#TK ‘Knuckles’ Pruitt oc
callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Cricket
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Amanda ‘Cricket’ Pruitt was the youngest in the family and born the same year as Baylie, her sister and best friend. It was hard on Beau and Katherine having all three children under five, but they made it work. And as soon as the girls could walk and talk, trouble could always be found.
It only got crazier as the girls got older. At eleven, after TK had done it first, the girls followed his lead and hopped on a hog’s back and rode it around the barn. When they turned fourteen, the girls stood on their horse’s back for the first time, scaring the shit outta Leo. He still gets worried that Duckie and Cricket’ll fall off and break something.
Mischief was one of the girls’ favorite past times, and would recruit Leonard to join in too. The friends had lots of fun jerryrigging a sled to the back of a side by side after it rained and taking turns driving around the pastures and over hills to try to slide the passenger off, riding a horse backwards, going frog gigging at midnight (the best time if you asked them), and going to corn field parties during the summer.
As the three musketeers got into high school, relationships changed and feelings got hurt. It was mostly Leo doing dumb shit and the two idiots pinning after each other that caused the most damage. It didn’t matter though, they always made up and went back to as if nothing had happened. The first big fight that the friends had, was at Prom. It lasted for weeks before he apologized for what Macy Jensen did.
The next big fight was started because of a pact they had made the summer before senior year, agreeing to stay the whole year. Amanda only needed one class left, but it was full until the last semester of school, so she couldn’t graduate early. As for Leo and Duckie, they had taken the class the semester before and could if they wanted too. Long story short, Leo broke the pact and then got the hell outta dodge to basic for the Navy. It hurt the girls as they dreaded walking across that stage without their other friend.
After high school, Duckie and Cricket didn’t go off to college, like their parents would’ve liked, they wanted to stay to help out on the ranch. Even though both were kind of mad at Leo for leaving so abruptly, they still wrote weekly letters to him. The girls started to realize that Leo never wrote letters back to them, so they thought it was because he was busy. It shocked them to know that his family were receiving letters from him, but not his best friends.
As the years went by the letters slowly stopped being sent to Leo, it’s not like he’d ever respond anyway. When not helping around the ranch, Cricket took up bartending at the local watering hole known as Jack’s. There’s always good peoples around and great tips offered. Cricket sometimes flirt with some of the young guns if they come up to the bar, but mostly acts friendly and welcoming.
It was surprising to hear that Leo was coming home and bringing a friend. The girls, especially Cricket, didn’t expect to see him ever again. He was a big shot RIO in San Diego now, no way would he wanna come home to a sleepy town. The first day back, when he surprised his friends, Cricket was madder than a bull seeing red! How could he just mosey up to the door and walk in as if nothing had happened, like he didn’t ignore Duckie and her for years! Even as she sat on her bed, she could hear all the chatter from the kitchen.
After being told that it was actually her parents taking the letters and he’d been holding out for Cricket all these years, their friendship started back up where they left off. You could probably call it puppy love, young and sweet, innocent flirting and touches. You would think that Leo and Cricket would jump the gun and go right into a relationship, but they’d been apart for so long they wanted to learn about each other again.
Even with his fellow aviators in town and staying on the ranches, he stayed his goofy self. The pilots saw a different side of him, the easy going one, the one that’s always up for trouble. They shared stories about Leo, and so did the Wolfe’s and the Pruitt’s. It was one of the best nights that they had since Leo came home. Duckie and Cricket even met some of the greatest people, that they would form a strong bond with, Whiskey and Dragon.
While the aviators stayed, they helped around the ranches. After breakfast the second day, Leo brought down one of his cowboy hats from when he was a toddler and put it on Bradley’s head. He was the cutest little cowboy, and a big help to Cricket and Duckie. When the work day was over, Leo picked him off of the horse he rode in with Duckie and the boys headed for the barn. Later, when asked to get the men for dinner, they saw Leo teaching Bradley how to rope with a cow skull hung from the wall.
The whole week that the pilots visited, the days were always filled with laughter. Bradley spent most of his time with Duckie and Cricket, he said it was ‘to learn how to be a real cowboy’ and when Leo asked ‘then why not me?’ Little man stood straight up and said, ‘cause Uncle Leo, you been outta the game too long!’ Leo pouted pretty much all day, which made it even more funny to the others. It wasn’t all work, the adults had games and activities on slow days around the ranch. Beer, Bourbon, and Whiskey were gone by the end of the week too, which they mixed in with the fun.
The last days that the group were here, the Wolfe’s brought out the big guns, Ruth’s great grandma’s famous homemade chili with all the fixin’s. Great Grandma Thatcher liked her chili spicy, so Ruth fixed a special batch just for Bradley and anyone else who couldn’t take the heat. It was very amusing to watch as the pilots took their first bites, only to quickly swallow and chug their cold beers. Cricket always ate the chili from the not too spicy pot, knowing that she’d never finish her bowl if she couldn’t feel her mouth. Rick’s face turned red, but didn’t want to seem like a baby, so he kept eating. Cricket thinks it was to impress Duck, but by the way she was smirking, it didn’t work.
It was a couple of days later that Leo and Cricket finally said their true feelings towards each other and agreed to go on a date before he had to go back. During said date, someone had made a hurtful comment about Cricket, and Leo saw red. It ended up in a fight, that Cricket had to pull Leo out of to stop. The drive home was silent, the only noise was the radio. The next day, after going over to the Wolfe’s ranch to say sorry, she found out that the man in question had left.
Cricket stayed in bed days afterwards, heartbroken and guilty. Seeing that her daughter was sad, Katherine tried to convince Cricket to take a leap and go visit him in San Diego. After many days of nonstop pestering from her mother and Leo’s, Duckie and Cricket hopped on a plane and went to their boys. They had exchanged numbers with Dragon and Whiskey, and had gotten his off-base housing address from them.
Once they landed, they headed to their best friend’s and waited on the porch swing for him to come home. They could recognize the sound of Leo’s old Chevy truck anywhere as it came down the road and stopped in the driveway. He launched out of his truck and hugged the girls tightly. When he finally let go, he gently grabbed Cricket’s face and gave her a kiss. Leo gave Duckie one more hug before she left to go find Rick’s housing and visit him. Finally alone and not fighting again, the new couple went to dinner to officially finish their first date.
Cricket and Duckie went home after being in San Diego for two weeks, but are in constant contact with their boys and the others. Every couple of months, Duckie and Cricket hop on a plane and visit, which are some of the best weeks that the group have all together. After this pattern going on for a year, the boys finally asked Duckie and Cricket to move in with them. It was one of the best decisions they ever made, the boys got to see their women every day and anytime they wanted instead of only reuniting every couple of months, but Leo knew that the ranch needed the girls more at that time.
