#Sweet little teddy bear very fun to break
hexedrosel-arts · 1 month
"I'm so alone now."
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Little Teddy bear so broken, so sad, Felix was the only person that cared
link to the post that is the twin of this one
ramblings under the cut
This one has a lot more room than the other, it was done on purpose. Alt. Cain's not Abel did break Teddy did it not? Teddy is confused, was the reveal nothing but the reminder that no one in his family truly loved him?
Unlike Felix, Teddy does not hold his brother, he only stares. Felix kept all of Teddy in the frame mostly, Teddy has Felix in a spot where you can see parts of his body, legs and arms are mostly cut out.
Applesoft is also removed in all sense, literally being Xed out, Felix's had Teddy's face obscured with the pin. So many opposites of the other drawing, Teddy smiling at Felix, Felix looking directly at the viewer(or perhaps, he is looking at someone we cannot see. Like a father) They are opposites, right? That's all I really wanted to get across with this drawing, them being the same and yet oh so different.
Does Teddy think during his ending, when he leaves school, that they both are just their father? Truly, they both are, his blood, his children, they keep their hands 'clean' just like him too.
Of course here, Felix isn't buried, Felix will always exist, the proper Huxley, the one their father wants. Teddy will protect him, dispose of him later, when Teddy can finally be alone, with the company burning behind him. But for now, let Felix be just like father, let him take the blame, Felix has the emotions, the behavior, the one perfect for when father needs. Teddy, well Teddy has the violence, it just takes a little push for that to happen, in that moment when it happens, Cain will be Abel.
God I want to draw these two be sweet and kind to each other now, but they're fun to break apart, just break them up like geodes or eggs. It's very fun to think of ways to make Teddy worse as a person while trying to keep up that sweet kid facade.
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Based off this post lol
Being completely self indulgent with this one lol. I also think it would be funny if they went to a 6 flags park cuz it’s DC property, lol anyway. Not proofread, no smut but slightly suggestive in one part.
Word count: 800
✭He remembered how once you made an off handed comment about loving roller coasters and flat rides when you two had first begun dating, and since summer was just around the corner he wanted to surprise you with two tickets to the nearest Six Flags in a state over, wanting to make a whole day out of it, because he’s just a sweet boyfriend like that.
✭He himself hadn’t gone to one since he was in high school before he had his late growth spurt, so he didn’t realize until it was already too late that he was too big for 99% of the rides.
✭It hadn’t occurred to you both right away, you were both waiting in line for a coaster, Batman the ride to be more specific. You both finally got to the front of line after about 40 minutes of waiting, Miguel hugging you from behind as you waited like a stereotypical couple. (When you were single, you despised those couples but here you are now) he wasn't even able to take two steps from the gate until an employee came up to you both. Saying that Miguel was too tall to sit comfortably in the seats and even if he was a few inches shorter, the over-the-shoulders restraints wouldn’t click because of how built his shoulders and chest were.
✭He was a bit upset, the day had barely started and he was already being turned away because of something he had technically no control over. But he didn’t want it to affect the date. So he just walked through the loading station and just waited there. You had initially told him that you weren’t going to get on it if he couldn’t, but he said that you should just ride without him.
✭“You had already waited the 40 minutes muñeca, just go, It’s fine.” He had told you, but he started to regret his words just a tad bit when the ride attendant had sat a group of three college guys next to you. He had to watch silently as the one next to you tried to make conversation. You were always too nice to not engage, and weren’t very good at reading signs when someone was flirting with you.
✭When you finally finish the ride, your face is all flushed , and you're all giggly from the adrenaline pumping in your veins. Miguel made sure that the guy next to you knew you were off limits, pulling you close by your waist and capturing your lips into a wet kiss as you giggled into it. Not noticing the way your boyfriend was glaring daggers at the guy who sat next to you.
✭You were a lot more optimistic than Mig was about being able to get to ride at least one thing with him. But the more times he got denied the more bitter he became, you had to take a break from the rides after one of the works we’re getting “too handsy” with you (he was checking your lap restraint) so as to make sure he didn’t throw it down with a 16 year old worker (it was almost funny how jealous he got at times).
✭If there was anything Miguel could do though, was to win you something at the games. Specifically , one of those gigantic teddy bears you have to hold with both arms.
✭You’ve never wanted to jump his bones more than when he was playing one of those water shooting games with a little boy, and had “accidentally “ missed during the first few seconds so the kid could win the last pikachu stuffy. Admitting to him when you both shared a funnel cake later that you’ve never wanted to make him a dad more than in that moment.
✭And he swears to himself that he’ll keep those words in mind next time you try to reach for the condoms in his dresser drawer.
✭Miguel was sure he wouldn’t be allowed on 99% of the rides, but there was, thankfully, a ride he could go on. The Farris wheel.
✭You both were able to get on just after the sky turned dark, and all the fun neon lights from some of the other rides lit up with perfect lighting as you boarded.
✭You were in awe at all the lights and the sights from atop of the wheel, taking a picture to post on your insta story with 3005 from childish Gambino later. Not even noticing Miguel’s starry-eyed look at you, matching the one you had.
✭Once you two stopped at the top, Miguel couldn’t help but seize the opportunity to be cheesy, and leaned in until his lips connected with yours.
Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st
@mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout
@reader-1290 @laysmt @migueloharasoulmate @fruityfucker @pigeonmama
@scaryplanetdestroyer @migueloharastruelove @genny1019 @maiyart @stressed-cherry
@haveclayeveryday @krentkova19
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SFW & NSFW headcannons with Deuce? fem reader please!
A/N: I made a somewhat NSFW alphabet for Deuce, so I guess this is the SFW alphabet for him too! Thank you so much for your requests!
Warnings: none !
Navigation!! // Masterlist
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s very affectionate, mostly in private but sometimes he feels like showing a bit of PDA. The farthest it goes is usually a peck on the lips. He usually has his arm around you if you guys are walking though.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The funniest and most supportive friend ever. He’s also really good to talk too. He’s that friend that’s wise without actually knowing it. Like he’ll give the best piece of advice and he’ll look at you like ‘ why are you crying?’ Also the same person who just talks to talk but ends up actually making sense and surprises himself.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
he’s a cuddle bug at heart don’t play with this man. He will get his cuddles even if he has to fight for it. He’s naturally warm and usually sleeps on his side because of his snakes. He’s also a snuggle person so he will hold you while he sleeps and just press his face to your shoulder or neck.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He does want to settle down eventually, surprisingly he’s a family man, and he really wants at least one kid one day. He’s an amazing cook as we all know, since he loves it. He’s not too bad at cleaning, but it’s definitely not his favorite thing to do.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Honestly, it would probably hurt him just as much as it’d hurt you. Like he’s probably on the edge of tears breaking up with you. But he tries to be as nice as possible about it, and though it’ll bother him he understands if you hate him afterwards.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He would want to wait at least three to four years before getting married. He doesn’t rush it, but he does eventually want to settle down. He’s very big on commitment though, and when he’s interested in someone he’s interested.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's very gentle, he's a sweet guy so he doesn't ever really change. He's just calm all around.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs, he thinks they're the best thing in the world. 9/10, he hugs you first. His love language is between physical touch and words of affirmation. His hugs are very warm, and comforting. He's like a teddy bear.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not too fast, but usually around the six month mark.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Now here’s the thing, when he does get jealous he doesn’t show it. He’s very quiet about it, and he’ll bring it up in private.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Just like him, his kisses are soft and gentle. He expresses a lot of his emotions through his kisses so his mood affects the kiss.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Very cautious. He's afraid he'll sometimes stone them and he doesn't want that risk.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Breakfast in bed type of guy. He'll wake up earlier on the days you stay over to make you breakfast.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Very relaxing and fun. He always has something planned, whether it's going out or staying in, he always makes sure you guys have a good time.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He reveals things slowly, and sometimes he does so without even realizing. He doesn't like talking about himself too much, so he usually doesn't say anything unless you ask.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He doesn't get angry, more so just hurt. It's really easy as his s/o to hurt his feelings. He cares about you and values you, so sometimes your words or even things you do can hurt him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He actually remembers a lot, almost down to the littlest things. He's very observant, and that also means he notices the things you don't tell him. How you like your coffee, if you drink it. The way you keep your locker organized, colors you do and don't like, even some words you don't like. He probably knows you better than you know yourself.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You two went to a carnival once and went through a mirror maze and he accidentally stoned a worker so you guys had to get out before anyone noticed.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's very protective, but very subtle about it. He'll usually let you handle a situation on your own, but if he sees things aren't really going anywhere he definitly steps in.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He put's a lot of effort into dates, anniversaries, into you. The relationship means a lot to him so to him any input from him is always 100%.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Too nonchalant. Like he’s just not the best at showing his emotions when it really counts. He’s almost always emotionally too late for things but he’s working on it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not too concerned about his looks. He’s probably debated on going to school in his pajamas more than one to be honest.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. We all saw the Scaris movie and how heartbroken he was when Cleo left. He’d be so distraught without you, like he’s in space half the time just waiting for you to get back from wherever you are.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Having his mother like you is something that’s really important to him. She’s his only parental figure and main one at that, so he really values her opinion.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like someone who cares too much about other people’s opinions. Cleo being the prime example he doesn’t think people should obsess over what other people think of them and have it control their actions.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
You’ll know he’s really sleeping good if he’s drooling in his sleep. He’s definitely the type of guy to just knock out after a long day anywhere in his house and just sleep.
