newstfionline · 3 years
Monday, September 20, 2021
Biden’s Entire Presidential Agenda Rests on Expansive Spending Bill (NYT) Biden’s entire presidential agenda is riding on the reconciliation bill being crafted in Congress right now. No president has ever packed as much of his agenda, domestic and foreign, into a single piece of legislation as President Biden has with the $3.5 trillion spending plan that Democrats are trying to wrangle through Congress over the next six weeks,” Tankersley writes. “It is almost as if President Franklin D. Roosevelt had stuffed his entire New Deal into one piece of legislation, or if President Lyndon B. Johnson had done the same with his Great Society, instead of pushing through individual components over several years. If he succeeds, Biden’s far-reaching attempt could result in a presidency-defining victory that delivers on a decades-long campaign by Democrats to expand the federal government to combat social problems and spread the gains of a growing economy to workers. If he fails, he could end up with nothing. As Democrats are increasingly seeing, the sheer weight of Mr. Biden’s progressive push could cause it to collapse, leaving the party empty-handed, with the president’s top priorities going unfulfilled. … If Mr. Biden’s party cannot find consensus on those issues and the bill dies, the president will have little immediate recourse to advance almost any of those priorities.
Child care in the US is a ‘broken market,’ Treasury report finds (Yahoo Money) A Treasury Department report this week characterized the U.S. child care system as “unworkable” as Democrats push reform that experts say is an “overdue and critical investment.” The average American family with at least one child under age 5 uses 13% of their income to pay for child care, according to the report, nearly double the 7% that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services considers affordable. Additionally, less than 20% of the children eligible for the Child Care and Development Fund—a federal assistance program for low-income families—are getting that funding. “Child care is a textbook example of a broken market, and one reason is that when you pay for it, the price does not account for all the positive things it confers on our society,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement on Wednesday. “When we underinvest in child care, we forgo that; we give up a happier, healthier, more prosperous labor force in the future.”
Inspiration4 Astronauts Beam After Return From 3-Day Journey to Orbit (NYT) After three days in orbit, a physician assistant, a community college professor, a data engineer and the billionaire who financed their trip arrived back on Earth, heralding a new era of space travel with a dramatic and successful Saturday evening landing in the Atlantic Ocean. The mission, which is known as Inspiration4, splashed down off the Florida coast at 7:06 p.m. on Saturday. Each step of the return unfolded on schedule, without problems. Within an hour, all four crew members walked out of the spacecraft, one at a time, each beaming with excitement as recovery crews assisted them.
Haitians on Texas border undeterred by US plan to expel them (AP) Haitian migrants seeking to escape poverty, hunger and a feeling of hopelessness in their home country said they will not be deterred by U.S. plans to speedily send them back, as thousands of people remained encamped on the Texas border Saturday after crossing from Mexico. Scores of people waded back and forth across the Rio Grande on Saturday afternoon, re-entering Mexico to purchase water, food and diapers in Ciudad Acuña before returning to the Texas encampment under and near a bridge in the border city of Del Rio. Junior Jean, a 32-year-old man from Haiti, watched as people cautiously carried cases of water or bags of food through the knee-high river water. Jean said he lived on the streets in Chile the past four years, resigned to searching for food in garbage cans. “We are all looking for a better life,” he said.
Three Weeks After Hurricane Ida, Parts of Southeast Louisiana Are Still Dark (NYT) For Tiffany Brown, the drive home from New Orleans begins as usual: She can see the lights on in the city’s central business district and people gathering in bars and restaurants. But as she drives west along Interstate 10, signs of Hurricane Ida’s destruction emerge. Trees with missing limbs fill the swamp on either side of the highway. With each passing mile, more blue tarps appear on rooftops, and more electric poles lay fallen by the road, some snapped in half. By the time Ms. Brown gets to her exit in Destrehan 30 minutes later, the lights illuminating the highway have disappeared, and another night of total darkness has fallen on her suburban subdivision. For Ms. Brown, who works as an office manager at a pediatric clinic, life at work can feel nearly normal. But at home, with no electricity, it is anything but. “I keep hoping every day that I’m going to go home and it’ll be on,” she said. Three weeks have passed since Hurricane Ida knocked down electric wires, poles and transmission towers serving more than one million people in southeast Louisiana. In New Orleans, power was almost entirely restored by Sept. 10, and businesses and schools have reopened. But outside the city, more than 100,000 customers were without lights through Sept. 13. As of Friday evening there were still about 38,000 customers without power, and many people remained displaced from damaged homes.
Favela centennial shows Brazil communities’ endurance (AP) Dozens of children lined up at a community center in Sao Paulo for a slice of creamy, blue cake. None was celebrating a birthday; their poor neighborhood, the favela of Paraisopolis, was commemorating 100 years of existence. “People started coming (to the city) for construction jobs and settled in,” community leader Gilson Rodrigues said. “There was no planning, not even streets. People started growing crops. It was all disorganized. Authorities didn’t do much, so we learned to organize ourselves.” The favela’s centennial, which was marked on Thursday, underscores the permanence of its roots and of other communities like it, even as Brazilians in wealthier parts of town often view them as temporary and precarious. Favelas struggle to shed that stigma as they defy simple definition, not least because they evolved over decades. Paraisopolis is Sao Paulo’s second-biggest favela, home to 43,000 people, according to the most-recent census, in 2010. Recent, unofficial counts put its population around 100,000.
The barbecue king: British royals praise Philip’s deft touch (AP) When Prince Philip died nearly six months ago at 99, the tributes poured in from far and wide, praising him for his supportive role at the side of Queen Elizabeth II over her near 70-year reign. Now, it has emerged that Philip had another crucial role within the royal family. He was the family’s barbecue king—perhaps testament to his Greek heritage. “He adored barbecuing and he turned that into an interesting art form,” his oldest son Prince Charles said in a BBC tribute program that will be broadcast on Wednesday. “And if I ever tried to do it he ... I could never get the fire to light or something ghastly, so (he’d say): ‘Go away!’” In excerpts of ‘Prince Philip: The Royal Family Remembers’ released late Saturday, members of the royal family spoke admiringly of the late Duke of Edinburgh’s barbecuing skills. “Every barbecue that I’ve ever been on, the Duke of Edinburgh has been there cooking,” said Prince William, Philip’s oldest grandson. “He’s definitely a dab hand at the barbecue ... I can safely say there’s never been a case of food poisoning in the family that’s attributed to the Duke of Edinburgh.” The program, which was filmed before and after Philip’s death on April 9, was originally conceived to mark his 100th birthday in June.
Relations between France and the U.S. have sunk to their lowest level in decades. (NYT) The U.S. and Australia went to extraordinary lengths to keep Paris in the dark as they secretly negotiated a plan to build nuclear submarines, scuttling a defense contract worth at least $60 billion. President Emmanuel Macron of France was so enraged that he recalled the country’s ambassadors to both nations. Australia approached the new administration soon after President Biden’s inauguration. The conventionally powered French subs, the Australians feared, would be obsolete by the time they were delivered. The Biden administration, bent on containing China, saw the deal as a way to cement ties with a Pacific ally. But the unlikely winner is Britain, who played an early role in brokering the alliance. For its prime minister, Boris Johnson, who will meet this coming week with Biden at the White House and speak at the U.N., it is his first tangible victory in a campaign to make post-Brexit Britain a player on the global stage.
Hong Kong’s first ‘patriots-only’ election kicks off (Reuters) Fewer than 5,000 Hong Kong people from mostly pro-establishment circles began voting on Sunday for candidates to an election committee, vetted as loyal to Beijing, who will pick the city’s next China-backed leader and some of its legislature. Pro-democracy candidates are nearly absent from Hong Kong’s first election since Beijing overhauled the city’s electoral system to ensure that “only patriots” rule China’s freest city. The election committee will select 40 seats in the revamped Legislative Council in December, and choose a chief executive in March. Changes to the political system are the latest in a string of moves—including a national security law that punishes anything Beijing deems as subversion, secession, terrorism or collusion with foreign forces—that have placed the international financial hub on an authoritarian path. Most prominent democratic activists and politicians are now in jail or have fled abroad.
The Remote-Control Killing Machine (Politico/NYT) For 14 years, Israel wanted to kill Iran’s top nuclear scientist. Then they came up with a way to do it while using a trained sniper who was more than 1,000 miles away—and fired remotely. It was also the debut test of a high-tech, computerized sharpshooter kitted out with artificial intelligence and multiple-camera eyes, operated via satellite and capable of firing 600 rounds a minute. The souped-up, remote-controlled machine gun now joins the combat drone in the arsenal of high-tech weapons for remote targeted killing. But unlike a drone, the robotic machine gun draws no attention in the sky, where a drone could be shot down, and can be situated anywhere, qualities likely to reshape the worlds of security and espionage.
Israeli army arrests last 2 of 6 Palestinian prison escapees (AP) Israeli forces on Sunday arrested the last two of six Palestinian prisoners who escaped a maximum-security Israeli prison two weeks ago, closing an intense, embarrassing episode that exposed deep security flaws in Israel and turned the fugitives into Palestinian heroes. The Israeli military said the two men surrendered in Jenin, their hometown in the occupied West Bank, after they were surrounded at a hideout that had been located with the help of “accurate intelligence.” The prisoners all managed to tunnel out of a maximum-security prison in northern Israel on Sept. 6. The bold escape dominated newscasts for days and sparked heavy criticism of Israel’s prison service. According to various reports, the men dug a hole in the floor of their shared cell undetected over several months and managed to slip past a sleeping prison guard after emerging through a hole outside the facility. Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have celebrated the escape and held demonstrations in support of the prisoners. Taking part in attacks against the Israeli military or even civilians is a source of pride for many Palestinians, who view it as legitimate resistance to military occupation.
Jaw-dropping moments in WSJ's bombshell Facebook investigation (CNN Business) This week the Wall Street Journal released a series of scathing articles about Facebook, citing leaked internal documents that detail in remarkably frank terms how the company is not only well aware of its platforms’ negative effects on users but also how it has repeatedly failed to address them. Here are some of the more jaw-dropping moments from the Journal’s series. In the Journal’s report on Instagram’s impact on teens, it cites Facebook’s own researchers’ slide deck, stating the app harms mental health. “We make body image issues worse for one in three teen girls,” said one slide from 2019, according to the WSJ. Another reads: “Teens blame Instagram for increases in the rate of anxiety and depression ... This reaction was unprompted and consistent across all groups.” In 2018, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said a change in Facebook’s algorithm was intended to improve interactions among friends and family and reduce the amount of professionally produced content in their feeds. But according to the documents published by the Journal, staffers warned the change was having the opposite effect: Facebook was becoming an angrier place. A team of data scientists put it bluntly: “Misinformation, toxicity and violent content are inordinately prevalent among reshares,” they said, according to the Journal’s report.
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architectnews · 3 years
LWK + PARTNERS Architects, Hong Kong
LWK + PARTNERS Architects, Building, HK Design Studio Images, Architecture Office China
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post updated 24 September 2021
LWK + PARTNERS Architects News
24 Sep 2021 Two LWK + PARTNERS projects earn esteemed recognitions at The Global RLI Awards 2021
LWK + PARTNERS is pleased to announce that two of the firm’s design projects in China won distinguished acclaims at world-renowned The Global RLI Awards 2021. The awards were announced in a hybrid presentation ceremony held in London on 23 September.
