wigglesforsquiggles · 8 months
I SEE THAT WE WERE BOTH LATE AKDJFSGH (i am later... i aologise)
i have had another boring week. i do get a long weekend (4 whole days.... insane. i have been doing some spreadsheeting again finally! v fun)
i mentioned to my mum that i keep seeing videos abt fast food lately, and its made me rly want to try a five guys burger (specific for some reason) so we are making a trip of it this weekend and it feels so funny. yes on saturday i will be travelling to Burger. its my event for the weekend lmao
uhh rly nothign much abt this week. im abt to get more busy in the running weeks (as if i wasnt busy before.. different busy) so u may see me even more or even less (we shall see).
so ye! i shall hopefuly have a good weekend! and i hope u hae an even better one! wish me well on my fast food burger!
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caruliaa2 · 1 year
what if you needed reassurance abt smth very specifc . and you wanted to go to a specifc person for the reassurance. but that person is so busy ad talking abt and getting reassurance abt this thingwas also a topic that you know your upsetness abt lead to them feeling bad too becuase hastag every single thing i touch become sick with sadness or whatever but then you where like oh i know. i have what they said writen down someonewhere in mydrawer my drawer of things theyve said to me i think its actually at the very top of my drawer even so i dont have to do searching thru things and then im like oh yeah my drawer is in a room with a bunch of my other shit and the key was stolen by someone whose refused to even listen to me when ask if they can maybe unlock the drawer and this has been the case for THREE WEEKS NOW STAFF UNSHADOWBAN @CARULIAA NOW !!!! @staff @support @joebiden @taylorswift @god @carmensandiego
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conceptofjoy · 3 months
youve been cooking tonight thisis awesome i love ur dirks and ur janes and ur hals and ur junes and like every character uve drawn genuinely 1 of the artists that i see and get motivated abt bc im like holy shit awesome and then want to also draw awesome shit . -user lesboygamzee . i need to eb able to send asks from sideblogs why am i signing my shit off
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GUH... THANK U...... i hope u keep drawing forever <3333
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Random shit I had or others had said as prompts.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of sus, dark humor(probably), dark themes(also probably), Sensitive topics
"Motherfucker is high on cat nip at the top."
"Imma just kick this fish then-"
"Let me sleep with you!"
"Let me throw your child!"
"I smacked a bad guy's booty."
"That was a good ass slap!"
"Give me all these delicious batteries!"
"Everybody died in this family!"
"I got stuff on my neck!"
"Be honest, am I hot?" "I'M GAY-"
"Not the duckussy"
"Already sus gonna hide in the ooc"
"Okay I got my happiness, bye"
"I like me some Among Us"
"Can someone hold me please"
"[Name] stop searching. I wanna search something up to on him!"
"You're more grosser than I am."
"Ohh~ Hee got the rizz~"
"I love dying screaming"
"I will slap myself if I say something sus"
"Let her scream lmao."
"Being force to talk by a 14 year old"
"Such a beautiful break up"
"Anyway does anyone want to get slap by me?"
"Damn she hot"
"Actually *SHITTING* himself would be pooping. *PISSING* himself would be peeing."
"Why did you eat mah stick?"
"I think u just pissed him up even more"
"And why are you creaming [Name]?" "Damn tell me how you really feel about the cream jesus"
"One of them is: What the fuck is going on at this point and why am I still here for it?"
"I just love killing people!"
"I want to fuck Optimus Prime."
"Allergies are kicking me ass"
"I would've given you some but you didn't talk fast enough /j"
"Why is [Name] robbing [Name2]"
"Enjoy your last peaceful moments"
"You were the chosen one"
"Then speak it"
"And [Name] just set himself on fire"
"I feel like I am being judged now,,,,,bye." *disappears*
"The shame has already been done there is no going back"
"My mom used to buy me robux before she mcfucking died"
"My gaydar told me"
"What the fuck are smiley fries."
"Rice with beef broth because we have no chicken"
"Anime cat girls are canon within Spongebob now."
