jrueships · 1 year
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this is so gay
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carcarrot · 1 year
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neechees · 1 year
I'm putting out a scam warning for the user @/sheeyancjoje, also previously @/sheeyanc @/sheeyancjosie, possibly other urls, who claims to be a homeless & asthmatic trans person living in a tent. I have reason & evidence to believe that they are not who they say they are, that their photos/evidence is stolen, and that they are actually the scammer Laura Deramas, who is likely also running the blog @/destrawberry. They exhibit multiple red flags for typical scammer behavior including the following evidence:
First off, who is Laura? Laura is a scammer who was initially called out for scamming & suspicious behavior in 2021, then with some manipulation, convinced multiple people that she was genuine (including me), then it was revealed once more that she was scamming & doing everything she was originally called out for: including pretending to be multiple different people & then lying more when confronted about it, exaggerating how badly her family apparently needed "help", guilt tripping people into giving her money and then harassing anybody who did give her money & demanded they give her more. & then later lied a bunch more including faking an arrest & faking her own death (& later pretending to be her own sister asking for funeral money, & calling any evidence against Laura being alive "hate") despite the fact that shes still very much alive & has posted on her own social media multiple times after her alleged "arrest" on May 30th 2023, & alleged "death" on June 2nd, 2023. We'll come back to Laura & why all that is relevant in a minute.
First off, Sheeyanc doesn't actually ever provide evidence that proves what theyre saying is true. They say they're homeless and living in a tent, and while they keep showing a tent, how do we know that these photos aren't stolen? How do we know that those photos aren't just from some camping trip, or staged? How do we know they didn't just go take photos of an another homeless person's set up? We don't. They make other claims that they don't provide proof for, such as saying their legs were swollen, but didn't provide photos of this. We've also had a similar tactic of someone else claiming to he "homeless" and "living in a tent" & this turned out to be false.
Secondly, Sheeyanc has been harassing people to send them money, either by going into their dms to beg them and sending people photos to guilt trip them, or even literally telling people to open up their askbox or messages when they were closed specifically so they could do this. Laura was ALSO known to do this to various users, & she would send people unsolicited photos of her child or her family & talk about how much she was "suffering" to get people to feel bad for her, which she ALSO did to me. When she pretended to die, she also randomly sent people photos of her allegedly "dead" body to ask for money, which upset many people. If you go into the notes of this post, there's multiple users testifying in the notes that Laura would regularly pester them for money & send photos. Note that people asking strangers for large sums of money as a "loan" is a big red flag for scammers we've seen multiple times, including Laura. Below is Sheeyanc doing the exact same things listed above that Laura did: sending people unsolicited photos, talking about how much she was "suffering" unprompted, and asking for large amounts of money from individual users. Also notice the similarity in language and tone between Laura doing this & Sheeyanc doing this.
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Thirdly, Sheeyanc blocked the Filipino user who called out Laura Deramas. This Filipino user was the one to discover she had faked her death & photoshopped someone else's death certificate to pretend it was hers. In addition to this, we also know Laura isn't actually dead also because after she'd been called out for this, the user who called her out very mysteriously started getting anon hate in Tagalog. Below is sheeyanc interacting with them just before blocking
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& we know Laura has been known to get sassy & rude with anybody who called her out like here. note the appropriation of aave by itssmelau when confronting people who called her out, just like Laura did in the first callout link with the user lizardamiibo while ALSO pretending to be someone else.
As another major point, Sheeyanc has been seen interacting with another scam blog, @/destrawberry, and verbally encouraging people to give them money. Destrawberry is very likely run by the same person who was running imgonetoofar/imthegonetoofar because theyre claiming to be the same person & using the exact same photos, & before deleting, imgonetoofar was promoting & being promoted by the scammer sassysweetiegirl/zaquaaaablu (who referred to "imgonetoofar as their "friend"), both of whom I called out here. And as I mentioned before, the person behind @/destrawberry is a scammer, either someone who stole imgonetoofar's (another scammer) photos & is pretending theyre recent & to be them, or they're the same person who faked their death and came back again to ask for more money. And who else do we know who faked their own death? Laura lol. So in other words, Sheeyanc/destrawberry/imgonetoofar/sassysweetiegirl are all likely run by Laura pretending to be different people. On the left below is Sheeyanc promoting destrawberry, & then on the right is imgonetoofar promoting sassysweetiegirl in the replies, where you can also see me calling them out.
