#Surrogacy in China
surrogacyagencykenya · 6 months
Transparent and Affordable: Surrogacy Cost in China with Surrogacy Agency Kenya
Surrogacy Agency Kenya provides people and couples seeking parenting with a cost-effective and transparent surrogacy cost in China. Surrogacy Agency Kenya provides a simple and cost-effective procedure by offering complete packages customized to personal demands and economic limits. Trust Surrogacy Agency Kenya to guide you through the difficulties of surrogacy, ensuring that cost meets excellence on your path to motherhood.
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coochiequeens · 2 months
Men having kids through surrogacy to fulfill selfish wants without thinking of the impact on the kids would be reduced if surrogacy agencies has a screening process
Wife returns from work one day, sees strange woman at home holding infant
Husband hires surrogate to have longed-for child, furious wife threatens divorce
By Alice Yan in Shanghai Published: 9:00am, 29 Mar 2024
A woman in China has told how her husband resorted to secret surrogacy to acquire a baby because the couple’s 29-year-old daughter refused to give him a grandchild.
The 53-year-old woman, surnamed Guo, said when she returned from work one day in September 2022, she saw a strange woman in her home holding an infant, according to Henan Television.
The stranger told Guo the child belonged to her and her husband, and she had been hired as a maid.
A shocked Guo later learned that the baby was born via surrogacy after her husband paid an agency.
The child was carried by a university student, the report said.
Guo and her husband, who live in Yiyang, Hunan province in central China, have one daughter – their only child, who told them she does not want to marry or have children.
“My husband said, ‘Your choice means I will never be a grandfather. What’s the point of raising you? Not having a baby means you are not filial, according to Chinese traditional culture’,” Guo said.
The man, whose age was not included in the report, said because the infant girl was so cute and healthy, he might ask the surrogacy institute for a boy next time.
“I flared up into a fury. I am going to divorce him,” said Guo.
The husband stole his wife’s identity card to apply for the infant’s birth certificate which states that he is her father and Guo is her mother.
“I flared up into a fury. I am going to divorce him,” said Guo.
The husband stole his wife’s identity card to apply for the infant’s birth certificate which states that he is her father and Guo is her mother.
The news report told the story of another man, aged 62, from Henan province in central China who also hired a surrogacy company without telling his family, so he could have a baby boy.
The man’s daughter said her father had wanted a son for a long time.
“After the one-child policy was abandoned, my father asked my mother to have another child for him. But my mother was nearly 50 and she did not want to have another child,” said the daughter.
She said the surrogacy company charged her father 540,000 yuan (US$75,000) and guaranteed the baby would be a boy.
Surrogacy is illegal in China. In 2023, the authorities issued a directive to crack down on the activity.
The story caused a heated discussion on mainland social media.
“I support surrogacy being illegal. Otherwise, women will just be used for their wombs,” one online observer said on Douyin.
“Maybe in the future, dating couples will need to check their DNA to see if they are siblings,” wrote another.
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cidlcorp · 2 years
"Endless Road" Mission Completed
CIDL Corp's CPCI has just completed the "Endless Road" Mission. It investigates about surrogacy industry in China. Surrogacy is illegal in China. With an in-depth investigation, our investigators finds that the surrogacy industry in China links to a listed company; They sell ova of the girls of famous colleges and universities. The investigation report is an internal file. We apologize for not showing it publicly. At present, the Chinese government is managing this problem.
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kiefbowl · 1 year
What are your feminist thoughts on altruistic surrogacy by close friends or family members? And what are your thoughts on adoption?
I think surrogacy as a whole is harmful to women, and surrogacy only exists because of cultural ideas that we should be critical of as feminists, even if they aren't specifically about women. surrogacy is primo captialist fetishism, the idea that we can buy anything as long as someone has enough money to convince someone to accept it, is antithetical to the ideals of female liberation from male supremacy. In surrogacy, we can see that 1. the body is for sale 2. pregnancy is for sale 3. women are for sale 4. babies are for sale...very bad ideas. And it's not just that babies are for sale because you're literally buying a baby, but because if you want to have a baby you should be able to get one, regardless if you're single, infertile, same-sex couple, etc...babies are mere accessories to our lives rather than human beings. Add on to this is of course the patriarchal fetishism of biological legacy, which is where surrogacy steps in over adoption: you want a baby, you want that baby to be your biological baby, you don't want to be pregnant, you should be allowed to buy a baby! But, why? Why can't we question these motives, these ideas?
I don't see how we can argue for "altruistic surrogacy" and not support these same ideas, that a woman can machine manufacture a baby easy-peasy in her baby tummy, and that a baby is a thing you buy rather than a human you take into your life to raise. Is it really any surprise that data suggests surrogate pregnancies are more dangerous to the woman than a normal pregnancy? It's not magic, it's a biological process. Why would your body just accept something that isn't your DNA? Many organ transfers fail for the very same reason.
