#Sugar all around for these badly written characters
jacquesthepigeon · 1 year
Okay so like obviously not about peeps that just hc the characters differently from canon and enjoy that version
But my gosh the bar is so low for fictional white boys to be fandom favorites
Came across a sugar poll wherein adrichat had around twice the votes that maribug had and yeah yeah I’m sure his backstory resonates with some people and everyone is entitled to their own opinions but my goodness canon has written that boy so badly I genuinely cannot grasp why people adore him so much other than he’s white and male
Not saying all adrichat stans are sexist and racist but I know for a fact that if he were a girl of color his following wouldn’t be nearly as strong as it is now
It’s all just bs with people refusing to analyze their own preferences and letting themselves be led by white boy fever
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What the hell did people want Steven to do? Kill the diamonds? Yeah sure bro that's a great idea hey um what happens after he kills the pseudo religious being of godlike power? The issues on home world are systemic and run deep killing the diamonds would be horrible idea- yes they are dictators but you can't fix the issues fascism causes by just killing the leader and in some cases you make everything worse, i might not buy whites redemption (she went from genuinely terrifying matriarch and cruel to a blushy 'i must atone mess?) but steven was not a selfish idiot who forgives other people's abusers on their behalf, if another war started earth would be screwed, the solution to the problem wasn't as simple as kill the bad guy- to everyone who complains that diamonds will just start killing again- steven is taking active effort to make sure that never happens! I get why people are angry the diamonds get away with abusing pink, being dictators and still have power in home world- it feels like a major injustice but the bigger picture flat out shows that steven isn't being selfish for maintaining his moral purity (and even if he was I would defend him, the same way i do with aang and batman). While I have my complaints about the ending (mainly how white diamond was written) and hate how pink went from morally grey/questionable to evil hate sink, the fact that the secondary crystal gems, and lars and the off colors were basically irrelevant in the finale, but I will fight anyone who says the only way to solve complicated issues in the world is to 'kill the bad guys!' and that when fighting against racism or abusers or fascists etc the only correct way to deal with the problem is kill the people who are racist or abusive or fascist- some of you people are so focused on 'justice' or 'fairness' that you neglect everything's else like if I applied your logic to the real world we could just forget things like protecting basic rights or fixing systemic elements of social injustice etc, I genuinely hate the diamonds (especially white) and the og shows finale as a whole but steven is not an abuse apologist- he's a diplomat who uses violence as a last resort, there is a ton of other issues with su but God can we look at the ending with nuance? It sucked ass with the pacing and the fusion designs were pretty bad but it wasn't endorsing abuse apologism- Steven was focused on the bigger picture while I have my issues with him as a character sometimes I can say he was being noble here and was not a whiny piss baby, pussyfooting around something he 'needed' to do. The show was never about good killing evil and our 'moral duty' to do so, it was a show with anti war messages with a few botched aesops and wonky art, there's actual shit to complain about with steven universe but Everytime I hear all the comments about how toh made up for steven universe's sins or about how batman and aang are selfish etc it drives me insane,like I could point out so many unfortunate implications in su that are actually bad but y'all focus on the least problematic shit in the show and accuse of Rebecca Sugar a bisexual jew married to a black man of being a nazi apologist! You claim toh made up for the sins of Steven universe and laugh at the 'jab' the show made at Steven universe but there's a few things that don't hold up Dana is friends with Sugar (it is definitely not a jab) and the shows while they have similarities should not be compared, they are fundamentally different shows, like the stuff they do have in common (developing several characters that end up having no real effect on the finale or plot, badly written main antagonists etc) still don't justify the comparison yes they are filled to the brim with lgbt characters and are fantasy shows but one is magical girl/boy space opera about self love the other is a dark fantasy comedy that is about inclusion and coping with disabilities/trauma and while they have overlap they are not the same.
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phantomato · 2 years
2022 Year-End
post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year,
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year.
Thanks for the tag, @duplicitywrites! @yletylyf, do this with me. 💖
Five works
His Hair, Full of Blooms Tom Jr./Tom Sr.
I was terrified to write this and more terrified not to. Some of my best prose.
Proximity Tom/Aberforth
My new ship tag of the year. Abe snuck into my heart in how he connected to Tom, and I’ll always see them as friends, going forward.
Self-Worship Voldemort self-cest
I think the pining and the language came out beautifully in this.
Sieidi Voldemort/Nott Sr.
This was a light year for Nottmort, and when I returned to it after six months off, I wrote the type of romance that is closest to my heart. It was extremely disappointing to publish, but I am glad that I wrote it.
Widow’s Weeds Walburga/Minerva
I wanted to write this for an entire year before I got around to it. Walburga Black is one of my favorite characters in HP and a font of grief, which is where I’m happiest working.
I’m not great at maintaining multiple WIPs. Stretching the definitions a bit for this…
Decline pt. 2 - Nottmort, a new chapter for a story I’d meant to be finished
“Why have you come to see me?”
“I missed you,” Voldemort answered, simply, because it was the truth.
“Is that a new state of being?”
“No,” he admitted. “But I have missed you, and I wanted to see you.” He wanted more than to see Thoros. Backlit slightly by soft afternoon sunlight, Thoros’ mid-brown hair glowed bronze at the edges. Voldemort wanted badly to reach over the desk and join their hands, just to hold them; he wanted to pull Thoros to that ridiculous leather sofa—who ever sat in it, anyway?—and kiss him a little, then a lot. They could stop there, even if Voldemort would inevitably want more, if only he could hold Thoros’ face in his hands and kiss him until the sun went down and rose again.
MDN - I can’t reveal too much about this until after the exchange is over, but boy golly does it haunt my thoughts.
George laughed. His pale chest heaved with it, straining up towards me with each of his delighted breaths. I could see what the other men could not—for all of the frippery and lace trimming the neck of his bodice, suggesting a girlish bosom, he was completely flat. The low, square neckline cut across his skin, pressing in just enough to imply soft flesh which was absent. His chest served as no more than a place to rest one’s palm, if one did not mind that it would be empty.
RS - Nottmort with many side friendships, though it likely needs a plot to bear its projected weight. Whether this happens is up in the air.
“I’m contemplating a career change,” you tell Horace, understating enough for this century and the next. “I’ve recently found that my priorities in life have shifted, and I’m at a loss of… precisely what to do with myself. I have the luxury of time to consider my choice,” so long as you’re careful with money and you can gracefully exit yourself from the whole Death-Eating business, “but I’m not sure where to start.”
You breathe in. You’ve admitted to uncertainty. You breathe out. The world has not collapsed around you.
Horace pats his chest pocket for something to do, and then the tea is done steeping, so he takes a minute to fill your cups, to dose yours with a bit of milk and as much sugar as you’re comfortable asking. “Well, Tom,” he says, “I’m afraid that I don’t know how to characterize your current line of work. That does impede the sort of advice I can provide.” He’s very good at not tripping over his own words, and his mustache trembles only a bit, over ‘work.’ Poor Horace.
AC - Another gift fic. My consumption of English public school media is at an all-time high.
“Hand-delivery for you, only I didn’t think you’d want to actually touch the likes of me.” Guy tilted his head to look down; there was a distinct satisfaction in being taller than Fowler, for moments like these, when he was mostly certain Fowler wouldn’t be brutish enough to hit him. “Or perhaps you would enjoy it, if it were your cane.”
Three Improvements
I’ve improved my descriptions of setting and character. No more blank white rooms for me.
I think my period pastiche is getting pretty darn good.
Curating my fandom spaces. This one is a continual effort, but I am working to value my own happiness more.
Two Resolutions
Work on plotting. I’m not a plot-driven writer, but I would like to have the tool in my toolkit—right now, plots are a fluke rather than an intentional choice. I could do more here, and I think practicing with something like e.g. casefic would give me more options. Or, if I truly hate it, at least I’ve faced that head-on.
Use more metaphors. To go alongside the description improvement, above: fine-tune when a metaphor would be better than a physical description, and then create them.
One Line
I don’t think of my writing in terms of singular lines. If I did, I might have better summaries.
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48 + 50!
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
no one in either story is textbook "perfect cinnamon roll" but sasha ramirez and gigi (gianna crane (shes from cannibalistic pigeons, the project partner i mentioned)) are close contenders. Sasha is a nice person, but not like the pure and innocent variety yk? gigi on the other hand, does start out in cannibalistic pigeons as like 100% cinnamon roll but eventually unfurls completely as the forest begins to call her into it. kinda like how you unfurl an actual cinnamon roll, the sugar and cinnamon and sweetness is still there, it is fundamentally still a cinnamon roll, however it is now a strip of what it once was. or something like that idk the metaphor got away from me
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
uhhhhhhh this is really long so
the gloam started out as bnha fanfiction LMAO
from the basic idea i had written in my notes: "Izuku is accidentally taken to a different universe where the prototypes exist (yu takeyama=uraraka, that version of bakugou that was blunt about everything, other weirdly designed people like kaminari and toruu). The world is kinda in an apocalypse state thats overrun by creatures called aberrants. there’s “heroes” but they’re treated like pest control than celebrities (people still did hero gimmicks for the fun of it)
he ultimately made friends with the other versions. he was forced back home after katsuki was killed by aberrant and yu wanted revenge
when he wakes up back in the regular mha world, aberrants start entering the world and hes the only one who knows how to deal with them"
which in short: alternate universes or whatever. the reason why i abandoned this idea though was because it sorta molded izuku and several other characters into something that they werent. so i saw a post that was like something about fanfics turning characters into basically OCs and i was like. wait a minute. I CAN DO THAT
and so:
the first original idea used to be about 7 teens going on a big camping trip after graduating from high school. the main couple (sylvia + guy i forget the name of) get into an arguement, its super awkward so theyre all like ok ig lets just go home, so sylvia goes in the car with isaac and sasha and in this version, theyre not rlly besties, just people who are friends with each others friends kinda deal yk. but BOOM on the way back they get into a car accident. Sasha and sylvia r badly injured and cant get out, so isaac goes to get help but gets replaced by another person(same as happens in the gloam 4.0 (yeag there is a 3.0 im gettin there)). the rest of the group catches up, get out of the car, and get eaten by a monster. then the whole plot after that was that sylvia and sasha wanted to find isaac as the replacement admits that on the other side of the forest, theres an alternate universe that they could travel to find him. i have no idea what was so supposed to happen after so i scratched the idea.
gloam 3.0 was something similar, adding in the spiciness that the inside of the forest WAS the alternate universe and everyone in it was fighting for their lives. and also sylvia got a gun. what!!! then i scrapped it because i still had no idea how it would be ending or how the story would start because i kinda hated the car accident thing. i could never imagine it quite right.
then theres the gloam 4.0, where you BECOME this alternate version of urself by becoming a sick monster. and also i aged up the main three because i dont know how to write teenagers. im hardly one myself sometimes but i have hanged around both middle aged and old people for my entire life.
i did keep the original ig crossing a threshhold into an alternate universe thing as a seperate idea (anti-glory) but its not something im thinking or working on
(theres a lot more detail that i coul write here but im currently typing this in a moving vehicle and very sleepy)
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im gonna start this off by saying this year will mark 4 years of me with this bitch as not just an f/o, but my main f/o
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Keigo Takami, better known by his hero name, Wing Hero: Hawks ! from My Hero Academia. where do I even start with this asshole. being the number 2 pro hero of japan, he is cocky beyond belief in the best most infuriating way. i couldnt even begin to explain how much or for all the reasons I love and adore this stupid birdman, so instead I offer whatever this word vomit is
now I have *checks doc* 4.6k of just basic information about us written out so I'll try to give you the cliff notes version. I was originally going to school to become a search and rescue focused hero, but a villain incident during my 3rd year left me unable to continue with that plan. ending up in a low paying desk job, to get some extra income I signed up for one of the sugar daddy finding websites. and what do you know it just so happened to be keigo that was interested in being my sugar daddy. *insert devloping relationship, angst, and a time skip* wham bam a loving committed relationship is born. neither of us are the best at taking care of ourselves, but gods know we take care of each other
now enjoy some stupid random things pulled straight from my google doc;
He coos back at pigeons and will talk about "the pigeon tea". He talks about it so seriously that no ones knows if he actually can talk to the pidgeons or not
*puts on a sheet with slits for his wings for halloween* im a poultry-geist
late night slap happy holding his face v seriously asks “keigo can you talk to pigeons” “....coo” “tHATS NOT AN ANSWER???” v serious whisper “i am the pigeon whisperer”
obligatory picrew
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and a few more photos bc hes pretty and I want to show him off
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I don't have a ship playlist but I do have one for keigo that has a lot of love songs thrown in bc I'm a lovesick bitch so
I don't have a ship playlist for us but I do have one for keigo that has sappy songs in it bc I'm a lovesick bastard and of course that bled into his character playlist are you kidding me. so have that
◇─◇──◇── @mimic-of-hysy  x Hawks! ──◇──◇─◇
□ I wanna start with just how badly I think Hawks needed you in his life. Someone who can know him and love his every eccentricity, give him a reason care for himself by caring for you.
□ Something tells me he was never ashamed of having fallen in love with a non-famous hero. That he was so fully supportive of you in everyway and only annoyed by busybodies who asked when he'd grow out of this phase with you. His reaction, his publicist reminds him, could have messed with his ranking. He couldn't care less.
□ I think the public grows to love you too, for the record.
□ Why do I see him trying so hard to bake cookies for you as a surprise??
□ He has 100% "taught" you some bird speak. Jury is out on whether it was just to give himself a giggle or not. The mystery of does he REALLY speak PIGEON??? continues.
□ You love to tease him about the one time he walked into your balcony door, because holy shit, he turned himself into the silliest fucking stereotype. You occasionally bid him goodbye with a kiss and an affectionate, "don't fly into any windows today, birdbrain."
did I assume wrong?? yall are publicly together now,, right?
I'd love to hear more about the early days. The sneaking around and how quickly you both felt the connection hehe
Come make my day, tell me about your self ship, and get some hcs of your own.
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monkeydra · 1 year
Weird writing questions~ 7, 10, 18, 25 & 28 :D
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Bringing the ideas to life. I really really really love getting the story down on the page and making it something that can be experienced outside of my head, and taking other people along for the ride 10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
several! i can't think of quotes off the top of my head, but mostly it's lines that are very striking and simple/due to their simplicity. i love a well crafted sentence and have been impressed by people's creative use of grammar, but sometimes the simplest sentences pack a huge punch
and as for my own, several. there's been a few times where I wrote a snippet that I just fell in love with so now I have to write a fic to go along with it XD
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
I have no self control so you get three, all from wips i will hopefully finish sometime this century
“I could buy you a bar.” “Don’t buy me a bar,” Porsche said, barely paying attention to Kinn. “I already have a job. When would I find the time?” Kinn frowned. Porsche seemed to think he was joking.
This is from my Porsche collecting Theerapanyakuls au. I love the idea of Kinn eager and ready to spoil Porsche and Porsche taking it as part of their banter.
“Just stay here,” he muttered, clutching him tight. “Arm is bringing the car around, and then we’ll get you out of here.” Kinn kissed his chest where his shirt lay unbuttoned, where his lips had already been resting.
So one thing I'm kind of obsessed with is Porsche cannot lose anybody else, especially not Kinn, and meanwhile Kinn is pretty resigned to how much danger he's in constantly. In this, Porsche is frantic and trying to get Kinn back safely, and Kinn would also like to get back safely, but he's also not super stressed about it since someone trying to kill him is just a day ending in y. So we get anxious Porsche and Kinn who's just enjoying being close to him.
“You died!” Kim yelled, and Kinn froze in surprise. “You bled out on top of me! I sat there and waited with your corpse and I had no idea if you would wake up again!” His cheeks were completely red, his eyes wet and about to pour over. Kinn hadn’t seen him like this since he was a child. “I--“
This is from my in/spectre au. In this Kinn is functionally immortal and can heal from anything, including death. However, he's also one of the first successes from the process, so the actual limits of his powers are something they'll have to find out as they go. Kinn is, as always, resigned to the danger he's in, and he heals from so much that it just doesn't occur to him what it feels like for the people who care about him to see him be hurt so badly, even if he does recover. In this case, he shielded Kim with his own body because he's invulnerable and Kim is not and it's been one of the sources of Kim's nightmares for years because he saw his brother dead. I'm really looking forward to this au when I get around to it XD
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
one of my reapers takes her coffee as sugary as possible. like would you like some coffee with your sugar levels of sweet
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
so I haven't posted about them but my not!demon OC. my chaotic good/neutral little shit baby. I'm going to have a lot of fun writing her death puns and her being a feral bestie that causes problems on purpose
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creepyjirachi · 2 years
im so deeply curious on how you wish su couldve ended. genuinely i would love to hear ur thoughts
oh good god. kendra if literally anyone else on the planet had sent me this ask i would have assumed they were heckling me. this is like diffusing a bomb.
okay. so i haven't watched the show in a long time, like literally since it was airing, and i never rewatched. so if i were going to have a specific Better Ending in mind, i would have to rewatch the whole show first to get reacquainted with all the lore. BUT.
mostly, i just would have liked the show to have had more time. rebecca sugar and the crew took a massive risk on the gay wedding, and they understood that the show could have been cancelled right there. and that basically happened. their priorities were what they were. they wanted it that badly. i get that. but, obviously, the ending was very rushed.
su has a lot of flaws, but one of the things they actually did very well was having characters who were complex people who evolved naturally over time. except for when they didn't do that. i thought the diamonds, all of them but especially white and yellow, had very bad arcs. their development was so fast it was almost instantaneous. they were built up for so long over the course of the series, and the stakes with them were super high. i didn't think their changes of heart were very realistic. it didn't make enough sense for who they were as people. and it all just happened so, so quickly. it just fell flat to me, and it felt unearned and insincere.
i also didn't like how the finale just kind of threw in all the loose ends for no reason. every remaining steven fusion, just like...... was there. even though in previous episodes, those would have been earned by exploring the relationships between the characters in a meaningful way. but, whatever. chuck them in, who cares, the show is cancelled. ugh.
and beyond the finale itself, i just didn't really like how certain characters were written towards the end? peridot became like, dumb comic relief when honestly her redemption arc was one of the best things the writers pulled off on the show. they just constantly beat rose quartz's corpse as well, which....... started out as a deconstruction of her image as a Perfect Sacrificial Hero. which i liked. i like rose. i like that she's this bizarre antihero who simultaneously saved the whole planet but also (unintentionally?) imploded everything around her. everyone on the show has a complicated relationship with her and her memory, and that's a good thing! but in the later seasons, we almost exclusively see her in a negative light, even compared to characters like the other diamonds who did WAY worse things and DIDN'T try to grow or change. the way her story was told just gave off the impression that she was a complete fraud, liar, and manipulator the entire time. which, in my opinion, she wasn't! she changed and grew profoundly over time, much like literally every other character. i just would have liked much more closure for rose's story, rather than using her for endless angst fuel when she's the only character who cannot speak for herself. but whatever. whatever!
final gripe: a lot of plus size women (including me before i figured out i was trans) found a lot of joy in rose quartz over the first couple seasons. she was this beautiful, powerful, beloved character who was fat. i saw a loooooot of posts back in the day about how grateful people were to see her on screen. and i'm not going to say that she should have remained one-dimensional or that making her complicated was wrong. but having her turn into The Devil Of The Show just...... hits me kinda wrong. i wouldn't go as far as to say it's bigoted or anything, but it just makes me sad. it's like giving a kid their first and only toy, only to reveal that the toy is full of spiders. like, ouch.
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arlakos · 4 years
Things that I feel would have made Miraculous Ladybug a better show.
A Comprehensive Guide to what I would fix with Miraculous Ladybug, with 10 different Ideas.
WARNING: long post for mobile users
1. Combine the Riposte and Captain Hardrock episodes to introduce Luka and Kagami and have it be strictly a civilian episode.
After 3 seasons of Miraculous, I can safely say that I don’t care much about the whole lovesquare stuff, and to be frank I hate the fact that Luka and Kagami were added into the show just to be alternate love interests for the heroes.
I mean, Kagami gets a pass because she has a unique personality, but Luka is literally just every guitar teen ever, and is more one dimensional than season 1 Chloe.
EDIT: It really doesn’t help that because of these new ships, there is even more ship teasing that before, making the whole romance side of miraculous rather boring and filled to excess with ship teases
HOWEVER, if you really wanted to introduce these characters as alternate love interests, why not do something unique with it and in a way that won’t go over so long?
My idea is as follows
1. Have Adrien meet Kagami at fencing and Marinette meeting Luka with Kitty section.
2. Have the two main characters interact with these new love interests and learn more about them.
3. NOT have Hawkmoth come and akumatise anyone, because akuma’s shouldn’t be the only reason and/or way to progress the show or make it interesting.
4. Have the new single episode be about Adrien and Marinette falling for new people.
That way, the show can introduce the idea of new love interests, change the episode format so a bit so that its not so linear, and save an episode slot for a episode idea more interesting... Or perhaps instead restrict the whole alternate romance subplot to a few episodes as part of a small storyline and have the whole romantic subplot be done with instead of extending it is like with the Lovesquare over 2 seasons
EDIT: I don’t particularly like the ship, but the idea I’m proposing could be a good way to shorten it into a more coherent and more interesting plot, instead of adding another ship tease into the series that ends up tearing the fandom apart.
2. Have Season 3 be about Ladybug and Cat Noir teaching the 3 new heroes how to fight.
Season 3 is trash. There I said it. And its not just the episodes themselves are the problem. The whole season and the premises it tries to introduce are garbage as well.
Lets start with Lila.
Based off of the Chameleon episode, it was believed that Lila would be a more prominent character in the show, basically being a villain for both Marinette and her alter Ego. Despite that, her actual effect on the season was about as minimal as you could get, with her presence only being restricted to a few episodes (with these episodes more relying on everyone else being an idiot for them to work, Chameleon included). It also didn’t help that the show still stuck to the single episode format, meaning Chamelon, which was meant to be an episode that would set up a ‘war’ between Marinette and Lila was immediatly suceeded by episodes such as Gamer 2.0 and Animaestro, both of which did not feature Lila at all and took the tension out of the first episode (unfortunately not the salt though, rip Miraculous Fanfics)
Also, the Finale robbed Lila of her spotlight. Imagine being presented as the villain of season 3 only for you to be replace with a knockoff Queen Wasp 😭.
Season 3 also made the mistake of introducing new heroes into the show.
Now, I’m of the opinion that the new heroes introduce in season 3 were a mistake, because not only did the new heroes make the idea of getting a miraculous not so special anymore (with so many new heroes), but some of the designs, powers and/or Miraculous tools were not really that great. I mean, Viperion looks cool and all, but his tool is a goddamn lyre. At least a yoyo can be used to tie up people. And do not get me started on Pegasus.
Also, with all the new heroes introduced, it meant that the heroes from season 2 barely got any screentime. Chloe was made into a villain by the end of Season 3, while Rena Rouge got to appear once and my boi Caracace got only one episode out of the ENTIRE SEASON to appear.
But I do have a solution to at least on of these problems.
What if, in season 3, that season was all about Ladybug and Cat Noir teaching Rena, Carapace and Queenie how to actually be heroes and form a team of 5? It would help bring some new dynamics into the whole hero stuff, and we could potentially see more of the stuff that we had only seen in heroes day.
(Also, rewrite heroes day so that the 3 heroes don’t immediatly get akumatized and actually help Ladybug and Cat Noir. God, they got ripped off for all the hype build-up.)
It could allow for new stuff in season 3 such as:
More hero dynamics
Seeing Alya, Nino and Chloe adapt to daily heroics
Ladybug (and Chat) learning how to be leaders and mentors, which would then make the plotline about Fu passing on his title to Marinette make more sense and justified, since they didn’t do that in season 3 at all.
A more realised storyline about Chloe’s identity being public knowledge that goes on for more than two episodes
Also it means we could get rid of Lila...just saying.
3. Have Miss Bustier work to rehabilitate Chloe and have that be the starting point of Chloe’s redemption.
In recent months, there has been a lot of salt aimed at Miss Bustier, and to be frank I don’t think she deserves it. Her characterisation is honestly really heartwarming when it comes to the idea of teachers caring for their students, but her character can often be forgotten by writers, especially when they desire a story to tell. This can be seen as early as Origins, where she ignores Chloe outright bullying Marinette so the latter can stand up to her later on, but notices Ivan being angry at Kim so Ivan becomes Stoneheart. I personally think her character is lovely, and certain fanfic stories like the Miraculous World of Caline Bustier show that good side of her that so many salt fics fail to forget or intentionally ommit because of one bad episode where Marinette cries (chameleon).
However I do think that Chloe gets way out of hand in the show, and I do feel that despite her best intentions, Bustier not doing anything about Chloe for two seasons seems a bit...off putting.
But what if she did do something about it?
I think that the best way for Ms Bustier to act more like a teacher without breaking her ‘kind teacher’ status would honestly be to actually work on rehabilitating Chloe, either by working with her after school with exercises or recommending her to a psychiatrist for help. I know this can come off as dark for miraculous, but Chloe has already shown that her life beforehand has been a bit rough (even though it doesn’t nullify how she has acted in season 1), so it would make sense that Chloe would need some help with her behavoir/attitude. It would be a great way for Bustier to actually do something about Chloe’s behavoir, without compromising her kind personality. She is kind enough to care about Chloe being better, but assertive enough to do something about it.
