#TK Anderson
pinkobsessedfreak · 1 year
charlie: i wanted to talk to you about how i've gone slightly overboard with the wedding planning todd: slightly overboard? leo went less overboard on the titanic
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whatever-dude · 1 year
Could everyone just leave tk alone ohmygod
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datura-tea · 1 year
fallout video essays
i watch too many of these lmao
fallout 3 is garbage, and here's why - hbomberguy
fallout: new vegas is genius, and here's why - hbomberguy
anatomy of a side quest: beyond the beef - game maker's toolkit
the openings of fallout 3 and new vegas - joseph anderson
fallout 4 analysis - joseph anderson
fallout 4 - one year later - joseph anderson
joseph anderson vs fallout 76 - joseph anderson
OG fallout was bleak - tks-mantis
bethesda never understood fallout - shamus young
why fallout isn't fallout - 20th anniversary analysis | interplay vs. bethesda's fallout - indigo gaming
van buren: inside the cancelled fallout 3 - luck stat
please feel free to add your favorites!
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hazbmymhotel · 2 months
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Zzt Zzt Zzt!!
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Chapter 10 is out
Chapter 10) Breaking Bonds
Husker hadn't slept so well in years.
His body was held in plush warmth, even as he was pushed to roll over.
It was so comfortable, Husk stretched out in the warmth of the sun. He purred noisily, feeling the wind waft over his fur. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been in a field of wildflowers.
“Maybe fifty years?” He said to himself.
Husk rolled onto his stomach, stretching his full wings behind his back. Life was pretty good. He glanced around as he saw a fat little bumblebee.
Husk started breathing fast. There was something wrong with the bee…Husk moved to stand, stumbling forward. The sky was quickly adjusting, the blues turning blindingly yellow.
Husk turned, trying to find where the strange insect had flown to.
Husk took a step back, falling back into concrete. He'd expected his wings to catch his fall, but instead the harsh coldness of the floor seeped through his shirt.
Husk stared at the ceiling with his one cat eye, the other covered by a makeshift blindfold. Grunting, he pushed himself to sit up. “Angel?” He asked, feeling like he swallowed hot iron.
In front of him was a set of metallic stairs. Feathers littered the steps where he'd tumbled.
Zzt, tk…Zzt, tk…Zzt, tk…
Husk realized what the sound was. It was metal on metal. kicked into the floor and scrambled onto all fours, running into the new hallway before him.
Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! Husk desperately ran, but the hallway stretched out in front of him. He remembered now, his wings were gone! He finally rounded a corner, panting to catch his breath. He perked beyond the wall, back towards the distant stairs.
The sound was just as close as it had ever been. A shadow lumbered and wobbled, shuffling its way towards the man.
Husk's ears flattened. He couldn't explain the utter fear that creature brought to his middle. It was the worst terror he'd ever known.
Keep running! He internally screamed, turning heel and dashing into the unknown.
The zipping sound filled his ears with dread. Husk's eyes pricked with tears. He was running so hard, he worried his lungs would burst!
A door!
Please, he begged wordlessly, please don't be empty.
But as he opened the door-
Husk fell out of bed with a yell, startling Fat Nuggets in the process.
Angel screamed, too, one of his boots falling to the floor. The other had been properly zipped to the top. “Jesus, Husk! You sure do sleep like an asshole!!”
Husk scrambled beneath the bed, working on hyperventilating in the comfortably tight space. He scrambled back further as Angel dropped his face down to the floor.
Husk let out a loud breath and hid his face into his paws.
“Uh…you good?” Angel asked. “Wanna come out? And apologize to Nug?”
Husk gripped his head before relaxing his hands. “That was embarrassing,” he complained, shuffling back out from the dark.
“You've been off morphine for a few days now…do you just normally have wild and crazy dreams?” Angel asked, tugging his boot back on before Husk could comment on his foot.
“No..” Husk held his hand out, letting the pig walk back up to him. He relaxed more as Fat Nuggets climbed into his lap. “These dreams are weird.”
“Yeah? Weird like fuckin’ Pamela Anderson through a hole in her head or weird like talkin’ pizza?” Angel shuffled back, leaning against the side of the bed next to Husk.
Husk dropped his head to rest on the pig. “Neither. I'm constantly being haunted by-AH!” He leapt back beneath the bed, making Fat Nuggets roll unceremoniously onto the floor.
Angel looked around in confusion as he finished zipping his boot. “Husker, are you seein’ ghosts?”
“No,” Husk growled.
Angel tapped his fingers on the floor in annoyance. Nugz was trying to climb after Husk to comfort him. “I'm gonna assume my pig knows better, cuz he says you're scared, but you're actin’ insane…dare I say, a scaredy cat?”
Husk groaned and reached out to scratch under Fat Nuggets’ little chin.
“Well?” Asked Angel. “You gonna let me in on these fuckin’ nightmares?”
Husk was slow to climb back out, looking tired and rough. He accepted his cane as Angel offered it to him, and he stood.
“I need coffee, first.”
“That makes sense,” Angel agreed, “you look like shit…” he got up, keeping his gaze fixed on Husk. “Maybe we got too rowdy last night with the anal beads?”
Husk cleared his throat. “No…that was fine. Fun.” He smoothed his ears back.
Angel grinned and opened the door for him. “I mean, I thought so. You're really responsive.”
Husk waved his hand a little, blushing into his ears. “It's been a long time!”
“Hope you stay so sensitive,” Angel said, dropping his voice to a hush as they walked through the hall. “I like gettin’ to play top sometimes.”
“You have a one-track mind,” Husk turned his head away, feeling more relaxed as they walked through the hall. As they approached his kitchen, Husk tilted his head back and sniffed the air, sighing happily, “coffee.”
“Yea, yea, sit down and Mommy will get you a cup,” Angel offered.
“Good morning, boys!!” Charlie said excitedly, sitting at the kitchen table with her own mug covered in rainbows. “How's it going?!”
Vaggie looked up from buttering a piece of toast. She gestured aggressively with her knife, “You both are getting loud!”