When it comes to adoption, often we see the same strange baby-buying mentality, though it's even more taboo to criticize that not all may be right in this "altruistic industry." It's sticky stuff because, unlike surrogacy, I don't think we should make it fully illegal. I think a lot of good people can become really good parents to adopted kids, and a lot of kids need homes. But my hair raises at inter-country adoption. Why on earth is it so normal to lionize adults who pluck young kids out of their native home, their native language, their native culture, possibly away from family who are trying to gain custody, and force them to assimilate to a new western home, all because they believe they are "saving them"? Okay. How is this not racist? How does this benefit the children? How is this not shopping, with so many countries to choose from? Why is "saving" a kid from China so much better than "saving" a kid from New York? And often it's about the time, money, and patience you had, proving love. You can buy kids, you can buy love, hm.
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the-unholy-sovereign · 2 months
[{]¤| Hail-Satan |¤[}] 💀Shivah; Shiva : Witches Grand Witch; Harpe Queen of the Witches "Coven" (Succubus) I.Banshee, [(Vampires)] Warlocks; Warlock, hierarchial-matriarchy I.Death; WARLOCK. . Henceforth I, The "Demon" Shai/Shah (I.Menzepth) 'The Dark God of Voodoo' Demonic II.Hyena [{Werewolves}] I I Barren (Hyenas) Dingo I.Jackal [(Surrogacy)]. Therefore I Baron; Andrew the Grand [(The Shah of Africa)] II.KABAL, Hierarchial-Hierarch "Imperial" Hierarchy I.Demon (Demon) Unholy I.Virile/Sovereign "Demonic" I.Pure-blood Congolese I.Congolese [{AFRICA}] Dom II.African . . (Na-fear). TRIBAL I.Tribunal,The Congo-Basin: Ancestral Temple I.Shrine "Cemetery" (Burial-urns). MARTIAL-ARTS (I.Jitsu) The "Gobi" desert; Jitsu-Demons I.Shinto, Murals (Shinto) Scrolls [(Scribes)] II.Scribe; Scribe (Japan) I.Japan . MONGOL (Warlords) "I.Mongols" THE DEMONS II.DEMON (Monument) I.Hierarchial [(Hierarchy)] Mongolia; China. . "Feudal-Orient" (Japan).
The 'Mongol' Mongrel, King Syrian. . . (The.Drayton)
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Hey RBS 🌈
Recently i came across GG interview on ool where he talk about how envious of he is gu wei because he have a perfect life, a loving family, adorable son. Somehow it gave me this feeling that, deep down GG wish to live a ideal life. Where there is no fans chasing after him, no paparazzi breathing down on his neck.
I do saw some fans try to interpret it as GG being straight and he wanted a wife and kid in the future. But for me it was more like his dream to have a domestic life with DD.
I would like to know what you think about this.
Hi Anon, 😊
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
I think interviews are often taken too literally and too seriously by fans. Just because someone says something in an interview, that doesn't mean it's their final word on the topic, or anything broader than a simple off-the-cuff musing.
I've never had even the remotest interest in being a parent, but there are some people who seem to have the perfect life, the perfect kids, the perfect home, where everyone looks like they stepped out of a Scandinavian architectural magazine and they all go to the farmer's market on Saturday mornings and then go for long hikes in the mountains in their handmade knitwear with their perfect, utterly obedient dog, and then come home and eat a delicious wholesome rustic gourmet home-cooked meal at a large raw log slab trestle table with the sun slanting through their 30foot floor to open-rafter ceiling windows, etc. etc. etc., and there are moments when I envy that even though it in no way resembles the life I really want.
I think it's normal for people to daydream about other people's lives.
And there is also a certain element of marketing at play here. An actor pretty much has to sell the character and the story to the audience. GG is a savvy man in that respect, and scrupulously polite. He will find something nice to say if the situation calls for it.
Having said all that, please everyone repeat after me:
I talked about that a while back in a discussion about DD saying he wants a son.
There are so many heteronormative fans who don't get that concept. It's crazy.
Like you said, Anon, he could easily be daydreaming about wanting a nice domestic life with DD. I'm absolutely certain they would have talked about having kids, even theoretically, because A] the culture and B] DD seems serious about wanting one.
People often think China is inherently homophobic, but that perception isn't entirely accurate. Family is given high importance in some cultures, and that can lead parents and relatives to pressure gays to marry straight and have kids. However, many families are perfectly happy to accept queer family members as long as they still plan to have kids via adoption or surrogacy.
