#Sunkist shrimp
spaceistheplaceart · 8 months
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PART 2 of my HLVRAI splatoon AU... now w/ the side chars!
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(Please Reblog!)
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altoskh · 2 years
btw i’ll make a video comp of my favorite shrimp moments at some point but LOOK AT MY SHRIMP DURING FEEDING TIME
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shrimplyfishy · 11 months
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Shrimps is bugs
10 gallon shrimp tank
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rel124c41 · 6 months
The truest mark of a jester is not in his ability to make others laugh, but in his capacity to find humor in his own pain.
tags: unrequited love, hurt no comfort, character study, friendship, wishful thinking, angst, floyd is in his stańczyk era, complicated relationships
word count: 2,282
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The game is in the first quarter. There are twelve minutes on the clock.
Floyd does not know where to start his confession to you.
As he plays, he tries to come up with ideas of love confessions: a dance, a letter, a bite, or a gentle touch? Planning however puts a damper on the sweetness of what should be a romantic fantasy. Not that Floyd allows the turmoil to show, he plays perfectly. Each move of his is effortless, on the court and when playing with you.
He has been trying for a while to confess. Cowardness ties him up like seaweed.
If anyone were to rival Floyd’s energy, it would be you. You are eudaimonia incarnate. Flourishing with happiness and good spirit, you are a wonderful yet unexpected addition to Night Raven College. Where even Floyd falls into tepid moods of anger or sadness, you stay afloat. Somehow, someway, you are always happy.
Dribbling at practice, Crabby once joked that you were made of sugar, spice, and everything nice. Floyd yearns to know what a combination like that would taste on his tongue in a mating bite, sealing you two in marriage.
The Coral Sea is a triptych of shadow black, unwelcoming black, and cold black. You jump into his world, exploding with the color your soul carries. Through grimacing eyesight, he watches the gaiety of you bounce around even if it is blinding. You are the pinkest of pinks. You are the brightest orange that would rival sunkist shrimps. You are as yellow as the sun or a sky of stars, all consuming.
If shooting stars could fall into anyone’s eyes, they would fall into yours. Making little homes of fluctuating solar energy and the thumping glow of hydrogen and helium. The only eyes worthy of having stars in them.
He can feel the heat of those blazing stars on his neck as Sea Snake passes the basketball to him at midcourt line.
You sit in the bleachers with a handmade poster in your hands. To keep himself happy, Floyd deludes himself with the image of you making it alone. Without anyone handing you certain markers or glue for the glitter, you wrote WIN WIN WIN FLOYD in big, bubble letters for him and him alone. In his mind, you did not ask for the green colored pencil from anyone’s hand to shade in the caricature eel’s skin and you did not hyena-laugh when you accidentally got glitter on someone’s cheek or clothes.
The delusion of a reality where you only think about him 24/7 is sugar, spice, and everything nice. That is eudaimonia.
When Floyd scores twice in the first quarter with the aid of Sea Snake, you raise that poster up. Cheers from you are whole-hearted and never half-assed, you put everything into rallying encouragement you hope reaches and motivates Floyd.
You could frown and it would still motivate him.
When he scores for the third time, there are no vocal cheers shining down from the bleachers. Looking at the sea of unimportant guppies, he finds the reason your lips are silent. You are sharing a kiss with Jade, just two short pecks. Something you definitely initiated as Jade is timid with affection.
As he turns back to the court, Floyd imagines his confession would go like this:
“I love ya, Shrimpy.”
You laugh, almost falling off your seat, and say with a happy grin, “That’s a good one, Floyd. Tell another joke!”
The game is in the second quarter. There are twelve minutes on the clock.
Floyd is a clownfish of an eel. Not entirely like Crabby or Sea Otter, but Floyd has been marked as a class clown enough. Loud and boisterous, he is a presence that fertilizes laughter and amusement with ease. Perhaps the amusement is only shared by him, Jade, and Azul mostly, but it is still a jester’s position he has fallen into.
Nothing he says is ever taken seriously unless his words are threats. Unlike Jade, whose words are always heeded and who is taken seriously as a plague.
Floyd can be serious too though! Him and Jade are cut from the same cloth. Why can’t you see the other side of him? Why can’t your bright star eyes comprehend him as something more than a joking jester?
