dodomingo · 2 years
I know everyone hates Reaper's Runners but I think the only worse part of SoT is the Official Discord Moderators lmao
correction: """"'Rare Community Managers""""""
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imnotyetfound · 2 days
Subtle Five/Lila things I appreciated
The constant eye contact
Lila's relief when Five returned
Their in-sync blinking and strategizing against the Cleanse
Lila holding on to Five's arm as they walked back to her house
Five's small brush over Lila's fingers as they held hands at the end
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I am absolutely OBSESSED with the Imperator breed I would be so grateful for any scrap of info you wish to spare 🙏🙏🙏 Atrocitas is GORGEOUS
Thank you!!! And trust me if I weren't working 12-hour shifts I'd have already posted a full ref sheet alongside the roi-de-vitesse one 😔
But i can share some notes for now
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Additional note: their breed name comes from the shape of their tail featuring a leaf-shaped blade resembling the spear used by soldiers during the early Roman Republic
Also their classification of heavyweight is based on Roman era standards and for a good portion of the early middle ages when dragons were smaller. In the modern era (at the time of Skies over Jura and canon Temeraire) they're comparable to a large middleweight
Here's some concept art that's already slightly outdated but I haven't managed to draw more yet
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faofinn · 7 months
A question.
We're in a situation where there is no more Fao and Finn.
Shiv has left, taking Fao and Ely (epoch's, but too much to talk to both of us), and leaving all our fics frozen still.
As mentioned previously, you can find shiv on ao3, but all of my work has only ever been on here.
Would people be interested in a rewritten situation where the Daniels etc remain (but without Fao obv)? Fao left in prev works but removed from future? Leaving the blog frozen with no changes or additions? Completely new characters on a new blog that has zero to do with the boys?
If anyone has any tips etc, they'd be appreciated.
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elucubrare · 2 months
“He’s not a pirate, Magister,” Syret said when they’d reached their office. “What grounds do you have for that assertion?” “Well,” Syret began, and stopped. “You think he’s not a pirate because that’s the kind of thing that happens in a melodrama. And yet, if you’d care to examine the facts —“ “The only fact you have is that he’s from Leydask,” Syret rejoined, scoffing. “He’s from Leydask, he departs on secret errands, he doesn’t give a residence, he never goes home, he never entertains compatriots. And he ‘made a fortune in shipping’.” “I admit,” Syret said, “it’s not outside the realm of possibility. But come, Magister, you must know that there are a hundred other more likely explanations.” “Name them,” the Magister invited. Syret drew breath. “And ‘he’s a smuggler’ isn’t meaningfully different.”
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snekdood · 3 months
anti theists will really be like "psh, religion is the problem. look at this map of earth where basically all the countries on it are religious. this is surely the best metric to judge this by" idk bud maybe we should wait until more countries are more athiestic and then you can make your sick dunk if its true. we've only just recently started diverging from religious thought, dontcha think you're a lil too eager there? give it a couple decades or maybe even centuries and then we can have a more conclusive answer
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no mothposting tonight, gonna go pick up my friend from the airport. i hope everyone has a happy new year :D
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cecelovesrats · 1 year
my art block has lasted for so long i think it's time to dust of the warriors ocs. the murder cats have never wronged me before
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monstrsball · 11 months
the amount of people from my high school graduating class who are married is frankly concerning (it's really not)
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starscreamingg · 4 months
Trying to write one sentence in Na'vi. Too afraid to talk to people about Na'vi. My grammatical mistakes outnumber the people on this earth.
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astralazuli · 1 year
I collect divination card decks. Not obsessively, not in huge quantities, but I do have a couple different tarots & a few oracle decks that I swap between depending on what info I'm looking for & which deck calls to me on a given day.
My favourite deck is a set of Tarot Mucha (a bit of a misleading name; there is no Mucha art in it, it's all Mucha inspired). There's just something about this deck's vibe that calls to me more than the other ones.
This deck is also a right bitch. Like real tough love kinda shit. Pretty much any time I feel called to do a reading with it, it just hands me my entire ass & tells me to do better.
& it's not just me. Three years ago, I felt compelled to do readings for my Birdfriend & Bestie as well (they both consented/asked for these readings), & it succinctly told Birdfriend that if they wanted a better life they had to take a step in the right direction instead of wallowing, & told Bestie that they needed to get over their shit & accept that they were lovable & that then good love would come their way. I have no recollection of what it told me that time.
