sillyyuserr · 7 months
A longer, more in depth (9 parts all in one) terukane analysis, and/or everything i could find, compiled (one of my better pieces of work imo) ⭐️
Ok so it might be the fact that i ship them so i see alot of things they do as possibly romantic even when theres no romantic implications, but the amount of times it feels like AidaIro seems to be implying that teru likes akane is getting to a suspiciously high number. Like lets look at this from a non-shipper’s pov (or at least try😭)
Item A: teru looking at akane
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Without the context that he’s looking at akane, he genuinely looks like he’s showing something of raw emotion, unchanged by his “fake persona” but a genuine reaction. Looking at this picture at face value one would assume he’s big time crushing. I mean i wouldn’t say “omg hes so in lovveee!!!” But considering he doesn’t really open up to like anyone, i think this is definitely something??
Item B: them going together on a romantic outing
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Yes i did make it sound much more compelling then it actually is but cmon man. The school festival is considered a “romantic event” and these two spent the entire time hanging around the school together. Giving the excuse that "it's our job being in the student council" (which i guess it is) but in reality it was because no one wanted to come with them.
Which i mean they also did technically go on an actual date together
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also nene looking like a hamster 😭😭
Item C: teru trusting akane more than anyone (?)
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Teru likes talking to akane, trusts his intellect, and considers him someone he can rely on but doesn't like it when his whole world starts to revolve around aoi. My guy, that's jealousy.
He is shown to trust him and even show his back to him in multiple instances, knowing he wont hurt him, and he’s someone he can trust (lets ignore what happens on the literal next page)
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Even literally being one of those “i fight alone” type of people but when akane’s there, he’s never fighting alone
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Item D: not sure if thats whats happening here but im pretty sure he tried rizzing akane(?) even blushing n shit like ‘oh no mr judge im not guilty🥺💄💋’
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And then got agitated when it didn’t work
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Item E: akane knows teru better than we think
When kou and teru were fighting, the reason teru even walked out in the first place was because of the fireworks. And whos idea was that?
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Akane’s. He knew he liked fireworks and that they’d lure him out of his room. And again, he was right they did it fact get him to leave
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Item F: valentines day event
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i dont think i even need to break this one down. Its a picture of JUST them TOGETHER posted on VALENTINES DAY. 2/14/24. THE ANNUAL HOLIDAY THAT CELEBRATES NONE OTHER THAN ROMANTIC LOVE. Also teru’s color being used as akane’s sparkles and akane’s color being used as teru’s sparkles kinda shows that AidaIro arent just showing us two characters, they’re showing us TERU and AKANE, TOGETHER. If it really could be anyone im sure they’d put them in a general setting, but with the paired colors i’d say that says otherwise.
some might say they’re looking at eachother
Item G: possible fruit symbolism
first off, this picture.
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First lets look at hanako’s. We can see he has two drinks, both red + with strawberries, along with a red straw. While also being pictured near other red fruits.
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In this picture, nene’s flower(s) are literally strawberry flowers, putting the association between strawberries + nene out there. Meaning the strawberries in his drink could be purposeful, along with the red undertones. (red being her eye color) (sorry for quality im doin this on iPhone)
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Moving on to teru’s, he has one drink, being yellow-ish with pineapple on the side, and chunks in the drink itself. Whilst his straw is orange, while also being pictured around a ginormous pinapple
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And this isnt the first time we’ve seen him pictured with pineapples
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This god awful picture unfortunately exists so im adding it as proof/evidence for my argument. (Oh and not to mention akane has green pants on so everyone’s a lil funky igs)
notice how as soon they got to his house his outfit changed? This is him when they got to his house (clearly in a long-sleeve shirt, not the hoodie)
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this is him with akane + nene going on a date
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All within the same chapter i think, but him changing outfits i feel like says something. Like we’re supposed to associate that with something other than aoi (them talking ab how to save her at his house) or his family. Like aidairo are shoving it in your face ‘disassociate teru w aoi!!!’ He even straight up left when they started talking ab how they missed aoi at the karaoke place. (More or so when he left they started talking but ykwim) Since nene is being associated with strawberries it leaves the only other person to be akane, this also making sense also because of the straw color. (The straw being orange; akane’s rep color being orange, as nene’s is red)
also the fact that fruit is literally associated with the queer community
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Item H: triangles + queer symbolism
Quick history lesson, A triangle has been a symbol for the queer community, initially intended as a badge of shame, but later reclaimed as a positive symbol of self-identity. In Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, it began as one of the Nazi concentration camp badges, distinguishing those imprisoned because they had been identified by authorities as gay men. In the 1970s, it was again, reclaimed as a symbol of protest against homophobia, and has since been adopted by the larger queer community as a popular symbol of queer pride. More or so, the upsidown triangle. and guess whos ALWAYS wearing a fucking upsidown triangle
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My guy has one for EVERY OUTFIT 😭 he’s just ab the only character to have this. Aidairo finds a way to sneak an upsidown triangle in all of his outfits
Item I: extras
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This picture. Him holding akane’s shirt and aoi’s bag really shows that AidaIro REALLY doesn’t want us to know which one he likes 😭 (if you’re confused, to sum it up AidaIro did a really good job keeping teru’s stance on the “love triangle” between akane, teru and aoi, ambiguous. If you are STILL confused go check out my other analysies i only have like 5 other posts, they go more in depth ab it)
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Him looking at akane after he ate his “home made cooking” 😭 ALSO HIS EYES?? Dude they’re glistening. And the slight blush too
In the “kiss comic” part of the art book, not only are teru and akane’s on the same page, but they also look like they go together
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Thats all i got for now (´-ω-`) MAN this took me like 5 different consecutive days. I wrote like 3 parts on one day, 2 more parts the next, and 1 more part today. 😭 hope you enjoyed and this re-gave you faith that terukane might be canon one day 😔 fake it till you make it
Feel free to comment and tell me ab anything i may have missed!! :3
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md-confessions · 5 months
a very specific pet peeve i have about n's mischaracterization in writing. his guilt about killing.
it's not that he feels bad in the sense of "oh no, oh my god, i just killed someone, i just did something terrible" he feels bad in the sense of the fact that he might be annoying. he could do something to piss someone off. it's not that he feels bad over taking lives its that he feels bad over the reaction.
in pilot, n apologizes for causing uzi to have an awkward moment with khan and over ruining the workers card game. he doesn't mention anything about killing until uzi points it out. thats such an interesting part to me about his character!!! though his squad kept their original personalities as cyn said, they took the humanity they had before. you see n panicking over that stuff in home (not over HIM killing anyone, i just mean death in general) but dd n doesn't show that same level of sadness over death atleast in my opinion. i don';t know if theres more proof past what i already listed but???yeah :)
DOUBLY INTERESTING TO ME ABOUT V ACTUALLY. because v... remembered all that went down at the mansion, she also remembered and retained her 'humanity' which makes the way she kills/treats wds much more interesting. i think its a way to cope atleast in how i viewed it. you HAVE to kill, you have to obey, or else everyone you love will die, so you might as well disconnect yourself as much as possible from the things you have to kill. basically. if she has to, why not try and have fun with it? I DONT KNOW its just very interesting to me how v changed so drastically from what we saw of her wd self to her dd self; i think its a front. we see how panicked v is when she thinks she's about to die in cabin fever (and promening too), versus n getting his ass beat continuously and acting like it's nothing crazy... BUT THEN AGAIN if we're going by my logic of "drones who remember their humanity/old selves are able to retain that sense of fear/grief versus drones who DONT just. not feeling bad/scared in that sense" then after n remembered stuff he should have started feeling that way... which he didnt, cause of him getting disemboweled in ep6 and not giving too much of a shit outside of it Tickling . lol . but THEN AGAIN if we go by that logic then its possible that v has just . never lost her memories. and n never FORGOT anything when he regained his memories in home so maybe he's just so used to it andOK IM RAMBLING
DOUBLE TL;DR; v and n parallels through the way they respond to pain/death and also because of how much each of them remembers.