“It's not like the whole hotel hasn't heard your pipes singin’ to the lesbian gods, Vaggie,” Angel said, pouring two mugs. He tried not to giggle at how Husk enjoyed a full half cup of cream in his coffee. He wondered if Husk could get fat in Hell, and the idea made him squirm in a good way.
Vaggie blushed and scowled. “That’s not true!”
Charlie only giggled, refusing to say anything but, “Well, Vaggie…”
“All of you are disgusting,” Alastor stood in the corner of the room, holding Lucifer’s mug to drink from. “I assure you, you are all far too loud.” His half ear flicked in annoyance.
Husk took his mug with both hands, lapping at his coffee with his tongue.
Angel waved off Alastor and sat across from Husker. He took a sip of his own black coffee. “You feelin’ a little better after getting up?”
Husk breathed in the smell of coffee and licked his lips. “A bit… But these dreams are fucked.”
Charlie turned her body towards them both. “Dreams?” She batted her big eyes.
“Husker’s havin’ nightmares,” Angel answered, and Husk rolled his eyes.
“Not every night,” Husk said.
“I'd have nightmares sharing a bed with Angel Dust,” Alastor slurped his drink. “Husker never had nightmares under my control.”
“I didn't have dreams at all,” Husk said flatly.
Alastor lifted his mug, “exactly.”
“What happens in your dreams?” Charlie asked. “Is it the same one over and over?”
Husk grumbled and lapped at his drink. He didn't want this to become a whole thing. But with Angel staring him down, he figured he wouldn't escape it. “It’s more like the dreams pick up where they left off.”
“It's always in this empty place…it's all yellow and confusing. No doors lead anywhere…”
Vaggie set her toast down and listened more intently.
“And there's this thing.” Husk shuddered as his fur stood on end. “It's always following me.” He stared into his half emptied mug. “I can't explain it, but I know it's going to kill me.”
“What's it look like?” Vaggie asked, tone serious.
“...Tall? Dark?”
“Handsome?” Angel supplied.
“No,” Husk shook his head. “It sounds like something zipping, over and over…like someone standing and zipping a jacket up and down.”
“I could go get my dream interpreter!” Charlie announced excitedly.
Vaggie shook her head. “Husk.” She looked at him with a fierce expression when he met her eyes. “When did these start?”
Husk looked at her in confusion. He shook his small wing. “After we went to the Spider's Nest. It started off bland and boring…”
“But it's ramping up.” Vaggie said.
Husk tilted his ears back. Angel frowned at Vaggie, “listen, sugar, it sounds like you know somethin’.”
“Yeah, and what I'm gonna say is you can't sleep anymore, Husk,” Vaggie told him.
“That's not…very reasonable,” Charlie pursed her lips.
The doorbell rang!
Husk jumped out of his skin, all of his fur completely poofing out now.
“Oh! I got it!!” Charlie hopped to her feet, rushing to the door. “It could be more sinners!!”
Angel scoffed, but Vaggie kept staring Husk down.
“You're in danger,” she told him. “The labyrinths are nothing to fuck with.”
“Uhhh!!!” Charlie called out.
Vaggie sighed and got up. “Don't fucking sleep while I'm gone.” She left the kitchen. “ANGEL IT'S FOR YOU.”
“Damn. Right when this was gettin' intense…Husker, you okay?” Angel stood up.
Husk breathed out shakily, trying to smooth his fur back down with his hands. “Yeah. I'll be right there. It's probably Cherri.”
Angel kissed his cheek, smoothing a tuft on the back of his head. “Probably. Be right back.”
That left Husk and Alastor alone.
“You're going to die, Husker,” Alastor insisted gleefully as he sipped his drink. He loved how Husk bared his teeth at him. “What? I'm not the one who cursed you to purgatory.”
Husk pressed his palms into the table, pushing himself to his knees on the stool. “What do you know?!”
“That beast is ancient. He's built of shredded souls, held together through whatever means necessary.” Alastor tilted his head, pleased to see pinpricks of fearful tears forming at Husk’s eyes. He was always easy to frighten. “He longs to become whole, devouring souls as he strolls about limbo!”
Husk stayed still, processing the information. He breathed heavily, his heart slamming in his chest. He leapt five feet in the air when he heard gunshots.
“Mm. You'd better check that,” Alastor looked over his fingernails.
Husk scrambled to grab his cane and made his way to the foyer.
“You fuckin' piece of shit! After what you did, you think I'm gonna hear you out?!” Angel was holding his favorite tommy gun.
Arackniss sighed. A series of small x’s covered the left side of his face. “No, but it's not really a negotiation. Dad said you're comin’ home whether you'd like it or not. I don't wanna haveta unravel your belly again, Anthony.”
“Fuck you!” Angel shot again, laying out at least two of the guys behind him. “I'm about to grab shit that's gonna actually kill!!”
“Come on, Tonyyy, baby brother! None of that! Your little hubby could even come!” Arackniss reasoned. “Dad says he's impressed with what you did!”
Angel scoffed. “Obviously you think I'm stupid, but that stupid?!”
“Boys, boys, we don't have to fight! Maybe you fellas could join the hotel!!!” Charlie tried. Angel and Arackniss gave her a look that said: shut up. So she did!
Alastor stood next to Husker, smirking. “You're not going to get involved?”
Husk hated the lump formed in his throat. He wasn't a coward…he wasn't that much of a coward. He willed his feet forward, but knew he felt as useless as he looked.
Angel dropped a hand down, a clear motion for Husk to stop. Angel had this. “Nickie, I'm gonna give you one last warnin’ to get the fuck outta here.
Arackniss barked a laugh. “Yea?!” He jumped back as Angel made a grab for him, pushing one of his goons, a fly, in front of him.
Angel grasped at the fly’s stomach and yanked back, expecting guts to spill onto the floor.
But they didn't.
Everyone stared at Angel, hands triumphantly yanked back with nothing in his grasp.
Everyone saw nothing, save for the brothers.
“Um,” Angel hummed a little, confused by the string in his hand.
“See?! You's don't even know what you're doin’!!” Arackniss shouted. “Now put it back, and let's go.”
