#amanda ‘cricket’ pruitt oc
callmemana · 2 years
For You, I’d Do Anything
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Summary: On her way home from the base after a hard day in the air, Dragon gets into a car crash that leads her to be rushed to the local hospital with a persistent head wound and many more injuries, Tom races against everything to make sure he can be there for her through this life-changing disaster. When Tom calms down enough, he makes a call to the couples’ best friends and found family, the Kerner’s.
Thomas ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x Rachael ‘Dragon’ Kazansky {OC} ( @dragon-kazansky )
Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner x Jade ‘Whiskey’ Kerner {OC} ( @mrsjaderogers )
Rick ‘Hollywood’ Neven x Baylie ‘Duckie’ Pruitt {OC} ( @bayisdying )
Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe x Amanda ‘Cricket’ Pruitt {OC}
📫(This is a one shot from Whiskey Bottles & Wildflowers series and Duckie & Cricket are mentioned once for a brief moment)📫
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A/N📋: dividers by @firefly-graphics , cover by me ( @callmemana ).
A/N📋: make sure to checkout these amazing & talented women! They write fantastic Top Gun/ Top Gun Maverick fanfics! Check out this fic from @bayisdying on who’s Bradley’s fav 1896 pilot! Also Goose LIVES bc I want him too, so suck it.
🚨warning: inaccurate medical terms/jargon, blood, and seizing. (I got my info from Grey’s Anatomy so I’m sorry if it’s incorrect! Season 1 ep. 1 if your curious) and Navy inaccuracy!
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When Tom got the initial call from the San Diego Hospital, he panicked. Had something happened to Rachael? Was she hurt? How hurt? His voice wavered as he pressed the green button, “Hell…Hello?” “Hello, is this Thomas Kazansky?”
“This is he. May I ask what this is about?” “I am very sorry to have to tell you this, Mr. Kazansky, but your wife has been in an accident. If you could please come to the hospital as soon as possible that’d be great.” “Of…of course. I’ll be there soon!”
Tom had at least broken ten traffic violations as he drove as fast as he could to the hospital. Once there, he tapped on the front desk, impatient and nervous about what is exactly Rachael’s condition. The nurse smiled, knowing he was scared, “Hello Sir, how can I help you today?”
“Um… ah… my wife, she was in a car accident earlier tonight and I’m here to see h…her.” “And the patient’s name?” “Rachael Kazansky.” He blurted, worry in his voice. “Ah, yes. She’s in room 81422. If she’s not in there, she’s either getting an X-ray or scan done, but your more than welcome to wait in the room while she’s gone.” “Thank you,” Tom uttered under his breath as he ran passed the desk and to the elevators.
In…out…in…out. Tom had so many visions of how badly she’d been hurt, but shook his head, he couldn’t think about that anymore. He clumsily reached for his phone in his pocket, found his number and pressed the call button. It only ran twice before he heard the other man’s voice on the other line, “Hey Ice! What’s up man? You never call this late?”
Tom tried to keep the tremble out of his voice, “It’s…it’s Rachael, Ron. She was in a car accident and she’s in the hospital. Your like family to us, so…” “WHAT? We’re on our way now, you know we’ll always be here for you Tom,” before the line dropped, he could hear Ron tell Jade the news.
He spun the phone in his hand and tightened his grip, taking his frustration out on it. How could he not be there for her? He knew it was impossible for this to be his fault, but put the blame on himself anyway.
Tom sat in the waiting room, head in hands as Ron & Jade rushed through the doors, startling the other occupants. “Where is she? Have you seen her yet? Did they have to take her to surgery?” Tom opened his arms, knowing that Jade would want to hug him. “I know her room number, I just can’t make myself walk in and see her all bruised and beaten.”
Jade smacked the back of Tom’s bleached blond head, “Grow a pair! She’s in there scared to death, waiting for her husband to calm her down and comfort her! Tom, I say this with love. You know I do, but seriously, go be with your wife!” Tom nodded, a little ashamed about his behavior. This isn’t about him, it’s about Rachael, his amazingly strong and confident wife.
He knocked softly on the open door, trying not to startle Rachael as she slept. “Hey Baby, how are you feeling?” Rachael gave a half-asses loopy smile, “I feel like I was hit by a bus.” “Plea…please don’t joke about that. You had me so afraid and nervous when I got the call about you being in a car crash.”
“Tom, babe, I’m fine. The only thing that’s badly hurt is my car. I just got some scraps and bruises, a broken leg, and maybe a concussion. That’s still waiting to be analyzed sense they carted me straight to the X-ray for the leg.” “I’m just glad your ok. I called Ron & Jade too, they’re in the waiting room. Want me to send them in?”
Rachael made grabby hands at her husband, wanting a hug and to be close as possible. “When the truck hit me, I swear I saw my life flash across my eyes. It happened so fast, I was so scared that I’d never see you again.” She whimpered.
“Shh, you’re ok. I’ll always be there for you Rach. I have no choice, remember our vows?” Rachael sniffled a little before a small laugh escaped her, “For better or for worst, through sickness or through health. I’ll always be by your side.”
“Exactly. Do you wanna see Ron & Jade yet?” “Yeah, Jade’s probably throwing a tantrum about not seeing me right now.” “She’s an adult, she wouldn’t.” “If she’s not able to see her chaotic best friend that’s hurt and in the hospital, she would and we both know it.” “Yeah, ok. I’ll go get them. I’ll be right back gorgeous.” He missed her forehead tenderly, before leaving the room.
As Tom entered the waiting room, he saw Ron & Jade holding hands and talking in quiet voices. “Hey, she’s ok. A little busted up, but she’s alive. Rach wants to see you both.” Jade pushed both men out of the way and b-lined it to Rachael’s room.
“Oh my god Rach! You’re ok! I was so worried for you! Tom, that shithead, didn’t tell us anything but that you were in a car accident!” Jade started to cry at the thought of her best friend, the other half of the chaos crew, was hurt. “Oh Jade, don’t cry! I’m ok, really!” “I know, I know! It’s just hard to hear!”
