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rustingways · 3 months
Something about Armand starting to learn he is worthy of love through Daniel’s eyes because Daniel sees through all of his bullshit down to the vulnerable monstrosity at his core and loves him for it not despite it
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backwardsuwu · 21 days
Save him (Armand) Benji and Sybelle… Benji and Sybelle saaaaveeeee himmmmm
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xxhellonursexx · 3 months
A single dad who works two jobs, who loves his kids and never stops
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Ahead of the next IWTV episode, which will showcase Armand at his most pathetic, I figured I'd get ahead of it and portray Armand in his most lovable era, when he becomes the caretaker of his beloved "children," Benji and Sybelle.
[As a member of the Armand crisis PR team, I gotta start hauling some serious ass!😅]
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nightcolorz · 3 months
amc iwtv better give Armand his chain smoking Palestinian Bedouin fedora wearing child genius podcast running son and his high support needs autistic also genius piano obsessed daughter or I stg i will riot. Let that unstable faggot form a weird little family ‼️‼️🙏🙏
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moonchildillustration · 5 months
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Sketched Sybelle again I love her 🎶
She fed messily again sorry Mariuuuuuus
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giisheree · 7 hours
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sybelle & benji + the dads that stepped up
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wretcheddoll · 4 days
Love how Lestat can literally rape a man into vampirism as he’s screaming at him to stop and people don’t bat an eye, but when Marius makes two vampires consensually against their guardian’s wishes suddenly people start crying about their GUARDIAN’S autonomy, not even their own, like cmon…
And I’m not saying Benji and Sybelle’s making isn’t a tragic scene in the moment, but like why aren’t we holding the same energy for two instances of vampire makings that were tragic in the moment but ultimately turned out “good” for the parties involved. Especially when one was much more violent and traumatic for the victim, and the other was more of a tragic inevitability.
Again I am asking why does Marius get framed as the irredeemable villain in fandom for doing something that ultimately turned out for the great or good, but with Lestat it’s like “Oop that’s just Lestat being Lestat again teehee 🤭”
Also stop using my woman (Sybelle) as fuel for your lame ass Marius hate, thank you! 😤
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manynarrators · 2 months
So reading the DM chapter and just the line “In New York they went tearing to museum openings, cafés, bars, adopted a young dancer, paying all his bills through school”, and someone please, I beg, tell me there’s a fic capitalizing on this. I need it, it’s the funniest possible dynamic. How does this dancer meet them? Entertain Armand enough to be the recipient of this act of kindness, prolonged enough for it to be all the way through? What does he do now?
All I heard about was what a Gremlin Armand was with his rats and his blenders! Is the dancer just like… hanging around the edges of their life now, sending cards at holidays? I need to know.
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ladystoneboobs · 3 months
[Sybell Westerling to Jaime:]"She would not give up the little crown the rebel gave her, and when I tried to take it from her head the willful child fought me." "It was mine." Jeyne sobbed. "You had no right. Robb had it made for me. I loved him." Her mother made to slap her, but Jaime stepped between them. [...]
Jaime had to canter past the Westerlings as he rode down the column on his way back to Riverrun. Lord Gawen nodded gravely as he passed, but Lady Sybell looked through him with eyes like chips of ice. Jeyne never saw him at all. The widow rode with downcast eyes, huddled beneath a hooded cloak. Underneath its heavy folds, her clothes were finely made, but torn. She ripped them herself, as a mark of mourning, Jaime realized. That could not have pleased her mother. 