Plus, for those who like Chloe, it could be a great way to redeem her properly without going back and forth between a ‘likable person but also bitch’ and ‘an asshole bitch with no redeeming qualities’ like in season 3. Plus it would then make Chloe becoming Queen Bee more fair instead of making it seem as if she doesn’t deserve to be a hero.
Also it would make those people who make salt posts about Bustier frick off. Leave her alone she’s a good character
4. Not having everyone immediately liking Ladybug/Marinette but not hating her either.
Ok, this is where I get really heretical with this post, especially because of how much of the fandom likes Marinette, but I feel that having every single character in the show immediately liking Marinette is a bit too much, at least for me. This sounds biased, but it causes problems for the show for two main reasons.
Marinette is kinda at this point a part-Mary Sue, at least when it comes to the idea that everyone in the world seems to like Marinette and the only ones who don’t are irredeemable pieces of trash who are probably villains (Lila and Chloe being Astruc’s favorite examples :/ ).
Marinette often has everyone agreeing with her on everything (when Lila isn’t there) and majority of the time she goes unnopossed with anything that she does, to the point where even a fireman doesn’t call the cops when he see’s her outright breaking into Adrien’s home (in Oni-Chan).
It would be more interesting (or at least more realistic given the setting) if most characters aside from a few important ones were mostly indifferent towards Marinette, aside from ones such as Alya, Nino, Adrien and Nathaniel for obvious reasons. I’m not saying they have to hate her, but it would be cooler if the rest of the class were more individuals with their own lives and focus, rather that characters with a trope who just revolve around Marinettes world. 
Also those girl squad moments in Miraculous seem kinda forced, mainly because Alix, Mylene, Rose and Juleka don’t seem like the type to hang with Marinette unless the episode calls for it like in Gigantitan and Reflekdoll.
Now, lets discuss Ladybug. 
To keep it simple, I think that it would make more sense if people weren’t immediately trusting of Ladybug at first, and I feel that as seasons go on, it would make sense that over time, people would eventually start to lose trust in her or start to feel angry at her for her inability to stop Hawkmoth permanently.
I mean, if you take episodes such as Syren (where said villain floods a whole city), it is likely that some people got hurt (or worse) and people would eventually start to worry that Ladybug could fail or that her Miraculous Ladybug could stop working. 
It would wouldn’t help that Hawkmoth is mostly focused on getting Ladybug and Cat Noirs Miraculous, and people would start to realize that and would start to get the idea that if Ladybug and Cat Noir gave up their Miraculous, Hawkmoth would leave them alone.
Now, don’t get the wrong idea, I don’t think that this has to be a permanent thing that constantly worries the heroes like in other shows such as Ben 10, but it would be an interesting storyline for Miraculous if some people in Paris would start to get fed up Paris being used as a battleground for heroes and villains.
Also, it would make sense that the class likes Ladybug at least, especially for saving them in season 1.
EDIT: Changed my opinion, read my reblog
5. Have Adrien fall in love with Marinette and Ladybug fall in love with Chat - AKA I’m tired of the lovesquare.
I’m gonna be frank with you, I’m a little biased on this one, mainly because I can’t stand the lovesquare stuff. Its annyoing because people fight over which ship they like, and tbh it has gone on for way too long.
It also doesn’t help that it ruins the main characters. Marinette suffers because she can act like a creepy stalker at times, memorizing his schedule and even stealing his phone, yet can’t even speak to him properly (or more importantly like an actual friend) in a majority of episodes, making her look both creepy and/or idiotic.
Chat Noir also suffers, but even more so due to double standards by the fandom. I don’t think Chat is a sexual harasser like SOME might want to thing (looks at the salty side of fandom), but I do think he flirts WAY the fuck too much, to the point where it wastes most of his character. At least him making more jokes would be better than flirting.
So, my idea is to get rid of all that.
Let Marinette actually talk to Adrien, learn about him, care about him like he’s an actual human being, and actually be a good friend for once rather than being friends through Nino and Alya. Let Marinette actually be kind to Adrien and have her actions make Adrien realize that he likes her more than a friend, rather than Plagg telling him something he wants to deny.
And on the reverse note, Have Chat stop flirting and be more caring. I want Chat to treat Ladybug like she’s the greatest thing in his world, and not by flirting with her during akuma fights, but by checking how she is daily, wanting to spend time with her on lonely nights to make her feel better, and overall being more a friendly (yet lovestruck) partner than the flirty sidekick that Astruc wants to relegate him as. By all means, let him pun and make jokes during fights, that’s part of his charm, but I want Ladybug to fall in love with a Chat Noir that stands by her side, cares about her to the point of overkill and makes her always feel better no matter how down she feels.
And THAT’S what the lovesquare should be about, a story about two characters falling in love with two amazing people, not realizing they are one an the same.
I want Adrien to fall in love with the extrodinary Ladybug who changed his world forever and the simple but amazing Marinette who loves him for who he is, and not what he is. I want Marinette to fall for the sunshine Adrien that is too pure for this world and made her smile on a rainy day, but also for the caring Chat Noir that has always stood by her side no matter how dark the situation has gotten when fighting Hawkmoth, and has always cared about her to the point where cannot help but love him for who he is, puns, humor, love and all.
That’s what I think would make good romance in Miraculous Ladybug
Also Adrien doesn’t deserve that kinda salt btw. FIGHT ME.
6. Have Akuma battles actually cause an impact on the show.
Akuma’s are both a curse and a blessing for Miraculous Ladybug. A blessing because the powers can be unique and the designs are pretty to look at (minus a few), but a curse because the way they are written is responsible for Miraculous Ladybug’s stagnation and also how character issues are resolved.
Someone gets sad because a personal problem, they get akumatised, the return back to normal thanks to Ladybug, and their personal problem is suddenly resolved. Rinse and Repeat. All of the damage caused by the akumas is fixed, and no one seems to be affected by the akumas long term.
So...why not change the last bit? 
I think that the akumas should do more than just trash Paris and not by being more evil, but by also have an effect on people mentally, similar to how people write about Chat Blanc causing Marinette to have PTSD. I don’t think the akumas have to be more threatening then they are, but I do wish that certain akuma’s or even the experience of being akumatized would affect certain characters more than what is shown.
Like say, how about an idea where Style Queen suddenly trying to turn Chloe into a statue, and not caring for the fact that she is her daughter, causing Chloe to straight up hate her now that her true colors are shown? Or perhaps an episode where people get hurt due to rubble from a battle, and one of the main characters sees someone greviously hurt despite them being fixed after the battle? These are just some ideas, but as is, akumas feel somewhat of a let down, because despite their cool designs, they are just one-shot glorified henchmen of Hawkmoth who are essentially forgotten after a single episode.
EDIT: I personally got some asks saying that giving characters PTSD would be a bad thing for a kids show, so Im just gonna clarify: I dont think that the characters should get PTSD, but I do think akuma battles should matter, given that some akuma backstories are made from more personal problems but are treated as with less seriousness than expected and often times fixed instantly by the end of the episode.
7. Give Luka a personality
Luka is the personification of every soft spoken teen music player ever and has the personality of the song Wonderwall. Next.
8. Have Alya not try to Figure out Ladybugs identity.
For someone who has read hero comic books, Alya should realise that trying to expose someone’s public identity is a VERY BAD IDEA.
9. Have Ladybug and Chat Noir unlock new powers on their own, rather than having to rely on Gimicky power up potions.
I’m gonna be frank, the power up potions are lame as heck. They are essentially glorified costume changes that add new stuff onto the suits, which doesn’t sound that bad until you realise that Miraculous Wielders are capable of Changing thier costume designs anytime they want, meaning more likely than not they could probably just change costumes without the potions. Even the Aqua form is pretty lame once you realise that Ladybug and Cat Noir’s tools function like water breathing devices.
Instead, I think it would be cool that as the heroes wear their miraculouses, they star to bond with them as they get close to their kwamis, allowing them to unlock new abilities over time, similar to how learning the basics of martial arts follows into more advanced styles. It would also make the miraculouses feel more magical and add more depth into them, as it turns the miraculous from magical jewellery that give powers, into a magical experience that grows and changes as the wielder and Kwami bond together on a spiritual and magical level.
It would also help to offer contrast between the heroes and Hawkmoth, because while the latter doesn’t have a timer for his powers and is stronger (for the time being), the heroes bond with their kwami’s and unlock new abilities in the process, while poor Gabe is stuck with his base powers due to forcing Nooroo against his will, only able to unlock more abilities through cheating (aka Scarlet Moth).
10. Change Hawkmoth’s story
Hawkmoth is about as bland of a villain as you can get when it comes to villainy. Even with the whole sob story of Gabe’s wife in a coma and her trying to bring him back, Hawkmoth himself has always been all over the place, especially when the writers try to bring the two sides of the character together. They want him to be unwilling to hurt Adrien in one episode, but then for him to be a dangerous and despicable villain in Chat Blanc. It gets really annoying, as they both want him to be a sympathetic villain, but also a villain who isnt afraid to be pure evil as well.
Also Mayura doesn’t help much with the story either. Before she was revealed, people were speculating that she was a new person would be the actual big bad of the show, and it was rumored that she would be Hawkmoth’s boss, and also the possible reason for Hawkmoth getting the Butterfly Miraculous, which could have been used to expand upon Hawkmoth’s character, and potentially have some sympathy given to him if the writers wanted to go that path, with Mayura being the new evil of the show. Unfortunatlely, it turned out Mayura was Nathalie all along, essentially being a glorified henchman for Hawkmoth, and not only that, but her powers were a copy and Paste of Hawkmoths own abilities (Villain infects an object, something something magic, Ladybug needs to destroy an object and purify it in order to return it to normal) 
They could have at least given the job of purifying feathers to Chat, would have made him more essential in season 3 if Mayura was actually used more.
Hawkmoth’s character has stagnated, and personally, I think he needs a rewrite.
Some ideas that I have for Hawkmoth that could make him a better character better are:
Have Mayura be the actual big bad of the show (and a completely different character) and have Hawkmoth be her (somewhat unwilling) lackey. She could also be written to be crueler than Hawkmoth, and could show how Hawkmoth is a more sympathetic character by having him only focused on his son like in Gorizilla, while Mayura’s the one more likely to pull a Chat Blanc situation and absolutely torture the poor cat into being an akuma. Also, it would still allow for those Nathalie/Gabriel moments without ruining them with character changes.                                                
Have the Butterfly Miraculous be corrupted with dark magic (thus allowing Hawkmoth to make possesed villains), but as a side effect make him more crazy, causing him to go from the kindness we see in Gorizilla to the ruthlessness seen in Chat Blanc. (On a a side note, the idea of the Butterfly Miraculous being corrupted would make more sense, given that it can corrupt people into being villains, and would also explain how something that is supposed to be used for good can be used for evil.)         
(My Favorite one) Have Gabriel and Hawkmoth being entirely seperate characters. Have Gabe keep the book like in canon and have the Peacock Miraculous be broken, but Hawkmoth is for all intents and purposes a different person who is also a villain. It would allow for Hawkmoth to become an actual villain without the moral restrains made in season 2 with the revelation in The Collector, while also allowing for a story with a nuanced yet kinder Gabriel. Perhaps even a story where Adrien reconnects with his father.
I think that all of these story ideas would really help make Hawkmoth a better character, either by allowing him to be a villain that the writers want him to be like in Chat Blanc, or the sympathetic villain that wants to fix his family.
And that’s about it! Do you agree with this list? Don’t agree? Got more ideas? Reblog this post and write about what you would fix with Miraculous
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vvienne · 3 years
Absolute Zero by jitterati
Pathologically solitary academic Chu Wanning left behind a life of research to enlist with the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps Jaeger team when giant monsters began to emerge from the Pacific ocean, eager to leave his personal entanglements behind him and join humanity's collective battle against the threat of extinction.
His goal is to build an artificial intelligence that will allow a pilot to operate a Jaeger mech solo - eliminating the need for pilot compatibility and the mortifying ordeal of being totally known by another person, a "neurological handshake" known colloquially as the drift.
He didn't expect his former students to follow him all the way to front line of the war against the kaiju.
Featuring lots of side character interaction, pining, yearning, questions on the nature of personhood, friendship between jerks, people coping badly with loss, snarky AI, and giant robots. Illustrations by Saika & Daru
Husky and his White Kitten Disciple by JustAMoon123
Within a lonely heart, the seeds of hatred start to grow.
-A 2ha Age and Role-Reversal AU.-
NOTE: This Story is Now E Rated!
[Before meeting Chu Wanning, Mo Ran had drawn his power exclusively from the Wood side of his dual Spiritual Root, and his Qi had always glowed green.
Now, only when in battle did it do so, with Bugui’s blade encased in a tyrannical green light.
Outside of battle, like when he set barriers of warmth; or made Crystal Butterflies to tease golden flowers; or cast a small array to keep a box of food warm, his Qi manifested with a gentle red glow.
Mo Ran’s Wood was destructive, while his Fire was protective.
Ah, Mo Weiyu, Mo Weiyu. Even your power betrays you.]
Burn, Pine, and Perish by moonqueenmaia
It’s been two days since Taxian-Jun’s last visit, and Mo Ran hasn’t touched Chu Wanning at all, beyond gentle and fleeting caresses. Chu Wanning decides to take matters into his own hands by surprising Mo Ran when he comes back to their home after a trip down the mountain.
it's no coincidence (it's a kitty-incidence) by lanzhan (gothguk)
There’s a white cat lounging in the middle of Mo Ran's bed.
to touch you with bare hands (even if it burns) by moonqueenmaia
Chu Wanning is a renowned professor of mechanical engineering at Sisheng Peak University. Beautiful, lonely, and talented beyond belief, he has spent his 32 years mostly by himself, silently and secretly yearning for affection and companionship. Yet Chu Wanning has resolved to himself that he will spend the rest of his life alone, no matter his hidden fantasies.
Enter Taxian-jun, an unruly, arrogant, and struggling student, fiery and domineering, who comes in and shatters the calm of Chu Wanning's life. They enter into an agreement, both burying their feelings underneath a storm of lust and lies. Yet amidst it all, something deeper may be helplessly and slowly blooming.
It is up to them to cultivate it, or destroy it for good.
cursed by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning and his disciples are sent to investigate an abandoned village, and Chu Wanning is hit with a curse.
Mo Ran was determined to treat his shizun respectfully in this life, but what choice does he have?
liar liar cock on fire by lofikv
I (32M) walked in on my roommate (23M) masturbating in our living room. Ever since then I couldn't erase the image of his penis in my mind but I found a sex toy online that is almost as big as him, so I bought it and tried it on myself so that I can imagine how he would feel inside me. I have also been romantically attracted to him ever since we started living together. How can I cope with this?
UPDATE: He caught me in the middle of an emergency.
(Absolute) Unit 311 by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning doesn't have a soulmark.
Neither does Mo Ran.
ducks entering highway by Sectionladvivi
Mo Ran finds out his well-respected, MILF-coded, tears-of-angels-tight-ass robotics professor moonlights as an erotic novelist. He immediately leverages this knowledge for an opportunity to play tonsil hockey.
to yearn by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning starts to cough up flowers. Taxian-Jun is angry. Chu Wanning is not allowed to die pining for someone else.
When it starts happening again in his second life, Mo Ran knows enough to worry.
from blossom to blossom to impossible blossom by Wildehack (tyleet)
Taxian Jun is the victim of a flower curse.
sticky fingers by fakeplasticlily
The man tosses the towel unceremoniously back at Mo Ran’s chest, like he’s personally offended by it. And the fact that his hands had just been all over said chest barely minutes earlier, maybe. “Please pack a box of egg tarts with extra custard filling, a box of red bean paste buns with extra syrup, a rice pudding with extra candied fruit garnish, and a box of osmanthus cakes with extra sweet pear jam.” Mo Ran’s eyes grow progressively wider as he lists the items. It’s him. Not the suburban mother of four, not the elderly guy dealing with a midlife crisis, but quite possibly the hottest guy he’s ever seen. Who also happens to have the highest sugar tolerance Mo Ran has seen in a human being in his two years of running this bakery. 
Hard to Love The Lonely Night by bloodsongs
Chu Wanning glares up at him, adjusting his women’s robes. “Still, why couldn’t you have been the wife instead?”
Coughing politely, Mo Ran looks to the side, avoiding his gaze. “Shizun’s skills with the illusion barrier far surpass this humble disciple’s, and, well…”
He doesn’t need to complete his sentence—it’s infuriating, but Mo Ran is now taller than him, broader than him, larger than him. Very much so. The young sapling he raised in Sisheng Peak is now a full-fledged tree, a man built like the mountains Chu Wanning has seen in his travels.
Chu Wanning and Mo Ran pretend to be a married couple visiting a small mountain town to investigate some suspicious disappearances. Mini Canon AU casefic. Contains spoilers up to Chapter 130 or so of the novel.
Purple Ink by jeejaschocolate
Chu Wanning is a robotics engineer who lives a life of isolation and loneliness, only partially due to his chronic illness. Eventually he gets so sick that he requires the help of a full-time medical assistant.
Of course, these days, all those jobs are given to CyberLife androids.
Chu Wanning resents the android they give him. From his fiery eyes to his long black hair, to his incomparable tenderness and consideration for Wanning’s feelings.
He resents him. All the way until he falls in love with him.
Fallen Flowers in Swallows' Nests by bloodsongs
You deserve better—I refuse to disrespect you ever again. I want to be better. I must be better.
But I don’t know how. I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know where Taxian-Jun ends and Mo-Zongshi begins.
I only know now that I cannot lie to myself: I want you so fiercely that I burn with it, I am consumed with the desire to make you mine and mine alone. To become one with you, feeling your fire twine with mine.
Or, Chu Wanning finds letters from Mo-Zongshi that were never shared with him.
These hitherto undiscovered letters cover a range of emotions that weren't present in the book he gifted his Shizun: contrition, yearning, and desire.
Counterpoint by senchafloat
Five years ago, Mo Ran was just a boy who loved playing piano—there were many things he didn't know. He didn't know how capricious and unforgiving the world of classical music could be. He didn't know just how lucky he was to have Chu Wanning as his teacher.
Five years later, Chu Wanning is now a renowned concert pianist, and Mo Ran is an upstart conducting student. When Chu Wanning shows up unannounced at his alma mater, Mo Ran has plenty of questions, along with a desire to prove his worth to his old teacher. But as it turns out, Chu Wanning isn't as invincible as he once seemed. As old secrets come up to the surface, the two of them are forced to reinvent the ways they'll make music together.
impatient to adore you by riverdanceeee
At some heartbreaking point in his life, Mo Ran accepted that Chu Wanning would never reciprocate his feelings, so he dealt with it as any other person would. He'd rid himself of his affection, respect their friendship, and learn to move on. But Mo Ran's affection runs too deep, and when any opportunity to spend time with Chu Wanning knocks on his door, he goes running to answer and accept. Even if it means he has to break up a potentially dangerous dog fighting ring.
To Bow Before A Willow Vine by bloodsongs
“I…” Mo Ran hadn’t thought that far. He shakes his head, lowering his head in deference, resting his forehead against Chu Wanning’s knuckles. "I'll do anything you want of me."
The silence stretches on for a beat too long.
"Anything?" Chu Wanning says eventually, tilting his head.
Written for 2Ha Week, Day 4: Reverse AU for the 0.5 timeline. When Chu Wanning storms Sisheng Peak and crowns himself the cultivation world's new emperor, Mo Ran trades his life for Xue Meng's. Contains spoilers for up to the end of the novel.
Call me by my name by rinsled05
When the man called Taxian-Jun arrives, years later, it’s the coming of a storm.
He sweeps into a dinner appointment between Chu Wanning and a client, clad in black, a smirk tugging at his mouth. Over the spark of irritation, Chu Wanning can’t help but admire his lean frame, the way his hair, cut rebelliously short, falls over smoldering, dark eyes. The way he towers over him, even when Chu Wanning rises to full height.
Chu Wanning’s heart races as Taxian-Jun leans in close, ignoring the shouts and gasps around them.
“Sakaki of Ran,” he purrs in their native tongue. “You’re mine.”
Chu Wanning lifts his chin. “I don’t know you.”
“You will,” Taxian-Jun says, and leaves.
In which Chu Wanning is a courtesan serving Chinese merchants in Nagasaki, Japan, and Taxian-Jun decides to make him his.
荷官牌型 ♠️ The Croupier's Hand by bloodsongs
In deep financial straits after losing his job as a teacher, a desperate Chu Wanning becomes a croupier at Sisheng's new casino.
The once sleepy town of Sisheng Peak grows busier by the day as the casino draws more and more tourists to their mountains. Consumed by his lingering regrets over the worst mistake of his life that destroyed his teaching career, Chu Wanning is too distracted to worry about anything else but his next shift, his next paycheck.
Except that's when Mo Ran, the reason Chu Wanning lost everything, returns to Sisheng Peak.
As the heir to the casino.
White Rabbit Club by minkit
Desperate to rid himself of a few pesky things called virginity and desire, Chu Wanning waltzes into a world he knows little about and right into the embrace of a mysterious stranger who reminds him of the student he's been dreaming about all year. The lust fueled dreams his student stars in are the very reason Chu Wanning applied to the sex club in the first place, and now he's desperate to get rid of these filthy impulses once and for all.
Congratulations, Chu Wanning, on your acceptance into the White Rabbit Club. We hope you enjoy your stay.
Risk and Restraint by purloinedinpetrograd
There is nobody Mo Ran works with who does not love him. He’s worked hard to cultivate this image while he climbs the corporate ladder at Sisheng, and it’s paid off in dividends. He’s in every WeChat group. He can call in favors with any division of any department. He can make even the tightest of deadlines relax their stranglehold on his team.
That is, there is nobody except, of course, Chu Wanning.
A Lingering Sweetness by theherocomplex
Chu Wanning is now all too aware of what he looks like: a dry stick of a man, never handsome, angular and cold and pale. A drab, short-tempered creature, as appealing as a splinter in one's foot. But Mo Ran looks at him as if he will never get his fill, and part of Chu Wanning thinks, What if —?
At the end of the line by PearlAquaBlue 
“So … I reckon someone thought you needed to loosen up a little bit. Now that you’re here, want to try it?”
Chu Wanning hangs up. Throws her phone on her pillow with a disgusted glare after it. Stands up and paces to the kitchen in long, angry strides. Her cheeks are burning. With trembling fingers, she grabs a glass and pours herself some water, gulping it down in one go. It doesn’t help much. She grips the kitchen counter tightly, then marches back into the bedroom to glare at the phone again. Her fingertips itch, and it’s as if some kind of magnetic force draws her closer and closer to her bed until her fingertips are but an inch away from that tempting black mirror. Before she knows it, she’s unlocked it unsteadily and pressed “repeat” on the last call.
“Welcome to Sisheng Peak – ”
“And what would that entail?” she asks, a little too breathless.
Let's Fall in Love for the Night by purloinedinpetrograd
Chu Wanning could only stare in horror as a large cloud of sickeningly yellow pollen rose from the field, blanketing the place where Mo Ran stood in a heavy fog. “Um,” he said lamely.
“Fuck,” Mo Ran cursed, and Chu Wanning didn’t even have the heart to chastise him for his coarse language, because he was too preoccupied wrestling the surge of fear at seeing his disciple disappear behind the haze of that indeterminately threatening dust.
A million terrible possibilities raced through his mind, each one more dramatic and gruesome than the last. His heart hammered against his ribcage, threatening to crack the bones. “Mo Ran,” he said slowly, “I think you should tell me what that does, now.”
Xue Zhengyong sends Chu Wanning and Mo Ran on a mission to find a specific ingredient for some concoction of his wife’s. Chu Wanning is torn between rejoicing at the chance to spend time alone with Mo Ran... and grieving over the very same thing.
But, well, it’s just flowers. What could go wrong, right? (Spoiler alert: it’s sex pollen.)
the day dawns in your hues by localshabba
2ha Week 2020 Day 1 prompt - Haitang
Schoolteacher Mo Ran is having an ordinary day until he has an awkward encounter with the notoriously rigid school librarian, which leads to the start of something new.
Also features: flowers, dinosaurs and lots of tenderness and pining.
helping hands by verity
When Mo Ran was but a young, innocent, virtuous grad student—well, one of those things—she built that couch from a flatpack box with her own two hands. Over the years, the smell of polyester and cheap foam padding has given way to an equally aromatic blend of Chu Wanning's haitang blossom perfume, spilled coffee, and white lithium grease. Chu Wanning herself is always perfectly dressed without a stain in sight. Even right now, her head tucked onto one folded arm, the other loosely gripping her tablet, she looks so formal.
Mo Ran gently rests a hand on Chu Wanning's socked ankle where it peeks out of those tailored white trousers. She really should behave herself.
She really should... behave herself...
in plain sight by localshabba
Written for a prompt fill in the 2ha Kink Meme.