It had been a little over four years together and they still acted like it was puppy love. A few months earlier, they had been to Rick and Duckie’s engagement party. It was so beautiful, it’s hard to believe that Duckie didn’t like him at first. She still calls him ‘Pretty Boy,’ but now more as a pet name then anything else. Leo had acted weird that night at the engagement party, so it wasn’t as of a big surprise when Leo asked Cricket to a date night the following week. The couple went to a fancy restaurant with a dress code and Leo had been so nervous he was sweating bullets all night.
After dinner, dessert came to the table and while Cricket was distracted by her favorite sweet, which couldn’t possibly been served here, he carefully got on one knee and took her hand. Tears were already falling from her eyes as she realized what was happening, Leo swallowed a lump before saying some romantic, or as romantic as he got, speech and held the beautiful ring to her finger, waiting her answer. Cricket pulled him up and said, ‘finally you dumbass!’ Before smashing her lips to his. It was certainly a night to remember.
Leo and Cricket got married the next year back home in the Wolfe’s barn, it was a gorgeous wedding and reception, definitely a western wedding with lace and warm tones. Duckie was the Maid of Honor and the Bride’s Maids were Whiskey, Dragon, and Carole. The Best Man was of course, Rick, and the Groom’s Men were Ice, Ron, Charles. Little Bradley was also in the wedding party, being the ring bearer. He looked so adorable in his suit. After the wedding, the couple couldn’t be more thankful for that visit and all the meddling.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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12 notes · View notes
callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Duckie
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Baylie ‘Duckie’ Pruitt was a very thoughtful, imaginative, and an overachiever child, and these traits only grew with age. If Duckie thought of something and wanted it enough she would make it happen. She was a hard worker, stubborn as hell, and wasn’t the most graceful child, always getting hurt one way or another. Throughout her younger years, the Pruitt family had to make trips to the hospital to help reset one or more of Duckie’s broken fingers.
Duckie was an overachiever from an early age too. She was the only child in her school to read 1,000 books in one year, which awarded her an award and metal. Of course Leo and Cricket had made fun little quips about her reading so many books between the trouble they caused together. Duckie also helped start three charities at her school and still donated to them every year. As did her family and the Wolfe’s, proud of their daughter and family friend.
Growing up in the middle of BFE, there wasn’t a lot to do during the long summer days when it was too hot to do any ranch work. So the Three Musketeers would go down to the Walnut tree between the two families’ lands and by a creek bed, hammers in hands,smash the walnuts for a snack or for fun, then afterwards jump into the nearby creek to wash off the juice.
Another fun little memory was during the summer that the girls’ turned eleven and saw The Amazing Spider-Man for the first time at Leo’s house at a sleepover. A week after, when they all were hanging out in the barn, Bay had gotten bit by a spider! Of course, them being children, had convinced their minds that Duckie would be Spider-Man (or Spider-Girl) by the next day just like the movie. Leo and Cricket argued who would be ‘Uncle Ben’ and ‘Aunt May’ to Bay, even though neither wanted to die the tragic ways the characters did. So when it was a couple weeks later and still no powers (they tried) like Peter Parker, they sadly gave up that dream.
It was weird in high school, between the obvious love that her sister and best friend had for each other, the hard AP classes she took,the Volleyball team, and ranch work. It was a lot of work to stay afloat with all of the activities each one of the friends did, but they all made it work. Duckie graduated in the top five students and could attend any schools she wanted to, if she pleased. After school, the Pruitt girls just wanted to stay home and help around the ranch, but also wanted a job off of the ranch too. Duckie took classes in high school that counted as college credits, so that helped shave off years on her nursing schooling. After four years she had accomplished her nursing degree and worked for the city’s hospital.
Duckie was devastated when she heard that her parents were taking their letters they’d written to Leo. She didn’t know if they read them or not, but if they did, they wouldn’t be surprised about the contents (being for Leo to finally man up and say something to Cricket). It was still her private conversation to Leo thought. Duckie forgave him quickly afterwards, she doesn’t really hold grudges for long. When she met his pilot thought, that was a different type of grudge. Duckie didn’t hate him, per say, but she didn’t exactly like him either. The man had a big head, and who wouldn’t with the callsign ‘Hollywood’.
Rick would flirt with Duckie non stop every time they were near each other, and Bay didn’t like it. She would NOT be one of his belt buckle notches, that was for damn sure. He slowly realized that maybe she was different than the other women he had success with. He tried a different tactic and after a while won her heart. Rick was usually the one to intimate hugs or kisses in other relationships, but didn’t want to go too fast with Duckie. It was a surprise to both of them that day in the woods when Duckie grabbed his face and kissed him. After dinner, Rick went to the Pruitt’s ranch and officially asked Duckie to be his girlfriend, which after she cracked a joke said yes.
They kept it a secret for a while before telling the others, Rick and Duck both knew that Knuckles, Leo, and Cricket would have their asses. Cricket didn’t really trust Rick’s intentions with her sister. Leo knew Rick and what he did with his conquests, and didn’t want Rick hurting Leo’s ‘sister’. As for Knuckles, he just didn’t like any of his sisters’ boyfriends. Beau & Katherine were over the moon that Duckie had finally introduced them to one of her boyfriends and that they just adored Rick from their first meetings.
When Leo and Cricket went of their first official date, Duckie and Rick helped out with everything. From the flowers, reservations at the restaurant, to the clothes, and hair styles. Afterwards, they went out too, on their own little adventure to get to know one another more. It ended pretty early when Duckie got a phone call from a crying Cricket. When Duck got home she held Cricket as she vented about how awful the night was to Duckie and the dogs. The next day, when Duck went to see Rick, she found out that the Flyboys had left without telling their girls.
This information made the girls upset, mostly Duckie. How could that egotistical bastard just up and leave without telling her? Of course he’d do that, she’s known from the start what kind of man he is. Leo had told her his buddy’s history and his tricks. She was mad, no doubt, but she could tell that he’d changed for her, in little ways. So it didn’t take much convincing for Duckie to take a trip to San Diego, it was Cricket that needed to be reasoned with. She was packed and plane ticket paid for within three days, while it took Cricket to change her mind. Duckie wanted nothing more than to see her boyfriend and kick his ass for leaving suddenly.
Once they left the airport in their destination, the sisters rented a truck and drove to fighter town to see their flyboys. First stop being Leo’s, where the two dumb lovebirds reunited and forgave each other, then Duckie took the truck and arrived at Rick’s off-base apartment. The weeks they spent together went by fast being held in each others arms, but the girls had to go back to their ranch and jobs.
