#THAT is better than davekat. not sorry
cgtg · 5 months
What did you see in Dave and Karkat relationship to make you write their interactions so well? (It's really impressive tbh, at least for me)
Like, did something snapped one day, and you started understanding how they balance each other or just how they "work"? (Sorry if it's hard to understand what I'm trying to say. It's quite hard to put what I'm thinking into words)
man thank you so much
i think you worded yourself totaly fine, the problem here is i dotn know how to succinctly define what i see in them
ive always thnought that dave and karkat bounce off each other rly well. i was obsessed with davekat as a kid too. between 2016-23 smth softly clicked into place for me.
what do i see in it? i dunno. in my interpretation, it's just... realness ?
its longform candid pointless comfort. its changing each others nicknames in the server, its making fun of a spelling error, its "fragging a noob", its a youtube letsplay of a game you thought you'd hate, it's meandering around your point and then stabbing it with ur own impatience, its feeding the trolls on your amv. its genuine interest in each other, hoping someone specific likes your post, being scared to go outside and being scared to stay inside. it's checking the comments against better judgement, its sampling their voice in your bgm. it's a combined pressure to be something the other person doesnt get, but does. its a very potent push&pull simultaenous in both directions. its "un"stoppable force vs "im"movable object. it's a puzzle & theres somethin very vital at the heart of it about turning around & seeing someone that sees you right back, like it or not. through a screen or through shades or eye2eye. inverted & subverted, exactly the same
it can be like 500 things at once, its so nebulous but always rly specific to them. you cant get this dynamic with any other characers, not in anything ive ever seen. unless u made ocs that act like em i guess. it is one of a kind
i didnt rlly get this stuff when i was a kid. i mostly shipped them bc my answer to any rivalry was "wat if they kisd", and theyre cool characters. i used to focus on the tension when i was a kid. theres a lot more to it than that.
because its also this BTW.
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cure-typhoon · 2 years
While i love Davekat, I kinda really hate how Karkat has just become "the boyfriend"
How he now is just Dave's boyfriend who is a really emotional guy who likes bad romance movies and is grumpy all the time (but that for some reason doesnt involve black/pale/ash romance anymore because reasons I guess) and kisses Dave's problems away while ignoring his own i guess
And how people kinda forget all his other relationships! Like yeah Dave is his boyfriend but he has other friends! Pre-game karkat had 11 friends!! Post-game Karkat has June, Jade and Rose as well! I don't think he made a string bond with the alpha kids but i'm sure we could at least try to come with one lol
People make him such a boyfriend that they forget that he is his own character with issues (guy with anger issues who lives in murder planet who cannot share that he cares not only because it would be considered weird but also because his existence is fucking illegal and he does not need the attention it would bring him) and a person who makes strong bonds with other people and cares so much (like I said, ELEVEN friends pre-game, pulled together by scotch tape so they don't kill eachother, like i'm sorry but He was a good leader! Everything just burned and crashed together because they we're unlucky!! They literally had no hope, thats why things turn out that way!), he makes such an impresion on June that she still wants to meet him even when they talked for ONE DAY and he was an ass for most of it!!
Anyway dumb long rant, I didnt even talked about how davekat affected Dave but tbh i'm sure someone who knows him better as a character would make a better job than me anyway
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
the implication i got was that kanaya realized that rose was just her rebound from vriska all along and she never got over her, which is why she started to sympathize with jade's first world issues. also rose said that this wasnt the first time she used her dead mother in an argument, but it doesnt matter because rose knows kanaya is an enabler and will forgive her anyways. its all so fucking foul on both sides.
also funny how both kanaya and karkat used the humans as rebounds.
Yep. Kanaya using Rose as a rebound was kind of a thing back in the old fandom days. It's noticeable in Act 6 too because of how much she tries to be close with Rose becoming alcoholic and not doing a single damn thing to address the issue. It makes it worst by Post Retcon since Vriska is alive and now Kanaya can have TWO girlfriends still around. And it got worse when she adopted a cerulean to name her VRISSY. People paint Kanaya at that point as still not getting over Vriska. Fans of Kanaya want her to move on from the bad girl phase. She should be around people that are actually good like Karkat. Because the last time she had trusted someone who is awful, she got KILLED for it. Eridan was the final straw that she began to have trust issues. Kanaya using Rose as a rebound is now seen as bad. But you know it will never be said the same for Karkat with Dave. Because homosexuals are better than women. The nu-fandom doesn't think Rosemary is progressive as it used to be. They now prop Davekat as the true LGBT symbol. Sorry folks, but there are other lesbians that people like more and Rosemary ain't one of them. They aren't even top contenders like Bubbline, Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), Poison Ivy x Harley, Undyne x Alphys, Utena x Anthy, or even recently Chaggie. Some could argue it's because those series are at least big named compared to Homestuck. But isn't this the same fandom that praised the comic for Rosemary being one of the few LGBT ships in a WEBCOMIC? Especially when it was around 2009-2012, way before LGBT was accepted in places like America and other countries. That the Internet was one of the few places to express whatever you want without consequence. So why isn't it talked about like the other ships? Because Homestuck is irrelevant and not important as it was.
