#Strange DIY Machine
indierpgnewsletter · 8 months
New Games From December 23 and January 24
I. Dear Reader Another regularly scheduled roundup of games that have been released on itch.io that caught my eye over the last two months. Usual disclaimer that I haven’t really read or played these games; they just seem cool based on the pitch alone. Also, most of them now come to me by people using this form.
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Protect the Child: A Forged in the Dark game about monsters caring for a strange, mystical child. Playtest version. (Mintrabbit, Free)
Aftermath: A solo-friendly sci-fi about a team of first responders trying to make the world a better place after a terrible war. (Ember and Ash)
Space Aces: Voyages in Infinite Space: A comedy scifi sandbox inspired by the Hitchhikers’ Guide. (Stephen Hans)
The Connection Machine: A cerebral scifi game about exploring a dreamlike world and overcoming trauma. (Tanya Floaker & Julia Nevalainen)
Daybreak on the Battlefield: An unofficial set of extra playbooks for Girl by Moonlight, the excellent magical girls game. (Ben K Rosenbloom)
Buried in Ice: A mystery for Apocalypse Keys, the Hellboy-inspired PbtA game. Something trapped in a glacier thaws out and causes havoc. (Morgan Eilish)
Boyfriend Dungeon: Life on the Edge: The videogame gets officially adapted into a PbtA game. Explore your inner psyche, confront you fears, and also smooch swords. (Trumoi)
Like Real People Do: A two-player prompt-driven game about a mage trying to keep secrets in a vault but the vault wants to be a real person. (Meghan Cross)
The Mystery Business: Scooby Doo-inspired mystery solving game with no combat. You beat the baddies by setting traps to catch them. (Greg L)
The Flood Bell Tolls in Saint Magnus: A system-neutral campaign set in a drowning city on the verge of rebellion. (Tempest RPG, PWYW)
Also, cheeky last minute addition, the Showcase Zero bundle features games that came out of my playtest community. It’s got my scifi horror game, This Ship Is No Mother, as well as the mecha game of friendship and war, Spectres of Brocken and more.
II. Media of the Week
People Make Games take a good look at jubensha, a gaming phenomenon in China that started out just as spiffy murder mystery party games but has transformed into much more, including what sounds like scripted larps where everyone cries at the end. Really cool story.
The new season of DiceExploder is back with John Harper talking about Psi*Run, a unique game by Meguey Baker that should’ve inspired a slew of games but inexplicably didn’t.
Please consider joining 100+ other patrons and support the newsletter on patreon to help keep me going.
If you’ve released a new game on itch.io this month, let me know through this form so I can potentially include it in the end of the month round-up.
III. Links of the Week
Indie Game Reading Club reviews Stonetop, the community-focused iron age fantasy game from Jeremy Strandberg.
It’s a solid review and also features this neat bit of analysis about how PbtA developed: “Monsterhearts spawned the branch of PbtA games that are concerned with constrained, evocative moves with a strong editorial voice. Dungeon World, conceived as a reverse-engineering of Dungeons & Dragons style play, is concerned with efficiently resolving tasks, boiling down the activity to its core essence.”
Cannibal Halfling reviews Free League’s vanilla-ish fantasy game, Dragonbane: “…when we live in the world of Old-School Essentials (also a translation, though from Gygax to English instead of Swedish to English), there’s clearly recognized value in taking an old system, cleaning it up, and sending it back out.”
Explore Beneath and Beyond has a blog series reviewing and discussing all the early adventures and scenarios published for D&D. This is part one.
Possum Creek Games publish their 2023 year in review including completing the mammoth Yazeba’s Bed and Breakfast.
DIY & Dragons explains why we should all probably stick to calling it “Jaquaysing”.
A short post about the oldest ttrpg forums – usenet groups.
ZineMonth 2024 is around the corner and since the “official” site isn’t ready yet, there’s an unofficial” page listing all the projects being crowdfunded. Take a look and submit your own if you’re doing one.
There’s a game jam to create a megadungeon in honour of Jennell Jaquays.
From the archive
Skerples’ cool blog post about how to portray aliens and alien intelligences in your game, approaching it from a bunch of different angles. (Issue #8, Sep 2020)
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viatrixtravels-a · 5 months
that one ship meme. (Fleetinglotus)
Send Me 🎔 + A Ship And I'll Tell You:
Michihiko x Lumine
Who wins a prize at a carnival/fair/festival: Definitely Michi. He would be a natural at the claw machine. He wouldn't get it for her right away though. First let her suffer a bit as she attempts to get that one Cryo Slime plushie for a solid 30 minutes. He only steps in when she's about to destroy the machine haha.
Who does most of the cooking: I feel like they'd split this pretty evenly? Lumine is a good cook and she is used to making meals for Paimon and herself. You might assume that Michihiko cannot cook because he does not need food as a puppet but he's surprisingly skilled at it. He makes the more nutritious, balanced meals while Lumi also enjoys baking. (mainly for herself since our boy doesn't like sweets :p)
Who does most of the shopping: I'd say Lumine for this one because she's the more sociable of the two. She is well known across Teyvat so she sometimes gets a discount or freebie at shops. uwu Michihiko is still getting used to the concept of socializing and gets annoyed at shopkeepers or other customers when they attempt small talk with him.
Who is hopeless at board games: Lumine 200%. She loses every time and throws a tantrum afterwards about how 'stupid' the game is. She is not used to losing (in battle) so she's the biggest sore loser ever.
Who is always trying to make the other laugh: Once again, Lumine. It's basically her life goal at this point to get Michi to flash a genuine smile. She'll mostly try to do silly things to achieve this but her efforts have been in vain so far.
Who has a tendency to give out TMI: Lumine third time in a row. She is just the biggest chatterbox of the two of them and she has zero filters when it comes to her emotions. She will also ask shameless questions about his puppet nature like '...So you like don't poop and such?'
Who does more DIY projects: Michihiko. I like to think that he's pretty crafty and good with his hands, given his history with forging. Also when he lived alone with the one boy during his Kabukimono era, they probably had to improvise a lot.
Who is the big spoon: Lumine insists on being the big spoon to assert dominance, hehe. Michihiko might protest at first but I feel like eventually he'd find it strangely comforting? I believe he'd prefer to be the little spoon while facing her so he can listen to her heartbeat (something he does not have himself) while falling asleep.
Who gives more casual affection: Surprise surprise, both do this. Lumine will do it more often, but Michihiko will do it at the moments she least expects it to get her flustered. ...And it works every time.
Who reads to whom: Michi would read some boring ass thesis to her when she's being stubborn about going to bed because he knows it has her fast asleep in under 2 minutes, haha. Sometimes he does read other books to her as well though. Lumine wouldn't read, but she does enjoy telling him about her travels.
Who brings drinks and food without being asked: Michihiko. He knows that Lumine has the tendency to neglect her own basic needs - especially when she is drowning in commissions. As a puppet, he does not need any food himself, but he is well aware that this does not apply to her so he'll ensure that she stays well fed and hydrated. uwu
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bubblesandgutz · 5 months
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Every Record I Own - Day 819: Nomeansno Live + Cuddly
I liked Nomeansno as a teenager. They checked off enough of the punk boxes: they were loud, they were angry, they could play fast, and there was a contrarian angle to what they were doing. But I didn't LOVE Nomeansno until a college friend came by my house with a stack of LPs he'd swiped from our college radio station.
I should maybe back up a bit. Sometime around 1999, I started making music with my friend Andrew down in Olympia. I played bass. Andrew played keyboards and programmed the drum machine. We were called The Sexual. I wanted it to sound like a more pop-oriented, up-tempo version of Thrones, but I wasn't used to taking a strong songwriting role in a band capacity. Andrew was more musically adventurous than I was back then and he was much better at bringing all kinds of sounds and styles into the fold. But it was still a bit of a struggle to find a middle ground between our interests. We had both been excited by the more chaotic and flamboyant brand of DIY hardcore that had proliferated in Olympia back in the '90s, but it felt like that scene had run its course and now we were branching off from that world in different directions.
