inkskinned · 7 months
in the time loop the only way out is to leave her there but you don't ever leave her there, never in the roughly one thousand years you have been in the same day. it is probably like "50 first dates" but you haven't stooped so low as to watch "50 first dates" yet. (but who is to say what another thousand years of the same media will bring to you, maybe you will develop a new taste).
you spent about 200 of these years sulking in a bathtub or on the couch or staring at the seaside. 300 of them have been spent slowly mapping the geographical distance you can actually get before the time loop restarts. you have a list of favorite places: one library in Western Massachusetts called "The Bookmill", which has weird hours and has never raised an eyebrow to you arriving out-of-breath and panting, asking to see a specific book on a specific shelf. There is one beach without a name in North Carolina; it is an accident of geography and ownership title disputes - and it is pristine, untouched, warm and cozy. you've taken her on a lot of picnics there. Acadia National Park. One specific birdhouse in the mountains.
you were stuck in the time loop with the money you entered it with: not enough to rent a private jet. you've robbed a bank a few times, you don't like the way it ends. maybe next century you'll get the hang of it. you don't like the look on her face when you say hang on i have to stop at the bank.
you just have to leave her, and you can go back to being a person again. you took 5 years just catching a flight and sitting in the Grand Canyon. if there's one thing you regret more than anything, it's that you hadn't gotten your passport renewed before this fucking time loop. maybe you should spend some time learning forgery - but also, like, you look like an english teacher. nobody is going to be cool about you asking to see their paper printing machines.
the world is very big. that is one of the things groundhog day gets wrong. there are no consequences, so you have literally all the time (or none of the time?) in the world. in groundhog day, he does a lot of very cool things, but in reality - your muscle memory never gets better. you can't necessarily learn how to play piano or sculpt ice, because your hands never remember the practice. but hey - maybe you'll try violin next. drums. synth.
you can open any door and walk into any conversation. money isn't really an object. you can try every meal off every menu, forever. take her on helicopter tours and into every museum and on every event that is happening right-now at-this-moment. parades and funerals and calligraphy classes.
but you are somewhat trapped by the limitations of your body. if you were reading a book, you still need to get up and go back to the library and find that book again when the day resets. (thank god for the internet). it still takes like 2 hours to board a plane, and then takeoff and landing and traffic. you've gotten off to run around on the freeway. one of the little thankful things: since your brain isn't actually developing (it's a muscle too), the days thankfully don't feel shorter to you. that would be agony.
all you have to do to leave the timeloop is let that man get away with it. that's all. in every version of yourself - forever - you have stopped him.
the problem is that this experience has convinced you of the existence of the human soul. after all, how else are you forming memories? your very cells reset. information has to be transferred somehow. and if timeloops are real, you can convince yourself other magic exists. so you have two choices here: this hell, or the next. there might be a millennia where you have been worn down to the point you can accept fate's decision. this is just not one of them. ironically - she is the one thing you have left.
and besides! if you can't always find something new in your partner, aren't you failing them? there is something new about her, every day with the same morning. every brutal day with the same orange sunset.
after all, you wanted to live with her in heaven, in eternity, and, well - isn't this second-best.
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manicgoblin · 1 year
Secured another two concerts for this summer 😌✨
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In 2019, the main lobbying group for for-profit nursing homes, the American Health Care Association, published a brochure titled “Nursing Homes: Times have changed.”
“Nursing homes have replaced restraints and antipsychotic medications with robust activity programs, religious services, social workers and resident councils so that residents can be mentally, physically and socially engaged,” the colorful two-page leaflet boasted.
Last year, though, the industry teamed up with drug companies and others to push Congress and federal regulators to broaden the list of conditions under which antipsychotics don’t need to be publicly disclosed.
“There is specific and compelling evidence that psychotropics are underutilized in treating dementia and it is time for C.M.S. to re-evaluate its regulations,” wrote Jim Scott, the chairman of the Alliance for Aging Research, which is coordinating the campaign.
