medoriscare · 4 months
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Dropped Head Syndrome
If you're facing challenges with #DroppedHeadSyndrome, the Medoriscare Chin Support Cushion can offer the solution you need!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Hot Tub Day
National Hot Tub Day is here, and you know what that means: you now have yet another excuse to enjoy relaxing in your hot tub.
But what if you want to do something more to celebrate? Here, we’ll show you five ways you can do just that:
Treat yourself to a new hot tub accessory.
Practice some hot tub yoga.
Indulge in aromatherapy.
Have a movie night.
Play some games with the whole family.
Ready to celebrate National Hot Tub Day the right way? Let’s dive in, first with why hot tubs are worth celebrating.
Why Hot Tubs Are Worth Celebrating
You probably know at least part of the answer to this question. After all, hot tubs have a reputation for being relaxing as well as therapeutic.
What you might not know is that hot tubs have a wealth of other benefits that make them worth celebrating:
Reduced stress: The warm water of a hot tub can help your body release feel-good stress-relieving endorphins.
Relaxation and pain relief: Whether you’re suffering from exercise-induced soreness, arthritis or another condition, hot tubs can help reduce pain, loosen muscles and take pressure off joints.
Better sleep: After taking a dip in your hot tub, you’ll likely be able to fall asleep faster and enjoy more restful sleep throughout the night.
5 Ways to Ring in National Hot Tub Day
1. Treat Yourself to a New Hot Tub Accessory
Hot tub accessories offer a fantastic way to spruce up your hot tub without breaking the bank.
For National Hot Tub Day, why not treat yourself to a hot tub accessory that can improve your overall experience in the long-run?
Here are our favorite types of hot tub accessories:
Cover lifters: No one wants to wrangle with a heavy cover when all they want to do is enjoy their hot tub. Make the process painless with a convenient cover lifter.
Steps: If you’re tired of slipping and sliding your way into your hot tub, a set of hot tub steps will be right up your alley. The right set of steps can not only make your entry and exit process much safer, but also serve as a perfect location to place your dry towel for easy access.
Pillows: If your hot tub sessions are getting dragged down by uncomfortable headrests or raggedy cushions, it’s high time you went for a new, deluxe pillow. By choosing the right size and shape for you, you can create a custom experience that’s tailored to your needs.
2. Practice Some Hot Tub Yoga
As a form of exercise that focuses on physical control as well as mental clarity and relaxation, yoga is a perfect match for your next hot tub session.
To get started, engage in some breathing exercises. Simply sit in your preferred seat and take a few deep breaths to begin. Then, focus on lengthening your spine, dropping your shoulders down and back, and noticing the sensation of the water on your skin.
If relaxation is all you’re looking for, you can simply continue that breathing exercise throughout the entirety of your session. Or, you can move onto some deeper stretches and muscle-strengthening poses. We recommend the seated spinal twist, cow face pose and boat pose.
For more info on each one, stay tuned for our Beginner’s Guide to Hot Tub Yoga.
3. Indulge in Aromatherapy
If you want to take your hot tub experience to the next level, you’d be wise to give aromatherapy a shot.
With hot tub aromatherapy, the scents of some of the world’s most prized and fragrant plants are infused in your hot tub water. You can achieve that either with the use of all-natural essential oils or pre-made bath crystals.
Traditionally, certain scents have certain benefits. For example:
Lavender relieves stress and may help you relax.
Thyme may reduce anxiety, fatigue and stress.
Keep an eye out for our upcoming post, The Secrets of Hot Tub Aromatherapy, for more information.
4. Have a Movie Night
Movie nights aren’t just for the couch. In honor of National Hot Tub Day, try watching your favorite flick in the hot tub instead.
There are a couple of easy ways you can do this:
Create a backyard movie theater with the help of a projector.
Set up a laptop or portable DVD/Blu-Ray player on a nearby table.
Plus, some of our highest-rated hot tubs, including the Dr. Wellness G-15 Tranquility Spa, come with built-in HDTVs to make your movie night even more fun.
5. Play Some Games With the Whole Family
If you’re not in the mood for a movie, trying playing some fun hot tub games for the whole family.
A few favorites include:
Waterproof cards and board games: If you have a set of waterproof cards or a waterproof board game lying around, you know what to do.
Rubber duck races: Push, blow and splash to see who’s duck can make it to the other side of the hot tub first.
Ping pong: Use plastic paddles to bounce a ping pong around. Whoever knocks the ball outside of the hot tub loses.
Hockey: Get your team’s “hockey puck” (a rubber duck or small floating ball will do just fine) to the other team’s side of the hot tub — no touching allowed.
How are you going to celebrate National Hot Tub Day?
No matter what you choose to do, you’re sure to have a fun and relaxing holiday with the help of your hot tub.
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bryonyashaw · 1 year
Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.
Forgive the past. It's over. Learn from it and let go. People are constantly changing and growing. Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See the person now - your relationship is always alive and changing. We learn from failure, not from success.
We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here now with the power to shape your day and your future.
Happiness comes from within. It is not dependent on external things or on other people. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when your feelings of security and happiness depend on the behavior and actions of other people. Never give your power to anyone else. Be kind to yourself today.
