spacedhead · 10 months
homestuck reread #12: act 6 p3
this is so funny to me im giggling in call and my friends are asking but im not brave enough to say it
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john is fighting jack?? OKAYYYY WIN THIS SHIT THEN
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HI ROSE OMG HI ROSE . it sucks how they cant like communicate with each other at all during the three years. like you guys dont have multi dimensional service? get the iphone plan
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bro shut up LOLLLLLL
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TRUE we love a dumb motherfucker
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due to speculation???
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john looks so goofy here. also drunk rose was silly but also a bit sad
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holy shit this is a lotta trolls
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stop pretending. we all know you want attention stop trying to deny it. AND ANOTHER THING. the stuff that is going on with caliborn? WRDGAF. the meenah intermissions were fun though. some funny dialogue in there. i liked them :) . unfortunately it just made me wanna get back to what the beta kids and trolls are doing... even though i see them every so often i feel like i miss them. like i used to see them all the time! and now... i see them once a year....
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yeah you really screwed the pooch on that one lil bro
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okay this dialogue is actually painful to read BUT it is interesting how a common theme of the alpha kid session is just. Waiting . they have to wait for the beta kids to come to actually make their session winnable and it keeps telling us that . so theyre just sitting around stewing in their juices. also cool that theyre called nobles instead of heroes and their planets each have a noble gas in the title
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this doesnt really make sense over text BUT i see what is happening and. yes jake is the worst. jake you suck we all hate you sorry girl maybe stop being flop city
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yeah okay jane is actually based right now. i cant remember why i stopped liking her. in this conversation jake is ragging on dirk for being too self indulgent and having zero self awareness while talking to jane about his issues. jane is literally trying to plan her own birthday party . jake you are being so fucking stupid and rude and honestly a pos rn bro. get OVER yourself
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cool panel.... a bit scary though! man i love roxy. calliope is good too
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holy shit i did not know that your dreamself has to be alive for you to ascend to god tier on your quest bed. that is interesting.
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YOOOO HI ROSE. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED WHILE YOU WERE GONE. and by gone i mean not the center of the story i guess? but either way
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bro is like are you serious right now. is this really happening. also hey equius . long time no see. i guess
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ahahahahaha oh man this guy is a riot. also look at dirk this is huge for the dirk profile picture community which could be me soon
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oh man i really hate this part. i hope it isnt too long i dont remember if its really drawn out or short
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he is about to die
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he deserved this
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gahhhhhhhhh its too much PLEASE let this end soon
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO fefeta :( best character you will be missed on this grand adventure. but alas we will have to carry on without you. how will we cope? how will we survive?
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i think you are giving him too much credit there . at this point he definitely IS an asshole
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okay well trickster mode is over and things are about to get even worse but i do appreciate the kids talking out their problems albeit in a very non direct way to where they arent actually really solving anything BUT they are at least talking now!! so thats good!! next part things take a turn for the worse somehow see you then
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paradife-loft · 2 years
I think my favorite thing about Katya/Sofia is the way that, in their final scenes, they end up thematically switching places with one another in how they're set up as foils to one another through the rest of the film
Sofia, who starts off beholden to no one in terms of loyalty, family connections, patronage, etc; who to Katya represents a (very idealized) notion of freedom that she envies but can't access - ends up leaving with the collection of her mother's belongings that she was finally able to buy back (which does incidentally include a watch, where she hadn't been associated with that motif much up until then!). It's a better ending than most (since she, y'know, lives), but even then she's still fundamentally unfulfilled, because the ties she developed to Katya, the ones she wanted to maybe start building a life around, have been irreparably severed.
