sith-obikin · 1 year
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Our heartfelt gratitude to those who contributed with art, fics and edits, and to everyone who helped promote the fest, encouraged and hyped our talented creators!
We’ll continue to share and promote all things Sith obikin, so stay tuned to our upcoming zine interest check❤️‍🔥
We’re truly glad that such a small niche event gathered so much talent in its first edition, rounding up at 45 works of art and writing shared to celebrate our boys in their darkest versions!
In the mean time, catch up with our AO3 collection🖤
For further action, check out our friends at the upcoming events:
• the Bottom Obi-Wan Fest by @bottom-wan
• the ongoing Obianidala Week by @obianidalaevent
• the Stewjoni Biology Week by @DeadDoveObikin
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strang3lov3 · 5 months
I’ve done this once before, but I feel like doing it again. I show a lot of love to my mutuals and friends on here, but I want to shine a light on you, my readers. You mean the world to me.
I started writing in May of last year and your continued support has made this passion all the more fulfilling. I don’t think you all get enough credit for how much you contribute to this community. I want to let you know how deeply grateful I am for comments and reblogs and interactions, your asks, messages. All of it. Your enthusiasm and kindness is invaluable and I appreciate each one of you. Without you guys I’d have nothing! I’m lucky that I get to write and have people as kind as you read and show the kindest support to me. You don’t have to do or say anything but you do, and it truly makes my day better.
Tagged below are just a handful of readers who frequently show their support that I want to thank, but there’s countless more. And to my silent readers as well, thank you just as kindly ❤️ I love you. Thank you.
@rainbowcosmicchaos @rav3n-pascal22 @604to647 @starry-eyes-love @paleidiot @axshadows @kyloispunk @walkintotheriveranddisappear @survivingandenduring @pedroswife69 @bean-is-reading @pedroshotwifey @merz-8 @casa-boiardi @knittingandfanfics @molt3ngold @worhols @ghostlovesbaguettes @iknowisoundcrazy@atinylittlepain @nostalxgic @pattwtf @littlevenicebitch69 @cerridwen007 @corozondebeskar @blackmetalamazon @yazsos @jazzysnazzys @xdaddysprincessxx @sheepdogchick3 @alltheseperfectimperfections
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The day we've all been waiting for is here! 🎉
A big shoutout to all the incredible writers who contributed to the second annual Carlando Winter Break Exchange!
Massive thanks to every single one of you who took part. Your dedication and enthusiasm are truly appreciated; your unwavering support for one another and your generosity in sharing your creativity with us are invaluable. The Carlando fandom is incredibly lucky to have such a talented group of people 🧡
Tomorrow, after the authors have been revealed, each and every fic will get the spotlight shone on them with separate posts, but until then, here they all are!
Remember to leave a kudos and comment to let everyone know how much you appreciate their hard work ❤️
You mean... Like forever?
No Heart For Me Like Yours
when i'm sixty-four
Somethin' Stupid
don't look back (in anger)
and all at once you are the one
Office Affection
Worship in the bedroom
(Our Love is) Blue as the Night's Sky, Red as Blood
Another One of Those Ruthless Nights
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sitp-recs · 8 months
Just wanted to say that you are always so wonderful and ready with recs of such variety. I'm constantly amazed by how readily enthused you are by all the asks, and even if the ask isn't to your reading taste specifically, you have fics to rec and offer anyway.
I'm just a bit in awe of you. And wanted to say thank you ❤️
Bless you, this made my day 🥹😭 I stared at this message for a long time before starting to write a reply. I feel like I’ve never learned how to properly reply to compliments, maybe because in my head they’re reserved for creators only, and seeing my recs as a “creation” is something I struggle with? I went through a bittersweet realization last year, that led me to accept that my biggest contribution to fandom might be the reclists after all - something I do fast, and well - over single recs - something that requires much more time and energy - despite my initial intention of making this a single recs blog.
