sistertonin · 2 months
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jhea finally hit waffle house :]
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newpartnerincrime · 2 months
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ekmsoldier · 1 month
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( I just think Funko pop JD is so cute...... sry😭)
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the-hanged-lover · 4 months
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the greatest sequel of all time
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420jimmyuso · 6 months
gay ppl r so … wow
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sydsaint · 5 months
Make fun of my big forehead man ONE MORE TIME!!!
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Summary: With Rhea gone, TJD start to fall apart at the seams. Tired of taking Damian's abuse, JD decides that it's time for the Irish Ace to make his return to singles action. But JD isn't about to leave without his favorite girl.
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"Crap." You grumble to yourself in the hotel room as you sift through your suitcase for your Judgement Day shirt. "Come on!" You grit your teeth. "It's got to be in here somewhere."
Across the room, JD finishes throwing his ring gear into his gym bag. He notices the distressed look on your face, so he walks over to you to ask what's got you looking so upset for.
"YN, love. What's got you all worked up?" JD asks you.
"I can't find my damned shirt!" You curse the air and shove your suitcase away from you.
You let out a frustrated sigh and run a hand through your hair.
"Alright, no need to take it out on the suitcase." JD chuckles to lighten the mood. "What's so special about this shirt you're looking for, anyway?" He asks you. "You know that you look good in pretty much anything, YN."
"Ugh, that's not the point!" You whine. "Damian has been up my ass about wearing Judgment Day merch to Raw." You explain. "I swear I packed the damn thing! But now I can't find it." Your voice cracks slightly due to your frustration.
Jordan rolls his eyes at the mention of Damian giving out more ridiculous orders to the team. Priest has been getting more and more authoritarian ever since he won his championship and Rhea had to leave due to her shoulder injury.
"Alright, just relax, love." JD walks back over to his suitcase laying open on the other side of the room. "Your suitcase might not survive another outburst." He jokes and pulls his Judgement Day shirt over his head.
JD tosses the shirt over to you and step forward to catch it. You watch him reach into his suitcase and pull out a different shirt to put on.
"Let Damian bitch at me for not wearing any merch today." JD offers as he pulls a plain purple shirt over his head.
"Thanks, Jordan." You crack a soft, thankful, smile.
You step into the bathroom with Jordan's shirt and the rest of your outfit for the night and get changed. You pull the shirt over your head in the bathroom and notice that it smells like Jordan. Which makes you smile to yourself.
When you come back out of the bathroom, JD is on his phone texting with Finn about the show. He looks up from his phone when he hears you come out of the bathroom and smiles at you.
"Like I said earlier." Jordan pockets his phone and gets to his feet. "You look great in just about anything, YN." He compliments you. "Damian and Dominick are already at the arena, and Finn is waiting for us in the lobby if you're ready to go." He adds.
"Yeah, just let me grab my bag." You nod and retrieve your bag from its spot on your bed. "And hey, thanks again for the shirt, Jordan. I don't know why I was freaking out so much about it." You thank him.
JD shrugs and gets the door for you. "Don't worry about it, YN." He assures you. "Happy to help."
You and JD meet Finn in the hotel lobby and the three of you head out to the arena for Raw. Once you make it to the arena, JD is quick to fall into a conversation with Dominick. You decide to take a minute to catch up with Finn while everyone waits for Damian to arrive back from wherever he's at.
"You ready for Raw, tonight? Finn?" You ask Balor casually. "You've got a match against Jey Uso, right?" You ask him.
"Yep." Finn nods. "I've gone up against Jey, before. It shouldn't be too much of an issue." He assures you. "How about you, YN. How's traveling with JD been?" He asks you. "The two of you getting along? It seems like you are. Especially since, and I mean no offense, but your shirt reeks of him, YN." Finn alludes to something or other involving you and JD.
You laugh at the way Finn maneuvers the conversation around the obvious accusation that he could be making. "Damian's been nagging me about wearing merch for Raw." You explain. "I forgot to pack my shirt, so Jordan lent me his. That's all."