The lobbying was financed by drug companies including Avanir Pharmaceuticals and Acadia Pharmaceuticals. Both have tried — and so far failed — to get their drugs approved for treating patients with dementia. (In 2019, Avanir agreed to pay $108 million to settle charges that it had inappropriately marketed its drug for use in dementia patients in nursing homes.)
  —  Phony Diagnoses Hide High Rates of Drugging at Nursing Homes
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lazymonth · 4 months
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—— Acedia the Ghost(ie) rider for Earth-72609 ——
In this universe Acedia used to be a normal human until the sin of sloth, Belphegor choosing her to be the punisher of the human spirit..
[ Acedia made by @hollowsart ]
Full story ————————
Long ago, Belphegor, sin of the sloth, had a job sorting human souls to choose which sin they should be punished but as sin of sloth of course she will be too lazy to do the work all by herself. It’s giving her an idea to choose someone to do this work for her. If she wants someone to sort human souls on earth she needs a human after Belphegor design to go on earth and choose a human who’ll do anything for her. It's not easy but at least she finally found it
In the 18th century, it had a poor family that was about to die of hunger and they have nothing left now.. But before their death has come Belphegor shows herself up first to make a deal with them. She’ll give them one thing that will change their life forever but one of them needs to be her servant. Of course they don't want to but because of hunger make them doesn't have a choice
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After that this family has a curse. One of them in every generation has a destiny to turn into the soul punisher called Ghost rider. But here comes the current generation, Acedia. She doesn't know anything about her family curse and moving to NYC after graduation and living a normal life for a while, one day in the middle of the night after work.. The time has come when Belphegor showing herself in front of her and tell everything about family curse even Acedia doesn't want or prepare for all of this but just like other family members, she doesn't have a choice
Belphegor tells her everything about what Ghost rider us and how they work. Event week Acedia needs to turn into Ghost rider at least one time for hunting down human souls like crime for review they sin after that the souls will get mark by itself which sin they should get punished after they're dead. Will, at least Acadia don't need to kill people by herself
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rad-hound · 16 days
I don't feel like retyping my recap, but I finished the Far Harbor DLC, and these were my choices. Of which I felt were the most ideal.
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But, genuinely. I actually had to stop and think for a moment about my actions. It was really difficult, a lot of tough decisions to make... and I wanted the least amount of bloodshed possible. Even if some blood was inevitably spilt.
But when I think about it, it is inevitable that DiMA's cycle of violence will only perpetuate. Now that he not only has to mull his guilt — which I know he'll inevitably force himself to forget, by storing the memory somewhere else — he also has to mull over the deaths of every single one of the Children of Atom. The first people to ever accept him as a synth on the mountain, without judgment.
However, I was also considering Nick's personal feelings, alongside those of DiMA, the synths of Acadia, and the folks in Far Harbor. He'd just been grappling with the concept that everything he knew about his "escape" was fabricated for his own safety — trauma reasons, I'm sure — but the fact that he has a family. Family who, no matter how much with whom he wants to reconcile, has done some evil, unforgivable things.
I wish it would be further discussed even after the events of Far Harbor, but... damn. Fuck. I love this game. I love this DLC.
Play Far Harbor, it's like $15 on Steam.
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vashsscoreboardofpain · 2 months
It's been 14 days fellas. Now that the recap episode is behind us, the audience is excited for the new stakes. What will legato do? whay mvp moves will he pull to make 98 vash score more points?
Lets check out episode 14 and see how the contestant is doing
The episode starts with the insurance girls but the contestant does not stay behind for long. Thanks to meryl and millie he gets 1 "bad event" point for being interrupted when he was about to defend the old couple.
The story keeps moving along. Everyone goes to the beautiful Little Acadia. What a great place to get suffering points.
After a while, it seems like the contestant has decided to stay back on this one and let others shine! Ah yes, character development for everyone!