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Headcanons I've been cooking;
-the paradise theater doing a mystery science theater 3000 bit most days (I'm like 90% sure that its basically the equivalent in their multiverse anyway, oops)
-frank and clementine still tries to keep contact and make visits if even possible anymore. June likes to receive letters and postcards as a loose penpal relationship as proof of their "mad lib situation"
-I feel robbed that June and Ava didn't interact much, they'd have so much fun and nobody would be able to handle these bar buds. Never mind theres probably a reason why these two aren't allowed in a bar together, but I love their raw chaos and hijinks would definitely go on
-Gloria makes the storage closet her room at first but when Caspar gets back, he gives her the main office since she's da b0ss now, she still spends a lot of time camping with her bts wolves making stew for them, its her own therapy
-Leif putting together a game console for the gang when theyre bored, Caspar is the best at retro games surprisingly aside from the fact hes been asking for a pinball machine forever, everyone cracks old man jokes. Mostly David and Ava, his biggest hecklers <3
-eventually they begin to cultivate a small arcade, leif fixes up a few machines for the diner (its free) kids across the cosmos go 'you mean you have to play the game with your hands?? Its like a baby's toy :/" caspar is flabbergasted, Leif just shrugs and goes "i warned you bro" and does more Leif shit
-David plays cod on their designated staff console in the office space in their down time between shifts. Feet kicked up and the lazy fan blowing, do you see my vision? this is the most important highlight so far
-David used to stream sometimes on earth in LA for funsies now and then during lockdown when he wasnt up for running out at night vandalizing the blank canvas known as the streets
-he still talks to his mom and plays catch up even from space despite the time it takes to send messages. David continues to find her drunk calls entertaining (canon anyway) Caspar doesn't really drink alcohol and is worried about the loss of control, I think hes just anxious and insecure about it.
*I don't really think caspar was much of a dick when he drank raising david, he probably was a rambling annoying dad with a shitty attitude that was hard to tolerate. like, okay, old man, we get it the world sucksss stop being so sad and let's play legos and not roleplay the state of the economic decline about it (shh, I'm not projecting gay son and drunk well meaning dad dynamics)
-Ava peer pressures Caspar *only* for celebrations anyway
-micheladas for everyone the next day, some sweet hair of the dog when the various drank theyre able to get their hands on is too much to cope with the next day if they still even have moonshine to spare left
-Leif stocks up on so much fucking hash whilst in Pasadena (as one does stuck in shitty corners of California for hangovers, generalized depression, and dread. hence all the alcohol mentions I'm not promoting alcoholic diner dwellers I swear-) which tbh parallels the way Ava stocks up nicotine from ye old moonshiner imo
Idk I have more I might add and tack on later I love these doofuses
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is-on-its-way · 4 months
my problem with iwtb... I think?
Okay Im not sure Im eloquent enough to meta my feelings on this topic, I also havent seen enough past season 8s finale to really have perfect opinions on this, but from the clips I see on here and reddit etc. I have issues I need to work out…  
There is something about the characterisation of Mulder in IWTB that really annoys me. And please correct me if Im wrong on his motivations. Usually my protest is the mistreatment of Scully. But in this case I think theres a certain mistreatment of Mulder’s character that really irks the shit out of me. 
Firstly Mulder comes off as Tom Brady in this movie. So single minded and stuck in his ways he couldn’t possibly figure out how to live his life without the one thing that he thinks makes him successful or that he lives for. Two things... its the wrong obsession (more on that in a moment) and this is the opposite of where his character has been hurtling since he met Scully so as written it makes no sense.
The thing mulder was obsessed with and searching for since he was 13 years old was solved. He got his answer when he found out what happened to his sister. He was freed from his lifelong quest. He even was ready to give the agent thing up in the s7 finale, telling Scully the price had been too high and she needed to stop. Meaning he would also be stopping, bc he never wanted to do it without her. Sure he wanted to keep fighting in 8 to protect his baby, but they got rid of the baby atp, so Im not gonna get into that rn.
Turning him into the FBI agent ghost of Tom Brady was… a choice. Throwing away the love of his life, the one who believed him, the one who listened and supported him and loved him back endlessly for what? To help the organisation that tried to murder him? No. I just dont really believe it at all, because it's just not believable. 
Secondly, would he maybe have a midlife crisis? Sure. Would he be lost or depressed? I could absolutely see it, they lost a child found out the aliens were taking over earth. Would Scully commit him rather than leave him alone in that house? For sure. And it would’ve apparently been the culmination of the plot line Morgan and Wong had worked towards since the beginning... 
Realistically, he might've been lost for a while with the end of the quest for his sister. I get it, you work your entire life for something and its always just within reach and when you finally accomplish it, you think well what now? You’d thought, you’d held onto the fact that when you got to the top of the mountain you would feel happy and accomplished and relieved. But when you turn around at the summit from the horizon of the breadth of your work, youre met with yet another peak ahead. Some other goal, some other thing that occupies your mind because thats what your mind is used to.
You’re just going to have a really hard time convincing me for Mulder it was searching for proof of Aliens in random magazines, (when he knows there are aliens and they have invasion plans) instead of preventing the 2012 thing, publishing actual papers under his Luder pseudonym, and making sure Scully knew how much he loved her as his family had never done for him, making sure he made Samantha proud and lived the life she missed once he let her memory rest. 
Thirdly he is intelligent, a psych major with alien superpowers, who graduated from Oxford. Would he be bumbling around making paranormal magazine collages a la Charlie Kelly when he ALREADY knows the endgame? Would he be dealing with random cases and helping the FBI who betrayed him and put him on death row?
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Or would he be using Marita Covarrubias and his apparent new power to speak to the dead to try and stop the invasion by any means necessary? Would he be combing over Maritas paperwork, medical records, UN contacts, payment histories to find, like all those bees in Tunisia for example? Would he not be having Scully research this magnetite thing and getting papers written about its properties so that when the hybrids make themselves known there would be literature for people to find? or engineering an anti bee-virus virus? (damn those effing bees btw) Would he not be using every power of his beautiful mind to continue fighting in any way he could, fully of the reservation? 
And could Scully then rightly say don’t bring that darkness into our home? Because my answer would be no. Even if she did go back to being a medical doctor (Im going to ignore the surgeon part because its out of character and would take her redoing residency etc. lets labor under the impression she’s a family doctor or ER doctor). They were right about one thing, the darkness follows them, and would still even if they both stopped looking. Thats the show after all.
Would she maybe have wanted a vacation where he could row her to a deserted island in the adirondacks? Sure. Would she be okay with letting an alien invasion happen in 2012 and saying to Mulder stop fighting? No. When one of them quits the other supports and encourages them back to the mission. Thats the show. If anything Scully having the breakdown about that darkness would’ve made more sense.