For a while, Floyd was content in that position. Jingling bells, stomping around in oversized shoes, falling over himself to fish that melodious laughter out of your throat. And then one of Jade’s mushroom puns got you snort in the midst of stomach deep laughter. Since then, no matter how many more quarters he plays, Floyd knows he lost.
Pure laughter is pure love in many cultures. And he, trapped in that monk’s cowl and sea anglerfish bells costume, has failed to make you laugh in that same intensity.
As he dribbles and passes the basketball, blocks shots and runs across the court, Floyd unpurposely distracts himself with a vile memory:
A party in Ramshackle. Not as extravagant as Sea Otter’s but still entertaining. As always, Floyd was like a lamp for tiny moths to gather around. Despite his pendulum-ing emotions, his company is enjoyable.
One off stories and jokes were a jester’s speciality. Capturing the attention of your friends and his fellow second years, Floyd keeps the conversation light and draws laughs out of throats like the Sea Witch once did with the little mermaid’s voice. The corner of where he is in Ramshackle is usually the loudest, brimming with comedy. The kind that should have gotten you to come over and ask curious, “What’s so funny?”
Crabby would have dismissed you but Floyd would have reeled you right in. His little Shrimpy, snug under his protective arm, as he recounted another story.
You do not laugh.
You do not look.
You just do not care.
That fucking party in Ramshackle? You spent it giving Jade a tour around the place, showing him the garden you started in the backyard, and chatting with that magnetizing, permanent smile on your lips. Before you two even were dating.
Floyd knows he does not have your total attention. Your attention is always spread in too many directions in his opinion. But sometimes, he wants more than anything for just one period of twenty-four hours where all you think about is him.
You may hold a sign with his name on it but he is not your focus. Star eyes follow the basketball that bounces from player to player; you watch the game fully, but not him.
Who would ever want to see a crying clown?
The game is in the third quarter. There are twelve minutes on the clock.
And Floyd finds himself benched.
Coach pulls him out of the game when five minutes are left in the second quarter. Coach worries about that rapidly declining mood of his in the second quarter. It is a volatile, gambling choice but the Coach thinks it is the correct one. Better to have him refuel and get back into the swing of the game. “Have a Gatorade and take a minute, Leech. No need to dig yourself down.” Floyd doesn’t want to drink his passion fruit Gatorade, he wants a different drink and he wants a peppermint to crush between his sharp teeth.
Elbows on knees and head in hands, Floyd watches the red clock go down number by number. Anger pulses off him like smoke. Fifty-eight. Fifty-seven. Fifty-six. Fifty-five. Stupid fucking Coach. Stupid fucking game. Stupid fucking Gatorade. Forty-nine. Forty –
“Peppermint for your thoughts?”
Stupid fucking Coach, Floyd thinks a second time. As is per tradition, if Floyd ever finds himself on the bench, call in Shrimpy. A small little crustacean that can reverse whirlpools back to sailable water and can make even the hungriest shark swim in the opposite direction of blood.
“It's a penny for ya thoughts,” Floyd grumbles into his hand.
“Nah, I don’t think so!” Is it possible to hear a smile in a voice? Because it feels like you speak in smiles; he imagines an alien language made by grins, one where no words like bad moods or anger exist. “Can’t eat a penny, can you?”
You take a seat by him on the bench. The space is left wide open because no one ever wants to risk being so close to the eel-mer when he is explosive with rage. When you sit, your shoulders bump together and from hip to shin, you two press against one another.
“So, the doctor is in. Doc. Shrimpy.”
Even when you are handing him something, his world minimizes down to the sight of your star eyes. The crunch of a peppermint wrapper in his hand is infinitesimal to the scorch of nuclear fusion and fire.
Still, he pops it in and relishes in the calming breakage of candy in his razor sharp teeth, replying, “I don’t know, just pissed I missed that shot.”
“Yeah, I saw that.” Liar. “I also saw you make two of the cleanest shots of the entire game in the first five minutes of the game.” Floyd hums instead of grumbling. It is the slightest, micro improvement but you still hammer on your past doctor-slash-therapist metaphor. “Say aaah for Doc. Shrimpy!”
This is the hardest part of being a clown. You do sweet, pseudo-romantic things with Floyd and never take it seriously. Everything between the two of you is shrouded under the blanket of comedy. There are zero feelings behind it. Even when you unknowingly partake in eel courtship (opening your mouth wide as you demonstrate your ‘aaah’), it is hollow and satire. And when you learn about his species’ courtship you will really only mean it with intent when you are with Jade.