The two women hugged, attached to each other like glue as the men waited right outside the door. “You know that Jade and I are here for you guys right?” “Yea, of course. Rachael and I would be there for you guys too. We’re a family, Ron, thats what they do.”
“Have you called the others? The rest of the squadron would want to know, they care about you guys too.” Tom nodded, “I will tomorrow morning. It’s too late, they need to sleep, I also don’t want to overwhelm Rach with more visitors.”
“Understandable. They can be a lot.” A noise from one of the machines Rachael was connected to grabbed the attention of the nurses nearby, making them rush over.
Jade’s voice sounded above the yelling and beeping, “Help! Please help! I…I don’t know what’s happening!” “Ma’am, please, step aside so we can help her!” That grabbed the men’s attention at the scream of Jade and booked it to the room.
Nurses and doctors crowded the small space and pushed Tom, and their friends out, before the nurses helped the doctors. “Eyes not responding, push 10 milligrams of Diazepam I.M. And get her tested, order a MRI too!” “Anything specific?” “No, all of the test, now!” “Yes sir!” “Right away!”
They wheeled her away to another floor, her friends huddled together and tears running down their faces. Jade grabbed Tom’s hand and squeezed before being pulled back into Ron’s arms. “She’ll be alright, she has to be. She was smiling and talking be…before she started seizing,” muttered Jade.
It’s hours later before the scans and test come back, the doctor on her case comes over to them, “It seems as if she’s got an acute brain bleed. She’ll need surgery, and a few weeks of rest afterwards. I’ll see you after.” The doctor bid goodbye and walked off to what they assumed the operating floor to scrub in.
It’s even more time spent in the waiting room, eating cheap vending machine snacks, horribly burnt coffee from the cafeteria, and tears burning their eyes.
Tom and the couple had to call into base and let them know what had happened to Rachael and they had a family emergency and needed a few days off, which the Commanding Officer easily granted.
As the night slowly turned into daytime, Ron made calls to the squadron members to let them know about Rachael’s condition and comforted his wife and best friend. It was hard on all of them, they all formed a tight bond over the weeks of Top Gun.
Once Rachael was put in an Post-Operation room on another floor, and the anesthesia wore off, the others were able to see her. Tom sat on a nearby chair, which he drug up to the side of her bed so he could hold her hand.
Ron stayed back, and rested on the farthest wall, Jade sat on the other side of her best friend’s bed in another very uncomfortable seat she found in the hall that she carried in.
Tom felt a squeeze to his hand, he lifted up his head and saw Rachael’s dazed eyes looking around, “What the hell? Why do you have sad faces, I told you I was fine.” “Rach! Oh my god, baby! I was so worried!” Tom shouted as he kissed her hand and then her forehead softly.
Jade gingerly hugged Rachael as tight as she dared, careful not to hurt her best friend more. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to wipe them away before Rachael could see. No such luck, “Jade, I said I was fine. See! No worst for wear!”
“You just had surgery! You can’t say that!” “I would have never guessed that I was just out of surgery. I couldn’t tell by my headache, or new room.” “Please don’t use sarcasm in a time like this.” “Sarcasm is how I cope. I’m in pain and it brings me serotonin.”
Soft laughter could be heard from around the group, it would be Dragon who can make them laugh in a time like this. “So, I’m guessing that the others know too and plan on visiting soon?”
Tom missed her hand again before starting, “Yeah, round six or seven. Goose said that Bradley wants to see his favorite pilot.” “Aw, and I wanna see my lil man too! I miss him, I have seen him in so long!”
“Two days isn’t that long.” “To you maybe, but for me? It’s an eternity,” Rachael pouted. The men rolled their eyes lovingly as Jade laughed.
Six-thirty on the dot, there was a small knock on the door before a blonde woman holding a small human came in, “Auntie Dragon!” Yelled the boy as Carole looked sheepish, “Sorry, he heard this morning that Rachael was hurt and couldn’t stop begging to see you. Goose wanted to wait until later for us to visit so you could recuperate.”
“Oh it’s fine! I’m always happy to see my favorite future pilot!” Bradley was let down from his mother’s arms before running as fast as his four-year-old legs would let him to his Uncle Ice, who picked him up and sat him down on Dragon’s bed as she scooted over to make room.
“I’m glad to hear that your ok, you had us all worried when Tom called earlier and said you needed brain surgery.” “I’d say, nothing got done in the air today, all worried sick about your health. Mav was so outta his head, he almost took a nose dive more than once!” Announced Goose as he entered the room, backed by most of the squad.
“Oh, so he’s more dangerous than usual when people he cares about is hurt?” “I am dangerous, Ice.” Smirked Mav as the others laughed at the memory. “Yeah, yeah.” “How’s the best of the best doin?” “Pretty good, I got my lil buddy to help keep my mind off of the pain.” “When do you come back?”
“Um, I’m not sure. I didn’t even know I had brain surgery until afterwards.” “Nice shaved head, by the way.” Smiled Hollywood, with his arm wrapped around Duckie, his girlfriend. “Thanks, I think it looks badass.” “It definitely does,” stated Cricket, Leonard’s girlfriend and Duckie’s sister.
“Hi girlies! I haven’t seen you in a hot minute! Hugs are in order!” Said Rachael as she leaned up and waited with open arms as the two midwestern sisters made their way to the bed.
The girls smiled and gently hugged her back. “Before you take our girls away, can we get hugs too?” Dragon pretended to think before smirking and opening her arms again. Each of the men took turns getting a tight and loving hug from Rachael.
The others stayed and socialized until it was lights out for the floor and said their goodbyes before leaving. Unfortunately, this included Ron and Jade too. It started out as one of the worst days of Tom’s life, but it ended better than he expected.
“When we get home, could you stop by Wendy’s? I am craving fast food after being forced to eat this disgusting hospital food.” Tom laughed, loud and hard, before kissing the crown of her head, “For you, I’d do anything love.”
