#TCS and other prominent I
pixlokita · 1 day
Hey, I was wondering if there might be any differences between different werebunnies (like pitrabbits vs Jeremy from that one au you have)
Werebunnies are huge and pit rabbits are more closely human sized :0c honest two completely different species :> Jeremy and the other buns in that au are sort of mixed with other animals but the bunny features are more prominent and weretraps are very similar looking to pittrap >> aside from the fact that they’re also constantly crying and coughing up agony :Tc werebunnies don’t do that (〃 ̄∇ ̄)
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bonefall · 1 year
Clanmew Expansion Pack: Moths and Butterflies
A guide to the beautiful fluttering insects seen in this region, and how Clan cats classify and describe them.
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[ID: A cat with a butterfly on its nose]
In Clanmew, the vocabulary used to describe butterflies is massive compared to English. As a species less than a foot tall and spending their entire lives in the wilderness, Clan cats observe lepidopterians up close and far more personally than humans have done historically.
Combine this with the fact that cats are crepuscular, active in the morning and evening, and you'll realize that they encounter more moths than butterflies. While English-speaking humans tend to think of moths as being dingy and butterflies as being colorful, Clan cats don't find those categories helpful and classify them in a completely different way!
So the very first thing to know is that Clanmew does not have the same conception of "moths" and "butterflies." They have a super term, "Ffyy," and no less than 9 terms for the various groups with related behaviors.
This guide contains 51 new words for various moths and the unique behaviors of lepidopterians. Below the cut, you will find;
An overview to the 9 classifications Clan cats use, plus words for things like cocoons, metamorphosis, caterpillars, etc
A straightforward list of species, in English (Science) = Clanmew format
Expansion on behaviors of noteworthy species within their groupings
Translation trivia on Moth Flight, Mothwing, Archeye, and Mothwhisker (TC) for Better Bones.
(Translator's Note: I have tried to pick English words that will work nicely as warrior name prefixes, to be translated as specifically or as generically as you desire. They don't reflect cladistic accuracy.)
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Types of Ffyy:
Flutter = Kffa Ffyy with large hindwings that flutter around erratically. The closest to the English image of a "butterfly." Most of these are daytime species but this also refers to moths that are drawn to flame. Species depicted: Speckled wood (Pararge aegeria)
Hawkmoth = Uff Fat-bodied ffyy that tend to be wider than they are long, with powerful wings. Fantastic fliers and important pollinators, they have several gigantic species and are beloved by Clan cats. Species depicted: Elephant hawkmoth (Deilephila elpenor)
Tortrix = Owyy Round-winged ffyy that rest with a slightly splayed pose with their wings folded down, almost resembling a turtle. Species depicted: Privet tortrix (Clepsis consimilana)
Veneer = Iff A thin, lanky ffyy that rests in a sticklike pose with a defined head, sporting big, buggy eyes and sometimes a large nose. Any moth with the characteristic eyes or nose gets brought back into this category. Species depicted: Garden-grass veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Herald = Hawof A very unique type, it can apply to just about any type of moth but is always given to the species with significance in prophetic divination. There are some moths rarely seen in this region which appear only as heralds, thus they are named accordingly. NOTE: This is the sort of word bestowed in Honor Titles. Species depicted: Common Hairstreak, Moth Flight's moth (Callophrys rubi)
Dowd = Gyyff Stiff, fluffy moths which rest as straight as a twig, usually mimicking wood. Their heads aren't as well defined as a veneer, but they aren't as fluffy as a raoff Species depicted: Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala)
Prominent = Raoff "Lion moths," large species with fluffy antennae and big manes. Something between a dowd and a tortrix, but usually larger and fluffier. Species depicted: Muslin moth (Diaphora mendica)
Plume = Ffip Very thin, slender moths that rest in a T-pose with very interesting wing-types. Species depicted: Beautiful plume moth (Amblyptilia acanthadactyla)
Fritilary = Ffow Somewhat between a Kffa and an Owyy, refers to Ffyy with a smoother 'cape' shape when they're resting.
In addition, there are words for shapes associated with Ffyy and other insects, especially in the wings and patterns. Some of those words are;
Fluttered/Fluttering/Will flutter = Afafaf/Afafa/Afaf The erratic wingbeats of Ffyy and small birds of prey.
Hovered/hovering/will hover = Hyyffuhu/hyyffu/hyyff A very special aerial maneuver where an animal can hold their exact place in the air and move in any direction. EXTREMELY rare; only achieved by certain hawkmoths, hoverflies, and dragonflies. NOTE: The UK has no hummingbirds! Their ecological niche is occupied by hawkmoths!
Shy = Wro An emotion, but also a pose. It's when an animal shrinks back and tries to make itself smaller or more hidden, much like a Dowd or a Veneer, or the flattening of a terrified cat's ears
Cape/Humble = Froom An emotion, a shape, and a pattern that is seen on the backs of some animals, describes the way that Prominents and Tortrixes hold their wings.
Flare/Confident/Perpendicular = Akeye An emotion and a shape, describes things that 'stick up,' like the wings of Plumes and Butters. Not like "raised hackles," more like fluffing one's fur out or puffing your chest.
Caterpillar = Poog A word that comes from Parkmew! Caterpillars were significant to Park cat culture because of their old naming system-- cats were born unnamed, and were expected to find one as they grew, like butterflies.
Pupa/Chrysalis = Higab Hard, scaly insect cocoons
Cocoon = Mooun Soft, silky insect cocoons
Silk = Mirro The material that silk cocoons and spider webs are made of. Only cob spiders produce though of this material to be useful to Clan cats; they do not have access to silk moths (bombyx mori) in this part of England. Clan cats also believe that moth wings are made of this.
Chitin = Higko The material that hard pupa and insect exoskeletons are made of.
Exoskeleton = Babaak The hard shell that surrounds the meat of invertebrates such as crabs, moths, beetles; Clan cats do not think this applies to insects that 'shrivel' such as soft-bodied caterpillars.
Metamorphosed/metamorphing/will metamorph = Peb'bep'arr/Peb'bep/Peb'be To massively change between stages of life, the unique way that moths and some other insects grow.
This list is arranged with several species of each group, separated by grouping. You can expect for this list to grow, if additional species are translated as time goes on!
Last update: 6/17/2023
Elephant hawkmoth (Deilephila elpenor) = Beksu
Large skipper (Ochlodes sylvanus) = Skepb
Hummingbird hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum) = Lipfu
Privet tortrix (Clepsis consimilana) = Frooke
Oak lantern (Carcina quercana) = Byoff
Common footman (Eilema lurideola) = Yyowo
Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha) = Oyiw
Garden-grass veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella) = Chuo
Drinker moth (Euthrix potatoria) = Ssbwohl
Bronze alder moth (Argyresthia goedartella) = Holipo
Buff-tip (Argyresthia goedartella) = Kooko
Apple leafminer (Lyonetia clerkella) = Rugna
Hazel slender (Parornix devoniella) = Geehees
Muslin (Diaphora mendica) = Goorf
Iron prominent (Notodonta dromedarius) = Orge
True lover's knot (Lycophotia porphyrea) = Urmrri
Cinnabar (Tyria jacobaeae) = Genra
Beautiful plume (Amblyptilia acanthadactyla) = Lebl
Twenty plume (Alucita hexadactyla) = Arrffip
Speckled wood (Pararge aegeria) = Yaero
Holly blue (Celastrina argiolus) = Luya
Clouded border (Lomaspilis marginata) = Oogwo
Magpie moth (Abraxas grossulariata) = Peewo
Mint moth (Pyrausta aurata) = Mwifg
Riband wave (Idaea aversata) = Fisip
Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi) = Ssefyy
Lunar Hornet (Sesia bembeciformis) = Offes
Death's Head (Acherontia atropos) = Wayoff
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[ID: An "Uff," 'Hawkmoth' in English. It is a large, yellow-and-pink moth. The species depicted is an Elephant Hawkmoth.]
