blood-loving-leech · 4 months
amazing queer authors:
Shaun David Hutchinson (he has so many books i love them holy shit it’s like a whole collection)
Hal Schrieve (currently reading one of hir books and it’s amazing)
Andre Joseph White (i’ve read one of their books and can’t wait to read the second one i got for my birthday)
also for graphic novels i want to nominate Molly Nox Ostertag as an AMAZING illustrator and author her art style is one of my faves
and also Tilly Walden for a similar vein of queer graphic novels with amazing art
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
/724781513472868352 I resonate with this on a deep level. I get told at college all the time that I don't look LGBT+ (they refuse to say queer, respectability politics is a helleva drug), I don't act it, no queer person is into my major or my hobbies, and it's weird that I'm queer but not into astrology or dressing more aesthetically ("are you a cottagecore or a dark academia gay?" I'm neither I'm a me) or playing Pokemon because outgrowing Pokemon is for cishets. People talk about gays/LGBT+ not being able to drive or do math or sit normally and then act like I'm some kind of ridiculous weirdo for not laughing at what they assure me is a true statement that does not apply to them or to me. People encourage me to experiment with my style or hair and "come out of your shell". I am informed I need to listen to certain musicians because all LGBT+ people are into them. It's weird that I'm not. It's even weirder I don't like The Owl House or hate Steven Universe or keep up with Heartstopper like the good queers do.
Basically it all boils down to, "Why can't you be more normal? Why can't you be like us?"
Because I'm not. My dad is a Pashtun Muslim and my mother is a Bukharan Jew. I have lived in the Deep South half my life and Wyoming the other half. My media interests are unrelated to queer rep and wholly based on liking the plots of things. I grew up on oldies and TV shows like Starsky and Hutch that my parents loved, pirated and played on repeat. I don't believe in astrology, I'm not a witch and I'm not an atheist with a Christocentric worldview who assumes all religions are Christianity Lite. I don't listen to the correct musicians mostly because I discover music entirely by accident and have a mishmash of genres and bands in rotation. Pokemon fell off and I'm not into it. I would sooner die than dye my Pashtun red hair that people made fun of me for as a kid. I like wearing button downs, clean shirts, nice jeans and my Magen David. None of this is incompatible with being queer. No one is going to kick me out of a gay club for not having played Pokemon Violet or listening to Tracy Chapman or trusting in science over crystals for healing.
And I really hate that after years of being avoided and pitied in high school by jackass backwards rednecks for being weird, I got to my dream university, the university in the most liberal city in Montana, and get the same fucking treatment.
Commenters like the one anon mentioned remind me of all the people who act like I'm doing it wrong. What is 'it', in that sentence? Living my life. Being queer. And when it crops in fandom - and I've gotten it sometimes for writing queer characters who are like me, Southern and into uncool shit and not sharp dressers and religious - it just makes me want to start screaming.
I am queer. I am not incorrectly queer. I am who I am and therefore, because I am queer, that is a correct way to do queerness.
Some gripes about Gen Z are overblown but this weirdly narrow view of what queerness is allowed to look like or be is 100% as awful as other generations say it is and it's fucking exhausting to live through. I don't have to sit differently in order to be doing queerness right or be unable to drive. I exist and I am queer and that is all I need to do and be.
I wish fandom was different from real life. I wish it was more open to the reality that queer people have a multitude of backgrounds and lived experiences. We're facing enough shit IRL, can't we just have one place where we're NICE to each other?
As a 40+ queer, I'm laughing myself sick at the current crop of "required" queer interests.
In my day, it was oldschool cis gay male culture for the men (think being obsessed with Bette Davis) and But I'm a Cheerleader and Dykes to Watch Out For for the women or something.
Not that you have to like any of those things either. It's just hilarious how clueless people are about what's a temporary trend that will probably be different in 5 years.
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isaksbestpillow · 5 months
Ossan's love returns episode 1
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alright. ossan's love has returned. time to watch and comment on this mess (derogatory & affectionate.)
for background: ossan's love was the first gay romcom to be aired on japanese mainstream tv, becoming an unexpected hit. it's wacky, it's stupid, it's chaotic, it's ridiculous, but it's also surprisingly heartfelt and did a lot for queer representation. if you can't handle ossan's love at its most chaotic (derogatory) you don't deserve it at its most chaotic (affectionate). i kinda love this show, but i kinda wouldn't recommend it to anyone haha. and now it has returned, with the original cast.
with that, let's proceed!
we start with a brawl at a gay wedding. sasuga desu.
thank god it was a dream. but unfortunately it was haruta's hatsuyume/first dream of the year and those dreams are said to predict the upcoming year lol.
they have a house together!!! domestic era woohoo.
narita airport :( i want to get better and go home. :(
okay haruta is already giving me an ulcer. shikkari shinasai yo!!!!
don't tell me maki won't show up until the end of the episode. D:
phew he's here. thank god. okaeri!!!
I appreciate takegawa's rainbow colour coded binders. and now he's on gay tinder at work. he got a match!!! i want that old man to find love in this season.
aksksdk i can't believe movie actor iura arata is on ossan's love.
okay that was funny.
this whole work life balance thing is a relatable storyline! japanese working culture u need to change.
loved this domestic fight. i like how they're having regular people problems.
hiring a housekeeper sounds pretty reasonable in this situation but knowing who the housekeeper will be i cannot recommend it lol.
bashauma ('work like a horse') cleaning service akjaskdsk
"you're a unicorn housekeeper?" askdkadkas the housekeeper ranks are unicorn, thoroughbred, carriage horse, and horse.
"chief, you're the highest rank!?" "kyoushuku degozaimasu." i'm crying...... this whole situation is pretty surreal which makes it so funny in that very japanese way.
their service plans are pegasus plan, yabusame plan (japanese horseback archery) and pony plan. i love this show actually.
ahsfkdfk this is so stupid. haruta u are so stupid.
"during this time he's changed from a chief to a unicorn."
"marriage is a long conversation." "what does that mean?" "don't ask me. nietzsche said it."
i know we all hate chief here but sometimes he says the right thing.
good!! scream your feelings into the trash can and keep them there chief.
they're so cute i can't deny it!!!
yare yo ryouta omg first name basis fucking finally!!!!
are the neighbours roommates or oh my god they were roommates.
next week's episode looks chaotic. i'm excited!!!!
first episode down, maki & haruta's newlywed night special episode left! let's see let's see.
i love them your honour
is this video even scripted because it feels like watching real people
you've heard of nnawakeneettsuuno, get ready for sonnano ato de ii daro. haruta may be a mess 99 percent of the time, but he sure knows how to say Something Hot in that remaining 1 percent lol
love how shy maki got because it actually is pretty weird & awkward to suddenly be in the same room again after doing long-distance
well that was cute!!!
verdict: genuinely loved it! the jokes are funny, the housekeeper situation is weird as hell but kinda brilliant. i like that maki & haruta are facing the same everyday problems many couples face with work, stress, time management etc. it seems to be gaga for those of you who don't speak japanese (i haven't seen the subs so i can't comment on them), but i don't know how well the humour translates if you aren't familiar with japanaese language or this genre of comedy, so i recommend it with reservations. it's a completely new story so you don't need to have watched the first season necessarily.
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ojirocardigansniper · 2 months
Terra Ignota fucked up my whole brain (positive). I think it's either the deepest or most pretentious (more likely both) works of fiction I've ever encountered. Ada Palmer is my new god. These books are so gender and strange and interesting and horrifying and political.
My favourite genre is Scifi Where Your Favourite Character Is A Queer War Criminal (or other monster beyond comprehension) (Machineries of Empire, The Locked Tomb, etc). In this area, Terra Ignota is a holy book.
Canner and Sniper are my precious innocent friends who can do no* wrong.