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz @sweetlittlegingy
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Duckie & Cricket
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The Pruitt sisters, Baylie ‘Duckie’ Pruitt ( @bayisdying ) & Amanda ‘Cricket’ Pruitt are known to be chaotic and always together.
Duckie and Cricket are close for many reasons. One being that their older brother,TK, would antagonize the girls with pranks and other things. The second reason being that they’re what some would call ‘Irish Twins,’ which means that the girls were born in the same year, just some months apart! They’ve been there for each other for everything! Broken hearts, crushes, fights. You name it, they’ve most likely gone through it.
Duck & Cricket are also complete opposites in looks. Duckie has light brown hair with copper tones and grey-green eyes, and has the attitude and manners of their mother. A perfect mix of Beau & Katherine. Cricket, has strawberry blonde hair and dark blue eyes, looking more like Katherine, but has the attitude and mannerism of her father.
Duckie & Cricket are known for finding trouble in the most simplest of tasks around the ranch. Their parents, Beau & Katherine, constantly had to have eyes on the girls or they’d be running off, doing something they weren’t supposed to do. It’s still talked about on the ranch how Beau turned his head for half a second when the girls were two or three and they ended up on the auger and rode it all of the way up to the hayloft !
Both girls also did 4-H and played sports since a young age. Cricket played softball and showed hogs, rabbits, and did photography. Duckie played volleyball and also showed hogs & rabbits. When it was the girls’ first year of showing pigs, and TK’s third year, they found out that if your quick enough, you can jump on the hog’s back and ride them like a horse! Of course the trouble twins took this information and ran with it. Beau swears it was every other day that he caught those two giggling while on the pig’s back racing around the pasture.
Now, you’re probably wondering about the nicknames. Duckie, when not getting in trouble, used to follow Katherine around the ranch like a little duckling! Cricket on the other hand, she’s just plain lucky! Growing up if there was a contest or raffle, her older siblings refused to enter because Cricket just had dumb luck! Cricket would also test her luck daily! Katherine nor Beau could count how many times a baby Cricket would walk behind or under the belly of a horse without letting them know where she was and not get kicked!
Personality wise, Cricket, as mentioned before has her Dad’s attitude and mannerisms. What that entails, is that she’s friendly, generous, hard worker, stubborn as a mule, has little to no patience, a quick temper, a good sense of humor, and almost never takes anything seriously. She doesn’t like to be told she can’t do something and likes to prove the other person wrong. She loves adventure and having a good laugh with friends and family.
Duckie is sweet, generous, friendly, hard worker, wears her heart of her sleeve, serious when needed, lots of patience, and a great sense of humor. Duckie likes to have fun and get into all sorts of mischief with her sister. She also loves with her whole heart and shows it whenever she can, she exhibits confidence and likes to spread it onto others and encourages them. She believes that she’s like the county’s love doctor because she can see a future couple and bring them together and mend any relationship problems.
Even though these two sisters are close and best friends, they have very different taste. As the story goes on, there’s more than one love story going on.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Busch & Jack:
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The first couple of years that Beau and Katherine was married, they were just starting to think about children. To practice for a baby, they decided to get a little Golden Retriever.
It took a few days after they brought him home for the puppy to get a name, Busch. Beau & Katherine still laugh about how he got his name.
Then, seeing that Busch was lonely and needed a friend, they got another one and named him Jack. The dogs helped keep each other company and helped herd the cows when the newly wed couple needed it.
As the couple celebrated their second anniversary, the topic of children came up again, and they started trying. When Katherine was in the early stages of pregnancy, it was actually the dogs that gave her the idea that she might be.
Busch and Jack would follow her around and protect her everyday. At first, Katherine thought that maybe the dogs were sick, then after weeks of the behavior, it finally clicked.
Dogs can smell things that people can’t, maybe they can tell if the hormones in her body changed. So, Katherine took a pregnancy test and when it came back positive, she hugged the dogs and all three ran to tell Beau the good news!
When they took the newborn TK home for the first time, the dogs raced to see their owners and tiny human. Beau gently set the carrier on the floor and whispered an ‘easy’ to the dogs before they came up and sniffed the baby.
Busch and Jack smelled the new addition to the family before Beau called them away and fed them. It was the start of an amazing friendship that would be continued as Baylie and a couple months later Amanda were born.
Busch & Jack were there for all of the big moments in their owners’ life. Busch was the one to get TK to walk for the first time, and later helped Baylie and Amanda.
Jack was an accomplice in one of TK’s first pranks on his sisters. Baylie’s first word was ‘Bus’ after he had taken her cheese stick. When Amanda rolled over the first time, it was because Jack had heard the command.
As the children grew into teenagers and experienced first days of junior high, high school, getting bullied, and heart break, Busch and Jack were there again for snuggles and kisses (for the girls), and rough housing and playing catch (for TK).
Busch and Jack were especially there for Amanda when Leo hurt her all those time when they were young. It broke her parents’ heart having to hear all of those things that their daughter said to the dogs. Duckie would join in on the snuggling and conversation too, but most of the time it was just the three of them.
Baylie would have the dogs join her when she did her chores around the land or when she rode her horse, Moon, on the trail. As the years went by and new people came into their lives, Busch and Jack became her confidants in her confusing feelings about Leo’s fellow aviator and pilot.
Baylie really struggled with what to do with the attraction she had for him, but in the end, it was those cute puppy-dog eyes from Jack that Baylie finally just said ‘fuck it’ and took the initiative and kissed Pretty Boy. Afterwards, when the shock wore off, she ran home and told Jack all about it!
TK & Chloe both agreed that both dogs would be in the wedding. Busch as the ring bearer, and Jack as the ‘Best Dog’, which took a lot of convincing to Chloe when it first came to light. Those same puppy-dog eyes worked on TK when he and Chloe had their first big fight.
TK had just stormed into the house and to him room. Jack, sensing his mood, followed behind closely, and laid in front of TK’s bedroom door until TK had enough of the whining and let him in, Busch not too far behind for the cuddles he would receive.
