#rick hollywood neven x oc
callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Rick ‘Hollywood’ Neven
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Richard Eric Neven was the fourth eldest out of nine. The Neven family lived in a house way too small for all of the bodies that lived there. It was a three bedroom house with the master being taken by his parents, Douglas and Marsha, the second biggest being taken by all of his sisters (3), and the boys (6), getting the smallest. It didn’t make sense that the girls got the biggest room, considering there was less of them.
The boys had to have two people in the single beds at all times and forget having friends over, that was a fat chance getting one of the brothers to move outta their bed for a guest. The girls had extra space and could walk into the room without knocking into another bed frame. Rick promised to himself that when he turned eighteen, he’d get outta this hell hole and never look back.
Which is the start of many fights with his parents on what he’s gonna do after he’s old enough. His parents never believed in him, always being rude and hateful towards him. They acted like they didn’t want him, which wouldn’t surprise him one bit considering how drunk or high they are most days that they can’t even find work. The family paid the bills by each kid getting a job, or two, at fifteen and saving up.
Between all of the siblings, they could just make it by. Rick worked the hardest, took every shift he could and stayed out of the god forsaken house for as long as he could before the old battered up truck came down the road looking for him. He did his homework at school and at the library most times. He needed good grades to get out of here, as quickly as possible. And when he finally achieved that, and got to graduate early, he took that chance and joined up the next day.
This started the second fight, it was a yelling at the top of your lungs and pretty ugly. Marsha accused Rick of not wanting to be part of the family anymore, doesn’t care what happens to them if he leaves, and that he doesn’t appreciate anything that his parents do for him. Rick didn’t like the sound of this, and told Marsha that they haven’t done anything for him in years! They didn’t even go to his graduation because they were busy drinking and getting high!
Of course, being the ‘man’ of the house, Douglas had to step in and tell Rick not to raise his voice at his mother, which only made him more temperamental. How could they do this to him and not be proud of him wanting a better life than the one he grew up with. With one last remark, Rick packed his things and left to a buddy’s house.
Once Rick had made it to basic, he didn’t think he’d get any letters from his loved ones, he only just left the mailing address to his friend that let him stay until he left for basic. The envelope showed his mother’s sloppy handwriting, and so with a deep breath, he opened it, and surprise, surprise. It was a letter filled with hateful and rude remarks and curse words. It even smelled like the cigarettes she’d light up after a good stiff drink, most likely drunk off of Jim Beam or the Captain.
He didn’t even finish the letter before trashing it, he’s not going to sit around and read what she’s got to say to him if she’s not going to say it to his face. The next letter he received that day was of his father’s handwriting, just as, if not more sloppily written as his mothers. He didn’t have the patience for his parents, so he trashed that one too.
When Marsha and Douglas realized that they weren’t getting letters back, they recruited the other children to help, unknowingly to them. The envelope would have one of his siblings handwriting and he could see that they’d been tampered with, but thought of how the younger kids might’ve forgotten something.
As soon as he realized what is parents were doing, he had written home for the first time. He cussed out his mother and father for taking his letters from his siblings that he hasn’t heard from in months and missed incredibly. He said all of the things he’d been thinking of for years, finally getting that off his chest felt like a boulder lifted off of his chest.
The next letter had two sentences; You are no longer a son of mine. Richard Eric Neven, you are now, until the end of time disowned from this family and cannot have any type of contact with anyone with the Neven name. How could they just pretend he doesn’t exist? He cried that night, and he’s very thankful that his bunk mate, Leonard Wolfe, had kept that quiet.
The next morning when Leo had asked if he was ok, Rick spilt all of the bad memories that were locked in his head to him. Leo shared some of his painful memories too. This made the two men closer and by the end of basic, best friends. The two were paired together for Pilot and RIO, and when they graduated, took pride in their tight bond in and out of the sky. It was that, and Rick’s flying that out them at the top of the list to go to Top Gun.
It was amazing flying with other pilots who were just as, if not better than them (not that they’d agree to that). The two men were known to be laid back and humorous at times, that being seen on the first day when whispering ‘This gives me a hard-on’ and ‘don’t tease me like that.’
After the mission that was handed out at graduation was over, the big guys at Washington gave the pilots some leave. Rick didn’t really wanna leave San Diego, but after Wolfie had pestered him enough, he gave in. Leonard had told stories about the chaos of his two best friends, but he forgot to mention one small detail… Baylie, or Duckie, as she liked to be called it seems, was very beautiful.
Rick, even though he had been warned many times before by Leo, tried to flirt with her. Which got him nowhere unlike it usually did with the opposite sex. I mean, come on, his callsign is ‘Hollywood’ for Pete’s sake! He knows he’s attractive!
Weeks went by without any progress with Duckie, so he tried a different approach; Friendly. It seemed to work just fine, because the next couple of weeks she was nothing but sugar, spice, and everything nice. Then while Rick and Duckie are talking in the woods, she grabbed his face and kissed him.
As soon as it was over, Duckie all but hauled ass back to her house. Rick just stood there confused, what had just happened. Was this real or another dream? It turned out to be real when he could still feel the ghost of her lips on his. He smirked, and headed back the ranch.
When the other pilots visited, it was a huge help around the ranches. Work seemed to be done faster and the days shorter as fun followed the group everywhere. Rick was thankful to see his friends again and not have to deal with Leonard by himself anymore.
He thought that Leo in San Diego was Buck Wild, boy was he wrong! Hometown ranch Leo was far more crazy and always getting into trouble by someone! The others saw this side of him and felt bad for his pilot, even though it was overruled by the humor they saw in Leonard’s behavior.
After the other aviators left, Leo asked Cricket to their first official date, which ended early and horribly. Rick and Duckie had gotten a call from their respective best friends and told all about the failed date. Rick dropped Duckie off at her own house before driving to his friend’s family’s house. Leo came stomping into the house and slammed the door before treading up the stairs and to their shared room.
He sat silent for a bit, then got up and followed his friend. It took hours, but Leo finally told him what had happened and how badly it went. It was quiet for a few minutes before Leo’s head popped back up and he started to pack up his duffle bag, tossing Rick his own.
He signed regrettably, he didn’t want to leave just yet! Rick just got Duckie to like him, and they just started dating! He also couldn’t not go with his best friend who so generously let Rick into his home and meet his family and friends. When they got off the plane back in Miramar, the drive was silent as they drove to Rick’s house.
The weeks after that were nothing special, he stuck to his schedule; 4 am wake up call, 4:15 breakfast ate, 4:30 showered, hair and teeth brushed, 5:00 out the door. It was so boring without Duckie’s energy radiating off of her, she made even the most repetitive jobs feel fun!
One day after being on base all day, sweaty and smelling of jet fuel, he decided that he’d take a shower before cooking dinner, only to be interrupted mid rinse by the doorbell. Regrettably, he got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around himself and answered the door. When the door was opened, he couldn’t believe what he saw, it was Duckie! He pulled her into a sweet kiss before leading her inside of the house.
The girls stayed for a few weeks before returning home, and as the couple continued to date, and the time apart got too much, the guys had made the decision to ask their girlfriends to move in with them. Rick had been with Duckie for three years before he asked her to marry him. The wedding was beautiful, tears shed and laughter heard in every corner. He had the best wife any man could ask for in his opinion, and he’d stick by that.
Duckie and Rick were married for a couple of years before the subject of children was introduced. Both agreed on only two kids, coming from a household of 5 and 11. Duckie didn’t care what the gender was, as long as the baby was healthy. As for Rick, he wished for two healthy, beautiful daughters. When the appointment to see what each baby would be, Rick held his breath and prayed for a daughter, and when the wand showed it was in fact going to be a little girl, he cried.
It took Rick by surprise when he realized he was crying again. He kisses AJ’s little forehead before doing the same to Duckie, whispering, ‘Thank you Baylie.’ A confused look crossed Duckie’s features as she asked, ‘What for Rick?’ ‘For coming into my life, I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better woman to come into it and change it into something so perfect.’
Duckie smiled and rolled her eyes, ‘Oh shut up Pretty Boy!’ Rick looked at AJ with admiration in his eyes before looking back up at Duckie, ‘I’m serious Bay…without you, I’d still be seeking conquests. You changed all of that.’ Duckie just melted in his embrace, she was the only one who got to see that Rick could be an emotional guy.
The day that Addie Kate was born, Rick knew what was coming, the emotions and overwhelming intrusive thoughts. He also knew that no matter how long he held Duckie’s hand as the doctors performed the surgery, that he was gonna cry. Both of the parents were scared of the outcomes from the birth and now hard it would be for Duckie to recover.
But that was all washed away the second Rick and Duckie heard her screams, tears filling both of their sets of eyes. He kissed Duck’s forehead and went over to the nurse to hold his new born daughter for the first time after he cut the cord. He was overjoyed by the healthy baby, especially when they were told that there was something wrong and the doctors had to do an emergency C-Section.
