loveakii · 6 months
my angsty headcanon about klaus and mikael is that when mikael answers the million dollar question why the fuck did you hate your son so much with “i don’t know, i just did” i genuinely believe he’s being honest. for all of mikael’s alleged superiority to his children in strength he’s very weak when it comes to emotional intelligence and regulation which indicative of a man from his time period. the fact he doesn’t see anything wrong with his own father training him brutally at what must have been around 8 years old. or that he can’t comprehend why his biological children would side with their brother over him, doesn’t really get the fact that a violent father is frightening to children even when that violence is not being directed at them. mikael reaching his final death without having any sort of self realization is kinda tragic. although i think he deserved exactly what he got, it would have been better for everyone involved if there was actually some clarity on why he acts the way he does and why he was such a monster to klaus prior to henrik’s death and the whole mess that followed it.
this is just my personal headcanon based on a variety of season 2 scenes, but i imagine klaus looking just like freya as a child. the same curly blond hair, the same blue eyes, the same smile. maybe they even take on similar behaviour patterns and personalities. and at first it’s a blessing. mikael adores him, he dots on him constantly in a way he doesn’t with finn or elijah, a way he never will with kol or henrik. he’s taken out of his grief, he pours all that left over love into his then youngest and things are okay. but after a time, once that child develops more into his own person, grows into his own distinct face, it becomes harder and harder to indulge in the dream. and the more niklaus grows, the longer mikael looks at him, the more it feels like the gods are mocking him. his anger comes back and can’t be quelled. it has to go somewhere. someone has to absorb it. why not niklaus, who makes him want to scream and cry when he thinks he’s seen his daughter only for it to be a trick of the light. when he finds out years later that he is not his blood, it’s only validation for what he already believed.
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ferydraws · 1 year
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Littlest Wolf 🐺
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beatificwrites · 1 year
Never me (Caroline Forbes x gn!reader)
first caroline fic !! i love her sm S1 ERA
a/n: it’s been awhileeeee. been planning this fic for months and just a lil something while i work on other ideas!
word count: 1.4K
content: lil angst?
summary: poor caroline feels like shes always the other woman
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You picked up your buzzing phone and answered with, “Hello?”
“Are you busy? I need a comfort buddy.” Caroline simply stated.
“Well, I got a shift at the grill in like 30 minutes…call Bonnie maybe?”
“She’s at her grandma’s and this is urgent! I need a friend with me.”
“I can’t let my boss down again; two people quit this month.”
“The grill can survive one night without you! Plus, you work like all the time.” she tried to reason.
“I don’t know, Caroline.” you said, unsure. It’s not like you ever missed work before. Maybe one slip up wouldn’t hurt? It’s the mystic grill for Pete’s sake.
“Could you just come over please?!” She pleaded desperately.
You sighed and hesitated before rolling your eyes and saying, “I’ll be over in 10.”
“Thank you.” she said, relieved and hung up after.
You put on your boots, grabbed your bag, and packed an extra shirt, knowing you’d probably be staying the night.
Caroline could be a bit dramatic at times, but you wonder what could have happened this time. She has been a bit off lately, but always managed to pick herself back up. You guess a physical presence is all she needs right now.
You show up at her door and knock a few times before it’s opened by her. She gives you that sad smile you hate to see and hugs you right then and there. You embrace her back and give her gentle pats while swinging back and forth.
After a few seconds, she lets go and allows you to come in; like always.
As you took a step in, the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods hit your nose. “Cookies?” you asked, a little hungry.
“Yeah, I was making a batch before you arrived.” she replied, quietly.
She shut the door and you took your shoes off by the coat hanger.
“Do you want some actually?” she pointed to the kitchen.
“Yes, please I’m STARVED.” you exaggerated.
She slightly smiled before turning for the kitchen. You followed right after.
“Is it okay if we eat in your room?” you asked as you grabbed one of the chocolate chip.
“Of course.” she shook her head yes.
With that, you two went up the stairs and took a right to her bedroom. It was as same as always and you fell right back onto her bed.
She plopped down next to you before she began.
“It’s just never me, you know? I feel like everyone else…every other girl gets noticed.” Caroline crosses her arms.
You turn towards her and look directly at her; giving her all your attention.
