#TO BE HONEST she does have 'i ace things the first try' energy
farginen · 2 years
if there's anything that cracks me up about the unverified fma lore is that some birthdays are confirmed with a big question mark because of how inaccessible the sources are i.e artbooks released in 2004 only sold in japan
which. fine. that happens with media
but it's just endlessly funny to me is how riza's birthday is usually listed october 2 citing the artbook #3 as the source BUT roy's birthday is also sometimes listed as october 2 (although most sites list it as march 25, i don't remember if they also cite the artbook #3 tho)
why out of all character the ones with conflicting and possibly share birthday is royai??? bonded pair much??
riza also has another birthday date that a lot of people in the fandom use ?? it being september 1st
though i haven't found a single source even remotely official citing this date i've connected the dots though and i noticed tomoch1ngus, who is one of the biggest riza/royai fan artists, is army and their bias is jungkook, whose birthday is on september 1st
i have no proof but neither doubt that this is why people in the fandom went with sept 1 for riza's birthday
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twelvemonkeyswere · 9 months
watching more of Ace and 7th, I'm delighted by their unmatched dynamic:
the Doctor built a gigantic weird grey square thing to substitute Ace's boombox, which was destroyed by the Daleks (awww)
while spying on some nazis, Ace sneezes. the Doctor immediately fakes bird sounds so nobody suspects there's a human there
when Ace sprained an ankle, the Doctor adamantly insisted on helping her himself and gave her a small speech about how she has to take care of herself
while spying on the nazis, the Doctor asked Ace if she ignored his instructions and has explosives in her backpack. she says she's "a good girl" and does as she's told, so he says "excellent, blow that vehicle up." she's SO thrilled about it
Ace has defended the Doctor with all her heart every time someone accuses him of something because that's her Professor and she rescued him from the street and gave him a forever home. she defended him even though he refused to explain his past and a cryptic lady teased that the Doctor had deep secrets that couldn't be revealed without grave consequences, and there were hints that he was involved in the creation of Gallifrey in the Time of Chaos. Ace said "fuck the lot of you this is my old weird little guy go find your own" and stood her ground
Ace made friends with a girl in a town who had her exact same energy. they began talking about nitroglycerine so Ace told her they should talk outside. when her new friend asked why, Ace said "he gets upset when I talk about explosives" loud enough for the Doctor to hear her laugh. he let her go without another word
in that same episode, Ace meets another female soldier who was now commanding Brigadier, as well as Brigadier Stewart's wife. They all went out on a girl's night, leaving the house chores to their respective male companions. The Doctor was beaming at the women while leaving and very cheerily said he'd cook something for the men left behind
sometimes the Doctor is trying to figure something out and Ace chimes in to ask questions that prove the Doctor has been teaching her about physics
the 7th is very vocally anti-war and anti-violence yet has immediately resorted to death threats the moment someone's even sniffing at Ace. I've seen him use a sword, several types of guns, and maybe a bomb? All to prevent Ace from being slightly threatened
Ace accidentally destroyed a madman's lab while being attacked by some creatures. The scientist was all "YOU RUINED MY LIFE'S WORK" and the Doctor turned proudly to Ace and said "that's my girl"
one time they sat at a bar and Ace tried to order alcohol. the Doctor growled a warning "Aceeeee" and she sheepishly changed it for a lemonade
the Doctor boops Ace's nose several times as a sign of affection, and Ace smiles and accepts it, which I'm CERTAIN she would never take from anyone else
Ace has repeatedly dragged the Doctor around when he was being stubborn, sometimes even using his own umbrella, which I'm CERTAIN he would never take from anyone else
the Doctor keeps sending Ace places where she will be out of harm's way and Ace keeps finding direct and indirect ways to put herself in harm's way, which makes the Doctor then run after her to help her. this is literally what most episodes are about.
Ace repeatedly refuses help and compliments, but never from the Doctor. she also talks with insolence to most adults she encounters, but never to the Doctor, even when she's angry or talking back to him
the Doctor encourages Ace to be brave about her fears. there are very few things that truly scare Ace and make her feel insecure, and he is honest about what makes him scared and insecure, to show her he wants her to get through this
one time they had to return a magic sword to its place, and they were doing a ritual about it. Ace, who took it out in the first place, held the sword insouciantly to put it back and the Doctor says "Ace, don't you have a sense of the moment? this is important" and Ace just flatly says "no" and smashes the sword back
after a long day of being hunted down by creatures the Doctor paces around to monologue and when he turns to Ace, she's fallen asleep on a couch. so he smiles and gently pats her cheek with the back of his hand
truly the most duo of all time
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allastoredeer · 7 months
The last chapter was pure gold!!!
I love how Alastor just ignores Vox existence, or at least he tries lol
And I got the feeling Al mistunderatood the “What the hell does Lucifer have that I don’t!?” With ‘what does the hotel have that they don’t’, which it’s not any better agahah Vox is so delusional
It’s such a shame he didn’t say that in front of the other overlords, it would have been such a good laugh and maybe the end of the vees?!
Also I love how u write Alastor, beside his pain he hasn’t stop smiling even a second, and let’s be honest his was such a comeback. He definitely knows how to entertain, also I got the feeling that when he attacked velvette he was trying to repay Carmille a little, cause she tried to protect his privacy more than one time during the meeting and yeah Al, Charlie is definitely rubbing off on you.
“Well, these meetings sure are getting shorter and shorter,” Totally sent me rolling laughing. He is so right tho
I wonder how Luci is gonna take this plan of his, cause I don’t think he will accept it with open arms. And I honestly don’t know if Al has something to offer the king of hell to make such a deal …but it’s undeniable that he has a soft denial spot for Al, so who know he might actually go with it👀
I just have a question, are they gonna get together in the end? Or is it just gonna be a long slow burn. Either way I am enjoying this a lot. Can’t wait for more
Hahaha, Alastor was trying SO hard to ignore the petty little TV man. He wants to talk about Charlie's hotel and go home, please and thank you.
And LOL yeah I'm glad you picked up on that. Alastor still thinks Vox is referencing working together, not the insinuation that Vox wants something more between them. To Alastor, it sounds like Vox is trying to imply that he can do "so much better" with his alliances; whereas Vox thinks Alastor knows--a least a LITTLE--about Vox's crush, but is playing it off like its nothing, which makes him even more furious.
Hahah I was so excited to write his clapback to the Vee's. He knew that if they showed up, they were going to bring up the fight with Adam, and he needed to be prepared. People start beef with him, but you better damn well believe he'll end it. Carmilla definitely enjoyed the clapback too. For a sinner she certainly has the patience of a saint.
But I also don't think she actually respects the Vee's. They're just entitled, spoiled little children in her eyes. They're a group she doesn't feel the need to expend her energy on, because, well, what's the point? She doesn't have a high enough opinion of them to do so.
Alastor and Lucifer's conversation in the next chapter was very fun to write. These two can't be left unsupervised because it's just going to end in a fistfight. They're constantly ready to throw hands and I love it.
I am writing this with the end goal being them getting together! It will be a slow-burn though 😂 I'm really gonna go into Alastor exploring his ace/aro'ness, what being in a relationship means for him. and what he wants out of a relationship. On the flipside, I'm gonna explore Lucifer's thoughts and feelings about slowly falling for a sinner (who HAS done terrible things) and what he thinks that says about himself--he has had a very negative view about sinners for thousands and thousands of years, and a mindset like that isn't going to change overnight.
So, they're both definitely going to be exploring different parts about themselves that this relationship forces them to address. And I'm very excited to get into it!
I think the tag "Lucifer Fell First But Alastor Fell Harder" is going to be very apt for this fic series.
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invisiblegarters · 29 days
(Absolutely not) Micro BL and GL Reviews
I spent the last couple of weeks being ill in bed with very little energy. Not great, but also it meant that my limited ability to get up and move around much gave me endless time to catch up on a bunch of shows that I'd let fall by the wayside (or never even started in the first place), and now I have thoughts to share!
Joy? Joy! Welcome to yet another set of my talks about shows that is supposed to be small but never actually is.
Wandee Goodday: This wound up being way sweeter than I expected from the promo material, but I'm not complaining. I genuinely love shows where most of the people are just trying to get alone while being decent, and that was certainly the vibe here. I was happy with the sex positivity and the introduction of Kao being ace, although I will admit that I felt like it was a little too "let me educate you" about that bit at certain points. That said, it's a topic that maybe needs that kind of thing in this context? I also really really loved that Dr. Dee and Yak got it together and spent a bunch of episodes just being adorable and dealing with struggles that had nothing to do with their relationship. It's so refreshing to see adults being in an adult relationship and actually acting like it. There were several times when the show could have just manufactured drama for drama's sake and chose not to and I really respect and love that. It was also fun to see Title appear in a role that wasn't to cause problems. And Char and Yei were fucking adorable my god. 8/10
We Are: Way better than I expected, if I'm honest. It got a little draggy for me at the end, but Pond and Phuwin always give solid chemistry and I finally got to see what everyone likes so much about Winny and Satang paired together. I never watched MSP and I never will because it's just a little too young for me, but Toey and Q were fucking cute so I get it now, guys. I especially adored Toey - Satang plays endearing brat very well. I also really liked Tan and Fang - their teasing dynamic worked for me. Also Boom is so pretty my goodness. I do think that it was trying to juggle too many couples but as I already said it dragged a little for me at the end so I think they could have done it with better pacing. It seems to me that New has a thing for dramas driven by internal conflicts, and that was We Are all over. The plot advanced as the characters did, which I can understand might be frustrating but I find that if I'm in the right mood I eat it right up. Especially ones like this, with mostly sweet people just living their lives and trying to do right by themselves and each other. Cute, earnest, a really good friend group. It probably won't be something that I revisit much or that sticks in my mind for a long time, but I had a good time. Giving it a 7/10, mostly for the pacing stuff I already mentioned. It kinda lost me towards the end.
My Marvelous Dream is You: idolfactory's second GL and I think I wanted to like it more than I wound up liking it. The chemistry was good and I love the cast (even if I think my girl Silvy was way underutilized), but the plot was a little...not great. I'm still not entirely sure what it was going for, or why the shared dreams were important. I really liked Ae (Kim's mom). And Wan was my favorite. Girl was messy and brash but my kind of messy and brash if I'm honest, and I cheered aloud when she went off on Mawin's family. They were awful. Awful, too, was Mawin in the end. I get being hurt but I always get a little (a lot) irritated when people mess with someone's livelihood out of pettiness, so him fucking with Kim's business because she broke up with him (and yes, in a really shitty way but also lbr here he knew she wasn't into him in some ways he did that to himself) was never gonna do anything but piss me off. It does amuse me that Heng has now played 2 dudes in idolfactory GLs who very nearly marry one of our heroines when she really really doesn't want him and he's very aware, though. I find myself wondering if he's gonna go for the third in The Loyal Pin (I hope he does). 7/10
Love Sea: I loved this one. I knew I would. The premise had me from moment one, lol. And frankly, Fort and Peat deliver on chemistry so it was kind of a no brainer for me. I knew that Trongrak was gonna wind up being really messy the second love came into the picture, and I was absolutely right. I love how he was perfectly fine with Mahasamut holding him and defending him against his shitty dad and following him around and getting all jealous when he implies he's going out to fuck other people (and whether or not he'd have done it is up for debate - I think he would have forced himself to try and failed miserably because that's my favorite lol) and take care of his niece like family, etc...but the second the word "love" actually makes its way out of the dude's mouth he can't handle it. My only quibbles were Prin - why was she so awful for no reason, MAME? The dad - he was not an effective villain to me. I wish that he'd been a little more menacing but I guess it works that he just let Tongrak think that he'd done a lot of things that he hadn't, and I do like that he was basically squeezing money out of both Tongrak and his mom just by showing up on occasion and assuming that they wouldn't talk to each other (which they weren't, both trying too hard to protect their family from his sliminess). I also like that it was finding that out that made both of them snap out of it. And last but not least - what the FUCK, MAME. How dare you give me that lesbian side couple and make it SO COMPELLING and actually get me invested than then not actually offer a resolution because oops, we're on episode 10 now and it's time for the love issue between Tongrak and Mahasamut to rear its head? How very very DARE you. Genuinely this made me the angriest and dropped my personal enjoyment a lot. I haven't seen the special yet so maybe that gets addressed (it SHOULD I was INVESTED), but while I would probably have given it a 9 (I really liked it a lot okay) I am dropping it to a 8/10 for that. Tempted to drop it to a 7 because I am petty.
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans: Another one I really liked! The chemistry between Sailub and Pon is absolutely scorching and while I have noticed that actors are getting a lot better about it in general, I always take notice when they are so entirely comfortable with not just the steamier scenes but the emotionally intimate ones as well. I love when I am watching a show and I can believe that the characters want each other and like each other, and not like a part of them isn't flinching at the very idea of it (unless that's the character, but just go with me when I say that there's just a very specific vibe you get when one (or both) of the actors isn't comfortable and I think it actually happens more with the sweet, couply stuff than it does the steamy stuff. But I digress). Chemistry like that can help me forgive quite a bit.