He cried again later that same day when AJ came skipping into the hospital room in her princess Belle dress and plastic tiara smiling wide at her new sister. He explained to her how to hold Addie, and after that, cried at how much love AJ had for a baby that was only brought into the world six hours prior to knowing her. Rick could tell that his daughters would be just like their Mother and Aunt Cricket; partners in crime for life.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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bradsthorn · 1 year
Chapter 1: The Wonder of You
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Summary: Nicolette 'Wildcard' Mitchell was shocked to get called back to North Island. Her track record was not exactly clean and most certainly not one that most would celebrate. Then she sees Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw again. Maybe it won't be all bad.
Warnings: Mentions of death, alcohol, Flashbacks to Top Gun 86, Broken Family dynamics
Word Count: 2.6K
Author Note: Hey y'all this fic is my baby and I'm excited to share this with y'all. This is cross-listed on AO3!
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“Wood.. I barely got out of being grounded, just to be sent to Top Gun. It has to be some sort of cruel punishment.” The girl was huffing as she stuffed another shirt into her bag. Nicolette Mitchell a.k.a. Wildcard, lived up to both her callsign and last name in ways that made her commanding officers grimace upon seeing her assigned to them. 
“ Or it’s for something important. They don’t just call people back like that for punishment, Nic.” The older male was shaking his head as he responded. He had basically adopted the girl — she had been his favorite kid of the class of 86’s, not that he didn’t like Bradley, but there was a special place in his heart for the brunette girl. 
“Yeah, because they send Maverick to new places for important things.” Nicolette was letting a laugh fall as she heard Hollywood hush his husband.
“No, no.. Wolf is right. They sent Maverick to .. well, anywhere he’s been sent simply because he pissed off an Admiral. Not that I did.” There was a snort being heard over the phone and then an ‘ow!’ shortly after,
“Nic.. did you piss off an Admiral?” 
“Technically, yes.  But my wingman needed me, it wasn’t my fault they didn’t fill my fuel tank up all the way.” This was a common occurrence for the girl, her wingmen, and team were always first, aircraft and herself second. So be it if it got her in trouble she valued people over the jets they were in. One lesson Maverick had been able to teach her is that your teammates are not replaceable, the jets are no matter what the Navy says. 
“So.. you pulled a Maverick?” There were a few seconds of silence before the two males could hear her zipping up the bag. 
“No. I was being a good teammate. He doesn’t know what that’s like.” There was some poison in her words, and it was clear as day to the pilot and his RIO that the relationship between the girl and her father had not gotten better. 
“I.. okay, Nic. Just.. let us know when you get here, we’d like to see you, kid.” If there was one thing Hollywood knew, it was that whatever waited for the woman on North Island, he would have pieces to pick up. 
“I will. Love ya’ll.” Once the couple had responded, she was hanging up and tossed her bag into her Thunderbird. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nicolette Duke Mitchell had been accustomed to being moved around a lot, at least until she needed a stable place to be able to attend school. Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky, the man that was her second father; pops as she called him, was able to stay stationary for her. While Maverick was being sent to Iraq, Bosnia, and wherever else the Navy sent him, Iceman was staying at Top Gun, raising the almost carbon copy of his wingman. Thankfully, some of the rest of the 86 class was able to pitch in. Or they at least kept her busy when they’d visit. And of course, Carole. Seeing as the two had gotten so close over the short amount of time they had together while their dads were in Top Gun, Carole couldn’t possibly keep Bradley away from Nicolette. There were plenty of phone calls, where the two toddlers mirrored each other; being sat on the counter with their respective parents keeping them steady, just chatting away like they had much to talk about. But they could do it for hours and each call ended with a “bye bradbrad.” and “bye ni.” Nic visited Brad and Carole in Tennessee for plenty of weeks in the summer and Brad would visit Nic in San Diego whenever he was able. Until he was in Maverick’s custody and then he was living with her and Ice. 
Iceman had done his best to keep the girl in contact with her father. And he pulled strings whenever necessary to get Maverick home to her. But, almost like clockwork, he was pissing off whichever admiral or higher up he could and getting sent away. What originally was described to the girl as ‘the Navy just needs him right now.’ transpired into a festering grudge towards her father – one that faded each time he came home, but grew the second he left again. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Hard Deck, something you weren’t supposed to go below. That was Navy law, and anything below the hard deck was dangerous, it could damage the aircraft. This hard deck though? Could damage a person’s wall that they had spent much of their adult life building, or cause cracks in a facade. But it also held a lot of memories from the time spent in Top Gun. Something that was cherished among those that attended, and it was the best bar to go to attempt to score a free drink. 
The brunette was shutting the door to her car, a small sigh being given as she witnessed all of the other pilots entering the bar. She knew what that meant; she wasn’t getting grounded. Just a slight possibility of being sent to her death. Which, she figured the Navy wouldn’t bat an eye at, it would achieve their goal, keep the Mitchells out of the sky and run them out of the Navy. Her digits ran through her hair for a second, checking it in her mirror when her eyes fixed on the blue Bronco parked a few spots down. Holy shit. She hadn’t seen the owner of that Bronco since two deployments ago. There was almost a hop in her step as she stepped into the loud building, an easily recognizable song on the jukebox. 
If you’re lookin’ for trouble, you came to the right place. 
She shook her head, what a song to be playing when she came in. The people at Top Gun had thought she was trouble, and any higher-up that she had would probably agree with that statement. There were three people in the bar that wouldn’t agree with it; one that she hadn’t seen yet; and that was known by the fact she was still in the bar. The second was already smiling as she noticed her, sliding a beer down to her; amazed the girl hadn’t recognized the male a few feet away. And then; 
My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack.
“Mitchell… You’ve got to be shittin’ me.” Hangman. A man Nicolette knew well, but despised just as much. 
“Seresin.” There was a beat. Lips parted as she shook her head at him. It was clear that whatever this was, it was serious. Otherwise, there would’ve been no need for the number of patches she was seeing. Nicolette watched the male grab his beers and nod to someone behind her, the person paying for their drinks, she assumed. Then against her better judgment, she followed the blonde back to the group. Her eyes stuck on the Hawaiian shirt that she had entered the bar searching for. But, Hangman beat her to having the first word with him once he had changed the song. 
“Bradshaw, as I live and breathe.” 
“Hangman… You look… good.” 
“Well, I am good, Rooster, I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true.” Nic let a quiet scoff out, head shaking. She had taken a seat at a stool behind Brad, not wanting to get in the middle of it. This wasn’t her fight, at least not yet. 
“So, anybody know what this special detachment is all about?” Nic’s brows furrowed at the man who spoke. She only knew a select few of the pilots around the pool table.
“No, mission’s a mission. They don’t confront me.” His ego hadn’t changed apparently.
“What I want to know: Who’s gonna be team leader?”  Her eyes followed the pool balls that clattered together. 
“And which one of yall has what it takes to follow me?” There it was. His ego was bigger than the state he came from. 
“Hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave.” The woman had to take a sip of her beer to keep from chuckling loudly. Eyes meeting those of a male across the pool table, he had glasses and seemed to be the quieter one, seeing as the two on either side of him, one whom she knew; Coyote, who typically couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and the other who let a low “whoo!” out at the comment, obviously were loving this interaction. The one with the glasses was not. 
“Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel.” Nicolette was getting close to stepping in, 
“But that’s just you, ain’t it Rooster?” Her body inched closer to standing. 
“You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment…” And she was up, body moving quietly to stand behind the male. Hangman’s eyes trailed from the taller male to land on Nic. Almost as if his next words were for both of them, 
“That never comes.” There it was. His eyes had locked back on Brad’s after, Nic noted the small smirk that grew on Hangman’s lips. She was going to have to make herself known to Brad now. 
“Y’know Hangman, you don’t have to compensate for your lack of… well, size right now.” Head tilting, with a small smirk growing as she watched the blonde falter for a split second before his lips were moving back to his signature smirk. 
“If you wanna see how wrong you are, let me know Wildcard.” Winking at her, earning a scoff, as his attention turned back to Rooster, 
“I love this song.” And then the pair watched him walk off. Bradley’s eyes finally landed on the girl.
“Ni..” It was like he let his body relax for a second, he didn’t have to be on guard with her. He was safe with her. 
“Hey, Bradbrad…” Then arms were wrapped around her, bringing her into his chest, he didn’t know how long to hold onto her but at the moment? Time had stopped anyway so it didn’t matter. And neither could see the way the simple action between them had caused someone else’s world to stop, Maverick hadn’t seen the two of them together in years, and as he took in the Hawaiian shirt on the male’s body and arms wrapping around the female in a brightly colored red and orange shirt, it was like going back thirty years. The sight caused his heart to ache. Then Bradley’s arms were removed as he looked to the other girl who had joined them, but a hand had found its way to rest on Nicolette’s back. Maverick’s eyes burned into the pair, and for Nicolette, the fact her hair was sticking up on the back of her neck had more to do with the group of people in front of her who, while they may know her or know of her, most likely already wouldn’t want her around. Her reputation and last name — something that always held more significance than her — always preceded her.