At some point Andrew mentioned he had just bought the latest Nomeansno album, Dance of the Headless Bourgeoisie. This struck me as a little strange as Andrew didn't seem like the kind of person who'd be a Nomeansno fan. And I hadn't even revisited their records in several years. Maybe it was Andrew's way of nudging me as a songwriter... like, "hey, here's a band where the bassist leads the charge... take some notes." I remember digging up my Small Parts cassette and playing it in the Botch van on our way up to play a show in Bellingham (where most of the live footage from the "St Matthew" video was shot). By the end of the '90s, my interest in hardcore had eclipsed my interest in the weird skronky brand of punk that I loved in the earlier part of the decade (see also: My Name, Victim's Family, etc), so Nomeansno had fallen out of my personal rotation, but now that Botch was veering into math-rock territories, I was hearing some of the parallels between this band I'd loved as a young teenager and the music I was currently making with my friends.
The Sexual dissolved sometime around 2001 and Botch would be done a year later. But my interest in Nomeansno was rekindled. I had already graduated from college so I no longer had my radio show and the accompanying access to their neglected storage room full of vinyl. But I mentioned to a younger friend who still had a show that I would trade him some hardcore records for any Nomeansno LPs he could liberate from that sad, dusty, basement closet. A few weeks later he showed up with six Nomeansno records.
That was a lot of Nomeansno to absorb all at once. I gave 'em all a cursory listen, but it was the double live album Live + Cuddly that immediately grabbed my interest. The performances were locked in, but it still felt frenzied. The air-tight production of their studio albums was replaced by the room sound and scuzzy audio bleed of the show environment. And this was essentially a greatest hits collection of their '80s output, which meant we were hearing Nomeansno at their peak.
Here was a band that could balance hardcore aggression with prog-rock musicianship while retaining a post-punk sense of austerity. They captured the angst and power that drew me to punk as a teenager while displaying a level of nuance and sophistication that could keep me interested as an adult.
This was the point where I started to LOVE Nomeansno.
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laxmiree · 2 years
[CN] 5th Anniversary - Lucien (Creative Workshop)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a story that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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I was surprised and delighted to pick up the "gift" that was left in it- a pink and purple gemstone.
“It's so beautiful… I discovered that it looks a lot like your eyes.”
“This seems to be a poudretteite, one of the rarest gemstones in the world.”
“He knows very well that this box is difficult to crack, so the person who can unlock it-”
“-must be worthy of this precious gift.”
✧ 5th Anniversary Event | Prologue | Creative Workshop (You’re here!) | King Fuk Street | Wonderland | Star Plaza | Final Day- Heart Rain Lake | Roast! | Truth and Dare Pinball Machine | Random Event tidbits
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MC: Oh no, I think I left our camera in the hotel room!
MC: (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) What's wrong with my memory? I obviously thought about it before I left the hotel!
Lucien: Rather than memory, I would say that MC is now a bit confused
MC: I'll go back and get it now, so don't follow me around.
Lucien: I actually have a quicker way to do it, but it requires some small payment.
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MC: What about… Mua! Will this be enough?
Lucien: This payment is slightly more than expected, so let me help you find it directly.
MC: Is it possible that you already helped me...?
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Lucien: My confused lady, please look down.
Lucien: It's always hanging on your chest.
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MC: There seems to be a street full of DIY craft stores -
Lucien: They are creative workshops.
Lucien: This place is focused on DIY creativity for tourists to "create freely".
MC: This "Mr. Tour Guide" is very impressive - his language is simple and straightforward.
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Lucien: So the next time you have a similar question, you can ask me directly.
MC: Then the almighty Professor Lucien… please recommend a handicraft store for me~
Lucien: There are many options. After all, MC's craftsmanship is always very good.
Lucien: Like the cute shaped bento, ceramic couple mug...
Lucien: Or some small ingenuity that appears at home from time to time.
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Lucien: So I think it's a good idea to visit every store and try it.
MC: I've been complimented so much, so I really need to show off~
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Along the way, Lucien familiarly took me to experience a lot of creative handicraft shops, which made me suspect that this person secretly did his homework before coming.
However, the emerging suspicion dissipated in the lovely handiwork-
A pair of chubby little fox and rabbit crystal key pendants looking crystal clear under the sunlight.
MC: I now seem to appreciate the charm of DIY~ it has an extraordinary power to make things unique.
MC: Like both of them, each outline can't be reproduced a second time.
As I said that, I held up the little cuties and shook them.
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Lucien: I agree, but I have another interpretation.
Lucien: Very often, a unique presence emerges first, and then something different and unique is derived from that presence.
Lucien: For example, because of you, there are them.
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MC: And to cite another example, it is because Professor Lucien brought me here that they are here.
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Lucien: My student seems to be getting smarter and wiser.
While talking, he inadvertently slowed his pace, and a small wooden store broke into my view.
The display window is filled with boxes made of different materials and in different shapes
Wooden Luban locks, steel triangular cones, and nearly a hundred other strange objects occupied my eyes.
Lucien slightly leaned down and looked at the various delicate boxes with me.
Lucien: This store seems to be more special than other creative stores. Should we go in and take a look?
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I nodded and walked in with Lucien. This is a small store specializing in the production of mechanical boxes. According to the guidebook, the fun of deciphering is up to five stars
Considering that I had a highly intelligent genius with me, I confidently jumped at the chance and dragged Lucien to the service desk.
A store clerk dressed in a professional style enthusiastically introduced us.
Clerk: The machine boxes you see now were designed by previous customers.
Clerk: Experience the process of choosing the box of your choice, unlock the mechanism, and get the gift left by the last customer…
Clerk: Then modify the box, design your mechanism, and put in the gifts you want to leave behind.
Clerk: If you're interested, pick a box you like.
He guided us to a wooden shelf. Looking at the different shapes, I had difficulty choosing. I glanced at Lucien and saw that he was seriously surveyed.
MC: Why are all these boxes open and clawed?
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Lucien: Perhaps because the designers have different personalities, the appearance of the presentation will be very rich.
MC: That's right... Then I must look for a new one~
I said as I carefully scanned the shelves, and suddenly my eyes lit up- In one corner of the wooden shelf was an extraordinarily simple, unadorned square box.
Maybe because of the minimalist style is particularly conspicuous around here, I have a kind of inexplicable good feeling about it
Lucien: Ah, looks like MC has chosen?
MC: Um, it feels like the most eye-catching!
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MC: And I have a hunch that although this box looks simple, something may be hidden inside that makes people want to explore it!
As I was fiddling with it and ready to start unlocking the mechanism, I suddenly thought of something.
MC: Lucien, don't you want to choose?
He stood calmly as if he had already prepared.
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Lucien: I already had my choice long ago.
He pointed to the mechanical box in my hand.
Lucien: I want the box you designed.
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Lucien: I'm only interested in your box. I don't care about the other boxes.
The floor lamp mixed with the remaining sunlight, reflecting those eyes that were like deep water.
MC: Oh? Does it mean… that Professor Lucien is very confident that he can solve my modified mechanical box?
He looked at me quietly, with a look of certainty.
MC: Hmph! Just wait. I'll make it difficult for you!
However, after a few minutes, I don't know if it was because I was too slow to open the box or the store was too hot, but my palms were sweating.
MC: Uh...
There are very few buttons, but no matter how I fiddled, it did absolutely nothing.
It seems that I am not wrong about this ordinary box. It truly hides...
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There was always a glance falling on me, and I curled my lips in frustration and buried my face in Lucien's coat.
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MC: Ugh! Lucien, I reasonably suspect that the person who designed this box did it on purpose! They simply don't want the next person to solve the puzzle.
The chest beneath my cheeks vibrated slightly as if he were suppressing laughter.
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Lucien: Doesn't that just mean you've stepped into his trap?
I blinked in puzzlement as I looked at his face.
MC: What does that mean?
Seeing that he smiled but did not say anything, I held up the box and repeatedly turned it upside down, trying to find a flaw. But except for a few switch-like buttons, it was almost seamless.
MC: I don’t see any trap… But there must be a reason for so many buttons, right?
Lucien's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand to smooth out my bangs.
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Lucien: I think it's supposed to… fascinate you and get you into his rhythm.
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MC: …You mean, instead of thinking about the design logic of the other party, it is better to slowly decipher it according to my own rhythm?
Lucien did not say anything, just smiled. I thought about it and once again lowered my head and started tinkering.
Although I haven't figured out the pattern yet, I believe that if I patiently try every possible answer in every combination-
I would be able to discover its true side.