I liked how obnoxious Wan was in the beginning - I did not expect that and it was annoying but also kind of delightful. He grew on me despite my initial annoyance. Oab was a little different - he annoyed me right out of the gate by not calling Kao Suay and telling her about her dad. I get the respect thing, I do, but also what if he died and she was abroad, none the wiser? How would everyone have felt then? Keeping it from her was NUTS, and I don't even care that Kluer called her and told her for nefarious reasons. Someone had to. Oab's wishy washiness with her when she came back annoyed me too - a personal failing of mine has always been that I don't have time for that kind of waffling. I just wanted him to make a choice and stick with it (and was doubly annoyed as it became clearer and clearer what his choice was and he still couldn't just say it). Thank goodness he had Nubnueng there to gently prod him into finally doing the thing.
I wish Kluer's turn to villainy had been more evil, but I guess that wouldn't have made sense for this show, since no one really was, not even Enemy No. 1 Methas. Speaking of which, I wanted to like him and JJ more than I did in the end. I did like them, but I guess I just wanted more development there than I got in the end. They were cute though JJ was hands down my favorite character. I understood Methas so much. I also really enjoyed his relationship with Wan.
One thing that I thought was utterly hilarious was Oab's pettiness. As a petty person myself I can't help but find opening a new restaurant to steal all of your ex's customers because he wouldn't just apologize for, you know, deceiving you for most of your relationship and initially planning to sell your restaurant to the one man in the world you emphatically never wanted to own it absolutely hilarious. No notes Oab you keep rocking on. 8/10
Currently Watching
The Loyal Pin: Everything in this show is so damn pretty it's hard for me to think about much else. Especially Freen, and it seems like all the show wants to do is remind us of her beauty at every moment. Which, well. I am not complaining the woman makes my breath catch.
But this week I finally started paying a bit of attention to something more than oooh pretty, and I am genuinely wondering if this show isn't going to be all pretty dresses and gorgeous women falling in love and carving mangoes and if maybe there aren't some extremely serious things swimming in the waters.
Watching Anin wield her power this week hit me way way harder than all the ways that she'd been doing it before, and in a way that made me think a lot harder about how she'd done it before as well. I think it's because usually she sticks to manipulation to get what she wants - she's charming, she smiles, she talks people around - but last ep she dropped all pretense a couple of times, and we watched it cut more than once. Anin is a woman who knows exactly what she wants and she has the means to get it, she is spoiled and she will do whatever it takes. Other people have talked about it better, but I will say I am absolutely fascinated, and am genuinely curious to see if this is going to be addressed or if it's just the way it is. I also want to see if there's something that will butt up against Anin's frankly terrifying amount of power. Something she can't either manipulate or brute force her way through (although in the end I bet she manages to do one or the other anyway).
Also, kisses. Teach Pin more things Anin! She's a good student.
The Trainee: This show was not really on my radar at all, and I'm genuinely not sure why I decided to pick it up. Maybe because I was finishing up another GMMTV show and it was next in the youtube queue?
Whatever the reason, I'm so glad I did because I fucking LOVE this show. it's my favorite thing airing right now and that I never would have expected or believed.
It really is so good though. I think for me it's that it feels realistic - maybe in a way that can be uncomfortable for some but I love it. No one here is perfect, it's not just the mentors constantly schooling the kids because even though they are older, they are still growing too, and still have things to learn. Especially when it comes to Jane, who is my favorite character in the show I think and is hands down the best Off character I have personally seen. I am so iffy with Off normally that my adoration for Jane is confusing me, but he's so good. He's an adult and he handles most of his problems like an adult (which frankly I think is sometimes missing from these shows), but still has moments where he fumbles because he's still human. And I like that when he does fumble, he apologizes. I'm also really in to the whole deal that happens in the workplace where people think he's a certain way and judge him for it, but he's really just...dedicated. Strict, yes, but not entirely uncompromising. I dunno he's just a great character.
I also really like how this feels like an ensemble show with the romance not at the forefront. I don't always want that but this is so well done that I'm happy for it. I like that we have gotten to showcase each intern, their struggles and their achievements and just...growing up and learning to handle that scary point in life where you're really starting to enter the adult sphere, with all it's responsibilities, but still not ones that are entirely on your shoulders. If you do things the more traditional way, that is - I know a lot of us were in that world well before college. Still, it does resonate with me.
I am also enjoying the insight we're getting into the background of production. Such as how much work and effort goes into even the smallest change in filming even something that seems as simple and straightforward as an ad. Imagine how hard it would be to reshoot scenes from something like a TV show, especially considering the stuff like location, OT, cast and crew...I had already guessed a lot of it, but it's always nice to be proven correct. I like being right, what can I say? And the Ryan's awkwardly trying to draw people out without directly asking them how they are After Work Corner is very charming. I like that it gives insight into the business but also Ryan, who I do sometimes feel is the weakest of the interns. Which is insane because he's played by Gun Atthaphan, but there you go. I did like that he was brave enough to ask Jane about his feelings last ep, and I'm looking forward to seeing him more in his element (or at least what he's used to) next ep.
I really hope this show continues to impress.
1000 Stars - This is a rewatch for me as I roped a friend into watching for the first time. I warm up to this one more each time I watch it. The first time I was annoyed with Phupha's everything but I feel like I get him more and more as I go on. I also love a show that has heart (heh, this show has heart ror sure (and this is why we can't take me anywhere)) and this has a ton of it. It also amuses me whenever Phupha and Tian start doing their intense staring thing and there are other people around. I bet they're all just like "welp there they go again we've lost them, best go about our business" and leave them to it.
I also always forget Khaotung is in this one. Every time I watch I'm like "oh yeah" when he shows up. It's so funny to me.
Looking Forward To:
Peaceful Property (28 Aug) - Is it BL? Is it bromance? Who knows. Do I care? I...don't think so. Whatever the romance situation it looks like a ton of fun, and I am excited to see Tay back in glasses and to see this cast, especially doing comedy.
Kidnap (06 Sep) - This one also looks like fun. I love Ohm, Leng looks like he's doing a good job matching him, they seem to have good chemistry from the trailer. And pettily I'd watch this anyway because some of the shenanigans of certain fans have made me that annoyed. Good for me that it looks like something I'll like regardless, I guess.
Pluto (???) - GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME. It has been 84 years I am DYING here. If it doesn't get released this year I might actually cry, but I am hoping that it will.
There are others I am looking forward to (honorable mentions if you will): My Golden Blood, The Heart Killers, ReVamp (still a stupid title), Friendshit Forever, Hide & Sis, Us - but all of these are either not filming yet or so early into their schedule that I'm not letting myself get too excited for them. And for The Heart Killers especially I don't want this to be an Only Friends situation where I got really hyped and then was inevitably kind of disappointed (at first - I shook it off and came back around eventually lol). I just wanna go in there and have a good time - I'm excited to see that entire cast do a romcom, I think it'll be fun, and that's about all I want to expect out of it. I'll get excited when we get an air date.
Also thinking of picking up 4Minutes since it's on Gaga now, apparently. And maybe trying to find My Stand In since it's over and I can inhale those deliciously toxic fumes all in one (or two) sitting(s). And maybe, just maybe, poke around for BL and GLs outside Thailand, lol. I feel like it's been all Thailand all year for me when I used to watch JBLs and KBLs too.
Any recs?
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 month
Current Fifty Fifty lineup reading
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Keena: Strength rev, Page of Wands, Temperance, Knight of Cups, Justice.
I don't know, her energy is telling me that she didn't want to do this. I wouldn't be surprised if she was tricked or pushed to do this. "I didn't have a choice". This can mean two things. 1. She couldn't debut in another company due to the scandal she already went through. 2. Attrakt possibly threatened her with something? Is it like they have something against her? The Justice here strongly makes me think that it has to do with something law related. I see her trying to please both parties. She might have tried hard to keep her position or something of the sort. She's very powerless. I have a feeling someone definitely forced her into this contract.
Chanelle: Page of Cups rev, 2 of Cups rev, 10 of Cups rev, King of Swords, 4 of Cups, 10 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles.
I'm going to be very honest. I don't think Chanelle gave a flying fuck about all of the controversy. She's someone that might come off as.. selfish? Her energy is very odd. It's pretty cold. She's someone that would put herself first above anything. I see her goal is to be an idol and this company gave her the choice so she decided to go with them. I'm seeing some sort of offer? Like they were going to offer her a huge amount of money? She's a pretty materialistic person. Quite egocentric and cares about herself and her career. I see people trying to warn her and she's like "I don't care, it won't affect me". I see some male here that could have influenced this? She and HYBE have bad blood, that's what the 2 of Cups reversed is. I don't see her being really passionate about music anymore. All she cares about is to make money. I wouldn't be surprised if she isolates herself from the other members or doesn't give her best because she doesn't really give a fuck. Not gonna lie but her energy is so childish 😭.
Yewon: Page of Cups, 8 of Cups rev, 10 of Pentacles, 10 of Swords, 9 of Swords, 2 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles.
Similar to Chanelle, Yewon really wants to debut, make her money and go. However her energy is more... nicer? Chanelle's was one of a sharp sword, but her's is more calm. I have a feeling that all of that HYBE training really affected her. Something about being hurt? She was devastated over the results and everything. I see her worrying about the possibility of debuting. "Am I good enough?" "What if I'm too old?" "Will a company want me??". Stuff like that. She really does want to be an idol and I don't see her giving up very easily. Did she start training from a young age? I wouldn't be surprised. She's willing to take the risk just to achieve her dreams. Unlike Chanelle I see her reallyy wanting to be an artist and will do anything to get there.
Hana: 10 of Cups, 2 of Cups, 4 of Cups, King of Swords, Ace of Pentacles.
I'm not very familiar with this girl but her answer is similar to Chanelle and Yewon. She just wants to debut and will do anything to get there. I have a feeling Attrakt was giving her a very good offer? One that she couldn't deny? I see this man here, he might have persuaded her into joining the group. She's pretty disconnected from everyone and just wants to debut.
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Harry Styles Mommy and Daddy Issues
Sorry for the break but the thought of doing a reading on him again made me procrastinate.
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Harry's relationship with his mom: The chariot rx, 9 of wands rx, Queen of swords rx, the lovers. Why did I know the lovers was going to come out. The chariot upright is like forward moving energy in a relationship. This being rx is like the energy being halted or being reversed. This card is also about travel. Harry may not spend a lot of time with his mother or go out of his way to see or talk to her enough. He could be avoiding her, I will look into that later. With 9 of wands rx, he may feel like he has to watch what he says around her. There's an energy of him not feeling comfortable or confident in himself around her. Interesting. With Queen of swords rx, he might see her as someone who is very black and white. Someone who might say things without thinking that can hurt his feelings. Someone who can be critical and brutal at times. However, we did get the lovers. He feels very close to her and trusts her, even if he feels like he can't be completely honest (9 of wands rx). There may be an energy of codependency.
Why is Harry avoiding or being lazy in his relationship with his mom - Strength rx and Queen of Wands rx. She can be judgy and motherly. She is trying to tame him and push him into the next phase of his life and he isn't ready for that. She can be passive aggressive with him and critical.
So far I'm not getting anything that is too uncommon in a mother-child relationship lol.
What are some traits or behaviors Harry picked up from his mom in childhood - ace of swords rx, queen of cups, 4 of wands. Aww. Okay, let's start with the bad one, his mom taught him to communicate poorly. I'm getting that his mom taught him to communicate in a passive aggressive way as I am looking back to the Queen of wands. She may have even taught him to be critical of himself and others at times. Another behavior she taught him was how to adapt to change. She taught him how to be social and how to enjoy and value people and success. With Queen of Cups, she taught him how to be empathetic and how to make people feel good and cared about.
Harry's relationship with his dad: 10 of cups, the hierophant, and the star rx. He is really close to his dad. He feels cherished by him and enjoys him a lot. 10 of cups is like the family card, so his dad is definitely a stable, trusted force for him. With the hierophant, he feels like his dad is extremely wise. He may go to his dad for advice over his mother. He looks up to his dad and may strive to be like him or they may share similar traits as this card is like a passing down of traditions. With the star, I'm getting that he feels like his dad isn't using him for attention and perks. Harry may also fear his dad a little bit, but this is also related to respect. He sees him as a marvel of some kind.
What are some traits of behaviors Harry picked up from his dad in childhood - 8 of pentacles, 10 of swords, 9 of cups. His dad taught him how to be a hustler and ruthless. His dad taught him how to get what he wants at all costs but also how to enjoy his success. His dad also taught him how to be a hard worker. Maybe he saw his dad do these things growing up and he respected that. His dad at some point in his childhood abandoned him or betrayed him, however, Harry didn't see this coming. This taught Harry that relationships can end abruptly. This may give him some anxiety in relationships as he is scared of experiencing this again.
How does Harry's parents' divorce affect him today - the world, 5 of wands rx, the high priestess. First of all, his parents' divorce has caused him to struggle with trust in others. Along with this, it has caused him to repress his feelings in order to avoid confrontation. His parents' divorce taught him to always plan for the future. He may find stability and peace in having a backup plan or knowing that failure isn't the end. If something fails, there's always another chance or another opportunity. I wanna say this ties into his detachment issues.
