spotcashforgold · 6 months
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darulhaqattar · 2 years
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#கோயமுத்தூர் #perfumeshopincoimbatore #longlastingperfumes #arabperfumescoimbatore #oppanakarastreet #rajastreet #sulur (at Arab Perfumes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLXns0hKYo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caw4brandon · 2 months
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- MTCR; The Six Challenge -
About a while ago, I saw this really cool challenge to draw all six of your favourite characters and post them in a collage and I thought; "why not do it for my characters?" So here are all six of my characters.
From top left to bottom right: we have Jamie Ann Robyn, Sadie mac Lir, Hector James Dagger, Professor Timothy Brian Anderson, Anis Rusli and Yazamanyhands/ Yazmin.
The main cast is Jamie, Sadie and Hector while Tim, Anis and Yaz play supporting characters with their own plots. It's a fun challenge to do and I still see it to this day from time to time. Seeing that I've done it. I'll say that it was fun~
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Welcome to the Pinned Post!
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A very warm welcome to bloggers far and wide. Familiar and unfamiliar. This Page will be an official page for all things solely related to < Murder The Crow Reforged >
Please note that this particular post will be updated constantly with links provided. Functioning as [The Masterlist] in case if you are ever lost. We hope you enjoy your stay and as always...
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- Last Update: 11 April 2024 -
Character Profile
Jamie Ann Robyn [LINK!]
Sadie Mac Lir [LINK!]
Hector James Dagger [LINK!]
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Support Characters
Anis Rusli [LINK!]
Timothy Brian Anderson [LINK]
Vox of the Red [LINK!]
Yazmin/ Yazamanyhands [LINK!]
Creatures of The Core
The Hoodlites: Reimagined! [LINK!]
The Omnibeasts: Revived! [LINK!]
The Wilfies: Reloaded! [LINK]
The Salkites: Reformed! [LINK]
Powers and Weapons
The Burning Core: Explored! [LINK!]
The STAB System: Reforged! [LINK!]
Elegance of The Switch Blade [LINK!]
The No-Evilz Condition [LINK!]
Might of The Power Gauntlet [LINK!]
Wonder of The Betapod [LINK!]
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aksaragadissenja · 4 months
Kamu, aksara ke-18
Pernah diteriakkan sekawanan perawan, kecuali aku, yang merasa tabu hanya untuk memanggil namamu
Kamu, aksara ke-18
Pernah kuangan dalam bayangan, bagaimana jika justru aku yang terlihat olehmu di antara riuh gemuruh namamu
Kamu, aksara ke-18
Pernah terlupakan karena angan, sebab kupikir tipu hatiku hanyalah semu yang tak mungkin berbaur dengan namamu
Kamu, aksara ke-18
Pernah dihadirkan Tuhan dalam ketiba-tibaan, tepat ketika aku hancur digempur alur namun pilu berangsur lebur saat meluncur sapa namamu
Kamu, aksara ke-18
Pernah lukiskan jejak dalam ingatan, tatkala aku kamu berhambur saling menabur sulur mengulur waktu mengukir akur namaku namamu
Kamu, aksara ke-18
Pernah iyakan perasaan yang tak pernah terjelaskan, hingga pada akhirnya semu berlalu tanpa tahu bahwa suatu waktu di masa lalu hingga titik itu aku masih menyemogakan namamu
Kamu, aksara ke-18
Pernah akan, namun tak pernah benar-benar akan, hingga akhirnya aku berlalu bersama kelu tanpa ragu dan tak ingin tahu siapa aku bagi namamu
Kamu, aksara ke-18.
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kaagazipolaroid · 3 months
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sulur lake and nearby area, coimbatore, tamil nadu.
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piyangg · 2 years
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(I'm not a designer ok idk clothes 😭)
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Note : Inspired by @hphm-jeniferltheman ​​'s Manananggal OC, @akaisenhatake 's Penanggalan OC, and @caw4brandon Sulur Bidar OC
Basic Info
Name : Rizalino Gomez
Ethnicity: Hiligaynon (Filipino)
Race: Asian
Species : Half Weredog Aswang and Half Wizard
Ghoulish form: A dog
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*7 ft. tall dog with large claws, a long tongue, and bloodshot red eyes
Nationality : Filipino
Sexuality: Homoromantic Acesexual
Pronouns: He/They
Gender: Transmasc
Age : 2 years younger than Yang
Height : 5'9 ft.