I don't know how long it took, but when I pressed the button for almost the 1000th time, with a "click", the box in my hand instantly fell apart into pieces of springs, iron, and small steel balls.
At the same time, there was a beautiful twinkle of light.
I was surprised and delighted to pick up the "gift" that was left in it- a pink and purple gemstone.
MC: This man is so generous. How can he give a precious gem as a gift?
I took the gemstone and held it out in front of Lucien. His deep eyes were slightly twinkling within the translucent gemstone.
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MC: It's so beautiful… I discovered that it looks a lot like your eyes.
He smiled, and his fingertips pointed to the gem that I was holding.
Lucien: This seems to be a poudretteite*, one of the rarest gemstones in the world.
MC: This gift is too valuable!
Lucien: I think it shows that the man really valued his own design.
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Lucien: He knows very well that this box is difficult to crack, so the person who can unlock it-
Lucien: -must be worthy of this precious gift.
MC: Then I have to cherish it properly, not only because it is precious, but also because it is proof of my hours of effort!
After I said that, I carefully put the gem into my bag. However, looking at the parts scattered in front of me, I was in a dilemma.
MC: The whole thing is scattered. How do I modify it?
Lucien reached out and took a spring scattered all over the table.
Lucien: I guess he set up an automatic disassembly mechanism after opening, so it cannot be put back once successfully opened.
Lucien: It seems that the designer only wanted one person to unlock it. Unfortunately-
He changed his tone and blinked at me a little worriedly.
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Lucien: What should happen to my gift?
MC: Eh?
He pointed to the scattered parts, and I reacted immediately, poking his palm with some embarrassment.
MC: But the box is impossible to re-assemble now…
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Lucien: But that was an uncontrollable accident. The gift MC promised me shouldn't be affected by this, should it?
He silently caught my finger and softly hooked it as if he had been greatly wronged.
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MC: So, according to Professor Lucien, now I owe you a gift, right?
He winked slyly and nodded as a matter of course.
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Lucien: Yes, and I'll remember to ask for it.
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(t/n: IT DOES LOOKS LIKE HIS EYES. Poudretteite is one of the rarest gems known. It was named after the Poudrette family, owners and operators of a quarry near Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada where the mineral was first found. It is a rare borosilicate with hexagonal crystallograpphy, with price around $3,000 per carat)
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gravemushrooms · 1 year
Tag ppl you wanna know betteeer
Tagged by: @missmassacre
Last song: not songs per se but: Ryuji Takeuchi / Essential Memories EP Part III / Sonoran District; Orbital / In Sides / Dŵr Budr (this has some singing but it's nonsense backwards words); Polygon Window / Surfing on Sine Waves / Polygon Window (it's Aphex Twin, also featured on Warp Records Artificial Intelligence)
Favorite color: i end up back at pink-purple but you'd never know from looking at me
Currently watching:
antiquities/religion MythVision Podcast (mostly critical studies of ancient christianity or related topics) Crecganford (a lot of proto-indo-european th.) Religion for Breakfast Gnostic Informant ESOTERICA (Dr. Justin Sledge) James Tabor Ancient Architects History for GRANITE World of Antiquity Archaeology Now Antiquity for All Crowhag Ancient Americas Jackson Crawford (Old Norse) Lady of the Library Let's Talk Religion toldinstone Simon Roper (English language over time + other topics) Sally Pointer (neolithic fibers + textiles)
experimental archaeology Primitive Technology (with subtitles) Roland Warzecha scholagladiatoria (Matt Easton) Tod's Workshop Malcolm P.L.
urbanism Not Just Bikes Stewart Hicks CityNerd Kirsten Dirksen (not really urbanism but houses, permaculture, DIY)
technology Asianometry
skepticism potholer54 (climate) Mick West AronRa (anti-creationism)
crank bigfoot Bob Gymlan i like to watch a lot of weird crank stuff but this is maybe the only one i think other people could find entertaining
self-actualization (?) Bitsii in Inaka
video game industry Timothy Cain
half a-press memes pannenkoek2012
Last movie: director's cut of The Little Shop of Horrors that has the apocalyptic ending. apparently i haven't really watched a movie since 2019
Currently reading: @eyeofpsyche recommended some books about Jung (Jung - The Key Ideas by Ruth Snowden and The Essential Jung by John Beebe but lately i've been swamped with work + school. earlier this year i was reading Big Dead Place because Antarctica is strange and miserable and Malleus Maleficarum to better understand a Euro-medieval/early modern notion of the supernatural. i skimmed through a bunch of Ekirch's At Day's Close - Night in Times Past for a course over the summer
Sweet/spicy/savory: food isn't really a thing for me. ask me when i have more money
Relationship status: the person i talk to the most online is someone that i don't even use words with
Current obsessions: i had a week where i was looking at weird things to do with Windows 3 and trying out linux distros in a virtual machine
Last googled: i was trying to find a magazine cover from the early/mid 90s that depicted a man wearing unusual shoes in a photo-realistic style and it was intended to illustrate how developments in digital image manipulation had made the notion of "the camera never lies" obsolete
Currently working on: lab report busywork for a microbio course, or i spent nearly all day setting up a biochemistry lab which involved making a lot of 1% solutions of a variety of amino acids
anyone that follows me that wants to do this feel free to have a go at it
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ghostcaterwaul · 2 years
Overview of My OCs
Putting this under a read more thing because it’s… pretty long even though it’s not even their full bios.
Btw, I'm aware that some of the faceclaims are problematic people, I chose those faceclaims without knowing they were problematic but that's just... How those characters permanently look in my head now so I'm really sorry if some of my faceclaim choices bother people but I'm not likely to change them.
A Chaotic Love (Working Title)
Mallory Blythe A sheltered 18-year-old with a strict religious upbringing. Jeremy’s love interest.
Jeremy Wolfe Typical damaged bad boy with a dark past from the wrong side of town. Mallory’s love interest.
Suburban Secrets (Working Title)
Lieselotte “Lottie” Moon Impulsive and arrogant teenager. “Not like other girls”.
Heloise Moon Lottie’s younger sister. Super smart. In all AP courses.
Devyn and the Roses (Working Title)
Devyn Valentyne Electro-glam punk vocalist and guitarist. Levi’s love interest.
Levi Rose Glam goth Bassist. Devyn’s love interest.
Natalie Rose Goth girl. Keyboards/synths/drum machine. Levi’s sister. Is super possessive of him.
Untitled Occult Detective Series
Elliot Alexander Non-binary punk sci-fi nerd. Saw a UFO when he was 12. Wesley’s significant other.
Wesley Williams Indie emo hipster hacker. Sees dead things. Caffeine addict. Elliot’s boyfriend.
The 100 OCs
Misty Sawyer One of the 100. Arrested for attacking her abusive father. Sweet soft fragile bean. Has Classical-Like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Katie Jane Garside [in the 90s])
Liam Thorne Misty’s best friend. One of the 100. Arrested for helping her hide after she attacked her father. The therapist friend. Has a Z Nation AU and a Stranger Things AU. (Faceclaim: Landon Liboiron)
Elijah Stone One of the 100. Arrested for vandalism. Rebellious, hyper, a bit chaotic. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Dominic Harrison AKA Yungblud)
Nimue kom Floukru Born Storm kom Azgeda. Was too soft and precious for the Ice Nation. led to join Floukru and changed her name to Nimue as a way of running from her past. Became a healer after joining Floukru. (Faceclaim: Lily Rabe)
Z Nation OCs
Vixen Ran away as a teen before the apocalypse. Did some illegal stuff to survive like selling drugs and firearms with an abusive boyfriend. Also has done survival sex work. She was working as a stripper when the apocalypse hit. (Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario)
Riot O’Reilly Grew up with an artist for a mom and a biker for a dad. Dad died in a motorcycle accident when they were 5 years old. was the singer in a touring DIY queerpunk band called Rotten Rainbow Warhead Dolls From Planet 420 and was playing a show when the apocalypse hit. Dyes their hair as often as they can with whatever they can find (even if it’s not exactly hair safe, has even used sharpie ink) to maintain a sense of normalcy. (Faceclaim: Bex Taylor-Klaus)
Izzy Strange A Malkavian glitter punk vocalist with BPD and substance addiction.