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Sea Sutton Choti, 2022
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likeabxrdinflight · 1 month
I'm absolutely deranged over this sweeney revival and so sad it's closing because I think this might be the only iteration of the show where it's like. very obvious that this version of sweeney and mrs lovett are fucking. like that's pretty clear, right? in most renditions it's played like a largely unrequited thing, with mrs lovett attempting over the course of the show to get sweeney to love her despite the fact that he's utterly uninterested.
that was...that was not the case in this version. and the place where I think that becomes most apparent is actually in "a little priest," because I think this is where the transition takes place. prior to this the 2023 show is playing out broadly the same as usual, with mrs lovett focused primarily on getting sweeney to look at her for more than five seconds while sweeney is plotting his revenge. I'm not sure how annaleigh played it live, since I didn't get to see her take and haven't found any decent (publicly available) clips of her, but sutton made some interesting choices here where she's always got her hands hovering over sweeney but rarely does she actually touch him (this was most apparent to me during "my friends" and "wait"). it was like he was something she desperately wanted to hold but couldn't bring herself to yet. like he (or the tenuous bond between them) was made of glass and she was afraid to break him (and it).
that changes after "a little priest." because for the whole show up to that point, sweeney is, as in every production, completely uninterested in her. he seems to reject her advances, doesn't initiate much if any contact with her, and at most treats her as a business partner. but the second mrs lovett suggests her whole baking-people-into-pies scheme, that seems to change. suddenly he's holding her arms, pulling her into a dance, he grabs her face at one point- it was like this little flash of genuinely visible evil from her (which she normally tries to cover more than he does) suddenly attracts him in a way nothing she'd tried up 'til then had. and sutton as mrs lovett responds to this, and that seemed to be the motive behind her iteration of the character playing up the cannibalism humor and making all these jokes about who they could bake into pies. it's like she's suddenly gotten a dash of the affection from him she's been craving and now she's going to do everything possible to keep him laughing, to keep him focused on her and not the judge.
from that point on in this version of the show, I think they're sleeping together. do I think sweeney ever truly falls in love with her? no of course not, that's entirely against the point of his character. but I do think this version of sweeney has more affection for her than other iterations have. more than any other production I've personally seen, this one presented them as a couple, a real partnership, to the point that "by the sea" reads less as another attempt at seduction and more as a legitimate proposal made from one established sexual partner to the other. (the acting choices here also make it.......................almost impossible that they're not fucking I mean she...there's this whole thing with her feet and his suspenders and it's so funny but there's no way. there's no way they weren't sleeping together, just trust me.) and all throughout that song he reacts with the usual sort of annoyance that you'd expect for the character, but there were a few times I'm sure he smiled a little, I was close enough to see it- and whether that was aaron breaking character a bit or a legitimate acting choice I have no idea- but either way it made him seem a little bit fond of her, even when he was irritated.
some people might not like this, since it does sort of go against what was the original intention in the script, but I think it adds another layer of tragedy to the ending if they were genuinely together. because they were so close. they were so close to having some kind of life together, some kind of happiness that wouldn't ever replace the life sweeney had lost, that wouldn't ever replace lucy or johanna, but it could have been a life. maybe even a nice one (minus the whole murdering-and-baking-people-into-pies thing). but it can't ever be because it was only ever happening under false pretenses. because mrs lovett lied. she almost had everything she wanted, she almost had him, but she could only get it because of that one lie, and she loses it all because of that lie too. and that's ultimately her tragedy.
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demonbarberofbeepbeep · 4 months
First, Sutton, my surprise fav: 
Now, I had heard the Worst Pies leak from her, and I was worried. But I actually ended up loving her Nellie Lovett. 
The former cast had a younger, pretty blonde soprano style Mrs Lovett. Sutton was a little bit of a return to the classic Mrs. Lovett dynamic - an older, scatterbrained woman. Not as openly seductive and feminine as Annaleigh, but very funny and affable.  She was less sensuous, older, more desperate. Kind of a Katherine Hepburn physicality, long and slender flailing limbs. Goofy but an intense undercurrent of loneliness. She had a very gangly and bumbling physicality to her. She was taller  than Sweeney (in her heels) and that affected their dynamic in interesting ways - when she was coming on to him, it almost felt like she was trying to grapple him sometimes. She did some very funny new bits. In her entrance to Worst Pies In London, she had a carrot and she was biting pieces off it and spitting it out into the pie crust. It was a hilarious gag.  People were surprised at how wobbly her delivery was on the first night - well, it was like that on the third night too! It was pretty funny. She was obviously doing it on purpose. 
She slid off his lap in By The Sea and put her feet in his face and then started rubbing his chest and taking off his suspenders with her toes. She got a lot of mileage out of flailing her limbs in a humorous fashion. I think her comedic chops really shined here and in Little Priest.
I think her darkness was more on view here too - she had a truly evil look when she embraced Toby at the end of Not While I’m Around. And she had an interesting moment of cruelty with the Beggar Woman - when they had their confrontation, she seemed to grasp her chin or pull her hair or something in a way that caused her pain. It seemed like she was right on the edge, and totally desperate, with claws at the ready.
