#Stunning as always TvT
vioartemis · 11 months
Mrs Ortega
(Jenna Ortega x fem! reader)
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Summary: Wednesday made Jenna famous, and put in danger your relationship Warnings: angst :)) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
You had known Jenna since forever, as you were neighbors back in the days. Naturally you became friends, and eventually started dating in 2020. You spent most of the pandemic together, as no one could really work at the time, and after that you tried to accompany her as much as possible on her shootings.
She had tried to convince you not to, aware that it was a huge sacrifice you were making for her, but you didn’t listen. You took online classes while she was working, and when she came back, you would spend the night together.
Your girlfriend had been busy with the shooting of Wednesday for the past few months. You had traveled to Romania with her and befriended her castmates.
The series was about to have its premiere, and Jenna wanted you to accompany her to the event. And of course you said yes, because how could you deny her?
“How do I look?” she asked, stepping out of the bathroom
“Stunning, as always” you replied with a bright smile, looking her up and down
You took her hands in yours, pulling her a bit closer, and pressing your lips on hers in a tender kiss.
“You rock that look Jen, seriously” you smiled “The black dress and veil… everything is perfect”
“Yeah? Well I hope one day I will wear it in white with you waiting for me down the aisle” she said with a little smirk
You felt your cheeks burn at the thought.
“A-are you talking about… getting married?”
She nodded with a smile.
“I know you’re the one, Y/n. You’re my soulmate, I’m sure of that. Don’t you want to become Mrs Ortega?”
“Y-yeah I-I mean- of course! I’d love to marry you” you kissed her softly “I just wasn’t expecting you to talk about that right now”
“So it’s a yes?”
“Of course it is”
The series had been released a month ago, and it was a success. Wednesday’s popularity was worldwide, and so was Jenna’s. She wasn’t unknown before that, but now she really was famous.
You were happy for her, seeing her career take a new turn like that, but you had to admit she was acting weird lately. You tried to talk about it, but every time she assured you she was fine. You ended up thinking she was just getting used to be super popular.
Jenna had finished her day and you were waiting for her, swimming in the hotel’s pool. She texted you a few minutes ago, telling you she would be here soon but that her agent wanted to talk to her first.
You wondered what her agent could be telling her, imagining different scenarios, before your attention was caught by footsteps coming towards you.
You swam in her direction, a big smile on your face, as she sat on the edge of the pool, legs in the water. You put your hands on the ground, ‘trapping’ her between your arms, and lifted yourself up to kiss her lips.
She kissed back, but you could feel something was off.
“What’s wrong?” you asked softly, back in the water
Jenna wasn’t looking at you, but you could see on her face that she was not okay.
“Jen, you can talk to me… I’m here, I’ll always-”
“Y/n.” she cut you off “I- I’m sorry I… We can’t continue…”
“What…?” you frowned, completely lost
She took a deep breath.
“My agent… He told me that being with a… a ‘nobody’ wasn’t good for my career, now that I start to be more famous…”
You couldn’t believe your ears. The words were stuck in your throat; it took you a minute to be able to say something.
“Are you serious…? Y-you’re ready to throw everything away because your agent told you it wasn’t good for you career?”
“But nobody cares who you’re in a relationship with…!” your voice broke as you tried to hold back a cry “Jenna please… Y-you can’t do that… I- you’re everything to me, I can’t lose you… I-if it’s really a problem w-we can see each other in secret or… or…”
Your eyes were filled with tears, and it was taking you all your strength not to break down in front of her.
“W-we can’t, the paparazzi would find out eventually… I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would end this way… I- I love you so much… But I have to…”
You could hear that she didn’t want to do it either.
“Jen please… There has to be another way… I… We were talking about getting married and… and now we would just stop like that…? No, please… I-I’ll do anything…”
She finally looked at you. You saw the tears in her eyes, the look on her face, the way her bottom lip shivered. You knew nothing you would say would change anything.
“I’m sorry…” she whispered
The ache in your throat only grew stronger, preventing you from speaking.
