your songs-"
Not knowing Steven's intent, you let him in.
You have no idea about his feelings portrayed in the gifts...
You also have no idea he'll poof you if you reject his advances.
"Happy Valentine's Day... I got you these!"
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💖Spinel (Future)💖
Spinel is also a Gem meant for entertainment!
She's meant to be more of a jester while you're a singer, however.
There's been times she's wanted to do an act with you!
All the humans here love you.
She thinks up at Homeworld you'll be loved among the Diamonds!
It was sort of your old job, anyways....
Spinel probably fell for you in a similar way to Steven.
She's seen your shows for awhile now and fell for you and your voice.
Spinel herself isn't sure about Valentine's Day just like you.
A day to celebrate love just isn't in Gem culture.
Even if it was, she's been isolated since Pink left her in the garden....
Spinel has healed more by the time she's met you but still can't grasp proper love.
Although, when she hears her new favorite Gem is holding a concert for this special day in human culture she has to go.
Spinel is struggling to understand the love songs you sing but she feels they're meant for her.
She can't help but fall for the words that flow out of your mouth.
She may not be ready to love another again... but your song is like a siren's call.
She thinks with you it'll be safe to give things another shot.
Spinel spends some time on Earth after the concert to immerse herself in the way humans celebrate this holiday.
Maybe the two of you can create a Gem way to celebrate?
You continue to sing as normal to your fans while Spinel listens to every note you chirp.
The Gem plans on taking you to Homeworld with her to perform together... like those in love would do...!
You're unaware of her plans until she surprises you with cards, balloons, flowers, etc....
She grabbed what she could to show her feelings, even if you're still trying to understand.
"Hey there! Heard your songs, felt we should do a little CELEBRATION! Together, y'know? ... well?"
Spinel is very eager to show how she feels towards you.
Confused, you go along with it.
It's fun with her which is expected, Spinel is meant to be fun.
All of this is meant to lure you in and prepare you for Spinel's main plan.
She wants to get you off this planet and to Homeworld where she can show you how much she loves you.
"We're having so much fun! I knew you loved me...."
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steven1123x · 6 days
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This is amazing! These were done by my amazing new artist friend, @pyrocherub on here! this is for my Steven Universe Actors AU! (Greg is going to be clean shven) but I just NEED MORE! It’s like a dream come true for me!
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5eraphim · 2 years
eras of tumblr i could give hour-long Ted Talks about
(only including eras i participated in, not what i’ve lived through second-handedly. these are what i personally remember seeing on my dash, i’m sure there’s plenty i missed. This is an ongoing list/not fixed/subject to future edits.)
2015 gravity falls 
the rise of sexyman bill cipher 
depravity falls and putting 12 yr old characters in violent guro situations 
alex hirsch worship
billdip discourse
the diehard thirst for Gruncle Ford 
“i want to fuck that dorito”
2015/16 Black Butler
SebaCiel discourse
Grelle discourse (like, i don’t even know how to elaborate, but if you were there you would remember how people were fighting over her characterization in all different directions. Which is funny because, love her or hate her, she is barely even in the show lol)
The needlessly intense sjw vs anti-sjw/ fiction doesn’t effect reality/ shipping fighting
can’t quantify this, but i swear 80% of the fans were ex-hetalia fans 
Black butler 2 being either loved or hated, while book of circus was almost unanimously loved
the Scott Freeman incident...
no one giving a fuck about the female characters
Yana/Jay Michael Tatum worship
2016 Undertale
Sans undertale sexyman rise
the most raw video game soundtrack of all time
no one agrees how to draw undyne, but we all agree that she’s gay as fuck
(This is a personal anecdote, but i actually made a friend in highschool bc i drew undertale fanart on the board at latin class nd she added to it the next day, i added to it the next day and eventually we met up and it was so adorable)
“get dunked on”
2016-17 hamilton, heathers, great comet, dear evan hansen, be more chill musical theater insanity
rip tumblr user galactibun
The Hamilton craze breathing new life into the 1776 musical fandom
Most bizarre fanfic aus seen on tumblr thus far (hamilton)
The great comet Tony snubs
BMC and DEH blowing up, despite most fans only caring about the characters, totally ignoring the plot.