Put what back? Husk frowned, trying to make out what they were looking at.
“No!” Angel stamped his foot, winding the string in his hand. The fly let out a yell as he was tugged forward by a seemingly invisible force. “I'm gonna take everythin’ that’s yours and Dad's!!”
Angel tried very hard not to look surprised when a soul contract unfurled next to his face. He grit his teeth for a moment, trying to make a decision. “What the fuck is your name?!”
The fly looked as shocked as Angel felt. “Uh, Uh, Roberto??” A black chain appeared around his neck, trailing back towards the center of the city.
The name Roberto appeared on the scroll.
“Good. Guess what…You're stayin’ in this Hazbin Hotel! And you, Roberto, are gonna…uh…Participate in the Redemption Program!! That's my fuckin’ order!”
It stunned everyone into silence when a pink chain closed around the black one on Roberto’s neck, causing it to disintegrate.
Arackniss stared at Angel, dumbfounded.
“You wanna be next?!” Angel loomed over him.
Arackniss took a step back, too stunned to answer. “Let's…let's go, fellas.”
“And you know what…Leave the bodies!” Angel held his gun high, waiting to shoot. “I'm takin’ those assholes, too!”
Alastor grinned wickedly. He used his shadows to drag the corpses into the hotel to reform.
“Angel, what the FUCK?!” Vaggie felt like this was becoming a new catchphrase!
“Charlie,” Angel ignored the angel in favor of her girlfriend, “got you some guests. Roberto!”
Roberto snapped to attention.
“What're these fucker’s names?” Angel strolled over the men, leaning down and yanking strings from both of their bodies.
“Uh…Taser and Anchor?” Roberto asked.
Angel snapped his fingers in annoyance. “Their human names? Do you know em?”
“Oh…Giovanni…and Angelo?”
“Good. Uh… Thanks. I'm handin' you over to Charlie.”
She squealed excitedly and took Roberto's arm. “Is that what you normally go by? I'm Charlie, great to meet you!”
“Um…They call me Flyboy…but I prefer my name?”
“Perfect! Roberto it is! So everyday we start activities at nine am…” Charlie led him down the hall, Vaggie following with her head in her hands.
Alastor waited behind Angel, grinning like a cat who swallowed a canary. However, the actual cat looked frazzled and frayed.
“What?” Angel finally asked as chains formed around the men on the ground.
“You don't even have to have them conscious!” Alastor said excitedly. “You're just stealing their contracts.”
Angel looked unsure, but he kept his pose strong. “What of it? Don't fuck with me, Alastor.”
Alastor looked gleeful regardless. “I knew you'd start your overlord journey, but this is exciting.”
Angel stomped past him, crossing his arms.
Husk was startled out of his daze. He turned and followed at Angel’s heels. “Baby?”
“I want better coffee. Let's meet Cherri in town. I'm not fuckin’ doing the program today.” Angel gripped his arms, storming out of the back doors to the hotel. “I don't wanna fuckin’ talk about it.”
Husk walked at his side. After several minutes of walking in silence, he said, “you know, I had a pretty good time with those anal beads.” He offered a hand for Angel to take.
Angel snorted and laughed. He reached out and intertwined their fingers. “We should try ‘em with the vibrator on next time.”
“We're trying that on you,” Husk said.
“Fair enough.”
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melodrama-lorde · 2 years
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randomshit657 · 4 months
Songs I associate with various characters. No I will it elaborate.
Craig (Miracle Workers) - The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
Prince Chauncley (Miracle Workers) - The Green and The Town by AJR
Ezekiel Brown (Miracle Workers) - Brave as a Noun by AJJ
Sid (Miracle Workers) - Green Green Dress from Tick, Tick, Boom!
David (Camp Camp) - Get Back Up Again from Trolls
Eddie Diaz (911onabc) - The Drug In Me Is You by Falling in Reverse
Evan Buckley (911onabc) - Gold Rush Kid by George Ezra
Maddie Buckley (911onabc) - Montreal by Penelope Scott
TK Strand (911 Lone Star) - take me back to new york city by LukeTrepp
Carlos Reyes (911 Lone Star) - Tears Over Beers by Modern Baseball
Reggie (Julie and The Phantoms) - Don’t Throw Out My Legos by AJR
Luke (Julie and The Phantoms) - ESOEMOEHOED Leanna Firestone
Alex (Julie and The Phantoms) - Anxiety Song by Human Petting Zoo
Julie (Julie and The Phantoms) - birthday cake by Dylan Conrique
Willie (Julie and The Phantoms) - Be Glad I Love You (Go to Bed) by Bug Hunter
Carrie (Julie and The Phantoms) - Prom Queen by Molly Kate Kestner
Max Thunderman (The Thundermans) - IDK If I’m a Boy by Blue Foster
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) - Kind Love by Bears in Trees
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) - The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie by Colter Wall
Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son) - Dead Girls by Penelope Scott
Ian Gallagher (Shameless) - Vicodin by CVBZ
Wilson (House MD) - A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers
Abed (Community) - Scrawny by Wallows
Todd Anderson (Dead Poets Society) - Ramblings of A Lunatic by Bears In Trees
Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society) - Icarus by Bastille
Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother) - Casual Sex by My Darkest Days
Ted Mosby (How I Met Your Mother) - Haven’t Met You Yet by Michael Bublé
Chase Davenport (Lab Rats) - Oh No! By MARINA
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hiddenpxpercuts · 9 months
STARTER CALLLL!!!!!!! For the event! I finally finished this hoe, so give me starters. No limit for now, so go INSANE! (HAHA)
Alexander Lightwood (Unwilling, Open to Death, No memory change)
Richie Tozier(Unwilling, Open to Death, No memory change)
Tyler Kennedy “TK” Strand(Unwilling, No Death, No memory change)
Evan “Buck” Buckley (Unwilling, Open to Death, No memory change)
Marco Del Rossi (Willing, Open to Death, Open To Changing Memory Status.)
Harry Hook (Unwilling, Open to Death, No memory change)
Thelonious Jagger "TJ" Kippen ( Unwilling, Open to Death, No Memory Change.)