In summary, his mommy and daddy issues are centered around a lack of trust in others, a lack of confrontation, repressing feelings, and detachment.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know if you have any questions.
Requests are closed. As always, these readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.
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jaybug-jabbers · 2 years
Bug Run 9: Running the Gauntlet
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Next up, we have a bunch of major battles all in a row. I wanted to make sure I went into them just a liiiittle underlevelled, because I’ve been finding that if you are the same levels as your opponent in this game, it’s still too easy. Thus, I went into these fights at levels 55-56, and it turned out that this was a good choice, because I had some rather enjoyable battles as a result. I will try to summarize them here!
I actually needed to do this battle a few times, because Fire Dog is scaaaary for my team and I needed to figure out how to deal with it. Also, it started to rain the second Clavell sent his ace out, Quaquaval, soooo yeah, my first run was kinda screwed at the end there. I nailed things down quickly enough, though. 
I led with my Spidops (Lollipop) to get Sticky Web and two layers of Toxic Spikes up, and then stall out the Oranguru’s Reflect. Insomnia rarely comes in handy as an ability but it made Lollipop tailer-made to be the lead in this fight, since Yawn/Dream Eater is Clavell’s entire strat here. When Lollipop goes down, my Lokix (Hunter) finishes things off.
I gave my Rabsca (Fireball) an Occa Berry to survive Houndoom’s Fire Blast, but I suspect the AI cheats when it comes to these berries and they will avoid using a Fire move even though Clavell couldn’t possibly know my hold item. Anyway, Fireball could survive one Dark Pulse and get off an Earth Power before going down. Thankfully, Hunter is always around to mop things up at the end.
Naturally, the Abomasnow died to my Larvesta (Ra), but not without getting snow & and annoying Aurora Veil up first. I tried using Larvesta on the Polteageist, but that was a bad idea since it was just setting up Shell Smashes (+ Weak Armor). Hunter can take out the ghost before it becomes a menace, but he has to take a Will-o-Wisp as punishment, which kinda sucks. 
On Amoongus, I have the luxury of using Tailwind and Reflect before killing it with my Frosmoth (Snowglobe). The mushroom does absorb the t-spikes though, because I am silly and forgot it could do that. The ace is left, and while it bodied me in previous fights with Aqua Step (the speed boost is awful!), this time my Vivillon (Pixel) prevailed with her Miracle-Seed-boosted Energy Ball. Pretty sure the Reflect is what saved us, because she could take that first Aqua Step and fire off a second Energy Ball (she still outsped, thankfully) and get the foe into the low red before perishing. Hunter coud then step in and Sucker Punch for the win.
Penny was certainly the easiest fight in the late-game gauntlet when I played the game the first time around. However, with a team of six bugs it’s a little bit harder, mainly because Flareon has Flare Blitz. I want to point out my team composition does a very poor job of balancing out our weaknesses. We have massive Fire, Rock and Flying weaknesses across the entire team. So that means we have to be pretty careful about these glaring weak spots.
I used my usual Spidops lead for Sticky Web and t-spikes, except instead of letting him faint I switched into Hunter to take care of the Umbreon. I needed Lollipop to send back out against the Flareon. I was hoping I could slow it down enough with Silk Trap for my remarkably slow Fireball to outspeed. Sadly, this is not the case, it still was not enough, but luckily the Flareon used Baby-Doll eyes first, so Fireball still could use his Earth Power. That plus the recoil from Flare Blitz took it out. 
Leafeon was not an issue, of course (one Ice Beam and byebye). I knew Pixel’s Energy Ball didn’t do much against Vaporeon’s bulk, so I tried to use Hunter instead. It took a while, to be honest, but hacking away with Axe Kicks and terastallized-Lunges eventually worked (I got a lucky confusion and it hit itself a few times too). Jolteon died to Snowglobe’s Ice Beams, and Snowglobe could handle a little Thunder. 
Finally, Sylveon. I brought back my Vespiquen, Ruby, just so she could use her Venoshock on the poisoned Slyveon. The hit did . . . surprisingly little, but she chipped away enough that the ace fell at the same time Ruby fainted. And thus, we completed the Team Star storyline. Next up, the Elites!
The ground-type Elite was not somebody I expected would give me any trouble, but there were a few tight spots. Donphan had Stone Edge, but fortunately was too slow to be a real threat for long. Camerupt was doable with Fireball’s Occa berry still in hand-- it melted to Earth Power. Really, the only hiccup was Dugtrio. Which seemed to have a supernatural, utterly ridiculous number of Flinches with its Rock Slides. That plus all the moves it evaded due to Sand Veil was truly tiresome. This did force a re-start of the match, but with identical strategy. Just this time, ever-so-slightly fewer Flinches. After that, the poop fish died to Snowball’s Ice Beams easily enough.
This elite’s lead folded to two of Ra’s Flame Wheels. Corviknight is much spookier. I got a really good hit with Ice Beam, and that plus the recoil damage from Brave Bird meant that Hunter could Sucker Punch to finish things. Magnezone went down to Fireball’s Earth Powers without any trouble. I used Lollipop to slowly chip away at Bronzong until it yeilded. Tinkaton is intimidating, so I use Pixel to Stun Spore it, then Hunter gives it a nice Axe Kick. Hunter actually takes the Gigaton Hammer to the face pretty well. He finishes things off with a Throat Chop. 
Things start to get serious here. Lollipop’s usual tricks (Sticky Web, Toxic Spikes) won’t work here. However, Larry’s opening poke isn’t so bad; I hit Tropius with Ra’s Flame Wheel. It decides to Sunny Day (lol) and then Solar Beam (lolol) and then goes down. 
The rest are a bit trickier. I slow Staraptor down with a Silk Trap before going down to Brave Bird. Then Hunter can outspeed and Axe Kick the bird, and Brave Bird recoil takes care of the rest. The trouble is, I have to send a poke out now with no clue what Larry will pick next. He’s either gonna pick Alteria or Oricoro. I think he’s gonna choose Alteria so I send out Pixel.
OOPS, wrong answer. He sends out the electric Oricoro. I use Ra as death fodder to get a clean switch to Fireball. I Power Gem, which does a respectable chunk, but then go down to two Air Slashes. Snowglobe can finish things off, but she cannot outspeed so she takes a bug chunk of damage in the process. A scary sight when I am now down to my last two pokes. It was going to take a miracle to clear things now.
Alteria is out next. I send out Pixel to use Stun Spore. I knew I had to slow it down enough for my Frosmoth. I get a very lucky first-turn paralysis, so I’m free to try and attack it. I use Hurricane and also get lucky with some Confusion (although it doesn’t kick in). I’m hit with Flamethrower and survive. Hurricane looks to be a three-hit KO. But there’s no way I can survive another Flamethrower. 
But Alteria gets paralyzed again. And Pixel finishes it off with two more Hurricanes.
Larry’s ace is Flamigo. Pixel is still around to perform her most vital task, using Stun Spore. She then goes down to Liquidation. Snowglobe is my last, and she’s a little under half health. Flamigo has Brave Bird, so Snowglobe needs to one-shot with Ice Beam to win. I wasn’t very familiar with Flamigo and didn’t realize how much of a glass canon it was, so I was so relieved that Slowglobe outsped and clinched the victory.
I fully admit that if Pixel hadn’t gotten lucky with paraylsis and soloed the Alteria, we would have lost, because Flamigo would have outsped my Frosmoth. (Also, Frosmoth probably could have one-shot Oricoro, so there would have been no need to sack Rabsca and Ra, and in that case, I would have been on much better footing to fight Alteria. Still, paralysis hax prevailed in the end!)
After this battle, the very very long wait was finally over . . . Larvesta evolved.
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And what an opportune moment it was. We would need all the help we could get in our bid for becoming a Champion.
Our team now at levels 57 - 59, we faced down the Dragon master. Lollipop led with his usual Sticky Web before perishing to the Noivern. Lucky for me, after I sent Slowglobe in, we got the Air Slash 5% miss, and thus got rid of Noivern cleanly. For Haxorous, I slowed it down even further with Pixel’s Stun Spore (& then died to Rock Tomb) so that Snowglobe could once again come in and get a clean kill. Flapple . . . um, I love Flapple dearly but that lad was obviously a freebie for my team. The final dragon, though, was Baxcaliber, an Ice Dragon with a terrifying new move, Glaive Rush. However, the good news was that all Gym Leaders and Elites in this game choose to terastallize their ace right away. So Baxcalibur became pure Dragon type, and Snowglobe had no trouble taking him down. This fight certainly made me thankful for the ice moth.
To be perfectly frank, Geeta’s team was not the scariest team for me to face. In fact, it was almost trivial. Her Espathra was easy pickings for an all-bug team. Hunter crushed her with Lunge (she tried to use Dazzling Gleam on me, but I had  terastallized and lost my weakness to it, so it was shrugged off). Hunter destoryed the Veluza and the Gogoat just as easily. The weird-looking Kingambit wasn’t going to survive an Overheat from a Volcarona, and an Avalugg certainly wasn’t going to be an issue either. The only actual threat was the ace, Glimmora. I had just Fiery Danced on the Avalugg and had a Sp Attack boost I didn’t feel like wasting, so I stayed in on the Glimmora just for funsies. I actually got two Overheats off on the darn thing before it finally decided to use its Tera Blast. I decided I would finish things off with the pokemon most dear to me, my little Pixel.
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And that was it. Right? No more battles?
Well. Almost. There were a few more still to do.
Arven wasn’t any real problem; Fireball swept most of his team, and Hunter took care of Mabosstiff. Nemona was a little harder to face because of her opening Lycanroc. In the past, I dealt with it by using Lollipop to Counter. But her Lycanroc now knew Stone Edge, and that was just a bit too much for Lollipop to handle. Eventually I decide to slap a Charti Berry on Lol that I happened to have, and it did the trick!
The last fight of the main game, of course, is AI Sada. I did some planning before going in, because this one was a genuinely challenging one. She opens with Slither Wing, and Lol got his usual Sticky Web up. Pixel can then get a clean kill with Hurricane. She sent Flutter Mane out next, and I had Hunter Throat Chop. He barely survived the Power Gem, but he did have a small sliver of health left, so he could finish with Sucker Punch. I used Volcarona on Scream Tail, testing the waters with Fiery Dance, seeing it did way too little, and then just killing with Overheat. Sandy Shocks hits pretty hard but Fireball could just barely take it out with two Earth Powers. I discovered that Brute Bonnet was the perfect time to set up, because it couldn’t do much to Snowglobe; after a Reflect and Tailwind, I cleared it out with an Ice Beam and AI Sada deployed her ace. Roaring Moon is quite a terrifying beast, especially with a Stone Edge. One Ice Beam drops him to the low red, and Snowglobe falls to the Stone Edge. With Tailwind still at our backs, Pixel can step in and end things. Once and for all.
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And with that, our gauntlet was complete. 
0 notes
callsignhoney · 2 years
being phoenix’s back seater ➤
pairing ➤ platonic!natasha "phoenix" trace x reader
genre ➤ angst, fluff
you and phoenix hail from the same squadron
the black aces
she hasn’t known you for long
you’re pretty young for a wso, all things considered
it was kind of a combination of your youth and your sometimes annoying but mostly endearing curiosity that led phoenix to adoring you as she does now
however, this affection was not immediate
for a while you were convinced she hated you
and maybe she did a little bit
you were replacing her former back seater who had been with her since flight school all those years ago but was leaving the navy to start a family
in came you: fresh out of tech school and way too eager
you didn’t know her routines, her patterns
you had little to no field experience and hadn’t even been in a plane all that much prior to getting stationed with her
you were lacking in every department except for theoretical knowledge
you were not her partner
for a long time the two of you upheld this kind of grumpy senior officer, overeager newbie type relationship
you struggled fitting in with the others at first
you were nerdy and awkward and talked too much but you really meant well and were always willing to learn
that had to count for something, right?
you were the comic relief for your squadron
you were happy to be
you didn’t care if they laughed at you, at least you made them smile
the bullying wasn’t actual bullying
it was teasing at best
like giving your siblings crap for just existing
your team saw and appreciated that you really were trying
to learn to do your job
to learn how to work as a team
to be their friend
to be phoenix’s friend
you thought she was the coolest person you’d ever met
so calm, so level headed, so precise and succinct and talented
she’d been to top gun!!
she was so cool and you would have done anything for her to just like you
but phoenix
she genuinely held disdain for you
you thought it was all just a joke and that made her dislike you even more
she was ranting about you one night a couple months after you had joined the squadron
it was later on in the evening and you’d heard some of your squad was drinking in the common room
you were barely old enough to drink but you finally could, so you decided to join them
you arrived just in time to hear phoenix ranting about you and how incapable and annoying you were
(phoenix) they just don’t know how to do anything, they’re practically useless. they think everything’s a joke. they never stop talking just on and on and on like they don’t know how to shut up and just do their fucking job. i get a migraine just thinking about them half the time
you did not join them for a drink
in fact, you did not join them for anything after hearing what phoenix had to say about you and the murmur of half-drunk agreements given by your cohorts
you let the distance between yourself and the others grow back to what it once was, no longer fighting a one-sided battle to cross that gap and be accepted by them all
you stopped talking
to be completely honest
it terrified phoenix
there was radio silence from you unless you were telling her a trajectory or a location or some useful piece of info
she thought she’d be relieved the day you finally stopped chattering away the entire time you two were in the air but really it was unsettling
it was too quiet
she didn’t like the deafening silence without you filling it with pointless stories and anecdotes, little comments about how pretty the sky was or how cool a maneuver she’d just done was
she thought you might be sick with how suddenly your demeanor changed
she asked you about it once you were back on the ground from patrol
(phoenix) hey, are you sick or something?
