turtleinsoup · 6 months
I love Donnie & Mikey LIKE AGH, just consider:
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Mikey: *distressed yelling*
Donnie: *tells him to let go*
Mikey: *lets go*
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lanwangjihouse · 1 year
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daedelweiss · 2 years
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tfw you teach your oldest bro to swear and your twin does not approve
some sillies for the AU because it's not 100% angst 🤣 the bros will still have little squabbles and fights, especially once they got to know each other better.
if you didn't see it in my instagram stories, raph wasn't taught how to speak and just picked up words and sentences based on how he heard people use them. leo and april did their best to teach him how to speak but it was donnie that taught him how to speak fluently.
also based this off a prompt @/cloudy_wc_ gave me 😂
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If they don't explain Symbrock like this, they ain't a real one fr fr
I love how I can draw and do this omfg.
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brawlmetaknight · 10 months
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what if i told you guys i had an elaborate smash bros AU and incidentally meta knight is dating princess peach. what then
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purilly · 11 months
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I wanted to post some old art starting with Peach and Rosalina ❤
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rainbow-squirrels-7 · 2 years
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(many thanks to my oldest brother for providing Leo’s drawing)
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 months
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some characters nobody even knows or cares about 💪💪
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sleepis4theweak · 8 months
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My roommate watched Frankenweenie... which I... disliked tbh...
ANYWAYS: Have a lil Donnie doing some sketchy science stuff <3
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chilewithcarnage · 1 month
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viveela · 2 years
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A sort of continuation to this! Bringing my fic to life is so fun ngl
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hi! This is my first time requesting something sorry if any of this sounds weird rjxhdvdhahsuwj
I really liked your donnie fic 'Practice' can I request a leo version please? 👀👉👈
Exercise :3
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author’s note: :D your first time requesting and it’s to meeee?! I’m flattered and you sounded totally perfect, here you go dear anon~ hope you enjoy
warnings: established relationship, fluff, cursing, make out session, unedited (it’s rllly late like 1:30 am late, pls forgive grammar mistakes)
> donnie’s < > raph’s < > mikey’s <
‘ So are you down? ‘ -Leon 💙
‘ I don’t know… ‘ -Y/n ✨
‘ Scared of a little exercising?? C’monnn pleaseeee, I promise the lair will be empty, just us ;) ‘ -Leon 💙
‘ you’re such a dork! exercising?! lolllll ‘ -Y/n ✨
‘ yeah, exercising our lips ;333 ‘ -Leon 💙
‘ …im coming, can’t we just say kissing? ‘ -Y/n ✨
‘ NO, it’s exercising, and that’s final! kissing is for losers ‘ -Leon 💙
‘ Hello???? Are u on ur way?? ‘ -Leon 💙
‘ :( Y/nnnnnnn answerrrrr meeeeeee ‘ Leon 💙
Leo huffed as he let his phone rest on his upper plastron. You did say you were coming so maybe you were already on your way? Though he could’ve just portaled you here, that would’ve been way faster, and he wouldn’t be in his head with worry right now. He licked his lips, and then rolled out of bed. The rest of his family was out at a comic con he opted out of going, he had this idea in his head for a while now. The next time his brothers had plans he was going to invite you over, and well… kiss you. A lot.
The two of you hadn’t really gotten to do so lately. Every moment ruined by one of his brothers suddenly appearing right as he worked up the nerve to lean in close to you. He groaned to himself as he remembered. Leo walked pass the projector room, seeing that even Splinter was probably tucked away in his room. Perfect! Maybe he could set the mood, put on a movie for it to be a bit more natural than just dragging you to his room. Yeah, that didn’t seem obvious. Even though he had already told you exactly what he wanted to do, he still didn’t want it to be forced.
He was scrolling through the movie selections on Netflix when he heard you approaching. You liked the play music on your phone as you descended the long ladder that led to the sewers, listening to the sound echo off the walls. Leo scrambled up from his Pops recliner. Rushing to greet you. You were looking down at your phone as you entered the lair, turning off the music. “Ahem!” Leo cleared his throat for your attention. (He did that because you told him many times before that he was too quiet when entering a room! Often scaring the daylights out of you since he was so silent.) You looked up immediately giving him a bright smile.
“Hey,” you said softly and he quickly scooped you up into his arms. Giving you a twirling hug before placing you back on your feet, whispering back a “Hi” in your ear. “So, we exercising or what?” You waggled your brows at him and he snickered, liking how eager you were. “Duh, though I thought maybe a movie-“ Leo was cut off by the sound of your laughter as you shook your head. “Chickening out already?” You teased and he felt his cheeks burn. “What? No! I just thought it would be.. I don’t know!” He spoke quickly and grabbed your hand, dragging you along to the projector room, grumbling about how he should’ve just carried you to his room.
“Alright alright, no need to wallow, what movie were you thinking of!” You squeezed his hand, as he finally let go to grab the remote again. Scrolling faster now to hurriedly just find something decent and chuck the remote away. The screen was moving so fast that you were giggling again, thinking his sudden enthusiasm very cute. “You laughing at me?” He asked, raising a brow bone. “You’re just too cute,” you said jokingly. “I’ll show you cute!” Leo grumbled, giving up on finding a good one and just selecting whatever the remote was hovering over. “Really?! A animal documentary??” You exasperated, paying more attention to the choice you thought he had made and not at the devious look in his eyes.