Jenna stood up, and gave you one last look before walking away, leaving you alone in the pool with your broken heart, tears flooding down your cheeks.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
A few months had passed since the forced breakup, and you were still not doing okay. You felt empty, as if a part of you left with her that day.
And the pain… The pain never left. Sometimes it was so high you felt like you would throw up on the spot. Seeing her happy during interviews or events, or even on TikTok or Pinterest felt like a stab to the heart.
You honestly didn’t know how you were going to live without her. She was the love of your life, your soulmate…
Sometimes you wished she never became famous. Then you felt guilty for thinking about that. But again, if she never became famous you would still be together. Happy.
Your phone rang. It was your best friend, worried, as always since it happened. You picked up with no energy.
“Hey… how are you feeling?”
“… I don’t wanna talk right now…”
“Okay um… Do you want me to come over? We can play some games or-”
“I just wanna watch TV…”
You could ear her sigh on the phone.
“I understand what you’re feeling but… staying alone isn’t going to help you… I’m always here if you need me, call me when you feel like talking”
With that, she hung up.
You put your phone down, turning your attention back on the TV. You were changing the channels, trying to find something you actually wanted to see, when you saw her.
A part of you wanted to change the channel. The other told you to stay. To stay, and try to see if she showed any sign of missing you. Of being sad. Of anything that could prove she cared about you and regretted breaking up.
She was beautiful, as always. She was being interviewed by a random journalist, a smile on her face. The same smile that sent butterflies in your stomach every time you saw it. The same smile that made you fall in love with her all over again. The same smile that was hurting you so badly at the moment.
You couldn’t help but have flashbacks of the moments you spent together; your first dates, first kiss, nights cuddling comfortably, laughs at the stupidest things possible, playful fights while playing video games, discussions about eventually getting married… and when she told you it had to end.
You didn’t realize you were crying until your eyes started to hurt. You didn’t even bother whipping your tears away.
“… I should’ve stayed in the pool and drowned so I didn’t have to watch you leave…”
You thought you would never be happy again. It just hurt too much.
If she looked happy on screen, as soon as she was alone and away from the cameras, Jenna let her mask fall. She was as devastated as you if not more, knowing that she was the one to hurt you.
She never wanted that. All she wanted was to be with you.
She really meant it when she said she wanted to marry you. But her agent and her family put so much pressure on her, to do anything for her career, that she had to leave the most important person in her life.
She thought about you all the time. She even tried to message you multiple times. But she never seemed to find the right way to do so.
“I don’t know where you are right now…”
That sounded weird.
“Did you see me on TV?”
That sounded pretentious, and made it look like she didn’t care about what happened.
“I try not to hate myself just because you’re mad at me��”
That sounded like she was trying to make herself the only victim in the situation.
But she did hate herself. She fucked everything up.
It was destroying her from the inside, taking all her energy. She just wanted to sleep with you in her arms, like you used to.
She wanted everything back. Your laugh, your smile, your voice, your shitty jokes, your kisses, your hugs… You.
She wasn’t happy without you.
She found no pleasure in anything, no joy in things that used to make her happy. Her favorite food didn’t taste good anymore, her favorite song didn’t sound good anymore…
Sometimes she wondered what would have happened if she hadn’t broken up with you. Maybe you would be married by now. She could call you her wife. You would be happy together.
These thoughts only hurt her more and made her feel like more of an asshole than she already felt.
She just wished she could go back in time and tell you that even if everyone was telling her to leave you and think of her career, she was choosing you. Tell you how much you meant to her. How you made her life better. How she couldn’t be happy without you.
But she couldn’t. And she would forever regret what she did that day.
a/n: this was highly inspired by that TikTok :))
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y-vna · 10 months
hi lovelies! Final results for #shortcake : the event is in!