"Oh." Finn replies. "Right, sorry, YN. I didn't mean to accuse you and JD of anything, you know?" He apologizes.
"It's okay, Finn." You laugh. "And to answer your other question, Jordan and I are getting along fine as travel partners." You assure him.
Finn nods and changes the subject to something else. Damian finally makes it back to the locker room right before Raw is set to start, and the mood in the locker room instantly changes when he arrives.
"Good, you're all here." Damian barges into the room, his voice booming as he slams the door behind him. "YN, I see you got the memo about your wardrobe." He comments on your shirt when his gaze happens to flit over to you. "And I see that JD did the opposite." He adds when he glances over at JD who's talking to Dominick.
JD rolls his eyes, but doesn't try and argue with Priest. Damian glosses over the schedule for Raw. He mentions Finn's match against Jey as well as his plans for a promo in the ring before the match.
"Alright, that's everything for tonight." Damian addresses everyone after he's done going over plans. "Y'all can do whatever you want until it's time to head out to the ring."
"How generous of you." You mumble to yourself, which earns some side-eye from Damian.
Damian turns his full attention on you, still siting next to Finn still. "You got something to say, YN?" He asks you.
"Nope. Nothing, boss." You reply dryly and rise from your seat.
Damian's gaze follows you as you walk past him and take a seat next to JD and Dominick. Damian stares at you for a moment, but eventually scoffs and walks off. Dominick heads out to go do something before it gets too late into the night, which leaves you with just JD to talk to.
"Some attitude he's got tonight." You whisper to Jordan with a sour expression.
"Got that right." JD agrees. "Who dies and made him boss anyway?" He adds.
Later into the night, it's almost time for Finn's match against Jey, so Damian rallies the troops and orders everyone out to the ring with him. You bring up the rear of the group with Jordan. Damian leads the pack and talks with Finn about making sure that he doesn't lose to Jey tonight.
"Is he really giving Finn the, 'you better not lose this.' talk, right now?" JD asks you quietly, so Dominick can't hear the two of you whispering.
"It sounds like it, yeah." You nod. "What the fuck is his problem tonight?" You wonder aloud. "I mean, Finn's been a champion way more times and in way more promotions than he ever has." You scoff.
JD nods in agreement, and you both glare over Dominick's shoulder at Damian. "And people like to say I've got a big head." He jokes with you.
You giggle and knock shoulders with JD playfully. "It's not that big." You laugh with him. "Just...larger than average. And it could be worse. You could have a big forehead and be ugly, right?" You add playfully.
"Well, we can't all be as effortlessly pretty as you, YN." Jordan chuckles. "But, I try."
You and Jordan laugh with one another, and for a moment you forget about Damian and his little ego trip.
Everyone files out to the ring and Damian gets a microphone from someone in the timekeepers area. With his microphone in hand, Damian makes his way to the middle of the ring and begins his speech.
You hang out in the corner of the ring with JD and Finn, and Dom is posted up in the other corner while Damian talks. Priest's speech eventually catches the attention of Jey, who was bound to head out to the ring sooner or later. But Jey doesn't come out to the ring alone. With him is Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, who's visiting from Smackdown since you're in Canada for the week.
"Oh, great." You comment as Sami, Jey, and Kevin all file out to the ring. "He just had to run his mouth, didn't he?" You sigh.
Jey confronts Damian in the middle of the ring, still pissed off about JD and Dom helping Damian cheat to win at Backlash a couple of weeks ago. Sami and Kevin offer Jey support by keep an eye on you, JD, Dom, and Finn, on the other side of the ring.
Eventually, a fight does end up breaking out between the two groups in the ring. You do your best to stay out of the carnage, But it's a little difficult to stay out of the way when bodies are flying around everywhere with reckless abandon.
"Shit! Move, Damian!" You accidentally smack right into Damian on your journey to make it out of the ring.
Your hit knocks Priest off balance and allows Jey an opening to hit him with a pretty nasty super kick. You feel bad for causing it, but slip down to the floor anyway. JD pops up at your side a few seconds later after barreling through Kevin over near the corner of the ring.
