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claudiadpdl · 2 months
imagine consuming a piece of media like iwtv and boiling it down to "the abuse show" and telling people they should kill themselves for caring about the romance of it (which is a fundamental part alongside the grieving and healing from the unavoidable loss of your child). i honestly do not know how someone could watch two entire seasons (assuming the books weren't read because there's no way you'd say something like that otherwise) and come away with that specific opinion. watching a fucked up show about fucked up people and an exploration of said fucked up-ness with this exhausting mindset of 'ethical correctness' only hurts you in the long run. and beyond that? media literacy needs to be a mandated class in grade school.
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pharawee · 10 months
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—SPARE ME YOUR MERCY · Coming Soon 2024
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ryansjane · 5 months
23.5 pairing godji & golf, long time friends & trans icons together, IS THE MOST ICONIC THING EVER!!! I swear this show has the best characters, I love them all so much 😭😭😭
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daffi-990 · 2 months
I’m in that weird, mood? I guess, where I don’t want to read fan fiction … I want to watch it.
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thebroccolination · 26 days
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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'Best man' can’t even tie a bow tie 💒
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benevolenterrancy · 9 months
Hii. It's been so long since I've opened Tumblr that I didn't even know you posted MDZS fanart. And let me say, I love it! I originally followed you because of your Cybersix fanart, and I love that now you also draw MDZS. Could you maybe draw Adrian/Cybersix and Lucas making googly eyes at each other? There are not enough Cybersix enjoyers in the world, and even less artists that have watched it. Love youu
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adrian and lucas unknowingly fuel a not insignificant part of the school rumour mill
(and tell me about it, i wish more people understood why they should love this series T0T if the comic wasn't absolutely intolerable we'd be unstoppable!!)
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mond-is-a-thief · 11 months
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Episode 12 The Penultimate Episode
A Celebration of Welcome Guest Stars
Not particularly identified but I am calling them by their characters names from their series PLUS & MINUS.
Zheng Ze Shou (MAX LIN) surprises his husband Fu Li Gong (SHI CHENG XUAN) with a cake he made himself. It is met with some teasing but the two remain sweet to one another and decide to share Ze Shou baking efforts.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 4 months
Figure skater! Andrew and hockey player! Neil is something so personal
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compacflt · 10 months
OKAY I’M DONE‼️ tomorrow‼️
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(Subtract about 3-4k [in-progress notes and afterword for my print version—which will be sent to those who asked once i finish editing (might be a minute)!] but here’s proof)
sorry it took so long. I was really unhappy with a couple sections and decided to stop bitching about how unhappy I was with them on tumblr and take the time to rewrite them to a standard that I would actually be happy posting… which I thought would take like a week… silly compacflt… always triple the amount of time I estimate i might need… so sorry I’ve been MIA. ive been working on this the whole time.
but now I’m actually really happy with these. And with their completion, it means this series is over. I think this is an ending I can actually be proud of, now. so for me it was worth it.
also i think i should reiterate, these aren’t supposed to be read all at once, i just thought it would be crazy to post these dozens of individual one-shots as their own chapters. that’s crazy. Lol. so you can treat them like chapters if you want. or don’t. I’m not your mom
these sections (ice/mav retiring, getting married, hangster wedding, retired life etc.) will be posted tomorrow. Thank you for waiting‼️
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theyellowhue · 2 years
locker room talk but its just the homies gushing about their big boy feelings
Phayu: let him gush, its the first time he has thoughts beyond his dick.
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Prapai: what can i say, love changed me for the better
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Saifah: why is this bitch not at work??? its midday on a weekday, doesnt he have a 9-5???
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I hoped that they would have utilized Phayu and Saifah's brohood with Prapai. 3 adult men talking it out like tweens in a sleepover.
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petrichoraline · 2 years
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iguessitsjustme · 22 days
Okay. I've sat with this for a few hours and I still cannot figure it out. I don't know if playing Dancing With The Devil during Sun and Lin's sex scene this week was brilliant or not. Because listen, it absolutely did not fit the show or the characters. Don't get me wrong, it's a banger of a song that I have been listening to since Big Dragon aired BUT it was not the appropriate song for that scene.