"The Cat Has Ingested The Wall"
"Split dat chicken wingg"
"Oeuur... digs chicken wing out of the carpet"
"They have been bestowed the name [New name]"
"I love the fumbling with the remote"
"Literally vibrating in my chair, I’m really excited for the game"
"That's so sad imagine someone hated you so much they wouldn't even spend more than 5 bucks to hire a hitman"
"Bro's gonna be willing to die after that"
"I wanna invite them for tea and crumpets
The best type of relationship"
"Like damn dude you don't need THAT much eye liner"
"This is so emo"
"My dude needs to look fabulous"
"They got a little too silly"
"They just need to put some ice on it"
"Aww noo they spilled the cranberry juice" :(
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mellybabbles · 9 months
May I buy you the big gay
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lilredghost · 1 year
baby bestie because i read chp 14 so late im feeling like its my birthday, that i get chp 15 so early!! can i just quickly take the moment to scream about the dream scene??? all those little tells that maybe this isnt right (inception vibes). this was so brilliant
also obi's downward spiral about if anakin loves him or married himbeacuse he is an alpha IM CRYING WITH HIM OH GOD WHAT IF OBI NEVER CLAIMED HE WAS AN ALPHA AND STILL RULED OBIKIN WOULD NEVER HAVE MET PLS
Obi-Wan has had a hard time keeping his head on straight, this last week. A harder time than usual, anyway.
A side effect of all the stress, perhaps. babygirl change your suppresants pls theyre stressing you out i still dont trust komari she is maham anga's character for a reason
Anakin's hand has settled on his thigh; it grips him tight, bold and claiming, under the table.
Obi-Wan wonders if it will leave bruises.
The fingers creep closer— not further up but further in, ghosting the edge of the scent gland there— and Obi-Wan has to swallow back his arousal, trying to focus on Luminara. oh he's so jealous thisis such a good thing to read in fics but somehow such a red flag irl uk ill read any fic if it says possesive anakin
He feels like he’s back in his wedding finery, wondering why his fiancé won’t look at him.
His husband won’t look at him. i cried then for obi-wan and im crying for now poor baby had all his childhood dreams broken like sugar glass and now he knows anakin may never have married him????? i love it when u put obi-wan thru the horrors
im just gonna very casually read thru the rst of the fic again cause i simply love the writing style in this and i have creative writing hostel championship coming up so. uk. i would really like to write as well as you
(Referring to ch 15 of Their fragrance came from you)
Baby!! I had so much fun with the dream scenes honestly!! I felt so evil writing it but it was so so satisfying (summary of this whole chapter honestly). My aim with those slightly wrong things was that you wouldn't quite be able to tell if it was just Obi-Wan's unreliable narration at work (especially because he often has moments where he's caught up in something and "doesn't quite remember"/"didn't realize" something happened), or if there was actually something wrong! I also thought about having the whole dream sequence in italics, but I wanted the reader to take Obi-Wan's introspection about not being an alpha seriously.
And the repetition of things which happened in the dream, but slightly different… idk what drove me to do that, but I'm soooo happy I did. I think it adds so much flavor in showing how Obi-Wan perceives the world (or how he fears it to be) vs. how it actually is!
Ahhh the concept of Obi-Wan openly being the first omega ruler from the beginning! He would have come out sooo much less depressed 🥺🥺 (But maybe, in some ways, more stern? He has to show that he's not soft just because he's an omega, after all!) I love to think that in an AU like this, Stewjon and Tatooine still needed that mutual help so they went to make an alliance. But since there's no immediate candidate that's obvious for marriage, Tatooine doesn't write anything about marriage in their terms, hoping it will pass under the radar (it does). They settle instead on a sort of cultural exchange where Anakin will come spend some time in Jedha and then later Obi-Wan will go and visit Mos Espa. And hey, two omegas in positions of power… working closely together…. Obi-Wan gets to be Anakin's friend without jumping through all the hoops. Anakin gets to learn all about Obi-Wan's secret dreams of marriage. And then Obi-Wan's heat rolls around, and Anakin offers to help, and-- Well, the rest is history!
"babygirl change your suppresants pls theyre stressing you out i still dont trust komari she is maham anga's character for a reason" ALFKJSDLKFJSKJ THE WAY I CACKLED. She IS maham anga's character for a reason, but not this reason!!