Hawkmoths are the largest types of Ffyy that Clan cats encounter, and deeply beloved. They are considered the 'warriors' of moth-standards, large, honorable, and acrobatic. What defines an uff from other butterflies is primarily its large, bulky body. Some uff, such as the skipper, could be mistaken by outsiders as being a type of ffow or perhaps a kffa.
They are pollinators, jumping between various flowers and mostly seen in grassy, floral environments, such as meadows and moorland. The skipper in particular is one of WindClan's most common butterflies, and a favorite target for pouncing kittens.
Most of the largest hawkmoths survive the winter snug in their cocoons under leaf litter, and more specifically in ThunderClan. Being able to witness a hawkmoth emerge is sometimes taken as a little blessing, like StarClan rewarding you for staying observant on a patrol.
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[ID: An Owyy, "Tortrix" in English. It is a humble brown moth with a negligible mane and round, capelike wings. The species depicted is a privet tortrix.]
Tortrixes are the largest classification of ffyy in Clanmew, with many of them being drawn to lights in the dark. They hold their wings 'humbly' (froom), tucked behind themselves and slightly angled. Many prominent share the general shape of tortrixes, but they are separated by a prominent, impressive mane.
Because they are so varied, classifying behaviors of the group as a whole is difficult. Some of them like fruit and others like leaves. Some are large and others small. Some are drab and others colorful.
Most end up named after the species of plant they like most. The Oak Lantern (Byoff) for example can skeletonize entire oak leaves! Others can absolutely mob apple trees, making them a pest to ThunderClan.
Funfact: The cartoon idea of an "apple worm" comes from some species of tortrix moths!
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[ID: A Kffa, "Flutter" in English. It is an orange-and-brown butterfly, with wings that stick out perpendicular to the body. The species depicted is a sunspot butterfly.]
Dominated by strange daytime species with bright colors, these confident little creatures are defined by the angle of their wings when resting. They "Flare" out, or Akeye in Clanmew.
The Yaero (sunspot butterfly/speckled wood) is the most well-known of the flutters which isn't also a herald of some sort. These plucky bugs have short lives and spend the ENTIRE time fighting, choosing a sunny spot and engaging in clumsy aerial brawls to defend it. To be compared to a Yaero in Clan Culture is like being called 'scrappy,' fighting until you drop dead of exhaustion.
It's a VERY admirable thing to be!
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[ID: A "Raoff," or a Prominent in English. It is a very fluffy moth with a big mane. The species depicted is a male muslin moth.]
The obvious thing that sets this sort of Ffyy apart from all others is its luscious, majestic mane. Much like how the "Leopard" is a mistranslation and is a mythical composite of several animals, the Clan cat "Lion" is a composite beast whose mane comes from moths!
Thus, it is how they were named. Lion + Moth.
And, of the various raoff, the muslin (Goorf) is one of the most interesting. It comes in black or white, with many cats speaking of a herald coloration that is split perfectly down the middle with black and white. This species' name comes from "Gender + Moth." It is thought that if a pregnant cat only sees black muslins, they will have an all-tom litter. All white, and they will all be mollies. If no muslin moths are seen at all, then they will all reveal themselves to be gib.
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[ID: A "ffow," or a fritilary in English. Note, this is the moment where the English names diverge the most because this is not an irl fritilary. It is a moth with a 'cape' that is both froom, and akeye. The species depicted is a magpie moth.]
A family of ffyy remarked upon for their 'savviness.' Not as 'confident' as kffa, nor as humble as an owyy, the animals in this family are typically quite interesting.
For example, the magpie (Peewo). While notably beautiful like a calico cat, it's also strangely left alone by other animals. If caught in a spiderweb, the spider will take a bite and let go. Birds leave them alone. Clan cats believe this must be because they will eat lots of unappetizing plants and become distasteful-- a clever creature!
The thought probably came from watching another ffow, the Mwifg, the "mint moth" in English. Mint is a deadly poison to Clan cats, but the creature eats it up, and goes unbothered by other animals.
So, Peewo and Mwifg are cited often as living examples of how you, "are what you eat."
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[ID: A plume moth, "ffip," a thin insect with a T-shaped body and long legs. The species depicted is a Beautiful Plume Moth.]
Widely considered the least appealing type of moth, often clustered in reedy areas. They're known by their distinctive T-shape and long legs.
Clan Cats find it unsettling that they resemble midges, and have only two unique names within the classification; Arrffip for the 20-Plume, and Lebl for the Beautiful Plume, which resembles a mottled cat which makes it more okay to them.
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[ID: A moth with big eyes and a long nose, called an "Iff" in Clanmew, and a veneer in English. The species depicted is a garden grass veneer.]
The silliest moth of all, associated with being panicked and anxious at all times. To be compared to an Iff is to be called a worry-wart in Clanmew!
Most veneers have a big, distinct fuzzy nose, and any moth that displays the same feature gets thrown into the Iff classification. But that isn't the only way to end up in this category! Any moth with big, worried eyes goes here as well, such as the Bronze Alder Moth (Holipo).
Alderheart was compared to a holipo often. Poor guy.
There is also the drinker moth (Ssbwohl), which is known for dunking its head into dewdrops and taking a big sippy.
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[ID: A moth that looks like a twig, called a Dowd in English and a Gyyff in Clanmew. The species depicted is a buff-tip.]
To be considered a Gyyff, the moth must be long and sticklike. The apple leafminer (Rugna) is a good example of a moth that is not using buff-tip (Kooko) mimicry, but is still a Dowd in Clanmew standards.
The word "kooko" in Clanmew is used for harmless fibs, little pranks, and the buff-tip moth!
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[ID: A green butterfly with shining wings, facing the camera. It is called a Herald in English, and a Hawof in Clanmew. The species depicted is a Green Hairstreak.]
The defining example of the Herald classification is the Green Hairstreak, an iridescent green moth that lead Moth Flight to the Moonstone so many years ago. A vitally important species to WindClan culturally, a burst in its population is said to be a sign that they need to listen carefully.
Any type of moth can end up going into this category, if it becomes significant in divination. Some moths have even shifted over time out of one classification into Hawof, and back out as they stop being seen as holy in some way!
Another example of a moth of great significance is the death's head moth, called a Wayoff in Clanmew. It's a massive type of hawkmoth, and an exceedingly rare sight. It warns of grand doom, threats so large that they threaten all the Clans at once. Floods, famine, deforestation... these were all preceded by the freak sighting of a Wayoff.
Meanwhile, the Lunar Hornet, Offes in Clanmew, mimics a wasp perfectly. It's a strange creature said to be a piece of the cosmic dust between this world and StarClan, an example of the fantastic creatures they can make if they so choose. It signifies change of some sort, which a Cleric will attempt to interpret for the cat who saw the moth.
And lastly,
Translation Trivia
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[ID: A cat chasing a butterfly]
Specifically for the way I have chosen to translate the names of these characters for the Better Bones AU
Moth Flight
Moth Flight Hawof Faofwe (Herald + Pilgrimage)
A VERY interesting translation quirk, as her name is a remnant from Old Tribemew, one of the ancestral languages that would eventually form Clanmew!
Hawof was the ancient word for moths and butterflies, and still the word in-use in Tribemew to this day. Once they moved down from the highlands, Clanmew adopted and created several new words to describe the hundreds of new types they were seeing on a regular basis. Yet, "hawof" fossilized, coming to only describe those that were particularly holy!
"Faofwe" is another fascinating example. While it once meant 'flight' in Old Tribemew, an animal flying from one place to another, it has come to mean "pilgrimage." This is the word being used for a cat going to visit a holy location, or somewhere else that they will reach a higher religious understanding of the world.
Both of these words are sacred; the type only given to modern cats in Honor Titles.
Mothwing Beksuwesk (Elephant Hawkmoth + Insect Wing)
Sasha fled the violence of TigerClan at her first opportunity, after being trapped in the dangerous situation with no escape. After the death of her son, Tadpole, she brought her kits to RiverClan in the hopes they would be safe. Their names were Ffyy, and Yassga.
Leopardstar saw that their father was Tigerstar, and accepted... though she would change their names. They had to accept what the Clan was to decide for them.