Anyway my point being, the transition from Mulder fighting for the big picture to him being a sad shell of himself in his hoarder office, telling Scully they weren't meant to be together is... jarring to say the least, and nonsensical. 😔
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hutaoscoffinn · 2 years
Hello! First time reader and first time visitor but all the Rika fanfics are INSANE and I love them sm. Oh right uh I saw there was something about Rika wanting alcohol… any chance we could see some drunk Rika moments cause I think that be adorable and dhebcoehnglchd
Drunk Rika? Say no more I got you because good lord I have quite a few drunk Rika headcanons which is shocking considering I usually don’t write about anything including alcohol djdhjdjshsj
Warnings: alcohol, drunk Rika, loud Rika, kinda crack, very goofy, I mean its drunk Rika lots of goofy, drink responsibly everyone, gn! Reader
Character: Rika of the Elite Four
Requests: OPEN
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It’s actually quite hard for Rika to get drunk
She is extremely tolerant so Rika actually getting drunk is a very rare occurrence
However when she does get drunk? It’s a goddamn sight
Rika is a veryyy loud drunk
And by a loud drunk I mean an extremely loud drunk
As in her volume control goes out the window and she speaks in yelling
So this paired with the fact that she is also a bit of a hyper and crazy drunk makes for some well, interesting experiences to say the least
You haven’t seen Rika drunk a lot simply because of the fact that she has such a high tolerance for alcohol and because she’s quite embarrassed of her drunk shenanigans
You’ll probably only see Rika drinking one to two drinks whenever she does have alcohol, maybe three but usually never more
She is quite conscious of her drinking habits and does want to stay healthy so she always watches when she drinks and how much she has quite closely
That being said eventually you will see her drunk
Theres a few factors that may lead to an extremely drunk Rika
One being if she was challenged to a drinking game in which her ego refuses to let her say know and her competitive nature causes her to get a bit carried away
Which leads to Rika having a lot of shots and then well, we all know what happens
A second scenario that leads to a drunk Rika is the alcohol proof being much higher than anticipated and/or her simply not knowing there was alcohol in a beverage
This is the reason why you witnessed drunk Rika in the first place
Hassel is quite skilled at making drinks so any events with the pokemon league where alcohol is appropriate he will usually take charge of it
The mixture he concocted hardly tasted of alcohol despite the fact that he managed to get extremely high proof alcohol into it
And by high proof I mean Everclear
Hassel even warned Rika that he used stronger alcohol in this particular batch of his signature mixture
But of course good ol’ Rika has an ego and kinda took his words as a slight challenge
So now you have to watch in second hand embarrassment as your extremely drunk girlfriend scream’s karaoke while standing on top of tables
Yeah uhm, I wish you luck
Dragging her home will be a nightmare considering how loud she is
In the car she will be singing her heart out at the loudest possible volume her vocal chords can muster
Don’t even bother trying to drown her out she will just sing louder
And god forbid one of her favorite songs comes on
RIP to your eardrums you might as well just get ready for the oncoming headache
Honestly, maybe don’t play music at all on the ride home or play an instrumental track but even then, Rika will still find an excuse to scream to it
Getting her into bed is an even bigger nightmare compared to everything else
As soon as you start pushing her to get in bed she gets whiny
Whining about how she isn’t tired and feels energetic and how she doesn’t wanna go to bed
Honestly she’s turned back into a toddler but she’s your toddler so buckle up buttercup you signed up for this
You’ll have to wrestle her a bit to get her in bed, that or promise her kisses and coax her to curl up under the plush sheets with you
Either way she will be incredibly stubborn but the kisses route is something you will definitely have more success with
Even when she’s drunk Rika still seeks out your affection
Although now its more like slurred I love yous and sloppy kisses that smell and taste of alcohol
The morning will be as expected
Rika will wake up with a massive hangover and a pounding headache so make sure to give her a lot of water and some pain medicine to help
She will be extra clingy and needy like this so play with her hair a bit and rub her back some before easing her out of bed to get a nice hot shower
After she’s feeling better though, show her any videos you might have captured of her drunk foolery or any Hassel sent you
The embarrassed look on her face is priceless
Reblogs are always appreciated <3
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a-slut-for-smut · 11 months
I just read your mei mei meta. 100% spot on. And I honestly I think the Shonen genre for all its violence... does a disservice automatically to women. It collapses characters into black and white cararitures sometimes..... so everyone sees a person who isn't 100% altruistic as bad. We go looking for the badness and that's even more enforced with women. Also I too am horny for mei mei. I wish jjk was more sexy. I wanna see characters be outwardly horny for each other. Up the stakes!
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YAAAAAS preach it sister!!! Everything you said absolutely passes the vibe check- so much so i gotta break it down and expand on it 😁 (and heres to link to said mei mei meta jic)
And I honestly I think the Shonen genre for all its violence... does a disservice automatically to women. It collapses characters into black and white cararitures sometimes..... so everyone sees a person who isn't 100% altruistic as bad.
You wont find any argument here, in fact i would go as far to say most media nowadays suffer from this exact issue. But the real crux of the problem seems to lie in the lack of reader discernment. I dont know if its a subconscious or willful failure to understand "nuance", but its apparently lost to an audience that is obsessed with labeling/compartmentalizing everyone and everything to the point where they're essentially reducing characters (even actual people) to a single trope and judging them entirely on that when there are so many parts to a whole...feels bad man.
We go looking for the badness and that's even more enforced with women.
this is one of my biggest gripes- like i said on my meta, there are DEF some puritanical vibes behind the Mei Mei hate- its starting to feel insidiously sexist with the way the fandom is deadset on villainizing her because she doesnt "conform" within the norms of whats "good", and to a larger extent "good woman".
She isnt that maternal, nurturing, self sacrificial woman that reeks of patriarchal ideals therefore she must be bad.
She prioritizes money and considers a persons worth based on what benefit they bring to her as if this is the most unnatural way to be (thats the sad truth!) therefore she is greedy and selfish.
She has a "weird" relationship with her brother because their level of closeness makes them uncomfortable and therefore predatory.
And whats so funny to me is Mei Mei is- for all intents and purposes, a MERCENARY. She's not a teacher, shes not an instructor- she is a contract sorcerer for hire so money being a priority for her would be painfully obvious?? Shes not responsible for the students nor aligns herself with the politics of the jujutsu world- shes looks out for herself/get paid and this makes her evil?? Also cant help think that theres a certain type of person who feels threatened by a overly confident and shameless woman as a personal attack on themselves/their ideals and feels compelled to tear them down by any means possible, but maybe thats just me.
Idk, maybe it cant be helped when they see Nanami (whom are essentially foils of each other) willing forgo money and put his life on the line for the students but this still doesnt make her "evil" and so reductionist btw 🙄.
And to highlight the hyprocrisy of it all- if she was a man, the fandom would be slobbering all over her and if you need proof see: Toji, Geto/Kenjaku, Sukuna, even Gojo to an extent but the list goes on and on. Somehow these men get the pass and the fandom go to great lengths to humanize/emphasize with them, but the women? LOL
Also I too am horny for mei mei. I wish jjk was more sexy. I wanna see characters be outwardly horny for each other. Up the stakes!
oh honey, i am WITH you 100%!!! im not even trying to be petty, but the more the fandom hates on her the more i love her lol she is so HNGHHH, together we can make jjk sexy and outwardly horny for each other 🙌
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
What do you think the class 1b kids think of their own quirks?
This was actually kinda fun to write :>
Not proof read we die like men.