“Miku binder Thomas Jefferson”
No one giving a fuck about “The Hamilton Mixtape”
Gatekeeping fans who didn’t read war and peace or the ron chernow biography (i don’t think anyone ever gave a shit about the BMC orginal book which is SO FUNNY)
lin manuel miranda worship
real people fanfictions of actors/shipping them (especially hamilton!)
Key Figures include: Lin Manuel Miranda, Ron Chernow, Philipa Soo, Daveed Diggs, Ben Platt, George Salazar, Barette Wilbert Weed, and Mike Faist
2016-2017 the yuri on ice, killing stalking, kaikyu yaoi trifecta 
Yaoi take over
The anime fans collective salt over YOI winning anime of the year 2016
Not in this time period, but the Killing Stalking fans despising the ending en mass several years later.
Free! was also huge as the second season concluded not long before, but wasn’t receiving new updated in Realtime like the other three.
honestly? i mostly just remember people drawing some of the most beautiful fan art of the characters and not bothering to follow the plots
2015-2016 steven universe discourse peak craziness 
There are no words, looking back this all feels like a fever dream
Insane fan-theories (as in- even for Tumblr, these theories were very out there)
Pink diamond character derailment
“watching steven universe is the opposite of eating pussy” 
fusion = sex???
“it’s over isn’t it” single-handedly inspiring some of the most beautiful fan art to come out of the show; "Stronger than you” def inspired much more fan-creations, but they were nowhere near as good imo
That terrible lily peet video that sent a tidal wave of fandom-fighting 
Nicki Minaj guest appearance 
the porn avalanche predating the 2018 nsfw ban
My OG account got banned >:( (i never posted porn, tried to email support to no avail, I DID NOT DEVERVE THIS YOU NARCS)
50-50 mix of people posting lewd art and people posting links to find them as they migrated to twitter
“Female presenting nipples”
The return of the citrus scale (orange: PG/G, Lime: PG-13, Lemon: R, Grapefruit: X)
“Too Spicy for Tumblr”
Didn’t even stop the porn bots, mostly just screwed over artists and writers
IMO the peak of user v staff animosity
2020 hannibal
The small but loyal anthony hopkins defenders
Some of the most beautiful creative gore art
The moodboard to web-weaving pipeline
People being surprisingly respectful of fans who only watched the show, or who didn’t read Red Dragon/Silence of the Lambs, or where otherwise not invested in the greater overall Hannibal canon.
Manipulate, mansplain, malewife
Key Figures Include: Madds Mikkelson, Hugh Dancy, Anthony Hopkins
november 5, 2020
You just had to be there man, i don’t know what to tell you.
Key Figures include: Donald Trump, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin and debatably Sherlock season 5
the 2021 coquette girl blogger era
Lana del rey worship
The ungodly amount of softcore porn
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
Glorification of eating disorders, benzos, trailer parks, predatory men, age gap relationships, and so much more!
Teenagers blogging about Russian lit you know they never read
Still not sure to this day how much of this was ironic and how much wasn’t?? Or if any of this was self-aware???
Yes babe you’re so bambi, kate moss, diet coke, wellbutrin, dasha nekrosova, ballet, klonopin, trad cath, fawn, dior, sofia coppela, can you please shut the fuck up now?
key figures include: Lana del Rey, Daisy Randone, Dasha Nekrosova, Nina Sayers, Fiona Apple, Anya Taylor Joy, Sylvia Plath, Kate Moss, Kirsten Dunst (probably so many more, but this is just off the top of my head)
2015/16- My personal earliest memories of really getting into tumblr, and witnessing the tail-end of the Hetalia reign
2016- the end of Homestuck
2016- the epidemic of overwatch porn
2016- Does Jumin Han is gay?
2017- RWBY’s nosedive in quality from season 3 to 4, losing the majority of the fanbase
2018 Boyfriend to Death civil war (Gatobob v ElectricPuke)
2018- Detroit become Human drops and the robot-fucking gatekeeping 
2018- the Game of thrones/Endgame joint disaster ending melt down
2019- Sub-par Omens
2020- the Dead by Daylight community rioting when Pyramid Head’s ass got nerfed
2020- Cyberpunk 2077 is released and is torn apart almost instantly. Looking back by my approximations post were made up of- 10% people who were actually playing the games and enjoying themselves, 20% people who were playing the game and WEREN’T having fun, 55% People who never bought/played the game who were making up crazy glitches for clout, 15% hardcore pornography of characters you’d never seen before. (I’m quite salty about this bc I worked at GameStop at this time and had people constantly talking about glitches in casual conversation and I just know most of these bitches were LYING.)
