mintytealfox · 5 months
MINTY MY FAVORITE POOKSTER EVER I COME WITH MORE DELUSIONS!!! Pausing my pirate ramblings for a bit but just IMAGINE how hard a tangled AU would go !!! Norton and Flynn have way too many similarities given how both grew up with so little, and hide behind a mask and ego all while doing some questionable things that give him the name of a criminal. Orpheus also 100% works as a mother gothel-esq figure, since gaslighting and manipulation is kind of all Orpheus has going for himself. Is this my excuse to see long hair alice? yes. yes it is.
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And I keep thinking about the "I have a Dream" song with the
Norton: "On an Island that I own, Tan, well RESTED, and ALONE, SURROUNDED BY ENORMOUS PILES OF MONEEYYYY"
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oimatchstickman · 4 years
between ny extending its ban on non-essential work until at least april 15 and the ‘guidelines’ about social distancing being extended for another month i just.......................... genuinely do not know what i’m going to do. my job is nonessential and the museum where said job takes place was literally the first place in the area to close (alongside other museums and similar attractions). we were supposedly going to open back up on april 13th but that looks more and more unlikely even if we were able to institute some sort of way to keep people separated which looooooooooool will not happen since it’s a children’s museum and kids are little monsters that don’t listen at the best of times.
obviously i don’t want to go back to work or have the museum open up when it’s not yet safe. dear goodness no. but like................. i am completely at a loss to what i’m going to do. i’ve been out of work for, mm, a week and a half since they had us come in to do stuff for the first week of the closure. they are paying us until at least april 10. but even if they were able to pay us for the whole closure no matter how long we’ll be closed (which........ i doubt since the budget was already awful this year anyways and i got moved to the team that despite being the literal front lines of the museum is always treated the worst and is given no benefits at all) i’d still be at a loss. and really we’ll probably be among the last to reopen as well.
like as it stands now, i will probably have to file for unemployment after april 10. i sincerely doubt they’ll be able to wrangle more funds unless some sort of bill gets passed. but that still leaves me with nothing to do. yeah the grocery stores are hiring, but i am barely cut out for customer service and even less so when there’s a freaking crisis on. and especially since i have family members with compromised immune systems or other factors that put them more at risk that live in my home so even if i got it while working that closely with the public and i would (probably! who knows! i turn 26 this year so i’m getting booted off my parent’s insurance! so!!!!!!!! great!!!!!!!!!!!!) be fine, if i got it they would and would be so much worse off than i would be for sure.
but like even if i do get paid idk what to do. much as i am infuriated with my job at the moment with how they unceremoniously demoted me simply because of the budget and their refusal to even gently nudge the lady i was SUPPOSED TO BE REPLACING towards retirement, it’s at least something to do. it’s a routine. and i am very quickly finding out how horrible i feel without a routine. it’s not going to make me “appreciate” the job i have very much, but just like......... i want to scream. loudly and at length. and possibly break some things because i am just frustrated and feel helpless in the face of all of this- especially when so much of it is outside my control. and i keep seeing all those feel-good-nonsense posts about “oh!!! you can’t control how others handle this so let go of that anxiety!!” YEAH SURE THANKS THAT’S GREAT PERFECT I’D NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT RANDOM CELEBRITY WHO’S PROBABLY MOSTLY FINE AS THINGS STAND NOW. i AM going to be INCREDIBLY ANXIOUS AND ANGRY AT THE PEOPLE NOT TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY WHO ARE THE REASON WE MIGHT BE STUCK LIKE THIS FOR LONGER.
i’m stressed. i’m tired. i wish i could be productive and work on the things i love but idk how long this’ll last. i hate not even knowing what i can look forward to at this point since things keep getting delayed or cancelled. what got me through the infuriating first few weeks of the radical change in my job description (and pay cut! which i’d been told would not happen! isn’t that fun!) was looking forward to gallifrey one. now my local con has been postponed to september. i’m nervous about dragon con getting to happen (and if it does, who knows if i’ll even be able to afford it now). heck, i’m terrified that gallifrey one might not happen next year.
i know in the end things will be ok. but i hate the uncertainty of not knowing when that will be, or even when we might start to have a clear idea of when that will be.
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claroquequiza · 6 years
im-the-swamp-witch replied to your post “tfw you finally get your screen capture software to function–and...”
If you're using OBS, the. The program has a reformatting feature that will take the tmf file and put it into mp4 for you!!!
Perfect!! Thanks for the tip!
And Here’s The Video!
I took out the audio because I’m still messing with the audio input and 300% is maybe a little too much? It was a little too much.
I didn’t realize at first what was happening because it happened so fast, but the second time I couldn’t help but see. I wish I could have the audio because I literally gasped and went, “OOOOHHHHHH THAT GUY--THAT GUY--THAT GUY IS DEFINITELY--HE’S DEFINITELY!! OOOOO--!” as I bring up the menu to report him, LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
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kazzasaur · 5 years
"open and raw communication with your partner may be uncomfortable and feel so ugly and vulnerable but it solves soo many problems in the end" U dont kno the 1st thing about this bitch. mrs 'leap 2 conclusions' looooooooooool
It's funny that you still think you're the reason I ended things with him lmao. Our relationship was rocky for a couple years before you even came into the picture and I couldn't continue with it any longer. Now I was far from perfect in that situation and I'm not perfect now. Relationships just don't work out sometimes. I don't have any negative feelings towards jarad. I'm in a different relationship and so is he. And idk if he knows I posted a picture of Marley. He's a one of a kind dog and I do miss him. Just like I'm sure jarad misses my cat. So if you can't get past all this I feel kind of sorry for you, man.