Sybil Kross A Malkavian artist with PTSD and abandonment issues. (Faceclaim: Kimberly Freeman)
Multifandom OCs
Jet Gray Goth boy. Videographer. (Faceclaim: Kett Turton [as Clive Webb in Gypsy 83])
Olivia “Olly” Gray Jet’s younger sister. Goth girl. Plays guitar. (Faceclaim: Heather Baron-Gracie)
Leo Anderson A survivor of institutional abuse. drug dealer. Sings and plays guitar. Lives out of his car and often couch surfs. (Faceclaim: Colson Baker AKA Machine Gun Kelly [as Wes in Roadies. If you can find me a faceclaim with that exact hair and MGK's jawline, I might change this faceclaim tbh because I cannot stand MGK now. I've learned too much.])
Emily Walsh Musician. Had to play marriage counselor for her parents from a very young age. (Faceclaim: Tessa Violet [specifically with pink hair])
Other Fandom OCs
Ophelia Power Rangers in Space OC. Purple ranger. Space sorceress born on planet Xoia. Has an otherworldly feline creature from her home planet as a pet named Indigo. (Faceclaim: Sóley Sigurþórs)
Deirdre Doyle The Originals OC. Witch. Lots of trauma. (Faceclaim: Kat Dennings)
Other OCs
Adelaide St. Claire Louisiana Creole trans woman living in New Orleans. Voodoo practitioner. (I’m currently researching everything to do with Voodoo and plan on hiring a sensitivity reader for whichever work I include her in. I promise I won’t fuck it up!)
Astrid Shelley Old lonely widowed witch that lives in the woods on the edge of town. Agoraphobic. Has a familiar, a black vulture named Edgar. (Faceclaim: Anna-Varney Cantodea)
Luca Giger 400 year old vampire. Was sex trafficked at the age of 12, is now voluntarily a full-service sex worker. Was bitten at 20 years old by a client. (Faceclaim: Bartek Borowiec)
Arthur Julius “AJ” Montgomery III Dark academia OC. Artist, writer, musician, stoner. (Faceclaim: Timothee Chalamet)
Stitches the Carnie Ghoul (CW: Horror OC. Proceed with caution) Murderous people-devouring necrophiliac. Keeps some of her victims’ corpses as dolls that she has tea parties with inside her circus tent. (Faceclaim: Peggy Giggles)
Jezebel Bathory A succubus. (Faceclaim: Rose McGowan)
Gwendolyn Lightweaver An angel turned human as a punishment. (Faceclaim: Katherine Shepard AKA Sylvaine)
Ozraphaeus “Ozzy” Embershroud A demon with a pet hellhound named Mordred. (Faceclaim: Ville Valo)
Willa Meadowsong Faerie OC. Seelie court (Faceclaim: Tori Amos)
Gossamer Greywood Faerie OC. Unseelie court. (Faceclaim: Xilmordas)
Alice Hansen An artist, writer and multi-instrumentalist who struggles with undiagnosed mental illnesses and substance abuse. (Faceclaim: Holly Henry)
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zacharybosch · 2 years
Tasseomancy - epilogue
✨happily ever after✨
chapter 1: tumblr / ao3
chapter 2: tumblr / ao3
chapter 3: tumblr / ao3
chapter 4: tumblr / ao3
chapter 5: tumblr / ao3
chapter 6: tumblr / ao3
chapter 7: tumblr / ao3
chapter 8: tumblr / ao3
chapter 9: tumblr / ao3
chapter 10: tumblr / ao3
chapter 11: tumblr / ao3
read the epilogue below or on ao3!
Stede didn’t remain living in his studio for long. Some scant few months after Ed had turned his sultry eyes to Stede over dinner and asked if he wanted to move into Ed’s house to be kept and doted on, Ed asked him again; straightforward this time, with less heat and more sincerity and a promise that Ed would carry on paying the rent on the studio flat in the meantime, so it would still be there for Stede if he didn’t like living at Ed’s house.
To the surprise of absolutely no-one, Stede liked living in Ed’s house very much and quickly made it known that he would not ever be leaving. Stede’s studio remained just that: a studio, the space in which he had had to cram the entirety of his life now a hub for his creativity, a workshop to practise his sewing, an atelier to host fittings when he eventually gained enough skill and confidence to offer his services as a drag costumier for Lucius.
Ed filled the studio with sewing machines, lethally-sharp scissors, mannequins, boxes of sequins and rolls of fabric: all the tools Stede needed to pursue every ridiculous or genius idea that came into his head. He made some beautiful things, and he made some strange things, and he made many things that just didn’t work at all; but what mattered was that he had the opportunity to make them, and every day spent making was a day spent well, as Stede became a little more sure in his choices, a little bolder in his designs.
Sometimes Ed joined Stede in the studio, lounging in a sunny spot on the bay window bed, intermittently napping or reading or watching Stede work. Sometimes he stayed at home, accepting Stede’s morning goodbye kiss and then swinging by the studio in the evening to walk him home. Sometimes Stede still threw things at him from the window.
Ed’s house became their house. Its cold and empty rooms were filled with the echoes of their laughter, the calls of their love; their life together accruing like dust on a windowsill or cobwebs on the ceiling, softening the corners, becoming comfortable and lived-in. Almost every week for the first few months they lived together, Ed would get swept up in the rush of some new DIY project, painting walls or varnishing floorboards or building bookshelves, and when he became overwhelmed by a house full of jobs that he’d started and never finished, Stede soothed him and kissed him and helped him sort through the clutter of his thoughts. Piece by piece, in stops and starts and with no real plan in mind other than to create something happy and comfortable, they decorated the house together, and made it their home.
They loved, relentlessly, with the kind of fierce devotion borne of a lifetime of being brushed aside. Ed made star charts of the freckles on Stede’s skin, tracing constellations with fingers and lips, navigating Stede’s body to find his way home. Stede lived in the folds of Ed’s delicate, crinkled skin; the crow’s feet at his eyes, deep when he smiled, warm and encompassing and welcoming Stede in. There was joy to be found, over and over, in the press of their bodies and the strange pathways of their minds, always more things to be discovered and rediscovered, fitting their oddly-shaped puzzle pieces together to make something greater than the sum of its parts.
But they argued, too, like any couple did. Silly little fights that weren’t really about the thing that started the argument at all, but about something else, some soft and fragile thing that the other had accidentally poked at too hard; and fights about bigger things, deeply-held things, tearful how-could-you-think-that-about-me? things. But when the blazing fire of an argument rushed through their home, the only thing it burned was that which was already dead and taking up space, and in its wake it left the raw, fertile earth that they needed in order to grow.
Rituals and traditions grew and evolved over time, the private language of their love that was sometimes sentimental, sometimes absurd, and sometimes just because they could: Saturday mornings were for tea and pastries, and walks along the beach, especially if it was raining; one silk scarf from the framed display on their bedroom wall was always missing, for reasons that would never be divulged; date night must always be followed by date morning; supervision was required if Ed was buying eggs, or if Stede was cracking them, and pancakes were still cancelled; there was never, and nor would there ever be, such a thing as being too greedy; the only appropriate anniversary celebration was a formal seduction week; and it was always, always hilarious to refer to sex as ‘normal friend activity’.
The life that Ed and Stede built for themselves was by no means perfect, but it made sense to them in a way that nothing else did, and that meant it grew into something that was better than perfect. It was real, and it was theirs, and together they shaped it into the thing that they wanted it to be. There was no great secret to it; it wasn’t fate, destiny, something that was foretold in the stars or divined in tea leaves. It was simply that they chose each other, every day, over and over. The choice wasn’t always easy, but it always held happiness inside.
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barricadebabe · 2 years
Greta Van Fleet - Grand Rapids
This week I will be covering the second show I went to in 2022, Greta Van Fleet Grand Rapids. Greta played at the DeltaPlex in Grand Rapids, MI on March 12th 2022. As previously discussed in my first blog post, The Rival Sons and The Velveteers opened for this date as well.
This show was the second show of the Greta Van Fleet - Dreams in Gold Tour! I had never seen a show at the Deltaplex before and even though I loved the artists performing I will never be attending a show/concert again at this venue.
The Outfit
For the second show of my DIG tour, I decided to wear the same pants I wore to the first show only because I did not plan accordingly and LOVE these pants. This time I wore a red tank to go with the pink/red in the pants. I paired the shirt with a white frill jacket and made another DIY cowboy hat to wear to the show, only because I had such a fun time making the first one.