(you) what? no, why?
(phoenix) you’re just weirdly quiet today. i’m not used to being able to hear myself think
this continued for several days
after months of nonstop chatter and excitement from you
after all of the energy and passion you had, all the life you had given this team
the squad felt desolate when you withdrew
like something had scooped out the core of the unit and left it hollow
the whole squadron was worried about you
you had just gotten….. quiet
very quickly, phoenix realized just how much she actually loved your personality
you weren’t always the most serious, but you could make anyone laugh
you were this light that burned so brightly and could make anyone’s day a thousand times better
you weren’t the best at your job, but you were still new and you were trying
you were trying
and she had hated you for it
that wasn’t fair to you, and she was incredibly ashamed of how she had treated you
she didn't know how to address it for a while
she hadn't realized you'd heard her that night and was incredibly concerned that smth had happened to you to make you this quiet and withdrawn
idk maybe a family member died or you were struggling w mental health, she really had no idea
she just knew that she was worried about you
she cared about you
she had tried to keep a distance between you two bc she didn't want to replace someone who had been her best friend
she didn't want to move on from what had been so comfortable with her last wso but yet here you were
weaseling into a little place in her heart and doing your goddamn best
the others were just as worried as she was
whenever she brought you up to them they had no answers; no one knew what happened to make you start acting like this
she started by being gentler with you
she didn't demand or expect things of you that you wouldn't know
not because you were incapable, but because you were learning
she tried to be more helpful, explain things more patiently
she started spending some time with you while off duty, being more friendly in general
she wanted you to know she was reaching out a hand
and you were confused as all hell
hadn’t phoenix just said that she couldn’t stand you and now she was being nice??
it didn’t add up
you let it go for a while
then she was asking to get a drink with you on a night off like it was totally normal for the two of you to go out together
(you) are you feeling okay?
(phoenix) yeah, why?
(you) you’ve just been… really nice lately
(phoenix, laughing) what? is it that weird that i want to grab a drink together? am i not allowed to be nice to you?
(you) it’s just kind of weird considering….
(phoenix) considering what?
you mumbled out a little confession of eavesdropping that night
phoneix’s face just dropped
she hadn’t really meant that
she wasn’t really annoyed at you, she was annoyed at losing her friend
she was holding a grudge for something that was not your fault and she shouldn’t have been upset about
you just happened to be the easiest thing to make a scapegoat
and you thought she hated you
(phoenix) god shit i’m so stupid. i am so dumb. i didn’t— i’m sorry you heard that i was just—
(you) you were just speaking your mind but it’s fine. i know i’m loud and annoying and overeager—
(phoenix) no! no. those are literally everyone’s favorite things about you!
(you) people like…. that i’m annoying??
(phoenix) yes, to be honest. it’s endearing in a weird way that i still don’t understand. but how talkative you are and how curious you are and how fucking smart you are, it just makes you an amazing person. i’m sorry it took me so long to see it
you went out to drink with her
there were a couple others from the squadron there too
one of them shot a text to the group chat without you in it (y/n supporters anonymous) along with a picture of you beaming while a group of people laughed at something you said
[21:41] they’re back, ladies and gents
you went back to your normal self
your playful banter while up in the air was a sound for sore ears
you made hours long flights so much more bearable
yes, you were genuinely annoying sometimes but you were still one of the funniest, most welcoming, friendliest people phoenix had ever known
you became phoenix’s best friend
in an “agent of chaos” x “mom friend” kind of say
anyone looking at the two of you would think that phoenix can’t stand you
but she can, she does, and she will continue to
anyone who has a problem with you can go through her
you are her pain in the ass
no one else gets to say anything about it
a prime example:
hangman happened to be coming through the base your squadron was calling home for a couple months
you ran into him and went on one of your ramblings about how the double seater f18’s had to be engineered to be able to keep up with the single seat planes during missions despite the extra weight and size of having to fit a second person in the cockpit
he was later complaining to phoenix about “some smart ass kid who wasted ten minutes of my time talking to me about some engineering bullshit for the f/a-18f that i couldn’t care less about”
in walks you from afar
(hangman) god, hide me, i cannot deal with this annoying kid again
(phoenix) i know you’re not talking about y/c/s. i know damn well you’re not talking about my back seater
she shut that down real fast
then stuck hangman with you for a considerably longer tangent about some other nerdy engineering thing you know about f18’s just to make him suffer
being annoying comes in handy sometimes
especially if it irritates hangman
you went to top gun yourself eventually
you were paired with a wso-less pilot and spent your time working together as a team
you’re still good friends with beluga but he just doesn’t compare to flying w phoenix
eventually phoenix gets called back to top gun, along with 11 other graduates
you are not among those chosen
phoenix tells you the details she can, including that she’s been assigned a new back seater for whatever mission they’re training for
(phoenix) his name’s bob. literally just bob. like his actual name is his call sign. he’s hilarious, a little shy but sweet. i think i can make it work
you were immediately terrified of getting replaced
she got along so well with bob right off the bat
you had to fight for months for her to just tolerate your presence
she spoke of him so highly, how he was able to so quickly fall into rhythm with her
he was literally everything you weren’t when you first got assigned to the black aces
capable, talented, easy to get along with
the best of the best
you hadn’t even met the guy and you felt like you would never be able to compare to him
phoenix got chosen to fly the mission
you never doubted that she wouldn’t
she came home safe and eventually flew back to the squadron
the black aces went out the night she came back, celebrating her return at a bar your squad often frequented
you felt so out of place
you were happy for her, proud of her
of course you were
and you were elated to have her back
you’d gotten it in your head that you weren’t good enough
good enough to be pheonix’s back seater
good enough to be a wso
to be in your squad
to do what you do
who are you to do these things and to have people rely on you when you could so easily let them down? when there are so many better options?
phoenix noticed your change in demeanor the second you hesitated to hug her while picking her up from the airport
that is not y/n behavior
you should have been skidding to a stop, throwing the car in park, jumping out of the driver’s seat, and racing to tackle her in a hug
maybe she’d become a little greedy with your affection
maybe she’d gotten too used to your undying admiration
but she knew something was going on
she cornered you at the bar when you wandered away from the group
(phoenix) what’s wrong?
(you) what? nothing’s wrong. why would anything be wrong????
(phoenix) y/c/s
that was really all it took for you to spill your guts and all your insecurities to her
she had this internal conflict of deciding whether to laugh bc of how absurd you sounded or to let her heart shatter a little at how easily you believed she’d replace you
instead she did the good thing and gave you the assurance you desperately needed
anyone else, she would not have been as gentle
but this is you we’re talking about
that soft spot she’d developed wouldn’t let her react any differently
(phoenix) i’m not gonna replace you. you’re my back seater, y/c/s. you are. and that’s not gonna change just bc i was stationed somewhere else for two weeks. we’re a team, y/n. you understand?
(you) yeah,,,,,,, it’s weird hearing you call me by my first name
(phoenix) and i will never be doing it again
phoenix is all tough love but there’s an emphasis on the love part
she rarely if ever will tell you how much you mean to her and how much she cares about you
it’s really through her actions that you’ll see it
the little things
coffee just how you like it
tickets for a movie you’ve been excited about
calm reminders for things you’re still learning
patience and understanding
she still acts like she can’t stand you (and sometimes she can’t but a little suffering is worth keeping you around in the long run) but anyone who knows her isn’t fooled
you are her weakest point, her softest spot
but she’ll be damned before she admits it
especially to you bc there would be no living that down
be as annoying as you want because phoenix’s affection for you is undying at this point
nothing you could do could change that or make her want to get rid of you
you’re her ride or die
you are her best friend
and she wouldn’t have it any other way
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serenheist · 3 years
What Taehyung is like in a relationship/ Taehyung as a boyfriend Tarot reading
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How long does it take him to get into a relationship? & Does he prefer long or short term relationships 8 of cups, queen of swords, 10 of pentacles 9 of pentacles reversed, 4 of cups
Ffs the queen of swords always pops up. Anyway yeah I don’t see him getting into anything quickly. He could’ve in the past but I think past relationships left him drained af and feeling alienated. I think he has a shit ton of walls up and is a lot more no nonsense now. It’s probably intimidating and more blunt to others because he wants to get to the heart of why someone is trying to get with him since so many people try to pull the same shit and fuck around with him like he’s dumb. He does not settle for anything other than what he wants. If he can’t find “the one” then he legit just rather be alone. It looks like he’s now more focused on building a Legacy though and something serious and long term so he has no desire to just jump into something with anyone. He basically would wait it out and get to know them long before deciding he trusts them enough and feels comfortable enough to show his emotions and not be so aloof.
I feel like he’d be the type to not show much interest at first because he really needs to scope the person out. So the person probably wouldn’t even know he actually likes them. Actually he could be a little too jaded and bored to the point of turning away everyone even though he does want a relationship. But in his mind there’s too many people being carbon copies and trying to swindle him for his money bruh for real all of bts are having this problem like damn it keeps reoccurring. Idk why it seems like there’s people also trying to use money to get with him like they’re rich and they think he’ll just want someone loaded. Like dude he’s already rich so that doesn’t work and to him them having a ton of money means Jack shit when they have the personality of a damn rock.
Past & present love life 10 of swords, 2 of pentacles present: the hermit, 5 of wands
Past love life: welp. Do I really need to explain the 10 of swords. I think actually that he had all this past trauma and shit from relationships and even other shit he still hasn’t dealt with but there was no time to even process that because he had to get back to work and act like he was fine. I think he’s the type of person that buries himself in his career when he experiences traumatic stuff that he doesn’t want to deal with. And of course it’s easier when you’re busy 24/7 anyway. This relationship betrayed him in every way tbh but maybe it was a catalyst for better things to come though he still might not see this right now. Present: I don’t see him in a relationship now currently cause the hermit but also being a major arcana it’s like he’s really in a life stage right now where he just wants to be alone because there’s so much conflict going on and he’s feeling anxious and having all these negative pessimistic thoughts that he just needs time to himself. I don’t think he very optimistic about his love life right now he’s lost a lot of hope. Things are too chaotic elsewhere to focus on romance.
What is he like in a relationship? the chariot, ace of cup, Unicorn, fae 61, solus 13, vanth, the sun reversed, anger and chains 29, justice, 2 of swords reversed, 3 of cups reversed, avenoir 1, princess of pentacles,ta’om the poet 29, ace of swords, Thanatos
What is he like in a relationship? When he’s in a relationship he really puts all his focus on that person and will go above and beyond for them. There’s a kind of masculine and feminine balance in him in the sense that he’s ready to be the go getter and take charge but there’s also a vulnerable energy and overflowing emotions. He works hard to take care of his person and make the relationship work . The only downside is he could possibly be too smothering to his partner or come on too strongly because of past shit and maybe too clingy for some people since in a relationship he really shows his softer side and he’s not as aloof as he is to others. He loves to have little house parties with his partner and have friends and family over with a ton of food and music.
For date ideas he’s down for anything but especially something “magical” maybe literally some place like Disneyland or pagan festival like beltane? That’s specific af but there’s a medieval type of energy and nature spirits and shit, he wants to do stuff he hasn’t done before and that might even be outside his comfort zone since G. Hobyah card is all about imaginary fears and getting past them. The best qualities he has in a relationship is the ability to help his partner stand on their own 2 feet but also recognizes that you can’t do everything on your own so he’s the type of person who would go above and beyond and connect you to the right people or situations. He’s always there when his partner really needs them and will make sure to put time aside.
His worst quality is that I don’t think he knows how to express his anger in a healthy way. I think with the sun reversed next to anger and chains it’s more like he doesn’t know how to fully show it it’s kinda repressed but his emotions under the exterior are a hot mess and there’s a big need for stability. It’s like being too stubborn to admit when you mess up and petty shit cause it hurts his ego. But I don’t think it’s super bad considering the justice card I used to represent his communication style. I feel that even if he gets mad af he gets over things really quickly and one minute he’s be angry and 10 minutes later he’ll be asking you what you want for dinner like wtf.
When he likes someone he’s not going to jump in and immediately go approach them. I see him instead watching them intently from afar lol he’s very cautious and like gathering everything he can on that person. Dude’s a 1st class stalker. Jk But the thing is the person wont even know he is interested in them because he keeps a serious face as a kind of mask but on the inside he’s like a giddy kid. Ta’om is known for looking serious and thoughtful but is actually very playful and slightly mischievous. I think Taehyung is definitely one to start off as friends and slowly get to know someone rather than just start dating because he really wants to know that person well to see how real they are and if they’re just putting up a front.