"I have a surprise," Mo Ran breathed, coming to stand so close behind him that his breath landed on Chu Wanning's nape. Not touching Chu Wanning any other way, because he likes to make Chu Wanning lean back just a little bit, to seek out that contact himself.
"I think Chu-laoshi will enjoy it."
Chu Wanning is sure he agreed to the whole idea; he's just unclear on when. Things got hazy around the point when Mo Ran turned him around by the shoulders, got down on his knees and...well. Apparently he'd skipped breakfast that morning.
When he returned to his senses, his clothes were all neatly tucked into place, not a stain on them, and a charmingly pink sexual aid was nestled comfortably up his--ahem, inside him.
Now available in Spanish!
casually acquainted by tagteamme
Chu Wanning knows what he is and what he isn’t. And where he lacks in pleasantries and outward appeal, he makes up for in untouchable grace and dignity.
It threatens to unravel once he meets a familiar face in an unfamiliar city.
“So quick to run away from me, Chu-laoshi,” Mo Ran says, voice gently teasing as Chu Wanning refuses to make eye contact with him. “After you came all the way from…”
He trails off, waiting for Chu Wanning to let him know, but he sees the map open on Chu Wanning’s phone and grins wider. “You want directions?”
Chu Wanning clears his throat, and shakes his head. He should say something— instead, he stays silent as he looks down at his phone and punches in the hotel name again.
Happily, his phone tells him to try again when he has signal.
The Right Hand of Light by gedsparrowhawk (FaceChanger)
Chu Wanning is asleep on the bed, clutching his hands tightly to his chest and curled in on himself. He’s still wearing the same robes he was in in the water prison. On the writing desk, a bowl of water and clean linen for bandages sit untouched, and a tub of bathwater has cooled without being used. Mo Ran sighs to himself. Wanning is truly hopeless.
He sits on the side of the bed and touches Chu Wanning’s shoulder. “Wanning,” he says. “Wanning, wake up.”
Rare 0.5 tenderness, after the water prison.
nothing can consume you by tagteamme
Mo Ran’s violent history has never had to catch up to him.
It’s already embedded itself into him as scars on his body, as a tattoo on his forearm, as the lingering taste of blood in his sleep and finally, as the searing brand pressed against his chest before he’s thrown into the sea as punishment. He knows that this is where all his chances come to an end.
But as the deep fathom of the water swallows him up, something else saves him and pulls him to a tiny cove tucked away off the coast of an overlooked port town. When he wakes up under the care of a mythical creature wearing a familiar face, an even older and more distant past finally finds him.
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rended-symphony · 3 years
I LOVE UR HEADCANONS 💯‼️ nyways since requests are open can i maybe rq feral boys and how they would deal with a long distance relationship ? mine ended badly sooo i will be coping with this lmao 👍
honey 🥺 i’m sorry yours ended badly, i’m sure you’ll be better in no time !! (assuming “rq” means c! lol still gotta edit the “characters i’ll rite thingy but it’s fine sigwsjuswond but we all know i’m gonna make a second part with cc!’s 😐 love em to much bestie)
warnings : swearing
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~ c!dream ~
- of course it’s long distance he’s in a prison wihwksys
- his smart little head made a system where he could send you letters after sam stopped letting you visit (you visited him like everyday he suspected SOMETHING)
- he always seems so overwhelmingly sweet in the letters. just
- “and my love, each and every moment without you i feel like i’m burning from my core”
- meanwhile technos hovering over his shoulder like “bestie wtf”
- if he ever escapes he immediately runs out and tries to find you. most people hear that and assume he’s gonna try to… ya know… game end you
- and them seeing you as an innocent, try to protect you meanwhile you shove past them to go kiss your villainess boyfriend
- he is very passionate about most things, mostly you though
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~ c!george ~
- he just naps on kinoko kingdom all the time and you live in the old l’manberg area, literallyright next to the l’manhole (cough cough enemies to lovers, you fought for l’manberg and he fell for you while guarding the walls)
- whenever he’s up he makes sure to write to you, before going off to mess with sapnap and karl (and quackity when they eventually make up and he visits them all the time 😌👌)
- sometimes he travels to the main smp to visit you and those day are so relaxing
- just sitting on a hill, wtaching over the smp peacefully. knowing that now, finally, all the war is over
- dream xd got jealous at first but then he started spending time alone with you and adores you
- if george can’t bother with a letter he’ll just tell XD to tell you something for him since he can just teleport
- listen the postal service is absolutely shit and we all know it. like literally still trying to send letters between lovers that are shocked that celebrity tommy wifehaver innit died
- “hey can you go ask y/n if i can have that cake recipe? oh also add in a quick love you, please” “sure pretty boy”
- “y/n!!” “oh hey XD! what’s up?” “george says, “can i have that cake recipe? also add in a quick love you please!” and you pat his head and tell him the recipe <33
- he bakes as a pastime and nikki helps him out, their countries are very good allies and you and nikki hang out whenever your over there
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~ c!sapnap ~
- he cannot take staying away from you all the time, cc!sapnap literally made facetime canon JUST so his oc could talk to his lovers oc and it make slight sense
- the general situation with karl and quackity is that their all dating but your dating sapnap, but none of the others, though you are pretty good friends
- he used to live with you before moving to kinoko with karl and george, and you still have half his stuff at your place because he’s their half the time
- all the workers at the train are friends with him, so used to him going back and forth
- puffy will be out on a walk in peaceful times and always go “oh, other half of the happy couples back? good for you, sweet cheeks.”
- the whole smp likes to just watch you go on the longest walks. legit walked all the way to the arctic after being away from each other for a while.
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~ c!quackity ~
- he honestly low key prefers it
- he doenst want you to get all messed up with casino life, he does really miss you sometimes. definitely visits you and everyone else in kinoko though
- even in peaceful times Las Nevadas is a reck, they only times there aren’t any major fights is…
- when your around. honestly the citizens just have such high respect for you they wouldn’t dare
- doenst really bother with letters but rather he just. texts you through chat. it’s easier and he gets his responses quick okay-
- but, oh whenever he visits kinoko
- days are filled with sunshine and jumping from mushroom to mushroom shouting “parkour!!”, karl and sapnap following a small distance behind, all the citizens hearing distant giggles filling the whole country
- “michelle” is his favorite song to slow dance to and he has no clue why. he just loves the look on your face when he dips you at the second “you are a monster from hell”
- love slow dancing. cant say more, he just loves to kiss you while dipping you as far as he can without dropping you
- which he definitely has done
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~ c!karl ~
- cannot stand being away so much, sends like two letters a day and donates a fuck ton of money so that they can actually get to you quickly
- he loves just knowing that you giggled so he does random stuff in the letters to make you giggle.
- from just making stupid little dick doodles to literally sending it in a monster can as if he was lost at sea, he’ll go all out
- sometime he’ll hear a random noise and think it’s you doing your funky little surprise visits, but turns out it’s just a sheep that got it’s way into the house :(
- devotes lots little things to you. just a ton of rocks around the country written “karl + y/n <3”, torn up pieces of song lyrics karl wrote about you, toasts drinks to you. the kids literally make a scavenger hunt on items that like those that they found and placed around the country
- okay hear me out here- hear me out- he refers to the sun as your name. BECAUSE YOUR THE LIGHT OF HIS LI-
- ever heard “sugar rush” by addison grace? anthem
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Doflamingo x Reader
Title: Sweet but Psycho 1.2
[A/N: he is way out of character mainly because we all have that one person who terrifies us. Me personally it’s my mom, and even though she passed if I do something stupid, I get this sudden chill that has me thinking life over again xD. So I believe even Doflamingo has someone he is terrified of. Plus I was listening to the song by Ava Max: Sweet but Pysco. You should listen to it, it’s great, and it was on repeat. There are going to be several parts of this as well. ]
Doflamingo looked up from his paperwork and heard screams and several bodies hitting the wall. He had several veins pop out on his forehead. What the hell was going on?
“I swear to god, they better have a good reason to be so damn loud when I am trying to work.” He stood up, putting his pink feathered coat around his shoulders before slamming his door open, and right before he could step out in the hallway when Trebol, Pica, Diamante, and Vergo were slammed against the wall. 
“What the hell is going !?” Doflamingo yelled. Normally this would have terrified everyone who was in the hallway. But there was a bigger threat, a larger fear than Doflamingo. Trebol began to tremble, leaving his other family members confused except the other three on the floor beside him. 
“Y-Young Master, she is here.” 
“Who?’ He grew more frustrated walking towards Trebol. He gulped, looking over the youngster’s shoulder. 
“Doflamingo Donquixote~!” He froze on the spot, his eyes widening as he began to tremble. No, it couldn’t be anyone but her. Please don’t let it be her. Doflamingo was begging in his head. His trembles were noticeable to the family members. Baby 5 and Dellinger were confused with the rest of the family, maids, harem girls, and cooks. If there was one person that terrified Doflamingo, it was you. 
“I have never seen Young master tremble before.” Baby 5 whispered.
“He can’t be scared of her. She is so small compared to him,” Dellinger whispered back.
“It has to be angry...right?” Sugar asked, but Trebol quickly hushed them.
“No...she is known as the she-devil.”
“I. AM. TALKING. TO. YOU!” You said, getting closer to him. He slowly turned around, gulping slightly. People once realized how serious the situation was if Doflamingo had a look of fear written on his face. Dellinger had enough of this and began to attack you, Diamante tried to stop him, but it was too late as one hit sent Dellinger through several floors. Everyone’s eyes widen except the five that were already expecting it.
“What a pleasant surprise, wh~” You cut Doflamingo off. With each step you took towards Doflamingo, he took several of them until his back hit the wall. 
“I am going to murder you!” You declared, having several swords suddenly appear pointing directly towards him. Good thing he was wearing his glasses because his eyes had widened. ‘What did I do to piss this woman off now?’ Doflamingo thought in his head, going over everything to make sure he didn’t offend you somehow, but he couldn’t think of anything no matter how hard he thought. 
“(Y-Y/N), listen, I don’t know what I did. I am sorry I can make it up to you.” He said the family watched helplessly. Trebol began to explain to everyone quietly who you were to Doflamingo. 
“She is, I guess, a close friend of Doffy’s, but she terrifies him if anyone can easily murder him. It’s her.” He explained how strong you were, and everyone realized they should fear you.
“You. Don’t know what you did?” You asked, voice lowering with venom. He gulped as two swords pinned him to the wall by his shirt. He flinched, thinking you were going to kill him. He slowly shook his head, and you walked closer to him before showing him the mark on your arm. He looked down, and then it hit him, he had his men attack that ship because they refused to abide by his rules, and several of your men got hurt...badly.
“Oh...” He trailed off.
“Listen, I-I didn’t know that was your ship. If I knew....” Another sword went into the wall right by his side. He let a slight squeak out.
“Wow, that was kinda cute.” You said with a wicked grin. Doflamingo wondered if this is how his victims felt when he taunted them.
“I am not here for excuses. I am because you will fix my ship or buy me a new one, house my men here until they feel better. If that is an issue, I don’t mind burning this entire place to the ground with you pinned to the wall. No... that would be too easy. If you don’t, I will make it my mission to ensure you don’t have sex....ever again.” All the men held their crotches and made faces as they instantly caught what you were saying.
“A-Anything for you (Y/N). You and your crew can stay here as long as you need. If you ever need anything, just let one of the family members know they would be more than happy to get it for you.” Doflamingo quickly said, looking at his family, and they all started agreeing. You took a deep breath sending another sword towards his head as he let another yelp out. 
“Seriously, that is cute.” You smiled as your swords disappeared, and he could remove them now. You turned around with a huge smile, which no longer looked murderous. 
“Wow, when she doesn’t look like she is ready to murder, she is extremely cute.” Senior Pink said, but Pica and Trebol tried to keep him to be quiet. Your head turned to him, and there was a deadly aura. 
“Sorry.” He quickly said, “ You looked over at Gladius “ He froze on the spot. 
“Sorry.” He automatically said, but he was confused about why he said it since he didn’t do anything. You took your den den mushi out and contacted the crew that wasn’t hurt, and they all began to fill into the new home for the time being. Doflamingo gave orders to get the ones hurt treated and show the others to their rooms. He stood beside you, glancing down at your smaller form. 
“Are you still in a murderous mood?” He asked. You looked at him, your demeanor changing to a complete 180 degrees. You now had this wide smile before tackling Doflamingo, and he hit his back against the wall. He grunted slightly before hugging you back. You were seriously the bipolar type. You were sweet, yet completely Psycho, different from Doflamingo. He was just completely crazy, but he knew you had him beat.
“I would say I missed you, but you piss me off.” You say, burying your face into his chest. He stroked your hair, grumbling something. You shot him a glare, and he quieted down, giving his grin.
“By the way, you make me sick to my stomach.” You say, Doflamingo had another vein pop out of his head. 
“Why, this time?”
“Pink? Feathers. That feather coat is hideous. Those pants are hideous, gosh, don’t get me started on those terrible glasses.”
“Are you just going to insult me all day?” He mumbled; you tapped your chin before making a face plucking a feather off before holding it between your thumb and index finger. 
“I insulted you enough for one day...maybe.” You say, Doflamingo sighed as he stood up properly, and you let him go. 
“Well, despite the sudden entrance and wrecking my floor, you look stunning (Y/N).” He said, looking away from you. You grinned before crossing your arms.
“What no kiss to the cheek?” Doflamingo muttered something about his life before leaning down and kissing your cheek. You hummed before walking into the living room. That’s when Doflamingo saw the mess. Not only did you put a hole through 6 floors when you hit Dellinger, but you also destroyed his entire living room.
“If they would have just taken me to you, it could have been less damage. Plus, my ship is completely wrecked because of you.” You say as he sits down on the couch. He put his head in his hands as you sat in his lap. His girls were jealous of you, but you didn’t care as he casually wrapped an arm around you. This was a normal thing you guys always did, even when younger. You argued, you threatened his life, insulted him, he compliments you, realizes the damages done and not care, and then sits on his lap, cuddling him as he wraps an arm around you. He wasn’t going to lie; he did miss having you cuddle against him since you were so small. 
Everyone’s sweatdropped, except those who were used to this side of you. Doflamingo looked at the mess, then at the little demon sleeping against him. 
“I am scared,” Trebol muttered, and everyone nodded in agreement except a few of your crewmates. 
“How do you guys live with her?” Dellinger limped in his broken heels. 
“You learn to get used to her tantrums and mood swings. She hasn’t exactly tried to kill any of us, though.”
“I don’t see how that’s fair,” Doflamingo muttered. You two were best friends. Yet you always threatened his life.
“Hey, Doffy, I had an idea.” Baby 5 spoke up. He looked at her.
“You were looking for a queen, right? She is strong, and she can certainly hold her own, and you know her. Doflamingo looked at her like she had grown a third head. 
“See, that won’t work because if I decide I want to divorce, I won’t be able to with her. The only way out of marriage with her is...death.” Doflamingo explained. Baby 5 nodded slightly. 
“Plus, spending the rest of my life with this monster, I would end up dead.” It wasn’t long before you pinched his cheek harshly, glaring at him.
“You cared to explain who this ‘monster’ is?” He gulped before hugging you tightly. 
“You are my little tiny mo~owe owe owe owe owe owe owe owe owe owe I am sorry.” He groaned as you pinched his cheeks even harder. 
“But he has a point, plus I would never marry a man like him. Look at how many harem girls he has? I would never lower myself to him.” You say.
“I thought you were done insulting me.” He groaned. 
“You called me a monster.”
“Well, is a demon better?” He asked. You pinched his nose, and he groaned again. 
“Young master, I don’t think that is helping,” Dellinger said. 
“That is better since I am called that already.” You stayed getting off of his lap before glaring at Doffy.
“Show me my room...”
“Baby 5, she will be shar~” He froze at the glare.
“Sharing with me... let’s go.” He muttered; you grinned, walking with him. He sighed. Now he was sleeping on the couch in the bedroom or on the floor. 
“Here, I will wake you when it’s dinner time.” He muttered, but you pulled him down with you on the bed before cuddling his chest. His sweat drops, but he wraps an arm around your waist, holding you close. 
“Or I can sleep with you.” He mumbled under his breath. You were already fast asleep. Doflamingo took a look at your sleeping face. You were always able to fall asleep after seconds of laying your head on the pillow. It always gave him the chance to watch you sleep. He did have some feelings for you when you weren’t trying to murder him. He couldn’t help but smile to himself before placing a kiss on your forehead. 
You made a noise before burying your face into his neck. His breath hitched, but he stroked your hair as he stayed still. You were adorable to the eye, making you even more terrifying but dangerous. He trailed his fingers over your sides as he removed his glasses before looking at you with one eye. 
He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to your head again, never moving them. You didn’t mind the affection from Doflamingo because you always enjoyed the affection. He respected you enough to not touch you in any way you didn’t want, and you didn’t mind sleeping in the same bed as him. Doflamingo would be lying if he never thought about risking his life to see you squirm underneath him. Yet those were only thoughts in his head because he knew you only saw him as a friend, maybe a brother but mainly a friend. 
You slept a few hours, groaning because you didn’t want to wake up. You cuddled closer to the body that was holding you. You had used too much energy today, and you honestly were too warm to get up from your place on the bed. 
“Young Master, it’s time for dinner.” You heard the girl name Baby 5 say, Doflamingo slowly woke up and began to shake you. 
“No.” You grumble. 
“It’s dinner time.”
“I don’t care.”
“You got to eat.”
“Bring it to me.” 
“Stop being stubborn.”
“I am too comfortable.”
“Maybe if I...” He removed his arm from around you, making you shiver and whine when he got up. 
“Come back.” 
“Doffy...” You whined, sitting up. He only laughed at you. You were harmless when you wakened up gently or if you woke up on your own. It was only if he woke you up abruptly that you would get violent. He picked you up and grumbled before slapping his bare chest. 
“Put me down, you oaf.” 
“Will you come to dinner?”
“Sure pink bird.” 
“Seriously?” You shrugged as he set you down. You walked into the dining area, sitting next to your first mate, Jack. Doflamingo watched as you didn’t sit next to him like you normally did. Everyone began to eat and converse. You started talking to Jack about what should happen next while the ship was being repaired. You both also talked about how the hurt crewmates were doing. Doflamingo glared at Jack, but Jack didn’t notice, but Trebol did. He shared a look with the other family members as the tensions rose. You felt a pair of eyes on you, so you saw Doflamingo looking at you and glaring at Jack when you turned your head. Jack was confused, but he went back to eating. 
“Oi, quit glaring at my first mate. You already did enough damage.” You say, your voice becoming darker. Doflamingo quickly looked away, sighing slightly. You weren’t let him live it down. Once you were done eating, you excused yourself from the table, which was bold to do since only Doflamingo could excuse people, but everyone knew not to piss you off. You went to check on your crewmates before leaving for Doffy’s room. You flipped through Doflamingo’s closet, looking for something to wear. You found an oversized shirt before going to shower. Once you were done, you dried off and got dressed in the shirt before setting your dirty attire in the corner. You climbed into bed, looking at the ceiling. You hummed gently, closing your eyes as you covered up. 
Once dinner was made, Doflamingo went to his room, deciding to do paperwork tomorrow. Today was exhausting dealing with you. He knew he still had to deal with you since you shared a room, but you were more bearable when tired. He walked in to see you still awake. He also noticed your clothes were in the corner. He felt a smirk spread across his face as he looked over at you. You looked at him, and you realized what he was thinking.
“No, I am not naked. I stole one of your shirts.” You say, Doflamingo’s smirk almost disappeared. 
“Are you also wearing panties?” He knew you wouldn’t answer because you never did.
“Nope, I am not wearing a bra either. But if you touch me, I will make your life miserable.” Doflamingo smirked and dropped. He knew you were serious. He has never been able to get you to have sex with him. The most he got from you was an intense make-out due to a dare. He climbed in bed next to you, wrapping an around you again, you buried your face into his neck out of habit, and he stroked your slightly damped hair. He buried his face into your hair as you accepted the warmth of the larger male. 
“You do know how to make me submissive (Y/N),” Doflamingo said; you pinched his side he flinched. 
“I didn’t mean it in a dirty way. I mean like fearing someone, yet craving the warmth of that same person.”
“You better not have meant it dirty. For the simple fact, I can only be the submissive in the bedroom.” You mumbled. Doflamingo froze before looking at you.
“Wait, you aren’t dominant during sex?” He was genuinely curious now. He always imagined you being in charge of the way your personality was.
“Hell no, I like to be dominated. Pin~ why are we talking about this? I am not going over that with you, pervert.” You slapped his chest. 
“I am curious now.” He said you glared, ignoring him before closing your eyes. 
“Don’t ignore me... I need answers now. My imaginations were way off.”
“You imagine me in bed?” You asked.
“I...are you going to kill me?”
“I am curious about what you imagine now?” You smirked. He knew he had fucked up. You were good at avoiding his questions but getting answers out of him. 
“Yes....” he sighed, defeated. 
“I am not talking about my wet dreams about you, okay.” He said defensively, but he gulped as you smirked at him leaning close. 
“Tell me.”
“Don’t want to...”
“You better tell me..” You say, keeping eye contact. Man, you were good. 
“Fine, I thought you were squirming underneath me have been times. As I...do I have to...”
“Yes, because watching you suffer makes this all the more fun.” 
“You are evil.”
“Says the Joker.” You smirked, and he sighed. He explained explicit details of what he had dreamed and imagined doing to you. You had to admit that seeing the male squirming as if he was reliving the memories made your ego even bigger. 
‘Well, Doflamingo, you will never get the chance to get me in bed, but I can tell you this. Your thoughts on how I would be submissive are correct. I am highly kinky, so every kink you just listed and positioned you named. Sounds like me.” You say, turning your back against Doflamingo. He was fighting back a nosebleed. He was never one to get nosebleeds, but when it came to you, he couldn’t help it. 
“I need a shower.” He grumbled, getting out of bed. 
“Try not to think of me too much.” You said with a teasing tone in your voice. He threw a pillow at you going into the restroom and closing the door. But he peaked his head back out before sending you a smirk.
“Well, if you decide you want to join for another shower, the door is unlocked. I could use your help...” he said, you tossed the pillow at him, and he quickly shut the door, laughing his normal laugh.
“Fufufufu, I just want to say I wasn’t joking.” He said behind the door. 
“Keep dreaming. It’s not going to happen.” You yell back as you close your eyes. You heard the shower turn on, and you didn’t know when, but you had fallen asleep waiting for him to come back to bed. He came out of the shower to see you pass out. He didn’t feel any better. He needed and wanted you. At this point, even his harem girls weren’t going to help him because he would only be imagining you. 
“Damn her. She is worst than me. At least I finish what I started even if I use my words.” He mumbled before putting on a pair of boxers. He laid in bed, wrapping his arm around you. He didn’t pull you to his chest in fear of feeling his boner. That was the last thing he needed. You would never let him live it down. He gulped slightly when you turned to face him. Your hair covered your face. He looked at your lips, wondering if they tasted as good as last time. He began to lean in to kiss you, but you pushed his head away in your sleep. 
“Don’t even think about it.” You mumbled in your sleep. He wondered how you could sense what he was trying to do in your sleep. He settled for kissing your forehead. You let a small smile fall upon your lips. 
“Of course, I can kiss you anywhere but your lips.” He rolled his eyes before falling asleep eventually. At some point throughout the night, Doflamingo awoke abruptly. Another nightmare, he went to get up, but you held onto him tiredly. 
“Are you okay?” Your soft, tired voice asked. 
“I am fine...” He said, his voice shaking slightly. He needed a drink.
“I know when you are lying.” You say, he turned to look at you. You looked concerned. He looked away from you. He didn’t know why he tried lying. He was an open book for you. You weren’t stupid either. 
“Nightmare, nothing serious.” He said.
“Want to talk about it.”
“I just need a drink.” He said, but the way your smaller arms wrapped around his body, he felt relaxed. You stood on your knees behind him, hugging him tightly. You always had done this when he had a nightmare. It was amazing how it still calmed him down. He stayed in your embrace, leaning against you. You rubbed his arms as you rested your chin on his shoulder. 
“(Y/N)...” He whispered. He knew you were listening, and you wouldn’t respond. He just needed to say your name. You began to massage his shoulders slightly, and his breath hitched as he leaned his head back. It has been a while since he had one of your messages, and he missed it. 
“Thank you.” He whispered he was completely relaxed. He didn’t even feel like he needed to drown the nightmare away when you were here with him. He turned to face you, pulling you into his lap. Normally you would have punched him since you didn’t have underwear on, which was all he was wearing. But you knew he just wanted you closer, so you resisted the urge to knock the taller man out. 
He laid his head against you, holding you to his chest before falling asleep. You covered both of you up before falling asleep against him. You held him in your arms, never letting go, as you both slept through the night with more ease. 
The sun shined through the curtains, and you buried your face into Doflamingo. Doflamingo stirred before waking up. He realized he fell asleep sitting up with you on his lap, straddling him. He blinked before realizing the situation, but he didn’t move in fear you would have one of your episodes if he woke you. You moved slightly before laying your head on his shoulder. It all came rushing back to him, of what happened and how you both got into this situation. 