Languages: Tagalog, Hiligaynon, and English
Weredog Aswang
Note : "Aswang" is an umbrella term for shapeshifting evil creatures. I just couldn't find a specific name for the type of creature Rizalino is.
- They're either a dog, cat, or pig.
- In the day time, they take on their human forms which are known to be extremely beautiful.
- In the night time, they are able to shape shift into their ghoulish forms with enhanced physical abilities.
- If you look closely into their eyes you'll notice that you're reflection is upside down.
Personality and traits
- The name "Rizalino" meaning to "wreck havoc" (@binbincin recommended the name) and "Gomez" meaning "path" putting them together to make "wrecking havoc in his path".
- He's the cool quiet type with an angelic face who doesn't speak much, but really has a lot of critical opinions, especially concerning in beauty and fashion. He keeps his thoughts mostly in his head since he's had incidents in the past where he learned that being silent was better, and only attack when provoked.
- Described as "an angel's face with a devil's mouth"
- In his human form, he's weak as hell, like he can't throw proper punches. But he can hurt your self esteem.
- Despises his ghoulish form and thinks it's "ugly"; In his own words "Ew". But he does recognize it's strength.
- Loves his human form, and sincerely admires his beauty.
- Spends most of his time in his human form. Even though he's weaker physically in his human form, he'd rather be that than be in his ghoulish form.
- Although, if he does change to his ghoulish form, it means that he's really pissed off.
- When he was younger he couldn't control changing into his ghoulish form every night, but he's gotten control over it as he grew older. Maybe that influenced his colorful aesthetic.
- Mommy issues
- He's a popular Filipino model
- He has a lot of different outfits (colorful aesthetic), and he's the type to wear them again because he loves them all.
If he was attending Hogwarts he would be in : Slyhterin
Aside from the little comic interaction, in canon him and Yang would probably be enemies.
He'd definitely laugh at her for having a worn out yellow hoodie.
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niniralin · 1 year
Introduction to Ninirāte!
Ninirāte oyhlolwa
Ninirāte is a conlang I've been working on for about one and a half years (on and off), and the oldest and most complete in my conworld Korná. It's spoken mostly by Ninirakxa in the empire of Ninir, but there are a *lot* of L2 speakers, since so many people trade or otherwise interact with Ninir. Today, I'll introduce it here!
Ninirāte on in onusik nirul, zakwak far matil, za lekaluzazhon hla sulur konawāyrāro kwil, za lekame kolungāro Koranāk fi uksikats mul, līr. Nihazil, Niniraluk Ninirakxāk nankwimāts, wirik korāma Niniratun venawasar hlen zwiwar matil tunlāzo, tintuts nankwin wir zāmāk. Txasil, singūl, za ilholwalushuns!
First, phonology
Zwik miral, onawāyrāro
The phonology of Ninirāte is rather unremarkable, but it does have a few quirks, such as a lateral fricative and affricate, bilabial instead of labiodental voiceless fricative, and nasal vowels (kinda). Here are the phonemes (I wish I could make a table):
Nasals: m, n, ɲ , ŋ , ŋʷ
Plosives: p, t, k, kʷ
Fricatives: ɸ , v, s, z, ʃ , ʒ , x, xʷ , h
Affricates: ts, tʃ
Lateral Fricatives: ɬ , ɮ (ɮ is very rare)
Lateral affricate: tɬ
Approximant: r (allophone of z), l, j , w
High: i, i: <ī>, u, u: <ū>
Mid: e: , o: (these are short in certain environments
Low: a, a: <ā>
Every sound is romanized with its IPA symbol unless otherwise specified, the generic nasal coda is romanized as <n>. Now, a few notes on the phonotactics and allophony:
The maximum syllable structure is CCGVGCC. Any phoneme can cluster with glides, but the only other permitted consonant clusters are voiceless obstruents. A generic nasal can take the spot of glides in coda clusters.
Vowels are nasal before nasals consonants. If these nasals are codas, they aren't pronounced and the vowel is long (except at word end). I still consider them codas, and nasal vowels as allophones, for various reasons (one is that the nasal reappears when a suffix is added. I.e "ilhan" in accusative is "ihlaman", where the m is pronounced but the n is not).
All word-final vowels are pronounced short.
The long vowels e and o are pronounced as short in semantically weak prefixes, such as augumentative ko- and 3rd singular inanimate possessive o-, unless stress falls on that vowel.