I have really mixed feelings about Aaron’s Sweeney. There were some things I liked about him. He does a good scowl, and when he burst onto the scene, lit from above, his eyes cast into shadow  - I felt like we were in for a convincingly demented and dark take. But unfortunately, he did not keep the intensity up the whole time. Part of this is, I think, out of his control - he’s just a very handsome and small-framed man, and he didn’t look either intimidating and beefy, like Nicholas Christopher, nor convincingly beaten down and sad eyed, like Josh Groban. I think he tried to play a more open-to-Lovett Sweeney, but once he let up the scowling and hate, I just felt like there wasn’t enough negative affect to him left. Beard or no beard, his look just screams “handsome prince“ or  “elf” or something.
The real thing I struggled with was his voice. Now, he’s obviously an amazing talent and an incredible singer, and I did enjoy seeing him. How could I not? It’s Enjolras from the Les Mis movie! So cool! But having a tenor in this role is just kinda wrong. There were moments where we needed Sweeney’s baleful booming voice to really resonate and he just didn’t deliver - in the ominous duet with Turpin, or in the crowd scene where he’s heckling Pirelli - he sounded high, weak, and reedy. There wasn’t enough power. And I know he has a beautiful voice, but having him as Sweeney didn’t really let him use it to its full advantage. Sure, he can soar into high octaves, but what good does that do us when he’s just hitting the lower notes in a nothing-special register rather than a deep rich boom? It didn’t really portray Sweeney’s madness or darkness. It’s just wasn’t right for the character.
He did make some interesting and unique choices for the character. Some things I noticed and liked: he often grabbed his chest or heart, as if in pain. He was very nimble and scrambled and leaped around the stage. This is a “quick and quiet and clean ‘e was” style Sweeney. So, to make up for the lack of deep ominous voice, I expect him to really amp up the madness. And he gave some good crazy acting for Epiphany. What he really is good at is scowling, barking laughter, scampering around. But his acting job was uneven.  His Benjamin Barker reveal, rather than being brutal, was a little bit strange - he was across the room and then ran at the judge to slash his throat. I felt very let down by the final sequence. I expected some chewing-the-scenery style screaming and moaning. He didn’t scream or cry, just kind of grimaced. “Oh no… Lucy…” Honestly, it wasn’t as sad and melodramatic from anyone as I wanted it to be.  He laughed when Toby came to kill him, which was kind of cool, but also contributed to the weird lightness of his take.
Their chemistry - they were playing it to be more fond of each other. They had moments of chemistry and acknowledging each other right out of the gate. He was surprisingly game about eating the pie, almost trying to make her feel better about it or something. Later, when he grasped her arms and asked about his wife, it seemed like there was already a spark of mutual feeling or something. This is a nicer Todd than I’ve seen. He was also pretty indulgent to her in By The Sea, grasping her knee reassuringly when he said he loved her. They did not have the crazy ass chemistry that Josh and Annaleigh had by the end of their run, which is perhaps to be expected. Again, I liked how friendly they were with each other. It worked well for Sutton’s take on Mrs. Lovett. We got to see how she jumped hungrily at any scrap of kindness he tossed her. But along with his light voice and handsome tiny man vibe, it served to make him even less menacing and foreboding, which he already didn’t have enough of IMO. So, mixed bag. 
Other notes from the night: 
Delaney was on as Johanna! She was awesome, a very fleshed out version. You could tell she had done it before. She had a lot of funny intonations in Green Finch and Linnet Bird, really pausing to consider what the birds might be doing.  “Are you discussing? 😑 Or fussing? 😩Or merely dreaming? 🙂 Are you crowing? 😧 Are you SCREAMING?? 😰”
One interesting live theater moment: In the scene where she’s trying to escape Sweeney’s parlor, I think she smashed her face getting out of the box. Her hat was off and she was holding a cloth in front of her face for some reason until she left the shop. It looked like she was bloodied, but she played it off well. I hope she’s okay! 
Joe Locke as Toby -  he had a beautiful voice, very sweet sweet younger style Toby. Much like Aaron, IMO, he did not get crazy enough with it at the end. But beautiful voice and heartbreakingly vulnerable. There were a few new cast members who were good, didn’t get their names, but I liked ‘em!