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nana2009 · 1 year
Perhaps some more Danny with davekat if you are sill taking requests? Like maybe some domestic davekat and Danny is also there?
so sorry 4 the wait anon! i couldnt think of many domestic scenarios, so i hope u can forgive me with these doots + sum headcanons m(_ _)m
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With Dave:
baby Danny really likes to bite him! Especially since human flesh is soft, so it gets addicting for a growing wriggler……
it's very much fun to climb up his parents', but his favourite playground is dave since he's taller and bulkier. on the same topic, he also prefers dave to carry him (one of the motives is the one cited above)
he gets more naughty and playful when dave tries to take care of him. examples include: bathtime, feeding, getting dressed, being put to sleep, etc. while he is more well-behaved with karkat(albeit still fussy like all kids)
human and troll body warmth are different, and although karkat's mutation makes him very warm, it's a little too much to the kid, which makes him rather cuddle to dave(specifically under his arms or even worse, directly on top of his nose…)
he acidentally pinches dave sometimes when being held, but it's not on purpose :(
kinda weird one, but when danny's in a vulnerable position(ex.: using his diaper) he gets alert when dave(or anyone other than karkat) is around, and stares straight into their soul. troll instincts not fully identifying him as a lusus or smth idk
With Karkat:
as i mentioned before, much better behaved with karkat, although it may be because he's much more strict than dave
even if he prefers dave in question of comfort, he would rather stay with karkat if possible, since troll reasons idklolz
karkat grabs him by the scruff like a kitten because i think thats cute
more cat-like habits include: getting super close to danny if he feels threatened, keeping very close watch no matter where(at least during his toddler years), purring and chirring to make him feel safe :3
danny likes climbing karkat too, but its really so he can stay either on his chest or his hair(his favourite parts in question of warmth)
they share much more common interests, although personality-ways he matches more with dave
on the topic of personalities, he's very ill-tempered. not as much as karkat, but he's much quicker to explode(especially as a little grub!)
and another thing relating to his troll/human hybrid thing, his instincts really collide with eachother, since dave is not a troll, danny subconsciouly think of it as danger but also as a lusus, while the human genes stop him from like, screeching or attacking or crying since it knows its his parent and doesn't have the "stranger danger" signal. I might get in depth on that hybrid effect in another post if you guys get interested but for now thats it since i dont want to make this post long (ノ∀\*)
again, sorry again anon!!
bonus image :3 whatthehell is this font
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wifegideonnav · 1 year
well i… finished act 5 act 2. gonna have to rewatch cascade a bunch of times and probably read the act summary on the wiki but i have officially reached the end of the act
still enjoying it a lot but it’s getting harder and harder to read. summing up a rant i gave my friend, i’m not super in love with the sense of predestined futility - or more accurately, i don’t feel that the narrative has properly addressed that yet and justified why i should be reading about these characters who were like 100x doomed from the start.
there are so many characters and so much happening that nothing is lingered upon, which is nice pacing-wise but not so nice emotional-impact-wise. i also think the “everybody dies a bajillion times and it’s fine until all of a sudden it’s not” thing works against it in a sense, especially when the narrative doesn’t stop to mourn anyone who’s actually dead, bc by the time you realize hey wait maybe like. vriska or dad or feferi/nepeta/equius etc are dead for real it’s been like 200+ pages and you’re like well ok. what do i do here exactly.
and i know that that’s an intentional choice hussie made for how he wanted to craft his narrative - im wishing for things that he deliberately chose not to give. im not trying to say that these choices are flaws in his writing, just that as an audience member i tend to prefer the tlt method of dealing with death, where one main character dies and then the entire next book is about another ripping herself apart because of it.
im not giving up by any means, or even saying that this is what’s dominating my reading experience. like i said im still enjoying myself and appreciate most of the creative decisions that hussie is making. it can just feel very draining i suppose, watching these characters i’ve come to care about - almost all of whom are literal children - fighting so hard so futilely, and so far, imo the narrative hasn’t paid that off. however, with that out of the way, here are (some of, bc this shit was long as hell) my thoughts on the act, more or less in order:
i have literally no interest in johnkat. probably partially bc my friend is so into davekat that ive been conditioned to just wait for that to happen but also bc they have no chemistry. sorry to any johnkat shippers out there but idc it’s boring
i have slightly more but still negligible interest in john/vriska. probably bc i… don’t really care about john. sorry to any john stans out there but idc he’s boring
karkat and terezi sharing a keyboard to argue my beloved
rose my beloved. but also. sweetie :/
vriska my beloved. but also. SWEETIE :/
kanaya my beloved. you’re doing great no notes
oh yeah dave and terezi manipulated the stock market. still don’t 100% understand that but whatever good for them
yeah ok the dream bubbles. christ. like ok i GET it but they’re still annoying
i love jade’s dynamic with karkat she really goes from “teehee im just a silly little girl haha” to “im going to eviscerate this motherfucker”
bec prototyping himself was genuinely such a good reveal
is it just me or is john's power like. way lamer than the other kids' lmao. like it's still cool, def better than nothing, but come on
not too much to say abt the exiles but i love them
also with all the fucking timeline bullshit that's going on i literally can't wait to reach the end and reread with the uhsc mod that lets you follow a specific person's timeline. i canNOT keep track of what's happening when for who
it is literally so funny that vriska has been the cause of jade's narcolepsy this entire time. like wow girl you really took the opportunity to be a massive dick to her huh
frogs. ok sure. why not.
