#T. Christian Miller
redkoi1 · 2 months
We're really here for trying to help everybody reach a middle-ground with understanding...
... but i'm starting to learn why Christians really didn't like the homosexuals. And I really don't want to count ALL HOMOSEXUALS! But as a psychologically sensitive born-Christian, i'm getting really tired of hearing premises of 'getting sucked off' in my head. It's distracting. It doesn't serve any other purpose [PERSONALLY] than distracting and dampening my spirits, and the same beings don't seem to honestly give a damn. It's not my fault you're fucking gay guys. When I say I don't want to 'hear' that, it still continues. Which means it's either of two things:
'Impure sex' I need your lil' rainbow community to think about this; there's no F in the LGBTQ acronym. Stop being faggots to straight/heterosex/demi people. I'm demi. I've always went with that. I need emotional connection to experience sexual pleasure. Not 'lip smacking' going on in my god damn brain 24/7 because, "well, he just makes me horny and i like pretending i suck him off". idk how many people it could be!! but it goes on in my right ear all the time. most of the fvcking day. stop it. i might need some 'soul-help'. because you're holding us back from a utopia at this point by being so mindless and distracting. I don't care if you disregard your humanity and deny it. congratulations. that doesn't give you the green light to suck people's spirits out. you should be murdered for such type of behavior.
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dreamy-conceit · 1 year
Understanding that none of this was your fault—it was a horrible situation that was imposed on you—I wonder if there's something of value you can take from it. This might not be the last time in your life that you're misunderstood or mistrusted. I just wonder if there's a way to think about it, about how you might manage this kind of injustice, if it were to happen again.
— 'Unbelievable' (2019 miniseries), based on the Pulitzer Prize- and George Polk- Award-Winning article, 'An Unbelievable Story of Rape', about victims who were disbelieved by police.
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vertebrata13 · 2 years
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romana-after-dark · 9 months
Room's on Fire: Pilot
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist : MainTaglist
Spotify playlist
Summery: The Delta is a commune in the middle of nowhere established by Santiago's mother. Since Divine Mother's passing in a rebellion a decade ago, Santiago, known as The Pope, and his half-God brethren Francisco, Benjamin and William have ran the commune. Now it is time for them to take a collective bride to breed, to bring the savior into the world.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence.
This is not meant to be a statement about religion, Christianity, or Catholicism, this is simply my take on a cult. I am a religious person. I understand that some of this may be very offensive to religious people so if you don't like thing like AHS Asylum or Black Mass, maybe consider not reading.
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"Come on home, girl, he said with a smile You don't have to love me yet, let's get high awhile But try to understand, try to understand Try, try, try to understand That I'm a magic man." ~Magic Man, Heart.
"God dammit Benjamin, what the hell is wrong with you!”
Will smacked Ben upside the head as Frankie chided him.
Ben tried to defend himself. “Hey! You guys act like you don’t sleep with ‘em too, why are you blaming me?”
“You’re fucking a new woman every goddamn week, you have no fucking class, we’re not even supposed to be sleeping with these women,-”
Santiago’s voice, strong and comanding, broke through the bickering. “Gentlemen, please, this is not becoming behavior for Gods.”
With their leader’s command, the other three settled down, Frankie’s eyes casting away. “Sorry, Pope.”
Pushing himself off from the wall he had been leaning against, Santiago walked toward the group. “That can’t be all the options. There’s no way Benny’s made his way through every of age virgin in our compound, we have over 5 thousand people here.”
The men thought through the women they knew, the various families at the massive compound who could accomplish their task. She couldn’t just be a virgin, that was the thing.
They needed their Madonna.
Before her death, Santiago’s mother informed their group that the prophecy would not be fulfilled through Santiago, that he was not the promised savior. Instead, he was destined to lead after her passing and that Santiago, Francisco, William and Benjamin were all demi-Gods. This was a step up for the Millers and Francisco, who had spend their youths in the privileged position of foster brothers to Santiago and living under The Divine Mother’s roof and direct guidance. To Santiago, however, this was a humiliating demotion.
His childhood was never one of whimsy, growing up told that he was a God, that he was the second coming, that he was the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned… All that changed in his pre-teens. Suddenly, his mother was less pleased with him. His divinity was constantly dangled above his head. When his 20’s came and he failed to be what his mother wanted, she stripped him of his full God-hood.
So why, pray tell, were him and his fellow leaders and brethren searching for a virgin? Since Santiago had failed, they needed to father a new child. A new savior. Divine Mother’s instructions were clear; they were all to wed and breed a virgin from their compound. She was to live in their home as their wife for them to use not only whenever they wanted, but whenever they could. A sacred duty to be fruitful and multiple. It didn’t matter whose child grew in her, as long as there was a child. The world would be saved, and Santiago would earn his mothers favor from the heavens.
So, she couldn’t just be anyone. She needed to be a virgin, pure and holy. She needed to be beautiful, strong, faithful to their ways, faithful to the Divine Mother, faithful to the Pope, William, Benjamin, and Francisco.
“What about Marcus’s kid?’ Will asked, breaking their silence, causing everyone to turn to him.
Frank frowned. “You think the daughter of a traitor is the best option for the Madonna?” The sarcasm was clear. He didn’t like this plan as it was. He didn’t want strangers in their home, breaching security, putting his brothers at risk.
“That might actually be the solution to the problem.” He waited until Pope gestured for him to go on, not immediately shutting it down.
“The rebellion was when she was 12, the interrogations found she had no knowledge of her father’s plans. Ever since, she has been isolated. Lydia says she has caused no problems in the women’s home, been obedient but has no friends, no connections.”
“So you think she’s intact?”
“Santi, I doubt she’d had her first kiss.”
Since the rebellion 10 years ago, Will has set up measures to identify problems before they become something like that, and that meant keeping tabs on people. Single women lived in a few group homes throughout the compound. Each home had prefects that reported to house mothers, and house mothers that reported to Will. Anyone that was of any concern, Will checked in on, that included daughters of rebels.
“And she danced at the fire?” Pope asked, arms still crossed but listening.
Will nodded. “She did. No signs of disloyalty.”
Muttering, Frankie asked Ben if he’d slept with her in recent years.
He shook his head. “Nope. Forgot she existed.”
Frankie watched as Pope thought things through, his mouth shifting.  Frankie asked, “How are the other viable women going to take it if the daughter of a traitor is chosen above them?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Ben said, defensive of Pope. His loyalty to Santiago went above everything. “If she’s the right person, she’s chosen divinely.”
Santiago held up a hand, stopping another argument. “A redemption. She has the option to purify herself from the sins of her father through the pain of childbirth.”
“Biblical precedent…” Will murmured in agreement.
“And if she fails to produce a child, then we can say we were deceived-”
“Like Eve deceived Adam. Damn, Pope, I think it’s a winner.”
Santiago smiled at his fellow leader, clasping his hands together. “Alright, let’s go visit her, make sure she’s suitable.”
You were dead. It was over. Lydia had cleared all the other women out of the dormitory room and told you that the Pope and the other divine leaders would be coming to speak privately to you and you assumed that you had slipped up somehow and it was the end for you. You didn’t know what you possibly could have done. You never ever spoke badly about anyone, none the less your beloved leaders! You adored them all, worshipped them as they deserved, as you had Divine Mother…
Had they decided you were too much of a liability after what your father had done? How was that possible, it had been a decade… why now…
You gasp. Fransisco… he was clairvoyant… had he seen into your dream? Had he seen what you saw oh-so often, the dreams that forced you awake crying?
You prepared yourself to grovel, to beg for mercy, to plead that these dreams of fire were not what you wanted, that they tormented you. Would you forever be labeled a traitor for what your father had done? Hadn’t you proved your loyalty to The Delta?
The door opened and you dropped to your knees, silent until spoken too. You can hear Benjamin whisper a damn. The floor creaks in front of where you knelt, arms prostrated out and for a moment, everything stood still. Warm hands were on your chin, guiding you up to see him.
He was so much more stunning up close. You’d heard tales from other girls of the men, of the way they bedded them, how it was glorious, the most holy form of worship to allow them inside you… You had taken note that you had not been allowed that honor, you had accepted it as the punishment for the sins of your birth, you never thought you’d be worthy of close contact, but right now… Pope was touching your face, your chin tucked between his thumb and forefinger; his eyes were so close to yours, his plump lips keep a soft smile. “Do not be afraid, darling girl. If we are correct, you may outshine us all.”
“But it is, of course, your choice.”
Your choice…
This phrase was preceded by the reminder that if you said no, there would be no savior.
There was no choice.
“I am a servant to my lords.”
Santiago smiled at that. “Excellent. Now, let’s begin the inspection.”
The what?
“Oh… is it… I swear I am a virgin, I’ve never been touched-”
“I know.” Francisco said. Oh, right. Clairvoyant. “We need to make sure you’re… healthy.”
“Oh. Yes, of course then.”
Francisco undressed you, his calm demeanor and soothing touch eased you as he slowly stripped you of your clothing. He pulled the loose shirt over your body as you raised your hands, the pail bra underneath had a lot of coverage (everything was meant to be practical) but you still felt exposed.
“Just down to her underwear, Francisco.” Will instructed as he watched. Will was a healer, that was his gift.
Francisco pulled down your pants slowly, and you feel eyes scaling you.
“Strip her down fully, Frank.” Ben tells Francisco, and you jolt when you feel his hands on the bare skin on your hips.
Francisco sighs, but Will puts his foot down. “She doesn’t need to be naked, this is invasive enough as it is”
Ben gave a short laugh. “More invasive than fucking her.”
“BEN!” All three of them shouted, discomfort and fears coursing through your body.
“Pope, she’s shaking.” Francisco asserts with his hands on your shoulders and you watch Pope give Ben a look.
“You behave, your brother knows what he’s doing.” He turns to Will, jerking his head at you. “Handle it.”
Will approaches you, his hands on your face. He holds you different than Pope, more firm, more all-encompassing. Will’s hands were larger, and he placed them at the side of your head, like he was holding you together. “Hey, it’s alright. It’s like a medical examination, okay?”
You nod within his grasp. “Okay.”
He smiled at you. “Good girl. I’m going to touch you, just stand there and take it. Trust me.”