He smiled, knowing that you cared for him enough not to kill him. If it were any other situation, you would have made him feel a little better. 
“Beautiful wake-up.”
“....” You said nothing gripping him tighter. He blinked before trying to pry you off of him.
“(Y/N) wake up.” He tried to shake you, but you growled lowly in your sleep. He tried to lay you beside him, but you wouldn’t let him go. 
“I swear on my life Doflamingo if you do not go back to fucking sleep. I am going to skin you alive.” You growled. He shuddered before sighing. 
“At least lay beside me. The position we are in isn’t the best. Your eyes flew open, and you glared at him. He shuddered as you went to open your mouth but felt something poking you between your legs. It took you a moment to process before you jumped off of him quickly and laid beside him. You pulled him down with you before cuddling him again. He sighed and adjusted so his hardon wouldn’t poke you anymore. You could feel him staring at your face, which irritated you because if you were awake and someone was staring, you wouldn’t be able to sleep. Your eyes flew open, staring at him, not amused. 
“Fufufu, what’s wrong?”
“Go. Back. To. Sleep.”
“I can’t.”
“You can if I make you.” You said. He only laughed before covering your eyes. 
“You go back to sleep.” He said. 
“I can’t, when I can feel you staring at me.” You growled again. 
“Maybe that’s a sign it’s time for breakfast.”
“Fuck Breakfast. I am sleeping longer.” You said, and he sighed. 
“Doflamingo, go back to sleep, and I will give you a kiss when we wake up.” You bribed, he hummed gently, thinking about it. 
“Two kisses, one before I go back to sleep and one after I wake back up.” You narrowed your eyes, but he had that stupid grin. You wanted to punch him in the face, but you huffed before slamming your lips onto his in a passionate matter. He held your waist, kissing you back, before licking your bottom lip. You parted your lips before he took the chance and darted his tongue in. He explored your mouth, and just when it started to get heated, you parted from the kiss. He groaned and looked at you, and you grinned at him, wrapping his arm around you before cuddling into his chest.
“Be lucky. I even allowed your tongue to enter. Now sleep.” You say, he sighed before holding you tightly. He felt bold, so he pressed you against him, which you didn’t mind until he was poking your inner thigh again. 
“Sleep (Y/N) fufufufu.”
“You are only torturing yourself.” You mumbled, grinding against him. He let a moan out. His eyes widened, but he noticed you stopped when he jerked away. You were going to be the literal death him, he sighed, closing his eyes. He couldn’t sleep, but he made a deal with you, so he tried to sleep with you. 
It was soon noon, and you started to stir awake. You opened your eyes to see Doflamingo sleeping. You grinned before attempting to get out of his hold. He tightened his grip around you, you looked at him, and he was looking right at you. You leaned down, pecking his lips, and before he could get carried away, you pulled away to tease him. 
“Stop teasing me. Give me a real kiss.” He groaned. 
“Why? You are just going to regret it.” You said, getting up, but Doflamingo brought you down and hovered over you. He placed his lips on yours, and you sighed, kissing back. Doflamingo licked your bottom lip. When you told him a kiss, you knew it would end up in a make-out scene, which is why you didn’t push him away. You decided to deny him access, and he pinched your thigh, making you gasp. He slipped his tongue past your lips before exploring your cavern. You tried to part from the kiss before it got too heated, but your back was against the bed. 
You had nowhere to back up away to. You placed your hands on his chest and gave him a gentle push. He parted from your lips, knowing you wanted it to end there. 
He leaned his forehead against your shoulder while you hugged him tightly. He was panting as he wanted more. He looked at you pleadingly. 
You gave him a gentle smile patting his cheek slightly before crawling away from him and going to leave the room. You went to tug on the door, but it wouldn’t open. 
“I know you won’t have sex with me, but you can’t go out like that.”
“My clothes are on my ship.”
“I will get them.” He said, Get dressed before going to get your clothes. You hummed, sitting on the bed, waiting for him to return. After about fifteen minutes, he returned and set the clothes on the bed before hanging up the rest of your clothes. 
“Thank you, Doffy.”
“You are welcome.” He mumbled. You noticed he was being a bit different. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I just... nothing.”
“How can I prove that you aren’t lowering yourself down to me?” He suddenly asked, turning towards you. For once, you had a look of shock on your face. He looked hurt. He took that insult to heart, which was something that he never did. 
“Every time I try to date you, have sex with you, you say the same thing. You won’t lower yourself down to me.” He said, sitting on the bed. 
“You don’t respect yourself or women.”
“I respect you.”
“I think it’s more fear than respect.” You say.
“Either way, the most I ever did with you against you was when I pulled you back to bed and pinched your thigh to make you part your lips.” He said. 
“That’s not the point, your harem girls, for example. It’s like you are a sex addict.”
“Well, I am a man I need to release.” 
“Such as us girls, but you don’t see me having sex with every man I lay eyes upon. I~” You stopped yourself. Doflamingo wasn’t stupid; he knew what you were going to say.
“You are a virgin?”
“Who knows what she wants.” You said. He nodded, looking down.
“What if I get rid of them.”
“I still won’t have sex with you.”
“I don’t want just sex. I want you to be mine.” You looked at him.
“Not as a friend either. I want you to be my lover, my queen.”
“I thought you didn’t want to marry me.” 
“I was only saying that because you damn near killed me yesterday. I was still trying to process everything that was going on. Plus, I didn’t want anyone else picking up on my feelings for you.” He said, your eyes softening slightly as you placed a hand on his cheek. He looked at you, and you placed your lips on him. This kiss was much more gentle than all of the other kisses you have given him. 
“If you can prove that you changed, I will consider marrying you.” You say, Doflamingo grinned before placing his lips back on yours, but you turned your head, so he got your cheek. He groaned but couldn’t help but smile. You grabbed your clothes going into the bathroom to get ready. He got up, heading to the kitchen as he planned to prove himself to you.
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let it snow
uchiha #2 is here! and this is the seventh story i've written for a character i've never done before. that's a whole week's worth, and nearly consecutively. i feel like a boss ass bitch.
i really love this one. it's probably not my best, but it was as fun to write as it's a marshmallow world. i hope i did okay.
disclaimer: the plot, and the two unnamed characters only are mine to own, so if you feel inclined to sue, fuck off and leave me alone.
song- i have eight different versions of this song on my christmas playlist. i'm a song hoarder if there ever was one. all of my playlists except ones designated for fanfic have at least one song with multiple covers.
word count: 1119- i don't even bother trying anymore. it is what it is.
Heavy snow tended to be hated or celebrated, with little grey area in between those reactions. You were of the former view. Especially when your boyfriend started laughing as soon as he opened the door to see you looking like you got in a fight with Jack Frost and lost.
“Will you let me in already?” You grouched through chattering teeth. “I’m freezing!”
Itachi stepped aside, granting you entrance, then helped you remove your coat. You brushed off and dried off any wet spots where flakes had clung and melted on your skin that was still barely warmer than snow. Then you ran a hand through your hair to get any stragglers.
“You’re lucky I love you, or I would have made you come to me,” you said.
“No you wouldn’t. I’m the one with a fireplace,” he chuckled. “That’s what you love.”
“Okay, you got me,” you snickered. “I’ve got the popcorn. Did you get the movies?”
“Yes. There’s this wonderful thing called a streaming service, so I didn’t even need to leave the house.”
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “Do I have to fish out your air popper, or did you do that for me?”
“I’m not a monster. It’s on the counter.”
“Great. Last question. Is Sasuke here, or do we not have to worry about him being a punk if he catches us so much as hugging?”
“He’s at Naruto’s, watching Die Hard with him and the girls.”
“Great. I hope they make him watch at least one cheesy, badly written, cliché Christmas movie.”
“You realize cliché encompasses the other two?”
“Not necessarily! Something can be well-written and cheese-free, but still be cliché,” you argued, going to the kitchen. “They just coincide more often than not.”
You were glad to find the appliance ready to go. You turned it on and got a measurement scoop to add the kernels you brought, humming happily as you thought about the treat you were preparing, and the day you had planned. As soon as you heard you were in for a snow storm on your joint day off, the two of you agreed to jump on the chance to have a real snow day. Inside. Hot chocolate, popcorn, a fire, and at least a day’s worth of your favorite movies that you hadn’t watched in the longest time… Okay, some of them you had watched the prior week.
Your stomach grumbled as the smell started to get to you, so you kept moving by getting out a giant bowl, butter that you melted in the microwave, cinnamon, and sugar. When that was done, you got the hot chocolate going. They finished around the same time, so you topped the drinks with a mountain of whipped cream each, took them to the living room and then doubled back for your popcorn, as well as pretzels and M&Ms. There was even a frozen pizza for when you needed more. To say you were prepared was an understatement. “All right, let’s do this!” You cheered, joining him on the couch, setting the goodies down on the coffee table.
He started the movie and draped a heavy blanket over the two of you while you cuddled up to him. It was paradise.
You really didn’t intend to fall asleep. It astounded you when you found yourself waking to the end credits of the second movie you swore you just started. The warmth and a stomach full of snacks was more sedating than any cold medicine you’d ever taken.
“Welcome back,” Itachi greeted you.
“You let me sleep through the whole movie?” You whined. “Not nice!”
He chuckled. “Do you want me to restart it?”
“Did you sleep through it too?”
“No, but it was your choice. It’s not fair to make you miss it.”
“We can watch it later. I don’t want to make you go through it twice,” you offered. “Then you don’t have to watch it twice, back to back.”
“It would be worth it, just to watch the cute faces you make when you sleep. Your nose twitches a lot for some reason.”
You felt your face heat to that of hot chocolate temperature and you gently elbowed him. “Itachi!”
He just laughed.
“You’re so mean! Just for that, we are watching it again right now!”
He didn’t complain at all as he restarted the movie. You leaned back against him, turning to put your back to his chest. He adjusted to fit you between his legs. You both leaned back against the arm of the sofa so your head ended up against his chest. It was even more comfortable than before, and you were afraid you’d fall asleep again. “Hey, if I fall asleep, wake me up this time around, or we’ll be watching this movie all through the night.”
“I’m okay with that.”
You looked up at him with a small smile. “You’re cute.” “Really? Even though my nose doesn’t-” “Damn you!” You laughed and twisted your body so you could pin him down.
He just smirked up at you. “I seem to be in a predicament.”
“I’d say so.”
In sync, you lowered your lips to his as he tilted his chin up slightly to meet them. Your hands went straight to his hair out of habit, tugging gently at his roots and drawing out a groan. His went to your waist, quickly slipping under the hem of your sweater, which was suddenly stifling and suffocating. You broke away to remove it, then got right back to business. He felt up under your top, and just as his thumbs had brushed over the sides of your breasts, the front door opened.
“Seriously?” Sasuke groaned in complaint as the two of you sat up, not feeling guilty one bit.
“Told you we should have called first,” Sakura said.
“They shouldn’t be doing that in the public rooms!”
The other girl with them, a short haired brunette, shook her head and crossed her arms. “Sasuke, just because you aren’t getting any doesn’t mean you can punish everyone else.”
He grumbled under his breath. “I can get some whenever I want.” “Yes, you can, so give everyone else a break already and make a damn call, because your left hand clearly isn’t cutting it.”
“Okay,” Itachi chuckled, trying to spare his little brother further embarrassment. “What are you all doing here?” “My whole block is out of power,” Naruto said, still trying not to laugh at his best friend’s expense.
“Fun. So it’s a party,” you stated, getting up. “Who wants hot chocolate?”
Even with the four new additions you couldn’t say you’d rather be anywhere else.
…and Itachi kept you warm all night. Let it snow, indeed.
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tommybaholland · 4 years
Hiii! May I request something with kuroo, akaashi and character of ur choice with a reader who's too kind to people, even those who treated them very badly?? It could be drabbles, hcs or anything up to you! Thank youu <3
s/o who’s too nice
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featuring: kuroo, akaashi and sugawara
love this request!! you chose my two mains but i added suga bc i hadn’t written anything for him yet :) enjoy!
“wait...who was there?” 
you were currently trying to explain to your boyfriend why you came home so late from hanging out with friends. so far, he didn’t seem too happy that you ended up going to his favorite place and didn’t think to invite him. but the hesitation only grows deeper when you tell him who else was present. 
“okay, so your ex was there. why is that such a big deal that i couldn’t come, hm? did you talk to him?”
the last thing you wanted to do was lie to him. it wasn’t that incriminating; only a small conversation about mundane things. you didn’t want animosity, despite the main demise of that relationship. 
“so you want to be friends with him? babe, i know you don’t want to be on bad terms but i’m not going to be friends with him.”
that didn’t really seem fair to you.
“no, kitten, look. he hurt you! i’m not going to pretend to be friends with a jerk who was not treating you right.”
he was making sense. why were you even trying with someone who left your life long ago? you look down, ashamed of how you’ve upset the current, and seemingly everlasting, love of your life. 
he senses your shame and frowns before gesturing you over to him. “c’mere, sweetie.”
you find your way over and into his arms, holding you close. you buried your face into his black tshirt as you apologized. you felt the vibration of his chest as he responded.
“it’s okay, babe. i just don’t like seeing you upset, especially over another guy.”
he pulls away a little to look you directly in the eyes. 
“i’m sorry that i can be overprotective but...no one does that to my girl.” 
you nod and give him a small grin, which he returns. 
“okay,” he replies before pulling you back into a hug, stroking your hair and rubbing your back. “thanks for telling me, kitten. i love you so much.”
you smile into his chest as you return the sentiment, feeling him press a kiss to your head.
“now gimme a kiss. c’mon, gimme...give—”
you giggle as you slightly tease him by dodging his lips, before you finally allow him to catch the sides of your head and press his lips against yours. 
“there we go. thank you, sweet stuff.”
the look he gives you after he kisses you is something you could never give up.  
you took what felt like your millionth sip of water, suppressing the feeling of having to pee and hopelessly trying to stay awake. you had your laptop out in bed with the brightness turned down so you wouldn’t wake the sleepy boy next to you. unfortunately, akaashi was always keeping tabs on you, even while half-asleep. 
“baby?” he spoke, voice raspy. “are you still awake?” 
you squint your eyes away from the blue light to look over and down to him as he was moving closer to you. it would probably be a few more minutes. 
he sits up and gets a closer look at your face with frowned features. “aw, baby. look at your bags..aren’t you tired?”
you hesitate but can’t lie. you were trying to work through assignments but one group project was proving to take up more of your time than anything else. you had taken on one or two more responsibilities than your group members but you said you didn’t mind and would get it done diligently. akaashi peeks over to look at your screen, observing what was withholding you from sleep. 
“you’re not still working on that project, are you?” 
it’s obvious it wasn’t done yet.
“baby..you need to sleep. you’re overworking yourself.” 
you rubbed your hands over your strained eyes and sighed. you felt like you had been working on it forever and it still seemed like there was no end in sight. maybe he was right. his arm draped around you, pulling you into his side as his other hand reached up to brushed some loose hairs behind your ear. 
“you’re so, so hard working but..it’s okay to say no. you have other things going on too and there’s no reason why you should have to do all this by yourself.” 
you were too tired to even protest at this point, letting him continue to make his case.
“but i also know that you’ll get it done. you always do,” he spoke within close proximity, his voice vibrating right into your ear. “baby, pleaseeeeeeee.”
you were barely able to keep your head up, eyes drooping lower and lower as his hand rubbed your shoulder. you surrendered, giving him a small nod. 
“good girl,” he praised, pressing a kiss to your temple. “let’s save this and close the laptop.”
he shut the device and moved it off your lap and onto the bedside table for you. he then slid back down under the covers, pulling you into his arms. his thumb brushed against your cheek. 
“you look so stressed, baby. can i..help you take your mind off of it?”
his pretty cobalt eyes still shined through the darkness. he was a bad influence; you couldn’t say no to him. but your eyes rested as his lips breathed life into you, lazily moving with yours. 
“just relax, bebe. i got you.”
“hey, sugar,” your sweet boy welcomed you home from work with a nice hug. “how was your day?” 
it was okay. but you were drained, both physically and mentally. 
“hey, you okay? is something wrong?” he asked, running a hand from the top of your head down through your hair. 
“i dunno. you just seem quiet...and down about something.” he continues to pet your head while keeping you close to his body. you could almost fall asleep in his arms.  
“here, let’s go sit on the couch, sweetheart. come, come.”
he guides you over and pulls you back into his side once you’re settled, encouraging your head to rest on his shoulder. 
“i’m making dinner now but we can talk while it’s cooking,” he explains. “i know you’re tired, sugar. but i’m here now, and you can tell me whenever you’re ready.”
it had been a long day. you woke up late and were a few minutes late to class which subsequently led to you being chastised. even after apologizing profusely, you couldn’t find the courage to defend yourself. that feeling hung over your head almost the rest of the day. then you had to go to work and by that point your head was so empty that those three hours lasted forever. 
“so you’re never late and the one time you are, they yelled at you?”
as if a dam had broke, the tears began to fall.
 “oh sweetie, it’s okay. it’s over now and i’ve got you. shh,” he hushes as he rubs a soothing hand up and down your back. 
“you’re trying your best and i admire you so much for that. but please babe, don’t let them treat you like that again. i don’t wanna see my princess so upset.” 
you knew you had trouble standing up for yourself and couldn’t help to take the blame, even when something wasn’t entirely or at all your fault. it breaks his heart to see your struggle so he tries to be there for you as much as possible, hoping to relieve any invisible pain. it’s hard and you can’t help but have a huge crying fit after holding everything in all day. 
“i know it’s painful, sweetheart,” he wipes some tears from your cheeks. “but you’re going to be okay. and don’t think that you’re bothering me because you’re not. i love you, so much. you’re allowed to hurt. but i want to see you happy and that you’re heard. please don’t blame yourself.”
you hug him tight and tell him you love him. you really lucked out. what would you do without him? 
“so, how about,” he pulls back slightly to look at you, brushing hair out of your face. “we eat and then we can do whatever makes you feel relaxed. i can give you a back rub or we can just cuddle on the couch; whatever you want, sugar. sound good?”
you let your lips curl up into a smile, nodding in response. 
“aw, there’s that beautiful smile.”
he leans down to give you a slow but passionate kiss, letting everything melt away. 
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yooooo its haikyuu night! requests are always welcome
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Why do people get hung up on whether a gay person in media is a good or bad representation of them? I'm gay and I can tell you we aren't all the same? Being gay is our 1 common trait. So as long as they're gay then you've done it. Gay people can be kind, mean, racist, open, kinky, reserved, shy, outgoing, sexist, and literally anything else under the human experience.
Because I am perpetually hungry, let's tell a story about cookies.
You are a bright-eyed, optimistic, baker in the making. Your goal is to wow the world with your culinary skills, so of course you head to The Best Baking School for your degree. Over the course of your studies you learn how to perfect a thousand different cakes, an equal number of pies, and more versions of brownies than most would even assume exist. But cookies... oh, cookies are your passion! You can't wait to learn about the wealth of cookies you can make too. Then, sure enough, that part of your education finally arrives.
Funny thing is though, it's just chocolate chip.
Surely there's been some mistake? The cookie experience is vast and nuanced! Why in the world are your instructors — supposedly the best in the world — reducing cookies to a single class about baking chocolate chip and chocolate chip alone? Hell, why are cookies so sparse in the curriculum as a whole? You're never asked to bake them as a demonstration, or practice with them, and they're definitely not a given across everyone else's baking experience. Cakes, pies, and brownies... they're the default. Cookies are comparatively rare and when you do get to study them, everyone is super focused on the chocolate chip.
Then you graduate and head out into the world, only to find that pretty much everyone is as cookie-blind as your school. A few years back you never would have found cookies in the average grocery store and yeah, the fact that there's a cookie section now is great, but it's, uh... all chocolate chip! Many bakeries still don't carry cookies at all, but when they do it's - again - chocolate chip. Chocolate chip out in restaurants. Chocolate chip at the bake sale. Your friend invites you over and proudly presents a massive sweets tray that includes a single, sad looking, chocolate chip cookie. They beam at you in pride. Isn't it so great?
"Uh..." you say. "Well..."
Every once in a while someone will switch out milk chocolate for dark chocolate, or add nuts alongside chocolate chips. One bakery was even crazy enough to exclude chocolate chips entirely! Crazy according to the press, anyway. Because for years now you've been shaking your head, wondering what exactly is so progressive about realizing that sugar cookies exist. You've found other bakers interested in cookies and, by god, there are thousands. So many flavors! Gluten free and allergy conscious! Someone even made a sweets tray that was predominantly cookies, can you believe it? The problem is, almost none of them are mainstream. Your friend baking cookies out of their personal kitchen is doing fantastic work, but their baking doesn't have the impact that those grocery chains and established bakeries do. Their work isn't going to fix your school's curriculum. Too many people still think that cookies are exotic somehow. They're not the default. And when they do acknowledge their existence, it's chocolate chip over and over. Until one of them adds those nuts and suddenly the whole country is losing its mind about how inspired, creative, progressive their baking is. Meanwhile, you're ready to scream because that baker doesn't even know that something as "exotic" as a gingersnaps exist!
The worst part? Most of these cookies are... bad. Like they exist, yeah, but good god most don't taste good. And that's the whole point of a cookie?? What is the point of buying cookies if the cookies themselves are awful? You go to these bakeries, these restaurants, your friend's house, and you try the very limited cookies on offer, only to find that they've been sloppily baked. Doesn't anyone care that the baker burned their cookies to a crisp? That another straight up forgot to add sugar? This one dropped his on the floor and still tried to serve it to you! But the overall sense is that you should be grateful for getting any cookies at all. "That cookie is an offense to my taste buds," you say and people shake their head at you, disappointed. "I liked the taste of it," one says. "If you don't like it, go buy a different cookie!" Well... easier said than done. "It's not that bad," another says, shrugging in defeat. "I mean yeah, I don't really like it, and the baker stopped making them two years ago... but I'm just happy to have had any cookie at all, you know?" You do know, but that doesn't mean it's any less frustrating. You look at the hundreds of cakes available, these bakers spending decades perfecting their recipes, and wish cookies had even a fraction of that work put into them. You find people who agree with you, absolutely, but there's this this prevailing sense that a cookie is a cookie. Any cookie will do. Supposedly.
Except go long enough and you feel like you're ready to lose your mind. You take some poor person by the shoulders and go, "Doesn't this bother you? Doesn't this make you furious? There is more to the cookie world than these three flavors, 90% of which is chocolate chip! And we deserve well-made cookies, not the crap they've been upholding as the next culinary masterpiece!"
But this person just shakes their head. "Well of course there's more to cookies than three flavors. There's a huge variety of cookies! I know that."
"Yes, but the world isn't selling that variety."
"Of course they are! Just last week I had an oatmeal raisin. That's amazing!"
"Yeah and how many years did it take you to find that?"
"And how did that oatmeal raisin cookie taste?"
Your prisoner pulls a face. "Ugh, not good. Oatmeal raisin is definitely not for me. It's hard as a rock! I really don't understand why someone would want to eat that on a regular basis."
"But it's not supposed to be hard as a rock!" you cry, waving your arms. "That's the problem! Oatmeal raisin is so goddamn rare and then the one time we get it, it was badly baked. Of course people are turned off by it. Everyone who already loves oatmeal raisin is getting pissed because their favorite cookie is misrepresented, they're unlikely to see more of them now, and everyone is still serving the most tasteless chocolate chip cookies I've ever had, acting like this is the pinnacle of cookie baking! Do you even know that a macron exists?"
The person pats your hand consolingly. "Of course I do. My roommate's sister's boyfriend used to bake macrons, you know. I don't know why you're so hung up on this. Cookies can be whatever the baker wants them to be. Provided they're a flat-ish sweet cake, they're still a cookie!"
You hang your head, giving up. "Yes, they can be so many things, but they're not. Let me know if you ever find a bakery actually making the variety you keep acknowledging exists. Bonus points if those cookies are edible. My soul if they're delicious, as a cookie should be."
"You know," they say, still patting your hand. "There's a bakery making chocolate chip with dark chocolate next year. Everyone is talking about it. You should think about buying one before they take it off the menu!"
You contemplate just walking into the ocean.
Now, incredibly long metaphor concluded... switch out "cookies" for "queer rep"! The representation matters because no, just making them gay isn't enough right now. You're right that queer people can be anything under the sun, but right now media isn't providing us with that variety. It's not enough to acknowledge that such variety exists, it actually has to make it into our books and onto our screen. Taking just characters who identify as gay and putting aside the HUGE variety of other identities for a moment (of which we are mostly lacking in terms of rep), where are the gay asexuals? The gay people of color? The disabled gays? Trans gays? Did your gay character appear for just a handful of episodes? Were they killed off? Are they nothing more than a stereotype or comic relief? Is this the only gay character in your entire story? We need to ask questions like this because though gay people can be anything under the sun, our media landscape has only shown a miniscule portion of that variety.