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anecdotal-acorn · 2 months
I AM A CHANGED WOMAN. OH MY G-D. I can't think coherently. But here are my thoughts on Sweeney Todd (3/30/24 matinee)
Act I
- I almost jumped out of my skin when they said “swing your razor high, Sweeney,” in Ballad of Sweeney Todd, like if that was possible I would have done it lol; the ensemble was so scary, there was a bright white light change, and the music got super loud, it was awesome
- Seeing Joe Locke in that opening number, something about him made me realize “oh he's gonna be great,” like his really intense pained vibes, his Toby really wears his heart on his sleeve
- WHEN AARON JUMPED OUT WITH THE SPOTLIGHT ON HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my soul left my body (& it's still in the theater)
- Aaron’s weird cockney accent that he clearly has so much pride in, like King you could've just done a normal voice but no, he chose to do his own strange thing and it was giving Prince James One Royal Holiday (his Hallmark movie, iykyk) tbh
- When Mrs. Lovett threw flour across the stage at Sweeney to get his attention in Worst Pies
- The shadow/silhouette projections going through the story in Poor Thing, they were so tantalizing they actually managed to distract me from Aaron lol
- It really didn't seem like he snapped when he said “my right arm is complete,” it seemed like he was a depressed man who finally found passion and drive again, not someone who was going crazy
- Maria was IMMACULATE as Johanna, the most gorgeous voice and acting…her halting, jerky movements really showed how damaged Johanna is, yet she still had this grace about her underneath, true beauty that couldn't be stamped out of her, even with all she endures
- Joe Locke was so light on his feet in Miracle Elixir (also he seemed to be having a great time, which goes for everyone during the whole show honestly)
- The lights changed color with each line of the song, like there was orange, white, then blue
- Aaron leaned over when he was standing by his little razor table and Sutton’s Mrs. Lovett ate that shit up, she crouched down to check out his butt for a solid twenty seconds
- When the Judge came into the shop Aaron had this huge grin on his face, he was so excited to kill him and he just spent too long relishing the moment
- Epiphany was a full-body experience I swear
- When Mrs. Lovett stared at his package in A Little Priest
- And then Aaron laughed when he pointed down at her cupped hands and said “what's that,” you could tell it was a genuine laugh from Aaron and not a Sweeney thing
- Aaron’s buttery voice when he sang “the history of the world, my pet”
- And he did a little growl too (don't look at me. DON'T)
Act II
- his voice was SO well-suited for Johanna Act II
- SUTTON FOSTER’S FEET IN BY THE SEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping SO HARD that she would do that, and she did and it did not disappoint; Miss Foster how does it feel to be living out my dreams, thank you queen for letting me see that and live vicariously through you <33333333333
- she struck a pose like she was taking photos for Playboy when she said “me in stripes”
- “Not While I’m Around” was emotional af, Joe Locke did not have to go that hard but he fucking did
- For some reason I was the only one who clapped when Johanna shot Fogg? Is that not an applause-worthy moment??
- He was so giddy when he finally killed the Judge
- Aaron actually scared me when he was gonna kill Johanna, and esp when he chased down the stairs after her like a hulking monster
- the scariest thing was that even as things unraveled, he didn't seem to be “losing it”; he seemed to be getting even more intent on his revenge, stronger, more deft and precise, more confident, more powerful in his evilness
- he was scary af when they were looking for Toby too, so menacing
- his growl when he said “you lied to me”
- how he crawled towards Mrs. Lovett like an animal and scrabbled at the floor to grab her
- How loud the fire roared when he put Mrs. Lovett inside
- his body language (hunched shoulders, limp limbs/posture) seemed maybe almost remorseful once he threw her in the fire? Like as if he was thinking I'm glad I did that, I had to, but I'm exhausted and can't exactly process that she’s actually gone because of me
- The way Johanna held Anthony close when she saw the bodies
- Aaron’s acting when Toby killed Sweeney—he didn't fight him off, he just looked so sad and tired, like he wanted to be dead (what a wonderful interpretation of the lyric “she was his reason and his life”)
- UGH when Sweeney and Lovett hold hands and step into the pit, finally weightless, they’ve got each other, Sutton and Aaron are right, it IS a love story, oh my g-d my heart
I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop thinking about this. It was SO GOOD!!!!! Anyway thanks for reading my rambles if you got this far hahaha, hope you have a lovely day
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princessanneftw · 11 months
A rare insight into the usually unreported work of Princess Royal
Visiting military graves of unsung heroes was fitting appointment for perhaps the hardest working member of Royal family
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By Victoria Ward for The Telegraph
Of the many war heroes buried in the windswept Dover chalk grassland is one Sgt Maj Charles Wooden, who was awarded the Victoria Cross after saving a fellow soldier’s life under heavy fire during the Battle of Balaclava.
The Princess Royal studied his grave closely as she was told he was “a bit of a drunkard” who had unfortunately met a sad demise.
Suffering from excruciating toothache, he had tried to dislodge the offending tooth with his gun, only to blow his brains out. “The ultimate pain killer,” the Princess, 72, observed drily, with the wry humour that is never in short supply.
Another, Gunner Andrew McDowell, had been blown to bits as he sat with two other soldiers in Dover harbour out of sight but directly in the firing line of a new 42-pound cannon.
The firing party thought someone said “fire” and duly fired. Gunner McDowell’s arm was found in the local town. The Princess peered closely at his newly restored grave, decorated with a cannon. “It’s almost adding insult to injury putting a gun on there, isn’t it?” she remarked.
The Princess, patron of The Remembrance Trust, was at St James’s cemetery, in Dover, Kent, to inspect its latest work restoring the military graves and memorials of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
It was the second engagement of at least four on her itinerary, but as a royal who opts to get on with her work under the radar, most of it – as always – will go unreported.
However, on Tuesday, The Telegraph was invited to join the Princess as she travelled to Kent for an update on the work of the Trust, of which she became patron in 2021.
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Engaged and unguarded, she delighted the small band of charity trustees and council dignitaries with her easy humour and obvious interest. “You can’t fake that kind of fascination,” one observer said later. “She’s great fun and you can talk to her like a normal human being.”
The Princess, accompanied by her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, 68, made a point of chatting to each member of the small gang of around 15 that was on hand to greet her.
Introduced to charity trustee and “tomb expert” Dr Roger Bowdler, she joked: “See tomb, will travel.”
Darren Solley, head of parks and open spaces at Dover District Council, told the Princess he was trialling a new approach to managing the cemetery land by leaving much of it to grow wild, improving biodiversity.