Maxine “Max” Mayfield (Unwilling, No Death, No Memory Change)
Klaus Hargreeves (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Changing Memory Status.)
Derek Hale (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Change in Memory Status)
Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, No Memory Change)
Ambrose Spellman (Willing, Open to Death, Open To Memory Change)
Mazikeen Smith (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Enid Sinclair (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Victor Salazar (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Quincy ‘Q’ Shabazian (Willing, Not Open to Death, No Memory Change)
Michael Munroe (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Bob Belcher (Unwilling, Not open to Death, No Memory Change)
Eponine Thenardier (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) 
Jim Hopper (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Mercutio Alice (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Lillian Deville (Willing, Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Chishiya Shuntaro (Willing, Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Gabriel Boutin (Willing, Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Heather Chandler (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Maria Vasquez (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Chad Meeks-Martin (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Ginny Weasley (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Blaine Anderson (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Katherine Pierce (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Simon Spier (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Nick Nelson (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Emily Fitch (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Dean Winchester (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Matthew Murdock (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Maxine Baker (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Jude Adams Foster (Unwilling, Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Ken (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Gamora (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Maeve Wiley (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Miles Hollingsworth III (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Raphael Santiago (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Reggie Peters (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Glenn Rhee (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Peggy Schuyler (Unwilling,Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Mickey Milkovich (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Carl Grimes (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Victoria Spring (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Carl Gallagher (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Ryan Evans (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Sebastian Matthew Smith (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Jake Wheeler (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Gregoria Grfyinndor (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 year
Slightly later than planned - @tailoredshirt here's your @tarlosweeklyprompts Valentines exchange fic. I hope you like it!
Detective Reyes and the Valentines day mystery (AO3)
After 15 years of marriage, TK still manages to surprise Carlos
“If it’s romance you want, Reyes is your man.”
Carlos looked up at the mention of his name. He was putting the finishing touches to a report and hoped to finish early and get home to TK. It was supposed to be his day off, but he’d swapped shifts so one of his colleagues could go home to be with their sick kid.
They’d do the same for him.
“Yeah Carlos is mister romance around here.” Mitchell patted his shoulder as she walked past his desk. “Ask him about his husband and he won’t shut up for the next five to eight hours.” She turned around and winked at him. “I speak from experience.”
“What’s going on?”
“Anderson here is looking for ideas on how to propose to his girlfriend.” One of the other officers replied. “How did you do it?”
“Propose?” Carlos asked, mind already drifting back to that night. “I didn’t. He proposed to me.”
“Don’t get him started.” Mitchell warned them. “You’ll never get him to shut up. Trust the one who used to be stuck in a patrol car with him all day.” She turned to Carlos. “I could probably tell the story for you, I’ve heard it that often.” She teased.
Carlos laughed but otherwise ignored her.
“What do you want to know?” He asked Anderson. The kid was new, just a few months out of the academy, and reminded Carlos a lot of himself at that age. Eager to please and impress the more senior officers.
“Oh… uh… well… How… did… How did your husband propose? If… If you don’t mind me asking? I was thinking of booking a table somewhere nice and have them put the ring in a glass of champagne or the dessert.”
Carlos winced at the guy’s plans and could practically hear one of TK’s rants after a shift around valentine’s day or Christmas where someone had done the same, and things hadn’t gone according to plan.
“Booking a table sounds nice.” He started.
“But…” He saved and clicked out of the report. He’d finish that tomorrow. His shift was almost over anyway. “My husband is a paramedic. He tells me about his shifts, I tell him about mine.”
“Do you know what’s one of the most common calls they get on Valentine’s day?”
The kid shook his head.
“People putting engagement rings in food to surprise their partner and it not going well.”
“Not going well… as in they say no?”
Carlos stood up and walked over to where the other officers were talking.
“No… as in… they don’t know the ring is in there and swallow it and choke. Or swallow it without noticing and freak out when their partner tells them there was a ring in their food.”
“Oh… ohok right… yeah… I uh… ok. Noted.”
“Yeah. Spending the night in hospital waiting for it to pass isn’t how you want to remember the night you got engaged.”
“No, no it is not…”
“So how did your husband propose, Reyes? Give him an idea of what does work.”
Carlos smiled.
“He woke me up in the middle of the night and said he was ready to make his will and leave everything to his husband.”
“Carlos’ husband has had more near death experiences than you have had hot meals.” Mitchell cut in. “If anyone needs a will, it’s him.”
“He’s a lot more careful these days.” Carlos protested. “Ever since we had kids.”
“How do you do it?” Anderson asked him. “My girlfriend is pregnant and I don’t know how I’m going to be a dad and a good police officer.”
“It’s not easy…” Carlos started, thinking back to when he’d made detective and he and TK becoming parents for the first time within the space of a year. “But having a good support system helps. Whenever someone offers to help you with something, anything, take them up on it.”
“That means roping your friends in to babysit.” Mitchell commented. “I feel I know your kids better than my own.”
“You’re their godparent, you’re supposed to.”
“Funny how it’s always your kids staying with me and Paul and never ours with you and TK.”
“What can I say Lex, they just love staying with their cool aunt and uncle.” Carlos joked before turning back to Anderson. “My advice? Keep it simple. Everything. My husband didn’t even have a ring when he proposed and we ended up exchanging vows in the firehouse where he still works. His dad was captain back then. A friend of ours got ordained online and married us right then and there. It wasn’t what we planned but it was perfect.”
“Captain Ryder from firehouse 126.” Mitchell cut in. “He married me and my husband too. He’d probably be delighted to do the same for you and your girlfriend.” She told him and Carlos couldn’t help but think she was right. Judd was a big softie at heart.
“Just… whatever you do, don’t put the ring in her food or drink.” Carlos stressed again. “My husband is on shift tonight and I’ll hear about it for months if he’s the one getting called out to your girlfriend choking on her engagement ring.”
“TK is working tonight?” Lexi asked. “On Valentine’s day?”
Carlos shrugged.
“We’ll celebrate on the weekend. The kids are sleeping over at my parents’ and we’ll just have some us time then.”