So Yassga (Raptor, any large bird of prey) became Yi'i (sparrowhawk), and Ffyy (Any butterfly) was pigeonholed into a type of hawkmoth as Besku. She thinks of this often, that RiverClan took the name her mother gave her, that she followed Hawkfrost to the Lake, and now she is all that remains. With nothing left of her family.
Archeye Oyiwipo (Dark Arches Moth + Eye)
A simple one! He has a stripe just above one eye that perfectly resembles the tip of a Dark Arches' wing.
(note: i updated this translation from an earlier statement.)
Mothwhisker Yaerohussk (Speckled Wood Butterfly + Hussk)
Fresh from the ThunderClan Family Tree fix, Mothwhisker is a parent of Adderfang and Seedfall.
An old Oakstar loyalist, Mothwhisker was spitting from the moment he was born, clawing the nose of his Ba. On the spot, he was given the prefix Yaero, and he eventually grew into a ferocious Crusader after the death of Mapleshade's kittens and the creation of Darkstar's Commandment.
Though "Butterflywhisker" would technically have been accurate, the translator chose 'moth' for brevity. Clan cats don't distinguish between the two, regardless.
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Owlphibia Vs Disney Television Animation Next Era - When I Learned That Serialization Can Be Bad In Excess....
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The night i posted this, i didn’t bothered with it beacuse i was ready to hop on an airport to Acapulco for the weekend, returning on Tuesday evening, i was surprised by the many QRTs, Replys and Reblogs as the tweet went viral over-night to the point of cringy Tik Toks and YT Shorts where putting made up bs.
Since the announcement that Disney Branded Television will stop the serialized era at Disney Channel for the 2020s and from now on will focus on musical episodic comedies specially many of them created by Big City Greens with exception of Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur who was confirmed to be serialized later on, there has been some bias againts the current and future Disney TVA lineup for Disney Channel from the Owlphibia fandom (Owl House and Amphibia) this has been prominent since Q3 2021.
These past years i haven’t been bothered by that beacuse right now im 24 years old and im more focused on finding my first animation job after finishing college by next year and starting to save money for equipment of my art, to bother if people i don’t know cry if their favorite storytelling on the medium of animation for a multimedia company will go away
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However recently the Owlphibia community has been on a very toxic situation with future Disney TVA shows by simply existing that finally decided to speak up, specially with some things that have been bothering me with the community that i have been carrying since 2021 to a point where someone attemped to “cancel me” and decided to finally writte this over the following bs that happen during the Annies weekend where OPs pic scares away potential fans of both TOH and DTVA shows
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Big City Greens is a curious case where a fandom hate goes so much, beacuse im tired of going to the BCG tag on Twitter and evey 5 or 3 tweets i see a Owlphibia fan hating the show beacuse the bitter truth “JEALOUSY” recently these people treat this show as a soulless project that only exists just to cancel serialized shows to give it more attention, BCG dosn’t have any fault of that, Dana has explained that the show was axed due Gary Marsh leadership at DBTV on 2020 or on 2021 where TC was delayed and the Owlphibia fandom was pissed that a BCG marathon was replaced instead.
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Im tired of repeating myself with this point but the show is very popular with it’s target demographic aka children who support the show legally as opposed to Twitter & Tumbrl who searches the latest MEGA as soon at is posted AND barely supports it’s official release on legal platforms,Bob Chapek’s LGTBQ+ scandal was a fair boycott and i respect it if that case made you NOT want to support any official release of TOH & Amphibia to give Disney money, if that was the case i completly understand.
However Big City Greens, the show and it’s crew dosn’t have the fault of being the cancelation of TOH or delaying True Colors as that’s illogical and dosn’t make any sense and if you have following me you know that im glad that their Alumnis like Natasha Kline,Cheyenne Curtis,Monica Ray,Amy Hudkins and Raj Brueggemann as well The Houghton Brothers mentor C.H Greenblatt will do their own Disney shows and being succesful with their own franchises as Disney has faith in them to make big hits and becoming next storytellers and honestly that’s fine, im sure you will love them and speaking of future Disney TVA shows...
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This where real tweets when these shows where announced and got me a laugh out of me, the first one beacuse on the same day Disney literally announced two serialized series for Disney+ under the Disney Europe Animation (The Doomies & Dragion Striker) while ignoring The Witchverse and Rhona Who Lives By The River and the second one was beacuse we literally confirmed that InterCats will be a more mature comedy for kids and teenagers ala Regular Show which explains it’s Disney+ greenlight.
Or recent attacks to The Witchverse for being a show about witches and being the major blamed for Owlphibia for TOH cancelation or Owlphibia fans crying when Phineas And Ferb announced a revival, being angry at Hamster and Gretel making a dark blood joke or throwing a tantrum over Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur aka a Marvel IP getting merchandise right off the bat and bothering Disney TVA excs on Twitter to ask them to break NDA to know if there’s a new serialized show on development.
I understand being afraid however things change as well and it’s very obvious that the era of Gravity Falls alumni-leading projects at Disney is over as S.H Cotugno and Emmy Circiega and others have left Disney for good now that TOH is over or that their development deal is now over however this dosn’t excuse to  look with apathy to this new era as this new shows might even surprise you and is interesting that other animation communities of other countries are open to this new era than American cartoontwt and cartoontumbrl recently one Facebook page from Latin America posted the first photo and the community commented on this with positive reactions with the new episodic era, here are some of the highlights
1 - In my opinion, it's good that they let this type of series rest with deep serious plots and deep character developments. The truth is, I was already fed up with those fandoms that fought with everyone and among themselves, defending tooth and nail every idea or theory that It arose throughout the series and that when it ends, the fans want answers about what happened next or they want a continuation of it, and they don't understand that if it's over, it's over, period.
2 - Well, I think it was time to put this kind of series to rest, over time they began to fall into the Adventure Time and Gravity Falls formula, it worked well, but perhaps that genre of storytelling in the medium needs a reinvention.
3 -  I feel sad that they are stopping these type of animated series with that format. Rebecca Rose said it months ago that this is the new approach because it is easier for the target demographic to get into the series and get hooked on a random episode that happens, but it doesn't mean anything bad ,there is Molly Mcgee and other projects that don’t look bad
4-  Serialized shows are good, but once in a while, you need a break, something simple, to watch over a meal and for that, the return of Phineas & Ferb is appreciated
5- I'm not saying that the GF-type "formula" should disappear, but that Disney itself stagnated with it...  Pretty much like the anime, the tropes started to be repetitive a lot like "a normal person arrives in a magical world and blah blah blah..." I think they can be more creative than that
6-  Im fine with it, at the end of the day Disney knows how to reinvent itself, this will not be the end of the company or Disney's animation units.
7-  People prefer to watch shows without following a plot so much, it's normal that they want to put that aside for a while.
As for me im pretty excited that finally Harvey Beaks/Big City Greens alumnis are getting their time to shine besides More Than Us from Disney Wish, Encanto’s song What Else Can I Do? is what represents what i feel with this new era:
Before finishing an aclaration with this editorial im not forcing you to like every new Disney TVA series for Disney Channel, im just asking nicely to the Owlphibia community to level down their hatred with other Disney shows for simply existing and direct your anger to older dumb excecutives instead of other shows who don’t have any fault of a cancelation.
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And be positive that at least that someone still greenlights original animated series in this sea of cancelations based on the betrayal of Netflix Animation and the mess that is WBD, Cartoon Network Studios WISHES right now to have someone as passionate on animation as Ayo Davis and Meredith Robers.
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Finally im my opinion overall on this is pretty much “Change can be difficult, but it's how we grow. It can be the hardest thing to realize you can't hold on to something forever. Sometimes, you have to let it go” and with this new era of episodic musical comedies by BCG alumnis well “But, of the things you let go, you'd be surprised what makes its way back to you.” -- Anne Boonchuy.
Take care and support animation - Seb
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Stereotypy in the schizophrenic spectrum
First off, what is stereotypy ? It's repetitive, almost ritualistic movements or behaviours. Some examples are rocking back and forth, pacing, biting your nails, clearing your throat... There are tons of it. In autism, it is called stimming because the stereotypies are caused by self-soothing and self-regulation regarding the internalisation of stimuli.