“Well, he hasn’t changed.” Nic’s brows rose as she looked over the other girl, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace. Of course, she knew her, although there was a small negative feeling festering in her stomach as she took her in. Nicole couldn’t put into words what that feeling was, but it was prominent. 
“Nope. Sure hasn’t.” There was a small part of his accent lingering at the end of his statement, which made her lips curl up at the edges. 
“Change is a foreign concept to him.” Nicolette let the words fall, almost as if she had to prove her existence. Needed to prove something, what it was? She couldn’t tell anyone. But there was a nod given her way by Phoenix, which caused her to feel settled until more voices joined them. 
“Check it out.” The group’s eyes flickered away from the pool table to focus on the entrance, “More patches.”  Nicolette knew what that meant, that whatever was happening wouldn’t be good. 
“That’s Harvard, Yale, Ohama. Shit, that’s Fritz.” Wildcard’s green hues followed after the group and her lips pursed for a second as she scoffed, head shaking. 
“What the hell kind of mission is this?” Her brow rose at the male, Garcia was what he’d be known by until she knew his callsign, thank the US Military for name badges. 
“A suicide mission,” Nicolette mumbled, causing eyes to land on her as she mindlessly played on her phone. The other pilots around them turned to her, eyes narrowing. She didn’t think twice about what she had said, if anything she knew she was right. They don’t call back this many pilots for something any less serious than that. 
You’ll never guess where I am. 
North Island?
This is why I don’t play guessing games with you
But… so is half of the goddamn navy 
That’s an exaggeration. 
Okay? And? It’s still a lot of people. 
Brad is here. 
I know. 
So you knew i was here?
Got briefed on it. 
Someone else is there though. 
And the conversation was over once Nic heard the bell ring. Either someone else was paying for their drinks or 
“OVERBOARD! OVERBOARD! OVERBOARD!” The girl’s head tilted, phone slipping back into her pocket as she shook her head, eyes locking with Bradley’s at the piano. It was second nature for her to find her way to the instrument. She had spent so many years with the male just hanging out while he played or learned to play.
The toddler was kicking her feet in her father’s lap. Her head tilted to the side as she watched the two blonde women on the other side of her. Nicolette had very little patience in her tiny body and barely sat still - as would be expected from Maverick’s kid. Her fingers wrapped around a fry, that quickly went flying to hit the woman in a white blouse. Giggles were fast to leave tiny lips afterward, Maverick himself having to fight off a laugh. Then once Carole – who Nic adored – had smiled at her, Nic was done and trying to wiggle out of Maverick’s hold. She wanted to go sit with the guy at the piano with the colorful shirt. She liked him a whole lot, he would put her in the sky when he picked her up, and he flew her around sometimes, she loved it. Not to mention the kid on top of the piano who was her newfound best friend. Finally, her dad was heading over there with her, setting her down on the bench to stand, Nic’s hands reaching to try to grab the hat off of the piano – Goose’s hat, but one hand was grabbed by her father to twirl her – as carefully as possible, as the two men sang;
“You shake my nerves, and you rattle my brain…” 
Bradley had an arm wrapped around the woman’s waist as his fingers created the familiar tune on the piano; Nic let a soft laugh out as he glanced up at her with a mischievous twinkle in his puppy dog browns, 
“Thinkin’ ‘bout your love drives a man insane, you broke my will, oh what a thrill, goodness, gracious, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!”  
The two were a splitting image of something Maverick had never thought he’d see again, and now watching the group of young pilots around the piano and the two on the bench, there was no way he couldn’t teach this mission. They had to come home. If not for him or the families any of them may have had, they had to come home for each other.
credit: I don't own any characters but Nicolette Mitchell, and any other OCs that may appear and their storylines. I have no affiliation with Top Gun or Top Gun: Maverick. All rights go to the rightful owners.
Tag list: @toracsanji
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe
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Leonard Daniel Wolfe, named after his great grandfather, held so much potential in his parents’ eyes. As the first born he was to inherit, at the time, the small ranch that his parents started.
When Leo met the two biggest influences in his life, Duckie and Cricket, he knew it was going to be difficult. First, his best friends were girls, sisters, to be specific. Second, he’s liked Cricket since they were children and he didn’t know how to tell her.
When Macy Jensen asked him to dance at prom, he really didn’t want to unless it was with Cricket. Macy grabbed his hands and with unexpected strength, pulled him up and dragged him to the dance floor.
He tried to go back to his table and wait for Cricket to come back from the bathroom, but she clutched him and kept him attached to her. When Cricket came back and saw him with her, she finally let go and placed a sickly sweet kiss on his cheek.
He tried to explain it to Cricket, but got nowhere near it. She was just upset and didn’t talk to him for awhile. When the silent treatment stopped, their relationship changed. It was strictly friends from then on. Sure, there were some less than friendly flirting every once in a while, but it never went anywhere.
The summer before Senior year, it changed again. Late nights sneaking out and going to parties, getting drunk and then waking up early to get to chores around the ranches. One specific party, Leo and Cricket ended up getting so drunk that they made out. The next morning, Leo went to ask her about it, but she said she couldn’t remember it. Leo really wanted the talk to lead to more of a relationship.
The friends were inseparable their last year of high school, they all had the same classes and lunch schedules. Leonard won’t lie, he never really saw a future for himself in his hometown. He wanted bigger things, but he didn’t know exactly what. He knew that many of his family members had joined up in many different branches of the military.
Growing up and listening to his Great-Grandpa Leonard’s war stories were always some of his favorite to hear, so when the Navy had some soldiers visit and try to recruit some young men, he walked up and got a pamphlet. When Leo had completed all of his high school credits, he really didn’t have a reason to be at school anymore. Sure, he went so that Duckie & Cricket wouldn’t be alone, but he was bored.
One day after school he got a call and was told that there was a spot opened for Basic if he wanted it, all he had to do was graduate early. Leonard really wanted to stay to support his best friends, but he could have a jump start on his future if he left.
He asked the recruiter if he could have a couple of weeks to think and when he was permitted, Leo thought long and hard about his decision. He was gonna turn down the spot and wait until afterwards, but then Cricket and he got into a fight, he said ‘screw it’ and called them back.
The next day, he left for basic without saying goodbye to his friends. Leo knew that he had hurt Duckie and Cricket, he felt bad for how he left. When he had received letters from his family, he had to fight the urge to ask about them.
Leo was mad, they hadn’t even tried to reach out to him, and he didn’t write them either. He couldn’t, he didn’t wanna look eager. Leo knew that if he did write to Cricket, he’d spill his feelings towards her and if he wrote to Duckie, he’d just gush to about her sister.
With Basic over and officially being in the Navy, he met his pilot Rick ‘Hollywood’ Neven. The two young men grew close and became best friends. Through the years, completing missions, moving base to base, drinking after hours, and graduating from Top Gun, both men learned a lot about each other.
After the mission at graduation, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet gave all of the men leave. Rick didn’t have family he wanted to visit, an old falling out with his parents. Leo talked to his parents and they invited Rick, for he was their son’s pilot and friend, practically family at that point.
Leo caught up with Duckie and Cricket over the years apart and grew close again. He and Cricket were back to acting like high schoolers, flirting and always touching. They hadn’t really talked about where the relationship would go, but it seemed like it would work out in the end.
When the other pilots arrived at the ranch, Leo showed a different side of himself. He was more protective of his sisters, including Duckie, and Cricket. He was also more of a goofball, especially around the Pruitt girls.
The pilots and their families had to split themselves between both ranches for rooms, but at dinner everyone gathered at the Wolfe’s house. Leo’s friends joined in the chores around the ranch while they were there and had lots of laughs, jokes, stories, and drinks every night.
After they left, there was only seven more days of leave for Leo. Their sisters and mother’s meddled and trapped them into saying what they felt for each other, so they went on a date. On their night out, someone said something and Leo went off like a hot pistol. It upset Cricket and she had to drag him out of the diner. The drive back was quiet and long.
The next couple of days, Leo and Cricket didn’t speak, so Leo and Rick left a couple of days early back to base. When the pilots got back, Leo’s behavior was different than they had ever seen him. He didn’t want to hang out at the O Club anymore and stayed home every night, he looked like he hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in a while. Leo even started to not shave his facial hair and had scruff.
One day after training Leo came home to see his best friends sitting on his front porch swing, suitcases nearby. He ran up and hugged the girls, before turning to face Cricket, giving her a sweet kiss. Duckie gave the two love birds one last hug before running off to see her boyfriend.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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13 notes · View notes
callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Duckie & Cricket
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The Pruitt sisters, Baylie ‘Duckie’ Pruitt ( @bayisdying ) & Amanda ‘Cricket’ Pruitt are known to be chaotic and always together.