Awase -
He honestly really likes his quirk. I like to think awase grew up around welders so when he got his quirk as a kid, his family was ecstatic <3 he still thinks back to his parents reaction to him getting his quirk today.
Sen -
Hes kinda neutral about it. Thats all I got for his bitchass (i love him sm but my brain is drawing a blank lmaoo)
Kamakiri -
He says he doesn't care for it but he really likes his quirk. The blades being able to come out of any part of his body + how they can change in shape makes his quirk really versatile.
Kuroiro -
He loves his quirk. Its dark and edgy just like him and he can make so many references to the darkness because of it. Lmaoo
Kendo -
When she was a kid she didnt really like her quirk, but as she grew older she learned to like it more and now she really has a lot of fun with it.
Kodai -
Shes pretty neutral about her quirk. Other people like how well it works with others but at the same time her quirk isnt that versatile.
Komori -
She likes her quirk. She does wish it was a little more versatile tho because theres only so much you can do with growning mushrooms on people. (She still powerful asf tho)
Shiozaki -
She really likes her quirk. It represents a good balance between her interests and her religion. (Gardening + the thorn crown jesus wore)
Shishida -
Hes pretty neutral about it. He likes how it can be used in battle but overall he doesnt really have an opinion.
Shoda -
He does kinda wish he was able to do more on his own but overall he does like how helpful he can be for others. Hes more on the positive side about his quirk overall <3
Pony -
She really loves her quirk but sometimes she forgets that she has giant ass horns on her head and they get caught on something and send her reeling backwards. (Only when that happens does she hate her quirk but she forgets about it in like 5 minutes or so)
Tsubaraba -
When he was a little kid I think he liked it a lot less because he didnt have as much lung compasity (idk how to spell it lol) but now that hes trained for it he can do a lot more with it. :)
Tetsutetsu -
He has always loved his quirk. Not only does it fit his personality really well but its also really fun for him to use.
Tokage -
She really likes her quirk, it comes with a lot of room for pranking her friends and things like that.
Manga -
He really likes it. When he was in middle school I feel like he got in trouble for using his quirk a lot because he would show it off to little kids to watch their faces light up at how cool it is. (His dream is to make all the kids in the world to smile btw, cannon fact) :)
Honenuki -
He was probably teased for the way he looked when he was a kid (as most people with mutations probably were) but at the same time he was one of the most popular kids in middle school so hes kinda 50/50 about his quirk and its mutation. Overall tho he has a more positive leaning opinion of it.
Bondo -
He was teased for the way he looked as a kid probably (most ppl with mutations were) and it didnt help that he wasn't outgoing and popular but over time he grew to like his quirk. <3
Monoma -
He actually doesn't like his quirk very much, when he was little he liked it but after all the bullying he went through in school he grew to hate it. (He is starting to like it again because of class b)
Reiko -
She adores her quirk. She stays calm and neutral when talking to other people about it bus she secretly really likes showing her quirk off. (Bonus points for fitting her personality)
Rin -
He really likes his quirk and how it ties in with his culture quite a bit but he dislikes how he cant really fight in the cold. Its a dangerous aspect of his quirk but theres nothing he can do.
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demadogs · 1 year
bi mike or gay mike truther and why
im a big gay mike believer and i have posts that go waaaay in depth about it and i cant find all of them rn but ill just do a quick list of why i think hes gay.
in s1 people keep planting the idea in mikes head that he likes el. mike didnt think of it on his own. lucas did, nancy did, i think even el did bc she leaned in to kiss him at one point in mikes basement bathroom and he didnt reciprocate at all
“its not my fault you dont like girls” is definitely mike projecting but he wouldnt say that if hes bi and actually does like girls
the closet framed kiss. i talk more about it here but to me this is huge proof that mike is gay. the closet is perfectly dividing a moment between mike and el. this tells me its the fact that hes in the closet thats disrupting him and el and if he were bisexual that wouldnt be the case bc he’d still like girls
the emphasis of mike looking at other guys besides will in s4. i dont think him having a little crush on eddie is a headcannon i think he genuinely admired that he was so confident in being a “freak” and not conforming to what everyone wants him to be and he really looked up to him. theres a reason mike was shown so much in that first lunch scene smiling at him. eddie and dustin have way more screen time together but they chose to focus on mikes reaction to his speech instead of dustin. also he grew his hair out bc of eddie thats like confirmed.
the way he gaslights el during their fight and just straight up lies and says “i say it” when she confronts him. i honestly think if mike was bi and just wasnt in love with her he wouldve ended their relationship earlier but bc he doesnt like girls at all, he thinks ending it basically confirms that he really is gay so hes holding onto this loveless relationship bc he doesnt wanna admit the truth to himself
theres probably more that im missing but i just think mike and mlvn would have been written a lot differently if he was bi.
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milfygerard · 6 months
hi hi hi i’m sorry about the everything in life for a distraction i would love to hear your detailed thoughts on your favorite mcr albums or taylor albums or a detailed ranking of either i just love Music Opinions and also i hope things get better soon<3
thank you sm for sending in <3
im terrible at ranking so ill turn to opinions hmmmm
My favorite mcr album changed by day hour minute but i think i wanna talk about.....bullets....yeah bc bullets is so insane as just a sheer proof of concept, like an expression of raw skill and talent that was growing within this band. Rays guitar work alone was enough for it to make complete sense for major labels to be knocking at the bands door begging to suck them off and then they also had GERARD!!! And this was even before mikey really could write bass parts and frank was still not really in the band like its just ray gerard and geoff (and otter who wrote drum parts that r cool but also somehow out of his skill range? girl you MADE THEM). The fact that vampires not onky exists but was like the second or third song written? Like before mcr gerard either never wrote music or wrote shitty three chord throwaway punk that existed as an excuse to print band stickers and arent even good enough to save on tape and then you decide to start writing for real to cope with major national level trauma and your first song is SKYLINES??? and youre next songs are VAMPIRES and OUR LADY OF SORROWS???? and oh my god the vocals gerard gives on the albuk as a completely untrained vocalist who did one musical once in middle school and otherwise never sang professionally unless you count crazy kids song in breakfast monkey. and then you hear the vocals on fucking vampires???? Like gerard doesnt exactly sing like celine dion on bullets but the raw harmony work and ability to PERFORM and really stretch the emotions of a song and do whatever strange or vulnerable thing is needed to sell the track. Theres still few songs more affecting than early sunsets. Like i fully think gerard is probably the strongest vocalist in the emo scene just because of their ability to completely and utterly sell you on the songs emotions (not just anyone can sing im not okay and get away with it) and thats before all the developing technical talents both already present like how gerard can just toss a melody onto a track without thinking about it or the fact gerard did a lot of the base writing for mcr while fucking barely knowing guitar how did that even work girl. Like i havent even mentioned the lyrics??? How do you. Like you can tell both that gerard never learned how to write songs and also that gerard listens to so much music that he can just fake it anywayyheres like 2 songs with actual choruses on the album and neither of them are the self proclaimed pop song h4h which opens with a queen riff?????? ans then is like a hardcore version of a beatles pop song????dont talk to me about drowning lessons. deomolition lovers!?!?! half of these songs are just poems that gerard hammered into songs and theyre so like. genuinely so incredible and they work??like the album works! as a cohesive piece! it coheres!