fuck doc scratch all my homies hate doc scratch. i will say though. he is a fantastic character.
holy shit eridan and gamzee snapping and killing like everyone. that was buckwild what the fuck. not gonna lie idc that equius is dead, and nepeta, feferi, and tavros were never my faves. but got damn it sucks that they're dead. (ostensibly. still not one thousand percent convinced)
sad karkat :(
murderous kanaya :D
oh god the ancestors. sorry but i simply do not care about that shit. like i know that they're actually relevant but. :/
also i don't like the trope of chains of events being echoed across generations. like damn get your own plot. also it ties into that determinism and futility that i'm grappling with
i will say though. mindfang mentally thanking redglare for taking her arm because then her battle against his honorable tyranny because it made it "a fair fight"? hot. i'm brave enough to say it.
aradia is cool as fuck. i wish we got more of her/her personality
aradia's ancestor is also cool as fuck. sucks that literally nothing she did to resist her fate worked or mattered
the scratch stuff is genuinely interesting narratively/in terms of a plot device. again it still sucks that the beta kids aren't actually going to get to win the game themselves. like i assume they'll be talking to/guiding the alpha kids but like. god it's so unfairrr i bet there'll be angst about this
rose going grimdark is so fun. also LMAO john trying to chat with her in that flash game portion
TEREZI god i love her. sucks that she killed vriska tho bc i love her and also i ship them. oh well murder is not necessarily a roadblock to them getting together. troll romance sure is weird. i have hope in my heart.
vriska isn't dead forever bc no she isnt <3
the betty crocker shit. is funny. and also stupid as hell.
ok i guess the stuff about karkat's ancestor and the history of the troll race is kinda interesting. whatever.
everyone's in love/hate with gamzee all of a sudden?? literally why. troll romance sure is FUCKING confusing
that was a pretty anticlimactic climax to the gamzee situation, gotta say
cascade was confusing as fuck i don't have thoughts on it yet
so yeah that's it! if you're still reading, why? let me know what your thoughts on act 5 act 2 were when you read it, or your thoughts on my thoughts lol. just pls no spoilers for anything past cascade!!
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sammygender · 8 months
things about homestuck i have discovered in my reread
terezi is my favourite character and will always be
caliborn is fucking HILARIOUS jesus christ somehow i forgot this (he hasnt got to the misogyny yet that part gets kind of less funny)
dave and karkat kind of ARE that good, regrettably. i feel like we all go through a davekat phase upon first reading and then gradually we get over dave and karkat and move onto other, better pursuits, like vrisrezi fanfiction or space player meta. rereading tho man they are excellent… not the most compelling characters of COURSE and really more like babys first analysis in terms of dissecting them, but man they are funny, man their emotional arcs are vivid and well written, man they are hilarious together also (penis ouija. yeah that was funny). coming out as a dave and karkat fan once again
homestuck in general but especially the start of act 6 is INCREDIBLY funny. for some reason i thought act 6 was less funny and more like plot-heavy which i guess it kind of us to an extent cause most of it is now Relevant all the time but oh my god the alpha kids are a trainwreck and its so funny
on the subject of the alpha kids. last time i properly read homestuck i was like 14. i had never experienced being the same age of the alpha kids and now looking back its insane. that is LITERALLY what being 15/16 is like. the romantic chaos the constant miscommunication the way this group of best friends just somehow have so many fucking problems with each other??? and the COMPLEXES. my god
appreciating roxy more this time round than i ever did before she rubbed me a little the wrong way first read i think maybe bc everyone heralded her as like The Unproblematic Alpha Kid when like oh my god she is a fucking MESS but when looking at her through that lens shes fantastic
jade harley should be mean more often. every PASSWORD FUCKASS interaction was an absolute delight. man she should get more page time
vriska is indefensible when u first meet her its so hard explaining to people that shes like The Fucking Best when she spends most of her intro mocking the guy she paralysed for being paralysed. sadly, she still IS the fucking best.
did i mention terezi pyrope is my favourite character ever in anything
i still cant pay attention to anything exile related i'm sorry. i just look at the pretty pictures and skip through it quickly as possible. if they dont have complex psychology and fun conversations idc sorry im a bad hs fan
calliope is both a delight and so wrong like all of the time. reading her i see where all the fandom misconceptions come from. ur not meant to take her word as 100% serious when she says stuff like male/female classes or whatever!! she sees everything through this incredibly binary 2 choice lens like caliborn bc thats literally the life she lives. this is also extra funny i guess considering shes literally kind of meant to represent the hs fandom
LIL HAL <33333333
sorry that so much of this is about the alpha kids im part way into act 6 now
dirkjake so far have not had a single interaction and iirc they never do??? fascinating storytelling since we still have a perfect picture of their dynamic
terezi is characteristically being stupid about vriska again, because she is complicatedly and unwittingly in love with her
does rose get confirmed as a lesbian later in the text or is that just a fandom interpretation cause ngl i have seen people harassed over bi rose which is kinda crazy anyway but would be even crazier if its not. an actual canon fact
LE SIGN IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO MEAN TOO BAD HES GAY YOU OBTUSE DUNDERFUCK from roxy compared to poor dirk calling the word gay antediluvian. man just wants to like jake in peace
honestly everything alpha kid wise is insane lets just. put it there
terezi is my favourite also have i said that already
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harley-style · 2 years
Reading the Homestuck Epilogues 2 (parts 11-20)
Ayo this time its parts 11-20 lets go!!