Anyway, point being - that 'straight' narrative says a lot more about the person interpreting than it does about GG. 😅
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maaarine · 1 year
Bibliography: articles posted on this blog in 2023
Posted in January
To grasp how serotonin works on the brain, look to the gut (James M Shine, Psyche, Jan 03 2023)
Thousands of records shattered in historic winter warm spell in Europe (Ian Livingston, The Washington Post, Jan 02 2023)
“Il faut que tu sois belle maintenant” : en Égypte, des femmes libérées du voile restent prisonnières des diktats (Aliaa Talaat, Al-Manassa via Courrier International, 20 nov 2022)
Mystery of why Roman buildings have survived so long has been unraveled, scientists say (Katie Hunt, CNN, Jan 06 2023)
Colombia’s surrogacy market: Buying a baby for $4,000 (Lucía Franco, El País, Jan 04 2023)
How to spot an eating disorder (Phillip Aouad & Sarah Maguire, Psyche, Jan 11 2023)
UAE sparks furious backlash by appointing Abu Dhabi oil chief as president of COP28 climate summit (Sam Meredith, CNBC, Jan 12 2023)
Don’t tell me that David Carrick’s crimes were ‘unbelievable’. The problem is victims aren’t believed (Marina Hyde, The Guardian, Jan 17 2023)
Baromètre Sexisme 2023 : "La situation est alarmante", estime le Haut Conseil à l'Égalité (Juliette Geay, Radio France, 23 janvier 2023)
Posted in February
Spain approves menstrual leave, teen abortion and trans laws (NPR, Feb 16 2023)
Are Men the Overlooked Reason for the Fertility Decline? (Jessica Grose, The New York Times, Feb 15 2023)
American teenage girls are experiencing high levels of emotional distress. Why? (Moira Donegan, The Guardian, Feb 16 2023)
Figures that lay bare the shocking scale of toxic influencer Andrew Tate’s reach among young men (Maya Oppenheim, The Independent, Feb 17 2023)
Why psychological research on child sex offenders is important (Meetali Devgun, Psyche, Feb 22 2023)
Derrière les chiffres des féminicides, des visages et un continuum de violences contre les femmes (Fanny Declercq, Le Soir, 27 fév 2023)
Posted in March
English is not normal (John McWhorter, Aeon, Nov 13 2015)
Are Iranian schoolgirls being poisoned by toxic gas? (BBC News, March 03 2023)
‘Why do we need a supermodel?’: Backlash after Fifa makes Adriana Lima Women’s World Cup ambassador (Henry Belot, The Guardian, March 02 2023)
New Human Metabolism Research Upends Conventional Wisdom about How We Burn Calories (Herman Pontzer, Scientific American, Jan 01 2023)
Polish woman found guilty of aiding an abortion in landmark trial (Harriet Barber, The Telegraph, March 14 2023)
How Diet Builds Better Bones: Surprising Findings on Vitamin D, Coffee, and More (Claudia Wallis, Scientific American, Jan 01 2023)
Met police found to be institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic (Vikram Dodd, The Guardian, March 21 2023)
Chinese Dating App Does the Swiping for Singles to Find Love (Nikki Main, Gizmodo, March 21 2023)
Aphantasia can be a gift to philosophers and critics like me (Mette Leonard Høeg, Psyche, March 20 2023)
Posted in April
Facts Don’t Change Minds – Social Networks, Group Dialogue, and Stories Do (Anne Toomey, The LSE Impact Blog, Jan 24 2023)
Uganda’s failure to jail child rapists as teen pregnancies soar (Tamasin Ford, BBC News, April 17 2023)
Italy risks ‘ethnic replacement’ because of low birth rate and high immigration, says minister (Nick Squires, The Telegraph, April 19 2023)
Putin, Trump, Ukraine: how Timothy Snyder became the leading interpreter of our dark times (Robert P Baird, The Guardian, March 30 2023)
India overtakes China to become world’s most populous country (Hannah Ellis-Petersen, The Guardian, April 24 2023)
Posted in May
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People in comas showed ‘conscious-like’ brain activity as they died, study says (Hannah Devlin, The Guardian, May 01 2023)
Chinese woman appeals in battle for right to freeze her eggs (The Guardian, May 09 2023)
Women CEOs: Why companies in crisis hire minorities - and then fire them (The Guardian, DG McCullough, Aug 08 2014)
Glass cliffs: firms appoint female executives in times of crisis as a signal of change to investors (Max Reinwald and Johannes Zaia and Florian Kunze, LSE Business Review, Aug 19 2022)
Posted in June
Afghan women in mental health crisis over bleak future (Yogita Limaye, BBC News, June 05 2023)
Support Of Amber Heard Alongside French Feminists & Cinema Figures (Melanie Goodfellow, Deadline, June 05 2023)
Why is Japan redefining rape? (Tessa Wong & Sakiko Shiraishi, BBC News, June 07 2023)
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Netherlands to provide free sun cream to tackle record skin cancer levels (Kate Connolly, The Guardian, June 12 2023)