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munsonson · 1 year
Love Triangle ( Fem!Henderson!Reader Edition )
Henderson!Reader who is basically sunshine on a pair of legs, raised by a doting Claudia who constantly builds up her confidence and builds her into this teddy bear personified
Steve used to be kind of a dick to Reader in his King Steve phase. But for some reason Reader never held it against him; she was always kind to him, tried to see the good in him even if he didn’t deserve it. Most of the time it just made him feel like a dick.
Eddie befriended her during his second senior year when she was just a junior. He thought she was sweet, if not a little annoying with her do-good attitude. As a nonconformist, it’s severely hard to be friends with someone who still thinks it’s rude not to address the teacher with sir or ma’am.
When they both start liking Reader it was kind of like a telepathic note that they just KNEW the other liked them, too. And instantly it became some kind of dick swinging contest that only Reader was unaware of.
They both start ATTEMPTING to hang out with Reader more, but this usually just ends up with the three of them following her around like lost puppy dogs, carrying her bag for her or buying her sodas. Reader is just so happy b/c she gets to spend this time with her closest friends 🥰
Steve takes more after the chivalry role. He constantly opens doors for Reader and proceeds to slam it in Eddie’s face when he walks in after her. He also buys milkshakes with two straws for them to share but Eddie looks him dead in the eye and slurps that motherfucker, brain freeze be damned.
Eddie, on the other hand, is more like the playful role? He constantly tries to make Reader laugh by doing silly things and cracking jokes. Sometimes Steve trips him up and Eddie will fall on purpose just to see Reader giggle and help him up.
They go to the movies and do the yawn arm stretch thing at the same time and accidentally interlock their arms behind Reader’s head. She laughs and just grabs both of their hands, interlocking them with hers.
Steve always gets so excited when she visits him at work until she starts arriving with Eddie who’s just standing there all smugly beside her because he can dote and hug on her but Steve can’t because \\work//
Eddie’s so happy b/c Reader agreed to go to his Corroded Coffin gig and waves at her so happy from the stage until he sees her there with Steve who is giving Eddie this shit eating grin and waving at him, too. Eddie nearly contemplates breaking his precious baby guitar over Steve’s head.
Eddie and Steve pester Dustin constantly asking him who Reader’s favorite is and he’s just so mentally exhausted like ‘WHO. CARES.’
Steve hosts like a movie night and ‘conveniently’ Nancy and Robin both cancelled. Reader and Eddie shows up and Steve is APPALLED b/c Reader’s dressed in a Hellfire shirt, EDDIE’S Hellfire shirt to be exact. Eddie’s smug asf ofc. Plus he drove her here which makes it worse
Buuuuut Steve manages to convince her to cuddle up next to him b/c he’s a personal heater and has the fluffiest blanket. So she’s laying across his chest and Steve just smirks over at Eddie who’s pouting.
Steve likes to baby Reader a lot. Part of being the ‘babysitter’ makes him very…for lack of a better word, devoted? He just likes to take care of Reader, make her feel like she doesn’t have to lift a finger. He likes to buy her things and cook for her.
Eddie, on the other hand, likes to have fun with Reader. Go out and do stuff just the two of them whether it’s something stupid like just sitting together above the quarry or reading to each other in his bed. Eddie just likes those quiet moments with them b/c they’re so sweet and personal. He gets to talk about stuff he doesn’t normally
Eventually, after a long time of fighting over her the two of them finally ask her who she’d rather go out with. They won’t be hurt they just want her to be happy
Reader is confused b/c she thought all three of them were dating this whole time together?
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cherry-pop-elf · 1 month
SFW Alphabet: George Weasley
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To the Anon that requested this, I hope you see this and know that this was the best ask ever. I love you so much, oh my god thank you! 🫂
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
George is such a man of actions. He loves to display his affection proudly. Along with in the form of servitude or gift giving. He’s very loud and proud with it all. He will get you whatever you need, run whatever errand you have, and return to snuggle his face into your lap. Just holding you close. The moment WWW is opened, it gets amplified by a million. He’s a total cuddle bug, and he will make it your problem. Platonic, or romantic. It’s gonna be everyone’s problem that he is loud about it. Guess you can say he’s a little in everything, because of it. Still, his loudest is servitude and gift giving.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He is the most loyal, and fun, best friend to ever have. He is going to give you piggy back rides, as you both run away from whatever trouble you both left behind. He’s going to always have his shoulder ready for when you need to cry. He’s a very emotionally in tuned person when it comes to well, ya know, Emotions! So he is the man you can trust with your secrets, and just need to vent. Very much a living teddy bear. There for when you need to cry, scream, and need someone to hold. Along with pulling a Lupin, and making sure you have sweets for when you need to stuff your face silly over something dumb that happened.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Doesn’t matter if you are romantic, platonic, familia, you will be cuddled by this man. You will be held. He loves cuddles and acts of physical attention. Depending on your size, he will either rest his head in your lap or lay on you. He just wants to be held. Hold this man! Men deserve to be little spoons. Let him be cuddled and held tightly, with his hair played with. Of course, the gesture is returned. He will take care of you all the same. Just holding, and being held, soothes his woes.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Being raised by a family of nine, and also starting his own empire before he was eighteen, he is extremely great with domestic life. Despite what everyone says. Since he has a job he loves, and very much pays the bills, he is so excited to have kids. To have a family so badly, and give them the life he always dreamed of. He’s also the baker of the family, so cooking is no issue. Cleaning? Uh…..Hey, he can cook and will change the diapers no issue. He will be there for the child just as much as you would. What? No ones perfect. He handles the cooking, you handle the cleaning. Being a partner is sharing responsibility’s anyway.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
God, it’s gonna probably messy. He’s the more emotional one of the two, so it’s probably going to end in tears. That is, if the relationship was good and healthy. I can easily see him needing to do something like this, the day before he and Fred had to break out of Hogwarts. Not wanting to put them in any risk of their own actions. Would sit you down, explain what’s going on, and how he wants to focus his full heart and soul into the career. He would cry, but he would have Fred with him for support. If the relationship was shit? Expect a Jack In The Box to blow up in your face with a pie that says ‘It’s Over’ before being smacked in your face. Would even make the pie in your least favorite flavor, to be extra petty.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He took his career at WWW very seriously, so he wouldn’t be as quick to marriage as people would think. He would have 100% have a promise ring, Las Vegas wedding if you joined him in the Umbridge incident. But to actually settle down with kids and such is well after the war. He takes his job seriously. Like, the evidence is clear with how successful it is. He is a committed man, but he is also a man that is passionate about his career. So as long as you are very supportive of it as well, he’s like you as glue on a horse.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
It really depends on how far the relationship is. Platonic or romantic. At first he’s really intense and loud. But once you two settle into each other, he’s very gentle honestly. He’s the ‘softer twin’ after all. Still, he can be intense, but his emotions are soft. He’s very honest with how he feels, and if he’s uncomfortable it’s super easy to read on his face and body language. He’s just a very open book when it comes to emotions. Expected to have brutal hugs, and to be tossed like a rag doll though. He’s still got those jock arms, and hard muscles from working at WWW.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Obsessed with hugs. He would rest his head on yours, as you both are in class. He will hug you as a form of greeting. There have been times he’s hugged as a first impression. Confused the old farts when doing business deals, that’s for sure. He loves them so damn much. He loves to hug and be hugged. He’s not a teddy bear for nothing. Hug and hug and more hugs. He loves them, and will find an excuse to give them if he can. It’s even rubbed off on people he knows, and now they aren’t to shy in physical affection because of it.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’s a very lovey dovey guy in general, so the first time he says it it’ll not really sound like the L-word. Just the playful little kinds. Like ‘I love your dumb ass-‘ types. He’s just as opposite of toxic masculinity as it gets. So when he finally does say the L word, it’s hard to tell if it’s playful or not. He’s just very emotional like that. Even after the war, and the trauma of it all. His emotional strength is to be admired, really.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Like I said. Fred is the more stern while George is more soft of the two. So his reaction to jealously is more in the terms of anxiety, and sadness. He would get stressed, and worried. Wondering if he’s good enough, if he’s even wasting your time with him.