⬇️Click here to read part 1 ⬇️
Dave needs john to be way more specific than “you and karkat look cute together”, what a dumbass.
“You make cute friends” nevermind we have TWO (2) dumbasses.
Okay i will admit my bias for davekat is obvious here im sorry ill stop
Well if it makes you feel better dave im also very fucking in a mess about my own identity so
“Because jade” is such an apt fucking description.
So this is off to a great start.
I cant even comment on part 12.
Oh no, what?
I’m sorry, they let Dave carry W h a t.
This is unsettling. Props to Dave and Roxy for heartfelt eulogies, but FUCK whatever gamzee’s up to.
Okay i caNNOT read his quirk, im sorry.
Okay but as someone who 100% knows why dirk did what he did I fully endorse and support John slapping some pointy-shade-bastard’s ass into the fucking concrete. Dgmw i love dirk but. He has made several decisions that i happen to find “not-poggers”.
Oh, fuck. He lost them.
Getting hitched seems a bit too forward but ok
Catch the boquet or else is a red flag, folks.
John you’re right on the nose. I want jade to be happy with dave and kat but the way she’s doing it is. Forceful?
Oh. John and roxy did the. Oh.
Yeah uhm. I also. Really dont adore how davejadekat is going rn.
John is losing it and honestly i dont blame him i would too
Jane. Baby. Sweetheart. N O.
Jane you are literally being so fucking xenophobic right now.
Jesus fucking christ gamzee. And jane. What the fuck.
I really do feel bad for jake. He’s like the butt of the meta joke all the time.
Okay but it concerns me that these kids arent even 30 and theyre thinking about kids? GUYS. YOU’RE YOUNG. CHILL OUT WITH THE CHILD REARING, GOOD LORD ABOVE.
Okay there is a corpse. Oh my god.
Also guys i know im davekat biased but it really is clear to me that out if everyone here they have the healthiest dynamic in that their only flaw is being in denial about there being a relationship. Like. Somethinf that can be fixed if theyre left alone by literally eveyrone else and their issues.
Oh we’re getting political
Yknow, part of why i like reading rn is because its escapism from really heavy issues? Yeah i uhm. Am struggling with part 20. But i love karkat and he is always right so.
Oh is this why davekat fell apart in candy
Why, Jane, don’t you know like calls to like? If you find yourself surrounded by clowns, that’s your own goddamn fault.
And that’s another reading sesh done folks! I’ll be honest I’m losing my goddamn mind. I’m genuinely worried about the fictional politics between these dumbasses and how theyre tearing this family apart. Where the fuck is Mr. Crocker and why is he not policing these kids??? Theyre CLEARLY in over their heads? God….
Okay i know i call them kids when theyre like three years older than i am but still.
Anyway thank you guys for joining me again i hope you had a laugh watching me rage over the homestuck caste being fucking idiots. I’ll see y’all next time in part 3! (Lmk if i should put any tags for y’all to be warned about i am a simple dumbass and cant catch everything)
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toadstool32 · 2 years
im delirious i just had a GREAT idea this requires having terminal homestuck brain and also liking the idea of batman being fucked up in a funny way. putting this under a read more bc i want u to choose to ruin ur day
ok so like are your familiar with spicyyetis davekat halloween special? well i hope you are now.
ok now are u familiar with bruce wayne? are you familiar of his habit of accidentally acquiring kids left and right and also his perfect mental health?
ok now are you seeing what im seeing
im thinkiong like years in the future like im p sure there was a panel of bruce telling stories to one of his grandchildren like it was very cute right hand on im pulling up the panel
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Batman Lost #1 a tie in for dark knights metal
do you see that those are kids , little children running around the manor with an old man bruce just chilling in his murder mystery office, this is the best thing i have ever seen.
so like ideally bruce would have a very happy life retired and with all the rest of the bats taking over in crime fighting n shit and his sons and daughters however many he gets are gonna fill the place with kids eventually bc picking up strays is like, a bat requirement u know, however, im not thinking in a positive way or even a coherent way.
back to YM&O did u see old man dave hoarding kids in a very lonely mansion bc of his fear that the kids are one day gonna be the nly thing that will remind him of the loev of his life or whatever yeah you see where im goin with this.