You did. You’d follow him anywhere if he spoke like that. His hands move down your neck, slowly over your shoulders and down your arms, sending a chill through your body. He squeezed your hands. “Doing so good princess. Gonna check your backside now, can you straighten up for me?” You square your shoulders as he walks around, towering over you. You lock eyes with Ben; he looks hungry, like he’s ready to pounce but smiling at you with his boyish charm you can’t help wonder what that pounce would feel like. Ben had slept with almost every girl in your dormitory, and you’d been privy to all kinds of colorful descriptions as you overheard girls talking. Not to you. Never to you.
Will rubbed his hands together and breathed on them to aid the warmth before placing his fingertips at the top-most part of your back. Slowly, he dragged 8 fingers down, applying pressure, sending a tingling down your spine as his fingers traced it. “Excellent posture, just need to check a few things.” His hands went back up, fingers bracing at your sides as his thumbs searched certain spots, rubbing over aching parts of you with pressure, but not pain.
“Got a few knots.” Will comment’s, and you turn slight back towards him, suddenly scared.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, no. Nothing to worry about. Just means you’re stressed. It hurt there sometimes?”
He continued massaging you, your next words coming out with a moan. “Yeah.”
“I know it does, sweet girl. Don’t you worry, I’ll help you take care of that. You will be my wife, after all.”
The thought brings a small smile to your face. The smile falters when his hands wrap around your front, William’s body pressed up against your back. His hands are pressing into your stomach, making their way up until he cups your breast, a small groan escaping his mouth that had somehow found its way into your hair.
“She likes that.” You here Ben say, drawing your attention, his grin made you swell with pride. You’d spoken with him before; Benjamin knew all the women. Still, he never chose you to bed and you had thought you weren’t appealing but now, now you see it. Now, as Ben began to touch himself over his pants as he watched his brother examine your body, you realize you were meant for a higher purpose. You were being saved, protected, put on a pedestal for this moment, to be the mother of their child, to be their Madonna.
Will continued him ministrations, soft grunts as he ground his hips into your ass. You can se his eyes are locked in with Pope. Pope, is watching the scene with hooded eyes and parted lips. With a soft but powerful moan, Will stilled behind you, panting a soft kiss on your neck before his fingertips trails your panty line. “Now, for the vaginal exam.”
All the pleasure you felt stops, your body freezing up again. “B-but, you said I wouldn’t-”
William turned you around to face him. “I have to check out your privates, gotta make sure you’re safe. It’s just me, it’s just external, don’t worry. We’ll face away.” He knelt down.
You were acutely aware your ass was still out for the other men when you heard Ben groan when your underwear is pulled down, the distinct sound of him summoning Francisco, who had been quiet so far, and the unzipping of pants.
“Goddamn…” He says, notching your legs so they spread and lifting one foot so it is resting on his bent knee. He touched your sensitive skin. “Pope, you gotta see this… the girls wet.”
“But-” I wanted to protest that he had said it would only be him, but there was no point. Soon, you’d be married, and they be able to have you as much as they wanted.
“Holy shit, she’s dripping…” Pope marvels as the slick running down your thighs.
Will continues prodding at you, fingers running through your glistening folds. In the background was a sound you couldn’t quiet pinpoint, and something that sounded like kissing, but who would be kissing? There was only Ben and Francisco there. Will dips his finger slightly inside your hole, making you gasp.
“Careful.” Pope warned. “She needs to stay intact.”
“I know.” Will groans. “But she’s so fucking tight, Pope.”
A muffled but strong groan behind you, and Pope looks like he’s about to fall apart when he pulls away.
“William, Franisco, Ben. Go to Lydia, tell her the wedding will be at her next ovulation.”
The men reluctantly made their exit leaving Pope alone in the room with you. He pulled up your underwear and pants before helping you back into your shirt. “You are perfect.” He grabbed your face again, pinching your chin and guiding you to look up at him. “Pack only personal items. You’ll have new clothing, everything will be taken care of. From now on, as long as you are what we need you to be, whatever you need, you’ll have.”
He leans in and you open your mouth to him, beautifully alluring, gifting him your first kiss and the spark was ignited. He was everything now.
“My Madonna.”
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WE'RE LIVE! So excited to do this, I was a little too excited, I didn't wait until january like i said lol. After this I'm gonna try and finish Blessed be the Fruit and Awakening before going forward which shouldnt be long
Special thanks to my BELOVED @hon3yboy for encouraging me so fucking hard with this series!!! she is so wonderful and has written great work including WEREWOLF MARC SPECTOR!!!!
How to keep up with the story!
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if I missed you LMK!!!!
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syd-djarin · 11 months
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Sugar, Spice & Please Fuck Me Nice (neighbor!joel AU)
chapter two: sex and candy
*18+ minors DNI*
tags: mentions of anxiety, religious shame/guilt, reader being insecure, mentions of (negative) past sexual experiences and partners, brief mention of alcohol consumption, v fingering, oral (f receiving) joel is a cunnilinguist, 2000’s nostalgia, mentions of the patriarchy (booooo)  squirting (sue me),  Joel-Land™️™️™️
reader has hair that she fidgets with, "grows warm" /"cheeks burning" but not necessarily blushing, with embarrassment - minor edits to make this more inclusive for my readers <3
word count: ~4.5k
Author/s notes: Sorry it took longer to get ch. 2 out than I anticipated. I've had a lot going on in my personal life (I got a new job!) But I promise it won't be as long for ch. 3 hehe. this is a lengthy chapter, hope y'all enjoy!!
had to name reader's bestie after my dear friend @katiexpunk <3 thanks for always letting me run ideas by you and being a peach in general.
and thank you to @softiedingo for being a beta reader as well <333
It has been two weeks since you introduced yourself to Joel and Sarah. You hate to admit it, but you haven’t been able to stop thinking about Joel. Your mind will stay preoccupied temporarily, then they circle back to him. 
Throwing clothes in the washer? Joel. 
Boiling water for pasta? Joel. 
Doing the dishes? Joel. 
In the shower? Yep, definitely Joel. 
And this morning is no different. 
You’re staring at yourself in your bathroom mirror, brushing your teeth, mind deep into Joel-Land, then your thoughts take a sharp turn - for the worst. You’re thinking about all of your past sexual encounters. 
How unsatisfying and selfish your past partners were. You hadn’t been romantically involved with any of your past partners, all of them casual-no-strings-attached type of arrangements. 
Even if the sex was casual, did that mean the pleasure had to be one-sided? Of course not. 
However, after each encounter you found yourself feeling disappointed, and truthfully, it made you feel…..icky. Was it religious shame? Even though you don’t participate or believe in any religion anymore, your formative years were spent in a conservative, Christian church; where sex is bad, and sin is bad. And you don’t want to be bad, because you will go to hell. You don’t even believe in hell, yet, there is a small voice in your head that still worries about eternal damnation. Jeez, I should really see a therapist about that.  
 Perhaps it’s the misogyny and sexism, rampant and hard-wired into society and into mind’s since the beginning of time. 
Your internal theological and philosophical debate gives you a throbbing headache. 
It’s Friday. Halloween falls on a Tuesday this year, so most Halloween celebrations would occur this weekend. 
If you were still in college, you’d most likely attend a costume party at a frat party and drink until the sun came up. These days, you don’t recover from hangovers as easily and find the anxiety spiral that follows a night of drinking to be too debilitating so you’re planning on keeping it chill this year. 
You’re pouring out a bag of candy into a bowl, so candy is easily accessible for your sweet tooth cravings when you hear a strong, loud cluster of knocks at your front door. 
Knock. Knock. Knock-knock. 
Shaking off your initial startling from the sudden knocks, you open your front door to find Joel. He’s leaning his shoulder on the doorframe, one half of his body bears all his weight. He swiftly straightens upright again when you greet him. He looks even more handsome from the last time you saw him. He’s wearing dark wash jeans that accentuate his body in the most delectable way and a black t-shirt with a faded MILLER CONSTRUCTION graphic that is just barely legible. 
You have the urge to steal the well-worn shirt so you can sleep in it, relish his scent, and let it become a metaphorical embrace of Joel. 
Fuck, I really am down bad, you internally scold yourself to come back to the present moment. 
“Joel! Ho-how are you?” you manage to creak out through nerves and surprise. 
His beautiful, dark brown eyes are staring right into yours. His eyes could compel you to do anything. 
“I’m doin’ alright, you?” The word ‘alright’ is drawn out making it sound like “awllll-right”
“Can’t complain. Y’all settling in okay?” tilting your head unconsciously, as if to convey genuinity.  
“Oh yeah, ‘s a nice neighborhood. Sarah seems to be enjoyin’ her new school, I was a lil worried she’d have a hard time but she’s a smart kid and gets along with pretty much everyone. Awful silly of me to worry in the first place…” he’s rambling, hands moving at the same pace as his speech. 
You find his rambling to be cute, it’s a bit of a juxtaposition from his strong, demanding presence. 
Joel realizes he’s nervous after he concludes his tangent. When’s the last time he felt nervous around women? Especially a sweet, non-threatening woman like you? 
“Anywho, I came over to uh- ask you somethin’... Sarah liked your cookies so much she wants to learn how to make them herself and was wondering if you’d teach her?”
“I’d love to!” You shoot him a flattered smile,  learning that Sarah wanted you to teach her to bake makes your heart sing.
Joel is amazed at you. You agreed to teach a twelve year old, one who you hardly know, to bake. He shouldn’t be surprised given your sweet demeanor and generous heart, but he’s in awe of you. 
“You sure? I mean, you obviously don’t have to if you don’t want—”
“Joel, I’d be honored to. Send her over in an hour,” you cut him off, hoping to convey your delight in teaching someone else to bake, the same way your grandma did for you. 
Joel can’t stop the shit-eating grin that appears on his face. 
“Sounds good. I’ll send her your way, sweetheart,” he lingers just for a moment to watch your reaction to the nickname, the one he’s used twice. 
You desperately try to keep your composure cool and collected, but you’ve never had a good poker face. You wear your emotions like an accessory. And right now, you are flustered. You divert your attention to the ground as if looking into his eyes would expose your every thought. 
“O-okay!” You can barely stammer out a response before he is pivoting off your porch, back to his own house. 
You can’t see it with his back turned to you, but Joel is smirking to himself and feeling amused at his effect on you. 
“You sure you don’t want me to go with you?”
“Yes, dad. I don’t need a chaperone to bake cookies. I’m a big girl now, remember?”
Yes, he is acutely aware that she is a big girl now. Well, not really, to him she will always be his baby girl, but that doesn’t stop her from growing up. Too fast for his liking. The idea of her becoming a teenager almost gives him a coronary. It won’t be long before she’s driving, then graduating, and college. What if she wants to attend a school in another state? Across the country? 
