cloudyvulpine · 11 months
hate when i'm info dumping about a *FICTIONAL* villain and someone has the audacity to be like "but they've killed people" or "but they've committed crimes"
i know
but they aren't real
i still want to make out with them
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tea-earl-grey · 1 year
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oof first time I'm posting art in like five years. this was a very new style for me but I think it turned out okay! I have a few more ideas for Star Trek tourism posters like this so hopefully i'll get around to it.
ID under cut
[ID: illustration of Deep Space Nine in the style of a vintage tourism poster. It's colored purple with a Federation shuttle at the bottom of the foreground, the shadow of a Klingon bird of prey flying away, and the wormhole above. In the upper right corner a gold banner reads "VISIT DS9" in white font. At the bottom a similar gold banner reads "SEE THE NEUTRINOS IN BLOOM" in large text with small text below reading "SPONSORED BY QUARK'S INC. UNAFFILIATED WITH FEDERATION AND BAJORAN GOVERNMENTS. QUARK'S INC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY DOMINION INVASIONS, TRANSPORTER ACCIDENTS, MIRRORVERSE DUPLICATES, KLINGON BARFIGHTS, OR FAULTY CARDASSIAN EQUIPMENT. FOOD AND HOLO-SUITE BOOKINGS AVAILABLE AT FURTHER PAYMENT. TRIPS THROUGH THE WORMHOLE ARE NON OPERATIONAL AT THE PROPHETS' REQUEST. ORB EXPERIENCES ARE INVITATION ONLY AND NOT GUARANTEED TO THE PUBLIC." End ID.]
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floweyyyyyy · 2 years
didn’t expect decorating the christmas tree to turn into microagressions but it hurts
we have an ornament thats a fairy, we’ve had her like,,, almost my whole life i think, and shes missing a leg and a hand, my mother has attempted repairing her like twice and they’ve come right back off, today i pull her out and my mom goes “oh don’t put her on the tree” and i go “why?” and she goes
“…she’s- she’s disfigured”
and my disabled heart shattered.
my father goes, clearly mocking in a fucking abled white neurotypical man way: “sHe’S juSt DiFfErenTly aBlED”
when i insist on putting her up he keeps going “put her on the other side of the tree” and i keep going “no!!! she’s pretty!!!” (it was actually because i didn’t want to imply i or anyone else are worth less as a disabled person but she is actually really pretty) and i ask why and he goes “it’s morbid!”
my parents told me with their full chests that if a doll or toy or something is broken, it is worthless, or not nice to look at.
to me.
who would say that to their disabled kid!! do they not think before they speak!! did they not consider that maybe i would relate to this fairy? that maybe it would hurt me to hear them imply disabled people are not beautiful?
is that how they feel about me?
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likeabxrdinflight · 11 months
noticed a really careless mistake on my internship application cover letters and god I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass...
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arbellas-bakery · 1 year
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trinketbug · 1 year
I just wanna say. let the best viddy game guy win. blu3 looks amazing
peace among gamers
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kitsunagacha · 24 days
The outfit
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That's all. Continue your day as normal
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spinejackel · 1 year
What are dead man walking tornadoes? :O
it’s a multi-vortex tornado. i dont remember the tribe it originates from (i think it was cherokee), but there’s a native american legend…? saying? that goes “if you see a man in a tornado, you are about to die.”
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the most infamous shot of a dead man walking tornado hit jarrell, texas in 1997
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it did so much damage to the town it caused the scale that tornados are measured by, the fijita scale, undergo revisions, and it made anchoring buildings in the tornado alley region pretty much mandatory. (it took the entire town off the map. only those who had taken shelter outside of the town or in underground bunkers survived.)
two more examples of dead man walking tornadoes looking like a person are a tornado from 2011 that hit cullman, alabama
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and a tornado from 1975 that hit xenia, ohio
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edit: it has been brought to my attention that the native american “legend” part of this post was a rumor spread by a documentary.
i have been asked to remove it, but i believe in letting my errors stand because i’m not perfect. i make mistakes
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more dream characters
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every time I draw from my dream it doesn’t end up looking good because I do it in such a hurry to not forget them.