“Like, a few weeks ago with Stefan! I tried to talk with him, but without even taking a second look at me, he I’m completely disregarded and he goes right up to Elena!” she complains, exasperated.
She then lies down next to you and continues.
“I love her, but she gets like every guy. I swear.” She sighed.
You nodded your head as she went on and on, then reached out to put a hand on her shoulder. You caressed it with your thumb.
“And it just sucks because everyone keeps trying to tell me that the right one is gonna show up someday, but I’ve been patient! I have waited!” she began to tear up.
“What is it that I’m doing wrong? Am I not pretty enough to be noticed? I help out! I’m basically in charge of all the committees and I’m from one of the founding families; what’s not to like?” she choked up.
You frowned at her words. Oh, she has no idea, you thought.
“All I want is to be loved. To be yearned over, you know? No guys ever go for me! It’s not fair!” she burst into tears and you pulled her into your arms.
You squeezed her in your warm embrace and consoled her. You had no idea she really felt this way.
She would say things under her breath or make small comments about stefan or any guy for that matter, not paying attention to her. You didn’t think that it had affected her this much.
You kept on rubbing her back as she sobbed into your chest. You felt a bit of warmth on your face and slight goosebumps. You got a little nervous being this close to her; it gave you butterflies.
The crying was no where near over and went on for a good 30 minutes.
“Just let it out. Let it all out, love.” you reassured.
The sobbing slowed down, but her sniffles could still be heard.
“Thank you for being here. Means a lot.” she mumbled into your chest.
“Hey, I’m always here for you. Sacrificing my job at the grill is worth any moment with you.” you confessed without thinking. You didn’t realize how weird that might have sounded until after you said it.
Caroline’s head poked out, “I know it is.” she giggled, sounding all congested.
You chuckled and relaxed again. Okay, it wasn’t weird, you thought.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” she sighed as she looked right up at you.
“That’s what best friends are for! Missing work to hug and listen to you vent for awhile.” you smiled.
“To be honest, I don’t think I could ever cry to Bonnie or Elena about this.” she sat up as she began again.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m too much around them. I don’t think they would judge, but for some reason I can’t let this wall down.” she confessed.
“Well, we’ve all known each other since pre-school, I’m sure they wouldn’t have a problem listening to you go on about your troubles.” you reassured again.
“Yeah, but that’s the thing. You’re different.”
“How so?” your brows furrowed.
“Well, I just feel more comfortable telling you things!”
You smiled, now intrigued.
“This is surprising. Tell me more.” you just said.
“I don’t what it is but for some odd reason, I feel no judgement from you whatsoever. I feel so free and like I can be my exact self without worrying about being too annoying.”
You sat up and scooted closer over to her.
“I feel that way too, you know. It’s refreshing, honestly.”
You two looked at each other for a few seconds. There was silence, but it wasn’t entirely awkward. Both of you were trying to figure out if the other felt as deeply.
You took a breathe before deciding to make a bold move.
“I think I love you, Caroline. No, I don’t think; I know.” you suddenly spoke.
“Are you serious?” she asked in partial disbelief, for obvious reasons.
“I’m the most serious I’ve ever been. I love you and your company so much.” you confessed again.
Her eyes scanned your entire face, she was making sure before she was going to pour her heart out.
She inched forward and met eyes with you once more before leaning in and pressing her soft lips against yours.
This feeling, matched no sense of joy you ever felt in your life. Nothing could top this moment. It felt like time had just stopped for the two of you.
Her hand grasped onto your shoulder and she deepened the kiss.
You cupped her right cheek and pulled her closer, wanting to leave no space in between. You savored the cherry chapstick flavor.
Her fingers began to wander towards the hem of your white tee. Your mind started to slip as you let her hands move up and down underneath your shirt. Her touch was also soft and gentle.
She brought her fingers back out to try to pull your shirt over, but your senses were brought back.
“Not yet.” you breathed out.
“Right, sorry I got carried away!” she immediately apologized.
“No, no, it’s fine! You were excited that’s all. The kiss was great.” you laughed as you reassured.
“When you put it like that it sounds kind of funny.” she let out a chuckle.
“Then how was the love confession?” you asked.
“Hmm, the ‘I don’t think, I know’ part was a little corny too.” she snorted.