like i can see it perfectly in my minds eye bruce trying to cope with yknow life and stuff n finally accepting that hes not a one man show and maybe as he gets older hes like alright i gotta, take care of myself? and no matter how much my kids may hate me at times and try to shot me i know they love me and they would be Very Sad if they had to bury me, like , again i mean and so hes like well now im old and trying out this taking care of myself now what and hes like oh i know ill take care of the kids and then at the start dick is like weird but ok better late than never!!! i guess!! but oh wait actuyally sorry old man i cant hang out but u can hang out with timmy and damian ok bye have fun and at this point evryone is like almost thirty and are like trying to subtly get away from bruce bc they were raised independently and also theyre grownups damnit (cass is a treasure so she hangs out but also she knows whats up its chill) and then it expands to the other kids like he starts trying to act as this doting old fatherly figure (hes goin senile its what is HAPPENING) and its not until dick is like haha have u heard jason just got kids following him around thats cute and bruce is like YES THATS IT like he gets hardcore empty nest syndrome except the nest was always kinda full u know? thi pile of leaves and bird shit is gonna overflow,anyway like a few months later dick comes back and theres Horrors tm in Manor bc bruce definition of kid isnt constrained by like, species,(do you think jarro would want more siblings?)
so like the house is packed with kids, all sorts of kids, some arent even kids, some are straight up science experiments and bruce is like I Love My Family :) alfred has been dead for over 30 years and yet bruce finds the way to drag his ghost back to the house so they can coo at the kids together (alfred look at my new daughter isnt she cute yes master bruces shes quite charming what will all the eyes, yes youre right she is) jarro is having fun having siblings but he still tries to win bruces attention , cass is almost encouraging bruce to get more kids (i want a new sister) tim and damian are scared but in different ways jason went there once and said Not My problem (hes also scared) barbara doesnt know the extent of the problem and is just amused the titrans know and dick is the last to know (but only bc i find it funny) if u ask what about duke i dont wanna inflict this hell on him he scaped early amen also the justice league either enables him or is subtly trying to stop him (it is. not working)
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blurrymango · 1 month
Went to TierMaker. Went to the only Gorillaz ship tierlist on there. Did a tierlist.
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For the record- the only ship here I ever think about is 2Doc. Like- Disclaimer- 2Doc and CyNu and the only ones I'm actually interested in. And for CyNu it's more of a passive interest.
Now with that out of the way.
Also. For some reason. Noodle x Russel wasn't a thing? Weird. It would be S tier. Yeah NuRuss. RussNu. Whatever. That. It's S tier.
Godtier- 2Doc. Obviously. What? You think I wouldn't put 2Doc at godtier? It's the best ship ever. It's dark and abusive and could easily be made even worse and could also be made cute too. (SECRET UNSEEN SHIP- MY SELF INSERT X NOODLE AND MY SELF INSERT X CYBORG NOODLE.)
S tier- Noodle x Cyborg Noodle: Good shit. I'm not normally into self-cest but it's two Noodles and nothing better ever than Noodle and Cyborg Noodle. Paula x Noodle: I can think of some dark ideas for this. Also. Uh. It's cute ok.
A tier- Russ x Del: They're literally best friends of all time and friends to lovers is cute. Noodle x Ace: Would be higher if I didn't consider this cheating. Because I like to think Ace has a loli GF back in Townsville. (It's Buttercup.)
B tier- Murdoc x Cy. He literally created her, he should be allowed to ffuck her.
C tier- Murdoc x Paula: This only works in the context of 2D getting cucked like the little bitchbaby he is. Cy x 2D: I don't remember why I put this here. I think they'd be cute as like. Codependent and not sexual style. Maybe a little sexual style.
F tier- Paula x 2D: Sorry I just don't think they should be together. Only acceptable if Murdoc is ffucking both of them like the disgusting chad he is. 2Nu: Would be fine if it weren't goddamn everywhere. It's like DirkJake for me. I'm neutral towards it until I see it and remember how ffucking annoying it is. NuDoc: The ONLY Noodle Murdoc should be ffucking is Cy. Though it is SLIGHTLY better than 2Nu. Only slightly.
Trash tier- RussDoc: Literally I cannot ffucking see it not even a bit the way they hate eachother is just. There is not a single possibility for enemies to lovers or enemies with benefits. I hate it. AceDoc: Again, literally cannot see it, but also this one has the added annoyance of the 2Nu effect in that it is everywhere and annoying. 2Russ: It has the 2Nu effect again, I hate it slightly less than RussDoc but it is still really annoying like ffuck off man they're pals. 2Dace: HA. No. Not a chance in hell. From the way I see it, people who ship this tend to be just anti-Murdoc in general. It's also the DaveKat/GamTav/Destiel of Gorillaz. Annoying and terrible in every single way possible and just not good in the slightest.
Oh also- other ships that weren't on here but prolly exist somewhere.
Del x Noodle: Big yes. B tier.
Del x 2D: Big no. F tier.
Del x Murdoc: Trash tier.
Russ x Ace: It actually does kinda vibe good TBH. IMO. A tier.
Russel x Paula: It would be funny though lmao.
Murdoc x Noodle x 2D: Could work. Could work. But I don't like it because :( Russel is alone.