Duckie and Cricket are close for many reasons. One being that their older brother,TK, would antagonize the girls with pranks and other things. The second reason being that they’re what some would call ‘Irish Twins,’ which means that the girls were born in the same year, just some months apart! They’ve been there for each other for everything! Broken hearts, crushes, fights. You name it, they’ve most likely gone through it.
Duck & Cricket are also complete opposites in looks. Duckie has light brown hair with copper tones and grey-green eyes, and has the attitude and manners of their mother. A perfect mix of Beau & Katherine. Cricket, has strawberry blonde hair and dark blue eyes, looking more like Katherine, but has the attitude and mannerism of her father.
Duckie & Cricket are known for finding trouble in the most simplest of tasks around the ranch. Their parents, Beau & Katherine, constantly had to have eyes on the girls or they’d be running off, doing something they weren’t supposed to do. It’s still talked about on the ranch how Beau turned his head for half a second when the girls were two or three and they ended up on the auger and rode it all of the way up to the hayloft !
Both girls also did 4-H and played sports since a young age. Cricket played softball and showed hogs, rabbits, and did photography. Duckie played volleyball and also showed hogs & rabbits. When it was the girls’ first year of showing pigs, and TK’s third year, they found out that if your quick enough, you can jump on the hog’s back and ride them like a horse! Of course the trouble twins took this information and ran with it. Beau swears it was every other day that he caught those two giggling while on the pig’s back racing around the pasture.
Now, you’re probably wondering about the nicknames. Duckie, when not getting in trouble, used to follow Katherine around the ranch like a little duckling! Cricket on the other hand, she’s just plain lucky! Growing up if there was a contest or raffle, her older siblings refused to enter because Cricket just had dumb luck! Cricket would also test her luck daily! Katherine nor Beau could count how many times a baby Cricket would walk behind or under the belly of a horse without letting them know where she was and not get kicked!
Personality wise, Cricket, as mentioned before has her Dad’s attitude and mannerisms. What that entails, is that she’s friendly, generous, hard worker, stubborn as a mule, has little to no patience, a quick temper, a good sense of humor, and almost never takes anything seriously. She doesn’t like to be told she can’t do something and likes to prove the other person wrong. She loves adventure and having a good laugh with friends and family.
Duckie is sweet, generous, friendly, hard worker, wears her heart of her sleeve, serious when needed, lots of patience, and a great sense of humor. Duckie likes to have fun and get into all sorts of mischief with her sister. She also loves with her whole heart and shows it whenever she can, she exhibits confidence and likes to spread it onto others and encourages them. She believes that she’s like the county’s love doctor because she can see a future couple and bring them together and mend any relationship problems.
Even though these two sisters are close and best friends, they have very different taste. As the story goes on, there’s more than one love story going on.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Cricket
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Amanda ‘Cricket’ Pruitt was the youngest in the family and born the same year as Baylie, her sister and best friend. It was hard on Beau and Katherine having all three children under five, but they made it work. And as soon as the girls could walk and talk, trouble could always be found.
It only got crazier as the girls got older. At eleven, after TK had done it first, the girls followed his lead and hopped on a hog’s back and rode it around the barn. When they turned fourteen, the girls stood on their horse’s back for the first time, scaring the shit outta Leo. He still gets worried that Duckie and Cricket’ll fall off and break something.
Mischief was one of the girls’ favorite past times, and would recruit Leonard to join in too. The friends had lots of fun jerryrigging a sled to the back of a side by side after it rained and taking turns driving around the pastures and over hills to try to slide the passenger off, riding a horse backwards, going frog gigging at midnight (the best time if you asked them), and going to corn field parties during the summer.
As the three musketeers got into high school, relationships changed and feelings got hurt. It was mostly Leo doing dumb shit and the two idiots pinning after each other that caused the most damage. It didn’t matter though, they always made up and went back to as if nothing had happened. The first big fight that the friends had, was at Prom. It lasted for weeks before he apologized for what Macy Jensen did.
The next big fight was started because of a pact they had made the summer before senior year, agreeing to stay the whole year. Amanda only needed one class left, but it was full until the last semester of school, so she couldn’t graduate early. As for Leo and Duckie, they had taken the class the semester before and could if they wanted too. Long story short, Leo broke the pact and then got the hell outta dodge to basic for the Navy. It hurt the girls as they dreaded walking across that stage without their other friend.
After high school, Duckie and Cricket didn’t go off to college, like their parents would’ve liked, they wanted to stay to help out on the ranch. Even though both were kind of mad at Leo for leaving so abruptly, they still wrote weekly letters to him. The girls started to realize that Leo never wrote letters back to them, so they thought it was because he was busy. It shocked them to know that his family were receiving letters from him, but not his best friends.
As the years went by the letters slowly stopped being sent to Leo, it’s not like he’d ever respond anyway. When not helping around the ranch, Cricket took up bartending at the local watering hole known as Jack’s. There’s always good peoples around and great tips offered. Cricket sometimes flirt with some of the young guns if they come up to the bar, but mostly acts friendly and welcoming.
It was surprising to hear that Leo was coming home and bringing a friend. The girls, especially Cricket, didn’t expect to see him ever again. He was a big shot RIO in San Diego now, no way would he wanna come home to a sleepy town. The first day back, when he surprised his friends, Cricket was madder than a bull seeing red! How could he just mosey up to the door and walk in as if nothing had happened, like he didn’t ignore Duckie and her for years! Even as she sat on her bed, she could hear all the chatter from the kitchen.
After being told that it was actually her parents taking the letters and he’d been holding out for Cricket all these years, their friendship started back up where they left off. You could probably call it puppy love, young and sweet, innocent flirting and touches. You would think that Leo and Cricket would jump the gun and go right into a relationship, but they’d been apart for so long they wanted to learn about each other again.
Even with his fellow aviators in town and staying on the ranches, he stayed his goofy self. The pilots saw a different side of him, the easy going one, the one that’s always up for trouble. They shared stories about Leo, and so did the Wolfe’s and the Pruitt’s. It was one of the best nights that they had since Leo came home. Duckie and Cricket even met some of the greatest people, that they would form a strong bond with, Whiskey and Dragon.
While the aviators stayed, they helped around the ranches. After breakfast the second day, Leo brought down one of his cowboy hats from when he was a toddler and put it on Bradley’s head. He was the cutest little cowboy, and a big help to Cricket and Duckie. When the work day was over, Leo picked him off of the horse he rode in with Duckie and the boys headed for the barn. Later, when asked to get the men for dinner, they saw Leo teaching Bradley how to rope with a cow skull hung from the wall.
The whole week that the pilots visited, the days were always filled with laughter. Bradley spent most of his time with Duckie and Cricket, he said it was ‘to learn how to be a real cowboy’ and when Leo asked ‘then why not me?’ Little man stood straight up and said, ‘cause Uncle Leo, you been outta the game too long!’ Leo pouted pretty much all day, which made it even more funny to the others. It wasn’t all work, the adults had games and activities on slow days around the ranch. Beer, Bourbon, and Whiskey were gone by the end of the week too, which they mixed in with the fun.
The last days that the group were here, the Wolfe’s brought out the big guns, Ruth’s great grandma’s famous homemade chili with all the fixin’s. Great Grandma Thatcher liked her chili spicy, so Ruth fixed a special batch just for Bradley and anyone else who couldn’t take the heat. It was very amusing to watch as the pilots took their first bites, only to quickly swallow and chug their cold beers. Cricket always ate the chili from the not too spicy pot, knowing that she’d never finish her bowl if she couldn’t feel her mouth. Rick’s face turned red, but didn’t want to seem like a baby, so he kept eating. Cricket thinks it was to impress Duck, but by the way she was smirking, it didn’t work.
It was a couple of days later that Leo and Cricket finally said their true feelings towards each other and agreed to go on a date before he had to go back. During said date, someone had made a hurtful comment about Cricket, and Leo saw red. It ended up in a fight, that Cricket had to pull Leo out of to stop. The drive home was silent, the only noise was the radio. The next day, after going over to the Wolfe’s ranch to say sorry, she found out that the man in question had left.
Cricket stayed in bed days afterwards, heartbroken and guilty. Seeing that her daughter was sad, Katherine tried to convince Cricket to take a leap and go visit him in San Diego. After many days of nonstop pestering from her mother and Leo’s, Duckie and Cricket hopped on a plane and went to their boys. They had exchanged numbers with Dragon and Whiskey, and had gotten his off-base housing address from them.
Once they landed, they headed to their best friend’s and waited on the porch swing for him to come home. They could recognize the sound of Leo’s old Chevy truck anywhere as it came down the road and stopped in the driveway. He launched out of his truck and hugged the girls tightly. When he finally let go, he gently grabbed Cricket’s face and gave her a kiss. Leo gave Duckie one more hug before she left to go find Rick’s housing and visit him. Finally alone and not fighting again, the new couple went to dinner to officially finish their first date.