Duckie was devastated when she had to leave, but started to plan her and Cricket’s next visit soon after. Work days were often boring and slow, occasionally someone with an interesting case would show up and bring smiles to the nurse and doctor’s faces at how ridiculous the patients’ story was. After shift, she would call Rick (at a decent hour) and tell him about her patients of the day, unless she was working at the ranch, then tell him about the trouble she and Cricket got into. The phone calls were always filled with laughter and smiles on either side as stories were shared and ‘I love yous’ told in between. Jack and Bush often said their ‘hellos’ too.
When Rick and Leo had asked the girls to move in with them, Duckie had jumped at the idea! Within a couple of weeks, Duckie was packed and put her three weeks into work. Cricket took less time, but didn’t want to leave without her sister, so she waited for Duckie. When they drove the thousands of miles to their new homes, it was sad for both girls to not be with each other every second of every day, like they had been able to back home. Day by day, it got easier for them, but it still took a while for them to get used to it just being themselves and their boyfriends. Cricket took a job at the bar, the O Club and Duck went to work at the hospital.
After a couple of years together, Rick, Leo, and the girls had made a surprise trip to the Pruitt’s ranch. The girls were oblivious about the real reason for the visit, but a month later when Rick proposed to Duckie, it was pretty easy to guess. At the wedding, Duckie’s Maid of Honor was of course Cricket, and her Bride’s Maids were Quinn (Wolfe) Henderson and Rebecca Wolfe. As it was said before, Rick didn’t have the best relationships with his family. It’s been years since he’s seen or talked to someone sharing his last name, he refuses too. For his guests, it was just his aviator friends and their wives or husbands and all of Duckie’s family and friends.
The wedding was beautiful, with a color palette of peach, sage, and gold. Her dress was lace, tight to the skin, off the shoulders sleeves, and a sweetheart neckline. The bouquets were peach roses with succulents and gold ribbon tied in a bow around the stems. The bride’s maids’ dresses were peach with an accent of gold somewhere on their person. The men wore light grey suits with a white dress shirt, and sage green tie. Their boutonnieres were a single peach flower with small succulents accompanied by it.
The church was beautiful, behind the alter was a stain glass window telling one of the many stories from the Bible, the Minister’s voice boomed with the microphone he held and the speakers around the room caught every crisp word spoken as the couple said their vows and ‘I Do’s’. The reception was equally as beautiful as the church, colored in the same color palette and natural light streaming in from the ceiling to wall windows. The cake was tall to be able to feed all of the guests, and had more than one flavor (because the newly weds couldn’t just pick one).
The best part of the night was when Duckie threw the bouquet and Chatterbox caught it. Duck doesn’t think she’s ever laughed as hard as she did when Leo chased his little sister around, trying to grab the flowers from her. He kept saying, ‘Not while I’m still kickin’ is my kid sister getting married before me!’ Becca would dodge and weave between guests as she ran to their parents to hide and tattle. It was nothing but what she imagined her wedding to look like, and couldn’t be more happy with all of the decorations, cake, and other things that could’ve just as likely gone wrong.
Duckie and Rick’s first dance started out slow, before another song was remixed into it and the couple did a dance that would put every other wedding that year to shame. When it was time for the father-daughter dance, it was filled with whispers and tears. The song captured their relationship perfectly and you could tell by just listening to the lyrics. Since Rick didn’t have any family come for him, Katherine and Ruth came up to him for his mother son dance.
Both women saw him as a son since the first day they met him and wouldn’t change that for the world. When both dances were done, Leo clapped Rick’s shoulders and said, ‘Welcome to the family, you can’t leave now’ but Rick would never dream of it, he left the love that each family held for each and every member and was happy to be able to be apart of that now and forever. Even if in a couple of months he’d also be related to his back-seater by marriage and have to see his ugly mug every holiday instead of just on base.
It was a few years later that Rick and Duckie had kids of their own, Amelia Jean and Addison Kate Neven. Amelia was born a year and a half before Addison, not wanting to go through the hardships of what her parents did with Cricket and herself. Duckie and Pretty Boy thought hard and long for the perfect names for their gorgeous daughters, and kept them a secret for the whole pregnancy until the delivery.
Duckie was adamant about no one but Rick in the delivery room until afterwards, and when the Wolfe and Pruitt clan could heard those strong lungs scream, they all felt unremarkable joy! After the nurses cleaned and printed the newborn babe, Rick called in the first two to meet the new addition to the family. Leo was first inside the door, his new wife, Cricket, a close second behind tears already in the waterline of her blue eyes.
Duckie smiled tiredly, ‘Crick, Leo, meet your niece, Amelia Jean Neven. Cricket, do you remember our pact from when we were kids?’ Cricket smiled softly, ‘yea, when we have kids, we would name them after the first letter of our sister’s names. So, Amelia, the A’s-the A’s for me?’ The small nod from the exhausted Duckie was all the confirmation Cricket needed to jump up and hug both new parents.
When the second little bundle of joy came into the world, it had been a little bit different this time. Duckie had some complications during the natural birth, so they had to give her a C-section. After the anesthesia had worn off, Rick called for the two best friends again first. Leo and Cricket huddled into the room and crowded the baby, cooing and making faces at her.
‘Do you wanna know your new niece’s name?’ Of course that got an excited head nod from them, ‘Ok, say hello to Leandra Hayes Neven!’ Leo’s eyes got wide and he started to cry, swiftly going in to hug Duckie and Rick, with giant smiles on their faces, but Cricket held back her smirk. ‘For realzies though, meet Addison Kate!’
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Busch & Jack:
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The first couple of years that Beau and Katherine was married, they were just starting to think about children. To practice for a baby, they decided to get a little Golden Retriever.
It took a few days after they brought him home for the puppy to get a name, Busch. Beau & Katherine still laugh about how he got his name.
Then, seeing that Busch was lonely and needed a friend, they got another one and named him Jack. The dogs helped keep each other company and helped herd the cows when the newly wed couple needed it.
As the couple celebrated their second anniversary, the topic of children came up again, and they started trying. When Katherine was in the early stages of pregnancy, it was actually the dogs that gave her the idea that she might be.
Busch and Jack would follow her around and protect her everyday. At first, Katherine thought that maybe the dogs were sick, then after weeks of the behavior, it finally clicked.
Dogs can smell things that people can’t, maybe they can tell if the hormones in her body changed. So, Katherine took a pregnancy test and when it came back positive, she hugged the dogs and all three ran to tell Beau the good news!