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daedalusdavinci · 6 months
2023 Tumblr Top Ten
1. 139 notes - Aug 20 2023
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2. 82 notes - May 6 2023
MY Davekat Fic Recs
3. 78 notes - May 6 2023
Superbat Fic Recs
4. 55 notes - May 10 2023
Q: 42. Foolish - twobats
Bruce awoke with panic flaring in his chest. There had been a hand on his shoulder. Alfred and the kids knew better than that, and so instinct took over, grabbing the offending arm and yanking. Before he was even fully awake, Bruce had rolled and pinned a man underneath him, an arm drawn back to knock him out. “Wait, wait, wait, Bruce-" Bruce blinked hard, and in the darkness, the details of the figure started to come together. Harvey- or was it Two Face? had one hand pinned above his head, the other raised defensively. "Some way to treat your bedfellows." "Dent,” Bruce breathed, letting his hand fall. He gripped his collar instead, rolling his fist into the fabric. “Why are you here?”
5. 54 notes - Feb 6 2023
Q: 7 couldn't you wait to kiss me at home with bruharv perhaps
He was old, now. Gray confused the line between white hair and dark brown, swept back and fussed with the way Harvey preferred. The skin grafts made his wrinkles look deeper on the left side of his face, clustered across his forehead and around the corners of his mouth. His glasses were sharp and square, perfectly distinguished, and his suit was a loud white and black, paired with a purple turtleneck that fit him nicely. He looked as beautiful as the day Bruce had met him, but settled into himself, finally finding balance as the years turned. Confidence looked dangerously attractive on him, but his smile was as golden warm as ever. “Harvey,” Bruce greeted, reaching for his cane to rise and meet him. “Oh, sit down, Bruce.” Harvey pushed a cup of coffee into his hand, gently forcing him back into his seat. He stooped to press a kiss against his cheek, the tilt of a smile warm against Bruce’s skin. “I just wanted to make sure you got it before it went cold. You’re running over time.”
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7. 40 notes - Feb 15 2023
Q: Meaningful gestures 30. "Wow, you really did your research, huh? That's amazing..." is eating my brain because of college!Bruharvey. Like, this doesn’t have to be a prompt but just picture Harv/2-F’s reaction to seeing Bruce do research just to help them. (I can’t decide what would be better, Harv or 2-F fronting in the moment they find out.)
The stack of books on Bruce’s desk feels like an impossible tower, its shadow looming over Harvey the way his father used to during those late nights, clothes disheveled and beer still in hand. Except, it’s not like that at all. It’s huge and overwhelming, terrifying in its size, but its scary because of what it represents- not what it might do. The hit comes before Harvey ever knows he has to brace for it, finding an unguarded place in his ribs and striking straight through to his heart. The air leaves his lungs. His steps stagger. His hands feel shaky and his knees are untrustworthy, at risk of giving out beneath him at any minute. They’re just books. They’re just books. It’s what Bruce does. He inhales knowledge like his life depends on it, drawn to every bit of esoterica he can get his hands on. It shouldn’t matter. But it does.
8. 40 notes - Feb 7 2023
Q: 10) I have never been this sick before I'm sorry did I, haha this is so weird, but did I confess my love for you? f- four times? yeah? haha oh, superbats
Alfred said it was the flu. Not Ivy’s newest batch of toxin, or Tetch’s mind control, or the lasting effects of a JLA fight gone wrong, or even a stomach bug from eating Tim’s latest feeble attempt at cooking while desperately trying to practice to impress his boyfriend. It was just the plain old flu. And Bruce had never felt worse. Alfred said it probably wouldn’t have been half as bad if he hadn’t gone out to patrol in the snow, multiple times, even after being warned not to. Damian said it probably wouldn’t have been half as bad if he hadn’t insisted on testing those antitoxins on himself recently. Jason said he’d slipped a viral strand of zombie DNA into his coffee grounds the last time he swung by, and it was only after Cass pointed out the coffee grounds also would’ve poisoned half the house that he realized Jason was most certainly just fucking with him. Duke said he should probably run the tests just in case, because the freezing batcave would certainly do him a lot of good, and somehow that entirely reasonable suggestion just wound up making Alfred more frustrated than ever. And then Alfred did the unthinkable. He called in the cavalry.
9. 39 notes - May 6 2023
My Riddlebat Recs
10. 39 notes - Jan 12 2023
Snow Day
Ships: Matches Malone/Harvey Dent
AU: Harvey Dent adopts Jason Todd
Word Count: 5,537
On cold days, particularly after long nights, there are few things better than a good, long sleep. Especially if that sleep is accompanied by a henchman who’s so much more, and a squirmy teen still freezing from the snow he didn’t dress for, despite Harvey’s warnings.