"You alright, YN?" JD checks up on you as the chaos of the fight begins to dissipate.
"Yeah, I'm good, Jordan." You nod and head over to Finn as he rolls out of the ring as well.
Dominick joins your trio a few seconds later and everyone gets clear of the ring. Everyone except Damian. Priest remains in the ring and furiously tries another attempt at attacking Jey.
Jey backs off with regroups with Sami and Kevin, leaving Priest alone in the ring. Damian realizes he's alone and frantically starts looking around for his team. He turns around to find everyone waiting for him at the top of the ramp. You gesture for him to join you in a friendly manner, but Damian takes it as anything but a friendly gesture.
You and the group wait at the top of the ramp as Damian makes his way out of the ring. And Dominick is the first one to notice that he looks like he's fuming mad.
"What the hell was all that?!" Damian stomps up the ring and confronts everyone. "So you guys just leave me in the ring alone?" He glares at the group. "And you!" He directs his attention to you. "What the fuck happened in the ring? You tripped me right into Jey!"
"I was trying to get out of the way, Damian." You reply calmly. "It's not like I meant to trip you." You try and assure him that you meant no harm.
Damian rolls his eyes, anger rolling off him like heatwaves. "Right. I swear, Rhea leaves for a week and it's like the four of you turn into a bunch of idiots!" He huffs. "Did you all forget how to listen to simple directions?" He goes back to confronting everyone.
"And who died made you boss?" You reply sharply, not about to take this verbal abuse.
"Rhea did." Damian turns his angry eyes back on you.
You scoff and tsk at him. "The fuck she did." You protest. "Rhea didn't say shit about putting you in charge of anything, Priest! And I'm getting real tired of you bossing me around." You add.
"I'm the champion!" Damian points to the belt hanging off his shoulder. "So what I say goes. You don't like it? Then you can take your bad attitude and get lost." He glares down at you. "Rhea is plenty enough women for this group. We don't need another one."
Before your brain can register what you're doing, you raise a hand and smack Damian across the face. The sound echo's off the barricades either side of the ramp and you suddenly remember that everyone is still standing on the stage and not in the secluded backstage area. Meaning the whole WWE universe just saw you smack Priest across the face.
Damian's nostrils flare and he stares down at you with murder in his eyes. But you don't budge from your spot.
"She's right, Priest." JD speaks up from your side. "You're not our boss. And we're tired of you acting like you can order us around." He comes to your defense.
Damian's rage switches from being directed at you to JD. He towers over Mcdonagh with a locked jaw and glares at him. "Yeah? Well you can join her then." He growls at JD.
"Gladly." JD replies. "Finn, Dominick, don't let this bloke order you around like his lackies, mates." He gives a friendly warning to the remaining Judgment Day members. "Come on, YN. Let's get out of here."
You glance between Finn and Dominick, offering them each a sympathetic smile before you join JD. The two of you walk toward the curtain while the WWE crowd roars throughout the arena.
"You know that we're going to catch hell from Priest for this, right?" You laugh to yourself as you and JD step through the curtain. "And we aren't exactly popular in this locker room." You add.
"Eh." JD shrugs and grabs your hand hanging at your side. "I've got you, love. Nothing else I need." He grins at you.
You giggle and clutch at his hand in yours. "It might not be so bad then." You joke.
You know that being against Priest won't be an easy battle. But you're willing to take the fight head-on as long as JD has your back.
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Reader headcanons
A/N: I am obsessed with Dom, can you blame me? Here's some small headcanons while I am working on a smut fanfic for him.
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Always needs to be touching you in some way. His hand never leaves yours when you walk to the ring, his arm around your waist when the both of you are standing together just because he wants to feel you, slinging an an arm over your shoulder and hooking your legs together when the both of you are sitting on the couch.