I’ve made my peace with it now, it’s all good! So it really means a lot when someone says nice things about my fandom attitude and overall enthusiasm because being a force of positivity and encouragement is all I want! Even when I lacked spoons for it, reccing has always felt like self-care and has brought me so much joy. Being a long-time lurker, I can safely say that this blog has built my confidence and forever changed my relationship with fic and fandom. I’m so grateful for all the love and appreciation I’ve received ever since the beginning. That tiny project that was supposed to be a temporary distraction during COVID has now been around for over 3 years and my love for the ship and for this community only grows.
Thank you again for the lovely message! I’m so happy to be getting to know you and grateful to be sharing this fandom space 💜
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Drawn for @snapecelebration's Week 2 prompt, "The Professor- Potions Master," but also I made this with @danpuff-ao3 in mind since she just celebrated her birthday! 🐝Happiest (belated) birthday, Danni! I hope it was an amazing one!💐 Thanks for all your sunshine, enthusiasm, for being such a great friend, and for you being you. Your contributions to fandom are recognized and much appreciated and loved, from modding fests to giving us some amazing Snarry stories we haven't seen before. It's clear how passionate you are about those two, especially our dearest Severus, what you write about, and that's what makes you a rock star. Your writing is gorgeous, and you're one of a kind. ❤️ I had a couple of ideas in mind for gifts, but something told me that it was time to break out the inks and paper to draw some Severus. So that's what I did. A little different from my usual style, using just 2 ink pens and white gel pen, and it was just really nice to keep things simpler and looser. I hope you like him (and his hair, bc that was a definitely a blast to draw). I definitely need to draw More Severus in the future, because uhh, his nose is actually kinda awesome to draw too? :P You can also view Speak Softly on AO3.
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keithsandwich · 7 months
Hello I hope not to bother bit everytime I read you wanted to talk about Keith well I can't leave that unanswered and so here I am 🤗🤗 I love Keith kind and dark are bringing me on a rollercoaster of emotions and I totally adored how dark Keith switched to kind just for her even if he could literally vanish 👀😭 that is proof ifhowmuch he loves her 😳😳 but dang I find extra intersting to see the two of them talking like face to face aside from notes that is 😳 still I can't help but wonder why despite having being through the same thing made Keith shatter in two persons unlike Luke if you answers or hedcanons please tell me I am racking my brain over it and oh boy don't get me started on how I adore to see every details that make both Keith so different from one another but also similar from how much they love and cares deeply for her its heart melting 😻😻😻🦌🦌🦌🙈😍😍😍😍 and I just can't shake off the fact, personal hc of mine, that Keith loves stargazing and books almost as ilhe was searching for answers to his own personal questions 🤔👀😳🙈 I wish you a wonderful day 😘😘💝💞💕💗💓💖
Hi, Julie! You're never a bother ❤️
Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm with me! This is such a good route! Even tho I've read it with translator before, getting to read it in English has been such an amazing experience! My heart is so overflowing with love for him lol I'm sure I'm gonna read his whole route multiple times again because it only made it clearer that he is my one and only fav.
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Now, about him having DID while Luke doesn't, DID is a very rare condition, and the factors contributing to its development are still not fully understood. While it is certainly linked to trauma, not everyone who experiences trauma develops DID. So it's coherent to have only one prince out of many who had been through traumatic experiences developing such a rare disorder.
And yes, if we still don't have much answers about it now, imagine how it would be back then in the time period of the game! My poor baby... I love this idea of him recurring to the books and the stars to try to find answers to his personal questions 🥰 It's very lovely, and I can see it happening.
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
I have a question about your CF Loki if you don’t mind. About your headcanon basically :)
What does he look for in a sexual partner? -> Rather character wise and regarding interaction / kinks / dynamics …
Sending love ❤️
What a brilliant question! Thank you so much for asking. Clandestine F*cks Loki is definitely my HC Loki in terms of his whole...everything and so Qs about him make me very happy 😊😆
What CF Loki looks for in a sexual partner
CF Loki likes a challenge.