He feels queasy at that thought, afraid that she will grow out of thinking her dad is the coolest, afraid that she doesn’t want to spend time with her old man anymore. 
He wills himself to think about something else. Anything else. Inevitably his thoughts wander to you. 
Joel hates to admit it, but he was hoping to join Sarah for the baking lesson. He wants an excuse to be in your radiant, sweet, beautiful presence again. 
While you can’t stop thinking about him, he can’t stop thinking about you. 
Driving home from work? You. 
Making dinner? You. 
Making his morning coffee? You. 
Laying in bed? Oh, yeah. Definitely you. 
Exactly one hour passes when Sarah arrives at your house. You’ve already set up in your kitchen in preparation; already pre-measured the ingredients, setting out all the necessary baking equipment and you even found a spare apron for Sarah to wear. Ya know, to give her the full experience. 
“Oooh, this apron makes me feel like a professional!” Sarah exclaims after tying the strings on her designated apron. 
“Well, after this, you will be.”
You can’t remember the last time you felt this much joy. Sharing a passion of yours with someone who is eager to learn from you delights your heart and soul in a way you didn’t know you needed until now. 
“So first, we’ll need to combine the butter and sugar,” Sarah dumps the butter and sugar into the mixing bowl. “Great, now we want to beat the mixture until it looks fluffy.” 
She is completely engrossed in watching for the desired texture, furrowing her brows together in a way that mimics Joel. You find it adorable. 
“Excellent, now we are going to add in the eggs and vanilla extract.” 
She follows your instructions to a T, meticulous and concentrated as if she were mixing hazardous chemicals in a lab. 
“You’re doing great.  Now let’s add our dry ingredients, half of it at a time.” 
Her eyes light up when it’s time to fold in the chocolate chips. You both agree it’s the best part, both of you indulging in a few before adding them to the dough. 
You assist Sarah in rolling the dough into little balls and placing them onto the baking sheet. 
While waiting for the cookies to bake, you learn more about Sarah and Joel. She tells you about their old house, the camping trip they went on this past summer, the catchy pop songs on the radio that Joel will pretend to hate but she catches him humming the tune later, how Joel makes a big breakfast for the two of them every Sunday, a ritual they started when Sarah started school - he makes pancakes just for her. 
Getting a snapshot of Joel and Sarah’s lives and their dynamic makes your mega crush on Joel that much bigger. From what Sarah has shared with you, he seems like a caring, protective yet fun dad. You’re aching to learn everything about him. 
“Do you have any plans for Halloween?” Sarah asks as you’re pulling the baking sheet out of the oven. 
“Oh um, I usually just hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Nothing super exciting. What about you?”
“We always order pizza and watch a scary movie - nothing super scary though. We dress up too. Well, I dress up but dad thinks he is too cool to do that so he wears the same boring mask every year,” she has a mischievous grin on her face, concocting a plan when she asks, “do you want to come over and join us?” 
On one hand you’d love nothing more than to spend more time with your new friend and Joel, but on the other hand the thought of being in the same room as Joel, in his house, makes you both anxious and aroused. Dizzy, nervous, and horny makes for an unpleasant combination. 
Gaining a sliver of bravery, you swallow your apprehension and say yes. 
“Sure, yeah, what time should I come over?”
“6:30. And you better wear a costume!”
You’ve spent the past hour trying to put a costume together. Not making any progress, you decide to seek external advice - your best friend Katie. 
You both met as freshman and have been close friends ever since, even rooming together in your first off-campus apartment. She moved to the West Coast shortly after graduation, though you still keep in touch via email and phone. You give her the scoop on Joel - him moving into the neighborhood, your gigantic crush on him, how you baked cookies with Sarah yesterday. She’s impatiently waiting for you to bone your hot neighbor. Girl, I’m waiting too. 
“Do you still have that bunny costume you wore junior year?”
You rummage through your tote of seasonal clothing in search of said costume. Pulling it out, you now realize just how skimpy the costume really is. Bunny ears and a tail paired with a skin tight black bodysuit leaves virtually nothing to the imagination and definitely too much skin for this occasion. 
“Dude, I can’t wear this! His daughter will be there! I can’t believe I wore this out in public. This is X-Rated,” you’re growing agitated in having no success in your costume, to the point that you are tempted to tell Sarah you came down with something so you don’t have to go. 
“Okay, okay, the ears and tail are still salvageable. Do you have something besides the bodysuit?”
“Ummm…” you trail off into the phone, frantically searching for something to replace the risque bodysuit. You find a plain white baby tee amongst the sea of clothing, deciding you can pair it with your favorite jeans, the ones that accentuate your body in all the right places. 
“This could work..” muttering to yourself when a devious thought pops into your head. White shirt, no bra. 
“Found it! Gotta go, loveyoubye!” You hang up the call before Katie has a chance to respond, tossing your pink Razr on your bed. Your body hums in anticipation and jitters, feeling emboldened by your no bra plot. 
After throwing on your outfit, you style your hair differently than you normally do. You add several coats of mascara to your lashes, sweep on some blush that complements your skin and add a sparkly lip gloss to your lips, making them appear extra plump and juicy. 
You grab a bag of Halloween candy and you practically skip across the street. Reaching the front door of your new bestie and her gorgeous dad, your confidence is replaced with a furious ball of anxiety. Your heart is palpitating and you feel your stomach churn. 
 Would Joel think you looked stupid? Or worse, childish? Fuck, you should’ve stayed home. 
Joel opening the door snaps you out of your thought spiral but only briefly, because he’s staring at you like you’ve started growing extra limbs. He looks both puzzled and pissed? 
“What uh-what’re you doing here?” 
His voice has a sharpness you haven’t heard before and it stings. 
You have a moment of realization. 
Sarah didn’t run the invitation by her dad.
 You deduct that he isn’t a fan of surprises. 
Before you can formulate a response, Sarah saves you from having to do so. 
“You dressed up! I’m glad you came,” she squeals while wrapping her arms around your middle in an embrace. 
She looks up at Joel from where she’s latched onto you and gives her confused dad an explanation. 
“Dad, it’s okay, I invited her.” 
That seems to alleviate his confusion. You, on the other hand, not so much. You’re internally screaming at yourself. It’s obvious to you that Joel wasn’t expecting you, and in conclusion, doesn’t want you here. 
“I didn’t mean to impose, I—I’m sorry, I’ll uh— just go back home,” fighting back tears of embarrassment, looking everywhere except at Joel.  You think now is a superb time to move across the country, change your name, dye your hair, somewhere far away from this humiliation. 
Joel senses you’re feeling rejected in some way.
“No, no, come on in. Jus’ wasn’t expectin’ you s’all,” he gives you his most reassuring smile. 
You swallow the lump of emotions in your throat. 
He didn’t expect you to come over, nor did he expect you’d show up as his personal version of a Playboy bunny.  He almost busted in his jeans when he could see your nipples through your very thin white t-shirt. He thinks you’re trying to kill him. 
You’re starting to relax once you three settle on the couch, Sarah nestling between you and Joel, Alien on the TV. Turns out, you and Joel share a love for the film. You may or may not have gotten into a heated (playful) debate about the other films in the franchise.
Joel gets an influx of trick-or-treaters, more than you usually get, residents of the neighborhood taking advantage of this opportunity to be nosy. Again. 
In between costume clad visitors, you sneak glances at Joel, who looks absolutely scrumptious tonight. His hair had been damp and combed back when you arrived, his curls now almost dry and in all their glory. He’s wearing an obviously well-loved, faded Pearl Jam concert tee that clings to his arms and grey sweatpants that sit dangerously low on his hips. You wonder if all his shirts fit like that. When he stands, you can see the outline of his dick through his sweatpants.  You have to manually restrain yourself from pouncing on him. You’re soaking through your panties and you’re a little worried that if you stand, the seat beneath you will be soaked too. 
The scent of his body wash invades your nostrils, a heavenly mix of sandalwood and cinnamon. You’re imagining yourself running your hands through his hair and burying your nose into his neck, alternating between kissing and sucking on the skin there. You want to taste every inch of his skin, taking your time to savor him. 
Joel’s stealing glances at you, too. He’s never seen someone look so sweet and seductive, divine even. You smell warm and sweet, amber and vanilla. Not the artificial, manufactured type vanilla scent, it’s like vanilla straight from the bean. When you readjust your position on the couch to get more comfortable, your tits lightly bounce, unrestrained by a bra. He has to stifle a groan, disguising it as a cough. He wonders how much they’d bounce if you were riding his cock. Your lips are absolutely sinful. Pouty and plump, juicy from the lip gloss. The bunny ears are the nail in his coffin. He’s picturing you bent over on his couch, still wearing the bunny ears as he devours your pussy from behind. 
Only a quarter of the way through the movie, a few of Sarah’s friends from her old school pop in to invite her over for an impromptu sleepover to which Joel agrees to, since they no longer go to school together. 
Which means you and Joel are left alone. Together. Your body is aching to close space between you and the man you’re enamored with. You don’t know that Joel is itching to do the same. 
“Sarah couldn’t stop talkin’ bout yesterday. She loved hangin’ out with ya, thanks again for doin’ that.”
“She’s welcome to come over anytime. She’s a sweet kid,” you’re beaming at the fact she enjoyed baking with you. Joel notices the way your eyes gleam, overflowing with delight.
You finally have the courage to meet his eyes. The way his eyes are raking over your entire body makes your clit throb in anticipation. Your heartbeat is erratic, thumping loudly in your ears. 
The energy in the room is magnetic, pulling you and Joel closer together. 
“You can uh-scoot closer t’me if ya want,” he gruffs out, beckoning you to scoot closer to him. Joel wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but you make him feel like a flustered teenage boy about to kiss a girl for the first time. 
You scoot closer to Joel, hoping he doesn’t notice your body trembling from nerves. 
With your body flush next to his, he stretches one of his toned arms behind your head, resting it on the back of the couch. You can feel the warmth radiating from his body and it sends a shiver down your spine, straight to your aching core. 
The tension in the air is palpable, both of your bodies buzzing in arousal. You’re both pretending to watch the movie in front of you, but your minds are elsewhere. He gently removes his arm from the couch and rests it across your shoulders. It’s a seemingly innocuous gesture, but its impact makes you clench around nothing, more arousal dripping into your panties. 
He leans his head down close to yours, his mouth behind your ear.