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hopefullyababe · 3 years
thinking nonstop abt my no sburb highschool human au
#daphnes homestucking again#okay im a sucker for dave and karkat enemys to friends and im imagining how it might happen in my highschool au#so my thoughts are that they do not like eachother and theyre very grumpy and then prom or whatever dance for your sophomore year comes#theyre sitting there against the wall w punch bc neither of them had anyone to go with and they also dont really like dances nd r b o r e d#so they like. chat. and surprisingly they kinda get along. then daves like 'hey you wanna like. blow this place'#nd karkats like 'YEAH WHY TF NOT' and probably makes a quip abt how if he was gonna get murdered itd be better than this shit#and okay so dave should probably actually be 16 bc im imagining him driving anyway so theyre on the road karkats like#'WHERE TF ARE WE GOING' and daves like 'wanna go to dairy queen i work there i can get us a discount'#nd karkats secretly like hell yes i love ice cream but hes like 'whatever' because he wants to seem cool and collected anyway#they get to dairy queen. they get lots and lots of ice cream. they r stiff and awkward at first but like the night goes on nd they losen up#karkat says something and dave riffs of it and ends up making himself laugh really hard at it. karkat is like 'oh shit.#this douchbag is a person.' anyway comments insue like 'ive literally never seen you laugh before do it more often please' and then like#this parts a little blank but one of them probably kk suggests they like. go stargazing bc theres a really good park for that close 2 here#nd they go stargazing and they make up shitty constellations together. turns out the sky is full of penises if you look hard enough.#the phalluses enrage karkat. but playfully#they r. friends now. they eventually have to go home but neither of their guardians really care how late they are.#u can read it as a friendship or as the start to a romance. i was picturing the latter personally very sorry if u are not davekat.#i understand the ship isnt for everyone and i am trying 2 picture how other ships might play out 🤔 anyway thats all for now folks#dave works at dairy queen.
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davekat-sucks · 1 month
wanted to reply to a comment you got from aurosoky about solkat vs davekat since they actually seemed to be respectful and polite about their viewpoint. i swear i'm not trying to be combative or anything so hopefully it doesn't come off that way.
"i mean i enjoy solkat too okay but davekat is just great because they have all this simbolism that makes them feel kind of meant to be. Karkat hided his red blood. Dave hided his red eyes."
I'm sorry but right off the bat if the main argument as to why their relationship is "meant to be" is their shared color or class that's really superficial. By that same logic, do you think Dave or Karkat should end up with Latula because she hides her insecurities behind a facade like they do? And remember, Karkat stated that he and John were meant to be.
But if we're talking about symbolism, Solkat shares the same kind of symbolism, because Sollux has a red eye that matches the color of Karkat's blood, which is even more meaningful since Sollux is ALSO a mutant, making him just as cullable as Karkat. Terezi also fits this idea because she loves the color red, and her eyes are that color as well. It's as if she empowers Karkat through their shared connection to the color he hates so much. Neither Sollux or Terezi treated Karkat as less for his mutancy, and in fact they became best friends with him. This shared life experience is something Dave wouldn't understand, as he wouldn't face being murdered for having red eyes on Earth. Besides, why are Dave's eyes special? Rose/Mom had purple/pink eyes, which are more unnatural and they didn't cover them or the story tried too frame them as an angst point.
nepkat also feels more symbolic because the Disciple was in love with the Signless, Karkat's ancestor. Nepeta's love for Karkat feels like the Disciple's love for the Signless was so strong that it transcended generations, crossing over to their descendants.
"Dave had this abusive mentor he defended for being super cool and it took him 3 years on the meteor to realize he was fucked up. Karkat was super appreciative of alternia and it's culture and it took him 3 years on the meteor to realize it was a shitty classist place that wanted him dead."
Where did you read about these realizations in the actual comic? The actual last time Karkat talks about it he still thinks the Empire was great and that HIC was cool; that never changed. Dave realized he was messed up because he thought all his friends' troubles were insignificant. Jade was isolated from almost birth and had to do taxidermy with her grandfather's corpse, and Dave called that "complaining" even thought Jade never once complained about her childhood. Even in HS2, Karkat admits that Dave is a whiny deadbeat.
And they didn't improve anything by getting together, in fact it ruined what little character buildup they both had, especially for Karkat. The Condesce didn't want mutants or limebloods to reproduce because she's a eugenicist fascist. That's why limebloods were genocided to extinction. Culling is about preventing the "undesirables" from reproducing. Karkat is a mutated limeblood, so if he doesn't reproduce with another troll, limebloods remain extinct, and everything stays the same. Davekat actually aided her plan of troll eugenics.
And back to Solkat, what could be a better "FUCK YOU" to the Empress than the descendant of the Singless, a pariah tortured to death, ending up with the descendant of the Psionic, the slave she ALSO tortured to death and saw merely as a durable ship battery?
Dave was totally not a homosexual till he met karkat. Karkat was obsessed with quadrants until he met dave and felt attracted to him in many different quadrants.
Dave's not homosexual, if anything he's bisexual. Why disregard his relationships with Jade, Terezi, and Rose? And why Karkat? Because he drew dicks with him? Why not say Dave realized his feelings when he met John? John gave him the glasses he's wearing now, which I find way more meaningful and touching. Karkat was also vacillating for Terezi, whom he specifically said he wanted in every quadrant like a desperate fool. And I suspect he had similar feelings for Sollux and Jade as well.
Not to mention, they just have a nice dynamic! And karkat and sollux being besties is super valid and they're also super cute. I loved that scene we got in the last homestuc 2 update sm
Dude, again, I'm sorry, but I just disagree completely. There's nothing there. There is nothing unique, compelling or special about their dynamic that couldn't be better achieved with better options like Sollux, Terezi, John, Nepeta, Jade, etc. Davekat literally started because Dave quoted the same phrase Karkat used with Sollux. It's a rebound at worst and a forced downgrade at best.
