barcaislifeee · 6 months
quick break from futbol to bring u this f1 pirelli ad that made me CRY
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spinaart · 11 months
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hey leader!!!
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scarskelly · 9 days
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Been slowly losing it at these pics, everyone's reactions have broken me.
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
interesting… between Cody represents all clones questioning themselves under the Empire versus Cody's role can be replaced by any other (clone and he's just set prop to Crosshair's story)
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The best GX characters to write from the perspective of: Judai, and anyone who can believably call him “my beloved Judai.”
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sebscore · 1 year
heyy! Got a request! So all the drivers are in this fancy yacht in Monaco promoting F1/race. It's black tie event. Our fem! F1 driver comes in wearing gorgeous dress. And I just want everyone's reaction. I think it will be interesting since the fem! F1 driver usually is in F1 overalls/merch. Thank you!
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pairing: (most of the) f1 grid x reader (including some retired drivers)
warnings: mentions of the fia. a drunk nando at the end lol.
author's note: thank you so much for the request! this was genuinely so fun to write, i'm sorry that i didn't include the entire grid, but for some people i just genuinely didn't know how they would react or i didn't want the reactions to become repetitive. let me know what you thought of it! 💖
• • • • • • •
''Who's that?'' Lando asked Charles and Charlotte, his eyes not leaving the backside of the woman who had just entered the yacht. The question caught the attention of the other people seated on the long couch. George, Carmen, Alex, Lily, Pierre, Yuki, Carlos and Isa followed Lando's eyes.
It was quite hard to recognize her since her face wasn't visible as she talked to Toto, Mattia and Susie. ''Maybe someone from the FIA or something?'' George concluded, taking a wild guess.
''I love her dress, it's so cute.'' Lily whispered to Carmen, admiring the way it hugged the woman's body perfectly. ''I know, it's sexy, but also elegant in a way.''
''Lando, you should go up to her.'' Pierre encouraged him, taking in the way the Brit was eyeing her up and down.
Alex and Charles agreed. ''Yeah, make it a bit fun for us here! This event isn't gonna get any better than this.'' Alex said, the black-tie event was organized by the FIA and those guys weren't exactly known for their fun parties.
''You sure?'' Lando hesitated, the man was newly single and it had been a while since he had approached someone in that kind of a manner. The group cheered him on, wanting to see their friend take some action and move on from his previous relationship. ''What do I even say?''
The question was more directed at the women. ''Compliment her dress, Lando.'' Isa advised him, knowing she would appreciate it. He nodded at her words, repeating the words in his head.
''Yeah, okay- anything else?'' He asked them.
''Just let the conversation flow from there, it'll be okay.'' Carmen assured the younger guy, seeing how he started to get nervous.
Lando got up from his seat, breathing in and out. ''Here we go.'' He took a swig from his beer for some encouragement and made his way over while the rest of the group watched in anticipation.
''Hi, everyone.'' He greeted the team principals and Susie with a smile, before his eyes fell on the reason he was there. The smile was smacked from his face and was replaced by an expression of disbelief.
''Hey, Lando.'' She greeted him back, taking notice of his face that she had a hard time reading. ''What's up?''
The McLaren driver was stunned. The woman was Y/N, he had been checking out the woman he had known since the two of them were kids. In his defense, a long time had passed when he last saw her in anything that wasn't oversized or racing related.
''Nothing, just, uh, wanted to come and say hi,'' he managed to stutter out, ''the rest of us are sitting here, if you'd like to join us.'' He motioned towards the entire group that sat with open mouths as Y/N turned around. They quickly covered their surprise up and waved at her, sending her uneasy smiles.
The unaware driver smiled back at them. ''Yeah, I'll join you guys in a minute.'' She wrapped up the conversation with him, growing uncomfortable with Lando's unsubtle stare.
''Great, see you all later.''
Lando quickly bid them goodbye and was ready to crawl into a hole, feeling humiliated and confused all at the same time. He sat back down on his original spot, avoiding eye-contact with everyone.
''That's Y/N? You were gonna flirt with Y/N.'' Carlos stated in disbelief himself, that he hadn't recognized her before. ''That's crazy.''
''I've never seen her like that, she looks good!'' Charlotte was impressed the way the woman could pull off her duality like that, she looked completely different than she did when Charlotte ran into her on the paddock.
The rest of the girls agreed. ''I'm gonna ask her where she got that dress from, I need that in my closet.'' Lily couldn't stop thinking about the little black dress the woman was wearing.
Meanwhile, the boys watched Lando in amusement as he went through all the five stages of grief. ''Lando, man… I'm sorry, I guess.'' Pierre chuckled, covering his huge grin with his hand.
''Yeah, better luck next time.'' Alex said, trying to not burst out laughing at the situation.
Yuki just observed everyone in confusion, not understanding the big fuss they were making about this. ''Lando, you like Y/N?'' The Japanese man had to start paying more attention to the conversation instead of munching on all the appetizers that were spread out on the table in front of them.
''No, Yuki! I didn't know it was her.'' He exclaimed, getting defensive about the entire thing.
The Alpha Tauri driver simply nodded, not caring much either way.
''I think you guys would be cute, a childhood friends to lovers kinda thing.'' Lily teased, trying to make him feel better about it.
Well, she failed. ''No! She's like- Ugh, just no!'' Lando didn't even want to think about it, him and Y/N was just… no.
''You're getting weirdly defensive about this, Lando.'' Charles teasingly noted.
''And you DNF'd this weekend, we all have our problems.''
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''Is that Y/N? Oh, look at her.'' The woman caught the eyes of Sebastian, Lewis, Jenson, Mark and Vallterri. She must have sensed their eyes on her as she turned around and made her way over to them, a big smile on her face.
They made some space so she could sit in-between Seb and Jenson. ''We were starting to wonder where you were, our party animal.'' Jenson teased her. The female driver was quite known for never passing the oppurtunity to celebrate something.
''I've been here for a while actually, but Rosberg caught me when I was ordering something at the bar and well- you know when Nico starts talking.'' She explained her absence, recalling the man going on about whatever Nico Rosberg goes on about.
The five men chuckled, knowing how the man could get. ''That Britney, never gets old.''
''I almost didn't recognize you without the usual racing suit.'' Lewis noted, he had to take several looks before being sure that it was in fact her.
Y/N glanced down at her dress. ''Yeah, I was actually gonna go to a club with my friends, but then my team told me this was kinda mandatory, so that sucked.''
''I think we all would rather be at a club right now.'' Mark said, sighing loudly. A party on a yacht was really hard to make boring, but the FIA had obviously done their best to just do that.
''I just came for the free alcohol.'' Vallterri spoke up for the first time, having everyone agree with him.
The conversation split up from there. Jenson and Mark teasing each other about things they had said on live air, and the former Mercedes teammates catching up with each other.
That left Y/N and Seb, the latter nudging her shoulder. ''You look really pretty, Y/N.'' She was touched by the genuineness in his voice. ''Thanks, Seb.''
''Hey, Y/N.'' She moved around and saw a pretty drunk Fernando approaching them. ''Your dress is a bop or whatever you call it.''
''No, Nando… that's not- oh whatever, thank you!''
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likealittleheartbeat · 7 months
talk to me about the theme of emotional isolation for zuko and aang
It's the main reason I'm obsessed with the show tbh.
Can we overstate Aang's isolation within the show. He's not only a survivor--a sole survivor--of a genocide, he's also knocked out of time and history. These are the facts of his physical isolation. But his emotional isolation is such a different beast. It began before any deaths did. He is set apart by the monks and by the whole world as a savior. Shortly after his status as the avatar is made known, his peers exclude him, his power too great. His humanity is denied because he's too divine. Only Gyatso seems to still regard him for who he is rather than his gifts. Of course, that's why the council decides Aang needs to be further separated from worldly relations like that, and vote to send him off. For Aang, it's the last straw. He can't bear further exile from others. To regain some sense of control, he tries to run away from the heavy burden and those who have put it on him. At least this time, he's the one choosing his loneliness. It has become so clear that no one can understand his feelings about the Avatar State.
This is the emotional state he enters the series with, icon rather than human. He starts off concealing his revered identity in an attempt to indulge in simple pleasures, penguin sledding, coy fish riding, etc. But the shame is secretly right there at the surface. He's lovable but mercurial. Friendly and animated with everyone when he first meets them but in a way that's fleeting. The knowledge that he will have to leave the village, in an episodic fashion, having helped the members of the town, even having sacrificed himself for their well-being, is an understood fact of the plot and his life. At most he sheds some of his grief by putting it into words with Katara's encouragement. But despite the whole world fighting through their own grief from the fire nation and Katara's sole-survival of her own culture's genocide, they each have people in their families and cultures who, however bitterly, hold them and hold the broken memories together with one another. No one is as physically isolated as Aang, but, more importantly for his character development, no one is as isolated by their significance to the world.
No one, except Zuko. Zuko, the banished prince. Isn't that what Aang as the Avatar is in many ways: a spiritual prince, an heir by birth to power and legacy, who has been banished from his inheritance. Only, Aang's inheritance would be peace. Zuko's would be the Fire Nation, but because of his humanity, Zuko, like Aang, is without a nation. This is one reason Zuko and Aang are such incredible narrative foils. Aang is rejected from humanity's compassion because of his divine status while Zuko is rejected from divine rule because of his human compassion and failures to demonstrate perfection. (If you're interested in this dynamic in media, Fruits Basket has fantastic explorations of these themes with Kyo vs. Yuki and Tohru vs. Akito.)
How early did Zuko start to notice the disappointment he brought to his father and grandfather? As early as we can see, Zuko seems alone. The episode with that phrase in the title reflects back on his childhood, which, noticeably, lacks the friends Azula manages to keep. He mimics and mocks her cruelty, as well, in an attempt to impress his mother. His insecurity seems already set, a sense that no one can understand. While Aang recognizes that everyone thinks he's too good to belong, Zuko lives in an environment in which he's not good enough to belong.
The reactions to their rejections correspond, too. Zuko's reaction of antagonistic pursuit of anyone and everyone--like Aang's reaction to run away (literally and sometimes emotionally with a smile or joke)--helps keep others in a framework of enemies so he can control his exile rather than the other way around. Yet these behaviors put them in dynamic relation to one another--Zuko is drawn to the endless pursuit of the strangely kind Aang, whose instinct is to behold others while remaining untouchable, while Aang becomes clearly intrigued by the person who refuses to treat him like an untouchable hero, the person who refuses to give up on the possibility that the Avatar can be flawed and fail, no matter how many times he slips away proving his divine destiny.
It's obvious that Zuko is supposed to hate Aang, as the Avatar. "The Headband" illustrates how education in the Fire Nation portrays him if the fact that Zuko's only possibility for regaining his title under his father is bringing the Avatar back isn't enough evidence for you. But Aang ought to hate Zuko just as much, if not more. Instead, they are drawn toward one another with an remarkable intensity, established within the first half of the first season, "The Storm" x "Blue Spirit" combo punch! In fact, the blue spirit episode really reveals what they can mean to each other. Not only in Aang's question at the end that invites Zuko back into the past with him, but in the way that Zuko is made to be the divine entity for a brief period while Aang is helpless in the fort. Then, that question at the end: "Do you think we could have been friends?" Isn't that the opposite of the isolation they feel. In the woods, without a nation or an allegiance, Aang, remembering the people and time that he was forced to leave asks Zuko, who has just betrayed the people who banished him, in another version of life where they were both simple people rather heirs of vast power, if they could have formed a kind of union that would have dissolved the loneliness that consumes both of them. But it's momentary and they have to return to the world that defines them as the Avatar and the Banished Fire Prince.
