#htf discussion
doodlyreone · 2 years
Local blanchead lamlam
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Lammy is my comfort chara AND i refuse the common headcanon that she's schizophrenic
Why not see her as an active imagination type of gal? The type who got a headspace filled with so much details and intricacies, it is hard to discern her make-belief and reality?
The type who is unashamed to share the wonders of her fictional world to others. And her creative outlet is play pretend with random objects, kinda like puppetry.
Why must some peeps think naming objects and playing pretend with them is a solid evidence to schizophrenia? Ever consider the fact that maybe, juuuuust maybe, Mr. Pickles is a tangible, evil entity that she somehow befriended?
You see, there's a moment in the show that proves Mr Pickels fricking exists as a separate individual from Lammy. In Royal Flush, he frickin killed Flaky all on his own.
If only we got more than 2 eps that featured Lammy, I swear I will have enough proofs that shows Lammy is not schizophrenic. She's a creative critter that is cursed to be the escapegoat of a demon disguising as a pickel.
Orrr I could be dead ass wrong and Lammy is an unreliable narrator xD
On a tangent, I have to mention how whenever theres a debate whether Lammy is a schizophrenic or not, my mind replays the MLP FIM episode of Party of One where Pinkie Pie is talking to her object friends. Replace Pinkie with Lammy's face and I am on a constant high of laughter.
I used Pity Party cuz I just wanna mention how I love Melanie Martinez' rendition of this song bahahahahaahahahahahaha
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synistratum · 2 years
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Can't believe I'm crawling back to my favorite Horrible Portrayal of Mental Illnesses Show ft. Cute Animals in the year of our lord 2022
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fearidescent · 1 year
I was thinking about Happy Tree Friends, and how a reboot of it that can be considered good (by me, at least), can go two ways.
One, make it a commentary on the value of mortality, kinda like GDT's Pinocchio. Also, explore a small community of beings for whom death is not necessarily permanent. You could come up with some really interesting concepts!
Two, make it a celebration of animated gore. Use every animation technique and every stylization in the book to show us all the different ways animated gore can look.
...I do realize that this last one has considerably less appeal than the first one, but dammmit, if it is properly executed, I will watch it!
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cinnamonsakura666 · 1 year
Happy Valentine's Day! All my comfort characters decided to join up and discuss the gifts their romantic partners gave them!
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Ships featured:
Duck x Red (Dhmis)
Sam x Max (Sam and Max: Freelance Police)
Oswald x Ortensia x Cliff x Felix
Fliqpy x Flippy x Lumpy (HTF)
Bendy x Boris (Batim)
Outfits I used as a reference from Pinterest:
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giygas-bandicoot · 2 months
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Gay Rabbits in Primary Colors
We were discussing HTF in a server the other day and I just genuinely wanted to try my hand at some old OCs but as more traditional furries Colin and Crash!
Posted using PostyBirb
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treetownconfessions · 1 month
if we're talking about my little pony on the htf blog, can we discuss how much of a bizarrely large shared fanbase the two shows have? like i feel like in 20whenever i was in the mlp fandom i couldn't go two steps without running into someone else going "yeah i was a big htf fan and then i just Ended Up Here"
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happy-tori-friends · 2 months
hello! my name is tori, a 22 year old autistic loser girl (she/her) that likes writing. when i was a wee little idiot with unrestricted internet access, i came across things i probably shouldnt have, including happy tree friends when i was in the 3rd grade. this has come back to bite me now as it has returned as a hyperfixtation.
this here is my blog for reblogging htf stuff, as well as posting about my fanfiction series on ao3, oblivion! (make sure you read all the series notes!) it's called oblivion because i started associating a song from ffxiv called oblivion with flippy and htf as a whole.
things that i will do here (mostly involving oblivion)
share shitty humanized designs i made using gacha life 2 because art is hard
discuss things about characters and answer questions people may have
headcanons! (or well. facts in the oblivion-verse ig)
respond to feedback
take some requests for future chapters or side stuff
answer asks in-character for the funsies
post incorrect quotes because i have a collection of them. for some reason.
share my lifty alt from ffxiv on occasion, as well as any screenshots or sillies of others (if people make htf characters as alts. i'm on aether midgardsormr - i have a little fellowship and if we get enough ppl on midgardsormr i'll make a free company so we can be silly)
be stupid go crazy
if i ever learn to draw (or at least dont ragequit whenever i try), make silly doodles and actual pieces
maybe make friends!
talk about htf in general to be honest.
my main blog: @anemovictorious
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picklebunbun · 4 months
Hiii humm when you can , could you make a Mouse Ka Boom x reader who prefers to solve other people's problems rather than solving their own problem, and could it be romantic please?
