#Sunny's reblogs
just-a-blog-for-polls · 9 months
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sapphiccyanide · 3 months
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chestnutroan · 6 months
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Forgot the toothpaste...
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dennisboobs · 7 months
The LGBT community is great because when I followed the Always Sunny tag because I like the show and wanted to see humorous clips from it, what I really wanted was to see was gay porn (starring Glenn and Rob).
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placid-styles · 2 months
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macden moodboard
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brown-spider · 11 months
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Your spideysona sees this mf looking lost as hell, wearing a day pass and restraining a deadpool on a child leash, wdyd?
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charmac · 4 days
No right or wrong, doesn't even call for a discussion, I just want to know what you, the general fandom, post-16, currently believe to be Dennis' sexuality (purely sexual)
"Purposefully unlabeled" meaning Dennis understands his sexual attraction to men yet he's actively choosing to not label/disclose it to the Gang (or audience) for his own sake
Any other explanation explanation for Dennis' sexuality being unlabeled (i.e. doesn't understand bisexuality, hasn't thought about it, genuinely just doesn't fit any label/doesn't want to label himself, etc.) would fall under "Unlabeled - Infinitely nuanced"
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sunny-daze-ahead · 6 months
Wes: Are you a ghost possessing his own corpse, desperately embalming it and preserving it and trying to keep it from decomposing, knowing that eventually have to give up the ruse, but you want to keep up the illusion of life for as long as possible? Is that why you don't want anyone to know? So they don't shatter your feeble attempt at normalcy? Where do you keep your body when you're fighting rogues? Danny: Danny: say what now
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voltfruits · 1 year
one really important thing about Aubrey and Sunny's swingset scene (and their other interactions on One Day Left) is how it establishes Aubrey as a realist in contrast to Kel and Hero's relentless optimism and Basil's despairing attitude. like don't get me wrong, Sunny really benefits from Kel and Hero's sunshiney cheer, and his bond with Basil will always be important too. but Aubrey is the person who straight up says "you've gotta let yourself feel your feelings, the good and the bad. you've gotta eat. you've gotta go outside. life sucks and it's never going to be easy, but you've just gotta take it day by day and be patient." and it's frustrating to see people say that Aubrey didn't do anything for Sunny or that she only caused trouble for him... because after Sunny spent years living in his own head, he really needs a friend like Aubrey who is just completely real and candid with him.
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poltergeist-coffee · 7 months
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he’s teaching them about Create
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some-pers0n · 3 months
Okay fuck it Sunny disability metaphor time.
Sunny's arc is about her infantilization and being perceived as weak and incapable of greater feats due to her disabilities. Throughout the books, she's seen by others as being a nonthreat and unable to do so much as even lay a talon on another. Even by her closest friends and family, she's seen as somebody to protect. Somebody who cannot fend for themselves and is just a soft, optimistic soul in a cruel world.
Sunny was hatched without a barb and is significantly smaller than other dragons. Despite her still being capable of fire and able to go toe-to-toe with the other DoD members like Clay, she is often perceived as weaker and the "little sister" of the group that everyone needs to protect. They talk over her when planning and oftentimes. They don't consciously do this, they definitely don't mean any harm, but they are convinced that Sunny is powerless and inable to fully contribute to the group in the same way Starflight can with his intelligence or Tsunami with her strength.
Sunny doesn't like this. She's kind and gentle about it, but she is sick of being treated as a little kid. She's almost an adult by the time her book happens. For all of her life, she's been seen as a tiny little ankle-biter. Because of her disabilities, she's often held back and seen as less valuable of an asset to the group. By others outside of the DoD, she's seen as completely harmless (and in Scarlet and Burn's case, a perfect little subject to kill and put on display)
Her book is about her, for the first time, being alone without the DoD by her side. She's able to open her wings and fly freely. It comes after the heartbreak of the prophecy reveal, but she persists. She has hope for a future where she can still end the war.
I think it's why it's important that the first friendly face she saw in TBN was Six-Claws, a character who also has physical abnormalities. Somebody who was just like her in that sense. She's met somebody like her. A dragon hatched with things they had no control over. Despite all of the challenges and hardships he faced, Six-Claws is a well-respected dragon. Somebody who she herself looks up to.
Sunny spends the book struggling with how others perceive her. They think she's weak. Even Thorn, her mother, sees her as helpless and incapable of fending for herself. Though, over the course of the book, she eventually builds herself up in the eyes of those around her as a dragon more than competent enough to handle the situation presented to her.
By the end of the book, she's made her peace. She's told the DoD how she feels and, in turn, they respect her more. She doesn't hold anger towards them– she's not the type of soul to have grudges or be angry– but she is happy that they've changed for the better. She is capable. She should be taken as seriously as any other. She's, well, Sunny. Not some tiny baby to pity.
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asterin-jpg · 4 months
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i did a thing
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dennisboobs · 1 year
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3x02 // 5x08 // 5x13 // 7x07 // 14x03
↳ Dennis + sensitivity to harsh noise (2/?)
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bigjamjar · 9 months
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The demon king?🌹
Yeah he can do the work nicely ~🩸
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yanderemommabean · 9 months
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Mommabean here- here’s some pictures of Sunni! Some including when he STOLE MY HONEY BUN
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charmac · 1 month
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