#Superwonder clone Danny
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Heeey Mutuals....
@hdgnj & @radiance1 I was thinkin about us makin a third thread if that's alright with y'all? (I feel so bad for the people who're trying to scroll through our blogs and just get walls of text lol) If not lemme know or just ignore lol. [For those Interested in wtf this is about, Part 1: HDNJ Reblog | RADIANCE Reblog & Part 2: Thread]
So hypothetically, kind of wanna return to closer to the beginning, of the two on the streets, haven't been exactly discovered yet. Not fully local cryptids either yet, but there's definitely been a shaky video or two of "shadow people" in some abandoned buildings. (Because let's be honest, someone is getting some sort of video that would be sent in to one of the youtube channels about ghost videos before the whole cryptid thing even started. Not to mention audio videos of the 3am noises)
But also, I realized something. They're experiencing food and such for the first time (for the most part, & Danny was used to ecto-contaminated literally living food) while on the streets. Do... would they have context for good food? Do they almost make themselves sick the first time they eat food? We know kryptonians can straight up eat bullets, and stuff other things definitely can't, but hypothetically they could still get food poisoning, right?
Match is partially taking cues from Danny when it comes to survival, or at least figuring out what they need. But like, Danny is also very much.... not a normal kid, even if he wasn't a 3 year old amazonian-alien clone. Like Fentons are wild, reincarnated or no, and Danny's sense of what's safe or edible or normal is slightly.... y e a h. Though who knows how much he can recall at once.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
What's this? Chapter 2?
Initial Prompt Thread(s) can be found Here & Here
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Howdy @hdgnj & @radiance1 would it be alright if hypothetically a new thread was started? I'm starting to feel bad for the people trying to get through the pages of text on our blogs lol. HDNJ Reblog | RADIANCE Reblog
[I also understand if you would prefer just continuing from the initial thread]
So no matter what happens, it's pretty much agreed upon that the two need help. Along with the fact that they really can't just be left to wander, no matter how well they were doing.
(Bruce is having flashbacks to walking into Tim's stalker-shrine room when they look through the toddler's notebook) Because like, Match was pretty much live. A lot of people saw him, and a lot more will continue, so it's not even close to being safe. For all they knew? Cadmus might've thought they had died since they were already deemed failures. But now everyone in the knows not only is at least one alive, but nearly fought Superman to a standstill.
Probably could've if not for the fact that they're a half-starved teen- though the half-feral part probably helped with the can't predict what the Duck attack is going to be next.
(I wanna add more but if idk which to do if we go to the thread lol) (Also hi if ur just finding this, idk if it'll go anywhere but welcome to Radiance's prompt of tiny SuperWonder clone Danny)
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Oh Boi Art for This Fic
And the whole Tumblr thread lol But have a Match & lil Danny in the library. And the designs for the Big three + Luthor for your cloning needs Original Prompt is by @radiance1 :) Danny gets a lil reincarnation as a SuperWonder clone, and a new big-little brother too.
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