Today, even in 2021, our representation of gay people is still pretty limited to:
You are only coded as gay and evil
You are only coded as gay and queerbaited
You are canonically gay, but a cis, ablebodied, white person
You are canonically gay, but were written terribly/killed off/punished by the narrative/generally making the real gay people watching you feel awful about their identity
You are canonically gay, but you're not human. Gotta other the queerness by making you an alien/robot/fantasy being
You are canonically gay and that's your entire existence. There is one (1) narrative of how you knew by the time you were four, never questioned your identity after that, suffered through a family that rejected you, and now all your major arcs revolve around being gay. You are gay and that is it.
Despite being a list of six, that's still incredibly limiting. Are there exceptions to such a list? Always, but that doesn't mean the list isn't still dominating. We can look at any individual gay character and say, "Of course they can be evil/white/killed off/a joke/etc. because gay people can be anything at all," but when we look at the trends, when we look at ALL the media together, we see that gay people aren't actually depicted as being anything... they're depicted as being these handful of things, severely limiting how gayness is represented. Bad rep. If you hit up the bakery and question why there's only versions of chocolate chip available yeah, the baker can go, "But cookies can be any flavor! Including chocolate chip!" They are not, technically, wrong. The problem is not that chocolate chip exists, but that chocolate chip dominates and other flavors are rare, ignored entirely, or baked so badly it's actively damaging to that flavor as a whole. Yeah, your gay character can be mean. Or kinky. Or murdered by the story. But when so many gay characters are mean and kinky and murdered by their stories — when you're not getting other versions to balance that out and gay characters are still rare enough that it's just 1-2 characters trying to carry representation for an entire franchise — you start realizing that the claim of "Gay people can be anything else under the human experience" is an easy way to shut down the conversation of whether that variety actually exists in our storytelling yet.
It's not enough for the baker to acknowledge that yeah, of course there are hundreds of cookie flavors and of course cookies taste great! They've actually got to learn how to bake them properly and fill up their store with them.
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inkedtae · 4 years
doe’s peak ⇾ ksj. [M]
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𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ gryffindor!seokjin x slytherin!reader (f.)
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒/𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ e2l, hogwarts au, some fluff, a bit of angst, smut, pwp, filth, 18+
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ⇾  a series of reckless pranks leads to a dismissal from Hogwarts and a new house guest. two weeks of amity sessions ends on a happier note than expected. 
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ⇾ 20.1k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ⇾ brief mention of a fire, brief mention of theft, blonde!seokjin, longhair/ponytail!seokjin, pureblood!seokjin, dom!seokjin, brat tamer!seokjin, halfblood(?)!reader, sub!reader, brat!reader, unprotected sex (wrap it to tap it), rough sex, public sex, outdoor sex, hate sex, degradation, mutual masterbation, double penatration, exhibition, voyeurism, multiple orgasms, heavy humiliation kink, use of vibrating dildo, oral (m. and f. receiving), orgasm denial, bondage, begging, hair pulling, spanking, pussy slapping, manhandling, fingering, edging, cum eating, face fucking, deep-throating, throat-cockwarming (?), cum swapping (?), panty eating (?), a bit of anal, a lil ass and titty play, spit play, a lil food play, basically filth
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 ⇾ this was supposed to be a fluffy drabble...
・゚゚・。 beta’d by ⇾ @kitsutaes​ (my luff~) & @moonmintrails​ (my soulmate~)
・゚゚・。 le playlist
⟶ please note that, despite still attending Hogwarts, all characters are of consenting age
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He smells of tough cedar and sweet cherries. It’s common for his scent to fill the room after a bath. You want to say you despise it but, in fact, you find it quite comforting. It always helps lull you to sleep. You fear that you might have grown too comfortable with it. The last two weeks of his very presence have been much of a bother, but it’s the little things, like the way he smells and the soft patters of his footsteps, that almost make you glad he’s around. You wonder how you’ll be able to fall asleep without him after tomorrow. 
Two weeks flew by. You’ve been praying for that reality since Headmistress McGonagall first suggested this arrangement. Both you and Seokjin have been excused from classes for fourteen days, issued off campus and into your home in the muggle world. Magic is prohibited, wands confiscated, but the two of you are still expected to keep up with your class readings and assignments should you both return to Hogwarts. 
“Spending intimate time with one another without the temptation of magic will put an end to all these shenanigans,” McGonagall insisted. 
Despite the reality of sharing your home and room with someone as insufferable as Kim Seokjin, you're thankful the headmistress didn’t opt for a more serious consequence. After all, you are still under investigation for the fire in the Gryffindor dormitories. Records reflect that it started in Seokjin’s room and witnesses place you at the scene of the crime. And the fact that you’ve admitted to being there, reclaiming letters Seokjin had stolen from you, doesn’t help your case. McGonagall promises to share the results of the investigation once your two weeks with Seokjin come to an end. 
A fire was never your intention. Truly, all you wanted was the year’s worth of letters from your family Seokjin kept intercepting. Before finding out he was behind it, you were convinced your family was upset with you. You’ve written to them consistently, telling them you miss them and wondering why they haven’t responded. You found stacks of letters, some opened and read, in his room. You had every intention of sneaking back in at night and levitating his bed into the lake while he’s sleeping as a means of retaliation. Though you were worried he’d found out about your family, about the truth, a fire never even crossed your mind. You’re almost certain you had blown all the candles out before leaving. 
Twirling the gold, snake headed pendant of your necklace between your fingers, you wonder if maybe you left one lit subconsciously. Maybe a part of you wanted to set his room on fire, wanted him to suffer as you did when you thought your family was on the cusp of disowning you. 
These are dangerous thoughts. You can’t be capable of such destruction. Yes, you might have charmed his broom to launch him into the lake, or dyed his hair blonde through a potion “mistake,” but to set his room on fire is cruel. No matter how badly you want him to keep your secret or how badly you want to get even, you know you would never turn to such an evil act.
With a deep breath, you flip the page of your History of Magic textbook, and attempt to refocus your attention on the Battle of Hogwarts. You try to drown out every sound he makes down the hall, every waft of his scent that trickles into your room. All is well until he decides to enter your shared room without a shirt. Only a simple red towel hangs around his thin waist. 
You can’t help but stare. Little droplets stream down his wide chest. Nipples hard; abs tight. You regret to recognize how heavenly he looks. A breathless sigh escapes you as he shakes a smaller towel through his long hair. More drops of water spatter about, but your attention narrows on his arms. Has he always been that muscular? 
A single scan over his tall frame soaks your panties. You curse him three times over, having just changed into them. You were clean and ready for bed before he came in looking like that. Damp hair in a loose braid, a soft, flowy nightgown on, face primped and moisturized. All that was left for you to do was some light reading of next week’s topic. Then he comes in, basically naked and wet, making your pussy clench at the sight. Can’t he do anything right? Why the hell didn’t he get dressed in the bathroom? 
“Why the hell didn’t you get dressed in the bathroom?”
Seokjin spares you a glance over his shoulder as he walks out to hang the small towel on the railing. You can’t help but drool over the flexing muscles of his back. Hate fills your chest at the awakened desire to run your tongue across the length of his shoulders. 
“I forgot to take my clothes,” he shrugs, making his way back into the room. He shuts the door and begins to rummage around the drawers Mama forced you to empty for him. 
You mutter a colourful insult under your breath as he pulls on a pair of boxer briefs under his towel. The thought of taking them back off doesn’t surprise you as much as the act of leaning off your bed to sneak a look at his dick. Heat rushes to your cheeks the moment you register your actions. What the hell has gotten into you? Shifting back in your seat, you press your thighs together to attempt to soothe the ache between your legs. 
What has come over you? You’ve seen shirtless guys before, been under a few of them too. Not to mention, this is Seokjin. The arrogant, conceded idiot who stole your letters all year and read them. You hate him, you know every part of you does. So why is the sight of him shirtless this captivating?
No, you mentally assert. It’s not Seokjin you’re attracted to; it’s the idea of a shirtless guy - any guy. You’ve been isolated in your house with a daft, alpaca looking pureblood and his pet sugar glider (which is against school rules but he manages to keep one anyways.) You just miss sex. All you have to do is get yourself off and all other thoughts of stupid, shirtless Seokjin will disappear. You decide that once he goes to sleep, you’ll, as quietly as you can, get yourself off under the covers. 
Your jaw almost drops when he doesn’t reach for a shirt or pants. Seokjin shuts the drawers and tosses the wet towel that was previously wrapped around his waist in the hamper. The nerve of this fucker. He prances around your room in only his underwear, acting like this is his house, not yours. You set your jaw and raise an unimpressed brow.
When his gaze meets yours, you can’t help but glare. He doesn’t entertain your annoyed antics as he usually does. With heavy eyes and a little yawn, he grumbles, “Shove over.”
You scoff. “Funny.”
“I mean it,” he sighs, flicking up the covers. “I’ve spent the last two weeks on the floor. I earned my time on this bed.”
A hiss escapes you as the cold air hits your smushed, exposed thighs. You snatch the sheets from his hands and cover yourself up again. “That’s ‘cause it’s my bed.” 
“Just move over.”
Seokjin waves his hand, effortlessly pushing your body aside. With your wands confiscated, the most the two of you can do is wave little commands to practise magic. Before you can react with more than just a gasp, he hops into bed and makes himself comfortable. “Much better,” he smirks. 
You can feel his bare legs brush up against yours, but ignore the rise of goosebumps long enough to kick him away. “You’re a fiend, Kim Seokjin. A pureblooded, bottom feeding, prideful... jerk-ing fiend.” You may have stuttered through the last insult, catching yourself getting lost in his eyes, but you believe you’ve made your point clear. 
“Prideful jerking?” Seokjin questions with an amused smile. He quirks his head to the side and sighs. 
He opens his mouth to offer his opinion but you silence him with the slam of your book and a switch off the lights by the wave of your hand. You know he’s not leaving. He doesn’t even make an effort to move. There’s not much to do except ignore his entire existence and try to get some sleep. Accepting the fate of your night, you set your textbook on your night table and turn to your side with every intention of falling asleep. 
But then the bed dips. You raise a brow, thinking he might’ve come to his senses and decided to return to his place on the ground. Only, his side of the bed doesn’t feel lighter. The springs screech as he shifts until the quiet clutter of a soft object hits the hardwood floor. 
You hear him spit. Once, twice then the slick sound of slouched wetness fills the room. Breath hitching, you turn back to find him sitting up, back against the headboard and briefless. “Huge,” you whisper, too fixated on his size to even care about his quiet, arrogant chuckles. 
You knew Seokjin invented big dick energy, but to see his size, in the fucking dark, and still fear for your pussy is another story. Huge doesn’t even begin to cover it. You’re sure giants don’t even have a cock as big as he does. It isn’t the biggest cock you’ve seen; it’s just quite simply the biggest cock to exist. 
“How’d you know I was into being watched?” He asks as he continues to pump himself. 
His gruff voice, drenched in lust, has you balling your nightgown. You sit up and pull your knees into your chest, squeezing your legs together. He must be insane, deranged, absolutely idiotic to think he can take up half your fucking bed and then whip out his monster of a cock and expect everything to be okay. 
Pussy clenching around emptiness, you reply, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Prideful jerking.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Then why’d you say it?”
His hips buckle up into his hands and you can’t help but stare down at his cock again. You swallow thickly, hating the way you crave for his cock to fill that vacant space in your throat. 
“Do you want me to stop?”
You answer too quickly. The desperate desire in your tone, the crack of your voice has not been lost on him. He chuckles to himself and picks up the pace. You can only hover your trembling fingers over your lips, clutch onto your nightgown with your other hand and watch him get himself off with pride. 
His large hand wraps around yours, grabbing onto the hem of your nightgown as well. You stiffen. Gazing at him in the soft moonlight, you wonder if he’d make you take over the task of getting him off. You wonder if he’ll guide your hand over his cock and show you how to pace your pumps, or if he’ll have you cup his balls and massage them while he continues to bring himself closer to his orgasm. 
But, he doesn’t entertain any of those options. Seokjin, instead, rubs your knuckles and whispers, “I don’t just like being watched; I like watching too.” He then pries the bunched up hem out of your hands and pushes it up to your hips. “Panties off.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” you hiss, breasts heaving from how horny this entire situation is making you. “I’m keeping them on.”
Seokjin raises a brow, as if offering one last chance for you to change your mind. When you simply hold his gaze, he nods and covers himself up again. You can tell he’s still going though, the lifts of the comforter being a dead give away. 
“What are you doing?”
“This is a two way street, Little Doe,” he taunts before dragging his tongue across your cheek. You shudder and melt into his frame as he continues, “You’re going to have to give a little to get some.”
A series of insults are on the tip of your tongue, but the stripe of saliva on your cheek is all you can focus on. You want him to do it again, the shame of that craving clear on your face. Seokjin can read right through the glare you then attempt to wear. He grunts quietly as that amused look colours his features. 
You can still hear the wet clicks of his pumps, the squeak of the springs when he rolls his hips in his hand. Gulping, you emptily gag on the ghostly imagination of his huge length squeezing into your throat.
He chuckles under his breath. The sound is all too cocky for your liking, jumpstarting your senses once more. 
“You’re a fucking prick,” you finally hiss.
“I know you want my dick.”
“You know that’s not what I said.”
Seokjin raises a brow. “You didn’t deny it though, did you?”
You want to curse him, hit him, suck him, screw him- no… A little ride wouldn’t hurt, though. A string of sparkling shivers slither up your spine at the thought of sitting on his cock. Nails in those broad shoulders, tits against his chest, ass smacking his thick thighs.
He smirks. He’s waiting. 
Nothing can hold back the pooling wetness of your core, and you refuse to deny it for much longer. Hooking your thumbs into your panties, you lift your hips and shimmy out of them. You’re about to toss them aside when Seokjin nudges your chin. He nods towards your mouth, silently ordering you to shove them in. 
“You can’t be serious,” you sigh, voice almost pleading. It’s not enough he’s having you follow orders, but to make you suck on your own soaked panties is just cruel. 
He only shrugs. You’re not even worth his words now. The humiliation is getting harder to ignore, your pussy gushing for it with every passing second. With a tiny huff, you shove your panties into your mouth. You taste dirty. You feel it too. But, he finally pulls the sheets back once more, letting you know you’ve earned the treat. A twinge of pride replaces the embarrassment. 
Pink tipped, oozing precum, his massive cock slightly curves. You can’t help the satisfied sigh that escapes you. Fingers latching on your pussy, you swirl your wetness around your clit. You’re about to shove two fingers in, eyes locked on his length to catch his warning glare, but he stops you. 
“Don’t you dare,” he hisses. 
You furrow your brows as if wordlessly asking how the fuck he thinks you can watch him and not be able to finger yourself. You need something in you. He ignores your stares, the little grunts you let out in protest and shifts your fingers back up to your clit. 
The curses you want to hurl at him get muffled into your panties. He knows this too well, that smirk on his lips only widening. And though you believe you can do whatever the fuck you want, you keep your fingers around your clit. You’ll take any amount of friction at this point. 
“Oh, you can spit that out now,” he shrugs. 
You pause. Wasn’t the point of the panties in your mouth to make sure you’re quiet? Seokjin ignores your confused looks, leaning his head back against the headboard. As you drop your panites out of your mouth, his true intentions finally settle upon you. It was never about silencing you, but about humiliating you. Every word he’s uttered since whipping his massive cock out has been an order, all of which you’ve eventually followed. 
You glare at him, finally meeting his eye as he lazily looks over at you. “Is everything a game to you?” 
Seokjin dips his head into the crook of your neck. You tilt your head up without much thought. His teeth graze your skin, warm tongue soon following to soothe those little bites he leaves behind. You whimper and shudder with every hot breath he fans over you.
How is he doing this so easily? Your fingers pick up their pace with every new jolt of pleasure his mouth brings. 
“Slow down,” he whispers while trailing wet kisses along your jawline.
Your mind wants to rebel and rub your clit with twice as much speed and force. However, your body yields to his commands, complying to his every order. You huff angrily, finding yourself defenseless against him. As a weak act of defiance, you rest your leg over his. 
He grins. His free hand rubs your inner thigh, making you regret your actions instantly. With every stroke up and down your leg, your pussy only gets wetter, needier for his hand. Your eyes flutter shut, body trembles as you begrudgingly submit your entire being to him. 
“Touch me,” you plead. 
Seokjin tightens his hold on your thigh. “And what do you call this, Little Doe?”
You whine, forcing your eyes open to meet his gaze. Noses brushing, breaths exchanging, your lips hover over one another. You force your hand off your clit and bite back a mewl from the lost contact. “Touch me,” you repeat, voice only just cracking. 
For once, his amused demeanour is nowhere to be found. Seokjin creases all movements. He pauses for a second, scanning your features, then drops his gaze between your legs. In deep thought, he bites his lip. You can’t help the cold vacancy around your pussy, hips slightly rolling up for attention. Seokjin takes your wrist and guides your wet hand to his cock. “Slowly,” he advises. 
Fingers hovering over his huge length, you nod. A squeal escapes you as you stroke him. Just from those gentle touches, you can feel how heavy he is. Hand trembling, you wrap your fingers around him and slowly pump. 
He sighs against your cheek. You hate how proud you feel, but the kisses he places near your lips distract you enough to melt into him. 
“Who knew you were such a good girl?”
“Shut up,” you snap, though your pace on his cock remains steady. 
Seokjin trails his fingers up your thigh, to your wetness. You moan upon feeling his fingers circle around your clit. “You’re even wetter than you look,” he whispers.
“I said, shut up.”
A sharp slap to your clit draws a yelp out of you. Though you glare at him, tightening your grip on his cock, he only continues with the smacks. Each one is harder than the last, forcing you to pull your legs to your chest once more. 
He chuckles, nudging his nose against yours. “Be a good girl, Little Doe, and spread’em.”  
You pout and nudge back. Seokjin presses his lips together, holding back whatever laughter you’ve provoked, then pushes his mouth against yours. The fact that you don’t hesitate to kiss him back surprises you. Up until now, all you thought you wanted was a quick fuck. Now, you can’t imagine how you’ve resisted the urge to kiss him for so long. His tongue finds its way into your mouth, taking control almost immediately. You want to say you’re annoyed but you love the way it feels around yours too much to fight against him any longer.
Slowly, you spread your legs once more. He lands one last smack on your clit then soothes the blissful stinging away by circling his fingers around your pussy again. He’s moving his hand faster than yours, making you moan against his lips. 
Seokjin pulls away with a smirk as your moans suddenly tumble into the room instead of his mouth. He laughs while you glare. “Aw, come on, Little Doe,” he purrs. “Aren’t you having fun?”
You pout, biting back moans, and pick up the pace of your pumps around his cock. If he wants to play, you have no problem doing the same thing. His hips buckle into your hand. You’re smirking now... until his hand moves faster. You follow his lead, picking up your pace as he picks up his. 
Lowly growling, Seokjin clenches his jaw. “Fucking slut,” he grunts. 
“Fucking prick,” you shoot back. However, your insult loses umph with every whining dip in your voice.
That amused look in his eyes is no more. His gaze hardens into something more sinister as he seethes, “Cum.”
You gasp as your hips roll into his hand. “You cum,” you huff. 
“Cum…” Your voice may be losing its strength and authority, but the look in your eyes remains as cold as ever. 
Seokjin grins. He must feel your hole clenching, must sense how you’ve been tightening around emptiness, needy for a release. Does he know how horny that rasp in his authoritative voice makes you too? Does he know you’ll most likely be dreaming about him tonight from how his scent has imprinted itself on you?
“You’re pathetic.”
You really fucking are. How quickly did you give into him again? Are you needy to cum or needy for him? Your eyes slightly roll back as your toes curl. You’re getting closer; he’s bringing you closer. Can you really be to blame for yielding so quickly, though? He disarms your confidence within a few words. It feels like you were only cussing him out seconds ago for ordering you to take your panties off. And yet, here you are, on the cusp of cumming because he told you to. 
Body quaking, you throw your head back and bite on your lip to keep from screaming his name. Your ograsm hits you hard and quick. Riling beside him, you’ve lost control of your hand around his cock. Your pumps hesitate, losing momentum and speed. Seokjin finds himself having to warp his free hand around yours to make sure he gets off as well. 
Your ears are ringing, blood rushing to your head as you gush some more around emptiness. You pretend you’re stuffed though. You imagine his cock deep in, the imprint of his girth bulging from your stomach as you cum. You’re angry with him, with yourself, with how good all this feels. In the midst of uttering a curse, you feel a warm, thick shot of his cum land across your face. Another load paints your breasts and stains your nightgown. 
Seokjin’s panting, grunting, trying his best to stay quiet as well. Your hands retract from each other within seconds of riding the other out. You shudder from the last leaks of your orgasm and pull your legs into yourself. All the while, he’s resting his head back and palming himself. As his eyes flutter shut, you can’t help but stare. He looks just as heavenly post-orgasm. A light layer of sweat glistens on his forehead, wet lips seeming kissable one more. 
His breathing regulates as he looks over at you. Nothing can fight off your frustration at the sight of that lazy smirk on his face. He points up to his own nose and says, “You got a little somethin- Ow!” 
You grunt a smirk after swatting his arm. “Clean it off,” you order between breaths. “Now.”
He raises a brow. “You wanted it so bad. You clean it off.”
“That’s not what I said I wanted.” 
Seokjin licks his lips to fight off a smile. “Did you or did you not tell me to cum?”
“By that stupid logic, you have a mess down there you need to clean too.” 
To your surprise, he nods. Seokjin shifts, repositioning himself so that he’s in front of you. His strong hands wrap around your ankles and pull them apart before yanking you towards him. 
You gasp and fall back into your pillow, looking up at him in astonishment. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Cleaning up my mess,” he shrugs. As he dips his head between your legs, he says with a wink, “I suggest you do the same.”
There’s barely enough time to breath, let alone clean his cum off you, before his tongue latches onto your pussy. He slurps up your cum with vigor, shaking his head between your thighs. Lapping up your juices, sucking on your clit, he seems to change his intention from cleaning up his mess to creating a new one. 
Your fingers tangle into his blonde hair, tugging on the long strands as he peeks up at you. Upon finding you’ve done nothing but relish in the sensation of his warm tongue, Seokjin pulls his mouth away from your pussy. You lift your hips up, whining and mewling quietly in hopes that he’d find you just cute enough to continue. 
Seokjin pokes his tongue between the gaps of his teeth. In silence, he waits. You know what he wants, but you can’t find it in you to follow another order. He’s somehow managed to melt you into agreeing to every command. You’d rather suck him off than scoop his cum off your face and swallow it. 
“Do it.”
He huffs. His entire chest puffs out, shoulders rolling back as he leers over you. That usually glint of amusement dissolves into annoyance. “Do it,” he whispers. Though his voice may be quiet, tone soft, his eyes are unforgiving. It’s clear this is your last chance.
You don’t care. “No.”
He’s hovering over you. All you did was blink and he’s hovering over you. Hot, short breaths fan over your face. His tip pokes your lower belly. You’re trembling. His tongue shoots out, swiping across your face. One of his hands shoots to your chin, thumb pushing it down to open your mouth. He gathers some spit with his cum then drops the load into your mouth. 
Your right eye twitches, only just rolling back from the taste. You swallow almost immediately and force yourself to ignore the recoiling disappointment of your heart at how easily you give in even after putting up a sad excuse of a fight. 
Seokjin repeats the process, licking up the cum across your cleavage now. He pulls down the neckline of your nightgown to make sure he gets every drop. Again, he spits it into your mouth. And, again, you swallow. 
You think it’s over now. He has licked up every drop of cum off your skin, after all. But, Seokjin isn’t satisfied until you’ve swallowed it all. He cups your breasts, pushing them up to tighten your gown and licks the cum off it easier. You swallow without hesitation when he spits it into your mouth. 
Both his hands come down on your breasts. You jolt, biting your lip to keep from crying out a moan. “Next time,” he starts, groping and massaging your tits. “I won’t be so leintant.”
With your hands over your head, you quietly moan, reveling in the sweet action. You nod to his pathetic warning, knowing that in the end you’ll do whatever the fuck you want. Yet, you can’t find the courage to tell him that. 
Seokjin ceases all soft massages and tears your gown. You gasp and grip onto his wrists while looking down at your now exposed breasts.
“What the hell?” You whine in a whisper. 
He only smirks before returning to his side of the bed again. Making himself comfortable, he replies, “Sleep well, Little Doe.”
You scoff. He must think you won’t take the gown off, even if it were torn. You can’t fall asleep now knowing he has the upper hand. Sitting up, you pull the night gown off and toss it aside. Seokjin, having one arm tucked under his head, watches you with an amused smile. His eyes devour every exposed inch of you. As you lie back down, you realize you’ve played right into his trap once more. He wanted you just as naked as him. 
“You make it too easy,” he chuckles. 
“You really are a prick.”
He quirks a brow. “Funny. I don’t see you putting it back on if I’m such a prick.” 
You don’t want it on. He knows that. You sure as hell know that. But admitting it would only make that festering anger in the pit of your stomach bubble into your chest. “Just go to sleep, Jin,” you mutter, turning away from him. 
You want to believe that your bed has never felt more uneven, uncomfortable, unwelcoming, but you know that’s not the case. You’ve never felt warmer than with Seokjin beside you. His body by yours has been a better comfort than the emptiness you usually find back there. Does he feel it too? Is that why he was adamant on you watching him, joining him, swallowing him? Or was it all just another power play? 
