hipsternumbertwo · 29 days
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schoolhater · 8 months
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mirkwood · 1 month
My dash did a Thing
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@niennawept I think you need to see this
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bucket-of-amethyst · 1 year
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koostarcandy · 2 years
hi can i pls req a jungkook fic based on when you’re ready by shawn mendes? thank u !!!
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whole world - jk x reader
pairing: pining!jungkook x fem!oc (unnamed)
summary: jungkook hopes you know his intense feelings towards you. alternative? jungkook would wait 10 years if it means to be with you.
genre: fluff
wc: 680 words
a/n: shawn mendes has got some really good songs ㅠㅠ requests are open because I can't look at textbooks all day long 😃👍🏼uh jaykay is very pining here (idk how you say it English but it makes sense in my head okay) it's not as bad as you think it is but it did take me 2 days to write so🕳🏃🏽‍♀️ also, I left it open cause why not?
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jungkook thinks you're like all the seasons, combined.
early spring, where the flowers are slowly blooming and the air is filled with the giddiness at the prospect of summer. you're eager to pick out tiny daisies to make flower crowns for the both of you, always on the lookout for cute animals to capture pinterest worthy pictures.
you're the soft sunshine brightening up his life, the relief of mid-day rain during the peak heat and he can only hope you know that he loves spending spring with you.
summer, filled with popsicles and frequent trips to the pool. there's tons of polaroids on jungkook's desk, left by you so he can put it in their designated albums. you're always dragging him to carnivals and fairs, summer nights a haze and memorable with you.
you're like the cool and chill nights, that brings relief after the sweltering heat. he hopes that, years down the lane, you're looking at these precious albums with him, old and wrinkly and happy.
when it comes to autumn, jungkook loves the fact that you go up and beyond to get "cuddly" clothes, getting matching ones to even pair up with his dear doberman, bam. you're always stomping the crunchy colourful leaves with him, silent content at the sound.
like the sudden gusts of wind which remind him that fall season is here, you're in the tight hands held and close proximity to ensure there's enough warmth for everybody. he hopes that, years down the lane, he's still holding your hand in his, enjoying the crisp air with you.
in brisk winter, jungkook knows you'll find a hundred reasons and more to make delectable hot chocolate, decorated with your favourite fluffy tiny marshmellows. you make it a point to see the first snow with him, turning it into an impromptu snowball fight.
like how children's eyes light up when they get their christmas presents, you're the sparkle that everyone looks for when it comes to the holidays, especially jungkook. he hopes that, when the time comes, you'll be passing down the sparkle, making the whole world a better place. just like how you do to his.
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jimin is flabbergasted, speechless and most importantly, shocked at the audacity of his best friend, now drunk.
"jimin-ssi," a drunk jungkook wails, "what do i do?"
jungkook might not know it and he might not even care, but the stares garnered and projected to them, even though they're in a private booth of the bar, makes jimin think twice about his life choices.
it takes everything in him to not up and get out, frankly tired of how blind his jungkookie can be.
"you want her to stay with you, yes?" jimin asks slowly.
jungkook nods furiously, drunk sleepy eyes suddenly widening. "that goes without saying! of course, i want that!"
jungkook's precious hyung winces slightly at the rise of volume but he goes on anyway, "so why don't you just ask her out?"
the pining boy shakes his head so fast and quickly, jimin thinks it might fall off. "she's not interested in me like that, she never has been and I've seen it, hyungie." jungkook nods solemnly, flicking open the cap of soju and pouring himself a shot and downing it.
"but i'll wait for her. like i always do and i don't mind that at all."
jimin stares at him, mind reeling from the rant jungkook had gone on you being "all seasons combined" after hearing the song 'four seasons' play in the bar. the poor man massages his temples with one hand, the other fisting to meet jungkook's buff arm, softly punching him repeatedly.
"you blind, utter, foolish, dumbass!"
"i'm sure you're right but why?!"
jimin heaves the biggest sigh he's let out around jungkook and that's saying something. "you said that you're sure she's not interested in you. at all?"
jungkook mimics his hyung, sighing and grabbing the soju bottle, "jimin-ssi, how many times do I have to tell you? she isn't-"
"if she isn't, then why does she look at you like you're her whole world?"
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @joondiary ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @highly-functioning-mitochondria ; @taegisms ; @cherishoshi
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dragonnguard · 2 years
look at them pining
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duckyskade · 9 months
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Episode 12 the finale
Wow, I bet he wished would've double wrapped during this hookup. But apparently no glove and some love (🤭)
Han Yoo Ra (JIN JI HEE) arrives to let her sister's ex-fiance/ex-husband or whatever he was know that his "encounter" with her left her in the family way.
Yoo Se Hyeok (OH SEUNG YUN) was in the middle of a family dinner with his new lady when Yoo Ra burst in with news of impending fatherhood.
Congratulations Assh*le, You deserve it.
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dabe-strudel · 1 year
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Rewatch # ??? And I just realized the brand of shredder 😭
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appsa · 8 months
I forgot how good denji and reze were together tbh................