Like his sisters, TK told the dogs his problems and his feelings on them and the dogs listened to him. Once Jack answered TK’s “What should I do Jack? I love her,” with his own, “tell her you’re sorry idiot!”
So, TK shot out of bed and ran to the store to get Chloe’s favorite flowers and candies. When TK came home later, he thanked Busch & Jack with treats and pets.
When Leo came back to his home with his friend, Busch & Jack stayed by the Girl’s all the time, protecting them. Busch & Jack knew that the yellow haired boy human had hurt the yellow haired girl human that the dogs lived with.
He also knew that the boy, new one with brunet hair, was bad news for the brunette girl, he also lived with. The dogs teamed up and made sure that the two groups never were alone, which became hard when the other humans started to meddle in their plans.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Rebecca ‘Chatterbox’ Wolfe
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As the baby of the Wolfe family, Rebecca pretty much got away with anything. After Daisy was born, Ruth was told that she couldn’t have anymore kids, and as the couple tried for two years were blessed with twins. Unfortunately, she lost one and a couple of weeks later, lost the other.
It saddened John and Ruth to think that it just wasn’t in the books to have another child. A year later, after excepting the fact that they had two beautiful children and wouldn’t be blessed with another, a miracle happened, a rainbow baby.
Ruth was put on bed rest the whole pregnancy and John nor the kids would let her do anything to chance a miscarriage again. So when Ruth went into labor they were worried something would go wrong.
Rebecca Joslyn Wolfe was a perfect in her parents’ eyes. She was the pride and joy to her family, and from the time she could talk, no one could get her to stop, giving herself the nickname Chatterbox, or Chatter. In school, she was a little social butterfly.
All her teacher’s comments were, ‘Needs to talk less during lessons.’ Or something in that manner. When High School came along, her socializing benefited her. Chatter was in the ‘popular kids’ clique, and a cheerleader too. Chatter was also a good student, straight ‘A’s’ on almost every report card. Like Daisy, Chatter was smart, and had been accepted to many great schools.
As college classes started, Chatter didn’t know what she wanted to major in, unlike Daisy when she graduated. It took a couple of years to really find something that she liked, and so she picked Early Childhood Education.
Chatter was in constant communication with Leo. Every week a new letter, telling him about her days and other things she wanted him to know, five pages worth sometimes. Whenever Leo could write back, he did with fewer pages. She understood though, he was busy being a solider and had other family members and friends to write to too.
When the secret ended up being unveiled, that Beau and Katherine had held the letters from their daughters, Chatter wanted to finally get those two idiots together, she saw that after Cricket had forgiven Leo, it was like time hadn’t passed, they acted like high schoolers again. Daisy, Chloe, Duckie, and her had a few tricks up their sleeve, but after many failed attempts, called in the big guns; Ruth & Katherine.
The Mama Bears took charge and with the help of the others, had a success. Kind of. They confessed that they loved each other, but Leo couldn’t put her in the position of having to pick him or her family. She knew from having family members from the past in the Navy, that it’s hard to have a relationship when you’re so far apart.
John and Ruth had been through this problem and they got married at nineteen, it should be easier at twenty-three and twenty-four. Issues occurred and the aviators left earlier than needed, everyone was worried about what happens next for the young couple.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet TK Pruitt & Chloe McKinley
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TK Pruitt & Chloe McKinley met when they started college and lived in a co-ed building. TK went for engineering and Chloe for nursing. It’s strange and we still have no idea how those two majors ended up being in the same building.
Anyway, TK took the wrong turn to his class and ended up running into Chloe. They said their ‘sorries’ and then went on their ways. The next time they meet, it was at lunch. Chloe was in line, getting ready to get a tray, when TK came in and walked straight into the line, cutting her in line. She told him off, they laughed and talked afterwards. They ended up being friends and hanging out together before and after class.
After two semesters of college, TK dropped out, but would still make the drive to see Chloe during the weekend. They ended up getting together later that year. When Chloe and TK talked about the future, TK just knew she was it for him. A couple of years later He gave her a promise ring and told her once she’s down and out of school, he’d marry her. They were prefect together. TK, being the ever-loving country kid he is, loved fishing and getting dirty as a boy does, and as it turns out, so did she. Chloe had a girly side, but did enjoy the occasional getting dirty on the country side.
TK, is as his family would describe him, ‘the dumbest smart person you know’ He was super smart and a quick learner, but he would make just stupid ass decisions. TK is a serious person, but will let loose when needed. He didn’t like to show his love, unless it was to Chloe. He also didn’t have the greatest relationship with his younger sisters, Baylie & Amanda.
In his childhood, TK did a lot of activities. He played baseball, football, basketball, showed hogs, hunted, fished. You’d think the boy would be tired of doing all of these plus ranch work, but never was. He also was out a lot with friends in cornfields or basements having a party. He changed a lot when Chloe bumped into him.
Chloe had a little bit different childhood from her fiancé. She had three older brothers who were always fighting with each other and playing pranks, so she understood the hardships of Duck & Cricket faced with their brother. All three girls are best friends and hang out all of the time when TK isn’t attached to her hip. She also did a lot of things a father would do with his sons, hunting & fishing, to name a few. Chloe had a bad relationship with her mother, so she was closer to her dad.
When Chloe’s dad got sick when she was a teen and watched him lay in bed wilting away, she decided to become a nurse. So that she can help others who went through what she did. When Chloe went to college for nursing, she was determined to get it done and start her career. It was like fate when she ran into TK in the hall. She couldn’t be more in love than when she met TK.
TK and Chloe live at the ranch as of right now until he can save up for their own farm house. She works at the local hospital, while TK works at a warehouse. When they’re not too tired from work, they also help on the ranch. Chloe would love nothing more than to join the always interesting and lively Pruitt family.
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Forever 🏷️list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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callmemana · 2 years
Cricket: just tell me what happened.
Leo: {before joining up} okay, but you have to promise not to get mad
Cricket: what. happened.