He shifts behind you. You stiffen, chewing on your lip. His hand, hesitant and shaky, snakes across your waist. It freezes against your stomach. You gulp and flutter your eyes shut as you rest your arm over his. It’s as though that’s all the confirmation he needs to pull you back into his chest. Steady breaths tickling the nape of your neck, you allow yourself to lean into him. 
You tell yourself it’s the exhaustion. But the truth lies behind you, cradling your body against his. Lacing your fingers between his, you whisper, “This never happened.” 
Seokjin presses a ghost of a kiss upon the nape of your neck. “Whatever you say, Little Doe.”
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The clucks of the hens and spray of the tap cannot drown out his infuriating laughter. He sounds like a choked seal, squealing chuckles uncontrollably. It’s embarrassing. He should be kicked out on that basis alone. 
You watch him chat up Mama and one of your aunties by the kitchen island. He makes another one of those stupid puns and they eat it up. Mama throws her head back, laughing along with him. Auntie Hyel chuckles and shakes her head before joining the rest of your family, your four uncles and Baba, outside. It’s as if this dismissal from Hogwarts was not at all his fault. Mama treats him like the son she never had. Laughing at his jokes, feeding him leftover egg and beef from her kimbap rolls; it’s disgraceful. They should both be ashamed of themselves. Everyone living in this house who has even given into his charms should be ashamed of themselves.
You shudder at last night’s memories, knowing you’re one of those people in this house now.
“Morning, dear,” Mama smiles upon finally spotting you on the staircase. 
Seokjin turns to face you, that prideful smirk plastered on his all too handsome face. Yes, you realize the cruel oddities of reality. Someone as horrible as Seokjin gets graced with undeniable beauty and you, with your kind heart and good intentions, are offered mediocrity.
He leans his elbows back on the counter. “Little Doe.”
The nickname hits differently now. Phantom shivers trail your spine upon hearing echos from last night. He purred that name one too many times to sit the same again. It used to twist your insides with disgust. But now all you can feel are nervous bursts of desire, and a yearning for his touch and presence like no other. 
“Shut it, you gerbil,” you hiss as you make the final step down the stairs. 
Your eyes lock on his lips, ghostly sensations of last night’s session all too fresh to ignore. Is it wrong to want them on yours again? Yes. He’s filthy, you remind yourself. Filthy with pride and an ego just as big as his dick. A huff escapes you as your hatred for him resurfaces. It takes everything in you not to shove him off his seat and take it instead. You know better than to do that in front of Mama. She’d smack the both of you with that wooden spoon by her side within seconds. 
Mama tsks at your name-calling when you take your seat. You meet her warning stare with caution. As you mutter a half-hearted apology, she sets a fresh cup of tea before you. Much like this morning, you drink the tea in small sips. 
“Thanks, Mama,” you mumble against the rim of the cup. 
Seokjin stares at you and smiles, “Yeah, Mama, thanks.”
You clench your jaw, keeping your eyes trained on the bento lunch boxes Mama prepares for your last amity meeting with Seokjin and Professor Trelawney. Since the two of you have met with your professor, you’ve broken every rule set by her. Insults are hurled consistently, taunts are made, threats are promised. The only thing the two of you haven’t done is prank each other. It’s too risky and the both of you can’t tolerate another second cut off from your friends. 
“Do you two think you can keep the teasing to a minimum today?” Mama asks as she wraps each box. “The headmistress is dropping by after lunch to tell you if you’ll be returning to Hogwarts.”
You furrow your brows as you set the teacup down. Seokjin turns to face Mama with the same expression. “What do you mean? I thought that after the amity sessions, we’d be able to go back.”
Mama avoids your gaze as she tucks a set of chopsticks under the wrapped knot. “Well, the amity sessions are not the only thing the headmistress has been looking into, (Y/N). You still have that fire to answer for.”
“This again,” you roll your eyes. Mama glares at you. “Sorry, it’s just you know I didn’t start it. Even Jin knows I didn’t.”
Seokjin remains silent, looking down at his cup of coffee. Mama looks between you and him then raises a brow. “I think poor Jin’s been through enough,” she coos at him before rubbing his shoulder. 
This is unbelievable. You’ve never really talked to him about it, but you just knew that he couldn’t possibly think that little of you, especially after last night. You know what you said, what you indirectly made him promise, but your words can’t erase that memory. Or, at least, it hasn’t for you. And now Mama is coddling him from you. You’re apparently the monster in his life, the conniving serpent that has plagued him and set fire to his stupid dorm. 
Up until now, you’ve regretted snooping around in his room for your letters, regretted even setting foot in his common room. You know you didn’t start that fire, but you’d be happy if you did. It’s the least he deserves for cutting you off from your family and now stealing them right from under you. 
Tilting your head back, you chug whatever is left of your tea. It scorches your tongue, but nothing burns more than the betrayal in your heart. Hopping off your seat, you set the teacup in the sink to be washed by the sponges you’d charmed. Mama senses your shift in demeanour and follows you to the broom closet. 
“He misses his family too, you know,” she says as you grab your broom. “Don’t you remember what it was like to not have your family with you?”
You shut the closet, not bothering to grab Seokjin’s broom for him, and turn to face Mama. “You mean when he stole my letters? He’s the one that should be investigated. You know I didn’t start-”
Mama places her hands on your shoulders, silencing you immediately. To your surprise, she pulls you into her chest and hugs you tightly. “Please, (Y/N),” she whispers. 
You’re not sure what she’s asking of you but you nod anyways. To show her to really understand, the moment she pulls away from you, you open the closet once more and grab his broom as well. She smiles and places a sweet kiss upon your forehead. 
Wrapping her arm around your shoulders, Mama guides you back into the kitchen. “You two take care now,” she smiles. 
You hand Seokjin his broom. He doesn’t even have the decency to thank you. “You’re welcome,” you bitterly spit under your breath. 
He ignores you. 
Mama is halfway up the stairs when she calls out to the both of you to have a great day. You grab your lunch and backpack then make your way to the door. Mounting on your broom, you don’t bother to wait for him and commence your last flight to Witching Wits, a wizarding cafe in the small muggle town nearby. 
Gusts of the wind and the scent of asphalt fills the space between you and Seokjin as you enter the little town. Your brooms are charmed to cloak you in with your environment so you’re invisible to a muggle’s eye. Seokjin doesn’t bother to race you to the roof of the cafe as he usually does. He hasn’t even so much as tossed you a look of any kind. You slow down just to give him a reason to speed up, but he doesn’t take the bait. And when you finally reach the rooftop, and dismount off your brooms, he doesn’t tap the edge of his broom on the green bricked chimney. 
You raise a brow. A line of questioning already forms in your mind, but you decide against voicing it. You don’t care, and why should you? He was the only that brought you into this mess, made you dive into every impulse. This time you’re going to go against your desires and curiosity. Tapping rhythmically on the edge of the chimney, the bricks shift into stairs that descend into the cafe. You lead the way in, not bothering to look over your shoulder to make sure he’s behind you. You’ve had enough of him already. Besides, his footsteps are a clear sign that he’s following along just fine. 
Professor Trelawney is late… again. She hasn’t been on time since these sessions began. You’ve never hated moments alone with Seokjin more than you did today. Wordlessly, you place your broom on the rack by the entrance and find an empty table in the corner. 
The routine is simple enough and you hate to think you’ve grown comfortable with it. You sit across from each other. Notebooks out, quills in hand or laying by an empty page, and Marina, the morning shift’s waitress, jumping back and forth from the counter to your table because she can’t seem to remember that neither of you have ordered anything. 
“Actually,” Seokjin cuts in when you decline to see a menu. “I’ll have a butterbeer with a shot of espresso.”
Face scrunched in disgust, you push past his revolting order and say, “But you already had coffee at home.”
Home. Is it his home? He blinks at the word, furrowing his brows at you. He sure has made it into his home; charming your family, taking your bed, eating your food. 
“I want another,” he shrugs once that disarmed look in his eye disappears. “How about we pretend I never had one to begin with. Would that make you feel better?”
Fear flushes whatever expression previously took over your features. You arch a brow and ask, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Seokjin shrugs. He sits back and twirls his quill between his fingers, watching you carefully. 
You cross your legs, draping the short, flowy shirt of your white dress over your thigh. “It must’ve meant something, or you wouldn’t have said it.”
“Does that same logic apply to actions?”
You know exactly what he’s referring to now. Pursing your lips, you bite back any insults that are begging to be thrown at him. Instead of giving into the subject he’s adamant on discussing, you bring up one he’s been avoiding since your arrival. “What was the point in stealing my letters?”
“I could ask you the same question about the fire.”
You huff. Why must he be this difficult? “You know I didn’t start it.”
His shoulders rise and fall again. Those shrugs are starting to really test your patience. On the cusp of tossing Mama’s advice out the window, Professor Trelawney's clunky footsteps echo down the brick staircase. Before she can make her way to your table, you lean in and whisper, “I hate you, I really do, but I’d never put you in that sort of danger, Jin. I’m not deranged.” With how much time you’ve spent thinking about his lips this morning, you might rethink that last claim, but you stay firm on your words. 
Seokjin tilts his head and quirks a brow at your last statement. You throw him a blank stare as Professor Trelawney makes her way towards your table. 
“I know,” he whispers. 
He knows. He knows and you’re still under investigation. Has he told McGonagall this? If he vouches for you then you can’t possibly lose your place at Hogwarts. You don’t have much time to ask him, however, as Professor Trelawney drops her heavy bag on the table. 
“Ah, Morning!” she smiles. Her eyes widen with delight behind those thick rimmed glasses. You hesitantly smile back, sneaking a glance at Seokjin. 
He replies with a quiet, “Good morning, Professor,” before meeting your gaze again. The usual cocky remark, arrogant approach, and amused looks are absent from his, dare you think, kind face. He seems so genuine in his stare that you almost regret asking him to forget about last night. You clearly haven’t. 
Marina returns with Seokjin’s order as Professor Trelawney takes a seat and pulls out her calming crystals. “Oh, is that a butterbeer with an espresso shot?” She asks with curious eyes. Before Marina can confirm, Professor Trelawney says, “I’ll have one too.” 
Seokjin throws you a cocky smirk. A silent “I told you so,” dances in his gaze. You roll your eyes and sit back in your seat. 
As Professor Trelawney continues to line up the crystals, she suggests starting these sessions as you always have. “Deep breath in then out and let the other know something you admire about them.”
You share an annoyed look with Seokjin, sighing deeply when he refuses to start... again. He always pulls the quiet card, knowing you’ll be the first to lose your patience and say something that gets mistaken as an effort to get the ball rolling. 
“Very good, Miss (L/N),” your professor smiles. “But this time add something you like about Mr. Kim.”
You don’t bother correcting her. Instead, you sit up straight and take a deep breath in. On the exhale you say, “I really admire the way you always test my patience.”
Seokjin glares. He inhales deeply then lets out, “I really admire the way you never let things go.”
Marina returns with Professor Trelawney’s order and they share a concerned look as you carry on with the exercise, saying, “I really admire how stupid you are.”
“I admire how annoying you are.”
“I admire your laziness.”
“I admire your cruelty.”
You furrow your brow, ball your fist and bite back the curses threatening to slip out. Cruelty? Didn’t he just say that he believed you’d never actively put him in any danger? Was he just saying anything to try and get you to bend to his every command again? Lips trembling, you reply, “I admire your dishonesty.”
Professor Trelawney takes a sip from her butterbeer, upper lip coated with foam, then lets out a shaky breath. “Well, that was a good start,” she tries her best to smile, setting her cup down. “Given that it’s our last day, let’s try doing this exercise right just once, hmm?”
Mama’s words trickle back to you. You want to make her proud, to continue your studies at Hogwarts, but he’s just so frustrating. And a part of you knows that even if you make an effort to show Professor Trelawney how you’ve progressed these last few days, it wouldn’t change a thing. The results of your investigation are still pending, no thanks to Seokjin.
“Now, let’s try using positives. Mr. Kim, why don’t you start us off this time?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you resist the urge to scoff. He’s been silent since the beginning for a reason. If you give into insults first, he has the excuse of defending himself when he shoots one back. And though you know this every well, it only makes you want to swear at him even more. 
Seokjin huffs, twirling his quill between his fingers. Breathing in deep, he says, “I admire your determination.”
Swallowing your curses, you reply, “I admire your resilience.” 
Seokjin pauses. He tilts his head at you, eyes narrowing. Scanning your features, he seems to be searching for signs of deceit. Expressionless, you stare back. He must’ve interpreted your lack of emotion for sincerity as his gaze softens. Sitting up, he licks his lips to hide a little smile. “I admire your passion.”
When has he ever seen you so passionate? This really is a joke to him; you’re a joke to him. You open your mouth to call him out for his lies when the strangest look surfaces on his face. You’re not certain what it is, but you can tell that it lacks defense and hostility. He’s radiating warmth. Lips in a… kind smile, he awaits your reply. Could he… Could he really be serious?
“I admire your ability to charm a room.”
Perhaps he heard something too raw in your voice, his brows momentarily shooting up. Have you been too honest?
“I admire your honesty.”
You have been too honest. Now, you’ve never been more confused. Does he or does he not believe you? You only wish you can ask. 
Professor Trelawney giggles into her half empty cup. “Well done,” she smiles, more foam coating her upper lip. Neither you nor Seokjin make an effort to let her know, sharing a knowing smile. The professor doesn’t think too much of it, though. She simply assumes her efforts are finally sinking in. 
“Let’s pick up where we left off yesterday.”
You flip back to yesterday's page. The last two weeks have been a series of attempting to compliment each other and recording all the pranks the two of you have pulled during this school year alone. Only two more pages, out of twenty-five, remain. Each of you must state the prank, explain why you did it and why you regret doing it. You have yet to receive an apology for all the crap he’s done to you… you also have yet to issue one yourself. 
“We last stopped with you, Mr. Kim. What’s the next prank on your list?”
Seokjin chews on his lip. “Blonde hair,” he mutters, playfully glaring your way.
Professor Trelawney leans forward. She inspects his hair, asking, “That’s not natural?”
No. What seems to be natural, however, is how good any colour of hair seems to look on him. You had intentionally intended to dye his hair pink. But, when you “accidently” spilled a bit of potion all over his head, he only looked better. The colour didn’t even clash with his red uniform. So, you quickly threw some mint leaves in and spilled some more over his head. Teal looked better than the pink. As a last ditch effort, while Professor Slughorn made his way to you, you tossed some butterscotch strings in and poured it all over his head again. The blonde stuck, striking beauty from every angle. 
“That was not supposed to happen,” you confess with a smile playing on your lips. 
“You poured that disgusting potion on me three times. I think you knew exactly what you were doing.”
Well, at least something good came from trying to dye his hair. He may have looked good but the potion sure as hell didn’t feel that way. “You mixed up my schedule. I was late for astronomy six times,” you explain as a means of an excuse.
“That’s because you charmed your necklace to hiss at every girl I tried to date.”
You shrug. “Someone needed to warn them how slimy you are.” Professor Trelawney clears her throat. “Were,” you correct. “How slimy you were.”
The professor rubs her temples. “No,” she sighs. “Don’t you have something to say to Mr. Kim?”
You’ll be damned if you apologize first. He’s the one that started all this; he should be the one apologizing. And, if you’re satisfied enough with his groveling, you might consider issuing an apology for your actions as well. 
“For what it’s worth,” you start. Seokjin raises a brow. Professor Trelawney holds her breath. “My plan backfired. I only kept pouring the potion over you because you look great in every colour.” 
An exhausted sigh escapes your professor. She tries to remain positive however, smiling and nodding as she moves the conversation along. “And what about this necklace charming ordeal?”
“What about it?”
“Why did you charm the snakes on your necklace to hiss at his girlfriends?”
You pause. Why did you do that? You remember that it was a week before the Yule ball. Mitch, a fellow Slytherin, was in the middle of asking you something. You don’t exactly remember the details of that conversation. However, you do remember watching Seokjin over Mitch’s shoulder. He was being all too enchanting, courting Rina, who is possibly the kindest Hufflepuff you’d ever met. You remember watching her swoon and watching him notice. 
Your heart festers with a familiar rage. The charming spell comes to you in a hard wave once again, just as it did that day. 
“He reordered my notes,” you lie. 
“That was the excuse you used when you bought four hundred chocolate frogs in my name and released them into the Gryffindor common room,” Seokjin points out.
You avoid his narrowing gaze as both he and Professor Trelawney await the truth. Why did you do that? Why did you do that? The question circles around your head, excuses nowhere to be found. Nothing even really came of it. He ended up going to the ball with Rina anyways. And you went with Jimin since he’s your best friend and the only person you can tolerate being around for an entire night. Had you wanted Seokjin to take you instead? You internally cringe at the thought. 
“I don’t know,” you finally answer.
Silence falls over the table. You can’t meet their eyes, fearing they may see something you’re trying to bury deep within you. Professor Trelawney curls her lips in. Furrowing her brows, she asks, “Well, do you regret your actions?”
Perhaps it’s the lack of hesitance in your reply, or the firmness in your tone. Either way, Professor Trelawney believes you. She carries along with the session. You and Seokjin go back and forth for the next couple of hours, crossing out every prank you finish addressing. 
Finally, your latest pranks remain. 
“How about we start with how you found out Seokjin had your letters?”
You swallow thickly. This happens to be the choppiest part of your story, according to the headmistress. “Someone,” she had said. “Someone told you?”
“Someone told you?” Professor Trelawney echoes when you repeat yourself to her. 
You nod. 
“Who?” Seokjin immediately questions. 
How the fuck did he know that? Did Mitch tell anyone else? But if he made you promise not to say anything, then why would he go tell others? Setting your jaw, you repeat through gritted teeth, “Someone.” 
“So, Mitch then?”
How does he keep doing that? You furrow your brows, exhaling sharply from your nose. What’s got him thinking it was Mitch to begin with? Had he maybe overheard Mitch telling you about it in the great hall? But, if that was the case, why didn’t he put in a better effort in hiding them? He just left them unattended in the first drawer of his night table, opened and vulnerable to any other prying eyes.  
Fear of someone else finding out about you and your family returns in sharp pains of your gut. You shift your crossed arms down to your stomach between shaky breaths. “Why are you certain it’s him?”
Seokjin smirks. “You had no problem denying that it was Jimin. Saying it’s not Mitch seems to be a struggle for you.”
It’s your fault for underestimating his intelligence. Yes, you constantly tell him he’s stupid, but you both know that’s not the case. And it’s the fact that you know how smart he is and that he knew better than to steal your personal property and invade your privacy only furthers your hatred towards him. Sighing, you reply, “It doesn’t matter who told me. What I would like to know is why you had to read them?”
All colour drains from his face. “I didn’t.”
You scoff, running your tongue between the gaps of your teeth. It’s vital that you keep your temper in check. You know that if you cause a scene now, you’d only look even guiltier. “Why were the letters opened then?”
“Look, I didn’t read them,” he huffs.
The atmosphere only darkens around your table, thickening with each trembling breath the two of you take. Professor Trelawney hisses at the sight of your auras and begins to flail her hands about, cleansing them from all that negative energy. You know things are starting to get out of control when an entire room of magical creatures look towards your table with concern and confusion. 
Glancing at Seokjin, you can’t help but glare. Everything he’s done, everything he’s said before this point has contradicted itself. He says he believes you, but won’t vouch for you. He says he never read your letters, but opened them anyways. He says the right things before bed, looks the right way, touches you in the right places, but then can’t meet your gaze the next morning. In all fairness, you had told him to forget about last night in so many words. However, his withdrawal from certain conversations is not lost on you. And it is for this reason that you cannot stomach to look at him any longer. 
“I need some air,” you suddenly mutter, cutting Professor Trelawney off. Lost so deep in thought, you hadn’t even realized that she was talking. 
The screech of your chair cuts her off once more. The sad look on her face fills your heart with guilt. You hesitantly rest a hand on her shoulder and mumble, “Thank you for cleansing my aura. I feel a bit better with all that negativity gone.” 
Professor Trelawney smiles up at you. She holds onto your elbow and nods. “Of course, dear. You enjoy your lunch now.”
Forcing a smile, you pull your hand away from your professor. The intimacy is getting more and more uncomfortable. The most feeling you’ve put into anyone else was last night, and that’s not a fact you’re proud to admit. 
In seconds, you’re abandoning all feelings and thoughts. You turn your ink lid close tight and toss it into your bag with all your other things. In your peripherals, you can see Seokjin rushing to do the same. If he thinks he’s going to ruin your only moment alone with excuses, he’s sadly mistaken. Grabbing your lunch, you make your way to the broom rack and take the first familiar broom you see. Up the green brick steps you go, and under the wind you fly away from Witching Wits cafe; away from Kim Seokjin. 
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The flight to Doe’s Peak is long, but worth the time. You land atop the highest hill, amongst the tallest grass. You’ve tossed glances behind you all throughout the flight, making sure Seokjin wasn’t following you. Now that you’ve made it though, alone with only the wind’s mocking melodies for company, you partly wish he had followed you. 
Dismounting off your broom, you let it fall by your feet. You’ve snuck away to this hilltop since the first amity session. You needed a breather then too after a heated argument about whether or not you taught Professor Flitwick’s frogs to follow Seokjin around and sing ominous notes every time he entered a room. You did, but no one needed to know that. You let your words get the best of you then too. 
Pulling out a white, red striped sheet from your bag, you shake it out and lay it on the floor. After one too many trips here, you’ve learned to come prepared. Actually, before these amity sessions, you haven’t flown up here in awhile. You used to always run away to this hilltop since it had the best view of the entire muggle town on one side and the country roads on the other. 
A large forest separates the peak from the countryside. As you sit yourself down on the thin blanket and unwrap your lunch, you remember tricking both the country and townspeople that a beast lurked these parts. It was before you realized you had magic. You came on a hiking trip with your family and fell in love with the scenery. You wanted to keep it all to yourself, so you attempted to roar into the forest. You were only seven; how were you supposed to know that you’d sound more like a bear than you intended to? By some twist of fate or another, you got what you wanted: an eyeful of scenery for your viewing only. 
You face the town now, watching the muggles bustle around in the distance. With a mouthful of kimbap, you pull your portable green radio out of your bag and flick it to life. A reply of the last quidditch game sounds. Slytherin against Gryffindor. Hearing the game all over again, you can’t help but sigh. You should’ve been there, batting bludgers towards Seokjin. He’s a seeker, but that’s never stopped you from swinging your bat towards him before. 
“Slytherin scores again! Gryffindor’s only chance to win now lies with the golden snit-”
You switch the radio off with a wave of your hand. Another second of this rerun and you might just chuck the radio down the hill. 
The wooden sign at the edge of the hilltop creaks from the forces of the wind. Shoving the last piece of kimbap into your mouth, you glance up at it. The hill was named Theodore’s Peak, but the other letters had fallen off long before you were born. Now, despite the discolored outline of the previous letters, the sign reads Doe’s Peak. 
It’s a bit ironic, you think as you scarf down the last little bits of egg in your lunch box. The hill belongs to you and your patronus is a doe. Now, if only Seokjin could let that go. 
Ah, Seokjin. Why can’t you go a single moment without his name on the tip of your tongue? Is he really that infuriating, that intoxicating that he needs to be entrenched in your every thought? Full of anger and frustration, you look back out at the town and inhale deeply. On the exhale, you scream at the top of your lungs. Screwing your eyes shut tight, you let every drop of rage out in a long scream. 
When you’re done, you shut your bento box, wrap it up tight and push it aside. You, then, mentally vow to go the rest of this lunch not thinking about Kim Seokjin while reaching into your bag to search for your peach. If this is to be your last few moments as a witch, the results of your investigation still pending, then you’ll spend them admiring your favourite place, alon-
A snap of a branch chills your blood. No one dares hike through the woods. You slowly turn your head down to the forest. Squinting, you notice a figure trying, and failing, to hide behind a tree trunk. Clenching your jaw, you attempt to swallow your anger. But then he laughs. 
“Get lost, gerbil face!” You shout. 
He’s doing this on purpose. Before you can yell curses, he flies up to where you are, dismounting by your broom. You roll your eyes, finally grabbing hold of your peach in your bag and pulling it out. Your bag tips over, but you pay it no mind. You’re all too consumed by Seokjin and his returning cocky smirk. 
“Get lost,” you repeat before taking a big bite out of your fruit. You don’t bother to spare a glance up at him.
Seokjin takes this as an invitation to sit. His eyes flicker from your bag to you. “You took my broom.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. “So, you hid down there and watched me eat?” You ask around your food. 
“I’m not some creep.”
“You did follow me up here.”
He lets out a flustered sigh, looking out into the town. “I heard you yelling. Forgive me for wanting to make sure you were okay.” Tone drenched in sarcasm, he avoids your confused gaze. 
You open your mouth to call bullshit, but pause. Though you’d hate to admit it, that does sound like something he’d do. He’s a douchebag, but an honourable one. No matter how much he hates you, he’d never let you face a dangerous situation alone. Or, at least, you hope he wouldn’t. So, instead of insulting him or calling him a liar, you take another bite of your peach.  