There are multiple types of stereotypy : motor or vocal. Vocal stereotypy can be repeating sounds like "tch-tch-tc-" or "ba-ba-ba-ba".
Who can do that ? Technically, everyone, but it's more prevalent in autistic people, in people with tardive dyskinesia, in people with dementia and in people on the schizo spec.
One other thing about verbal stereotypy is that it includes sentences and words that are repeated as emotional reactions : "Blimey !" ; "Bloody hell!" Or also some littles words that we use very often, so much it pops up in our conversations in a very prominent manner "yep, yep" ; "so" ; "actually"...
People within the schizo spec tend to have a stereotyped speech. There isn't much research about it and it was hard to find info on it so here is what I understand from what I've read. Hope it helped :)
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the-owl-tree · 2 years
About Tigerheartstar, he did literally threaten RiverClan lives unless they surrendered. He held Duskfur down and asked her how many of her clanmates lives it was worth giving up until RiverClan submitted to him. At the gathering Icewing was the only RiverClan cat to say that RiverClan is doing well, but she’s his favored cat, he’s made her leader and she doesn’t oppose his takeover as much as the other RiverClan cats. Also he is being written super consistently this guy has just always been like this, look at SqH, TS and in Raging Storm just as the more prominent examples. He’s a fascinating and very consistent character but not one I like on a personal level but respect from a writing standpoint. He always believes he is in the right, and he will always justify whatever actions he does. He’s not necessarily a good person but he fully believes he is. How they’re writing him in this arc is extremely consistent with his previous characterisation and I have absolutely no problem believing this is the kind of thing he would do. No matter how good his intentions may have been he did forcefully take away the independence of an entire clan. You don’t go with almost all your warriors to RiverClan at the crack of dawn if you don’t expect a fight.
will not argue on squilf's hope or raging storm as i've not read the first one and i barely remember avos' second half, i am sorry....my memory is garbage :(
there's no real point where tigerheartstar explicitly threatens their lives, the only real mention of that is from duskfur (you know. the one who instigated the fight). she put her clanmates in danger by starting that fight, i've already pointed out that frostpaw was about to get mothwing to talk to him.
here's the fight, i think it's intentionally left vague (and to further the stupid fucking "tigerheartstar like tigerstar? oh nooo!" conflict they insist on keeping up) whether or not he'd actually kill her. i get where you're coming from though but i'd say duskfur's "i'd rather die than receive help" is annoying so therefore im afraid i have to support tigerheartstar here.
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considering they uh attacked him, i think him bringing his clan was a smart choice. tigerheartstar and his clan was the most affected when tc started to go off the rails, makes sense to me he'd want to prepare (especially since the clans love to fight each other. him bring his warriors feels like a smart choice considering the entire nature of their society but that's less canon and more me thoughts).
then in the preview, he does exactly what he promised them and leaves.
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he's not there to take over, he's there to help, and while i absolutely agree that people can disagree about exactly how helpful he was, i think it's unfair to treat him as the sole reason the whole thing went down so violently (or, in much poorer taste when discussing cat books, refer to it as "colonization" or "imperialism" words have meaning).
as for icewing, i will save thoughts on that until the book comes out. i want to see her in action as a temp leader before getting ahead of myself, i get your point with her though!
i think you're right that he may not totally be in the right with his actions but i stand by my point. riverclan attacked first and tigerheartstar left as soon as he helped. considering the fact that he spent the last arc having to pick up thunderclan's pieces and this arc lost a kit because of riverclan's mismanagement, i think his actions are understandable imo. Still, the arc is early and we have yet to see what'll happen.
ty for the ask, i appreciate your thoughts!! im so sorry if this is rambly and there are errors or it is incomprehensible at points. im sleepy.
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CoM Character Intro: Livia
Full Name: Livia Corvi
Title: Contessa di Firanza, Heir to the Duca de Mutina, Heir to the Marchese d’Alesseria
Character Traits: Manipulative, mercurial, untrusting, devoted, honest, perceptive
19 years old + she/her + lesbian
Physical Description: 5’7”, wavy blonde hair, Roman nose, violet eyes, narrow hips
Faceclaim: Holliday Granger
Theme Song: The Family Jewels—MARINA
City of Marble Taglist: (Interact here or message to be added/message to be removed): @theprissythumbelina @writeblrfantasy @bittenthehand @pertinax--loculos  @terrisredrose @calicojackofficial @evethenovicewriter @houndmouthed @faithfire @ceph-the-writing-spook @rose-bookblood​ @pinespittinink @aohendo @flowerprose @perasperaadastrawriting @marrowwife @jessica-writes22 @lockejhaven @mr-writes @dreamywritingdragon @tc-doherty @did-i-do-this-write @inkingfireplace​​@ryns-ramblings​ @wildswrites​
Longer description under the cut!
—Daughter of Rodrigo Corvi, heir to the ancient House of Capello, and nephew of the former Rex, and Agrippina Serpico, heir to a prominent regnal house
—Her parent’s marriage caused unrest, and the richer and more powerful Southern empire tried to prevent the union of three important northern families
--Grandmother is Calpurnia Capello, leader of an anti-magic movement in the north
--It was dangerous to be a child of Northern nobles, with the South growing in power and wanting to forget where they came from
—The North has been in a steady state of decline since the war, and for most of Livia’s lifetime, it has been a mess of factions
--Her great-uncle’s husband is Imperatore Enrico, who caused the war, so she carries the taint of being related to him as well
--At a young age, took an interest in politics and tactics. 
--Her family’s station and the unrest at court left her unable to trust, and she disliked most of the other children of her generation.
--Her greatest rival in her younger years was Giacinta Giordano, and she was thrilled when Giacinta was exiled
--When she was 15, Orsina Gentilini, Enrico’s heir, introduced Livia to her method of defending her position against enemies: the post. She once said “a letter can make anything seem real”
--Orsina had told her the story of Leonora Alfonsi. In her telling, Leonora wanted to steal Orsina’s throne for the South, and so Orsina forged a confession letter. Since Leonora married a southern noble soon after, Orsina claims that her actions were justified.
--Calpurnia brought her eldest granddaughter with her to the sorcery trial she headed
--By the time she was 18, doing anything necessary to survive at court, especially against Nero Trapani’s growing faction to oppose the Imperatore
--Enrico brings the court south for a summit, and while there she decides to explore. She’s heard that Leonora’s daughter was locked up, and wanted to find out if Orsina had been right.
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topguncortez · 1 year
So unless I’m mistaken and missed an earlier one, Glen’s tweet was actually more about the SAG strike, like working actors wanting to make more on residuals. Just a slight (hopefully not annoying) correction because it is a different strike and Glen is almost definitely a member.
I haven’t seen anything from any of the others (except Tom wanting SAG to let newer actors cross the picket line to promote their movies lol).
I feel like Danny might be avoiding it — while still being fairly active on social — because Disney is such a big offender here, and he has upcoming projects with them (just personal speculation, not based on anything).
i would be cautious if i were danny too and speaking out about it. yes, disney is a big offender but disney is also so fucking powerful, especially the marvel franchise.
TC comment about the picket lines was tone deaf 🙄 and that’s cause he wants to be able to promote his movie and he can’t.
and yes, you’re right glen’s tweet was more towards the actors strike than the writers.
i don’t know a whole lot about the strikes. i don’t know the ins and outs of the two different strikes going on, but it made me raise a few eyebrows that these very prominent and still popular actors who were in a very, very big movie last year havent said a whole lot
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privanagurgaon · 5 months
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It is always a massive achievement in every investor’s life to acquire a meticulously designed development. Today, I have brought some essential facts on one of the most prestigious projects, developed by DLF. 
Extensively known as Privana West, a new creation of DLF will sweep you off your feet once you come across some very interesting facts about its features. As we move forward, you will gather some very important information that will help you to make a well-informed decision. 