The grade of suppressants Obi-Wan is taking are only meant to be used in the short term (a few years, with medically scheduled heats once or twice a year) in cases where it's not safe for an omega to be having heats. Otherwise, he should be taking regular-strength suppressants (with that same caveat of medically scheduled heats once or twice a year, along with a full detox every five or so years).
But uh. He's been taking them for twenty years. One medical heat a year, to mimic an alpha's biorhythm. No detoxes. It's a wonder his suppressants hadn't failed up until this point already. On top of all that is the new stimulation that he's getting from Anakin, which has his body trying to react like an omega (like Anakin's mate!!) and so it's also actively fighting through the suppressants rn. They're definitely failing, but they're failing slowly enough that he hasn't noticed. ((Also the idea that they'd fail is so inconceivable to him…. he's definitely not a doctor, lol))
I get you on the jealousy honestly I would HATE if someone did that irl but I'm such a fucking sucker for it in fiction. Anakin will cool down about it once he feels more secure, but I feel like it's necessary for his character to go through that development rather than being chill about Luminara from the get-go.
"poor baby had all his childhood dreams broken like sugar glass" LITERALLY 😭😭 I wrote a post a while back about how Obi-Wan didn't want to tell Anakin about his designation yet because he was too afraid of losing him. But now (he thinks) he's lost Anakin already!!
Luckily, Anakin will convince him that he wants to stay. So yes I'm putting Obi-Wan through the horrors, but. Ultimately it's so that he can heal and move on
And I'm so happy you like my writing style, I think it's really grown into itself (and grown on me, too) over the course of the fic! Good luck on your writing competition -- I'm sure you'll do well 💖💖
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carcinized · 2 years
-milk w/ honey anon
HI. IM PUTTING IT UNDER THE CUT BC OMG TOBIN SHOWING EMOTIONS 💔💔 idc if anyone reads it its just me talking about some guy I like tho so idk how interesting that could be but here we go ^_^
Ok SO. theres this guy. ive known him for a few years, we became friends a yesr and a half ago but not close friends or anything. like august this year suddenly we become more of Actual Friends not just people who sit together at lunch bc 90% of the other kids are mean
so then the timeline from there goes
-> mid october: i spend like 2 hours alone w him and we talk not just jokes for the first time & realize well Oh Shit. I Really Like Him
-> late october: we go for a walk together but neither of us want to leave so we end up going to the farmers market, getting ice cream, window shopping, and finally getting dinner together before we leave because we’re scared our cars are going to be towed. which was 6 hours total instead of just a small walk. with no shortage of things to talk about we are both sad to leave
-> november: basically i just supress everything and tell myself im making it up. but i am still undeniably fond of this Damn Guy. we become a little closer still
-> mid december: (finals week) out of NOWHERE this whole things goes from being able to be chalked up to “we’re becoming better friends!!” to hes complimenting me incessantly. hes showing up in my study halls to distract me from working and walking me to class & hes sitting next to me every time he can and every group setting we’re only looking at each other across fhe whole circle and hes standing next to me and tucking things into my hat and laughing fondly and WHERE did that come from
and then we went to break and yaknow. i saw him once last week but it was in a group & my best friend was there and i got distracted reminiscing with her. then earlier this we i went rollerskating with him + another friend of ours but hes like A Rollerskating Guy. hes good at it he was showing off 😭 and i am not. im just skating circles. so we weren’t skating together or anything but he would still very obviously be keeping tabs on me which was sweet (if i got off the rink he’d be there a few minutes later to keep me company and stuff, very kind of him). so we are not at that stage of oh holy Shit why is every conversation with this guy ending in mutual fond smiles and barely meeting each other’s eyes. BUT ITS STIL LIKE. ? YOURE NOT LIKE THIS.
like for context this is like. he is a shut-in total introvert. it took him over a year to talk to me like at all. and we go from that to THIS? like tons of affection for no reason? which he just. does not do to people? (And I dont do either?). like the context here is that while i may be loud (at least irl) i am NOT affectionate i am NOT anything like that. i joke around and thats all!!! and hes quiet and not affectionate and honestly just doesnt talk about himself much in general except for with me. SO IT MAKES ME WONDER.