I had soooo much fun making this event im so glad you guys liked it! I loved all the mood boards a lot, please don't be discouraged if you didnt get picked. I'll probably host another event at 300 (and we're already at 240!) but more creative, so you always have more chances :33
if you don't dm me to claim your prizes, I'm not responsible for remembering to give you your rewards. (Scroll to the end for prizes)
anyway the winners areeee:
( i tagged all the mbs and then like only two of the links saved and im lazy to do it all again cuz its a lot..aorwy TvT)
1st place
🍒 : @p-oisn 's ADORABLE Cherry Jam and Rei moodboard!! OKAY, LISTEN TO ME GUYS BEFORE YOU THINK: "But Ari, this is clearly rigged! You cant pick your pookies first just cuz u wanna!" I swear this is all fair play, JUST. LOOK. AT. THE. MOODBOARD. LIKE OMGG ARE YOU FRRR?? ITS SO FRIGIN GOOD!!!!!!! icons match great, everything looks cohesive, and for a strawberry shortcake event, the dark theme stood out in a good way! Still matched the theme, met my expectations and exceeded it even, and overall deserves the win <33
🍑 : @dollries 's little appricot and chaewon mb! I'm so fr, the color and vibe are everything squeeeaaaal! Matches perfectly, the hues are literally in sync, I love this one a lot :3
🍨 : @wcnbear 's cute suzette crepe and yena moodboard! I immediately fell in love! Maybe I'm just a sucker for pink, but the cute sweet vibe i got and the icons fitting together like puzzle pieces making a pretty picture. I heart this mb fr.
🍎 : @bellelovesyou 's super cute apple dumpling and rei moodboard! Fits adorable together, really honored the theme and made everything work. I admire how the icons were all made to look more pleasant overall!
🫐 : @c-hance 's Blueberry muffin and sakura moodboard! The gif is saur cutieee!! The concept is adorbs. the color of the blue was pretty and consistent, and I loved it :)
❄️ : @jenfaery 's frosty puff and chaewon moodboard! The icons were so 5 the striking blue to match frosty puff's color scheme, combined with the elegant white reminded me of the cold weather outside now and I could feel the season winter in this moodboard :>
3rd place
🍇 : @19kisoir 's giselle and sour grapes moodboard! The purple is stunning, the Taylor swift lyrics made me dizzy on the groundsd!!! Yeah, super cute!
🌱 : @lovveons 's coco calypso and chuu moodboard! The messy aesthetic was done nicely, some subtle green, smart use of colors! There's nothing else to say besides that, it's pretty!!
🌸 : @sakkurify 's hayoung and cherry cutter moodboard! I can clearly see the effort put into this! Cute, not overcrowded or empty. Pleasant to look at, and fits the theme well!
1st place:
70 reblogs, follow back, 2 moodboards from me, 2 gifs, or/and headers from me if you choose.
2nd place:
50 reblogs, follow back, 1 mb, a gif, and/or header from me if you choose
3rd place:
30 reblogs, follow back, 1 mb, one gif OR one header if you choose
Honorable mentions:
Fllw back, disclose blog, 20 reblogs
5 reblogs
I'll make better prizes next event, and hopefully I can finish all the reblogs and stuff in about a week or so. Tysm all for joining ilyasm <33
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Tried to do the Dandy's world style. He's always gonna have that :ɪ face lmao, also srry if my watermarks blocking a lot- TvT
Collie is an ice cream, as you can see, he absolutely sucks at extracting and he's more of a survivalist.
Collie's ability is that he can take one of the cones from his head, scoop out a part of his head (it costs one heart) and places it on the ground for twisteds. If a twisted runs into the trap, they slip and are stunned for 3 seconds, or at least enough to get away if you are being chased. Traps last for the entire floor and non-twisted toons are not affected by it. After ability use, his appearance is permanently altered until the user leaves the game. Even if they get healed, (Cosmo, bandaids, medkits, etc) he will still be altered and that use is not coming back. He can only use his ability twice for the entire game (because he has two cones on his head and each use costs one heart)
This is pretty much the same for twisted Collie, except when a toon runs into it, they are stunned for 5 seconds and once they are unstunned, they get slow ||| for a few seconds. (It's like that because in Twisted Collie's appearance, he had almost half his head taken off for the trap) The trap is already pre-placed once the floor is open.