For this show I did not camp out this time, which I am glad I did not because on this day there were freezing temperatures and below freezing windchill. I really felt for all the dedicated fans who camped out OVERNIGHT & all day, the day of the show. I believe the GVF team ordered pizzas and hot chocolate for the fans in line to help them face the cold.
I had dinner and drinks with some other friends I met in line at the concert two days previously in Kalamazoo. It was nice to not have to wait in line or camp out, I was able to spend more time with people I met in line and grow on those friendships.
The Merchandise/Lining-Up
The merchandise was the same as it was the previous two days prior. This time I did not see any merchandise team members set up tents outside the venue as they had done before. I assume this is because of the weather and how cold it was that day.
The Openers
The Velveteers and The Rival Sons joinded Greta Van Fleet for the first leg of the DIG tour. They supported them at the following cities below:
Kalamazoo, MI
Grand Rapids, MI
Saginaw, MI
Flint, MI - Canceled
Ypsilanti, MI - Canceled
Huntington, WV
Madison, WI - Canceled
Green Bay, WI
Omaha, NE
Peoria, IL
Cincinnati, OH
Hershey, PA
Atlantic City, NJ (Two Dates)
The Performance
As always Greta Van Fleet’s performance was amazing. This being only the second show of this tour, I know the band was still getting in the groove of things. The band had only previously done a short tour called Strange Horizons tour the previous fall, only playing a couple live shows over the United States.
I was able to get within the first five rows of the GA audience with only walking in about 20 minutes before doors opened. My favorite song performed at this show had to be Trip the Light Fantastic, the lights and the ambience in the arena during that song was unmatched. This is also one of my favorite songs and to my knowledge was only performed in a handful of shows during this DIG tour.
Set List
Built by Nations
Trip the Light Fantastic
Highway Tune
Safari Song
Black Smoke Rising
Heat Above
You’re the One
Broken Bells
Light my Love
Age of Machine
The Weight of Dreams
Stardust Chords
When the Curtain Falls
My Way, Soon
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Post-Show/ The Atmosphere
Getting out of the venue was not too difficult, but the parking lot was a mess. Overall, I did not like the venue or the venue staff. I know that people camping for the show had a lot of issues with queuing inside the venue- after camping outside in freezing temperatures all day and had trouble with the staff once inside the venue. The Deltaplex in Grand Rapids is now closed
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Bog-Shed — The Official Bog-Set (Melodic)
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The Official Bog-Set by Bog Shed
Bog-Shed sounded like electroshock therapy. The 1980s post-punk band jittered and flailed, its bass ramped to rattling speed, its singer prone to starting yelps and squeals, its lyrics surreal and fanciful, if slightly disturbing. Resolutely DIY—the mid-1980s were early days for self-releasing—Bog-Shed nonetheless attracted a modicum of critical attention. They did five Peel Sessions. Their song, “Run to the Temple” figured on the now legendary C86 compilation.
The Official Bog-Set collects essentially everything this band ever recorded, from a six-song set of demos mailed off to John Robb’s Vinyl Drip label that became Let Them Eat Bog Shed, to the two proper albums Step On It (source of that “Run to the Temple” song) and Brutal, to an expanded version of the Peel Sessions compilation Tried & Tested Public Speaker, originally six tracks now a full 20 of them. A fifth disc, titled Who Scoffed the Trill, compiles 22 previously unreleased live tracks and rarities. It is quite a lot of Bog-Shed.
The band emerged in the early 1980s around the core of Mike Bryson (bass) and Mark McQuaid (guitar), two childhood friends who met up with singer Phil Hartley while a school in Leeds. It took longer to find a drummer, but they settled on Tris King. Bog-Shed seems to have hit on its taunting, boxy, jerk-rhythmed sound almost immediately. The earliest cuts, from Let Them Eat Bog-Shed, already skitter with psychotic glee. “Panties please!” howls Hartley in the first cut, a shriek that cuts through clanking cacaphonies of bass and drums. “Fat Lad Exam Failure” grinds and cavorts, guitar stabbing, bass grumbling, drums bashing, the chanted lyrics prancing showily over top.
John Robb of the Membranes, whose Vinyl Drip label would release the first Bog-Shed album, describes his first encounter with the music in the liner notes, writing, “This wonderful racket came out. That clattering, grinding melodic bass, quirky guitar lines, frantic impatient drumming and a genius squawking vocal that was like no other delivering these strange lyrics that were like postcards from some beyond the fringe hill town full of strange characters and observations.”
Let Them Eat Bog-Shed came out in 1985. Step On It (1986) and Brutal (1987) followed in rapid succession. These two LPs were basically self-released on the band’s on Shellfish label. Step On It is less raw and more focused than the debut; cuts like “Mechanical Nun” explode in bursts with a machine-like precision. “Run to the Temple,” the song that made the C86 comp, is sharp but buoyant. Its guitars sting hard enough to leave a mark, but there’s something playful in the bounding beat. Brutal sounds even cleaner—Bog-Shed clearly learned a lot about recording in a brief period—but equally mad. It raves unabashedly, but in hi-def. “Excellent Girl” writhes with corrosive bass, plunges at galloping speed, “hoo-hahs” with phlegmy enthusiasm, but never veers into chaos.
John Peel was an aficionado, inviting them onto his show once in 1985 and twice each in 1986 and 1987. A previous version of Tried & Tested Public Speaker presented the two 1986 sessions, but the box set includes the remaining three. Highlights from the new material include an incendiary and previously unavailable version of “Six to One and Likely” from October 1987, as well as a ferocious rendition of “Oily Stack” from November 1985.
Who Scoffed the Trill offers more previously unheard material in 22 live, alternate and unreleased cuts. A live version of “Necktie Murder Shopping Trolleys” is particularly unhinged. “Proper Music” is anything but. There’s a lot of buzz and echo in the live cuts, even so, you can hear the crazy, idiosyncratic energy of this wired and weird outfit.
Bog-Shed disbanded in 1987, and three of the four principals have now passed away. The Official Bog-Set documents their madcap rattle and yelp in all its singular glory. Always oddball, now nearly unimaginable, Bog-Shed lives on.
Jennifer Kelly
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benevolentgodloki · 2 years
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I posted 1,267 times in 2022
That's 489 more posts than 2021!
302 posts created (24%)
965 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,263 of my posts in 2022
#i am not queuing get help - 225 posts
#loki - 197 posts
#loki aesthetic - 128 posts
#v: the variant - 119 posts
#variant loki - 119 posts
#outofillusions - 94 posts
#loki's glamour - 82 posts
#strangefrost - 73 posts
#frostiron - 71 posts
#loki answers anons - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#loki behaves like he's quietly suffering when generally it's written all over him and he just brushes people off when they want to help
My Top Posts in 2022:
Almost time for us Europeans to take over tumblr for the evening
20 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
You know what they did with Daredevil in She Hulk's series? That but with Stephen Strange in Loki's.
22 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
On arriving in the common room of what had once been known as Stark and Avengers Tower, Loki had not been certain what to expect. Perhaps a blaring of alarms and an immediate arrest by machines or a gathering of unknown civilians staring at him before screaming when enough of them recognised his face.
But not this. Emptiness.
Loki used the stolen TemPad to close the time door and paced the once familiar room, long since remodelled following Hulk’s DIY with a Loki-hammer. His back still twinged and not only from the memory. He wasn’t aware of who had survived the Infinity War, his research only sufficient to bring him to a time after its end. It seemed as good a point as any to return to the timeline.
Were the Avengers even a thing anymore? Answers would have to be sought and here was where he last remembered. They were the authority who had impressed him as much as vexed him. They were who he thought he might speak to and how he might find Thor again.
Yet it was silent, sofas and an empty bar covered with sheets. 
Hang on.
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Not completely empty. There was a lone glass and bottle of whiskey on the counter. The glass was half full. Or half-empty, if you were that way inclined. One of the sofas was partially uncovered. 
Someone was here. His senses reached out for them, prepared to defend himself.
23 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Ok but Variant Loki now knows how to enchant. Imagine him enchanting Steven and going into his head.. only to find fighty bastard one and extremely fighty bastard two plus one disgruntled bird god and being like
25 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Losing my mind over that tattoo 😂
"Thor's mine."
"I don't see your name on him."