(I deeply love these books, I'm just very insane about them)
SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME. YOURE IN SUCH GOOD COMPANY. i first read too like the lightning in 2017, promptly shoveled seven surrenders in my mouth, got the will to battle for christmas, and then spent the next three-and-change years rereading them multiple times and collecting a small cadre of weird friends i could convince to attempt it. perhaps the stars permanently rewired my brain on first readthrough. terra ignota kinda one of the lenses through which i see most things cus it came to me at the right time. touchstone of my brain and heart. also MASSIVE UPS FOR MACHINERIES OF EMPIRE AND LOCKED TOMB ASWELL LETS GOOOOOO!!!!! also off the top of my head i'll point to ann leckie's imperial radch & related books, kameron hurley's stars are legion, seth dickinson's exordia which im reading rn, and on the fantasy side of the same trope we got seth dickinson's traitor baru cormorant, n.k. jemison's broken earth trilogy, fuckin, don't feel like going upstairs to remind myself of more but yeah. i slurp compellingly fucked up people with strong motivations/principles with a straw. And good god if you like those terra ignota has like fifty of them ! Yay! christ i love these books. if you want to marinate your brain in thoughts about them i have a "ti tags" tag which is a lot of stupid memes and also some very juicy thoughts..... things to rotate... i have been rotating it all for so many years in my mind
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
Hi! I wanted to talk a little bit about something that pissed me off, so if you dont want to deal with that then feel free to ignore the ask! There are mentions of SA.
I accidentally ended up seeing this anti toga post that talks about how she is terrible queer representation using 1. the loving animals line and 2. her killing others because of her impulse.
Basically they argue she is a sexual predator as killing would be like being denied to have sex with her or a representation of her SA others, and that the resolution seems to be feeling sorry for her and giving her what she wants, and that it leaves queer ppl in a bad look as sexual predators and even zoophilic (them saying they already had a bad vibe from the intro of the little bird?? Thinking its directly sexual confirmed by these leaks). Im so angry at this.
I think its clear Toga feels confused about what love means, as she says she loves many people but its clear every single one of them makes her feel and act differently -she doesnt love Jin like she loves Tsuyu, or the bird, or Stain, or Deku, or Uraraka.
Is it so strange to think she can be confused about it WHILE being queer?? Also seeing her love as a sex driven impulse is weird in my opinion -yes blood and cannibalism r used this way in media but she's not looking for sex ever, just to be liked and loved.
I swear I have seen yandere characters get a better treatment than her even when they end up causing more harm without reasons backing them up even.
What do you think of that perspective?
So I actually think that the zooiphile thing actually adds to the queer allegory. No i dont think toga wants to fuck animals and no I don’t think that’s she’s ACTUALLY a zooiphile.
But I do think that the REASON horikoshi made her that way is because… zooiphilia is a dirty thing that people don’t like to talk about. Toga is the same; she’s the dirty conversation her parents don’t wanna have.
And she’s attracted to blood! I don’t think that she wants to date or have sex with a bird or something, just that she’s attracted to it because it has blood and she can’t change that. I don’t think togas love is misplaced or anything, in fact I think she’s got the best handle on her love at all. I think that she just generally uses the very forward term of “love” for everything because that’s just how she is. A forward, blunt, and extreme person. She’s exploding with feelings even different types of love!
Personally, I’m surprised to see all these toga haters randomly appearing out of the wood work—and it’s probably because she’s actually got a chance with Ochako. It just surprises me yk, like people either didnt really care for her before or they thought she was a cool villain. Now that she’s herself and NOT a cool villain… you all suddenly wanna chase her down with pitchforks? Hm. Interesting.
People LOVE a queer tragedy; and toga is in the perfect situation to be one. Togas boob grab wasn’t even intended to be predatory/sexual towards ochako, she was angry and using it to grip onto her and stab her repeatedly. It was a symbolic way to describe Togas feelings of “becoming a real villain”, or in the sense of the allegory, “becoming a real queer predator”. The fact that people have taken this and actually made it about her BEING a queer predator is SO IRONIC!
Also… sucking blood doesn’t equal sex what. It’s intimate in the way kissing is intimate, it was literally compared to it.
ANYWAY… monsters and vampires and the horror genre as a whole has ALWAYS been queer, it’s always been about being deviant and exploring topics like cannibalism and, yes, zooiphilia, because we CAN TALK ABOUT THEM. GUYS ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Toga isn’t fucking animals, she’s not pretending she’s in relationships with animals, she’s vaguely attracted to them.
I saw this yt video a while ago talking about this whole Twitter debate about whether zooiphilia was as bad as eating animals. And personally, I’m not vegan or vegetarian, but it’s something I never really thought of before. And he brought up a good point that originally went to my head when I heard this question asked!
My thought was “Well zooiphilia isn’t natural, but eating animals is”. Well, being a PARASITE is also natural, we naturally want to consume, we naturally want to be selfish, and the fact that we have the foresight and intelligence to STOP ourselves from being those things is important for our survival. And there’s a ton of other arguments to be made and points to be had, but really, we should be able to ASK THOSE QUESTIONS AT ALL! We should be able to confront those things instead of shunning it away and putting it in a little box we aren’t supposed to talk about.
I just think anyone who is trying to label toga as “bad queer representation” or as a “sexual deviant/predator that Ochako is afraid of” have other biases/reasons to believe those things. That, or they have a very narrow mindset that doesn’t allow them to question the morality of cannibalism or any unconventional love for that matter. Unconventional ideas at all tbh.
Jeffrey Dahmer went crazy because he was eating people raw a lot of the time, and also he was just generally fucking crazy and a bad person. How about we consent to your body being eaten!
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cumscrotesailboat · 7 months
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I finished Citrus, the "infamous" GL that i keep hearing about and as far as i've seen, its only the anime thats insanely weird. The manga is super different from the anime adaptation. There's a lot to critique with this series BUT the argument i hear saying that it caters primarily to men is not quite accurate. It was made by a sapphic woman, of which the story was inspired by a real experience she had, published by a company that caters to QUEER women. It certainly wasn't made with men in mind.
(Also, spoiler at the bottom if you have plans on reading it)
With that out of the way, the "incest" subplot of the series felt like it had little significance to the narrative of the story. The only time it was being mentioned was the Blonde MC's inner dialogue about how she can't possibly be with the Black haired MC because they're sister and that's it. At the end, their parents agreed to not get married so the two can legally be married. There was no push back on the parents or anyone they knew, it was just there. I can't tell what the author's purpose with it is. In another wlw series i read, the incest subplot was there to shut down the argument "If same-sex love is ok, then that should mean incest love is ok too bcs it doesnt affect anyone right?", but in here I can't be sure if its for drama or if its for the "spicy forbidden love awoogawooga" japanese anime fans seem to love. Personally, i think its the former. It's drama but very weak drama. I don't wanna write off the latter that fast either. Sapphic women can get weird with incest fantasies too. I personally am not into it bcs its incest, crazy take i know, but sure ig? This one I don't really care since it had such little effect on the narrative that you can just ignore it or even delude yourself with thinking it wasn't there at all and your understanding of the series would still be fine.
For the sexual assaults in the early chapters. I dont fucking know man, why did she do that? I mean, we know why, she was trying to push the Blonde MC away as seen in the letter but uhh.. 🤷🤷🤷? Sexual misconducts, harrassment, and assault just makes me feel uncomfortable so this is the one I dont like with the series at all. To give meaning to it (just bcs i dont wanna gloss over it that fast), the black haired MC did that as an impulsive act of selfishness, isolation, and fear of companionship. Early chapters has her shown as shackled by her family's legacy so she was cold and also fucked up.
Another thing are the supporting characters, there's this middle schooler that just fucking REEKS of trauma and the series just doesn't address that. It's so funny bcs you are 13 girl, don't talk as if you're in that grown up world you keep talking about. They're all great tho, even if they felt flat. One thing i keep noticing with nowadays consumption of literary is that every character has to be well-rounded, no it doesn't! its fine if the main cast are the only rounded ones! but yeah, that middle schooler has to be stopped. Please author, what the fuck is wrong with that kid😭☠️
Overall, its really not as bad as its reputation precedes it to be. Its weird yeah but not as weird as the majority of people say it to be. Its fluffy and drama and it definitely wasn't made for men. It's really whatever and only got its reputation bcs of that weird ass anime adaptation thats trying to cater to those freak ass "otakus". Saying that word makes me feel disgusted, jesus christ. I have mixed feelings if its a series I'd recommend bcs there are other series that are better but what i'm sure is its an okay read. I'm big to romance and drama and this series has that. It didn't make me cry but it made me feel tense and sad for the characters, and in my book thats a successful attempt at those genre.