Into his mouth, you pour a drink. His shoulders recoil at bit, premature disgust at the thought of tasting passion fruit which he is not in the mood to drink. Floyd is surprised when the drink starts to fizz in his mouth.
As he savors it, the carbonation and sourness a welcome burn in his throat, you smile and show him the drink you have on hand. “Shit’s good, right?” In front of him, you shake a monstrously bright pink and yellow can with the words Ghost on it. “Sour pink lemonade.”
You take the Ghost you just waterfall into Floyd’s mouth and down your own sip. Be careful, Shrimpy, Floyd thinks. Sharing food and drink is also a part of courtship.
“Gross, Shrimpy. You backwash?”
“Yeah, I did. How does loogie and lemonade taste?”
At that, Floyd snatches up the energy drink from your hands. He downs a much larger sip, going as far as to have some spill around the corner of his mouth. He takes the opportunity too to touch his lips on where yours once were.
Once he robs you of half your lemonade, Floyd brings his wrist to wipe his chin and grins wolfish, “My compliments to the chef! Think Azul’ll add it to the menu?”
You laugh just as Floyd was aiming for, all saccharine and lovely, and joke, “Oh my spit could make a fortune! I can see it now!”
“Shrimpy spit?”
“Oh my God, Shrimpy spit! It has alliteration!”
You two fall into each other, cackling and laughing at the stupidity. When your hair brushes his cheek, Floyd thinks of how easy it would be to find his lips falling to a place more forbidden than the metal rim of an energy drink can.
After you both stop laughing: “Ya gonna feed me some more, Shrimpy?”
“Hm, I don’t know. Mmm, how about this,” you grin, stretching out your sentences teasingly. “I have some takoyaki with your name up there on the bleachers. Jade and I made it yesterday. You can have the rest when you win this game!”
Your star eyes burn him. Floyd melts under their intensity.
The game is in the fourth quarter. There are twelve minutes on the clock.
Everybody loves a clown, so why don’t you?
Has he not been enough? Self-sacrificial to always keep you bright and laughing, giving you his own light, letting you bleed him dry until his skin is sandpaper and his bone rice. This constant fear that he should always try to keep you happy lies in his heart like a nematode worm.
His sugar, spice, and everything nice Shrimpy who does not belong to him.
Standing on the edge of the 3 point line, Floyd, despite his cowardice, sends out the last shot of the game.
The basketball glides across the rim like a ship caught in a whirlpool, once. Then a second time, it makes its circular route around the open mouth of victory, leaning capriciously. With a suicidal fall, the basketball falls to the right. It bounces double on the ground before rolling away out of Floyd’s reach. Over the white tape of the endline, the orange ball is now out of the court, signaling the end.
Though under typical circumstances that losing shot should usher him into despair, a smile grows on Floyd’s face. It is only broken when he starts to laugh, his own joy singular in the groans and moans of his teammates.
He turns towards the bleachers, knowing you are expecting a miserable frown; he waves happily at you when your worried eyes fall onto him. You are out of his court. But … eels mate for life which means … Floyd gets to keep you in his life, just a bit out of reach, as he dreams of your love, not knowin’ where to start.
The game ends in the fourth quarter. There are no minutes left.
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Below the cut is the contestants and their matches!
Each poll will be 1 week long, and they'll go out 10 at a time. The exact date and time polls will start going up is a little up in the air right now, because I'm going out of town over the weekend. So they might begin as early as Monday 18th, but probably not later than Wednesday 20th. I'll let you know the night before.
Anyway, just think of this delay as time to write propaganda ahead of your dog's poll going up!