20??- don’t remember the exact dates, but phase 3 marvel was un-escapable at this time
2020/21- Succession blows up
2022 Ghost bc blows up on tiktok, the fandom already sizable on tumblr only goes up from here
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sweetandglovelyart · 10 days
I like your OCs quite a bit. So here's a few questions for you. Go crazy.
🤝🗣️⭐️🛒🏠Gem 🤝🍱🍎🗡️🪄 Cintia
*The 🤝 emoji is mostly for elaboration, i'm aware they all have connections to canon characters. I'd like to hear more.
They might be too many, so pick and choose which ones you feel like answering!
Thank you very much for the ask! Don’t worry about sending too many, I’ll answer all of them!
For Gem:
🤝: Does your OC have any important connections to any canon characters?
Gem is Daroach’s ex-girlfriend/first love, and she was also good friends with Spinni and Storo. She viewed Doc as a father figure since he was always very kind and fatherly to her and her own father wasn’t a very good dad. Gem hasn’t seen any of the Squeaks since she and Daroach split up, but they may all be reuniting very soon… 👀
🗣️: If you could cast a voice actor to voice your OC who would you choose?
I would pick Sarah Stiles to voice her. I made a little OC voice headcanon video a while back where I used some clips of Sarah Stiles voicing Spinel from Steven Universe for Gem’s section, Gem’s homeworld is based off of New York City so I see her as having a little bit of a New York/Brooklyn accent like Spinel, and Gem performs as a singer when she’s not doing mob activities so I felt like it would make sense to pick a voice actress for her who’s also a singer.
⭐️: If your OC got their own spinoff game what would it be about and what would the gameplay be like?
Since Gem is a mobster, I could see it being a mafia-themed mystery visual novel type of thing.
🛒: If your OC owned a shop, what would they sell?
It’s not exactly a shop, but Gem does own a restaurant/club that’s a front for her mob activities. She performs there as a singer and sells really delicious Italian food lmao
🏠: Where does your OC live?
Gem lives on a planet called Muridia, which is the Squeaks’ homeworld in my AU. It’s based very heavily off of New York City. The name Muridia comes from Muridae/Murids, the family that mice and rats are members of. Since they’re all little mouse people I thought this would be a fitting name for their homeworld.
For Cintia:
🤝: Does your OC have any important connections to any canon characters?
Cindee is Meta Knight and Dedede’s daughter, and Kirby views her sort of like his little sister. After they saw Taranza and Susie with Clover, Meta Knight and Dedede decided that they wanted to have a child together as well, so they visited the aliens that cloned Clover and asked them to clone a child for them, and that’s how they got Cindee.
🍱: If your OC had a dish themed around them at the Kirby Cafe, what would it be?
I could see it being some sort of chocolate dessert or a fancy little drink. The dessert or drink could also maybe have a moon motif since Cindee’s signature symbol is a crescent moon. For a drink, maybe it could be something like a blueberry soda or blue butterfly pea flower bubble tea and it could have a crescent moon or bat wings as a garnish.
🍎: What are some foods that your OC enjoys eating?
I could see her really enjoying chocolatey desserts/enjoying sweets in general like Meta Knight.
🗡️: What is your OC’s weapon of choice?
Meta Knight is training her to use a sword and Dedede is training her to use a hammer. I could see her using both in combat, maybe she’d have a sword in one hand and a hammer in the other when fighting and she’d find a way to combine attacks using both weapons.
🪄: Does your OC use magic? If they do, how did they gain their magical abilities?
I actually haven’t thought about whether or not she can use magic. I forget if Dedede and Meta Knight are able to use any magical attacks, I’ll have to look into that/remind myself of what they can do and then get back to you. It would make sense for Cindee to inherit a little bit of magic if her parents can use it.
For Trixie:
🤝: Does your OC have any important connections to any canon characters?
Trixie is Susie’s mother and is Max’s ex-wife. After Susie disappeared Trixie and Max eventually divorced since they were dealing with their grief in different ways/were arguing more and finding it hard to support each other in their grief, and they eventually cut contact with each other after the divorce. When Susie eventually returned and reunited with her dad, she got the impression that her mother had died while she was gone, so she isn’t aware that her mother is still alive and Trixie isn’t aware that Susie is still alive. Not yet, at least… 👀
🤫: Does your OC have any secrets?