“unfortunate people pleaser”
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hc or oneshot/series?: oneshot
gn reader, gn terms, they/them pronouns
genre: very angsty (I live to make people miserable | (• ◡•)|) but also a sprinkle of fluff
romantic/platonic?: romantic
fandom: HTF
cw: nothing really
(angel’s note🪽: aghh! Yes, I know updates have been slow and I’m sorry! I am sick rn but the medicine really helped)
italics: thinking, bold: yelling
Mouse KA Boom is red, you are purple.
~3rd person POV~
He’s been noticing a pattern recently, maybe he shouldn’t ponder on about it, but it’s his responsibility to be concerned since he is [name’s] significant other. The pattern was [name] trying to find ways to help the people around them, it’s not like it was bad that [name] wanted to help people, it was just the fact that they would drop whatever they were doing to help the person.
What was even weirder is how isolated and closed off [name] was. It made communication frustrating; you can’t truly know the person if they won’t tell you what they’re feeling. It was concerning to say the least. Maybe he should’ve just dropped it, there was no way to budge [name]. Mouse KA Boom was currently eyeing them from across the living room, not realizing that [name] had noticed until a soft voice spoke up to rip him from his trance.
“is something wrong, dear? You’ve been looking at me for quite a while..”
Mouse KA Boom had an exaggerated response to what [name] said, making it completely obvious that something was indeed in his mind.
“HAH?! Sorry! No! There’s nothing wrong at all!”
The soft giggling from his lover made him fall in love all over again, until he remembered what he was going to say to [name]. How should he say it though? "hey, Honey! I've noticed that you ignore your own needs and replacing them by helping other people, you also don't communicate with me, do you want to talk about it even though I just said that you don't talk about your feelings to me?", way too direct, he should ease them into it. He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't nervous talking about something like this
"uh- actually! There was something.."
[Name's] head shot up as their [husband/fiancée/boyfriend] suddenly spoke up. They're head slightly tilting to the side, listening intently on what he was about to say. Those little actions made Mouse KA Boom's heart melt; [name] just looked so cute!
"well, honestly? You've been worrying me a bit lately.. I've noticed that you haven't been honest on how you actually feel"
Sweat beads dropped from [name's] face, they definitely weren't expecting this. Being sentimental with other people was always a difficult task for them, whether or not they were just embarrassed by saying so, or if it was another reason. [Name] just stared at Mouse KA Boom, not saying anything, they felt like a ball of air was just stuck in their throat. Mouse KA Boom looked around in confusion, maybe [name] was looking at something? They weren't talking. He waved a hand in-front of their face, trying to snap them out of their poker face phase.
"uh.. Hello? Earth to [name]"
“ah! Sorry.. uhm, to answer you, uh.. everything’s fine!”
“SEE?! That’s what I’m talking about [name], you always try to avoid this, be honest with me..”
His [paw? Hand? Depends if you want him to be human I guess] reached the [haircolor/furcolor]-ettes [hand/paw], well, damn, it’s hard to ignore that. Although they didn’t want to, [name] couldn’t keep everything in, it would lead to them unfairly lashing out. Once they let it all out, it felt nice, like an ugly weight’s been lifted off their shoulders, to be fair though, it was a bit embarrassing to actually discuss this with their [husband/fiancée/boyfriend].