"Is that all the time I get?!" We guess so!
98 Vash only got 1 point today, raising his total to 100 points! That's so well rounded and neat that there's no way that the audience can be mad at him. In any case, he only needs 59 points to catch up with stampede vash. Will he manage to get some of those points tomorrow? Tune in for sports and find out!
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rjzimmerman · 7 days
Acadia National Park Confronts a Rising Tide (Sierra Club)
The glaciers are melting in Glacier National Park. The forests around and in Yosemite National Park are burning down. Seasonal bodies of water are forming in Death Valley National Park. All sort of human and weather or climate associated events are doing damage to the Everglades. The Rio Grande sometimes flows through Big Bend. Joshua trees are not propagating and might someday burn down in Joshua Tree National Park. The time is way passed for the National Park Service to redefine "conservation" as "preservation," and do something, as best it can, to protect these public lands and their inhabitants, from human caused harm.
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A major storm in January 2024 sent Mount Desert Island's Seawall Road into the Atlantic Ocean, a harbinger of things to come as surrounding Acadia National Park contends with climate change and sea level rise. | Photo by Kyle Paoletta
Over the course of four days in January, a one-two punch of winter storms walloped coastal Maine and destroyed infrastructure across Acadia National Park that rangers are still repairing as they gear up for the millions of tourists who visit every summer. Following nearly identical tracks up the East Coast, each weather system brought hurricane-force winds and a record-setting storm surge of ocean water that flooded, and then flooded again, seaside areas all over Mount Desert Island, which is home to not only the national park but also several towns and a mishmash of state, federal, and private land. 
The Gulf of Maine is warming faster than almost any other body of water on Earth, and climatologists estimate the tides around Mount Desert Island are likely to rise by a full foot over the next 25 years. The temporary sea level rise brought on by the January storms offered a peek into what could be a new normal by mid-century, forcing officials at Acadia to confront the reality that restoring the current damage will require a much more rigorous process than merely rebuilding roads and trails, many of which were established over a century ago. It's a situation that illustrates the inherent tension between the two missions of the National Park Service writ large: conservation and tourism.
On the west side of the island, pine trees part to reveal sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean where a state highway passes over a natural breakwater formation called Seawall. In January, the storms dragged away hunks of asphalt from that roadway and covered a nearby picnic area in rocks and the trunks of 700 or so trees downed by winds gusting in from the ocean. Down the road, one of the Park Service’s interpretative panels had been fully uprooted and tossed aside, as if by a giant. Subsequent storms that rolled over Mount Desert Island during the spring deposited yet more stones in the picnic area, forcing rangers to keep putting up orange cones to dissuade visitors.
When I visited in April, officials at Acadia were still in the early stages of recovery. The facilities crew had its hands full with repairing 1,000 feet of the Ocean Path, a vital trail in Acadia that connects two popular destinations: the island’s only sandy beach and Thunder Hole, where the dramatic crash of waves into a granite chasm draws some of the park’s largest crowds. Fixing the Ocean Path was just one line item in the tens of millions of dollars in damage sustained by Acadia. 
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sammypinkgirl · 2 days
Fallout 4 Companions React To: Far Harbor, Children of Atom Ending (part 1)
Piper: News of the events on Far Harbor had taken a while to get back to the commonwealth. Mostly, it spread as rumors from the few boat owning traders, a whole town slaughtered on an island up north. When Piper found out the truth, heard that Sole had been behind an entire town’s deaths, for a dangerous religion, she couldn’t believe it. She went on her own to investigate, only to confirm her worst suspicions. She wrote about what happened, telling the truth, that the children of Atom had begun waging wars, instead of just uncoordinated skirmishes. She made sure the people knew, and knew to be afraid of what might happen next. She could never look at Sole the same again after that, and stopped traveling with them completely.