In order to be more aware of the distinctiveness and diversity offered in the real estate sector of Gurgaon, you need information from authentic sources. 
Privana West Gurgaon stands to be the perfect choice for all those who dream of owning a highly auspicious development, situated in a sophisticated neighbourhood. 
Let us go through some mandatory specifications of DLF Privana West one by one so that you can gain some insights into the noble elements that you will be inheriting here. 
1. DLF Privana West is a very well-renowned residential development, aiming to offer a very distinguished style when it comes to the quality of life offered here. This is a high-rise property, a part of 116 acres of township. Here, a total of 5 high-rise towers will be built which will include 780 apartments. 
2. Other great benefit is its strategic location as it is positioned in sector-76 and 77, Gurgaon. Therefore, it is situated near all renowned landmarks of Gurgaon as well as Delhi. By this, I am referring to the below-mentioned areas which will be close to Privana West DLF. 
Dwarka Expressway
National Highway-8
New Gurgaon 
Southern Peripheral Road 
Golf Course Extension Road
Golf Course Road
Sohna Road
Central Peripheral Road
Indira Gandhi International Airport
Dhaula Kuan
3. DLF Cyber City, a very exotic commercial complex is situated adjacent to the development of Gurgaon. This gives the utmost convenience to all working professionals who are residing in DLF Privana West. 
This project is a massive boon for all potential real estate investors as you can choose to work from an extensive list of multi-national corporations, business towers, corporate spaces, start-ups, and IT firms. 
Here, you will also witness thriving social hubs in the form of restaurants, cafes, clubs, pubs, retail showrooms, gaming centres, bookstores, and many other thriving activities to enjoy. 
American Express, TCS, DLF Corporate Greens, Air India Training Centre, and many other top-notch companies have become a part of this prominent complex. 
I hope you have gained a lot of clarity with regard to the benefits of DLF Privana West Gurgaon. This article will show you why this development is perfect for you and your loved ones. 
Reading this entire article will give you a more clear idea with respect to transparency as to what all you will be getting here. 
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vishalinfragroup · 1 year
2 BHK Apartments for sale near It Park Nagpur
Vishal Infrastructure Kanchan Ganga 2
2 BHK Apartments for sale near It Park Nagpur
About Vishal Infrastructure
Vishal Infra Established in the year 1995.We are a prominent organization that work with our clients in offering tailor made range of Real Estate Services and Value Added Services related to Apartment.
 The silent features of our group are reliability, authenticity and trust and thus we take in our passion to transcend the every parameters of perfection by consistently setting the quality benchmarks for residential and commercial infrastructures.
With the support of our architects and engineering teams, we are not building homes but we are making better communities for society. We make sure that our range of buildings is build high quality construction material and acknowledged for luxury and comfort.
 Furthermore, our dream is to provide affordable housing in and around Nagpur’s exponential eccentric deeccentric development. Our range of Value Added Services enhance the beauty of our life also creatively designed Children’s Park by our experienced designers that make the child grows, educationally and mentally while playing. with them.
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Vishal Infra Established in the year 1995. We are a prominent organization that works with our clients in offering tailor made range of Real Estate Services and Value Added Services related to Apartment. The silent features of our group are reliability, authenticity and trust and thus we take in our passion to transcend the every parameters of perfection by consistently setting the quality benchmarks for residential and commercial infrastructures.
Best Services
Best Locations
You will find that every Vishal Infra’s home is set in premium locations that only add to its investment value, grandeur and prestige. The prestigious home addresses will amp up your style quotient too. 
Building Happiness
All Vishal Infra’s apartments are designed by a customer-centric team that relies on the visions and ideas of their customers and transforms it into dream homes that brim with happiness!
Our culture
We embrace teamwork while respecting the best of each individual. Our foundation of teamwork and collaboration allows us to build long-lasting relationships with clients, partners, communities, and each other. As a 100% employee-owned company, we take the success of those around us personally.       
 Nearby Places!
1) Electric Train
2) Medical
3) Tower
4) Road
5) Airport
6) Park
7) Order
8) Mortar Board
Kanchan Ganga 2
Today Vishal Infrastructure is the talk of the town for successfully completing KANCHANGANGA a mega township comprising 1100 apartments and bungalows. Thousands of customers speak volumes about our creation as we could provide their dream home at a very affordable price.
Visit KANCHANGANGA and experience the difference. We the persons behind Vishal Infrastructure are known for commitments and ethical values. In all odds we delivered more than what was promised – security wall, security gates, pavers on roads, 24×7 water supply, garden and play area, bus stop, etc.,
Speak about our commitment for commitment is the key word at Vishal Infrastructure. The blessings from our satisfied and happy customers inspired us to go for another creation. KANCHAGANGA – 2 is taking shape.
It is very much within the city and is surrounded by reputed schools, colleges – Engineering, Medical, Dental, – banks, malls and hotels. It is one of the best destinations to live in, welcome KANCHANGANGA -2.
Investment at right time, with right people paves way to prosperity. In India, Nagpur is one of the best cities to live in due to its geographical location and various other features.
Imagine Nagpur when more jewels in the form of MIHAN, METRO RAIL, IIM, TCS and other prominent I,T, Industries, Tiger Capital, Tourism, SEZ are studded to its crown. We with same commitment and ethical values,
Welcomes you KANCHANGANGA family.
KANCHANGANGA 2 is very close to city hardly half kilometer from YCC College of engineering. The area is well developed with beautiful building except.
KANCHANGANGA 2 which is going to be a “LAND MARK” of the area Wanadongri.
KANCHANGANGA 2 is well connected by city bus service, taxies and autos. Schools, Collages, Banks, Hospitals, Malls and Hotels are at walking distances.
Compound wall to the entire scheme and 24 hr. security is a added feature besides many advantages. KANCHANGANGA 2 is one of the best destinations for living.
Earthquake resistant R.C.C Frame structure.
External wall 150mm and internal wall 115 mm thick.
Frame – main door-teak wood, other doors-RCC
Panels- Front door – both side laminated (brass fittings to the front door of banglow), other doors-painted in good quality paint.
Power coated aluminum sliding windows with security grills.
Window Seal in green Marble.
Otta Top in green marble and dado in glazed tiles up to four feet.
Vitrified (2’ X 2’) Tiles in all Rooms.
Designer Ultra Tiles flooring in staircase, lobby and mid landing.
Concealed Plumbing with Hot and Cold water arrangement in each toilet with jaquar or similar brand fittings
Putty in all rooms with good quality paint for internal walls.
Cement paint for external walls.
Antiskid tiles flooring, and dado in full height, up to seven feet, in glaze tiles.
Geyser and exhaust fan point
Electrical / Wiring
ISI mark Concealed electrical wiring.
Modular Switches with 6 Point in each room.
Phone and cable point in living room
Power point in kitchen and toilet.
A.C. Point in all Bedrooms.
Provision for inverter wiring.
Security Feature
CCTV camera at the entry of each apartment.
Intercom facility.
Water Supply
Provision of sump and over head water tank for drinking and washing.
Lift with power back up in all apartment buildings.
Important Notes
Stamp duty, registration fees, shall be borne by the purchase only.
M.S.E.B. mater deposit, water meter deposit shall be charged extra.
Al taxes (VAT, Services tax etc.) to be borne by the purchaser only.
For any addition in specifications or alteration extra amount shall be charged.
Possession will be given only after clearance of all the dues and sale deed.