Zijing Paradise Walk, Hangzhou, China • RLI Most Innovative Retail & Entertainment Project (Highly Commended)
Designed with culture and wellness themes, this shopping mall freshens up the local retail scene with playful references to village life, Hui-style architecture and traditional Chinese gardens. Not only is the building aesthetically pleasing, but it also provides cool shades for passers-by with shifting and cantilevered forms.
image courtesy of architects Zijing Paradise Walk, Hangzhou
MixC Dongguan Songshan Lake District Mixed Use Development, Dongguan, China • RLI Future Project (Highly Commended)
The project is conceived as a catalyst of urban transformation turning a sub-urban industrial landscape to a robust lifestyle and cultural hub. Featuring diverse energising public spaces and multifarious greenery, the project also benefits the community with premium apartments and commercial facilities.
Ferdinand Cheung, Director of LWK + PARTNERS, joined the ceremony online and noted: “I would like to thank RLI and the jury for the recognition. Credits to the team for their continuous efforts through the challenges in both projects. We also look forward to the completion of the MixC project in Dongguan.”
The Global RLI Awards celebrates the most visionary and innovative retail and leisure concepts from across the globe. Since its inception 16 years ago, it has been regarded as one of the world’s most representative award programmes in the sector.
8 Sep 2021 LWK + PARTNERS Zero energy buildings design image courtesy of LWK + PARTNERS LWK + PARTNERS Zero energy buildings design Building construction and operations make up 38% of the world’s energy-related CO2 emissions, according to the 2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction published by UN Environment Programme. To significantly decarbonise our buildings, one of the key innovations being actively explored by architects is the idea of a ‘zero energy building’, which has attracted much discussion across the building industry and academia and is now increasingly seen as critical for the future sustainable smart cities.
8 July 2021 Green Shore Residence Phase II, tip of Luoxi Island in Panyu, Guangzhou, south eastern China image courtesy of architects office Green Shore Residence, Luoxi Island Cities, as they develop, are known to leave their mark on the skylines. Green Shore Residence Phase II, a top-end luxury residence in Guangzhou, China designed by LWK + PARTNERS, is an architectural response to the relationship between the island and city where it resides.
31 May 2021 Asia Pacific Property Awards 2021-2022 News
Five projects by LWK + PARTNERS have attained honourable titles, including three 5-Star and two Winner, at Asia Pacific Property Awards 2021-2022. One of the projects, Tsuen Wan Sports Centre, Hong Kong, China is also Nominee of Best Leisure Architecture Asia Pacific, competing with other top projects for the region’s best. The virtual ceremony was held on 28 May 2021.
Tsuen Wan Sports Centre, Hong Kong, China: image courtesy of architects
LWK + PARTNERS Asia Pacific Property Awards 2021
29 Oct 2020 Radisson Collection Resort, Nanjing, China Design: LWK + PARTNERS image courtesy of architects Radisson Collection Resort Nanjing The low-rise resort complex consists of 151 deluxe guest rooms and suites, accompanied by comprehensive amenities like a lobby bar, all-day dining restaurant, Chinese restaurant, executive lounge, function rooms, meeting rooms, a fitness centre, swimming pool and spa.
20 October 2020 Streets as the impetus of community life image courtesy of LWK + PARTNERS Streets as the impetus of community life LWK + PARTNERS Director HC Chan sees immense opportunities in excavating the power of street life to preserve cultural diversity and walkability. Fostering a liveable city requires the engagement of various stakeholders. Policy makes up one side of the story, but the participation of residents in placemaking is equally important for achieving urban spaces truly fulfilling for the local people.
4 August 2020 LWK + PARTNERS Lighting Design image courtesy of LWK + PARTNERS LWK + PARTNERS Lighting Design
6 July 2020 LWK + PARTNERS Saudi Arabia Office The new LWK + PARTNERS Riyadh studio will be led by Kerem Cengiz, Managing Director – MENA (right), and Usama Aziz, a new Director. LWK + PARTNERS Saudi Arabia Office
1 June 2020 Shijiazhuang Zhao Hua Hospital, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, North China image courtesy of architects Shijiazhuang Zhao Hua Hospital in China Our planet’s population is now going through the biggest shared experience in decades due to COVID-19, and the way people think about life and illness today is incomparable with any time in history.
Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre Temporary Quarantine Facilities photo : Paul Y. – iMax Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre Facilities
OCT Caoqiao Cultural Commercial Street, Hunan Province, China image courtesy of architects Hunan OCT Caoqiao Cultural Commercial Street
27 Apr 2020 Zhongshan OCT Harbour Development, Shenzhen area – west coast of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China image courtesy of architects office Zhongshan OCT Harbour Development
31 Mar 2020 Hebei Grand Hotel, Anyue, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, North China image courtesy of architects office Hebei Grand Hotel, Anyue in Shijiazhuang, China When it comes to aesthetics and simple living, the past can be a rich source of inspiration. LWK + PARTNERS recently completed Hebei Grand Hotel, Anyue in a new Central Business District of Shijiazhuang; part of the fast-growing Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan region.
23 Feb 2020 Xichen Paradise Walk, Chengdu, China image courtesy of architects practice Xichen Paradise Walk Retail Complex in Chengdu, China Retail spaces are evolving into lifestyle complexes that are inspiring, diversified and immersive to surround visitors with a curated experience to fulfil various lifestyle and social needs. Xichen Paradise Walk encourages social interaction and community life with high transparency and accessibility to bring together people, their neighbourhoods and nature.
25 Nov 2019 Kei Cuisine, Hong Kong, China photography : iMAGE28 Kei Cuisine Restaurant Hong Kong Successfully marriage of Japanese and Chinese cultures to create an elegant ambience for Kei Cuisine, a luxury Cantonese restaurant located in one of Hong Kong’s core retail areas. Out of client’s passion for Japanese culture, the team took inspiration from the Yoshida Fire Festival.
12 Nov 2019 TIANFU ONE Exhibition Gallery, Chengdu, China photograph : Guanhong Chen Tianfu One Exhibition Gallery Chengdu Building Comfortably perched at the eastern end of a green corridor in Chengdu’s Tianfu New District, TIANFU ONE Exhibition Gallery enjoys panoramic views of the Luxihe wetland park just across the road. The architecture firm leveraged its proximity to both urban life and natural greenery to craft an observation deck culminating at the end of the city’s main artery.
20 Oct 2019 The LOOP, Chongqing City, southwest China photo : WOHO The LOOP in Chongqing The LOOP is the sales gallery for Shun Shan Fu, a low-density residential development composed of various luxurious villas and houses.
16 Oct 2019 Vanke Forest Park Sales Gallery, Chongqing City, southwest China photo : Guanhong Chen Chongqing Vanke Forest Park Sales Gallery Scenery is beauty; nature is grandeur. Abandon screams and self-expression, and embrace silence and tranquillity… ‘Retreat’ is a design attitude.
13 Oct 2019 Spiritual Bay Pavilion, Qingdao, China photography : Xuesong Zhang & Guanhong Chenn Spiritual Bay Pavilion in Qingdao Spiritual Bay Pavilion in Qingdao recently opened. Just 120 metres off the Yellow Sea coast, the project is endowed with perks of nature at Guzhenkou’s Lingxi Bay near the intersection of Yingshanhong Road and Haijun Road, enjoying distant views of the Dazhushan Scenic Area.
14 Oct 2019 Legend Gallery, Chongqing City, southwest China photography : Guanhong CHEN, Lian HE Chongqing Jiangshan Yun Chu As a lifestyle gallery, Chongqing Jiangshan Yun Chu – Legend Gallery is a trial for and response to localised architecture. It explores the spatial interaction between nature and urban space on a site close to Chongqing’s Jialing River bank, where the waterscape forms a rare natural setting for the urban area.
26 Sep 2019
LWK + PARTNERS Architects – Key Projects
LWK + PARTNERS Recognised with Four Cityscape Awards for Emerging Markets 2019
26th September 2019 – Four projects by LWK + PARTNERS have been recognised in the Cityscape Awards for Emerging Markets 2019, at a presentation ceremony that took place in Dubai yesterday, an event attended by e-architect founder and co-Editor Adrian Welch.
Landmarks Riverside Park – Phase II Danzishi Old Street, Chongqing, China, by LWK + PARTNERS: images courtesy of architects office
Shijiazhuang’s Zhengding Li Mixed-use Development is Winner of the Retail Project Award (Future), Chongqing’s Landmark Riverside Park – Phase II: Danzishi Old Street was made Winner of the Retail Project Award (Built), while Hangzhou’s Gallium Valley Science Park and The Pavilia Bay in Hong Kong are Highly Commended respectively for the Commercial Project Award (Future) and Residential – Medium to High Rise Project Award (Built).
Gallium Valley Science Park, Hangzhou, China, by LWK + PARTNERS Hong Kong: image courtesy of architects
Zhengding Li Mixed-use Development is located in the new central business district adjacent to the historical city of Zhengding in Shijiazhuang of China’s Hebei province. This retail-led development comprises SOHO offices, serviced apartments as well as a resort hotel, all linked up by pedestrian-friendly retail streets. Such a model of mixed-use development will promote a sustainable and zero-carbon community which is a main theme for future living.
LWK + PARTNERS Architects, Hong Kong:
Landmarks Riverside Park – Phase II: Danzishi Old Street in Chongqing, China, sits on a rejuvenated riverside heritage site. A retail complex by nature, Danzishi Old Street now offers a comprehensive cultural commercial experience that bridges the old and new, the oriental and the western. While many traditional spots were preserved and historical buildings refurbished, new structures were built with a modern Chinese architectural style so the old and new assimilate impressively well.
Zhengding Li Mixed-use Development, Shijiazhuang, China:
Gallium Valley Science Park is at the heart of the Cloud Valley technology cluster in Hangzhou, China, aimed to promote the development of e-commerce and the artificial-intelligence sector. It is located to the south of the new Xihu University and adjacent to a river, encouraging synergy with the tertiary institution while enjoying scenic surroundings. The project advocates a new office-park typology that blends greenery and communal spaces in the work environment, encouraging work-life balance in a professional industry.
The Pavilia Bay, Hong Kong, China:
The Pavilia Bay is a seafront residential development in Hong Kong, China, facing the serene Rambler Channel and surrounded by dense greenery of a nearby park. Its architecture invokes the beautiful image of a yacht embarking its journey towards the waters, with this theme carried all the way from macro building form, elevation right through to the interiors.
The Pavilia Bay, Hong Kong, China:
To take full advantage of the site, residential towers are oriented to maximize sea views for each residential unit. Residents have access to a host of clubhouse amenities such as an infinite pool, gym, and children’s play area.
Landmarks Riverside Park Chongqing:
As Hong Kong-based architectural practice LWK + PARTNERS continues to expand in China, Asia and MENA, the Cityscape Awards for Emerging Markets are the latest testament of international recognition towards its diverse design expertise. In addition to the awards, LWK + PARTNERS takes part in the exhibition and conferences of Cityscape Global, which is an annual real estate investment and development event, to shed light on the latest developments of the industry. LWK + PARTNERS Directors Ivan Fu, Ferdinand Cheung and Corina Leung gave insightful presentations offering perspectives and knowledge illustrated by powerful built-environment solutions.
Gallium Valley Science Park buildings in Hangzhou, China: image courtesy of architects
The Cityscape Awards for Emerging Markets recognises and celebrates excellence across real estate developments and architecture. Covering a range of categories, the awards offer international architects and leading real estate developers a prestigious platform to collaborate and share their vision for the future, from culturally integrated city skylines to sustainable urban communities.