Leo: I was just minding my own business-
Cricket: *slamming her fist on the table* BULLSHIT
Leo: I WAS
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Leo: so what’s your type?
Cricket: kind, blonde, dumb, good sense of humor
Leo: that sounds kind of like me. too bad I’m your best friend.
Cricket: … did I mention dumb?
Leo: yeah
Cricket: okay just making sure
Duckie: *overhearing this conversation and face palms*
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Cricket: wanna play a game
Duckie: sure
Cricket: it’s called ‘cricket or skip’. I tell you things leo has said recently. you guess if he was speaking to me or our dog.
Duckie: that shouldn’t be that hard-
Cricket: quote number one: ‘I would die for you’
Duckie: … I stand corrected
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{in San Diego}
Cricket: back in high school, I always wanted to kiss you.
Leo: why didn’t you?
Cricket: I couldn’t reach your face.
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Rick: *to leo* I dare you-
Cricket: Leo’s not allowed to accept dares
Rick: …why not
Leo: *head bowed* I have no regard for my own personal safety
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Leo: I just need to hear those three little words
Cricket: I love you
Leo: try again
Cricket: *grumbling* I will behave
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Leo: shut up everyone, Cricket’s calling to check in!!!
Goose: come back to bed, baby!!
Rick: *various sex noises*
Slider: where’s the vodka?!
Dragon: Put your PANTS BACK ON!
Dragon: *screams*
Whiskey: who hid my weed?!!!
Mav: strip poker baby!!!!!
Leo: I love you Angel!
Cricket: you’re an idiot.
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Leo: love isn’t real.
Duckie: you’re literally making a card so you can confess your undying love to Cricket.
Leo: *threatening her with a glue gun* you’re on thin fuckin’ ice.
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Duckie: can I be frank with guys?
Daisy: sure but I don’t see how changing your name is going to help.
Cricket: can I still be Cricket?
Daisy: shh let Frank speak.
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Leo: I sleep with a gun under my pillow
Ron: I sleep with a knife
Rick: you’re both pathetic
Ice: oh yeah? what do you sleep with?
Rick: Duckie
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Dragon’s Angels📻: @gracespicybradshaw @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @bayisdying @breadsquash
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #25
[At a mission brief]
Leo: hey, I’ve got an idea-
Viper: no.
The Aviators:
Viper: oh, sorry, it’s a natural reaction. Please carry on LTJG. Wolfe.
Leo: so first we get some fuel in our jets-
Viper: Absolutely fucking not. Demerit. 
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Crick: *bursting into the room and slams door shut clearly panicked*
Duckie: oh god what did you do?!
Crick: nobody died!
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Tee: I have a question.
Duckie: yeah?
Tee: can a person breathe in a washing machine while it’s on?
Tee: obviously this is all hypothetical-
Duckie: WHERE is Cricket?
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Leo: books are for nerds.
Duckie: *smacks Leo on the head with a book*
Leo: *sobs loudly* I LOOK LIKE TEE!!
Tee: HEY!
Leo: *sobs in corner*
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Crick: *tries to slap Leo’s ass as he walks past by*
Crick: *misses, trips and falls*
Leo: *tries to catch Crick but overbalances*
Leo: *tries to hold a chair for support*
Chair: *breaks*
Leo: *falls on top of Crick*
Duckie: *watching* it’s like watching two animals do an out-of-sync and very destructive mating dance.
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Pregnant Chloe: you think we have enough responsibility to bring a child into this bunch of people and raise it?
Tee: Chloe, your problem is, is that you still see us as those idiots we were at school, when we were young, stupid and mostly high. But look at us now!
Duckie: Leo’s hair is shorter.
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Teacher: Mr. Wolfe, Ms Pruitts, I know it seems worthless to even ask but, Did you spike the Snowball Dance punch?
Duckie: something goes wrong, you blame us…
Cricket: after all these years, where’s the trust?
The Trio: yes, we did.
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Crick: Duckie. Prince Charming loves you.
Duckie: yeah, I’ve heard.
Crick: so will you go out with him?
Duckie: of course not.
Duckie: I’m not sorry.
Crick: you don’t understand what you’re doing!
Duckie: I’m saying no to going out with the most arrogant guy in town.
Crick: no, he’s holding my chocolates hostage until I get you to agree to date him. Duckie PLEASE!!
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Whiskey: well, honestly my favorite chocolate is-
Leo: *puts a hand over her mouth* Whiskey no
[distant rumbling]
Daisy: you can’t just go around saying that word!
Chatter: she didn’t know Daze!
Daisy: but still!
[house shakes]
[Duckie & Tee walks in]
Duckie: ..she said it didn’t she?
Dragon: said what-
[door bursts open]
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Leo: why did Wood search ‘pretty names for a baby girl’ ARE YOU PLANNING TO HAVE A BABY?
Duckie: not that I’m aware of no. Maybe I should ask him?
Duckie: *after a few minutes* no, but he said ‘we’re planning to have a niece’, so maybe you should ask yourself, are you having a baby?
Leo: am I having a baby?
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @starlit-epiphany @tngrace
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #26
Pretty Boy: excuse me, have you ever been arrested?
Duckie: yes.
Pretty Boy: I was gonna say ‘because it’s illegal to be this cute’ but now I’m curious.
Duckie: aggravated assault.
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Beau: did you call your sister dumb tonight?
Duckie: no.
Duckie: i said, ‘are you dumb?’
Duckie: I was asking her.
Beau: do you think that was appropriate?
Duckie: very much so.
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Duckie: *on the phone* and if I don’t get my money, I WILL call your probation officer, BITCH!
Rick: who are you talking to?
Duckie: Tee.
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Leo: I hate it when people scream.
Crick: that’s not what you said to me last night.
Pretty Boy: *opens a window*
Pretty Boy: go and throw yourself out.
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Pretty Boy: you call it a near death experience…
Leo: we call it a vibe check from God.
Ice & Slider: *eye twitches*
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Beau: new rule: no animals in the house.