Cricket and Duckie went home after being in San Diego for two weeks, but are in constant contact with their boys and the others. Every couple of months, Duckie and Cricket hop on a plane and visit, which are some of the best weeks that the group have all together. After this pattern going on for a year, the boys finally asked Duckie and Cricket to move in with them. It was one of the best decisions they ever made, the boys got to see their women every day and anytime they wanted instead of only reuniting every couple of months, but Leo knew that the ranch needed the girls more at that time.
It had been a little over four years together and they still acted like it was puppy love. A few months earlier, they had been to Rick and Duckie’s engagement party. It was so beautiful, it’s hard to believe that Duckie didn’t like him at first. She still calls him ‘Pretty Boy,’ but now more as a pet name then anything else. Leo had acted weird that night at the engagement party, so it wasn’t as of a big surprise when Leo asked Cricket to a date night the following week. The couple went to a fancy restaurant with a dress code and Leo had been so nervous he was sweating bullets all night.
After dinner, dessert came to the table and while Cricket was distracted by her favorite sweet, which couldn’t possibly been served here, he carefully got on one knee and took her hand. Tears were already falling from her eyes as she realized what was happening, Leo swallowed a lump before saying some romantic, or as romantic as he got, speech and held the beautiful ring to her finger, waiting her answer. Cricket pulled him up and said, ‘finally you dumbass!’ Before smashing her lips to his. It was certainly a night to remember.
Leo and Cricket got married the next year back home in the Wolfe’s barn, it was a gorgeous wedding and reception, definitely a western wedding with lace and warm tones. Duckie was the Maid of Honor and the Bride’s Maids were Whiskey, Dragon, and Carole. The Best Man was of course, Rick, and the Groom’s Men were Ice, Ron, Charles. Little Bradley was also in the wedding party, being the ring bearer. He looked so adorable in his suit. After the wedding, the couple couldn’t be more thankful for that visit and all the meddling.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Duckie
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Baylie ‘Duckie’ Pruitt was a very thoughtful, imaginative, and an overachiever child, and these traits only grew with age. If Duckie thought of something and wanted it enough she would make it happen. She was a hard worker, stubborn as hell, and wasn’t the most graceful child, always getting hurt one way or another. Throughout her younger years, the Pruitt family had to make trips to the hospital to help reset one or more of Duckie’s broken fingers.
Duckie was an overachiever from an early age too. She was the only child in her school to read 1,000 books in one year, which awarded her an award and metal. Of course Leo and Cricket had made fun little quips about her reading so many books between the trouble they caused together. Duckie also helped start three charities at her school and still donated to them every year. As did her family and the Wolfe’s, proud of their daughter and family friend.
Growing up in the middle of BFE, there wasn’t a lot to do during the long summer days when it was too hot to do any ranch work. So the Three Musketeers would go down to the Walnut tree between the two families’ lands and by a creek bed, hammers in hands,smash the walnuts for a snack or for fun, then afterwards jump into the nearby creek to wash off the juice.
Another fun little memory was during the summer that the girls’ turned eleven and saw The Amazing Spider-Man for the first time at Leo’s house at a sleepover. A week after, when they all were hanging out in the barn, Bay had gotten bit by a spider! Of course, them being children, had convinced their minds that Duckie would be Spider-Man (or Spider-Girl) by the next day just like the movie. Leo and Cricket argued who would be ‘Uncle Ben’ and ‘Aunt May’ to Bay, even though neither wanted to die the tragic ways the characters did. So when it was a couple weeks later and still no powers (they tried) like Peter Parker, they sadly gave up that dream.
It was weird in high school, between the obvious love that her sister and best friend had for each other, the hard AP classes she took,the Volleyball team, and ranch work. It was a lot of work to stay afloat with all of the activities each one of the friends did, but they all made it work. Duckie graduated in the top five students and could attend any schools she wanted to, if she pleased. After school, the Pruitt girls just wanted to stay home and help around the ranch, but also wanted a job off of the ranch too. Duckie took classes in high school that counted as college credits, so that helped shave off years on her nursing schooling. After four years she had accomplished her nursing degree and worked for the city’s hospital.
Duckie was devastated when she heard that her parents were taking their letters they’d written to Leo. She didn’t know if they read them or not, but if they did, they wouldn’t be surprised about the contents (being for Leo to finally man up and say something to Cricket). It was still her private conversation to Leo thought. Duckie forgave him quickly afterwards, she doesn’t really hold grudges for long. When she met his pilot thought, that was a different type of grudge. Duckie didn’t hate him, per say, but she didn’t exactly like him either. The man had a big head, and who wouldn’t with the callsign ‘Hollywood’.
Rick would flirt with Duckie non stop every time they were near each other, and Bay didn’t like it. She would NOT be one of his belt buckle notches, that was for damn sure. He slowly realized that maybe she was different than the other women he had success with. He tried a different tactic and after a while won her heart. Rick was usually the one to intimate hugs or kisses in other relationships, but didn’t want to go too fast with Duckie. It was a surprise to both of them that day in the woods when Duckie grabbed his face and kissed him. After dinner, Rick went to the Pruitt’s ranch and officially asked Duckie to be his girlfriend, which after she cracked a joke said yes.
They kept it a secret for a while before telling the others, Rick and Duck both knew that Knuckles, Leo, and Cricket would have their asses. Cricket didn’t really trust Rick’s intentions with her sister. Leo knew Rick and what he did with his conquests, and didn’t want Rick hurting Leo’s ‘sister’. As for Knuckles, he just didn’t like any of his sisters’ boyfriends. Beau & Katherine were over the moon that Duckie had finally introduced them to one of her boyfriends and that they just adored Rick from their first meetings.
When Leo and Cricket went of their first official date, Duckie and Rick helped out with everything. From the flowers, reservations at the restaurant, to the clothes, and hair styles. Afterwards, they went out too, on their own little adventure to get to know one another more. It ended pretty early when Duckie got a phone call from a crying Cricket. When Duck got home she held Cricket as she vented about how awful the night was to Duckie and the dogs. The next day, when Duck went to see Rick, she found out that the Flyboys had left without telling their girls.
This information made the girls upset, mostly Duckie. How could that egotistical bastard just up and leave without telling her? Of course he’d do that, she’s known from the start what kind of man he is. Leo had told her his buddy’s history and his tricks. She was mad, no doubt, but she could tell that he’d changed for her, in little ways. So it didn’t take much convincing for Duckie to take a trip to San Diego, it was Cricket that needed to be reasoned with. She was packed and plane ticket paid for within three days, while it took Cricket to change her mind. Duckie wanted nothing more than to see her boyfriend and kick his ass for leaving suddenly.
Once they left the airport in their destination, the sisters rented a truck and drove to fighter town to see their flyboys. First stop being Leo’s, where the two dumb lovebirds reunited and forgave each other, then Duckie took the truck and arrived at Rick’s off-base apartment. The weeks they spent together went by fast being held in each others arms, but the girls had to go back to their ranch and jobs.
Duckie was devastated when she had to leave, but started to plan her and Cricket’s next visit soon after. Work days were often boring and slow, occasionally someone with an interesting case would show up and bring smiles to the nurse and doctor’s faces at how ridiculous the patients’ story was. After shift, she would call Rick (at a decent hour) and tell him about her patients of the day, unless she was working at the ranch, then tell him about the trouble she and Cricket got into. The phone calls were always filled with laughter and smiles on either side as stories were shared and ‘I love yous’ told in between. Jack and Bush often said their ‘hellos’ too.
When Rick and Leo had asked the girls to move in with them, Duckie had jumped at the idea! Within a couple of weeks, Duckie was packed and put her three weeks into work. Cricket took less time, but didn’t want to leave without her sister, so she waited for Duckie. When they drove the thousands of miles to their new homes, it was sad for both girls to not be with each other every second of every day, like they had been able to back home. Day by day, it got easier for them, but it still took a while for them to get used to it just being themselves and their boyfriends. Cricket took a job at the bar, the O Club and Duck went to work at the hospital.
After a couple of years together, Rick, Leo, and the girls had made a surprise trip to the Pruitt’s ranch. The girls were oblivious about the real reason for the visit, but a month later when Rick proposed to Duckie, it was pretty easy to guess. At the wedding, Duckie’s Maid of Honor was of course Cricket, and her Bride’s Maids were Quinn (Wolfe) Henderson and Rebecca Wolfe. As it was said before, Rick didn’t have the best relationships with his family. It’s been years since he’s seen or talked to someone sharing his last name, he refuses too. For his guests, it was just his aviator friends and their wives or husbands and all of Duckie’s family and friends.