You yelled jokingly and defended yourself, “hey! I was just saying whatever came to mind.”
“Well, it made me happy either way.” she said with a small grin.
“It took everything within me not to say anything before. I was thinking to myself… ‘to hell with those guys who don’t see you! I’m right here and I’m a free agent!” you joked.
She bursted out laughing and playfully hit your shoulder.
“I may have seemed real angry about Stefan not looking twice my way, but I was really just upset I couldn’t get the kind of attention I wanted from you.”
“Well, here I am.” you said as you took her hand and held it in yours.
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riderofblackdragons · 11 days
Elijah: Why's the rice cooker over here? Kol: Oh yeah, that was from my midnight snack. Forgot to put it away Elijah: Shouldn't it be midday snack? Sounds so much better Kol: But so much less accurate!
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insomniakisses · 1 year
I saw a post about valentine wolves and immediately went "oh tdvu verse I'd totally send that to hope and 100% so would lizzie"
(and then I wrote a hope x reader drabble about annoying her with cheesy stuff 😔)
Hope you don't mind if I send said valentine wolves, bc they made me laugh a bunch. - 🌀
Lmfao being in a relationship with hizzie u KNOW hope jus gets wolf related memes sent to her 24 fucking 7. And shes jus like;
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Okay but like shes totaly a cheeze ball but acts grossed out when ur cheesy like the hipocracy 😂.
Damn that sounds like a good fic 👀
They made me laugh toooo!!
Bonus; this is lizzie when she sends them to hope like hope looks up and jus sees ;
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thebennettdiaries · 2 years
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                               Bonnie Bennett OC Celebration 
First of all I want to give a great big thank you to @hollowed-hallowed for creating and hosting the rarepair event in July.  It is from that wonderful event that I got the idea for this and therefore credit is extended to them. 
As discussed in this post, I am challenging all the wonderful Bonnie fandom creators to answer the question: If you could give Bonnie Bennett the perfect love interest who would it be? 
That’s right --- I am encouraging you all to have fun and create a character for the TVDU that would be perfect for our witch.  Which trope would you choose?  Enemies to lovers?  Childhood friend? Would they be a fellow witch?  A werewolf?  Some new species TVD has never seen before?  Anything goes just as long as you are having fun.  You can present your character by create fanart, a vid, a short fic --- do it whatever way feels best to you.
The following are basic (a.k.a. vague) prompts to get your creative juices following but do not necessarily have to be adhered to. 
Day 1: witch Day 2: vampire  Day 3: werewolf Day 4: human  Day 5: any other species introduced in the TDVU Day 6: introduce a species to the TVDU Day 7: free for all
The celebration is tentative scheduled to run Thursday, September 22 to Wednesday, September 28th to coincide with the Autumn Equinox.  This also gives you plenty of time to think of your creations.  More reminders will come out as we get closer to the day.  The tag: bboccelebration will be used and you are free to @ me as well. 
Please let me know if you have any questions. 
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shadowcatgirl09 · 2 years
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BBOCC: Day Five~Any other species introduced in the TDVU~Guardian/Nephilim
“Bonnie, how does going to a soiree sound to you?”
“A soiree? Here? Who’s hosting it?”
“Tyler Lockwood.” Sitara’s voice took on a sultry tone. “It will be a mix of business and pleasure.”
Bonnie was liking the way Sitara was thinking. “Add more pleasure and I’m in.”
“Your wish is my command.” She laid a soft kiss on Bonnie’s cheek. “Now let’s hunt down this Maa-alused.”
Bonnie only knew of one Guardian in her 26 years on this Earth and that was her best friend Elena Gilbert. So imagine her surprise when she meets Sitara Velis, a Guardian from Delaware now in Mystic Falls on a mission. A creature known as a Redcap was on a killing spree and it came to Mystic Falls due to the hotbed of supernatural activity and death over the years. While working together to subdue it the two grow closer. In time Sitara went from confidant to a best friend and lover. One benefit of being with Sitara was all the travelling. Bonnie had never been to places like Okinawa, Japan or Abu Dhabi but experiencing it with Sitara felt different. Sitara brought a freshness and a sort of freedom that only occurred for Bonnie in short bursts.