Zhengding Li Development, Shijiazhuang, China:
More projects by LWK + PARTNERS online soon
Address: LWK + PARTNERS (HK) Ltd, 6-8/F & 15/F, North Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2574 1633
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LWK + PARTNERS are a HK-based architectural design studio
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Hong Kong Updates: More Than 1,000 Detained at a University, and a Warning From Beijing https://nyti.ms/2OkEpS8
Hong Kong Updates: More Than 1,000 Detained at a University, and a Warning From Beijing
After a three-day standoff with the police only about a dozen protesters remained on the campus of the besieged university.
By Elaine Yu, Steven Lee Myers and  Russell Goldman | Published Nov. 18, 2019 Updated Nov. 19, 2019, 7:54 AM ET | New York Times | Posted November 19, 2019 |
About a dozen protesters remained holed up inside a Hong Kong university on Tuesday evening, after a three-day standoff between the students and the police turned a prestigious institution into a battlefield and ended with hundreds of young people behind bars.
More than 1,000 protesters who had spent the previous day clashing with the police were detained after heavily armed officers surrounded the school on Sunday and gave the protesters few options but to surrender and face arrest.
Nevertheless, a number of students managed a daring escape, rappelling from a nearby bridge to be whisked away by waiting motorbike drivers. Others failed in an attempt to flee through a sewage pipe.
As much of the territory remained gripped by the drama at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the central government in Beijing on Tuesday condemned a decision by a Hong Kong court that overturned a ban on face masks worn by the protesters.
The Hong Kong protests began in June over legislation, since scrapped, that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China, and have expanded to include a broad range of demands for police accountability and greater democracy.
Here’s the latest:
A dozen protesters remain as standoff fizzles.
Pinned in from all sides by the police, most of the campus occupiers had surrendered or fled the PolyU campus by Tuesday morning.
By then, on the third day of a standoff, only 100 protesters remained inside. Several hours later, the remaining holdouts numbered fewer than 20.
The protesters, many of them high school and university students and armed with only bows and arrows and homemade weapons, held the police at bay for three days in the most violent confrontation yet in six months of protests.
The battle at PolyU, in which the police fired more than 1,000 cans of tear gas and rubber bullets, represented the police force’s most direct intervention yet onto one of the city’s university campuses.
Ted Hui, a pro-democracy lawmaker who stayed on campus during the clashes, escorted several dozen students out of the university on Tuesday evening.
“This is not a surrender and we are not turning ourselves in,” Mr. Hui said. “We are simply leaving.”
Nevertheless the leaving protesters were searched by the police and those older than 18 were put in a police van to be booked.
Mr. Hui, a member of city’s Legislative Council, was not arrested. That decision, he said, “shows there is political selection in who they arrest and that there are arbitrary arrests.”
The final dozen occupiers said they would not resist or fight the police, but would not leave until officers entered the campus to arrest them.
At least 200 of the protesters who occupied and left the campus were minors, Carrie Lam, the city’s chief executive, said in a news conference on Tuesday.
Those under 18 were questioned by the police but were not arrested on the spot. The juveniles may still face arrest pending further investigation, she said.
Mrs. Lam said the “special arrangements” that had been made for minors were intended to achieve “a peaceful and reconciliatory resolution.”
Videos take from inside the university showed an eerily deserted campus covered in trash and debris, a ransacked convenience store, boxes of unused petrol bombs, and the words “Liberty or death” emblazoned on a building.
Outside that campus, a group of parents awaited news about their children. The parents held signs that read: “Son, come out safely!” and “Save the kids, don’t kill our children.”
Elsewhere, hundreds of office workers poured into the streets of the Central business district during their lunch breaks in solidarity with the university holdouts.
What Happened at Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Most arrests on a single day.
About 1,100 people were detained near the PolyU campus between Monday and Tuesday, said Kwok Ka-chuen, a police spokesman. That figure would represent the largest roundup of protesters on a single day, making up almost a fifth of the total number of arrests since the protests began in June.
Those arrested on Monday and Tuesday were charged with offenses that included rioting and possession of offensive weapons. Rioting carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, and many of the PolyU protesters were reluctant to surrender in order to avoid the charge.
Mr. Kwok also said 1,458 rounds of tear gas and 1,391 rubber bullets were fired on Monday, putting a figure to the dizzying display of smoke and gunfire witnessed on the second day of the siege.
At the Chinese University of Hong Kong, which was the site of clashes with the police last week, more than 3,900 Molotov cocktails were seized on Monday, representing the most found in a single location, he said.
He called the prestigious university a “manufacturing base” for fire bombs.
A number of protesters who had left PolyU on Tuesday, including several wrapped in emergency Mylar blankets, waited to to be taken to a hospital. Some of the protesters appeared to be suffering the effects of hypothermia after they had been struck by a stinging dye that had been shot from a police water cannon.
Beijing warns it alone can interpret Hong Kong’s laws.
In Beijing, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress took the unusual step of criticizing a Hong Kong court’s ruling that struck down a contentious ban on the wearing of face masks in public, effectively saying that the central government alone has the authority to rule on constitutional issues in the territory.
The Hong Kong High Court found that the ban, enacted in October, violated the territory’s mini-constitution, known as the Basic Law. In a statement released on Tuesday, a spokesman for the standing committee warned that the ruling “seriously weakened the lawful governing power” of the Hong Kong government.
The National People’s Congress, the country’s top legislative body, has the authority to interpret legal matters involving national issues — and to change the Basic Law itself — but the timing of the ruling raised new fears of Beijing’s efforts to erode the territory’s autonomy.
“When the state loses, she changes the rules of game,” Joshua Wong, a prominent opposition leader, wrote on Twitter. “Beijing never intends to play by the rules.”
Article 158 of the Basic Law does, however, give the congress the final authority over interpreting whether the Basic Law conflicts with national law. It also calls on Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal to seek the legislature’s interpretation in considering cases whose legal significance extends to national issues.
The statement suggested that Beijing was prepared to act decisively to restore the mask ban, but the implications could be much greater, showing that there are limits of the national government’s tolerance for an independent judicial system that has been a pillar of Hong Kong’s singular political and economic status.
In another statement on Tuesday, a spokesman for the Chinese government’s office that handles Hong Kong affairs, Yang Guang, also criticized the court’s decision to overturn the ban, saying it had “a gravely negative social impact” and “brazenly challenged the authority of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee and the governance powers of the chief executive conferred by the law.”
New chief calls on public to condemn protesters.
Hong Kong’s embattled police force, once regarded as “Asia’s finest,” has a new boss.
Tang Ping-keung, formerly the territory’s No. 2 police official, was named commissioner of police on Tuesday after approval from the central government in Beijing.
In an interview with the South China Morning Post, Mr. Tang blamed the public for tolerating the protests and in turn encouraging their violent acts. “If everyone had come out earlier to condemn the violence, society would not have turned into this state in five months,” he said.
“We can only end the unrest with society’s condemnation, reflection by the rioters, plus our appropriate tactics,” he added.
Mr. Tang also rejected a key demand of the protesters: setting up an independent commission to investigate police conduct during the protests.
“Our staff might think they are being particularly targeted if the well-established mechanism is bypassed. We will be disappointed,” he told the Post.
Katherine Li and Tiffany May contributed reporting.
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thefanficmistress · 6 years
Because, I Love You: Requested ☆
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Requested by @deepestfirefun - I love you soooooo damn much. My soul sister across the pond.  Requested: You have broken up with your fiancé because you found out he was a total womanizer and it was quite the nasty break up too. You left your apartment, only took what you needed without looking back. Richard, your good friend heard about it while he was filming the Ocean´s 8 and without a second thought took you under his wings. You were an utter mess emotionally but spending time with Richard started to heal your wounded heart although you didn´t feel like trusting men ever again, except for Richard. He was furious to your ex-fiancé when he learned what had happened, he had been always very caring and protective of you. And while Richard did everything to make you feel better, you started to wonder if it had been Richard all along who you should have started a relationship with.
Warnings: Fluff, Swearing, Smut Pairing: Richard Armitage x Reader, Richard Armitage x Female Character, Richard Armitage x OC Context © me _______________ TAG LIST: @deepestfirefun​ @shikin83​ @catthefearless​ @patanghill17​ @aelinninielelain​ @xxbyimm​ @nowiloveandwilllove​ @nellindreams​ @hails270105​ @armitages-gisborne​ @jassy2101​ @abiwim​ @anemiechen​ @nelswp​ @vaneaustation @fizzyxcustard @purplerain85 @armitageadoration @princecami @princess-of-erebor1992 @leah-halliwell92 @vaneaustin @nelswp @nellindreams @raindrops-on-roses142  Please let me know if you would like to be tagged. 
Current Requests: JANUARY - Closed @purplerain85 ( A Kiss in the Wild ) - RA Request : Release 1/6/2019 @deepestfirefun ( Because I love you ) - RA Request - Release date : 1/13/2019 @nowiloveandwilllove ( My Friend, My Beloved ) - RA Request - Release date: 1/20/2019 @deepestfirefun  ( WORKING TITLE ) RA Request - Release Date :1/27/2019
Current Requests: FEBRUARY - OPEN
2/3/2019  - @purplerain85 (  WORKING TITLE ) - RA Request 2/10/2019 - @deepestfirefun  ( WORKING TITLE ) - RA Request 2/17/2019 - Open 2/24/2019 - Open
Message me if you would like a FanFic Sunday Request. ________________ “What did you just say?” You questioned, almost dropping your phone in your lap. “Move in with me. At least until you get back on your feet.” He proposed. “I can’t ask you to do that. Not for me!” You exclaimed. “Yes you can! I’m offering. Happily, might I add.” Richard cooed on the other side of the phone, with a hint of a smile in his tone.  Sitting in your car, with your hand on the steering wheel, you thumbed your thumb against the leather coating. You thought about his offer. He lived only a few minutes from your office, near central park, and the best thing was, he would be there. He was currently out of town but assured you that he would be back in a few days to continue filming Ocean’s 8 and he would make sure to take you out to get your mind off of things. After a break up, it’s best to be around family and friends. Richard was definitely a great friend to be around. He’s kind, and generous, a bit of goofball, but he always found a way to make things up to you or put a smile on your face.  “I haven’t seen you in months, and I hate to tell you this, but I’m not taking no for an answer.” He added. “Richard, I honestly can’t do this. I need to be by myself.” “I’m not going to let that happen. I’m rather vexed at the entire matter, and if he shows up, I will have him thrown out or arrested.” His voice went very deep. A side of him you hadn’t heard before. Was that protection and anger in his voice? He wasn’t lying. Since you started dating Ethan, Richard and you had a hard time seeing each other. He was always out of town or too busy to actually spend proper time; he did however meet you for those 1-2 hr lunches before leaving or sent presents to you loft to apologize for not being able to make it. Also, to make matters worse, despite the fact that Richard was always so kind, and polite to your fiancée, Ethan didn’t like Richard. It showed in how possessive he was, not allowing Richard to be alone with you, be next to you, or even on the phone with you for a long period of time. Maybe Ethan could sense that under your guise as a friend, you did have feelings for Richard. You at one point convinced yourself that you were in love with him, and you needed to tell him. But with his schedule, you saw how difficult it was, and then realized it’s you. Richard wouldn’t be into you when he had many women around him. You had to back off in order to try to make the new relationship work. So, you put a lid on your feelings and said nothing. You were friends. Just friends. Ethan on the other hand… “Where are you right now?” He asked. “Siting in my car outside of The Hyatt.” You replied looking around at your surroundings. The Hyatt was a stunningly. Beautiful hotel in New York, and you were outside at the valet parking deciding on if you should go in or not. The streets were still busy for 3am, but it was The Big Apple, and this place never sleeps. It had rained earlier, and the streets glistened with the glow and flickering of the traffic lights. Restaurants and bars still open along the strip, and people gathered hand in hand walking and laughing. You wish you could laugh, but Ethan stole that from you months ago, and now you sit here alone, in your car in your flat shoes, and night gown. You had to pack a bag with enough clothes to last you a few days. Ethan was leaving for Hong Kong for work, and that would be the best time to get your belongings, and never see him again.  “Please don’t sleep there, just go to my penthouse, we will figure out the rest.” He insisted. You knew that doing this, moving in with Richard, no matter how long you would be there, would piss Ethan off. And you honestly wanted to hurt him. Maybe not the same way he hurt you, but still hurt him nonetheless. “Are you sure about this?” “Very.” “Okay!” You conceded, “Thank you.” “Anything for you dove.” “Anything?” You sang sweetly, with hit of a smile on your face. “Absolutely anything.” He gushed over the phone.  You pulled at a piece of thread on your nightgown, and blushed hard. Even from thousands of miles away, he knew how to make you swoon with just his voice and words. If he was in front of you and said that, it would have taken the force of an army to hold you back from kissing him. The way those words came out of his mouth stirred something inside of you that hadn’t been touched in months, but you could focus on that right now. You needed to get out of this car.  “Head on over, I’ll call ahead, and make sure everything is taken care of.” “Thank you again, Richard.” “No need to thank me. I need you safe, and sound in our flat. I’ll see you in a few days, yeh?” He stated. “Yea ok. You said your goodbyes and headed over to his flat. After pulling into the Richards visitor spot under his flat building, you gather your things, and end upstairs to the 21st floor. Once you exit the elevator you are thrown off by the very large gift basket sitting in front of the door. You put your bag down and kneel to read the note left on top.  *** To: The most beautiful woman in the world. From: The luckiest man in the world to have you in his life <3 Get some rest and enjoy the basket. You deserve it, and if I have to, I will send you more to keep a smile on your face until I get there. Yours always, Richard *** You smiled so hard, and pulled the note to your chest for a moment, as if you wanted to absorb the words into your very heart. You see another little baggy with the keycode to get into his flat, and you make your way in taking the bag and basket inside. 