This becomes one of the cores of the show, as echoed in the finale, where Zuko and Aang consummate their friendship, but by then, through traveling the winding road toward one another and aiming to take on a part of what the other person represents, they have found a balance that refused the binaries of divinity and fallibility that had previously separated and defined their lives, binaries that exiled them from connecting with others, binaries that built towers to isolate them from the world. The victims and survivors of genocide, the subjects of colonial violence, nor the sufferers of abuse need be pure to claim their pain, nor must the people who want and work towards justice be saints to do that work. Harder for many audience members to absorb, despite their love for Zuko who's arc is meant to emphasize the point, there is a spark of divinity in everyone, from the most unloved to the most violent and tyrannical. This second fact must exist alongside the first, or else the premise won't hold. How you choose to act and engage with that spark of divinity is a human choice we each make on our own, but that does not deny it's existence. The divine ideals must be allowed to fall apart into comedy and tragedy, while the mundane, the profane, and the cruels horrors of life must be allowed to be seen as something that hold the possibility to become beautiful and part of a grander design. The Avatar must be allowed to be Aang and Zuko must be allowed to be the Firelord so that we can have Avatar Aang (the last title of the series) and Firelord Zuko (the most celebrated character arc of the series). They need one another to assuage the fear, isolation, and dread that black-and-white perfectionist thinking boxes us into.
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fushipurro · 26 days
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy
Chapter 3 - Malevolent Desire
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☆ Content: 18+ MDNI, cowboy!au, darker themes, yandereish!sukuna, sukuna is bad at feelings, brief mention of an implied kidnapping/murders, brat taming, orgasm denial, vaginal/nipple foreplay, cunnilingus, creampie, sukuna calls you a slut (affectionate), biting/small blood mentions
☆ Word Count: 5.9k
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Never in your life did you think one town could look as good as it does right now. It’s like a desert mirage that calls your name, urging you closer with the promise of rest.
After reclaiming your fateful bay mare, the trip home felt greater in lengths, heightened by the midday rays of the hot sun down the back of your neck. Now, the city of Valentine sits ahead of you, basked in rich golden hues.
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt the levels of exhaustion you face now. It pulls on your mind, body, and soul alike ─ demanding everything you’re able to give.
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Upon your return with the empty-handed lawmen, Satoru offers a not-so-subtle notion that if you’re sore or injured after any “strenuous activities” to stop in at the neighboring doctor’s office for some care.
You decide to take him up on it, hoping to find some sort of reprieve, at least from the warm sensations where clothes couldn’t protect you from the harsh touch of sunlight. There, you find a woman by the name of Shoko Ieiri ─ an old friend of the two you had spent your day with, and the resident physician.
She proves especially helpful in restocking whatever medical supplies you needed, and even more understanding with any matters relating to ones with Satoru’s involvement. In fact, all you had to do was mention his name and referral, and it was as though you gave her the key to a closet full of tonics dedicated in his name.
During your time shopping, a man clad in dark jeans, a purple button up, and a black vest steps into the office. Just like you, he’s here to restock, claiming to be on the hunt of a local predator who recently claimed another victim.
Turns out, the man you had a shootout with went missing sometime late last night, leaving behind a trail of blood that didn’t go far. The modus operandi matches that of the killer he and his partner are after. Whether they’re alive still or not is unknown, but it won’t be long before a decaying body surfaces with a cryptic message to follow.
You’ve always been intrigued with bounty hunters, at times becoming one yourself to make a few extra bucks if need be. It was something your father had done on the side to put food on the table considering how picky businesses can get with new hires.
In your discussion with Shoko and the man called Choso, you made a mention to your little adventure with Satoru and what all your poor Valentine has been through. Surprisingly, Choso claims to have some veterinary knowledge, offering to look her over for any potential injuries, free of charge.
You accept of course, her health is of the upmost importance to you. Even if you don’t believe Suguru would have purposely harmed her, you can’t say the same for his crew. That, and how she was in the middle of an ongoing robbery. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Choso not only ensures that Valentine’s in tip top form, but also checks over Clementine. You appreciate it, knowing how much you’d hate yourself if something were to happen before she’s reunited with Kento.
The two of you are joined by his partner, Yuki, who had been resupplying at the weapon’s shop across the street. She reminds you a lot of yourself, perhaps even cut from the same cloth. It’s always a pleasure to meet another woman on the frontier that can hold her own, and you hope to run into her again someday ─ maybe while hunting a bounty to compare skills.
In the meantime, she can’t help but swoon over the two mares in your care, even showing off her own that she raised from a filly ─ a silver turkoman dubbed Garuda. Choso’s steed on the other hand is a leopard appaloosa gelding by the name of Nova.
When everything’s said and done and the hunters take their leave, dusk has settled over Valentine with a thick blanket of stars. All that’s left for you to do now is to get your meat and you can be on your way for some food and rest.
…so long as the butcher’s stall is actually open, which in this case ─ it’s not.
Tough luck.
So much for getting your dinner now, guess you’ll be going to bed hungry. You opt to head for the hotel, which only serves to sour your mood further as the clerk tells you your stay is up and there’s no other rooms left to rent out. At the very least, you’re still able to pay for a bath to wash off the various dirt, grime, and other slick stuck to your body.
Now you could head off into the nearby prairie, or down by the Dakota River to camp, but as highlighted earlier, you’re exhausted. With two horses under your care and all your worldly possessions, you need to be extra careful what you do and where you go as a woman in this wild age.
Luckily, there’s a dozen barns to choose from in town, and even more available stalls to sneak into. At this point, straw poking your back is the least of your problems if it means getting a night of rest.
You lead the two mares over to an empty corral behind one such stable, freeing them from their tack and hiding the evidence under a pile of alfalfa bales. Save for the saloon, the rest of town has quieted down as others have now retreated to their homes and families.
That used to be you once when you were younger, now here you are sneaking inside a barn to get some shuteye. Oh, how your father would be so proud.
There’s just one problem.
You’re not alone.
As soon as you enter through the barn doors, you’re met with a few lit lanterns and a huge horse on the crossties. We’re talking the definition of a war horse here, with a blood bay coat to match. Their feathering is light, and you wouldn’t be surprised to find out there’s some warmblood mixed in with some draft breed. At the sound of their deep, echoing neigh, a head pops up from between their hindquarters.
“Who the fuck ─ ahh, it’s you,” the voice remarks, and it’s one you remember quite well.
The Butcher.
“Come to finally collect what’s yours?” he asks, a tinge of playful annoyance lacing in his words.
You approach the man, narrowing your eyes. He spares you his own sharp look before resuming his work clipping the giant’s hoof.
“Since when does Valentine’s butcher do farrier work?” you question, admiring the look of dark chaps around his beefy legs. It pairs nicely with his black pants and the red shirt he has on.
He snorts, “I do a lot of different work ‘round here, sweetheart.” His nickname falls short when paired with sarcasm. “Whatever pays the bills while I’m here, and besides, this is my own mare so it’s not like I’m being paid.”
“Leave it to a bloodied man to ride a red mare,” you mutter under your tongue, hearing him huff anyways. “Can’t lie though, she’s a beauty.” You reach out to pet the girl, only to retract your hand the second her ears pin backwards and she about bites your hand off.
“That she is,” he chuckles lowly, uncaring to what almost occurred, “Calamity here is loyal and obedient, just how I like it.”
You scowl in response, ultimately realizing any interactions with this man require a level of caution to be taken. He’s not to be trifled with.
Then again, Daddy didn’t raise no coward.
“You sure you’re not compensating for something?”
Not that he needs to. Appearance wise, he’s very attractive, even if he waves enough red flags at you to be called a matador. You are a stubborn bull at times, so it may be a fair tradeoff. Being tired and hungry don’t mix well for any wicked cowgirl.
“Please,” the butcher scoffs. “I have no reason to need to. Why, you interested in taking me on?” He throws a smirk at you from over his shoulder, grabbing a large file in the process to shave down the mare’s hoof.
You roll your eyes, leaning up against a wooden post to admire his workmanship. “Please,” you mock, “I think you’re exactly the type of man my father would tell me to put a bullet into and call it a day.”
“If you think my ‘services’ are inadequate, then you’re more than welcome to,” he retorts, finishing up the hoof with a beautifully crafted horseshoe nailed perfectly on. He stands up after, dusting off his hands and turning to you in full. He certainly has a height advantage on you amongst other things.
You don’t back down, not even when you’re at the disadvantage. “We’re still talking about work, right? ‘Cause you have something of mine.”
The butcher steps forward into your space, like a predator stalking its prey into a corner, only you don’t move. “Is that really why you came creeping in here? Or maybe you’ve been following me,” he muses with sultry words.
“I’m not here for you, your highness.” Those choice words deepen his annoying grin. “But since you are here, then I’d like to get my meat and go. I’ve had quite a long day.”
His eyes darken as a thought crosses his mind. “I think I can help with that… if you’ll give in to me,” he says, moving one hand to brush a strand of hair from your face. You slap him away, earning a click of his tongue, “Don’t be a tease.”
You ignore his accusation. “What exactly are you offering here?”
“Instead of sleeping in a stall full of shit…” he pauses, letting his words register that yes ─ he knew exactly why you were here to begin with. He’s as smart as he is cocky, that’s for sure. Not a bad combination, but only if you can back it up. “…why don’t you come back home with me, and I’ll treat you to some care?”
A tempting offer, but full of risk.
“And how am I supposed to believe you aren’t planning on robbing or gutting me the moment we’re alone?”
He laughs again, only this time it resembles some cackling coyote in the dead of night. “Guess you’ll just have to be good and trust me.”
“Howreassuring of you,” you reply sarcastically.
“It’s up to you, brat.” He shrugs nonchalantly, picking up his heavy western saddle. “Whether you want it or not, make your choice now or forever hold your peace.”
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You keep a horse-length behind the man, Sukuna, atop your mare; your eyes are glued to the back of his head with one hand close to your iron if the situation warrants the need. The environment around you both is eerily calm ─ as if nature knows something about a potential threat that you don’t.
Perhaps your foremost thought about him being a serial killer on the side wasn’t too far off.
It doesn’t help your nerves either or his case for that matter when his home happens to be a cabin in the woods. There’s a set of storm doors that immediately catch your eyes upon arrival. They’re tightly bound and sealed with the use of heavy chains but at this point, would it really surprise you if there’s something down there he doesn’t want others to see?
Rationally, it could just be where he stores excess meats and other parts of his work, and that the chains are only there to keep predators out. He is a butcher after all, that would be the safest option.
…Unless of course the seal exists to prevent anything from escaping.
You decide to push those thoughts away for now. You’ve wrestled with bears numerous times after all; if Sukuna decides to betray the trust you’re giving him, then you won’t be going down easily.
Sukuna rides up to the pasture gate, hitching Calamity up to a post to untack her. You join him near his side with both Valentine and Clementine to do the same. Hopefully his mare’s temperament doesn’t affect either of your girls in the field after Choso gave them the okay. Explaining any new injuries to Kento would not be easy after he’s already gone out on a limb for you.
You’re then led up into his cabin, where the interior is surprisingly clean. For a butcher, he seems careful enough about it, as nothing you see has a speck of blood staining it.
“Take a seat,” he practically demands, pulling out one of his dining chairs for you on his way into the kitchen. You oblige, choosing not to comment on his tone.
You watch him from afar as he cooks, to which it appears to be yet another skill he excels in. His precision with a knife also tells you that in the event of any fights to the death, you’re gonna need a gun to win. He spares you a few glances here and there, but otherwise his focus is kept solely on the stovetop until he’s walking back into the room with dishes in hand.
You can honestly say that Sukuna’s cooking is one of, if not, the best you’ve had the privilege to eat. He’s prepared a selection of different meats paired with fresh vegetables and is eager for you to try everything he’s whipped up.
Conversation is kept to a minimum, not that you can complain. His earlier attitude seems to have softened after a good meal, yet the tension still hasn’t let up. After dinner, you offer to help clean up as thanks, but he shuts you down, even taking your plate straight from your hands.
There’s a look of mischief that plays across his crimson eyes as you’re turning back to the table. Now there’s one thing to always be cautious of when sharing company with a predator, and that’s to never turn your back on one.
A full belly must’ve dulled your senses, subsequently lowering your guard to forget that rule. Your mistake comes with a consequence, or maybe a blessing ─ Sukuna now caging you between himself and the dinner table.
His voice, deep and velvety, murmurs in your ear, “Ready to discuss payment?”
It makes your body shiver, and you hope it wasn’t too obvious. He chuckles, so you know that was a bust. Good thing you’ve still got some sass in you.
“You’re telling me you didn’t do this out of the kindness of your heart?” you tease with the man.
“Fuck no.” Sukuna inhales your scent, making your eyes flutter shut. “I’m not about to let some other maggot get in my way,” he says, brushing the hair off the side of your neck, revealing splotches of red and purple bruising. “This time…you’re mine.”