“What are your Valentines plans then?” another colleague asked.
“Tonight? Well TK is on the night shift so we’ll at least get to have a family dinner and put the kids to bed together. Well… the youngest anyway. And after that… I’ll just… catch up on some tv I suppose. Save my energy for the weekend.”
“Sounds exciting.” One of the younger officers joked.
“We’ve had our fair share of exciting.” Carlos grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair. “Come talk to me in 15 years and see how exciting your life is.”
He wished everyone a good night and drove home.
The house was dark but TK’s car was in the driveway so he figured he must be home.
“TK? Babe? Are you home?” he called out when he walked into the quiet house.
No kids, no dog, no husband, just Ginsburg observing him from the top of his cage.
“Hey Gins, where is everyone?” He greeted the bird and gave him a peanut. “Did they leave you out here all on your own?” He made a mental note to talk to Gabriella, again, about not letting him out of his cage unsupervised.
Suddenly he heard a noise coming from upstairs and his hand automatically went to his service gun.
Usually the first thing he did when he walked through the door was put it in the safe, but now he was glad he hadn’t yet.
“Hello? TK? Gabby? Morgan? Daniel? Anyone home? Luna?” He went upstairs to check out the noise. “TK?”
“Carlos?” Came the reply from their bathroom. “Is that you?”
“Yeah it’s me.”
He let out a sigh of relief and went to put his gun away in the bedroom safe before making his way to the bathroom.
TK was in the bath and one look told him what the noise he’d just heard was. The shelf next to the bath had collapsed again and all of the bottles had fallen in.
“Just so you know, I thought you were a burglar and I nearly shot you.” Carlos said, sitting down on the floor next to the tub and helping TK fish out the bottles of shampoo.
TK paused what he was doing and pulled a face.
“I’m glad you didn’t. That really would have killed our plans for tonight.”
“Our plans? You mean you working the overnight shift and me wrangling three kids and a dog? Who all seem to have disappeared.”
“They’re with my dad. Change of plan.” TK explained. “Well Morgan and Danny are with my dad and Gabby is at the Ryders to hang with Charlie.”
Carlos nodded, trying to catch up.
“And Luna?” he asked when he’d figured out which member of their family was still missing.
“Also with my dad. I think he’s bored now he’s retired. Maybe we should get him a puppy for his birthday. He misses Buttercup.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Carlos replied, not wanting to get side-tracked talking about Owen’s birthday. “But why is everyone out? It’s a school night and you’re working.”
“Change of plan. We swapped with B-shift so we work tomorrow instead of tonight. Nance’s sister is in town and they’re having some kind of girls night with Marj.”
“So that means…” TK started, sitting up in the tub a little more and leaning closer to Carlos. “I get you all to myself tonight.”
Carlos smiled and kissed him.
“And what were you planning on doing on this child and dog free night?”
“Oh I have plans. Big plans.” TK replied, sitting back in the tub.
“Plans that involve getting out of that tub any time soon?” Carlos asked, amused.
TK cocked his head.
“Define soon.” He grinned. “Why don’t you join me?”
“TK the two of us will never fit in there together.”
“Of course we will. There’s plenty of room.” TK argued and after a few minutes back and forth, Carlos gave in and got undressed before getting in the tub with him.
It was a tight squeeze but with his back against TK’s chest and their knees pulled up slightly, they just about made it work.
“See? I told you it would fit.” TK said, pressing kisses to Carlos’ neck and shoulders and letting his hands wander over the rest of his body, feeling the tension slowly slip away. “And we have a history of making the most out of tight spaces.” 
“And just like that the moment is gone.”
“That’s not what you said when we first met.” TK teased. “Or fifteen minutes after I suppose.”
Carlos shook his head but let the comment slide. He was too comfortable and happy to forget about the world outside their bathroom for a while.
They chatted about their day while TK washed his hair, and Carlos decided if they never left the tub, he would be more than ok with that. He leaned back against TK and closed his eyes.
“Don’t fall asleep on me.” TK’s voice was in his ear. “We have plans.”
“Unless it involves you, me, our sofa, the tv, and last night’s leftovers, I’m not interested.”
TK laughed.
“You’re getting boring in your old age. You’re starting to become a grumpy old man.”
“You’re older than me.” Carlos replied.
“And yet you’re acting like you’re 90 instead of 42.”
“My inner 90 year old doesn’t care.”
TK laughed again and pressed a kiss to his shoulder before getting out of the tub.
“I’ll give you ten more minutes before I’m coming to get you.”
“Hmm…” Carlos replied, closing his eyes and leaning back in the tub. The warm water soothing the aches and tired muscles.
He’d meant to go back to physical therapy because his back and legs were acting up from an old injury he’d sustained on the job when Daniel, their youngest, was little. He’d fallen three stories when the floor of an old building had given out when they were chasing a suspect.
The doctors had said it had been a miracle he’d survived, and they’d do everything they could for him, but that there was only a slim chance he’d get back to how he was before the accident.
But Carlos was nothing if not stubborn and re-learned to walk again, just as Danny was starting to take his first steps. He always said they learned to walk together.
Finishing fifth in the father-son race at his school when he was six had been the ultimate triumph after a long recovery.
“Ok your ten minutes are up. I’ve picked out something sexy for you to wear, it’s on the bed.” TK came back into the bathroom. “Do you need a hand getting out?”
Carlos shook his head and reluctantly got out of the tub and accepted the towel TK handed him.
“Are we going out?” he asked, drying himself off and taking a good look at his husband who was dressed way too nice for a night in front of the tv.
“Where to?”
“You’ll see.”
“Did you book a table somewhere?”
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.”
Carlos frowned and followed him into the bedroom.
The outfit TK had picked out for him was simple but nice enough for a restaurant. A green shirt and suit jacket, paired with dark jeans.
And a tie.
“A tie? Do you want me to wear a tie with this?”
“Yes.” TK grinned and picked the item up from the bed. “But not around your neck.”
“Where else would I wear it?”
“It’s a blindfold.”
“A what? Why?”