You flick on the light upon entering the foyer, a grand entertaining gallery opens into a living room and formal dining room with raised ceilings, accentuated by a dramatic glass skylight. You decided to look around the penthouse to get used to the surroundings. The room has been decorated to the highest standards with custom doors, wood-work cabinetry, and beveled glass to enhance the breathtaking views. A custom-carved stairway, wood-paneled elevator, beautifully-appointed powder room, and spacious closets are located just off the gallery. Adjacent to the formal dining room and located along Central Park is a tastefully designed eat-in kitchen with top-of-the-line appliances.
The 21st floor featured a luxurious master suite with a fireplace, terrace, and large sitting room. A magnificent master bathroom with bookmarked slabs of marble, two showers, two private water closets and two separate vanity sinks complete this space. The suite also included multiple fitted closets and a whimsical loggia with a wet bar along the terrace. Two additional south-facing bedrooms, two redesigned en-suite baths, an elegant study with terrace access and an automated Crestron system for lighting, shades and music. The 21st floor included a service entrance which you came in through seeing that Richard had the key to the main entrance elevator.  “No wonder he doesn’t go out. He has everything he needs here.” You said to yourself, as you made your way back to the door to gather your things. You walked into the master bedroom and placed the basket on the bed. You finally opened the clear wrapping and started to pull out each item. Bath bombs, candles, wine, scented lotions, and oils. There was a silken pink night gown, with matching sleeping mask. Then a box of assorted chocolates, and your favorite box of perfume.  A little while later, after a hot shower, and two glasses of wine, you climb into Richards bed, and cover yourself with the thick black blanket. Your phone buzzed, and you picked it up to see that Richard sent you a photo and text. he sent you a gif of his face smiling, and blowing you a kiss, then saying goodnight. You send him a text back saying goodnight and thanking him again before you placed it back on the nightstand. As you fell asleep your mind thought of pleasant things. Such as now being able to start your life over without Ethan. Perhaps with someone great. Someone like Richard.  “Why am I not with you?” Was the last words that slipped from your lips before passing out. _____ See, this wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to find a guy, fall in love, get married, have children and live out your lives together. Old, holding hands and maybe, just maybe dying together in your sleep. But your life didn’t work out so luck that way. Time after time you had to fight for what you wanted, and when you thought you had it, life kicked you down again. Here you sat on the cold tile floor in the bathroom, in the dark holding your fiancés phone.  The painful reality that he wasn’t who you thought. Your jaw clinched, the burning in your eyes began, and you turned the phone on. You had to know. You read every single one of the texts that he sent them. Every detail about what he wanted to do to them, and what he wanted them to do to him. How he couldn’t stop thinking of them, and how they were the only thing he ever wanted. He even said I love you to a few of them. They begged for him to dump you, and he said that he would, but he was waiting for the right time. He couldn’t even bother changing up his texts, they were the same lines, repeatedly. The same dick pics and fantasy. The only thing that seemed to change was the location to meet them for dinner, or the hotel room he would rent out for the day for his “Client Meetings”   You turned the phone off and gripped your chest, right at your heart. You dug your nails into your skin until it hurt, but it would never compare to the pain you felt that spread through your body like a raging fire. It scorched every nerve in your body, and you began to shake. Your eyes burned and when you could hold on no longer you let out a scream that could have cracked glass, and you threw his phone against the wall. It shattered.  Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. You bent forward, pressed your palms to the floor, you began to cry with the force of a person vomiting on all fours.
You heard footsteps running up to the door.
“(y/n) are you ok? What was that noise?” A male voice said on the other side. “Just go away” you said, the words slipping from your lips so softly that only you could have heard it, but you secretly wish he did. You continued to cry, your fingers digging into the black cloth of the bathmat. You felt sick to your stomach. The ache in your heart was too much to bare. “(y/n) answer me!! What is going on? I am beginning to worry!” The voice said again, wiggling the door knob a few times. “Go the fuck away!” You managed to raise your head up and yelled. “Just leave, get out! I don’t want you here anymore!” You turned your body to the toilet now, lifting the lid, and prepared yourself for what was about to come up. “(y/n) What?! What are you talking about? “He yelled back, banging on the door.  “Open up! What happened?” he pressed again, his voice very concerned and urgently searching for a reason why you would react this way. “I hate you.” You said softly into the toilet. You shook your head because you knew you had to throw up, and the rage that was building in your gut was making its way to your chest. The kind of rage that was instant and all you needed was the final push. The door knob started to shake violently, and then the door started to bang as if something was being pushed against it. With a loud BANG the door was forcefully opened, and Ethan came stumbling in, the wall across from the door catching him. He looked around the bathroom and saw his phone on the ground, and then looked up at you. “What is going on? It’s 4 o’clock in the morning, and you’re screaming.” He said as he bent down and picked up his phone examining the broken pieces. “I had work and clients on here, and you break it?” “Right! Work and clients “You quoted with your fingers. “I am sure your clients needed a picture of your fucking dick for their legal troubles. I guess you’re a full-service kind of lawyer. “you proclaimed, as you rose to your feet. You took a few steps closer to him. His face went completely white and he swallowed hard. His eyes shifted over to the right of you unable to look in your eyes and there it was. The shame or was it guilt. Either way he knew that this was it for him. “(Y/N)” He started, but you cut him off. “Who is Emily?” You shoved him back “Rhonda?” You shoved him again. “Dianna?” You asked pushing him one last time, this time harder and he was backed into the corner and could see his jaw tighten. “Oh, and my favorite, your fucking secretary Bridgette.” You smiled and shook your head. “I knew it. I knew it.” You stressed, your voice starting to shake with the buildup of anger, and more tears. “They mean nothing to me. Not like you. “Ethan said calmly to you. His eye contact making his words seem sincere. Was he telling the truth?  Maybe, but it was too late. That trust had already been destroyed. “You’re a fucking liar.”  You walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom you shared. You walked to the other side of the room to get away from him. It was too much. You always had a feeling that something was right about him, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. You grabbed your bag from the closet, and started throwing clothes in them, cussing and yelling as you stuffed many items in it. You weren’t even sure what it all was, but the more that you put in that bag was the more you were close to getting out of there. Ethan tried to grab you to talk things out. Grabbing your arm, you pulled it away, he grabbed both of your wrists to calm you and to pull you into his chest, but you pushed him away repeatedly You took a shirt and hit him with it and he held his hands up grabbing the fabric in the air, twisting it around his hand and yanked you close to him. “Please calm down, we can talk about this.” He held you firmly to him, looking at you dead in your eyes, not even blinking. Was he terrified of losing you? Was he scared of what his life would be like without you? You fought more against his grip. “Would you stop! He yelled, “and fucking listen to me! They mean nothing to me! I want to marry you and be with you!” You looked closer into his eyes and saw that they were glazing over. Was he about to cry? Was he actually upset that he hurt you? For a brief moment, you settled down, and lowered your guard for a moment.
“I love you.” He said, releasing the grip on your wrist since he must have felt your nerves calm. “There is nothing to freak out about. My heart belongs to only you.” He said, leaning in closer to your face. “I want to kiss only you…” Ba-dum
The sound of your heart echoed in your ears as he spoke those words… “ I want to marry only you..”
Ba -dum But it wasn’t the words you wanted to hear. It was the wrong words. “I am going to marry you (Y/N).” he whispered right before his lips touched yours. Those were the wrong words…. “The hell you are!” You yelled as you pushed him back, but he still held one of your wrists.  “What makes you think that I would even marry you?” You questioned as you finally yanked yourself free from his grasp. You turn and walk to the other side of the bed, snatching up your phone. Your fingers unlocked it and you started to search through it. You started muttering to yourself. “Great! I guess you’re going to call him now. Complain about me?” He gestured with his arms, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. “Call who?” You questioned, going through your contacts. Richards name slowly scrolled down, and your thumb landed on his name, but Ethan had caught your attention and you looked up from the phone. “Who do you think? Richard for fuck sake. You can’t seem to just let him the fuck go can you!” Ethan said, yanking up a shirt from the side chair, and putting it on, followed by a pair of mint green pants. You always hated those pants. “He has nothing to do with this. You did this! “You proclaimed. Snatching up your keys and walking over to the night stand to grab a few more things, shoving them into the bag. “Whatever you need to tell yourself (y/n) You’re probably acting like this because you slept with him, and now you are turning a tiny indiscretion of mine into this mountain of guilt.” He gestured with is hands and body movement. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?! Are you trying to turn this around on me? You gestured pointing to yourself.
