shortbreadly · 3 months
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oil spill guilt
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puppets can be considered arthropods
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toxooz · 6 months
been following u for so so long and I get genuine whiplash when I see Ollie now vs how he looked when u first drew him like?????? what are they feeding this guy!!!!
to be loved is to be changed ig bc his metamorphosis will never not trip me out lmao
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thylacid · 2 months
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big fan of the meat in this game
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lintubintu · 5 months
Give me the song right now. Give me the whip gimme both I can´t take it anymore!!!
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sickmachete · 10 months
hey does anyone wanna lie under a mallet with me and get bludgeoned to death
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landwriter · 2 years
Hounds of Love by The Futureheads. Oh! What a gem!! I first loved this song when I was a wee bab and rediscovered it this past summer. It, along with all my top songs, was on a summer driving playlist which is why it is so insanely high haha. There's a sort of lovely pastoral wildness to this and I think that suits our lads so well.
An outdoorsy AU with competence kink out the wazoo, where Dream is a bird specialist at a wildlife rehabilitative centre, who becomes a minor TikTok celebrity (much to his enormous apathy) when the centre starts doing interpretive meet-birds events and the internet falls in love with this dour hottie who only smiles when he's talking about birds (Matthew, naturally, runs the account). Hob is a hunter - bow, mostly - who is regrettably very on TikTok, very on all social media - he hates the term but he is unquestionably an 'influencer'. He just likes sharing his knowledge and passion, alright? And the gear sponsorships are nice.
He sees Dream, and sees, mostly, a really great collab opportunity, so he messages him, and Dream (who is Matthew, and just shouted HOB FUCKING GADLING? IN MY DMs? at his phone when he got the message, immediately sets up a meeting at the centre. Then he breaks the news to Dream, specifically when Dream is holding Jessamy, so he can't be murdered.)
Dream, of course, expects Hob to be some like, swaggering font of red-blooded machismo talking points, and suspects Hob is only popular because he looks like an advertisement in Outdoor Living. (Matthew showed him pictures.) He disregards Matthew, who says Hob is actually super cool, because Matthew has terrible taste and would be the first to admit it. But his interest is piqued when Lucienne also knows who Hob is. It turns out Hob is deeply involved in nature and wildlife conservancy. Gives talks at schools. Gets involved with land protection initiatives. Teaches orienteering to youth. But everyone seems to expect him to hate Hob, which he would find faintly insulting except that he also expects himself to hate Hob. He doesn't. Not that much. Even when he shows up in a plaid shirt that is made of 'technical' fabric, because he's smart and excited to talk to Dream about birds, has an encyclopedic knowledge of the history of falconry, and most importantly, Jessamy takes to him immediately.
They run into each other again at a renaissance fair, another thing Dream hates but has been strong-armed into doing, and so they are both dressed in very silly clothes when it happens: the first time Hob watches Dream demonstrate falconry, the first time Dream watches Hob use a longbow made from a yew tree he fell himself, the first time they go from a wary sort of respect for one another to a wanting.
Dream, who has a recurring fantasy about running away from it all, listens to Hob tell tracking stories and thinks, If I went into the woods, you would find me. But he doesn't want to run from Hob - except sometimes, when he sees Hob chew on his lip consideringly before giving a thoughtful answer about the guiding industry, or when Hob grins wildly at the crowd after his archery demonstration, and most of all, when Hob phones him out of the blue one day - he doesn't text, he phones - sounding a little breathless with excitement, and asks Dream if he wants to come with him for a week in the mountains, on "probably a wild goose chase" and promises "all sorts of birds if nothing else." (Hob had meant to only share the news with Dream. Fuck, he thinks. I am so fucked.)
He says yes, for the birds, of course, and tells Matthew the next time he's at the centre.
"So what's the wild goose chase?" asks Matthew.
Dream plumbs his memory of the phone call and says, "Hob told me he received a bighorn sheep tag." Matthew gapes at him.
"Holy shit," says Matthew. "He's in love with you."
"He is certainly not."
"Uh, no, respectfully boss, he 'certainly' is. Lucienne!" he shouts, "Hob invited Dream to come out on his Dall sheep tag. What the fuck, right?"
Lucienne comes in and raises her eyebrows. "Oh dear," she says. She's smiling.
"What," says Dream. "It's a sheep. I don't understand."
Lucienne and Matthew exchange a glance.
"Him. I cannot believe Hob chose him," says Matthew.
"Love works in mysterious ways," says Lucienne.
"I am right here," says Dream.
Matthew turns to him, "Have fun in Alberta," he says.
this would ft. nights of wild stars, rugged terrain, type ii fun, sexual tension around a campfire, homoerotic form checks, tent sharing, dream glassing beautiful birds with hob's $3000 binoculars while hob stares at him in abject adoration, dream watching hob strip off his clothes and jump into an alpine lake, and refusing to join him out of pretended prudishness when it's really because he's suddenly so hard it hurts, camp coffee, confessions about themselves instead of confessions about their feelings for each other, sore muscles for a VARIETY of reasons, and lots of allegories about wildness and taming and running away from things, and SO MUCH COMPETENCE KINK, friends. so much. i would probably write it like - act one them leading their separate lives, their desires and aches etc., act two - meetcute and circling one another, act three - The Trip. this one has a very happy ending i can tell
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piggiebonez · 1 year
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hi guys how do you feel about my incredible story where zim teleports dib and gaz on the massive as a sure way to get rid of them but the tallest hate zim so much that they just end up giving dib and gaz a bunch of awesome irken weapons so that they torture zim forever. there are many wacky shenanigans and funny jokes in my head surrounding this scenario. it just wont leave my head. theres like a whole narrative you know. i will never write it all down tho. because that would be a fanfic. and i would rather kill myself than write an invader zim fanfic. because im not an embarrassing weirdo
z*adrs dni and preferably disappear into thin air
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cool gear gaz as a bonus
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mads-schubert · 1 year
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The Magnus Archives Episode 018 - The Man Upstairs
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aviul · 12 days
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"You know how it can be. You know even better than I do, Inchoate. This... gnawing hunger. It never does completely go away, does it?"
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battlevann · 7 days
nothing like bawling your eyes out to help you sleep after staying up till 5 a
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kreachvera · 1 year
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crow the terrible. wip
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tetedurfarm · 2 months
gretchen wieners hadn't been eating for a couple of days and was due yesterday but never tried to nest. noticed she had poopy butt and i didn't really need her so tossed her in the carrier of no return and turns out she did not have the Ick she had a bad case of 'didn't abort her kits correctly so they were turning into rot soup inside her' :)))))))))))))
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themanwhowouldbefruit · 4 months
i hate landlords so fucking much
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kelvintimeline · 3 months
nooo story about grotesque horrors and suffering don’t pivot tonally so you can wrap your story up in a nice little bow, forcing something so saccharine it doesn’t even feel like a release of tension but rather like an unnerving and heavy blanket being thrown over the mess to hide it away while you force us to look at the bright side
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