When they took the newborn TK home for the first time, the dogs raced to see their owners and tiny human. Beau gently set the carrier on the floor and whispered an ‘easy’ to the dogs before they came up and sniffed the baby.
Busch and Jack smelled the new addition to the family before Beau called them away and fed them. It was the start of an amazing friendship that would be continued as Baylie and a couple months later Amanda were born.
Busch & Jack were there for all of the big moments in their owners’ life. Busch was the one to get TK to walk for the first time, and later helped Baylie and Amanda.
Jack was an accomplice in one of TK’s first pranks on his sisters. Baylie’s first word was ‘Bus’ after he had taken her cheese stick. When Amanda rolled over the first time, it was because Jack had heard the command.
As the children grew into teenagers and experienced first days of junior high, high school, getting bullied, and heart break, Busch and Jack were there again for snuggles and kisses (for the girls), and rough housing and playing catch (for TK).
Busch and Jack were especially there for Amanda when Leo hurt her all those time when they were young. It broke her parents’ heart having to hear all of those things that their daughter said to the dogs. Duckie would join in on the snuggling and conversation too, but most of the time it was just the three of them.
Baylie would have the dogs join her when she did her chores around the land or when she rode her horse, Moon, on the trail. As the years went by and new people came into their lives, Busch and Jack became her confidants in her confusing feelings about Leo’s fellow aviator and pilot.
Baylie really struggled with what to do with the attraction she had for him, but in the end, it was those cute puppy-dog eyes from Jack that Baylie finally just said ‘fuck it’ and took the initiative and kissed Pretty Boy. Afterwards, when the shock wore off, she ran home and told Jack all about it!
TK & Chloe both agreed that both dogs would be in the wedding. Busch as the ring bearer, and Jack as the ‘Best Dog’, which took a lot of convincing to Chloe when it first came to light. Those same puppy-dog eyes worked on TK when he and Chloe had their first big fight.
TK had just stormed into the house and to him room. Jack, sensing his mood, followed behind closely, and laid in front of TK’s bedroom door until TK had enough of the whining and let him in, Busch not too far behind for the cuddles he would receive.
Like his sisters, TK told the dogs his problems and his feelings on them and the dogs listened to him. Once Jack answered TK’s “What should I do Jack? I love her,” with his own, “tell her you’re sorry idiot!”
So, TK shot out of bed and ran to the store to get Chloe’s favorite flowers and candies. When TK came home later, he thanked Busch & Jack with treats and pets.
When Leo came back to his home with his friend, Busch & Jack stayed by the Girl’s all the time, protecting them. Busch & Jack knew that the yellow haired boy human had hurt the yellow haired girl human that the dogs lived with.
He also knew that the boy, new one with brunet hair, was bad news for the brunette girl, he also lived with. The dogs teamed up and made sure that the two groups never were alone, which became hard when the other humans started to meddle in their plans.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: TK
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Travis Kameron Pruitt is the eldest child of Beau and Katherine Pruitt. He has two younger sisters, Baylie and Amanda, who he loves to prank and pester all of the time. It started when he was six and the girls were four in a half, they were playing hide and go seek.
TK had found Cricket, but didn’t let it be known and locked the dryer lid with her in it. It took a while but Katherine had heard the yells from her youngest daughter and got her out.
Even as the siblings got older, the pranks didn’t stop. TK would intentionally do things to hurt his sisters, mostly Cricket though. Cricket still blames him for her broken collar bone, even if he technically didn’t do it.
The only time he ever cared about his sisters was when one was seriously hurt, like when Bay would break her finger(s) or when Cricket got a fish hook caught in her ear. (We still don’t know the actual physics of how that happened).
TK slowed down the pestering when he had met Chloe while at college. He’d still do pranks, but not as much and definitely not when Chloe was looking. TK was goofy and sweet to his girlfriend, which was a side of him his family hadn’t seen for years.
Travis Kameron is known for being a fighter, he’s always ready to throw hands when trouble starts, he might not act like it but he is protective of his sisters. When Leonard hurt his sister at prom, Knuckles went to his place and gave him a black eye, which they both knew he deserved. TK also gave Leo and Rick a talk about taking care of his sisters before they left to live with them in San Diego.
TK and Leo had always gotten along well, he just didn’t care much for Leo’s affection on Cricket. The guy was always with her, touching or leaning against her. TK didn’t like that, he knew that Leo would just break her heart as they grew older, but wanted Cricket to make her own choices. TK also had a little problem with Rick.
He knew that that man was nothing but a heartbreaker, and didn’t want him anywhere near Duckie. Obviously, both of his sisters still fell for those two idiots even after threatening the guys of what would happen if they hurt his little sisters.
TK is more than ready to be married to Chloe, he’s known she’s his one and only for years, but didn’t want to rush into a wedding before they were ready. He’s already gotten a house for them a few miles away from the Pruitt ranch, in both of their names, for when they start a family.
It was weird seeing TK so in love, his family not seeing him act that way ever. They knew that the young couple would last and get married when it was time.
So it wasn’t a big surprise when after Chloe got her nursing degree that it was only a matter of time before TK would propose. It was two weeks after her graduation that he finally popped the big question to her, and she said yes!
Ever since that day, it’s been planning, work, and helping around the ranch. They had already gotten a church and priest for the wedding, flowers on order, and decor in boxes ready to be set up. The only thing missing is the dress.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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9 notes · View notes
callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Chloe
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Chloe Grace McKinley was the youngest of four and the only girl. Her parents, Frederick and Samantha, wanted a big family, but they thought that one of her previous pregnancies would bring a girl into their already chaotic lives.
So when her first four pregnancies didn’t give them a girl, they kept trying until they had one. Fred and Sam were lucky that the fifth pregnancy lead to a beautiful daughter.
Chloe was the youngest and the only girl, meaning that she was somewhat spoiled, but never let that go to her head. She always said thank you after every gift, and showed how grateful she was for them too.
Chloe didn’t get along very well with her eldest two brothers, Hunter & Brooks, but the youngest brother, Mason, she did. Chloe also had a great relationship with her dad, he’d do anything with her that his sons did with him. That being said, Chloe loves to play football and fish.
When it was her junior year of high school, Chloe’s dad had gotten really sick and past away due to late stage lung cancer. It brought her and her family closer together.
After her father had died, Chloe didn’t want to have others go through the pain she did when she lost her father, so she decided to go into nursing school.
It took her a while, but after she graduated, she took a job with the city’s hospital and six years later, Duckie joined her. Chloe and Duckie had a blast at work, always laughing or working cases together.