After the whole situation, [name] promised and swore that whatever happens, they would actually communicate with Mouse KA Boom. To conclude, don’t keep everything cause apparently that’s bad :
(I’m sorry it’s short)
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etes-secrecy-post · 10 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Cude In Green Summer Attire
Hello, here's little something for my friend, Leapant. 🇨🇳😊
• When I saw this particular artwork of his [CLICK ME!], I was willing to try to draw his green summer attire to my current OC. 🟢🧢👕👖☀️ And during our private discussion, I decided to show my fanart of mine while wearing his summer attire in two different ways, as you see here. 🙂 He was impressed by my fanart, and I asked him to return his attire when the Summer ends. Although, my friend said to differ because he wants to keep it & wear it anytime he wants. Yeah, I was flabbergasted & send him simply "OK". ☺
Me 🇵🇭: What do you think?
Cude 🐰🤖: I'm cool with that. I mean, look at me? Do you think Mayu will impressed my look. She's a beautiful mint green, after all. And so am I. ☺
Me 🇵🇭: 😊👌
Well, that's all for now.
Cude (HTF OC) - created by ME! OC's green summer attire - owned by Leapant (Tumblr) / SheldonLZR (X) / LeapantLZR (dA)
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theradicalace · 11 months
🔥 I feel like you might have at least one for htf
of COURSE i do!
i've briefly discussed this before, but it truly drives me batty when people insist that some or all of the characters are children, ESPECIALLY when they use that to jump down people's throats about like. shipping flippy/flaky or something. it's fine to have headcanons about the character's ages, but the fact of the matter is that none of them have confirmed, set in stone ages, and the only one confirmed to be a child is cub (the literal baby) and to do shit like call people "proshippers" and attack them for liking this or that pairing when none of them have ages is just ridiculous.
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king-maven-calore · 2 years
This gives me mare and cal htf vibes. Also will u ever do a htf part two? Or no
No. That story is completed. There was another version of it (in my head only) where a bunch of angsty stuff happened afterwards, but it didn't fit the spirit of HtF. This happens to me with everything I write.
https://www.tiktok.com /t/ZTRa1NCq9/ This video made me very happy for some reason and I don’t know why. So I just wanted to share it with u lol
🤗I appreciate you sharing anon! however, I'll have to ask that unless it is strictly related to the RQ series, booktok, or media discussion, not to receive any more tiktoks. I spend an extremely limited time on that app (I log in once or twice a month) and would prefer to keep it that way.
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zappyhireglobal · 6 months
8 Major Healthcare Recruitment Challenges And Their Solutions
What is Healthcare Recruitment?
Healthcare recruitment is more than just filling positions; it's about safeguarding institutions' backbone to deliver critical services during crucial times. Unique challenges in this field demand innovative strategies. This discussion explores critical healthcare recruitment challenges, their impact, and solutions, empowering HR professionals to address them effectively.
This recruitment copes with talent scarcity (47%) and high turnover (16%) due to aging populations, burnout, and limited residency slots. Retention worries (68%) lead 35% of organizations to hire contingent workers, emphasizing the need for innovative strategies in this expanding industry.
Recruitment in healthcare faces eight major challenges:
Shortage of Skilled Professionals: A global shortage of nurses (74%) and doctors (68%) in the next decade intensifies with a growing demand for specialized roles, straining staff and affecting patient care. Solutions involve competitive compensation and workforce development programs, along with strategic collaborations with educational institutions .Read more...
Competition for Top Professionals: Cutthroat competition for limited talent, with top talent staying in the market for only 10 days on average, impacts organizational performance and team dynamics. To combat this, employers strengthen their brand, offer attractive Employee Value Propositions (EVPs)and create positive work environments. Read more...
Lack of Diversity Hiring Strategies: Absence of diversity hampers perspectives and innovation in healthcare. Limited viewpoints affect employee morale, creativity, and patient care quality. Implementing diversity hiring strategies, such as mandatory diversity training, fostering inclusive workplace cultures, and forming diverse hiring panels, is crucial for a more inclusive workforce. Read more...
Competency and Skills Gap: A significant proportion of healthcare workers lack qualifications, posing a threat to service quality. Inefficient teams result from incompetencies, impacting overall efficiency. Addressing this gap involves thorough skills assessments, tailored training programs, upskilling opportunities, and mentorship initiatives. Read more...
High Attrition Rates: High turnover disrupts workflows, increases costs, and decreases team morale, affecting patient care continuity. Engaged employees are 31% more likely to stay with an organization. Improving engagement strategies, conducting meaningful exit interviews, and enhancing workplace satisfaction are vital to reduce attrition rates. Read more...