“I don’t belong to anyone,” you tell him, but your efforts to remain in control are in vain.
Sukuna starts to pepper kisses across every discoloration his eyes can find, his other hand now pulling you closer to his body.
He’s hard, and nor was he lying either when he said he has nothing to compensate for.
With one hand placed inches above your needy core, he encourages you to grind against his own. It’s an action so specific, you can’t help but wonder if there’s some hidden meaning to it. Either way, Sukuna knows right where to get you along your neck until you’re weak in the knees and grasping the edge of the table for stability.
“What’s the matter?” he asks between kisses. “No more bratty comments?” You can feel his lips hovering over your carotid artery, smiling against the flesh as your heartbeat quickens in response.
“Fuck you,” you spit in a low volume, your grip on the table growing stronger as Sukuna’s hand moves fast to cup your sex.
“There’s plenty of time for that,” he muses. “I intend to enjoy every minute of this.” He lifts his hand upwards, pulling you off your feet for a hot second causing a gasp to leave your mouth. He then lets go of your body, backing away a few steps.
“Strip,” he commands, and you find yourself throwing caution to the wind. As you start to unbutton your shirt, he stops you, “Aht aht, turn around.” He motions with his finger almost impatiently so.
You roll your eyes before doing so, continuing where you left off. “Better, my lord?”
“That’s it,” he drawls, ignoring your snarky tone in favor of the new title of worship. “You’ll do well to listen and take orders.”
“You know, maybe I should put a bullet in you if you think I’m gonna sit back and become one of your pets. Better yet, I could always just cut your dick right off or maybe gelding would be more fun,” you warn him with an amused smile.
“Your words only arouse me, brat.” He stalks closer, baring his canines towards you with a similar, more salacious grin. “Stick around long enough with me and I’ll show you the best way how to do all of those things.”
Unlike you, you don’t believe he’s joking.
Sukuna takes a moment to admire your body, feeling his own cock strain in his pants. He leans his head down, taking you by your mouth in a ravenous embrace. He roughly bites your bottom lip, making you gasp yet again. Sukuna uses this chance to slip his tongue past your teeth, savoring the metallic flavor all while a free hand slips between your thighs.
He spreads you open, prodding his middle finger against your opening. “My… so wet already? I’ve hardly touched you.”
For how much you hate him for his arrogance, he certainly knows how to make a gal feel oh so aroused. You’re enjoying this more than you had expected to.
Without warning, he thrusts his finger upwards, lifting your body to rest atop the dining table. “Fuck!” you shriek, the pain turning to pleasure when his thumb coos your throbbing clit. With deft motions, he pumps his finger in and out.
Sukuna laughs in an almost sadistic manner, thoroughly enjoying the reactions you’re giving him. It’s always more fun when his prey has some fire that makes his efforts to break them all the more satisfying. Pretty soon, you’re rolling your hips against his knuckles on your own, aiding his motions.
“Look at you, slut,” his voice, full of sin, whispers in your ear. He bites the sides of your neck overtop the pre-existing marks, thus overriding the claims. “So desperate. You want to cum, don’t you? I can feel it.”
You nod your head, unable to hold back your noises as you grow closer to that sweet release. His touch is like wildfire against your body, igniting you with otherworldly passion.
“I wonder, what would happen if I were to deny you?” His grin widens and he retracts his hand from your body.
“Asshole!” you hiss breathlessly, groaning from the loss.
Sukuna loves how easy it is to push your buttons. Each action serving to intoxicate you under his full control. If one simple finger of his could do all of this for you, then he can’t waitto impale you with his cock.
“Such a bad girl,” he purrs against your ear once again. Both of Sukuna’s hands hold you at the hip while he rubs his clothed self against you. “Tell me you’re mine and I’ll please you over and over again until all you can think about is me.”
“I’m starting to think it was love at first sight with you,” you chuckle through a moan, “Can’t ask a girl out like a normal person?” That remark earns you another reprimand as he suddenly pushes himself hard against you, forcing you back onto your forearms.
“Last I checked, I already made you dinner and offered you my home. If you’re having second thoughts then I’ll gladly let you go,” he states, but you can tell that’s a lie.
Sukuna would much rather you stay and give in to his desires. The offer is quite tempting to, as with any deal with a devil. It proves even harder to deny the effects Sukuna has on you, your stomach endlessly performing flips with emotions.
His whole domineering self is a forbidden type of decadence that draws you in, hypnotizingly so. There’s a lot you don’t know yet about him, and if one thing is obvious, it’s that the longer you stay at his side, the more you want to slip into depravity with Sukuna.
It might even help you become a better version of yourself. No longer would you be alone trying to survive in a world pitted against you.
Then again, your feisty nature is what got you here to begin with. Where’s the fun in letting that go now when you have someone that can keep up with you, with plenty to offer if he stays true to his word.
With a devious grin of your own, you tell him, “Fuck. You.” Emphasizing each word to better toy with him.
He laughs again, louder, and more boastful this time. He knew you would continue to deny yourself, punishing yourself in the process. You’re only making this easier for him to have his way.
“You won’t say it?” He stares down at you with a darkened expression, flashing those wolfish fangs again. One of his hands swoops up to cup your breast, pinching the bud as he makes you lie flat for him. “Oh, I’ll make you say it.”
In the blink of an eye, his mouth latches onto your swollen pearl, sucking with an intense force that leaves you writhing beneath him. One way or another, he’ll shatter your will. He knows it’s just a matter of time before you admit what you already know to be true.
Sukuna’s tongue swipes upwards once before pushing inside. He licks up every last drop of your arousal, feeding into his own animalistic desire to claim you.
To ruin you.
He moans at this thought, savoring your delectable taste like it’s his last meal on earth. The sweet flavoring pairs perfectly the way you cry his name out. One of your hands even holds the table in a white-knuckle grip, with the other struggling against his head. You can’t escape his touch, even if you tried. His own hands brandish your hips tight enough to bruise ─ making you in his name.
“S’kuna,” you groan, feeling your mind reaching a state where it has no choice but to unravel.
“Just say those three words,” Sukuna insists, spelling it out for you with the tip of his tongue. He’s edging you a second time now, knowing all too well how close you are. “Three words, and I’m all yours,” he urges.
“Fuck! Please, please, let me cum!” you beg the man, rocking yourself against his mouth for the needed stimulation. Sukuna clicks his tongue but doesn’t let up, sucking more vigorously now. Your eyes practically roll into the back of your head, your spine arching off the table from the force your climax hits you with. “Sukun-aah!” you cry out in pleasure.
Your mouth falls agape with a silent scream, falling limp against the wood. It takes a minute to come down off the high, but when your vision clears, you look to Sukuna whose shirt has been discarded. Now, you can clearly see his sculpted chest and all the black ink that adorns his body.
The sound of metal teeth fills your ears, and his jeans are the next to go. He doesn’t even give you a chance to see the rest of him in his full glory before you’re scooped into his arms, forced to wrap your tired legs around his waist. Contrary to his abrasive personality, he holds you with a lot of care, and you think you if this goes on, you could fall asleep just like this.
Sukuna lowers himself onto his bed, and in the process forces you into a straddling position. He briefly kisses your lips ─ another sweet act ─ and then leans back, tucking his hands behind his head.
“Ride me,” he commands. You shoot him a questioning glare in response. “What, you thought I was going to do all the work tonight?” he scoffs, “I told you already what I want to hear.”
You sigh, lips stretching into a fine line. It doesn’t seem like any amount of begging will save you from those three words he wants you to say, but are you ready to admit it?
“Come on, cowgirl.” Both his tone and expression carry a hint of mocking, albeit playful as part of his nature. “Let’s see some bareback riding… I want to watch you make yourself cum on my cock.” Sukuna pats your thigh before pulling it back behind his head.
You lift upwards, feeling a burn in your legs as you do so. Between days of being on the saddle and Sukuna marking the fourth man in your unintentional conquest of the city of Valentine, you ought to get a medal for how hard you’re working. At this rate, you may as well embrace the buckle bunny trope.
Reaching between your thighs, you take his cock in hand. The size is bigger than you imagined, even after feeling it through his denim. He’s no doubt the biggest you’ve taken thus far, and you can’t even feel the tips of your fingers around his girth.
There’s a bit of uncertainty that starts to bubble up, but as the famous saying goes ─ country girls make do.
And so, you line him up, rolling the fat mushroom tip across your slit to gather the necessary lubricant before even attempting to sit over this monster. You wince at the first stretch, your insides burning unimaginably so.
Sukuna wants to laugh. He’d love to keep teasing you but even he’s having trouble forming words in this situation. It’s hard enough resisting the urge to go all in and get it over with, but that won’t end well for him.
He wants you to trust him after all.
He wants you to be his.
After what feels like a century, you finally bottom out, hips kissing his pelvis in full with a deep, guttural moan to follow. Any slight movement on either of your parts sends shockwaves heavier than his heavyweight draft.
In this moment, Sukuna decides to play nice. His hands move from his head down to the dips of your hips, helping you through the motions with a gentle touch. It’s mostly an excuse to get you moving already, but also due to how deeply he wants to feel every bit of you.
Pretty soon he lets you take over, as he originally planned. At first, your pace is agonizingly slow, fueled from your exhausted state much to his discontent. Despite this being his way of tormenting you, it affects him equally so. Sukuna’s also punishing himself for not making his move earlier when he had the chance.
“Is that all you got? Here I thought you wanted to cum,” he teases. “You look so pretty with my cock buried in you, slut.”
The degrading term aside, his sudden compliment has you moaning a saccharine tune. Your body hunches forward, curving his length to reach greater depths you didn’t think possible.
“Oh?” Sukuna groans deeply. “Does someone enjoy being praised?”
“Y-yes, ‘Kuna.”
“Good girl,” he hisses with lustful joy, clenching his teeth together. Sukuna wasn’t prepared for the feeling you created by saying his name in such a delectable way.
He could eat you right up for that.
“My dove is doing so well,” he murmurs against your ear, pulling the lobe between his teeth. “Now if only you’ll say those three words already,” he urges you once more, wishing for you to give into him.
You huff, “What haa-happened to saying please?”
“Tch.” The palm of his hand meets your ass. You gasp into a cry, clenching around his length. “Don’t be a brat after I’ve been nice and complimenting you.”
Fresh tears gloss your eyes but are quickly soothed by him rubbing circles over the forming red handprint. That hand then moves deftly over your stomach to where it had rested earlier. Sukuna pushes with his palm slightly, feeling himself deep within you.
Fuck, it feels good, but it’s not enough.
Your pace begins to slow as your body tries desperately to balance exhaustion with your building orgasm. Sukuna’s breathing turns disheveled, a sign that even he’s losing his patience ─ ready to fill you to the brim with his seed.
Nearing the precipice of your release, you finally come to terms with your inner turmoil. You’re here now, you may as well make the most of it. As downright intimidating as Sukuna can be, he just wants to please you in his twisted sort of way.
It’s not easy to admit, but in a way, he reminds you of your father ─ always pushing you past pain to grow stronger. It’s what made you into a rattlesnake in a world full of predators. Sukuna brings out that venomous side of you but also rewards you with subtle soft touches.
One might argue that your affection for Sukuna could be the result of losing your father years ago. On the other hand, this possessiveness Sukuna shows might be his own way of dealing with issues from his past. Whatever the case may be, you hope the lengths he’d go to protect what he deems his isn’t anything too maniacal in nature.
Maybe for the first time in your life, you will let go of control ─ let someone else carry your burden without always needing to put up a strong front.
“’Kuna,” you whine, leaning down in front of his face, cupping both sides of his jaw. A bead of sweat falls from a strand of your hair, disappearing in an instant from his hot flesh.
His eyes narrow in your hold, obsidian swallowing garnet. “Say it.”
And you finally do.
“I’m yours, Sukuna. All yours.”
That’s all he needed to hear for everything to snap into place. Sukuna’s arms reach around your torso, holding you tight to thrust himself into a brutal pace. His cabin now but a domain of lust, fueled by a cadence of sounds as body and souls unite as one.