After the war though? Uh….He might get a little aggressive. Not at you, but whoever it is he feels is threatening his relationship. It’s hard, when you lose your twin. So he gets overly protective and territorial. Afraid he will lose more people. Before the war he’s scared, after the war he’s terrified.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Cheeks and noses. He loves cute little affection like that. To pepper your face in kisses, and nuzzle his nose with yours. He wants to kiss your face until you giggle. He loves kisses like that in return.
After the war, he loves being kissed on his scar. Fleur would do that with Bill. Kiss his scars, and show him that he is still handsome. That his scars are just as pretty as him. It’s soothing to him. That he isn’t seen as gross or disgusting for his facial features. So, give him plenty of kisses on his missing ear.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
The BEST! Not only because he’s an older sibling, but because he runs a joke shop. He knows what kids like. He and Fred also would comfort kids during Umbridges time. So if a kid is experiencing trauma, he’s quick to hold them and let them know they have a safe adult to confide in. He’s the man that ends up being a person kids run to when they are running away from home, more often than he wants to admit. It’s not going to be long before he’s a foster parent, that’s for sure. He might have, even. Given a lot of orphans were made from the war…..
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s a morning bird. He will be awake early, and working on coffee and breakfast. Enjoying his cup of overly sweet Joe, and a sunrise. Even in school, he was always the first one up. He loves the calm of it. There’s something so nice about the stillness of a morning, and being able to mold it to be whatever you want it to be. Breakfast he already made, and he has a list of things he has planned for the morning. Already showered, and dressed. A total morning bird.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Fred is the night owl, not George. Especially since he would be busy with work. And it’s worse when Fred had died. Wanting to work as long as he could, to not face the loneliness of being without him. Even with a partner, it hurts. Closing shop alone. There will be times he worked himself to pure exhaustion, and passes out. Just so he didn’t have to close up shop alone. It’s not healthy, but neither is a magical twin being alive without his other half. It’s a cycle. You’ll help him break it eventually. So many nights are often times you stealing him out of his blacked out state in the shop.
Before the war, though, it was certainly much better. He would come home, tired, but contented. Have those aches and pains of a hard days work. Happily help make dinner, tell you about his day, and have a nice cuddle session together. So you two can have some together time, and be at peace. The war sure likes to take peace away from people.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Before the war, he’s very open about himself. You won’t get his darkest secrets, like how he feels like people like Fred more than him, on the first encounter. But he has a good judge of character, so you’ll learn that sooner than later.
After the war……Oh boy. He’s learned to be very good at hiding what he is actually feeling. It’s going to take ages for you to break through his laughing mask. He’s just scared of losing someone close to him again. It hurts. He’s scared. You’ll have to really dig, but the dig is worth it. Because when he finally opens up, it’s a water fall. A much needed waterfall, that patches holes. Paves way to healing. It’s worth the dig.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Depends on the person, actually. If you are like a little kid, his patience is endless. If you are an adult? It’s shorter, but he’s able to keep himself pretty calm. It’s a Gordon Ramsey thing. Kids don’t know better, adults do. Also, ya know, he’s beaten up Draco more than once.
The same still apply’s after the war. Shorter for adults, endless for kids. Though, he’s more quicker to violence after the war. Because those same adults are now making comments about Fred, his appearance, and things that you just don’t say to someone with PTSD man. Come on.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
You would think he was a stalker, with how much he knows. In reality, the twins are charismatic for a reason. They read the room, and pick up small details. That’s how they seem so charming. They know what to say to meet the vibe. So, he’s just good at picking up little things. He loves knowing what makes his friends, and partners, happy. Also, he’s a prankster. He NEEDS to know these tiny details. Makes giving you surprises the more fun. You made one comment about how pretty green is? Now you suddenly have a green sweater for Christmas because he told Molly you like green. You will not escape his love.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
If this is a case that you joined them in the Umbridge escape, that obviously. If not? It’s extremely domestic. It’s a case where you two fell asleep together. Having spent the night in a hidden little spot in the castle, having been working on plans for inventions and pranks. Just the two of you cuddled, and surrounded with exciting things. Fred and Angelina in a similar fashion. Almost a mirror of you and him. Just one big cuddle pile, with the most important people of his life. You, his twin, and their childhood friend. It was so perfect, he was able to forget the worries of Umbridge and the war. It was heaven, for just a moment.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
It gets worse after the war, but over all he’s always been support protective. If anything, you getting caught in the Pink Toad’s crossfire is what caused him and Fred to break out of school. If it wasn’t for the fact she had so much power, it would be safe to assume he would have caused more violence than what was already done. He isn’t afraid to get blood on his hands. Many wizards aren’t, as that is the society. Wizards are a very violent society after all. You say the word, and the person that has been bothering you either gets pranked into a heart attack….or worse.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
It’s his favorite pass time, really. He loves planning. There is so much excitement in it. Also doing small things is just natural for him. To kiss your head, before leaving to work. To remember your favorite flavor of candy, and give you said flavor from the left overs from candy he got in Hogsmeade. He loves doing stuff like that, and it gets worse after WWW. He’s able to pamper you in ways no one could imagine. It’s not a surprise that some of the products are a reaction to gifts and plans he made for you. So many dates, so many fun things. Every moment is special. From the wildest of Quidditch matches, to domestic picnics at Fred’s grave.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I wouldn’t say having PTSD is an ugly habit, but that is something that will need to be dealt with and handled. It’s hard, but hopefully you were very aware of that when dating him. Suppose more so what actual bad habits he has is saying we/us well after Fred’s death. As if you’ll ever correct him. A more proper bad habit is he has a hard time cleaning, and remembering to eat. Ya know, typical ADHD habits. Suppose remembering self care is a bad habit. Even before the war. He is just a giver. It’s hard to treat yourself, so it leads to some issues. Like dietary issues, his hair getting messy. A really really bad habit he has is always focusing on making others happy, and forgetting himself. Everyone deserves happiness, not him. It’s a trauma that was developed by his life. So it’s hard for him to take a minute to allow himself joy. Lots of bottled up emotions, despite being so open. Complexity of human nature.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He didn’t really start a worry, until after the war. Now that he was sporting a missing ear, multiple scars, and just a mess of trauma. He went as far as to grow out his hair to try and hide the scars. It’s hard, because since the wound is a magical scar it caused his hair to be unable to grow on that spot. So his hair style had to be very long, which just brought more notice to his scar. It’s often made him cry. Kids asking about it don’t bother him too much, but adults just don’t know when to shut up. He’s cried so many times from it. How he is no longer identical to Fred. That he can’t even see his own brother in his reflection anymore. Many a mirror has been broken, to say the least…..
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Before the war, he would have a better chance of moving on and living life as normal. After? Oh after it’s scary. It’s very scary. He’s lost Fred, don’t make him keep losing people. It’s going to be a very dark day for WWW if he ever lost you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Just one?! Oh come on. Ok ok hm. Hehe get angsted. He started to wear purple far more often when Fred died, so in a way Fred is still involved and part of life. Because Fred’s favorite color is purple, while George’s favorite color is orange. Hence their purple and orange color schemes. Green was their mutual shared color they liked. So purple indirectly because almost more loved than orange, because purple reminded him of Fred. So by proxy grape, and such, was a thing that has often comforted him in hard times. If he’s drinking or eating grape flavored things, it’s a sign that he’s sad and needs support. So, in his own little way, Fred is. By giving him comfort in a flavor and color.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
You don’t like kids? He doesn’t like you. You don’t want kids when older? Get out of his face. This doesn’t mean if you are unable to have kids. This means if you aren’t willing to adopt or foster even. If you won’t even accept fostering then you aren’t dating him. Kids are his life. Also, duh, if you can’t take a joke or enjoy a good prank. If you basically don’t have the headspace to be a playful parent, you aren’t even getting the time of day from him. Don’t get him started on the weirdos that make if their whole personality that they don’t have kids. Red flag for him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Before the war, he was a heavy ass sleeper. He would have you tangled in his limbs, as he snores into your hair. He’s knocked out, and you are now trapped with his ginger covered furnace he calls a body. Sure makes winters snuggly. He can sleep through a damn construction sight, while being on a jack hammer. Those twins love loud noises. They don’t get scared by them easily.