He's not interested in the ladies throwing themselves at him (like Megan) he wants to feel like he's won your attention (possibly parental issues contributing to that particular aspect😂)
His keen eyes know your kinks before you do. I feel like he would carry out an assessment of your personality from afar before you got together. Watching and goading and testing the waters.
The secrecy vs the exhibitionism. Jealousy. Voyeurism. He's very good at sussing out your predilections through innocent means and using them to make you fall deeper for him, to excellent effect in this case.
His biggest requirement for a partner is obsession. He wants them to be as all in as he is, matching his enthusiasm. In every way.
Thank you for asking ❤️☺️xx
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
ok, this might sound kinda stupid, but i just wanted to say thank you for your posts about the jedi and jedi culture etc ❤️ they genuinely helped strengthen my faith (i'm religious) after a very rough period of time
It's not stupid! We all take comfort from unexpected places at times. ...If I’m gonna ascribe personal motive to it, I’m not religious myself, when it comes to the jedi i have maybe more of an anthropological enthusiasm? maybe as someone who’s been... on the outs with my own society, I feel the draw of thinking about alternative cultures. But anyway I am glad to have contributed to your pile of good things in life :3
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princessmia-tarot · 8 months
hi! can i ask a question?? my name is violet (my initials are V.L.B) and i’d like to know what K.M thinks abt me!
i’m a libra sun, aries moon & capricorn rising!
thank u & bless u!
Hello Violet,
Before I begin if you or anyone who sees this reading could respond to this poll, it would be much appreciated (open 3rd-10th Oct) <3.
Of course, I'd be happy to provide you with a reading regarding what K.M thinks about you, based on your astrological information and the symbolism of the Ten of Cups.
The Ten of Cups is a card associated with happiness, emotional fulfillment, and harmony within relationships. In the context of your question, it suggests the following insights about what K.M may think about you:
Emotional Connection: The Ten of Cups indicates a strong emotional connection. K.M likely feels a deep sense of happiness and contentment when they think about you. Your presence in their life may bring them joy and emotional fulfillment.
Positive Relationship: This card suggests that K.M perceives your connection as harmonious and fulfilling. They may view your interactions as a source of positivity and emotional well-being.
Family and Home: The imagery in the Ten of Cups often depicts a happy family. K.M may see you as someone who contributes to a sense of home and belonging in their life. They may feel comfortable and at ease when they think of you.
Libra Sun: Your Libra Sun sign suggests qualities of diplomacy, charm, and a desire for balance in relationships. K.M may appreciate these traits in your interactions, finding you to be a pleasant and likable person.
Aries Moon: Your Aries Moon sign signifies passion, assertiveness, and emotional intensity. K.M may admire your determination and enthusiasm, finding your emotional energy invigorating.
Capricorn Rising: Your Capricorn Rising indicates a responsible and disciplined approach to life. K.M may see you as someone who is dependable and capable, which can be highly regarded in any relationship.
Overall, based on the Ten of Cups and your astrological signs, it's likely that K.M has positive and warm feelings towards you. They may perceive you as someone who brings happiness and emotional fulfillment into their life. Your blend of Libra, Aries, and Capricorn qualities may create a well-rounded and appealing impression.
Blessings to you as well, Violet! 🌈🌟❤️
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aati-coach · 9 months
🔥❤️👉 Top 10 lessons learned from "Your Best Year Ever" by Michael Hyatt:
✅ 1. Clarity of Vision: Setting clear and specific goals is essential for achieving your best year ever.
✅ 2. SMART Goals: Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound to increase their likelihood of success.
✅ 3. Limiting Beliefs: Identify and challenge limiting beliefs that hold you back from pursuing your goals.
✅ 4. Weekly Review: Regularly review your progress and adjust your actions to stay on track towards your goals.