My only gripe with it really is the unnecessary incest and SA, thats why its getting a low score for me. Everything else was fine
anw balls
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the-bloody-sadist · 11 months
Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujosei (especially het romance) decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
Ooooooooo I LOVE YOU FOR ASKING ME THIS QUESTION!! THAT'S SO FASCINATING! THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING ME! If my friends know anything about me it's that I LOVE to psychoanalyze, so let's see what I can do here *cracks every knuckle*---
I'll preface by saying I have NOT read any het romance in the MANGA world at least--or otherwise japanese/chinese/korean sources--but did grow up only reading/watching/writing that and thinking I hated romance in general because it was so fucking boring LMAO. If I can compare any het media to non-American BL media, I would have to say anime is my only reference!
With that said, I came through the same arc you did. I tried het romance my whole life, suddenly fell upon BL, said WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS AND WHY IS IT SO GOOD COMPARED TO THE SHIT I'VE BEEN READING, never went back to het romance, and now do BL in all shapes and forms full-time.
What seems to be the big factor in BL/yaoi being so much more enjoyable is that there's an inherent difference in the dynamic of male/male vs. male/female--as portrayed by media, at least. And there's just something about that dynamic that makes it more gripping. It's easier to feel that line of tension between the characters, not to mention the fact that most male/male couples' conflict is far more relatable than the ones I see in female/male. In het media, I tend to see incredibly petty choices of conflict, whereas a LOT of BL chooses trauma, mental illness, and sometimes the acceptance of being gay as the reasons the couples struggle.
I identify far more with those issues than I do with the more stupid conflicts I see in het media like "HE'S WITH ANOTHER GIRL WHATEVER SHALL I DO!" (and it's just his sister) or "HOW DO I KNOW IF I ACTUALLY LIKE HIM? MAYBE I DON'T! LET ME THROW HIM FOR LOOPS AND GO BACK AND FORTH!" and other common, annoying tropes. Especially the jealousy and love triangles. BL does some love triangles, but it's just less...petty? There are usually more founded issues for the conflict that comes from those situations.
I say this with hesitation, but I also feel that BL/yaoi tends to have more creative and unseen concepts than het media. Actually--erase that hesitation. I believe that wholeheartedly. They tend to choose traumatic situations more often than het media--and this is the important part--THEY PORTRAY THEM IN A MORE REALISTIC MANNER.
This doesn't go for all BL because of course it doesn't. An entire genre of different writers--many good and many bad--can never have a singular good trait shared between all of them. But the majority of BL that I've read that include scenes of rape, child abuse, or sex trafficking keeps some sense of terror and gravity to the situation. That's something I tend to see less of in het media. Instead, things often feel more exploitative or voyeuristic. Suffering as a spectacle, as they say. However, it may just have something to do with the female gender being the victim, which we've all seen countless times in all shapes and forms. It feels fresh and new to see a male character going through those issues, instead.
On that topic, I would add that the main audience for romance as a whole has always been dominated by women, so women are more likely to be the consumers of both het and queer romance. When it comes to yaoi, the automatic power balance of male/female is gone, leaving only male/male and opening the option for different ways to imbalance that power--automatically feeling more creative and new than the age old female-victim-male-aggressor-but-he's-kinda-hot trope. In addition to this, so many het romances have unapologetic portrayals of romanticized abuse (The Notebook, 50 Shades of Grey, Blade Runner [speaking to the romance PLOT, sorry, more obscure], the After series, The Kissing Booth, and so on) that never get brought up, never seem to affect the female lead negatively, and always get the couple together in the end. This is endlessly infuriating to me and I've never enjoyed the popular het romances for this reason. It feels like gaslighting--gaslighting of the audience--to see harsh moments of outright abuse and then see the female lead react as if it's sexy, and to feel nothing but gut-freezing disgust as a viewer. It's even more painful when the audience around you also reacts in that way because they're so used to seeing it in your everyday het romance.
Contrasting this with yaoi/BL media--this issue is completely flipped. Countless stories show abuse, address the abuse, portray the male lead suffering from the effects of that abuse, and proceed with a motivation to fix, endure, or to run away from that abuse. To claim that yaoi/BL has less romanticization of said abuse is not wholly true, but the problem for me has always been that het romance PRETENDED THE ABUSE DID NOT EXIST AND/OR IS SEXY AND NORMAL. Whereas yaoi seemed more self-aware that they were writing abuse, and--if they chose to romanticize it--more often did so because the abuse was being experienced through the eyes of the victim. This is important because victims of abuse in reality DO this to cope and survive, so the romanticization is a direct result of a trauma response, and it's made far more clear in yaoi that this is the case.
This is why the kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome romances (Killing Stalking at the top), and toxic relationship themes in BL are far more attractive and validating to read.
Say, for instance, the romances that include themes of kidnapping, sexual assault, and captivity in het media. What have we got for that that's good and actually explores the nature of abuse? What I tend to see that meets that criteria (possibly) isn't really included in the romance category at all--it's either listed as horror or it's a lightened romcom version of that event (kidnapping, specifically)--unless you think of the more popular ones like 365 Days where it's supposed to be sexy and everyone has no brain. I might be flimsy on my point here, since this is the first time I've tried to pick apart this subject, so I apologize. But in addition to these het romances with the themes that I'd like to see not really existing in a way that's been done WELL--I also personally can't watch a woman getting hurt the way I can watch a man getting hurt.
We've seen enough women suffering onscreen, and most of the times the way it gets filmed ends up feeling sexualized in some way--especially if it's a horror movie or a thriller romance. I personally don't enjoy the lack of emotional depth in these types--and clearly they're most often written to be sexy or shock horror more than serious. Trauma doesn't feel real in these stories, so it's intensely triggering to watch it happen onscreen without a resolution to that trauma.
Going back to yaoi/BL, their romances include and very often feature abusive relationships or straight-up hostage romances. But the way they're handled is the big difference. Even though some treat the abuse like sexy porn scenes and I find myself dropping them for the same triggers that set me off in het media, this is much less of a problem, and you can get your thrills without the invalidation of watching trauma happen without being treated like trauma. There's often an arc of learning for the abuser, the relationship healing/improving (and I don't care that it's not morally correct or realistic for this to happen because it's fiction and we all need our coping mechanisms for reality), and a satisfying end where both the characters learn how to love each other. In their own way.
This makes the trauma feel raw and the healing feel rewarding, which is what I come to see. It feels like more BL writers get this and have actually been through some shit.
Lastly, it's not weird that you feel this way, and I'm worried that the discourse on social media about people who exclusively enjoy yaoi/BL has influenced that belief in a lot of people. It shouldn't be that way, and I hope people come around to the actual logic instead of copy-pasting what everyone else says to fit in!
IN ANY CASE, I HAVE RAMBLED FAR TOO LONG ON PRETTY MUCH THE SAME POINT, BUT I HOPE THIS HELPED!! That's the main difference that I'm drawn to yaoi for and I hope it might have helped you see why you are, too!!
Much love to you, and again, thank you SO MUCH FOR ASKING ME THIS QUESTION!! I loved getting to answer that.
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
Water is wet, the sky is blue, and Eddie Munson is a music snob.
Sure, he listens to more music than Steve even knew existed. Sure, he can curate a playlist that gets you from Korn to Disney without it feeling jarring. Sure, he can give you a full college quality lecture on the history of modern rock and metal and how it can all be traced back to the blues.
But he’s also the same guy who brutally eviscerates anything that even approaches popularity. He’s watched Eddie drop bands the second their music starts making radio play because it’s a short trip to an album that’s been engineered in a lab for maximum radio play.
An educated music snob is still a snob is the point.
But the rest of their friend group is also a collection of snobs and bitches, so when Eddie suggested they do a Spotify Wrapped viewing party it quickly became an annual tradition. They all make sure they have the night off when the Wrapped drops, meeting up at Steve’s house where they spend the night stuffing their faces and roasting each other for the music that made up their soundtrack to the year.
Eddie the Snobbish is of course the most vocal critic.
“Girl in Red, Buckley, really? There is such a thing as leaning too far into the stereotype.”
“Get fucked, Munson, they’re my number five.”