Nick Valentine: Nick took the death of Far Harbor hard, a whole town wiped off the face of the map, a sight he’d really seen too often, but the demise of Acadia was harder for the old synth. He knew how dangerous religion could be when weaponized, but to have his own brother gone, along with his vision, it was too much. Eventually, he was the one that would tell Piper, if the children hadn’t gotten to him before he could.
Danse: Paladin Danse remembered the Children of Atom from the capital wasteland. He remembered being around them in the streets of megaton on his few days in the town, hearing travellers discuss them in the Rivet City corridors. The commonwealth chapter of the faith was already plenty dangerous, after all he’d heard the stories of Brotherhood members going missing for their fusion cores at the hands of the church. After hearing of the events at Far Harbor, he would do his best to warn the brotherhood of the dangers of the cult, provided he still could. When he learned that Sole was integral in the church themselves, he would try to pass along a message to Scribe Haylen and Knight Rhys, concerned of what might happen next.
Gage: Gage didn’t care about what his new overboss did in their free time. Honestly, hearing another town had been wiped out by them sounded good on paper. As long as he wasn’t irradiated in his sleep, he wouldn’t care at all.
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bokatan · 9 months
OC Creation Asks: 1, 3, 13, and 19 for all
[ questions about creating your ocs ]
1: What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Reed: I made him in-game first. As far as actual character elements go though, the first element I worked with after making him an oc was his whole thing with Dogmeat/Margot. At the time that this was all going on, I had been working with my dog’s trainer to potentially start IGP/bitesports- obviously she’s been washed since then, but I learned a ton about what’s involved in that type of work. Then I went off and played my new FO4 save, and snatched up Dogmeat because why wouldn’t I, and started questioning how in the fuck this random stray dog is able to reliably do protection work. Also why is there a purebred german shepherd just sitting here at a gas station, 200+ years after the end of the world? It obviously got out of control after that and now I have a whole alt startup for my sole + he has his own unique synthetic dog as a replacement for Dogmeat.
Mercy: Backstory for sure- I already had her appearance, name, and personality worked out since they were all yoinked from her RDR2 version. I had a few loose details from Reed & Delta’s backstories to work with, and I had to figure out how to get her from 2077 to 2281 and then across the continental US by 2288, so it was a lot of me just piecing things together and filling in gaps.
Delta: Also backstory- I yoinked their appearance from Mercy for obvious reasons, and a good portion of their personality is just the opposite of Mercy’s so that was also easy to work out. I’m still fleshing out their earlier backstory, which has been hard because it’s all Institute nonsense, but I’ve at least got a solid idea of what they’re up to a few years before their storyline with Reed starts up.
3: How did you choose their name? 
answered for Reed & Mercy here!
Delta’s name is in kind of a similar area as the other two- I wanted something starting with a D to coordinate with their synth designation, and I wanted something that sounded like more of an alias or nickname than an actual name. It ended up suiting them really well
13: How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
I loosely have Reed & Mercy’s storylines worked out for a few years post-canon, and have a few post-canon AUs tacked on. So their ✨official✨ storyline is they leave the Commonwealth together after wrapping up everything Mercy went there for, and they head south for D.C. That’s as far as I’ve gotten with it, they’re both drifters at that point so they can do whatever they want. As far as AUs go: I have one where they both die because of course I do. Reed’s killed by BoS remnants pretty shortly after his storyline ends, & a year or two after that Mercy goes feral from excessive radiation exposure and later dies. I’d like to play around with an AU or something where they both stay in the Commonwealth and find somewhere permanent to live, but that’d be hard to do with Reed since he’s awful and won’t settle down
I’ve played around with the idea of Delta leaving the Commonwealth and either moving to Acadia or heading West as a trader, but tbh they’re so well established there that I don’t think they’d willingly leave.
19: What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Reed: He steals Quinlan’s cat while planting explosives on the Prydwen.
Mercy: She can get really into gardening and hydroponics when she’s settled down somewhere.
Delta: They’re a stray collector, they just take in all of the sad little creatures whenever they turn up. Hence how they ended up with like 8 cats and Reed.