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And lastly, Sheeyanc's banner is of the New Matina Town square in Davao city, the Phillipines. Davao city is where Laura lives. Here's a screenshotted image just in case they change it, and below, here's a comparison between Sheeyanc's banner on the top part of the image, while the image below it is a screenshot from a video of NMTS in Davao, very near where the banner photo would've been taken, but at slightly a different angle/position. You can tell its the same place because of the little circular green grass section in both of the photos, which is surrounded by a metal fence with the same design, both have the exact same road signs in the exact same place, & both are in front of a yellowish-white building with a second floor & balcony & the same design of roof, with palm trees.
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& heres that same building but at a different angle (at the front). If you google "New Matina Town Square", you get the yellowish white building featured in the photo, and if you reverse image search sheeyanc's banner photo, you still get results for this Town square. Left is Google results, the right image is the Google reverse image results, highlighted in yellow.
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If you want to be more precise, The yellowish building is a restaurant called "The commons at MTS", while the photo would have been taken next to another restaurant called "Taboan". Below is a helpful legend I've created from a Google maps view of the New Matina Square. The highlighted red area is where the banner photo approximately would've been taken, & the yellow area is where most Google search photos are taken at the front of the building. You can see the buildings I've mentioned, & if you don't believe me you can go take a look at Google maps & see for yourself.
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And just so there's no confusion that Davao city is indeed where Laura lives, here's my old reblog of a post that Laura convinced someone to make for her where it confirms she lives in Davao city, as reblogged also by Laura and she was fundraising because of allegedly being affected by a flood there.
So to recap: the user Sheeyancjoje is likely the scammer Laura Deramas due to similar patterns of behavior, such as 1. Vague "proof", 2. Harassment of tumblr users in asking them for money, including sending unsolicited photos and guilt tripping or repeatedly asking for more money from people who already donated, 3. Asking for large amounts of money from individual users the same way Laura did, 4. Fighting with and blocking the same user that called out Laura for faking her own death, 5. Interacting with other confirmed scammers, including another one involved in a funeral scam, like how Laura was, 6. Their banner is literally a photo of Laura's city of residence
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sketchmre · 21 days
do you have a favorite piece of venture maidens fanart you've drawn???
This is a great question! Honestly, I've been wanting to make a environmental piece with whimsy, food, and fashion, for like.. 2 years? when thats done it will probably be my favorite piece LMAO but for the time being? let me go through my venture maidens folder
read more break because im going to be going on and on
This applies to most aspects of my life, but I don't really have a top "favorite" thing in most areas! I mean, Madoka Magica Rebellion is my favorite movie (very closely rivaled by Coraline), but that's an outlier. In every other case, I have a collection of my favorites with one coming out on top depending on how I'm feeling that day.
It's also influenced by eras, I think. I don't want to compare my most recent art to my venture maiden 2020 art, because I've improved and will prefer my newer style. However, there's still a sense of nostalgia and homeliness to some of my old art that can bring it above the rest, you know?
Going through my venture maiden campaign 1 folder, here's probably my favorites:
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These two are from 9/3/20 ("sawYEAH.png") and 11/23/22 ("arent you tired of being nice.png"). I think Sawyeh's relatively simple design has always lend itself well to gesture drawing, especially with the relatively simple silhouette shape. Theyre just fun :) I like them a lot.
I don't know if I'd rank a lot of my campaign 1 art among my favorites, not because I think less of the campaign but because a lot of that time period was me feeling my way into an art style. I see it as the time period after I started feeling confident in my art, but before I kind of became the "unique facial features and color jitter" artist.