“And your number two is Hayley Kiyoko, but she’s actually good so I kept her out of it. Honestly, it’d be faster to just shout from the rooftops that you’re queer.”
“Yeah, yeah, wait ‘til we get to you, Eddie.”
“I drew 7 so you’ll have to wait a little bit longer.
It goes like that all night. Eddie makes at least one comment about each person’s wrapped as the night goes on. But then everyone takes at least one crack at the others. From listen time to top genres nothing is safe and nothing is sacred. Sometimes the only comment needed is the sounds of nine other people shrieking in laughter because Accidentally in Love from the Shrek 2 soundtrack cracked your top 5.
“Seriously, Sinclair, the rest of it is so good!”
“I refuse to be critiqued by the same man I caught singing Nickelback last week.”
“Damn, seeing the family resemblance between you and Lady Applejack now.”
Sometimes his mockery is flavored like concern.
“William, the top .05% of Mitski listeners? Do you need help? Should we call your mom? This feels like a cry for help.”
“She’s classically trained, musically a genius. Sorry, we can’t all spend our time listening to Ozzy struggle through a basic melody.”
And Eddie isn’t afraid to get other people in on his snobbery.
“Ten bucks, Stevie, your little Dusty has Weird Al in his top 5.”
“I don’t make bets, I know I’m going to lose. That’d be like saying ‘I bet he’s going to have Neverending Story in his top 5’, it’s practically guaranteed.”
Robin’s not as afraid to get involved, “Five bucks, Neverending Story is his number 1.”
“Oh you’re on, Bucks, no way it’s not a parody.”
They’re both wrong, deciding that neither is out the money, and Steve wishing he had gone ahead and bet when it turns out to be a movie instrumental. “He can’t listen to music with words when he’s building shit, and he’s always tinkering with something in his room.”
“It was from the Neverending Story soundtrack, I still think that means I win.”
“Absolutely not.”
It’s always a big moment when it’s finally Eddie’s turn, he’s the whole reason they had to start drawing their places at random. He spends so much time talking shit about everyone else’s music taste that by the time his turn rolls around half the group is ravenous, a pack of feral dogs snarling at a feast before them,  ready to give him a taste of his own medicine.
The earliest bits are the most boring. The strange emotion tags are always a little jarring, though no one is surprised when spooky makes its way onto Eddie’s. It’s a little concerning just how much time Eddie is clocking on Spotify, “Over 40,000 minutes, Eddie, that’s almost an entire month.”
“How come your math is never that quick when you’re adding up your damage, Henderson?”
And then Spotify helpfully announces that Eddie Munson's most played song of the year is Head Over Heels by Tears for fucking Fears, clocking in at 267 plays. 
It could go without saying that all hell then breaks loose, but then not saying it makes it sound like a regular amount of hell is breaking loose. And not the kind of hell that can only come from a room full of people who show their affection through ruthless teasing and mockery finding a massive hole in the armor of someone who had spent most of their friendship unassailable.
It’s mean. It’s targeted. It’s the standard brand of teasing that this group is built on.
It would be a lot funnier if Eddie, someone who is normally pretty good about taking the same kind of shit that he deals out, didn’t look like he wanted the floor to swallow him up.
The jokes all reach a logical end. The kids have a killer’s instinct when it comes to weakness, but they’re soft where it counts, and there’s not a joke in the world that’s still funny when it’s being laughed at instead of with.
And Steve, normally the first to tease Eddie about his dad rock playlist can’t think of a single thing to say that isn’t going to come out, “Why was your day with the most listens right after the weekend trip we took for my birthday?”
That wasn’t going to be, “Do you want this the way that I do?”
The rest of the reveal is standard, nearly 19 hours of playtime does put Tears for Fears in the 5th spot of Eddie’s Top Artists but no one comments on it. Steve doesn’t even make fun of Eddie for being the only person under 40 to still listen to Metallica.
Because he’s finally found something to say that isn’t going to come out, “Do you know someone else who only listens to new wave or do listen to that song and think about me?”
“I’m going next.” Eddie finally, finally, makes eye contact with him instead of staring out into the middle distance. Maybe his announcement does sound more like, ‘let me say it back.’
“Steve, you drew last. Nancy’s next.”
Nancy, who knows him uniquely. Knows him in a way that no one, except maybe Eddie one day, ever will. Nancy cuts through the bullshit decisively. “Steve can go next.”
“No appreciation for the rules, why do we even have them?”
Steve does not give a single shit about his wrapped outside of it being a source of amusement for his friends. His taste in music is as close to nonexistent as it gets and, really, if he’s going to listen to something he’s probably going to pick a book over music if he’s by himself.
Except this year.
The teasing is a little tamer now. Normally, Steve is happy to take the brunt of it. 
From Eddie picking at his lack of taste. “Pick a genre, Steve, god.” 
To the kids joining in because they want to impress Eddie, “Can you even listen to the playlist without getting whiplash? I Will Survive to Part of Your World, jeez.” Nevermind that they’re both basically power ballads, and Wheeler can mock but I Will Survive was the soundtrack to his break up with Nance and sometimes he wants to be both nostalgic and angry-sad. 
This year is quiet, like they’re worried they went too far with Eddie and now they’re afraid to take shots at their other favorite babysitter.
It’s fine. Steve has pretty much unfailingly had one song playing at any point anymore. Maybe it took him a little longer than April, but he knows without a doubt what his top song of the year is going to be.
Eddie takes the armchair for Wrapped nights, he’s the meanest normally and says he wants to be out of the direct line of fire of any noogies or Robin’s lethal elbows. It means Steve has to reach to kick the side of the chair to make sure Eddie is watching.
Rainbow in the Dark was Steve’s number one song this year with 171 plays.
And maybe it would be appropriate to say that all hell breaks loose once again. Steve wouldn’t really know, too busy staring at Eddie. He’s in the eye of the storm now, while chaos breaks out around him Steve can only wait to see how Eddie reacts.
Wonders if that pink blush is because Eddie realizes that the day he repeated it the most was right after he heard Eddie play it for the first time. Fell asleep to it playing on repeat, thinking about Eddie’s fingers and Eddie’s smile, drowning out the sounds of fireworks that still trigger panic.
"It makes me think of you," Eddie, brave and shy and only hiding part of his face behind his hair, answers the only question Steve needed answered.
"Yeah," he agrees, hoping it sounds less like a breathless demand for reassurance and more like, 'listening to this song all year was the closest I could get to imagining what it could be like having you.'
"Yeah." And Steve hears, 'I  still expect to be wined and dined, Harrington.' Maybe because it's the kind of silly request Eddie would make, or maybe he just likes giving the people he cares about everything he can.
"But seriously, Stevie, why the fuck is Careless Whisper in your top 5? It should be a crime for Dio and George Michael to be that close together."
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greenchrysanthemum20 · 3 months
Permanent Changes to Brain Chemistry (Or, This isn't the Genre you Think it is)
Hmmm, been thinking about Coffee Theory lately, and also the new wave of Aziraphale had a plan and was trying to communicate in Secret Code to Crowley but Crowley didn't get the part where it was in fact a code..... I have to wonder as someone who has been around the fandom block once or twice, I think both of these theories come from the same place: The Sherlock Hiatus. Yes, folks, we are in the new rendition of The Hiatus™. It feels weird to call it that, as Good Omens is not a show that regularly airs but that fact that we will be in a drought of Canon from August 2023 to 2026 at probably the soonest means that we are in fact in A Hiatus Season. Well, what the fuck does Sherlock have to do with Good Omens ??
I'm glad you asked! My New Thought of the week is that the Sherlock Hiatus permanently changed the brain chemistry on this website, or at least of fans of a certain stripe. Sherlock was a show that I obsessed over (rather late to the game, in 2017), and so did many others. With the cliffhanger of Sherlock's jump at the end of season 2, there was nothing for fans to do but theorize and theorize and theorize.
Sherlock was also a show that actively hated its queer legacy, and by extension, its fandom (looking at you, Steven Moffat). This is getting long so my point is, I think the off-beat super complex theories about GO and the final fifteen come from a place of being actively cat-fished by Sherlock, years ago. I mean, Sherlock S3E1 basically took all of fans' theories, tore them to shreds, spit on them, lit them on fire, and then presented it's own, Even More Crackpot theory as to how Sherlock survived??? The whiplash, maaaan.