[Jaime, to the Freys:]"Tell me, is Ser Raynald Westerling amongst these captives?" "The knight of seashells?" Edwyn sneered. "You'll find that one feeding the fish at the bottom of the Green Fork." "He was in the yard when our men came to put the direwolf down," said Walder Rivers. "Whalen demanded his sword and he gave it over meek enough, but when the crossbowmen began feathering the wolf he seized Whalen's axe and cut the monster loose of the net they'd thrown over him. Whalen says he took a quarrel in his shoulder and another in the gut, but still managed to reach the wallwalk and throw himself into the river." -Jaime VII, aFfC
And Robb. Robb who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy's loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him. -Theon I(/VII), aDwD
something just so endearing to me about the way robb finds love and friendship with the children of enemy families. their parents still consider him an enemy and work for his downfall, and it would be in their own interests not to get so emotionally involved over the guy who took their castle by force (in jeyne w. and her siblings' case) or the heir of a captor/would-be executioner (in theon's case). but it just keeps happening with robb anyway. he just replaces one enemy's offspring at his side with even more of them. sybell spicer westerling and her brother rolph were secretly still loyal to tywin, but all her kids just gladly transferred their loyalty to a new king with no apparent misgivings. well, almost all of them, we can only guess and assume in eleyna's case. (bc we don't really see her after their intro scene, jeyne's-hips-don't-lie conspiracy theorists! you will not take jeyne's best moments away from her!) robb's younger brother-in-law was so eager to squire for him he was disappointed not to join his last war march and wasn't even ready to leave robb alone with catelyn after he introduced them. jeyne refused to hide her widow's grief once robb was gone and her mother's true feelings were known to her, risking physical abuse from her mother to boldly make her true loyalty known to the lannister regime who murdered her husband and have responsibility for her future. and jeyne's other brother, raynald, he died for robb at the red wedding, no, to be precise, he died for grey wind at the red wedding. robb's direwolf may have distrusted sybell and rolph spicer, and made jeyne uneasy, pushing robb away from his lupine other half at riverrun, until only the lack of most of the westerlings got the wolf back at robb's side where he belonged on the way to the rw, but when the freys came to kill grey wind it was that westerling knight who fought to aid him. when grey wind died, possibly with robb's spirit also inside him, raynald westerling was the one there dying loyally with him.
and ofc, there's still theon too. theon, who, even after everything, after fighting against the starks at wf, so that robb spent his last months waiting to come home and kill him, after all that, he still idealizes robb as his only true brother, wishing he could have been able to die with him at the twins as raynald westerling did. (catelyn was more right than she knew when she thought jeyne's brothers were standing in for those robb had lost, theon included.) part of that is surely down to just how badly theon's conquest at wf worked out for him, earning him the enmity of all the northmen and ending in his prolonged torture by the son of robb's killer, a kingslayer who thanked theon for helping bring down the starks, all giving him cause to idealize his earlier captivity at wf (and feel guilt for his deeds there), but we know his brotherly affection for robb was not merely invented by trauma after the fact. the love was always there, even if it was hidden.
that's what made robb such a potentially good king if circumstance and youth had not been against him. his charisma was such that he not only won the undying loyalty of most of his bannermen but could also win the hearts and minds of those who should have only been enemies. sure, he couldn't change the minds of their parents, who were ultimately in charge, but that wasn't really his fault. and it doesn't nullify the love he did inspire in those children of his enemies, their love was real and it still mattered. it's true both of his sisters gained the protection of the hound, joffrey's dog, and that bran and rickon had the fierce loyalty of osha after she first met bran trying to rob him, and ofc jon snow had multiple wildling allies after he used to fight against them, but robb's the only starkling to gain the love of would-be enemies from two different enemy regions, isn't he? it's just all really indicative of robb's greatest inheritance from ned: ruling through getting to know all your people and making them care for you (with robb taking it further by extending this to hostages) as opposed to the lannister method of ruling only through fear. sansa was right that love is a surer route to people's loyalty than fear, it's just an unfortunate fact that not everyone can be won that way.
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bubblegum-blackwood · 11 months
Just for fun
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kaelio · 8 months
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this is my way of never shutting up about how sybelle and benji aren't even mentioned in Blood & Gold oh my fucking god i think about that EVERY FUCKING TIME
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atomicrebelomega · 2 months
My crazy conspiracy theory is that Daniel's "audiophile" editor is either Sybelle or Benji, who in this universe isn't turned as a child.
Even crazier theory is that they're still in contact with Armand to give him updates on Daniel as he got older.
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grace-nakimura · 2 months
sybelle de nolastname has soft girl aesthetic with pastels and probably a lisa frank notebook and always soft spoken but when she speaks she says shit like “i enjoy burning things” with the sweetest little lilt and “can we put rats in the blenders today baba” and armand has heart eyes
daniel/louis is Concerned™️
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romanticizingmurder · 6 months
Do you ever. Think about how Marius tells Mael he'll wear nice clothes even as the world ends.
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But when he thinks Armand is dead (and after) he's dressed in torn and dusty clothes.