Contact Us
+91 8888653333
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vishalinfra · 2 years
Today Vishal Infrastructure is the talk of the town for successfully completing KANCHANGANGA a mega township comprising 1100 apartments and bungalows. Thousands of customers speaks volumes about our creation as we could provide their dream home at a very affordable price. Visit KANCHANGANGA and experience the difference.We the persons behind Vishal Infrastructure are known for commitments and ethical values. In all odds we delivered more than what was promised – security wall, security gates, pavers on roads, 24×7 water supply, garden and play area, bus stop, etc., speak about our commitment for commitment is the key word at Vishal Infrastructure. The blessings from our satisfied and happy customers inspired us to go for another creation.KANCHAGANGA – 2 is taking shape. It is very much within the city and is surrounded by reputed schools, colleges – Engineering, Medical, Dental, – banks, malls and hotels. It is one of the best destinations to live in, Welcome KANCHANGANGA -2. Investment at right time, with right people paves way to prosperity. In India, Nagpur is one of the best city to live in due to its geographical location and various other features. Imagine Nagpur when more jewels in the form of MIHAN, METRO RAIL, IIM, TCS and other prominent I,T, Industries, Tiger Capital, Tourism, SEZ are studded to its crown. We with same commitment and ethical values, welcomes you KANCHANGANGA family.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
"I know we couldn't leave her in the asylum," Ruu said, "but did anyone think how the poor woman would feel about being surrounded by strange men in Mando armor?" "But we're not the Death Watch," Besany said. She'd fallen into the role of alpha female by virtue of being Ordo's wife. "We're not the ones who killed her family." - Imperial Commando: 501st
This quote is one of the reasons why the entire Republic Commando book series makes me so furious when I’m not focused on Vau, Mird, Deltas or Atin. The female characters, while having a lot of potential to develop, are ultimately not treated with respect by the narrative or even by some male characters, and it is not about an existing conflict of interest that has arisen between them. I mean the moments where Besany is described as Alpha Female (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean in alleged gender neutral mandalorian society) leading other women when men aren't around. Not because, as a former agent of the Republic Treasury Audit Division, she had the appropriate abilities to do so, such as keeping a cool head in difficult situations (established in TZ and TC), self-confidence or even ordinary kindness when she took someone under her wing, so that this person would feel accepted / safe in a new - not always friendly - environment (as in the case of Corr). Instead, she is called the Alpha Female and is the leader "by virtue of being Ordo's wife". Which, excuse me, is shitty reason as hell. Disrespectful toward her as a person and toward other women whose supposed role and worth is now based on their husbands' social hierarchy? Like what, Laseema wouldn’t be a good leader in times of need because Atin is not the favorite son of Skirata? Or Etain, if she survived, because of Darman’s position in Kal’s list of fav boys?  That is the logic of the narrative?
(I mean, there is a chance I'm reading it wrongly, and Besany simply felt she need take charge at what is happening as a way to help Ordo, as the gesture of sharing the burden of responsibility but the text doesn't frame it that way for me.)
And what is even more irking? The whole narrative oh, she is the Alpha Female! Look how awesome she is, when being put in charge! But then never even seen anywhere truly close the "war council" that makes all vital decisions? You know, the one mentioned by book as "The usual war council was assembled-Skirata, Vau, Gilamar, Ordo's brothers, and Jusik." Sure, so great fucking Alpha Female, the queen of kitchen or whatever she is doing now in between the rare moments when IC: 501st remember she exist still. Riiiight.
(Just to be clear, Skirata, Vau and Gilamar, as the Mando veterans and the most experienced men make perfect sense and in truth, a lot of major issues were usually discussed/argued between Kal and Walon first and foremost, with input from Ordo and Jusik. But their decisions were affecting all the members of the clan, especially in regard to Jedi. But if being Ordo’s wife by virtue puts her in charge - or demands from her to act as leader, then her lack there is really disturbing. Even Ruu Skirata talked more about mandalorian politics with her dad than Besany doing anything more prominent than being in the kitchen and watching when boys played? I admit, I may be missing something important so feel free to correct me as I’m lately doing research focused mainly at Vau and his “kids” (including Mird) so Besanny could slip away from my memory. But regardless I think my point will still stand, as women of RepCom deserve better than being gutted out of their previous established traits and sadly turned into mindless wives or waiting to be married with another clone / Jusik (don’t even let me start about Arla Fett 😡)
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taviewritesstuff · 2 years
My current love for Touché Turtle and Dum-Dum aside, I’ve also been working on The Blue Fur. The other H-B fic featuring an anti heroic Selkie Huck and a cool Desert Flower? Yeah, that old fic. I kinda figured out the direction that I want to go for this story, after letting it gather dust for a while. Perhaps once I finish BFA, I’ll put up the first chapter of this story and see what kind of traction it gets.
I do know that Hokey and TC are in this, they’re both kinda jerks in this one (though Hokey more so, since he’s selling Huck off), and Ruff and Reddy might be getting a prominent role here. That’s all I’ve got for now!
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disappearinginq · 3 years
Rick Wright?
First impression "ah - the comedic relief"
Impression now "The comedic relief who is a fucking badass sniper and has a tragic backstory? HELL YEAH."
Favorite moment When someone gets the drop on him while he's acting as Overwatch for TC and Thomas and he manages to kick the shit out of the bad guy, calls the other bad guys, and has that super sarcastic, sing-song-y voice threatening the ones holding Thomas and TC at gunpoint while he sits casually on the rock with his rifle pointed at the other one.
Idea for a story Well, he does feature very prominently in all the ones mentioned for Thomas, but for him as a main character? The final part of the Bad Things Happen Bingo where he first meets Thomas and he has a meltdown after killing the dog that mangled his arm because it's just the final straw on an already heaped stack of shit going wrong.
Unpopular opinion IS there an unpopular opinion for Rick? I actually like his romance onscreen with his real life wife maybe?
Favorite relationship Thomas, TC and Rick - though I think there is potential for him and Kumu. Maybe because I just want Kumu to adopt everyone.
Favorite headcanon That Rick operated as a sniper without a spotter for most of his time downrange before he met Thomas and Nuzo (or that his favorite pick up line is something to do with being Mr. Right because of his name)
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Back to the Future – Glass talks to Swedish actor Rebecca Ferguson about her roles in Dune, Mission: Impossible and the lessons we can learn from spaghetti
Rebecca Ferguson is on location in Budapest, possibly dressed up as a sci-fi high priestess with glowing blue eyes and a three-pronged bouffant. Dune, Denis Villeneuve’s 2020 reinterpretation of David Lynch’s 1984 Frank Herbert adaptation, needs reshoots of its own, so Ferguson is talking to me over the phone in between takes from what sounds like a galaxy far, far away …
In accordance with “soon-to-be-released-Sci-Fi-epic” law, Dune is shrouded in secrecy. As yet there are no behind the scenes featurettes, and no leaked stills to give an insight into Villeneuve’s vision for Ferguson’s character, Lady Jessica, the age-agnostic mother of Timothée Chalamet’s cosmic hero, Paul Atreides.
So, I do the only thing you can do when imagining the new cast of a reboot and attach Ferguson’s disembodied head to the beheaded body of her Lady Jessica predecessor. Et voilà, Rebecca Ferguson: live from Budapest, possibly looking like a futuristic, blue eyed, heavily bouffanted, Lynchian high priestess.
She’s called back from a location with better phone coverage and we’re discussing cities, from the “incredible” (Budapest), to the inhabitable (London, Ferguson’s second home), via LA, which, putting it mildly, fits neither criteria in the 37-year-old’s glowing blue eyes. “The idea of moving to LA has never, ever, ever been on my agenda,” she declares.
The first thing that strikes you about Ferguson is that she’s passionate talking about practically everything. “Look, there are people I love, who love it there … and I get it. When people there look at you and smile, there is a joy,” she pauses, reliving early encounters with LA, and smiles … “And a happiness which is so lovely and endearing and light – but I can’t take it too long. I just want to smoke a cigarette and kind of blow it in someone’s face.” An apology seems on the tip of her tongue, but she decides it would ruin the joke, and merely says, “I don’t actually smoke, by the way.”
She spends much of the year in a Swedish fishing village – “a different world”, she says, possessing all the things she loves: row boats, the ocean, her friends, grilling fish and just the right amount of smiling and joy. Ferguson’s open and only slightly sardonic disdain for the folly of wanton joy suggests, to me, two things. One: that while she clearly loves Sweden, the place of her birth and homeland of her father, the English side of her mother is potent.