Time-Consuming Hiring Operations: Lengthy hiring processes hinder operational efficiency, delay patient care, increase costs, and affect staffing needs. Streamlining operations through advanced Talent Acquisition suites, data-driven strategies, collaborative hiring, and employing contingent workers can reduce challenges related to high time-to-hire. Read more...
Budgetary Constraints: Staffing can represent up to 70% of a hospital's cost. Limited budgets impact recruitment strategies, resource allocation, and access to critical tools and quality recruitment channels. Overcoming these constraints requires cost-effective hiring strategies, strategic resource allocation, and negotiations for partnerships. Read more...
High Number of Hard-to-Fill (HTF) Roles: Managing numerous hard-to-fill roles strains healthcare organizations, impacting time-to-hire and patient care quality. Targeted recruitment approaches, competitive compensation, compelling EVPs, and incentives can effectively fill these roles, alleviating the strain on healthcare institutions.
Read more....
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chemicaltech · 8 months
Energy Cloud Market Growing Demand, Rising Trends and Revenue by Region 2023-2028 with top key players
The Global Energy Cloud Market study with 132+ market data Tables, Pie charts & Figures is now released by HTF MI. The research assessment of the Market is designed to analyse futuristic trends, growth factors, industry opinions, and industry-validated market facts to forecast till 2029. The market Study is segmented by key a region that is accelerating the marketization. This section also provides the scope of different segments and applications that can potentially influence the market in the future. The detailed information is based on current trends and historic milestones.
Some of the players studied are Accenture PLC (United States), IBM Corporation (United States), HCL Technologies (India), SAP SE (Germany), Cisco Systems, Inc. (United States), Oracle Corporation (United States), Capgemini (France), Microsoft Corporation (United States), Brillio (United States).
Download Sample Report PDF of Global Energy Cloud Market @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/sample-report/global-energy-cloud-market
  The Global Energy Cloud Market was valued at USD  Million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD  Million by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 23.89% during 2023-2029.
The term "Energy Cloud" is often used in the context of the evolving energy sector, particularly in discussions about the future of energy production, distribution, and consumption. It represents a conceptual shift from traditional, centralized energy systems to a more decentralized and interconnected network of energy resources and services. Here are some key aspects and ideas associated with the Energy Cloud:
Decentralization: The Energy Cloud envisions a departure from the traditional model of centralized power generation (e.g., large coal or nuclear power plants) and a move towards distributed energy resources. This includes things like rooftop solar panels, wind turbines, and small-scale energy storage systems.
Digitalization: Information technology and data management are crucial components of the Energy Cloud. The smart grid is an integral part of this concept, enabling two-way communication between energy producers and consumers to optimize energy use.
Market Trends:
As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the concept of an "Energy Cloud" refers to the transformation of the energy sector, driven by digital technologies, decentralized energy generation, and a shift towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. It is an evolving and dynamic field, and several trends were emerging at that time. However, please keep in mind that these trends may have evolved or changed since then. Here are some of the trends associated with the Energy Cloud:
Renewable Energy Integration: The integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into the grid was a significant trend. This involved the development of technologies and strategies for managing the intermittent nature of renewables.
Decentralization: Energy production and distribution were becoming more decentralized. Distributed energy resources (DERs) like rooftop solar panels and home energy storage systems were becoming increasingly popular, allowing consumers to generate and manage their own energy.
Market Drivers:
The concept of an "Energy Cloud" typically refers to a more interconnected and digitized energy system that leverages advanced technologies to manage, distribute, and optimize energy resources. Several key drivers are pushing the development and adoption of the Energy Cloud:
Renewable Energy Integration: The transition to clean and sustainable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydro power, is a major driver of the Energy Cloud. These sources are often distributed and intermittent, requiring advanced energy management systems to integrate them into the grid effectively.
Decentralization: Energy generation is becoming increasingly decentralized, with more residential and commercial properties installing distributed energy resources like rooftop solar panels and home energy storage systems. This decentralization drives the need for better grid management and flexibility.