The wedding was beautiful, with a color palette of peach, sage, and gold. Her dress was lace, tight to the skin, off the shoulders sleeves, and a sweetheart neckline. The bouquets were peach roses with succulents and gold ribbon tied in a bow around the stems. The bride’s maids’ dresses were peach with an accent of gold somewhere on their person. The men wore light grey suits with a white dress shirt, and sage green tie. Their boutonnieres were a single peach flower with small succulents accompanied by it.
The church was beautiful, behind the alter was a stain glass window telling one of the many stories from the Bible, the Minister’s voice boomed with the microphone he held and the speakers around the room caught every crisp word spoken as the couple said their vows and ‘I Do’s’. The reception was equally as beautiful as the church, colored in the same color palette and natural light streaming in from the ceiling to wall windows. The cake was tall to be able to feed all of the guests, and had more than one flavor (because the newly weds couldn’t just pick one).
The best part of the night was when Duckie threw the bouquet and Chatterbox caught it. Duck doesn’t think she’s ever laughed as hard as she did when Leo chased his little sister around, trying to grab the flowers from her. He kept saying, ‘Not while I’m still kickin’ is my kid sister getting married before me!’ Becca would dodge and weave between guests as she ran to their parents to hide and tattle. It was nothing but what she imagined her wedding to look like, and couldn’t be more happy with all of the decorations, cake, and other things that could’ve just as likely gone wrong.
Duckie and Rick’s first dance started out slow, before another song was remixed into it and the couple did a dance that would put every other wedding that year to shame. When it was time for the father-daughter dance, it was filled with whispers and tears. The song captured their relationship perfectly and you could tell by just listening to the lyrics. Since Rick didn’t have any family come for him, Katherine and Ruth came up to him for his mother son dance.
Both women saw him as a son since the first day they met him and wouldn’t change that for the world. When both dances were done, Leo clapped Rick’s shoulders and said, ‘Welcome to the family, you can’t leave now’ but Rick would never dream of it, he left the love that each family held for each and every member and was happy to be able to be apart of that now and forever. Even if in a couple of months he’d also be related to his back-seater by marriage and have to see his ugly mug every holiday instead of just on base.
It was a few years later that Rick and Duckie had kids of their own, Amelia Jean and Addison Kate Neven. Amelia was born a year and a half before Addison, not wanting to go through the hardships of what her parents did with Cricket and herself. Duckie and Pretty Boy thought hard and long for the perfect names for their gorgeous daughters, and kept them a secret for the whole pregnancy until the delivery.
Duckie was adamant about no one but Rick in the delivery room until afterwards, and when the Wolfe and Pruitt clan could heard those strong lungs scream, they all felt unremarkable joy! After the nurses cleaned and printed the newborn babe, Rick called in the first two to meet the new addition to the family. Leo was first inside the door, his new wife, Cricket, a close second behind tears already in the waterline of her blue eyes.
Duckie smiled tiredly, ‘Crick, Leo, meet your niece, Amelia Jean Neven. Cricket, do you remember our pact from when we were kids?’ Cricket smiled softly, ‘yea, when we have kids, we would name them after the first letter of our sister’s names. So, Amelia, the A’s-the A’s for me?’ The small nod from the exhausted Duckie was all the confirmation Cricket needed to jump up and hug both new parents.
When the second little bundle of joy came into the world, it had been a little bit different this time. Duckie had some complications during the natural birth, so they had to give her a C-section. After the anesthesia had worn off, Rick called for the two best friends again first. Leo and Cricket huddled into the room and crowded the baby, cooing and making faces at her.
‘Do you wanna know your new niece’s name?’ Of course that got an excited head nod from them, ‘Ok, say hello to Leandra Hayes Neven!’ Leo’s eyes got wide and he started to cry, swiftly going in to hug Duckie and Rick, with giant smiles on their faces, but Cricket held back her smirk. ‘For realzies though, meet Addison Kate!’
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet John & Ruth Wolfe
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Their meeting felt like fate, and as hard as it is to believe, a cliché one at that. John was coming into a farmer’s market with crates filled with vegetables from his family’s garden when a young woman, head down reading a book, ran into him. The produce scattered on the floor, the woman apologized profusely at her mistake, and then drops to her knees to help him pick it up.
After that, they kept on running into each other. First at the store, then the laundry mat, and even on the sidewalk. They’d say a quick sorry, small talk for a bit before one or the other said they had to go.
One run-in, John had had enough of the small talk so he asked her on a date. Ruth agreed and that weekend, they went to the local diner. The first was such a great date that they went on many more before he officially asked her to be his girl.
The first year of college, Ruth and John struggled, him being in the Navy didn’t help. It was a long awaited leave that Leonard was created, they hadn’t planned for him, but that didn’t matter. A few months later John proposed to Ruth and that very night signed papers down at the courthouse.
After Leo, they tried for another, but had trouble conceiving, so it was pure luck when Quinn Penelope Wolfe was born. Quinn’s birth was difficult and hard on Ruth’s body, and the couple were told that they couldn’t have anymore. Two years after Quinn and a couple of miscarriages, they had another little girl, Rebecca Joslyn Wolfe.
John and Ruth knew that the neighbors had kids about the same age as their son, but with everything going on, they never met. That was until their eldest was six, middle was four, and the youngest one in a half.
Leo, as he liked to be called, met a girl on the playground who had gotten hurt and like his daddy taught him, helped her. It was the beginning of a beautiful and disastrous relationship.
As the years gone by, and Leonard talked about the Navy, as three generations of Wolfe men had done, Cricket started to pull away. Then, after he had been accepted and even had a reserved spot in basic, that’s when things really turned to shit.
John nor Ruth knew about the Pruitt’s taking their daughters’ letters and hiding them, it really upset the couple when they let Leo take the blame for their decision. John and Ruth encouraged their children to follow what they wanted, and not let others hold them back.
So it wasn’t very surprising to his parents when he decided to graduate early and go to basic. What they didn’t know, but learned later, was that the children had made a pact to graduate together. Ruth chewed him out for that, a man is only as trustworthy as he is honest.
When Leonard and his friend came to visit, Ruth and Katherine tried to stay out of it, but it was hard watching their children be so blind to what’s in front of them.
The mothers waited for the other women from both families to recruit them to the cause before they meddled. It mostly payed off in the end, because Leo & Cricket had finally said they loved each other, but of course her stupid son had to ruin the perfect moment.
After the big blow out, it took weeks, but both mothers convinced Duckie & Cricket to go visit San Diego, which ended up working well for both young women. Every once in a while both parents get a letter from their children and updates them on their lives in Fighter Town.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz @sweetlittlegingy
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Quinn ‘Daisy’ Wolfe
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Quinn was the middle child of John & Ruth Wolfe, her big brother Leonard being the first and Rebecca, or Becks being the baby of the family. Quinn could easily be labeled as the smartest Wolfe sibling, being in all AP classes in High School and College.
She graduated in the top of her class and could go to any Ivy League school she wanted. Daisy knew since a young age that she wanted to help the animals on the farm if they got sick or injured, so when she picked her college, she went to study to be a Vet Tech.
It was weird being away from her family while going to school, but quickly got over it after meeting a sweet boy from her biology class, Spencer. Since that first day of class, the two were inseparable.
Spencer ended up dropping out due to family problems, but supported Daisy in her continuation of learning. When she had graduated a year later, they got engaged and a couple of months after, had a small wedding at the Wolfe Family Ranch.
The couple had agreed to buy a small farm house close by so they could still help on her parents’ land. Even though Spencer wasn’t a farm kid, he took to it like fish to water. He helps John around the land and office when needed.
Daisy helps her father around the ranch too, when she’s not at the office, doing chores with her sister and husband. She usually gets yelled at by her father when Daisy works with her husband, they get distracted easily and run off to be found later with jumbled up clothes and ratted hair.
A week before Leo & Rick came to visit, Daisy and Spencer had told the family and close family friends the good news, she was pregnant. She wasn’t far along, but they couldn’t wait to tell.
When her brother and his friend had arrived at the ranch, Daisy ran up to him and as she hugged her brother as tight as she could, she told him that he was gonna be an Uncle. Leonard, the dunce, looked confused until it finally clicked. It had the family laughing and leaning on each other for support.
Daisy nor Chatter knew the reason on why Cricket was mad at their brother, but they also knew that he was an idiot. As far as she knew, he said something hurtful to her before he left for basic. They always wrote to Leo, but never asked, it wasn’t really their business. But you couldn’t blame them for being curious.
It was a shock when Beau & Katherine told Leo that they took the letters that Duckie & Cricket wrote to him. He came home that night and slammed the door, which he never did.
Daisy was one of the first people to see the change of their relationship as they grew up. Even at fifteen, she could see the tension they had for each other. Daisy & Chatter always came up with schemes to try and trick one or the other to say what they felt, never worked though. 