“You come up here a lot?” He asks. 
You ignore him. 
He hums quietly. Then, reaches his hand back. “Is this why?”
Mid eye roll, mid chew, you freeze. He holds your dark green dildo in his hand, examining it in the bright afternoon sun like it’s some rock he found laying around. You know it’s big, having selected it on it’s size alone, but it looks small in his hand. You drop your peach, choke on the bites you try to swallow and lunge to grab that toy out of his hand. The only reason you’ve kept it in your bag was to keep it out of his sight. 
Seokjin laughs as he holds it high out of your reach. You scamper around over his lap like a little dog in desperate need for a treat. “Down, girl,” he teases with a smirk. 
Your arousal instantly pools between your legs at the reference. Though riddled with humiliation, you can’t fight the angry desire coursing through your veins. One of your peach juice stained hands suddenly wraps around his neck. You gently squeeze, ignoring the shudder of pleasure that runs down your spine at the gulp of his adam’s apple. 
Eyes locking, he raises a brow. Is that a challenge? Does he not think you can squeeze any harder? Despite being fueled by rage, you only just tighten your grip around his neck. 
He scoffs. 
You add your other hand, threatening, “I’ll do it.”
He smirks. “I dare you.”
Without much hesitance, your grip tightens. Seokjin moans. A gasp escapes you, turning his pleased groans into laughter. He just needs one hand to push both yours off him. Then your throat is caught in his grasp. He squeezes without warning, smirking down at you as he whispers, “That’s how you choke a brat.”
Chest heaving, straggled moans pour out of you. Seokjin must’ve thought the buttoned dress was too constricting around your breasts. He raises his brows as he looks down at your cleavage and grazes the buttons. You take this as a silent request to continue. Against your better judgement and the anger that wants to tear him apart, you nod. 
He wastes no time on anymore reassurances. Button after button is unclasped. Your bra becomes more and more exposed. His grip tightens as the sleeves fall off your shoulder. He reaches behind you, hovering his lips over yours, and loosens your bra. Exchanging his breath for yours, he purrs, “Take it off.”
“You want it off so bad; you take it off.” 
Echoing his words from last night, with your own variation of course, is possibly the deadliest thing you could do. Seokjin pulls your bra down, the straps falling off your shoulder too, and slaps one of your breasts. 
You hiss, glaring at him. He takes the look as another challenge, smacking your other breast much harder than the last. 
His gaze lacks remorse. With another couple of slaps on each breast, he seethes, “Take the bra off.”
You huff through your nose. He tightens his grip. There’s only so much of this you can resist. Licking your lips, you push the sleeves of your dress off to finally remove your bra. Though your top half is exposed, the cool, late spring breeze hardening your nipples, your bottom half is still concealed under the skirt of your dress. 
Seokjin releases your throat with a shove. You fall back on your elbows with a squeal. There hasn’t been a moment, a word hissed, a breath exchanged that you haven’t glared at him for. Sitting up, you have every intention of shoving him back. However, the moment you push yourself up, your lips find his. You want to say that you fought as hard as he did to be the one to have the upper hand, but you know you can’t. Not even a half-hearted effort was put into being the one to leer over the other. You surrendered within seconds, laying back down on the sheet as his frame hovered over yours. 
He breaks the kiss and stretches his head back. You follow the silent command, instantly latching your wet lips onto his soft skin. You kiss, suck, lick at the sensitive flesh of his neck as he trails a hand down to your pussy. A little chuckle escapes him when he finds that you’re pantiless. 
“Were you hoping I’d find you?” he asks. You bite down on his collarbone, earning yourself a smack on you pussy. “No panties and a fucking toy,” he whispers. “If you wanted me this badly, you should’ve just said so.”
Why does he have to waste such precious time running his mouth? You’re both needy for a fuck. Why won’t he just let that be it? There doesn’t have to be some sort of secret meaning hidden within every kiss received or touch offered. 
Pulling your face out of the crook of his neck, you part your lips to tell him to just shut up and fuck you, when he adds, “That’s why you scared Rina away, right? And the others too?” 
You flinch upon hearing her name. 
Seokjin smirks. He cups your pussy and hums a quiet moan at the wet heat it radiates. “I really didn’t think you were the jealous type.”
You’re so ashamed, you can’t even meet his gaze to glare at him. Burying your face back into the crook of his neck, your clutch onto his broad shoulders and seethe, “Shut up.”
He pets your clit one stroke at a time. Eyes rolling back, you lean into his frame and hold on tight. You know he’s being gentle now, but if you learned anything from last night, it’s that Seokjin’s mood changes with the wind. His free hand wraps around you, further pressing your body into his. Only when your bare breasts are smushed against his covered chest do you realize that he’s still fully clothed. He’s never looked better in a white shirt and some jeans but you’d just wish he’d stop with all these games and strip enough to fuck you already. 
Cupping your pussy again, he asks, “Do you want my cock, Little Doe?” You roll your hips into his hand and eagerly nod. Seokjin tightens his hold on your heat, drawing a little grunt out of you. “Then, answer the question, you dirty slut.”
“Yes, I want you,” you sigh, answering the second question. Though you know that’s not what he wanted you to reply to, you hope your lack of hesitance to confess other truths would be enough to end this line of questioning all together. 
It’s not. 
That hand he has on the small of your back, cradling you close to his frame, shoots up to your hair. He tugs on it, pulling your face out from the crook of his neck. You cry out in surprise. Shame rises from your gut at the realization that you love this rough act more than you should. Craning your neck more than necessary, he whispers against your lips, “Just be a good fucking girl for once, you pathetic brat, and tell me the truth.”
Closing your eyes, you let out a shaky breath. You might have to admit your most shameful secret, but you refuse to look him in the eye while doing it. “Fine,” you huff. Voice trembling, you admit, “I was jealous.” 
Seokjin places a soft kiss on your chin, a stark contrast to the rough grip he has on both your pussy and hair. “Good,” he mutters against your jawline. “Now, look me in the eye and say it again.”
A new rush of arousal pools into his hand. You feel him smirk against your skin. He knows all too well about your infatuation to be humiliated not to draw out every second of it. 
You slowly open your eyes to meet his amused ones. “I was jealous,” you repeat with a shudder. The words sound even more pathetic the second time around. The little cracks in your voice don’t soothe the sting of that fact. “I hate you.”
Seokjin smiles. “Don’t ruin all your progress now, Little Doe. You were doing so well.”
He shuts you up with a kiss. You don’t even have the strength within you to not give into him. What more do you have to stand for? Your pride? He’s clearly trampled all over it. Your hatred? You’re slowly starting to question the legitimacy of that feeling because kissing him has made you feel refreshed with giddy desire. And feeling him has ignited every nerve on fire. It feels similar to hate, you know it does. It twists your guts and crushes your heart. It weighs down on your chest and shatters any belief in any other possibility but him. When he kisses you, when he holds you, when he plays with you like this, all you can believe in is him.
The harsh grip on your scalp softens and softens until it’s no more. His hand releases your hair and trails around to your chin. He holds you by your jaw as he lays you down on the sheet. After another soft kiss, he removes his hand from your pussy and reaches for that long, smooth curved dildo instead. Much to his amusement, a little giggle escapes you. Your defenses have fallen sometime between the first use of slut and that second kiss. You should be ashamed by the fact that you’re visibly eager to be ruined by him but you aren’t. In fact, you relish in the fact that you’re excited for him to see you so vulnerable, so submissive. And he seems to enjoy that too.
Seokjin leers over you with a little smile. He pulls your jaw open and shoves the toy into your mouth. You hold his gaze while swirling your tongue around the heavy object. He pushes your hair back, admiring the way you gag every time he shoves the toy further into your mouth without warning. Tears only just prick your eyes when he finally pulls it out
“Was that too much?”
You shake your head. 
He nods and moves the toy down. You spread your legs wider in anticipation. The two of you watch as he runs the side of the dildo between your folds before pushing it in. 
Sucking in a sharp breath, you rest your head back down on the ground. Your pussy’s already clenching around it. His other hand wanders around your torso, slapping and groping your breasts. With your arms up over your head, you roll your hips up into his hand, desperate to make him move the dildo or, at the very least, turn it on. 
“You want me to move it?” 
He smirks. “Suck my dick.”
Your eyes widen, glancing between him and his crotch. “The whole thing?” The moment the question leaves your lips, you internally cringe. The whole thing, you mockingly think. Why the fuck would he want half his dick sucked? 
Seokjin chuckles. “If you think you can take it, yeah.” He nods down to his belt and says, “The whole thing.”
You gulp. Though the task is daunting, you can’t ignore how empty your throat feels. Chewing on your lip, you undo his pants and push it down to his knees with his underwear as well. His huge cock springs out, smacking you in the face. 
“Ah~,” you gasp. 
He only chuckles, positioning the tip in your already open mouth. Maybe he’s getting impatient, or maybe he just likes the fact that the moment his dick seems to appear, your jaw drops. Either way, you start sucking on his tip, swallowing his precum, and he watches you, a pleased smirk plastered on his face.
Propping up on your elbows, you level your face with his hips. It’s a bit easier to suck him off now, but you don’t dare get carried away. Already your jaw aches from his weight alone. Sucking and slurping, you lose yourself in your task to even realize that the toy’s moving inside you. 
It’s not enough. It’s not the same. With his cock in your mouth, his girth and a quarter of his length down your throat, you just know that nothing can compare to this. That dildo, the one you’ve been using for a couple of years now, the one that has made you squirt more times than you can count, only seems like a poor excuse for a toy now. 
You bring your hand up to his cock, pulling him out of your mouth for a breather. Quiet moans escape you, but it’s mainly due to the way he tastes. Jerking him off, you look up at him, pout your lips and ask, “Turn it on?”
Bringing his brows together, Seokjin licks his lips. “It turns on?”
You nod. He starts to shake his head at your request, but you open your mouth once more and smack his tip on your tongue. He pauses. You do it again and again, moaning erotically in hopes that the image would be pronogrpahic enough for him to finally agree. 
For once, your plan works. 
Seokjin mutters, “Turn it on then.” 
You squeal in delight, waving a hand down towards your crotch to get the dildo started. It hums loudly, vibrating harshly against your walls as you set it to the highest intensity. He raises a brow down at the toy. 
Worried he’d catch onto your actions, you quickly return to your ordered task. You deep-throat as much of him as you can without much of a warning and pump the rest of his cock at a quick, harsh pace. All the while, you're holding his gaze. However, even with the sight of tears streaming down your face and a mouthful of dick, Seokjin remains sharp and focused. 
The moment you turned that vibrator on, he ceased all movements. Holding it still in your pussy, he watches you devour his cock to overcompensate for the fact that you indirectly disobey him. But judging by the cocky look in his eyes, you’re starting to think this is exactly what he thought would happen. 
Realization hits you, mid-slurp, and you stop all movements. Warming his cock in your throat, you glare up at him through your blurry vision. This entire time you’ve been playing right into his hand. And why are you even taken aback by this discovery? You know you love it. He knows you love it. Why are you finding that so hard to admit yourself?
You’re about to pull him out but he holds onto the back of your head and pushes you back down on him. Gags vibrate around his cock at the same rate the toy buzzes in you. It’s uncontrollable and all he does is grunt and growl, throwing his head back. Seokjin knows he’s pushing your limits right now, but he doesn’t seem to care. Only when you grip onto his thigh does he let you go. 
Wet and slobbery, you swallow mouthfuls of oxygen even while his tip rests on your tongue. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think you were the toy in this situation, not whatever’s vibrating in your pussy right now. 
Seokjin takes the dildo out of you while gently nudging you to lay back down. “You’ll be a good girl now? You won’t try anything else?”
You scoff. “How is it fair that you get to play around all you want?”
Holding your gaze, he presses the edge of the toy against your clit. You instantly cry out and roll your hips into it. He then pulls it away and watches you whine and huff in frustration. 
“That’s why.” 
Wiping your tears with the back of your hand, you roll your eyes. “I can do that too.”
“You already did,” he points out, referring to your little attempt to try to distract him from the fact that you turned it on to any intensity you wanted. “Do I need to remind you how that turned out for you?”
Then it hits you. He wasn’t playing around; he was punishing you. A string of curses loops in your mind at how stupid you’ve been. You should’ve tried to humiliate him back, degrade him just as well as he had degraded you. You shouldn’t have inflated his ego like this. You shouldn’t have disregarded the one thing that has kept him in your life for this long; your pride. 
Crossing your arms under your breasts, consequently pushing them together, you reply, “Do I need to remind you that you’re just as horny as I am?” Seokjin circles around your head so that he is leering right above you. You have to lean your head back to talk to him as you continue. “I know how hard you are, Jin. I know how badl-”
Seokjin cuts you off by smearing his tip over your lips. You fall silent. Staring up at him, you try to resist the urge to lick your lips. You do, however, open your mouth wide without being asked to. Though you tell yourself that you’re doing this because you want to, though you know deep down that everything you do is for him. 
He spares no time with words. The moment you open your mouth, he leans forward and pushes his cock down your throat. His weighty balls fall against your forehead and large hands reach for your breasts to mount himself. He doesn’t move; he simply sits over your head while your throat keeps his cock warm.
He doesn’t fit. It doesn’t stop him from squeezing himself in. Your throat burns. The gags and tears don’t bother him. Your hands on his thighs, nails digging into his flesh, doesn’t faze him. The fact that he doesn’t fit isn’t an issue in his mind. He probably won’t fit in your pussy, but you both know that won’t stop him either. 
As you choke on him, throat constricting, swallowing his length upon command, he grabs the vibrating dildo somewhere by your head and presses it against your clit once more. You can’t even moan with his cock this far down your throat. Your hips spasm, though, and legs tremble. You roll into the toy, squirming under his body. 
“You really need a mouthful of dick to follow orders?” He asks over your gags and the buzzes of the vibrator. Slowly, he starts to pull out of you.
You want to say the first sound to escape you the moment he’s out is a gasp for fresh air, but you can’t. You moan instead. You moan his name. The denial will never die, so long as the truth is this obvious. Every breath you spend on him rather than yourself only further proves that fact. 
He stays hovering behind your head, cock perched against your cheek, as he continues to get you off from this angle. Little chuckles fill the space between you with every desperate, broken moan of his name that pours out of you. Your panting, your throat’s aching, and yet all you can think, all you can say is “Jin, Jin, Jin.”
Pussy clenching, hips buckling, your orgasm nears. Looking up at him, you find his attention is locked on your crotch. A little smile tugs on your lips with that familiar sense of pride blushing in your chest. Captivating him like this turns you on too much to be able to soundly admit. Something about making him happy, making him lose himself over you makes you proud. Maybe you just like the attention, you tell yourself while wrapping your hand around his cock. 
Curious and dark, his eyes snap back to yours. Moaning against his length, you stare up at him innocently. What’s the use of fighting your need for him… when he’s controlling that vibrator? As long as he’s in control, you know you’re going to have to give into every order blindly, especially if you want to cum. You tell yourself that you’ll do what he says because you haven’t had a good fucking in a while then push any opposing arguments to the side. 
Seokjin smiks. “Close, Little Doe?” 
So very close. You can’t hide the quaking of your legs. You’re just glad he’s not sitting near your pussy or he’d be able to see how much it quivers for him. Sucking harshly on his tip, you nod and hum, “Mhm.”
Your gasps are breathless, moans desperate as you feel your orgasm threaten to take over. Shutting your eyes, you throw your head back and-
His obnoxious laugh meets your ears. You cry out curses as you sit yourself up and turn to look at him. Face blotched with tears, spit and precum, you glare at him. “You fucker!”
He only laughs harder. Having had enough of his games, you reach for the vibrator. You don’t need him; you can do it yourself… if he’ll let you, that is. Seokjin holds the toy out of reach once more when you attempt to grab it out of his hands. 
“I was so close!” You whine, clutching onto the collar of his shirt. 
Mocking your whines, he grabs onto your ass to keep you still. Your eyes then widen, the tip of his erection poking at your stomach. With the two of you now on your knees, battling for the upper hand, the desire to have him in you only intensifies. Your dress pools around your knees as you straighten your posture. The act of hooking a leg around his waist to jump on his cock is all too tempting. The fast murmurs of the vibrator is long forgotten now that all your mind can think about is how easy it would be to take what you want. That’s what he has been doing this whole time anyways, right?
Eyes dark and drenched in dominance, he smiles. He really thinks he’s won, that he’s got you wrapped around his finger. From a single glance, you know he believes you’ll do anything for him. And maybe if he hadn’t edged you that hard, you would’ve played right into his hand again. But, he got drunk off this control and it’s about time you reclaim it. 
You may be naked, but you’re about to uncover every single one of his cocky glances and sly smirks. Destruction is your goal. 
Softening your gaze, you pout your lips and press them to his chin. Seokjin stiffens. His grin falls. He brings his brows together and watches you carefully. You arch your back to push your ass further into his hand. Mewling against his jawline, you release his shirt and slither a hand to his neck. 
Seokjin scoffs and lowers his hand, dropping the vibrator. Both his hands cup the underside of your ass, lifting you up and spreading your legs enough to position his cock between your folds. Biting back a smirk, you slither your other hand through his long, pulled back hair and exaggerate an innocent whine. He eats it up, rolling his hips into yours. 
The little bit of friction against your clit only derails you for a second as your breath hitches. He’s getting too comfortable with this feigned submissive state you’re displaying. When he starts to massage your cheeks, you know you’ve got him hooked. He’s too vulnerable to predict your next move.
As his eyes flutter close and he leans in for a kiss, you grab onto his throat. His eyes shoot open, but it’s too late. You pull his head back by the grip on his hair and dig your nails into his neck. Bearing your teeth, you graze and nibble on his jawline. He spanks you as a means of retaliation, but the gasp that escapes you only adds to your anger. 
“You really thought you could get away with that?” You question while tightening your grip on his throat. Seokjin gulps. You giggle when you feel his adam’s apple bob under your palm. “You should’ve let me cum, you pathetic slut.”
Using his words against him only seems to humour the situation. He laughs, trying to look at you despite the fact that you’re holding his head back. “Let me go before I lose my patience, Little Doe,” he rasps. 
You’re the one that has a hold on him. He can’t tell you what to do. How does he even have the guts to taunt you when you’ve got him in such a degrading position. You clench your jaw and grunt. 
“I won’t tell you again.” The humor in his tone has disappeared. 
Huffing, you raise a brow. If you need to assure your dominance over him, then that’s exactly what you’ll do. Gathering your saliva, you spit over his lips. He flinches. “Lie the fuck down,” you order. 
Seokjin darts his tongue out and licks his lips. Sighing, he whispers, “I’ll tell you what. If you can lay me down yourself, without using magic, I’ll apologize for everything.”
That tool. He must think the least of you if he’s willing to bargain this much. You’re about to tell him to shut up and do as you say, but then he smirks. He really believes you can’t do it. Anger doesn’t fully encompass your feelings towards him, and neither does rage at this point. You’re livid. Heart pumping a vicious dose of spite and pride, you release his throat and attempt to shove him down by his shoulders.  
He doesn’t budge. He doesn’t even pretend to be affected. You should’ve known better than you push him by his strongest point. His shoulders are massive; of course, they’d keep him up. Your next attempt focuses on his chest as you try to shove him down from there. Seokjin chuckles, biting his lip to keep the rest of his laughter in. 
“Just give up,” you shout while trying to climb over him. The hope of your body weight being enough of a factor to bring him down, backfires. Now you’re the one locked in his grip. His arms wrap tightly around your waist, breasts in his face. 
“I was just about to say the same thing to you,” he smiles. 
You let go of his hair. Both hands grip onto his shoulders as you watch his messy hair come undone. A few strands fall over his eyes. From this angle, with his long hair everywhere and chin leaning into your breasts, he looks harmless, perhaps even enchanting. He’s beautiful. That’s a fact you can never deny. It’s been true the moment you saw him all those years ago and it’s true now. But that amount of dominance is all your pride is willing to accept at this point. 
Pushing those soft strands of hair out of his face, you whisper, “Lay down, Jin.”
Seokjin shakes his head, nuzzling his face between your breasts. Your breath hitches as he makes himself comfortable by kissing and biting just under each tit; your most sensitive areas. Eyes fluttering shut, head falling back, you let yourself get lost in the gentle pleasure for a moment. But then, his teeth graze your skin a little bit harder than necessary. 
Your eyes snap open, hands rushing through his hair to pull his head back. Glaring down at him, you’re about to scold him for thinking he can take over you like that and not expect to be punished. Little do you know, he’s thinking the same exact thing. 
Before you can even part your lips, Seokjin’s patience has disappeared. He lays you down with ease, making quick work of pinning your hands over your head. You grunt and roll your hips against his stomach as a means to push him off, or so you tell yourself. Seokjin only plays into it as he rolls his body back into you. He chuckles when he feels your pussy quiver from the slightest bit of friction. You're too needy to put up more of a fight for your control back. And while that fact has already come and gone for Seokjin, you’re still making your peace with it. 
“You’re so fucking lucky you’re this cute,” he purrs. “Or I would’ve pounded that attitude out of you the first time you acted out.”
It’s condescending, absolutely degrading, yet you’re gushing for more. Pussy throbbing, you whine and attempt to pull your wrists out of his hold. You don’t make much progress. Seokjin smirks down at you. He leans in for a kiss and the temptation to give in returns. It trickles into your heart in quiet whispers. However,  your pride is louder, slithering into your soul in booming echoes. So as his lips near yours, instead of puckering, you spit. 
He flinches. “I was so close to forgiving you, Little Doe.”
“I haven’t apologized.”
You part your lips to tell him to go to hell, when suddenly you're turned over. Face smushed into the ground, body flat but ass up and hands held behind you, you’re entirely at his mercy. A soft cloth, you can only guess was the wrap of your lunch box, finds its way around your wrists, binding them tightly. 
“Ji- Ah~”
The smack of his hand coming down on your ass echoes in the vacant space. With your face towards the cityscape, you can see a few people look around for the source. If a single person glances up at the peak, they’d find your naked body completely submissive to Seokjin’s clothed one. The risk causes your arousal to tickle down your thigh.
Whether or not Seokjin is aware of the fact that he’s calling the attention of an audience doesn’t matter much to you. And even if it did and you wanted to ask him about it, you wouldn’t have the chance. After another spank, Seokjin pushes your asscheeks up and apart to bury his tongue in your pussy. You circle your hips at the warm sensation of his mouth against your heat. Moans and curses mixed with praises pour out of you as he sips on every wet drop of yours. He groans at the taste, completely entrenched in your needy pussy to pull away. 
“Oh, yes, there, you fucker,” you moan as his tongue swipes between your folds. Another spank meets your ass at the insult. You cry out a moan, but don’t care enough to stop. “That’s cute,” you whine. Though your words may be condescending, your tone betrays your intentions. You sound more broken and needy than ever. Each word sounds more like a plea rather than an insult.
Seokjin rather heard the former. He laps up a good amount of your wetness, then brings his glistening lips up to your asshole. After spitting the wet mixture over your hole, he reaches for the abandoned, still buzzing vibrator. 
“Ever use this in your ass?” He asks while swirling the spit mixed juices around your hole with the tip of the vibrator. 
You shudder a whine, fisting your hands to keep yourself focused. “No,” you sigh. “The most I’ve put in is two fingers.”
Seokjin chuckles as he pushes the tip in a good inch or two. You squeal loudly and screw your eyes shut from the buzzing, blissfully burning sensation of the vibrator’s stretch. “Well, after today you can say you’ve put in a bit more than that.”
As he massages your cheeks, tongue relatching onto your heat, you realize you really are just a toy to him, a little play thing, a set of holes to entertain him. And you should hate him for that, hate him for stealing your things, for reading your secrets, for making you love him all these years, but you don’t. You can’t hate someone as wonderfully prideful as you. You can’t despise his hardheaded tendencies or the fact that he must always be right. Because, though these traits may get you in some trouble, they’re possibly your favourite things about yourself. You love the challenge of proving yourself, and you know he does too. And of all the stupid men you’ve been with, Seokjin’s the only one that understands how to pleasure you, to provoke you beyond repair. 
The more you think about everything you’ve done to him out of spite and everything he’s done to you in return, the more you crave his cock. Pushing back against his lips, you hiss, “When the fuck are you planning to fuck me?”
He sits back and lets his hand take over his tongue’s work. Two fingers rub between your folds and tease your entrance as he replies, “Think you can take the whole thing, Little Doe?” 
Just when you were thinking you actually love the guy, he goes and throws your words back in your face. You’re starting to wonder if you’re insane for wanting him even more now. “Why don’t you stick it in and find out, you fucking thief,” you reply between quiet moans. 
His grip on your ass softens and he takes his fingers out at the reference. Though your heart’s telling you to drop it and charm him once more, your pride encourages you to continue. “Maybe this pussy might fuck some honour back in you. Maybe you’ll learn not to take what isn’t yours.”
That harsh hold returns. Both his hands grab onto your ass in a deadly grip as he darkly chuckles and asks, “What makes you think I’m the one being taught a lesson? Aren’t you the one tied up?”