When they lose a patient, they always comfort each other too, which is very nice because they don’t have to explain the case and why they’re sad.
Chloe was super excited for TK and her wedding. Everything was already picked out and tucked away or on their way to the small ranch house the couple had bought. The only element missing was her dress, which she’d need soon.
The only thing that they were waiting on, was Chloe and Duckie’s schedule. Working at a hospital is crazy, if a new case comes in, you might have to stay over to next shift before you can go home. This really gets in the way of wedding planning.
When Chloe had officially met Leonard the first day he had came home, after hearing stories about him from the Pruitt family over the years she has been dating TK. Chloe could see that he really cared for both of the Pruitt sisters, but loved Cricket more than anything.
It was sweet to hear the admiration he held for her, but it was so frustrating that they were literally idiots! How could they not see the love and looks they shared with one another! It was no surprise that the Wolfe and Pruitt women had tried for years to get Leo and Cricket together. All of the women were ecstatic when they finally did go on that one date!
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Forever 🏷️ list: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Rebecca ‘Chatterbox’ Wolfe
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As the baby of the Wolfe family, Rebecca pretty much got away with anything. After Daisy was born, Ruth was told that she couldn’t have anymore kids, and as the couple tried for two years were blessed with twins. Unfortunately, she lost one and a couple of weeks later, lost the other.
It saddened John and Ruth to think that it just wasn’t in the books to have another child. A year later, after excepting the fact that they had two beautiful children and wouldn’t be blessed with another, a miracle happened, a rainbow baby.
Ruth was put on bed rest the whole pregnancy and John nor the kids would let her do anything to chance a miscarriage again. So when Ruth went into labor they were worried something would go wrong.
Rebecca Joslyn Wolfe was a perfect in her parents’ eyes. She was the pride and joy to her family, and from the time she could talk, no one could get her to stop, giving herself the nickname Chatterbox, or Chatter. In school, she was a little social butterfly.
All her teacher’s comments were, ‘Needs to talk less during lessons.’ Or something in that manner. When High School came along, her socializing benefited her. Chatter was in the ‘popular kids’ clique, and a cheerleader too. Chatter was also a good student, straight ‘A’s’ on almost every report card. Like Daisy, Chatter was smart, and had been accepted to many great schools.
As college classes started, Chatter didn’t know what she wanted to major in, unlike Daisy when she graduated. It took a couple of years to really find something that she liked, and so she picked Early Childhood Education.
Chatter was in constant communication with Leo. Every week a new letter, telling him about her days and other things she wanted him to know, five pages worth sometimes. Whenever Leo could write back, he did with fewer pages. She understood though, he was busy being a solider and had other family members and friends to write to too.
When the secret ended up being unveiled, that Beau and Katherine had held the letters from their daughters, Chatter wanted to finally get those two idiots together, she saw that after Cricket had forgiven Leo, it was like time hadn’t passed, they acted like high schoolers again. Daisy, Chloe, Duckie, and her had a few tricks up their sleeve, but after many failed attempts, called in the big guns; Ruth & Katherine.
The Mama Bears took charge and with the help of the others, had a success. Kind of. They confessed that they loved each other, but Leo couldn’t put her in the position of having to pick him or her family. She knew from having family members from the past in the Navy, that it’s hard to have a relationship when you’re so far apart.
John and Ruth had been through this problem and they got married at nineteen, it should be easier at twenty-three and twenty-four. Issues occurred and the aviators left earlier than needed, everyone was worried about what happens next for the young couple.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet TK Pruitt & Chloe McKinley
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TK Pruitt & Chloe McKinley met when they started college and lived in a co-ed building. TK went for engineering and Chloe for nursing. It’s strange and we still have no idea how those two majors ended up being in the same building.
Anyway, TK took the wrong turn to his class and ended up running into Chloe. They said their ‘sorries’ and then went on their ways. The next time they meet, it was at lunch. Chloe was in line, getting ready to get a tray, when TK came in and walked straight into the line, cutting her in line. She told him off, they laughed and talked afterwards. They ended up being friends and hanging out together before and after class.
After two semesters of college, TK dropped out, but would still make the drive to see Chloe during the weekend. They ended up getting together later that year. When Chloe and TK talked about the future, TK just knew she was it for him. A couple of years later He gave her a promise ring and told her once she’s down and out of school, he’d marry her. They were prefect together. TK, being the ever-loving country kid he is, loved fishing and getting dirty as a boy does, and as it turns out, so did she. Chloe had a girly side, but did enjoy the occasional getting dirty on the country side.
TK, is as his family would describe him, ‘the dumbest smart person you know’ He was super smart and a quick learner, but he would make just stupid ass decisions. TK is a serious person, but will let loose when needed. He didn’t like to show his love, unless it was to Chloe. He also didn’t have the greatest relationship with his younger sisters, Baylie & Amanda.
In his childhood, TK did a lot of activities. He played baseball, football, basketball, showed hogs, hunted, fished. You’d think the boy would be tired of doing all of these plus ranch work, but never was. He also was out a lot with friends in cornfields or basements having a party. He changed a lot when Chloe bumped into him.
Chloe had a little bit different childhood from her fiancé. She had three older brothers who were always fighting with each other and playing pranks, so she understood the hardships of Duck & Cricket faced with their brother. All three girls are best friends and hang out all of the time when TK isn’t attached to her hip. She also did a lot of things a father would do with his sons, hunting & fishing, to name a few. Chloe had a bad relationship with her mother, so she was closer to her dad.
When Chloe’s dad got sick when she was a teen and watched him lay in bed wilting away, she decided to become a nurse. So that she can help others who went through what she did. When Chloe went to college for nursing, she was determined to get it done and start her career. It was like fate when she ran into TK in the hall. She couldn’t be more in love than when she met TK.
TK and Chloe live at the ranch as of right now until he can save up for their own farm house. She works at the local hospital, while TK works at a warehouse. When they’re not too tired from work, they also help on the ranch. Chloe would love nothing more than to join the always interesting and lively Pruitt family.
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Forever 🏷️list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #25
[At a mission brief]
Leo: hey, I’ve got an idea-
Viper: no.
The Aviators:
Viper: oh, sorry, it’s a natural reaction. Please carry on LTJG. Wolfe.
Leo: so first we get some fuel in our jets-
Viper: Absolutely fucking not. Demerit. 
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Crick: *bursting into the room and slams door shut clearly panicked*
Duckie: oh god what did you do?!
Crick: nobody died!
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Tee: I have a question.
Duckie: yeah?
Tee: can a person breathe in a washing machine while it’s on?