im like 80% sure he likes me becuase Um thats not behavior a cishet boy exhibits If he doesn’t like you. and yes im in love with a cishet boy its complicated. but like,, how am i supposed to go from “i think thisis flirting” to “flirting” or just to “asking this guy out.” bc NEITHER OF US WANT TO MAKE THE JUMP. unless he made the flirting jump and im just really bad at reciprocating. im confused <3 thank u milk w honey ily. what r ur thoughts
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sunaluvs · 3 years
... is this a good time for me to tell u that i have post notifs on for u and i check your blog regularly JWND82JEJ cause i f e l t your last post n 'm really sorry u feel that way too, but i think you're hilarious n i really love your writing n you so i jus wanted to say smth so yea MWAH
. r u. r u trying to make me cry.
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caruliaa · 3 years
omg besties r we still charactizing julia as the overly flustered on in thee relationship. r w fr
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atlasfms · 6 years
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                               INSTAGRAM; @ATLASDENIRO VIA PROFILE  —  august 17th.  ft.  @gcbrielst, @jessehq, @malvchis, & @ophclics.
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sichengmark · 6 years
alright im watching the third nct 2018 empathy behind vid of fucking COURSE it starts with yukhei bouncing up n down saying ‘wassup man’ of course.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
hi babes! could u do a javier peña x reader where the girl works w javi & steve and she and javi have been the closest friends ever but javi develops feelings for her and after he sees her back home from a date all happy he gets super jealous and finally decides to tell her he loves her and she says it back, something like that xx
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I love this so much 🥺 Enjoy 🥰💕
Javier x Fem!Reader; warnings: language
Javier Masterlist 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Its Friday night and Javi is bored. Not bored bored...but bored. The excitement of the week has left him buzzing with energy and he's not quite sure how to get it out. He's decidedly not going to the bar or to spend the evening with temporary company. No - that hadn't been his deal in some time...not since you. But he'd never admit that. Despite the fact that you knew - everyone knew. 
Instead, he comes up with the plan to do what the two of you often end up doing at the end of a hectic week - unwind with some bad television, cheap beer, and even cheaper pizza. Its become a bit of an unspoken tradition and you relish in it - both of you. Its a thing that's so easy, so effortless but fun for the both of you. 
So, he's at your door, pizza in hand and a six pack tucked under his arm knocking loudly. He's eagerly waiting, humming with nervous energy just at the mere thought seeing you. Javier wasn't sure when he'd turned from an experienced grown man to a nervous boy, but you always had that effect on him….and he didn't mind.
When you opened the door a few moments later, his jaw almost dropped as he took in the sight of you, looking more beautiful than anyone should be allowed to. You offered him a big smile, the one he most definitely fell in love with, when you looked him over. Your hair and makeup was done and your dress was enough to make him weak on the knees.
And then, as you put in your earrings, you realized you'd completely spaced on telling him that your weekly plan wasn't going to work tonight.
"Wow, you look beautiful-"
"Javi, tonight's not going to work-"
You both started at the same time. As soon as his words you hit your ears, a flush of warmth rose up in your face. Sure, he'd told you that you've looked nice before, but something about how he had just said it was...different. 
"Yeah," you offered him an apologetic look, "I'm so sorry, Javi. I completely forgot to tell you - it just happened so fast." 
"You...you have plans?" his face dropped slightly as you nodded, an odd wash of disappointment clouded over you. 
"I...I have a date," you were staring at your feet as he cleared his throat. Gods, you were already regretting this. But...but Javier had never asked and you weren't sure if he ever would and oh gods, the idea of asking him seemed impossible and this had seemed like a good distraction at the time. The almost painful look on Javier's face, quickly concealed into an emotionless mask was enough to make you regret your decision, "umm...Eric. He asked me out today."
"And you said yes."
"I said yes," you agreed with the accusation, "I wasn't thinking...I completely forgot its Friday and if I would have realized I wouldn't have said yes."