Meanwhile, Katya has been the nexus of so many personal ties of obligation through most of the film, even as she resents what they've contorted her life into. But she makes her ultimate decision to betray Goncharov and the goals she'd been helping him toward up until then, as a selfish one for nobody else's benefit, giving up the life of prestige she had/was close to having so that she wouldn't be emotionally tied down by the relationship they once had, the system of connections and favors and debts she came from. (Incidentally, this is why I think her plan was to fake her death, even if it's left ambiguous in the actual scene; what else could be a more complete severing of connections that would allow you to become a new, unburdened person entirely?) The fact that she's not thinking of Sofia as affected by her decision, because she's not thinking of her as a part of that same web of connections, is what makes that unintentional second betrayal so tragic! But even so, it means she ends in a place similar to what we first see as Sofia's position - independent and able to make her own way in the world, but having sacrificed something she didn't realize she'd miss for it, until after the deed was already done.
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weirdlookindog · 4 months
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Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970)
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hallucinationhorrors · 8 months
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bitter69uk · 21 days
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Heartfelt gratitude to the attendees of the Lobotomy Room cinema club presentation of Die! Die! My Darling! in the glittering surroundings of Fontaine’s last Thursday (16 May)! Die represents the perfect example of the club’s objective to revisit and reappraise what received wisdom deems “bad movies”. Why, everyone was spellbound by it! Who knew there was such a ravenous appetite for watching Tallulah Bankhead torment Stefanie Powers? And who can forget the spine-tingling moment when Bankhead says the film’s title in a line of dialogue (“You must die … die, my darling!”) and then instead of fading to black, the screen fades to blood-red? Like I explained in my intro, the flamboyant Bankhead was primarily a stage actress who only sporadically made films (Hollywood seemingly never knew how to best utilize her charms). Her early 1930s pre-Code melodramas have a terrible reputation and flopped commercially but are juicy and interesting. Many crop up on YouTube and are worth investigating, particularly The Cheat (1931), Thunder Below, Devil and the Deep and Faithless (all from 1932). Die has links to some other titles we’ve already screened. In February 2020 we presented another Stefanie Powers movie, the lurid 1965 melodrama Love Has Many Faces starring Lana Turner. So, she was upstaged onscreen by an older diva twice the same year! And we showed Boom! (1968) - John Waters’ all-time favourite film – starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in August 2021. Boom! was adapted from the Tennessee Williams play The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore. By the time she portrayed Sissy Goforth (the Taylor role) onstage in 1963, Bankhead was frail, desiccated and wracked with emphysema and probably more convincing as a dying woman than Taylor. In an inspired bit of casting, the role of the poet / gigolo / angel of death was played by 1950s heartthrob Tab Hunter! By all accounts she and Hunter loathed each other, but Bankhead was gallant when asked about the gay rumours swirling around her leading man, replying, "Well, I don't know, darling. He never sucked my cock!"
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divinekangaroo · 22 days
Finishing the Dark Knight and cannot stop laughing: Nolan's ability to finish a movie is like Sting's ability to finish a song.
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missholson · 10 months
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Ralph Bates as Lord Courtley
Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970) dir. Peter Sasdy
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spaciebabie · 6 months
Its so strange watching you muse over how you'll act when drunk, thats such a "never drank before" thing to do 🤣 /lh
Just so you're aware, its a Thing where different alcohols can result in different types of drunk, you're not gonna feel the same from every drink. Like for example, whisky makes us crazy sleepy, its the chill drink, we're gonna end up dozing off on the couch after just one or two drinks, there is no energy or party from that shit. Wine (white) is our drink of choice and we're a mess on it, especially the strong stuff, we're a chatterbox and a weirdo on it and there's a brief window of time between the drink hitting us hard and the exhaustion hitting us hard where we dance a bunch and fall over a lot (the exhaustion isn't caused by the dancing, it'll happen either way and is completely inevitable). And vodka (our second choice in drinks, though still a definite favourite) makes us LOUD, we yell A LOT on that shit, whatever comes to mind, and we get pretty kooky on it, its the funnest drink for sure, if we're down to party (solo party with 30+ people in one body because we have no outside friends) vodka is the drink of choice for sure, the energy lasts the longest and the Vibes are great.