After the war is another story. He can’t sleep on his left side, because that makes him go fully deaf after all. He also can’t have the room quiet. The quite scares him. So there will be some kind of background noise. Such as the window open, to have the busy streets of London/Diagon alley to make some sound. Or a record player. He’s also more sensitive to waking up, and has night terrors. He gets scared easily in his sleep. It’s also harder to sleep, if you aren’t there with him. He just hates being alone. He always has Fred, and they had that magical bond. So that even if they were miles apart, they could still feel each other. He doesn’t have that anymore. Isolation is horrific for him. Hence why Bill moved back to working in Gringotts, and into the flats attached to WWW. So he didn’t have to face that fear. Fleur’s thoughts on it? She’s out right slept in the same room as George, one his worse nights, because a Veela knows what it’s like to have magic that isn’t the same as your typical wizard. She knows, and does what she can to help. A true Weasley.
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notjustdragonspages · 11 months
Cool can i please request rottmnt fluff hc of 4 brothers (separately) with girlfriend reader (unless you only do GN).
The plot about Reader who loves spoiling her boyfriend with well... EVERYTHING; hugs, kisses, cuddle, presents...etc.
She's completely smitten with her boyfriend.
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This was so fun to write X3 apologies if it's a bit short.
Loves it. All if it.
Just.... gets a little nervous around the cuddles cuz spiky
But otherwise he's great!
If he goes too long without giving some affection in return, he'll feel a bit guilty
Very fond of the kisses
On his forehead and palms
You're just so small.....
He's surprised he hasn't accidentally hurt you already
Big bear hugs
Teddy bear
His plastron is a cozy place to just nap on.
Absolutely lives for your gifts.
He'll feel inclined to give one back, but still-
He likes head rubs and just scritches all around
Glad you're willing to give them
He just loves you so much
• oh my god he's insufferable
Just non stop gushing about your gifts
His brothers hate it
The first time you just showered him with hugs and kisses he was a big mushy ball of emotions
But now?
He's used to it (no he's not)
Loves your presents.
Sweater? He'll wear it for days
Comics? Those are going in cases
If you sit down, Leo will appear
Ready for affection
Kisses on his snoot are highly appreciated
And gently rubs on his face crescents never fail to make him sleepy
happy churrs!
Chin scratches too
If you're an artist, he'd love you to paint on his shell
Just pretty designs
Just a big sucker for physical affection
Giggles whenever you kiss his snout
Loves it
Tracing your nails on the spots on his arms has him churring happily in no time
You decide to spoil him with cuddles?
Great, he just finished drawing!
Must build a pillow fort every time
When you buy him gifts, art supplies or new bedding
He'll find a way to work it into that day
He's sweet
Morning hugs are probably his favorite thing
When he's cooking breakfast hug him from behind
Sleepy morning stuff
It makes him so happy
If he's tired, he'll usually curl up on you if you're on the couch, or in his room
And he'll just sleep.
Drag your nails along his shell and he might churr in his sleep
He has a reputation to uphold
But it will break...
For you
Just don't go make out with him in front of his brothers
Kisses on his forehead and the stripes on his shoulders
You'll get a shy smile
Very excited when you give him gifts.
Especially if it's something he can display
Like a sweater or some decor piece
Usually late night cuddles
Under his weighted blanket
He's surprisingly warm
Prefers to be the little spoon (don't tell his brothers!)
His shell is sensitive, but not as much as some think
It's a tough leathery surface, that's like thick skin
So he's okay with you touching it
Just ask first
His spines are fun to feel
Sensory thing
Just overall a happy turtle when you pet his shell
He just gets to relax and you get to explore
If you rub sort of where his shoulder blades would be
He'll probably just fall asleep
Likes when you hug him from behind
As long as he's not doing something dangerous
He loves you
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onmyyan · 3 months
hello, i LOVE your writing and style and i took a social media break and came back and HOLY SHIT what a time to be alive
i got to thinking about your guys and i do love a reluctant darling, so ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable, so sorry if it does. but the guys doing the absolute m o s t to get this girl to like them. someone who maybe got a couple of rough exes and either knows what to look for and isn't looking for love. and the boys are just like :) oh :) to bad 💐 for you. they get her heart racing and she's a little nervous about it. shes got a mouth on her and aren't afraid to pop off on a rant about how she knows what they are (she doesn't)
Marcos? psh you'll cheat and laugh about it with your friends at some party. you think you can get away with it just cuz you're good looking? go find another person to piss off. and he's all like ☺️you think i'm hot😊😚 love the idea of her being a snarky bar tender at his favorite bar and they have a will they won't they sitcommy type relationship
manny? just buy the book and leave, girlies on the clock, no she doesn't care how good he looks on the motor cycle. totally not. definitely, definitely not. she doesn't worry when he goes really fast on it, it doesn't make her scared. girls just trying to get paid and get peace.
ricky? oh big strong man trying to boss her around? she doesn't need all that. she sees through that tough exterior and her rbf is worse than his. but it ain't resting. she's just loving life with her friends (who aren't as available anymore?? i wonder why??) and she doesn't care when he runs his fingers through his hair. she doesn't want to do that. she'll get her car fixed there- sure- but she won't like it.
gabe? sure he seems fun but ultimately she views him like a movie sequel, seems fun until about halfway through when you see it's the same plot as last time. no way is she falling for that old trick again. yeah he's nice, and and he helps her with groceries when he sees her walking with all those bags. bare minimum raise it, gabriel.
caspian? when's that other shoe drop? when does the sweet charming teddy bear end? (never)and yeah his pastries are delicious. and he's nice. and smells like cookies. and- oh fuck she's in love, better avoid him but SOMEHOW the man is everywhere. doesn't matter. she needs a night in, and yeah she misses him when she's in her place alone. little does she know how close he is. she won't be lonely anymore ☺️
ashley? she can fix up her own house, thank you very much. she's not interested in some old fashion cowboy and his old fashion values. or his arms. or the way he checks in on her, making sure she's settled in ok, finding her way around town, if she's eating alright and if she needs anything and woah- what's wrong with this door? he'll fix it and no. he doesn't want money. she doesn't owe him anything but, if she wants to grab a drink she's always welcome to join him. she won't be thinking about what would've happened if she took him up on that late that night. or how she made fun of his accent.
diego? WHY is there chickens on her door, and WHY is it w o r k i n g? and where is the shirt she was wearing yesterday? it's laundry day. feral fella makes sure everything's going alright and she's got everything she needs. she doesn't want some man following her around like an over grown puppy. or does she?
imagine them giving her they're number and getting a drunk text like
"you don't suck anymore ❤️" and they go feral
anyways hope you like that and are having a good day/night. i do wonder if any of them kidnap darling like in sharing is caring (my guess is ricky, ash, and manny in no particular order) and how they'd deal with a darling like this. have a wonderful day/night.
This is amazing and made me smile like a fool the whole time I read it!! Like wowiewowie you totally nailed the characterization of the guys and I love how sweet and nervous the reader is about this seemingly perfect dude ugh thank you for sending this baby in I adore it
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luimagines · 1 year
I really love four. I love them all in general! So how would the chain react to having an s/o who's taller then all of them?
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I think I'm beginning to see a trend here.
Headcanons form! I hope you don't mind it. :D
Content under the cut!
Bold of you to assume that he doesn’t find it the hottest thing about them
If the group was being honest, they wouldn’t have expected Hyrule to get in a relationship at all
Having traveled to his Hyrule and seeing how barren it is, they weren’t sure how the people were finding each other to begin with
But they’re all very happy for him
The teasing is pulled back a bit because The Traveler was so nervous about being in a relationship to begin with
The boys don’t want to the reason he thinks that it’s impossible, or worse, his partner breaks up with him because they decided to be jerks
Wouldn’t be the most guilt tripping thing they would have ever done?
But that doesn’t happen!
So Hyrule gets to love his giant royalty with no restraint
Legend can’t say he’s surprised.... but holy cow he is
How did The Traveler land such a beauty?
Twilight and Wild share a look
Maybe the height is a hero thing (along with the color red)
You bet that Wind is going to ask all sorts of questions, inappropriate or otherwise
Don’t mind Warrior giving tips on how to woo his partner even later on in the relationship
Time is trying to stop him but also think it’s hilarious
His partner is taking it all in stride because Hyrule’s friends are fun
Although they will have to wait until their gone to ask their own questions
For example: Why do they call him the name of the kingdom?
Won’t admit it, but he loves getting piggy back rides from them
Like, won’t even admit it on his death bed sort of thing
It’s his pride
But also he thinks it’s childish
Just as long as they don’t call him out on it
Little spoon?
Little spoon.
A lot of the chain didn’t even think that he would have a partner
Let alone that he would have a type
Time understands what he might have caused
Kinda- He’ll take the blame for it anyway
Warrior is gonna tease
He might get a black eye from it but in his eyes (literally) it’s worth it
Wild is also going to tease
“Won’t settle down? You’ll see when you’re 117?”