In the dream I was mostly in the POV of Quent. I don’t remember what gender they were so we’ll go with whatever. They moved in with their older adoptive or half-brother, Konstantin. I think he lived by himself in this cluttered, kind of dirty house in the middle of the forest. He was implied to either have a slight hoarding issue or problems with executive functioning, because he mentioned that he wanted to clean up before Quent arrived but couldn’t muster the energy/strength to do so. 
There were also more brief appearances of Konstantin’s/Quent’s father and grandmother. Their father was apparently religious and brought Konstantin up on it, to his son’s own detriment. They didn’t have a good relationship. But Quent seemed to be some sort of theist. The grandmother was around a little bit when Quent was coming home from school, and helped the boys clean up after Quent complained about little dead bugs all over his mattress (to quote: Q- “I can’t even eat them! They’re long dead and probably have pesticides and bad stuff on them!”). Quent physically couldn’t sleep until his room was clean enough. He also had a magic cloud in his room, and it was so weird to experience the sensation of floating in this dream. It was strangely nice though. 
The next morning Konstantin took Quent to school in this old black car. But before leaving, Quent looked through this weird drawer for... something. I don’t remember what it was. But he didn’t find it. So Quent got to school, where he met up with this kid (I... assume they didn’t know each other before, despite how friendly and open Quent was with them). There was this group of other students making fun of the kid and calling them the r-word, to which Quent responded by threatening the person who said it. At first he (the person) tried to laugh the threat off, but Quent quickly managed to make him genuinely unnerved. Worth mentioning that both Quent and their friend were pretty much outright stated to be neurodivergent.
When Quent left school, they ended up being chased by these two or three kids. After narrowly avoiding being caught, they found the magic cloud and escaped using it. After this encounter, Quent wonders if he should carry a knife to school (yeah, ‘cause that would be a totally cool idea, Quent).
Also, speaking of the magic cloud, I remember Konstantin pulling Quent around on it. Leash kid moment
Then Quent was back at home, and if I remember correctly it was snowing. They also saw a long shack outside with grandma’s clothes hung up in it. Wondered if that was all her clothes in there. There were clothes in random closets, which turned out to apparently be for this group of teen girls and one boy. This group of teens spreads ghost stories about grandmama and lives in the closest neighborhood, though they meet in an old abandoned treehouse in the forest. 
At home, Quent holds his monkey toy as he watches this weird old vhs thing in their room at midnight. In conclusion, nobody in this house is neurotypical.
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to-shards-you-say · 11 days
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miss when this lot actually got to have fun for once
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ping-ski · 1 month
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eclipse and y/n are finally done!! (you can find EBY sun & moon here)
these refs aren't that much different from the old ones aside from small changes :3
(old) EBY DCA ref
(old) Y/N ref
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pileofpawns · 4 months
the ouppy @patricia-taxxon
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ahhrenata · 1 year
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I’m having an ‘oh’ moment while you bandage my hand, man
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arinmoss · 9 months
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Astarion :3
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cheeseproducts · 4 months
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indirect kiss
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 201
So, Danny is definitely not running from a cop right now. 
He’s also not been de-aged to like, eight years old or something and is running from said cop after hitting him in the kneecaps after he got caught maybe stealing a tire. Jazz- currently like twelve- would be so disappointed if that was the case after all, ha… 
Oh Ancients both Jordan and Ellie (currently turned mini like he was) will laugh at him if he got caught and needed to be bailed out! He just needed a couple of tires to sell dangit! And no one would care if he stole a cop’s tires, this place’s police were all corrupt anyway if word on the street was to go by! 
Go away, he was just trying to get money for food dangit! 
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