“So you don’t figure out where we’re going until we’re there.”
Carlos looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.
“You want to blindfold me and take me to an unknown location? I’ve arrested guys for less.” He deadpanned, making TK laugh.
“Well detective, if you’re lucky we’ll get the cuffs out tonight.” He winked. “Do you trust me?”
“With my life.”
“Then trust me when I say you’re going to like what I planned for us.”
Twenty minutes later, TK was leading him out the door and helping him get into the car.
“TK, I was born in Austin and I’m a cop. I know this city better than anyone. I’ll figure out where we’re going anyway, just let me take off this blindfold.”
“Nope. You big control freak.” TK teased, fastening his seat belt and getting into the car himself. “And I’m certain you won’t know where we’re going.” He started the car.
“Is that a challenge?”
“No but you’re going to make it one, aren’t you?”
They drove around for a while and as much as Carlos hated to admit it to himself, he had no clue where they were. He had a feeling TK had taken a few extra turns to throw him off and it worked.
Though he wasn’t about to tell TK that.
“Ok we’re here.” TK parked the car. “Don’t move and don’t take off the blindfold. I’ll help you out. Give me a minute.”
“Where’s here?” Carlos asked, feeling a hard surface under his feet as he got out, meaning they were at least still in the city.
“You’ll see.”
He tried listening for noises to tell him where they were but there wasn’t anything distinctive. No music or talking from other people, so they probably weren’t downtown.
“Two steps coming up.” TK warned him and he carefully lifted his feet to find them. “And now a small threshold.”
He stepped over it and let TK take off his jacket.
“Where are we?” he asked again. “It’s not a restaurant… it’s too quiet. And we didn’t drive long enough to get to the ranch… but we’re still in the city, right?”
“Don’t try to detective your way out of this. You’re not at work now.” TK scolded him before taking his hand and leading him further. “Take a step to the right and then sit down.” TK instructed him and guided him to his chair. “There is a table in front of you.”
Carlos reached up and put his hands on the table.
“No tablecloth… so definitely not a restaurant.”
“No, but I promise the food here is great.”
Carlos frowned.
“TK what did you do?”
“It’s a surprise. Just give me a minute and it’ll all make sense.”
“I doubt that.” Carlos mumbled and judging by the sound of TK’s laugh, he’d heard him.
He heard something being unscrewed and then being poured in what he assumed was a glass.
“Do you want a drink baby?” TK grabbed his hand and put a glass in it.
“Wine?” Carlos asked after taking a sip.
“Grape juice.”
“So we are having dinner?”
“Of course. What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t feed you?”
“I don’t remember the part of your vows where you promised to blindfold me.”
TK laughed.
“You’ve never had any complaints in that department.”
“Because it usually involves our bed and a lot less clothes.”
“We’ll get to that later.”
Carlos heard someone, possibly TK, move around and the sound of containers being opened and something being scooped onto what he assumed were plates.
“Ok. You can take off the blindfold now.”
Carlos quickly undid the knot on the back of his head and pulled the tie away from his eyes. He took in his surroundings before meeting his husband’s smiling eyes across the table.
“Really? This is where you took me?”
TK shrugged.
“I didn’t have a lot of time to plan something so I had to make do.”
Carlos laughed and shook his head.
“And how did you do this?” he looked down at the food on his plate.
“Delivery.” TK explained, trying to keep a straight face. “The guy was waiting outside when we got here. That’s why you had to stay in the car. Now eat up before it gets cold.”
 Carlos picked up the chopsticks next to his plate.
“Let me get this straight… You made me get dressed up, blindfolded me, drove me around Austin for half an hour… just to take me home and have Chinese food at our own dining room table?”
TK grinned and flicked on the little electric candle in the middle of the table.
“Congratulations detective, you’ve solved the case.”
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askcowboywarbler · 5 months
wait, is that TUCKER “TUCK” ATKINSON? they kinda look a lot like NICK ROBINSON, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY ONE year old is known as the THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in THE WARBLERS which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re RESPECTFUL, but don’t be fooled since they’re also BLUNT. rumor has it, you can find them at DALTON BASEBALL when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around WELL WORN COWBOY BOOTS, A FISH OUT OF WATER, COUNTRY MUSIC BLASTING FROM THE SPEAKERS IN A CAR WITH THE WINDOWS DOWN but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
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🎤 auditioning with… revival by zach bryan
TW: Death, Car Accident
His Mom and Dad split when he was only 2 years old, the divorce was messy and though Tucker was originally going to be living with his Mom full-time she passed less than a two years later in a car accident. His Dad didn’t want custody of him so he moved in with his Grandma and Grandpa on his Mother’s side who raised him until this point. They gave him a wonderful childhood filling their home with love and hard work believing that if you wanted something bad enough and you worked hard for it, you could achieve it.
For his first year of college he was originally attending a small college in rural Tennessee on a baseball scholarship as a pitcher. But, the coach that he had agreed to play for received an offer to coach at Dalton instead when the season ended. Starting this new year fresh and moving far away from home he decided to follow the coach and play for Dalton hoping that the slightly larger school and the better competition would push him forward. Unbeknownst to him when he took the new scholarship, his grandparents just told him that his Dad (the one that left him when he was 2) is living just an hour away from his new school.
Tucker has always liked singing, his grandpa taught hims how to play guitar and he was even in a few musicals in middle and high school but he never thought he would have the opportunity to join a show choir like The Warblers until one of its members overheard him singing on campus one day and asked him to join. He’s one of the newest recruits in the group being that it’s his first year at Dalton and so-far he’s not completely sold on the Academy of all boys but is getting used to it.