"No, don't worry about it. It's fine," the tone of his voice suggested that it was anything but fine. You were tempted to just stay in with Javi and cancel your plans. Maybe if either of you would finally just say something - anything, "you should definitely go out with Eric. It'll make his whole year. Have fun, Dulzura…"
"Javi," you tried to grab his free hand but he quickly pulled out of your grasp, the gesture harsh and biting, "Javier! I don't have to go…I can stay."
"And why would you do that?" he turned around, his eyes narrowed as he tried to get a read on you. It was a challenge - to see if either of you would willingly break. 
"You know why," you insisted firmly, wishing you could just say the words. But both of you were too steadfast and stubborn to give in, "say it and I'll stay. But I need you to say it."
"There's nothing to say," he said sharply, the slightest bit of crack to his voice, "have a good time. With Eric."
"Javi," you called after him, eyes stinging and threatening to spill over with unshed tears as he refused to turn back around and walked back to his own apartment. He couldn't have meant it...right? Surely he didn't… "Javier!"
He heard you. Of course he did. The whole building easily could have.
But he didn't stop. And you didn't go after him.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Eric was...nice. Kind, funny, charming, and handsome. He was everything a woman could dream of; you'd known him for a while and it was easy to see why someone would fall for him. When you got to the restaurant, he pulled out your chair, and ordered a nice bottle of wine. 
Conversation was polite - funny and flirtatious. Everything you'd expect on a date.
And yet...the whole time, your mind was absent. You were there, smiling and laughing at the appropriate times, but your mind kept wandering. No matter how much you wanted to like him….it all went back to Javier.
You didn't want Eric - you didn't want anything like him.
You wanted Javier. Him and only him. 
Even if he didn't want you, you were going to tell him. You couldn't keep up this silly little dance, skirting around the issue and never talking about it. You had to do this.
That's why you left the date early, making up a shitty excuse you were sure he could see through. You felt bad - he was nice, but you had to do this. 
As you ran into your apartment building, heels in hand, you were making a beeline for Javier's apartment. But instead of making it to his palce, you stopped when you spied a figure in front of your own door.
"Javier," you were breathless as you stared into this soft brown eyes. His gaze was locked onto yours as his chest and rose fell heavily.
"Dulzura," he reached for your hand and pulled you tightly against him, "fuck what I said earlier. Fuck Eric and whatever we've been doing. I-"
"I'm in love with you," you quickly cut him off, watching as a look of surprise crossed his features before a small tugged on the corners of his mouth, "you're a jerk and an asshole sometimes, but damn - I'm in love with you."
A hand tenderly went to your cheek as he watched you closely, his eyes searching yours as you just gently nodded at him. He slowly raised his other hand to your face, cradling it gently before crashing his lips onto yours. 
Finally. Finally. Finally.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him close, carding a hand through his dark locks. The way he kissed you and you eagerly kissed back was like the two of you had done this a million times before. There was no awkwardness, no tension, no hassle - it just was. And it was utterly perfect.
Kissing Javier Peña was better than you could have ever dreamed. And after all this time it was finally a reality.
Your hand went to his shoulders and onto his chest as you slowly broke apart for a breath of air. He was looking at you in such a reverent manner, but his eyes were nervous - a quality you almost never saw in them. His warm, large hands found purchase on your waist as you leaned in for another kiss, this was soft and gentle before he chased your lips with a few of his own. You drank in the moment, nuzzling your nose against his as you felt him smile against your lips.
"Me too," he whispered softly, but paused when he realized this wasn't enough - he needed to do this properly, "I love you - I'm in love with you."
"Good," you beamed at him, making his heart melt. Gods, that how he knew this was right - no one had ever had this effect on him, not even his former fiancé, "this would have been awkward otherwise."
"Sorry for being such an asshole earlier," he grimaced at the thought of what could have happened if the two of you hadn't both suddenly hit a revelation, "I just…"
"I know," you shushed him by putting a finger to his lips, "I know. Maybe this is exactly what we needed - a push in the right direction."
"Yeah," he agreed, grinning gently at you, "I just...the thought of you with him made me...I hated it."
"I know," you nodded towards, "do you...do you want to come inside? Its Friday night after all."