“No bra? You’re a naughty lil bunny aren’t ya?” His hot breath tickles your ear, your eyes clamp shut involuntarily and you whimper. A high-pitched, whiny whimper, and Joel’s never heard anything sweeter. 
He places his other large palm on your thigh, gently squeezing it. Your skin prickling in goosebumps and your nipples are hard enough to cut glass. The wetness pooled in your panties is beyond the point of comfort. 
Joel presses a chaste kiss behind your ear, eliciting another whimper from you. He peppers kisses from your neck all the way to your collarbones.
“This okay?” 
“Mhmmm…”  You’re already so keyed up you feel hazy. Your whole body feels hot, lit aflame by Joel’s lips on your skin.  
“You gonna be a good girl for me?” he rasps while his hand is caressing your thigh, intentionally not too close to where you want him. Need him. 
“Mhmmm,” you moan, still unable to form words, arousal taking over all of your bodily functions. 
“Need you to use your words, honey.” He squeezes your thigh again.
He pulls his face back from your neck to look you in the eyes, and slows his movements on your thigh so you can tell him to back off or give him the green light to continue. You grab his hand on your thigh and squeeze it, to keep him from removing it. 
“Joel, pleeease. Want it so bad. Need you so fuckin’ bad.” 
You beg in the most sultry voice you can muster, emphasizing every syllable. 
Your lust laden eyes and the way you mewl for him ignites something ravenous, primal, carnal in him. He hasn’t heard you cuss before and it sounds so filthy in your honeyed voice.  His rock hard cock twitches in his pants. 
He presses his plush lips against yours. It’s hesitant at first, but his apprehension dissipates when you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back with fervor. Joel deepens the kiss, one hand gripping your hip, the other hand splayed between your shoulder blades, pressing your body further into his. You tangle one of your hands in his luscious curls. He tastes like sweet peppermint and a hint of black coffee. You feel dizzy, tasting him, finally feeling him. 
He breaks the kiss, guiding you to lie down on your back and props your head up on one of the couch armrests. 
He’s looking down at you and he’s never seen anything more beautiful. You’re always pretty, effortlessly so. But seeing you underneath him, sweet and desperate for him? He’d do anything you ask him to.
“You’re the prettiest lil bunny. So fuckin’ pretty.”
You’re bashful under his gaze and his compliment, cheeks burning. 
Joel notices you trying to shy away and he places a thumb under your chin, forcing you to keep looking at him. 
Now you feel embarrassed for trying to shy away in the first place.
“Sorry I’m—”
“Nothing to ‘pologize for, sweetheart,” he’s caressing your chin with his thumb, alleviating all of the embarrassment from you.
“Wanna taste you. You’ve no idea how bad I’ve wanted to taste you. Needed to know if you were as sweet as your cookies.”
“Oh, fuck,” you breathe out, “yes - yes please, taste me, Joel”
He chuckles softly at your enthusiasm and promptly rids you of your jeans, making the leather of the couch feel cool to the back of your thighs. 
Joel lets out a guttural moan when he sees your sky blue satin panties soaked through. He runs a finger over the damp spot, making you quiver. His touch is featherlight and it’s maddening. You’re squirming, hips lifting off the couch, chasing for more. 
He obliges, running a finger over your clit with added pressure. 
“Joel, please–” You’re a whiny mess under him, and he’s just getting started. He’s rubbing gentle circles over your bud, still-panty clad. 
He presses a kiss on your belly, just below your navel. The tenderness makes your body shudder.
He finally removes your panties and you gasp when the cool air hits your throbbing pussy. 
“Pretty girl with a pretty pussy to match.” Joel’s admiring the way your pussy is glistening for him, begging to be touched. 
He runs a finger through your drenched seam, your juices dripping onto his thick digit. He licks his finger, then shoves it into his mouth so he can taste every drop. His eyes clamp shut, groaning at how you taste. You commit the image to memory, not wanting to forget how he looks and sounds when he tastes you for the first time.
“Knew you’d taste sweet. So fuckin’ sweet.” 
Your brain short circuits when you realize that means he’s thought about this before. That he’s imagined how you’d taste. Picturing him fantasizing about you makes you light-headed. 
Joel spreads your legs wider, giving him full access to your pussy. He dives in without warning, licking from entrance up to your clit.
“Fuck, Joel!” You hoarsely shout with one hand gripping the couch cushion and one tugging onto Joel’s messy curls. His beard scratches the sensitive skin of your pussy as you grind your hips into his mouth, desperate for release. 
 You see stars while he expertly alternates between flicking his tongue and sucking on your clit. He’s keeping a steady rhythm, on the slower side, taking his time pleasuring you. He’s enjoying this.
Obscene sounds fill the room; Joel devouring your pussy like it’s the Last Supper and your chorus of moans and expletives. 
“Fuck, don’t stop, don’t you fucking stop!”
He picks up the pace, your fingers cramping from their deathgrip on the couch. You feel your peak approaching - sweat beading on your forehead, chest heaving, head thrown back in ecstasy. 
Joel senses your approaching release and pushes one of his thick, dexterous fingers into your weeping hole. 
He reaches for your hand that’s tangled in his hair and intertwines your fingers with his, resting your connected hands on your inner thigh. It’s overwhelming; the intimacy of your interlocked fingers paired with the filthy onslaught of his mouth. 
He speeds up as he adds another finger, hitting the spot that no one except you has reached before. You never knew it could feel this amazing. You thought you were doomed to a life of bad sex. 
Apparently, you just needed Joel to show you differently. And you are so glad he proved you wrong. 
Joel hooks his fingers inside you bringing you closer and closer to that peak you’ve been dying to reach. You’re squeezing his fingers, both the ones inside you and the ones interlaced with yours. 
“Joel I-I’m close,” you manage to choke out, mind foggy from the intense pleasure. 
He sucks on your clit, hard and you’re coming, entering a euphoric plane of existence. You’re floating, body trembling, coming harder than you’ve ever come before. 
Joel slows his fingers and removes his mouth from your pussy, beard glistening with your release, gently bringing you back to reality. He keeps your fingers locked with his, grounding you in the present.
The orgasmic fog clears from your brain, regaining awareness of your surroundings when you feel how drenched your lower half is. Like, really drenched. You lift your head from the armrest and look down and you’re appalled by the scene. 
You fucking squirted. Everywhere. 
On yourself, on the couch, on Joel. His beard is soaked completely, to the point it’s dripping down his chin. He’s just as stunned as you are. 
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, fuck I-” you’re scrambling to get off the couch and Joel grabs your arm, stopping you in your tracks. 
“What’re you sorry for? That was so fuckin’ hot, sweetheart.” 
“I-I didn’t know I could do that…”
“Oh yeah? First time ever squirtin’?
“Yeah, the first time anyone else has made me come… like, ever.” 
His gaze goes dark. 
You get the feeling that he’s just getting started with you. 
And just like your cookies, he’d never have enough. 
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before this goes any further, I want it on the record that you all asked for this.
my first and most petty point: Midnight Mass gets basic details about Catholicism wrong, such that even I (not a Catholic) twigged them. The big one is that Catholics DON'T HAVE MIDNIGHT MASS FOR EASTER - it's a Christmas thing - but since the priest holding the mass is also a vampire, I can accept that he's going off-book. I have a harder time with them holding a PICNIC for ASH WEDNESDAY, aka THE DAY LENT STARTS, aka the day everyone starts fasting and are therefore not snacking on a potluck. It's a minor thing, and normally I wouldn't pick at it, but since this show ostensibly revolves around Catholic doctrine, it bears mentioning.
on a writing level, not one single character in this show talks like a human being. or acts like one. I couldn't give you any information about who these characters are as people, because they're not people, they're mouthpieces for Flanagan to impart his ideas to the audience. He is both deeply in love with his own writing and entirely unconvinced that his audience is smart enough to Get It, so he has his actors turn to the audience and lay it all out. Not only is this bad writing on a character level, it brings all plot and tension to a screeching halt whenever it happens. The most unintentionally hilarious instance of this has to be when Annabeth Gish comes to the sheriff to tell him that the church is being run by a vampire and her mother is aging in reverse, and his response is to start rambling about where he was on 9/11. Like. Nothing about this makes sense, and also why should we care when it has fuckall to do with the story?
(as regards the sheriff character: I, a white Quaker, am not the person to critique this show's handling of Islam. But I will say that Flanagan doesn't seem to have a clear idea what he wants to communicate: the overarching plot is antitheistic, in a very r/atheism sort of way ("WHAT IF THE SACRAMENT WAS VAMPIRE BLOOD" ooh wow didja cut yourself on that edge there, buddy) but Flanagan has no idea how to balance that with the precepts of any religion that isn't Christianity while also maintaining his broadly liberal bona fides, so it all sits very uneasily next to the church plot. I'm not advocating for the show to go full Christopher Hitchens, but I am saying that if Flanagan wants to posit that faith is a mass delusion and a net detriment to any community formed around it . . . he needs to either focus only on Christian characters or be willing to engage with how other religions function in society, because as is, the storyline with the sheriff and his son just peters out into nothing.)
but the thing that made me angriest - that took me from "this is so boring and pretentious and badly written" to "oh FUCK this guy and the horse he rode in on -" was the titular midnight mass. It is very overtly inspired by the Jonestown massacre, which a lot of horror media does, but what it fails to account for is that the members of the People's Temple did not voluntarily kill themselves. I know "drink the kool-aid" has entered the popular lexicon as shorthand for "blindly following a leader," but extensive testimony from Jonestown survivors - not to mention the death tape, which is available online if you really want to ruin your day - all confirms that the people who died that day were forced to drink poison at gunpoint, after years of brutal abuse from Jones and his inner circle. And even after all of that, people fought back. And not outsiders - people who had been in the Temple for years and wholeheartedly believed in the mission that had lead them to Guyana in the first place. (Christine Miller was a fucking hero and she deserves to be remembered for it.) Jonestown was not lemmings going off a cliff, and any serious take on the story would involve reckoning with that - that these people believed in a higher power and also believed that they had a right to live despite what Jones told them. But that would contradict Flanagan's point of "religion is dumb, WAKE UP SHEEPLE," so instead he borrows the iconography of a truly horrific tragedy and disrespects the victims by implicitly representing them as dumb, brainwashed cult members who eagerly toss back poison because they think sky daddy wants them to. He has so little respect for the subjects he's portraying, and the real people whose deaths he is copying for shock value, that he doesn't care about the inner lives of anyone whose beliefs might demonstrate that faith is more nuanced than his screed would have you believe.