“I’m just stating the facts. You couldn’t have him, so you had to get me. You were too weak to tell him how you felt, and he didn’t care enough about you to notice you. Why would he want you? He’s famous now and can have any woman he wants and you —“ SMASH! The vase you threw at his head shattered near him. He guarded his face and moved aside and looked at you. “WHAT THE FUCK!?!? Have you lost your mind?” He yelled as he moved around the broken pieces by his feet to a clearer spot. Then you looked down to continue to pack, grabbing everything that could fit into this large duffle bag. After stuffing what you could in it, you make your way to the door. “I had to settle for a piece of shit like you.” You added onto his statement, your voice was so calm, still, but the tears filled your eyes and burned as you looked at him without blinking. “I had to lower my standards to a pathetic man child who had to feed on someone else’s insecurities to make himself feel better.” “(Y/n) wait, I didn’t mean…” he said starting to walk towards you but when he saw that you straightened your back and took a more dominate stance, he paused. “You meant every word. And I shouldn’t have said yes to marrying you when in my heart I really didn’t want to. But my family, and your family pressured me. Especially when…” You paused for a moment and looked around the room and then back at him. “When I knew I would never love you the way I love him.” Those words flew from your mouth so fast. You never thought that you would think it, let alone say it out loud. You knew instantly from the look in his eyes that they’d hit their mark. In that instant your relationship shattered into glassy shards. Nothing would ever be the same again. “We’re over!” You completed as you walked out of the door. ______ The next day you remained in the protection of your dear friend penthouse. You closed the blinds, and the curtains. You brewed some coffee, with cream, and added some caramel into the mixture as you lazily walked back to his room. You hadn’t slept so well after dreaming about the fight you had with Ethan. It was so fresh in your heart and mind. You placed the mug on the night stand and crawled back into bed. Tucking yourself into the big red and white pillows and pulled the black duck down comforter over yourself. You leaned back against the pillowed backboard, reached for the remote, twitched on the TV and flipped through the channels until you landed on the TV show FRIENDS. Tossing the remote beside you, you tried to focus on the screen before you, but your phone went off again. You struggled with the decision to pick it up. Looking from the TV back to the phone, and then back to the TV again. Then back at the phone when it went off. You reached over and picked it up. You fingered through the unlock and brought up your phone log. 14 MISSED CALLS – Ethan Hawthorne Then you saw the notifications on your iMessages. You opened it. _______________________________ ETHAN {Please pick up the phone….. } ETHAN {We need to talk!!!} ETHAN {I’m not giving up on us! I don’t care how many times I have to call you or text you! } ETHAN {Why are you acting like this? Can we just please talk?! } ________________________________ You took a deep breath and hovered your finger over delete. For a moment you thought how freeing it would be to clear these, and never reply to him, but then again, what if you did reply. What if you told him to never call or message you again? Is saying nothing, really louder than saying anything at all? Without a second thought you deleted it. You closed your eyes, and put the phone on the nightstand, but before you could fully come to terms with what you just did, you heard a knock on the door. You were expecting anyone, but when you walked to the door, you looked through the hole, and saw a bouquet of flowers. You pulled back and took a step back from the door. Maybe you shouldn’t open it, maybe you should. Ethan was smart, sending you flowers so early. You bit your bottom lip, and then another knock came to the door.  “Who is it?” You shouted. “I have a delivery for a Miss (Y/N).” the man said. “Can you leave it by the door?” You asked, walking closer to the door, and placed your hands on the wood. “I was instructed to hand it directly to her. You know….my job.” He replied. “Ok.” You sigh and open the door. As you open it, the bouquet was in full bloom in front of you. Bright red roses petals, with lush green stems. It was so large it covered the delivery guys face.  “Do I need to sign for it or something?” you ask waiting with your arms crossed in front of you. “Not really, but if you would like to pay in the form of a hug. I wouldn’t object.” He said, as his American accent changed over to the floating melody of a British purr, and as the flowers came down, it revealed the most beautiful man you had ever seen. Richard stood before you with a big smile on his face. His eyes were sparkling, and his cheeks were flushed. He was so excited to see you. You weren’t sure what came over you when you lunged forward and flung your arms around his neck, pulling him into an embrace. He chuckled and leaned down to hug you back. He squeezed you and buried he face in your hair. You heard him take a deep breath, and you could have sworn you felt the thumping of his heart against your chest. It was racing. Or was it yours? At the moment you couldn’t tell, all you knew it he was here with you. You pulled back, but held onto his shirt, while he in return placed his hand on your cheek. You leaned into the warmth of his hand smiling. Your faith in men had left you, but you knew that Richard would heal it. Someone how. Starting by showing up earlier than he said, and now pulling this stun, in his own penthouse.  “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you are here.” You stated excitedly. “But where are my manners, please come in.” you walked back over the threshold, and moved a side so that he could come in.  “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you, and in my penthouse no less.” He chimed back. Richard walked into the kitchen and placed the vase of roses on the counter top. He turned to look at you and removed his black coat and tossed it on the back of the counter. He looked around the room and shook his head. “What?” “Why is it so dark in here?” “I didn’t want any daylight in here.” “Why? A little daylight would be good for you (Y/N).” he stated as he walked across the room and to the window, he tossed the curtains opened, and the living room was flooded with golden light. He could have pushed the button that does it for him, but he was always the kind of guy to do things himself. You blocked your eyes for a moment, and then put your hands down to see Richard standing before the window with a halo of light around his head. The light caught in his beard, and he turned to look at you with glowing blue eyes. He wore a plaid shirt and dark blue jeans. A trimmed beard, and his hair combed over to one side. He looked good. Gorgeous. “Is that why you’re here? To open my blinds? You turn to Richard and hold up a cup. “Want some?” He walked over to the counter and sat down on the stool. He leaned forward and closed his hands together. 
“Are you going to tell me what happened, or am I going to have to guess?” he sounded irritated, so his voice became a bit deeper. “Richard….” you sighed as you put the first mug into place on the Keurig, you put the K-Cup in the machine, and pulled the lever down, and hit BREW. You turned, and leaned back on the counter, with your hands on both sides of you along the counter top. “Don’t make me.” “What do you want me to say? He cheated. Cheated, a lot, and I was the dumb one who fell for his shit.” You said. The buzzer went off and you turned to remove the first cup, put another in its place, and a new K-Cup, and hit BREW again. You gently placed the cup in front of Richard, and reached over to hand him sugar, and creamer. “You’re not dumb, don’t say that. He cheated, yes, but that isn’t your fault.” Richard said has he put both hands on the sides of the cup. “Not my fault!?” You chuckle just saying those words. But you always thought that it was. Maybe it was in a way. You never really fully expressed yourself or showed that you were completely into the planning of your wedding, or him even. You were just there, going through the motions, while he was there, with other women. To be honest, he wasn’t the one you wanted. You lowered your head and started to cry. You heard the stool shift across the floor and in an instant Richards hands were on you, turning you. He crouched a bit to look at you, and tilted your head up to look at him, and when you did, he straightened himself. “Open your eyes.” he said softly. His hands cupped both sides of your face, his thumbs wiping away the tears from your face. “Look at me (Y/N).” he kindly stressed.  So you did, and he was looking at you with such hope, and longing that it killed you. How can he be so calm at a time like this. How had you been so clam the past night? “I can’t do this anymore.” You weeped.  “Do what?” “Love anyone again. How an I supposed to trust someone after this?” You asked, gripping his shirt.  “It’s not going to be easy dove, but I’m here to show you that you can.”  You looked up at him, and then to his lips. You always wondered what it would be like to kiss him. You lean in close to him, and place your forehead to his chin. He lowers his head to place a kiss on it.    You didn’t want to bottle up your emotions. Sadness, obsessing, and full-blown crying fits was your way to deal with emotional upheaval, and pretending you were fine when you were not will have the same effect as a pressure cooker. So, you called out of work for the next few days, to let all your pent-up feelings loose, whether it was on your own with Celine Dion on full blast, with a box of tissues or with your best friend after two bottles of wine. And your best friend was here now, so here came the tears, and wine.
Sometime later, Richard gently rouses you from a deep slumber after you pasted out in his bed. Richard had to pick you up from the couch after the first bottle of wine. You drank the majority and like a gentlemen he let you. He tucked you in, and he settled in next to you, arm around you, and he just let you cry and cry. You complained about everything under the sun when it came to Ethan. The stupid pants he wore, to his cologne, how he said certain words, and how horrible he treated Richard.  He sat at the edge of the bed, gently stroking your hair, and shaking you awake. As you woke, it felt as though your spirit returned to your body, and you felt heavy again, but warm under the blankets. You opened your eyes to see Richard sitting there, smiling down at you. “Good morning.” He said softly, as to not shock you with his presence. “Richard?” You said, as you slowly moved the blanket from your face rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “Yes, It’s me, you’re not dreaming.” He joked, rubbing your arm. “You’re here!” you cooed sleepily. “Yes, I live here. Did you drink so much you forgot?”  “I know that.” Richard smiled and looked at you for a moment. His hand moved from your arm, to move a few strands of hair from your face. His index finger grazed your cheek, and you smiled. He tilted his head a bit and studied your face. “I jumped on the first flight I could.” You moved the blanket down, and stretched your arms wide, awaiting a hug you desperately needed. He smiled and leaned in to hug you. His arms slipped under you, and he pulled you into his arms. Practically pulling you up from the bed. You buried your face in his neck, and he squeezed you in return. You relaxed in his arms, and didn’t plan on letting him go, but you wanted to reveal in his warmth and scent. You take in a deep breath and then release it slowly. “I’m just happy you’re here.” “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” He asked, as one of his hands stroked your back. “Because of your job.” “(Y/N)? Do you really think that would keep me away from you?” he asks, as he releases you and cups your face. “You know what I mean.” You say sweetly, placing your hands on his own. “Your friends break up doesn’t fall on the important spectrum when it comes to your career.” He chuckles and lets go of your face and stands up. “It’s not my career that makes all the decisions, but my heart. Time with you is all I always want, like air to a dying man.” He says, as he heads towards the bedroom door. “Which is to say that nothing would keep me from you. As selfish as that may sound.” “Richard…” you started, but he interrupts. “Now out of bed. You need to eat.” He walks out of the door. “I kind of like it here! Your bed is amazing!” You shout after him. “Then I guess I’ll bring your breakfast to you! He shouts back. You laugh to yourself and fall back into the large pillows. Your arms stretched out at your sides. The sound of breakfast for dinner sounded exciting to you. You remembered Richard’s cooking it for you whenever you both would get drunk, it was always delicious, and he always ate with you. You closed your eyes and several minutes later, you could smell the aroma coming from the kitchen. An hour later, Richard brought you the works. Freshly squeezed juice, toast with grape jam, eggs, bacon, and a bowl of grapes and honey dew. He placed it on his bed, with a giant tray, and there was enough for two people. You turned the TV on just for background noise while you both spoke, He told you the story about how after he got your call, he called his assistant and requested the next flight out of Los Angeles to New York that there was. He called ahead to the front desk and requested that you be let in, but it would have to be the servant’s entrance as he had locked the elevator to his floor. He called his other assistant in New York to find the best relaxation basket he could, and to make sure there was a sweet message from him for you. He wanted you to know that he would take care of you. When it was time for him to leave, he didn’t even pack any clothes. He grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet, and left. He didn’t have time to think, his instincts told him that you needed him, and you needed him now. On the plane he was anxious to see you, and he couldn’t wait to get out of the airport, and into the taxi to get home to you. “You didn’t have to do all of that. Did you even get any sleep?” You asked as you held the toast in your hand, looked at him.  He looked at you and reached over to wipe a piece of jam from your lips. “No. I’d been up for about 24 hrs, I believe? There was no time to think about myself. I was worried about you.” He said as he went back to eating. You sat there staring at him and you lowered the toast to your lap. Your eyes started to burn and glaze over. “Why would you do that for me? Why do anything of it?” Your voice started to shake, and you honestly tried to hold back the tears. You hated crying in front of him, and you didn’t want him to think you were a cry baby, but damn it. He was always so sweet and kind to you. Why couldn’t you be with someone like him? Why couldn’t you have been the one in this bed for years, waiting for him to come home to you. You knew that you loved him, but just the thought of him flying across country, not sleeping until you were taken care of, and happy before taking care of himself hit you hard. Richard put his food down, cleaned his mouth, and swallowed the remaining food. He looks down for a moment nodding slightly to himself, as if he was talking to himself. Like the moment you get when you are building yourself up to finally say something.  “Do you really have to ask?” He said, still looking down at nothing in particular.  “After all this.” He looks at you. “I did it because….I love you, (Y/N).” You new that it would take time, but with those words you felt the break in your heart start to heal.  END.