The Cause of Depression Is Probably Not What You Think (Joanna Thompson, Quanta Magazine, Jan 26 2023)
Posted in July
‘Farsighted impulsivity’ and the new psychology of self-control (Adam Bulley, Psyche, Feb 03 2021)
Can a perfectionist personality put you at risk of migraines? (Shayla Love, Psyche, July 25 2023)
Posted in August
How Loneliness Reshapes the Brain (Marta Zaraska, Quanta Magazine, Feb 28 2023)
Why religious belief provides a real buffer against suicide risk (David H Rosmarin, Psyche, Aug 07 2023)
Posted in September
What Are Dreams For? (Amanda Gefter, The New Yorker, Aug 31 2023)
Rape Cases Seize Italy’s Attention and Expose Cultural Rifts (Gaia Pianigiani, The New York Times, Sep 03 2023)
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In Spain, dozens of girls are reporting AI-generated nude photos of them being circulated at school: ‘My heart skipped a beat’ (Manuel Viejo, El País, Sep 18 2023)
When the human tendency to detect patterns goes too far (Shayla Love, Psyche, Sep 19 2023)
Posted in October
My Brain Doesn’t Picture Things (Marco Giancotti, Nautilus, Oct 04 2023)
“Inverse vaccine” shows potential to treat multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases (Sarah C.P. Williams, The University of Chicago, Sep 11 2023)
Poland election: exit polls point to Law and Justice defeat as Tusk hails ‘rebirth’ (Shaun Walker, The Guardian, Oct 16 2023)
Posted in November
What I have learned from my suicidal patients (Gavin Francis, The Guardian, Nov 22 2019)
Did natural selection make the Dutch the tallest people on the planet? (Martin Enserink, Science, Apr 07 2015)
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Far-right party set to win most seats in Dutch elections, exit polls show (Jon Henley and Pjotr Sauer and Senay Boztas, The Guardian, Nov 22 2023)
Climate change: Rise in Google searches around ‘anxiety’ (Lucy Gilder, BBC, Nov 22 2023)
Posted in December
The sexual assault of sleeping women: the hidden, horrifying rape crisis in our bedrooms (Anna Moore, The Guardian, June 15 2021)
Afghanistan: Taliban sends abused women to prison - UN (Nicholas Yong, BBC News, Dec 15 2023)
Longitudinal Associations Between Parenting and Child Big Five Personality Traits (University of California Press, Nov 18 2021)
Scientists Pinpoint Cause of Severe Morning Sickness (Azeen Ghorayshi, The New York Times, Dec 13 2023)
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Now a Harry media blackout now in UK
Truth or conspiracy? · 
Posted by 
Benjamin Smallbrook3h
A better understanding?
Maybe people will understand a bit more, after what happened in Britain this afternoon?
This morning, every TV channel was giving wall-to-wall coverage to Harry and his book, ‘Spare’. Ex-Royal Marines were interviewed, along with generals and top-brass from the military. A former butler from the Palace was brought in to talk about Harry. Of course the ‘royal writers’ were on air too.
When the 5.00 pm news arrived, there was a news blackout where Harry was concerned. No mention of him, no mention of his book and nothing about the 25 Taliban he claimed to have killed.
Just like we can hear nothing about Markle’s surrogacies in the news, once again, somebody has stepped in to put a stop to free speech. But this is much more serious.
GCHQ, our security services, quickly realised that Harry had single-handedly raised the UK’s security risk levels. They would have contacted the government, and all hell would have been let loose. Hence, Harry, his book, and his brave exploits in the marines could not be covered on any TV channel.
The BBC News at 7.00 pm blanked him completely… News items in order : (1) US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy - (2) The NHS in the UK - (3) the Iran anti-government protests - (4) Rail strike - (5) A shooting in Virginia, US - (6) Train crash in Mexico - (7) China, re-opening borders - (8) Police looking for missing couple in England - (9) Ukraine news - (10) Car theft in the UK - (11) The weather. NO MENTION OF HARRY!
We have a ‘Village Idiot’ in our Royal Family. The fool, who thought he was being clever, has put lives at risk.
Thank you! ❤️
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lscore · 2 years
Well, Fuck - alternatively: On the Death of an Actress
I’m a bit late to this party so forgive me for my lateness (the scandal broke a year ago), but I just found out about Zheng Shuang’s surrogacy scandal. For those who aren’t in the know, Zheng Shuang plays Weiwei in Love O2O, but all her works are blacklisted because after having two children through surrogacy, she attempted to terminate them through late-term abortions when her relationship with their father turned sour. As a result, all her works, including Love O2O, have been blacklisted in China.