There are good horror properties out there that are critical of religion and society - The Medium, which we posted about a few days ago, is one. The Witch is another. So is The Sudbury Devil. Hell, you could go back to the sixties with Witchfinder General. Religion - especially socially dominant religions like Christianity in the west - can and should be critiqued. But Midnight Mass is too sloppily written to be a critique of anything besides, accidentally, how far Mike Flanagan's head is shoved up his ass.
Anyway, that's why mod L doesn't like Midnight Mass. I did warn you.
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bogusfilth · 10 months
Before 1999, bribes were deductible as business expenses under the German tax code, and paying off a foreign official was not a criminal offense. In such an environment, Siemens officials subscribed to a straightforward rule in pursuing business abroad, according to one former executive. They played by local rules.
At Siemens, Bribery Was Just a Line Item -- Siri Schubert and T. Christian Miller, New York Times
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in February 2024
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
❤️ We Ate the Dark by Mallory Pearson 🧡 The Paper Boys by D.P. Clarence 💛 Skater Boy by Anthony Nerada 💚 Your Shadow Half Remains by Sunny Moraine 💙 A Vicious Game by Melissa Blair 💜 Clarion Call by Cayla Fay ❤️ Relit: 16 Latinx Remixes of Classic Stories edited by Sandra Proudman 🧡 The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Pacton 💛 Truthfully, Yours by Caden Armstrong 💙 Outsider by Jade du Preez 💜 Cross My Candy Heart by A.C. Thomas 🌈 The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett
❤️ An Education in Malice by S. T. Gibson 🧡 The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Ann Older 💛 Never a Bridesmaid by Spencer Greene 💚 The Rewind by Nicole Stiling 💙 Good Christian Girls by Elizabeth Bradshaw 💜 The Fox Maidens by Robin Ha ❤️ The Terrible by Tessa Crowley 🧡 Blood Rage by Ileandra Young 💛 Call of the Sea by Emily B. Rose 💙 Sign Me Up by C.H. Williams 💜 Ways and Means by Daniel Lefferts 🌈 Peaceful in the Dark by A.A. Fairview
❤️ We Are Only Ghosts by Jeffrey L. Richards 🧡 Dead Ringer by Robyn Nyx 💛 Somacultural Liberation by Dr. Roger Kuhn 💚 Stormbringer by Erinn Harper 💙 A Saga of Shields & Shadows by A.J. Shirley 💜 Ghost Town by R.E. Ward ❤️ I Heard Her Call My Name by Lucy Sante 🧡 The Night Alphabet by Joelle Taylor 💛 Remedial Magic by Melissa Marr 💙 Bloom by N.R. Walker 💜 Entwined by Alex Alberto 🌈 Queer Newark edited by Whitney Strub
❤️ Tristan by Jesse Roman 🧡 How to Live Free in a Dangerous World by Shayla Lawson 💛 Daniel, Deconstructed by James Ramos 💚 Of Socialites & Prizefights by Arden Powell 💙 Lost Harbor by Kimberly Cooper Griffin 💜 Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair by Laura Piper Lee ❤️ Bunt! Striking Out on Financial Aid by Ngozi Ukazu & Mad Rupert 🧡 How You Get the Girl by Anita Kelly 💛 Blackmailer’s Delight by David Lawrence 💙 Tile M for Murder by Felicia Carparelli 💜 Impulse Buy by Jae 🌈 Live for You, Die With You by Kalob Dàniel
❤️ Fairest of All by A.D. Ellis 🧡 Goddess of the Sea by Britney Jackson 💛 A Taste of Earth by Nico Silver 💚 The Moorings of Mackerel Sky by M.Z. Emily Zack 💙 How the Boogeyman Became a Poet by Tony Keith 💜 V is for Valentine by Thomas Grant Bruso ❤️ Crushed Ice by Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James 🧡 When Tomorrow Comes by D. Jackson Leigh 💛 Bugsy & Other Stories by Rafael Frumkin 💙 The White and Blue Between Us by Kiyuhiko 💜 Guide Us Home by CF Frizzell & Jesse J. Thoma 🌈 The Friendship Study by Ruby Barrett
❤️ Infinity Alchemist by Kacen Callender 🧡 Heart2Heart edited by Annabeth Albert 💛 No Time Like Now by Naz Kutub 💚 Bless the Blood by Walela Nehanda 💙 Vengeance Planning for Amateurs by Lee Winter 💜 Who We Are in Real Life by Victoria Koops ❤️ Prove It by Stephanie Hoyt 🧡 Mewing by Chloe Spencer 💛 Awakenings by Claudie Arseneault 💙 Born of Scourge by S. Jean 💜 Disciples of Chaos by M.K. Lobb 🌈 To Cage a God by Elizabeth May
❤️ Greta & Valdin by Rebecca K Reilly 🧡 What Feasts At Night by T. Kingfisher 💛 You Had Me at Merlot by Melissa Brayden 💚 Turning Point by Cathy Dunnell 💙 For the Stolen Fates by Gwendolyn Clare 💜 Season of Eclipse by Terry Wolverton ❤️ These Haunted Hills by Jana Denardo 🧡 Samson & Domingo by Gume Laurel III 💛 Lies that Bind by Rae Knowles & April Yates 💙 We Got the Beat by Jenna Miller 💜 The Diablo's Curse by Gabe Cole Novoa 🌈 Blessings by Chukwuebuka Ibeh
❤️ Out There by Iris Eliot 🧡 At Her Service by Amy Spalding 💛 Green Dot by Madeleine Gray
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morhath · 1 year
Oh I’m very very interested in your nonfiction book recs 👀
EDIT: ykw I'm gonna make this a little more organized
I listed a bunch in this post (the last question) but lemme see if I have any additions because I know I was kinda trying to keep it short when I wrote that. (But that being said, that post is the Top Faves Of All Time, so go for those first.)
Freaky medical shit I also liked:
The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years by Sonia Shah
The Barbary Plague: The Black Death in Victorian San Francisco by Marilyn Chase (I just read this a few weeks ago and OOUUUGGHHHHHH IT'S LITERALLY JUST. LIKE THE RESPONSE TO COVID.)
The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic—and How It Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World by Steven Johnson
Political shit I also liked:
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century edited by Alice Wong
The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide by Steven W. Thrasher
Immigrants, Evangelicals, and Politics in an Era of Demographic Change by Janelle S. Wong
History I also liked:
Triangle: The Fire That Changed America by David Von Drehle
The Hamlet Fire: A Tragic Story of Cheap Food, Cheap Government, and Cheap Lives by Bryant Simon (between those two you can tell I was on a bit of a "workplace tragedies caused by lax regulations and bad management" kick)
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women by Kate Moore (I think everyone knows about this book, including it for completeness)
Promised the Moon: The Untold Story Of The First Women In The Space Race by Stephanie Nolen
The Women's House of Detention: A Queer History of a Forgotten Prison by Hugh Ryan
Butts: A Backstory by Heather Radke (this is nowhere near as fun and cute as you'd assume from the title)
Memoirs I also liked:
The Less People Know About Us: A Mystery of Betrayal, Family Secrets, and Stolen Identity by Axton Betz-Hamilton (I read this before I really got into nonfiction and it was WILD, I tell people about it all the time)
The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui (this one is a graphic not-novel-I-guess-memoir)
Know My Name by Chanel Miller
Playing Dead: A Journey Through the World of Death Fraud by Elizabeth Greenwood
A False Report: A True Story of Rape in America by Ken Armstrong, T. Christian Miller
Lost Feast: Culinary Extinction and the Future of Food by Lenore Newman
It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror by Joe Vallese
AND here are a few on my TBR that I'm really excited for! I decided not to categorize them because they're almost all history:
Silk and Potatoes: Contemporary Arthurian Fantasy by Adam Roberts
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown
All the Young Men by Ruth Coker Burks
The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara by David I. Kertzer (I am actually partway through this right now but in a bit of a dry/confusing section)
The Broadcast 41: Women and the Anti-Communist Blacklist by Carol A. Stabile
The Golden Thread: How Fabric Changed History by Kassia St Clair
A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purnell (have just barely started this)
Time to Dance, a Time to Die: The Extraordinary Story of the Dancing Plague of 1518 by John Waller
The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyŏng: The Autobiographical Writings of a Crown Princess of Eighteenth-Century Korea by Lady Hyegyeong
Miss Major Speaks: The Life and Times of a Black Trans Revolutionary by Miss Major Griffin-Gracy
Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-Level Nuclear Waste by William M. Alley, Rosemarie Alley (I'm in the middle of this but it's surprisingly, um. not exciting.)
Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan's Workplaces to Clinton's Columbine and Beyond by Mark Ames
Pressure Cooker: Why Home Cooking Won't Solve Our Problems and What We Can Do About It by Joslyn Brenton, Sinikka Elliott, Sarah Bowen
Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder
The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World by Virginia Postrel
Women's Work: The First 20,000 Years Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times by Elizabeth Wayland Barber
Medieval Gentlewoman: Life in a Gentry Household in the Later Middle Ages by Ffiona Swabey
Hitler's First Victims: The Beginning of the Holocaust and One Man's Fight to End It by Timothy W. Ryback
I am soso normal and have very normal interests that are not at all grim :)
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Devotional Hours Within the Bible by J.R. Miller
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The Wise and Foolish Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
The three parables in this chapter teach great lessons. They are based on the promise of Christ’s return. He is surely coming again, but when no one can know. But we should live always so as to be ready for His most sudden coming any moment.
The ten virgins were alike in some ways. An onlooker in the early evening could not have told which were the wise, and which the foolish. Each had her lamp. In any Christian congregation the members may all seem alike true friends of Christ, as they sit in their pews in common worship or at the Lord’s Table. The testing comes in other ways.
All the virgins slept while the bridegroom tarried. There was nothing wrong in this. We all have to sleep some time. We should be sure that we are safe against any surprise while we are asleep, that no duty has been omitted before we slept, which is essential to a complete life. The wise virgins were ready for the coming of the wedding party at any hour, however long the delay might be. We are not required to wake and watch every moment for the coming of Christ; we are to be ready for the event so that we cannot be surprised. For example, we are not to think every moment of death but we are so to live always that whenever death may come, however suddenly, it will not find us unprepared. “Not what death finds us doing but how death finds us furnished, is the important question.”