FULL NAME: Tucker Kade Atkinson
NICKNAMES: Tuck, TK, Cowboy
GENDER: Cismale
SEXUALITY: Unfortunately Heterosexual
AGE: Twenty One
JOB: Student & Barista at The Lima Bean
GLEE CLUB: The Warblers
MAJOR: Hospitality
CHARACTER INSPO: Woody (Toy Story), Matt Saracen (Friday Night Lights), Sav Bhandari (Degrassi: The Next Generation), Flynn Rider (Tangled), Hawkeye (MCU), Finnick Odair (Hunger Games), John B (Outer Banks)
PLAYLIST: Sarah’s Place (Zach Bryan and Noah Kahan), Fast Cars and Freedom (Rascal Flatts), Just To See You Smile (Tim McGraw), Guitars and Tiki Bars (Kenny Chesney), Firecracker (Josh Turner), Twang (Mason Ramsey), Kinfolks (Sam Hunt), ‘98 Braves (Morgan Wallen), Stars Like Confetti (Dustin Lynch), Too Sweet (Hozier)
Wanted Connections
Hook Ups
Flirtationship- Madison McCarthy
Volunteer Buddies
Best Friends
Teammates (Baseball)
Childhood Friends- Nick Duval (attended the same baseball camp in tennessee)
Person who introduced him to The Warblers- Blaine Anderson (was the one that heard him singing on campus and helped him with his audition)
Show Choir Mentor
Frequent Customer at The Lima Bean- Dottie Kazatori
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parameddic · 3 months
Slump — he would not mean to, but TK is safe and BJ does not get enough sleep 😴
The way he knew BJ was asleep was that he stopped collecting himself handfuls of popcorn. The movie was only partway through - the girl had only just escaped the dragon pit - and BJ was dozing lightly on his shoulder, under the blankets they were sharing, breaths steady.
Realising BJ was asleep squeezed sharply in his chest, heart aching for it. TK rarely saw BJ sleep at all. Usually he just looked ... all loose, and exhausted.
Their apartment was quiet, and safe, and dark. A corner of TK's mouth pulled into a smile, something soft that BJ would never know about but might have liked to; lovable in a lot of small ways, as well as a lot of big ones.
"'kay." A whisper, and not meant to wake BJ at all, just some noise he made aloud to trigger the movement - he couldn't stay tucked up beneath BJ Anderson, not really. It wouldn't be fair to either of them, and so he would try to let BJ rest easy on the couch instead, rather than TK's shoulder. "C'mon..." he lowered him down gently, words more subconscious than purposefully chosen, "I got you."
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earth-b0y · 4 months
Wait what? What happened tk them in Phoenix?
Pbbt, before my time. I just know that's where Anderson Robotics and some other companies came from
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ofyorkshire · 1 year
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'put down the gun' meme || accepting
"I want to help you." The truth. Both his hands were up, already gloved, gear ready. "I need you to put the gun down first, okay?" - @parameddic
He could put a bullet in the man's chest right now. One gentle squeeze of the trigger and that would be it. It would be the simplest thing Barry James Anderson has ever done in his life. Pow. Right through the centre.
But killing is never as easy as other people make it seem. BJ was given the opportunity once while running with the Spencer Boys years ago, a gang of young men who liked to think they were some kind of band of rebels, Robin Hood and his Merry Men reborn in leather jackets. They were robbing a house—something about getting even with the ex-policeman who lived there—and Joe had slapped a gun in BJ's hands. Shoot 'im, he'd said. But BJ couldn't. BJ didn't. He'd hid like a coward in the other rooms, grabbing jewellery and useless knickknacks while Joe Rose and his boys killed a man.
Shoot 'im, Joe's echoed in BJ's head again. BJ pulled the hammer back with a delicate click. The wound in his side burned.
"Don't move," he said, calm, but not quite even. "I won't go out there. I'll kill you and me before I go out there. I'll kill her before I go!"
The revolver swung dangerously to the left to... nothing. To the wall, and the upturned displays from where BJ had tumbled in from the sidewalk, panicked and bleeding. Someone had called 911 seven minutes before reporting gunshots down the street. Five minutes after that, and seconds after the carousel of bracelets and keyrings was knocked to the floor, the convenience store manager called about an injured young man threatening customers with a firearm.
And here they were.
The paramedic, the frightened young man, and the ghost the young man was apparently afraid of.
The revolver swung back to TK. BJ's hand was shaking.
"How many policemen are out there?"
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alrightbuckaroo · 10 months
Hi! 5 and 11 for the WIP asks please 💜
Hey there! Hope your day is going well :)
5. Are there any OCs in this chapter/fic? Who’s your favorite?
I've talked about my girl Ronnie before; but I also really love Nick Anderson. He's also a student at the Le Courdon Bleu and he's dating another OC, Ellie Kingston, who wants to be a playwright. He's a little unaware of his strength and a little sarcastic but I don't know, I just love him. In my head, I picture Will Poulter, but more specifically, Will Poulter in The Bear
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11. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic?.
So I've talked about a scene where Carlos tries to be poetic because he stumbles upon a poetry collection TK's been keeping at his place; and that might be my favorite scene from the whole story. That said, there's a scene in the second chapter where they're watching Casablanca, a movie TK loves so much that he never wants to stop talking about it and this unfolds:
TK's was so wrapped up in his own words he doesn’t notice the way Carlos looking at him. When he takes a second to drink him in, he notices that Carlos is wearing a smile that TK's deemed his favorite.
“What’s got you smiling?” TK asks.
Carlos shrugs, but the smile remains.“I just really love listening to you talk.” 
ask me about my wips!
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jamieroxxartist · 2 years
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✔ Mark Your Calendars: Wednesday Oct 5 on 🎨#JamieRoxx’s Pop Roxx Radio 🎙️#TalkShow and 🎧#Podcast w/ Featured Guest:
Dani Kristina (#Pop)
☎ Lines will be open (347) 850.8598 Call in with your Questions and Comments Live on the Air.
● Click here to Set a Reminder: http://tobtr.com/12147611
Pop Art Painter Jamie #Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes #DaniKristina (Pop) to the Show!