75 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Expert Appliance Repair in Kelowna: Your Trusted Service for Every Need
When it comes to maintaining a comfortable and functional home, reliable appliances play a crucial role. From keeping your food fresh to making sure your clothes are clean, everyday tasks depend on the smooth operation of your household appliances. However, even the most well-made machines can encounter problems over time. This is where expert appliance repair services in Kelowna become indispensable.
Why Choose Professional Appliance Repair?
Home appliances are sophisticated devices with complex mechanisms. When they malfunction, it can be tempting to try DIY repairs or simply replace the appliance altogether. However, professional repair services offer several advantages that can save you time, money, and stress.
Expertise and Experience: Professional technicians are trained and experienced in diagnosing and fixing a wide range of appliance issues. Whether it's a refrigerator that's not cooling properly, a washing machine that's not spinning, or an oven that won't heat, a qualified technician can quickly identify the problem and provide an effective solution.
Cost-Effectiveness: While the idea of replacing a malfunctioning appliance might seem like an easy solution, repairs are often a more cost-effective choice. Replacing appliances can be expensive, and many issues can be resolved with a simple repair. Additionally, investing in professional repair services can extend the lifespan of your appliance, providing better long-term value.
Safety and Warranty: Attempting DIY repairs can be risky, especially with electrical or gas appliances. Professional technicians have the skills and tools necessary to handle repairs safely. Furthermore, professional repairs often come with a warranty, offering peace of mind that the job is done right.
Common Appliance Issues We Address
Refrigerators: A malfunctioning refrigerator can lead to spoiled food and increased energy bills. Common issues include insufficient cooling, strange noises, and water leaks. Our technicians can address these problems efficiently, ensuring your refrigerator returns to optimal performance.
Ovens and Ranges: Whether it's an oven that won't heat up, uneven cooking, or issues with the burners on your stove, our repair services cover a broad spectrum of oven and range problems. We ensure that your cooking appliances work reliably, so you can prepare meals without interruption.
Dishwashers: A dishwasher that isn’t cleaning effectively or is leaking can cause significant inconvenience. From clogged filters to broken pumps, we handle various dishwasher issues to restore its efficiency and performance.
Washing Machines and Dryers: Problems like excessive noise, failure to spin, or water leaks are common with washing machines and dryers. Our technicians are adept at diagnosing and fixing these issues, helping to keep your laundry routine running smoothly.
Microwaves: Microwave problems, such as not heating or unusual noises, can disrupt your daily routine. We provide swift repairs to ensure your microwave functions as intended, saving you time and hassle.
Our Commitment to Quality Service
At Appliance Repair Kelowna, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, reliable appliance repair services. Our technicians are not only skilled and knowledgeable but also committed to providing excellent customer service. We understand the inconvenience appliance problems can cause, and we strive to offer prompt and efficient solutions to get your appliances back in working order.
We use genuine parts and the latest tools to ensure that repairs are durable and effective. Additionally, we keep our customers informed throughout the repair process, explaining the issues and solutions in clear, understandable terms.
Schedule Your Appliance Repair Today
If you’re experiencing issues with any of your home appliances, don’t wait for the problem to worsen. Visit us to schedule a repair appointment. Our team is ready to provide the expert assistance you need to restore your appliances to peak performance. We’re here to help you maintain a smoothly running home with minimal disruption and maximum efficiency.
Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to serving you with top-notch appliance repair services.
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prohandymanservices · 1 month
Common Dishwasher Problems in Dubai and Know How To Fix Them
Dubai offers a luxurious lifestyle and unbeatable Infrastructure. Dishwashers  are essential  for Householdcan. Every home must have a dishwasher That Makes work easier. The dishwasher makes life easier by cleaning dishes  . Sometimes it may not work properly , just like any other device. Only you are not facing  problems with your dishwasher, everyone faces this type of problem. Here you will know about five common Problems.  You can resolve five common dishwashing problems in Dubai.
Why you need professional help
Some problems with dishwashing are simple to fix. Some issues are easy to fix, while others may not be. If you are not aware of the basic issue, you  can’t handle even basic problems that may cause more damage and incur a higher cost. Why not call a reliable handyman  Dubai instead? They will quickly find out the problem and fix it easily and save your time.
1. Dishwasher not cleaning Dishes properly
Dubai residents complain that their dishwashers do not clean well and they need help. This is a very common problem. The problem could be a broken or clogged nozzle. The water cannot reach all dishes. Another factor could be the hard water in Dubai. Mineral deposits are left on the spray arms and other parts. Regular maintenance and the use of a water conditioner can be helpful. Call Dubai's top handyman to check on the problem if it persists.
2. Dishwasher making loud noises
Another common problem is the dishwasher making strange noises. This problem can be caused by several factors. This could be caused due to a broken motor or loose parts, as well as reason could be objects placed incorrectly in the dishwasher. You can contact Handyman  Dubai. They will provide you with the best solution quickly.
3. Drainage Problem: Dishwasher not draining properly
Drainage problems are very common faced by many people in Dubai who have problems with their dishwashers not draining properly. It may be due to  soiled water accumulating at the base of the machine. This is not hygienic and can cause unpleasant odors. It may also damage the appliance. A clogged filter or drain is often the problem. Both the filter and drain are self-cleaning. If you are unsure or the problem persists, contact a Handyman in Dubai. This will prevent further damage.
4. Leaking Dishwasher
Your kitchen and floor can be destroyed by leaks in your dishwasher. Faulty door gaskets and damaged hoses are the most common culprits. Do not wait to act. A quick response will save your property from damage. Contact a Handyman  Dubai immediately if you see any water near your dishwasher.
5. Dishwasher door not latching properly
A broken dishwasher door lock renders it unusable. Misalignment, latches failing, and hinge damage can cause problems. Avoid DIY solutions for these problems. Hire Handyman services in Dubai to do a repair that is reliable.
Dishwashers play a very important part of Daily Life in Dubai.  But like any other electronic appliance they can also face issues. If you are aware of some common problems like  cleaning problems, noises , leaks , etc you can protect your dishwasher from any damage. Some problems can be avoided by some maintenance knowledge. For the complex problems you can take help from Handyman Dubai. That helps you to save your time and prevent further damage.
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legal-blogs · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Troubleshooting Common Household Problems
Household problems can range from minor inconveniences to significant issues that disrupt daily life. While some issues may require professional help, many can be resolved with a bit of troubleshooting and DIY effort. Understanding how to diagnose and address common household problems can save you time, money, and stress. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you dépannage Lille and resolve some of the most frequent household issues.
1. Troubleshooting Electrical Issues
Common Problems: Flickering lights, non-working outlets, and tripping circuit breakers are typical electrical issues.
Diagnosis and Fixes:
Flickering Lights: Check if the bulb is loose or needs replacement. If flickering persists, the issue could be a loose wire or a problem with the switch. Ensure power is off before inspecting connections.
Non-Working Outlets: Use a voltage tester to determine if the outlet is receiving power. If not, check the circuit breaker or fuse box for tripped breakers or blown fuses. For persistent issues, consult an electrician.
Tripping Circuit Breakers: Frequent tripping may indicate an overloaded circuit or a short circuit. Unplug devices to see if the breaker still trips. If so, it’s best to contact a professional.
2. Troubleshooting Plumbing Problems
Common Problems: Leaky faucets, clogged drains, and running toilets are frequent plumbing issues.
Diagnosis and Fixes:
Leaky Faucets: Often caused by worn-out washers or O-rings. Turn off the water supply, disassemble the faucet, and replace the faulty parts. Reassemble and test.
Clogged Drains: Use a plunger or a drain snake to clear minor clogs. For more severe blockages, a mixture of baking soda and vinegar can help break down debris. Avoid using chemical drain cleaners, which can damage pipes.
Running Toilets: Check if the flapper valve is sealing properly. If not, replace it. Also, adjust the float mechanism if the water level in the tank is too high.
3. Troubleshooting Appliance Issues
Common Problems: Non-starting appliances, unusual noises, and poor performance are common complaints.
Diagnosis and Fixes:
Non-Starting Appliances: Ensure the appliance is plugged in and check the power source. For electrical appliances, inspect the fuse or circuit breaker. If the issue persists, the appliance may need professional repair.