His trinket increases stealth by 1 unit, as well as increasing the stamina regeneration by 25%
Also Collie is supposed to be enemies with @nillimi-theartist 's oc that she named Cledy, but she hasn't drawn her yet- (apparently they don't like each other because Cledy keeps eating the ice cream traps that were meant for the twisteds and Collie keeps getting annoyed by that because he loses a heart in order to place that. When is Cledy gonna realize that it came from the floor-)
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gralunaisland · 3 years
So listen bestie, did you read the latest chapter(you know for the queen)? If you haven't already just go and read chapter 103!!! Ahhhhh I'm dying over all the Lucy love we're getting after the recent chapters and I don't even know what to do about this ahhhh!!!!! And did you read the 83th chapter? All badass Lucy things going on and you shouldn't even dare miss them. As I promised, I'd try to make a masterlist for you so you can skip Gruvia/Juvia moments. Just wait and you can actually read the sequel with ease. But before anything else, go read the latest chapter!
Ok, reading this made me smile. I love your energy, Anon!
Thanks, bestie, for reminding me to read it! Our queen Lucy deserves more from me! I'm sorry I hadn't already, I was mad cramming for two exams TvT. I am reading it while I write this response as we speak, though, so I'll give you my thoughts in this post!
I am being legit when I say I got chills from reading Chapter 103!! Look at Lucy being an absolute badass who loves her family as usual!! She's grown so much in power!! This is why she is best bae.
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^^And it seems everyone agrees with you and I about that >:D. This is one of the rare moments I'm proud of the Fairy Tail fandom tbh. x_x
(Notice how neither Gray nor juvia made it?? Though I checked, and apparently juvia is 6th place and Gray is 7th. But just look at that. This new gross version of Gray is so unpopular he's not even top 6 even though he's one of the main characters; he doesn't even beat the sick woman who harasses him! Mashima is a disappointment for writing him that way. With juvia, we already knew that, and now I'm back to not being proud of the FT fandom for putting her manipulative ass so high on the list. Ok enough of the rant, this is supposed to be about Lucy and her amazingness.)
Then I read Chapter 83, and again, Lucy is absolutely stunning! She works as one with all her Celestial Spirit partners; her absolute trust in them and their trust in her is always so beautiful to witness honestly. This is a perfect example of her being smart and strong and quick on her feet.
And thank you about the masterlist!! I cannot wait to see it so I can finally enjoy 100yq!!
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
YES, do the silver birthday continuation !!! I trough about asking you about it , but wasnt felling well and forgot anything about asking TvT Doesnt matter who wakes him up (through it would be fun to see everyone fighting to be the true love smoch, and wakes with a platonic kiss in the forehead/cheek by grimm pretty please) but if its other thing it would be great without doubt! Have a nice day!
I don't know who you re but who in the world you know my draft?! XD I've thought about Grim's platonic kiss ending since thought of making a sequel popped up because we need more platonic true love kiss!
So, enjoy this continuation!
Intentional Kiss
The party was doing great until it wasn't. The music suddenly stopped. It was like the air had been sucked out of the bright colored room, everyone stunned in the face of something they ha never seen before.
Malleus Draconia, Prefect of Diasomnia, stumbled into the party room. Before anyone could assume or commented that Malleus finally got his invitation, they realized he was carrying something.
Or someone to be exact.
In his arms, he was holding a first-year that everyone had known as the 'Captain of Ramshackle Dorm'. He was sleeping peacefully, cradled securely in Malleus' grip like a baby. That should be fine. But Malleus looked like he was on the verge of panicking. This was probably the first time anybody ever seen (except perhaps Lilia, Silver, and Sebek) Malleus so out of character.
"Get help."
"What do you mean he can't wake up?" Deuce's question basically summed up everything that currently in their mind. The prefects, along with Crowley, Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Lilia were gathered back at the Ramshackle Dorm. Jonah was sleeping peacefully in his bed, under the blanket. He didn't look sick despite the sleeping curse.
Ace groaned, massaging his forehead. "How many time does this make him trying to get himself killed?" he muttered.