An open syllable with a short vowel is on mora. A closed syllable with a short vowel (this includes any syllable with a nasal coda) or an open syllable with a long vowel is two moras. A closed syllable with a long vowel is three moras. Stress falls on the third mora from the end of the word.
Glides are not permitted word-finally. Neither is x, h, or v.
Between vowels, ts becomes s, s becomes z, and z becomes r.
Various things happen to consonants word-finally, but it's irregular and I don't have the energy to figure out what's actually going on so I can explain it. The most important is that -z becomes -r after oral vowels and -s after nasal vowels.
A sample of randomly selected words:
Txor [txo:r] (noun, animate, -a conjugation): fire
Tsūngwi ['tsũ:ŋʷi] (noun, inanimate, -ī conjugation): dawn, morning
Ut [ut] (noun, inanimate, -i conjugation): a year
Tsawirutakxa [tsawiru'takxa] (noun, animate, -ā conjugation): an uncivilized person, a violent person, an unmannered person, an unhygienic person
Zir [zir] (number, -u conjugation): twenty (Ninirāte uses a vigesimal number system)
Nganyūts [ŋã'ɲu:ts] (adverb): still
Ihlolwa [i'ɬo:lwa] (noun, inanimate, -a conjugation): an introduction
An [ã:] (noun, inanimate, -n conjugation): a Niniran potato
Txakwin ['txakʷĩ] (verb, dynamic, -n conjugation): to open one's mouth
Lakizo ['lakizo] (noun, inanimate, -o conjugation): a dead fish
This will be a very concise overview, skipping many things, because I don't feel like sitting here for ten plus hours figuring out how to describe everything.
Ninirāte is an SOV language. Modifiers, such as relative clauses, possessors, and adverbs, are generally put before what the modify. Locatives generally come first in the sentence, except when the locative word acts as a converb.
Tsūngwīl, zur maten zhwal latekwin aripan nganyūts matilūx = morning-LOC 1p eye-ACC use-CONV be.green forest-ACC still see-ABL = In the morning, we can still see the green forest with our eyes
Nouns have two genders: animate and inanimate. Pretty much only demonstrative pronouns change depending on the gender of a noun. Nouns inflect in a few ways, primarily case, tense (yes, tense on nouns), and possession. The cases are:
Accusative -an (only on animate nouns)
Ergative -s (only on inanimate nouns)
Genetive -k
Dative -tun
Locative -l
Locative-genetive -luk
Tense includes future -ngwi and past -zo. The tenses imply meanings like "what will be x" and "what used to be x". For example, the past version of "lak" (fish) is "lakizo" (dead fish).
Possessive prefixes are:
1s z(a)-
2s t(a)-
3s animate m(a)-
3s inanimate o-
1p zur(a)-
2p tut(a)-
3p animate yo-
3p inanimate iw(a)-
Possessive prefixes are used in cases of inalienable possession, whereas the genetive case is used in cases of alienable possession.
To express the meaning of "to be", the copula is used as a suffix on the second noun.
Ninirāte Ninir okonawāyrāro = Ninirāte Ninir 3S.INANIM.POSS-language-COP = Ninirāte is the language of Ninir
Verbs don't inflect for person, but they have a number of inflections for tense, aspect, and mood, and can also be used as converbs. The unmarked form (usually ending with -r, -k or -n) is present tense, the ending is switched out for -me in past tense and -ven in future tense. The ending can be switched out for the copula to imply gnomic aspect. The last non-converbal suffixes added directly to the stem are the reflexive -apar, the passive -matir, and the desiderative -lans. Negation is done with the preverbal particle "hla".
If the ending is removed entirely, a verbal noun is created, to which case suffixes (including the now archaic instrumentative suffix -ts and the noun-tense suffixes that used to be locative case suffixes) can be added to create various converbs. Compare:
Za matil, yawār = I see, and I understand
Za mātun, yawār = I understand for the purpose of seeing
Za māts, yawār = While I see, I understand
Za matizo, yawār = Because I see, I understand
Za matingwi, yawār = Until I see, I understand
The converb suffix -l (-u is added at the end when another suffix follows) is used as the base for all hitherto unmentioned TAM conjugations. These are:
Experiential past -kwin
Immediate future -shuns
Continuous -zak
Causative -war
Perfect -zhon
Abilitative -ūx
Optative -siven
And a bunch of combinations of those. Also btw adjectives don't exist, stative verbs are used instead.