Tee: obviously this is all hypothetical-
Duckie: WHERE is Cricket?
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Leo: books are for nerds.
Duckie: *smacks Leo on the head with a book*
Leo: *sobs loudly* I LOOK LIKE TEE!!
Tee: HEY!
Leo: *sobs in corner*
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Crick: *tries to slap Leo’s ass as he walks past by*
Crick: *misses, trips and falls*
Leo: *tries to catch Crick but overbalances*
Leo: *tries to hold a chair for support*
Chair: *breaks*
Leo: *falls on top of Crick*
Duckie: *watching* it’s like watching two animals do an out-of-sync and very destructive mating dance.
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Pregnant Chloe: you think we have enough responsibility to bring a child into this bunch of people and raise it?
Tee: Chloe, your problem is, is that you still see us as those idiots we were at school, when we were young, stupid and mostly high. But look at us now!
Duckie: Leo’s hair is shorter.
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Teacher: Mr. Wolfe, Ms Pruitts, I know it seems worthless to even ask but, Did you spike the Snowball Dance punch?
Duckie: something goes wrong, you blame us…
Cricket: after all these years, where’s the trust?
The Trio: yes, we did.
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Crick: Duckie. Prince Charming loves you.
Duckie: yeah, I’ve heard.
Crick: so will you go out with him?
Duckie: of course not.
Duckie: I’m not sorry.
Crick: you don’t understand what you’re doing!
Duckie: I’m saying no to going out with the most arrogant guy in town.
Crick: no, he’s holding my chocolates hostage until I get you to agree to date him. Duckie PLEASE!!
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Whiskey: well, honestly my favorite chocolate is-
Leo: *puts a hand over her mouth* Whiskey no
[distant rumbling]
Daisy: you can’t just go around saying that word!
Chatter: she didn’t know Daze!
Daisy: but still!
[house shakes]
[Duckie & Tee walks in]
Duckie: ..she said it didn’t she?
Dragon: said what-
[door bursts open]
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Leo: why did Wood search ‘pretty names for a baby girl’ ARE YOU PLANNING TO HAVE A BABY?
Duckie: not that I’m aware of no. Maybe I should ask him?
Duckie: *after a few minutes* no, but he said ‘we’re planning to have a niece’, so maybe you should ask yourself, are you having a baby?
Leo: am I having a baby?
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @starlit-epiphany @tngrace
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #26
Pretty Boy: excuse me, have you ever been arrested?
Duckie: yes.
Pretty Boy: I was gonna say ‘because it’s illegal to be this cute’ but now I’m curious.
Duckie: aggravated assault.
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Beau: did you call your sister dumb tonight?
Duckie: no.
Duckie: i said, ‘are you dumb?’
Duckie: I was asking her.
Beau: do you think that was appropriate?
Duckie: very much so.
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Duckie: *on the phone* and if I don’t get my money, I WILL call your probation officer, BITCH!
Rick: who are you talking to?
Duckie: Tee.
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Leo: I hate it when people scream.
Crick: that’s not what you said to me last night.
Pretty Boy: *opens a window*
Pretty Boy: go and throw yourself out.
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Pretty Boy: you call it a near death experience…
Leo: we call it a vibe check from God.
Ice & Slider: *eye twitches*
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Beau: new rule: no animals in the house.
Crick: wow, you’re really gonna throw Duckie out like that?
Beau: *whacks Crick on the head*
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Duckie: Cricket stop! I promised dad we wouldn’t do anything dangerous!
Cricket: *in a child’s wagon on top of a hill* I can’t believe you would just lie to our father like that.
Duckie: *laughs & hops in the wagon w/ her sister* I’m just kidding, he doesn’t give a fuck what we do now.
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Duckie & Cricket: *after doing something dumb* don’t blame us! It was like 3 am, our brain cells were sleeping!
Tee: what brain cells?
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Pretty Boy: I’m not gonna fight with you!
Duckie: why, because I’m a woman?
Pretty Boy: no, because you’re scary
Duckie: oh, alright.
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Leo: your eyes are so beautiful.
Crick: *putting her glasses on* thank you. They don’t work.
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @tngrace @starlit-epiphany
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 2 years
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery #12
{Wolfe & Pruitt family dinner w/ the aviators joining}
Ruth: oh this is just like when you two were little and you used to eat pretend supper. Hmm.
Katherine: only now, it won’t end up with Cricket sitting on Leo’s head.
Everyone but Leo & Cricket: *laughs*
Leo & Cricket: *embarrassed*
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Duckie: so, how did you know that Ice and Slider was the one?
Dragon: he looked at me the way all women want to be looked at…
Cricket: awww!
Whiskey: with fear in his eyes.
Duckie: awww!
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Ruth: I need a three letter word for ‘disappointment.’
John: leo.
Ruth: it fits.
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Rick: all right, listen, I didn’t want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice.
Rick: here comes the ‘smolder’
Rick: *does the ‘smolder’*
Duckie: *rolls her eyes and walks away*
Rick: *whispering to Leo* …this is kind of an off day for me. this doesn’t normally happen.
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Rick: *gets pushed down by a horse after insulting her intelligence*
Rick: oh come on. she’s a bad horse!
Duckie: *petting horse and giving her nose kisses* oh, she’s nothing but a big sweetheart!
Rick: *glares at horse* highly doubt it Duck.
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Katherine: honey, I put some sandwiches in your duffle bag.
Katherine: now why do you need such a big bag of oregano?
Duckie: Rick’s Italian.
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Leo: Mrs. Pruitt, I have a black eye, and I need ice!
Katherine: I’m not doing anything else for men today.
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Katherine: well, if it isn’t the love birds?
Katherine: so love birds, how are the big wedding plans coming along?
Duckie: well, I’ve decided to be the bride, and Rick’s going to go with groom.
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Rick: *to Duck* I love you
Duckie: wrong number
Rick: you’re standing right in front of me
Duckie: wrong address
Rick: …
Cricket: please leave a message after the tone
Duck & Crick: beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
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{shows up at the Pruitt’s house with roses and knocks on door}
Cricket: hi Leo. did you buy me those?
Leo: yeah, just like you told me.
Cricket: no. I told you sunflowers. come on, idiot.
Duckie: no offense, mom, but those two could make the dumbest babies ever.
Duckie: *laughs*
Katherine: *laughs*
Katherine: that’s not funny.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @gracespicybradshaw @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @breadsquash @bayisdying
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callmemana · 2 years
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery #2
Knuckles: Leo, Rick, would you do me the honor of becoming my brother-in-laws?