“It’s informational! And maybe it’ll give you a few tips on turtles,” he winked. But you missed it completely, trying to point out that this show was obviously titled, “Meerkats in the Wild,” and how it couldn’t possibly be about turtles or any other animal for that matter! Leo took advantage of this distraction to sidle up right next to you. One hand stroking your arm for your attention. You looked over, and your eyes widened as he quickly darted forward pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. You blinked as he leaned back, looking up at the tv screen like he hadn’t just kissed you. A smirking smile gracing his face as he felt your stare. Two could play at that game. You moved your knees underneath you, sitting on them to give you a little more height that would allow you to press a kiss on the side of his head, on his bandana specifically. It was feather light, and as he turned his face at the feeling, you pressed another kiss on him, this time on his forehead. “Mmm,” he muttered lowly, calling attention to his pursed lips that were awaiting the same treatment.
Your hands went up, cupping his cheeks as you couldn’t help your smile, thinking to yourself, adorable, as you did exactly what he wanted. But it was the same soft touch. Barely a touch at all and it had Leo groaning, “Such a tease.” You giggled, “wanna show me how it’s done then?” You were challenging him, goading him. And it totally worked as he bit down on his lower lip, thinking of how much he wanted to show you exactly. But he blew out a breath and grinned, “now remember you asked for it baby.” His hands came up to where you were still holding his face, pulling them down and placing them on his shoulders. He wasted no time in grabbing your hips next, wanting you closer, as he pulled you into his lap. You squealed at the sudden change, of course he was going to make the most out of your challenge.
His lips came crashing down on yours once he had you right where he wanted you. A hand grazing up your back and going into your soft hair. He was like a whirlwind, doing too much all at once and overwhelming all of your senses. His other hand held your hip, keeping you steady, his teeth occasionally nipping at your lips, but mainly he was kissing you like his life depended on it. That was Leo for you, when it came to a challenge that he wanted to win, he’d do anything. And he was doing a lot. You tapped his shoulders, trying to pull back for air but his hand in your hair kept you from moving backwards. You gasped in his mouth, as he finally drew back a couple of centimeters. “Breathless already?” He teased, kissing your cheeks as you continue to breath in sweet oxygen. “Who’s the tease now,” you retorted and he chuckled against your skin, moving his lips lower to your neck and pressing a firm kiss to where your heart beat fluttered.
“Nervous love?” He questioned as his face came back up, looking into your eyes, his own dancing with amusement. He definitely thought he won. Your eyes narrowed, not one to back down either, and he was excited at the prospects of what you would do. He leaned back, shell hitting the back of the couch. “No no, just had to catch my breath is all,” you clarified. The smile he gave you, so utterly handsome, should’ve been illegal. You couldn’t wait to wipe that smug smile off of his lips, you much rather it when he was the one flustered. So with that in mind, one hand left his shoulder, your index finger slowly tracing the lines of his upper plastron. Your eyes never left his, and you could tell he was already trying to keep still. To not twitch underneath you and show how much you affected him just by that touch alone.
When suddenly, loud laughter could be heard from the entrance of the lair and you all but flung yourself to the other side of the couch at the sudden intrusion. “You’ve gotta be shitting me,” Leo growled as Mikey ran into the projector room just seconds later. “Leo Leo Leo!!!” He sang happily not seeing the way one of the blue turtle’s eyes twitched. “Yeah Mikey?” He sighed, and ‘oomphed’ as his little brother dove onto him, then shoved a dvd in his face. “Guess who got another limited edition movie to add to the collection!!! It’s Jupiter Jim!!” He squeaked happily! Leo plastered on a fake smile, “oh wow!” He said trying to appease his little brother while stuffing down his feelings of disappointment. His mind was anywhere but Jupiter Jim movies. No he was replaying the way your eyes shifted into one of seduction as you became more than confident in his lap. His eyes met yours, his irises crackling with desire, he wanted those lips again.
You just winked at him and then turned back to Raph and Donnie who were explaining in great detail about the things they bought at comic con. Leo held back a groan. As Mikey declared they all had to watch the new movie right now. His plan to escape with you into his room, thoroughly thwarted. He wanted to throw a temper tantrum. There was no way his brothers hadn’t done this on purpose. They always seemed to interrupt at the best parts! Just when things were getting interesting. Needless to say, Leo sulked the entire movie. Only putting a smile on his face when Mikey would turn looking for his older brother’s reaction to the movie. Leo couldn’t say he paid much attention to it either. Though he would steal glances at you. Of course, Raph had sat between the two of you. They totally did it on purpose, Leo surmised. Bunch of exercise blockers, that’s what they were!
Halfway through the movie, Leo leaned all the way back into the couch cushions. Hoping he would just get swallowed up at this point. When his eyes turned your way, he hadn’t been expecting you to already be staring at him. His green cheeks turned a shade darker. It didn’t help that you were biting your own lip, Pizza Supreme in the sky, you were such a tease! And then he suddenly understood. You were doing this purposefully! And when it clicked, it must’ve been written all over his face because your lips broke out into a mischievous smile. His eyes narrowed playfully, oh just you wait! One of these days the lair will be empty for more than 30 minutes (they were definitely gone for more than that Leo!) and I’ll show you who’s the real tease around here!
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lanwangjihouse · 1 year
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daedelweiss · 2 years
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if LM!disaster twins ever meet the OG twins 🤣
"oh, everything's cool and fine" "we tolerate each other" "they're fucked up in the head omg-"
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neoncolorblocks · 2 years
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I had to, they’re my favs from both shows… and they need to work through their gd traumas.
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Technically this is more Mamanardo stuff but since I’ve placed them around the same age the dynamic works a lil differently.
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travelling-hydaelyn · 8 months
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Asahi shows up for two minutes to yell at Amon and then say this
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