✅ 5. Margin and Rest: Create space in your life for rest and rejuvenation to maintain high levels of productivity and creativity.
✅ 6. Action Plans: Break down your goals into actionable steps to make them more manageable and achievable.
✅ 7. Accountability: Having an accountability partner or system can help you stay committed and motivated.
✅ 8. Prioritization: Focus on high-impact activities that align with your goals and let go of tasks that don't contribute to your success.
✅ 9. Resilience: Embrace setbacks as learning experiences and develop resilience to keep moving forward.
✅ 10. Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way to maintain enthusiasm and momentum.
Keep in mind that these lessons are a summary of the book's content and may not cover every detail. If you're looking for more in-depth information, I recommend reading the book itself.
Thanks for reading 📖
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rhinokennedy · 2 years
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Reposted from @zenmissionyoga It’s a BIG day ⭐️ Today we donated the $7,300 that we raised on our last two Kenya Safari & Conservation Yoga Retreats to @olpejeta 🙌🏻 These funds will go towards Ol Pejeta’s operations, which are still struggling to stabilize after suffering a huge financial blow due to the pandemic. This will, in turn, serve to create a safer home for the 200+ rhinos that live here and countless other endangered species. The BIGGEST thank you to all the retreat attendees 21 incredible people from all walks of life all with a love of wildlife and wild places. You guys are the real stars here and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support ❤️❤️ Thank you too to the marketing and fundraising team at @olpejeta who went above and beyond to help us create this life changing experience! Our accommodation @thesafaricottages was a dreamy location and I think it’s safe to say we all fell a little bit in love with this place and the people here. @jemu_mwenda - our biggest cheerleader, right from the beginning, who’s been by our side cheering us on and keeping our passion for saving the rhinos alive 🔥 Thank you for your time, your enthusiasm and your incredible work in conservation 🙏🏻 @zacharia_mutai who so kindly invited us behind the scenes on our last day in Kenya to see the girls. What an honor!! Your passion for the Northern Whites and the success of the Northern White Rhino breeding program is so inspiring! Together with conservancy fees totaling $11,300 our financial contribution since we started this work in the thick of Covid, teaching yoga and meeting the rhinos from behind our screens all across the world, is now a little over $28,700. Isn’t it amazing what we can do when we all stand together ❤️ Asante sana! We can’t wait to do it all over again 🙏🏻 See you in May 2023 🦏🐘🦒🧘🏻‍♀️☀️🇰🇪 Laura & Kat xx . #savingtherhinos #yogaforthewild #yogaforconservation #olpejeta #kenya #kenyayoga #yogaretreat #northernwhiterhinos #repostandroid #repostw10 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfx6BKYq_TY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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verticalmomentum1 · 4 months
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The Silent Signal: Understanding Quiet Quitting in the Workplace 🤫💼
In recent years, the phenomenon of "quiet quitting" has emerged as a significant challenge within the workplace.
Unlike traditional quitting, where an employee leaves their job outright, quiet quitting involves employees disengaging from their roles while still technically remaining employed. 🚶‍♂️🚪
They do the bare minimum, disengage from going above and beyond, and their enthusiasm for the job wanes. 📉❌
This shift often stems from feelings of being undervalued, overworked, and a lack of connection with the company's goals. 💔🏢
Understanding the root causes of quiet quitting and implementing strategies to prevent it is crucial for maintaining a productive team. 🛠️👥
Recognizing the Signs:
Quiet quitting doesn't happen overnight. It's the result of ongoing disengagement and dissatisfaction. 🌪️💤
Fortune 500 companies have learned that employees who lack a sense of belonging, face unmanageable workloads, or feel their contributions go unrecognized are more likely to quietly quit. 🕵️‍♂️🚩
For instance, a Gallup poll highlighted that only 36% of U.S. employees felt engaged in their work in 2021, signaling a widespread issue across sectors. 📊🇺🇸
Addressing the Root Causes:
To combat quiet quitting, it's essential to address its root causes directly:
Meaningful Recognition:
Companies like Google have set industry standards by implementing peer recognition programs that allow employees to acknowledge each other's contributions.