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Because I think about it a Lot.
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nightcolorz · 1 year
Unhinged Sybelle and Benji tangent (cw references to abuse csa trauma etc)
yeah so Marius’s turning of Benji and Sybelle isn’t about whether or not that was the right decision to make and isn’t made better by their contentment living as vampires in late canon. Benji and Sybelle’s relatively happy lives as vampires are irrelevant to me. The cruelty of how he did it is made worse by the hypocritical nature of turning a kid into a vampire after so firmly insisting that turning children is morally abhorrent and smth he should’ve never done, yeah, but that’s only a small part of it.
It was so awful and upsetting to me bcus of the deliberate stripping of Armand’s agency. See, we have a whole book where Armand tells the story of how throughout his entire life and childhood he was forced into the role of submissiveness and/or dependency. whether that be his childhood religious devotion that would eventually lead to his being buried alive for God or being sold into sexual slavery or Marius’s mentorship of him that ultimately intended to teach him to stay loyal and dependent on Marius’s authority to Marius’s relationship with him sexual and otherwise to the cult indoctrination, up until Lestat comes along and tilts his own view of submission and devotion as his only way to survive and function in the world onto its head.
He gives him a theater and then he gives him Louis. Armand floats around, tries to find purpose without devotion through using Louis and Daniel as tools to understanding the modern age. The modern age to Armand is possibility and independence, things he’s never had so much access to and doesn’t know exactly how to apply to himself until the devils minion chapter when he’s like ah ok I get it, life without devotion is something I’ve always been familiar with—it’s what Marius taught me! I Am The Master now with my excessive indulgence and my Boy and my sea side paradise.
But Armand is a Void™️ with no concept of self besides a collection of concepts and experiences and people he’s been exposed to throughout his existence, so rlly he’s kind of a fraud. Internally he’s still a saint who yearns for a God to follow, he’s no Marius, and this all comes to a head in Memnoch the devil when he throws himself into the sun for Jesus etc. and so TVA Armand is mixed the fuck up, he’s lost everything he’s been building for himself, he’s like an open wound, like red and gold sand art shaken around until it’s sludges of brown.
Armand believes himself to have no coherent narrative of a life, no coherent and consistent sense of self, just a collection of unrelated sequences that he draws from to occasionally preform personhood, and at the beginning of TVA he is very much just that. No thoughts only colors and pain. But he’s trying to rebuild himself as best he can, he has these young humans who he’s caring for, and through caring Armand finds meaning.
These humans are very much reflections of himself, or who he used to be, and seeing a personhood reflected back at him through these two gives him insight into his own value as an individual, as someone who is inherently worthy of having a life. So with Benji and Sybelle he tries to rebuild his own sense of personhood by giving them what he would want in there place. The conclusion he reaches at the end of his story to David is that after everything ultimately he is learning and rebuilding, gaining fulfillment and individuality he’s never had before through his empathy and care for these two people in his life. Benji and Sybelle are representative of Armand’s healing process!!! They mirror him bcus they are him!! He’s literally nurturing his inner child!! And with that there comes self care and self love etc etc. but then the book doesn’t end!!
Then after all that trauma and all that healing everything that Armand was tenderly attempting to build for his new life is stripped away ! When Marius turns Benji and Sybelle it doesn’t matttttter that they like being vampires. What matters is that when Armand finally gained agency and individuality Marius decided to take that from him! Marius decided that he actually knew better then Armand, and if Armand would just allow him to do what’s best for him then everything would be so much better and so much easier. And when Armand starts sobbing and screaming and fighting him that’s just justification to Marius that Armand isn’t capable of independence or self sufficiency, that he’s a child throwing a tantrum who can’t make his own decisions, that he should just be dependent on Marius like he used to be and trust that other people know what’s best for him.
That’s why it’s so tragic! That’s why it’s so frustrating and so sad. Armand was on the road to healing but then Marius stormed in like the symbolic representation of his past telling him that no matter what he does or the progress he makes he’s still Armand in the catacombs, Amadeo on the red sheets, Andrei waiting to be buried alive. So I don’t really give af if ultimately Benji and Sybelle are fine! It’s great that despite being a child vampire Benji is able to function independently and contently as an adult with minimal body dysmorphia and existential dread, but you know who’s not able to do that? Armand 😭😭
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