And two: the ability to “get in and get out”, as she puts it, remains a priority. As a teen, Ferguson was unknown to the world but famous in Sweden as the star of soap opera Nya Tider. When the show ended and she was 15, she got out. “I studied, had a beautiful child, worked in restaurants, shops, God … in hotels – I did everything.” Everything but act, other than a couple of minor, un-recurring TV roles and student films in exchange for free lunch.
“I never wanted to go to drama school, mainly because I didn’t want to be like every other Swede in film. Not to criticise Lars Norén or … Ingrid Bergman, but all I could think was ‘I don’t want to be a drama student with a fucking purple beret on my head, I don’t want to be like them’. I think, now, looking back, I was just terrified I wasn’t going to get in.”
Eleven years after Nya Tider, Ferguson starred in Swedish language film, A One-Way Trip to Antibes. “And that was the gateway for me.” Soon after she was cast as Queen Elizabeth in BBC period drama The White Queen, which was less a conveyer belt towards ‘the big time’ as it was a treadmill cranked to 11. But playing Queen Elizabeth on the BBC isn’t without its drawbacks – play the role well enough and the whole world will think you’re English.
Being called Rebecca Ferguson probably doesn’t help, and her English is too perfect to be considered a second language. Most of all, though, it’s to do with the version of Englishness that lives so prominently in Ferguson: her mother’s version. “My mother is quintessentially English,” she says. “When she came over to Sweden, words and expressions like ‘whoops-a-daisy, ‘holy moly’ and ‘kerfuffle’ still existed – it’s how she spoke and it became the natural way of speaking for me, too.”
It made Ferguson a convincing Brit, laying the groundwork for the most seamless England/Sweden switcheroo since Ferguson’s own mother integrated so adeptly into her adopted home that, in 1975, she was awarded the ultimate endorsement: appearing on the sleeve of an Abba album. And yet, beyond the whimsical lingo, Ferguson is neither stiff, stoical nor repressed – three fundamentals of Britishness.
On chat-shows, she’s gregarious and tactile and warm, and this confuses people who go by the “if it looks like a Brit and sounds like a Brit …” metric. It’s a little like painting a cat with black and white stripes and saying, “what’s wrong with that zebra and why is it such an outrageous flirt?” “I’ve seen those bloody comments! It’s so weird. It makes me think I should stop touching people altogether, which is sad because, you know … we’re here, we’re together, we’re human beings.”
The problem is, when your wagon’s hitched to a vehicle like Mission: Impossible, where each instalment is an event, and every instalment ends with the promise of another instalment (Episodes 7 and 8 are in the works), chat show appearances are unending. Rumour is that number seven will be filmed in space, which is a worthwhile trade for the talk-show couch merry-go-round, depending on where you stand on heights. “In space? That’s news to me, but with TC nothing surprises me.”
TC is, of course, Mr Mission Impossible: Tom Cruise. “So,” I ask her, would she do it? “I would probably say ‘fuck off’ to that. Heights are my greatest fear and I’m not doing cognitive therapy acting … then again, I never thought I would jump 40 metres off that house in Vienna (Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation). That was bloody terrifying. But I did it … and got to do something that I never thought I would do, so maybe it is all just therapy?”
He’s a force of nature,” Ferguson says. “I’ve never met anyone like him.” There’s a unique fascination around Cruise, due to his personal life and the idea that the line separating him from his Mission Impossible character, Ethan Hunt, has become almost non-existent; that the actor has permanently morphed into the character, who now spends his days playing the role of the actor he once was. Which is a crazy suggestion, obviously, but Cruise is so intensely fascinating that I can’t help such ideas whirl through my head whenever I see him interviewed “out of character”.
I ask Ferguson what it’s like to have a relationship with someone so divisive, who invokes such strong opinions, and whether she feels strangely protective of Cruise. “I don’t think I can. I feel there’s no need to be protective of him. He’s powerful …  just the way he is. I feel like I’m supported by him all the time.” Nor does she tire of being asked about him. “He’s an interesting person to talk about, and a very interesting person to get to know.
The boyish charm, the need to always be doing fun things for everyone while making sure everyone feels safe … Sometimes we’ll start laughing and unbuckling our seatbelts just to fuck with him,” which weirdly is the only Tom Cruise anecdote I think I’ll ever need. “We’ve had some beautiful moments filming together.”
On which note, with our allotted 30 minutes long expired, I ask Ferguson what ‘together’ means to her, but she seems to have re-entered whatever foreign galaxy she started the interview in, and the question gets chewed up on its way over. She responds, “spaghetti?” which, after some clarification and deliberation, we decide to stick with, despite the kerfuffle. “Because togetherness is the opposite of isolation and segregation,” and nothing represents the importance of togetherness like than the profoundly sad sight of a lone strand of spaghetti.
by Charlie Navin-Holder
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etihw000 · 4 years
You, Boun, Ninja and Taxi were my inspo for doing character designs, though I have to ask, what was the logic of the fashion you gave when interpreting the skins back at like 2013/2014? I could never figure out how to get that 2010s mcyt aesthetic of designs.
i’m gonna put this here for future reference: i do not want to answer asks that mention taxey. so if anyone else had sent in an ask involving her i probably deleted it and will continue to delete them, sorry.
but you tickled a bit of my rambling bones because i do like to talk, and she is part of what happened (i will hereby refer to her as T); so here we go.
i think you can separate my designs into two eras: before-T and after-T. before T came around, my designs interpreted the skins pretty literally. here’s bodil, here’s sky/ty/mitch/jerome, here’s bashur, and here’s jason.
my explanation on this: i was 13 and didn’t really like challenging myself. i’m pretty sure i took jason’s design from dopier, for example. so i took the easy way route out on a lot of things! 
but most notably, i didn’t want to draw complicated designs like sky’s. so the answer was very simple and clear: obviously, put it onto a sweater! i’m sure it was originally meant to be armor, but i didn’t want to draw armor. that’s too much thinking, too much highlighting, and i just wanted to pump out fanart for what i liked.
i didn’t like drawing checkerboards, so i switched them to lines.
i didn’t want to draw an anthro, so i just made it into a bear hat ala michael (i’m pretty sure this bear-type hat was more prominent in 2014, but it seems to have been simplified into just a hoodie with bear ears?).
i didn’t want to draw a humanoid watermelon nor did i even know where to begin with that, so i just drew bashur’s skin as a human and mirrored the design onto his hair and everything else was kept similarly.
it’s what happened with jason’s design - remember his astronaut-y outfit? yeah, i changed it to a hoodie shortly afterwards with an astronaut-y print. hated drawing that shit, challenging yourself is dead.
so in early 2014 (i came to the realization that i actually didn’t draw mcyt in 2013; i started drawing it in 2014), honestly just look at the skins you want to interpret and go with the simplest possible outcome. the end.
however, if you’re talking a bit later with the more unique designs - there was one notable thing that happened that caused it.
see, i was a cranky little 14 year old child who got way too much attention. and with that attention came people copying my art - and one of them was T. 
i was highly uncomfortable at the time because, well, when you’re 14 you want to be unique as possible; you wanna stand out. and i was the only one who drew mcyt in this vaguely anime style way (because it wasn’t minecraft). and because we were all fucking weebs i assume people just started copying my art style wholesale.
see, people would mistake me for T. and vice-versa. i was extremely unhappy with this bullshit. “why are people mistaking me for this person,” i thought very unhappily to myself. and because i didn’t want to change my bloody art style, i decided designs were the way to go. so i went a bit crazy with it.
started out pretty simple. i cut ty’s shirt slightly differently (it still plagues his fanart to this day, i’m sorry ty). i gave bodil a beanie. everything was fine.
and then i still didn’t fucking want to draw checkerboards, so i just made a unique design for mitch. it followed with zek (the jacket on the right with the blue), who also had a checkerboard print. 
i did not want anyone replicating what i did, because it pissed me the fuck off something fierce. and i don’t know nor do i remember this clearly, but i’m pretty sure T started doing the same damn thing anyway. and i’m pretty sure it’s only T, because when I talked with swift and jasie they didn’t remember doing this shit. it was literally the two of us and whoever happened to be watching us do it.
it wasn’t meant to be easy to replicate. 
it was meant to be a bitch to replicate.