"He couldn't help it," Lilia spoke. He was sitting on the stool next to the bed, hand gently patting the blanket, trying to smoothed the wrinkle on the sheet. Glancing to the headmaster, he watched the man caressed the boy's head. If this was just an ordinary sight, Lilia might say that Crowley was trying to lulled Jonah to sleep. "The curse of the Witch of Thorn's spinning wheel is always looking for an innocence prey."
Riddle had his arm crossed in front if his chest, but his fingers kept tapping his upper arm. "If the curse still the same, does that mean the cure will also be the same?"
"'An act of true love thaws a frozen heart' was it?" asked Idia from the corner of the room.
"No that's a different curse," Malleus said. Most of the Prefect avoided the Diasomnia Leader because of the dangerous aura emitting from him. "'The princess can be woken from her death sleep, but only by true love's kiss. This curse will last till the end of time. No power on Earth can change it.' That was what she said."
Azul stopped shifting anxiously beside Riddle. "So, we just need someone to kiss him?"
"NO!" Everyone turned to Crowley who pulled Jonah's blanket until it reached his head. "I will not allowed all of you to kiss him on the lips without his consent!"
"He's in a sleeping death! He doesn't need consent!" Ace screamed back.
Kalim looked at the rest of the gang. "Does he love anyone?"
Leona shrugged from his position on the room's armchair. "We all know that brat is too dense to realized his own feeling."
Kalim hummed for a while, tapping his chin as he think. Then he perked up, hitting his palm with his first. He turned to Azul. "Azul should try first."
Azul's face immediately went red, meanwhile Ace and Deuce let out an incoherent sound of protest. "Wh-Why me?"
"Well, you like-like him, right?" Kalim asked back. "So it should work."
Ace stood up from the floor. "Like hell we'll let him go first before Riddle!"
It was Riddle's to blush heavily. "E-Eh?! D-Don't joke around!"
"So this is the power of harem protagonist," Idia muttered, to which Leona let out a tired sigh.
Vil finally stepped up, glaring at the two boys for their childishness. "As much as amusing this shipping war is, I don't want to see my baby brother got stuck in an every lasting slumber."
"Then why don't you start?" Leona said, lips curling up to challenge him. "It's not technically incest."
Vil glared at the lion, but he sighed in the end. "Alright then."
Everyone watched Vil walked up to the bed and pulled down the blanket, slightly disappointed that Jonah was still sleeping. Not waiting any longer, Vil bent down and kissed him squarely on the mouth. Quickly pulling back, he let out a sigh when there was no changes. Vil turned around, looking at the occupant of the room, one by one. "Well?"
Ace stepped next to Riddle, nudging him forward. "Come on, Prefect."
Riddle bit his lips. "What if it doesn't work?"
"We won't know if we don't try." Ace guided Riddle to stand near the bed. Riddle took a deep breath before kneeling, pressing an awkward kiss.
Nothing happened.
Riddle sighed. He stood up and turned to Azul. "You. Do it."
Azul raised both of his hands. "Riddle. What chance do I have if it doesn’t even work with you?"
"None of us want Jonah to sleep for a hundred years, right?" Riddle stepped forward, poking Azul on the chest. "So, take that risk."
Azul groaned. "Alright, alright." Walking toward the bed, Azul leaned down and kissed the sleeping pirate. He couldn't say that he was surprised when nothing happened. He glanced at Riddle. "Told you."
Riddle sighed. "It was worth a shot."
"Can I?" Kalim raised his hand. "Just to make sure..."
"Please." Azul stepped aside. Kalim walked to the bed.
"Sorry about this, Jonah." He dropped a lightning quick kiss against his lips. He let out a sigh of relief when Jonah stayed very unconscious. "Good. I-I mean, damn."
"Language." Leona stood up. He took a quick stride and gave Jonah a perfunctory kiss, much to everyone surprise of his spontaneous. "Well, now that's settled, I'll get the rest of the boy's harem."
"Hey, I'll come with you." Kalim followed Leona out of the door.
Lilia sighed. He gave the boy a small kiss. Nothing happened. He turned to Malleus. "Would you want to try?"
Malleus was silent, watching the sleeping boy. For some reason he felt guilty despite none of this was his undoing. Lilia walked toward him, giving him a pat on his back, enough to push him forward. Brushing the bangs out from the boy's face, Malleus leaned down and kissed him. Everyone let out a sigh of disappointment when nothing happened.