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mushiewrites · 1 year
Idea! Dream laid on George’s or somet and he’s ignoring George so George tickles his tummy/feet and teases him while dream pretends not to notice/be effected probably ended with bellybutton dream admitting apologising
yes yes yes yes the ignoring to get tks trope lives on 😎
i have a concept i've wanting to write for a while of dream just flopping on top of george and just becoming this dead weight, crushing george and practically knocking the wind out of him. and no matter how hard george squirms or pushes at dream's shoulders, he doesn't move an inch
so george just starts prodding at his sides and ribs, and feels dream hide in the nook of his neck and he's smirking and teasing dream, saying things like "what's wrong dream? is something bothering you? why are you smiling? what's going on?"
dream would be pressing his lips together in this super straight line, trying to keep his giggles down by shaking his head at george and grunting ever every tease to show his disapproval. and dream's trying his best to not react, wanting to be stubborn and mess with him, but george would keep tkling, poking and prodding! he's squeezing up and down his sides all while purring out teases and compliments into dream's ear
and dream can't handle those kinds of teases!! so he just brings his hands up to blindly try and cover george's mouth, but george takes this opportunity to shove his hands between their bodies and pinch at dream's tummy. and dream screams. he is cackling and all the sudden he's trying to crawl away from george, almost making it to the edge of the bed before george tackles him down and wrestles him until he's straddling dream's hips. he would just smirk down at dream and wiggle his fingers in a claw shape over his tummy and go "oh dreamie, you're in trouble now~"
that's when george would wrestle dream's hands down to kneel on his wrists so that he can tk him without interruption. george would make a huge show of dragging dream's shirt up slowly to reveal his tummy and just trace his fingers around the edges of his bellybutton, making sure to pull at the edges every so often to make dream squeal
(and if george still has issues after that, he'll call for sapnap and they each get one of dream's feet to torture 😵‍💫)
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respectthepetty · 2 years
I know you all have been shouting from your mountain tops to watch Sleep With Me for forever and day now, but...
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Why didn't someone grab me, shake me, and force me to watch it at that exact moment?!
This was good. Not good for so-and-so country or so-and-so genre. NO! This was good.
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Like good good
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Let me go watch She Makes My Heart Flutter and My Fairy Ghost because, obviously, you all are right, and I want to be tickled pink.
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caleism-1 · 1 year
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roseytoesy · 1 year
this is a transcription of an amazing audio @novorehere shared with us on the Voreville server. The creator of the audio is unknown though. I plan to use some of these lines in a story for my two best friends soon.
hm? Hey, there little one. Awwww you look so tired. Rough Day? Ya, ya me too. It's okay now though, we can relax together. aw, I missed you, I missed you so much.
come up, come on climb up here. let-lemme just, lemme just pick you up for a little bit. lemme just get a better look at cha.
*some quiet laughter*
oh, w-wh-whats funny? oh, hah. it's just that it-it kinda...tickles when you walk on my palm like that. its... it's kinda cute actually. you're jus- you're just so small, and so precious an-and you trust me enough to let me hold you like this. I-just-it means so much to me. just hold this little life in my hands and to keep you safe and sound.
*light little kissing sounds X 4* ajksdfjasdhfhashf had to take a break afte this my heart was busrting and we havent even reached the vore...
awww I get to-get to hug you but I-I-I suppose this-this is the best I can do.
*loud heartbeat* this is in the background for the rest of the audio
It's ok, It's ok I gotcha... I gotcha.
Can you- can you feel my heartbeat from there? Mmmm. ya, there you go. just snuggle up there.
*starts to hum Dream a little Dream of me* this is a cute song, 0.75-speed works best here cause it matches the slow humming of the audio.
h-heya... I think I know somewhere- somewhere better you can rest. somewhere safe and soft and warm. oh shhh shhh shhh. You'll-you'll see. you'll see, y-y-you trust me, right?
mhm, it's ok. it's ok. you'll be safe and sound. s' nowhere safer. Don't be-don't be scared. no place safer.
*swallowing sound and stomach growling*
haaaahhh~ you-y-y-your ok down there right? ya, you got down there ok?
that's good. is it all right down there? all soft and spongy I bet. you can probably hear my heartbeat all around you down there, can't you? don't worry, don't worry, you're safe. ?? can't hurt chu in there.
heh, I-I can feel you, I can feel you... moving around down in there. you're right... r-right here. right here actually. hmmm can you feel that? heh those are my fingers from the outside. I can feel you right there. just leaning against the wall right there.
do-don't worry about ...churning a little bit like that. th-that's ok. my-my tummy just thinks you're a little snack. y-you'll be ok though. you'll be ok, I promise.
Aw, i-is that a yawn I hear? awww, th-that's ok. it's ok I know you're tired. you can sleep. y-you can sleep. I-I'll- I'll be right here. I'll be right here, right around you. I'll be here when you wake up.
sweet dreams little one. Sleep well.
*one last little kissing sound*
*audio of the heartbeat and stomach churning around us fades and the audio ends.*
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shokuto · 11 months
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diver5ion · 1 year
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You geeks really go for it, don't you? Excuse me, you wear a bum bag.
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