He’s not attracted to new shiny things that are perfect he’s able to see the beauty in all things even in difficulty. After he’s been friends with them for awhile and knows if that person like him back, that’s when he’d actually make a move. He finds a lot of satisfaction in doing services for others until they’re completed so it makes me think his love language (giving) is acts of service but with the ace of swords is pretty obvious his Receiving love language is words of affirmation but moreso he appreciates when someone is blunt and honest and not just saying stuff to make him feel better cause then it’s just insincere.
What is his ideal type? the ageless, the star, the singer of healing 10, el shaddai, protection 26, ram, the maestro, fae 41, the sage 19, king of cups reversed, himself 17, danu, death reversed, obsession
His type: this person seems to have had some messed up stuff happen to them in their past. Even when others were horrible to them they still kept their dignity and chose to still give to others instead of give in to bitterness and despair. It’s like the Phoenix where no matter how many times they metaphorically die, they can still rise up even better than before. I think they’re able to help heal others because they’ve been through the trauma themselves but they know how to be honest and blunt without being overly mean about it. They have a kid of tough exterior though I think from years of negativity from people that’s made them strong but also a little distant from people and they need a lot of time to themselves to recharge and get away from peoples bs. Honestly this seems a lot like Taehyung too lol I think he wants someone who’s been through similar traumas.
The ram keeps calling out to me that I think this persons way of showing love is a little aggressive but that’s what Taehyung likes in someone tbh. It’s not like actually showing love it’s hard to explain. It’s more so you know when someone tries to act like sarcastic and shit to hide the fact that they like someone? Idk why it reminds me of toph from avatar the last airbender where she just punches people to show affection it’s kinda like that. Cause they’re not good at being really vulnerable. They put on this brave face and are pretty good at it to the point where you won’t notice that they’re jealous seeing you hang out with someone else. But this person is really independent like I’m not joking lmao and a go getter they don’t rely on anyone really. And don’t give a fuck who you are.
There’s 2 healing cards and honestly why is this person so similar to Taehyung lol this person is great at helping or healing others but again has to realize it’s okay to also get help for yourself. They think maybe that they’re fine on their own and they don’t like relying on others for help because people disappoint you and it’s easier to just do it yourself. But they’re really good at giving advice and are lot nicer than their exterior let’s on. Bruh the star card makes my mind keep playing that I’m gonna be a star song by twice lmao stop. I think this person actually is a star or is working up to it cause they have huge plans. This isn’t someone just wanting a mundane job I think they’re gonna go big.
Especially paired with the ram talking about they go for big dreams and huge successes. This person won’t stop until they accomplish their dreams they really don’t care what others say and will go to the extremes to get there. I see they have a lot of talents anyway but some people were like saying negative shit that their dreams are impossible but they’re learning to set boundaries with other people and it’s more of a just move in silence energy. Also usually I don’t say zodiac signs but since it’s a major arcana it might play some significance but Aquarius might be prominent in their chart (nvm I just remembered Taehyung has venus in Aquarius so duh you dumbass it wouldn’t be that out there to think he’d be drawn to Aquarius qualities).
I wonder if this person is into astrology though given all the glyphs. I think this is someone Taehyung has been trying to manifest and call in too like wishing on a star for a looooong time and maybe thought it wouldn’t come but boy does the universe have a surprise for you. They really are future oriented thinkers and know a lot about spirituality I think that a big part of who they are I really don’t think they’d be completely atheist or not care about spiritual topics. They give a lot without much thought in return and can talk about anything with openness and honesty. With Taehyung they’d teach him everything under the sun. He likes when he can share all this knowledge especially about weirder topics with someone who isn’t going to dismiss him. I see them really encouraging him to try new things and show him things he never knew were possible. They treat him like he finally belongs somewhere in the world.
This shit is kinda spooky because both the maestro guy and illbe the retriever are holding orbs/a little white ball close to them and they speak of the same thing. This person really protects Taehyungs hopes and dreams. Also they themselves obviously represent a dream that Taehyung thought was long gone and impossible. I think it can be taken literally too lol to mean that when Taehyung is being forgetful af. This person is that type of person who has your keys already when you think you lost them. They’re really the more responsible one in the relationship lmao helping him to be more organized and get his life together. The next set of cards I used to represent what his biggest turn ons are. This isn’t in a sexual way though lmao I meant the qualities he likes the most in his ideal type. Already I noticed how all the cards are facing straight ahead and looking right at you so it makes me think this person has some intense ass eye contact and looks intimidating and they got a rbf.
With the king of cups reversed I don’t think they’re actually these heartless cold bitches and that Taehyung is turned on by that because the sage card is upright and talks about the same shit but this is a person definitely who looks colder but is actually kind on the inside. He kinda likes people who look cold like that but are actually sweethearts. This person is not one of those super lovey-dovey people or uses pet names and babytalk like “my sweet baby Taehyung” whatever I think they find it very cringe. They have some trauma from when they were kids where they felt as if they aren’t allowed to act very emotional because people will think they’re weak and take advantage of them (this is just their beliefs about themselves) they instead act very macho or tough again lol like Toph from ATLA idk why I keep thinking of her but there’s like a kinda tomboy energy but they’re really not heartless they just need the right person to feel comfortable around and need to work on opening up emotionally.
There’s so much masculine and yang energy but then at the end you see this motherhood figure so it again really makes me think it’s a front and this person is so nurturing and that’s what really draw Taehyung to them. He loves the most that this person knows so much about the most random things and esoteric topics. They value tradition and stability but they also understand the need for growth and change they’re the perfect balance. Communication is really a big thing for Taehyung it’s a reoccurring theme in this. Someone who is very good at communicating and are action oriented. They say what they mean and mean what they say. It’s very important that they are their own unique individual self and have their own goals and skills and hobbies.
This person is probably a powerful manifester too and sets their intentions and goes after them. They have so much power and confidence also with the himself card they could be a dancer or love dance since he’s a dancer faerie they’re very much into creative shit. They seem very natural and not the type who got work done or wears too much makeup idk there’s like a wild energy lol like this bitch is from the damn forest. If someone attacked Taehyung this person would literally drop kick someone even if the person was bigger than them. Danu card is always protective and nurturing but ferocious if you mess with their person. Like “idc what you do to me but if you touch my guy I’ll end you”.
Now onto what Taehyung’s biggest turn offs in general are: death reversed and obsessed card lol oh god bro I am fucking done. His biggest turn off is when someone makes him the center of their universe. I mean this in the extreme way like “omg you’re my one and only we’re meant to be I think about you 5000 times a day and have an entire closet with all your pictures and I document your entire life” 👀 and he’s like uhh can you get a damn hobby? (That doesn’t involve me) Cause imagine someone’s entire life revolves around you. It’s sweet at first I guess? Lmaoo then it’s just creepy and like they have no life or personality without you. Death reversed is like something is plaguing you and following you around, pestering and annoying you. He must’ve experienced this shit irl lmao if it’s this strong with a major arcana to come up as a turn off. Cause major arcana are big ass life lessons. Like they thought he wouldn’t know they were secretly obsessed with his ass and used other people like his friends to get closer to him but I’m telling you Taehyungs intuition is something else and he always knows when people are some obsessed crazies. This is exactly why he’s so cautious now because of bs like that he can’t trust anyone. Like please stop acting like Jodi Arias and have some self respect.
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sasubaeuchithot · 3 years
For Kizuna Hikari you said you wanted to keep them as IC as possible (which you were able to do!) so I was wondering how you view Naruto's sexuality and how you think he views his sexuality? Are you able to bridge it with his manga version?
Moments from the manga that could be relavent to his sexuality:
- when he impersonates Sasuke, Sakura's confessing her desperation for Sasuke/how she'd do anything for him and Naruto thinks he finally understands why he likes her (3)
- when he compliments Sakura's appearance he says she has a charming large forehead (3)
- thinks Haku is cuter than Sakura (21)
- tells Jiraiya that when he peeps it's mischief/a prank, but for Jiraiya it's considered criminal behaviour (91) he is seen peeping in the chapter prior
- calls Hinata weird, plain and gloomy, but says that he likes people like her (98)
- when Sakura asks about her looks after the time skip he says she hasn't changed at all (245)
- when Sakura says that Sai resembles Sasuke he gets defensive and says Sasuke's way cooler (285)
- in the bathhouse scene he's blushing, looking uncomfortable, the only one with his knees to his chest (286) then he seems like he's going to try peeping on Sakura
- his weird reaction when Kakashi said he's starting to like him, Kakashi has to clarify that it didn't come out right (330)
- doesn't really think about Hinata's confession or offer a response
- unrelated but the only woman he outright calls beautiful is his mother XD (498)
- he hits Konohamaru for doing Sasuke on Sai sexy jutsu (347), but in the war he admits that he practised the reverse harem jutsu more than rasengan (682)
- when Kurama brings up the fact that the only person he kissed was Sasuke he starts gagging/barfing, oddly it's the only time he has a nosebleed (572)
I'm so sorry for the long ask, I'm just really curious about your thought process when writing Naruto and your opinion of the manga. Are there any other canon moments you've taken into account? I'm also sorry for giving you a list, I wanted to be clear with what I was referring to in terms of his manga characterisation.
it's been years since I read the manga (though I own the first 40-50 volumes lol) so I'll admit that I'm not a good source for manga specific things, however I do know of all of these instances you mention
I have always viewed Naruto as bi/pan!!! I've always seen him as the kind of person who has the ability to develope a crush on nearly everyone he meets, perfectly juxtaposed against Sasuke, who is very ace/aro in my mind and who can love basically just Naruto and Naruto alone, because Naruto is his deepest bond. naruto sees the good in people and admires them for it immensely, so i feel like he would easily form crushes (some more platonic than others). he craves love and attention from nearly everyone he meets. i dont discredit his attraction to girls. him saying Sakura looked the same after the time skip was just him being honest, but I don't think it meant he didn't view her as pretty or that he had stopped crushing on her- just that she looked the same. though I do think that he did vie for her attention because he was jealous of other people openly desiring Sasuke lol. but regardless, I don't deny that Naruto had a crush on her altogether. I think that it morphed into familial love, but it did have some base to it. he thought haku was prettier than Sakura, but he did think haku was a girl. and Sasuke himself has feminine features, so I'm sure he's a fan of other feminine looking people as well.
Naruto just has such disaster bisexual energy to me lol. he gets more flustered around guys than girls because he hasn't fully recognized what his feelings for them means because he isn't someone who actively self-reflects on why he feels the way he does. being gay doesnt appear to be very common in konoha, so i imagine there is some internalized homophobia he's dealing with that makes it all even worse. him remembering that Sasuke was his first kiss was a huge flood of emotions that he didn't know how to deal with, so he reacted the way his society would expect him to. but he uh. also got a nosebleed from it so clearly the memory was actually far from grossing him out lol
he feels the strongest for Sasuke, so he was rightfully sour towards someone replacing him on team 7. but let it be known:
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he clearly also found sai attractive lol
so, disaster bi Naruto with internalized homophobia who crushes on everyone but deeply loves Sasuke romantically and sexually. good shit
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pastelbatfandoms · 2 years
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So I did a reading for Johnny Depp, after the dreams I had, and it turned into checking in on how he felt about Vanessa Paradis, then how Vanessa feels about him. It was interesting, surprising and bittersweet.
I was a bit hesitant to post this seeing the crap I got for the MM, ERW reading. But I'm going to anyway. With interpretations this time!
Also for anyone into Astrology JD is a Gemini and VP is a Capricorn. I did pull my Astrology dice but I forgot to show them...
Starting with Johnny at the bottom (I uploaded them out of order oops)
First off with The Rainbow Moon Tarot- The High Priestess, He literally see's her as Divine (or Divine Counterpart),very intuitive and mystical also the mother of his children, that combined with The Sun shows he definitely views her in a higher light.
But with The Seven of Wands he still feels like he has to defend himself. Not just with her but everyone (maybe with her current husband as well) Three of Wands Reversed with The 10 of Pentacles shows that Johnny isn't sure what steps to take, in the last reading I did with them he wanted to be impulsive and race towards her now he's more cautious not sure if he should approach yet, especially since he knows he ruined the family dynamic.
Three of Crystals (Pentacles) Reversed, in My last reading he wanted to collab with Vanessa, he thought it would be very lucrative and I agree! Now he's not sure if they can work together, I feel a sadness there, but with The Magician he is definitely trying to manifest something between them!
Moving onto the oracle cards, with Authentic Living he wants to live his truest self and have an open and honest conversation with Vanessa, But he feels like it's going to be difficult.
He's more Patient then he was though and feels like he can wait, with Perspective Shift and the last reading, I feel like Johnny maybe going or has gone through a spiritual awakening (remember he went through a major dark night of the soul and release of karma with Amber) He hit Rock Bottom and is now seeing things very differently, I sense that right now if it's not Vanessa he would rather be alone.
Spirituality at the bottom just confirms the awakening.
They definitely have a True Love and Fated Connection, but obstacles (like her being married) are in the way of them being together.