Global Energy Cloud Market Competitive Analysis  Know your current market situation! Not just new products but ongoing products are also essential to analyse due to ever-changing market dynamics. The study allows marketers to understand consumer trends and segment analysis where they can face a rapid market share drop. Figure out who really the competition is in the marketplace, get to know market share analysis, market position, % Market Share, and segmented revenue. 
Players Included in Research Coverage: Accenture PLC (United States), IBM Corporation (United States), HCL Technologies (India), SAP SE (Germany), Cisco Systems, Inc. (United States), Oracle Corporation (United States), Capgemini (France), Microsoft Corporation (United States), Brillio (United States)  Additionally, Past Global Energy Cloud Market data breakdown, Market Entropy to understand development activity and Patent Analysis*, Competitors Swot Analysis, Product Specifications, and Peer Group Analysis including financial metrics are covered. 
Avail Limited Period Offer /Discount on Immediate purchase @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/request-discount/global-energy-cloud-market
Segmentation and Targeting  Essential demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioural information about business segments in the Energy Cloud market is targeted to aid in determining the features the company should encompass in order to fit into the business's requirements. For the Consumer-based market - the study is also classified with Market Maker information in order to understand better who the clients are, their buying behaviour, and patterns.
Energy Cloud Product Types In-Depth: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud 
Energy Cloud Major Applications/End users: Professional Services, Managed Services 
Energy Cloud Major Geographical First Level Segmentation: • APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and the Rest of APAC; the Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka) • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania) • North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) • South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) • MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa)
Buy Now Latest Edition of Global Energy Cloud Market Report @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/buy-now?format=1&report=715  
Research Objectives: - Focuses on the key manufacturers, to define, pronounce and examine the value, sales volume, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis, and development plans in the next few years. - To share comprehensive information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (opportunities, drivers, growth potential, industry-specific challenges and risks).
- To analyse the with respect to individual future prospects, growth trends and their involvement to the total market. - To analyse reasonable developments such as agreements, expansions new product launches, and acquisitions in the market. - To deliberately profile the key players and systematically examine their growth strategies.
FIVE FORCES & PESTLE ANALYSIS: In order to better understand market conditions five forces analysis is conducted that includes the Bargaining power of buyers, Bargaining power of suppliers, Threat of new entrants, Threat of substitutes, and Threat of rivalry. • Political (Political policy and stability as well as trade, fiscal, and taxation policies) • Economical (Interest rates, employment or unemployment rates, raw material costs, and foreign exchange rates) • Social (Changing family demographics, education levels, cultural trends, attitude changes, and changes in lifestyles) • Technological (Changes in digital or mobile technology, automation, research, and development) • Legal (Employment legislation, consumer law, health, and safety, international as well as trade regulation and restrictions) • Environmental (Climate, recycling procedures, carbon footprint, waste disposal, and sustainability)
Get Detailed TOC and Overview of Report @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/report/global-energy-cloud-market  
Thanks for reading this article, you can also make sectional purchase or opt-in for regional report by limiting the scope to only North America, ANZ, Europe or MENA Countries, Eastern Europe or European Union. 
About Us: HTF Market Intelligence is a leading market research company providing end-to-end syndicated and custom market reports, consulting services, and insightful information across the globe. HTF MI integrates History, Trends, and Forecasts to identify the highest value opportunities, cope with the most critical business challenges and transform the businesses. Analysts at HTF MI focuses on comprehending the unique needs of each client to deliver insights that are most suited to his particular requirements.