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Your respond is amazing, Anon. @aurosoky
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cerulean8looded · 4 years
Okay you know what? I’m gonna say it. I’m fucking devasted that we got DaveKat instead of DaveTav. Yes, I like DaveKat. I like it a lot! However. The situation parallels between RoseMary and DaveTav were so good? Both trolls contacted the other human for advice on how to deal with the situation. They both had fucking fantastic dynamics. I simply want Tavros to be happy. Why did Hussie do this?
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wowfkntrashy · 5 years
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Avoiding doing work at my job so I decided to draw some idiots instead.
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jaketism · 2 years
HOMESTUCK TIME gimme ur thoughts onnnnn karkat. or kanaya
OH YESSS OK. i'm gonna do both if that's alright
karkat -
first impression: hey it's karkat from karkalicious
impression now: i am holding him gently in my hands and he is biting me but i don't care. he's so autismbestie <3
favorite moment: this is hard ughhhh uhm. hm. i rlly like the stuff he does at the end. like the shift in perspective he has on what strength is and what his aspect means and stuff. also a big fan of penis ouija sorry to be basic but it's funny
idea for a story: the post canon davekat lonelyeyes style series of divorces i have in my brain... they will always end up together but it's gonna take a lot of work on both sides before it's sustainable yknow?
unpopular opinion: he has more tboy swag than dave! i get why trans dave is popular (projection) but it doesn't at all line up w my perception of the characters. can more people see the truth (karkat tboy swag) pls
favorite relationship: his friendship with kanaya... it's beyond pale it's something alternia had no real words for because it's familial loveeeeeeeeee. oh it's so good. davekat close second sorry for being basic. i am doing it differently if that makes it any better.
favorite headcanon: autism. also transgender but mostly autism. which iiiiiii think is just text but i've gotten weird pushback on it before so :/
kanaya -
first impression: omg she's a virgo like me :D
impression now: she's so... girl you do not have to take care of all your friends you do not have to be responsible for them you are 13 and that's okay you can just be their friend... motherhood can be your future but it shouldn't consume your present. basically i like her a lot i want to therapize her.
idea for a story: i think about earth c a lot... i think about how teenaged relationships change as people become adults and what she and rose would be like 100 years post-act 7. which isn't a story really it's just kind of vibes and shapes i rotate in my mind
unpopular opinion: if you think she's good at being the mom friend you're bad at reading. she's not a good auspistice she's not more grown up or responsible or smarter than the rest of the trolls she's scared and trying to be who she thinks she has to be
favorite relationship: rosemary.... i love the light motifs it was one of the first things that made me take homestuck seriously as a text worth analyzing not just a silly thing i was reading to prove i could
favorite headcanon: oh hmmmmm. hm. thinking. i think contrary to fandom belief she is not good at making clothes for Everyone she's rlly good at making clothes for herself and her light player narrative obsessed crushes
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Can I just say as a Davekat-liker that the shilling of the relationship in Homestuck 2 is honestly so sad and desperate.
First and foremost, ever since the Epilogues and forward are we just told that apparently for like 10 years they never got into a relationship or actually kissed or even attempted to be anything more than close friends. We are told this DESPITE THE FACT that around the ending of Act 6, multiple character straight up say they are a cute couple and are flushed for each other, and they themselves very much allude to the fact that they kissed and/or are in a relationship. So they just ret-conned the hell out of that for more unnecessary Jadedavekat drama (and the demonizing of Jade).
And uh, not for nothing, but this relationship they have is honestly really boring. Not to be biased but GO!Davekat juts had a better dynamic. Meat or Candy its all nothing but overtly over the top mourning or "just the absolute cream of the crop perfect guys look please don't unsubscribe from Patreon". I really hate to say it but there is really too much Davekat and its not even that good.
They really only post it when they lose subscriber (which they seem to be doing a lot of, can they really not see the pattern and the problem?) and Dave and Karkat literally cannot talk about anything except the other. Id say the laundry room scene was fine on its own, it was really beautiful to me. But instead of moving on with the other plots or allowing others to unfold by letting other characters have spotlight, lets waste an upd8 to talk about the fact that people think davekat is really bloating the majority of the comic. And we'll do that by making fun of the upd8 that people didn't hate that had actual in the relationship and to the characters themselves. 
They could have done anything else, but who wants to talk to Jade. Jade who was been in a coma and had her body inhabited by an older and extremely powerful version of cherub that is currently on the ship. Talk to Kanaya again, talk to Calliope. Catch up with the Theseus ship crew, which I'm pretty sure in all 16 chapters have only been shown like 4 chapters (like guys don't you remember how all the thirsty dirk and terezi fans were supporting you in the first place? smh). Hell can we talk to Jake?
I just feel that the HS2 writing crew really needs to stop hiding behind a crappy Davekat Stan mask whenever they get criticism or receive backlash because not only is it kind of irresponsible and lame, they are genuinely creating hatred to a ship that I enjoy when it is not sucking up the spotlight of apparently everything going on. People liked Davekat for a reason, now your giving reason to make them the poster boys of an author-blessed fanfic. And oh my good does it grind my gears. That all sorry for dropping a whole dissertation essay lol.
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