For those of you who don’t know, I’m probably most well-known as an author for my Naruto/Love O2O Fusion fic, A Tiny Smirk is Devastating. I first fell in love with the story as A Slight Smile is Very Charming back in 2018, when I was getting into translate webnovels, then devoured everything about it, including the drama and the movie. I loved Yangyang in it, and up until now, didn’t have a problem with Zheng Shuang (although she gets panned as kind of flat as an actress, but like I thought she suited the Chinese Professional Woman id quite well). But reading this from a western perspective, especially one that has been in the CS/Professional working women POV - there’s several things about the story that rub me entirely the wrong way, so ATSiD is my way of restructuring the story a bit to adjust for the stuff I don’t like. Plus like, quite frankly, while I could see Sasuke overlapping with Xiao Nai really closely, I really wanted a more outspoken female character in Weiwei’s place as a tribute to all the CS women I do know, closer to Novel Weiwei or Movie Weiwei vs Love O2O Weiwei, and Sakura fits the bill quite nicely.
Let me be perfectly clear - I am 100% pro-a woman’s right to choose, because pregnancy has devastating effects on a woman’s body and psyche, and no one can be asked to give up their life for someone else. Zheng Shuang was not pregnant, and abandoning her children just because she broke up with her boyfriend shows callousness towards life that I’m quite frankly disgusted with, same way I would be disgusted with deadbeat dads. ATSiD is not an endorsement of her or her work as an actress. ATSiD is a tribute to an adorable, sweet, uncomplicated but also deep work that happens to have the misfortune of fostering a terrible human’s career. I choose to continue working on it as a tribute to everyone else, and to write a version where she doesn’t abandon her children >.>
I haven’t given up on ATSiD - I’ll be back to it soon. Just struggling a bit with nailing Sasuke and Sakura meeting IRL, because their dynamic is so important to get just right for the rest of the story to play out properly. This meeting is so crucial as a turning point from Online to Offline (Hence, O2O), in that it’s so awkward and funny, but also so painfully earnest, and I really want to nail that (Plus, muse decided we would publish SasuSaku Smut instead. And then against my better judgement, decided she wanted to do a ficlet challenge. To you know. Practice. Don’t ask me, ask the Muse).
So I’ll leave you with a snip from the next chapter that gives you an idea of why I’m struggling so hard with Chapter 34 of ATSiD (Under the jump) :) Note that this is a draft and not final, so don’t hold me to the exact wording
Uchiha-senpai though? There’s no way! Maybe there’s a hidden camera around here. Sakura tried to look around surreptitiously, but Sasuke saw her little movements.
The corner of his mouth quirked up. “Though you might finish algo early. Didn’t want to make you wait again.”
“Huh? Wait?” I don’t see any wires so they must be using fairly small battery-powered units. That limits the transmission range and video quality. 
“The couple’s tournament.”
“Oh, that! No, that’s okay.” I don’t even see a lens. Must be a pinhole device of some kind.
“Uh-huh.” If I’m lucky, they won’t even have voice recording capability. That way no one will think I’m a total lunatic, asking the most eligible bachelor if he’s my dom, or whatever people will come up with.
“OK, let’s go then,” Go? We can’t go! What if the real Meister shows up while I’m still dealing with this hidden camera nonsense? 
“...,” What if Meister picks up on this embarrassing crush I’ve had on Uchiha-senpai all along?
“....” What if-
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ykdpjyl · 8 days
重庆代孕代母去哪找(微信号ivf2022)在重庆这个拥有3000万人口的大都市,寻找代孕代母并非易事.本文将为您提供详细指南,助您找到合适的代孕代母.中介机构中介机构是寻找代孕代母的常见途径.这些机构通常与代母数据库合作,并可以安排代母与意向父母的匹配.中介机构会对代母进行背景调查、医疗评估和心理咨询,确保他们的健康和稳定.网上平台网上平台是另一种寻找代孕代母的途径.像Surrogacy in China这样的网站提供代母数据库,意向父母可以通过过滤器搜索符合特定要求的代母.在线平台通常比中介机构更实惠,但需要对代母进行更深入的调查和筛选.社交媒体社交媒体可以用来寻找代孕代母,但需要谨慎.在社交媒体群组和论坛上发布消息时,请保持匿名并保护您的隐私.仔细筛选申请人,并与其他意向父母交流经验.医疗机构一些医疗机构提供代孕服务,并可以帮助意向父母寻找合适的代母.这些机构通常与代母诊所合作,可以提供全面的医疗支持和监督.朋友和家人有些人通过朋友和家人找到代孕代母.如果您的亲友中有愿意成为代母的人,可以考虑与他们讨论.重要的是要保持公开透明的沟通,并确保他们的健康和福祉受到保护.寻找代孕代母的注意事项在寻找代孕代母时,必须格外小心.以下是一些需要考虑的注意事项:进行彻底的调查:在与潜在代母接触之前,对其进行背景调查和医疗评估.寻求法律建议:请合格的律师起草代孕协议,保护所有各方的权利.注重沟通:与代母保持持续沟通,定期讨论她的健康、情绪和任何担忧.提供支持:在整个怀孕期间为代母提供身体、情绪和经济上的支持.