I wouldn’t say that they’re secrets, but there are a few things that have happened to Trixie/things that have gone on in her life following Susie’s disappearance that Susie isn’t yet aware of. I’d elaborate on this, but if I do it’ll spoil some of what I have planned for my AU.
🥺: What is your OC’s biggest regret?
Trixie’s biggest regret is not going in to work with Max and Susie on the day that Susie disappeared. Normally they would all go as a family and Susie would do her own thing while her parents were working, but on the day Susie disappeared Trixie was feeling sick and decided to stay home so Max and Susie went by themselves. Trixie regrets not being able to spend those last few moments with her daughter before her disappearance, and she wonders if she could have done something to prevent it from happening if she had been there.
🎮: What Kirby game or what point in the Kirby series timeline would your OC first appear?
She first appears after Star Allies but before Kirby Fighters 2. I can’t really elaborate on how Susie and the other characters encounter her because it’s a bit of a spoiler for what I have planned, but Trixie and Susie reunite at this point in the timeline.
🏠: Where does your OC live?
Trixie lives on her and Susie’s homeworld, M’Jael. I’ll elaborate on this some more when I get to the Susie redemption arc comic that I’m planning to start posting next year, because I plan to show their homeworld in it, but M’Jael is a planet that I’m basing heavily off of the USA. Speaking as an American myself, I figured that it would make sense for Trixie, Max, and Susie to be from a world that’s essentially the USA lmao, it would explain the capitalism and the colonizing of other people’s planets. M’Jael has several colony planets that some members of Susie’s species live on, but Trixie, Max, and Susie are from M’Jael itself and not one of its colonies. The name M’Jael is an anagram of Majel. I named the planet after the actress Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, she played several important characters in Star Trek and voiced most of the ship computers in various Star Trek shows, so I thought it’d be a nice homage to name a planet of alien-robot people after an actress who’s played an alien and a robot lmao, I’m a big Star Trek fan and I see a lot of parallels between Star Trek and Kirby, so I like slipping little Star Trek references into my Kirby stuff. It’s pretty easy to reference Star Trek in anything having to do with Susie because of Star Trek being set in the future/having a lot of futuristic technology.
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makshu · 9 months
Hi there!
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I've had this blog for a while and I felt the need to make another one like this (since it's impossible to find the first one lol)
So here we go!
- You can call me Maki or Theo! I don't really mind which one you're using
- I'm 17
- I'm open to making friends, but I have some problems talking to other people, but feel free to try if you want!
- Just to make things more comfortable, I'm going to leave an age limit for friendships, I think it's better- so, I'm not so open to talking to people under 14 or people over 20 (but exceptions may occur I think)
- I post a little bit of everything here, and about any fandom I want (because I'm in many)
- About time zones... well, I live in Brazil so do the math :P
- About other things, I have anxiety and OCD if that's a useful information for you
- About my drawings, I know I don't draw that well and I'm aware of that, but I'm trying to have fun anyway (art blog)
- I'm pansexual and non-binary
- I use he/him
- It's fine with me if you wanna tag me in tag chains and picrew chains
- I'm a cosplayer and a actor
- Fandoms I'm in: JSHK, Osomatsu-san, TPN, Undertale and Underverse, FNAF, Music Freaks, Gacha, Assassination Classroom, Ordem Paranormal, Shadows House, TADC, Steven Universe, TOH, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Backroomsa and TCOAAL (I'll add more if I remember later)
- My kins (idk maybe you want to know): Ink!Sans (UT AUs), Osomatsu, Ichimatsu and Todomatsu (Osomatsu-san), Hanako and Tsukasa (JSHK), Gregory (FNAF SB) and Joui and Olivier (Ordem Paranormal)
DNI: Do not interact if you are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, fascist, pro-shippers, in short, be a decent person to interact here. To avoid stress, if you are a Tsukasa Yugi hater, please don't interact, we probably won't have a pleasant coexistence
I think that's all, thank you for reading this far and I hope we can have a good time here ^^
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commonguttersnipe · 5 months
Fanfic request:
Monty Python time travel AU where the Pythons accidentally time travel to the future from the 1960s/1970s BUT, instead hearing about the young Six Idiots fans talking about how the Six Idiots are "this generation's Monty Python", they INSTEAD hear about some young Monty Python fans (who are called Georgie and Shreyan respectively, and who are totally not based on us hehehe.......yeah) talking about the new (in universe of the fanfic ofc) biopic that's currently filming that day (in the present day), which is coincidentally also the day that the OG/Young Pythons end up on (in the present day). Btw uhh, the cast for fictional 2nd biopic is based on your fancast from a few months ago, which is this:
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Also also, the fictional 2nd biopic is being directed by a somewhat annoyingly ambitious but with somewhat good intentions (if a little extreme in portraying said intentions) director who has Ollie Plimsolls-like vibes + who's a massive Python fanboy, or as he calls himself a "Pythonist" (who's funnily enough also played by Reece Shearsmith, idk it kinda fits imo) called uhh "Smithee J. Allense" but who was technically nearly nominated for a BAFTA for his avante garde surreal comedy drama short film about fish people. Nearly.