“It’s quite a difficult balance, rewilding,” she commented. “Actually, you do look after it but it doesn’t look like it.”
Warming to the theme, she continued: “You do have to cut it but it’s when you cut it that’s key – and what you do with the leftovers.”
Former corporal Steve Davies, a military grave restorer who has worked with the trust since its inception and preserved six of the seven graves on the Princess’s one-hour tour, proved an enthusiastic and informative guide.
The Restoration Trust returns graves to their former glory while at the same time creating a database spanning more than 200 years.
Founded and chaired by North Sea oil pioneer and former Grenadier Guards officer Algy Cluff, 83, it has a vast remit covering an undefined period up until 1914. He was motivated to help future generations understand the nation’s military past after working on the graves of British troops killed abroad.
Those killed from 1914 onwards have their graves kept by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, funded by the Commonwealth governments, but those killed earlier fall through the cracks, their headstones left to fall to ruin.
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One of those whose grave has been lovingly restored is Maj Gen William Sutton, who received the Second China War medal and Companion of the Order of the Bath but who requested none of the usual pomp and circumstance at his funeral and asked to be buried in a common grave alongside soldiers of other ranks.
It was fortuitous then, that of all the well-known faces to visit his resting place almost 160 years after his death aged 56 was the Princess Royal, that least showy and no-nonsense member of the Royal family.
“It doesn’t say who he served with,” the Princess commented as she studied his headstone. “56? I’m surprised he lasted so long.”
Mr Davies ushered her along. “We’ve got to hit the hill now, ma’am,” he said. “Don’t worry, I live on the side of a hill,” came the reply as the Princess ploughed on, stopping to study several other graves along the way.
“Oh, it’s a Sherwood Forester, well, well well,” she said, pausing by one that she was keen to point out to her husband.
When Mr Davies told the Princess that he had queued for 14 hours to see her late mother, Elizabeth II, lying in rest, it prompted a discussion about the merits of certain footwear.
The Princess admitted that the boots that form part of the Blues and Royals uniform were none too comfortable. “Which is why I didn’t volunteer to walk after the Coronation, I was riding,” she laughed.
Later, the Princess and Sir Tim retired for a private lunch at Dover Castle before moving on to the next engagement.
Meanwhile, those who had enjoyed her company that morning were unanimous in their praise.
“She’s got common sense running through her like Brighton Rock,” one said. “But she’s enormous fun and absolutely interested and engaged. One couldn’t hope for a better patron.”
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my-chaos-radio · 9 months
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Release: August 6, 1990
Calling up the promised land
Johnny Seven's coming over the sea
He's taking your time
When you want to be free
Holding out a helping hand
Are you ready for a real career
Will you be so cool
When it's happening here
It don't say nothing that I haven't heard
If what I hear is true
You won't keep the law with a broken word
So what are you gonna do
Heart like a wheel
Turning away
From anything that's real
Heart like a wheel
Changing in time
Beating colder steel
Pass the message around the world
The medium is in retreat
The power is here
And packing some heat
Sell your soul to a holy war
Set the captive free
We make no promises anymore
But it isn't fooling me
Heart like a wheel
Turning away
From anything that's real
Heart like a wheel
Changing in time
Beating colder steel
You can't keep the wheels turning anymore
With anger, blood, and fear
Or make any friends with an M16
When you blast your way through her
Heart like a wheel
Turning away
From anything that's real
Heart like a wheel
Changing in time
Beating colder steel
Heart like a wheel
Turning away
From anything that's real
Heart like a wheel
Changing in time
Beating colder steel
Heart like a wheel
Turning away
From anything that's real
Heart like a wheel
Driving the world
Is gonna be a steal.
Jo Callis / Eugene Reynolds
"Heart Like a Wheel" is a song by the British synth-pop group The Human League. It was the first single to be taken from the Human League's Romantic? album of 1990, and was written by former band member Jo Callis with Eugene Reynolds (of The Rezillos) and features vocals by Philip Oakey, Joanne Catherall and Susan Ann Sulley; with synthesizer by Neil Sutton. Recorded at Genetic Sound Studios during 1990, it was produced by Martin Rushent who was reconciled with the band after a seven-year gap.
Released in the UK in August 1990, "Heart Like a Wheel" reached number 29 in the UK, number 32 in the US, and number 64 in Australia.
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little-lovett · 4 months
i just read this lovely article from our soon to be darlings and i’m going absolutely FERAL. so, here are my predictions for sutton lovett and aaron sweeney and how they’ll interact.
i honestly think they’re going to turn up the romance and sexiness even more than josh and annaleigh did because it was so well recieved. it makes the show both endlessly more funny and more tragic. josh and annaleigh certainly more than dipped their toes into the relationship between nellie and sweeney, but i think aaron and sutton are really gonna lean into it completely.
i see sutton’s lovett being very comforting and calming to sweeney, and i see aaron’s sweeney letting himself be comforted by her. i feel like sutton is gonna be REALLY silly and eccentric but at the same time so painfully and unconditionally loving/affectionate.
and i feel like aaron will really lean into the bond they share as two lonely people. he will trust her completely with his broken heart and his crimes and his body and the most vulnerable parts of him.
i feel like there’s gonna be so much physical affection and touch. i just know their little scene after by the sea is gonna go so hard. i have a feeling aaron might even really kiss her. i just know there’s gonna be so much love between them and i am SO excited. i cant wait to see the beautiful things they do with these roles❣️
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Hot Tub Day
National Hot Tub Day is here, and you know what that means: you now have yet another excuse to enjoy relaxing in your hot tub.