Ruff Ruffman (Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman) vs Muttley (Wacky Races)
Snowy (Tintin series) vs Dog (Columbo)
Maliketh, The Black Blade (Elden Ring) vs Wolfie (Until Dawn)
Unnamed Dog/The Imitator (The Thing) vs Whisper the Wolf (Sonic IDW comics)
Queen Teatinu (Healin Good Precure) vs Nigou/Tetsuya 2 (Kuroko no Basket)
Melody Amaranth (Super Lesbian Animal RPG) vs Pappy van Poodle (Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball)
Sunkist (HLVRAI) vs Dog that can Drive (Drawfee)
Hylian Retriever (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) vs Wolf (Minecraft)
Bee/Bay (Dragon Ball Z) vs Shadow (Homeward Bound)
Blue (Blue's Clues) vs Ein (Cowboy Bebop)
Snoopy (Peanuts) vs Clifford (Clifford the Big Red Dog)
Argos (The Odyssey) vs Barkspawn (Dragon Age)
Diogee (Milo Murphy's Law) vs Winston (Hannibal)
Good Boy (DuckTales) vs Bear (Person of Interest)
Daisy & Winnie (The Mistholme Museum Podcast) vs Heidi & Jackie (Hello from the Hallowoods) 
Missile (Ghost Trick) vs Sparky (Frankenweenie)
Bond (Spy X Family) vs Goddard (Jimmy Neutron)
Scratch (Baldur’s Gate 3) vs Iggy (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Cujo (Danny Phantom) vs Cujo (Cujo (1983))
Momiji Inubashiri (Touhou Project) vs Tequila/Ernesto Salas (Arknights)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes) vs Scooby Doo (Scooby Doo media)
Shrimp (The Upturned) vs Holidog (Holiday World)
Rapunzel the Corgi (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) vs K9 (Doctor Who)
Blue (Wolf’s Rain) vs Shiba-Warrior Taro (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Annoying Dog (Undertale) vs Old Dan & Little Ann (Where the Red Fern Grows)
Chou Chou (Shoujo Cosette (Les Miserables anime)) vs Porthos (Star Trek: Enterprise)
Pompompurin (Sanrio) vs Krypto (DC)
Sorry-oo (Moomin) vs Tau (Palia)
Jake the Dog (Adventure Time) vs Lesser dog (Undertale)
Noodle (Nona the Ninth/The Locked Tomb series) vs Nina Tucker/Alexander (FullMetal Alchemist)
Lucky the Pizza Dog (Marvel Comics) vs Seymour (Futurama)
Wishbone (Wishbone Series) vs Angelo (Final Fantasy VIII)
Ox (Dimension 20: Unsleeping City) vs Hewie (Haunting Ground)
Bingpup (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System) vs Elena (Spiritfarer)
Barnaby B. Beagle (Welcome Home) vs Charlie B. Barkin (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
Polterpup (Luigi’s Mansion) vs Gromit (Wallace and Gromit)
Santa’s Little Helper (The Simpsons) vs Slink/Slinky Dog (Toy Story)
Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog) vs Twig (Hilda)
Zosimos/Zozo (The Glass Scientists webcomic) vs The BTS Wolves (Midnight Burger)
Unnamed Dog (Teletubbies) vs Shigure Souma (Fruits basket)
Dachsbun (Pokemon) vs Hector J. Peabody (Mr. Peabody & Sherman)
Inuyasha (Inuyasha) vs Frank the Pug (Men in Black)
Sam (Sam and Max) vs Barnabas (The Sandman)
Duck Hunt Dog (Duck Hunt) vs Mira (Silent Hill 2)
Fairy (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Shiloh (Shiloh series)
Makkachin (Yuri!!! On Ice) vs Becquerel/Bec (Homestuck)
Rush (Mega Man) vs Dogmeat (Fallout 4)
Dog (Good Omens) vs Zamazenta (Pokemon)
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bark-eater · 9 months
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merklins · 2 years
Mad Science Team headcanons
-Doc's goggles are not only for hiding their expressions better, but to tone down the mantis shrimp vision they got from the slip in the goo! Without them he's more easily overwhelmed, unable to focus, and he can even end up with some terrible headaches. Their team has a routine locked and loaded to help if her senses ever get to be too much
-Polite Benrey regularly wears a set of glowing cat ear headphones that can change colors. In a crunch they can [] his need for glowsticks, but he mostly uses them to convey his pronouns to his friends!
-Sunkist was the first project Doc ever worked on with Tommy! She was still in early development when he joined the Restricted Research Department, so Tommy was excited to have someone that was interested in helping. Harold or Bubby would have done it if he asked, but Doc's passion and curiosity were UNMATCHED!
-Bubby loves puzzles. Not the ones that make pictures, those are Harold's preference. Bubby enjoys the mind numbing, overly complicated puzzles. One of the first he introduced Doc to during his recovery from the goo was a 7 by 7 Rubiks cube. He convinced Harold that it was for some kind of test of character, but he was ECSTATIC when Doc's eyes lit up at the sight of it! The two of them spent the next hour engulfed in the puzzle as Doc excitedly worked away at it and Bubby watched with a HUGE grin. They're puzzle buddies now. Harold is going to [] someone if he finds one more communal drawer, door, or box sealed with an impossible lock.