It really hurt to see one of her friends go through a heartbreak without a relationship. She couldn’t put into words how bad she wanted to slap Leo over the head and tell him to tell her how he feels. So when Leo comes home this time, she teamed up with all of the Wolfe and Pruitt women to finally get those too together.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Busch & Jack:
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The first couple of years that Beau and Katherine was married, they were just starting to think about children. To practice for a baby, they decided to get a little Golden Retriever.
It took a few days after they brought him home for the puppy to get a name, Busch. Beau & Katherine still laugh about how he got his name.
Then, seeing that Busch was lonely and needed a friend, they got another one and named him Jack. The dogs helped keep each other company and helped herd the cows when the newly wed couple needed it.
As the couple celebrated their second anniversary, the topic of children came up again, and they started trying. When Katherine was in the early stages of pregnancy, it was actually the dogs that gave her the idea that she might be.
Busch and Jack would follow her around and protect her everyday. At first, Katherine thought that maybe the dogs were sick, then after weeks of the behavior, it finally clicked.
Dogs can smell things that people can’t, maybe they can tell if the hormones in her body changed. So, Katherine took a pregnancy test and when it came back positive, she hugged the dogs and all three ran to tell Beau the good news!
When they took the newborn TK home for the first time, the dogs raced to see their owners and tiny human. Beau gently set the carrier on the floor and whispered an ‘easy’ to the dogs before they came up and sniffed the baby.
Busch and Jack smelled the new addition to the family before Beau called them away and fed them. It was the start of an amazing friendship that would be continued as Baylie and a couple months later Amanda were born.
Busch & Jack were there for all of the big moments in their owners’ life. Busch was the one to get TK to walk for the first time, and later helped Baylie and Amanda.
Jack was an accomplice in one of TK’s first pranks on his sisters. Baylie’s first word was ‘Bus’ after he had taken her cheese stick. When Amanda rolled over the first time, it was because Jack had heard the command.
As the children grew into teenagers and experienced first days of junior high, high school, getting bullied, and heart break, Busch and Jack were there again for snuggles and kisses (for the girls), and rough housing and playing catch (for TK).
Busch and Jack were especially there for Amanda when Leo hurt her all those time when they were young. It broke her parents’ heart having to hear all of those things that their daughter said to the dogs. Duckie would join in on the snuggling and conversation too, but most of the time it was just the three of them.
Baylie would have the dogs join her when she did her chores around the land or when she rode her horse, Moon, on the trail. As the years went by and new people came into their lives, Busch and Jack became her confidants in her confusing feelings about Leo’s fellow aviator and pilot.
Baylie really struggled with what to do with the attraction she had for him, but in the end, it was those cute puppy-dog eyes from Jack that Baylie finally just said ‘fuck it’ and took the initiative and kissed Pretty Boy. Afterwards, when the shock wore off, she ran home and told Jack all about it!
TK & Chloe both agreed that both dogs would be in the wedding. Busch as the ring bearer, and Jack as the ‘Best Dog’, which took a lot of convincing to Chloe when it first came to light. Those same puppy-dog eyes worked on TK when he and Chloe had their first big fight.
TK had just stormed into the house and to him room. Jack, sensing his mood, followed behind closely, and laid in front of TK’s bedroom door until TK had enough of the whining and let him in, Busch not too far behind for the cuddles he would receive.
Like his sisters, TK told the dogs his problems and his feelings on them and the dogs listened to him. Once Jack answered TK’s “What should I do Jack? I love her,” with his own, “tell her you’re sorry idiot!”
So, TK shot out of bed and ran to the store to get Chloe’s favorite flowers and candies. When TK came home later, he thanked Busch & Jack with treats and pets.
When Leo came back to his home with his friend, Busch & Jack stayed by the Girl’s all the time, protecting them. Busch & Jack knew that the yellow haired boy human had hurt the yellow haired girl human that the dogs lived with.
He also knew that the boy, new one with brunet hair, was bad news for the brunette girl, he also lived with. The dogs teamed up and made sure that the two groups never were alone, which became hard when the other humans started to meddle in their plans.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Spencer ‘Spence’ Henderson
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Spencer Gregory Henderson is the only surviving child and family member of Earl and Pamela Henderson. He was in college when this terrible accident happened, the Dean even let him take some time off to grieve and to get his affairs in order. Spence was never the same, the accident changed his in little ways. Daisy was a big help in getting him out of his depression.
Spencer couldn’t afford to continue going to school, but he stood by proudly and encouraged Daisy to continue her education when she offered to quit too. He would spend his days working at the Wolfe Ranch while Daisy went to school to become a Veterinarian. He was happy to get to see his girl everyday.
After he proposed, he spent more time on the ranch to save up for the wedding and honeymoon, which Daisy would always joke that ‘your cheating on me to be with cows? Just kidding, I would too.’ When the wedding day, everything was perfect. He loved everything that Daisy and himself picked out.
It wasn’t very long after they had been married that Daisy had become pregnant. As soon as the test was confirmed at the doctor’s office, they told the family and close family friends. When Leo came home, Spencer laughed at his reaction to being an Uncle.
He hadn’t really officially met Daisy’s brother but briefly at the wedding due to him needing to be back at Base soon afterwards, but from the stories with wife and in-laws told, he knew that Leo wasn’t always playing with a full deck of cards.
Spencer and Leo got along greatly, as did he with Rick too. The men stayed together, the genders finally being even when it came to dinner opinions and other super important things. Spence was very thankful for the help around the ranch, usually it’s everyone running around most days trying to get as much done before the sun went down.
Like everyone else, it surprised Spencer when the news came out. He hadn’t known Beau and Katherine long, but they seemed like good peoples. Always sending over ranch hands when the land had too much for only five people to do, and coming over with a casserole dishes filled with Katherine’s delicious cooking (it’s not as good as Ruth’s, but still fantastic).
A couple of months later, after all of the Ross and Rachel situation had faded, Daisy gave birth to their first born, Sawyer Wyatt Henderson. He looked just like his father, bringing tears to his eyes as he looked upon the small human.
Leo and Cricket and Rick and Duckie visited home to meet their first nephew. It was a couple of months afterwards when they could finally come home and it was a funny encounter when Daisy handed Cricket the baby it was a few minutes later that he started getting fussy and handed Sawyer back to Daisy.
Two years later, another Henderson was brought into the world, Harper Elizabeth Henderson. By the time she had been born, she had a few cousins from Leo and Cricket and Rick and Duckie. So, the visit didn’t happen until she was a year and a half because her cousins weren’t big enough to be without their moms just yet.
Another four years went by before kids number three and four, both two years apart too, were born. Sage Margaret and Ethan Chase Henderson. Life was busy on the Wolfe and Pruitt farms with the families and Rick now merged together.
Every holiday, even if their husbands can’t make it home, Duckie and Cricket bring their little hellions to the Pruitt’s ranch and all of the cousins raise hell for all of their parents. Most of the time the visit is filled with laughter, stories, ranch work, and booze.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: TK
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Travis Kameron Pruitt is the eldest child of Beau and Katherine Pruitt. He has two younger sisters, Baylie and Amanda, who he loves to prank and pester all of the time. It started when he was six and the girls were four in a half, they were playing hide and go seek.
TK had found Cricket, but didn’t let it be known and locked the dryer lid with her in it. It took a while but Katherine had heard the yells from her youngest daughter and got her out.
Even as the siblings got older, the pranks didn’t stop. TK would intentionally do things to hurt his sisters, mostly Cricket though. Cricket still blames him for her broken collar bone, even if he technically didn’t do it.
The only time he ever cared about his sisters was when one was seriously hurt, like when Bay would break her finger(s) or when Cricket got a fish hook caught in her ear. (We still don’t know the actual physics of how that happened).
TK slowed down the pestering when he had met Chloe while at college. He’d still do pranks, but not as much and definitely not when Chloe was looking. TK was goofy and sweet to his girlfriend, which was a side of him his family hadn’t seen for years.
Travis Kameron is known for being a fighter, he’s always ready to throw hands when trouble starts, he might not act like it but he is protective of his sisters. When Leonard hurt his sister at prom, Knuckles went to his place and gave him a black eye, which they both knew he deserved. TK also gave Leo and Rick a talk about taking care of his sisters before they left to live with them in San Diego.
TK and Leo had always gotten along well, he just didn’t care much for Leo’s affection on Cricket. The guy was always with her, touching or leaning against her. TK didn’t like that, he knew that Leo would just break her heart as they grew older, but wanted Cricket to make her own choices. TK also had a little problem with Rick.
He knew that that man was nothing but a heartbreaker, and didn’t want him anywhere near Duckie. Obviously, both of his sisters still fell for those two idiots even after threatening the guys of what would happen if they hurt his little sisters.
TK is more than ready to be married to Chloe, he’s known she’s his one and only for years, but didn’t want to rush into a wedding before they were ready. He’s already gotten a house for them a few miles away from the Pruitt ranch, in both of their names, for when they start a family.