(Birdfriend now has two semesters left of their degree in web design, a field they love, & Bestie is engaged to the most lovely person & finally has the healthy polyam relationship they wanted.)
Anyway, last night I suddenly felt a strong need to do a reading with this deck. I've been going through a personal journey of realizing that I might be inclined to polyamory & also realizing that I definitely have a crush on a friend, & thought that the cards could offer guidance.
Yeah, well, I don't know what I expected, but the cards basically told me to shit down, shut up, & deal with my self-esteem shit, or everything was going to blow up in my face.
So I reshuffled & did another reading. & you know what? It started to detail all the ways everything was going to blow up in my face if I didn't course correct.
& like. It wasn't anything I didn't know already, but damn. The cards really just fucking called me out & drove the point home.
I don't know what the point of this post is beyond I love my incredibly no nonsense art nouveau tarot deck.
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ghostlygravekeeper · 7 months
Are they someone I should already know? Or someone entirely different?
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shiroselia · 1 year
Transed gender and upped age?! In this economy???
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mikesbasementbeets · 2 years
can't stop thinking about the alleged "time jump" now.... i'm trying to find the actual source of the widespread idea that there will be a several year time jump after the first two episodes... and from everything i can find it's like 99% fan speculation. there is ONE quote from ross duffer that is the only source every other article refers to as "confirming" the time jump in season 5 and it's this:
At least one aspect of Season 5 does sound like it’s written in stone. Given how quickly the show’s young leads are growing up, “I’m sure we will do a time jump,” says Ross. “Ideally, we’d have shot [Seasons 4 and 5] back to back, but there was just no feasible way to do that.
“So these are all discussions we’re going to have with our writers when we start the room up,” he continues. “Believe it or not, we’re still working on Season 4. We’re trying to finish the final two episodes, they’re so massive.”
... that's it. outside of that one incomplete and otherwise paraphrased quote, i can't find any other time or place they've mentioned it (please lmk and link if you find another direct quote on this anywhere else... istg i've watched a video of this interview but i can't find it anywhere).
what they have talked about in several places is the fact that they expect season 5 to be shorter than season 4, specifically because it won't require the same amount of build up that season 4 had (.............due in large part to the time jumps bwteen seasons......)
referring to season 5 in this the wrap interview:
Matt Duffer: They’re going from the beginning. There’s going to be less ramp up. And I think people will understand what I’m talking about when they see the end of this season. It’s like, we’re just going.
Ross Duffer: Yeah. Normally it’s like, oh, we get to revisit the characters in their normal lives and how they’re doing and what are their relationships like?
Matt Duffer: And they’re playing Dungeons & Dragons or whatever.
Ross Duffer: And then something happens, and then there’s an incident and it goes from there. There’s build up. There’s a lot of build-up and set-up [each season], and 5 is just going to be pedal to the metal from the opening scene. At least that’s what I remember from the outline.
and in the Happy Sad Confused podcast, they say this about season 5:
"We don't expect it to be super long, as long. And the only reason we don't expect it to be as long is because typically, or, this season, if you look at it, it's almost a two hour ramp up before our kids really get drawn into the supernatural mystery. And, you know, you get to know them, you get to see them in their lives, they're struggling with adapting to high school and so forth.... none of that obviously is going to be occurring in the first two episodes of this.... for the first time ever, we don't wrap things up at the end of four, and so... it's gonna be moving, I don't know if it's gonna be going a hundred miles an hour at the start of five, but it's gonna be going pretty fast. Characters are already gonna be in action, they're already going to have a goal and a drive, and I think that's gonna carve out at least a couple hours."
as far as i can tell (and as far as i can remember from when these came out back in july)... this is where the "two episodes" before the time jump association comes from. they never confirm when they would include a time jump, and outside of that one tvline quote from when they were still finishing season 4, they never actually "confirmed" anything. but everyone took that "i'm sure we'll do a time jump" and leapt with it
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pettydisco · 1 year
Guess who just got cheated on WOOOOHOOO
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prettysymbiosis · 11 months
really sorry to the few followers I gained from sunnyposting who are now being spammed with dnp content but they're my friends and I missed them AND it's their best era yet :)
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