-Sunkist was inspired by big, fluffy, double coated dogs, and his undercoat subtly reflects with the same colors as his sweet voice! Everyone loves the idea until spring comes around and two of their electrically charged scientists are covered in rainbow fur.
-Doc got Joshua after the "Resonance Cascade" killed his science team. The Resonance Cascade was entirely their fault, and the aliens would have appeared anyways, but it was G-Man's fault that the team died during it. She was so unbearably lonely during her attempts to bring her family back that she took in the headcrab as a companion. They've seen enough horror flicks with mad scientists to know that loneliness is where it all goes wrong, so now they have a friend! A friend who would rather eat his brains, but a friend nonetheless. When his team is finally revived they are surprised for sure, but they took a liking to Joshua after a while! Bubby will always be the parent who didn't want the pet but loves it regardless. Much to the [] of the team, Benrey walks around the lab with Joshua resting on his head. Joshua is a very good headcrab.
-Even though he keeps his Black Mesa uniform, Benrey pops the little collar he has to match his team. Since the very moment he did that someone has been VERY passionate about making him a new outfit to help him stand out from the other security guards.
-Originally Doc had a normal ground-level room in the lab like everyone else, but after perfecting his metal arm attachments he insisted on making himself a loft space instead. The lab doesn't have a loft, or so Harold thought until he saw Doc climbing into a gap in the ceiling like a spider. Within the metal beams, pipes, and other structural supports, Doc actually found themself a large hidden space! It does have a clear entrance, but it's a bitch to get to without the gadget she wears. Harold let her keep the loft space because of how incredibly comfortable she was able to make it, but the room in the lab is still Doc's so that they have an easily accessible place to sleep too.
-Harold and Spork would get along great. I don't have a clever elaboration for this one, but I know it's true.
-Polite Benrey inexplicably has sweet voice. He was the reason they even knew it existed and gave it to Sunkist, but they still have no idea why he can do that. Benrey doesn't have an explanation for it either , but he also doesn't care to find out more, so they all accept it as a Benrey thing and don't hassle him about it. The whole team has started calling it "Black Mesa sweet voice", so that anyone who catches wind of it will assume it's a typical Black Mesa project and leave him alone.
So many more thoughts too, but this post is getting long and I have places to be, so. Ten for now!
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savefrog · 2 years
You have a pet shrimp?!?! 🦐 Can you tell me about them??
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i have many! They kept having babies
they are cherry shrimp/nano shrimp/neocardinia...i think the variety i have are Sunkist Shrimpies
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Got new shrimps today! 3 sunkist, 3 yellow cherry, and two blue (though one looks kinda green)
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I love these Sunkist shrimp and am definitely going to get more. The blue velvet seem to have more staying power genetically, but I forgot how wonderful it is to have a pop of bright color sifting through the tank.
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buggeppetto · 4 years
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These count as bugs, right?
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spaceistheplaceart · 8 months
sunkist in the splatoon AU is called shrimpkist because she's a shrimp and tommy KISS her... :)
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hlvraid · 3 years
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sansvertigo · 5 years
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Orange Cherry Shrimp Neocaridina davidi var. Orange
Improving the colour of this colony has been very challenging, but they’ve made strides since last year. 
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scalestails · 5 years
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hlvraik · 2 years
now that we have everybodys coven sorted out, is it time for palismen assignment?👀
However! Before we get started, some quick notes!! 1.) I'm basing the science team's palismen on their personalities, traits, and aesthetics. (Also, it's been a while since I saw HLVRAI fully, so I might be quite rusty!!)
2.) I'm not going to pick just one animal because that would be WAY TOO difficult; instead, I'll list a few with explanations!!
3.) This post might be a tad bit long, so I'm going to put a read more just in case!!
Now, with that out of the way! Let's get into it!!
Coomer: Mantis Shrimp II Griffin II Owl II Octopus (?)
With Coomer's love for wrestling and fighting, the mantis shrimp would be a perfect match as not only is it one of the strongest animials ever, but it actually has the strongest punch in the world; perfect for someone who started an underground boxing ring.
As for a griffin, not only does it fit Coomer's overall aesthetic/energy, they symbolize strength, courage, and bravery which, once again, fit Coomer perfectly! (Even if his courage leads them to rushing in and getting abducted by ropes for the umpteenth time /j)
An owl would also work due to Coomer's vast knowledge on a wide variety of topics, with most of them being stray Wikipedia articles and...other things...