The Pythons (except John who's a bit salty about hearing the new biopic) are at first surprised about hearing that there's a new biopic about them but then quickly get interested in the concept (though the OG Young Pythons aren't aware of/don't know about the previous biopic "Holy Flying Circus" (2011), which becomes a sorta running gag in the fanfic for comedic effect as other people try telling them that but they get cut off from explaining further or one of the Pythons ignores them just as they were explaining HFC to them).
The catch is that, in order to not bring too much attention to themselves and causing massive hysteria or something, the fans Georgie and Shreyan help the Pythons get into disguise as "regular people"-looking Agents with "regular people"-sounding names/alias of the modern day Old Pythons in the present day, so that the film crew of the biopic knows that they're kinda important but not too much, and that (the Pythons in disguise that is) they're there to check on how filming is going and all that jazz.
So the Pythons in disguise are:
Graham - becomes "Tommy"
John - becomes "Julian"
Eric - becomes "Derek"
Jonesy - becomes "Russell"
Terry - becomes "Jerry"
Michael - becomes "Mickey"
So the gang (in disguise) go to where the biopic is currently filming rn, which is being filmed at the BBC unsurprisingly. In fact, the scene they're currently filming is a studio set reconstruction of when the Pythons met up at and started throwing ideas at each other for their future sketch show MPFC at the Indian restaurant (which was called the "Light of Kashmir Tandoori" restaurant) in 1969.
The Pythons (in disguise) are at first nervous in case they might get caught in the act, but they thankfully easily evade getting exposed by using the fake ID cards that Georgie and Shreyan made for them back at their house (just incase).
After Smithee excitedly greets them (not knowing that they're actually fr the real Pythons, albeit the Young versions), the Pythons as the Agents of the Old Pythons get to see/watch what the scene where the Pythons (played by the biopic actors, or as John-as-Julian sarcastically calls them "the Sexified Pythons", since well...they're played by sexy actors, although Eric-as-Derek does really appreciate that he's played by Dan Stevens) meet for the first-but-not-really-first-more-like-a-proper-second-introduction-of-the-whole-troupe-but-it's-called-the-first-for-the-sake-of-plot-of-the-biopic time, the Pythons politely step in/interrupt to add their thoughts on it so far.
Whilst some of the Pythons-in-disguise, like Eric, Terry & Michael, appreciate what the actors are bringing to the table (not literally ofc) in terms of the actors acting as the Pythons, the others, like Jonesy and Graham (though Graham does like some aspects of Taron's energy to the role) (and deffo not John, though John tries to deny it but the others doubt that) feel that the performance is sorta lacking in a way, and that they need to really get into the spirit of each respective Python. So to help, each of the Pythons go with each biopic actor and help them REALLY REALLY get into the spirit of themselves, (like for example, Graham helping Taron get Gray's character, Jonesy helping Tom, John begrudgingly helping Henry though overtime John does take a liking to Henry, etc) to which we do get to see these side plots unfold as they are. Also the other Pythons jokingly tease John that Henry Shields looks so much like him that he might as well be his long lost son lol 😆.
After that happens, they'll all ready to go and get the scene done proper. And everyone had a clap, even the Pythons. Then, as everyone's having a bit of a celebration, Michael goes to where the lunch/breakroom is, in which Young Michael bumps into Old Michael, who's just so happen to be there as he supposed to record his lines for the biopic as "The Narrator". Young Michael is a bit shocked when he sees Old Michael but tries to act normal as "Mickey" but doesn't mention that's he's Old Michael's agent so that he'll try not to blow his cover (btw young Mike is wearing a fake mustache w/glasses). He and Old Michael have a lovely chat together.