Duckie: did you just propose to them for us?
Cricket: what the hell TK?
Knuckles: someone had to do it!
Rick: *whispering to Wolfie* does shit like this happen all the time?
Leo: yea, but mostly it’s Duckie and Cricket doing the stupid shit.
Rick: seems about right.
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Duckie: *walks into the kitchen*
Cricket: *walks in behind duck*
Duckie: good morning dad!
Cricket: good morning dad, how’d you sleep?
Beau: good morning problem children.
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Duckie and Cricket: *walks into the barn with wide smiles*
Beau: why are you two smiling?
Duckie: What? Can’t we just be happy?
Beau: at the ass-crack of dawn? No, I raised you girls, you’re not morning people.
Chloe: *walks in with a smile and an aggravated and muddy TK* Dumbass here tripped into a pile of mud on the way out to the barn.
TK: *glares at his sisters as he wipes the mud off of himself the best he can*
Beau: that makes more sense.
Duckie: what a beautiful morning it is!
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*in church*
Duckie: why are you looking at me like that?
TK: I just don’t wanna miss it when you burst into flames.
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Duckie: when you get to be MY age, you’ll understand.
Cricket, just a few months younger: wow, just wow.
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TK: I invited you to the woods because I crave the most dangerous game.
Leo and Rick: *nodding* Knife Monopoly.
TK: I was actually gonna hunt you for sport but now I’m interested in whatever the fuck Knife Monopoly is.
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Duckie: are you bored?
Cricket: yeah-
Duckie: do you wanna start drama for no reason?
Cricket: thought you’d never ask!
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Rick: how dumb do they think we are?
Leo: sometimes Cricket leaves me pictures of food instead of a shopping list.
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #29
Rick: why do you love me though, Backwoods?
Duckie: you know I married you for your money and military benefits, right?
Cricket: yeah, Duckie and I saw two Naval Pilot idiots in the bar your first day here.
Duckie: we were like, ‘this is convenient.’
Cricket: and the plan worked.
Rick & Leo:
Duck & Crick: *high fives*
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Crick: *dancing while very buzzed*
Duckie: *joins her sister, just as if not more buzzed*
Crick: *laughing w/ her sister as they dance*
Duckie: *shouting over the music* shots??
Crick: *nodded and being lead by Duck to bar*
[the sisters are downing shots at the bar then stumbling back to dance floor and clumsily dancing]
Rick: Wolfie, I’m going to cry.
Leo: me too man, me too.
Rick: … Wolfie, I’m crying.
Leo: *through tears* me too, man, me too.
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Enemy: we have your son.
Crick: I don’t have a son.
Enemy: then who just asked for chocolate milk with a straw and made us cut the crusts off his PB&J?
Crick: oh fuck.
Enemy: what?
Crick: you have my boyfriend!!
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[at Pretty Boy & Duckie’s wedding]
Duckie: where’s Leo & Crick?
Pretty Boy: idk.
Pretty Boy: hang on a moment.
Pretty Boy: *whispering* I wonder if Crick is single.
Pretty Boy: there he is.
Crick: Leo sit the fuck down or after this wedding there’ll be missing posters all over town for your ass!
Pretty Boy: and there’s Cricket.
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[senior year]
Leo: I’m going to fill Mr. Lennox’s classroom with rubber chickens!
Duckie: no, you’re not.
Leo: awww, Duck, come on, you’re no fun!
Cricket: We’re gonna fill the classroom with REAL chickens. And Cows. Maybe some goats, too.
Duckie: this is why I love you.
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Leo: you remind me of the sun.
Crick: why?
Leo: hot.
Duckie: *turning to Rick* you remind me of a garbage can.
Rick: … um why?
Duckie: trash.
Rick: why are we even dating?
Duckie: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Rick: aww that’s kinda sweet!
Duckie: I never said I was the other man.
Leo: that’s the Duckie I remember.
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Leo&Rick&Crick: *comes up with a long and elaborate plan to escape the locked barn*
Rick: I tell you what, we are incredibly smart.
Duckie: *opens the door*
Leo: …how did you do that??
Duckie: it wasn’t locked.
Leo: right.
Duckie: hang on. Three of you in one stall and none of you thought to check the door?
Crick: it should have been locked.
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Leo: you know what part of you I like the best?
Crick: my hair? my eyes? my chaos?
Leo: nope, nope, and nope! It’s your smile!
Crick: but how? Yours is more beautiful!
Leo: do you know where my smile comes from?
Crick: where?
Leo: from seeing yours. So your smile is the prettiest.
Crick: *forgets how to breathe*
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Leo: hey Angel, in the mood to spice things up a bit?
Crick: I can’t eat spicy foods.
Leo: no I meant in the bedroom-
Crick: I can’t eat spicy foods anywhere, Leo.
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Rick: Wolfie, are you ok?
Leo: nooooooooo
Rick: what happened?
Leo: Crick, she- she-
Rick: what did she do?
Leo: she did her chores in a bikini top.
Rick: ..and?
Leo: She did her chores in a BIKINI TOP Wood!
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @tngrace @starlit-epiphany
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #28
Crick: *to a pilot* I’m dating a pilot.
Merlin: oh! Iceman?
Crick: no, but he’s in his squadron.
Merlin: oh! Slider?
Crick: no, it’s-
Merlin: oh-oh! I know! Maverick?
Crick: if you just stop for a second-
Merlin: mmmh. Sundown?
Crick: no, I’m trying to tell you-
Merlin: Chipper?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Goose?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Sprawl?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Stinger?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Jester?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Hollywood?
Crick: ew, no. He’s dating my sister. It’s-
Merlin: *gasps loudly* ME?
Crick: what, no-!
Leo: no idiot, it’s me. *kisses Crick’s cheek*
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Duckie: Penny for your thoughts?
Leo: *offended* my thoughts are worth more than a penny!
Duckie: no, they really aren’t.
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Ice: *sneezes*
Leo: OMG the Iceman is dabbing!
Ice: I’m not, I just have allergies.
Ice: *about to sneeze again*
Leo: ooh he’s gonna do it again. Fuck it up Ice!
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Beau: excuse me? I lost my daughters, Baylie & Amanda. Can I make an announcement?
Store Clerk: of course.
Beau: *leans into mic*
Beau: goodbye, you little shitheads.
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Leo: a theif.
Ice: a thief.
Leo: a theif.
Ice: I before E, except after C.
Leo: thceif.
Ice: no.
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[in the middle of a mission gone bad, pinned down by enemy fire]
Leo: are we dead yet?
Rick: no.
[a few minutes later]
Leo: are we dead yet??