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The Vampire Diaries-- Rare Pair Rec
So lately I've been stuck in a Vampire Diaries obsession and have been consuming an insane amount of fanfiction. In amongst them I've found a few gems that are a rare pair ship. So I thought I'd share them with you.
In Secret
By: Star_Dust47
Summary: Elena Gilbert met Finn Mikaelson when she was 12 years old, it was the one moment in all the time that Finn had been held in the box that he managed to escape. Sadly it was not very long and soon Klaus had him back in that box he so loathed. What happens when Finn is released by Elijah Mikaelson and Damon Salvatore 6 years later....
My Comments: The reason I started reading this fic was because it was 2 am and I was bored and trying to fall asleep. And boy was I surprised by how good this fic is. I ended up getting no sleep that night because I stayed up reading and I couldn't put this fic down. StarDust actually managed to make the Finn/Elena pairing work really well. And I have to say that this fic I really enjoyed reading a lot. I highly recommend giving this fic a chance!!!!
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 1/16/22
Length: 70,162 words
Shades of Blue
By: MissNMikaelson
Summary: In a world where everything is black and white, the first color you see is the color of your soulmate's eyes. Elena didn't think she'd ever see color, and then she did when she least expected it.
My Comments: So this is a short little fic, but I love the premise of it. I found that I really enjoyed reading this, and they managed to make the pairing work. It was last updated back in 2018, so I doubt the author is going anywhere with it. But I do think that you'd enjoy this. I have this marked as incomplete, but it could be read as a one shot. This fic is cross-posted on ff.net, so I'll link that down below.
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 12/12/18
Length: 1,698 words
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13144855/1/Shades-of-Blue
Queen of the Highway
By: SevenSistersofSussex
Summary: A father's love is complicated and sometimes it isn't enough, but even so, John Gilbert knows his own daughter. So when Katherine Pierce slinks into the family kitchen, he knows she isn't his daughter. With Katherine out of the way, the Gilberts leave Mystic Falls forever to run from the threat of Klaus Mikaelson. But what happens, years later, when he finds Elena anyway?
My Comments: The pairing in this fic is Klaus/Elena which is a pretty strange pairing, I know, but the author really makes the pairing work. I started reading this fic because I was looking for Elena/Elijah fics, and came across this one. But god, this has to be the best romance fanfic I’ve ever read. And that includes some pretty popular ships. The foreshadowing and romance between Elijah and Elena, and Elena and Klaus is just amazing. I like seeing how mature Elena has grown, and all the characters have grown and changed. Plus the relationship between Elena and the rest of the Mikaelsons is just fantastic. This work is also cross posted on ff.net as well, so I’ll link that site down below. You do need an AO3 account to read this fic.
Status: Complete
Length: 227,317 words
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13792162/1/Queen-of-the-Highway
For You I would Wait a Thousand Years
By: AnnCatherine
Summary: On everyone's twelfth birthday, their soulmark, the birthday of their soulmate, appears on their wrist. Elena Gilbert and Elijah Mikaelson are crushed when they learn they live thousands of years apart from their soulmate.
My Comments: This is a Elena/Elijah pairing fic, which I know isn't exactly a rare pair, but I'm including it regardless. I found that I really enjoyed reading this fic, and especially enjoyed seeing the relationship between Elena and Elijah develop. I also really enjoyed the relationship that Elena had with the rest of the Mikaelsons as well. This does have a sequel between Klaus and Caroline, which is basically just the outtakes between them that didn't make it into the original fic. I highly recommend reading both of these, I promise that these will make your days!!!
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 1/3/22
Length: 73,160 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2290178
Sequel: Klaus's Thousand Year Plan to be Her Last ----  https://archiveofourown.org/works/31036127/chapters/76668110
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1jemmagirl22 · 2 years
Ah Kennet, the literal only ship in the TDVU I have no strong emotions on. If I come across them in a good Klaroline fic, I'll be happy to read them and enjoy them. Which is saying something as I strongly ship both Kol and Bonnie with other characters, and me not hating a ship when I adore conflicting ships is truly rare for me.