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Surrogacy in China is currently been deemed prohibited by most surrogacy experts. So, we won’t recommend you to go along with your parenthood goals in this part of the world. Still, if you want to check some other options around the world, you can always connect with a renowned surrogacy agency for the best results.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Ladies, always keep stickers on you
China’s Surrogacy Debate Extends to Women’s Toilets 
From universities to hospital toilets, women are finding themselves surrounded by small ads recruiting surrogacy candidates as well as customers. They, and some companies, are hitting back.
By Yang Caini
May 15, 20233-min read #gender#surrogacy
Women in China are covering up surrogacy ads in toilets with stickers and lipstick as they try to discourage other women from becoming surrogates or take up their services.  
In late April, a video of an anonymous woman covering up a surrogacy ad with stickers in a women’s bathroom in a hospital in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region went viral online.
Her actions were widely praised, with netizens sharing similar experiences about covering up surrogacy ads they encounter: “I erased these sorts of ads in the toilet of a movie theater.” “I’ve seen ads like this in dorms and school bathrooms.” “They can be found in all three toilets in a Changsha shopping mall.” 
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These ads look to recruit surrogates as well as customers. They are usually made up of very few words, with a price and a contact number provided. Many also guarantee a son, the favored sex in China.  
Five university students from five different cities told Sixth Tone that they’ve seen the ads “countless times” in toilets. Zhao Yifei, a master’s degree student at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, said that these ads can be found in almost every toilet on campus. She sometimes feels conflicted when scratching them out with her keys. 
“On the one hand, I think (surrogacy) can help those families who cannot conceive because of physical reasons. On the other hand … the most likely result is that the rich use surrogacy in large numbers and exploit the poor,” said Zhao. 
Commercial surrogacy is banned in China, together with all sales of gametes, fertilized eggs, and embryos. The prohibition has led to the emergence of black markets and cross-bordersurrogacy services that target infertile and same-sex couples.
Surrogate mothers in China can receive up to 280,000 yuan ($40,282) for their services, while customers reportedly pay up to 1.1 million yuan for a surrogate baby with a chosen sex.
The question of whether to legalize surrogacy in China is a heated debate. In 2017, state-run media People’s Daily published an article that discussed legalizing surrogacy to ease the country’s falling birth rate and help infertile senior couples. Opponents, however, decry the practice for exploiting vulnerable women.
Li, who insisted on only using her surname, has kept a marker pen and anti-surrogacy stickers in her handbag since 2019, when she first erased a surrogacy ad in a shopping mall toilet with her lipstick in her hometown of Zhengzhou, the capital city of the central province of Henan.
“I’m embarrassed to say it, but I was thinking about whether the lipstick can still be used afterwards. But this was only for a few seconds — after all, this matter is much more important than lipstick,” Li, 26, told Sixth Tone.
Afterwards, Li purchased anti-surrogacy stickers in case she ran into the ads again. Some of these stickers mention that they are 30 centimeters long, the same length as a needle used for retrieving a woman’s egg. She hopes this scares women thinking about surrogacy by showing what it will mean in practice. 
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Some women’s products manufacturers, including sellers of pads and skincare products, are supporting these anti-surrogacy efforts by gifting customers free anti-surrogacy stickers with their purchases.
SISCOM, an online vendor with over 40,000 followers on e-commerce platform Taobao selling feminist merchandise, began giving customers free anti-surrogacy stickers in 2021. “Surrogacy exploits women. It’s banned in China. You will be punished for it,” the stickers read, with a reporting hotline included. 
Qiqi, co-owner of SISCOM, told Sixth Tone that she has seen many of these ads herself. 
“Sometimes I can’t help but feel that the people who make these ads are so smart … The toilet compartments are so private that you can hardly catch them and ban them,” she said. 
Women’s public toilets have been in the news before. In 2020, advocates launched a campaign to install pad-sharing boxes in women’s toilets, which swept across the country. 
Editor: Vincent Chow. 