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bites-kms · 5 years
HK Bars: Re-loaded
It’s vox populi that Hong Kong nights are great. The city is alive between the tetris buildings, live music venues, the poured-to-perfection drinks and the incomparable chill and fun vibe people foster. This is a re-vamp of the previous bar-hopping post on Bars in HK. This time, I had the opportunity to explore further and different neighborhoods with friends and fun colleagues. 
Iron Fairies  LG, 1 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong.
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With sister locations in Bangkok and Tokyo, this bar is undoubtedly great and one never gets tired of visiting either this or any of the other locations— and, in all cases, it’s quite unlike anywhere else in the city. Sutton’s establishments, one very well renown interior designer and bar entrepreneur, are known for mind-blowing, jaw-dropping, eclectic decor, and The Iron Fairies is no exception. Indeed, this is one bar you’ve got see in person to believe. In LifeStyle Asia Editor in Chief, Micheal Alan words’ the “metal-making tools line the walls, vials of ‘fairy dust’ hang from the ceiling in clusters and — most incredible of all — some 10,000 preserved butterflies dangle overhead, suspended on tiny metal rods (...) are incredible. Watching them sway back and forth is simply mesmerizing”. I guess I’ll have to go to the Tokyo one to make an Iron Fairies hat-trick!
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Iron Fairy by LifeStyle Asia  The Woods  G, L, 17-19號 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong.
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This was a great venue where I met my friend Sammie from Singapore. It’s an eclectic bar, around the main area of LKF, where a mirror door disguises it, and a museum-kind-of-display about different cocktail elements merged with design fashion runway aesthetics is part of the charm. Drinks were delicious and music was great. It’s a fantastic alternative to the mainstream happening in the neighborhood. I dared to have a different approach to an old fashion and it was delicious, with a little of spices and herbs. Great choice. Foxglove + Frank’s Library  18 Ice House St, Central, Hong Kong.
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This is a great hidden speakeasy featured as a deluxe umbrella shop. Delightful venue, with even more striking and delicious drinks, with super charismatic bartenders made our stay a memorable one. There was this jazz band playing stellar music and then a Philippine guy took the mic and literally brought the house down with his songs (I mean, Frank Sinatra “Fly me to the Moon”, of coz!) and voice. It was so much fun!  There’s a little speakeasy within the speakeasy called “Frank’s Library” and it serves a smaller, more selected list of drinks, in a library setting that isolates the music from Foxglove, turning this little bar into a cozier, more familiar one.  The Old Man- Ernest Hemingway  Lower G/F, 37-39 Aberdeen Street, Soho, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
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Photo Credits: The Old Man - Ernest Hemingway Website Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it to this one. I did have nights to spare, but some of them I just strolled around, got lost and experience some great night walks and dinners, where I ended up with food-commas and completely exhausted. But I’m gonna write it down so I don’t forget to go next time I’ll visit the hood. It was honored as one of the World’s Top 50 Bars in 2018, so it’s a set date for sure. With unique decor, on its website one can read the true inspiration and homage this place gives to the author: “He was a sophisticated drinker, a lover of fine spirits, and a true connoisseur who sought out the best bars from Paris to Pamplona. The Old Man honors Hemingway by taking inspiration from his novels, history, and folklore, and by using novel ingredients and culinary accoutrements – thereby paying tribute to the spirits and cocktails he loved.” Damn... just realized I walked by its door so many times... I guess this time wasn’t meant to be! Piqniq R/F (Rooftop) HQueens, 80 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong.
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This is a nice surprise in the middle of Central HK. After a beautiful Yayoi Kusama art piece and strong pink and red decor that highlights the instagrammable worth of this rooftop, one finds a breathtaking terrace in the middle of Hong Kong skyscrapers with an unforgettable view of the bay and the mountains. A solo glass of prosecco, in between dinners and another bar date closer to the hotel, was exactly what I needed to bond with Hong Kong. 
Sevva  10 Chater Rd, Central, Hong Kong.
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This was a fantastic double recommendation from my friend Mau and my friend Angelica. I remember Angelica mentioned it the first time I went to HK but, as it was expected, I was on its door and didn’t manage to find it properly. But this time, I went and enjoyed one of the few last nights with my ex-boss. We managed to find it and dare to take the elevator to the beautiful heights of its bar. It had a great drink list which I decided to pass on and go with my default and solid choice of prosecco to quench my thirst on this warm and cloudy Hong Kong night. We toasted for the good times and for the success we had over these days regarding our pitch.  It was a great experience which definitely made me grow as a professional and as a leader, where I needed to juggle, define, forecast and ask for the resources I needed to make it happen, that included a physical trip to this city to lead in-house workshops. 
Skye  Hong Kong, Causeway Bay, Gloucester Rd, 310號27樓
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Skye Bar, provided by Pullman Hotel in Trip Advisor. Promise, this would be my last cheat-recco since I didn’t make it to this one either - although I managed to go to the Ozone Bar at the Ritz Carlton. This bar is similar,  it’s part of the Pullman hotel chain, and the literal cherry on top it’s its funky rooftop bar. Looks fun and with a memorable view.  Ophelia Shop F39A & F41A, 1/F, Lee Tung Avenue, 200 Queen's Rd E, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
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What a bar! Also, quite hard to find in a small pedestrian street in Wan Chai, on a third or four floor, without a sign on it’s outside facade. It’s completely hidden to the naif eye. But this bar, on top of its completely outstanding fashion, hosted by a hot, tall, blond, thick-accented and not quite friendly Russian, is something to experience at least once or twice in a life time. They allowed us to seat on a reserved table since we arrived early and then, when prime time started, the weirdness also made their appearance. This bar has actual women laid down on it’s shelves and bars, with fans, burlesque and S&M outfits, as part of the kitsch decor. I didn’t know how to feel about that but certainly caught my attention and was something I’ve never seen before (and trust me, I’ve seen some weird s*it over the years and trips!)
Ping Pong 129 Second Street L/G Nam Cheong House, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.
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What a beautiful and great recco from my friend Pink. I wish we had made it together, but I saved the best for last. Hours before leaving to the airport and after a blogging session in a beautiful cafe near to my hotel (where I almost leave my credit card!) I went for a second-to-last drink to toast for this comeback to Asia and this amazing time in Hong Kong. Below a hidden normal door with no actual sign but an bull-eyed window that, after a closer look one realized is a ping pong paddle, there’s a long stairs that leads you to the best and probably only “Gintoneria” I’ve ever been to. People get crazy with Tequila or Wine bars, but man, this one, was finding Neverland for me. What a fantastic idea. More than Gintoneria, it was paradise. This beautiful neon means “Take care of your body. Seriously, can it get any better than this?? I ended up talking to a video designers and producers from China with rusty English but with tons of willingness to talk to me and make themselves understood from Shenzhen, and actually followed my company on Weibo and managed to connect to FB to follow and add me as a friend. What a great, great finding and an even more fantastic night, today’s font and dear memory! 
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halsteadproperty · 6 years
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Small Business Spotlight Series: Best Ice Cream Shops in the NY Metro Area
Sweltering temperatures, heat vapors rising from the black tar streets, wafts of cool air hitting you as you pass open storefronts; the summer heat in the city can wear you down. Yet, there is always one common treat that will serve as Ol Reliable – and that is the cool taste of ice cream. From gelato to sorbet, sundaes to Italian ice, our agents all around NY, NJ and CT have the best recommendations for your next summer treat.
The Lemon Ice King of Corona
52-02 108th St, Corona, NY 11368
When you want some fun, a change of scenery and the perfect cool treat on the dog days of summer, look no further than The Lemon Ice King of Corona, Queens! “This family owned business with a homemade, secret recipe offers 100 flavors of the best Italian ices in all of New York, dare I say the world!” says agent Maryann Johnson. “On a hot summer night, my girlfriends and I would get in the car and drive on the LIE to 108th Street Corona and order not one, but two or three of the most flavorful, homemade, fresh summer flavors, like lemon, coconut, watermelon, mango and so much more!” The Lemon Ice King has been a unique and colorful dessert destination for over 60 years. Stay and enjoy your ice while watching a traditional and competitive Bocce game in Spaghetti Park, or head over to Citi Field and cheer on the NY Mets.
(Recommended by Maryann Johnson of our Upper West Side office)
1215 Post Rd, Fairfield, CT 06824
“New technology ice cream with lots of novelty makes Milkcraft a Connecticut staple,” says agent Sheila Higgins. The trendy creamery freezes every scoop to order with food grade Liquid Nitrogen, which creates smaller ice crystals when freezing, and results in the smoothest possible ice cream. Their caramelized Hong Kong style waffles are made from scratch to order and their hot Creamee buns are made fresh daily, along with artisan toppings.
(Recommended by Sheila Higgins of our Wilton office)
Emack and Bolio’s
389 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10026
Emack & Bolio’s is so good that The New York Times called it “an ice cream shop with more than a lick of promise” and Good Housekeeping labeled them as “the best ice cream purveyors in the country.” Talk about a seal of approval. According to agents Keith Marder and Olga Bidun of the OK Team, their best flavors include ice cream based Deep Purple Chip, S’Moreo, salted caramel chocolate pretzel, chunk of funk and grasshopper pie as well as “The Original Oreo.” They also have sorbet and low-fat options. “Most flavors have great texture with the addition of Oreos, chips, pretzels, etc. and for some added crunch you can get a gargantuan waffle cone dipped in things like Nutella, Cookie Krisp cereal, sprinkles and Capt’n Crunch,” says the team.
(Recommended by the Olga and Keith Team of our West Side office)
Sugar Hill Creamery
184 Lenox Ave, New York, NY 10026
An indie ice cream shop in Harlem, this family-owned spot offers scoops (including non-dairy varieties) in both familiar and creative flavors.
“They use really high-end ingredients and have funky, savory flavors. In the summer they need to have an employee making ice cream all night long to keep up with summer demand.” – Jeffrey Green of our Harlem office
“Sugar Hill Creamery has an old-fashioned neighborhood feel with an artsy flair from the mural on the wall to the roasted corn and jalapeno flavors. The owners are there scooping and greeting folks at the door!” - Leanne Stella of our Harlem office
Saugatuck Sweets
575 Riverside Ave, Westport, CT 06880
A unique spot located in the beautiful river-front inlet neighborhood of Saugatuck in Westport, Connecticut. Nothing like a moonlit night sky near the waterfront and an awesome ice cream cone creation of your own making,” says agent Sheila Gallo. Saugatuck Sweets is within walking distance from the train and serves as an easy night out of Manhattan.