"Hmm," he kissed your forehead, a knowing grin exchanged between the two of you, "I'd like that a lot, Dulzura."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Permanent Taglist: @secretsweetscollectionblog  @sheridans-dynamos  @queenbbarnes  @persephonesnebula   @ah-callie  @blushingwueen  @thisis-theway @rosetophighlander  @rae-gar-targaryen    @hiscyarika  @readsalot73  @huliabitch  @ollyoxenfrees @coffeeandtodd  @beepbeepsephy   @scarlettwitcher  @nerdyknightwritersblog  @choicesarcade  @arrowswithwifi  @everythingaboutnothingstuff  @suckerfor-fanfics  @bestintheparsec @javihoney  @aeryntheofficial  @hail-doodles @engineeredfiction @aeryntheofficial  @asgardianvamp21  @keithseabrook27  @karmezii  @dearspacepirates  @thatsuitlooksgoodonyou  @paintballkid711 @mrpascals @kochamcie @lv7867 @artsymaddie @gooddaykate @rosiefridayrogersunday @heyitmelexie @criminalmind1927 @justanotherblonde23 @coni-martina @thewayofthemandalorian @phoenixhalliwell @lucifer
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bts-fic-collection · 3 years
hey what are ur fave social media or chat fics on ao3?
I have a lot of favourite chatfics! :)
pale sun rose by 02_43am
Rating: M
Pairings: Yoongi/Jimin, Namjoon/Seokjin
Status: Complete
Word count: 88,389
Summary: the tae: can we take a moment to remember the tae: back to when we got together before classes started the tae: and our jin hyung told us how much he loved us the tae: and how lucky he was to have us in his life
mochichim: yes!! it was very sweet!! mochichim: you cried a lot
the tae: I WAS DRUNK
kookie: you cry even when you’re not drunk kookie: anyway where are you going with this
the tae: my point is why is the name of the group chat ‘SOME FRIENDS’ the tae: what’s the TRUTH
(or another text fic where Yoongi is trying his best, Jimin has the biggest crush, Jin and Namjoon are in love, Hobi dances a lot, Jungkook is still a kid and Taehyung is the wild card).
hit or miss by carryontae
Rating: M
Pairings: Taehyung/Yoongi
Status: Complete
Word count: 27,610
Summary: unknown [09:04] you’re an asshole you’re also really bad at giving head i pity whoever has to suffer through that the next time you fuck and run maybe you’ll choke on their cock and die then everyone wins
taehyung [09:09] wow that was Incredible is it bad that im lowkey turned on??
or the one where yoongi texts the wrong number and taehyung is endeared.
We've got a staple relationship by TsingaDark
Rating: T
Pairings: Jungkook/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 12,249
Summary: Jimin [12:12] we made awkward eye contact for a second
Jimin [12:13] and then we had to shake hands and introduce ourselves
Jungkook [12:13] while pretending we didn’t make intimate love the night before
Namjoon [12:14] Thank you for that information we absolutely did not ask for nor wanted to know
or: Jungkook and Jimin get summer temp jobs at the same office and have to pretend they're not in a relationship.
This is Major Tom to Ground Control (i showed u my dick pls respond) by hobimo
Rating: E
Pairings: Jungkook/Jimin, Namjoon/Yoongi, Hoseok/Taehyung
Status: Complete
Word count: 64,195
Summary: SKSS: This is Jeon Jungkook. Nothing to report. Crossing over dayline currently. Requesting light-hearted conversation with Communications Officer Park Jimin, PhD. Over.
Ground Control: This is Park Jimin. I am changing shifts with Kim Howon in 20 minutes. What would you like to discuss? Over.
SKSS: HOLY SHIT YOU REPLIED OH MY GOD IM SKSS: Thisis Jeon Jungkook. Apologies for sending previous transmission. I meant to delete it before sending but we hit the wrong button. Is your profile page on the SKSA database relevant? Over.
Ground Control: This is Park. Yes, the profile is current. No need to stress over your accidental transmission. Over.
SKSS: Jeon. I have a report due in 48 seconds. Over.
Ground Control: Park. Yes, you do. Over.
SKSS: Thank you for conversing with me, Commissions Officer Park Jimin. Over.