“’Bout time,” he growls, the pitch of his voice noticeably lower. “I was just gonna mess with ya at first, tease you a bit ─ see how far I could back you into a corner,” Sukuna starts to reveal, his pace unrelenting. “Then I saw you showin’ off at the bar, fucking that bastard’s hand up without breaking a sweat. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever been more turned on in my life.”
The two of you bury your faces in each other’s neck, your hands struggling to find a grip anywhere to provide relief from the mounting state of rapture. The knot in your abdomen growing tighter and tighter by the second.
“Had to watch that blond fuck get to you before I could, and then,” he growls, “you ran off with that white-haired freak of a sheriff this morning.” His arms coil around you with more force. “Don’t think I’m not aware these marks are from him.”
“’Kuna, please,” you whimper into his collar.
“That’s right, tell the world who you belong to ─ who’s ruining you,” Sukuna’s laugh mixes with deep, groaning exhales. “Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around my fat cock. You better be proud of yourself for what you’re doing to me.”
You cry out his name a dozen more times as he ravishes you, no sooner reaching the plateau of an ecstasy that unravels every fiber of your being. Your only thoughts now are of the man beneath you, drunk off his cock now shooting thick ropes of cum deep inside you.
The stimulation gets to be too much that you feel the overwhelming desire to bite down on his neck. Sukuna revels in this, spilling out every last drop he can manage until it overflows from within you and around the base of him.
You relinquish your hold on him, allowing your body to slump against his. “You’re mine now,” Sukuna declares with your name following his words. He moves one hand up and down your back, reminding you of his softer side, all before flipping your positions, still nestled within your body.
“Suku–“ You’re cut short by his lips pressing against yours in a warm embrace.
He kisses every tear down your face, and even the drool that trails the sides of your mouth before returning to your lips. Amongst everything else, you can still taste yourself on his tongue, paired perfectly with his own like seasoning on the finest of meals.
“Did you think we were done?” One hand moves to hook the backing of your knee, lifting it up to grant him better access. “I said I’d take good care of you, and all you had to do was submit your trust to me.”
You might’ve just created a monster without realizing.
“Take every bit of me now… you’ve earned it.”
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You have no memory of when sleep overtook you. Sunlight peeks through the curtains now, illuminating the cabin in warm, rich tones. Your body, while sore and aching, feels renewed in all aspects ─ mind, body, and soul.
Sukuna’s arm is wrapped around your waist, with his other acting as a pillow beneath your head. Feeling you stirring, his eyes flutter open, glaring at you with his own tired expression.
“Mornin’, dove,” he greets, voice thick with sleep.
You stretch in his arms, moaning slightly as you wiggle closer for comfort and warmth. Sukuna smiles against your forehead, tightening his arms around you like he’s afraid you’ll fly away if he lets go. It’s fine for now. After all, you made your choice to give in and it’s one you don’t regret.
He may joke about “fucking the brat out of you”, but let’s face it ─ Sukuna had plenty of frustrations of his own to get out. Now, you get to experience his softer side. While Sukuna will never admit he has one, he is glad you’re here and wants to keep it that way.
After another bout of sleep, he prepares a nice, fulfilling breakfast for you. It’s quiet as the two of you eat, both knowing full well you weren’t going to be staying for another night.
The fact remains that Sukuna has some unfinished business to attend to, and you yourself must return Clementine to Kento before making any lifechanging decisions in your journey of life.
On your way out the door, Sukuna grabs your wrist, spinning you back and up against the door. His knee wedges between your legs, one hand holding your jaw up for him to claim your lips in a fervent kiss goodbye.
“Come back to me soon, dove. I’m not finished with you.” He smiles, but it lacks the malicious intent he held earlier.
You think.
“See you around, cowboy.” You tap the back of your hand to his chest when he releases you, walking off from the porch and over to the pasture. “Oh, and by the way,” you call out from over your shoulder, “I give you five stars for your excellent service.” You wink, licking your lips.
Sukuna smirks from afar, remaining by his doorstep until you’re nothing but a shadow in the distance. His eyes pan over in the direction of his cellar, eager to pass the time until your hopeful return.
…but will you?
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☆ Notes: I got stuck on this for a while during my writing slump as I’ve come to realize I’m not all that big on smut writing, tbh. It’s not something I feel confident with, nor is it something I actively seek out to read.
But god, writing Sukuna was a BLAST and a nice start for me cause I have several ideas I want to do for him in the future <3 I hope you guys enjoyed how I wrote him though; I tried to balance all my favorite aspects his personality and my own little headcanons.
Also had to throw in my own choso & yuki cowboy headcanons… originally I was gonna have choso working in the office with shoko, but I ship him with yuki hard and really wanted to include them one way or another in the series. blood manip just screams doctor AUs to me, and I think he’d be an awesome vet or peds doctor!!
For all the red dead 2 players though… do you recognize what house we’re in? :3
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formulapai · 7 months
some headcanons with various drivers🧡
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scenario: the drivers with a florist partner OR my daily struggles as a florist, but make it delulu
warning: flowery tomfoolery, mental breakdown and pollens
pai’s words: second part of the headcanons !!
- the one to talk about you to his friends
- brags about your work during his livestreams
- is insanely proud of you and tries his best to show it
- buys you flower from other places because he doesn’t want to spoil the surprise if he comes to your shop
- stares at you as if you are his whole world (you are) when you get excited about something that happened during your day
- the one to playfully bully you with your colleague’s help
- posts your work on his insta and encourages everyone to come at your shop “but don’t steal them from me”
- picks flowers from the side of the road and tells you he can totally become a florist and replace you
- waits for you outside of the shop with an umbrella when it rains because he knows you didn’t bring one
- the one to wait for you at home with blankets and warm tea when he knows you’ve had a bad day
- lets you rant and gives you his point of view
- “mais non?” (“no way?”)
- tells you all about the dramas around the paddock to distract you
- massages your shoulders
- the one to offer you little things when he comes to visit
- some lunch, some sweets, a coffee, a drawing a fan made of the two of you
- gets lost in the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about the recent flowers you’ve received at the shop and spends hours staring at you with heart in his eyes
- insists that you teach him some techniques and takes the lessons very seriously
- the one to plant flowers in the backyard as a surprise
- knows a lot about plants but is still thrilled to listen to you
- “oh wow, you sure can do a lot of things with your hands”
- you banned him from going to your shop after he said this
- can and WILL buy you bee-related accessories to put in your creations
- the one to ask you which flowers are edible
- proceeds to buy a bouquet containing only edible flowers and eat them in front of the cameras in the paddock to “spice things up”
- gets scolded by his team because everyone got scared for a second there
- excitedly tells you all about it and will probably still will in a few years
- didn’t forget to tell the interviewer all about your shop when he was munching on his flowers
- compliments you and your work in the late evening, when he has you cuddled up at his side
- the one to cook for you when you come home late
- tells you to take a shower while he finishes
- if someone is remotely rude to you or your colleagues when he’s around, it’s over for them
- acts as if they’ve just insulted his whole family and won’t let go
- wants plants all over the living room but none in the kitchen, he thinks it’s unhygienic
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dia-souls · 8 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Imajin Tokuten Drama CD “Chaos of Amnesia”
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Original title: 記憶喪失による混乱
Source: Fanmade Tokuten Drama CD
Story by: Admin Irsa
Seiyuu: Suegara rie, Midorikawa Hikaru, Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Takashi Kondou, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Morikubo Shoutaro, Tomoaki Maeno
Admin's note: I am back at writting after a long period of time. This CD is related to chaos lineage and it's a change or an alter to the chaos lineage opening scene. I hope you will like it. I lost a bit of my grip cuz of break. I hope I get back on track one more thing yui will be a bit OOC like. It's really difficult to write dialogue for 14 people. Shot out to that one follower whom wanted the CD drama in which all dl boys appear with yui. You my dear motivated me (A big thanks to @crazyasffr ). Give reviews because I like reading your reaction 😤!
Yui was awoken by the sound of a lot of voices. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't open it,She tried to move her body but couldn't. She started getting scared as she noticed her situation. Then she felt as if she was being kissed she felt disgusted. She heard thoes voices again they were males she could tell by their tone and they were arguing. Again she felt as if she is being kissed and her disgust was increasing.
??: Is she not going to wake up?
???: The propherecy said that if you kiss the sleeping Eve she will wake up? But she isn't waking up?!!
????: Maybe because you are a bad kisser. Let Ore-sama try!
?????: Fufu, how about all of us take turn in trying.
????: You all are disgusting. If you all are going to kiss her then I won't kiss her it makes me vomit to think I will kiss someone who is already defiled by you all.
?????: Then don't kiss her it's not like we want you to do that besides you doing that isn't necessary.
????: You perverts don't touch her you aren't allowed to!! Only Nii-san has the right to do it!!
???: You bas-
Yui then felt as if her energy was returning she opened her eyes and saw a young boy whoes face was dangerously cloes to her. The guy upon noticing her awake smiled at her.
?????: Ohh!! So you are awake you have really cute eyes!
_Yui immediately pushed that guy off her and got up.
Yui: Have you no shame you were kissing a sleeping women!??
Kino: Excuse me I didn't even got the chance to kiss. The one who assaulted you are them.
_He said as he pointed at Reiji and Ruki.
_Yui looked at around to see a lot of men who are now looking at her. She scanned all of them.
Ruki: Quick grab her!!
Yui: Wha No-o don't c-ome near me leave me-e!!
Ruki: Look we won't hurt you we just want you to come with us.
Yui: I d-don't want to go anywhere! please just let me go!
_Yui looked at them with fear in her eyes as she was feeling overwhelmed with a lot of men around her.
Reiji: Shu!! Hurry grab her!!
Shu: How annoying. Do it yourself.
_Yui got startled as she heard a voice right besides her she noticed a guy on floor. She didn't realized he was this cloes to her she hurridly moved away.
Shu: Pink.
Yui: Huh?
Shu: Colour.
Reiji: Colour of what?
Shu: Of your underwear.
Yui: ............
_Yui flushed at his remark and scooted away from him while shu gave her a lazy smirk.
Ruki:You!! How dare you!!
_Ruki said as he took his sword out seeing this everyone took their sword out yui immediately flinched at it.
*Cling* *Cling*
Yui: Wha-ts happening here?! Why are you doing this?! Who exactly are you all??!
Kino: Eve don't worry we won't hurt you after all you are our princess!
_Kino gives her princely smile and moved towards her but was blocked by Shin who moved infront of him.
Shin: Not so fast!! I won't let you touch her.
_Shin drew his sword he looked at his shoulder to look at yui.
Shin: Don't worry Eve I will save you from them and get you out of here!!
Yui: Is it real?
Shin: Huh?
_Kino and Shin both looked at yui confusingly.
Yui: The sword?
Shin: Of course it is!?? What are you thinking?
Yui: What? But why?!
Shin : Why what?!
Kino: Look stop all of you I am confused here?! What are you trying to say princess??
Yui: You are confused but, I should be confused who exactly are you?! All I thought you all were cosplayer?
Kino: Cosplayer?!?
Shin: Why would you think that?!
Yui: Well... you all are calling me Eve and acting like a knight and your dress is weird too you all are dressed weirdly!
Kino: Excuse me!? I have the best sense of fashion among all of them also don't call our dressing weird rather you are acting strange!
Reiji: Eve you do know what purpose you have.
Yui: What?
_Yui looked at him confusingly. She then looked around.
Yui: Also where is the priest?
_Now all of them looked at her.
Reiji: Pardon. What priest?
Yui: Well this is church so there must be a priest! Where is he?
Yuma: Eve you do realize that we are the only ones here!
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Don't tell me that Eve is mentally unstable?!
Ayato: What but isn't she Eve??!
Kino: Isn't Eve is supposed make a ruler? Why is she talking weirdly?!
Shin: Come on she isn't unstable like you can clearly tell the difference between her and Kanato.
Kanato: Exactly---What did you say???!!!
_He gave a murderous look to Shin.
_Yui than felt someone circling her waist she looked at her shoulder to see a red haired guy.
Ayato: Oii!! No one will touch her!! She is now my property!!
Kanato: Hah when did she become yours Ayato???! Teddy waited so long for her to wake up!! I DEMAND YOU GIVE HER TO ME!!
_All of then covered their ears because of his screeching.