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phoebestarks · 3 years
22,24,25 and 27 + audra!
wow these are really good for audra lmaooooo
022. what are their favorite insults to use? what do they insult people for? or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back? she’s not very good w words when she gets angry so a lot of the time she’ll just get physical (which pisses al*ric off, so she does it open purpose whenever she feels bitchy, like she should!!!) but she repeatedly calls people “backstabbing bitches” and whenever she has to deal with penelope she’ll call her “santana jr. (except at least she had redeeming qualities)” when talking to lizzie (yes.....audra’s a glee fan, i don’t care if glee isn’t in the tdvu universe!!!!) but when she does shit talk it’s behind their back, which is toxic but you know what, she’s 15 with the shittiest parents money cannot buy agshsjjsjsjs
024. what is their sleeping pattern like? do they snore? what do they like to sleep on? a soft or hard mattress? okay, audra is literally crazy and sleeps in the starfish position. with one pillow. that’s it. but she did use this spell lizzie came up with that causes the bed to adjust to her so it’s kind of easy for her to do that??? her friends all use a lot of pillows so they make fun of her a bit for it lmaoooo
025. what do they find funny? do they have a good sense of humor? are they funny themselves? ......she has an awful sense of humor. like, worse than most people. it’s not like dark or insensitive or anything but she like,,, doesn’t laugh a lot???? at all??? and when she does it’s normally at reality tv competition tv show fails - especially the ones like wipeout. but also she has a compilation of x factor auditions on deck at all times. but she’s really blunt and also doesn’t take certain social cues really well so she’s not really “funny” but she definitely has her moments agsjsjsjs
027. what makes them sad? do they cry regularly? do they cry openly or hide it? what are they like when they are sad? uhhhh miss girl cries once or twice every month maybe?? not a lot at all which makes people that are really emotional quite uncomfortable but it’s always over something serious. she’s sad   A LOT tho she just never cries. she cuts everyone off when she cries though and refuses to let anyone see her. she only really cries about her sister’s passing honestly. or penelope’s remarks that she made about her once that were so out of pocket that actually like, hurt her hurt her. 
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sanasjen · 4 years
18, 32, 47
what tattoos do you want?
i'm not sure if i'll ever get a tattoo cause i'm way too scared of permanent body changes but if i had to get some it'd probably be something like a star, the moon or a constellation cause astrology and im v spiritual skeneksnsjd
if you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
tvdu tvdu tdvu tvdu tvdu tvdu tvdu tvdu hands down i'm too obsessed i want damon and penelope and i wanna go to the salvatore school and wear the cute uniforms and be a witch and ignalusa the whole town TYVM (ngl hp is close second tho cause like slytherin outfit... hogwarts... magic classes... brooms... butterbeer... draco...)
if you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
lulu antariksa. minatozaki sana. do i really have to pick? I CANNOT I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH i would honestly pass out if either of them looked my way i'm so in love they're the prettiest cutest funniest girls ever 💞💖💘💓💕💗
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loveakii · 6 months
syphon witch klaus keeps me up at night…. it would play into the abomination thing… and also would make klaus a tribrid…. like are we seeing the vision
actually on another note i’m shocked they never did anything with klaus and bonnie (even a one sided klaus crush) considering his flirty relationships with exclusively black witches
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workoweb23 · 4 years
We at workoweb believe in a competitive world. workoweb project managers plan a great value in building a clear communication link with you as they consider it the key ingredient for the success of any project at hand.
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flowercoasts · 4 years
watching the tdvu shows in reverse order is smth else
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loveakii · 6 months
this might be a controversial take but i believe lucien castle is the embodiment of the bisexual dilemmas “do i want to BE him or be WITH him” and that moment when your male and female crush start dating each other
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loveakii · 1 year
idk if it was ever covered in tdvu but i’m so curious about that time period from the trio’s separation during mikael’s rampage in new orleans to klaus and elijah’s reunion in mystic falls. in 1919 the brothers are good and elijah says he’ll find him and rebekah. next thing we know a century has gone by and elijah wants to kill him permanently bc klaus allegedly dumped the bodies in the ocean. like what caused all that?? we’ve seen the siblings really lose it at each other but they’ve never genuinely, 100% wanted to permanently kill each other until the ritual. i like to imagine the destruction of their home and grief over marcel drove a wedge between them that just got wider and wider, even with them sticking together there was some resentment there which can come with grief. where was elijah in the 20s? at what point did he “find out” klaus dumped the bodies at sea?? like can we get a hidden script covering those years?? i need it this keeps me up at night
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