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phoenix-corporation · 10 months
hi! acadia here. im one of the new recruits and really enjoying my time in la so far! just wondering how the secret garden theme plays into the gala, and whether or not it's an annual tradition? could we know a lil more? 👀
Hello, Acadia!
I'm so happy you're having a great time in LA!
The Gala theme is just how the ballroom will be decorated. You absolutely do not have to dress in florals for this year if you don't want to! We do have a Gala of Lights annually! Last year's theme was Celestial; since we did have our Phoenix Rising event last year, the Gala was in December.
The event is so that the entire company can get together, dress up, socialise, dance, and have fun! If you're lucky you may even get to see our company's founder!
Let me know if you have more questions! And I hope you have a wonderful evening!
Evelien 💖
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therpdirectory · 8 months
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Hello and welcome to Small Town Famous! We are a real life role-play set in the fictional town of Pine Harbor, Maine. An island located about two miles off the mainland, Pine Harbor embodies tradition, culture, values, and embraces tourism to keep their beautiful small town moving. So, come check out the beaches, explore the forest of Acadia National Park, and enjoy the scenery. Be careful, it only takes a moment to become famous in a small town.
Small Town Famous is a fun, community oriented site ran by writers for writers and welcomes writers with wide ranging thoughts, opinions, writing abilities, and personalities. We are a community that welcomes all writers to come and explore their muses, grow together, and help continue building a world worth writing in together. We are over one year old and we're still going strong! We have a new fall skin and a host of fall events for members to join in with!
We also have a large variety of wanted ads to peruse with a very active member base. So, come check us out if you’re interested in joining a fun, caring, and open minded community!
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rockinroleplay · 9 months
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Hello and welcome to Small Town Famous! We are a real life role-play set in the fictional town of Pine Harbor, Maine. An island located about two miles off the mainland, Pine Harbor embodies tradition, culture, values, and embraces tourism to keep their beautiful small town moving. So, come check out the beaches, explore the forest of Acadia National Park, and enjoy the scenery. Be careful, it only takes a moment to become famous in a small town.
Small Town Famous is a fun, community oriented site ran by writers for writers and welcomes writers with wide ranging thoughts, opinions, writing abilities, and personalities. We are a community that welcomes all writers to come and explore their muses, grow together, and help continue building a world worth writing in together. We are over one year old and we’re still going strong! We have a new fall skin and a host of fall events for members to join in with!
We also have a large variety of wanted ads to peruse with a very active member base. So, come check us out if you’re interested in joining a fun, caring, and open minded community!
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mothbeasts · 9 months
you need to talk about frostbite RIGHT neow
FROSTBITE!!! my fallout 4 protag and arguably the most normal of my fallout protag roster. Rambles under the cut.
Frostbite is NOT a parent. this is important. Her lore is that she was just some other guy in the vault. She has no relation to Shaun in any way.
When she was defrosted, she had no idea what was going on. And never really found out during the events of the game. Sure, she knew ROUGHLY what happened - the war, the bombs, being frozen - but she didn't know. Anything about the factions of the Commonwealth, the history she missed out on. Stuff like that. She's wandering around confused and horrified half the time but that never stops her
She did help rebuild the Minutemen as their general, but her ending was with the Railroad. She took out the institute for them, and does not regret that. She knows they're doing good for the synths, and seeing as. well. her best friend is a synth, and she knows that you should care about other people anyways. She wouldn't have picked any other path.
As for DLCs: She wanted to do good for Far Harbor and she wanted to do good at Nuka World. She played along in the second of the two, but the second they started looking to expand she cut ties with the place. And she has nothing but respect for the people of Far Harbor and Acadia.
More of a character/motivation breakdown:
Frostbite is largely motivated by Wanting To Help. She wants to do good for the Commonwealth, she wants to help people rebuild and be safe. It's why she sided with the Railroad (helping the synths) and the Minutemen (helping. well. everyone else). In my mind, at least, she helps to merge the two factions somewhat. Get them working together.