Yuma: You brat!! Shut up!! You aren't alone here!! All of us waited here for sow to wake up!! You ain't special go and play with your toys.
_Kino, Shin and Ayato snickered. Kanato seeing this walked up to Yuma.
Kanato: What did you say to me?
He said as he grabbed his collar. But their difference in height made the audience except Yui chuckle. Which further increased Kanato anger.
Kanato: YOU!!!!
_Yuma flinched at his sudden outburst.
Yuma: What?? But you were the compla-
Yuma: I didn't you yourself made-
Yuma: When did I made fun--
Yuma: I never asked for your forgiveness-
_Yui took advantage of the distraction and elbowed him. Ayato who was caught off guard let her go and Yui escaped. Yui immediately ran for the door.
Ruki: Eve is escaping Shin go after her!!
Reiji: Yuma this isn't time to play around. Be quick Kino catch Eve. Shu you too!!
Kino: Roger!!
_All of them then became alert and started running after her.
_Yui who was running with all her might started screaming hoping the people will hear her and help her. She hurridly entered a room and locked it's door she decided to put furniture infront of it so it could remain locked just as she turned around she saw all of them.
Shin: Ouch! Stop screaming!
_As she lifted vase.
Ayato: Well we are- Put that thing down!!
Yui: I won't don't come closer you weirdos!!
Yuma: Eve listen we won't hurt you we are here to save you just come here!
Yui: Don't come closer!!
Ruki: Huh! As if she thing like that can stop us!!
_Yui threw the vase towards Shu as for some unknown reason he was lying closer to her but Shu dodged it.
Shu: How dare you!
_Yui noticed a balcony in room and sprinted toward it seeing it all of them followed her but stopped as soon as they say her climbing the railing she was able to balance herself on it she looked towards them.
Yui: Look don't come closer otherwise I will jump from here and you will be sentenced to death!
Kanato: Eh? Death sentence what are you saying?
Yui: Tell me who are you all and why are you doing this to me?!
Kino: Doing this to you?! Excuse me we haven't even started doing anything to you!!
Yui: Liste--kyahhh.....
_Yui was, lifted from the railing into air.
Kou: Hyahhhhh!!! M-Neko-chan Kou has came to your rescue Fufu.
_Yui realized that she is hugged by strange blonde hair guy the guy then placed his head on her shoulder glancing at the crowd.
Laito: Nfu~
Yui: Kyahhh...
_She felt another pairs of hands hugging her.
Laito: Nfu~ Eve-chan~~ you made your suitors wait a lot for you this isn't fair we spend a lot of time without you. Now need to make it up to your Laito-kun!
Kou: Wait a minute!! Laito-kun I am talking to M-Neko-chan you should let us talk alone and leave her I can carry her alone.
_The door exploded and three men entered the room.
Carla: How dare you all come here before us!!
Ruki: Well excuse you, don't tell me you expect us to inform you that barrier is broken. Isn't it your fault that your comrades are foolish.
Subaru: Tch!! It's not like you already took her she is still here and besides we aren't late.
_Subaru cracked his knuckle and looked at all of them before his eyes went to the girl. He immediately blushed as he saw her being gropped by two men.
_Yui who was now confused and scared as she noticed their strength. They are way too strong to take a door down but thinking about what they are wasn't her concern her main concern was to get away from them.
_Carla looked at Yui for some reason Yui felt a lot of scared his presence was dominating and she wanted to hide. He continue to peirce her with his gaze and walked towards Yui. This guy is very intimidating for her.
Yui: Let me go!!
_She said as she started swaying her legs.
Kou: EV-wait stop we will-
Laito: Eve-channn this not a place to get excited, I know you are excited to see Laito-kun but wai--
Yui: Kyaah!!!
_Yui was falling she closed her eyes to accept her fate only to feel someone below her.
Yui: Owe!
Shu: You are in no position to say anything like that considering you fell on me!
_Yui got up from floor and saw Shu beneath her.
Yui: Why are you always on floor?!
Shu: ..............
Yui: Aren't you going to answer?!
Shu: Uwa! Troublesome.
_As he got up Yui for the fist time Yui saw their differences in height, as it's the fist time he got up since their meeting and Yui was startled as she saw him trying to grab her.
_Yui immediately bolted towards dark forest.
Laito: Uwahhh Eve died I can't believe I didn't get to play with her.
Subaru: Idiot she isn't dead.
Ruki: We really need to find her quickly.
_Carla raised his eyebrows at him as they all were creating too much fuss.
Reiji: Can't you sense her presence?!
Subaru: Tch! What's wrong with you all she is just around here we will find her and that's it!?
Shin: Looks like you don't understand the severity of the situation.
Ayato: You see Eve has slept for too long that's why she is now unstable.
Kou: What? M-Neko-chan no way I don't believe you she is perfectly stable.
Shin: You see she acts weirdly and ask stupid question I am not saying she is fully unstable like Kana-
_Kanato walked up to Yuma and grabbed him by collar.
Yuma: Oi-i!! What did I do?! Why are you coming at me!!?
Yuma: What type of logic it is-
Yuma: It's literally our first meet--
Yuma: When were you listen--
_The two continued to argue.
Laito: Eve. Poor Eve-chan she must be scared while walking alone in this scary forest.
Carla: If whatever you said is true that Eve truly is out of her mind then we need to hurry and find her before she does harm upon herself because of state.
Reiji: Hurry!! After her she must be in forest we need to find her before she hurt herself!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yui: Hahhh!! Hurry I need to find someone!! Ngh.
_She fell on her butt after she collided with someone. She looked up to see a guy who was covered in bandages.
Azusa: Eve.
_The unknown guy immediately hugs her. She then started pushing him but he didn't nudge.
Yui: Leave me-e!
Azusa: I waited so long for you to come Eve I am so happy to meet you!!
_Yui looked at him confusingly. Are all guys here have their screws loose.
_She then heard footsteps behind her.
Laito: Nfu~ Ara, Ara Eve-chan you are finally united with your number 1 fan.
Yui: Numbe-er one fan?
Laito: Yes!! Azusa-kun seems to have special attachment to you, you see.
Shin: Hahh!! I finally found you Eve-
Yuma: Eve found yaaa. Ya made everyone so worried about you!!
Kino: Eve here you are!
_All of then looked at each other it appeared as if now they are ready to fight and not so soon the fight began Shin who remained it shadows saw the opportunity and grabbed yui.
Yui: Hel---
_Her voice was muffled by shin hand he hurridly took her away from scene.
Yui: Stop!! Leave me ugh!! Please stop!!!
Shin: Kch!! Shut up and come with me to orange house.
_He roughly grabbed her and started dragging her.
Yui: Please don't sell me-
Shin: Sell you??
_Shin now stopped and look at her confusingly.
Yui: Isn't it what you want?
_Yui thought they all might be drug dealers and are trying to sell her to brothel that's the reason they are so careful with her.
(They all are doing this so that my body remains unharmed and I could be sold at higher price otherwise why were they so concerned when I was falling from railing!)
_Shin confusing expression changes to pity and sad.
(She really is mentally unstable that's why she is saying weird things I shouldn't put more pressure on her fragile state.)
_Yui upon noticing Shin sad eyes and his silence as an agreement to her statement and her tears started welling up in her eyes.
Subaru: Ev-- Hah Shin why is she crying?
_Subaru immediately separated the two and grabbed Yui. Yui again resisted to get away from him.
Yui: How can you do this don't you have a sister will you do something so terrible to her!!??
_Yui questioned subaru.
Subaru: Huh? But I don't have any sister?!
Yui: That- but still you should have some humanity in yourself to do something this disgusting!!
Subaru: Humanity? I am not a human to begin with!!
Yui: That's right you are monster!!!
_Subaru became confused at her outburst he wondered what he did that made her like that?! He didn't deserve to be called a monster, considering it's their fist meeting.
Subaru: Look I just want to take you home to my older brother-
Yui: Huh!! You__ I can't believe you are going give me to your brother as call girl!!?
Subaru: Wha--
_Subaru looked at Shin who still had sad expression on his face. He looked at Shin and Shin upon noticing him made a gesture of saying that she is unstable and shook his head.
_Subaru looking at him realized how bad Eve's condition is became sad as he thinks that his behaviour might upset her more. He looked sorrowfully at yui.
_Yui than notices change in demnor thought that this might be his purpose.
Yui: Please leave me alone!! Let me go!
Kou: Ahh! Found them!! GUYS EVE IS HERE!!
_All the family immediately teleported to the place.
Yuma: Hahh!! Finally!!
Yui: Look please stop all this. Leave me alone don't sell me.
Ayato: Sell you but why would we? I mean you are important for the plan after all you are Eve? Why would we sell you?
Yui: But why me why me out of all the girls in the world why does it have to be me??!!
Laito: 'Girls' there are girls here?
Ruki: Eve you are the only women here along with us!
Yui: Wait a minute!? Aren't you going to sell me to some brothel??
Ayato: First you called Ore-sama cosplayer and now you are calling me a dealer make up your mind cosplayer or dealer!!
Shin: Huh why would we? What do you think we are! Besides there is no brothel here!
Yui: If there isn't then why all of you are chasing me! And why are you saying I shouldn't be harmed!!?
Ruki: Ahh! Things are now getting clearer.
Kino: Yeah!! Right seriously I can't believe it was all for this.
Reiji: It seems Eve has misunderstood our intentions.
Shin: This means that she isn't crazy like Kana-
Yuma: SHUT UP!! Shut your crap!!
_Yuma said as he glanced at Kanato whom upon noticing that he is staring at him glared at him Yuma flinched and immediately looked away.
Yuma: Ain't no way. I am gonna let that kid scream at me!! He mumbled.
Shu: Hah!! Uwah! I just want to go home.
Carla: Don't tell me women you don't know what's your purpose in the game.
Yui: Game? Purpose? What are you saying?!
Reiji: I hope I am not wrong but it seems sleeping for too much has caused her to forget her purpose.
Carla: Say women do you know how to make me the supreme ruler.
Yui: Huh!? What is that??
Ruki: Hah looks like it's time for us to explain you the situation you are in.
I am Ruki, the eldest of orange family there are 13 man over here and there is no women here except for you. There are in total of three family violet, scarlet and orange. The main purpose of these family is to obtain Eve. Once Eve-
Carla: I am Carla eldest of violet. Eve had the ability or power you can say to make a supreme overload. Meaning a king and you are Eve and you have power to do that.
Kino: That's we all were after you we aren't some cosplayer or smugglers.
Yui: Well you did seem like that..
Kanato: Teddy she really thought we were crazy and we all thought you were crazy the whole time.
Carla: Now that everything is cleared out you will now come with us to violet household.
Subaru: Wait a minute!! You all are missing one detail.
Laito: Nfu~ let's not tell her guys poor girl will be so scared once she find out about that.
Kou: Ara~Ara Cmon Laito-kun I really want to see her reaction.
Azusa: Eve..is.. sane.. Eve.. Please.. come with.. us we... will... take good...care of.. you.
Yui: Wait a minute!! I can believe all this, all of you are lying it's impossible that there is no one here except us!
Ruki: Oh really! Where is the proof?
Yui: Proof--I might not have it right now but I am telling truth.
Kino: Hah! Why don't you just stop resisting and come with us? You have no place to go to!
Yui: That's true but I still won't come.... You all are brothers but you don't look alike at all!!?
Kanato: Teddy also thinks exact same!! They all are too weird to be my brothers and that red head idiot to be my twin.
Shin: Excuse me!!? You are actually weirdest of us brothers!! No you are the weirdest of us all--
Yuma: Bro you just shut up!! Don't anger him!! Why are you digging my grave?!?
_Yuma said as he put a hand on Shin's mouth to which Shin immediately removed.
Shin: You aren't my brother you vile--
Ruki: Shin!! Behave yourself!!
Shin: Yes, Nii-san .
_Ruki looked at yui and said.
Reiji: Yeah! that's true! We don't look alike. So what?! Does that change the fact that we are brothers? No it doesn't!
Yui: So basically you all have no parents?
Laito: Parents?!
Yui: Yeah... I mean you all must have different parents to have such different features.
Kou: Okay! Now it's crepping me out!
Yui: That's what I am trying to say that this place, you all something is not right!!
Kino: Princess don't stress too much. It's not that much of a big deal you know to have no parents.