and thats the first album. Id say my favorite ts album is probably evermore though i might actually have less to say on it just bc i havent had it since 2015. Evermore is just so....ANGSTY!!! it feels like a complete fulfillment of what she was exploring on folklore with the fictional framing devices and keeping the songs clearly personal while also removing herself in a way she never really has before. It feels like a level of introspection through art that taylor has always been both pushing towards and shying away from because too much introspection or strangeness or even pulling away from the diaristic idea too much never worked with where taylor was at with her career. Evermore had a new collaborator, and the massive success of folklore as well as the continued quarantine gave her both an unprescedented level of artistic isolation personal confidence and professional security that allowed her to just go "fuck it" and write fucking. cowboy like me and dorothea and coney island and closure and she GOT AWAY WITH IT!!! like the albums been out for 3 years or something like that and I still feel like i havent fully processed its existence despite listening to it constantly. It truly felt like she was unshacked and was able to write about herself while also completely pulling away from any sort of literal Truth and going crazy with concept and the way she writes feels so unconstrained from the rules she would sometimes set for herself, it felt like a natural evolution from the freedom she felt jumping into the lover era but its past the honeymoon phase and like it is pop music but its also not scared to be...not pop music if that makes sense? She really fully settles into folk as a genre for the first time and it lets her writing flourish. Songs with no choruses songs with barely any structure at all lyrics that stretch at the ends of verses and fun bouncy wordplay and just allowing herself into a characters life and seeing how it fits her. She has some straight up ren faire tracks on here liek willow is just a collection of similies and metaphors she likes smushed together over a lute and its so GOOD. It feels like she was allowed to really live in adulthood as a woman in her early thirties who creates art because she loves it and because it keeps her alive ALSO proof that she needs to keep collaborating w new ppl bc whenever she does you can feel her pushing herself harder and she becomes so willing to try these new kind of weird things that she may have never tried otherwise aughhhh!!!! i didnt even talk about coney island!!!! I love how moody and dour the whole project is it feels like November where fall drags you into a cold unforgiving winter and you're just trying to survive with your sanity and any of your personal relationships intact. its so!!! tbh its SO new england also which makes me biased. ok thats all
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raveneira · 1 year
Warning: Anti BoruSara, KawaSumi, KawaAda, if you ship any of these then obviously dont read, you've been warned.
Just gonna throw this out there cuz its been a while and antis have gotten a lil too overconfident so Im just gonna give a little reality check and some hope to the fandom since its our month right now and so Im here to spread some positivity for our month, since I know antis would love to try and ruin it for us, I aint gon let em.
As much as antis will try to convince you guys that KawaSara is dead yatta yatta yatta dont buy it, its all gaslighting, their using the unknown to try and pretend its something definitive when there isnt
They try to tell you they hate eachother yet wheres any panel that shows this? when have either of them said they hate eachother? you wont find anything because it doesnt exist, they base it solely on the fact that they got mad over a disagreement [which Boruto did too but nobody said they hated eachother] and that he 'tried to kill her' [which he didnt it was a sparring match and he flat out says he wasnt tryin to kill anybody] and then their conflict in 78, which still doesnt count as Kawaki trying to kill her, he tried to SPARE her cuz his only target was Boruto, he told her not to intervene and she did anyway, and even after saying he was only giving her one chance he STILL gave her another chance to live instead of killing her and Boruto both, which he didnt have to do if he genuinely wanted to kill em both.
They try to use the timeskip chapters thus far as proof they hate eachother but notice how the timeskip conveniently hasnt let them interact at all let alone really even mention eachother? so how are antis convinced theres this deep hatred and hostility between them when they havent even interacted or said how they feel about eachother at this point in time?
And lastly they try to use their lack of interaction as a gotcha as well, but literally SS had the same exact issue, in case ppl forgot Sakura was away and didnt interact with Sasuke for 3 yrs straight, Sasuke was their enemy at the time and he had chosen to walk the dark path, and after their first reunion their interactions since then were few and far between and yet their an endgame ship, so why is it different for KawaSara? and the difference is Kawaki and Sarada actually have an even bigger advantage than SS did because they've been together in the same village for those entire 3 years, they very well could've had plenty of interactions off screen we're unaware of for all we know.
But antis will try to convince you that all of this is a bad thing, that this is all a ship ender, that theres no chance at all and its too far gone etc etc but like I said this is all gaslighting bs.
KawaSara isnt dead, far from it, and the reasons antis use for why the ship is sunk are all bs, they simply use the unknown [the assumption of no interaction, the assumption of them hating eachother, the assumption that Sarada doesnt/wont forgive Kawaki etc] but if you take a moment to really think about their points [or lack thereof] you'll see its them forging a narrative out of their own theories rather than whats actually canonly stated.
You could easily take Sasuke stabbing Naruto in the heart and nearly choking him to death as him hating Naruto and genuinely wanting him dead, but obviously that isnt the truth and we all know it, but could you make that argument? yea if you just look at everything at face value you can argue everytime Sasuke tried to kill Naruto it was out of hate and genuine want for him to be dead cuz he couldnt stand him, but again we all know thats false.
Its the same for KawaSara, you can easily argue at face value that they hate eachother based on surface level reading like 'he tried to kill her, they argued with eachother, they got into a fight, that means they hate eachother' but anybody with critical thinking skills and being objective can tell that no, thats not the case, theres way more nuance than that.
So anyway to cap this off, dont let the antis get to you and dont fall for their bs, their gaslighting you with the unknown because their scared of what their ACTUAL thoughts and feelings about eachother actually are and WHAT kind of interactions they possibly had over this time and what interactions they WILL have in the future, so heed my words when I tell you this...
Their not confident in the unknown they try to gaslight you with, their actually terrified of it, because literally anything could happen right now and they know it and it scares the hell out of them because just as Ikemoto could reveal that yea they despise eachother now, he could also reveal their actually cordial but Sarada obviously doesnt agree with his methods and is working against him regardless, no different than Naruto and Sakura disagreeing with Sasuke and working against him.
Im not claiming to know exactly where the story is headed [unlike some ppl] but I can make educated guesses based on experience and knowledge of many tropes and how their used etc but thats a topic for another post.
In conclusion, dont let them fool you by pretending that they have the upper hand here, they dont and they know it, until we get any real info/insight on whats happened between Kawaki and Sarada over this timeskip its anybodys game at this point so dont lose hope and dont listen to the haters.
Trust me when I say its not over yet, I cant convince you to believe me, but I hope you can atleast trust my judgement because I havent been wrong yet, and if you think I have well just look at this old bingo card I made way back about what would be changed/removed in the anime and how much of it I actually got right vs what I didnt
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This was early in the Kawaki arc btw that I wrote these, completey forgot about I had made it, came across it again months later and realized just how much I got right.
So if yall think you cant trust my prediction skills, heres one more bit of evidence of my accuracy
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This was after the Boruto death chapter and everyone was theorizing how everyones gonna react to his 'death' etc and I saw from a mile away none of that was gonna happen and it was all gonna be resolved and sped past in a single chapter tops and rushed right into the next plotline and guess what? I called all of that, only thing I didnt get exactly right was the Kawaki and Hina and Hima thing since they didnt even show him interacting with them after that so...didnt exactly get it wrong, it just wasnt shown so we dont know what happened between them fr fr.
I have more moments of me calling the future but this gets the point across enough, I cant force you to trust me nor am I trying to, just saying if you were unsure if you could just take my word for it like those 'trust me bro' sources, I wanted to assure you that Im not and that I really DO be knowing what Im talking about.