"Lilia, I'm going to find and alternate counter curse for this." Without waiting an answer, Malleus walked out the room, slamming the door behind him.
Lilia sighed. He turned to the remaining occupant. "Please, excuse us." He then walked out.
Deuce stood up from the floor. "I should try too." He knelt down next to the bed. "I swear, Captain. If it's me, I'll slam a cauldron at you." He kissed Jonah. He let out an exaggerated sigh of relief when nothing happened. He turned to Ace. "Your turn."
Ace rolled his eyes. "Don't make this sound weird." He quickly kissed his captain to no result. "Damn, we need to gather the whole school if this keep up. Why is he being difficult?"
Taking out the headmaster and Grim from the equation, everybody turned to the only person who hadn't had his turn.
Idia squeaked. "M-Me too?"
Azul rolled his eyes. "Come on, Idia. Be a good sport and kiss him."
Idia groaned. "Fine, fine." Quickly walking to the boy, Idia gave him a quick kiss and immediately step back.
"Not you either, huh," Riddle muttered. Idia sighed in relief.
"Can we keep Ortho out of this for now?" he asked. "If you're really desperate than I'll let him do it."
Crowley nodded. "Alright. The teachers won't be going into this yet as well."
The boy was still sleeping peacefully, unaware of the panic outside his sleeping realm. Grim flew down to the bed, curling up next to Jonah's head. You better wake up soon, Captain.
And thus the parade of people walking into the Ramshackle Dorm to try to kiss the sleeping captain awake started.
Jack and Epel stopped by. Epel kissed Jonah on the mouth. Nothing happened. He turned to Jack. "Come on, Jack. Your turn."
Ignoring the teasing grin from Epel, Jack kissed him. Nothing happened, but someone watching Jack blushing madly was pretty amusing.
"If the Young Master thinks this will work then I'll do it!" Even Sebek's loud voice couldn't wake up Jonah. Nor his kiss. Nor even Silver's kiss. Lilia and Malleus tried to cheer both of them up, especially Sebek, from sulking to deep.
"How tragic~" Rook wooed. "Forgive me, Vil. But it appears my kiss was not what he needed.
Vil sighed, watching his little brother worriedly. "We'll look again."
"As you wish."
Ruggie pulled back from his kiss. Nothing happened. "Well, I tried." He turned to Leona, stretching out his palm. "My payment."
Jade's kiss was short, but no avail.
When Floyd's kiss didn't work, he suddenly started to hugged Jonah until his joint nearly popped. It took all of Azul and Jade strength to pull him away. They didn't the captain to actually die from suffocation.
Jamil felt very uncomfortable when kissing Jonah while Kalim was watching. Both of them were relieve when he didn't wake up.
"A sleeping curse, huh?" Cater muttered. "Never thought I will see this happen."
"And only a kiss can wake him?" Trey asked.
Riddle sighed. "Hopefully."
Trey nodded. Going first, he kissed Jonah lightly. He shook his head. "Sorry, Riddle."
Cater tried next. It didn't work for him as well. "Anyone else?"
"We tried many already. But nothing worked," Riddle answered. Trey gave him a comforting one sided hug.
"We'll try more."
Crowley stepped into the room once everyone was cleared. Grim was sitting next to Jonah's head, weakly patting his cheek. "Do you want to sleep with Mister Trappola and Spade, Grim?" Crowley asked, walking up to the bed.
Grim shook his head. "I'll stay. Just to make sure no one is going to get in in the middle on the night."
Crowley nodded, pulling a stool to sit next to Jonah, watching the boy in his enchanted sleep. Using the edge of the blanket, he wiped the boy's lips. He would probably be shook knowing that his first kiss was taken away when he was unconscious.
Brushing his finger to Jonah's cheek, Crowley couldn't help but feel sad with how cold it was. The boy is always warm like the sun, not cold like ice. Crowley sighed, brushing the bangs of his face. He slowly lowered his head to Jonah's, pressed a light kiss on the top of his head. "I hope you have a nice dream, my boy." He turned to Grim. "Protect him well, okay?"