Crick: wow, you’re really gonna throw Duckie out like that?
Beau: *whacks Crick on the head*
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Duckie: Cricket stop! I promised dad we wouldn’t do anything dangerous!
Cricket: *in a child’s wagon on top of a hill* I can’t believe you would just lie to our father like that.
Duckie: *laughs & hops in the wagon w/ her sister* I’m just kidding, he doesn’t give a fuck what we do now.
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Duckie & Cricket: *after doing something dumb* don’t blame us! It was like 3 am, our brain cells were sleeping!
Tee: what brain cells?
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Pretty Boy: I’m not gonna fight with you!
Duckie: why, because I’m a woman?
Pretty Boy: no, because you’re scary
Duckie: oh, alright.
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Leo: your eyes are so beautiful.
Crick: *putting her glasses on* thank you. They don’t work.
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @tngrace @starlit-epiphany
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 2 years
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery #2
Knuckles: Leo, Rick, would you do me the honor of becoming my brother-in-laws?
Duckie: did you just propose to them for us?
Cricket: what the hell TK?
Knuckles: someone had to do it!
Rick: *whispering to Wolfie* does shit like this happen all the time?
Leo: yea, but mostly it’s Duckie and Cricket doing the stupid shit.
Rick: seems about right.
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Duckie: *walks into the kitchen*
Cricket: *walks in behind duck*
Duckie: good morning dad!
Cricket: good morning dad, how’d you sleep?
Beau: good morning problem children.
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Duckie and Cricket: *walks into the barn with wide smiles*
Beau: why are you two smiling?
Duckie: What? Can’t we just be happy?
Beau: at the ass-crack of dawn? No, I raised you girls, you’re not morning people.
Chloe: *walks in with a smile and an aggravated and muddy TK* Dumbass here tripped into a pile of mud on the way out to the barn.
TK: *glares at his sisters as he wipes the mud off of himself the best he can*
Beau: that makes more sense.
Duckie: what a beautiful morning it is!
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*in church*
Duckie: why are you looking at me like that?
TK: I just don’t wanna miss it when you burst into flames.
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Duckie: when you get to be MY age, you’ll understand.
Cricket, just a few months younger: wow, just wow.
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TK: I invited you to the woods because I crave the most dangerous game.
Leo and Rick: *nodding* Knife Monopoly.
TK: I was actually gonna hunt you for sport but now I’m interested in whatever the fuck Knife Monopoly is.
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Duckie: are you bored?
Cricket: yeah-
Duckie: do you wanna start drama for no reason?
Cricket: thought you’d never ask!
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Rick: how dumb do they think we are?
Leo: sometimes Cricket leaves me pictures of food instead of a shopping list.
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #29
Rick: why do you love me though, Backwoods?
Duckie: you know I married you for your money and military benefits, right?
Cricket: yeah, Duckie and I saw two Naval Pilot idiots in the bar your first day here.
Duckie: we were like, ‘this is convenient.’
Cricket: and the plan worked.
Rick & Leo:
Duck & Crick: *high fives*
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Crick: *dancing while very buzzed*
Duckie: *joins her sister, just as if not more buzzed*
Crick: *laughing w/ her sister as they dance*
Duckie: *shouting over the music* shots??
Crick: *nodded and being lead by Duck to bar*
[the sisters are downing shots at the bar then stumbling back to dance floor and clumsily dancing]
Rick: Wolfie, I’m going to cry.
Leo: me too man, me too.
Rick: … Wolfie, I’m crying.
Leo: *through tears* me too, man, me too.
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Enemy: we have your son.
Crick: I don’t have a son.
Enemy: then who just asked for chocolate milk with a straw and made us cut the crusts off his PB&J?
Crick: oh fuck.
Enemy: what?
Crick: you have my boyfriend!!
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[at Pretty Boy & Duckie’s wedding]
Duckie: where’s Leo & Crick?
Pretty Boy: idk.
Pretty Boy: hang on a moment.
Pretty Boy: *whispering* I wonder if Crick is single.
Pretty Boy: there he is.
Crick: Leo sit the fuck down or after this wedding there’ll be missing posters all over town for your ass!
Pretty Boy: and there’s Cricket.
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[senior year]
Leo: I’m going to fill Mr. Lennox’s classroom with rubber chickens!
Duckie: no, you’re not.
Leo: awww, Duck, come on, you’re no fun!
Cricket: We’re gonna fill the classroom with REAL chickens. And Cows. Maybe some goats, too.
Duckie: this is why I love you.
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Leo: you remind me of the sun.
Crick: why?
Leo: hot.
Duckie: *turning to Rick* you remind me of a garbage can.
Rick: … um why?
Duckie: trash.
Rick: why are we even dating?
Duckie: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Rick: aww that’s kinda sweet!
Duckie: I never said I was the other man.
Leo: that’s the Duckie I remember.
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Leo&Rick&Crick: *comes up with a long and elaborate plan to escape the locked barn*
Rick: I tell you what, we are incredibly smart.
Duckie: *opens the door*
Leo: …how did you do that??
Duckie: it wasn’t locked.
Leo: right.
Duckie: hang on. Three of you in one stall and none of you thought to check the door?
Crick: it should have been locked.
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Leo: you know what part of you I like the best?
Crick: my hair? my eyes? my chaos?
Leo: nope, nope, and nope! It’s your smile!
Crick: but how? Yours is more beautiful!
Leo: do you know where my smile comes from?
Crick: where?
Leo: from seeing yours. So your smile is the prettiest.
Crick: *forgets how to breathe*
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Leo: hey Angel, in the mood to spice things up a bit?
Crick: I can’t eat spicy foods.
Leo: no I meant in the bedroom-
Crick: I can’t eat spicy foods anywhere, Leo.
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Rick: Wolfie, are you ok?
Leo: nooooooooo
Rick: what happened?
Leo: Crick, she- she-
Rick: what did she do?
Leo: she did her chores in a bikini top.
Rick: ..and?
