mintytealfox · 5 months
MINTY MY FAVORITE POOKSTER EVER I COME WITH MORE DELUSIONS!!! Pausing my pirate ramblings for a bit but just IMAGINE how hard a tangled AU would go !!! Norton and Flynn have way too many similarities given how both grew up with so little, and hide behind a mask and ego all while doing some questionable things that give him the name of a criminal. Orpheus also 100% works as a mother gothel-esq figure, since gaslighting and manipulation is kind of all Orpheus has going for himself. Is this my excuse to see long hair alice? yes. yes it is.
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And I keep thinking about the "I have a Dream" song with the
Norton: "On an Island that I own, Tan, well RESTED, and ALONE, SURROUNDED BY ENORMOUS PILES OF MONEEYYYY"
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psychesmoon · 11 months
trick or treat!
sending you the négyeshatos tram because somehow it's both a trick AND a treat:)
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scout036 · 2 years
8 for blu + graham amd 10 sylica. The shoe one for rico
8. Describe the place where they sleep
Back before all hell broke loose on these two, Blu n Graham used to share a room together in an apartment, sleeping in the same bed big enough for both to share and still have enough room between each other (which is very important so that Blu doesn’t end up getting pushed over the edge bc of how much Graham moves while sleeping). Most of the decorating of the place was up to Graham, as Blu isn’t much of a decorative guy and prefers a clean room over a pretty one, while Graham loves filling empty space on the shelves with trinkets and knickknacks he found. There used to be glow-in-the-dark stars that were stuck onto the ceiling which they both used to stare up to every night before sleeping, laying in bed in each others arm while talking before one drifts off first.
After Graham went missing and Blu came back to the apartment after Kamabo, the room felt… empty. The items that were meticulously placed in each space were still there, just with new layer of dust, and the stars were still stuck on the ceiling. But as time went on and Blu started forgetting Graham more due to the effects of the goo that hijacked his brain, these items became more and more of an annoyance as they lost sentimental value. He’s had enough one day and puts them all in a box, leaving the room void of personality for quite a while. Again, Blu doesn’t really put much thought in decorating spaces, so it only fills in slowly as he just lives in it, like a new fan popping up one day or another book on his bedside table.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them?
In a small purse Syl carries her stuff in it’s some pretty basic stuff inside: Her phone, headphones (folded to be compact), some mascara and chapstick, pepper spray, wallet, and keys for her apartment and motorcycle.
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This mf wears the same pair of slides everywhere. It’s close to falling apart. It’s literally being held together by 3 pieces of thread someone help him.
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ratskinsuit · 7 months
OMG your velvety eye friendship headcanons were so cute!!! Can you also do some with angel dust?? Like him and the reader are besties and the reader has a contract with Vox. I think it’d be so cute if Angel stood up to Vox for her since she’s a total pushover compared to him and is super protective of his bestie 😤😤
Angle Dust And Bestfriend!Reader
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A/N: I’m so glad you liked the Velvette headcanons! I also love the idea of reader being in a similar situation as Angel but with Vox. I have been so exited to do this assskkkk! Ahhh I just love this idea!
You and Angel had first met (before he went to Hazbin Hotel) when you found him high and passed out in an alley way.
You took pity on him and were worried that something would happen to him, so you took him back to your apartment.
When he woke up he was so confused until you explained.
He was so suprised you didn’t do anything and just took care of him, and my boy is SO THANKFUL.
Like you gave him food and water and let him take a shower, and you two just talked talked and you eventually became friends.
Your probably the person that convinced him to try the hotel out in the first place.
He goes to you for advice, or just to talk about struggles and lets you do the same. (VENTINGG BUDDIES)
Your one of the only people he lets babysit Fat Nuggets while he’s out for like a shoot or something because he doesn’t have many people he trusts :)
You better not be insecure or you will get a 3 hour lecture on how amazing you are, he knows what its like to be insecure and so he never wants you feel that way.
You two will regularly go hang out together.
Gets so happy if you join the Hazbin Hotel with him.
You honestly give him some more faith in humanity.
If you ever express romantic interest in someone expect him to be on you in a SECOND because he will be asking alll the questions (unless you don’t experience that then that’s okay too)
If you end up dating someone expect him to force you to let him meet them
Will be like a judgmental brother towards them.
He has to make sure they are good enough for you lol.
The most supportive person of you and your goals (surprisingly more than Charlie)
Like you boots eachother up so mucchhhh
(So wholesome)
You two would be best friends, with a hint of sibling relationship vibes
If your in a similar relationship with Vox like he was with Valentino, expect him to go crazy
While with Valentino he took a while to stand up to him, but with you he will not HESITATE
He will be so pissed. Will go confront Vox.
Will literally put his life in danger for you 😭
It will be the angriest angriest anybody would have ever seen him, anybody
Screaming, yelling, my guy is so protective of you holy moly.
Does not care about his own safety when it comes to you, because he knows you would do the exact same thing for him.
You helped him get away from Valentino now it’s his turn to fuck someone up.
Angel dust was chilling on the couch of your apartment. You and him had planned to hang out after you came home from work. He’s listening to music with one earbud in, bopping his head up and down to the tunes, his leg kicked over the couch.
He hears the lock turning and smiles, leaning over the couch as you walk in.
“Heyyyyy! Your finally home! How was…” He begins to say, happy to see you, yet he trails off short as soon as he sees the bruise and the dejected look on your face.
“Oh my god are you okay!?” He asks, immediately getting off the couch to go to you, fat nuggets trailing behind him.
You goes up to you, and you flinch a bit as he takes a hand and moves your hair to see the large bruise over your eye, concern written all over your face. Fat nuggets oinking below you, rubbing against your legs. “Yeah uhm… I’m.. fine..” You say quietly.