But what if you want to do something more to celebrate? Here, we’ll show you five ways you can do just that:
Treat yourself to a new hot tub accessory.
Practice some hot tub yoga.
Indulge in aromatherapy.
Have a movie night.
Play some games with the whole family.
Ready to celebrate National Hot Tub Day the right way? Let’s dive in, first with why hot tubs are worth celebrating.
Why Hot Tubs Are Worth Celebrating
You probably know at least part of the answer to this question. After all, hot tubs have a reputation for being relaxing as well as therapeutic.
What you might not know is that hot tubs have a wealth of other benefits that make them worth celebrating:
Reduced stress: The warm water of a hot tub can help your body release feel-good stress-relieving endorphins.
Relaxation and pain relief: Whether you’re suffering from exercise-induced soreness, arthritis or another condition, hot tubs can help reduce pain, loosen muscles and take pressure off joints.
Better sleep: After taking a dip in your hot tub, you’ll likely be able to fall asleep faster and enjoy more restful sleep throughout the night.
5 Ways to Ring in National Hot Tub Day
1. Treat Yourself to a New Hot Tub Accessory
Hot tub accessories offer a fantastic way to spruce up your hot tub without breaking the bank.
For National Hot Tub Day, why not treat yourself to a hot tub accessory that can improve your overall experience in the long-run?
Here are our favorite types of hot tub accessories:
Cover lifters: No one wants to wrangle with a heavy cover when all they want to do is enjoy their hot tub. Make the process painless with a convenient cover lifter.
Steps: If you’re tired of slipping and sliding your way into your hot tub, a set of hot tub steps will be right up your alley. The right set of steps can not only make your entry and exit process much safer, but also serve as a perfect location to place your dry towel for easy access.
Pillows: If your hot tub sessions are getting dragged down by uncomfortable headrests or raggedy cushions, it’s high time you went for a new, deluxe pillow. By choosing the right size and shape for you, you can create a custom experience that’s tailored to your needs.
2. Practice Some Hot Tub Yoga
As a form of exercise that focuses on physical control as well as mental clarity and relaxation, yoga is a perfect match for your next hot tub session.
To get started, engage in some breathing exercises. Simply sit in your preferred seat and take a few deep breaths to begin. Then, focus on lengthening your spine, dropping your shoulders down and back, and noticing the sensation of the water on your skin.
If relaxation is all you’re looking for, you can simply continue that breathing exercise throughout the entirety of your session. Or, you can move onto some deeper stretches and muscle-strengthening poses. We recommend the seated spinal twist, cow face pose and boat pose.
For more info on each one, stay tuned for our Beginner’s Guide to Hot Tub Yoga.
3. Indulge in Aromatherapy
If you want to take your hot tub experience to the next level, you’d be wise to give aromatherapy a shot.
With hot tub aromatherapy, the scents of some of the world’s most prized and fragrant plants are infused in your hot tub water. You can achieve that either with the use of all-natural essential oils or pre-made bath crystals.
Traditionally, certain scents have certain benefits. For example:
Lavender relieves stress and may help you relax.
Thyme may reduce anxiety, fatigue and stress.
Keep an eye out for our upcoming post, The Secrets of Hot Tub Aromatherapy, for more information.
4. Have a Movie Night
Movie nights aren’t just for the couch. In honor of National Hot Tub Day, try watching your favorite flick in the hot tub instead.
There are a couple of easy ways you can do this:
Create a backyard movie theater with the help of a projector.
Set up a laptop or portable DVD/Blu-Ray player on a nearby table.
Plus, some of our highest-rated hot tubs, including the Dr. Wellness G-15 Tranquility Spa, come with built-in HDTVs to make your movie night even more fun.
5. Play Some Games With the Whole Family
If you’re not in the mood for a movie, trying playing some fun hot tub games for the whole family.
A few favorites include:
Waterproof cards and board games: If you have a set of waterproof cards or a waterproof board game lying around, you know what to do.
Rubber duck races: Push, blow and splash to see who’s duck can make it to the other side of the hot tub first.
Ping pong: Use plastic paddles to bounce a ping pong around. Whoever knocks the ball outside of the hot tub loses.
Hockey: Get your team’s “hockey puck” (a rubber duck or small floating ball will do just fine) to the other team’s side of the hot tub — no touching allowed.
How are you going to celebrate National Hot Tub Day?
No matter what you choose to do, you’re sure to have a fun and relaxing holiday with the help of your hot tub.
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Timeline: Victoria Isabelle "Whiskey" Callahan
CW: Death, Grief, Fire/Burning, Burn Injuries, Scars & Injuries, Canon-Typical Violence, Torture Mentioned, Canon Character Death.
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2009 - 18
Victoria graduates high school (3.4 GPA) gets accepted into College (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee).
Joins swim team and tennis in college. Begins situationships.
2010 - 19
Victoria has her first kiss with a girl whose name she doesn’t remember.