For fun (and food), here's some of my unposted campaign 1 stuff.
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10/23/20 and 10/27/20 (gidget and vlad, back when i was drawing in paint tool sai!)
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1/2/21, 1/5/21, 6/18/21 || 1/6/21 (put out of order because i like this image composition more).
Here's some 2020 (and 2019, apparently?) photoshop files! I like some more than others. None of them have previews since they're photoshop files, so I'm opening them blind in krita. Note the layers/colors may seem off, it's probably because the clipping masks and editing layers break between programs.
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8/12/19, 8/21/20, 8/31/20 || 9/5/20 || 10/23/20, 10/23/20, 10/28/20 || 11/4/20
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From 10/21/20, technically in 2020 but close to 2021. I think it's unique because it starts to show a shift to more.. unique concepts, I guess? It was of a water elemental who uses an ice mask to mimic having a face. It's cool, I should revisit it.
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3/17/21, 3/18/21
I think that's pretty much it for the art while campaign 1 was going on. Here's some post-campaign 1 stuff from 2023 that maybeee got put on the discord?
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8/16/23, 8/25/23.
GREAT now I'm moving on to campaign 2.
My favorite? My favorite piece of artwork so far? It's of a one-off npc, the garlic princess. I was studying old strawberry shortcake designs for her. It was a lot of fun.
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My other favorites? Probably any art of Tandy
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1/2/23 || 1/2/23
I also really enjoy these unfinished sketches: the first being a wildes-influenced lu, inspired by butterflies and gemstones; the second being Toni and a Wyrd sister ("thats no angel.png"); the third being halloween outfit designs; and the fourth being aoife and toni going clubbing in the wildes;
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7/11/21, 10/11/22, 9/2/23 || 1/26/24
As for unposted sketches? Oh boy, I've got a lot more for this campaign. So much that I have reached the image limit per post, whoops. I'll add them in a reblog.
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My last (and priciest... rip wallet) nendo pakige came! It was... a whole this guy. Now it needs to be said I do not know the guy but he was picked for having perfect hair forrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... custom Wen Kexing I desperately wanted to make :D I hoped to find just the hair pieces but the only option was almost the price of a whole nendo so I was like. might as well get the guaranteed-not-bootleg one. I didn't want to cut and sculpt anything, so I looked for something that would be close enough on its own - and this hair is a very nice middle ground between my own headcanon (assymetrical front, mostly loose with only two strands tied in the back, purple/mauve undertone) and my fav AD design (this one).
I'm getting fabrics for his fit later (once i get my wallet out of hell.......), but since the hair and the faceplates were all here, I was impatient to try them together. So without further ado, please perceive!
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have you ever seen a man so canon-compliantly punchable u started crying?.........
Was thinking of the "If you still haven't realized who I am, aren't Poisonous Scorpions a little too stupid?" scene :D It's the instant switch between Wife Wen and Valley Master Wen that did it for me! (i say as if im not obsessed with every single scene wkx is in)
The clothes are a mix between The Guy's (im sorry mr.*looks it up* zeyan li im sure ur a good character but i only got u to pull a victor frankenstein on u) and LBH's. I actually really vibe with these robes (theyre based on the same type i usually draw wkx in! yuanlingpao worn with opened collar!) but they have a Problem in that they are meant to be displayed with the og big coat (as in, this nendo doesnt have the stick part for the standee, his coat is supposed to hold him up) and it didnt fit with any standard standees I had. So I ended up using the ones that came with the doll bodies for these pics. Yes two of them (the second one props up the hair from the back). Good thing I was already going to replace the robes with doll body+clothes i guess... I also slightly photoshopped the second faceplate bcus the highlights turned out to be too big >< Currently figuring out how to color them in to this state irl.