Anyway, its up to you from here, trust me or dont trust me if you want, but just know antis are only talkin shit like they are now because their scared now more than ever but hey dont take my word for it, lets see how this goes.
Note: How does any of this relate to Ksu and Kda? because antis insisted Sumire was gonna fake liking Kawaki because of omnipotence to hide from Ada that shes unaffected only for her not to hide it at all, and antis tried to argue that Kawaki and Ada will work together now and he'll get closer to her over time only for them not to be working together in the slightest and for them to be just as distant as they were before. So yea all the negative things they try to gaslight you with for KawaSara, their doing so as a smoke screen so you dont see how their bs is actually slippin through the cracks.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
hi! im new to the acotar fandom and im only in book 1 but i love reading theories on the characters and i see that theres a ship war between elriel and gwynriel/elucien. and i just have this one thought that i havent seen anyone mention before:
if elain is lucien’s mate, that means azriel has his own mate that we dont know about yet. could be gwyn or it could be someone else entirely. and yes while azriel for sure lusts over elain, do we really think that he will forego the thought of his own mate? we’re talking about azriel here. someone who is desperate for a mate, for love. to be loved and to love someone who is his and only his. if he gets with elain, wouldnt he wonder about his own mate? especially if the bond snaps and he figures out who is mate actually is. i dont see him abandoning his mate for a forbidden love (elain). and could he stomach the thought of permanently taking someone else’s mate?
i guess when it comes to gwynriel (assuming gwyn is his mate) or elriel, the question really comes down to whether his desire for his one true mate is stronger than his desire to be like his brothers and get with an acheron sister.
and ive read that the cauldrons can make mistakes when it comes to mates. but i refuse to believe that they made a mistake with azriel’s mate. he has been through so much and he already feels unworthy as he is. imagine how much worse he would feel if he knows that the cauldron made a mistake in his bond. like “i’m not even worth the careful consideration in pairing mates with one another that they just carelessly pair me with someone wrong”. my baby az 💔
You're going to have to check back in once you finish the series and let me know your thoughts on what you read versus the theories you've seen!! And what you think of Az once you get further along. Az in book 2 definitely reads differently to me than Az in later books. I agree with what you're saying. There's little chance that Feyre, Rhys, Cassian and Nesta would have been given perfect mating bonds while Elain as the remaining sister would have been given a poorly matched bond and Az as the remaining brother would have either received no bond or a poorly matched mating bond himself. SJM told us in all of her series that Fae Mating Bonds are unique and special and there's no other way to look at it then feeling like a main character who was given a poorly matched mating bond is then the loser of the group (not like "personality" loser but the one who wasn't gifted that super special bond). And if both Az and Elain do have their own mates but reject those mates, they'd always be aware that the other has a pull to someone else. That's a weird thing to do with characters in a fantasy book, write a MF romance where they picked one another but the reader will always walk away with the knowledge that Fate wanted them to be with someone else and they're always going to share a unique connection with them. And maybe, even with all that, it wouldn't be as much of an issue if E/riel shared an undeniably special connection. But for the fact that half the fandom is extremely concerned by their behavior together, I think it's proof that they don't have the epic kind of love that could convince everyone that mating bonds don't matter. He never once gives Elain credit for who she is as a person, he protects her in a way that's stifling her growth, we get confirmation they don't communicate well, we never get confirmation from Azriel himself that he's moved on from Mor though we do get confirmation that Az hasn't thought of a real future with Elain. And the reason it's ok Amren doesn't have one is because she wasn't really Fae to begin with and Mor actively does not want a bond with a male partner. So if she does happen to have one with Eris, her desire to be with a female strongly overrides caring about whether she has bond with him. The "tug" that would always exist becomes more of a familial thing than a romantic thing. Not that SJM couldn't end up writing it so Mor / Eris aren't actually Mates and she has a same sex mate instead but to me it does seem she's going in the direction of Mor and Eris as mates.
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doodlyreone · 2 years
Local blanchead lamlam
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Lammy is my comfort chara AND i refuse the common headcanon that she's schizophrenic
Why not see her as an active imagination type of gal? The type who got a headspace filled with so much details and intricacies, it is hard to discern her make-belief and reality?
The type who is unashamed to share the wonders of her fictional world to others. And her creative outlet is play pretend with random objects, kinda like puppetry.
Why must some peeps think naming objects and playing pretend with them is a solid evidence to schizophrenia? Ever consider the fact that maybe, juuuuust maybe, Mr. Pickles is a tangible, evil entity that she somehow befriended?
You see, there's a moment in the show that proves Mr Pickels fricking exists as a separate individual from Lammy. In Royal Flush, he frickin killed Flaky all on his own.
If only we got more than 2 eps that featured Lammy, I swear I will have enough proofs that shows Lammy is not schizophrenic. She's a creative critter that is cursed to be the escapegoat of a demon disguising as a pickel.
Orrr I could be dead ass wrong and Lammy is an unreliable narrator xD
On a tangent, I have to mention how whenever theres a debate whether Lammy is a schizophrenic or not, my mind replays the MLP FIM episode of Party of One where Pinkie Pie is talking to her object friends. Replace Pinkie with Lammy's face and I am on a constant high of laughter.
I used Pity Party cuz I just wanna mention how I love Melanie Martinez' rendition of this song bahahahahaahahahahahaha
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 years
what the fuck is up with akire ocs. masterpost made way too quick while i need to sleep. i was going to add images but im tired feel free to look at the toyhouse pages tho
723 - behavioral issues. by choice. shes just like that.
aira - trapped in xeir own personal ever changing hell. like literally xi is stuck in a world that feeds off of & changes based on fears.
aisha - killed by her best friend.
alstroemeria - selectively mute until an injury made her permanently mute. often mistreated by people who think they know best bc she can't verbally argue with them
amari - she is willingly in such a fucked up relationship. constantly being framed by and the subject of bad rumors from her gf (fuyue)
amaryllis - no one listened to her or took her seriously so she ran away & when no one came to look for her realized no one really cared anyway! (isolation)
ash - was trapped in the same hell world as aira but made a deal to get out. her morals are destroyed from it & she tries to trap others in the world so she doesnt have to go back
cestria - idk what her deal is. shes just violent. hashtag influencer things i guess
cherry - u know what i dont think she has any. hm.
chime - no sense of self. theyre exclusively a mirror, intentional or not, of the people around them
chira - commits to the bit too much. will exploit people for views
cleo - refuses to get involved even when she can help. she only wants the scoop on drama
crian - currently, she beats herself up over not being able to help void before they ran away & thinks its partly her fault
daelryc - trust issues
dusk - naturally more violent than ur average person. also trapped against her will
feisha - family issues only fushia knows about. they wont talk about it to anyone else.
fjahva - his mom hates him. he gets kicked out if he tries to come back home. among other mistreatments
flora - trapped against her will & forced to participate in ethically questionable experiments
fushia - mild childhood bullying
fuyue - everything (no). malicious, petty thief, constantly lying for her own amusement, frames her gf for her crimes, blackmails, etc etc etc. why? shes bored
glacia - bully. manipulator. potential murderer but she hasnt stooped that low yet
greeml - theyre self conscious of their ears bc theyre pointy. thats like their worst problem. bc i love them
hanabi - social media poisoned mind. shes not an influencer she just needs to get offline
helix - playboy. self obsessed. used his own blessings on himself enough the other deities demoted him to demigod.