Starts dating Lucas Sutton. They date on and off.
2011 - 20
May - Graduates University
Nathan has already enlisted in the Marines and is deployed overseas.
September - Joins Navy as a Seaman (Recruit) in the second half of the year. Progresses to Seaman (Apprentice) within that same year.
Gets placed in USS Sentinel. Picks up troops (Marines and sailors, especially) from Iraq after the Iraq War was declared over.
2012 - 21
Receives Seaman rank.
Remains in the Arabian Sea in the USS Sentinel for many small anti-piracy ops off the coast of Somalia.
October-November - Hurricane Sandy happens and gets shipped back to the States for humanitarian relief.
Meets Philip Graves.
2013 - 22
Returns to Arabian Sea for the first half of the year.
Receives Petty Officer 3rd Class rank after demonstrating bravery in service.
Signs up for Navy SEALS in the second half of the year. Begins Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training.
August - Meets Elaine and they bunk together for 2 years.
2014 - 23
Continues BUD/S training.
2015 - 24
Completes training (16 + 18 months = 2 years and 10 months), becomes a Navy SEAL.
Receives Special Warfare Operator 2nd Class rank.
Begins her Eastern Europe deployment assignments (anti-sex-trafficking ops).
November - Meets Meabh during an OP in the Black Sea.
2016 - 25
Continues series of deployments in Eastern Europe.
Meets Emilio during a joint operation with the Spanish Navy.
2017 - 26 
Receives Légion d'Honneur awarded by the French government for an act of heroism while off duty/on vacation.
Meabh receives the UN Peacekeeper award, Victoria is there to watch it happen.
2018 - 27
January - Loses her father and brother in a joint Marine-SEAL operation that resulted in an explosion and in many burn injuries for her. Spends 3 months on medical leave w/rehab.
Leaves home (to never come back), then spends 6 months in Officer’s Academy.
September - Graduates with Lieutenant Junior Grade rank
Gains the Whiskey callsign. Begins series of short-term deployments in Eastern Europe.
2019 - 28
January-February - Helps Meabh who’s on medical leave
June - Meets Val
Goes through Some Shit (Bad Mission, nearly died).
2020 - 29
Goes through Torture.
May - Meets Ghost & Soap
November - Starts officially working with the 141
2021 - 30
April - Marries Simon Riley
Goes through Torture Again.
June - Receives Lieutenant rank
2022 - 31
Soap & Meabh’s wedding (not invited).
Moves to Scotland with Ghost.
November - Graves betrays the 141 in Las Almas.
2023 - 32
Goes through Some Shit (Bad Mission, had to kill her way out).
August - Gets contacted by her aunt. Goes to see her cousin Rosie in New York.
November - Soap fucking dies, dog.
2024 - 33
May - Becomes an aunt! (Fiadh O'Malley MacTavish)
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Extra 🫶:
Rosemary Williams belongs to my beloved @lyralein ;
Meabh O'Malley belong to my beloved @crashtestbunny ;
Emilio Melero belongs to my beloved @cod-z ;
"Valkyrie" belongs to my beloved @superhero-landing ;
Elaine Laswell belongs to my beloved @loveandplanet
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jd2kewl · 1 year
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“Anglo-Saxon glass drinking-horn, VII c. Excavated in Rainham, London
Drinking horns are attested from Viking Age Scandinavia. In the Prose Edda, Thor drank from a horn that unbeknown to him contained all the seas. They also feature in Beowulf, and fittings for drinking horns were also found at the Sutton Hoo burial site.”
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darkimpala1897 · 2 months
So I posted this fic yesterday!
And someone in the comments asked for a guide of who is inside who Lmfao sounds dirty, so I decided to post it here, so when I do more parts to this AU. This can be used as a cheat sheet.
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The man that our boy John "Bucky" Egan is inside or inhabiting Lmfao
1. Full name Phoenix Callum Butler nee Roberts
2. Naturally blond
3. He was born in Fort Wayne Indiana nowhere near Phoenix Arizona.
4. He's a gymnast and classically trained ballerina
5. Married
6. Can actually sing which makes Bucky happy.
7. He can also play the guitar.
8. British-American, the accent is still slightly freaking out Bucky.
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The man that Gale "Buck" Clevens is inhabiting slash took over.
1. Full name Dallas Gareth Butler, which yes Buck finds absolutely ridiculous.
2. His dark hair is natural.
3. He was born in Raleigh North Carolina nowhere near Dallas Texas, and Buck is pretty sure the guy has never been to Dallas.
4. He's a journalist which Buck finds interesting.
5. He's married to the guy Bucky is inhabiting.
6. Collects Elvis stuff.
7. Has a pet tarantula which Buck has yet to figure the name out.
8. American, according to everyone he sounds like Elvis.
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The man that Harry Crosby is inhabiting.
1. Full name Anthony John Booth, which Croz doesn't mind except the middle and last name.
2. He looks pretty much the same which he's thankful for, he just looks slightly younger which nobody really notices.
3. He was born in Lincoln Illinois which the irony is hilarious.
4. Photographer for the same newspaper that Buck works for.
5. Dating the guy Bubbles is inhabiting for like seven years.
6. He is in fact realted to John Wilkes Booth in this timeline, as Crosby says he can't escape the lookalike contest. Manhunt reference.