Johnny is mastering his spirituality though and feels like the timing isn't right for them but he still feels her energy around him and wants to tell her how he feels. Though currently he's burying himself in work.
Now onto Vanessa...at the top.
I hate to say that she's almost the opposite of Johnny at least at the moment.
With The Three of Daggers (Swords) Reversed, she's still healing from the betrayal and ending, we all know he cheated on her with Amber which The Five of Daggers confirms. It's something I feel she still thinks about at times, hard not too when it's plastered everywhere and the live court trial, but she isn't holding onto it as much.
Although with The Moon AND Sun being reversed she doesn't see him the same way after all the lies and secrets were revealed his light diminished somewhat in her eyes.
But with the Ace of pentacles she still see's him as abundant and feels like they could be successful together (Business or personal) with Death reversed she still feels like their could be a rebirth and that this may not be the end. Especially with The Two of Cups.
Onto the oracle, with Lvl 3 and 8 Consciousness I sense that she knows or recognizes that Johnny is going through a transformation and is sensitive to it, if they do have a soul connection chances are she's going through an awakening as well, and notices how his energy affects others.
She admires his creativity and hopes he can deal with his karmic bonds. Vanessa at one point thought they'd have a long life together and thought of him as her Lucky Star (as did/does he) maybe she still does.
Despite the disappointments, the door that was previously closed is now open, she just needs time to heal and transform herself, I feel their reconciliation is going to bring a lot of answers and closure.
They had a fight, maybe recently, that ended in some harsh words that she hopes he can forgive her for, I have a feeling he already does. Though he has said harsh things as well. And that she see's him in everything. Ultimately Vanessa does still love him.
Will they be together again or just in a business sense or only as friends? Only time will tell. But I do feel remorse, regret and bittersweetness on both their parts.
I also pulled charms and I got Pacifier (obviously their kids), Mermaid, Diamond and Phoenix.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 3 years
Alliance Swap Au: Other Characters
In my first post for this au, I mentioned which ally of Wordgirl is swapped. Some of this involves a swap of powers. It will also involve a swap of personality. Here is the outline for each characters.
Victoria and Violet:
I noticed that Victoria does have some good qualities despite her overall villainous character. (That is definitely her parents fault.) One thing I noted is that Victoria does have somewhat of a dependable character and she is smart enough to realize her situation and mistakes (when her ego is not in the way). In one episode (I forgot the name) Victoria was willing to work together with Wordgirl to get Wordgirl’s powers back from Victor. Even though Victoria’s main motivation was to not be out-bested by her brother, she did prove dependable in helping Wordgirl out. In this au, I increased Victoria’s better qualities. She is a loyal and dependable best friend to Becky. She still acts brash and is somewhat brutally honest, but she will acknowledge her flaws and sincerely apologize when called out for her bad behavior. She is sassy and will throw hands to protect her friends, even when she doesn’t have to. (Tobey and Becky often have to pull her back to keep Victoria from getting hurt or worse.) In this au, Victoria has a single ponytail, regular hair ribbons that are blue in color. She wears a light blue shirt with a grey jacket. Her skirt, shoes, and socks are the same as in canon. Victoria likes Pretty Princess (not to an extant as Becky). In this au her parents are corporate people. (Idk the jobs) They are better than their canon selves, but are a little distant due to how busy their jobs are. They do love their children and want the best for them (not pushing them to be the best always) they just don’t have the time to spend with them as they want to. Victoria’s parents do let Victor and Victoria stay with friends or a good babysitter when they are extremely busy. The Best’s home is not as extravagant as in canon and the rest of the family are dressed more normally and comfortably. (They are still an upper-class family, but look like a normal family to everyone else.) Instead of Art, Becky and Victoria take music class together. (Becky is still terrible.) Victoria does not have her powers. Victoria is sensible in this au, but does try to become a superhero because it looks awesome. “Violet Superhero” happens a little differently, but Victoria does not take the mantle anymore because she realizes she is not cut out for heroics and leave it to the professionals. She and Tobey are still fans of Wordgirl, neither are easily fooled as the rest of the city. (Victoria’s hero outfit is same as canon.) Victoria is basically sassy mostly and does have General Smoochington, but treats him like a loving pet in this au and is definitely a lot more caring toward him. 
For Violet, I decided to twist her good qualities and make them corrupt. This was based on the villain from Wander over Yonder, Dr. Screwball, and how he wanted to make everyone laugh, whether they wanted to or not. Violet in this au wants to live in a world where everything is all sunshine and rainbows and everyone is happy all the time. She thinks that everybody is a winner and it is not fair when someone gets a trophy when another person doesn’t. Violet was raised in an environment by her mother where everything and everybody needs to live in peace and harmony and those who don’t need to be shown the error of their ways. Ex. In the introduction episode for Victoria Best, Violet gets upset when Victoria earns a lot of trophies (not every trophy like in canon). So she takes them to “teach her a lesson” about humility. (In this au, Victoria earned her trophies because of her hard work.) Violet also gets upset when she sees how Wordgirl treats the villains even though she is just doing her job and treats them the same as canon. Violet does get mistaken for Wordgirl and does try to take up the role of Wordgirl just to prove that Wordgirl is doing a terrible job and she should become a hero to be more sympathetic to everyone. (Her hero outfit is “The Framer”). Her powers are similar to Victoria’s. She has pink eyes when she uses them to move and levitate stuff. Violet paints and shows everyone her painting which puts them in a hypnotic trance which keeps them in a peaceful state until the control wears off. (If anyone has watched the Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated episode “When Walks Aphrodite” it is similar to that.) 
Tobey and Scoops:
I sorta did the same thing as I did for Violet and Victoria in this au. There are no interest or ability swaps for these two.
Tobey in this au is just an avid, albeit a little too energetic, inventor. Tobey is head of the media/technical club and is in charge of the media stuff used in school such as electronics used for classrooms and organizing technical special effects for school events. Tobey still dresses the same, but acts like a lovable nerd. Both he and Becky have crushes on each other, but the boy is oblivious as heck that Becky has a crush on him. Becky is not as lovey-dovey as she is in canon with Scoops when expressing herself towards Tobey in this au. Tobey has no idea that Becky is Wordgirl until the “Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers” episode. Tobey still invents robots for fun on the side. 
For Scoops, you remember how I made his character in my Morally Gray Wordgirl au? Well he is a lot worse in this au. He is still a reporter and a part of the Daily Rag (not head reporter). In this au, Scoops will do anything to get a Scoop, even sometimes aiding villains or helping to cause incidents to just get a great story. (Since Tobey is not a villain in this au, I have Dr. Ape Brains taking over most of Tobey’s canon roles with some shifts to other villains.) He is obsessed with finding out Wordgirl’s identity and causes an incident where he messes with Tobey’s Robots which cause them to go on a rampage at Becky’s home and a few other instances. Scoops does not mean to get people hurt, but he is too focused on “getting the BIG scoop” to notice. He does get punished by his parents. Canon outfit.
Eileen and Rex:
Now I chose to swap these two because they are both similar in personality. The both have childlike curiosity and are equally energetic. They both tend to ignore what others tell them and seem to think they know what they are doing. 
In this au, Eileen is a alien superhero from the planet Gigantian. She can control her size changes and is super strong. She can’t fly but has incredible stamina and dexterity that allows her to leap high in the air. She still has the baby talk (kids on Gigantian talk like a baby until their 13.) This annoys the heck out of Becky. Steven now has to deal with two energetic superheroes. (Sarcastically) Lucky him. Her hero name is Giantess. Her hero outfit is a pink mask. She has a suit style similar to Kid Math’s, but the main colors are pink with purple gloves, boots, and a cape. Her insignia is a mini green person in a strongman stance with black radio wave lines surrounding the person which symbolizes Eileen’s growth and shrinking abilities. Her secret identity outfit is the same as in canon. Her hairstyle as a superhero is in a ponytail while her secret identity has her canon hair and bow.
Rex is a kid villain known has Math Whiz. He treats everything as a research study. Rex does believe every day is his birthday which entitles him to do anything he wants all in the name of research. In the introductory episode for Eileen (changed for this au) Rex takes Squeaky for a lab rat and obliviously ignores Squeaky biting him all the time for release. When he doesn’t get what he wants he uses his powers. Rex is able to project holographic math monsters of various sizes that either protect him, steal for him, or attack anyone that bothers him (on command). These monsters may be holographic but can hurt someone physically. They look like math numbers and equations, have sharp teeth, cartoon eyes and arms, and are mainly white in color with a blue hue that surrounds them. Luckily, the amount of math monsters Rex is able to generate depend on his level of entitlement. If he is greedy for one thing or if it is for small reasons, he can usually generate one monster. Even if he is able to generate multiple math monsters at once, it takes a lot of energy out of him so he can only do it a few times.  
Rose Franklin and Chazz:
Recently, I decided to do a character change swap for Rose Franklin. I originally picked Katy because she was friendly and apologetic with Toby like Rose was with Scoops. Writing this post, I began to think about how Chazz was in the episode where he was being a bad influence for TJ. Since I have Scoops being a villain in this au, why not do the same for Rose. In this au, Rose acts like a cool girl/bad influence which impresses TJ and he develops a silly crush on her (which then ends when Wordgirl gets him back to his senses). She has an outfit and attitude similar to Chazz’s, but adjusted for a girl. Rose in this au is called Roe. 
Chazz in this au is a laid back, but intelligent kid who uses focuses on environmental science. The “News Girl” episode is retitled “Science Boys” for this au. In this au, Chazz accidentally insults Tobey by saying building robots isn’t really a helpful science as it would make people too dependent on robots. (Tobey is immediately upset and ready to throw hands because NO ONE insults his robots. Becky holds him back before Tobey does something stupid). Chazz in this au is called Chad Hudson. He moved to Fair City with his mom who is the new Forewoman (idk what a female foreman is supposed to be called?) for the Power Plant. Wordgirl and Mouse Ace stop the energy monster from destroying the plant and giving Chazz’s mom more work. In this au, Becky takes Chad to natural places along with technical places to get him more comfortable with the city and to ease the issues between him and Tobey. (Tobey does make friends with him in the end.) Tobey during this tour gets upset when Chad creates environment experiments that are beneficial for the civilians and villains. Ex. he creates an organic, environmentally friendly, gel that is great for Chuck’s bread skin and helps the grocery store manager to grow more head hair which he talks to Chad about profiting in his store. Chad figures out Becky’s identity the same way Rose does because this guy is smart. He plans Becky’s exposure as a major science project because her identity and life is a great scientific study. Steven is doing work stuff when Becky calls him to help her fight the bad guys so Steven is not on the tour with them. Steven finds out about how Chad discovered her identity after Becky tells him. Steven, after Tobey, confronts Chad (Tobey’s talk is similar as Scoop’s talk to Rose) and he basically explains the importance of keeping Wordgirl’s identity secret (acting as an adult) and also sort of threatens Chad (Two Brains’ canon character is showing). Luckily Chad, at this point, had already decided to not reveal Wordgirl’s secret and do something else for his project.He is from now on scared of Becky’s dad. It also takes a while for Steven to fully trust him.
Everyone else is pretty much the same for this au. Steven and Becky are neighbors to the Botsfords, TJ is still a fan of Wordgirl with Johnson as his sidekick (I decided to not bother swapping them for the au), and Miss Powers is still an evil alien (I couldn’t find anyone for her or Colonel Gigglecheeks). I don’t have any ship ideas for Victoria or the rest of the characters in this au. Except for Tobecky.  
(Another thing I forgot to mention in my first post about Squeaky is that the mouse sometimes travels with Becky in her pocket. So he does come with her to school sometimes. He usually sticks with Steven in the lab. Squeaky is kidnapped as was Bob in the “Birthday Girl” episode and is put in a girly dress which he despises with every fiber in his being. He also escapes the “Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers” mind control and helps Becky because his body was too small for the button to stick on well.) 
So that is my Alliance Swap au for Wordgirl
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Appreciate the burst or readings. For the Jenna & Percy reading which was depressing but seems spot:
- Wondering if Jenna only took interest in him because she was bored filming Wednesday, and kept him around because she needed a confidence boost. All the while Percy thought it was real.
- You mentioned she feels like he will betray her if she walks away from him. Is that because of her past trauma that you mentioned in her first reading, where she was betrayed by someone, or is it because he threatened her?
- Did you pick up if his intention was to “retaliate if she left him”
- Since neither care too much about the relationship why is Percy insisting on one?
- If they did get together did you pick up if she would actually care for him later down the line?
- if he is playing the field why would she just give in to a relationship with him? Her fans would(have) destroy(ed) him if he did try to betray her and I think she knows that, so why go this route?
Hey! Glad you enjoyed the reading.
First, when I did the original reading, I got that Jenna was genuinely interested in him. But the energy was very young crush like. Now that I'm thinking about it, it kind of reminds me of when you are in class and you start having a crush on the boy next to you. That's what they were both acting like. So she wasn't bored and talking to him initially.
I didn't pick up on this betrayal coming from her past feelings of betrayal. I picked up on it being more she isn't sure if he will retaliate if she blows him off. She doesn't know what he will do and that gives her anxiety. In a past reading, I got that her career was really important to her, so she might be scared he will impact her career in some way.