The lamps of the foolish virgins did not hold much oil and would soon burn out, and these maidens had no oil in reserve to refill their lamps when they became empty. This was their folly. The difference in the other virgins, was that besides having their lamps filled, they had oil in reserve with which they could quickly refill them when they had burned out.
This is plain enough as regards these virgins. Applied to human lives, the teaching is also clear. The wise Christian is the one who is not content with a mere profession or with external marks of godliness. These may seem to be satisfactory in the easy days when there is no stress but in the hour of trial, they will not stand the test. The essential thing is the grace of God in the heart, or real union with Christ. This is represented in the parable by the supply of oil by which the wise virgins were made ready for the need which the midnight brought. If we have only the little lamp of our own life, we may get along while there is not great stress but in the hour of trial, we shall fail. But if we have Christ with His Divine fullness we can draw from Him for any sorrow, struggle or hard duty.
Midnight came and brought great commotion. The virgins were all sleeping, waiting until they should be summoned out to meet the bridegroom. Life is full of emergencies which come so suddenly that there is not time to prepare for them. If we are not ready at the moment of need we cannot become ready. Now it was that the watchfulness of all the virgins was tested. The delay had been so long, that all the lamps were burning low. Now appeared the wisdom of the five who had oil in reserve. Their lamps were quickly filled, and they were ready to go with the bridegroom. Now was brought out also the folly of the other virgins. Their lamps were going out, and they had no oil to refill them.
It is such occasions as these that test character. They show what is in us. No one is ready for life’s sudden emergencies unless he has made preparation in advance for anything that may happen. One who has missed his lessons and trifled in school days will by and by find the doors of opportunity shut to him, because he is not ready to go in. Many a man fails in life, because through early neglect he has not the training for his place or business, the reason being that he wasted the time when it was his duty to make the preparation. Many a woman fails in her homemaking and wrecks her own happiness and that of her family, because at the right time she did not learn the simple household arts which fit a girl for being a good wife.
The foolish virgins missed the wedding joy and were shut out in the darkness, because earlier they had not laid up a reserve of oil. Many people’s religion fails them in times of need, because they have not really the Word of God laid up in their hearts. “A man has only as much religion, as he can command in trial.”
It was a natural request that these distressed virgins made: “‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out!” At first thought, too, we would say that the wise virgins should have granted this pathetic request of their sisters. If you were very hungry and I had even a crust of bread, it would not be right for me to eat all of my crust myself. We are taught that we should bear one another’s burdens and that the strong should help the weak. Yet the refusal of the wise is reasonable and right when we look at it thoughtfully. If you and your neighbor have each signed a note for a certain sum, to fall due on a certain date, and you by dint of economy and perseverance have been able to lay by just enough to meet your obligation, while your neighbor, wasting his hours on trifles, has made no provision for the day of settlement; and if on the morning when the note falls due, he should come beseeching you to give him some of your money to help him pay his debt would you give it to him? Does the law of love require that you should?
There is also an important spiritual lesson which the parable is meant to teach that the gifts and blessings of grace are not transferable. No matter how eagerly one may wish to impart them, he cannot do it. If one woman has improved her opportunities and grown into refined and disciplined character, while her sister has missed her chance and has grown up into weak and uncultured womanhood; the first sister cannot give of her strength, self-control, and noble spirit to the other, to help her through some special emergency.
If one man has studied diligently and learned every lesson, at last reaching a position of eminence and power -he cannot give of his trained ability to his brother, who has trifled through years, to help to make his life a success. A brave soldier in the battle cannot share his discipline and courage with trembling comrade by his side. In temptation, one who is victorious cannot give part of his strength to a friend by his side who is about to fall. We cannot share our forgiveness of sin with our dearest friend. Each one must live his own life, bear his own burden, and have the grace of the Holy Spirit for himself. No one can give another these gifts.
It was a tragic moment when the foolish virgins got back to the house and found themselves too late: “The door was shut!” It had stood open long enough for all who were ready to enter. Then it was closed and could not be opened again. This teaches us the meaning of opportunity. We may apply it to the matter of personal salvation. There is a time to be saved, and when that time is past, the door is shut! Life is full of opportunities. There is a time when we can enter God’s family, receiving all blessing. Then there is a time when the door is closed, and all the powers of the universe could not open it again.
To the young people every door stands open. They can get an education and a training to fit them for noble, beautiful and worthy life. They can make good friends, friends whose companionship and help would enrich their whole life. They can form good habits which would build up fine character in them and make them respected and influential in the community. They can read good books which will fill their minds and hearts with noble thoughts and upward inspirations. They can win victory over their own lives and become self - controlled and kingly among men. But the doors stand open only a reasonable time there is not a moment to lose. By and by they will be shut. Then no imploring cry will open them again.
The lesson for all is, “Watch therefore!” We know not the day nor the hour. That is true of our Lord’s coming. It is true of death. But it is true also of nearly every other experience of life. We go on, not knowing. The future is closed to our eyes. We know not what awaits us at any turning of a street corner, or what we shall have to meet any moment as we go. The only way to be ready for the unknown events of tomorrow, is to improve every opportunity of today.
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grandvhs · 2 years
lista de nomes masculinos que estava no meu bloco de notas e eu só lembrei agora
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278 notes · View notes
tinybitofhope · 1 year
i suppose i must do an intro post….
help and donate!!!
help the anas family escape!!!
help luciamkir get insulin!!!
help alex pay for food!!
help safaa get her and her family to safety!!!
help noor and her family escape!!!
help aya and her family escape!!!
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hi im lena or hops, im okay with both!! also i luv nicknames so go wild!!
about me
ill try to post everyday but dont expect it bc im tired sometimes lol.
i do a lot of fandom posting and just posting whatever is on my mind
in a qpr!!!!
my pronouns are she/he/they (im experimenting) and im bisexual with a male pref probably and probably agender/demigirl
i use she/her irl, so pls use that if u kno me irl!!
saw enhypen 5.1.24 !!
saw skz at lolla 8.2.24 !!!!
im christian!! so ya know, if ur against us, just dont be a jerk lmfao
middle child (help. jk. not really)
probably have anxiety
birthday is december 16, THE SAME AS BASH CROFTS!! (my biggest flex) and that makes me a sagittarius
filipino or as my cousin says ‘proud to be pinoy ✌🏼🇵🇭’ (i love her sm)
my favorite song is probably another day by stray kids or bad by wave to earth
i have a cool writing side blog
ermm i also curse a lot so if youre not okay w it tell me pls!!
fandoms im in are (blue r the ones i think abt the most rn)
newjeans, stray kids (skz), enhypen, boynextdoor, osemanverse, jacksons diary (jd), the world of mr plant (twomp), nimona, hamilton, riordanverse (rrverse), when i fly towards you (wifty), school bus graveyard
kins/bias list (blue is my faves/ults)
leo valdez, nico di angelo, will solace, sadie kane, jimmy kaga ricci, lister bird, david miller, angelica schuyler, nick nelson, darcy olsson, zuko, han jisung, kim minji, jake sim, taesan (han dongmin)
my interests are
literally my fandoms above ^, music, kdrama, books, pinterest, SUDOKU!!!, sewing but i’ve no ideas and js started lmao, skateboarding but i cant do shit , being aesthetically pleasing bc im that girlie, working out, and shit like that
ok heres my music taste and fave artists (blue are the ones i listen to most recent/the most)
laufey, lyn lapid , conan gray, artic monkeys, rocco, stephen sanchez, ricky montgomery, newjeans, stray kids, enhypen, txt, boynextdoor kpop in general hah, current joys, wave to earth, beabadobee, daniel padilla, nep, jazzy songs, skater type songs idk, opm (original pinoy music), indie, dreamy songs, gacha life songs (brings back the memories haha)
other socials
twitter- tinybitofhope
spotify- lena>>
pinterest- wantx0theworld
pronouns page
edit bc name and stuff
87 notes · View notes
daggerzine · 9 months
MY FAVORITE RECORDS OF 2023! (lists in no particular order....well, sort of)
Anna Hillburg- Tired Girls (Speakeasy Studios)
RVG- Brain Worms (fire) 
The Tubs- Dead Meat (Trouble in Mind) 
Seablite- Lemon Lights (Mt St Mtn)
The Reds, Pinks & Purples- The Town That Cursed Your Name (Slumberland)
Lewsberg- Out and About (12XU)
Melenas- Ahora (Trouble in Mind)
Blues Lawyer- All in Good Time (Dark Entries) 
Colored Lights- S/T (Bobo Integral)
Doe St- Stepping Stones (Legless) 
Guardian Singles- Feed Me To The Doves (Trouble in Mind) 
Corvair - Bound To Be (WIAIWYA)
The Garment District- Flowers Telegraphed To All Parts of the World (HHBTM)
Royal Ottawa- Carcosa (self released)
Tough Age- Waiting here (Bobo Integral)
Soft Science- Lines (Shelflife)
The Midnight Sailors- S/T (self released)
Robert Forster- The Candle and the Flame (Tapete) 
Civic – Taken By Force (ATO) 
Sumos- Surfacing (Meritorio) 
Connie Lovatt- Coconut Mirror (Enchante’)
En Attendant Ana- Principia (Trouble in Mind) 
Withered Hand- How to Love (Reveal) 
The High Water Marks- Your Next Wolf (Minty Fresh)
The Feelies- Some Kinda Love: Performing the Music of the Velvet Underground (Bar-None)
Connections- Cool Change (Trouble in Mind) 
The Ex Bats- Song Machine  (Goner)
The Photocopies- Top of the Pops (Ultra Modern)
Amanda Brown- Eight Guitars (Lillipilli) 
Arthur Alexander- …Steppin’ Out!  (Big Stir Records)
Eyelids- A Colossal Waste of Lights ((Jealous Butcher) 
Panic Pocket- Mad Half Hour (Skep Wax)
Yo La Tengo- This Stupid World (Matador)
Swansea Sound- Twentieth Century (Skep Wax)
Kevin Robertson- Magic Spells Abound (Futureman)  
Super 8- Hoopla (The Beautiful Music) 
The Radio Fields- Dos and Dont’s (Subjangle)
Joe McAlinden- Where The Clouds Go Swimming (self -released)
The Black Watch- Future Strangers (ATOM) 
Rob I Miller- Companion Piece (Vacant Stare)
The Lost Days- In the Store (Speakeasy Studios) 
Life Strike- Peak Dystopia (Bobo Integral)
Belle & Sebastian- Late Developers (Matador)
Lauds- Imitation Life (Fort Lowell) 
The Hepburns- Only the Hours (Lavender Sweep) 
Lomma- Torrey Pines (self released)
C.O.F.F.I.N.- Australia Stops (Goner)
Special Friend- Wait Until the Flames Come Rushing In (Skep Wax)
Burning Ferns- World of the Wars (Country Mile)
Wojtek the Bear- Second Place on Purpose (Last Night From Glasgow)
I ALSO REALLY LIKED ALBUMS BY:  Diners, Moving Targets, Bill Orcutt, Skull Practitioners, the Suncharms, Divine Horsemen, The Flashcubes, Hurry, Teenage Fanclub, Lydia Loveless, The Make Three, Shana Cleveland, The Ekphrastics, Ryan Allen, Fruit Bats, Nicole Yun, Dippers, Lost Film, Tony Jay, Cindy, Class, The Clientele, Lemon Twigs, Sweeping Promises, The National Honor Society, The Whiffs, Infinite River, Silver Biplanes, Jason Isbell, The Cuticles, Mudhoney, Alex Lahey, Crocodiles, Peter Hall, Cherry Fez, The Angles, Scott Gagner, Mainland Break, Christian Kjellvander, Sick Thoughts, Grand Drifter, The Motifs, The Sunshine Convention, The 1981, Roy Moller, Youth Valley, Soft Covers, Deadlights, The Smashing Times, The Spires, Helen Love, Motorbike, Silverstiles, Water Damage, Uni Boys, The Royal Arctic Institute, Gina Birch, Gee Tee, etc.