He frowns, obviously seeing your not, and he drags you over to the couch, sitting you down. “Okay what the fuck happened?!” He demands, as you sit there quietly, your hands in your lap.
“Vox just got a bit mad today that’s all, it’s nothing I haven’t handled before” You say, not wanting to worry him. Yet Angels face scrunches up in worry.
“Excuse me!? What do you mean; “nothing you haven’t handled before” is he hitting you?” He asks, sitting next to you.
“Just… s..sometimes… b-but only when he’s really pissed!” You say, trying to save yourself at the end, but it obviously not working.
Angel just stares at you silently for a second, before grabbing your hand. “……how long…..? How long has he been doing this to you..” He asks quietly.
You hesitate, “Since I started…” you murmer.
Angel looks at you sadly, glancing down. And he notices your arm. Before you can say anything he pulls up your sleeve to see dark bruises on your wrists, and his face twists in anger.
“I’m gonna fucking kill that stuck up asshole.” He says, standing up, beginning to walk. You stand up after him, grabbing his wrist. “Angel don’t! He’s is much much more powerful than us, and I don’t want him to hurt you!” You beg.
He turns around, and places his hands on your shoulders. “I will not let anyone, not even a stuck up prick like Vox, hurt my best friend.” He says, hugging you.
You try to speak, tears welling up in your eyes, and tears begin to fall down your cheeks as you bury your face into his shoulder. “P-lease don’t… I- can’t see you get hurt..” you sob.
He rubs your back soothingly, before he says. “You helped me before. Now it’s my turn.”
A/N: Would anyone be interested in my continuing this where we get to see Angel Dust confronting Vox? I’ve never written a confrontation/fight scene before, but I could try! But anyways, hope you enjoyed! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
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beansterpie · 10 months
7-14-16? (:
Ty maple!! <3
7 was answered here :)
14. the ship that always makes you smile
Oh man, well any of the ships I like obviously, so GriffGuts for sure and lately AgoHiru too (even though there’s like 5 people on the English speaking side of the internet who ships the second one 🥲), FitzFool always makes me smile through the tears, and then some other ships that I’m not hardcore about but nonetheless really enjoy, like Casca/Charlotte and Shin/Sena. And others I’m sure but honestly I tend to forget until I’m reminded of them lol
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
HMMMMMM when it comes to Berserk idk what’s a tiny detail and what’s not because I’ve rotated it in my brain enough times that many tiny details FEEL like huge events to me lmfaoo. Lemme think.
I guess… that Griffith is supposed to be kind of an eccentric weirdo? Like a very charismatic and intelligent one, but an eccentric weirdo nonetheless. More weirdo Griff representation!!
And I’m gonna throw in an ES21 one too lol, which is that Hiruma!! Has no fucking shame!! Boy doesn’t get embarrassed!! Of course I get the urge of wanting to see a character who is very stalwart like Hiruma in Situations™️ to make him react in ways he usually wouldn’t, but… for me I would love to see more vulnerability coming from Hiruma that doesn’t present itself in the usual ways of blushing or getting shy or whatever. Unfortunately it’s quite important in my enjoyment of him as a character 😂
Thanks for the assskkkk ��
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bettathanyou · 9 months
Yellow, mahogany, ruby, and jade!!!
STOOOOPPPP UR GONNA MAKE ME BLUSH HEHE <33 i hope you like character playlists, thats the only time I make em xD thank you for the assskkkk!!
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99liners · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
fifi, mi amore!!! i am getting to this assskkkk soooo late. i am sorry bb :(( but thank you so much for ALWAYS thinking of me for these sweet asks <333333 ily <33
okay, mmm, my favourite fics:
dreaded neighbours [park jimin x reader]
tatemae series [bts x reader]
selcouth [jeon jeongguk x reader]
acta non verba [im chankyun x reader]
wonderwall [jeon jeongguk x reader]
answer [jung yunho x reader]
love of your life [murasakibara atsushi x reader]
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mrsbhandari · 4 years
OOP HI QUEEN thank u for the assskkkk
1. Last kiss
Few weeks ago, my bf and I went on an ice cream in the car date
6. Have you ever dated someone twice
Absolutely not, but then again I've only had one other relationship besides the one I'm in now and that was in middle school so there was no reason to go back since we went to different high schools. Oh also he fucked someone else while we were together and told all of our friends before me. So there's that
25. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life
Uh I really wish I kept dance as an extracurricular or that I played a sport when I was younger so that I would have something to do now and have a potential career path instead of a vague idea of things I might be able to do after college
78. Do you believe in Santa claus
I do NOT but funny story I stopped believing in santa Claus before my parents said anything about it so one day they sat me down and made the Big Announcement™ and I didn't want them to feel like bad parents so I fake cried to make them feel better. WHERE IS MY OSCAR
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hearrtrender · 5 years
you'd be a dragon. your treasure would be a gigantic library.
AHHHH YESSSSS and then I’d blowtorch anyone who steals my treasuree (unless you are kind and ask I’d probably not mind as long as you dont ruin em)
Thanks for the assskkkk xxx
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amren-rhyssecond · 6 years
For slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers, Rhys Cassian and Azriel (have fun!)
OMG I GOT AN ASK ITS BEEN DECADES😂❤️❤️UhhhhhhhSlow burn: CassianFake date: RhysEnemies to lovers: AzrielTHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASSSKKKK
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drysauce · 3 years
Leeeeeennnn mah booottttyyyyifuuulll assskkkk buuudddyyyy ^3^ *gives asks and hugggssss* loooovvveeeee yooouuuu ♡
aww thank you <3 love ya too
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here, have a kitty
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