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HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited
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I want to explain why I’m leaving the HTF fandom at large, or at least one of the big reasons. I put the tags I did on this because of the nature of what was said, how it felt, and my explanation. I want to preface this that this isn’t about Nemao. That bastard and his atrocious acts were the straw that broke the camel’s back on why I left but it didn’t start it. I don’t think I’ve quite explained why I’ve left the Happy Tree Friends fandom at large, so get comfortable because there’s some emotional baggage to get into because of a hurtful interaction with another user that made me realize how most of the fandom views me. I won’t be naming names but I have unblocked the user so that they may see this and offer input on the situation, if I’ve misinterpreted what they said. Buckle up, this’ll be a long one. I had an interaction with a user who found out about what I primarily found attractive due to my art, which I tagged them in some of them because I wanted them to see because I got into a sort of brainrot for that character primarily due to a conversation they had with me. I can go into more such as me not knowing I was blocked because social media sites generally don’t tell you when you are, but the TL:DR is that this was apparently a bridge too far, no discussion, no asking for the behavior to cease, just “get out”. I then came across a post they made about someone who didn’t seem to understand they were being blocked and… well… it didn’t take long to figure out who it was. It hurt, to say the least, as they referred to me as a fetishist and obsessed, when the art I tagged them in was not meant to be solely fetish-y, I was merely doodling what I liked, or so I thought. This isn’t me trying to deny my attraction to the subject matter, mind you, I’ve been very open that I find big muscles, biceps in particular, attractive. I do have a case of sthenolagnia, an attraction towards muscles and the strength thereof, I won’t deny that. That’s one of the major reasons I want to work out, in fact, is to find myself more attractive. I could get more into this, how I interpreted their words to mean I was some kind of degenerate fetishist freak, that I was some kind of obsessed lunatic, how they spoke ill of me behind my back, but it helped me realize that this is how the fandom at large likely views me. I made a post on the Amino, when I was in that hellhole, asking if the fandom thought I was weird for drawing the characters as buff. I got a “yes”, but it didn’t click with me until this incident what that really meant, or at least how I now think they meant it. My depression-fueled interpretation is that they view me the same way as this user did, some kind of degenerate that needs to be cast out. In their eyes, I will, and always will be, no matter what I do, a degenerate, something to be scorned and mocked. I’ll probably still be on Tumblr, I MIGHT still make SOME Happy Tree Friends stuff, but in general, I’m done with the fandom at large. If the user in question, the one who helped me realize how the fandom likely views me, would like to respond and try and make me understand any misinterpretations that occurred, I will allow it. That’s why I unblocked them in the first place, so that they could see this and hopefully read it, because what they said about me, what they implied about me behind my back, hurt and still hurts almost a year later. It’s almost funny that this whole thing started because I wanted you to see images like this that I drew as a result of a simple and fun conversation:
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This, on a side-note, makes little sense to me because they humored similar posts, so what about mine goes too far? Regardless, this post is long enough so I’ll stop talking for now.
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treetownconfessions · 4 months
why do u guys ship everything thats lgbt why cant anytbing be platonic. why cant giggles and petunia be platonic. why cant flippy and fliqpy be platonic. why cant cuddles and toothy be platonic. why cant sniffles and nutty be platonic. why cant any htf mlm/wlw "ship" be platonic. u guys just like shipping gay stuff. it feels kind of performative like ur doing it for brownie points or internet validation
Either you're asking this genuinely in which case: consider how your tone comes across making it unlikely I want to speak with you on genuine discussion.
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girlsexbattle2 · 1 year
The road is a depressing book about why we live life and is poorly executed. if one may deal with thoughts of suicide, may wanna skip this post. oh and canabilism. lots of it
my goal is discussion so have literally the slightest thought cross your mind please tell me about it. i will steal it for my essay (i will credit if asked to)
the books ending is shit. not in the 'oOOO oo emotions' way but bad writing way. the man dies to illness and the boy is on his lonesome for like two days until a deus de machina comes and gives the boy a chance at a new life. and the overall message is like supposed to be life moves on even if you dont(?) or maybe that our lives maybe shit but we have the ability to help it so we must live. ignoring that they really do fuck all to make their lives feel like they are worth living. idk man it feels stupid trying to analyze the plot when the setting is the main focus. like the reason mcarthy wrote the book wasnt to tell a story about characters but to show a desolate post apocalyptic america. i am supposed to question the idea of 'good vs evil' and its dichotomy.
my first thing to say is there are no good guys. not like the boy and the man evil but neutral. grandpa too. just living to survive with no greater purpose. simply walking an uncertain road to oblivion. okay ill mention the on the nose theme of the road is life and youll meet all types of people but they all leave at some point and leave an impact on you in some way. the depiction of the road as cabalistic also an on the nose dog eats dog world.