Yui: But still that doesn't change the fact that they might have existed that's why you all exist!!
_Yui immediately blushed after saying this statement.
Laito: Well Eve-chan you are right! Nfu~we all already know how babies are made.
Shu: Lewd women you said it on purpose.
Yui: No I didn't I just want you all---
Ayato: Hah!! Stop!! Ore-sama is parched.
_He said as he came closer to yui.
Ayato: Why don't you take responsibility.
Laito: Aha! Now that you mentioned it she really is giving off a really sweet smell.
Subaru: Guys aren't we supposed to hide it-
Kanato: Teddy wonders if it's like a candy.
Yuma: Sow really does smell delecious. Hey! how about giving me a taste.
Laito: Nfu~Eve-chan you made me run all around to find you.
_He said as he got near her ear.
Kou: M-Neko-chan really is cruel! She really is selfish she made me do a lot of work how about you return favour as this is give and take world!
Subaru: Oii!! Stop saying that scary stuff to her and you both keep your hands off her!!!
Yui: Wai-it you.. all are again saying weird stuff?! Delecious and parched what do you mean by them?!
_Shu looked at Yui and smirked and gave her a show off his fangs.
Yui: Wha-
Shu: You now realize. Do you?!
Ruki: We aren't some bunch of humans. We are vampire.
Yui: Vam-mpire! You mean you all suck blood.
Kino: Hey!! I am offended we don't just do that! You humans have ruined our name.
Shin: What are you scared? I mean cmon don't tell me you don't realized it?!
Reiji: Having this level of strength isn't possible for a human man right? You should have realized it earlier that we aren't human.
Shu: I hope this answers your question about how I always get where ever you are.
Ruki: I guess you now know everything your purpose of being here and lastly our identity.
Carla: Hah! That's funny we didn't even try to mask our identity. You really are a dense women.
Yui: No-o that's impossible. I don't believe you!!
_Yui backed away from them.
_All of their eyes started glowing showing their animalistic nature.
Ayato: Say are you gonna choose who to come with or we decide it.
Yui: Wh-hat?
Kino: I mean you aren't gonna stay here right a forest is really a bad option for a fragile girl like you.
Subaru: Tch! It's not like a house full of male vampires is the best option.
Ruki: That's true but you are forced to choose between us we aren't requesting at first place that's an order. So hurry up and choose.
Carla: Eve choose which house are you going to live with. Choose wisely and carefully as it will decide the future supreme overload.
Reiji: So what's your decision Eve.
_Yui looked at all of them their attention fully focused on her.
"I will choose_______"
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bvlletproof-heart · 7 months
When I was younger, I used to think Ayame was very annoying and overbearing.
Now that I'm older, he's a gem.
Yes, he abandoned Yuki when he was a teenager which was shitty. Yuki reached out to him for help and Ayame literally shrugged him off.
When he was an adult, he was filled with SO MUCH regret. He realized what he did wrong and tries to make up for it. In an odd way, yes, but it's what makes him human and a relatable character. We've all been shitty teenagers and have done and said stupid shit that hurt people and I fucking love him.
Also, he was so correct in acting annoying ON PURPOSE so that Akito wouldn't want anything to do with him. Akito doesn't fuck with him and he pulled the same shit on his mom that it literally made her skitter from a parent/teacher conference.
He also said "bottom rights" which.... amazing.
I love this man and I did not appreciate him that much as a teenager. Now, as an adult, I get it.
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solaireverie · 7 months
Solsplaining Lestappen Gate 2023: Motivations
(aka i spent a full day psychoanalyzing rich white men who drive fast cars for a living)
I'll be the first to admit it: the recent rumors of a move to Red Bull for Charles / news involving him that is just as shocking, affectionately known as Lestappen Gate 2023, is likely delusion. (Or in the words of my beloved sister, "silly season didn't deliver this year, so we have to find something else to obsess over")
However, one common misconception is that one of the main reasons why a deal like this would fall through is the perception that Charles is, and will always remain, loyal to Ferrari, and would never move to another team. However, I actually think that it's very possible for Charles to want a transfer.
Charles is a professional athlete. You don't get to the level that he's at without being dedicated, hardworking, and incredibly competitive. (You can even see his ultra-competitive nature outside of the car — just take a look at the Ferrari driver challenges on Youtube.)
Every single Formula 1 driver (with the possible exception of the man, the myth, and the legend that is Yuki Tsunoda) dreams of winning the World Driver's Championship. Charles isn't going to stay with a team that promised him victory yet keeps failing to deliver (see Silverstone 2022, Spain 2022, Hungary 2022, etc), especially when he's already proven that he can challenge for the title when given a competitive car and decent strategy.
In fact, Charles has already told us the circumstances under which he would be open to leaving Ferrari: when he no longer believes in their "project" and he doesn't feel like he's maximizing performance. (He states clearly that he won't leave at the moment, but the most reasonable estimate for a move has always been 2025, after his current contract expires.)
Now, what could possibly qualify as not maximizing performance? Maybe Charles' past four years with Ferrari?
It obviously isn't all Ferrari's fault. Charles has made his fair share of mistakes and he's paid for them (ex: French GP 2022), but at the end of the day you have to admit that Ferrari seems to make an inordinate amount of mistakes for what should be one of the most prestigious teams in the sport.
Also, not directly related to Charles going to RBR, but it's been said that Ferrari only want to keep one of their current drivers for the future due to concerns about car development since Charles and Carlos have different driving styles. They would prefer to retain Charles, and that's why Carlos has been having difficulties with his contract, but at the end of the day I think that may be another concern Charles may have.
Red Bull have proved time and time again that they are currently on top in terms of car development, pace, strategy, etc. etc. It truly cannot be stressed too much the insanely dominant season they're currently having, and it seems probable that they'll continue this streak into at least the next two to three seasons.
(And even if they do fall off after the 2026 regulations are introduced, they've shown that they can remain competitive and fight to get back to the top. Red Bull have had two periods of domination in the past decade-ish and Ferrari haven't had a WDC since Kimi in 2007 or a WCC since the year after.)
If Charles wants to leave Ferrari to get a better shot at the WDC, Red Bull would be one of his best bets.
On the other side of the equation is Max Verstappen, who has consistently praised Charles' racecraft and has even said that he thinks that they would work well together (mind you, this article is from 2019, which was waaaaaay before their relationship reached the stage that it's at now, and Max was already floating the possibility.)
Red Bull is currently Max's team. He would definitely have a significant amount of input should they decide to change his teammate. Everything he's said so far about and around Charles, as well as the way he acts with him, points to Max not being opposed to the idea. (I'd even go so far as to say that it's possible that he wants to race alongside Charles... *cough* those comments about putting Charles in a better car *cough*)
Red Bull as a team would also benefit greatly from signing Charles. Firstly, he's a great PR asset. He's a media darling and at least one of the top three most popular drivers in F1. For a team that's basically a glorified marketing campaign, that's incredibly important.
Secondly, he and Max have similar driving styles. They're both aggressive and prefer borderline "undriveable" cars. Red Bull have the same issue as Ferrari currently in that their two drivers don't necessarily share the same style, which makes car development difficult. This results in the car suiting one driver (usually the faster) over the other, which then leads to the other driver performing abnormally substandard (see post-Miami 2023 Sergio and McLaren 2022 Daniel).
There are, of course, people who think that Checo might keep his seat or Daniel/Liam/Yuki will replace him.
Checo hasn't been able to achieve a 1-2 in the championship despite having had two dominant cars. This year, if he does get it, it would be by the skin of his teeth (fingers still crossed for Lewis!!!), which if you look at Max's gap with him in the points is simply ridiculous.
He's been decent for getting in the points, but a car like the RB19 shouldn't just be "in the points". Of course, it's not exactly suited for him, but less Q3 appearances than Oscar Piastri, a rookie who had a bad car for a third of the season? Sergio has always been a driver who excels in midfield teams and dragging decent cars higher than they should go, but I don't think he's built for championship contention in a dominant team like Red Bull.
I hate to say it, but realistically I don't see Daniel finding his way back into a RBR seat. He's still a good driver, but he's getting older and his stints with Renault and McLaren really hurt his reputation. The main reason that I think Red Bull would keep him now is for marketing but they've already achieved that by first making him their third driver and then sticking him in Alpha Tauri. Moment of silence for Nyck.
Let's take a look at Red Bull's history of choosing drivers: they've always leaned on the younger side. Sebastian Vettel, Max himself, Pierre Gasly, and Alex Albon were all brought in to replace an older driver. (Which again proves my point about Daniel: Why would RBR replace Checo with a driver older than him? This sentence pained me to write. RBR Daniel you will always be special in my heart!!!)
On the other hand, both Pierre and Alex have shown Red Bull that promoting a rookie too soon can hurt both of them. Yuki, perhaps, but he's not the most stable driver, and he doesn't have the raw talent that Max possesses to make up for the mistakes he makes occasionally. (Personally, I think he'll go to a midfield team eventually.)
For Red Bull, Charles would be a fantastic addition. He's already proven himself, is a publicity powerhouse in his own right, and can compete with Max. Just... no Brocedes ending, please.
Red Bull and Ferrari are incredibly similar in the sense that they are both, at the core of their existences, a mythos, albeit in vastly different ways. Red Bull Racing is a marketing scheme that chases success above all. Scuderia Ferrari is the years of history that looms behind the name.
They're both trying to sell you something, it's just that one is an energy drink and the other is the legend of the Prancing Horse.
Eventually, when Charles is no longer buying into Ferrari, he's going to go looking for another team to put his faith in, and plenty of signs point to it being Red Bull, who in my opinion has shown that they would be more than happy to accept him.
This still doesn't explain why Ferrari would also be posting Lestappen and it's entirely possible that it's all just a ✨ coincidence ✨, but in the meantime I will choose to be delusional!
If you've read to here, I salute you for reaching the end of my ramblings. Please drop by to let me know what you think! Have a nice day and stay hydrated <3
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astonmartingf · 2 months
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mick schumacher x reader x liam lawson
series summary— the world of motorsports is vast, yet it is also very limiting. like an intricate web of relationships, connections can get you everywhere, and underneath the pinnacle of motorsports are the secrets waiting to be unfolded.
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news catches to your parents while you spend time with them during the break, and new rumors begin at the start of the season
warnings: daddy issues, reader has nervous breakdown, even more conspiracy theories
previous ★ masterlist ★ next
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“I’m surprised you found your way back home.” 
Your father’s voice is cold and distant as you enter the front door, no bother sneaking around your own house. After your late night trip to a taco truck and two orders of fries, you decided to stay over at Yuki's, a place you both shared together when you wanted to get away from your own house.
Entering the living room, you catch your father at the dining table, in his pajamas, glasses adorned on his face with his hair unkempt, a cup of black coffee on one hand and scrolling through his iPad on the other.
Old you would’ve caused a ruckus by now, shouting in the early mornings causing your father to reply in the same fashion. One thing you learned late, is that you are your father’s daughter, no matter how you may act around each other, you’re both made from the same pieces of string. There’s no denying that, not at least to you.
The best way to avert the situation is to play it cool and keep calm, walking past him making your way in the kitchen. You situate yourself on the kitchen island making your own breakfast, the same butter and honey on pumpernickel toast since you came home from college. It became a comfort food, reminding you of home, rather, your father.
“I slept at Yuki’s, I planned things with him way before the dinner and I was running late, it’s rude to be late at plans.” Your father scoffs, nodding his head slowly. Your face falls flat. You’ve seen that expression before, disappointment, doubt, suspicion. Your appetite weans off as you drop the toast back on the plate, avoiding his gaze.
“I see… Care to explain this then?”
Raising your head, eyes following the screen of your father’s iPad— a news article of you, well Mick’s but you could see yourself in the blurry pictures. You sit frozen, trying to gain composure, hiding your own nervousness to your father. There hasn’t been a close call like this, not in the last five years at least.
Your eyes wander, rereading every paragraph double-checking, triple checking if your name is mentioned. The thought leaves your mouth dry as your hands begin to shake under the table, eyes flickering through the screen. Taking slow and deep breaths, you avoid your father’s eyes. Knowing for sure he’ll have another outburst- this time it was truly your fault.