Now, while I did get this nendo primarily for the hair, I also wondered if his faceplates would work for a potential Zhou Zishu and... yeah:
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Was going for the "You dare to act against who's mine?" vibes with the second one because yknow. yeah. I'll need to get him different hair (these are Binghe's) as the front especially doesnt fit with the image I have for him, plus im not even sure I want the ponytail (and not some type of bun) for him, and ofc I need this hair for Binghe - but I daresay the vibes on the faceplates are 💯💯💯
All in all getting good mileage out of this purchase and I haven't even shown u the other half yet :D
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zer0psd · 9 months
never used photoshop so im curious to see your opinions about photopea vs photoshop
ok things to be known: 1) adobe can suck my cock and balls theyre evil and i wish that the corporate entity that is adobe would go up in flames, a corporation shoud NOT have that much insight in your privacy, files, sensitive info, etc 2) photopea is great and built off a small dev team as a basically a passion project, which is awesomesauce! i'm not knocking them at all, and i think ppl should support them in anyway they can
i've been a graphic designer and photographer for years now, and in hs i became adobe certified. i literally spent four years of my life learning on an industry standard. it becomes muscle memory after a while. beside that i was a roleplayer so i became VERY familiar with edits and gifs and all that. again everything became muscle memory. adobe suites are the industry standard for a reason, and for GOOD reason. i think they have an amazing interface and work hard to update the experience and make shit easier for artists; like i will give them that even if i sound like a bootlicker. i never paid for it tho lol as a student i got it for free and i would use cracks/torrents.
when i got my new computer it wouldn't let me run bootcamp so i couldn't crack the adobe suites like i used to :/ new mac processors or whatever don't rely on intel anymore, so not intel = no bootcamp. most cracks are pc based so i just couldn't find one that worked for me. apple went ham on protecting IP and combating torrents so it's like impossible to crack without an extensive VPN or else adobe will literally send a cease and desist to your internet provider. its sincerely fucked up.
i switched to photopea bc of this. i really liked it, but im autistic so having to relearn my own workflow that ive had for years made me want to hashtag die. the interface is VERY close to photoshop, so it wasn't hard, but it doesn't have the same capabilities i was used to w ps. i do NOT like edited photos in photopea; i think its way too laggy and glitchy to work with giant raw files, which really sucks!!! for making small edits and doing my graphic design tho??? i do really like it. it doesn't have the same capabilities as ps sure, but once i just fucked with the filter galleries and different plug ins and worked my process around what photopea could accomplish, i was good as gold. i've been producing quality work on commission through photopea. it's a learning curve for sure, especially if you have zero experience with an editing interface like that, but the more i use it the more i learn.
all of that being said, i think photopea is fucking awesome for being completely free and open source. it has its issues —— sometimes its way too glitchy for me and pisses me the fuck off, i have to frequently save my psd files and hope that they don't fuck up, and then reopen so it's less laggy and rinse and repeat bc some of my stuff takes hours lmfao —— but i think its pretty darn close to the photoshop i was using like less than a year ago. its glitchy, its laggy, the ads are annoying and clog up the screen, but i simply cannot complain to much when its a smallish dev team working on a shoestring budget (last time i checked) and for FREE. like its open and usable on any browser and computer and i think thats rad.
if i could go back to ps without giving them money i would in a heartbeat. ps is awesome for the work i do, and i like that there's constant improvements and updates. it just boils down to look, feel, and workflow to me; ps is rarely laggy and glitchy, its meant to handle giant projects, there's so many plug ins you can find online, etc. i just wish it wasn't a subscription based software; honestly if i new adobe was less like the elf on the shelf and i could make a one time purchase, i would. but alas.
anyways i'm pro photopea all the way. idk if any of this was helpful its mostly rambly lmfao. but yeah. i don't do much photography anymore, so i don't have to work around the glitches and lags and all of that with photopea; i focus on graphic design for event fliers and social media content + rp resources. it has room for improvement for sure for sure, but it's lovely and helpful in its own way.