Then, suddenly, Young Michael accidentally rubs off his fake mustache due to there being biscuit crumbs on there. Old Michael is shocked from this, and so faints and falls to the ground. Young Michael is shocked and nervous. He calls the others and tells them hurriedly that old Michael has fainted. An ambulance is called. Young Michael feels really guilty about this. To be continued.....
Any thoughts?? I wanna know what your favourite part is!!!
This needs to be a film, holy flying circus!!
It’s like a mix of all our ideas!!
We need to write this!!
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solarao3 · 3 months
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alex-a-fans · 1 year
Inspired by alot of people, I'm making an BTTF Au MasterList!!!
These are all my Au's, some have no content whatsoever. Good luck reading all of this, and thank you for the support!
Created: 2023-04-24
Last updated: 2023-11-28
Steven universe au
Our favorite duo - gems. First made as an au for "Friends thought timelines" Collab.
Art: (on my deleted tumblr, so its just the reblogs):
Collab with Unk!
Blue Tiger Eye (Doc and Marty fusion)
Hell Valley doc doctober day 22 "Newspaper"
"Marty won" doctober day 15 "Victory"
"Broken Mirror" doctober day 17 "Mirror image"
"Jules and Verne" (SCRAPPED IDEA) doctober day 10 "Origin"
"Training" Doctober day 8 "Fight"
"Fliddlstyx Gem Marty amongst many other Marty Aus"
Thank you @bg-sparrow for reblogging most of them!!!!
New ones:
Doc and Jules
Mojave Turquoise
Over the garden wall bttf au
A silly au inspired by doc and woodsman sharing a voice actor.
A summary is that it is Verne's and Jules fever dream (they are so sick they share a dream), who take place of Wirt and Greg.
During the dream, they encounter many characters that remind them of the people they know.
The school teacher - Clara (also a Brown... Coincidence? I THINK NOT) with that comes to the relationship of the school teacher and Jimmy Brown. Well, The school teacher reminded me of Clara after Doc told the truth about him being a time traveler.
Woodsman - another doc reference, this time just the voice and more of nature of his. Also made a post of them on my deleted tumblr.
Woodsman's daughter - MARTY.
Beatrice - my and my friends oc Emerson, who's backstory is that she left her family at a young age.
2022 McFly July: woodsman and doc switch (REBLOG)
Browns and McFly's in Hogwarts! Before the battle of Hogwarts.
Ravenclaw - Doc, Jules, Clara.
Gryffindor - Verne, Marty.
Slytherin - Lorraine (I don't know why!)
Hufflepuff - George.
Wish granter doc
Inspired by Aladdin. It is in the name. But Marty finds him and does not make the brightest wishes, and tries to impress Jennifer and Needles to prove he is not a chicken.
Alien doc au
Inspired by the animated series episode "My pops an alien". And the concept of doc being an alien being taken literally.
Info on doc
First apearence
Request of his favorite food
Hell Valley AU
Dancey dance.
Alien Verne!
Depressing pov:)
Alteration Au.
Future au + Villian au
"The story follows now-47-year-old Marty who seems to have his life together, it couldn't be better if he was honest. A famous star with a family that he loved. Dreams came true for him. But will the past come back to bite him? Or will it not only affect him but his family and reputation?"
Future au
(Mine and my friends)
Set in 2015, with Emma and Evan being Verne's kids, Caleb being adopted Jules kid.
Jules is a teacher and Verne is a writer/artist.
The kids get along with Marlene and Marty Jr very well.
Evan Brown
Clara Witch Au
again, it's in the name, inspired by the animated series episode "Witchcraft". Marty finds out about her being a witch first during bttf 3 and tries to warn doc, who of course, does not listen. Marty also thinks that Clara used some sort of Love potion and so he becomes a protective bestie.
Time Lord doc Au
again, the name. BUT. He lives in Clock Tower and Marty goes there as a dare. There were rumors of it being haunted, but you know. Marty is not a chicken, does what the rumors say to do (like a mini ritual). At first the Time Lord seems irratated and annoyed. But he seems cool :')
Very steampunk-y
Actually, I can expand on any of these, just ask away! Thank you for reading all of this!!!!
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