His questions are irreverent, you tell yourself. With that vibrator in your ass and your pussy empty of his touch, all you can think about is how badly you need to be filled. “You annoying little shit,” you hiss over your shoulder. “Just fuck me already.” 
He smacks your pussy, making you cry out his name like the slut you know you are for him. “Watch your mouth, whore,” he warns. His voice is heavy with lust and dominance. You can’t help but push your hips back towards him from his tone alone. “Or, I swear, I’ll make you sorry you ever talked to me seven years ago.”
“You fucker! You spoke to me first!” 
“Are you serious right now? I’m threatening to fuck the shit out of you and you want to argue about who spoke to who first?” 
You huff a shaky breath. “You’re avoiding the topic because you know you’re wrong.”
“You just love lying, don’t you?”
How the fuck are you the liar? Fighting against the restraints, you explain over your shoulder, “I was minding my own business in my compartment and your dumbass-”
Seokjin shoves the half-eaten peach in your mouth, cutting you off. You bite into it to get a piece out so the rest could fall, but you end up hitting the pit. Chin sticky with peach juice, you scream into the fruit and try to glare at him over your shoulder. Seokjin simply pushes your face into the ground, leans over your flattened body and purrs, “I’ve heard enough from you, slut. Lying, screaming. You even think you can boss me around.” He chuckles a bit at his last sentence before continuing, “You’re going to apologize to me, (Y/N).” 
“Never!” You scream into the peach. However, all he hears is a two syllable grunt. 
No matter. The fact that you spoke back is enough to spur him on. He let’s go of your head and sits back up. You go to lift your head off the ground, but he pulls your hips up before you have the chance. He positions his cock between your folds then aligns it with your entrance. You only have the opportunity to suck in half a breath before he’s pushing himself in. 
You were right before to assume he wouldn’t fit. His girth alone is thick enough to make you cry into the fruit with every bit he further attempts to slide in. The stretch is so sweet, so harsh. You’re obsessed with how fucking big he is and how well he makes room for himself between your walls. Peach juice and drool runs down your chin, your neck, and stains the sheet. A mewling, sticky mess already and he’s not even halfway in. You need to stop losing yourself over him though, if you intend on keeping your apologies to yourself.
However, the vibrator partly lodged in your ass is not helping your attempt to stay still and sane. And every inch he continues to push in has you rolling eyes. Is it humiliating to admit you want this everyday, every night, every moment of your life? Is it disgraceful to wish he was yours always? Is it unreasonable to want to be his one and only? Him, him, him. All you want, all you crave is more him. 
He finally bottoms out. Maybe you’re whipped for his dick, or too horny to think straight, but you can almost certainly swear on both your lives that the imprint of his cock is bulging from your stomach. You can feel it against the floor. The realization makes you shudder and whimper into the fruit. 
“Tightest fucking cunt,” he whispers to himself. He then suddenly leans over your body, his stomach nudging the vibrator in a bit more, and kisses up your spine. A bundle of shivering nerves follow his trail up to the curve of your ear. “You know,” he starts in a whisper. “You look a lot like a little annoyed kitten when you’re angry.” 
You scratch at his stomach from your constrained position and groan into the peach. 
“See?” He darkly chuckles. “I live to see your nose twitch and eyes go dark whenever I piss you off. You just look so cute, Little Doe.” Hips pulling back, he continues, “I just can’t resist.”
“Fuck you.”
The clap of skin on skin is enough of a reply. Your eyes roll back and jaw clenches, teeth clattering against the peach pit. He starts slow, breathing heavily in your ear, making you clench around his cock for more. But then, he straightens his posture and holds onto your hands to build some momentum. With his heavy balls smacking against your clit as he speeds up, the most you can do is muffle your moans and whines into the fruit and pray you’ll mentally survive this. 
It’s all too good to be true. His length hits all the right places and then some, bringing grateful tears in your eyes that you’re thankful he can’t see. If he knew you were slowly becoming a sobbing mess for his cock too, then he’d never let you live it down. 
Seokjin then lets go of your hands, leaving you grabbing at the air, and shifts his hold to your ass. Using the meat of your cheeks, he pulls you forward and back to meet him halfway. He groans your name with every smack of his hips against your ass. You’re dripping off his tongue, entrenched in his very being by the way he chants your name. And though you’re the one tied and gagged like a suckling pig, utterly submitting to him and his dominance, the fact that he’s high off you is enough validation of power for you to enjoy his cock guilt-free. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” 
You whine back without much thought. Only when he pounds into you three more times does your mind catch up to his word. Beautiful? Did he just call you beautiful? Was that supposed to be demeaning? Because, even if it wasn’t, you seem to be getting closer and closer to your high. 
You grunt a broken question into the fruit. Seokjin pushes in deep and leans over your body once more. Placing a soft kiss to your cheek, he takes out the mulled peach and asks, “What was that, Little Doe?”
“Do you mean it?”
The question trickles out of you in cracked cries of pleasure. And though you may sound weak and dick-hungry, the question is still strong enough to stun him. Soon, however, his senses find him once more. Circling his hips into your ass, cock swirling your juices deep within you and rubbing against your needy walls, he repeats in a dark whisper, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
And as you moan his name in affirmation, he continues his thrusts in and out of you. The pace is slower than before, but the force is just as brutal. 
Seokjin takes a bite from the peach. In fact, it’s the same bite you took, only he avoids the pit. He then sticks half the piece out of his mouth, holding it out for you. You meet his lips halfway, taking a bite off while kissing him. The juices smear down both your faces, but you’re all too consumed with the filthy act of exchanging saliva to care. 
Pulling away, Seokjin holds your chin until you finish chewing and swallowing the piece. “Why couldn’t you swallow my cum like that last night?” He playfully asks. 
“I didn’t know-” You cut yourself off, the realization of your words catching up to your mind just in time. 
He raises a brow, ramming his hips even harder into you. “Didn’t know what, Little Doe?”
You shake your head. 
Seokjin drops the peach and grabs your hair. “Tell me.”
“No,” you mewl. 
“Tell me or I won’t let you cum.” 
The threat is enough to give you pause, but not nearly enough to make you confess. Then, he stills his hips mid thrusts and ups the stakes. “Tell me, Little Doe, and I’ll tell you the truth about the letters.”
The letters. The offer is more than tempting, but how can you be sure it's real? You swallow thickly, trying to sneak a good look at him in your peripherals. From the glances you’re able to get, you can tell that he’s serious. Gulping every fear and nag of your pride, you push your ego aside and confess, “I didn’t know I was in love with you then.” 
Seokjin pauses for a moment. He releases your hair then sighs. Have you said too much? Before you can really think about it, he presses a wet kiss to your cheek and continues with his movements into you. “I love you too, my little slut,” he purrs before returning to his previous position behind you. 
His little slut. You’re all his. However, you don’t have much time to relish over this newfound information as he takes up a speed you’ve never experienced before. He’s harsh and his cock viciously rams in and out of you while pushing the vibrating dildo further into your ass. You cry out a broken sob and nuzzle your tear and peach juice stained face into the sheet.
Your pussy tightens around his cock as you edge your orgasm. “C-Can I?” You ask, fearful he’ll deny you the truth if you don’t, or so you try to convince your ego that. 
“Of course, Little Doe,” he grunts. “I’m no liar.”
You want to dive into his words, the meanings behind them and why he chose now, of all the times, to tell you that. But, with your orgasm taking over, all you can focus on is trying to breathe. Eyes rolling back and twitching, mouth hung open, ears like sirens with their ringing, and pussy gushing, you reach your peak. Crying out his name, you cum all over his cock. 
Seokjin is relentless. He does not still his hips for a split second. In and out, he dives. He’s adamant on riding you through this and reaching his own high as well. “Tell me again,” he orders. “Tell me how you feel again, baby.”
Destruction is your goal, but you never thought to be at the receiving end of it. Your mind feels foggy, heart racing and pussy aching with that sweet relief of releasing all you have for him.  And though you might have thought that that second time you confess your feelings to him might break you, you find that it gives you strength instead. 
“I love you,” you breathlessly cry. 
You just finish the confession when he pulls in deep and shoots ropes of his cum into you. The tears in your eyes have no bounds. The stimulation is proving to be too much as you squirm in place. Seokjin quietly shushes you while grinding into your pussy to sprout every last drop into you. 
“Please, please,” you tremble. “It’s too mu-ch, Jin.”
Seokjin pulls the dildo out of your ass, and turns it off before tossing it near your head. With his cock still deep in you, he unbinds your hands. You bring your hands to either side of your head, sighing at the relief of the strain. Then, finally, he slowly pulls out of you. You let out a staggered whimper and close your eyes to try to contain yourself from crying out once more. You’re sure at this point that a few people must’ve seen you. You’re in the broad daylight, laying on the highest hill and screaming at the top of your lungs. Surely, you’ve caught a handful of attention. 
Once he’s fully out of you, Seokjin flips you over on your back. You avoid his gaze and bring your knees into your chest. He smiles and holds onto your ankles.
“I’m not sure if I want to clean you up or not,” he thinks out loud. You're too light headed to answer, but the hard look in your eyes when you finally meet his gaze is enough to make him laugh. “Guess I’m gonna leave you to walk around with my cum all day, Little Doe.”
“That’s not fair,” you sigh. 
Seokjin tuts. “Don’t whine,” he orders while pressing soft kisses upon your knees. He then pulls his briefs and pants up. And just like that, he’s fully dressed. The only indication that something dirty occurred is the dripping stain of peach juice on his white shirt. 
A part of you can’t bring itself to care if his cum stays in you or not. He’s fucked you beyond comprehension and you still have yet to regain your senses. His eyes flash with worry when you don’t fight him on his decision. 
“Are you okay?”
You only nod, all too fucked out to use words. 
“Need help sitting up?”
He interprets the half-hearted glare you shoot him as the yes you intended. He holds his hands out for you and you take them without a second thought. A smile graces his features as he pulls you off the ground. You tuck your legs under you when you finally sit back up. Your dress crumples under you and you can’t even be bothered to pull it out. 
Seokjin, barely even heaving, watches you try to compose yourself. “How are you not as tired as I am?” You question between pants. 
“Because I’m better than- Ow!”
You swat his shoulder and glare at him. “Finish that sentence and you won’t get any tonight,” you threaten before turning your attention back to your dress. You pull it out from under your and try to turn it inside in. 
Seokjin scoffs, flipping the dress over so you can finish your task easier. “You really think you’ll be able to go again tonight too?” 
Licking your lips, you hold his gaze and pull your dress back on. “If the truth doesn’t destroy you,” you start, buttoning up your dress, “Then, you can have me every night.”
He slowly nods along to your words. Curling a strand of his hair behind his ear, he sighs and finally confesses, “I did steal the letters.”
Your heart shatters into your gut. Clenching your jaw, you attempt to hold back your tears. Yes, you’ve accused him of it over and over again, but every time he denied it, you believed him. Never did you really believe he was this capable of being cruel.
The trembling sigh that escapes you makes him turn his body fully towards you. “I didn’t take them from you though,” he quickly adds. 
“My owl is an extension of me, asswipe,” you seethe, voice almost breaking. 
Seokjin shakes his head and corrects his statement, “No, I mean I didn’t take them from you at all. I caught someone reading them in the restricted section.” 
You scoff, looking off into the town with a shake of your head. This is unbelievable. Does he honestly think he can copy your someone claim and get away with it? “Someone?”
He raises a brow at you. “What? Suddenly that sounds stupid? That’s all you’ve been telling McGonagall.”
You snap your eyes back to him and shout, “That’s the truth! Someone told-”
“I know it was Mitch,” he cuts off.
“How can you be so sure? It could’ve-”
“Because that’s who I found with your letters.” 
You freeze. No. No! Mitch is a Slytherin, a friend. Why the hell would he steal your letters and then tell you about it? And if he did read them, then he knows the truth about you. So why hasn’t his demeanour around you changed? Why hasn’t he told anyone else? 
“I thought you were going to tell me the truth.”
“(Y/N), I swear this is the entirety of it. I took them from him the moment I recognized your handwriting,” he explains. Seokjin shifts closer to you and pushes your hair out of your face. “He told me that if I told you what he did, then he'd tell the school about your blood status.” 
Nothing can stop the tears pooling in your eyes. You try to blink them back, but that only provokes a few to fall. Seokjin goes to wipe them only to have you push his hand away. “So you know?” You whisper in hopes that it will mask the cracks in your voice. 
It doesn’t. 
“No one cares that you’re muggle born, (Y/N),” he sighs. 
“So why didn’t you tell McGonagall the truth then? Why’d you hide it for this long if no one will care? We both know there’s a good chunk of each house that will hunt me down if they knew.” 
He shakes his head. “You know that’s not true. I didn’t tell anyone because I knew it would hurt you. You’re just scared you’d lose your power over everyone. Being half blood gains you just as much respect as being a muggle born.”
Your tears act on their own accord now, falling freely down your face. This time when Seokjin goes to wipe them away, you don’t reject him. He cups your face and says, “And if anyone does try to hurt you because of that-”
“You’ll make their life a living hell?” You mockingly finish. 
Seokjin smirks. “No, my girlfriend will,” he chuckles, genuine eyes boring into yours. “She’s really beautiful and she’s not afraid to take what’s hers. And she’s actually really scary. I’m really terrified of what she’ll do next sometimes.” 
You fight off the urge to smile as much as you can while he speaks. “You better be talking about me or I swear, Jin, I’ll-”
“See? She’s already making threats and I’m complimenting her,” he laughs. 
A little giggle tumbles out of your lips. As you finally let yourself smile, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a tight hug. “Thank you,” you mutter into his shoulder. 
Seokjin is quick to hold onto your waist. He nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck. “You know you’ll be okay, Little Doe.” 
The nickname has never made you smile as much as this before. And though your ego is still larger than him, your pride finally takes the back seat. Swallowing thickly, you pull away from him and mumble, “I’m sorry.” 
You huff through your nose and only just raise your voice, “I’m sorry.”
Seokjin knits his brows and leans in, “What?”
“For fuck’s sake, you alpaca, I said I’m sorry!” 
“Oh, you were serious?” He asks with a playful smirk. 
You internally curse yourself for being so in love with an idiot and shake your head. Your nose twitches a bit and Seokjin can’t help but throw his head back as he laughs. “I don’t know why I try,” you mutter to yourself.
Seokjin grabs onto your wrist and pulls you into his lap. You give in without another word and let him cradle you close to his chest. “You don’t need to apologize for anything,” he mutters against your hair. “I know you didn’t mean to start that fire.”
You snap your head up at him. “Really?” 
“I told McGonagall the same thing but she kept asking if I knew who else would do that, so I just stopped trying.” 
He really tried. This whole time you were convinced he thought the worse of you, that he didn’t care if you ever returned to Hogwarts, but he really was trying to help you. How long has he known he’s been in love with you too? Wrapping your arms around him, you reach up for another gentle kiss. The act of kissing him seems so natural now, so right and real. The way your lips move against each other isn’t like something you’ve felt before. You want this always; you want him always. 
“Well, this is a pleasant surprise.” 
You pull away from Seokjin with a start. His eyes dart to something behind you as his hands quickly move to hide the dark green dildo behind him. Quickly crawling out of his lap, you jump to your feet and stand an arm's length away from Seokjin. He follows your lead, standing up as you press your thighs together.
Your mixed cum threatens to fall with every passed second you remain standing. Cursing yourself for not making him clean it up, you try to stay calm. As long as it doesn’t drip pass the hem of your dress, you know you’ll be fine
Headmistress McGonagall and Professor Trelawney hover just over the edge of the hill as they look between the two of you. How long have they been watching you? How much did they hear? Oh fuck, you think, how much did they see?
You remain perfectly still as both of them land and dismount. “We’ve been looking everywhere for the two of you. Your lunch break finished twenty minutes ago,” Professor Trelawney sighs. “I was worried you were hurt.”
“We’re fine,” you reply. 
“Just fine,” Seokjin echoes. 
McGonagall flickers her attention between the two of you. “What were you so busy doing that you lost track of time?” She questions. 
Swallowing thickly, you mutter, “That’s a good question.”
“Really good question.”
Turning to Seokjin, you quietly ask, “Are you going to do that the entire time?”
“What? I’m not allowed to talk?”
“Not if you’re gonna act like a parrot.”
Silence falls over the both of you the moment McGonagall clears her throat. Once she has regained your attention, her gaze falls on something to your right. All eyes follow your line of sight to find your lace bra by your lunch box. You bring a hand to your mouth to keep your jaw from dropping in sheer embarrassment.
“And how long has this been going on?”
“Since last night,” Seokjin replies with almost no prompting. 
You swat his arm, shooting him a pointed look. “Are you kidding me?”
“Oh,” McGonagall hums. She then turns to Professor Trelawney and says, “You were right. They are getting along. Well, this won’t be so hard to say then.”
You hold your breath. Here it is. The results of your investigation. All questions about your future as a witch in training will finally come to an end. Seokjin shifts closer to you and his hand finds yours. You turn to meet his gaze as he squeezes your hand. 
“Mr. Kim Seokjin,” the headmistress starts, “Congratulations. You will be returning to Hogwarts first thing tomorrow morning.”
However, Seokjin doesn’t move. He doesn’t even so much as let out a shaky breath. He simply continues to hold your hand and stare at McGonagall. You attempt to squeeze his hand to let him know you’re okay, but he still doesn’t budge. 
McGonagall quirks her head at him, asking, “Is there something you’d like to say, Mr. Kim.”
“Yes,” he finally states. When the headmistress nods for him to continue, he exhales deeply and says, “I won’t let you expel her for something she didn’t do.”
A smirk plays on her lips. “That’s very noble of you, Mr. Kim. But Miss (L/N) is not being expelled for something she didn’t do.”
“(Y/N) didn’t start the fire.”
“Quite so,” McGonagall agrees. Your eyes widen and for a moment you don’t think you’re breathing at all. “That’s why she will be returning with you in the morning.” 
A child-like laughter you’ve never heard before escapes you at the announcement. “Really?” You ask, and when both professors smile and nod, you jump into Seokjin’s arms. He wraps his arms around you instantly, lifting you off the ground. 
However, in the haste of his movements, Seokjin drops the one thing redeeming your pride before your professors. Upon impact, the dildo hums to life and all smiles are suddenly gone. Both you and Seokjin rush to turn it off with a wave of your hand, but it only seems to intensify the vibrations. Finally, McGonagall pulls out her wand and silences the toy. 
You can’t even bear to look at her, keeping your eyes trained on the ground. Seokjin opens his mouth to explain but the headmistress shakes her head, “The less we know the better.” 
After a beat of silence, she hands each of you your wands and expresses her excitement to see you in the halls once more. And as she summons her broom up into her hand, Seokjin asks the headmistress, “So was it an accident then?”
“No, I’m afraid someone intended to hurt you,” she sighs, “The both of you actually.”
You share a concerned look with Seokjin. “Who?”
“Someone,” she smirks as she mounts onto your broom. “We look forward to having you back at Hogwarts.” 
The two of you thank both of your professors before they fly back to the cafe. 
Seokjin wraps his arm lazily around your waist and pulls you into his chest. He smiles down at you before cupping your face and softly pressing his lips to yours. You kiss him back, relishing in your secured position at school. 
“I knew it,” he says upon breaking the kiss. 
You roll your eyes and fight off a smile. “You did not. You were shaking when you thought I wasn’t coming back,” you tease.
He grabs a handful of your ass. Raising a brow, he mutters, “Says the one on the verge of tears.”
“I don’t cry.”
Seokjin has to bite his lip to keep from laughing. He clears his throat, nods, then says, “I know, Little Doe.”
Your breath somewhat hitches. Did he just try to save your pride? “Wow, you really are in love with me,” you mumble. 
You didn’t expect your words to ignite the egoistic part of him, but suddenly his expression hardens and his pride is on the line. “Never said in love.”
“Why are you lying?”
“You’re the liar.”
“Do you wanna go over…”
Your bickering lasts for either of you to even remember what set you off to begin with. And though your words knock each other’s pride only to build it again, and the pranks have not ceased to exist, you both know that nothing can change what you found, the love you found in each other on the tip of Doe’s Peak.
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note; please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission.
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starryeyedweeb · 4 years
Attack on Titan: Pet Names
Characters Included: Levi Ackerman, Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman
Notices: Characters are written according to their ages in season four of the anime; gender neutral reader
Levi Ackerman
what he calls you:
honestly? levi’s not the biggest pet name person
but because the way he says your name is so gentle and sacred, as if he’s uttering a prayer, you don’t feel as if you’re missing out on anything
but on the rare occasions when he does use a pet name, he goes with the tried-and-true classics:
love/my love
the very occasional darling
when you’re being a bit mischievous, though, he calls you “my brat”
the “my” before it is very important, as he says the name almost with pride
and it’s always accompanied with a chuckle or a smile, along with a ruffle of your hair or a swift pull into his arms
what he likes to be called:
even if he’s not the biggest giver in this department, he does like to receive
he’s putty in your hands when you call him the same sweet names he uses, which you do very often
and though he pretends to be annoyed when you call him something he deems cheesy- 
such as sweetheart, etc- 
he actually loves it
however, the quickest way to turn him on is look at him under your eyelashes, adopt a tone that’s almost mocking, and call him “heichou”
Eren Jaeger
what he calls you:
eren is the BIGGEST user and abuser of the term “babygirl/babyboy” and all of its variants
babe, baby, baby doll, etc.
since you’ve been in a relationship with eren, you don’t remember him ever calling you by your name
he mostly sticks to his usual endearments, but every now and then he’ll throw in a “honey,” oftentimes shortened to “hun”
and that’s usually when he wants something
and it usually works
what he likes to be called:
he very much enjoys it when you reciprocate his own sentiments, and to him, it never gets old to hear you call him babe or baby
he’s definitely the type that gets pissy if you call him by his name, and thinks you’re mad at him
and will continue to pout until you start using a term of endearment again
honestly, the constant petnaming gets obnoxious to the others, and they constantly moan and groan about how sickening it is
but the two of you couldn’t care less and have no plans to stop, reasoning that the others are probably just jealous of the two of you
after all, you are the hottest couple around
Armin Arlert
what he calls you:
armin has a rare talent of being able to call you the cheesiest, most sickly-sweet pet names, and make them so genuine, heart-warming, and full of pure love that you can’t help but feel bubbly inside when he uses one
sweetheart, my beauty, angel, my beloved
all would turn your stomach on someone else’s lips, but on his, paired with his wide-eyed gaze and a gentle caress, they make you feel more loved than you thought a human could ever be
he also throws in a prince/princess here and there, especially if he’s doing something for you
the others want so badly to make fun of him for his cliched affection, but even they melt at how sweet and real his love is, and can’t possibly bring themselves to
what he likes to be called:
because his nicknames are so sweet, you got into the habit of calling him sugar
which he absolutely eats up like candy
a lot of the time it’ll get shortened to just “sug” which brings an involuntary smile to his lips every time he hears it
but in more serious situations, “love” will be your go-to, and every time you use it, you see his eyes brighten with delight
sometimes if he’s having a bad day, he’ll take your hand and ask you to repeat what you just said
before you understood what he was going for, it started out with you repeating your entire statement- until you learned exactly what he wanted to hear
now when he makes that request, you know that all you need to do is wrap him in a hug and whisper a sweet “my love” in his ear
which acts as the perfect balm to heal his heart
Mikasa Ackerman
what she calls you:
like levi, mikasa’s not the biggest pet name person, but she does use them a bit more frequently
her usual is “my girl/my boy”
and the paradox between the possession (“you’re mine”) and awe (“i can’t believe you’re mine, but i’m so happy you are”) in her voice is so gut-wrenchingly sweet, and you can’t get enough of it
beyond that one, mikasa’s more likely to use statements rather than classic pet names
“you’re my heart.”
“you’re my light.”
“you’re my strength.”
they come at the most random times, and often in passing
she’ll just be walking by, but suddenly stop, fix you with a piercing gaze, and murmur those words
then she’ll squeeze your hand and walk away, oblivious to the fact that she just completely melted your heart
and when any one of the above mentioned statements are uttered in an intimate setting, there’s absolutely nothing that’s more divine than the earth-shaking love resounding in those simple words
 what she likes to be called:
mikasa once said she didn’t care to be called by any pet names and that she loved the way her name sounded on her lips, insisting that she didn’t need anything more
until one time when you accidentally called her ladybird
which was the most random thing, and really just slipped out all of a sudden without you ever knowing where it came from
you started to apologize, but her lips involuntarily pulled into a smile, a blush creeping across her cheeks
“don’t be sorry. i...i love it, actually.”
so the nickname stuck
the others try to use it, too, but all it took was her fixing them with the most murderous gaze for them to instantly know never to try it again
because the nickname was yours, and no one else’s
the extremely random occurrence eventually became so integrated into your relationship that you end up buying her a necklace with a tiny bird charm for her birthday
which she absolutely loves, and refuses to ever take off
she begins to think of the necklace as a way to carry your love with her always, and strives to find a way to return the favor
which is usually done by protecting you in a way that only mikasa can
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