Unusual Noises: Noises in appliances can indicate loose parts or mechanical issues. For example, a washing machine may have an unbalanced load, while a refrigerator may have a faulty fan. Refer to the appliance manual for specific troubleshooting steps.
Poor Performance: Clean filters and check for blockages. For example, a vacuum cleaner with reduced suction might have a clogged filter or hose.
4. Troubleshooting Heating and Cooling Systems
Common Problems: Inconsistent temperatures, strange noises, and system failures are frequent issues with HVAC systems.
Diagnosis and Fixes:
Inconsistent Temperatures: Ensure that the thermostat is set correctly and that the system is properly calibrated. Check for obstructions around vents and registers.
Strange Noises: Banging or rattling noises can indicate loose parts or debris in the system. Check and clean the system as needed. If noises persist, it may require professional attention.
System Failures: Ensure the system is receiving power and that the circuit breaker hasn’t tripped. Check the air filter and replace it if it’s dirty. If the system still doesn’t work, a technician may need to inspect it.
5. Troubleshooting General Home Issues
Common Problems: Drafty windows, mold growth, and poor indoor air quality are general home issues that can affect comfort and health.
Diagnosis and Fixes:
Drafty Windows: Check for gaps or poor insulation around windows. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal leaks and improve energy efficiency.
Mold Growth: Address moisture issues by fixing leaks and improving ventilation. Clean mold with a solution of water and vinegar or a commercial cleaner. Ensure the area is dry to prevent mold recurrence.
Poor Indoor Air Quality: Ensure regular maintenance of HVAC filters and consider using air purifiers. Ventilate your home frequently and address sources of indoor pollution, such as smoke or chemicals.
Troubleshooting common household problems can empower you to handle many issues on your own, saving both time and money. By systematically diagnosing and addressing problems related to electrical systems, plumbing, appliances, HVAC, and general home maintenance, you can keep your home running smoothly and efficiently. However, don’t hesitate to seek professional help for issues that are beyond your expertise or when safety is a concern. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to minor problems can prevent larger, more costly repairs and ensure a comfortable and functional living environment.
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gadgetrevive · 3 months
How to Fix a Cracked Phone Screen: To DIY or Not to DIY?IntroductionThere's nothing that can ruin your day quite like cracking your smartphone screen. Whether it was a fall, a throw, or just cosmic misfortune, you're going to want it fixed fast. But you have a decision to make: Should you do it yourself or turn to a repair professional?Here's a breakdown of everything you need to know about fixing a cracked phone screen so that you can make an informed decision.Why Do Phone Screens Break So Easily?Ever wonder why your phone screen seems to have the survival skills of a water balloon at a dart party? It’s because most smartphone screens are made from glass, and despite technological advances like Gorilla Glass, they still have a breaking point. We carry our phones everywhere, from the depths of a handbag to the precarious edges of a coffee table, often with only a thin case for protection. All it takes is one unfortunate drop, and bam—your digital window to the world becomes a spiderweb of despair.Ways to Fix a Cracked Phone ScreenIf you're dealing with a broken screen, there are a handful of options for fixing it:Use a manufacturer or extended warranty to get the device screen replacedAsk your mobile carrier to repair itBring it to the nearest phone repair shopTrade-in your phone (if due for an upgrade)Repair it yourselfCan You Fix a Cracked Phone Screen at Home?Believe it or not, everything you need to replace your cracked phone screen is available online, but it's not as easy as it sounds. Before you head to eBay® for a replacement screen, ask yourself these questions to make sure you're ready to take on this challenge:Do You Have Any Electronics Repair Experience?If your only electronics repair experience is changing the batteries on the remote, then you probably aren't qualified to take a screwdriver to a smartphone. Smartphones are complicated machines, and one teeny-tiny misplaced screw or damaged flex wire could cause the device to no longer work. If you do have some electronics repair experience, a phone screen replacement is among the simpler smartphone repairs to complete.Do You Have a Safe Workspace Available?Professional repair experts have workspaces set up with everything they need to complete broken screen repairs safely. This usually includes helpful items like a magnetic work mat, suction cups, and an antistatic wrist strap that keeps repair experts grounded so they don't accidentally zap the electronics they're working on with electrostatic discharge, or ESD. Without these workspace essentials, it's difficult to complete a safe cracked iPhone screen repair or Samsung cracked screen repair that will hold up over time.Are You Worried About Voiding Your Warranty?Before starting a DIY cracked screen repair, it's important to check the device's warranty. If it's a relatively new device, it may still be under warranty, and you might be eligible for a free or low-cost repair or replacement. Once a device is worked on by anyone other than a certified repair provider, the warranty on that device is void and the manufacturer will not be able to help if there are any other problems with it.Do You Want to Risk the Device's Water Resistance?Certified repair providers are given specialized tools and equipment so that their repairs meet the high standards of big manufacturers like Apple®, Google®, and Samsung®. One of those tools is a special sealer that allows a device to retain its water-resistance after a repair. Without this machine, a device will no longer be resistant to water damage and the chances of inflicting further damage are much higher.Cracked Screen? Don’t PanicWe can provide cracked screen repairs for as low as $79. Visit a store or schedule an appointment to get started.Schedule a repairCracked Phone Screen DIY Repair Myths to AvoidThe internet is a strange place, and you shouldn't trust everything you read when searching for how to fix a cracked phone screen. This especially applies to DIY fixes related to electronics.
We've seen some funny ones, but these are mostly tips that will do more damage to your device than help. Here are some of our favorites and why they're false.Can You Fix a Cracked Phone Screen with Toothpaste?While cracks in a screen could be equated to cavities, toothpaste will do nothing but create a giant minty mess on your screen. Some types of toothpaste are grainy and could be considered mildly abrasive. The thought is that rubbing this abrasive into the screen will buff the cracks out, but the screen is too thick, the cracks are too deep, and most kinds of toothpaste aren't abrasive enough for this hack to work.Can You Fix a Cracked Phone Screen with an Eraser?The thought behind using an eraser is similar to the toothpaste hack. The thought is that the eraser can buff out the cracks. While it's true that an eraser will have more buffing power than toothpaste, the screens on electronics are just too thick and most cracks and scratches are too deep for this to have any effect.Can You Fix a Cracked Phone Screen with Clear Nail Polish?Nail polish is great for fixing runs in pantyhose, but it won't do the same for your phone screen. Please avoid using it or any other beauty products on your broken phone screen.Will Liquid Glass Fix a Cracked Screen?No. While using a liquid glass screen protector could potentially help to prevent screen breaks, it will not help much if the screen is already cracked. It could make a tiny, hairline crack less visible, but it will not fix it and will likely just make matters worse. If the liquid glass were to seep into the already present screen crack or the surrounding housing and touch any of the internal components, your phone could stop working altogether.Does Baking Soda Fix a Cracked Screen?No. It may help to make your phone clean look really clean, but that's about it. You should always avoid using abrasives and liquid on your device—if any were to get into the speakers or the ports of the device, you'd have a much bigger problem on your hands.How Much Does It Cost to Fix a Broken Phone Screen?Repair cost is always an important factor when deciding whether to do something yourself or go to a professional. When it comes to repairing phone screens, there are two main components that can affect the price:Phone Age and BrandThe age and brand of the broken device have the most impact on what the price will be. Parts for older devices will be cheaper than newer devices, but the parts for older phone models might be more difficult to find. Professional repair shops often have deals with companies like Samsung and Google to receive parts directly from their manufacturer, a perk not available to a person buying a part online.Extent of DamageA device with extensive damage is more likely to have collateral damage to other parts that may need to also be repaired. The more that needs to be replaced, the more expensive a repair would be.The only way to know for certain the cost of fixing your broken phone is to price out the parts, or to bring your device to a repair expert for a diagnostic test.Want Help with Your Cracked Screen Repair?Now you have the information you need about repairing your broken phone screen. If you decide that a DIY replacement is not the route you want to take, we're here to help. Stop by Gadget Kings PRS for fast, affordable cracked screen repair.Ways to Protect Your Phone ScreenWhether you decide on a DIY fix for your cracked phone screen or to bring it to a repair professional, be sure to take steps to prevent another mishap in the future. Here are some great ways to prevent a cracked screen from ruining your plans.Get a Protective Phone CaseA case that protects every edge of a device and has a lip over the screen is the best tool in protecting your device from damage. They're so widely available and can be customized in any way imaginable. This one feels like a no-brainer!Use a Screen ProtectorA protective accessory for your smartphone that might not be so obvious is a screen protector.