7. Collects stamps, which Crosby doesn't understand either.
8. Irish-American, the accent throws him off sometimes.
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The man that Everett Ernest Blakely is inhabiting.
1. Full name David Jonas Sheilds, one of the most normal name in the group.
2. He looks pretty much the same except his hair is slightly shorter.
3. Born in Tampa Florida.
4. He's a therapist, and because of this Blakely has started nitpicking everyone.
5. Has a pet crab, which is friends with Bucks tarantula. Everyone makes fun of Blakely for the crab joking he has crabs.
6. American, no accent but he is the honorary Curt translator.
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The man that John Brady is inhabiting.
1. Full name Benjamin John Sutton.
2. He looks pretty much the same, maybe a little younger.
3. Born in San Francisco California
4. Fashion designer which was obvious to Brady almost immediately, because he got jump scared by one of the mans mannequins.
5. Steals mannequins from department stores.
6.The most fashionable one in the group, which he doesn't do on purpose.
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The man that Howard "Hambone" Hamilton is inhabiting.
1. Jordan Claire Washington, or Claire which Hambone hates but he's getting use to it.
2. He looks pretty much the same except the brown hair and lip ring he has going on.
3. Born in Washington state.
4. Tattoo artist which took Hambone awhile to figure out, he thought he was an artist at first.
5. Engaged to the man Douglass is inhabiting.
6. He uses the guy Ken is inhabiting as his human test subject for tattoos.
7. Dresses like the poster boy of every early 2000s emo band.
8. British-American, the accent is a little worse then Buckys.
9. Collects cat statutes and sea shells.
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The man that Bernard "Benny" DeMarco is inhabiting.
1. Full name Adam Campbell Long, the last name makes everyone giggle.
2. Looks exactly the same.
3. Born in Albany New York.
4. Bartender at a strip club, which DeMarco finds hilarious mostly because of his last name.
5. Can make a killer margarita.
6. Has OCD which drives DeMarco insane.
7. American, with a slight New York accent.
8. Owns a husky named Meatball, which makes DeMarco so happy that Meatball and him are together in every timeline.
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The man James Douglass is inhabiting.
1. Full name Elliott Edward Parker
2. Looks pretty much the same, the only thing that's missing is his hair which Douglass complains about on a daily basis.
3. Born in Saint Louis Missouri.
4. Stripper Cop at the same strip club that DeMarco works at as a bartender, Douglass finds it fucking hilarious he loves this timeline version of him.
5. Engaged to the man Hambone is inhabiting.
6. Douglass wouldn't stop taking off his clothes once he figured out his profession of choice, he also gave Blakely a lap dance which Hambone dared him to.
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The man John B. "Jack" Kidd is inhabiting.
1. Full name Ashley Edward Johnson, which Kidd hates with a passion.
2. Born in Salt Lake City Utah.
3. Fifth grade science teacher, which makes so much sense to Kidd because he already deals with children in the 40s, so why not modern day.
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The man Kenneth "Ken" Lemmons is inhabiting.
1. Full name Samuel Kai Lawson, which Ken finds kickass.
2. Born in Grand Rapids Michigan.
3. He owns his own mechanic shop.
4. His tattoos and ear piercing were all done by the man Hambone is inhabiting, who uses him as a test subject. Even after Hambone took over, Ken let him practice on him.
5. He's been dating the man Rosie is inhabiting for two years.
6. Owns a cat named Fleas, which Ken finds kinda of insulting to the cat.
I've hit the ten picture limit, but part two to this chaos will be posted shortly!
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 5 months
Sting: A Winter's Night... Live from Durham Cathedral 
Track list: 01. Intro (Sting/A Winter's Night Concert) 02. The Snow It Melts The Soonest 03. Gabriel's Message 04. Soul Cake 05. There Is No Rose Of Such Virtue 06. Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming 07. Christmas At Sea 08. Now Winter Comes Slowly 09. Cold Song 10. The Burning Babe 11. Ghost Story 12. Team Spirit 13. The Hounds Of Winter 14. Cherry Tree Carol 15. Balulalow 16. Bethelehem Down 17. Coventry Carol 18. Lullaby For An Anxious Child 19. I Saw Three Ships 20. You Only Cross My Mind In Winter 
Sting - vocals, lute, guitar Robert Sadin - musical director, conductor Lisa Fischer - vocals Laila Biali - vocals Jo Lawry - vocals Steven Santoro - vocals Dominic Miller - guitar David Mansfield - mandolin, various strung instruments Kathryn Tickell - fiddle, northumbrian smallpipes Peter Tickell - fiddle Vincent Segal - cello Ira Coleman - bass Julian Sutton - melodeon Mary Macmaster - harp Chris Gekker - trumpet Cyro Baptista - percussion Bashiri Johnson - percussion Rhani Krija - percussion
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stairnaheireann · 6 months
Manannán mac Lir | The Celtic God of the Sea
Manannán Mac Lir is one of the most popular deities in Celtic mythology. He is Lord of the sea and of the three great waves of Ireland. This sculpture created by John Darren Sutton, is situated at Gortmore Viewing Point on Binevenagh Mountain, County Derry. Although he only plays a prominent role in some of them, Manannán appears in many Celtic myths and tales. In the tale “His Three Calls to…
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