This not only boosts morale but fosters a culture of appreciation and respect. 🌟👏
Work-Life Balance:
Ernst & Young have taken steps to ensure their employees can manage work and personal life effectively, offering flexible working arrangements and emphasizing the importance of mental health days.
This approach helps employees feel valued and respected, reducing the urge to disengage. ⚖️❤️
Career Development Opportunities:
Microsoft is renowned for its commitment to employee development, providing ample opportunities for growth and learning.
By investing in their employees' futures, companies can increase engagement and loyalty, making the idea of quiet quitting less appealing. 📈🎓
Open Communication Channels:
Salesforce has been a pioneer in creating an open dialogue between employees and management, using platforms like Slack to encourage feedback and discussions.
This openness ensures that employees' voices are heard, and their concerns are addressed promptly. 💬🔊
By recognizing the signs of quiet quitting and taking proactive steps to address its causes, companies can foster a more engaged, productive, and satisfied workforce.
Implementing strategies focused on recognition, work-life balance, career development, and open communication can transform the workplace environment, making quiet quitting a thing of the past. 🔄💖
Incorporating these strategies not only enhances employee satisfaction but also contributes to the overall success and innovation within a company.
The key is to cultivate an environment where employees feel valued, heard, and excited about their contributions, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and dynamic workplace culture. 🌱🎉
How are you keeping your employees motivated and engaged? 🤔💡
As Always, Thank You 🙏 For Being A HUGE Part of Our Success And Letting Us Be A Small Part Of Yours.
P.S DO NOT Miss Today’s Episode Of The www.verticalmomentumpodcast.com Talking About Health & Wealth In 2024’ 🎙️💰
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fyeahbatcat · 2 years
just wanted to send you some love and positivity and thank you for not deleting this blog even if you don't post frequently anymore - your posts and contributions to the BatCat and especially the Catwoman fandom are invaluable and I refer people to your reading list all the time. I know you're done with DC (and you don't even want to know what is going on with the current Catwoman title...which is so awful that it makes me sick) but I hope if you do watch The Batman we get to read your opinion on Selina's characterization! ❤️
Thank you so much ❤️
I genuinely feel that my best blogging days are behind me, and I was hoping to just gradually slip away unnoticed. I definitely plan on seeing the movie and I may be a little more active once it's released, if the characterization is good but I don't think I can sustain the enthusiasm that I used to have. I'm so glad that you've enjoyed the stuff I've put out there, and if it made your fandom experience even a little bit better then it was 100% worth it. I have no plans on ever deleting the blog so it's just going to down with tumblr.
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flourish-adam-zine · 3 years
Interest Check Results❤️
The wait is finally over! The results are here and we're delighted to share this with you! We want to thank the 100+ people that submitted their answers & helped us make choices 🌹 Flourish will be available both in digital & physical formats!
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Writers can contribute fics & meta written pieces or take part as a comic writer in collaboration with comic artists. Artists can participate as independent comic creators, comic artists in collaboration with a comic writer, merch artists and spot artists for illustrating a written piece. We're excited for all the amazing pieces that will come out of this!
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And speaking about comics, we'll have short comics, long comics & comic strips inspired by Sk8: Chill Out.
There's no preference as to ratio of meta & fic pieces, so we'll have to see what tomorrow brings in that regard 🌹
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Finally, merch! The most voted options for goodies were acrylic keychains, prints, stickers, enamel pins & standees.
By popular demand, the anthology will have light ship content! After all, what a better way to heal than with a little bit of love? ❤️
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We're working on the FAQ & Guidelines in our website and applications will open soon, so stay tuned for more updates and feel free to ask us any questions. Thanks a lot for your enthusiasm and support! ❤️
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