Similarly to this, different drinks get different hangovers. For us whisky has no hangover (mostly because we can't stay awake long enough to drink enough to cause a hangover), wine FUCKS us up and we feel pretty nauseous, and vodka makes us the endless void portal pit to another dimension where the residents demand food sacrifices and if the food stops coming they will start chopping heads, we eat EVERYTHING in our hangover munchie rampage, normally we cant eat unless we're craving the food but those munchies make us tear through everything in sight regardless of what it is, its an expensive disaster
Good luck finding out how you respond to various drinks, its gonna take a bit of experimentation and no it cant be done all in one night, that's a bad idea for sure
oh man! i did not know this. thank yall for the information :>
i definitely dont plan on going too hard on my first time dkjfdkfjdf im probably just gonna have a tasty wine and relax :]
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my life if i got to live on college campus and make actual attempts at friendship instead of being stuck at home because its too expensive
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francisforever2014 · 5 months
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getting exposed to two of my least favorite things at work . crash course and the study of abnormal psych
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antirepurp · 11 months
sonic prime's existence has made me think about multiverse settings and au's in general in an effort to break down why i don't really care about most of them. like i think i understand the appeal in them and how they offer infinite possibilities, so all the funny little coffeeshop au's and things have now canon validity or something like that, and it's fun to see redesigns of established characters, or have the blorbos put in different settings like a science experiment to see how they adapt and grow. but i feel like the more you detach them from the original premise and setting the more they start losing their charm, or start turning into a generic mush that doesn't have flavor outside of like "what if they were X", and i guess it has enjoyable qualities but idk if it has lasting beyond being a fun thought exercise or a redesign prompt. cyberpunk dystopias and pirates and whatever else prime's got going on i haven't watched it can work as settings just fine, but if all you have is aesthetics there's nothing to really grab my interest beyond "oh cool they got robot parts :)" and "oh cool they have funny hats :)", which is fine but just. not very interesting. and i think that's the core of the problem
tbf i don't know how prime specifically is handling the multiverse stuff, for all i know they're doing a perfectly serviceable job and obviously a ton of people are finding it fun and enjoyable and full of character analysis moments too, but ngl it is such a hurdle for me when it comes to even considering watching a whole series centered around alternate universe things
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windor-truffle · 4 months
This blog is the altar where I worship my false idol (the version of Graces that lives in my head)
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tenitchyfingers · 4 months
I thank the heavens for McCartney: A Life in Lyrics because there is nothing I wanted more than to hear Paul talk about Maxwell’s Silver Hammer for 30 minutes thank you Paul bless 🙌🙌🙌🙌
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 3 months
hi i have enrichment. listen to strike 3 by ferry its very solariscore. trust me on this one
with that out of the way..... youre right this is so real
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bitter69uk · 1 month
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“The ultimate in SHEER SHOCK! The intimate in STABBING SUSPSENSE!”
See the outrageous Tallulah Bankhead (pictured) in her final movie role when the FREE monthly Lobotomy Room cinema club presents 1965 British hagsploitation shocker Die! Die! My Darling! on 16 May 2024 at Fontaine’s! As director Silvio Narizzano reflected afterwards, “She is magnificent but impossible!” Note that you might know Die! Die! (a co-production between Columbia Pictures and Britain’s Hammer Film Productions) under a different title (it was released in the UK as Fanatic). If you’re a fan of campy 60s scream queen horror movies like What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, Strait-jacket and Hush … Hush, Sweet Charlotte, you will LOVE this one. Reserve your seat now via the venue! Full putrid details on the event page.
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bandaidfingers · 2 years
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Fifth Hammer Dracula. And again only a decent movie. This one centers around Dracula systematically hunting down the teenaged children of three stuffy Englishman who accidentally resurrect him while trying to get a taste for the occult. Obviously you’re not supposed to be rooting for Dracula, but personally I think the dudes in this one have it coming— between cheating on their wives, being generally gross (and ugly), and being bad to their soon-to-be-vampire children this movie is worth watching only for the pleasure of supporting Dracula while he wrecks these losers lol.
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