This man is the perfect gentleman. Never let’s you get in the ring without holding the ropes open for you. Will always try to take any hits for you, he doesn’t want you getting hurt at all. Doesn’t let’s you drive anywhere, you’re his passenger princess and that’s never gonna change. Takes you on romantic dates whenever your schedules are free, and buys you a new outfit for each date even though you tell him it’s not necessary because he wants his baby to be happy. The man just loves you a lot and loves to spoil you a lot and doesn’t let a day goes by without letting you know.
Brags about you a lot. Whether it’s on social media and having his Instagram flooded with pictures of you, in the ring during a promo when he absolutely trashes your opponents and reminds them how much better you are, or to his friends in a conversation, this man will not stop bragging about you and your accomplishments. He’s just so incredibly proud of you and everything you do. You are his world and he wants everyone to know that.
Is dependent on you. You’re the more dominant one in the relationship, so he will stand behind you and relies on you a lot to take the lead and defend him, but if anyone disrespects you that’s when he will push you behind him and give them absolutely hell to defend your name. You find it adorable when he protects you and get's all protective, but you still want him to stay behind you and let you handle it yourself.
Teases you and jokes around with you a lot. You have a very playful relationship with each other, always messing around, having inside jokes, having prank wars with each other and the other wrestlers in the roster, and constantly play fighting with each other (which ends in you chasing Dominik around and him running away and using other members of TJD as a shield). Whenever Dom's with you, he can't stop smiling and laughing like a little kid with his crush.
Loves your body. The way your outfits and gear hugs your body deliciously, encinuatiyng your curves and boobs. Can barely focus during promos or backstage segments because he's too busy looking at you and can't take his eyes off of you. Loves your soft supple skin and how addicting it is to nuzzle his head into your neck and feel your skin against his. Loves your perfume and feels like he is always on a high whenever you're in his arms and he inhales it. He just can't get enough of you.
This man just loves you a lot, and would do anything and everything you ask of him, even if that meant putting his career on hold or leaving wrestling altogether. You mean more to him than his dream career, you are his dream world and having you in his arms makes him happier than any title around his waist.
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salemshotspot · 2 months
CM Punk x Little!Reader
DESC: After a stressful day y/n reveals to Phil that they're a little
Gender Neutral Reader [They/Them]
WARNINGS: SFW Age Regression//Not Proof Read//Implied Anxiety//Overstimulation//Alcohol Mentions//Mentions Of Drunk People//Mentions Of Stress//Crying//Characters Probably Acting Out Of Character//Generic Pet Names
A/N >> This is my first time writing for a little reader so apologies if it's not great, I've been thinking about writing for other wrestlers with a little reader [as well as more Punk!] So hopefully this isn't that awful no one wants to read any other stuff from me lmao
TAGS: @seasonal-depression-of-punk
The entirety of the wrestling roster were more than familiar with and accepting of age regression due to how open The Judgement Day were about Dominick's age regression; however this didn't stop y/n from keeping their regression a secret from everybody. They had gone as far as trying to avoid The Judgement Day while they were caring for a small Dominick as y/n found themself slipping into a regressed state whenever they were around other regressed people and their caregivers. This is why when y/n felt themself slowly slip into a regressed state they wanted nothing more than to go home for the evening so they could do so without any fear of being seen.
After a successful episode of Monday Night Raw a handful of wrestlers decided to go out for a drink to celebrate, y/n couldn't think of a worse situation for themself right now; they were exhausted, they were anxious and going to loud, packed bar wasn't going to help them at all.
'Hey y/n a few of us are going out to celebrate, do you want to come with us?' Phil's voice echoing through y/n's dressing room, pulling them from their thoughts. Y/n forced a smile to paint their features, Phil always made sure to involve y/n in everyone's plans as he knew they tended to go unnoticed due to their quiet, self-reserved nature. 'I think I'll give this one a miss Phil, I'm not really feeling up to it' y/n softly replied to which Phil jokingly rolled his eyes; 'come on y/n' he began, 'It'll help to take your mind off of things and plus, it won't be the same without you' he softly pleaded. Despite the anxiety slowly filling y/n as well as the difficulty to not fall into a regressed state slowly becoming greater y/n couldn't bring themself to disappoint Phil so, after letting out a subtle sigh, y/n replied; 'alright Phil, I'll come out, just for a while though ok?' Phil's eyes practically lit up, completely unable to hide his excitement; 'awesome!' he exclaimed, 'we'll see you there.'