Ninirāte uses the native Niniran writing system, an abugida derived from the old Niniran logography. It still has logographs for some common grammatical functions, such as cases and aspects. These are the consonants (the unlisted consonats are written as digraphs or, in the case of r, as z):
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The grammatical letters are:
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Vowels are written as diacritics to the left of the consonants. They are written as such:
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The old logography is still used in super formal situations (mostly by religious and magical organisations). A full text (the first paragraph of this post) would look something like this (the writing direction is top to bottom, then left to right):
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So that was it for this introduction! Thank you for reading!
Singūl, shun ihlolwa hloshuns. Ta nawanyawāzo zaloro!
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ideideidea · 8 months
sekian purnama bingung mau nulis apa di tumblr, akhirnya kepikiran juga sesuatu yang bisa jadi penting juga buat temen-temen ewkwkwk.
ada sebuah mitos yang isinya begini: "kalo ngerjain sesuatu ngga boleh setengah-setengah, nanti suaminya bewokan lho"
nothing wrong dengan punya suami brewokan. thus mitosnya tentu g jelas juga semacam 'pamali' yg bisa jadi pesannya penting tapi 'ancamannya' mah g logis.
tapi pesannya penting: kalo ngerjain sesuatu harus tuntas.
karna ternyata ketika kita sudah mulai mengerjakan sesuatu beberapa waktu, ada sulur-sulur imajiner pikiran yang tersambung satu sama lain yang membuat kita mengingat konteks pekerjaan kita saat itu, di mana sulur-sulur itu tidak akan tersambung/tidak sama tersambungnya di waktu yang lain.
ada alternatifnya sebetulnya, yakni dengan mencatat. tapi tentu tidak semuanya terarsip dengan baik dari catatan. karna itu lebih baik dituntaskan. saat itu juga.
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caw4brandon · 9 months
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- Happy New Year 2024! -
2023 is coming to an end and with that, another new year has begun! Its been a fun one this year. I've gained some friends, lost some as well but I am ready to refocus and restart.
A part of me wished that I did more to show my progress but I am proud of my progress nonetheless. There will be more of the trio (Sadie, Jamie, Hector) more of Anis, more of Vox and more whacky creatures to the roster in 2024.
On a personal note, Thank you to all for sticking around and seeing this progress through. Your support has been a blessing no matter the size. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you. To the newbies, welcome to the Caw! I hope you enjoy your stay.
Things will be changing a little here but some things will stay the same with a fresher pair of eyes. Please enjoy this image of a new Salkite and see you at 2024!
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parkspace · 1 year
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TIDCO invites consultants to prepare feasibility report of Sulur Aerospace Industrial Park
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alcaristia · 1 year
Batu So’on Bondowoso, 2023
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Waktu pulang ke Bondowoso di lebaran kali ini, saya menemukan teman melancong baru. Sepupu jauuuuuuhh sekali. Jauh dari jarak temu, juga galur marga. Mereka yang kemudian mengajak saya menyusur kabupaten kecil ini.
Tahun ini saya mendapatkan jatah libur yang cukup panjang dari kantor, sekitar sepuluh hari untuk hari raya. Ibu juga memutuskan untuk mengambil cuti. Kami sekeluarga bersepakat untuk menghabiskan hampir seluruh hari libur ini di Bondowoso dan Malang.
Saya sudah membawa laptop, buku, dan aneka rupa barang tempur lainnya untuk berjaga-jaga terhindar dari kebosanan selama liburan. Saya memang tidak merencanakan banyak perjalanan. Hanya ingin datang karena sudah lama tidak pulang.
Namun, saat berkumpul dengan keluarga besar di hari raya, seorang kerabat nyeletuk, “besok kalo ke Bondowoso kabarin, nanti diajak jalan-jalan. Ayo, besok ke Batu So’on!” Tentu saja dengan riang gembira saya menyambut tawaran tersebut.
Saya, ibu, adik kemudian diangkut oleh Budhe Yanti, Mbak Ovin, Mbak Iving, dan Mas Ipang menuju salah satu kawasan Ijen Geopark tersebut. Sekitar jam 8 pagi kami berangkat. Mbak Ovin sendiri yang menyetir.
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Batu So’on adalah situs sejarah berupa batuan-batuan yang tersusun secara alami membentuk pilar-pilar tinggi secara. Mirip Stonehenge di Inggris. Konon katanya situs ini terbentuk di zaman megalitikum. Dulu area ini pernah menjadi tempat perkumpulan dan pertapaan para abdi Kerajaan Majapahit.