His partner loves picking him up a teddy bear and Legend doesn’t have it in him to complain for once
Everyone knew that no matter who Four chose as his significant other that he was going to be the shortest
By a long shot
And yet when they finally meet, they’re all stunned by how much taller his lover is
The difference is more than any one would have been willing to bet
Having to cram their head up to meet them in the eyes was not something they would have put on their expectation lists
But here we are
Four is going to climb them like a tree and be very happy with the added bonus of being able to sit on their shoulders and hug them from behind
Is also the perfect opportunity to whisper sweet nothings into their ear and distract them from whatever they were doing
You bet it is!
Is Four going to admit that’s the whole point of him being up there?
Nope! Because then he wouldn’t be allowed to do so.
Is going to give them the longest chains to dress up in and make them seem taller than they really are
Four is never going to hear the end of it if the guys ever see them together and he knows it
So he’s anticipating the jokes but he knows that it’s all in good fun
He’s never going to let them see him get a piggy back ride though
It was bad enough with Twilight and he gave his excuses for not liking it
He’s not keen on explaining why there’s a problem with them and not his lover
It’s none of their business
Wind (Aged up)
I want to think in my heart of heart that he would grow taller but still not be taller than the tallest in the group
That being said, Wind is a sap
Sure he can no longer reach the top shelf as far as his home life in concerned
But also tall royalty!
Like hello!
He’s the little spoon! 
He loves it!
The others when they meet again are both surprised and not
Let’s be real the boys have a type
And it’s not exactly that far of a leap to think that Wind would be included in that list as well
Wind takes their remarks in stride
Having a tall significantly other who fights with you on the battle field- or battle deck, in his case- is one hell of a advantage
If Wind had to complain about one thing and one thing only....It would be how he can’t reach up to give them any kisses
A burden to bare for sure.
He gets teased for being in a relationship period, there’s no escaping for it
It doesn’t matter if he’s the short one here
That doesn’t change literally anything
He’s always going to be the baby of the group as much as he hates it
So his s/o is going to be extra special as well
Just as teased though- for many other reasons
Older brothers are merciless
Wild is fairly small compared to most to the people in his world
So when the boys saw this, it shouldn’t have come as any surprise that Wild’s s/o was going to be taller than him
That being said, they misjudged the difference
Wild grins from their shoulder and waves to the group. “Hello! This is my partner! Like I said.”
Twilight blinks and hangs his head, digging into his pocket to bring out a small bag of rupees and hands it to Time
Wild gasps and screeches “Really Rancher?! Old man! You too?”
Time smile. “I know my boys.”
sky snickers and waves back. “Happy to meet you. Wild talks about you a lot.”
Wild covers his face with his hands as his partner gently puts him on the ground. “A pleasure to meet you all as well. He speaks highly of the lot of you.”
Warrior happily skips over and claps Wild on the shoulder. “They got family/”
“Shut up!” Wild takes a swing, previous shame forgotten.
Hyrule and Wind laugh and move away from the soon to wrestle duo so they can get to now more about Wild’s home life.
Time and Twilight approach as well and introduce the members of the chain one by one so that it would less confusing for them in the future
Four kicks the ground from under him
Wild’s s/o looks familiar to him and he’s not sure why they look someone he used to talk to in Castle Town
Genetics said copy and paste
And dang they all the same type don’t they?
Warrior didn’t realize just how tall they were until he was reunited with them
He got used to the height when he was home
Frankly, he’s not the tallest person in the Queen’s court anyway
And then he got used to be able to look his companions in the eyes and it was nice
Only to be viscerally reminded that this is not the norm
The others think he just has a type
They... aren’t entirely wrong but Warrior is going to take that little secret to his grave
His S/O, of course, is delighted to have him home again, if only for a little while
In their excitement, they lift Warrior clear off of the ground in a hug and hold them against their chest like a life size teddy bear
Wild snaps a picture
And it’s the only picture of Warrior where he doesn’t look put together in any way, shape, or form
Time thinks he remembers them and he knows that they’re good people
So he’s amused greatly just how whipped Warrior is for his S/O
As he should be
Legend quietly asks Wild for copies of the photo in the background
But Wind hears them and stops it
Little brothers gotta look out for the older one sometimes 
Let’s face it Twilight is already incredibly short compared to the people of his Hyrule
(All of them are but shush)
So his s/o is easily taller than him as it is
But since Twilight is the second tallest of the group, it takes the other by a bit of surprise when they see how short Twilight is compared to them
Twilight can’t really see it though
He’s completely love struck and full of puppy love
Wind, Wild and Four try to secretly measure them when they’re not paying attention to see how tall they really are
Because Twilight surely doesn’t care
And they don’t want to see rude by asking
Twilight likes to be the little spoon, especially as Wolfie
So you better bet your bottom dollar that he’s going to curl up against his s/o much like he does to some of the other members of the group but this time he’s going to be encase by warmth
You know- if he sits, he sits
That’s the rule
Time know where Twi gets it from and makes it a point to not make any comments
Warrior and Legend don’t care
He’s getting teased
Sky is the only one to have mercy on him and he’s also going to ask every question imaginable because he’s a romantic at heart and nosey as hell
This guy is already the tallest in the group
So his tall S/O is tall
They love all the tiny boys in the group
Everybody has to crane their necks to so much as look at their face
Time doesn’t even notice it anymore
Twilight is wondering why he got none of that
Warrior and Legend are once again trying to figure how he got with them to begin with
Bets are made
Money is lost
Wild and Wind are going to see if Time’s partner can carry them
Hyrule and Sky are going to have to adjust their heads more often than they’d like but they don’t want to think too much on it
They’ve met a lot of other tall people
Not a big deal
Four.... is having a minor crisis
It’s hard talking to Time as it is
And now there’s someone taller?
He’s not going to even bother looking up
Sap, sap, sap
Cuddle bug
A fiend
Piggy back rides
Did not warn the group about needing to crane their necks to look his s/o in the face
Is also living for their reactions
“This is my s/o and I love them very much and as you can see, they are my better half.”
“Yeah, more than half. They took all your height.”
“Ours too if the fact that we all share same spirit applies here.”
Legend and Wild both get smacked over the head
Time now knows how Four feels
Four gives up and asks Twilight to pick him up to get a decent angle
Just so it doesn’t look like he’s trying to be fresh
Twilight thinks it’s hilarious
Warrior realizes he might have a type
Hyrule and Wind appear to be unaffected, but their necks are sore..er at the end of the day
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starsurface · 4 months
Ok I'm in for round 3 to request I need to see regressed Fujin and cg raiden headcanons - @plankydreamingcorner
I've got you!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Raiden w/ Regressor Fujin Hcs
☁️ Raiden is one of Fujin's go to caregivers
⛈️ Also one of his favorite caregivers <3
☁️ It was actually through Fujin that Raiden found out that he really liked watching regressors (he's such a good cg, fr 🥺)
⛈️ Raiden has this sixth sense that tells him if someone around him is tiny or not
☁️ Although it's also pretty easy to tell if Fujin is little or not
⛈️ Regressed Fujin is either a tiny menace, or the sweetest kid alive
☁️ Like, he'll never do something intentionally naughty
⛈️ But Raiden said no more sweets? It'd be a shame if that cup right there were to slowly make its way to the edge
☁️ Doesn't actually push it off though, he'll grt super close and then giggle and run away when Raiden gets up to stop him
⛈️ However, the cup did fall and break one time and Fujin felt terrible for accidentally hurting it
☁️ He didn't mean to!! Seriously!! He was just trying to have fun, he never meant to break it
⛈️ Luckily Raiden knew it was just an accident and cleaned up the small mess, gently explaining to Fujin that thats why we shouldn't push cups
☁️ Nowadays Fujin only does the cup push with a sippy or bottle, things he knows he can't break
⛈️ Most times Fujin listens to the rules and Raiden doesn't have the biggest bugger on his hands (that's Liu Kang's and Kung Lao's job anyhow-)
☁️ You know that scene in Lilo and Stitch b where Stitch puts on some laundry and pranced around like a superhero until Nani catches him with a disappointed face?