I want to clarify that I didn't get any energy from Percy that he was going to take revenge or anything currently. This is just a feeling Jenna has right now.
Percy wants a relationship with Jenna, but he has accepted it might not happen. He's insisting that she be honest with him and tell him what she wants. It's kind of like when someone feels strung along and they just want you to reject them so they can move on. Does that make sense?
I can only speak for her current energy and currently, Jenna has lost feelings for him. I got the ace of cups rx so that is really falling out of love with someone. I can do another update in a few months to see if her feelings on this change.
His personality is very conflict avoidant. Remember, they are not actually together right now. They are just talking/ flirting. Talking to other girls is his way of showing Jenna, "Hey I have other options so if you want me you need to tell me now". I feel like this is really common behavior among people who can be passive aggressive although extremely immature. I don't think he is thinking about the consequences from fans tbh. I mean, he has bigger things on his plate currently.
Let me know if you need any further clarification.
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rubycafee · 3 years
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ jungwon as yasushi takagi ;
yasushi takagi commonly known by his nickname yasu, is the drummer & leader in the punk band, Black Stones. he handles most of the business in the band, he's a very trustworthy and caring person. He is probably the most selfless, mature, and thoughtful person of the main cast. jungwon is the leader of enhypen, he is so caring for his members, and very trustworthy, he won't be the leader if he was not, also jungwon is very mature for his age, he makes good decisions, just like yasu, jungwon's dedicated to bringing people together and doing what’s right, he is also loyal and reliable person who enhypen can depend on, he is the one who keeps enhypen together. yasu is the one who created black stones, he is the one who brought them together, he is the one who led them to popularity as well.
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ heeseung as reira serizawa ;
to fans, reira is the archetypal idol: beautiful, charming and possessing a good voice. however, to her circle of friends, she's probably just as well known for being somewhat naive, overwhelmingly friendly, throwing child-like tantrums and making questionable demands. together with naoki fujieda, she's Trapnest's main source of laughter.
heeseung is the ace of enhypen ( in my opinion ), he has both skills and visuals ( all of enhypen to be honest ). just like reira, he has a heavenly voice that make everyone happy, honestly, I could listen to his voice all the day without getting tired of it, he is also the fake maknae of enhypen, as he acts like a child sometimes, he makes us laugh all the time, but he is serious when he needs to be. there's not a single ep of en-o'clock that heeseung didn't make us laugh or smile at least once. heeseung & reira have amazing vocals, both of them are the aces of their groups, and they are really funny.
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ jongseong as nana osaki ;
nana may look like a tough goth-punk rocker, but she has a kind heart and is a devoted friend. the first time i've seen jay, i thought this guy looks like the cold and mysterious guy in teen series, he really gave me that impression, but as i kept watching enhypen's vids, I discovered that he was so sweet and gentle, he really cared for his members and he takes good care of them all the time.
despite the hardships that they faced, they never gave up on their dreams, as nana became the lead vocalist of blast and jay making it to the finals of i-land and joing enhypen, the both of them want to make it big enough that the whole world know their names and they are working really hard on it.
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ jaeyun as ren honjo ;
ren honjo is an ex-member of Black Stones who is currently a guitarist for Trapnest. ren is relaxed and open about many things; this makes it easy for people to share their secrets with him. in weekly idol, jungwon chose jake as his father, because jake was so understanding and a good listener, he said also that he feel comfortable talking to jake about anything.
though he projects a hard exterior on the outside, ren is quite sensitive and kind-hearted, jake is also very kind and caring, he takes care of his dongsaengs and always play with them, he is always cheering for his members and making them happy by saying the exact words that they want to hear, jake is someone who is cheerful, kind and always happy, whenever I see jake I become happy, jake just give you the positive energy whenever you need it.
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ sunghoon as takumi ichinose ;
honestly, sunghoon was the hardest member to find a character who is similar to him.
takumi is is an ambitious, even as a child, he wanted to find something that only he can do and was willing to reach success, we all know that sunghoon before joining enhypen was a figure skater, he started this job at a very early age, he worked so hard on it too.
takumi is workaholic and passionate, he invests himself entirely in what makes him excited and inspired until the fire will burn out, sunghoon also is passionate about excelling in his chosen field which makes sense, given how hard he worked at figure skating and at i-land, whenever sunghoon has his mind set on something, he works really hard on it until he achieve it. both of them are working hard to lead their groups to  success, takumi is working the whole day on writing & producing songs to his group, sunghoon is practicing everyday to make his moves perfect, he doesn't want to hold enhypen back, so he put efforts in anything he does.
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ sunoo as nobuo terashima ;
nobu is the guitarist of blast and was the only person able to befriend nana osaki during high school, which coincidentally began their shared love for punk music.
he is friendly and optimistic, sunoo really reminds me of him, both of them are positive & sunshines, they bring positivity wherever they are going and they make everyone smile, they are the vitamins of their groups, everyone do love them, although they get teased a lot. both of them are very hardworking, nobu is constantly working on his guitar skills & producing songs, while sunoo is always trying to make his performances the bests..
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ni-ki as shinichi okazaki ;
these two are the foreigners and the babies of their groups. as much as niki doesn't know about korean culture since he is japanese, shin doesn't know about japanese culture either because he was raised in Sweden. but aside from that, these two really give the same vibe, riki and shin both of them have a competitive nature, they hate losing and they want to win all the time. shin is resilient, can remain cool-headed in the most difficult moments, I think riki will be the least one to freak out in a dangerous situation.
despite his young age and very short training period of just 8 months, riki give us incredible performances that have everyone convinced he’s going to be enhypen’s main dancer, he's very skilled and talented for his age, shin is so good at bass, that people started comparing him with pro bass players despite being only 15. riki & shin are very ambitious for their age, shin wants to defeat ren honjo at playing bass, he wants to be the best bass player, he even started playing it after seeing ren and from that moment he swore that he'll defeat him, as for niki, alongside performing at Tokyo Dome, some more of his dreams include receiving a Billboard Music Award within 10 years and holding a concert as soon as possible after debut.
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suganovakawa · 4 years
A scenario of reader getting jealous when a girl try’s to shoot her shot with bokuto? ❤️
AHHHHH YES jealous scenarios are MUAH and i get to write about kou ??? ugh yes i do b blessed doe
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PAIRINGS : koutarou bokuto x fem! reader
GENRE : fluff , slight comedy
SYNOPSIS : you’ve been wanting to confess your feelings to the happy-go-lucky ace of fukurodani for a while , but every time the opportunity presents itself , you chicken out . you’ve gotten motivation to try again once more — but all of a sudden you overhear someone else wanting to confess to bokuto ? not on your watch !
word count : 2.4k
— check out my masterlist !!
a / n : WOOOOOOO i love bokuto unconditionally; needless to say, this was much much much fun to write!
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⠀you were a hopeless mess.
⠀yet again, you failed to do the one, the one thing you've been wanting to do for the entire school year. you slumped away in shame as bokuto found his way back to akaashi, the two males soon walking away to volleyball practice.
⠀today was supposed to be the day, dammit!
⠀you were finally going to confess your feelings to him!
⠀everything went so smoothly until you chickened out; today was the perfect day to tell koutarou how you felt about him. the plan you set up for yourself was perfect - hook, line and sinker. the kicker was, you pulled too early and didn't get a catch. your eyes had closed once you were outside of fukurodani, your hands making way to your face as you muffled your yell of disappointment.
⠀your friends were gonna get a kick out of this one tomorrow.
⠀they placed a bet on this time today, all of them fed up of you chickening out countless of times. oh, the amount of yen you owed them tomorrow. they thought for sure that with money on the line, you'd step into shape and gather the guts to make the confession quick. it didn't matter if kou accepted your feelings or not - god, you really hoped he would - you just needed to finally step up and do it already.
⠀you felt kinda stupid, just standing in front of your school after hours. you had no reason to be there - none of the teachers were able to stay after school today, so you couldn't just camp out in a classroom and wait for a second wind to confess. at least, try to confess.
⠀koutarou bokuto was literally the most easy going person anyone could ever meet. the positive energy levels he possessed were through the roof; it was contagious, too - he hardly ever failed to make anyone smile, regardless of who they were, and how they were previously feeling. at least, that's how you managed to fall for the ace of fukurodani - you happened to bump into him after one of the worst days in history, and all it took to make you smile again was a couple of jokes and a "HEY HEY HEY" before he patted you on the shoulder and ran off for practice.
⠀your eyes caught a glimpse of long hair sneaking by you, a box of chocolates in her hand as she entered the school stealthily. if you hadn't noticed her eye from the corner of your eye, you probably wouldn't have noticed her creeping by you. your lips pressed together as she disappeared into the school, and something didn't feel right.
⠀chocolate was associated with love.
⠀with valentine's day.
⠀as a stress reliever.
⠀as a way to win someone over.
⠀was she going to confess to someone?
⠀your e/c eyes widened as it hit, she was going to confess to someone! she clearly had more guts than you; she'd probably end up doing it. but who was she going to confess to? there were hardly any others at school after hours today, besides the volleyball team.
⠀your stomach dropped. was she going to confess to someone on the volleyball team?
⠀even worse - was she going to confess to bokuto?
⠀oh no.
⠀no no no no no.
⠀before you could start thinking rationally, your worries got to you as you turned, your legs moving into a nervous jog as you brought yourself back inside of fukurodani. this was your big break, you couldn't let that happen. you were the one who was going to confess to bokuto, not anyone else! your jogging soon turned to sprinting, your mind figuring out where that girl was, and how you were either going to stop her, or find koutarou first.
⠀you then stopped abruptly. what the hell were you gonna do next?
⠀what, were you going to confess your feelings for him, or something?
⠀your second wind was already dying down, and you hadn't even stood face to face with bokuto yet. throwing in the towel already seemed like the easier option, to let that girl confess to your beloved owl boy and watch them have their happy ending.
⠀"y/n?" your thoughts paused as you turned around to see akaashi himself, looking at you quizically as you just stood in the middle of the hallway. "why are you still here? practice just ended."
⠀"it did?" were you really in a daze outside for that long you didn't even realize how much time passed? "oh! i, uhm, forgot something in a classroom. i just came back quickly to get it, that's all." you looked around for a few seconds before turning back to keiji once more. "where's bokuto? he's usually with you, right?"
⠀"oh, him." he chuckled, bringing a hand up to support the bag over his shoulders. "i promised him i'd wait outside; he's currently with some girl, she wanted to talk to him right after practice. knowing him, he'll probably be out pretty quickly. he'll reject her as he rejects everyone else."
⠀"reject?" your heart sunk at the word alone. "you mean, she's confessing to him right now?"
⠀"oh, yeah. she actually spoke to me earlier today, wanted to make sure that bokuto was available after practice to confess. i was the one who recommended she give him chocolates, too." he stopped speaking for a few moments, before a small smile took over his lips at the very obvious sight of your distress. "bokuto and that girl are right in front of the gym, just down the hall - in front of the main doors. in case you're here for... other purposes."
⠀your mind went blank. "huh?"
⠀"it's not my place to pry, so that's all i have to really say." his usually stoic eyes held a glint of something mischievous as he shrugged. "in my honest opinion, y/n - you have a much better chance of confessing than she does. just saying." he waved to you before walking away. "good luck, now."
⠀that second wind blew you over the moment keiji disappeared outside of the school. you had to get there, to koutarou. now.
⠀you were a bit flustered that akaashi read you like a book, but it worked in your favor as your legs gained the momentum to sprint to their location, your breath caught in your throat as you hid behind a set of lockers, right near where you overheard a mostly one-sided conversation going on.
⠀"i really hope you like these chocolates, bokuto! i bought them especially for you, i heard these ones are your favorites!"
⠀"you don't say, huh? well, thank you very much!"
⠀"and there's something else i wanted to tell you, too! i-if you'd let me, that is."
⠀your breathing shortened as a whole. this was it. she was going to do it.
⠀"oh, sure! just be quick though, akaashi is waiting for me outside."
⠀"i-i've liked you for a while, bokuto! a lot!"
⠀well that was certainly quick. you felt your heart drop in your stomach as she confessed so hastily, you didn't even realize it was a confession until it registered in your head moments later. defeat hung in the air as you began to turn and flee, like you always do, but not before koutarou had a chance to reply.
⠀"aww, i like you too, y'know! you're a great friend, and very thoughtful to have bought me these chocolates! i'm glad we're friends!"
⠀you suppressed an uneasy cough at his reply. that was friendzoning, right?
⠀"o-oh, yeah. f-friends! yeah, we're great friends, bokuto..." your chest clenched painfully at the dejection in her voice. you felt kinda sorry for her, in a way. giving her a pat on the back sounded like a magnificent option. "i-i'll see you around, i guess... good ol' friend of mine."
⠀your face contorted into a cringe before pressing your back against the locker, watching with a held breath as she ran away, not noticing your cheap hiding spot as she left the school in a hurry. the butterflies in your stomach were acting up more than usual; you had to get out of there.