Sebelum bernama Batu So’on, situs ini dikenal dengan Batu Solor. “Solor” berarti sulur. Tanaman-tanaman rambat menutupi batuan besar tersebut. Pemukiman di sekitarnya juga disebut Desa Solor, berada di paling atas Kabupaten Bondowoso. Sementara itu, “So’on” sendiri artinya susun, “Batu So’on” adalah batu yang disusun.
Karena letaknya berada di puncak pegunungan, akses jalan menuju lokasi ini cukup menantang. Jalanan sempit dan kanan-kirinya banyak parit. Belum lagi jalannya berupa tanah dengan banyak bebatuan. Perjalanan ke sini terasa seperti off-road.
Hanya saja, perjalanan menantang sekitar 1 jam dari pusat Bondowoso tersebut kemudian akan terbayar dengan pemandangan dan udara sejuk di atas sana. Hamparan hijau mengelilingi seluruh jarak pandang. Gazebo-gazebo dengan warung makan disiapkan untuk para wisatawan menikmati pemandangan. Kami sendiri langsung membuka bekal dan melahapnya bersama. Kondisi area yang sepi juga menjadi nilai tambah untuk pelancong bersantai dalam plesirnya.
Sayangnya, waktu saya datang ke sana, akses menuju objek utama batu susun masih dalam pembangunan. Alhasil, saya hanya bisa melihat bangunan “ajaib” tersebut dari jarak jauh. Batu-batuan itu juga sedang ditutupi oleh tanaman rambat yang membuat struktur bertumpuknya semakin tidak kentara. Hanya beberapa spot saja yang bisa terjamah untuk diambil potretnya.
Sekitar setengah hari saya dan keluarga menghabiskan waktu di Batu So’on. Pas untuk melipur penat dari hidup perkotaan. Sepulang dari Batu So’on, kami memutari lagi pusat kota untuk mengisi perut kosong. Banyak warung makan yang masih tutup karena libur lebaran. Dan mie ayam akhirnya menjadi penutup perjalanan hari itu.
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“Jangan kapok, ya! Masih ada Kawah Ijen, Pantai Pasir Putih, Gunung Bromo, dll. Besok kalau ke Bondowoso lagi kabarin aja, nanti jalan-jalan lagi,” kata Budhe Yanti di ujung perpisahan. SIAP!!!
-alcaristia- 280523 Semarang
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dstntflwr · 2 years
Luck Draws the Unlucky (Part 72)
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Zelda melihat-lihat ruangan lamanya, menghela nafas. Tempat tidurnya masih rapi seperti sebelum dia pergi, begitu pula kursi dan buku-bukunya. Sepertinya Warwick tidak membongkar ruangannya, entah apapun alasannya.
Pandangannya beralih pada meja kacanya, dimana dia meletakkan berkotak-kotak perhiasan dan barang berharga yang menjadi hadiah dari orangtua dan kakaknya, berdebu dan tak terurus.
Dia berjalan ke arahnya, menarik lacinya yang juga begitu penuh dengan debu, sebuah kotak mahogani tersembunyi di sudut terdalam. Ketika Zelda menariknya, kotak itu meninggalkan bekas bersih di dalam laci, seperti bagian aneh untuk debu-debu di sekitarnya.
Kotak itu terselimut beludru meraih di dalamnya, dimana dia menyimpan hartanya yang begitu dia sayangi – sebuah kalung yang diberikan Cygnus ketika dia naik menjadi putra mahkota. Dari keluarga Duras, hadiah itu tampak seperti hadiah pertunangan, sebelum Zelda memutuskan untuk turun dan Cygnus berputar pada Albus – sesuai kesepakatan keluarganya.
Sebuah kalung hadiah dari Albus setelah dia kembali dari melalang buana di lautan, dua tahun setelah dia turun dari jabatan putra mahkota. Saat itu, dia ingat bahwa rambutnya memanjang dan kalung itu tersangkut di rambutnya. Dia begitu menyesal ketika harus memotongnya.
Dan sebuah cincin yang menjadi tujuannya kemari. Cincin emas dengan rubi sebagai matanya adalah hadiah dari ibunya, sebagai hadiahnya yang ke-tujuh belas, sama dengan Albus yang diberikan cincin yang sama di usia yang sama. Dan ketika dia menikah, Albus memberikan cincinnya pada Cygnus, sementara Zelda menyimpannya di kotak.
Zelda tersenyum, menelusuri pola garis dan sulur di sekitarnya, juga ukiran nama keluarga mereka di dalamnya. Dia meraih sebuah rantai dan menjatuhkan cincin itu ke dalamnya, lalu mengalungkannya di lehernya.