Rick: look, if we die, I promise I’ll let you know!
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Rick: I’m craving something sweet.
Duckie: *gestures to herself*
Rick: I said sweet, not spicy.
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Leo: how come you’ve been so nice lately?
Duckie: what do you mean?
Leo: you’re just nicer than usual.
Duckie: I can punch you if you want.
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Leo: every time I see Cricket, my heart clenches and I get all nervous.
Rick: that’s because you love her.
Crick: every time I see Leo, my heart clenches and I get all nervous.
Duckie: don’t get close to him again, you seem to have an allergic reaction.
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Police: you’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Duckie: wait, what do you mean THREE?
Police: yes…three.
Duckie: oh, my God— what the fuck!?
Police: ma’am?
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @tngrace @starlit-epiphany
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #27
Crick: *trips over air*
Leo: haha babe, you’re so clumsy.
[later, when Crick’s not around]
Leo: *punching the air* who do you think you are, who THE FUCK DO YOU THINK-
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Crick: people always tell me I’m going to hell for being Bi, as if I’m not going to hell for all the other shit I’ve done.
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Rick: when was the last time you got laid?
Leo: when was the last time you came home sober?
Rick: touché.
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Crick: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?
Duckie: I don’t think you’re psychologically prepared for this conversation.
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Duckie: my Ma said, ‘If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?’
Duckie: Ma, I was the one with the idea, you birthed a leader, not a follower.
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Teacher: now, what are the three stages of life?
Leo: birth.
Crick: what the fuck is this.
Duckie: death.
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Leo: *whispering to the paramedic before he passes out* save me, but not enough that I have to go to work tomorrow.
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Another pilot from a different squad: so, what’s it like to marry so far out of your league?
Rick: *taking the guy’s drink* it’s amazing, actually. I never thought I could be this happy.
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Leo: what do you do for a living?
Crick: I try my best.
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @tngrace @starlit-epiphany
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 2 years
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery #6
Rick: talk dirty to me
Duckie: im not wearing any underwear because you never put the fucking laundry in the fucking dryer like I asked you to 100 fucking times.
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Rick: speaking of beautiful boys
Duckie: are we gonna talk about you?
Rick: yes.
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Duckie: I hate to disagree with you
Cricket: please. you love to disagree with me more than anything, it’s your favorite thing in the world.
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Duckie: I just burnt the crap out of my hand
Cricket: oh what happened?! did someone splash holy water on you??
Duckie: first of, you’re a bitch. second, if I go to hell, you’re going too.
Cricket: *nodding* yeah. I should’ve seen that coming.
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Duckie: I love you
Duckie: *later in the day* I said I love you
Cricket: you fucking better
Duckie: bitch
Cricket: you know it
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Leo: family ain’t who you’re born with, it’s who you die for.
Rick: such smart words from such an idiot.
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[in morning while they eat breakfast and coffee together sitting at the island]
Leo: what are your plans today?
Cricket: I don’t know, probably clean the apartment a little bit and hang out with Duck.
Leo: promise you won’t get arrested though.
Cricket: it’s us, so no promises.
Leo: yeah, I should’ve guessed that answer. I’ve known you since we were six.
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Duckie: I apparently have ‘behavioral issues’ and I am ‘too defiant’
Cricket: that shouldn’t be a surprise. We both know that those are a big part of your personality.
Leo: those are a big part in both of your personalities.
Cricket: *getting a little angry* no there not, name one time I’ve had behavioral issues or was too defiant.
Duckie: yeah, name one time.
Duckie: ok, yeah we see it now.
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Duckie: I mean I personally would describe myself as being the epitome of comedy.
Duckie: but that’s just me.
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[meeting the squad for the first time and realize that Kazansky is Russian]
Duckie: what’s your first language?
Ice: talking shit.
Duckie: wanna be my best friend?
Ice: maybe.
Cricket: you can’t just ask someone you just met that when I’m right next to you!
Duckie: just did bitch.
Cricket: you’re an asshole.
Duckie: I love you
Cricket: sure you do. you never act like it.
Duckie: *nodding* sure I do! all of the time!
Cricket: when?
Duckie: when I take the horses out for you so you can sleep in.
Cricket: *glares and whispers* you do do that, dammit!
Duckie: *smirks*
Ron: *uncomfortable* sooooooooooo.
Whiskey: *whispers to Dragon* I like these girls.
Dragon: *whispers back to Whiskey* me too.
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Dragon’s Angels📻: @bayisdying @gracespicybradshaw @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @breadsquash
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callmemana · 11 months
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #38
Rick: only geniuses can say these words really fast. Eye. Yam. Stew. Peed.
Ice: oh c’mon. No one’s falling for th—
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Chatter: anyone else d——
Leo: depressed?
Crick: dead?
Daisy: drained?
Duckie: disliked?
Chatter: …done… with their chores. what is wrong with you people?
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John: so how did you guys get into a car accident?
Crick: well, we were driving, and there was a deer in the road that Leo didn’t notice.
Crick: so I yelled ‘Leonard, dear!’
Leo: *buried face in hands* and I responded with ‘yes, honey?’
Rick: mhm and on a COMPLETELY unrelated note, TK is in the hospital.
Chloe: what?
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Leo: why are you hooking up the trailer and have your show number on?
Chatter: the favorite child does what she wants.
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Duckie: are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Crick: get some Coors, our old red wagon, and make a water slide and then ride down all the hill?
Duckie: ok your thing is better, let’s do that.
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Duckie: hey Pretty Boy, what are you eating?
Pretty Boy: a family-size bag of chips.
Duckie: that’s not family-sized… that’s regular sized…
Pretty Boy: everything is family-sized when you don’t have a family.
Duckie, Ruth, and Kat: Rick, nOo.
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Pretty Boy: c’mon, Backwoods, let’s do something stupid!
Duckie: as far as I know, I already do.
Pretty Boy: you’re sitting here and reading, that’s not stupid?
Pretty Boy:
Duckie: you’re the something stupid Pretty Boy. christ.
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[at some point at the O Club]
Rando: *pissed off* YOU SON OF A BITCH!
Wood: that’s surprisingly accurate.
Flyboys: *dying of laughter*
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Crick: hey Duck, on a scale from 1-7 what’s your favorite day of the alphabet?
Duckie: purple.
Rick: ??? excUSE ME?
Leo: *takes a pull from beer* you get used to it.
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John: guess what.
Leo: what?
John: no, you have to guess.
Leo: uh? I dunno?
John: your grandfather’s in a coma.
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @whiskeyswriting @bayisdying @tngrace @faerieroyal
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2
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