Once y/n arrived at the bar their eyes tiredly scanned the building until their eyes landed on Phil, Drew, Becky and Seth who simultaneously waved to y/n, signalling for them to come over to the area of bar which they were sat at; 'Y/N!' Drew shouted, his voice laced with intoxication 'you made it', wrapped in Seth's arms, Becky reiterated what Drew was trying to relay; 'we're really glad you're here y/n.' Before y/n could reply, Phil playfully patted the empty seat next to him signalling for them to take a seat next to him, to which they agreed, instantly feeling at ease from Phil's presence alone.
Around half an hour had passed and it was becoming increasingly more difficult for y/n to stay focused on their surroundings despite the grounding feeling they got from Phil's presence; they couldn't take it anymore, it was so loud, every decibel of sound infiltrating y/n's body, attacking their senses. As their head began to pound, y/n silently and abruptly shot up from their seat and rushed outside to their car, haphazardly pulling the door open, crawling onto the back seat and locking the door. Y/n wanted nothing more than to go home, they wanted nothing more than to have all of their comfort items so they could comfortably regress but instead they were stuck in the back of their car, completely overwhelmed. As their stress and desire to go home grew y/n found themself unable to stop themself from finally slipping into little space, inadvertently meaning that they were officially stuck in their car as operating a car whilst not only overwhelmed but also in a regressed state was definitely not a good idea.
Y/n did the only thing they could in their situation; they curled up on the backseat of their car and allowed tears to cloud their vision. Suddenly y/n was pulled back into reality by a gentle yet prominent knock on the car window, as their eyes shot up they met with the concerned and unwavering eyes of Phil who motioned for y/n to roll the car window down so he could speak to them. Y/n was reluctant to roll the window down, secretly hoping if they didn’t do so then it’d mean Phil never caught them in the state they were in, however they couldn’t bring themself to ignore Phil, he had a look of concern in his eyes which was impossible to ignore. Once the window was rolled down Phil leaned into the car so that he could speak to y/n without raising his voice, sure that speaking loudly right now would distress y/n. Softly he requested; ‘can I come in sweetheart?’ Sweetheart? Phil had never uttered such a name to y/n, surely he was just trying to provide comfort and right now comfort was all a little y/n needed right now.
With a subtle nod y/n unlocked the car door allowing Phil to climb in, once he was seated, y/n couldn’t contain themself, they instinctively crawled over to Phil, laying their head on his lap. As y/n lay down Phil took his calloused hand and began gently running it through y/n’s hair before softly speaking; ‘can you tell me what’s gotten you so upset sweetheart?’ Mumbling into his lap, hiccuping from the tears still pouring from their eyes y/n replied; ‘want home.’ Phil lightly chucked, ‘well there’s a very simple solution, you can go home, there’s no need to cry is there?’ He said in a tone which he intended to be playful but came across as mean-spirited, causing y/n to cry further. Realising his tone, Phil spoke once more; ‘shh y/n I’m sorry, why aren’t you going home hmm? Is everything ok?’
Y/n froze for a moment, slowly realising that the secret they were so desperate to keep from everyone was moments from coming out. Phil, growing anxious himself from y/n’s change in demeanour, gently rubbed circles into y/n’s shoulder with his thumb, silently encouraging y/n to speak. Further burying their face into Phil’s lap in order to muffle their words, y/n muttered out ‘I'm like Dom’ secretly hoping that Phil wouldn't hear them. 'I can't hear you sweetheart' Phil spoke out to which y/n repeated themself at the same register. Warmly smiling down at the person on his lap, unable to find their shy nature anything short of amusing, Phil took his large hands and placed them on y/n's shoulders, pulling them into an upright position. 'I can't understand you when you're hiding that face of yours y/n' he lightly chuckled, 'can you repeat yourself one more time?' After a moment of thought filled silence y/n let out an anxious sigh and repeated themself for a final time; 'I'm like Dom' they said lowering their head.