Grim nodded firmly. "I will." Grim stared at Jonah before reading forward, giving a small lick on his cheek before nuzzling him.
"Thank you." Crowley stood up again before walking toward the door. He reached for the handle-
Cowley quickly turned around. Grim stood up on the bed, his paws on Jonah's cheeks. "Jonah! Oil!" The cat started to licked the boy's face as Crowley ran toward the bed again, watching with wide eyes behind his mask as the boy slowly opened his black eyes.
"Grim..." Jonah slurred, pushing Grim's head away. "You're spitting all over me."
"JONAH!" Grim collided forward, hugging Jonah around the neck. "You're awake!"
"Yeah..." Jonah coughed. "Don't choke me though."
"Oh, sorry!" Grim and Crowley helped Jonah sit up, watching the color flooded his skin. Once the coughing stopped, Jonah looked around.
"Where am I?"
"Back in your room," Crowley answered. "What is the last thing you remember?"
"Well..." Jonah massaged his temple. "I think it was a party in Diasomnia and I went to find Senior Draconia, and then..." he frowned. "I did something...?"
"Yeah." Crowley let out a chucked. "You pulled quite a stunt today."
Jonah looked even more confused. "What exactly did I do?"
"You pricked your finger on the spindle of a cursed spinning wheel," Crowley said.
"You pulled a Sleeping Beauty at us!" Grim added. "Stupid Sleeping Captain!"
"Geez, it's not like I want to be the next Sleeping Beauty." Then he realized something. He looked around the room, noticing the wasn't anyone else beside the three of them. "Then, who is my True Love Kiss?"
Crowley laughed. "Only you can pull this kind of thing, Mister Argentum."
"Wait. Who kissed me?"
"Either me or Crowley," Grim answered.
"And before you throw accusation..." Crowley put a hand on Jonah shoulder, stopping the boy from screaming in panic. "I think the only explanation I can think of is your True Love Kiss isn't romantically, but platonically. True Love Kiss is basically a really unbreakable bond between individual. In many cases, it's romantic love, but for you, my only guesses is the trust you give."
"You just don't love someone because they're handsome or beautiful, but also trust and commitment. Tell me, Mister Argentum: knowing this, why do you think our kisses work while the others doesn't?"
Jonah looked down to his blanket. "Well... I guess I really trust you guys." He looked at Crowley. "Headmaster, you take care of me and I'm forever grateful for that. Not only that, you teach me many things I don't know. And uh..." He scratched his blushing cheek. "I guess I think you as a father for me."
Crowley laughed. "The feeling is mutual, my trouble-making son."
Jonah giggled and turn to Grim. "And you were there since the beginning. You are my best friend and I know you won't leave me alone."
"And I won't." Grim puffed up his chest proudly. "I will always be there for you even if the others are gone."
Jonah laughed. Crowley pulled the boy and the cat into a hug. "Thank you for waking me up," Jonah whispered.
Crowley pressed a light kiss on top of his head. "You are very welcome, my sleeping captain."
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pokemelody · 6 years
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The Glowing Hero: Firefly!!!
I made a new BNHA OC 'cause I have no self-control TvT Soooo funny little thing, I used my first ever OC which was a Bleach OC for this.  I'm not that into Bleach anymore but Sora always had a special place in my heart 'cause she was my first OC so I decided to re-do her as a BNHA OC ^-^ Name: Sora
Hero Name: Firefly
Quirk: Glow- She can emit a soft light from her body 'causing her to glow.   But she can concentrate the glow to certain parts of her body to make an intense light, which can be used to stun/ temporarily blind people.   She is also able to send beams of hot light out of the palms of her hands and soles of her feet.  She has a lens on her gloves and soles of her boots that work as magnifying glasses to increase the intensity of her beams.
Weakness:  Her hands and feet are tougher than the rest of her skin so her weakness doesn't affect her there as much.  But if she increases the intensity of the glow for to long on other parts it can burn her.  It takes a bit more for her hands and feet to burn.
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