Leo: She did her chores in a BIKINI TOP Wood!
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @tngrace @starlit-epiphany
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #28
Crick: *to a pilot* I’m dating a pilot.
Merlin: oh! Iceman?
Crick: no, but he’s in his squadron.
Merlin: oh! Slider?
Crick: no, it’s-
Merlin: oh-oh! I know! Maverick?
Crick: if you just stop for a second-
Merlin: mmmh. Sundown?
Crick: no, I’m trying to tell you-
Merlin: Chipper?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Goose?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Sprawl?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Stinger?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Jester?
Crick: no.
Merlin: Hollywood?
Crick: ew, no. He’s dating my sister. It’s-
Merlin: *gasps loudly* ME?
Crick: what, no-!
Leo: no idiot, it’s me. *kisses Crick’s cheek*
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Duckie: Penny for your thoughts?
Leo: *offended* my thoughts are worth more than a penny!
Duckie: no, they really aren’t.
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Ice: *sneezes*
Leo: OMG the Iceman is dabbing!
Ice: I’m not, I just have allergies.
Ice: *about to sneeze again*
Leo: ooh he’s gonna do it again. Fuck it up Ice!
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Beau: excuse me? I lost my daughters, Baylie & Amanda. Can I make an announcement?
Store Clerk: of course.
Beau: *leans into mic*
Beau: goodbye, you little shitheads.
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Leo: a theif.
Ice: a thief.
Leo: a theif.
Ice: I before E, except after C.
Leo: thceif.
Ice: no.
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[in the middle of a mission gone bad, pinned down by enemy fire]
Leo: are we dead yet?
Rick: no.
[a few minutes later]
Leo: are we dead yet??
Rick: look, if we die, I promise I’ll let you know!
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Rick: I’m craving something sweet.
Duckie: *gestures to herself*
Rick: I said sweet, not spicy.
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Leo: how come you’ve been so nice lately?
Duckie: what do you mean?
Leo: you’re just nicer than usual.
Duckie: I can punch you if you want.
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Leo: every time I see Cricket, my heart clenches and I get all nervous.
Rick: that’s because you love her.
Crick: every time I see Leo, my heart clenches and I get all nervous.
Duckie: don’t get close to him again, you seem to have an allergic reaction.
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Police: you’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Duckie: wait, what do you mean THREE?
Police: yes…three.
Duckie: oh, my God— what the fuck!?
Police: ma’am?
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @tngrace @starlit-epiphany
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 1 year
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery: #27
Crick: *trips over air*
Leo: haha babe, you’re so clumsy.
[later, when Crick’s not around]
Leo: *punching the air* who do you think you are, who THE FUCK DO YOU THINK-
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Crick: people always tell me I’m going to hell for being Bi, as if I’m not going to hell for all the other shit I’ve done.
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Rick: when was the last time you got laid?
Leo: when was the last time you came home sober?
Rick: touché.
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Crick: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?
Duckie: I don’t think you’re psychologically prepared for this conversation.
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Duckie: my Ma said, ‘If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?’
Duckie: Ma, I was the one with the idea, you birthed a leader, not a follower.
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Teacher: now, what are the three stages of life?
Leo: birth.
Crick: what the fuck is this.
Duckie: death.
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Leo: *whispering to the paramedic before he passes out* save me, but not enough that I have to go to work tomorrow.
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Another pilot from a different squad: so, what’s it like to marry so far out of your league?
Rick: *taking the guy’s drink* it’s amazing, actually. I never thought I could be this happy.
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Leo: what do you do for a living?
Crick: I try my best.
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Birdie’s Basket: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @tngrace @starlit-epiphany
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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callmemana · 2 years
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery #3
Rick: What do you think Duck likes about me the most? I mean, I know it’s my good looks. She wouldn’t call me ‘Pretty boy’ if it wasn’t.
Cricket: Don’t worry, it’s not that. She likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read her diary.
Rick: My hair? That’s only one of my beautiful features to pick from, and not even the best!
Cricket: I said your butt too!
Duckie: You read my diary!?
Cricket: don’t act like you don’t read mine too.
Duckie: I will not confirm nor deny that comment.
*later at home*
Duckie: I hate his stupid hair
Cricket: you legit said that with heart eyes
Duck: fuck off.
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Ice: how many children do you have Mr. Pruitt?
Beau: biologically, legally, or emotionally?
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Goose: what’s it like being married into the Pruitt family?
Rick: imagine working with completely civilized, responsible and mature people.
Goose: ok.
Rick: now throw that idea out the window.
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Leo: *waking up in the hospital on base* where am I?
Duckie: *checking in on her future brother-in-law* heaven.
Leo: oh… didn’t think you’d be here.
Duckie: first off, rude. I could totally be in heaven, it’s Cricket that’s a 50/50 chance of either!
Cricket: yeah, right! It’s 50/50 for both of us!
Leo: *whispering* ain’t that the truth.
Duckie: I am a certified nurse who just so happens to be holding your chart, I’d watch what I say.
Leo: yes ma’am.
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Cricket: hey guys-uh, why are ya’ll standing on chairs?
Rick: we’re playing a game called “we saw a big ass spider and don’t know where the fuck it went”
Duckie: *scrambles into a chair*
Cricket: *roll her eyes and leaves*
Leo: *shouting at gf* thanks for leaving me when I’m in need of help! I love you too!
Cricket: *peaking head into room* you’re an idiot.
Leo: that just means that she loves me too.
Duckie: sure it does buddy.
Rick: and my names Donald.
Leo: *confused face* but… it’s not. Your name is Richard.
Rick: *face palms* thank you captain obvious!
Duckie: *rolls her eyes*
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Rick: *in a crowd and can’t find Duckie*
Rick: *uses hand as a microphone* IM SORRY MA’AM, DID YOU JUST SCUFF MY BOOTS?
Duckie: *from across the room* What the FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?
Rick: there she is.
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Cricket: hey, wanna help me commit arson?
Duckie: what in hell Crick?!