Your father cares too much about you to not let this slide, he always put your privacy above everything else, to the point where you began to think if he wasn’t proud of you, or if he didn’t want to be associated with you. 
It didn’t matter what you did, he always let you do whatever you want, as long as you're careful around the public. Your identity, a mystery to everyone, maybe it’s why you didn’t have a lot of friends growing up, maybe that’s also why you’re always with Mick or Yuki, you can be yourself around them.
Your perception of your own father confuses you sometimes, he would do all these contradictory things, like Pavlov’s dog you’d learn when to react to his affection, and when to keep distance. He’s always controlling what and what not to do, act, say, at some point you find yourself an extension of your father and not yourself.
It was whiplash, one second he’s singing you praises, the next he’s looking at you like the piece of shit under his shoes. Nonetheless, you’d learn to understand that it was all for your safety, as much as you loathe him, he’s your father.
There are things that can’t change.
“Of all the people… Mick? God YN, when will you stop acting out everytime things don’t go your way and grow up-”
“Stop it this instant.” You glance at your stepmother and step sibling as they walk into the kitchen. You stay frozen in your seat, hands trembling as tears slowly pool on the corners of your eyes. You look at her through your blurry eyes, desperate to leave, you didn’t want her to see you like this.
Especially your stepmother, but things don’t ever go your way, as much as you want to leave, your legs are stuck on your seat. Your heartbeat dampening the sound of whatever your father might be talking about, it only dawned then the gravity of your mistake. Not being with Mick, but the mistake of being seen.
You learned to live for so long away from the camera, you got used to not being seen. Sure you went on races but it was easier to control variables in the paddock. Seeing yourself on the front pages of a local newspaper-
“YN-” Standing on instinct, you face your stepmother, “if you want, you can leave.” 
Wasting no time, you burst through the door- leaving your bag, you had nothing but it didn’t matter now. You walk around avoiding the main streets to the nearest park in the area, feeling grateful how you chose to sleep at Yuki’s last night. It was still early enough, not a lot of people your age, mostly elders and their breed dogs walking around the park.
You don’t know how long you spent adorning the lake, it could’ve been minutes or hours— not that it mattered, you’re enjoying the solitary time. From the corner of your eye, you catch a familiar figure, a blondie panting as he points in your direction. “You’re hard to find you know.”
Watching him sit down beside you, he pants catching his breath before situating his head on your lap, lying down on the grass. “I know what you’re thinking… but you need to wait until I catch my breath… I’m— I'm not letting you leave this time.”
Instinctively, you move your hands at the stray hairs sticking on Mick’s face. Wiping the sweat off his face using the sleeves of your sweater, observing his face, the sweat dripping off his forehead as he catches himself in labored breaths, eyes closed. Smiling to yourself, you relax in his presence, leaning back on the heel of your palms copying his actions.
Closing your eyes, you feel the cold air rushing through your face, the warm sunlight peeking through the branches of the tree, shining light on both you and Mick. Your breaths, slow and steady, taking in every moment, when you open them, you watch Mick’s intently gaze upon you.
“How’d you find me?”
Mick smiles before showing you his phone, a message from your stepmother saying you left. You roll your eyes hiding the laughter growing in your smile. “Of course she told you…”
“Who else if not me?” Mick shrugged, clearly not caring if your stepmother called him early in the morning, or late at night. 
“If it’s you, of course I’ll come. I’m always one call away YN, for you especially.”
His statement earned a scrunch from your nose, cringing at his cheesy lines, “Even while you’re racing?”
This time it was him who grimaced at your statement, “Okay don’t play smart with me, if I could answer my phone during races, why not. But you know what I mean YN.”
You sit still in silence at his answer, playful or not, you knew Mick was sincere with his words, there are few people who you trust with all your life— Mick was one of them.
Which made it even scarier to you as you continue playing around with fire like this. Moments like these are a wake-up call to the burning fire already spreading out in your mind. Moments like these which make you think if you'd been a normal person, maybe your chances with Mick might be better.
Unlucky are you.
Pushing blondie away from your lap, you stretch your legs ready to leave. The blonde senses this and follows through your actions, timing his movements with yours, making sure he’s steps behind you leaving you space. It only frustrated you more, knowing how observant he is—
He who knows your quirks and the little things you do, your mannerisms, what you like and don’t like, he’s constantly there, showing up. Slowly picking up the mess you leave every single time you fuss or mess up, always the first one you call and talk to, always the one you look forward to seeing.
He’s always there.
And it hurts more knowing that one day, he might get up and leave— off with someone better, someone normal. Someone who isn’t you. And you’ll be left alone, still used to him, still looking forward to him, still you’ll be waiting for him.
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“How does it feel to have offers left and right?” You bump your shoulders against Yuki as you walk around the Bahrain International Circuit with him. Your friend scoffs, looking back at you, “You mean to ask that to yourself?”
You press your lip into a thin line, hiding the smile growing from your lips slowly feeling bashful at his words. “My offers are yours Yuki, you know I won’t leave without you. I’ve been training to be your race strategist since forever, I think I’d rather be with you.”
“I heard from Helmut they’re interested in taking in a new race strategist for a second driver.” Your eyes widen slowly walking closer to Yuki, head glued beside him.
“A second driver for Tauri? Are they replacing you?” You shake his arm, whispering right by his ear.
Yuki scoffs, pushing your head to the side, “It’s for Red Bull, apparently they’re looking for a second driver for the next season.”
Raising your brows, you pull Yuki to the side of the track letting other members of the team walk first. Looking left and right, you check for other staff in the track doing their own session. Once the coast is clear you bring Yuki closer to you, “Where’d you get that? The season has yet to start, why are they looking for a second driver?”
Yuki shrugs his shoulders, “I have no idea, Helmut was asking about you since Newey wants to talk to you about something, I haven’t got a clue.”
You both continue walking, but your head is still stuck on the conversation earlier. How could Yuki know about that? You knew Helmut’s preference towards Yuki, he sang him with praises, which automatically puts Helmut in your good books. But is their relationship even that close to sharing information?
Apparently it is, but you can’t stop thinking about it, especially since Newey and Helmut asked for you— Yuki’s race strategist. Why would they want to talk to you? Unless…
“YUKI! Oh my gosh! Why didn’t you tell me sooner!” You pinch his arms, jumping in the middle of the track leaving the Japanese confused with your sudden outburst.
“You’re getting the Red Bull seat aren’t you?” You exclaim in full confidence, albeit a little loud for your own preference, it seems like no one noticed your scandalous statement as everyone continued walking along the track.
This time it was Yuki’s turn to burst out laughing, “Where are you getting those ideas from, like you said it’s the beginning of the season. I thought I heard crazy shit, but here you are spouting crazy nonsense.”
You deadpan, slapping Yuki’s arm— “Think about it, why would they ask to talk to me? A race strategist? Obviously this is about you. Yuki, I swear you’re getting this seat.”
Yuki nods along, not fully convinced, “Okay, let’s say they’ll be talking to you but they may just poach you away from me, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
The more you think about it, the more you feel upset about it. “I don’t want to be separated from you. I’d rather stay in Tauri than move up.”
Yuki raises his brows, patting your shoulders, “As much as I admire what you’re planning for us, it’s not as bad as you think. We still have a whole season in front of us, let’s leave those thoughts for later and focus on what we have now.”
Gasping, you throw a hand in front of your mouth, fake crying, “When did you get so mature Yuki? I can’t believe we’re already acting like serious adults, thinking about our career perspectives.”
Earning a groan from Yuki as he shakes his head in disbelief, “Like I said, forget what I said and let’s focus on the upcoming season. Also, don’t you dare tell anyone about it, and expect a call sometime now. I haven’t told anyone as well.”
“Not even Pierre?”
Yuki shakes his head left and right, leaving you flabbergasted, “This is serious, serious isn’t it? Why would you tell me something like that? Who am I going to talk to about it?”
“No one. Not even…” Yuki raises his eyebrows hinting on the person he’s implying.
Another gasp escapes your lips, “HECK NO! Especially not blondie, if he knew, then he’s contractually allowed to tell you know who…” you trail as your thoughts eat you alive.
Yuki twists your body, making you face him as he grabs both your arms, “Which is why I beg of you, don’t tell anyone. I know we already talk way too much, but you can only talk to me about it okay? And maybe Liam…”
Your face morphs into a blank expression, eyes dilating at Yuki’s deliberation, “I happen to tell him… but that’s aside the matter. Do not tell any other driver, promise me.”
You gulp at the seriousness, usually these rumors fly around the paddock all-season round but I guess this was something that will actually come to fruition in the upcoming future since they’re keeping it hush hush. You nod your head, afraid to speak anything out into existence.
What’s not adding up is how Yuki knew, at first you thought it was Gasly who told Yuki who told you. But this— this was from Helmut directly to Yuki and then to you.
How you got involved into all this is shocking, even to you. By now Yuki is probably regretting telling you, but you admire his honesty in telling you beforehand rather than getting blindsided by Helmut and Newey calling you to the main office. Suppose you knew about both teams picking drivers from the same pool, but staff?
It’s all too coincidental that they asked for you, even as Yuki’s race engineer they could’ve just gotten someone in Red Bull to replace you, if it’s Yuki they want. Especially with your personal circumstances, a secret daughter of an F1 Team Principal, people in the smaller circles of the grid knew who your father is.
You don’t want to jeopardize what you built for yourself all these years. But like what Yuki said, it’ll be another problem in the future. Maybe then you’d have the answers to your questions. Especially when you know how he isn’t your true father.
For now it’ll be better to keep your head down on the low, and focus on Yuki— because at the end of the day, it’ll be just you two. Just then your phone pings, receiving a message from a person you haven’t heard in a long time.
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wyrmswears · 2 months
I know the au ain’t about Jay, but does he have an animal form? How did Edd & Eddna found him or he does not exist?
I do apologize for the amount of questions not being libber related😞
Pd. I also love wolf children i imagine Libby just recreating the feral Yuki scene right?
Hellooooo!! Had to think about this for a bit; I really didn't give Jay too much mind when making this AU lol. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed getting to flesh out this AU further using your questions so thank you so much for asking! :D I made the AU for Libber and Ice but it's always fun to expand on other characters and how the changes the AU makes affects them.
This post turned out longer than I expected (oops. I love infodumping about my AUs, sorry lol) so the answers in their entirety are under the cut! Spoilers for Prime Empire and Dragons Rising (though nothing particularly about s2) are mentioned though.
The short answers are: Jay is still adopted, Libber left him at the Walkers' doorstep before dying. And yes, Jay has a wolf form like Libber does, but he can't access it until after the Merge.
The long answers:
The second question is easy - the comic on my other post initially had a third page that would've answered this but I found it difficult to get to flow well so I scrapped it. When the Walkers arrive home after coming across Libber, they find Jay on their doorstep. The idea is that she had left him at a safe place as a final act before succumbing to whatever killed her. (Much like in Wolf Children, I don't have a particular cause of death thought out.) Ed and Edna don't make the connection between the child on their doorstep and the wolf on the highway of course, because why would they?
As for whether Jay has an animal form... On one hand I find it very amusing when characters of non-human heritage turn out to be just normal humans, and Cliff Gordon is still completely human in this AU, but I also think it'd be boring to ignore his heritage completely for the sake of the bit. After mulling it over I've come up with this:
Jay grows up showing quirks that align with him being half raijū, but nothing that can't be explained by him being the elemental master of lightning or just a peculiar (and probably neurodivergent) child; these are things like a fascination of thunderstorms, abnormal resistance towards electrical shocks, hyperactivity, a tendency to chew on things...
He has no idea that his biological mother wasn't human until after the events of Prime Empire when Wu, now aware that Jay knows he's adopted as he used it to reason with Unagami, requests to speak to Jay privately. He explains that, if Jay has an animal form then he shouldn't feel like he has to hide it from the team as he is sure that they'd accept him, much like Libber's teammates accepted her. This is sweet and all, but Jay is very confused what he means about having an animal form. And thus begins the explanation of who or what exactly Libber was.