However, I'm sure MosBank fans (myself included) appreciated the throwback. I was literally just telling @heretherebedork that I think Dancing With The Devil is a much better ISBANKY song than Pink Sea (the Sunset X Vibes opening) when I got to that scene and had my soul snatched out of my body. So I can't decide if it was brilliant to use that song as a kind of love note to MosBank fans or if it was just plain bad.
I think I have to land on somewhere in the middle. I think it was a bad choice show wise. It had no business being in the show, but at the same time the show already had a lot of issues and I thought the song/sound choices were not the greatest the whole time. But it was a good choice for fans. Which is fun and all but I wish it had been a different song. Well looks like typing this helped me figure out my feelings on the matter.
By choosing Dancing With The Devil, they betrayed the show and the story they were trying to tell (I know I know it wasn't done well up to that point either but hear me out). Dancing With The Devil belonged in Big Dragon. It belonged with Mangkorn and Yai because it completely fit their characters and their dynamic throughout the whole show. It does not fit Sun and Lin. Even at their...surliest, their meanest, their most devlish, neither one could accurately be labeled a devil. And especially not in a scene where they are coming together in an act of love (god I almost threw up typing that because I can't stand emotions but that's what that scene was). It felt disingenuous to the characters to have a song that did not represent them playing.
Now, with all that said, I want to make myself clear. I still loved it. I love that song every time I hear it. So I will criticize the choice to use it when a more fitting song should have been chosen, but I will still enjoy the scene and the show for what it is/was. This might be the first time that a song choice that took me out of a show and the scene did not ruin my enjoyment of the scene. It's truly a mixed bag. I am full of contradictions and multitudes and they are all coming out and being represented by that fucking song choice. Anyway, that is to say, go listen to ISBANKY's music. It's good and he deserves some more love there.
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kitausuret · 25 days
Maybe writing is fun, actually. (: Little snippet from an upcoming fic I hope to finish in the next couple days:
“You know, most people go out in groups, or at least in pairs.” She criss-crossed her legs and then stretched out. “Though I guess people like us don’t really have that problem, it still remains a fact that there’s an average thirty-seven-point-nine percent chance of success in a pair, and fifty-two-point-three-four in any given vigilantism situation with three people. That continues to go up slightly until you get higher than six or seven, depending on the roster.” 
Normie stared at her blankly. Did you get that?
“Rascal thinking about chocolate.”
Of course you are. He sighed and looked around. His voice reverberated with the dual-tone indicative of their bond. “How do you even know where we’re going?”
“Well, let’s see…” Lunella started counting on her fingers. “It’s after eleven. You’re gooped up. You’re using the bell tower instead of a normal entrance. You don’t even want anyone to know your name, much less where you are going, and Devil isn’t picking up any indication that you’re hungry.”
Normie stared at the dinosaur. “How can he tell?”
“I could explain it to you, but the odds that you’ll only get annoyed are roughly eighty–”
“Okay, okay; forget I asked."
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anony-mouse-writer · 9 months
Okay, but can we talk about how this season had the MOST solid teams? For a season that started episode 1 with barely any concrete alliances, by the end of the season, almost every team was in ride-or-die mode to an extent that we usually only see from one or two factions at most in other seasons.
cletho enjoyers have been having a field day over here with cleo and etho’s run at painting the town and grian was the only one who listened to etho when he said that they were outnumberedd and outgunned and sacrificed himself with the intent to get gem into manageable territory for everyone else.
the mounders went into the last battle together and joel and bdubs died in the same fight, barely blocks from each other. pearl, who’d spent the entire last episode telling the boys not to die on her and offering they kill her when she got low, was the last survivor and was Very Not Okay with it.
the heart foundation was a bit funny, cuz bigb was always one foot out the door, so his ‘do you have an alliance/ ehhhh’ while they lived was fairly on brand, but tango betrayed scar and walked knowingly into his death with him because he wouldn’t betray skizz.
gem and the scotts were, of course, ride or die from day one. even with scott doing his social gaming and gem’s apocalypse, scott and impulse both gave her their yellow lives and scott gave her his red as well.
and even, in the end, scar, who’d gotten genuine offers of alliance from 3/4 of the factions and denied them all for one reason or another, still ended up teaming with pearl at the end and managed a heartbreaking final fight.
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