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6x677ft · 9 days
重庆代孕代母去哪找(微信号ivf2022)在重庆这个拥有3000万人口的大都市,寻找代孕代母并非易事.本文将为您提供详细指南,助您找到合适的代孕代母.中介机构中介机构是寻找代孕代母的常见途径.这些机构通常与代母数据库合作,并可以安排代母与意向父母的匹配.中介机构会对代母进行背景调查、医疗评估和心理咨询,确保他们的健康和稳定.网上平台网上平台是另一种寻找代孕代母的途径.像Surrogacy in China这样的网站提供代母数据库,意向父母可以通过过滤器搜索符合特定要求的代母.在线平台通常比中介机构更实惠,但需要对代母进行更深入的调查和筛选.社交媒体社交媒体可以用来寻找代孕代母,但需要谨慎.在社交媒体群组和论坛上发布消息时,请保持匿名并保护您的隐私.仔细筛选申请人,并与其他意向父母交流经验.医疗机构一些医疗机构提供代孕服务,并可以帮助意向父母寻找合适的代母.这些机构通常与代母诊所合作,可以提供全面的医疗支持和监督.朋友和家人有些人通过朋友和家人找到代孕代母.如果您的亲友中有愿意成为代母的人,可以考虑与他们讨论.重要的是要保持公开透明的沟通,并确保他们的健康和福祉受到保护.寻找代孕代母的注意事项在寻找代孕代母时,必须格外小心.以下是一些需要考虑的注意事项:进行彻底的调查:在与潜在代母接触之前,对其进行背景调查和医疗评估.寻求法律建议:请合格的律师起草代孕协议,保护所有各方的权利.注重沟通:与代母保持持续沟通,定期讨论她的健康、情绪和任何担忧.提供支持:在整个怀孕期间为代母提供身体、情绪和经济上的支持.
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5gdiginews · 1 month
China's health body probes hospital after surrogacy claims - ET HealthWorld
Hong Kong: National Health Commission of China Said he was looking into it hospital in the southwestern megacity of chongqing For its alleged involvement in Surrogate motherwhich is illegal ChinaAfter wide spread of this issue on social media. The incident follows a series of official investigations last year into the issuance of fake birth certificates as China tries to boost its birth rate. A…
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sida-wang · 3 months
WEEK 2 Psychogeography & Topic Research
This week, we introduced the psychological theory, which suggests that the geographical environment has an impact on human emotions and behavior (Michael,2017). To illustrate, entering a long-abandoned building may induce discomfort, and encountering narrow streets may unconsciously prompt us to accelerate our pace. Therefore, I have identified three key terms: "psychological impact," "urban space," and "personal feelings."
The mind-map below depict the three stages of my topic selection for Assignment One, "Capturing the essence of a space." Starting from personal dreams, I considered the enclosed and controllable space of a refrigerator. However, I realized that this relatively small space might not align well with "urban space." Consequently, I shifted my focus to a tunnel near my house that I had never entered before. Delving deeper, I discovered that my sensitivity and fear of potential threats as a woman influenced such choice. This fear not only existed in dark places but also extended to seemingly private and secure spaces like public bathrooms. This led me to the third topic: "Toilet Crisis for Women"—the discomfort and offense felt by women in public bathrooms.
Through research, I found this to be an international issue. Concerns about spycam have led to a scarcity of public bathrooms on South Korean streets. In China, advertisements for surrogacy and paid egg donation are plastered in hospital and university women's bathrooms, along with Ghost-writing and even escort cards. These ads targeting women are suspected of disrupting public order, having a detrimental impact, not only on society but also constituting violence against women. Seeing these monetized promotions, young women may unwittingly fall into the abyss of selling their bodies and violating the law.
Drawing from Celine's understanding of immersive storytelling at SXSW, a significant evolution in VR is "play to feel" (Bye, 2022) Therefore, I believe this project holds profound social significance, allowing the audience to "experience" the global catastrophe faced by women in public toilet and the frightening implications of these infiltrating hints in their lives.
Next week:
 I will discuss the feasibility of this topic with the teacher, especially regarding the technical aspect. As I cannot rent an entire public restroom for decoration, it is crucial to figure out how to scan illegal advertisements and later paste them onto the walls and doors. Additionally, to overcome language barriers posed by Chinese ads, I plan to invite friends to "tell the story" as narrators to assist in storytelling. These stories will be drawn from social news and my investigation.
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Bond, Michael. “The Hidden Ways That Architecture Affects How You Feel.” BBC News, February 24, 2022. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20170605-the-psychology-behind-your-citys-design.
Bye, Kent. “Voices of VR Podcast Host: Insatiably Curious, XR Oral Historian, & Aspiring Philosopher.” Web log. Twitter (blog), March 15, 2022. https://twitter.com/kentbye/status/1503443050412003342.
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surrogacyconsultancy · 5 months
Exploring How Surrogacy is Perceived and Practiced in Different Cultures and Religions Around the World?