(Recommended by Sheila Gallo of our Westport office)
Anopoli Ice Cream Parlor and Family Restaurant
6920 3rd Ave Brooklyn NY, 11209
In an age of trendy ice-cream shops dishing up exotic flavors, agent Shira Rosenhaft always loves to visit this tried and true time capsule of a diner and soda fountain that happens to make their own ice cream, too. It’s like stepping back in time - the Kelly-green booths are the perfect place to enjoy an old-fashioned sundae or a root beer float, and much of the place looks unchanged since the early 1900s. The ice-cream flavors are simple - chocolate, vanilla, pistachio - but delicious. And, its central location amongst the hustle and bustle of Third Avenue’s shops and restaurants in Bay Ridge makes it the perfect spot to stop and cool off. 
(Recommended by Shira Rosenhaft of our Global Services office) 
Ample Hills Creamery
623 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238
Extraordinary ice cream is an understatement when it comes to Halstead favorite, Ample Hills Creamery. At one point in time cows grazed on Brooklyn's lush ample hills. Although the cows are gone, and the grassy hills have made way for rows of brownstones, the pastoral small-town spirit of old Brooklyn lives on at our neighborhood ice cream shops and in the playful, nostalgic flavors we create.
“What makes Ample Hills ice cream special is the mix-ins. My personal favorite is the Pistachio Brittle. They make pistachio brittle (think “peanut brittle”) and put large chunks of it in wonderfully flavored pistachio ice cream. The flavors are creative and unique with fun names and again, those mix-ins!” – Jenet Levy of our Park Avenue office
“The Ample Hills Creamery down on Union Street in Gowanus is a favorite stop.  Located at the corner of Union and Nevins, it stands out as an oasis in the post-industrial landscape. And of course, the Ice Cream is fantastic.” - Lisa Gaytan of our North Slope office
“Flavors change regularly, and they are currently offering Oooy Gooy Butter Cake and PB Wins the Cup among many others - plain and fancy!” - Perri Defino of our Bed-Stuy office
“Best ice cream by far is Ample Hills. Specifically, the vibe of the Vanderbilt Avenue location. Peppermint Patty with hot fudge is to die for. My boys always go for Chocolate Milk and Cookies and my husband is partial to Salted Crack Caramel. The staff is always full of energy, super nice and the cone size is enormous! Gets my vote for best ice cream in NYC!” - Karen Wolfe of our Park Slope office  
Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory
1 Water Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 
What is better than waterfront ice cream with views of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge? “The Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory is one of Brooklyn’s best ice cream shops,” agent Jared Goodloe says. Whether you are taking the ferry after a long day, walking your dog along the pier, or just out on the town Brookly Ice Cream Factory is the perfect stop. “Due to high demand, the line can be a little long but don’t let that stop you. The factory has a vast assortment of flavors and toppings to fit all your desires,” Goodloe says.
(Recommended by Jared Goodloe of our Park Slope office)
Gofer Ice Cream 
1020 Boston Post Rd, Darien, CT 06820
Gofer Ice Cream opened in 2004 in the heart of Darien on picturesque main street. People passing by can see families enjoying their unique products like Gofer Lite, Go-Yo, Milk Shakes, Razzles, Gofer Cakes and more. It is a favorite spot for locals to walk or bike into town for a summer treat. The shop features a few small tables inside, but most people prefer to sit out on the patio watching the buzz downtown. They have been so successful that agent Cheryl Williams placed them in a second location in Wilton, CT in 2014 near the Wilton High School, Wilton Deli and adjacent to the football field. You can hear kids across town asking their parents if they can "Go Fer" ice cream tonight!
(Recommended by Cheryl Williams of our Darien office)
1707 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10128
This ice cream shop is like no other (keep reading for the secret info!). The large neon cone awning strikes you from a distance along with the typical line of patrons eagerly awaiting entrance, but nothing is what is seems.  The vibrant and cozy bubble-gum pink shop offers a unique rotating menu of delicious flavors such as banana brownie, ginger and espresso cookie coupled with chocolate chip and M&M cones. Why is everyone dressed to impress for ice cream? Say the magic words and you are transformed to an elegant 1920s prohibition-style speakeasy behind the mystery door serving decadent cocktails at the large bar or tufted banquets outfitted with chandeliers, exposed brick and other classy homages to Upper East Side culture. Contact Rory for the secret password!
(Recommended by Rory S. Clark of our Village office and Elissa Drassinower of our West Side office)
Sundaes and Cones
95 E 10th St, New York, NY 10003
“On East 10th St. in the East Village is the best ice cream shop I have ever encountered,” agent Robert Brody says. Though located on a side street, it still attracts a big following. The scoops can be in a cup or cone. “Though a bit pricey, it is worth the extravagance,” explains Brody.
(Recommended by Robert A. Brody of our East Hampton office)
43 S Euclid Ave, Montauk, NY 11954
Katie Haggerty’s favorite spot on Euclid street in Montauk is Fro-Yo & Gelato. “It’s right next to the jitney spot and the minute you arrive to Montauk you are welcomed to the best little ice cream spot,” she explains. The days you leave Montauk you grab your treats at Fro-Yo and back to reality, leaving your happy place in Montauk.
(Recommended by Katie Haggerty of our East Hampton office)
Scoop Du Jour
35 Newtown Ln, East Hampton, NY 11937
Snuggled amidst all the beautiful high-end shops and restaurants is Scoop Du Jour, a tiny shop on Newtown Lane and one of Margaret Turner’s favorite ice cream spots. “When you walk in to the narrow shop you feel like you’re back in the 70's with the dim lighting, the old posters and pictures of earlier times in East Hampton and the old rod iron chairs with lumpy cushions. But you’ll delight on the yummy ice cream in over 15 flavors and tons of different toppings,” says Turner. If you don't feel like ice cream, you can order a good old grill cheese sandwich or burger.
(Recommended by Margaret Turner of our East Hampton office)
Brendan's 101
101 Rowayton Ave, Rowayton, CT 06853
Brendan's has continued its 133-year tradition as the centerpiece of village activity. “Whether a grocery store, library, arts center, lobster house, antique house or the gathering place for the "Rising Sons of Temperance" to keep liquor out of Rowayton, Brendan’s 101 has always been Rowayton's place to meet,” says agent Gwen Alexis.   Now open year-round and offering breakfast, lunch and dinner, it's signature all-natural ice cream remains it's heart and soul. Each year at the town's major fund raiser, the River Ramble, Brendan's donates the coveted "Golden Cone," giving the highest bidder an ice cream cone a day for life! To date there are 30 "Golden Cones" in existence.
(Recommended by Gwen Alexis of our Darien office)
Van Leeuwen
48 1/2 E 7th St, New York, NY 10003
The Classic Michel Cluizel chocolate ice cream is to die for! Homemade dark chocolate fudge and chunks of homemade gooey chocolate chip brownies is such a rich treat, no other chocolate ice cream compares!  The vegan ice cream in coffee flavor is a winner too! You will be in heaven on earth!” – Roni Pall of our Cobble Hill office
(Recommended by Fern Hammond of our Park Avenue office and Roni Pall of our Cobble Hill office) 
Brooklyn Farmacy and Soda Fountain
513 Henry St, Brooklyn, NY 11231
“They serve Adirondack Creamery ice cream which is the purest you can get. It was converted from an actual pharmacy and now is set as an old fashioned “soda shoppe.” They have live music and amazing food too.” – Anna Shagalov of our Village office
“This place looks like you walked back in time and the sundaes are unique.” – Marta Quinones
Bischoff's Confectionary
468 Cedar Ln, Teaneck, NJ 07666
The best ice cream in NJ, and in Sabina L. Feiler-Fluger’s opinion, the entire country, is at Bischoff's Confectionary in Teaneck, NJ. Going to Bischoff's was like winning the lottery when she was a kid. “We would select a flavor and sometimes sit at the bar, or at the booths in the back and the ice cream was always served in old school, metal dishes on top of a small white ceramic plate. They still do that today,” explains Sabina. This place is legendary and exactly what you would imagine a traditional ice cream parlor to look like. It opened in 1934, has been family run through generations. It still maintains relics of a 1950's style parlor with wood paneling, an antique mirror with the logo etched on it, two sides to the shop- one with ice cream in a multitude of flavors scooped out of antique metal freezers, and the other side sells candy- chocolates, hard candy, gummies, even toys. “They have the BEST coffee chip ice cream, and all sorts of flavors- basic and unique, even weekly specials,” says Sabina. They have been written up in many publications as one of the top places to go in NJ for ice cream.
(Recommended by Sabina L. Feiler-Fluger of our Hoboken office)
Serendipity 3
225 E 60th St, New York, NY 10022
Divinely decadent and devilishly delectable, Frozen Hot Chocolate is the signature item at Serendipity! In addition, you can find the most outrageous sundaes, milkshakes, cakes, pies, and cookies to satisfy any sweet tooth. “You can’t beat the drugstore sundae at serendipity,” says agent Zoraida Morales.
(Recommended by Zoraida Morales of our Park Avenue office)
Uncle Louie G
157 Prospect Park SW, Brooklyn, NY 11218
From stick ball on the street to sitting on the stoop, out of all the memories, the one treat that made summer what it was, in all its sweet goodness was Italian Ices. Uncle Louie G’s has been a staple in Brooklyn and continues to provide that old-fashioned feeling when you enter. It’s just a great spot on the stroll along the park in Brooklyn.
(Victoria Vinokur of our Park Avenue office)
Dolce Brooklyn
305 Van Brunt St, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Dolce Brooklyn gelato starts with all natural, award winning milk from the Hudson Valley and only the finest ingredients are added to create our gelato & sorbetto (vegan).  Each flavor is made on premise in small batches to ensure freshness. Chef Kristina sources many of the fresh fruits and vegetables from the local farmer's market and other top ingredients from specialty markets. Agent Gerard Splendore recommends the chocolate bourbon gelato!
(Recommended by Gerard Splendore of our Brooklyn Heights office)
L’Albero Dei Gelati
341 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215
“They have some of the best gelato that I've eaten outside of Italy. In fact, I like the consistency of the gelato here just a little bit better because it doesn't melt quite as fast.” - Joanna Mayfield Marks
(Recommended by Joanna Mayfield Marks of our Cobble Hill office)
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moutoshidotcom · 3 years
Expert Choice: Top 10 Best Hotels in Abuja, Nigeria
Abuja is the capital of Nigeria. It is a surprisingly expensive city. The top 10 best hotels in Abuja, Nigeria hand-picked by our travel experts, including luxury 5-star, 4-star, ad 3-star hotels. Before going to Abuja you must have a look. It’ll be a great help for you.
We have created a list with the Top 10 best hotels in Abuja, Nigeria. Hope you enjoy it.
1. Summerset Continental Hotel
This stylish, upscale hotel is set on a tree-lined boulevard near embassy row and offers free Wi-Fi access. The Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport is 43 km away. There is an 8 km drive to Aso Rock and a 10 km drive to Millennium Park.
There are sleek rooms with free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and suite bathrooms. Four stylish elegant suites are available.
Parking and breakfast are complimentary. The hotel offers an outdoor pool, an airport shuttle, a sleek, elegant restaurant, room service, and a 24-hour bar. There is event space available.
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2. TRANSCORP Hilton Abuja
The Abuja National Mosque is located 2 km away from this modern hotel in the city center, while the A234 is located 5 km away.