(i did it with rage too. the man didn’t even have a checkerboard skin. the long hair also plagues his fanart to this day, too. sorry rage.)
the other designs (ragegaming-era) were in 2015. and i was still the same angry 14-year old kid, especially since the T situation hadn’t gotten any better. we were still being mistaken for each other. people were genuinely confused about which of us were who and i don’t know how to explain to you how much anger was packed into my tiny 14 year old unsocialized body. 
i genuinely still don’t understand it now because our art styles were fundamentally different.
so i pitch you this question: what happens if simple skins meet this anger at being copied when even the simpler prints intended to be a bitch to replicate end up being mimicked, especially when the person you didn’t want copying you followed you into a wholeass new fandom? (we were more divided than now; TC and Crew were two completely different fandoms lol; we didn’t generally unite ourselves under ‘mcyt’)
you end up with other weird attempts. strangely asymmetrical cuts. even more complicated patterns. i apparently hid these but it was hell, i tell you. 
but i can assure you that the patterns on my designs were almost always symmetrical, albeit colored differently from the other side. the asymmetrical parts were different - a cut, a rolled up pant leg. something that you could do with a regular article of clothing. i know that in my circle there were some people that would have different length in shoes. i never did that. i would literally never write words on a shirt, too. i wasn’t one of those graphic tee people.
then i guess in late 2015 i got tired of it all and went back to the simple times of just not wanting to draw difficult designs before quitting altogether.
so you want to know what defined 2014 designs? 
it was a 14 year old’s absolute anger at being copied to fucking death and having to be mistaken for other people.
i hope this helped and i am now going to choose to forget that i ever decided to answer this ask. not because it was a bad ask, but because i don’t like thinking about T in particular. 
thank you for indulging my rambling bones. here’s a tl;dr for you:
Before-T designs (simpler)
the interpretations are literal.
if you can’t tell what’s going on, just make it a sweater and copy the patterns on the skin 1:1.
if there’s a different head (jason’s astronaut helmet, jerome’s bacca head) just make it a hood or a hat.
After-T designs (more difficult)
you still don’t wanna draw things out of your comfort zone, so stay out of the armor/anthro business.
give every design two layers - three at most. 
you love hoodies :)
if the skin is simple, use slightly different shades to add patterns (i believe he had a plain blue hoodie and plain black pants).
want to be even MORE unique than before? add something asymmetrical. remove a sleeve, roll up a pant leg, or something, but never shoes or gloves. they are sacred and you shouldn’t do that to them.
idk someone pointed out that i was apparently allergic to necks because i kept giving designs chokers or scarves or whatever. they’re usually solid in color
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alienstookourstars · 5 years
So I don’t normally post anything personal on here because I worry that somehow people I don’t want to see things will see it but fuck it I’m so happy I can’t not share
Hi TC community. I am a teacher. I graduated in May and got hired in September. I’ve had teacher crushes before, the more prominent one being a college professor my senior year. But this one now hits at a whole new level because now I’m a fucking teacher too. I see this woman 3 days a week and it’s not a student teacher relationship really, its slowly becoming a friendship? I think?
So let me start with saying I met her on my very first day.
Also I am a very socially anxious and socially awkward person, so first day on the job when school has been back in session for 3 weeks...I was petrified. Throughout my first day I was walked around by either my principal or another teacher in a position like mine. I was introduced to so many people, wasn’t really remembering names or anything, and it was a lot to handle. But at the end of the day, as I am outside helping kids get on the bus, this beautiful woman approaches me. I remember vaguely seeing her but this first interaction with her is what started the infatuation. As she was walking up to me she’s smiling. She made direct eye contact with me and goes "I didn't get to introduce myself to you earlier, but I really hope you've had a great day. I'm S.” That was the first interactions of many.
Let me also tell you about my job. It’s hard. All teachers have rough jobs, but I specifically work with all students, between 4 and 11 and I work with behavior issues. So my job is a little draining at times but this last month has been really rough. The kids, and adults, were getting restless because the holidays were coming. So I’ve been running around the school a lot and In the past 2 weeks or so I’ve been kicked in the face and hit. S sees a lot of my exhaustion because I stand near her classroom to greet the students in the morning and say goodbye as they leave (also to make sure they don’t run down the halls). She’s seen my face when I talk to children and then how it drops when kids aren’t watching. She always checks in on me, but has a lot this past month.
So the teachers can sign up to do a secret Santa gift exchange and I signed up. She did not but because she helps me so much I decided to get her two small gifts. The first week of December I got her a Nightmare Before Christmas ornament (we both have an intense love for that movie and his work). I get to work that morning and panic over putting her gift in her mailbox and then I finally do it.
I’m running around doing things so when it finally comes time for the kids to arrive I have yet to see her. Then I’m standing in the hallway near her classroom to say good morning to the kids and she stands in her doorway. We don’t really talk much, not in a bad way, and then she says “oh by the way thank you for my anonymous gift” inserting comical winks and noises to accompany them. I am 10000% sure I babble a bit and I can feel my face turn red. She laughs at me and then told me she assumed it was me but at first wondered if it could’ve been anyone else. But she loves it and told me it made her smile this morning. SHE CALLED ME SWEET. Her and I talk all throughout morning arrival and then more or less go our separate ways until her third grade class comes to her for class. I know I’m seeing things but it felt like she lit up when she saw me walk in and she was close a lot of the time. Standing close, walking super close, and honestly I was blushing all fucking day long.
Then the second week comes. I got her 2 sets of gloves, the kind she likes. I left them in her mailbox and then had to go to a meeting. I’m in the meeting a lot of the morning, so when I get out she’s preparing for her first class. I had gone into the copy room, where the mailboxes are located, so sign in for the day and I hear shoes approaching behind me. It could’ve been anyone but I just knew it was her. An intense shiver went down my spine and I turned around. She stopped in the doorway with the BIGGEST smile and thanks me. She looked at me with her gorgeous smile and says she’s going to hug me. The hug was AMAZING and honestly I think I blacked out for the rest of the day.
Then comes the week before Christmas, our last week before break (it was December 17th). The day prior I just left her a hand made card but she never said anything. So Tuesday morning we had a staff meeting and I didn’t really see her. After the meeting I went to my office and saw a present and card nicely wrapped on my desk but assumed it was from my secret Santa. I went and helped with student arrival (my spot is in front of a classroom and also happens to be across the hall from S’s room. I greet some of the kids and then I decide to go down the hall to my office and open my present. I opened the card first and my heart stopped. It was her family’s Christmas card. I literally froze and almost couldn’t open her present because I was in such shock. But I slowly unwrapped it because she did such a beautiful job wrapping it and inside the box was a bunch of stress relieving products (2 different sprays, chocolate, and honey lavender tea). I was literally shaking and my body was on fire. By that time the students were done arriving and in their classrooms. I made my way down to her classroom and walked in; she was at her desk. She looks up at me and smiles real big and goes “did you get your care package?” and I don’t think I formed real words other than yes and thank you (which I repeated a bunch of times). I DID HUG HER THOUGH. So two hugs from her in a matter of a week and a half and I feel great. I went back later on in the day when I had time to spare and really thanked her, telling her how she has no idea how needed it really was seeing as though I’ve been having a bit of a rough time these past couple months. We talked for a few minutes before we had to go our separate ways for a bit. Even later that day I went into her classroom and asked if I could talk to her because of a situation regarding a coworker who just came back, hasn’t been to work since June, who I share an office with, and who clearly doesn’t like me. I approach her asking if I could pick her brain and I open up about how this man coming back and reacting to me the way he does makes me more anxious than I already am and she seemed to get defensive of me? And then told me I’m always welcome in her room, no matter the circumstance, and my heart melted. I decided to really open up and thank her for welcoming the way she has because a small handful of teachers aren’t welcoming and then also I told her how her introducing herself to me really made me feel welcome and she had such a gorgeous smile on her face. A friendship with her is overall the most important to me, but having this crush both destroys me daily but also makes me so damn happy. Sorry this was so long but I had to get it all out in one long post 😂
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