So fans, having gone through All Of That, with Sherlock, have now come to almost expect mysteries in fannish shows to be overly complicated. And just, that isn't how Good Omens works?? Like, Neil and the rest of the cast and crew Do Love the fandom, and want to tell a story that is Doing Right by the fans. (Dottie and Sadie in Neil's asks are hard not to swing as the products of a good natured uncle winking and thumbing his nose at you). And second, I think these elaborate theories mistake the final fifteen as being part of a mystery show when in reality the final fifteen are part of a tragedy. Aziraphale is Hamlet. He is a tragic hero. We are to root for him, despite his flaws, or even because of them. It is because of Aziraphale's altruism that he makes the choices that he does. Altruism is Aziraphale's Hamartia, his tragic flaw.
He may be being played by Metatron, but because of who he is as a character, as a guardian and protector, Aziraphale cannot walk away from the chance to protect the earth and make things better in heaven without sacrificing a large part of his values and Who He Is. Metatron knows that Aziraphale is altruistic, as a constant, but that that altruism can be twisted and led astray.
In a tragedy, there is a point called Peripeteia, which means the point in which the tragic hero's flaw condemns them to a certain course of action. This is what we see Aziraphale go through in the final fifteen.
He is offered a choice, and he makes a choice, and in the end, it isn't a choice. Looking at GO through the lens of a tragedy, all of those statement can coexist, and they each have equal weight.
Crowley, on the other hand, is Orpheus. Don't look back. You are leaving, you are on your way out the door, you can sense her presence behind you. Don't look back. The cavern grows darker, the threat looms larger, you talk into the echoes, and every time you hear her reply, you cannot tell how far away she is from you. Don't look back.
You look back. You kiss him, furiously, in a bookshop. You have looked. She is taken from you. Crowley knew that that kiss was never going to have worked. But he needed to kiss Aziraphale anyway. He never could have told Aziraphale before the Metatron showed up that he loved him. (Can one blame Orpheus, for being a plaything to the muses?) (Can one escape a Hell that doesn't send Strongly Worded letters?)
You have to look. You have to love her. You have to let her know you love her, even as you cannot have her.
Obviously, Good Omens as a whole isn't a tragedy, but the final fifteen of Season 2 are one, and I think we have a lot to learn from treating them as such.
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revenge-of-the-shit · 11 months
Just watched Joy Ride (2023) and mixed thoughts.
Spoilers below!!
It was really, really refreshing to see East Asian women being portrayed as unapologetically raunchy and messy and terrible and fucked up. It's the first time I've seen a movie where they're NOT some out together socialite or kung fu badass or a fetishized dragon lady or delicate lotus flower. The characterization was well done and I felt like they were fleshed out pretty well, and it was a very sex-positive portrayal of East Asian women and it was done ENTIRELY without fetishizing them. It's a low bar to pass and the fact that this is the first movie I've seen that passes this bar is... depressing but it was very nice to see that they can be trashy and sexy and just be themselves.
It's the typical sort of humour you'd expect from an R-rated comedy. Not my sort of thing entirely, but I had some laughs for sure and some other reviewers thought it was hilarious.
I could tell that the film was indeed made by diaspora for diaspora. There were just so many little details sprinkled through the whole thing that I could recognize from lived experience
While the film certainly made some commentary on internalized racism, I felt like it never really followed through with exploring this theme, or that when it did, it was somewhat superficial and did not really fully address it. Same goes for exploring the theme of being in-between - something that's very, very central to diaspora - as well as the identity crisis evoked by a twist I admit I was surprised by. All of these, while they had the potential to be weaved more strongly into the film, were not really fully addressed - and while this is a comedy movie, the way that all these themes were set up as serious things to address led to a rather mediocre reaction to its execution.
The female gaze is generally very, very, very present for this film, which is once again rare to see in R-rated comedies with nudity and sex. None of the four friends are ever objectified as sex objects, and anything sexual is something they choose for their own pleasure. It's a very sex-positive take, again.
Sprinkles of queer Asian experience in there too, which is nice to see. I found Deadeye to be a very compelling character as I can relate to them in several levels, and it was really really nice to see queer Asians who can be awkward, be raunchy, be terrible, be unapologetic, a d just be human.
Plot was a typical comedy plot, so not revolutionary at all and with some plot holes, but it's a plot.
One more point under the cut with bigger spoilers but also CW: Mentions of SA.
Overall, I'd give it a 6.5 - 7/10. Not great, not bad. Could've been better. Some weird spots. But it sure is something, and I'm glad to see more Asian American rep all across different genres.
One of the biggest scenes that made me feel off was a scene where Stephanie Hsu's character, Kat, has a bag of coke up her ass, and it breaks. She freaks out because she feels it entering her system and it makes her, as she says, "very horny." At this point, she and the three others are in a hotel with a bunch of hot athletic Asian men who are friends with one of the MCs. One of the men, who's also Kat's ex, tries to hit on her and hook up with her, but she tries to reject him - she also tells him that she's engaged, which he is. He does not back off and he does not take her seriously. She runs off (to the gym). He follows.
While he definitely thinks she's sober (he has no idea she's on drugs), the rest of the gals, FULLY AWARE that Kat is completely drugged out of her mind and being hit on by someone she does not want to be with, decide to go their separate ways while wishing everyone a good time and to "have fun tonight". Nobody checks on Kat.
At that point in the film I was beginning to get extremely worried that they were going to play off a date rape-esque scenario as a humorous, joking one given how the entire tone of this scene was a humorous one.
At the end, they do not have sex, thank God.
The scene between them is indeed sexually charged. What happens is that she pulls a muscle when trying to work off the energy, and he uses a muscle blaster/massage gun on her back. He does not touch her without her asking him to, but she is still under the influence of drugs (which he doesn't know...but still...). She then grabs a basketball and puts it between her thighs, and he uses the massage gun on the basketball. Afterwards, she takes the gun and uses it on his balls, and apparently shatters his pelvis. Wow
This is never addressed afterwards, ever. The scene left me feeling rather confused and more uncomfortable than anything else in the entire movie. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but something about it was clanging bells in my head.
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meraki-yao · 4 months
thank you so much for your reply <3 i think grief is a good word to describe what i'm feeling. it might sound silly to some but the book has been one of my favourites since 2019 and the 'what could have been?' aspect of the movie's promotion devastates me bc the crew and the fans deserved more. i think im also a bit terrified of ppl moving on from rwrb to nick's other projects meanwhile i can't (and don't want to) do it, ugh it's just a mess of weird feelings and sadness and longing for something we've never had. not to mention how some people already talk about his new projects being upgrades from rwrb. that hurts me on so many levels bc henry is a complex and beautiful character, rwrb is a wonderful story and i genuinely think that even with all the changes they created something amazing.
Glad I could help <3
It's not silly at all. I'm in a similar position: if you've followed my blog you might have seen this but long story short my irl life is a bit fucked up and I was really, really depressed. (still kinda am) July and August, waiting and watching RWRB release became the happiest I've been since January 2022, and in the following months RWRB and the fandom (well, and my sister) nearly became my sole reason for hanging on. So trust me when I say I get the feeling.
I understand your fear, and I'd be lying if I say I wasn't afraid that the rwrb tag will be full of George instead of Alex and Henry, but please remember that liking something new doesn't necessarily always lead to leaving the previous fandom: I know for a fact that me and a couple of my mutuals are going do both. We're gonna be happy to watch M&G (personally not interested in the idea of you but the same applies) but we're still going to make RWRB content. M&G will be a great show but it won't have nearly the same emotional weight to me as RWRB. It's been five months, so those of us who hang around and are active are active for a good reason.
