#THE ultimate love of my life
jkvjimin · 2 months
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lights jk ♡
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gatorgrumbles · 10 days
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More pickles for my soul
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merrysithmas · 9 months
when ppl see this & this, directed by the same person, and think the narrative is "anakin is evil" not "anakin is a steward of the balance, a force demi god, as was foretold on Mortis" 😂
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rakiah · 2 months
LeoVil will be that one celebrity couple that every tabloid believes will divorce in less than 5 years but turn out to be the only one that actually fulfills "till death do us part" bit.
Actually, no. Not even death. They're gonna be 85+, cuddling together as they admire the sunset. The decide to take a nap before dinner and just don't wake up.
Cheke helps see to their funeral. They're buried together in an Afterglow equivalent of the Taj Mahal, a symbol of gratitude for all they did for the kingdom and a monument to their love that not even death could touch.
How dare you come into my house and make me sob like a child... I’m living for that LeoVil headcanon [clenched fist] I do believe in the strength of their alchemy yes and everyone needs to know it! 😤
But, the Cheka part… Damn, my heart aaaa ; ;
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vcrnons · 9 months
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[17:terview] EP. VERNON : 'Black Eye'.
bonus (see: gifs you can hear) :
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noecoded · 7 months
i dont know anything about obey me but the way you and ttvck draw that pink hair girl named asmo is so pretty and cute and sweet aaaaa shes so gender to me i love her so much <333
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mr president . the general public is starting to believe asmo is a girl
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patroclusdefencesquad · 11 months
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ma'am. i am on my KNEES
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iamhereinthebg · 11 months
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I love them all very much
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dollypopup · 5 months
'colin needs to grovel' 'colin should suffer' 'pen can't let him off easy'
please, his mother in law is about to be PORTIA, doesn't the man have enough curses in his life?
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Joyce staying at the cabin with Hopper and El to keep them safe bc no one in Hawkins knows they’re alive. Will, Jonathan and Argyle staying at the Wheeler's bc they have more room and presumably aren't in danger like the others.
OH WAIT there's a witch hunt for the Hellfire club, which means all the boys are in danger from the townspeople. OH WAIT the boy who came back to life has returned from the West, the same boy whose assumed death jumpstarted this small town's curse in the first place! The same boy who apparently everyone and their fathers knew was gay...
+ Time jump early somewhere in between.
Now picture how that would look in an 8 episode story format, leading up to a final battle lasting about 2+ hrs, and that's loosely how s5 is gonna go down.
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bal0neysandwich · 9 months
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I drew this little character compilation on twitter like three months ago so it’s kinda old… i decided to repost it today cause it’s my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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unluckyprime · 1 year
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THE LIKELYS ⁉️⁉️☎️📚⭐️
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somewhereperhaps · 30 days
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I love them. I think it's the aloof character who has a soft spot for a dork trope.
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marcmorrigan · 2 months
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According to the artist, when it was suggested that a smile might benefit the look of the finished portrait, Attaché Nohell reportedly replied, "I thought the purpose of this was to be honest."
Super fun commission of @waterloggedsoliloquy's OC Sicely Nohell (they/them) and their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad lusus figure Commanding Officer.
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Long post but I feel like a recurring theme in s1 is how Rose is representative of humanity itself
You’ve got the set up in episode 1 of her home/family/Earth life, her convo with Cassandra about how she’s actually the last human, the good empathetic side of her desperate to help Gwyneth, the domestics in the Slitheen episodes, the ESSAYS you can write on how the Dalek said her touch gave it life (hello Bad Wolf parallel! and not to mention the parallel between this and the Dalek Sec two-parter...), the difference between who she is as a companion vs Adam (honestly the parallel between Adam and Cassandra here too   👀 ), the very human selfish quality she shows in saving her dad
and then to have s2 take a deep dive into how attached the Doctor is to her, how he imprinted really, the I BELIEVE IN HER of it all...makes s3/s4 so powerful when you realize he didn’t just lose her but his "humanity” as well
He’s described as alien in s3 and s4 so often and it’s yet another reason as to why I really love the RTD era so much, it’s like every episode after Rose is hitting you over the head with the message that Doctor=alien when he’s yearning so much to be human aka with Rose
Donna immediately referring to him as Spaceman/a Martian, the emphasis in his first episode with Martha as to how he’s not human, how the Doctor is a puzzle for both Martha and Shakespeare, the reminder from Martha again in Gridlock that he’s a Time Lord, Tallulah and Martha’s convo about how he’s different plus Martha asking him if he’s some sort of Dalek (this parallel vs Nine pointing the gun at Rose 😭), the entire conversation with Lazarus about immortality, the Human Nature two-parter is very overt about this with the way the Doctor is described to John Smith by Latimer/Martha and to Joan by Martha, the entire s3 finale hinges on this alienness/being a Time Lord, 
his speech to the passengers in “Voyage of the Damned”, the “burden of a Time Lord” in Pompeii plus the soothsayer naming him as a Lord of Time/son of Gallifrey, Rattigan and the Sontaran talking about the Doctor being an alien, his entire speech to Jenny about what it is to be a Time Lord, how it’s his alienness that pushes the passengers towards suspicion of him in “Midnight”
It’s just like a never ending stream of labeling the Doctor as an alien, a Time Lord, an “other” and to have it come around in the end so beautifully with “I'm part human. Specifically, the aging part. I'll grow old and never regenerate. I've only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you, if you want.”
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cladestruction · 9 months
i do think Nathan and Pickles would be the kind of dudes to say "we're not a couple! that's gay and we ain't gay!" while actively holding hands and wearing matching rings and going everywhere together
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