She will go out of her way to help someone, often to her own detriment if it's a trap of some kind or if there is a lot of danger. It's also why she did the main quest to begin with - she saw someone shot dead in a cryopod and found out about the kidnapped baby. She wanted to help.
These are also reasons her siding with the Institute or Brotherhood would never make sense. Those groups don't HELP people. It'd cause a massive conflict of beliefs and morals. She loves helping.
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rpings · 9 months
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Hello and welcome to Small Town Famous! We are a real life role-play set in the fictional town of Pine Harbor, Maine. An island located about two miles off the mainland, Pine Harbor embodies tradition, culture, values, and embraces tourism to keep their beautiful small town moving. So, come check out the beaches, explore the forest of Acadia National Park, and enjoy the scenery. Be careful, it only takes a moment to become famous in a small town.
Small Town Famous is a fun, community oriented site ran by writers for writers and welcomes writers with wide ranging thoughts, opinions, writing abilities, and personalities. We are a community that welcomes all writers to come and explore their muses, grow together, and help continue building a world worth writing in together. We are over one year old and we’re still going strong! We have a new fall skin and a host of fall events for members to join in with!
We also have a large variety of wanted ads to peruse with a very active member base. So, come check us out if you’re interested in joining a fun, caring, and open minded community!
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Hello, Windsor College residents, and welcome to episode two of Beyond the Pleasure Principle - don't worry, calm down. Nobody's dead. Not yet.
Now, some of you might be wondering why else I'm here. Oh, Acadia, we all slept wonderfully last night, oh, Acadia, we thought you were just here to talk about murder... and you'd be right, folks, but this little segment is just me checking in on you all. See, the chain of events I've got planned only works with the right people, and I gotta know you guys are it.
Western blocks - I know at least one of you dreamt about finding a body on campus. Don't freak out - it's not your time yet. You'll know about it when it is. Northern; I appreciate you're scared after 5C (sorry, Jack Wright, I suppose) kicked the bucket, but trust me, nobody dreaming of being attacked in the middle of the night... is going to be attacked in the middle of the night. It ruins my suspense, for fuck's sake.
Eastern blocks - you guys actually did have a good sleep. This ain't about you. Pass the fuck back out.
But our star of the show - Southern 7B. Let's talk about you real quick. Are you going to dream of drowning for a third night in a row tonight? I hope not, it's getting dull. I wear nice outfits when I come to see you and then I have to drag you outta the ocean and ruin my shirt. It's a tragedy. Stop it. Please. I'm damn near begging you to dream of, like, a sushi restaurant, or a coffee shop, or somewhere we can talk about your role in all of this, and we can't do that if I can't hear myself think over - you know - the sound of the fucking Pacific.
Okay? Okay. Great.
As for the rest of you - see you soon.
In your dreams,
Acadia xoxo
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allthingsroleplay · 10 months
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Hello and welcome to Small Town Famous! We are a real life role-play set in the fictional town of Pine Harbor, Maine. An island located about two miles off the mainland, Pine Harbor embodies tradition, culture, values, and embraces tourism to keep their beautiful small town moving. So, come check out the beaches, explore the forest of Acadia National Park, and enjoy the scenery. Be careful, it only takes a moment to become famous in a small town.
Small Town Famous is a fun, community oriented site ran by writers for writers and welcomes writers with wide ranging thoughts, opinions, writing abilities, and personalities. We are a community that welcomes all writers to come and explore their muses, grow together, and help continue building a world worth writing in together. We just celebrated our one year anniversary and we’re still going strong! We have a new summer skin and a host of summer events for members to join in with!
We’re still going strong and have a large variety of wanted ads to peruse. So, come check us out if you’re interested in joining a fun, caring, and open minded community!
index ∙ face claim ∙ wanted ads ∙ advertising ∙ discord
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