After learning that he isn't completely human, Jay isn't really upset - hell, Zane and Lloyd have both dealt with the same thing and it turned out fine - but he only talks about it with Nya. This is part of my general characterisation of Jay where I feel like he doesn't keep too many deliberate secrets, but does only mention certain things about himself on a need-to-know basis meaning that, while he doesn't care if the team knows he's adopted, only Nya, Zane, and Pixal know that he is (Zane and Pixal for being present at the end of Prime Empire). Nya 'needs to know' because she is his yang thank you very much. Nya helps him to research about raijū and they find out that they can come in a variety of forms. Jay thinks he'd look like a noble and mighty creature, maybe a lion or an eagle. Nya thinks he'd be a chihuahua.
Nonetheless, that seems to be the extent of it; Jay doesn't figure out if he has an animal form or how to use it, and all that's changed is that Nya has become a lot more aware of her yin's oddities. That is, until Dragons Rising.
I think after the Merge, Jay has no issues with accessing his animal form: much like his mother, he's a wolf-like canid. If you told him, he'd probably never believe that he had spent the first 20-or-so years of his life with no clue to his heritage and no abilities related to it when his natural state of self after getting amnesia is to flux between forms. Maybe it developed as one of the strange effects of the Merge, or maybe its a new ability as a result of his environment, much akin to Cole's rock golem. Nonetheless, it serves as a message to Nya that this isn't the same Jay she knew before the Merge. He flaunts his heritage to the team that he never told and has changed, both physically and as a person, without her there to see.
As for the P.S, I'm not entirely sure what scene you are talking about - there's quite a few where I imagine Yuki could be described as feral lol - but Libber is overall quite alike to Yuki in my mind, particularly when she is younger and less concerned with hiding her wolf side.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Guide to Persona MC names
Just a small guide to help newcomers understand all the names and nicknames/fannames for their fav Persona MCs. Keep in mind this is main games/nameless MC's only (so I won't list Aigis in the P3 but I will mention Maya as well as the notes at the bottom, this is due to how I structured P2 vs P3 sections) (Edit: may add to this list later but it's pretty complete for now)(Edit 2: Note that Shunjiko translates as Protagonist/Hero/Main character):
Persona 1:
P1MC: shorthand for Persona 1 Main Character
(P1) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Boy with Earring: In-game moniker
Naoya Toudou: Manga name
Yuuya Narumi: (one of the) DramaCD names (note: other dramaCD is just labeled "protagonist")
Jihei Suzakuin: Novel name
Persona 2:
Tatsuya Suou: MC for P2 Innocent Sin, can be renamed and it'll carry over in EP (and Katsuya's last name will change as well)
Maya Amano: MC for P2 Eternal Punishment. Cannot be changed, just like Aigis
Kazumi Kiba: MC for the manga Persona: Tsumi to Batsu. (not really related to the games but it takes place right before P2EP, Edit: mentioned him because I've seen some people think he's suppose to be an adaptation of Tatsuya or something when he's just a different character all together)
Persona 3 (Male):
P3MC: Short hand for Persona 3 Main Character
(P3) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Kitaro: The Japanese Fanname, due to his resemblance to the main character Kitaro from Gegege no Kitaro.
Minato Arisato: Manga name
Makoto Yuki: Movie name (*gets adopted later into games)
Sakuya Shiomi: Stage Play Name
Leader: Generic Name for MC in Drama CDs and such
Roger: A name used in AtlusUSA marketing (maybe related to this line in the game?)
Door-kun: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, spoiler reasons.
Gettaro/Tsukitaro* Yamada: provisional name for P3MC in the movies' script. A play on Kitaro. (thanks @aliliceswonderland for reminding me, as well as the other's! TToTT)
Persona 3 (Female):
P3FeMC or just FeMC (sometimes/old variations FeShe or MShee): Shorthand for (Persona 3) Female Main Character. Since SMT if/Tamaki, Maya, and Aigis have fixed names (in Persona canon), this one is usually who people mean when they hear "FeMC." Though some might use this word as a "what if" for P4/5/6 having a female protagonist. But it's usually for the P3 one.
Leader: Generic Name for FeMC in DramaCDs and such
(P3) Heroine/Josei Shunjiko : Japanese generic title
Hamuko (Arisato): The Japanese fanname, IF Arisato is used, it's derived from the P3MC's manga name.
Minako Arisato: The Western Fanname, derived from Minato Arisato but making it "ko" since a lot of females use that name (note: Minato is actually a unisex name to begin with)
Makoto Yuki: P3MC's movie name. SOME adopted this name after the movie was release due to being a unisex name)
Kotone Shiomi: Stage Play Name (*only official name she's gotten, and unlike P3/4/5MCs whose names were taken from anime adaptions, she's the only one to have her's taken from the stage play).
Door-Chan: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, spoiler reasons.
Canon-chan/Non-canon-chan: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, usually in regards to her canon status. (answer: she is canon)
Lunako Gekko: Name used for Famitsu article
Persona 4:
P4MC: Short hand for Persona 4 Main Character
(P4) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Leader: Generic Name for MC in Drama CDs and such
Bancho(u): Japanese Fan Nickname (he's also called this in Arena's files, short hand for his Arena fighter title)
Souji Seta/Soji Seta: Manga Name
Yu Narukami: Anime Name (*was later used for games)
Various Stage Names: Unlike the P3MCs who have a fixed stage play name, P4's gimmick was to change the name each showing. The ones used in the DVDs are: "Yuuya Seta" for the first one, "Hayato Asakawa" for the second. (complete list, at least for the 2nd stage play coming soon)
Charlie "Chuck" Tunoku: Giant Bomb Endurance run of P4 (I think this is the more famous one)
Kenpachi Ramasama/Ramasama Kenpachi: Two Best friends play P4
Chad: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, something something blame the anime (originated around it's run) esp the scene with the King's game. He got all the chicks or something.
Persona 5:
P5MC: Short hand for Persona 5 Main Character
(P5) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Joker: His in-game code name
Akira Kurusu: Manga name
Ren Amamiya: Anime Name (*was later used for games)
Various Stage Names: Like P4, they adopted the gimmick of doing different names each showing. The ones used on the DVDS are: "Itsuki Onda" for the first one, "Naoki Toudou" for the second one, "Nozomu Akase" for the third one, and "Kaito Shinno" for the forth/last one. (complete list here)
Chair-kun: In reference to the original teaser for P5 (there were a lot of chairs)
Pego: Fan nickname for P5MC, usually english fandom from what I've seen. Stands for Pe(rsona) and Go (aka 5 in japanese). It's a very common one and I...literally forgot TT0TT
Akiren: Alternative fan nickname for P5MC, for fans that like both Akira and Ren's names but don't want to choose I suppose.
Persona 5 X:
P5XMC: Short hand for Persona 5X Main Character
(P5X) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Wonder: His In-game code name
Fun facts/other notes:
FeMC is the only one who breaks the streak of using anime names (due to not having an anime adaptations), it also causes P3 to cross between two different kinds of supplementary canon. (see more on this reblog)
Not all of P4's various stage names are known, namely (haha) the first stage play. If you dig you can find all of the 2nd ones (I should really post that list one day DX)
Despite P1MC not having a consistent chosen name, Atlus seems fond of Naoya, specifically using Naoya/Kazuya together (Devil Survivor 1 manga and P5 Mementos Quest mission) with characters. If you read the P1 manga you'd understand why they put those two names together.
Kitaro and Hamuko were used as place holder text for the P3MC and FeMC chars names for PQ2.
Banchou was used for P4MC's mocking title card in Arena/Ultimax, it was translated as "Kingpin" in english.
Some other chars I didn't listed as having "Leader" could very well be called "Leader" at some point.
Shin Kanzato is the MC to the anime Persona: Trinity Soul, a series that takes place 10 years after P3. It's in it's own separate canon from the P3 we know, Edit: but I'm mentioning him because of it being the original sequel of P3 for a brief period.
Aigis' name obvie can't be changed just like Maya, but she is the MC of both The Answer, as well as the Aigis: The First Mission cellphone game. (sometimes fans refer to her as a "toaster"...bc she's a robot)
Edit: Anna is the MC of P2's novel adaptations iirc, and Naoto and Yosuke are protagonists of their own books/novels/manga. There are most likely others but I will probs end it there (as I just wanna stick with games/original MCs and having Aigis/Kiba/Shin was a bit dicey)
Similar to Pego, P3MC may also be referred to as Pesan, and P4MC as Peyon. I haven't personally seen it (considering the other more prominent names they've had) but I wanted to list it just in case.
To update: Since I mentioned Roger, it's only fair I dig for all the other ones used for other characters (it's just Roger is the most popular, and it's not used often even at that).
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cinderella-ish · 2 months
Yuki, Kakeru, and the boyhoods they never had
So, I was talking with my partner the other day about how Kakeru and Yuki are always touching each other (one of many reasons they're the most popular non-canonical furuba pairing on Ao3). Anyway, it got me thinking-- if we don't read all this physical contact as necessarily romantic, what are some other possible explanations? An examination:
When Yuki first meets Kakeru, he immediately gets up in his face talking about his favorite Super Sentai character, then walks him out of the student council office with an arm around his neck, despite Yuki's obvious discomfort.
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When Kakeru puts a hand on his shoulder soon after, he teases Yuki about his feminine features. Yuki bats his hand away and decides he already hates Kakeru.
In Kakeru's next appearance, he puts a hand on Yuki's shoulder, removing it when Yuki gives him a death glare.
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When Kakeru stays behind that day to needle Yuki about Tohru, Yuki is the one to initiate touch this time. This leads to the two of them sharing a moment of vulnerability and the true beginning of their friendship. Kakeru putting his thumbs up on Yuki's shoulder is also a change to the way he's touched Yuki before - it's perhaps a bit more comfortable for Yuki, who's reacted negatively to all touch from Kakeru before this. Kakeru's communicating in his own way that he'll try and consider Yuki's needs from now on.
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Next, we have the Kyoto trip, in which Yuki is still not fully comfortable with Kakeru (shown by his embarrassment when he tells Kakeru they wouldn't be friends anymore), but is starting to consider him a friend and spend time with him intentionally. We also have some sweet moments like this exchange between Haru and Kakeru, which Kakeru takes very seriously.
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After this, Yuki finally learns (some of) Kakeru's backstory when he goes to help Kakeru clean up after Machi destroyed the student council office again. Yuki gets context for why Kakeru is the way that he is, learns about the successorship conflict, and then tries out some Kakeru chaos for himself. We also see Yuki initiate touch for the third time. I think this episode is where the real shift in their relationship happened. Yuki sees that there's a wisdom to Kakeru that he wasn't seeing without that context of Kakeru's oppressive childhood-- something to which Yuki can relate all too well. In a way, Kakeru's impulsiveness and sense of fun is his own way of either reclaiming or living out the childhood he didn't get to have, along with other traits like his love of Super Sentai.
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And now, a brief aside.
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We see pretty clearly that the other three cursed Sohma boys around Yuki's age are all pretty comfortable interacting with each other physically. Kyo will roughhouse with Haru and give Momiji noogies, Momiji will hug or lean on both Kyo and Haru. These sorts of interactions began when they were young boys, and are pretty typical of boys through adolescence. Yuki, being shut in a room with Akito or alone, didn't get to have that experience of boyhood. All his physical interactions with Kyo are negative, and his physical interactions with Momiji are neutral-ish (Momiji jumps on him at the culture festival, Yuki dabs his tears in Kisa's first episode, and Yuki scolds Momiji a handful of times). (Aside within the aside: while Haru sometimes reciprocates the affection from Momiji or rough play from Kyo, he clearly has a special way of physically interacting with Yuki in the T-shape and shirt pinch, or the stroking of his chin, etc..., and he initiates touch with Yuki much more often than with the other two, likely because he noticed that as one more thing Yuki was missing out on and wanted to include him in a way that would be comfortable for him.)
So when Kakeru tells Yuki about his childhood, and Yuki gets stuck in the storage room later that episode and has a flashback to his own terrible childhood, he's already primed to open up to Kakeru about his own childhood and to start looking at the world more like Kakeru does.
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So, after that day, their friendship becomes much more physical. Yuki no longer bats away Kakeru's hand and even initiates touch more often. They roughhouse and Kakeru often puts his arm around Yuki in a gesture of affection. To me, it's a way of reclaiming those experiences they didn't get to have in their childhood-- especially the type of friendships neither of them got to form when they were younger.
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