Cricket: oh, sorry, my bad.
Cricket: *whispering* wanna help me commit arson?
Duckie: *whispering back* yeah of course Crick, what do you need?
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Cricket: good job, Leo!
Leo: you’re giving me a sticker?
Cricket: not just a sticker. It has a kitten that says ‘Me-Wow!’
Leo: I’m not a kindergartener.
Cricket: ok, then I guess I’ll take it back.
Leo: hey, I earned this, back off!
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callmemana · 2 years
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery #9
Duckie: It’s kind of cold.
Rick: Well here, take my jacket.
Duckie: I love you.
Cricket: I’m cold, too.
Leo: Well damn Cricket! I can’t control the weather!
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Duckie: And I am not proud of what I’m about to say…
Duckie: But someone give me a cigarette!
Leo: But, Duck, we don’t smoke.
Duckie: Cut the crap, Leo. I am a nurse.
Duckie: I know that one in five people smoke. One, two, three four, five. *counts Leo, Cricket, Quinn, Rebecca, and Rick*
Duckie: *closes eyes* Now, I’m going to close my eyes, and when I open them…
Duckie: *eyes still closed* There had better be a cigarette between these two fingers.
Cricket: *puts a cigarette in between Duck’s fingers*
Duckie: light?
Leo: *lights lighter*
Rick: *lights lighter*
Quinn: *lights lighter*
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Rick: What is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head?
Cricket: Yes, I was!
Cricket: And up until now, everyone had the good grace not to mention it.
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Leo: Crick, do you think I’m smart?
Cricket: Oh, is that what we’re gonna do today, we’re gonna fight?
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Cricket: I have a date too.
Leo: Who is it? What’s his name?
Cricket: His name is not important.
Cricket: What’s important is, he’s better than you…
Cricket: In every conceivable way.
Leo: Damn, Cricket, that could be anybody!
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Whiskey: Why’d you break up with your boyfriends?
Duckie: He never did anything a boyfriend’s supposed to do.
Cricket: He never bought me a horse!
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Duckie: Oh, Hey, Whiskey, have you seen Pretty Boy?
Whiskey: Oh, Honey, I’ve had a couple shots, and don’t remember.
Dragon: *who’s had just as many shots as Whiskey* But you know what you need?
Whiskey: *holding little umbrellas* You need more umbrellas in your hair!
Dragon: *puts little umbrellas in Duck’s hair*
Whiskey: *puts little umbrellas in Duck’s hair too*
Duckie: *standing at the bar with an unamused look on her face*
Cricket: *at the table with Leo laughing*
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Rick: College is for ugly girls who can’t get modeling contracts.
Duckie: No, college is for women who don’t want marry the first idiot they meet and squeeze out his bastard moron children.
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Leo: Nothing here is cheap.
Duckie: Except you.
Leo: Believe me, I’m not cheap.
Duckie: Fine, “free.” Whatever.
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{after a fight the day before}
Leo: so, what have you got planned for today?
Cricket: lie on the couch, do my nails, avoid talking to you.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @gracespicybradshaw @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @breadsquash @bayisdying
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callmemana · 1 year
The Marked Ones: Amanda Pruitt
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Mutant: 24091992
Name: Amanda Pruitt
Age: 21
Family: Baylie Pruitt, Katherine Pruitt (deceased), Travis Kameron (TK), Beauregard Pruitt. 
Code Name: Cricket
Power: chaos magic
Alignment: none
Experiments: 158
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callmemana · 2 years
Duckie & Cricket’s Midwestern Dumbassery #7
{on a group date with others}
Rick: I promised to stop acting like such an ass, and give Duckie only presents, no cash.
Duckie: and why’s that?
Rick: because presents are for girlfriends, and cash is for hookers.
Duckie: although?
Rick: you’re so good, I should pay you.
Duckie: thank you.
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Duckie: I don’t care how you do it. I’m just happy you won’t be violating my sister anymore.
Leo: I know you hated it, Duck… but I would have broken up with her sooner. If I didn’t find it so hilarious.
Duckie: *punches leo*
Leo: you… be nice or I will marry her.
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Cricket: we need to talk about your professionalism.
Leo: *sitting cross-legged on the table, along with Rick* those are some mighty big words for someone standing in lava.
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Leo: it’s just, Cricket and I… we’re doing really well.
Rick: I know. If you try to make it more, you might wreak it.
Leo: yeah, exactly.
Rick: or you might get everything you’ve wanted since you were 15.
Leo: *stares at rick*
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{mid argument}
Cricket: fine, I will.
Leo: good, cause I love you.
Cricket: oh yeah? well, I love you too.
Leo: well, that’s the first time we’ve said that.
Cricket: yes it is.
Leo: well, I’m going to kiss you.
Cricket: well, you better.
Leo: *kisses crick*
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{at the hospital}
Leo: name?
Rick: *confused*
Leo: I know Rick, but what’s it short for?
Leo: you know like, like Rickson or Ricktepher.
Rick: dumbass.
Duckie: *standing by the boys* you two are so stupid it hurts my brain just being near y’all.
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Duckie: who got you pregnant?
Cricket: leo.
Cricket: but he’s a really nice guy. I like him a lot, he is so funny.
Duckie: you got pregnant for funny?
Duckie: Cricket… if he is funny…
Duckie: LAUGH!
Cricket: *uncomfortable silence*
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Cricket: you have more qualities than you think Leo. * points to his chest* you have this.
Leo: I do have amazing tits thank you.
Cricket: *glare*
Cricket: I meant your heart, idiot!
Leo: I love you too!
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Cricket: *in bed sick for the ninth time this year* oh look at me, I’m leo, I have the perfect immune system and height and no chronic illnesses
Leo: I just asked if you wanted some soup
Cricket: go fuck yourself Leonard.
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Duckie: *moonshine drunk & in the kitchen making cookies while topless*
Rick: being married is dope.
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Dragon’s Angels📻: @breadsquash @bayisdying @gracespicybradshaw @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky
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