The Chills- Brave Words (Fire)
The Replacements- Tim (Sire)
The Ocean Blue- Davy Jones Locker (Korda)
Wild Carnation- Tricycle (Delmore) 
Neutral Milk Hotel- The Collected Works of Neutral Milk Hotel (Merge)
Das Damen- 1986- Keeps Me Wild (Dromedary)
Heavenly -Le Jardin de Heavenly (Skep Wax) 
The Verlaines- Bird Dog (Schoolkids Records) 
The Toms- S/T (Feel It) 
Celibate Rifles  Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Bang!)
Lightheaded- Good Good Grief (Slumberland)
Minor Threat-  Out of Step outtakes (Dischord)
The Cucumbers- Old Shoes (self released)
The Reds, Pinks & Purples- Unloveable Losers (digital) 
The Vapour Trails- On a Beautiful Day (Futureman)
Blues Lawyer- Sight Gags on the Radio (Dark Entries)
Deary- S/T (Sonic Cathedral)
The Wends- Better Will (WWNBB) 
Te Vista- S/T  (Cripes) 
Red Sleeping Beauty- From Sarah With Love (Matinee)
Letting Up Despite Great Faults- Crumble (S/T) 
The Prize- Wrong Side Of Town   (Anti Fade) 
Touch Girl Apple Blossom- S/T (self released)
Galore- Blush (Paisley Shirt) 
Lost Tapes- Crossing Towns (Shelflife)
The Particles- 1980’s Bubblegum (Chapter Music)
Primal Scream- Reverberations (Travelling in Time) (Acid Jazz/XTRM/Young Tiki)
The Shapiros- Gone by Fall: the Collected Works of (World of Echo) 
Dot Dash- 16 Again (Country Mile)
Comet Gain- The Misfit Jukebox (Tapete) 
Eric "Eggman" Eggleson's favorite records of 2023!
A Colossal Waste Of Light - Eyelids
Aeterna - Vinyl Williams
Away From The Castle – Video Age
Babydoll – Rat Columns
Bananasugarfire – Golden Apples
Careless By The Coast - Marvin Powell
Cartwheel - Hotline TNT
Colored Lights
Compact Trauma – Ulrika Spacek
Continue As A Guest – The New Pornographers
Disenchanter - Alaska Reid
EP IV – Yumi Zouma
Flowers Telegraphed To All Parts Of The World – The Garment District
Henry St. - The Tallest Man On Earth
Hindsight is 50/50 – Ghost Woman
I Held The Shape While I Could – Bodywash
Javelin – Sufjan Stevens
Left Hand - Becca Mancari
Life and Life Only - The Heavy Heavy
Love as Projection – Frankie  Rose
May Cause Dizzy Ness - The Musical Chairs
My Entire Life – SUSTO
Pearlies – Emma Anderson
Perennial - Woods
Pictures – Dean Owens
Praise A Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds) - Yves Tumor
Prize - Rozi Plain
Radio Red – Laura Groves
So Soon Now – Trillion
Strange Loops and Outer Psyche – Andy Bell
Suntub – ML Buch
The Greater Wings - Julie Byrne
The Natural Lines
The Queen Is Not Dead – Spiritual Front
the record – boygenius
The Sunshine Convention
The Twits - bar Italia
This Candle Is For You - Spearmint
Waiting Here – Tough Age
We Live In Strange Times – Ian M Bailey
When Horses Would Run - Being Dead
8 notes · View notes
pridepages · 1 year
Philatos: The Song of Achilles
I just finished The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I have thoughts...
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Here there be spoilers!
Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles is a classic in more than one sense. Any baby gay or ally looking for gateway LGBTQIA+ literature will inevitably find this book on every list (quite likely near the top). Its source material is classical greek poetry, and one of the most famous love stories of the mythology: that of Achilles and Patroclus. You’ve probably heard of Achilles and his infamous heel, Aristos Achaion, best of the Greeks. A demigod hero who felled mighty Trojan Prince Hector in the war for Helen--the face who launched a thousand ships and the tale of a war sung down the centuries.
You might be less familiar with Patroclus. He was, by his time’s standards, a nobody. Son of a lesser king who was exiled from his home, fully human and a shadowy figure who barely appears in the pages of Homer...but whose love changed the course of Achilles’s life.
It is said that only the love of Patroclus, and grief for his death, could spur Achilles to meet his destiny.
But there’s the debate: what kind of love was it exactly?
It seems strange after the success of Miller’s novel in popular culture that this is up for debate...but it technically still is. Search “Patroclus” in scholarly articles and you’ll find him identified as Achilles’s...friend.
His buddy. His pal.
Fucking. Yikes.
Some may say my insistence that their love is queer comes from my belief that everything is better gay. (Which...okay, yes, and I’m right!) But I’m gonna push back and point to one word:
This is a Greek word that Miller applies in her novel. One that was used between men in the ancient world. It means: ‘Most Beloved.’
It’s a loaded word, particularly when we consider homosexuality in the classical world which was...complicated.
People like to believe that history is as simple as: ‘the ancients were chill about homosexuality, it was only with the rise of certain religions--side-eying Christianity--that it became criminal.’
To which I answer: um...not quite.
Let’s be clear: it’s totally true that the immortal philosopher Plato set forth models that classified different kinds of love. And that one of them, eros, was desire so strong that it was akin to a force of nature. Plato theorized that eros could be harnessed and leveraged as a way to strengthen the bonds between soldiers, giving them better motivation to fight and thus making them more effective. 
For example, the Sacred Band of Thebes. You probably know them as the 300, but historians know them as 150 pairs of lovers! The best part? It worked! (At least for a while...but that’s another story.)
And how about Alexander the Great, who conquered most of his neighboring countries and amassed an empire of over two million miles? He had Hephaestion, his constant companion, of whom Alexander said: ‘He is me. I am him.’ So make of that what you will. (I’m gonna go with: gays get shit done!)
That sounds pretty straight-forward (so to speak), so what’s the problem?
Miller actually puts her finger on it in Song. As Patroclus tells us, “Our men like conquest; they did not trust a man who was conquered himself.” Let’s rephrase: being gay is chill...if you’re the top. If you’re not, then you’re the lowest of the low: Feminine. Weak. Disgraced.
I repeat: Fucking. Yikes.
So there were people then and now who would be perfectly ready to handwave away the bond between Achilles and Patroclus. They cry: why it gotta be gay? Why can’t the love of friends be enough? Why do you have to shove it down our throats?!
(I invite you to picture my eyes rolling all the way back.)
Let’s put this argument to bed: there’s nothing wrong with a love that is neither sexual nor romantic. (I see all my sibs under the aro-ace umbrella, y’all are valid!) The problem is when the existence of said love is weaponized to erase or deny other forms of queer love and make them lesser or shameful.
Because that’s what it comes down to: Honor. Reputation was everything to the ancients, and queerness put your reputation on thin ice. So much so that in Song, Patroclus even offers to hide their relationship so as not to endanger Achilles’s legacy: “Your honor could be darkened by it.” But Achilles won’t have it: “Then it is darkened. They are fools if they let my glory rise or fall on this.”
Miller saw this quiet, ever-present bond between Achilles and Patroclus in the pages of ancient texts. And she saw the unsung eros between them, the kind that drove the Sacred Band of Thebes to fight and Alexander to forge an empire. She saw how historians scoffed and dismissed it in a couple of lines to focus on the violent, tragic triumph of Achilles.
Rather than try and recast the great hero, she decided to tackle this relationship from another angle...she gave voice to Patroclus.
It’s a powerful choice to draw him from the shadows. Patroclus figures very little in the myth, and the one time he really does is when he’s disguising himself as someone else: he dies donning Achilles’s armor to rally the Greeks and rout the Trojans with the illusion that Aristos Achaion has returned to the field. One brave deed for an otherwise unremarkable life.
But was it?
Miller’s Patroclus is in many ways an everyman. He’s a mediocre swordsman, but a better healer. He’s the kind of guy who will remember your name and ask about your family, and make sure you have a comfortable place by the fire.
He’s perfectly content with his lot in life. All he really wants to do is tell you how much he loves his boyfriend.
It sounds like the stuff of ‘homeric fanfiction,’ as one boyfriend apparently scoffed at Miller’s work. (I hope she dumped him for it!) But it’s a pretty brave take for a spin on the myths. While Patroclus has respect for honor and glory, and would convince us that Achilles is the better man...that’s not the impression we are left with.
This isn’t a story of heroism by war. This is a story of the heroism of love.
Whether in a palace or on the battlefield, Patroclus’s life is defined by love. Of Achilles, of Briseis, of Chiron, of his homes, of his work, of his world.
This Patroclus says: Plato got it right. Love is what makes all of this--no matter how we live and die--a worthy endeavor.
And I think that’s what makes The Song of Achilles the philatos of queer lit. It both honors its roots, reading with prose that fits the poetic sensibilities of the Iliad, and challenges them. 