⛈️ ^ That's them, specifically when Fujin's pulling a prank
☁️ Fujin hides behind Raiden a lot while he's small
⛈️ Whether he's actually nervous about being small in front of someone
☁️ Or he's hiding from the grumpy monks after he made their not super important but a bit important papers fly
⛈️ Raiden got mad and lectured for it, because he's a big meanie >:(
☁️ Raiden isn't a strict cg, but he's definitely stern on certain things
⛈️ When he says no, it means no, and no amount of whining or begging can change his mind
☁️ Usually Fujin doesn't fuss much when Raiden says no, a small pout but he quickly gets over it
⛈️ Fujins actually really good at following any rules they've set, and Raiden will get him treats for being good sometimes
☁️ Fujin is a very cuddly, very clingy regressor
⛈️ Cuddles, snuggles, all that jazz
☁️ Raidens a bit more stuff when it comes to giving and receiving physical affection
⛈️ The most he usually gives are shoulder squeezes and maybe a small head pat
☁️ So the first few times Fujin clings to his arm or snuggles up against his side, Raiden doesn't exactly know what to do
⛈️ Don't worry, overtime he gets better and Fujin gets to use him like the 7 ft Teddy bear he is
☁️ Fujin adores playing outside, and Raiden kinda just follows closely behind him
⛈️ He'll let Fujin climb trees, but only lower branches, and he has to be nearby
☁️ One of their favorite activities together is blowing bubbles
⛈️ But that I mean that Raiden will blow bubbles, and Fujin will run around trying to pop them all
☁️ He gets a bit fussy when some bubbles go up a bit too high for him to pop, but will quickly get distracted by new bubbles
⛈️ Fujin is more of a softer regressor, sometimes being depicted as smaller even though he's like, 6, not 3
☁️ Raidens really good at treating Fujin like his age, but also accommodating to what Fujin wants
⛈️ Yes, six year olds can use baby bottles and anyone who says otherwise will get Raiden's wrath (after he comforts the highly upset Fujin)
☁️ Fujin usually likes more healthier options, but one of his favorite things to munch on while small are cookies and milk
⛈️ Raiden makes sure he doesn't eat too much though, mostly because hes a big meanie, mostly because he doesn't want Fujin to get a tummy ache (and he's a big meanie)
☁️ Fujin calls Raiden a big meanie to everything Raiden does that Fujin doesn't like
⛈️ Raiden's okay with the nickname, he'd rather be a big meanie than have a very upset Fujin on his hands
☁️ While Fujin is a very well mannered regressor, he also loves annoying people, specifically his brother
⛈️ He'll ask Raiden what he's going, follow him around, poke him, stand just outside Raiden's workspace so he's technically not in the room
☁️ Little Raiden gets incredibly fussy at Fujin's act, but big Raiden has much more patience
⛈️ Fujin keeps trying to steal Raiden's hat so he can wear it
☁️ He so far has been unsuccessful in all his attempts so far
⛈️ Fujin doesn't throw tantrums or hissy fits often, mostly when he's had a tough day and doesn't know how to properly communicate
☁️ Raiden will gently hold his little brother, rocking him and wiping away his angry tears
⛈️ He'll excuse any yelling or hitting (very rare, has only happened once) Fujin did, mostly because he knows Fujin feels guilty and never really meant to harm him
☁️ Those days are mostly spent cuddling and crying about big feelings
⛈️ Raidens also very good with handling Fujins nonverbal moments (personal hc that Fujin goes nonverbal when he's very angry or upset)
☁️ He'll slowly figure out what's making Fujin that upset, and make it go away
⛈️ He will also firmly hold and rock him (Fujin likes being squeezed)
☁️ That's his baby brother after all, if anyone knows how to make Fujin feel better, it's Raiden
⛈️ Fujin likes uppies, but likes running around more
☁️ Raiden’s strong, he can easily carry Fujin on his hip
⛈️ . . . But Fujin needs to stop tackling him when he was to get picked up >:(
☁ Raiden’s main CG nicknames are Bubba or Rai
⛈️ Other regressors call Raiden Grandpa Rai (because they're mean-) and one time Fujin called Raiden that and Raiden pouted foe three days straight
☁️ Almost nothing could make him feel better, and it was highly entertaining
⛈️ Also he is NOT that old and the other regressors need to start being nicer >:(
☁️ Raiden doesn't often use nicknames towards Fujin, especially when he first started watching Fujin regress, but he gets more in the hang of it as time goes on
⛈️ Sweetheart, Cloudy, Stormy, Sweetie, Fuu Fuu, all those sorts
☁️ Fujin likes coloring, and has made a picture of him and Raiden before prompting passing out because he stayed up past nap time to finish it
⛈️ Raiden totally didn't cry when he saw the words ‘Bestest Big Brudder Ever’ on it (it's hung in Raiden’s room)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ugh, I love the Storm Brothers. 🥺
Also, I got super, super sick recently, so these might not be the best. I can totally do or make more!! :D
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theyanderespecialist · 5 months
Base Yandere Funtime Freddy Headcanons (Yandere Funtime Freddy X Male Reader) Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins so in this chapter it is going to be Funtime Freddy as a yandere for a male reader! I will have this on YouTube in audio/video as well!! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here, muffins! 
(Disclaimer:  FunTime Freddy Is SENTIENT in this, he is NOT POSSESSED by ANY CHILD SPIRIT(S)! HE IS SENTIENT) 
(Disclaimer: Funtime Freddy Is NOT Yandere in canon! This is just for fun and NOT To be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it. Yanderes are NOT Ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!] 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Funtime Freddy X Male Listener- 
.Funtime Freddy is an energetic animatronic bear and loves entertaining Children. 
.That is what he appears to be most of the time. 
.In truth, Funtime Freddy Is sadistic, psychotic, and deranged. 
.So it is no surprise that when he meets you he becomes obsessed with you. 
.You are the love of his life and he is going to make you scream (Wow Freddy, buy the guy dinner first!) 
.He has never felt like this for anyone before. 
.You were something special. 
.He is beyond unstable and loves to hurt people. 
.He does want to break you, but do not worry, he will put you back together (William? Is that you?) 
.You are his darling and he will take such good care of you. 
.He does not deal with rivals well, killing them without giving them a second chance. 
.If He cannot have you, he is going to make damn sure that NO ONE ELSE Has you. 
.You are his little teddy and he is not going to share. 
.He is the type of yandere to mock you a bit, not in a nasty way, but more a way to mentally break you down. 
.He is going to break you down so he can put you back together and that way you know you can only be with him. 
.He is also a bit softer with you, loving to snuggle you and hold you close. 
.Though if you try and squirm away then you will be held even tighter. Even to the point that it might hurt. 
.Funtime Freddy is a yandere who likes to cause pain. 
.So if you step out of line, he is going to punish you, taking great glee in teaching you a lesson. 
.He takes even more pleasure in hurting anyone in the way of his love for you. 
.You are his man, his sweet little teddy bear and he is going to get you, one way or another. 
.He is very upfront about his feelings, as when he first sees you, he knows that he wants you to be his and he will make that happen. 
.Making his intentions clear almost right away! 
.If you openly reject his feelings oh BOY will you be in big trouble! 
.He will be teaching you a lesson very, very soon. 
.If you do not shoot him down right, this will stroke his ego. 
.He is confident and egotistical and will have your passive nature as confirmation that you are HIS Good boy and that you want him. 
.He will make you his good boy one way or another. 
.When he officially tells you that you are his. 
.If you turn him down, well he is breaking an arm, or a leg, or both! 
If you accept his love he will be over the moon and you will be his. 
.You would have sealed your fate. 
.You are his little Teddy Bear, and he is your Big Teddy. 
I hope you are Ready for Funtime Freddy Cause he is coming for you~ 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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klutzyroses · 1 year
Can i have request about ikemen prince+the three dude with a short and quite fem!mc please?
So this took some time because I don't play IkePri very often so apologies for that! Also, I assume that by "+three" you mean Keith, Gilbert and Silvio? Either way, enjoy!
IkePri HCs: Short, Quiet S/O
How do they react to a reserved and tiny s/o?
Suitors: Yves, Luke, Gilbert, Keith Silvio
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S...she's so....why is she so-why?!
He physically cannot comprehend why she is so petite and so...adorable!
There is nobody who would understand the pains of being the small one, and he always resented how his brothers treated him because of it, but now he understands...
She is criminally darling. Offensively darling. Even more so because she is so reserved and keeps to herself...
And that's why he finds himself often fretting and fussing over her wellbeing and who was around her.
He especially does not want fiends like Clavis and Nokto being anywhere near her sweetness. Lest they corrupt her.
He will very much deem himself responsible for her safety, even if he wouldn't admit it to save his life.
Wow...that's a really small girl...
Being the massive bear of a man he is, he would think of her as a little teddy to be protected and cuddled.
She is very cute to him, cute enough to eat and he will not hesitate to tell her that point blank, resulting in a flurry of blushes and stunned looks.
When he stands by her, it's very easy to remember that she could easily climb him like a tree if she wanted, and he probably wouldn't even notice. It'd be more likely he could walk freely while she rode his back without issue.
His charms would also increase tenfold, at least in her eyes because she was so sweetly shy and he would love nothing more than to put her at ease.
He will often get her to lay down and just relax far away from her strenuous duties, from anyone who makes her nervous and reserved, and will make her feel as comfortable as possible.
And, if she would like, she could use him as a really...really....really big pillow. With her petite size, she may actually be able to have him pass as a bed...