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anaryllis · 4 months
You should learn even a little bit about how making ai art outside of someone just typing in a prompt and being satisfied with the first product works before you talk about it. Because you sound like one of those people who thinks digital art is magic you just decided it's a different tool that's magic this time. Like if you want good art out of some of the less gimmicky generate in your browser ai art programs you do actually have to build skills and then put in effort to get a good product out. It's not magic as much as you seem to believe it is.
if it takes the degree of work that you seem to be implying it does, then it wouldnt be AI art, itd just be automated tools that speed up certain mechanics (for instance photoshop's cloning mechanics & using distortion tools for perspective are certainly automating steps, but they arent to the point of AI, and i dont see ppl generally pretending they are)
effectively utilizing a visual library is a skill, for sure - collage artists are a great example of this
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("back at home" by morgan jesse lappin)
like! this is stellar! and im sure really effective AI prompting is not too dissimilar to this. but that leads me to a few points:
1. the issue still remains of ethical resource libraries, which is as much a conversation regarding collage art as this - how many distinct sources are needed for it to become truly "original"? how much needs to be changed? what if its not as CLEAR its a collage vs claiming the source materials as your own creation? what resources do you even have the rights to, period? these are all gray area questions to be sure, but theyre questions to be reckoned with every time.
2. for me i think a lot of the problem is the dishonesty? yes through prompting you are guiding a highly specific collage. but that is not what "ai artists" are claiming! they are claiming it is through the use of a supposed artifical intelligence that new images are being generated fully. and i just think you cant have both!
if it helps to further understand my perspective: im an art teacher that primarily prioritizes art for the act itself of creation & expression. i am far more interested in an unskilled, thoughtful painting than the most beautiful, generated image. and also as an art teacher i can concede that "what counts as art??" is the forever unanswerable forever infuriating question. ultimately anon i think you and i just fundamentally disagree on its answer
to close though, heres another meme like the one i was talking about, that is so on-the-nose i thought it was about ai art, but its from 2014:
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so 🤷🤷🤷
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mrsfitzgerald · 2 years
hi!!!! i love love love your gifs!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much for feeding my insatiable paulchard obsession 🤗🤗🤗 theyre so cute together 🤭🤭🤭 what software do you use to make them? i feel like you post them so quickly!! 💙💙💙
hiii! 🌸 thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️😚
i have photoshop'2020 (and macbook pro 2017 if it matters) i've been making gifs for too many years and can make them with my eyes closed 😆
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Hi Allie, just want to get this off my chest. I think some people here should admit that Twarries exist is because of Tumblr Larries and it is true. From making up theories and outright telling people close to H and Louis that theyre xyz. If we're gonna be honest some tweets are just copy pasted from here and vice versa. It's quite fuck up tbh when some things are taken out of context and people then believed that said context rather than researching the full thing. Tumblr is literally the main source of Twarries, let's be real. For example: a blog here *claims* that Louis likes to get choked, then twarries spread that info that Louis confirmed that he likes to get choked BUT reading the whole context of the Zac Sang interview, he never stated that he *likes* to get choked. See how that works? Another example is this one blog who posted a certain magazine article of Louis (this was YEARS ago) stating he feels like a "mother/sister" and every twarrie and blouie uses that as proof that Louis is quote on quote " a woman like Harry " . Yes, I didn't post the blog's name cuz theyre "popular" here but that being said some statements are literally out of context and some blogs here should be careful on how they word their posts. Also, about the "debunk" issue that's been going around, I feel some people just don't accept the truth for their narrative to be correct. Like this thread is all facts but some people here tend to say it's fake. We have dozens of facts already, some shit is fake, tumblrinas should lower their superior complex and accept that fact. From said blog, doesnt like to accept it due to the "versatality" thing but we have to admit, those back scratches are fake/photoshopped and it's okay.
Anon, I don't like your tone and I don't like your opinion either if I'm being honest. First of all, if you have some sort of issue with a certain popular blog go talk to them or I don't know, or stop following them or whatever. You're going to find people you agree with more and people you agree with less and that's fine. I feel like you're being kind of a dick with this. I have no idea who you're talking about and I'm not particularly interested in this kind of drama on my blog.