As for the comments about "upgrade", that's ridiculous and a very surface-level assessment. One of my best friends is studying to become an actress and we talk about acting often. Here's the thing: there isn't a thing called "easy" acting. Every genre of acting has its own challenges: for comedy many times you need to sacrifice your personal dignity; Sci-fi blockbusters you need to interact with nothing and make it look believable; even for things like kid shows you need to be hyperactive so the kids can focus and find it entertaining, which can be so draining. M&G is a historical thriller, TIOY is a romance, and RWRB is a rom-com. These are three different film genres, and each set out to achieve different things. For example in terms of relationships: TIOY needs to make the romance believable, RWRB needs to make the romance believe, funny, and be a fair representation of a queer relationship, and for M&G if history serves there's no "true love" relationship at all. You're right: Henry's a complex and beautiful character, and Nick clearly put all his heart into him. But you cannot take Henry's layers of grief, love, fear, and self-esteem, and say it is lesser than Geroge's cold ambition. Funnily enough, while Henry is so careful with his power as the prince, George rose to the same if not a higher level of power and abused it so badly, that it caused his assassination and downfall. A well-written character is ultimately, a human being, and there isn't truly a human being who's "easy to be". So don't listen to those haters.
I'm all ears if you still want to talk <3
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dracothelizard · 7 months
I asked about a different one before but can you tell us about the Selfpub AU please?
I've been self-publishing erotica and romance novellas and novels if 60K counts as a novel sine 2013. I have several opinions on self-publishing in this genre. (There is a reason why I made Ed and Lucius self-publishers in my phone sex AU :D)
The concept of 'Ed is an experienced big name in his chosen career, Stede is a newbie who has dreamed about it for a long time and does weird shit' fits many modern AU concepts, but I think it fits self-publishing pretty well, because it's competitive and outside of the rules and traditions of traditional publishing. (And also, traditional publishing has barriers to non-white and/or queer people while those barriers are lower in self-publishing)
Ed as a Big Name Author in his genre with Izzy as his longterm co-author/editor/PR person, but also Ed is bored AF of writing the same tropey story book after book, because it's what his readers expect and readers get pissed if you deviate from genre expectations. People buy his books anyway! He hardly even needs to be there!
Stede, meanwhile, is an enthusiastic self-publishing newbie who makes all the classic mistakes, including but not limited to spending $$$ on a cover that is very pretty but completely wrong for his genre.
And then Ed and Stede meet and shenanigans and falling in love ensues, obv.
And also obviously, the rest of the Revenge crew is also involved in self-publishing somehow, with Lucius voicing several of my frustrations like 'get a fucking menage category, Amazon, stop letting the FFM writers clog up the lesbian erotica/romance categories'.
Excerpt where Ed is boggled by Stede's cover and blurb choices:
This cover, though, looks fine. A full moon over the open sea, a ship in the background and a shirtless, suitably hunky guy gazing moodily at the reader. It’s not a spectacular cover, but all the necessary elements are there and the title and author’s name are in a legible font. Whoever Autumn Arthurs is, they’re already ahead of a lot of other authors.
Sea Dogs isn’t a great title, but it gets the point across. Werewolves at sea, or by the coast. The hero is probably the standard ex-Marine with some psychological wounds for the heroine to heal while he saves her from some terrible situation or a villain.
Then Ed reads the blurb.
There is zero mention of werewolves or sad ex-Marines.
There are, however, pirates.
The blurb is far too long, but Ed still isn’t sure what the book is about. There’s a battle against the British, but the next paragraph mentions the Spanish. Names of different crew members are sprinkled throughout the blurb, and there’s at least eight of them.
Ed scrolls down to the four reviews, but while they give Sea Dogs four stars, the reviews are also confused by the plot, with one of them asking what happened to the werewolf pack from the previous book. A couple more clicks take Ed to the series’ page, Gentleman Pack, which is a terrible series name.
The first two books have a sunny, clear sky over the woods and cheerful-looking shirtless guys. Both blurbs mention wolf shifters and rival packs.
That does explain the surprise at the werewolf pack suddenly being gone in Sea Dogs.
It explains nothing about Autumn Arthurs’s decisions regarding their covers, or why they switched to a pirate adventure mid-series.
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islandsaoirse · 2 months
I think the current retro game revivalism movement is so much stronger than say the one that spawned the AVGN because it’s not based on nostalgia? A lot of “retro game” content is very much leaning towards a demographic that does remember the games and looks upon them with rose tinted glasses. This still exists however I also see many young people picking up traditionally arcade genres, genres that faded almost entirely from the mainstream.
Specially in a time where a lot of big titles trend towards being The Game You Play Forever. I think we have seen a shift in attitude becquse it was not so long ago we had memes of kids not *getting* Pac-Man “oh it’s the same level always?” not really getting the point system, or kids playing a beat ‘Em up and mashing and getting bored. But now I see more queer and more autistic people delving into these arcade titles and understanding the math and storytelling that made them infinitely replayable?
Look at the fighting game resurgence or people being *excited* about the Gungeon Rail Shooter in 2024. It’s clear to me that there’s something brewing in this scene. That it’s not just “X generation looks back upon the games they grew up with”
There’s things to do with the queer people finding solace in locals and being able to test so many games, ideas of the High Score being something that *is* fun to achieve. Arcade Game Design has been almost entirely been reclaimed by the communities and people I love!
And I think it’s because these games refuse to *just be consumed*. Specially when you look at modern arcade releases, a lot of quarter guzzling is gone, but the subtle nudge at there being more going on under the hood is still there. Beyond that how these games run on…anything. You have a formula for people who may not have the best equipment to both play AND create. Don’t like the rules of the game? Savestate, boot up one of probably 20+ revisions of the same game! You’re not cheating, once you buy into the idea that the “mindless button mash” had thought and soul out into its design you have a fucking buffet of options for *every* *single* *game* you decide to try. By just pressing Q on your keyboard you’re adding another credit, something 90s kids would’ve *begged* and *cried* for.
These games want you to rethink how you think of play. The words to describe how they’re good are so distinct from so much of videogame and boardgame you have to relearn so much, but it’s so worth it. Some of my ttrpg friends who I’ve gotten into genres here have started thinking like “oh I really like this ttrpg, I really like this videogame, and I really like this fighting game” AS A SEPARATE CATEGORY OF GAME LIKE ISNT THAT SO FUCKING COOL?!
Games Good and they’re still coming out and innovating in the underground btw go to your fighting game local and see what weird ass games people are playing. I’ll personally reccomend to play the latest DoDonPachi game, those are always really solid, so worth analyzing and exemplary of the thesis of this post tbh.
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Hi........if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hey! Sure, I can do that.
In comparison to the big amount of ships I have I only have a handful I'm actually super serious about. So here are a few I like:
Merthur (Merlin + Arthur) from BBC Merlin: This goddamn kids show still has me deep in my feels after all this time. They're doing things to me. It's so sad that the series didn't get the treatment it needed and deserved because it was just for children. It had so much potential! The mutual trust and protection between the two is *chef's kiss*. They're soulmates in the most literal sense and belong together, are canonically destined to be with each other. What more do I need to say? And still, they're not canon. Unbelievable.
Andreil (Andrew + Neil) from the aftg trilogy: they have a super interesting, thrilling story, both the plot of the book and their relationship are fascinatingly fucked up and it draws you in. Despite their many issues and their rocky start they do have a really healthy relationship based on mutual trust, support and protection. I also like the imagine where we add Kevin and make it a throuple.
Mikayuu (Mikaela + Yuichiro) from Owari no Seraph: They're not canon but if they don't get together at this point it'd literally be unspeakably disrespectful because the way they act is so romantic, I've never seen a non-canon couple be so obviously in love. This is the most blatant queer baiting I've ever witnessed. Anyways, you could argue that they have a reason for their feelings, meaning that they're not genuine and only fabricated emotions, but idc, they're still obsessed with each other. Just because they have a reason for feeling the way they do doesn't mean that it's not genuine. Literally made for each other. The other characters also notice their fixation on one another.
Hualian (Hua Cheng + Xie Lian) from tgcf/ heaven official's blessing: I literally just finished this book series and already love them so much. It's a tragic and comedic story at the same time. I love when those genres are well balanced so that one doesn't destroy the other. They have their weird moments, like Hua Cheng being a little bit of a creepy stalker, which is why at some point I was slightly intimidated by him and completely understand why the side characters were terrified of him, but we know he's a great person and would never deliberately do anything harmful. They have a healthy relationship and as you may have noticed that's a really important aspect to me. BUT I do love angst and that's why beefleaf (He Xuan + Shi Qingxuan) from the same franchise are very dear to me as well, even though they wouldn't make a healthy couple.