The best and most resilient are made of tempered glass, but other more affordable materials will also provide protection against scratches and cracks.Protect Your Device with Phone InsuranceDrops, spills, and breaks happen to all of us. Phone insurance from Gadget Kings PRS provides coverage not only for a cracked screen but also other common mishaps like water damage, loss, and theft. Learn more about our phone insurance plans here.
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webscarlet · 3 months
Preparing for Winter: Ensuring Your Radiant Heat System is Ready
As the wintry weather season procedures, ensuring that your radiant warmness machine is in its safest condition will become vital for keeping a comfortable and warm environment in your home. Radiant warmth systems paintings by means of heating the surfaces in a room, together with the floor, partitions, or ceiling, which then radiate warmness into the space. This method of heating is more electricity-green than conventional pressured-air structures, as it removes the loss of heat via ducts. However, to make sure that your radiant warmth machine operates successfully for the duration of the icy months, it calls for proper renovation and instruction.
Understanding Radiant Heat Systems
Radiant warmth systems perform the usage of both warm water or electric coils to generate warmness. Hydronic systems use warm water that is circulated through pipes set up in the floor, walls, or ceiling. This hot water then heats the encircling surfaces, which in turn radiate warmness into the room. Electric radiant warmth systems, alternatively, use electric coils which can be established in a similar manner to the pipes in hydronic structures. These coils heat up while energy is surpassed thru them, imparting warmth to the room.
Signs Your Radiant Heat System Needs Maintenance
Uneven Heating: If you say that a few areas of your private home are warmer than others, it could be a sign that your radiant heat gadget isn't functioning properly. This may be because of air bubbles inside the machine, which could block the waft of warm water or disrupt the heating elements in an electric powered system.
Increased Energy Bills: A sudden boom for your energy bills should indicate that your radiant heat system is not running correctly. This may be due to a number of troubles, such as a malfunctioning pump, air leaks in the device, or negative insulation.
Strange Noises: If you pay attention to uncommon noises coming out of your radiant warmth device, together with banging, gurgling, or whistling sounds, it is able to imply a problem with the machine. These noises could be due to air bubbles within the gadget, a malfunctioning pump, or unfastened pipes.
DIY Maintenance Tips
Checking for Leaks: Inspect the pipes and fittings of your radiant heat gadget for any signs and symptoms of leaks. Leaks can lead to water damage and reduced machine performance. If you discover any leaks, it's vital to repair them promptly to save you similar damage.
Cleaning the System: Remove any debris or dirt from the system, as those can reduce its efficiency. Use a vacuum cleanser or a tender brush to smooth the system, paying special interest to the heating factors or pipes.
Inspecting Insulation: Check the insulation across the pipes or heating elements to ensure it's far in the proper situation. Proper insulation prevents warmness loss and guarantees that your system operates correctly. If you note any harm or put on and tear, consider changing the insulation to improve the overall performance of your radiant warmness gadget.
Professional Maintenance Services
It is suggested to have your radiant warmth gadget professionally inspected and maintained at least as soon as 12 months. An expert technician can become aware of any troubles together with your device and perform vital repairs or preservation to preserve it going for walks smoothly. During a professional renovation service, the technician will inspect the complete device, which includes the boiler or water heater, pumps, valves, and pipes. They will even test for any leaks, air bubbles, or other issues that might have an effect on the overall performance of your system. Additionally, the technician will smooth the system and perform any necessary repairs to ensure that it is ready for the icy months.
Upgrading Your Radiant Heat System
If your radiant heat system is old or inefficient, you need to don't forget to upgrade to a more recent, greater strength-green model. Upgrading your machine permits you to shop money on your strength bills and improve the comfort of your private home. When considering an improvement, search for a machine that is Energy Star licensed, as these structures are more energy-efficient and can help you keep cash in the end. Additionally, do not forget the size and format of your property whilst deciding on a brand new gadget, as unique structures are designed for distinct sized areas.
Energy-Efficiency Tips
Setting the Right Temperature: Keep your thermostat set to a comfortable temperature to keep away from overheating your private home. Setting your thermostat too high can lead to expanded energy payments and needless wear and tear for your device.
Using Smart Thermostats: Consider putting in a clever thermostat which can mechanically modify the temperature based totally on your possibilities and agenda. Smart thermostats can help you save cash for your electricity payments by way of ensuring that your machine isn't walking whilst it is not wished.
Proper Insulation: Ensure that your property is nicely insulated to reduce heat loss and enhance the efficiency of your radiant warmth gadget. Insulating your partitions, floors, and ceiling assist you to store cash on your electricity payments and keep your house more comfortable all through the winter months.
Common Issues and Solutions
Air Bubbles in the System: Air bubbles can reduce the efficiency of your radiant warmth device by way of blockading the float of hot water or disrupting the heating factors. To remove air bubbles from the system, you will need to bleed the system. This involves starting a valve on the device to permit the air to break out.
Corrosion: Corrosion can arise in the pipes or fittings of your radiant warmness system, leading to leaks and reduced efficiency. To prevent corrosion, ensure that your machine is nicely maintained and that any leaks are repaired promptly. Additionally, keep in mind installing a water softener if your water is difficult, as difficult water can boost up corrosion.
Pump Issues: If your pump is malfunctioning, it can lead to decreased flow and choppy heating in your property. To solve pump issues, you may need to repair or replace the pump. It's essential to have a professional technician diagnose the problem and perform any vital upkeep to make certain that your system is running correctly.
In conclusion, making ready your radiant warmth gadget for winter is vital to make certain that it keeps you warm and comfortable at some stage in the bloodless months. By following the tips outlined in this text, you can make sure that your radiant warmness machine is ready to carry out effectively when you need it maximum. Remember, regular protection is prime to maintaining your device going for walks smoothly and successfully. If you want professional renovation services to your radiant heat system, touch Harris-Dudley Co. At 801-363-3883 to time table an inspection today.
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rbdmachinenet · 3 months
Taming the Torrent: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Water Pump
Demystifying Water Pumps:
The ABCs of Water Pumps: A beginner-friendly guide that explains what water pumps are, how they work, and their different types (e.g., centrifugal, submersible, jet pumps).
Household Heroes: Everyday Uses of Water Pumps: Explore the various applications of water pumps in homes, like boosting water pressure, draining flooded basements, or supplying water for irrigation systems.
Choosing the Right Pump for the Job: Equip readers with a decision-making guide to select the most suitable water pump for their specific needs (e.g., well depth, pool size, pressure requirements).
Troubleshooting and Maintenance:
Pump Up Your Knowledge: DIY Water Pump Maintenance Tips: Provide a step-by-step guide on basic maintenance tasks like priming the pump, checking for leaks, and winterizing the pump.
When Your Pump Goes Silent: Troubleshooting Common Water Pump Problems: Offer solutions to identify and fix common issues like low water pressure, pump not starting, or strange noises.
The Lifespan of Your Pump: Signs It's Time for a Replacement: Educate readers on the average lifespan of water pumps and signs that indicate it's time for a new one (e.g., frequent breakdowns, declining performance).
Going Green with Pumps:
Harnessing Nature's Power: Exploring Solar-Powered Water Pumps: Discuss the benefits and considerations of using solar-powered water pumps for eco-conscious homeowners.
Pumping Up Efficiency: Choosing Energy-Saving Water Pump Models: Guide readers on selecting water pumps with features that minimize energy consumption and reduce electricity bills.
Water Wise Pumping: Tips to Conserve Water While Using Your Pump: Offer strategies to use water pumps efficiently, such as optimizing irrigation schedules and minimizing water waste.
Engaging the Reader:
Ask the Pump Doctor: Host a Q&A session where readers can submit questions about water pumps and get expert advice.
The Water Pump Hall of Fame: Showcase innovative water pump technologies and models that are changing the game.
DIY Water Pump Projects: Provide step-by-step tutorials for small DIY projects using water pumps, like building a rain barrel system or creating a water feature.
By offering a variety of informative, engaging, and practical content, your water pump blog can become a valuable resource for homeowners and anyone who wants to understand and maintain these essential household components.
Contact Details 📞📞 +91-9694949030 📞📞 +91-9782949030 https://www.rbdmachine.com/collection/irrigation
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