iono - despite neither of her parents being qualified to care for a kid she surprisingly doesnt have any serious problems
iraidis - carrying the weight of being rejected by several generations of people & erasure of proof of her existence
itsumi - shut in by choice & lost all her communication skills. very familiar with escapism
jade - idk i havent thought about it enough yet
keppi - also carrying the weight of generational rejection and erasure
kin - theres just so much wrong with her. she's taking herself down and the world with her. or just kinako. either works
kinako - straight up no will to live she endures whatever kin does to her. or doesnt. she dies a lot.
konome - orphan? lives in the woods with his sister & causes problems for people (""natural"" disasters)
kumo - god complex (they are not a god). the fact they arent dead is a miracle bc they are so stupid and bold and rash
kyeslu - weird girl. no one hates her per se but no one really gets along with her either.
lavender - also trapped in her own hell world
lilium - cave explorer. in the tundra. i think that counts.
linesus - (my sister :) ) well. shes dead. guess she had worm farming trauma too idk
lyra - bullied :(
lyrica - also in personal hell world
maien - shes just massively unlucky.
malshay - power complex (is that what its called??) needs to prove shes better than everyone.
manayo - causes problems on purpose. shes a fox demon she can do what she want tho
meimu - haha trauma of dying repeatedly while the worlds falling apart etc etc shes an aru sekai fan oc thats all i need to say
meision - idk i need to think about her more
meringue - got mad once (unfairly discharged from her job) and now shes a serial killer. hashtag girlboss or whatever
meshika - orphan? lives in the forest with her brother causing problems for people. has definitely killed people but good luck proving it
mkoom - victim of capitalism
nuria - disrespected & killed. now carries the stress of maintaining an entire world with her mind
oken - trauma (?) of turning into a cat against his will
paolo - would rather be a bird than a person
pomgara - distrusted & frustrated by it so shes rather sharp
refrichi - trauma of using her ability. not only accidentally killing people but also casual self harm so she can protect herself (she controls blood. if that makes it make more sense)
rhonda - unsuited to her home country & the problems that come with that. not necessarily stockholmed but she did fall in love with a serial killer
roselii - bad home life. she's overprotective bc of it
ryuusei - isolation of being in space only to come to earth & have to act like a celebrity
sarlina - blank spots in her life bc her ability consumes memories if shes not careful.
saturday - petty.
saturn - burden of maintaining balance in the world. emotionally isolated bc of it
scarlet - bully manipulator liar etc etc and all for her own gain. started bc she didnt want to get punished for bad grades & then she never stopped
sepheria - trust issues. emotional isolation bc shes from a different time period & no one will understand
sera - forced into a sort of celebrity type role he didnt want
seyla - idk what to say here she doesnt really cause problems & she doesnt really have any. mischievous at most
shaia - abandoned his duties as the weight of them was too much. somehow still a deity regardless
sometya - doesnt like people. scaredy cat. yet theyre always off exploring other worlds
sora - ability related trauma. naturally a kind hearted person but she's killed people & it haunts her
teila - tired of rejection she'll promise anything to get her way. ironically shes a shitty mom who rejected her son
tobio - trust issues & quick to argue.
towaka - accidentally got herself trapped in a video game & no longer has control over herself or a way to communicate
vanilla - fear of the unknown & stays in an area that frustrates her bc of it
viridia - victim of her own sister, verbally tormented, tricked into going places she shouldnt & losing important items bc of her only to come home and get told her sister wouldnt do that she should be more like her.
void - we've been over this. bullying into a mental breakdown into 8 years of physical and emotional isolation
wyndi - also carrying the weight of generations of rejection & erasure
xeli - victim of various poisoning attempts that dont work bc theyre immune
yuclenya - isekai'd into a world she knew nothing about, didnt speak the language, was cornered by people looking for a fight, only found out she had an ability when she used it out of fear & it thoroughly cut up her hands
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andnowwedance · 2 years
We have nothing but bread crumbs. If you eliminate everything that was gathered by fans stalking their friend/family/real estate listing we only have the people statement and blurry pics from a park.//
Nope, a few people who work behind the scenes have stated this is PR.
Omg I don’t want to dive back into this catastrophe but I just want to state actual facts. There are no “blurry” park pics. Chris and Alba did a cringe PR walk in the park and as soon as the pic was taken by the hired photographer they dropped hands…how do we know that because a random stranger caught them on video not even a minute later with Chris’ hand in his pocket and Alba seeing the camera and trying to grab his hand that was previously holding hers before he placed it in his pocket, so ….these two couldn’t hold hands for the duration of the song playing in the background at the park, but they are so “in love and serious” 🙄
Things would’ve been fine if the pap pics were the only thing released but they got caught by a random stranger on video, not a fan.
Her and her friends racist, fatphobic, nazi posts were discovered.
His own mother likes a comment stating “why are people defending a racist”…..referring to Alba.
they haven’t been spotted together since the second failed PR attempt at Disney World, but who knows that might change depending on if the contract is officially over or not.
One of her friends had a public like that called Chris a “dollar store Leo DiCaprio with half the talent” and when that was discovered her friend deleted the like and it’s been proven that the same friend named Justin has been trolling his fans since day one.
Yes, his fans have done the absolute most, but this definitely isn’t one sided. This is not solely on the fans, these clout chasing fools, trolled and got the attention they oh so wanted, but by all means if you honestly believe her and Chris are in a serious relationship and they are trying to keep things private now…..after her show got canceled and her and her friends evil posts were exposed that she desperately decided to leak her own nudes….for whatever reason….can’t blame fans on that, she did that herself, no she’s wasn’t “hacked”.
If her and Chris wanted to be private they could’ve done that, but they’d actually have to be in a relationship. They went “public” the day the third season of her show aired, and ironically his team has been working to clean up online the past week.
It’s a contract, but I’ll just be labeled as “crazy” and maybe I am but remember a crazy person is known to be right once in a while. 😉🤭
…I’ll humor you….. *takes off “crazy” hat*
but hey who knows what’s going on, but one thing we aren’t going to act like this is the typical “omg the fans are jealous and ruining his “relationship”. This mess has been exposed more times than I can count but people want substantial proof ….so I guess when a break up article happens everyone who believes they are legit will go “it’s the fans fault” for their break up yet it’ll be listed as “the long distance” was hard for the two to make the “relationship” work.
Have a great weekend and know things are never fully as they seem. 😉 These two botched their own PR contract. What you originally typed is what the general population knows, a few folks who are in the industry behind the scenes have also stated this is PR but again, time will reveal all. Feel free to believe whatever you want. Have a great weekend!
Who exactly are these behind the scene people? What have they stated exactly?
Look theres so much nonsense in here im not gonna waist the few hours i have before i go to bed breaking it all down. Especially considering that you fully acknowledge it makes you look crazy. There is a lot of stuff in here that can essentially be boiled down to “we bully her because she is making us” and that is not only a dumb thing to suggest, it is a dangerous mind set to have in your life. You are bullying them because you want to, maybe it makes you feel better about your self idk. But remember you can’t control other people actions, only your own. You can simply stop following alba and her friends and stop taking the bait if that truly what you believe they are doing
However i will address this part. Alba did not leak her owe nudes, i will simply never believe this because it is a ridiculous thing for a person in her position to do.