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323398149 · 7 years
so it’s 12:00, i have loads of calc hwk to do and i’m about to make a post about salman
it’s been a while lmao i fucking hate myself
it’s been 4 years so this post shouldn’t exist but anyways idkm i hate humairaa
she was the one that snitched and everything unraveled. and today zijah asked me if i ever say hbd to him and i was like HELLS NAH FAM 
anyways i’m posting this on here bcs it’s been bothering me since friday but i can’t tell anyone cause like zijah would acc kill me loooooooool and zaibaa would too 
but pretty much kk everybody is starting uni and is out running after sex lmao and i’m just here chillin cause i just idkm don’t feel it??? anyways my point is
looool what if i screwed up? ik we all know he loved me like LOVED me
the thing is since then ive only gotten uglier and lamer and the boys have only gotten more confident and stuff so someone like him would never go for someone like me anymore, they know they can do better
so yeah maybe i totally fucked up and shoulda given him the time he needed to mature cause he was literally 14 and i’m pretty certain (at least from what we’ve heard from jessica) that he loved me lmao so yeah lol i’m just here like crap gonna end up sad and alone and thinking of the one time someone loved me when i was 15 and it’s probs never gonna happen again like acc i doubt anybody will ever love me like that ever again and think i’m perfect the way he did cause HE WAS JUST A NAIVE LIL KID LOOOOOOOOOOOOL LIKE I’M NEVER GONNA BE ABLE TO CONVINCE SOMEONE AGAIN
idkm when everybody told me about prom the day/week after and about how apparently he was hoeing it up and idk i didn’t care at ALL cause i knew he loved me and that was better than whatever they were getting
 but yeah this was all triggered partly cause i saw him for the last time in my life on friday and like i don’t feel anything for him like that’s not it i’d like to make that clear LOOOL like i honestly don’t know him, we’re strangers but yeah like i said i don’t think i’m ever gonna do better LOL rip it’s acc sad
idkm i just like had one last glance while we were in the gym and i was mid convo with zaibaa but my mind thought of the convos we had about how he wanted to wear (a wool suit or something i don’t rly remember??) on gr12 commencement and i was like damn the day is here and well now it’s gone and yah LOL I’M SO SCARED THAT MY LIFE IS ONLY GOING DOWN HILL FROM HERE
my friends all asked me how rye eng is and stuff and i told everybody it’s lit but like that doesn’t mean anything i mean HELP IN FOUR YEARS i’m gonna be expected to be an acc adult and IDK WTF IM GONNA DO i feel so afraid cause up until then ill always have had known what/where i was expected to be next and it’s not gonna be like that :( life fucking sucks
also idkm i just hate that i suck so much like acc we can’t even fix it it’s just my lack of confidence and tendency to say the STUPIDEST shit and like slow ass brain and bitch face LOOOOOOOL like a combination of all of that is why i suck sm 
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mintytealfox · 11 months
God dangit, that Vlad tally mark image you used in your reply post has now got me thinking of an Anastasia movie esque au for Nortalice now that will NOT make any sense! 😅
Like both Orpheus and Alice are obviously raised by her parents and the DeRoss family, and have an almost idyllic childhood together. And then there's Norton in this AU, somehow being a kitchen boy as a young boy for the household, but it's not like he's gonna complain about his position. He has a warm roof over his head, some decent pay, and he could easily help himself to any leftovers that guests left behind, so he could tolerate being bossed around by the adult servants and even being dragged occasionally by a young Alice to be her second playmate to play with her collection of dolls (always tempted to just rip off their heads for their annoying squeaky voices, but refrains from doing so XD) Young! Alice: Yay dolls! ^_^ Young! Norton: Yay... -_-
But all good things unfortunately come to a tragic end when their house is attacked, killing almost everyone inside, with Orpheus and Alice barely making it out without being seen. Norton is tempted to not get involved, but his conscious gets the better of him and aids them in their escape, but not without earning a scar on his arm. Orpheus and Alice proceed to get separated and both losing their memories. Which certainly complicates things when years later when Orpheus is trying to look for her and dealing with imposters. Cue in a grown Norton reluctantly teaming up with Melly, not only for her to regain her noblewoman status after her husband's "death", but to get the reward money. They come across an amnesiac Alice, or Eury, who looks EXTREMEMLY similar to the missing girl and offers to help transport her to Paris to look for her family, AKA Orpheus. Melly helps coach her in court etiquette and Norton finding himself falling HARD for her despite him (I swear, someone put "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" in a Nortalice playlist XD). Also Fredrick is in there somehow 😅.
But honestly, I think this messy AU is more of an excuse to see Alice in the sparkly opera dress and Norton going 0_0, and Melly going "Ah, an unspoken attraction I see 😏." XDD
BAHAHAHAHAHAA! My master plan has come to fruition!! 🤣🤣 Infecting the mind with NortAlice~
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This is legit so effin PERFECT LOOOOOOOOOOOOLL
Norton: "what are you called?" Alice: "Eurydice." Norton: "Alright, Uranus." Alice: "EU RY DIC EEEEE" Norton: "whatever"
Okay Melly as Vlad has me ROLLING HAHAHAHA I LOVE this so much 🤣 Melly: "I see an engaging and fiery young woman" -rizzing Alice up to give her confidence to go through with this- Alice: "😊" Norton just barging in: "Alright, ready to become Alice or what?" Alice: 😒 Melly:😡💢💢
LOL maybe Frederick is Sophie LOOOOOOOOOOOOL Melly: "my sugar plum..." Frederick: "why must you say odd shi--" Melly: "if you want in on the money you better effin play along"
No FOR REAL 👏👏👏🤌🤌🤌Alice needs to be in all those gorgeous dresses and to be adored AAHHHHHH give that Norton them doki dokis 🤣
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