Ground Control: You're more than welcome, Officer Jeon. Please proceed with your report. Over.
Or; Jungkook's been stranded on a space station for 3 years, and Jimin is part of the team bringing him home.
My Heart Ain't Got Enough (i need your touch) by gukiss
Rating: Not rated
Pairings: Jungkook/Taehyung/Yoongi/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 11,422
Summary: Jiminnie: yoongi hyung do u know how many times weve had to listen to kookie gush about your “squishy sleepy face” and “the little soft noises he makes when hes concentrating”
Tae well i mean that and “his fUCKING HANDS I WANT THEM INSIDE ME” cute stuff like that
WHO IS JIMIN'S MYSTERY BF!! by pansexuall
Rating: E
Pairings: Taehyung/Jimin/Yoongi
Status: Complete
Word count: 110,633
Summary: mini: oh god mini: oh no oh god oh please no mini: PLWASE NOBODY READ THAT NOBODY SCROLL UP PLEASE mint yoongi: did you seriously just sext the groupchat mini: EJHAJNF NOT ON PURPRSE
In which Jimin accidentally sends a sext to the groupchat, chaos ensues, and a group of very determined boys trys to figure out who exactly that text was meant for.
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enbypool · 2 years
ok so basicy it atarts with pinkie walking jnto rhe caroseul bourique looking sad mane deflated qnd she plops flat onto the fooor on her stomach qnd sighs. and rarity is like oh pinkie my dear! is something the matter? and pinkie is like oh.. well.. and starts talkinf abt how she feels like nopony takes her seriously and that shes annoying etc and rarity is like oh pinkie and comforts her and talks abt her own issues with rsd like that qnd rari nuzzles her cheek and pinkies mane pops back and she leaps into rhe air and js like i jist realized sonething. I have to go and rarity is like oh pinkie wont you- oh. xe's gone. and then pinkie rushes to the castle of frienship banging on the door screaming for twilight before just going in and she SLAMS right into twi in the hallway who was carrying some papers qnd the collosion made her magic lose focus so she dropped all of them and shes like pinkie! and shes like oh oh sorry twi as twi starts picking it up and shes like sigh its fine what do u need and pinkies like I. UH. WELL. JUSY GATHER THE GIRLS HERE OK MINUS RARITY THERE IS NO TIMENTONDXPLAIN GET RAJNBOW AND FLUTTERSGY QND APPLEJACK QUICK qnd pinkie jist disappears again and twilight is like what and the next panel is them all in the cutie map room and twilight js like Ok. were here can u explain why and most importantly why rarity cant be here and pinkie takes a deeeeep breath qnd is like BCEYASE i love HERand everyones like o_o and pinkie exhales qnd goes back to normal volume qnd is like qnd i need your helpto plan a party where i xan tell her that and applejacks is like thags mighty sweet pinkie but why do we need a party for that cant ya just tell er that yourself and pinkies like well... im never good qt just saying those things but maybe ill be confident in a party setting we can tell rarity irs an qppreaction larty for her which i guess it sort of will be but itll also be a COVER too so i have the coursge to tell her my feelings and rd flies over and is like thisis cool pinkie but what if you do all this qnd she doesnt feel the same way qnd pinkies like HUH? I HADNT EVEN CONSID3RED THAT. and she starts hypervenitaling and then just starts running in circles so fast she becomes a blur and ajs like well now look what you went qnd did rwinbow now shes a pinkienado! and rds like whoops and aj asks twi for some rope and lassos pinkie and goes over to her qnd j forgot the speech she gave her. uhm she xalms pinkie down and they get to planning then it cuts to twi and pinkie in the town sqaure with the rest of rhe girls with the oarty being nesrly finished setting up and rd flies in and twis like rainbow! hows it going with raroty and shes like fine i guess r u guys qlmost done cause i cant handle any more girly fun! ive had two spa treatments and i think my coats so shiny it might blind someone and twi giggles qnd is like yeah we're done bring her down and rd flies off and everyone gets into position and then rd comes q a blindfolded rarity they surprise her they start partying etc then jt cuts to later in the party and twi walls over to pinkie n is like its almost time pinkie u ok and sbes like NO IM SO NERVOUS TWILIFHT WHAT DO I DO *SHAKES HER* and twi gices her a speech mthen pinkie goes on the stage and starts talking abt rarity then calls her up and bulls a bouqet of roses out of her mane and hands them to her and then confesses her feelimgs and asks if shed let her take her on a date and shell make sure irs thebgreatest most wondefful super duperest romantic romance date ever and raritys like oh my.. of xourse i will pinkie qnd then it cuts to twi for q second whise horn glows then goes back to twi and pinkie, pinkie js now wearing a suit and rarity a pretty dress and pi kies like well then may i have this dwnce and eztends her hoove and rarity takes it then pinkie takes one of the roses and tucks it behind raritys ear. Ok. Do u inderstabdm
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nextstopparis · 3 years
fic tag game - thnk u for thinking of me @southfarthing 🥺❤️❤️
how many works do you have on ao3?