⠀"i think the coast is clear..." lifting yourself from the lockers, you took a deep breath, only to bump into a certain someone as he turned the corner. you suppressed a scream as koutarou looked down at you with his big friendly grin - that same grin that probably friendzoned that poor girl. "b-bokuto! funny i've run into you today!"
⠀"y/n! hello!" his eyes lit up at the sound of your voice. "what are you doing here, after school? no teachers are here today."
⠀"ah, yeah, i know..." bringing a hand awkwardly to the back of your neck, your own eyes drifted to look at your feet. "actually, i-i was... looking for you. but i see you're busy, so please don't let me bother-"
⠀"oh no, you weren't bothering me at all!" he interrupted you a little too eagerly, causing your head to snap upwards and look at him in astonishment. you gasped in horror as he handed you the same box of chocolates he was gifted not too long ago. "care for these? they're not actually my favorite."
⠀"they... aren't?" you hesitated on taking the box - after all, they were bought for him, not you. "but didn't someone buy them for you, bokuto?"
⠀"yeah, but it came with a confession. i feel kinda bad, eating the chocolates from someone who i rejected." he laughed it off, shaking his head as he pushed the box into your hands once more. "c'mon, i won't tell anyone, so don't feel bad."
⠀"thanks, i guess...?" against your better judgement, you took the chocolates from kou and held them in your arms loosely. this was awkward. "i should get going now, i'll see you around?"
⠀"but y/n, thought you said you were looking for me? what is it you need?" your face flushed as the third year's lips formed into a pout, his head tilted slightly as he looked at you confusedly. "i can just text akaashi if it's too long, i'm sure he won't mind!"
⠀"w-well, i..." every part of your body was yelling at you to run. escape. flee. anything to get way from the current situation. this was just setting yourself up for utter failure. you'd much rather lose a yen bet than have koutarou bokuto reject you. "it's nothing too important, i assure you!"
⠀"it's important enough to have made you wait until after school to tell me, y'know." a nervous lump caught in your throat as he narrowed his golden eyes.
⠀damn, he got you there.
⠀"y-you're right about that..." you hesitated, the confession just bubbling in the back of your throat, waiting to explode. this was now or never. and you chose now. "i... i wanted to confess to you. i like you, bokuto. i like like you. a lot, actually. i have for a while, i've just been too shy to say anything until now. but after hearing your run in with the other girl, i understand if we're just going to be friends! totally, absolutely fine." your hid your tomato of a face downwards after spitting everything out in one go, your stomach spinning a mile a minute but a ton of bricks sliding off of your shoulders at the same time. at least you didn't owe your friends money now, right?
⠀"aww, i like you too, y/n!"
⠀your eyes met kou's, your embrace around the second-hand gift tightening. "haha, as friends, right?"
⠀"what? no. i like like you too, y/n."
⠀you didn't even catch onto his obvious reply as he pulled you into a hug, his arms wrapping around you securely as he let out a laugh. "i've liked you for a while too, y/n!" he exclaimed jovially. "i didn't want to confess to you either, i always assumed you didn't like me in that way."
⠀"are you kidding? literally almost everyone likes you in that way! i certainly am no different." you could hear your heart beating in your ears as you gathered enough self control to hug him back just as tightly instead of just screaming out of pure shock.
⠀"well, i always assumed you weren't part of that 'almost'. it still feels like a dream that you are." he pulled away from the hug, but kept you in his arms. the feeling of it was entirely surreal. "i've always wanted you to be the one to confess to me, so i would reject every other confession in my way. after so many confessions, though, i nearly gave up." he grinned goofily. "but i didn't, and look at what my luck gave me! you!"
⠀"it's koutarou to you now, missy." kou leaned down and left a kiss on your forehead to seal the deal. "i'm so happy right now, y/n! this is awesome! i'm gonna take you out this weekend, so count on it!"
⠀"could you please hurry up already? i've been waiting for twenty minutes now." you squeaked as a displeased keiji appeared behind you and bokuto, his arms impatiently crossed. once he saw you, though, he smiled. "ah, i see. looks like luck was on your side after all, y/n."
⠀"akaashi!" you paused for a second, looking down at the chocolates in your possession before bringing your eyes back to him. "i thought you said you recommended koutarou's favorites to her?"
⠀"oh, that. i lied." he chuckled. "if you really know bokuto, you'd know that he doesn't have favorites."
⠀you looked to kou, who nodded his head in agreement.
⠀"anyways, if you two are just going to stay here and hug in the middle of the hallway for another twenty minutes, i'll see myself home." keiji waved before placing his hands in his pockets. "i'll see you two tomorrow." you tried waving goodbye to the setter as he walked off, but you were abruptly pulled into another embrace.
⠀"hugging for another twenty minutes? that sounds wonderful!" bokuto smiled widely as he held you in his arms. "but maybe we shouldn't be doing that in school. i'll walk you home, y/n! i can give you a goodbye kiss from there."
⠀"thank you, koutarou!" a happy blush colored your cheeks nicely as he stepped back from the hug, only to stand at your side and lock fingers with you, leading you outside. a kiss? oh how you were so looking forward to that. you nibbled on your own bottom lip excitedly as the ace of hearts threw you into a random conversation about volleyball; you didn't know much about the sport, but with how much koutarou had to say on the subject, you were able to just listen to his voice and enjoy your time together walking home.
⠀man, you really were a hopeless mess.
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taglist : @yams046
ask if you’d like to be part of my gen taglist! and don’t be afraid to make any specifications, either.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #146: Medusa (Lancer)
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making the mini-dusa, Medusa Lancer. In this build, Medusa is an Eldritch Knight Fighter, and only that. Sadly Flesh to Stone is a little to high-level to get, but we’ll make it work.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: The closest thing we’re getting to a Tiamat build.
Race and Background
Having been kicked out of godhood by Athena, Medusa is the ultimate Hermit, giving her Religion proficiency. We’ll also switch things up and give her Acrobatics proficiency for sick anime flips while fighting.
Like her sisters, she’s also a Yuan-Ti, giving her +1 Intelligence and +2 Strength, thanks to Tasha’s. She also gets Darkvision,  Innate Spellcasting for the Poison Spray cantrip and unlimited uses of Animal Friendship on snakes. At third level you can also cast Suggestion once per long rest. All these spells use charisma to cast. You have Magic Resistance and Poison Immunity as well, the former giving you advantage on saves against magic, and the latter making you completely immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
It’s a shame you aren’t Small, but no race is perfect.
Ability Scores
Even if you’re wearing armor it doesn’t cover much, so make sure your Dexterity is pretty high. After that is Strength, which actually becomes your highest stat after racial bonuses if you’re using the standard array, because you’re swinging around a giant scythe and you aren’t a monk. Third is Intelligence, you know more than you let on and that’s the stat your eyes are attached to. Your Constitution isn’t amazing, but it’ll be plenty. Your Wisdom is kind of low, but we’re dumping Charisma. You just are not a people person, and you’re easily bribed with sweets.
1. First level fighters get a Fighting Style, and Thrown Weapon Fighting makes your scythe and chains a little more deadly, adding 2 to its damage rolls. Drawing the weapon can also be done in the same action you attack with it. You also get a Second Wind, letting you heal yourself as a bonus action. Your goddess core might protect you, but it’s important to pace yourself too.
You also get proficiency in Strength and Constitution saves, as well as two fighter skills. You’ve been on your own for a bit, so Survival is a good pick, and your character arc starts with you not being a fan of humanity, so I bet your Intimidation rolls will get a workout.
2. Second level fighters get an Action Surge, letting you slap an extra action onto your turn once per short rest. Copying an anime is always hard to do in D&D, but this’ll make it a bit easier at least.
3. As an Eldritch Knight, you get a Weapon Bond, letting you summon a weapon to your hand as a bonus action. You also can’t be disarmed while you’re conscious, but you’ll be throwing that thing around so much it probably won’t do much.
The big draw of the E. Knight, however, is the Spells you can cast with your Intelligence. Most of the spells you get will be abjuration or evocation, but that doesn’t stop you from getting Booming Blade and Mold Earth as cantrips. The former makes your scythe a bit scarier, and the latter is one of the few things proving your legitimacy as an earth goddess. You also get Mage Armor, because let’s be honest that outfit doesn’t count, Snare for some quick and dirty immobilization, and Longstrider to make yourself a little more mobile.
4. Speaking of mobility, use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab the Mobile feat, making you 10′ faster per round and making it so you can ignore attacks of opportunity from creatures you’ve tried to hit this turn.
You also learn the spell Protection from Evil and Good, making it harder for the gods to continue to ruin your life. Gods: not even once.
5. Your Extra Attack lets you attack twice per action, or four times with your action surge. Chains aren’t that deadly a weapon, it’s more about the quantity over quality.
6. Use this ASI to bump up your Intelligence for stronger spells. Trust me, you’ll want them.
7. Seventh level eldritch knights learn War Magic. If you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can then use your bonus action to hit somebody. How nice of them. You also learn the first of the two “none of the spells from 2nd level really work for you so we’re taking things that could reasonably be construed as Not Magic” spells, Enhance Ability, which lets you try a bit harder to gain advantage on one kind of ability score check. If you pick one of the physical scores, you also get a little bonus for your troubles.
8. Use this ASI to bump up your Strength for stronger scything. You also learn the one good 2nd level spell, Hold Person, forcing a wisdom saving throw (DC 8+proficiency + int modifier) on a humanoid, or they become paralyzed for the duration of the spell, up to a minute. They get to remake the save each round, but we’ll get a way to deal with that in a bit.
9. Before that though, you’re going to be Indomitable, letting you re-roll a failed save once per long rest! Your wisdom save’s looking a little weak, but we’ll patch it up in a bit.
10. Tenth level eldritch knights get an Eldritch Strike, giving creatures you hit disadvantage on saves against your spells for the next round. That means hitting people makes your hold person work better, and hold person makes your hitting people work better. It’s symbiosis.
Your war magic is so powerful it almost makes True Strike not useless, and you also get the second NOTSF2LRWFYSWTTTCRBCANM spell, Arcane Lock. It’s a lock, just pretend you’re carrying a lock around for some reason.
11. I hope the Extra Attacks aren’t getting too repetitive yet, because you’re getting another one this level! Now you can attack three times an action, or six times a turn with action surge.
You also learn the spell Thought Shield, because I was so tired of second level’s nonsense I turned to the UA to pad this out. For eight hours, one creature you touch can’t have their mind read, and it has advantage on saves that would determine if it’s lying. If people could figure you out, you wouldn’t be a god.
12. Twelfth level fighters get another ASI, and this one is making us Resilient, giving you +1 Wisdom and proficiency with wisdom saves. Actually getting magic cast on you is for plebians.
13. Your second use of Indomitable per long rest isn’t that flashy, but what is flashy is getting to use third level spells, like Intellect Fortress! For up to an hour, the creature you target has resistance to psychic damage, and gets advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves. You already have advantage on most of those saves thanks to magic resistance, but now you can pass that onto a chosen champion as well. You could also use that third level slot for hold person, to hold two people at once.
14. Let’s make your magic even stronger with another ASI going right into Intelligence. That should make your eyes almost inescapable! You also learn the spell Haste, doubling your movement speed, adding 2 to your AC, and giving you most of an extra action each turn for the duration of the spell. You have to take a bit of a nap the turn after it ends, but the fight should be over by then.
15. Fifteenth level eldritch knights get an Arcane Charge when you use your Action Surge, letting you anime teleport behind someone immediately before or after your second action, to make sure the enemy knows it’s “nothing personnel, kid”. 
16. Use this ASI to round up your Dexterity and Wisdom for better saves and a higher AC. You also learn Counterspell, because your scythe is literally sharp enough to cut magic. I’m sure Medea isn’t jealous at all.
17. Seventeenth level fighters get an extra use of Action Surge and Indomitable. Not much else to say about this level. You’re just you, but better.
18. Your last eldritch knight goody continues the trend of “you, but better” with Improved War Magic, letting you attack as a bonus action after casting any sort of spell. Hit some people, action surge, cast hold person on them while they’re weak, then hit them again for more fun.
19. Use your last ASI for more Constitution for better concentration and more HP. You also learn the spell Stoneskin for even more defense, giving you resistance to physical damage types.
20. Your last level gives you yet another Extra Attack, giving you four attacks per action or eight with action surge. You also get your last spell, Protection from Energy, which can give you resistance to one type of damage: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder, for up to an hour.
Normally hold person’s “save every turn” weakness would be an issue, but thanks to eldritch strike you can use it effectively for crowd control. Hit people, freeze them in place, then hit them some more!
You’re also pretty mobile, with 40-50 feet of movement and teleportation making it hard to pin you down for retaliation.
On top of all of that, you’re strongly resistant against magic, with ways to cheat spell saves and reduce damage even further with Protection from Energy.
Using daggers, scythes, and whips to represent your chained weapons is fine and all, but it does mean all your attacks only do 1d4 damage. Even paralyzing your enemies for guaranteed crits isn’t going to make you scary.
Eldritch Knight spell slots only go up to level 4, so you won’t be able to cast Flesh to Stone. Maybe the big you can do it...
Your mobility spells, Hold Person, and protection spells all use concentration, so you’ll only be able to do one of those at a time.
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