Ah, what charming little rabbit she is~
The tiny young woman is in for some torment, sorry. He cannot leave her alone.
It's her own fault for being so cute and little. It's not his fault she was so irresistible.
Especially since she is so timid and sweet.
How he loved to intimidate and fluster her, just to see how she would react under his red gaze.
She was intoxicating to watch, her soft cheeks blooming red as the roses of Rhodolite, her gorgeous eyes averting from his crimson one to watch the floor instead.
He finds himself lifting her gaze back to him, caressing her lower lip with a gloved finger as he offers an indulgent smile, greatly enjoying watching the shy maiden squirm.
How he would love to watch that small body of hers squirm under different circumstances...
Do...women come in such sizes? How old is she...?
He is actually a little taken aback by the slight stature of the woman, especially since he is such a tall man. The height difference was rather uncanny actually...
He is very considerate and polite to her, always offering to get things she could not reach herself, walking at her pace so he didn't leave her behind.
He can't help but feel that she is fragile as well. She looked so tiny, so breakable...Maybe he could-
No, no he musn't think such thoughts...
He can very much relate to her timidity. That makes it so much easier to speak to her actually...if he can get over his own sweet shyness.
He can't help but be so gentle and tender with her, treating her like a porcelain doll. She is such a beautiful, little lady, he fears he could break her if he didn't handle her correctly.
Ha! Such a tiny little woman. She looks like a kid.
He would be making so much fun of her, anything he says to her will reference her height. Most would vary from teasing to borderline hurtful.
It really wouldn't help that she is quiet as well. Now he has the excuse to call her a mouse as well. Oh joy.
She only has herself to blame, with that tiny, delicate body of hers, her pretty blushes and pouts, looking so cute and huggable and...
It's not that he thinks she's cute or anything! Nothing like that! It was just amusing to make fun of her...that's all it is!
He will scalp anyone who dares imply otherwise. He has no feelings of endearment for that tiny woman whatsoever...none!
He will deny with all his being and his strength that he imagines walking around with her tucked safely under his cape. sometimes...
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ughgoaway · 6 months
Hey lovely, I'm really enjoying the smutty blurbs and would love to hear about Matty and teachers first time together.
Also I've just got home from the most stressful Christmas with family, and would be interested to hear about teachers family and whether she is as close to them as Matty is to his
hi angel!!! so sorry for this late reply, but im so glad you're enjoying the smutty blurbs. They're so fun to write!! I'm actually planning on doing a full fic for their first time together, so hopefully, that will be coming soon!!
oh I'm sorry about stressful Christmas, it's always a fucking rough time going back home and dealing with everyone.
this is something I have thought a little bit, and I think that in the teacher au, the family relationship is a bit strained.
I think your family are so overbearing, constantly trying to insert themselves in your life in ways you just don't need. every time you see them, it's followed by an onslaught of questions,
"do you have a boyfriend yet?"
"are you still doing that teaching thing?"
"when are you going to have kids? you have only got so long now darling"
so Christmas was always a stressful affair, trying to juggle judgmental aunts and uncles with parents who want to know every detail of your life so they can comment on it.
I think you're as close as you can be, but some distance is necessary for you to stay sane. you love them, but sometimes you just need space to exist.
but Matty's family is a breath of fresh air. The first Christmas you spent with them made you realise it can be enjoyable to see your family.
Denise is so welcoming, ushering you in and plying you with biscuits and tea. she chats about matty, and she tells you that if he ever does anything stupid, tell her, and she'll give him an earful. which earns her an eye roll from matty and assurance that he won't fuck this one up.
Louis is easy to get along with, and he feels like your little brother too very quickly. Tim is hilarious and kind, and all of Matty's extended family are so welcoming and sweet that you don't quite know what to do with yourself.
I think at some point in the night, you wander off, and matty notices you skulking away and follows you out into the garden. you're leaning on the wall outside, staring up at the stars and trying to breathe a little bit better.
"You alright, darling?" matty walks up to you and wraps you in a hug, already noticing your shivering body.
"Yeah, sorry, just needed a minute," you say softly, leaning your head on mattys shoulder and humming comfortably.
you stand in silence for a few minutes, watching your hot breath vaporise in the air and warming each other up.
"Is it always like this for you?" You break the veil of silence, looking up at matty curiously.
his face immediately scrunches in confusion, "what like all of us hanging out and drinking? yeah, that's a pretty average Christmas for us. " he laughs and pulls you in closer, rubbing up and down your bare arms with his hands, desperate to warm you up.
"No, no, I mean, is it always so... Nice? calm? no one is badgering you with questions and making judgemental or petty comments." You say softly, almost hoping matty doesn't hear your words.
but he does. He pulls back and looks in your eyes and his immediately soften. he tugs you in impossibly closer and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
"Oh, sweetheart. m'sorry your family are a bit exhausting. but the good news is, next year, you'll have me to drag along with you. hopefully, they'll start badgering me about my "silly rockstar job" and leave you alone, hmm? and I'm sure annie will be distraction enough, she will corner your aunt susan and talk about horses for a good hour" matty smiles as he imagines meeting your family.
he always tries to envion what your childhood room looked like. Were the walls covered in posters like his? or were you more organised? did you have teddy bears lining the bed that you don't have the heart to get rid of? he can't wait to tease you for all the old photos and embarrassing clothes.
you giggle and burrow your nose into matty, "already planning for next year, huh? you planning on sticking around that long?" You tease, hearing matty talk about the future so confidently had butterflies hammering at your ribs.
"Of course I am. I'm afraid you're stuck with me for a longgggg time now, sweetheart. " You hum happily and squeeze matty.
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dearmailman · 1 year
hi, i was wondering if you could do headcanons or a fic (whichever youre more comfortable with!) for a gn little reader, who goes to whichever neighbor is closer when they regress? thier favorites are barnaby, wally and howdy, but also enjoy the others. if the reader could go completely mute with a paci and carry around a teddy bear when they regress too that would be great! ty!!💙
Hello neighbor!
Headcanons are very fun, thank you for the ask. This is kind of a drabble fic, not sure!
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Well now, Barnaby is very big but likes to pretend he’s very small! If you came to him feeling small, Barnaby is the type to immediately want to be in the role of your big brother. That way he’s a little small too. He is very fuzzy and very warm, so you can’t help but try to snuggle him constantly. When you’re small you can usually be found riding piggyback on him half asleep. He’s not good at cooking but he loves attempting to make snacks for you (if only so he can eat them too). Poppy usually has to bring actual snacks over and uses the time to make sure you don't trip or scrape your knees.
He would love to tell you jokes, any time he can. If you’re mute when with him it instantly becomes a ‘how loud can he make you laugh’ contest! He can’t help it, even if all you can get out that day is tiny giggling. He’s your big brother, so it’s his job to make you laugh when things are scary. Barnaby remembers your teddy even before you sometimes! Reminding you to grab it before you’ve put your shoes on or walking out with it in his paws before he’s even suggested going out.
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Barnaby is always around Wally which means you are always around Wally! Wally doesn’t ever seem to realize any difference when you’re regressed. To him, that’s just his best friend, and you two are playing a cute game. “Oh I see, we’re playing!” and then he either starts to play baby with you, or tries to be the father of you and Barnaby in a game of house. Even if he doesn’t understand it, he knows how happy it makes the two of you, and he finds it very sweet! Sometimes you let him play papa with you, just because he’s so darn good at it. You think he’d be a really good caretaker if he understood it more!
Wally is your best friend, so he’s your teddy’s best friend too. He always greets teddy like they’re another small friend and even offers to babysit them when you and Barnaby are busy playing. He never minds when you’re mute, and he even knows a few baby signs in ASL that he’s taught you. He doesn’t remember why he knows it, but he’s glad he does. Wally tries to mimic you when you’re using your pacifier, he thinks it looks very fun. So he’ll put a thumb in his mouth and smile at you while you both relax and stim.
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Wally is often at Howdy’s store stealing hanging out, so you end up wandering there a lot. Howdy was a bit confused about why you can’t say hello neighbor back to him, but Barnaby was quick to explain since they chat on Howdy’s breaks. Since then he’s always kind about it, and talks like a rocket at you to make up for the quiet. He always manages to sell you snacks (100% off even, occasionally) that are safe for little neighbors. He started cutting fruits into shapes for you at one point and hasn’t stopped since! You and teddy like being picked up, and Howdy has enough arms for twice the hugs! Howdy has days where he doesn’t like touch much though, and on those days you just sit on the counter with your pacifier while he works and let him ramble. He always thanks you for being such good conversation, and Barnaby finds that very funny. “Howdy would call a wall good conversation, as long as he could sell it some sweets.”