And ill leave you with this
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kuregure · 3 months
everyones saying the mahiren chapters r implying shes manipulating guren like ohhh my god ............
i totally think it's the opposite! guren understands that they're doing this together, and honestly if theyre both such evil characters they should stick together and not destroy the lives of others any further..
but i think that shes not manipulating him because guren plays an essential part in their plan which is why she says that she cant let him die because of how important he is (and obviously due to her affections for him) also thats Mahiru-No-Yo, if I'm correct..? guren isn't someone whos prone to manipulation either tbh because of the novels and such..... theres no guilt that can overwhelm him
even so i think its rlly obvious that they like each other: i mean the whole line about how they'd die together? shinjuu...
well mahiren clearly won this chapter hahaha
Helloww so yeah I saw different points of view on the topic of this chapter! I didn't go through all of tumblr because you know, the haters are back, but I saw a few posts!
I want to clarify that I'm not Kagami lmao so I have no idea who's right and who's wrong, we're not in his head and besides, he doesn't really give a clear answer.
So I'm just going to state my point of view here. first of all when I read the chapter I was AAAAA MAHIREN so I read quite quickly and I really liked the sentences "i refuse to put you in danger" as well as what Guren said about dying together. Well, no I didn't like that last part but you know what I mean, it reminded me of cat16 so I was a little nostalgic but I was sad because he seemed over the whole situation, as if he realized that he wouldn't succeed and that he was giving up. The guy's eyes are dead.
Then, Mahiru said "if you die, it's over for me" and I admit that at the time I said to myself: so you wouldn't care if he died if it didn't get to you? But then I said to myself that it's impossible since we know, Mahiru doesn't want Guren to die simply because she loves him. She always protected him. Remember, she took half of the demon on herself to prevent Guren from completely losing control in chapter 83. She told him that she was going to protect him, that everything would be okay and that she wouldn't let him get carried away. To me, it's still proof that she cares about him, even as Mahiru-no-Yo. Since yes, Mahiru no longer exists normally and this is what makes things even more complex to understand because Mahiru-no-Yo does not seem to be a demon like the others, it seems that she has retained certain things from Mahiru like her affection and protection for Guren and Shinoa (the two most important people to her). Mahiru was already a complex character, the fact that she is Mahiru-no-Yo now complicates things even more.
So I think Mahiru-no-Yo obviously cares about Guren, she doesn't want him to die because he's literally the love of her life, her light. And on the other hand, Guren is also obviously an essential piece in the plan for the resurrection of humanity, he has been working on it for 8 years and putting it in place. Then Mahiru-no-Yo also wants to continue the plan since she contributes to it herself so if Guren dies, she too will not be able to accomplish the plan. So I think it's a mix of both. She cares about Guren's life as much as she cares about the plan, especially since they are so close now.
Besides, Mahiru-no-Yo seemed pretty pissed that Guren said that. Like, she doesn't want him to give up like that so yeah, she can get carried away and try to bring him to his senses. Looks like it worked since Guren ran straight in to save her. The guy is a machine for protecting people. We'll see if he survives Krul's attack. It's a mystery~
Honestly everyone can interpret her words in different ways, we never really know with Kagami lmao but here's my pov.
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fictionfixations · 8 months
Stiles & Other Stiles Dream Sequence
disclaimer: i have never seen teen wolf. all my knowledge comes from fanfiction. also spoilers
been having brainrot over this. ive been thinking about this since yesterday but like 'no. im not gonna write it'
..but now ive folded because i cant stop thinking about this conversation. maybe some of the dialogue feels weird. but thats because the first convo i came up with that probably ran a lot smoother i cannot remember. and i never wrote it down
[where the sheriff is dead]
the sheriff dies
stiles is all sad like '..i never got to tell him the truth.'
dream, where theres two stiles (would be void, but. idfk where in the timeline this would be and if that wouldve happened. well not void void but like. teh stiles that 'was' void. the thing of void that remained even when the actual thing left)
Other Stiles: You know what I think you feel? Relief.
Stiles: What?
Other Stiles: I think you felt relief. There's no one you would have to lie to anymore now that he's gone. No more tough conversations, no more facing his disappointment-- Just you and yourself. And now you can do whatever you want without worries of consequences.
Stiles: (..It didn't even occur to me..) No! That's not..!
Other Stiles: But isn't it? This isn't livable, y'know. Sneaking out every other day, researching till exhaustion hits you so bad you black out. He thought you did drugs. Ending up in the wrong sort of crowd. And no matter how much he grounded you, made you do chores, lectured-- it didn't work. And he probably thought, 'what am I doing wrong?' 
Stiles: ...
Other Stiles: And you know what? Love can so easily turn into hate. Resentment. You know how he gets when he goes into one of his drunk stupors. Remember?
Stiles: No...
Other Stiles: When mom died. Remember what he said? 
Stiles: Stop it!
Other Stiles: You killed her.
Stiles: Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up!
Other Stiles: No matter how much you tell me to shut up, it doesn't change the fact that I'm correct. You want to know what he thought of you?
Stiles: No!
Other Stiles: You already know. After all, he tried everything! He gave you space, he tried to be there, and you just didn't budge. Because no, you were just too stubborn. Just like mom. You know, she didn't even tell dad about her diagnosis until months passed because she knew he'd be crushed. And you know what? He feared that you were doing the same thing. That one day he would find you dead in a ditch. And everyone would see you as just another drug addict who got a little too high and fucked up, and would spit on your name. Or you know what? Not even give a crap.
Stiles: Stop it...
Other Stiles: So if he wasn't the one doing anything wrong, then it was you. You were wrong.
Stiles: No...
Other Stiles: You were messed up and he had no idea how to fix you. What was the point of hiding anyway? Oh wait, I know! Because dear old dad loved you, but he didn't trust you. No, you broke it. And it was too late.
Stiles: I know that. I know that it was too late... I..
Other Stiles: Hell, maybe if you sprouted crap about werewolves and hunters, he would've given up right then and there. Because you were delusional, weren't you? And who knows, maybe if you told him at first, maybe he would've believed you. Or maybe he would've thought you were lying. Maybe he would've gotten mad. Like, who the hell are you to try to reason real life murder cases with fantasy, right? *laugh*
Stiles: ...
Other Stiles: No, how dare you? This isn't time for fun and games, Stiles! You think he would've said that? Maybe he would've been disgusted by you and your blasé attitude towards such a tragedy. Such a loss of life. 
Stiles: ..That's not..
Other Stiles: You think you could've gotten proof? Everyone knows Scotty'll follow you. So what if he backs you up? Doesn't mean a thing. Besides, he was chasing after a girl, you really think he would've dropped it to prove to your dad, 'hey, I'm a monster!' And you know Derek would never have been up for it. No point in trying.
So all that's left is you and your words. Does he trust you? Does he trust you enough to believe what you're saying? 
Stiles: ..Just stop it already.
Other Stiles: You know the answer. He wouldn't have believed you. Maybe he even hates you for having such a shitty son. Can't do anything right. Remember Jackson? Never would've thought it was in you to pull such a 'prank'. I thought I taught you better. Y'know?
Stiles: ..You're such a liar. I didn't feel relief. I never did. So what if there were hard times!? He was my dad! And I didn't make it any easier for him.. We still loved each other..
Other Stiles: Did he?
Stiles: Just! I don't need this right now. I don't need you trying to undermine everything and--
Other Stiles: Am I wrong?
Stiles: Just shut up! Just shut up for one second. I don't know who you are, why you're me, where these thoughts are coming from, I just-!
He opened his eyes.
The teen shuddered, feeling all sweaty and gross. 
inspired by the dream part of this: (sheriff being dead came from me starting a diff fic where he dies. and then i went to bed.)
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