It was weird seeing TK so in love, his family not seeing him act that way ever. They knew that the young couple would last and get married when it was time.
So it wasn’t a big surprise when after Chloe got her nursing degree that it was only a matter of time before TK would propose. It was two weeks after her graduation that he finally popped the big question to her, and she said yes!
Ever since that day, it’s been planning, work, and helping around the ranch. They had already gotten a church and priest for the wedding, flowers on order, and decor in boxes ready to be set up. The only thing missing is the dress.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Chloe
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Chloe Grace McKinley was the youngest of four and the only girl. Her parents, Frederick and Samantha, wanted a big family, but they thought that one of her previous pregnancies would bring a girl into their already chaotic lives.
So when her first four pregnancies didn’t give them a girl, they kept trying until they had one. Fred and Sam were lucky that the fifth pregnancy lead to a beautiful daughter.
Chloe was the youngest and the only girl, meaning that she was somewhat spoiled, but never let that go to her head. She always said thank you after every gift, and showed how grateful she was for them too.
Chloe didn’t get along very well with her eldest two brothers, Hunter & Brooks, but the youngest brother, Mason, she did. Chloe also had a great relationship with her dad, he’d do anything with her that his sons did with him. That being said, Chloe loves to play football and fish.
When it was her junior year of high school, Chloe’s dad had gotten really sick and past away due to late stage lung cancer. It brought her and her family closer together.
After her father had died, Chloe didn’t want to have others go through the pain she did when she lost her father, so she decided to go into nursing school.
It took her a while, but after she graduated, she took a job with the city’s hospital and six years later, Duckie joined her. Chloe and Duckie had a blast at work, always laughing or working cases together.
When they lose a patient, they always comfort each other too, which is very nice because they don’t have to explain the case and why they’re sad.
Chloe was super excited for TK and her wedding. Everything was already picked out and tucked away or on their way to the small ranch house the couple had bought. The only element missing was her dress, which she’d need soon.
The only thing that they were waiting on, was Chloe and Duckie’s schedule. Working at a hospital is crazy, if a new case comes in, you might have to stay over to next shift before you can go home. This really gets in the way of wedding planning.
When Chloe had officially met Leonard the first day he had came home, after hearing stories about him from the Pruitt family over the years she has been dating TK. Chloe could see that he really cared for both of the Pruitt sisters, but loved Cricket more than anything.
It was sweet to hear the admiration he held for her, but it was so frustrating that they were literally idiots! How could they not see the love and looks they shared with one another! It was no surprise that the Wolfe and Pruitt women had tried for years to get Leo and Cricket together. All of the women were ecstatic when they finally did go on that one date!
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Forever 🏷️ list: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet TK Pruitt & Chloe McKinley
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TK Pruitt & Chloe McKinley met when they started college and lived in a co-ed building. TK went for engineering and Chloe for nursing. It’s strange and we still have no idea how those two majors ended up being in the same building.
Anyway, TK took the wrong turn to his class and ended up running into Chloe. They said their ‘sorries’ and then went on their ways. The next time they meet, it was at lunch. Chloe was in line, getting ready to get a tray, when TK came in and walked straight into the line, cutting her in line. She told him off, they laughed and talked afterwards. They ended up being friends and hanging out together before and after class.
After two semesters of college, TK dropped out, but would still make the drive to see Chloe during the weekend. They ended up getting together later that year. When Chloe and TK talked about the future, TK just knew she was it for him. A couple of years later He gave her a promise ring and told her once she’s down and out of school, he’d marry her. They were prefect together. TK, being the ever-loving country kid he is, loved fishing and getting dirty as a boy does, and as it turns out, so did she. Chloe had a girly side, but did enjoy the occasional getting dirty on the country side.
TK, is as his family would describe him, ‘the dumbest smart person you know’ He was super smart and a quick learner, but he would make just stupid ass decisions. TK is a serious person, but will let loose when needed. He didn’t like to show his love, unless it was to Chloe. He also didn’t have the greatest relationship with his younger sisters, Baylie & Amanda.
In his childhood, TK did a lot of activities. He played baseball, football, basketball, showed hogs, hunted, fished. You’d think the boy would be tired of doing all of these plus ranch work, but never was. He also was out a lot with friends in cornfields or basements having a party. He changed a lot when Chloe bumped into him.
Chloe had a little bit different childhood from her fiancé. She had three older brothers who were always fighting with each other and playing pranks, so she understood the hardships of Duck & Cricket faced with their brother. All three girls are best friends and hang out all of the time when TK isn’t attached to her hip. She also did a lot of things a father would do with his sons, hunting & fishing, to name a few. Chloe had a bad relationship with her mother, so she was closer to her dad.
When Chloe’s dad got sick when she was a teen and watched him lay in bed wilting away, she decided to become a nurse. So that she can help others who went through what she did. When Chloe went to college for nursing, she was determined to get it done and start her career. It was like fate when she ran into TK in the hall. She couldn’t be more in love than when she met TK.
TK and Chloe live at the ranch as of right now until he can save up for their own farm house. She works at the local hospital, while TK works at a warehouse. When they’re not too tired from work, they also help on the ranch. Chloe would love nothing more than to join the always interesting and lively Pruitt family.
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Forever 🏷️list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
🐰 Quittin’ Time: whiskey and wildflowers for your celly my love!! a huge congratulations again!! 🥹 <33
Hi Sebby! 💛💛 Thank you so much!
Here’s a lil peak for Whiskey Bottles & Wildflowers:
“You could say that I’m a grade ‘A’ dumbass with a major in kickassery. I’d show you my diploma, but I just don’t want to.”
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callmemana · 2 years
Cricket: just tell me what happened.
Leo: {before joining up} okay, but you have to promise not to get mad
Cricket: what. happened.
Leo: I was just minding my own business-
Cricket: *slamming her fist on the table* BULLSHIT
Leo: I WAS
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Leo: so what’s your type?
Cricket: kind, blonde, dumb, good sense of humor
Leo: that sounds kind of like me. too bad I’m your best friend.
Cricket: … did I mention dumb?
Leo: yeah
Cricket: okay just making sure
Duckie: *overhearing this conversation and face palms*
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Cricket: wanna play a game
Duckie: sure
Cricket: it’s called ‘cricket or skip’. I tell you things leo has said recently. you guess if he was speaking to me or our dog.
Duckie: that shouldn’t be that hard-
Cricket: quote number one: ‘I would die for you’
Duckie: … I stand corrected
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{in San Diego}
Cricket: back in high school, I always wanted to kiss you.
Leo: why didn’t you?
Cricket: I couldn’t reach your face.
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Rick: *to leo* I dare you-
Cricket: Leo’s not allowed to accept dares
Rick: …why not
Leo: *head bowed* I have no regard for my own personal safety
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Leo: I just need to hear those three little words
Cricket: I love you
Leo: try again
Cricket: *grumbling* I will behave
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Leo: shut up everyone, Cricket’s calling to check in!!!
Goose: come back to bed, baby!!
Rick: *various sex noises*
Slider: where’s the vodka?!
Dragon: Put your PANTS BACK ON!
Dragon: *screams*
Whiskey: who hid my weed?!!!
Mav: strip poker baby!!!!!
Leo: I love you Angel!
Cricket: you’re an idiot.
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Leo: love isn’t real.
Duckie: you’re literally making a card so you can confess your undying love to Cricket.
Leo: *threatening her with a glue gun* you’re on thin fuckin’ ice.
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Duckie: can I be frank with guys?
Daisy: sure but I don’t see how changing your name is going to help.
Cricket: can I still be Cricket?
Daisy: shh let Frank speak.
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Leo: I sleep with a gun under my pillow
Ron: I sleep with a knife
Rick: you’re both pathetic
Ice: oh yeah? what do you sleep with?
Rick: Duckie
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Dragon’s Angels📻: @gracespicybradshaw @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @bayisdying @breadsquash
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callmemana · 1 year
The Marked Ones MList:
*Coming 20-*
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Summary: some escaped over the years, some didn’t make it through the first procedure, some are still hiding in the shadows hoping to not get caught.
Those who are caught can be seen with a number on their arms and treated like trash.
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Meet the Characters:
Alana Metcalf|Bradley Bradshaw
Amanda Pruitt|LTJG. Leonard Wolfe
Baylie Pruitt|LT. Richard Neven
Cmdr. Jade Kerner|Cpt. Ronald Kerner
Cmdr. Rachael Kazansky|ADM. Thomas Kazansky
Grace Lowe|Cpt. Pete Mitchell
Josephine Harlan|LTJG. Marcus Williams
Cpt. Grace Bradshaw|Cpt. Nicholas Bradshaw
Rebecca Rogers|LT. Charles Piper
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Dragon’s Angels📻: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @gracespicybradshaw @bayisdying @starlit-epiphany
Birdie’s Basket: @mrsjaderogers
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