Howdy eventually did get curious about age regression. His work is very stressful, even though he loves it, and he starts to realize that taking care of you makes him feel a lot less overwhelmed! He asks you once when you’re big if you were okay with trying. Of course you said yes, because he’s a sweetheart and a lovebug. You started small with him coming over to watch cartoons with you. You started to feel small, and a little sleepy too, so you leaned against his arms. He was very comfy to lay on! Howdy was a little embarrassed at first, but then cuddled up to you in return. He liked holding you. He liked making sure you were safe and cared for. It made him feel very peaceful to just lay on the sofa and let you rest while cartoons play in the background.
Ever since that evening he comes over on his off days, sheepishly knocking on the door with star shaped fruit and caring arms ready to hold you. And you always smile and let him in. One day, Howdy asks if you would be comfortable calling him ‘dad’ or- well- maybe that’s too formal? He looks very nervous and laughs at himself, and you hold one of his hands comfortingly. You can’t say anything, but you finger-write some letters onto his hand, D-A-D-A. He looks puzzled for only a second until it clicks, and then lights up in a smile and scoops you up to watch cartoons and snack on fruits with your dada.
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ginger-grimm · 5 months
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Full Name: Willa Mae Darling
Birthdate: June 6th, 1997
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Species: Human
Family: Wendy Darling (Mother), Edward Darling (Father), Jane Darling (Older Sister), Danny Darling (Older Brother), George Darling (Maternal Grandfather), Mary Darling (Maternal Grandmother), John Darling (Maternal Uncle), Michael Darling (Maternal Uncle)
Love Interest: Petra Müller
Friends: Greer Grimm, Tee Wiley, Ben Beast, Lonnie Shang, Jane Godmother
Likes: Tea, ballet, reading, dresses, shoes, teddy bears, traveling, sweets, gum, the color blue, mystery movies and stories, dogs
Dislikes: Half-assed jobs, lazy looks, doing nothing, aggressive people, liars
Phobias: Spiders
Style: Wears a lot of beautiful and adequate dresses, dress shoes or heels, bows in her hair or headbands, hair is always perfectly styled, wears a lot of jewelry but always a specific ring she got from her mother
Speech: English accent, her voice is not as soft as you may think, tries to curse but is no good at it, very authoritative voice
Physical Quirks/Scars: Has a permanent scar on her knees from having to get surgery after breaking it
Personality: Head-strong, perfectionist, great networker, leader, kind, refined, nurturing, hard worker, adventurous, fashionista, animal lover
Background: Born and raised in London, Wendy enjoyed the perks of being her mother's youngest daughter and hearing all the stories about Peter Pan from her. She enjoyed being spoiled by her parents and having the freedom to go where she wanted. That changed when Willa became a little too adventurous and a little too intent on running around the city. Wendy, fearing that one day she might wake up to find her daughter missing, has Willa attend Auradon Prep to ensure her stay in one place. Auradon Prep is a lot more closed-off from the world and Willa finds herself taking on any kind of activity she is allowed, mainly ballet and student council duties. Suddenly, there is a whole new world for Willa to take by storm. A whole new host of people to impress. But the perfectionist tendencies Willa has grown into over the years are starting to wear her down and she is just about to throw it all away when a new girl arrives at the school. She is mysterious, fun, and beautiful - the perfect final challenge for Willa to overcome. Well, if it weren't for Peter Pan and the revelations about him that come with the arrival of a group of Lost Boys looking for revenge.
Faceclaim: Ella Purnell
TAGLIST: @waterloou @eddysocs ​ @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @kentaroranda @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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ladybug023 · 1 year
So, Tuco has a brother in law named Gonzo, which means he has a sister, which means it’s possible that Tuco is a uncle. That’s so fucking cute!
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Here’s some HCs~
Camila and Gonzo are the healthiest and purest couple in the breaking bad universe. No abuse, no toxicity, just pure love and support. Gonzo is also the best husband ever.
Their dynamic is two sweet cinnamon rolls that deserve the world.
Tuco was not happy when he heard that Gonzo (his real name is Lorenzo) and his sister Camila were a thing. Camila had to stop him from killing Gonzo. He felt that Gonzo wasn’t good enough for his sister. He was just some nobody and she was a Salamanca, cartel royalty.
But when Tuco saw how they interacted and how much Camila loved Gonzo, he relented. But not without threatening poor Gonzo’s life a couple times.
Camila’s love for Gonzo blossomed because he was the only man she knew that was genuinely a good guy. Also, Camila has alway had a thing for thick boys.
Despite being a criminal, Gonzo doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He’s a teddy bear who’d do anything for Camila. She calls him, “osito de peluche.”
Camila loves baking especially for her husband. She’s the reason why Gonzo fails every diet he tries to stick to.
Most of the Salamancas didn’t approve of the match so Camila and Gonzo got married in secret, in small church, with only Tuco and Nacho there.
This caused quite a lot of family drama. Hector was enraged that’d Camila would disobey him, he wanted to kill Gonzo to serve as a lesson but Tuco actually stood up against Hector for the first time in his life to protect his sister.
Tuco: You’re going to let them be happy or-
Hector: Or what?! You think you’re a big man now?! Huh?!
Tuco: If you don’t leave them alone then I’m out.
He threatens to leave the family business and Hector laughs in his face at first, but Tuco was being dead serious. He swore that he’d take Camila and leave the country. In the end, Hector relented.
Camila and Gonzo named their first son Hector to try smooth things over with him. Everyone accepted their marriage when they started having kids, even Hector. (Hector still treats Gonzo like a servant than a family member though.)
They have 4 bebés in total, 3 girls and one boy. Tuco loves his little nieces and nephews to death. He’s crazy fun loving uncle Tuco. Who spoils his nieces and nephews rotten. (If anyone ever found out that he plays dollhouse with his nieces, he’d have to kill himself.)
Camila doesn’t allow Tuco around them when he’s high or using, for obvious reasons. She even checks him before letting him in the house. She won’t hesitate to throw his ass out if he does come around high.
Lalo and the twins visit from Mexico occasionally and they get Christmas cards every year. Or Gonzo and Camila go up to Mexico to visit them.
Each one of the cousins is one of the children’s godfather.
Lalo loves to tease Gonzo. He calls him “Gordo.” Gonzo doesn’t mind the nickname, he just hates Lalo’s mind games. Lalo also doesn’t hesitate to exploit Gonzo’s love for Camila to get Gonzo to do something for him.
But Camila is very protective of her husband, especially around her family. If one of her cousins are giving him a hard time, she won’t hesitate to chew them out. Once Gonzo got really hurt while on a job with the twins and Camila screamed at them for ten minutes. Since she is their elder cousin, the two deadly assassins just sat there and took it.
The twins creep Gonzo out but they do treat him much like how they treated Nacho. They respect him for treating Camila like a princess and making her happy.
Honestly, poor Gonzo. Having to deal with the Salamancas every day and do their dirty work. But it all becomes worth it when he comes home every night to his amor Camila and their lil bebés.
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consensualpredator3rd · 7 months
Cute and suffering, a meet up report
This cutie was begging for my cock so I gave it to her. She kept asking me to not murder her, a lot, so I dialed up the sweet which makes me sound too teddy bear in this write up without the context of her begging for her life. After we got inside the room she was begging for other things anyway. Her pussy tasted wonderful and she was very vocal about her pleasure so that was fun. Later I made her squirt so hard we had to abandon that portion of the room.
Here it is in her words, with only a couple removed, because finding out yourself is half the fun:
I found him on a CNC subreddit and worked up the courage to reach out. Over the next two months, we talked about not only planning this night, but also about other things. I told him I wanted to experience pain and lose my anal virginity to him, and he said he would deliver.
I was really nervous about this seeing as I knew next-to-nothing about him, but I decided to risk it and trust he wasn't out there to do permanent damage. I am so glad I did.
Initially meeting him in person, he was very soft spoken and friendly, and I felt very safe.
I was standing in the room, a little nervous, talking to him, when he suddenly grabbed me and kissed me. He told me I was a good kisser and he would have fun with that. He then took my clothes off and forced me to my belly on the bed. He started by spanking me with his bare hands, and I thought to myself "this isn't so bad, I can take it." Until he brought the paddle out. And the wooden spoon. And the [redacted]. I thought I could take all he could throw at me, but this man does not mess around. I had to safe word out of the [redacted], but I was proud of myself for sticking through the other things.
The most painful part for me was the anal. I was an anal virgin before this, but that didn't stop him from being rough. He didn't even use lube. I tried to not cry out in pain, but it was just so much. After I took it in my ass, he stuck his cock in my mouth and called me a good girl for taking it so well.
We took frequent breaks where we talked about anything and everything, and he was very accommodating when I (1) had a headache come up, and (2) when I was too tired to keep going.
This man is a gem. So kind until he's ready to break you. Strongly recommend
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