(great point of idea over execution. dog eats dog world -> man eats man-> man eats man!! fr!! thats a fun little detail but that leaves us with no real reason for canabilism. like i think they mention crows at some point? not the best option but better than newborn.
'oh theres no plants' okay fuckwad why do they have trees? and apples? our duo find a doomsday bunker intact which proves that there is still places unscavenged not saying it would be easy just there are ways to live without eating human flesh. actually htf does the settlement at the end of the book survive? they have to eat something. thats a big detail i dont think carthy would miss that im probably forgetting.
just canabilism aspect doesnt sit right with me. would it be too twitter of me to say this book realizes on a white suburban view of life? cause like native americans didnt live here for fucking centuries as stewards of the land and with mellow cultures for you to say that all society would collapse. like yes the upper middle class up live cushy lives and probably never have killed an animal bc of thier own need of food but others in poverty already live in some [i am white upper class and have no balls to say all] of these conditions. is the road an analogy of poverty? like it would be the end of the higher class but not all of us
actually i really like that point. this is only a horror/sad story for those of us fortunate enough not to live it. we are cooing at the preventable corspe of our fellow man with the smoking gun still in our hands.)
okay idea three(?) would be idea one remixed. the man is the stand in for the older generation or for my purpose the 'current' generation. boy likewise is the to-be inheriters of the current generation title. The man is cautious of people and holds no sympathy for 'others' but he still willing to go into the old world wreckage to scavenge. the boy is opposite, empath but terrified of the world that came before him. good and evil would have to rely on the characters morals. and the focus shifts from the man to the boy when he inherits the current generation title. could be the theme of 'the world is seen through the procived majorities eyes.'
i think i deleted the part that says 'keep living by obligation' which mcarthy fails to make this interesting. like the plot being because dad says so isnt inspiring. okay a realistic life is lived by obligation but thats not a good story motivator. i did what i always do which is watch a video essay about the topic bc im cool like that and he said that the point is to ask the question 'is there a reason for anything?' which yeah interesting question hard to execute in a meaningful or memorable way. or if there is it definitely isnt the road. im a hudge bitch when it comes to stories that make my class have discussions on whether suicide is the answer and seemed to genuinely go to yes. that was the moment i felt most kindled by the duo bc my god mcarthy you better prove them wrong or ill cry. not bc of you unique writing style but because these fucks deserve better. i deserve better.
the man and boy should share more moments being genuine with eachother. no one ever breaks down and like expresses shit to work through it they just crack for a second then go back to surviving cause boys dont cry. like its obvious that the man loves his son. but does he love the person? does he love the boy beyond the title of kin. same thing in the other direction too. cause i really dont think these characters do. and that could be interesting if you explored that but thats not mcarthys goal!! so they are just bland tear fodder. like i think the goal was 'the road is worth walking with loved ones' they lack any attributes so the reader can imprint whatever ideology onto them. Thats lazy. These arent people. Fucking Sun Wukong, representation of the human mind, one of the most varried things in existence, has enough character that the duo would turn to ash in his presence while being a damn fine metaphor (even if it doesn't encompass everyone)
im expected to give them pidy on the idea that they are human and trying to survive in a world hell bent on killing them and just like. yeah man that sucks but me too. and then we both continue living our shitty depressing lives and never do jack shit to help ourselves. well i guess the entire book is to get to a better place. but what happens when they get there that couldnt happen in rock city? what changes because of this. i know i know the winter. i feel unsatisfied. okay so thier goal is to keep living in the world where they reside. not im going to stop this. which is boring i can go talk to any bitch out on the street and get the same life story eachtime. i dont care anymore.
I get thats not the point. that not everything must be a call to action. that this is a fiction book desperate trying to presist thats its real. not like those other books but this is my tumblr blog so im going to say i hate that. i hate the idea that this is it. theres no hope here. go outside and weep if your looking for that. dont require me to read in class a story where nothing is accomplished. where the main take away is our lives will not impact the universe and therefore are meaningless.
okay tldr: the roads all like 'life is meaningless monotonous mess' and i think thats a really boring topic. with out agency your novel is shit. i dont really care about these characters at all bc they arent characters. they are muses for the reader to view how they like. which did not work in this book.
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