Kanej (Kaz + Inej) from Six of Crows: badass characters that make me so emotional istg. But they make a power couple like no other. We stan the queen and the king. Again, a healthy couple, even though they're murderers. I just love how profound their relationship is. It isn't easy to cope with that kind of trauma and still want to be together. Also, the other two ships from soc are amazing as well.
Patrochilles (Patroclus + Achilles) from The Iliad: the OG gays. This story takes place 3200 years ago and it still makes me lose my mind when I think about it.
Caitvi (Caitlyn + Vi) from Arcane: I love their dynamic. They are both so cool in their own ways. And I have the biggest crush on Vi. I'm so impressed with this show tbh.
Yumihisu (Ymir + Historia) from Attack on Titan: Although aot/snk doesn't focus on romance at all and I like it that way, I do really like these two and I wish they could've gotten a chance.
Renga (Reki + Langa) and Matchablossom (Joe + Cherry) from SK8 the Infinity: Both are great ships respectively. The whole show is just for shipping and I love it.
Honourable mention: Khunbam (Khun + Baam) from Tower of God: I love colour coded relationships, they're kinda blue and red like Renga and Merthur. It's just funny to me that they don't romantically care about anyone else and their friendship is so intimate, at least from Khun's side, and while I don't think that they're ever gonna be a couple, it'd certainly be funny if the creator just pulled a gay trap on the readers. Reel them in with a battle based shonen webtoon and some straight baiting and then boom actually it's been setting up the queer ship all along. Oh how I'd laugh.
Honourable mention 2: Yoonmin (Yoongi + Jimin) from BTS: I'm sorry. It's just that I loved this ship when I still went to school. I hyperfixated on them because I needed something to obsess over to distract myself from my crippling depression. I don't normally ship real people because I don't want to make them uncomfortable, it's just for fun or as a joke. I am not serious about them, I just projected ship dynamics like grumpy + sunshine onto them and it brought me great joy. I even wrote a ff au when I was 14. Oh heavens, I have sinned.
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ghostbrawl · 3 months
sorry if you didnt want a legitimate answer but on that queer media poll- ive never seen black sails and i dunno what it is, but it doesn make sense that homestuck is on it. its not as classic nor actually queer-centric as everything else on the list. its very recent and appealed largely to a younger generation, its not as mature nor thought out, and again being queer is just a thing it is, not one of the /main/ things, all of which makes it weird sitting next to things like pink flamingos and dykes to watch out for, things made specifically by and for queer people.
thing is, this is tumblr, this was Thee main place for Homestuck especially as it was first coming out. its just 'queer media', no measurements of how serious, or how queer, or before what year or whatever, so if course it'll end up in the finals, this is the Homestuck website. (and the 'media illiteracy' website or whatever, i think those jokes are stupid but at the same tame nearly everyone on tumblr would benefit from reading 1 nonfiction book at some point or another)
not to mention "best piece of queer media" is such a non descriptor. best means absolutely nothing, steven universe was going up against hannibal- queer isnt a genre, and thats how you end up with two literally incomparable things being compared. im half convinced the whole tournament itself exists just to piss people off, and thats how you get half the website voting for homestuck, which they grew up with and genuinely love, and half wondering why the fuck they have to see homestuck compared to the watermelon woman and asked which is "better"
no, that's fine haha i did kind of know "why" homestuck was in this poll - i just didn't know why it was in a *group* poll in which several medias fight against one another 😭😭. ive been watching this poll progress rather detachedly from my dash and my roommates complaining about it, and ive taken relatively no issue with homestuck being in the poll up until the showdown hahaha. OH HOLD ON i just realized thats the finals poll??? goddamn???? why did they stage it like that
anyway u don't have to tell me that tumblr is the homestuck website 😭😭😭 i was there in those trenches since 2014
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munsontm · 1 year
Tumblr media
'my most significant influence is just real life.' A candid discussion with Corroded Coffin frontman Eddie Munson. Gerri Miller.
Metal Edge, 8th March 1991.
On the fifth of February, 1991, Corroded Coffin, a four-piece heavy metal band from Hawkin's Indiana, a rural town rife with tragedy and mystery, made Grammy and music history by being not only the first of the genre to win album of the year but said album also happened to be their debut. The album in question, entitled Stranger Things, is being hailed all over the country as a truly original and thought-provoking journey with a multitude of themes contained in a fantastical and, frequently, dark world narrative. I caught up with the band's frontman, Eddie Munson, in hopes of learning more about the mysterious and polarising figure who shot for the stars on his first try and made it all the way to the moon.
It was a rare rainy morning in downtown LA when I met Eddie at The Beverly Hills Hotel. He told me he'd have preferred to meet at Starbucks or something, but management insisted on somewhere 'fancy' in his words. There's not a shred of his theatrical stage wear or make-up to be seen except for chipped black polish on his nails. He's dressed down in stonewash jeans, a black vest, and a red plaid shirt complete with Nike sneakers that he tells me aren't his. Eddie offered me a cigarette once we got comfortable in the hotel bar, and I felt struck by the disarming power of his smile. I couldn't say no to him, and apparently, neither can America.
How's it going, Eddie?
Eddie: Yeah, you know. Pretty good. This hotel is weird, though, right?
You don't like it?
Eddie: Ehh...it's just kinda snobby for my tastes. It's not very me, I guess. And it's not what I'd like Corroded Coffin to be associated with. None of us come from money, and neither do our fans. We're a band for the 99%, and we're determined to stay true to that. I think I'd straight up quit music if someone told me that Bush liked our tunes.
You're not a fan of the president, then?
Eddie: Dude, what do you think? I grew up with Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan, each more useless than the last, and determined to keep up the status quo of anti-queer, pro-guns, and the nuclear family. That's all they do, like glorified caretakers, I guess. People bitch about change, but they still keep voting for the same two dumb fucks every single time. Where's the progression? It ain't there, man.
Anti-queer, anti-guns and the nuclear family are pretty polarising subjects. How do you feel when people in the industry label you as a polarising figure?
Eddie: I fucking love it. I knew years ago that if we ever made it big, people were gonna hate us. I've always been loud and weird and annoying, never knowing when to shut my mouth. But I'm at peace with it, proud even. Yeah, I'm queer. Freddie (Mercury) doesn't hide it. Why should I? Yeah, I'm pro-feminism, anti-government, anti-society, an atheist, anti-guns, pro-abortion, and pro-drugs. Whatever has been said about me in pro and anti-contexts is probably all true. I'm the antichrist to the normie Americans, and that makes me giggle at night. Let them be mad about it and live in fear of the other for once.
People back in my very conservative hometown hated me, too, because I was different and poor. It's no different from that, and I'm not scared about it anymore, like when I was that kid in Hawkins. The difference now is that there are people out there who like my big mouth. There are freaks all over the country who are just like me. It's pretty fucking cool.
Those are some pretty brave statements to make.
Eddie: Nah. Lots of them are already there on the album. I've never been shy about any of 'em, even when meatheads at our gigs decide to throw bottles at us and act like little bitches. Go watch Axel Rose if you want some fresh bigotry with your metal. Although, is it even really a metal concert if someone doesn't throw something at you? The answer is no. The point is that the stage and the studio are my space to say what I want and then reach other people with the same thinking. I'm not going to stop doing that ever.
What's your private life currently like?
Eddie: Private. Next.
You're very secretive about that part of your life, aren't you?
Eddie: Yeah. Cus, like I said, bigots exist. I might like to suck both dick and eat pussy, and be okay with admitting that to the world. But I'm not stupid enough to give away my private life details where any creep can read them. Can we move on now? [This next part was originally redacted by Eddie, but then he changed his mind.] Still, my partner could be the shit outta any phobe. They fought a bear once and won...more than once.
Sure, Eddie. What first got you into music?