The process related to surrogacy has gone popular across almost every part of the world as of now. That said, the recognition and practice of the procedure differs in every part and community. Moreover, surrogacy for couples in Georgia will go different than surrogacy for couples in India or any other part of the world. To make it easier for you to understand, we take through the following case scenarios while discussing perception around surrogacy across various parts of the world.
How surrogacy is perceived across the west?
There is a big difference into how surrogacy is viewed in west as compared to the eater countries. In numerous Western nations, surrogacy has gotten to be progressively acknowledged, particularly as an arrangement for couples confronting infertility or for same-sex couples wishing to have children. Moreover, in United States, surrogacy is to a great extent directed at the state level, with a few states having exceptionally strong legal systems. Moreover, the practice is for the most part seen as a legally binding agreement, and there's a developing openness towards it, particularly in urban areas.
In Europe, the perception of surrogacy varies. That said, nations just like the United Kingdom allows for altruistic surrogacy but deny commercial surrogacy process. On the other side, laws around surrogacy for couples in Georgia allow married heterosexual couples to pursue this arrangement.
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How Surrogacy is perceived in Eastern countries?
There is a slight difference in how surrogacy is been viewed in eastern cultures. That said, in numerous Asian nations, the practice and recognition of surrogacy are very different. In India, for example, surrogacy was a booming industry due to less regulations and lower costs. In any case, concerns over abuse driven to stricter laws. Besides, social point of view in India and other South Asian nations are frequently clashed, impacted by traditional views on family and parenthood.
Also, in China, surrogacy remains illegal; however the practice goes ahead underground. This is often generally due to the social significance of having genetic children, which for a few, exceeds legal and moral concerns. This is largely different than how gay surrogacy in Georgia or even surrogacy for couples in UK works.
How middle eastern countries perceive Surrogacy?
The Middle Eastern world mostly stays a bit harsh on surrogacy practices. That said the laws around intensely influenced by Islamic law. Also, in most Islamic nations, surrogacy is either unlawful or exceptionally regulated and restricted. This can be since Islamic law emphasizes the bonds of marriage and genetic connection, seeing surrogacy as possibly troublesome to these structures.
In any case, in nations like Iran, a special law of surrogacy is practiced, which adjusts with Shia Islamic law. Moreover, this form of surrogacy use the eggs of the partners, guaranteeing the child is biologically related to both parents, which is more satisfactory within the Islamic setting. At the same time, the laws related to gay surrogacy are even harsher than that related to same sex surrogacy in Georgia.
Jewish Viewpoints on Surrogacy
In Judaism, views on surrogacy change among distinctive communities. That said, traditional Jewish law places higher significance on genetic connection and the conventional family structure. However, there's also a strong regulation on the commandment to be productive and multiply, which can make surrogacy a satisfactory alternative for childless couples.
Also, reform and conservative Jewish communities are for the most part more open to surrogacy, frequently pushing for moral practices that respect the surrogate’s independence and well-being.
Christian views on Surrogacy
In a nutshell, Christian community’s perception on surrogacy shifts broadly. Moreover, the Catholic Church restricts surrogacy, seeing it as interferometer with the characteristic act of reproduction inside marriage. Also, other Christian groups have different perspectives, with a few more magnanimous communities being open to surrogacy, particularly in the event that it helps couples overcome infertility.
The same can be viewed in the country of Georgia where even the gay surrogacy in Georgia is deemed legal given the humanity aspects.
African perspective on Surrogacy
In numerous African communities, the significance of having children and proceeding ancestry is profoundly imbued. In any case, surrogacy is regularly seen with skepticism, with an inclination for conventional arrangements to infertility. In a few nations, there's little to no legal system for surrogacy, and the practice may be socially frowned upon, though this can be gradually changing with increased awareness and globalization.
Globalization and Changing Recognitions
Globalization and the spread of awareness have driven to changing recognitions of surrogacy around the world. That said, expanded presentation to distinctive ways of family-building, coupled with propels in regenerative innovation, is gradually affecting conventional perspectives. In any case, ethical concerns, particularly with respect to the rights and treatment of surrogates, stay at the edge of the worldwide discussion.
So, whether we are talking regarding the surrogacy for couples in Georgia or surrogacy for singles in Kenya, there is still a need for social acceptance and acknowledgment. Also, the government and the social communities can make a big difference in the same regards.
Final words
Surrogacy's recognition and practice around the world are diverse, affected by a complex interaction of various aspects. In Western cultures, there's a growing acceptance and direction of surrogacy. Yet, in numerous Eastern, Middle Eastern, and African societies, traditional views frequently shape a more cautious approach. This difference reflects the broader discussions around family, parenthood, and morals totally different social orders.
Source: https://wakelet.com/wake/ntW-unBqox1ZayZvpJr3O
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