Setelah dia memakan delima itu, Lucifer telah menjadi suaminya, namun dia takkan menyerahkan cincin itu sampai dia menerimanya.
Dia meletakkan kotak itu kembali ke dalam laci.
Ketika dia berbalik, Warwick telah berada di ruangannya, bersandar di pintu dengan tangan bersedekap di dada, menilingkan kepala. “Aku tidak memporak porandakan kamarmu sebagai itikad baik dan karena kita berteman.”
“Pertemanan kita putus ketika kau menyerang keluargaku.”
Dia mundur ke belakang, melirik pintu balkon dimana dia tadi muncul. Dia tak datang kemari untuk bertarung. Zelda mengeluarkan sebuah botol kaca, cairan birunya menyala seperti api di dalamnya. Ketika dia tiba di pintu balkon, botol tersebut dia jatuhkan dan pecah, membentuk sebuah lingkaran hitam, dan dia terjun ke dalamnya.
Kembali ke dunia bawah.
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carcare5k · 8 days
Choose 5K Car Care Sulur for Your Car’s Teflon Coating Needs
 When it comes to protecting your car's exterior, 5K Car Care Sulur offers top-notch "Teflon coating services" that ensure long-lasting shine and protection against dirt, scratches, and harsh weather conditions. Teflon coating not only enhances your car’s look but also adds a protective layer, making cleaning easier and maintaining the paint's integrity. Alongside Teflon coating, 5K Car Care Sulur provides expert foam car wash services that deliver a deep clean without harming your vehicle’s surface.
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Whether you're searching for "foam car wash near me" or "car washing near me," 5K Car Care’s Sulur branch is your go-to solution. Plus, if you’re in Chennai, their comprehensive price list for car care services offers transparency and affordability. Choose 5K Car Care for superior car protection and maintenance.
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sekilasrasa · 1 month
Catatan Mimpi, 18/08/24
Floral balcony? Tempat yang sering ada di film-film buatan disney. Dandananku sudah selayaknya seorang putri. Dress bewarna violet yang terkembang menyelimuti diri.
"Sekalipun ada pilihan princess di situ, menurutku kamu ga cocok. Ya itu, kalo ga witch ya soldier." (menulis ini, mendapat mimpi seperti ini, membuatku mengingat bubble chat seseorang, beruntungnya kita sudah asing)
Tapi, ini kan ini sebuah mimpi. Mimpi KU. Aku lebih dari berhak dari siapapun untuk berada di sana. Maka kubiarkan saja alur melanjutkan setiap scenery-nya.
Rasa-rasanya aku ingin duduk di sana selama yang aku bisa. Melarikan diri dari semua hal yang siap menerjang. Oh, betapa cantiknya bunga-bunga ungu yang berjatuhan! Sulur-sulurnya menjuntai, memenuhi pelataran.
Lantas, kedua tanganku memungut beberapa yang berserakan. Merangkainya menjadi sebuah mahkota bunga. Tersenyum, menunjukkan hasil karyaku pada seorang teman. Entahlah, aku tak tau dia teman dari dimensi yang mana.
Ah, the fact that I'm Laura. This multiverse, It's okay. I'm so happy to be here.
Merasakan hangat matahari yang menerpa langsung wajahku. Menyipitkan mata, menghindari cahayanya. Netra mataku menangkap sesosok laki-laki yang berdiri di hadapanku. Rambutnya coklat kemerahan. Namun sosoknya itu tembus pandang. Hanya aku yang dapat merasakan dan melihatnya keberadaannya.
"Luxor?" Bibirku bergumam menyebut namanya.
Ia mengangguk. Berjalan mendekat. Meraih bunga-bunga yang masih utuh. Kemudian duduk tak jauh di belakangku.
Tangannya menyisir halus rambutku. Mengibaskan dedaunan yang menempel. Begitu lihai ia mengambil dua bagian kecil di kanan dan kiri. Lantas mengepangnya seolah ia seorang ahli.
"Nah, sudah. Cantik sekali."
Kurasakan tangannya yang besar melingkar di leherku. Semakin lama, sosoknya yang samar itu, menjadi lebih jelas. Cahaya berwarna kuning mengelilinginya. Begitu pula dengan rasa hangat yang semakin lama terasa karena dekapannya.
-dan selesai
(aku bangun dari tidur sore setelahnya)
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