Ancient people and modern historians have something in common: an ongoing struggle to genuinely accept queer people and queer love. The Song of Achilles is a necessary book. One that bridges past and present. One that speaks softly but clearly, uncompromising in its demand that we allow gay people to be seen and honored in cultural memory.
In the words of another spin on the myths: “It’s a love song / It’s an old song / We’re gonna sing it even so!”
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starwarmth · 2 years
Books Read In 2023
Beowulf: A New Translation by Maria Dahvana Headley (1/3/23)
East by Edith Pattou (1/4/23)
Midnight on the Moon by Mary Pope Osbourn (1/16/23)
The Lady or The Tiger?, and The Discourager of Hesitancy by Frank R. Stockton (1/17/23)
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1/21/23)
Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti (1/22/23)
Tiger Queen by Annie Sullivan (1/22/23)
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis (1/26/23)
Batgirl, vol. 1: The Silent Knight (1/27/23)
Batgirl, vol. 2: To The Death (1/27/23)
Batgirl, vol. 3: Point Blank (1/28/23)
The Female of the Species by Rudyard Kipling (2/17/23)
Batgirl: Stephanie Brown, vol. 1 by Bryan Q. Miller (2/19/23)
Batgirl, Stephanie Brown, vol. 2 by Bryan Q. Miller (3/4/23)
Christmas in Noisy Village by Astrid Lindgren (3/4/23)
The Queen’s Blade by T C Southwell (3/5/23)
Sacrifice, The Queen’s Blade #2 by T C Southwell (3/9/23)
The Invisible Assassin, The Queen’s Blade #3 by T C Southwell (3/13/23)
Mermaids by Patty Dann (3/14/23) X
The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám translated by Edward FitzGerald (3/19/23)
The Mirror Visitor by Christelle Dabos (3/21/23) X
The Missing of Clairedelune by Christelle Dabos (3/22/23) X
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeannette McCurdy (3/24/23) X
Ronia, The Robber’s Daughter by Astrid Lindgren (3/27/23)
Kiki’s Delivery Service by Eiko Kadono (3/30/23)
Brine and Bone by Kate Stradling (4/10/23)
Green Arrow: Quiver by Kevin Smith (4/17/23) X
Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin, translated by Stanley Mitchell (4/22/23)
When Patty Went to College by Jean Webster (4/23/23)
The Princess and The Pea by Hans Christian Anderson (4/23/23)
Deathmark by Kate Stradling (4/25/23)
Without Blood by Alessandro Baricco (5/5/23)
River Secrets by Shannon Hale (5/6/23)
The Fairy’s Return and Other Princess Tales by Gail Carson Levine (5/8/22)
Batman Adventures: Cat Got Your Tongue? by Steve Vance (5/14/23)
Batman Adventures: Batgirl — A League of Her Own by Paul Dini (5/17/23)
The Girl From The Other Side: Siúil a Rún, Vol. 1 by Nagabe (5/19/23)
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair by Pablo Neruda. Translated by W. S. Merwin (5/26/23)
Other-Wordly: Words Both Strange and Lovely from Around the World by Yee-Lum Mak (6/21/23)
A Bride’s Story, vol. 1 by Kaoru Mori (6/25/23) X
La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas fils (7/17/2023)
Storefront Church by William Waring Cuney (7/24/23)
Golden Slippers: An Anthology of Negro Poetry for Young Readers (1941), compiled by Arnas Bontemps (7/28/23)
Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo (7/29/23)
Strawberry’s New Friend (Flower Fairy Friends series) by Pippa Le Quesne (7/29/23)
Clementine by Sara Pennypacker (8/11/23)
The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman (8/18/23)
Convent Boarding School by Virginia Arville Kenny (9/05/23)
The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis (09/18/23)
The Betsy Tacy Treasury by Maud Hart Lovelace (09/27/23)
Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan (09/27/23)
Skylark (Sarah, Plain and Tall #2) by Patricia MacLachlan (09/27/23)
Caleb’s Story (Sarah, Plain and Tall #3) by Patricia MacLachlan (09/27/23)
Maelyn by Anita Halle (10/06/23)
Imani All Mine by Connie Porter (10/15/23)
The Perilous Gard (10/22/23)
Enemy Brothers by Constance Savery (10/29/23)
Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr (11/19/23)
Gone By Nightfall by Dee Garretson (12/02/23)
The Dragon’s Promise by Elizabeth Lim (12/08/23)
A Lion to Guard Us by Clyde Robert Bulla (12/10/23)
The Thirteenth Princess by Diane Zahler (12/23/23)
The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle (12/26/23
The Wasteland by T. S. Eliot (12/31/23)
51 notes · View notes
moon-meridian · 1 year
hello, friends! here is a collection of some of my favorite faces. i'll update this list as i come into contact with faces that i've been introduced to and want to interact with. please keep in mind that this list is just what comes to mind, i love new faces so feel free to suggest new ones to me !#happyroleplaying
aaron paul, aaron taylor-johnson, aaron tveit, adam dimarco, adan canto, alan ritchson, alberto rosende, alexander calvert, alexander skarsgard, alex fitzalan, alfie allen, alfonso herrera, alfred enoch, alvaro rico, andre lamoglia, andrew garfield, andrew matarazzo, andy samberg, angus cloud, antoni porowski, antony starr, armie hammer, aron piper, austin butler, avan jogia, ben barnes, bill skarsgard, blair redford, blake jenner, bob morley, boyd holbrook, brandon flynn, brant daughtry, brenton thwaites, brian j. smith, bright vachirawit chivaaree, cameron monaghan, casey cott, carter jenkins, chace crawford, chadwick boseman, chance perdomo, charles melton, charlie coxx, charlie heaton, charlie hunnam, charlie weber, chase stokes, cheyenne jackson, chris evans, chris hemsworth, chris messina, chris pine, christian navarro, christopher abbott, chris wood, cody christian, cody fern, cole sprouse, colton haynes, curran walters, dacre montgomery, daniel sharman, darren barnet, darren criss, david castaneda, david castro, david corenswet, dean geyer, dominic cooper, dominic sherwood, drey ray tanner, drew van acker, dylan minnette, dylan o'brien, dylan sprayberry, dylan sprouse, ed westwick, eka darville, eric dane, evan peters.
felix mallard, finn jones, finn wittrock, froy gutierrez, gavin leatherwood, gong yoo, grant gustin, gregg sulkin, gus kenworthy, hart denton, hasan minhaj, henry cavill, henry zaga, herman tommeras, hero fiennes-tiffin, hugh dancy, ian bohen, ian harding, ian somerhalder, itzan escamilla, iwan rheon, jack falahee, jack quaid, jack mulhern, jack o'connell, jacob artist, jacob elordi, jai courtney, jan luis castellanos, jared padelecki, jason momoa, jedidiah goodacre, jensen ackles, jeremy allen white, jeremy jordan, joe dempsie, joe keery, joel kinnaman, joel mchale, joe manganiello, jonathan groff, jon bernthal, jon krazinski, jordan fisher, jorge lopez, joseph gilgun, josh hartnett, joshua bassett, justin hartley, justin theroux, karamo brown, karl urban, kit harrington, kj apa, kyle allen, liam hemsworth, logan shroyer, louis partridge, lucien laviscount, luke evans, luke pasqualino.
manny jacinto, manu rios, matt bomer, matthew daddario, mark pellegrino, mason gooding, maxence danet-fauvel, max irons, max riemelt, mena massoud, michael cimino, michael trevino, michael vlamis, michele morrone, michiel huisman, miguel bernardeau, miguel herran, mike colter, miguel angel silvestre, miles heizer, milo ventimiglia, nathan parsons, nicholas galitzine, nick robinson, nico mirallegro, nico tortorella, nikolaj coster-waldua, noah centineo, nolan gerard funk, oliver jackson-cohen, oliver stark, omar ayuso, omar rudberg, oscar isaac, paul wesley, penn badgley, pol granch, rafael silva, rahul kohli, rami malik, richard madden, ricky whittle, riz ahmed, robert sheehan, rome flynn, ronen rubenstein, ross lynch, rudy pankow, rupert grint, ryan guzman, ryan kelley, ryan potter, sam claflin, sam heughan, samuel larson, scott eastwood, sean teale, sebastian de souza, sebastian stan, shiloh fernandez, skeet ulrich, steven strait.
taron egerton, taylor zakhar perez, theo james, thomas doherty, timothy granaderos, timothy olyphant, toby kebbell, toby wallace, tom ellis, tom hiddleston, tom holland, tom hopper, tom pelphrey, tyler blackburn, tyler hoechlin, tyler lawrence gray, tyler posey, wentworth miller, zac efron.
austin porter, benito ocasio (bad bunny), brandon arreaga, charlie puth, dominic fike, edwin honoret, harry styles, jack gilinsky, jack harlow, jaden smith, joe jonas, lil nas z, machine gun kelly, nick jonas, nick mara, omar apollo, shawn mendes, troye sivan, zayn malik, zion kuwonu.
bang chan, choi chanhee, choi minho, christian yu, han seungwoo, jackson wang, jay park, jung ki-suck, kim jennie, kim jisoo, kim jongdae, kwon hyuk lai, kuan-lin, lalisa manoban, lee dae-hwi, lee tae-min, mark yien tuan, ong seong-wu, roseanne park, taehyung, wong kunhang, wu yi fan, xiao dejun, and yan an.
adam senn, adil haddaoui, adrien sahores, agustin bruno, arthur gosse, billy vandendooren, bo develius, brad skelly, brooklyn beckham, cameron dallas, casey jackson, christian hogue, daniel abohzira, daniel bederov, david gandy, derek chadwick, desire mia, diego barrueco, francisco lachowski, gage gomez, gui fedrezzi, harvey newton-haydon, isha blaaker, ivan kozak, jacob bixenman, janis danner, jamie dornan, joe collier, jordan torres, juan betancourt, julian schratter, kit butler, lenny izaguire, manu rios, marlon teixeira, marvin cortes, matthew noszka, matty carrington, maverick mcconnell, michael yerger, neels visser, nick bateman, nicolas simoes, nyle dimarco, ollie loudon, owen lindberg, rafael lazzini, rafael miller, reese king, richard diess, robbie satchwell, sean opry, simon loof, simon nessman, tanner reese, tom webb, vinnie hacker, will higginson, xavier serrano, zander fitzpatrick
gus kenworthy, noah beck, ryan garcia, vlad hoshin.
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