As for the tumblr x twitter dynamics, I think all platforms feed from each other, twitter, tumblr, tiktok, instagram... and people will engage with whatever makes more sense to them. I'm on tumblr because I feel like this platform is superior for the kind of discussions and experiences I'd like to have about this. We have the ability to talk about facts, timelines, and context much better because we have archives and tags to check. It's that simple. Now, if people are taking something from my blog - what is supposed to be a "safe space" - and putting it out there with no context, it's their problem. I can't be responsible for someone else's interpretation of my words and what they're going to do with them. I can talk about whatever I want here and I trust people to have a drop of critical thinking to take away something reasonable from it. People need to think for themselves, for fucks sake! Maybe some people lack the ability of being truthful with themselves and others, and that's a shame. But it's not my problem, if they like running around like a headless chicken completely unaware and uninterested in what is really happening, I don't want anything to do with it and I don't want anyone bothering me about it.
I don't know what this "debunk" talk is about, I feel like I'm missing something, but I've ranted endlessly on my DEBUNKED OR NOT DEBUNKED tag. And the thing is, we're not talking about science here, we're talking about something that is incredibly subjective, it's someone's opinion/point of view on something. So what you can do is try to find the most reasonable explanation and with that try to figure out if something is real or not real... but people are going to believe whatever they want to believe. So like I said, I like interacting with people that are worried about making sense of things and finding the most truthful explanations, I don't want to believe any lies. But if someone is more interested in feeding something they already made their minds about and that makes them happy, I mean- that's fine. As long as they're not bothering HL in real life, or bothering me... nothing wrong with it. And I wish it was that simple lol But unfortunately it feels like they're not the ones responsible for the consequences when they do that. All the larries suffer from it. I get hateful messages because of something that is being said on twitter and that I don't even agree with. So I don't think people need to accept anything if they don't want to, but I think people need to take responsibility and most importantly I think people need to stay in their own lanes and stop bothering people on other sides of the fandom.
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Sometimes one of my friends will leave me on read for a bit too long and I'll feel like I completely fucked up and they hate me now and I'm anxious about it and then I talk to them in person and they're exactly the same as before to me because they weren't actually trying to send a signal that they fucking hate me now.
They just didn't feel like replying or didn't think they had to or had 1 of millions of other ewasons they didnt reply to my meaningless image or question about their schedule and I have NO IDEA how to communicate how it makes me feel to them without making them feel obligated (negatively) to reply to me quickly or I'll get sad or make them feel bad for the way they perceive or give affection/love? I'm not sure those are the exact words that fit but they're close enough.
I also really like these people theyre some of the absolute best friends ive had since i was.. actually since
--ever honestly it's really nice to have friends you don't have to walk on eggshells around then talk down from suicide after a long mentally taxiing day--
and I don't want to just ditch them because I'm a needy puppy emotionally,
In the grand scheme of things it doesn't really change my feelings for more then an hour i dont habe good object permanence let alone emotional permanance and you'd think I'd stop feeling that way the 7th time they didn't reply but also didn't suddenly hate me for sending a strange image of a fish photoshopped like a cat why can't emotions be logical and be changed by reasonable thinking?
I hate this. I love my friends.
I wish I had more pysical touch in my life but it's also so uncomfortable to ask...
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hiddencircus · 3 months
green n white :0
☆ green: do you have a common pet peeve that you get/got in your requests?
hmm, not really? i guess i dont like it when people send requests when theyre closed lolol but other than that i cant really think of any? ive gotten lucky that the large majority of my requestors are reallyy hecking nice <3
☆ white: what got you into editing and what motivates you to continue?
ive been editing for so. so. so. long. but i didnt start posting till 3ish years ago! (ill have an event soon to celebrate :]) i started editing cause i just really liked tech so i was like yeah sure, ive learned to do video editing to a profesional level (like. i can edit news stories and stuff, its not as cool as it sounds lolol) and im good enough at photo editing to have a photoshop certificatio lmao but i edit on this blog because its really fun, and i get to edit things i wouldnt be able to outside of tumblr lolol
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