Phil admittedly wasn't the smartest man but once y/n uttered those words he instantly understood what was going on; 'and do you have somebody to look after you like Dom does?' Phil asked anxiously, the thought of y/n not having a caregiver to keep an eye on them while regressed worried Phil more than he'd ever like to admit. Y/n quickly shook their head, they had been without a caregiver for as long as they can remember, pulling them into a sympathetic embrace Phil planted a soft kiss on the top of their head before suggesting something tempting to y/n. 'How about we get you home hmm? What kind of a guy would I be if I didn't make sure you were all looked after?' Y/n giggled softly and nodded at the prospect of having a caregiver, and Phil of all people? They couldn't help but feel excitement well in their chest.
With that, Phil climbed into the front of the car, sure to keep a hand spare to drape around to the back of the car for y/n to hold onto for comfort. Once they had arrived home y/n retrieved all of their comfort items before joining Phil on the sofa. Tomorrow they would discuss Phil becoming a more permanent member of y/n's life, possibly becoming their caregiver but right now all y/n needed was to feel safe so they could finally sleep and out the stress of the day behind them.
A/N >> I'm sorry this isn't great but if anyone wants to give my writing a second chance drop requests in my inbox lmao and lmk if you'd like to be tagged in any future fics
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solo-uso · 7 months
Damian Priest dressed as Rocky 🪨
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for The Rock's 25th Anniversary. Nov 2021.
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babybatlover · 8 months
Tjd hcs!
warnings: nfsw, mdni!!!, minor alcohol, im pretty sure thats all
below the cut 💋💋
Rhea has 1 of the boys fuck you (could be mouth or cunt depending on preference) while she fingers your ass
She love watching you get fucked in both holes while you lay in her lap
Damian is the most dominant, then rhea, then finn (he’s a full switch be fr), dom dom, then you(you are most submissive)
neck kissing and soft kisses 
Omg rhea and damian love biting
Biting you, you biting, they font care just teeth and tongue and skin and they will be happy
Finn like shibari, and hes GREAT at it. A fuckin master at doing shibari
Dom like being able to hold and touch his doms so handcuffs/bondage is only used as a punishment
One time rhea and dame make you wear one of the remote phone controlled vibrators to a movie and sat in the back row of the movie theater so they could tease you the entire time
You slip in subspace easy so if you slip in public damian holds you hand and rhea will talk for you so you dont get too overwhelmed
I feel like the some of the other superstars have picked up on it like becky and seth so if they have to go out when ur in subspace they make sure you dont drop
Also when your drinking you drop easily so if you drink they are always very careful with you 
Rhea has a breeding kink (im sorry but bffr its the only time shes submissive is when shes being fucked and filled)
Mommy and Daddy kink!!! 
This is all i have but i will have more
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devonaeya · 2 months
He is once again turning ✨17✨
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sistertonin · 3 months
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his ass so happy over them mf chicken nuggets 😒
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newpartnerincrime · 2 months
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ekmsoldier · 29 days
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Too sweet!
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chauny123 · 2 months
I'ma go on a bit of a rant. Some of you may not like it. Damien Priest, Rhea Ripley, and Edge were the original members of tjd. Priest and Ripley ended up betraying Edge, who was their leader. So, it only makes sense that they get betrayed in the end. Dominik Mysterio and Finn Balor gave them the karma they deserved. I personally think Dom choosing Liv was the right decision because if you think about, Rhea manipulated him into turning on his father and joining tjd. She claimed that she made him a man, but whenever he was with her, he just seemed like this scared little kid. But with Liv, he seems so confident and like he's his own man. The way Liv treats him seems so much better than how Rhea treated him. As for Finn turning on Damian, I don't know exactly how I feel about it. I mean, I saw it coming. Overall, tjd was built on lies and deception and it was bound to break apart at some point.
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420jimmyuso · 6 months
basically having a date RIGJT in front of our eyes …
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