● WEB: www.danikristina.com ● IG: @itsdanikristina ● TK: @itsdanikristina ● TW: @itsdanikristina ● FB: @DaniKristinaMusic
Award winning artist and viral TikTok sensation Dani Kristina, releases her moody new acoustic-pop single entitled "I Won’t Know." Inspired by personal experiences and lost love, "I Won’t Know" reflects on the aftermath of a broken relationship, the lingering feelings, and coping with loneliness. Produced by Grammy-nominee Trevor James Anderson and written by Dani Kristina, the new single is a bittersweet track reminiscent of Adele and LÉON, capturing the sadness of its lyrics. Her TikTok videos have garnered millions of views and recently, Dani Kristina was named the Best New Solo Artist by Canadian Music Week and Mississauga Music, and won Fan Choice for her work in Mississauga. Her music video for “Drift Away,” won Best Pop Music Video at Dropout Entertainment’s Independent Canadian Music Video Awards. ​
From dancy pop anthems to moody, emotional ballads, Dani Kristina has a little bit of everything for every listener. Just like Taylor Swift, Lennon Stella, Halsey, and countless other inspirations, Dani knows how to write bangers. Through the process of writing over 600 songs as a teenager and training as a classical pianist and vocalist, she has found her niche. Dani is a confident, mature, creative, and open-minded artist with diverse musical roots which allow her to experiment with complex harmonies within her songwriting.
● Media Inquiries: [email protected]
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hiddenpxpercuts · 8 months
Since the event is tomorrow, here is an updated list. If I am missing someone, let me know! If you wanna add to it, go for it lol.
Alexander Lightwood (Unwilling, Open to Death, No memory change) Isabelle (drvcxrys), Rafael (devilsmenu), 
Richie Tozier(Unwilling, Open to Death, No memory change) Peter (mischiefxmuses ), 
Tyler Kennedy “TK” Strand(Unwilling, No Death, No memory change) Pildo (devilsmenu), 
Evan “Buck” Buckley (Unwilling, Open to Death, No memory change) Kono (devilsmenu), Eddie (grcycosmcs)
Marco Del Rossi (Willing, Open to Death, Open To Changing Memory Status.)
Harry Hook (Unwilling, Open to Death, No memory change) Jane (drvcxrys), Uma (youllalwaysbemyporcelain), Cj (youllalwaysbemyporcelain), Mal (wvsteria), 
Thelonious Jagger "TJ" Kippen ( Unwilling, Open to Death, No Memory Change.)
Maxine “Max” Mayfield (Unwilling, No Death, No Memory Change) Henry  (mischiefxmuses ), 
Klaus Hargreeves (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Changing Memory Status.) Diego (papcrrings), 
Derek Hale (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Change in Memory Status) Lydia (spellbcok), Isaac (papcrrings), 
Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, No Memory Change) Auden (youllalwaysbemyporcelain), 
Ambrose Spellman (Willing, Open to Death, Open To Memory Change)
Mazikeen Smith (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Mazikeen (spellbcok), Patch (youllalwaysbemyporcelain), 
Enid Sinclair (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Euntak (spellbcok), Wednesday (drvcxrys), Faith (youllalwaysbemyporcelain), Louise (wvsteria), 
Victor Salazar (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Quincy ‘Q’ Shabazian (Willing, Not Open to Death, No Memory Change)
Michael Munroe (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Chris (devilsmenu), Beth (wvsteria), 
Bob Belcher (Unwilling, Not open to Death, No Memory Change) Lorelai (spellbcok), Louise (wvsteria), 
Eponine Thenardier (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Glinda (irresistiibles)
Jim Hopper (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Jamie (devilsmenu), Snow (grcycosmcs)
Mercutio Alice (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Lillian Deville (Willing, Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Fliss (papcrrings), 
Chishiya Shuntaro (Willing, Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Heiya (devilsmenu), 
Gabriel Boutin (Willing, Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Heather Chandler (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Maria Vasquez (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Tony (devilsmenu), 
Chad Meeks-Martin (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Tinkerbell (spellbcok), Sam (drvcxrys), Noah (devilsmenu), Tara (wvsteria), 
Ginny Weasley (Willing, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Sabrina (spellbcok), Harry (wvsteria), Bill (bcrncoldx), Marlene (mcrcki), 
Blaine Anderson (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Katherine Pierce (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Josie (wvsteria), Stefan (papcrrings), 
Simon Spier (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Bram (youllalwaysbemyporcelain)
Nick Nelson (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Astoria (devilsmenu), 
Emily Fitch (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Dean Winchester (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Tiana (spellbcok), 
Matthew Murdock (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Felicia (devilsmenu), Peter (wvsteria), 
Maxine Baker (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Jude Adams Foster (Unwilling, Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Ken (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Gamora (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Maeve Wiley (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Nora (spellbcok), James (bcrncoldx), Toph (irresistiibles) 
Miles Hollingsworth III (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Raphael Santiago (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Kyle (devilsmenu), Simon (papcrrings), 
Reggie Peters (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Jihyo (devilsmenu), Willie (grcycosmcs)
Glenn Rhee (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Peggy Schuyler (Unwilling,Open to Death, Open to Memory Change) Angelica (papcrrings), 
Mickey Milkovich (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Carl Grimes (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Judith (wvsteria), 
Victoria Spring (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Alison (devilsmenu), 
Carl Gallagher (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Ryan Evans (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Sebastian Matthew Smith (Unwilling, Open to Death, Open to Memory Change)
Jake Wheeler (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change)
Gregoria Grfyinndor (Unwilling, Not Open to Death, Not Open to Memory Change) Slyvie (youllalwaysbemyporcelain), Godric (wvsteria), Salazar (papcrrings), Rowena (mcrcki),
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"Would You Catch A Fallen Star" GH Covers John Anderson #Acoustic #Count...
Kickback and Chill Out to the mellow sounds of The Singin’ DJs!  This Father-Daughter Singer-Songwriter Recording Artist Duo known as “GriffinHeart'' are, among many other things,  Psychotherapists Extraordinaire and the DJ hosts of The Really Big Ol’ Time Honky-Tonk Radio Medicine Show “3 Chords & The Truth!”     
      “3 Chords & The Truth!” is everybody’s favorite Online Honky-Tonk, Dive Bar Show & Podcast so tune in for:  Music, Talk & Laugh Therapy and the latest Behavioral Science on “The Meaning Of Life!” and the “Secret To Happiness!” & Health!  TKS & Ehahhh AY!!!
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