Eddie: I think the first time music really crawled inside my brain was when I heard All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix on the radio one summer. Mmm, I can't remember if I was four or five, but it was around then. It wasn't even about the lyrics. I didn't learn what they were until later. It was the guitar work that blew my tiny baby mind to somewhere else, maybe another plane of existence, albeit temporarily, so unfortunate. But I couldn't get that raw sound out of my mind, and I became instantly addicted, looking for similar sounds everywhere. I'd heard guitars playing before, but never like that. Never that level of genius. It kinda made me wanna cry with the emotions it brought out of me because I grew up in an environment where emotions weren't allowed if you were a boy. Jimi gave me my first outlet, and I'll be eternally grateful for that. Rest in peace, dude.
Is that what music is for you, an expression of yourself?
Eddie: Well, yeah. Music is part of who I am. Even when it's not a personal expression of myself, it's still an expression of my beliefs and ideals. Music is art; music is political and radical. But I also can't deny there's plenty of very personal shit in my lyrics. The day I write a fluff song is the day I'll have officially lost my marbles.
Who inspired you to make music?
Eddie: Haha, I'm pretty sure this is the most well-known fact about me, which is my boner for Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne. In 1972, Children Of The Grave was released, and I was lucky enough to see it performed live on TV. If Christ were real, that moment would have been my coming of Christ. I was like eight then, so the lyrics mattered more. But Ozzy himself was like a fantastic madman, and no one was doing it like him. He just didn't and still doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks of him. I admire that so much, and I strived to be like that, too, for as long as I can remember. Not giving a shit was my shield in high school. People were afraid of that, that I didn't follow the rules or pretend to be good as gold. Yeah, it invited trouble, too, being loud and annoying. But it felt great at the same time.
How would you describe the music that you typically create? What are your influences?
Eddie: Uhh, if you wanna talk genres, then I guess I'd describe it as horror or fantasy metal. I wouldn't want to be described as your average metal band. That'd be the freaking worst. Many of my influences come from Dungeons & Dragons, Heavy Metal (the science-fiction and fantasy magazine/comic), and Lord of The Rings. But then you got literary influence from Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, Mary Shelley, and H.P. Lovecraft.
But I guess my most significant influence is just real life. Take real life and smash it together with all the aforementioned shit. Things get crazy pretty quickly. I've been able to channel a lot of the bad things that happened in my life through those things, and apparently, I'm not the only one that likes it. Although, my dad probably hates that I'm getting rich from what a cunt he is. But I love it.
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Eddie: Ozzy Osbourne, of course. But there's also DIO too. Slayer would be sweet too—ugh, and Judas Priest. Basically, there are too many potentials to pick from, and I'm indecisive, so I don't think I should be allowed to pick in any realistic context. Gare and Jeff can deal.
What is one message you would give to your fans.
Eddie: First of all, I love them very much. Each and every single one of them made Corroded Coffin possible. Artists are nothing without their fans. Right from the three drunks back in Hawkin's to the dude who flashed his pink nipple tassels at me during every indie gig, he's awesome. We wouldn't be here without them. I hope they continue supporting our madness and being just as mad themselves. The world always needs more freaks in it.
What is the most useless talent you have?
Eddie: I can tuck my dick and balls back and do Gonzo impersonations with em'. Just draw some eyes on my guys, and wiggle it all about. It's a great party trick. But I'm not allowed to show it to anyone because that's embarrassing, according to my partner. And I can quote Lord of The Rings by page number, depending on the edition. Though people in my circle consider that to be pretty cool, just saying.
Do you sing in the shower? What songs?
Eddie: Man, all I do is sing around the house. It drives the neighbours fucking nuts. Fortunately, my partner is fully endeared by it. But I usually sing what comes to mind or whatever trash is on the radio. There's a WHAM song stuck in my head right now, and I hate it. Fully hate it. I want to make it stop.
What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?
Eddie: Honestly, I don't even wanna think about it. Music is all I ever wanted to do. Considering something else was never an option for me.
What's a typical day like for you?
Eddie: I have to be dragged out of bed wherever I'm sleeping. Whether it's at home, the studio, or in a hotel. I'm not a morning person, and it's a lucky day if I manage to hit the toilet rim without a cup of coffee in me. After that, I'm usually writing for most of the day, right now, until my partner makes me eat and take a chill pill. There are also lots of scheduled interviews and shoots going on, what with the Grammy win and all. I'm not used to such hectic schedules, so it's been completely nuts as of late. I only get around four hours of sleep, and that sucks. But it's just part of the job.
What is your favourite song to perform?
Eddie: Fuck. I hate this question because I can never answer it the straightforward way. There isn't one song to beat all, but it's usually a tie between Red and Sword and Shield. They're my magnum opus, at least for now. Because as a musician, I always strive to outdo my last song.
Why those two songs, what do they mean to you?
Eddie: Red is just a sick tune, ya know? I took inspiration from a person in my life, a kid who used to live in the same trailer park as me. She's probably one of the bravest people I've ever met, and my batshit brain couldn't let go of the idea of making a song about her bravery. If it wasn't for them, myself and many others wouldn't have made it out of the Hawkin's earthquake alive. That's why Red is so bassy and riffy, and Gareth even broke a fair couple of sticks while we were recording—the musical energy needed to match her intensity and what she went through to help people. Women's heroics ain't recognised enough in any media, so it was a no-brainer to me to include her story as part of Stranger Thing's overall journey.
As for Sword and Shield, that's way more personal. The context behind that changed my life. It's about two people casting aside preconceptions of one another and fighting their inner demons together cus I found out around the time of writing it that you can't do that alone; fight your inner demons and get past your past. And yeah, there's a splash of homoerotica; sue me. It's one of the...no. It's the only balladesque song on the album cus it's the only balladesque song I've ever written. Most of the music for Sword and Shield was me and a guitar; everyone else is a more subtle background, I guess. It needed to be like that. I needed it to be a private experience for me and my sword.
Your sword?
Eddie: Yup. Next question.
What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into
Eddie: Aw, c'mon. Do ya'll really gotta bring it up in every interview? Every goddamn tabloid in the country went off about it. Murder accusations and Satanic worship, which were all overwhelmingly disproven. The state even apologised to me. I'm done talking about that part of my life.
Apologies, Eddie. You're right. What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Eddie: Smooth recovery, buddy. Alright. I've had plenty of decent advice from people like Ozzy, Doro, Dio, and Dave Mustaine. Lots of D's, for some reason. But, I think my Uncle Wayne probably gave me the best life advice, which was always to be myself. Never pretend to be someone you're not, even when it's hard. He told me that when I was thirteen, and I've always stuck by it. What you see is what you get. I don't have a stage persona like a lot of people do. It's all just me. I don't think I'd be able to handle this kinda life if I had to pretend to be someone else, ya know? Being true to myself and my vision is what has gotten me here, that and my boys, my fellow losers and freaks.
If you could change anything about the metal industry, what would it be?
Eddie: Well, shit. That's a loaded question, and it's gonna get one of those so-called controversial replies that I always apparently have. There are not enough women in this industry, at least not in the American mainstream, aside from Doro, and she takes a lot of shit. Bands like Girlschool, Black Knight, Messiah Force, and Rock Goddess, they're all absolutely badasses, who are just as good, if not better, than many of their male contemporaries. Man Metal, let's call it that for a moment, has way too many tunes about sexualising cars and having sex with women and boohooing about our drug problems. It's all repetitive, gets boring, is boring.
I think heavy metal should be more of an open genre. Manufactured pop music always has centre stage in the music industry, sadly. But rock 'n roll is about rebellion and doing what society doesn't deem normal. Why is the heavy-metal movement just entrenched in working-class dudes? Bearing in mind I am one of those dudes. We've got more in common with the many marginalised groups in this country, mainly that the government hates us, instead of the upper classes who use pop culture, music included, to promote the fake American Dream. If we could all come together under the power of rock 'n roll. I think beautiful things could happen. We could have a revolution.
What do you think are the chances of such a grand scale thing happening?
Eddie: Uhh, pretty much zero.
What’s next for you?
I'll be writing Corroded Coffin's next album while on a national tour that I think is being announced next week. I can't remember. Maybe I wasn't supposed to talk about that. Oh, well. Surprise! I've also been asked to pose for Playgirl, which is fucking wild. I didn't see that coming in a million years.
What? Like full frontal?
Eddie: God, I fucking hope so. The pearl clutching will be spectacular.
Corroded Coffins album, Stranger Things, is out now via Mercury Records.
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