29..... its rlly bothering me i need to get one more up gbjjhbhb
what's your total ao3 word count?
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
ive only written for merlin:)
what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. all the things we did not become, 2.08 fix it fic for glompfest
2. he won't tell you that he loves you (but he loves you), a lil fluff for merthur week 2020
3. frozen deep blue (you painted me golden), angsty arthur returns fic bc i sort of got annoyed by the idea that the only issues they would encounter would be arthur adjusting to the modern world.
4. how it was supposed to be, like pre s4 fic (except uthers already dead lol) based on a tsoa scene that i sob over every time.
5. build a house in paradise, modern au slice of life fic full of domesticity.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yes i do! it might take a WHILE though bc im just. bad at things. idk i get stressed over saying thank you to strangers online ok leave me alone. but yes id o eventually. (at least i have thus far)
what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
omg. OMG WAIT LOL i was gonna say none bc i dont tend to do angsty endings BUT I DO HAVE ONE!!! (well two, but thisis the angstier one i think): tell me why this has to end is pretty angsty although it does. like. end as the show did lol. well anyway. omg i completely forgot abt that fic:/
do you write crossovers? if so, what is the craziest one you've written?
i dont write crossovers
have you ever received hate on a fic?
errr not that ive been made aware of lol.
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i do not write smut.. the closest ive gotten is alluding to it skdjncjsnc
have you ever had a fic stolen?
lol why would anyone want to steal my fic skjdncskjncs but no
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
NO BUT ID LIKE TO ONE DAY i think itd be really cool:(
what's your all time favourite ship?
well hm. *looks at entire blog dedicated to merthur and like 600 bookmarked fics also about them* ummm,,,, thats a really hard question aha...
whats a WIP that you want to finish but dont think you ever will?
is it a wip if its still just an idea that i havent actually written anything for??? its based on gold rush by taylor swift (ohmygod im so annoying) and i REALLY like the idea but i think im just too scared to start it bc like. it deserves better than me u know sjdcnksdjnksnc ugh.
what are your writing strengths?
my english teacher in hs once told me that im good with voice which is great for writing crack i think
what are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue, plotting, tenses really kick my ass too bc i can never decide if i want to do it in the present or the past. like wtf
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
errrr.... i dont really have that much of an opinion on it? it would be nice to understand what im reading though,,
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
whats your favourite fic you've written?
invent the future. its the longest thing ive written which already makes it something im really proud of, but i also just like the ideas i explored in it about forgiveness and justice and the nature of destiny and stuff (wowzers im sort of so-fist-o-kate-id huh). it started out as a single sentence and then accidentally became a pendragon siblings relationship repair fic which. i mean. whatever lol. also its the first merwenthur fic ive written which im pleased abt bc i LOVE THEM. and OKAY. so maybe its also just 60k words of an arthur character study. GOSH leave me alone...
tagging: @shana-rosee , @witchmd13 , and @queerofthedagger (if you want ofc!!)
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hi delta thisis aaron. please ask your male boyfriend whyhe wants me dead
Hello aaron I will @gaysexhater why do u want aaron dead, my love ? Aaron is very amusing and I would like to keep him around ^_^ think abt my entertainment, darling
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