As for an octopus, it was a little joke, a little hee-hoo, as I couldn't seem to help myself to compare Coomer's extendo-limbs to octopus tentacles. But now it's grown on me and I just had to include it!!
Bubby: Cat II Ram II amalgamation (mash-up of animals)
Bubby's personality and nature would fit perfectly with a cat's, as not only would they prefer to be somewhat independent, arrogant, and act somewhat impulsively. But it's not all bad! They're also rather playful; albeit playing dangerous pranks here and there, curious, and actually care about others' wellbeing deep down-once they meet the right people, of course.
Due to Bubby's brassy nature, stubborness, and hard-headedness, a ram would also fit them pretty well. They'd rather stick by, and even defend, their own opinion and would rather do things their own way, and there's no way of changing that.
As Bubby is rather an algamation themselves, being created due to a bunch of scientists slapping a bunch of chemicals together until they created something stable, it'll make sense for them to have a palisman to reflect that. Not only that, but they'd be up for the idea of making their Palisman as badass as possible, and if they have to combine animals, so be it. (They actually really like the idea, and they couldn't just decide on ONE creature alone!!)
Tommy: Dog (Golden Retriever) II Mongoose II Bee
Without a doubt, a golden retriever. Not only does it represent Sunkist in a way, but also dogs represent friendship, loyalty, and faithfulness. In a way, Tommy's the glue to the science team, making sure they stick together and no problems arise between them; without them, the team's relationship would probably fold in like a stack of cards. Not only that, but if I may throw in my own personal head canon: I believe that Tommy made Sunkist with their dad as sort of a bonding experience, so it'll be equally heart-felt if G-Man helps them carve their palisman.
As for Mongoose, they represent defense and protection, which fits Tommy as they try their best to keep the science team out of danger, and they continue to do an excellent job of doing so. They were also the only one there to guide Gordon throughout the facility after getting betrayed and getting their hand chopped clean off. Also, fun fact! Mongooses can kill highly venomous snakes, so they're a force not to be fucked with! (Just like Tommy) 
This is going to be extremely short, but just as dogs, bees also represent loyalty and friendship, so there's another option!
Benrey: Raven II Fox II Sloth II Cat
No doubt that Benrey loves to do a little bit of trickery here and there, so them having a raven palisman fits. Ravens are well-known tricksters, and their actions and presence differ from person to person. Some might see them in a bad light, believing all they do is bring bad luck, while others might think the complete opposite. (This could reflect how Gordon and the others might see Benrey. While the others believe Benrey means no harm and is generally a good person, Gordon usually thinks of them as nothing but a nuisance, trying to make his life a living hell.)
Just like a bee for Tommy, a fox is also another animal for Benrey, as foxes are often known for being tricksters and being cunning.
Despite being in LITERAL danger and being in a facility that's currently being overtaken by both aliens and the military, Benrey remains calm and nonchalant for some reason. And along with that, a sloth can also be a perfect fit for them! (No matter what's going on, or how many times Gordon yells and screams at them for their incompetence, Benrey would always be relaxed and dismissive.)
Gordon: Wolf II Turtle II Dog II Bird
A wolf is a good fit for Gordon, as they are known for their intellect, persaverience, and leadership. No doubt that Gordon's intelligent as they worked at Black Mesa and got a PhD in Theoretical Physics, but they could also come up with plans on the fly whenever something goes haywire. As for persaverience, no matter what life threw at him on his absolutely WORST DAY EVER, he still got through everything and made it out of Black Mesa alive and well (sort of). Leadership speaks for itself, as he was the defacto leader of the science team, guiding the group out of the hell-hole they used to call their job.
A turtle is quite similar, not to mention, generally, Gordon's quite reserved and easygoing whenever he's not in the face of danger, or getting ambushed and getting betrayed, or getting attacked by the military and aliens, or-
Just like Tommy, Gordon could have a dog palisman. Not only is he rather vigilant and loyal (despite when others are not), but he's easygoing and easy to strike up a conversation with. He couldn't help that during the whole resonance cascade, he was screaming his head off and appeared rather tense. He couldn't help himself, as that had to be one of the most stressful situations he had ever experienced; and he just wanted to make sure they all made it out alive. (Also this could also be a reference)
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