Our warmly furnished rooms feature free Wi-Fi, TVs, mini-fridges, and marble bathrooms. The upgraded rooms include a sitting area and access to a private lounge. Suites include dining areas and living rooms; some also have extra bedrooms, kitchenettes, and balconies. There is room service available.
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Parking is free. Seven dining options are available, including a poolside bar with a thatched roof, an Asian restaurant, and a stylish lounge with live piano music. There is also an outdoor pool, a gym, a playground, as well as basketball, tennis, and squash courts.
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3. Fraser Suites Abuja
An upmarket hotel located in a business district is just off Route A234. It is 3 km away from Abuja Arts and Crafts Village.
Modern apartments include kitchenettes, Nespresso coffeemakers, flat-screen TVs, marble bathrooms, safes, and free Wi-Fi. Upgraded apartments include full kitchens and dining areas.
Breakfast is available for a fee. The hotel also features a barbecue grill and a poolside restaurant serving pizza and barbecues. A gym is also available. Parking is available in a secure area.
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4. Nordic Hotel, Abuja
This modern hotel is located in a low-rise complex 2 km from Jabi Lake, 7 km from the center of Abuja, 8 km from the Murtala Mohammed Expressway, and 10 km from Abuja National Mosque.
Featuring sleek, contemporary decor, flat-screen TVs, balconies, and rainfall showers, the rooms have free Wi-Fi in addition to flat-screen TVs. Suites feature living areas, additional TVs, and balconies.
In addition to an outdoor pool and fitness center, the hotel has a spa offering massages and beauty treatments.
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5. Sheraton Abuja Hotel
This contemporary hotel is 1 km from Abuja National Mosque, 5 km from Millennium Park, and 40 km from Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport.
The warm rooms feature free Wi-Fi, satellite TV, and suite bathrooms; some have balconies. Upgraded rooms include minibars and access to a lounge. Suites include dining and living areas; some include kitchenettes. There is room service available.
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The hotel offers a free breakfast buffet. There are 4 restaurants, including a steakhouse grill and a BBQ restaurant on the poolside terrace. In addition, the hotel has a lobby bar, an outdoor pool, and a fitness center with a sauna and sports courts.
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6. Chelsea Hotel, Abuja
The unassuming hotel is 5 km from Abuja International Conference Centre and 40 km from Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport.
Warmly furnished and understated rooms feature Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, safes, minifridges, and tea and coffee-making facilities. Living rooms are added to suites.
There are 2 restaurants and a down-to-earth bar. There is a breakfast menu available.
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7. The Wells Carlton Hotel & Apartments
In a residential area, this upmarket hotel is 7 km from the Abuja National Mosque and 9 km from IBB International Golf & Country Club. Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport is 47 km away.
Rooms feature flat-screen TVs and free Wi-Fi, as well as minibars, safes, and tea and coffeemakers. The upgraded rooms have sitting areas. Apartments with 4 bedrooms include living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and washers and dryers. Room service is available 24 hours a day.
Breakfast is complimentary at the hotel. Additionally, there are four restaurants, two bars, a rooftop terrace, a spa, a gym, and indoor and outdoor pools. They offer meeting rooms, parking, and airport transfers.
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8. Nicon Luxury Hotel Abuja
Hotel Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport is 41 km away, and Abuja National Mosque and Abuja Zoo are 3 km away.
These unassuming rooms come with cable TV and fridges, safes, and tea and coffee-making facilities. All have balconies with views of the city and/or pool. Some suites include kitchenettes; others have living areas. Upgraded suites include complimentary fruit and wine.
Breakfast is complimentary. A restaurant serving local cuisine and a bar are also available. There is also a gym, a spa, an outdoor pool, and tennis courts. A meeting room and a business center are also available.
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9. Corinthia Villa Hotel
A tranquil retreat in a leafy residential area, this hotel is 10 km from the National Arboretum and 5 km from the Abuja National Mosque. The Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport is 42 kilometers away.
Stylish rooms with wood accents feature desks, Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, minifridges, kettles, and safes. Suites have separate sitting areas.
The hotel has an outdoor pool and a spa, as well as a fitness center, a sauna, and a steam room. Additionally, there is a casual buffet restaurant and a bar, as well as a meeting and event space. There is parking available.
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10. Reiz Continental Hotel
In the Central Business District, the hotel is 3 kilometers from the Abuja National Mosque and 4 kilometers from Millennium Park. 39 kilometers away is the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport.
Each casual room includes free Wi-Fi, a flat-screen TV, and a refrigerator, as well as tea and coffee-making facilities. There is a separate living area with a sofa in upgraded rooms and suites. The hotel’s room service is available 24 hours a day.
Breakfast and parking are complimentary. There is also a restaurant, a bar, an outdoor pool, and a gym. In addition, there is a business center and meeting/event space. They offer car rental and laundry services.
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Final Words
These are our expert choices for the Top 10 Best Hotels in Abuja, Nigeria. We hope you enjoyed this article. Please share your views through comments. We are wishing you all the best in spending your holidays in Abuja, Nigeria. Thanks for being with moutoshi.com.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Exhausted cities face another challenge: a surge in violence (AP) Still reeling from the coronavirus pandemic and street protests over the police killing of George Floyd, exhausted cities around the nation are facing yet another challenge: a surge in shootings that has left dozens dead, including young children. The spike defies easy explanation, experts say, pointing to the toxic mix of issues facing America in 2020: an unemployment rate not seen in a generation, a pandemic that has killed more than 130,000 people, stay-at-home orders, rising anger over police brutality, intense stress, even the weather. “I think it’s just a perfect storm of distress in America,” said Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms after a weekend of bloodshed in her city. Jerry Ratcliffe, a Temple University criminal justice professor and host of the “Reducing Crime” podcast, put it more bluntly: “Anybody who thinks they can disentangle all of this probably doesn’t know what they’re talking about.” Through Sunday, shootings in New York City were up more than 53%—to 585—so far this year. In Dallas, violent crime increased more than 14% from April to June. In Philadelphia, homicides were up 20% for the week ending July 5 over last year at this time. In Atlanta, 31 people were shot over the weekend, five fatally, compared with seven shootings and one killing over the same week in 2019.
Congress created virus aid, then reaped the benefits (AP) At least a dozen lawmakers have ties to organizations that received federal coronavirus aid, according to newly released government data, highlighting how Washington insiders were both author and beneficiary of one of the biggest government programs in U.S. history. Under pressure from Congress and outside groups, the Trump administration this week disclosed the names of some loan recipients in the $659 billion Paycheck Protection Program, launched in April to help smaller businesses keep Americans employed during the pandemic. Connections to lawmakers, and the organizations that work to influence them, were quickly apparent. Members of Congress and their families are not barred from receiving loans under the PPP, and there is no evidence they received special treatment. Hundreds of millions of dollars also flowed to political consultants, opposition research shops, law firms, advocacy organizations and trade associations whose work is based around influencing government and politics. While voting, lobbying and ultimately benefiting from legislation aren’t illegal, advocates say the blurred lines risk eroding public trust in the federal pandemic response. “It certainly looks bad and smells bad,” said Aaron Scherb, a spokesperson for Common Cause, a watchdog group that was also approved for a loan through the program.
Missouri summer camp virus outbreak raises safety questions (AP) Missouri leaders knew the risk of convening thousands of kids at summer camps across the state during a pandemic, the state’s top health official said, and insisted that camp organizers have plans in place to keep an outbreak from happening. The outbreak happened anyway. An overnight summer camp in rural southwestern Missouri has seen scores of campers, counselors and staff infected with the coronavirus, the local health department revealed this week, raising questions about the ability to keep kids safe at what is a rite of childhood for many. The Kanakuk camp near Branson ended up sending its teenage campers home. On Friday, the local health department announced 49 positive cases of the COVID-19 virus at the camp. By Monday, the number had jumped to 82.
Our Cash-Free Future Is Getting Closer (NYT) PARIS—On a typical Sunday, patrons at Julien Cornu’s cheese shop used to load up on Camembert and chèvre for the week, with about half the customers digging into their pockets for euro notes and coins. But in the era of the coronavirus, cash is no longer à la mode at La Fromagerie, as social distancing requirements and concerns over hygiene prompt nearly everyone who walks through his door to pay with plastic. “People are using cards and contactless payments because they don’t want to have to touch anything,” said Mr. Cornu, as a line of mask-wearing shoppers stood three feet apart before approaching the register and swiping contactless cards over a reader. While cash is still accepted, even older shoppers—his toughest clientele when it comes to adopting digital habits—are voluntarily making the switch. Cash was already being edged out in many countries as urban consumers paid increasingly with apps and cards for even the smallest purchases. But the coronavirus is accelerating a shift toward a cashless future. Fears over transmission of the disease have compelled consumers to rethink how they shop and pay.
The White House and AMLO (Foreign Policy) Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador visits the White House today (Wednesday) for his first foreign trip since winning the presidency in 2018. His arrival in Washington on Tuesday evening was typically on-brand for the leftist leader: He flew in economy class on a commercial airliner (albeit in an exit row). Unlike Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau—who spurned an invite to today’s meeting as the U.S. government threatens to place tariffs on Canadian aluminum—this summit is too good an opportunity for López Obrador to turn down. That’s largely because of the importance of the United States to Mexico’s economy—which is predicted to contract by 10.5 percent this year, according to the International Monetary Fund. As his approval rating gradually falls along with Mexico’s economic performance, López Obrador is aiming to stay on Trump’s good side. “This is about the economy, it’s about jobs, it’s about well-being,” López Obrador said before he departed for Washington.
Berlin looks east (Foreign Policy) Germany is hoping to strengthen its economic ties with China, setting itself apart from the rest of the West and the United States in particular. Germany’s relationship with China has always been divided. On one hand, human rights issues preoccupy the German public, and figures such as Ai Weiwei and Liao Yiwu are well known there. But on the other, trade between China and Germany is significant and largely responsible for Germany’s post-2008 prosperity. The antagonism shown by President Donald Trump and his team toward German Chancellor Angela Merkel has also poisoned any attempts by the United States to sell Berlin on a split with Beijing.
OECD unemployment rate to hit record highs (Foreign Policy) The world’s wealthiest countries will see record unemployment rates as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD forecast a 9.4 percent unemployment rate across the 37 countries that make up the group’s membership, a number that could go as high as 12.6 percent if these countries see a second wave of coronavirus cases. In releasing the data, OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría called on wealthy countries to better protect the economically vulnerable across their societies. “In times of crisis, ‘normality’ sounds very appealing. However, our normal was not good enough for the many people with no or precarious jobs, bad working conditions, income insecurity, and limits on their ambitions,” Gurría said.
Rioting in Serbia (Reuters) Dozens of demonstrators and police were injured in overnight rioting in Belgrade, triggered when a crowd stormed Serbia’s parliament in protest at plans to reimpose a lockdown following a surge in coronavirus cases. Footage showed police kicking and beating people with truncheons while protesters pelted officers with stones and bottles, after thousands chanting for the resignation of President Aleksandar Vucic gathered outside the building. Vucic announced the new lockdown on Tuesday, saying it was needed because of the rising number of coronavirus cases.
Top U.S. general speaks on Russian bounty case (Foreign Policy) Gen. Frank McKenzie, the head of U.S. Central Command, has poured cold water on recent allegations, first reported by the New York Times, of a program run by Russian intelligence offering cash to Afghan militants for killing U.S. soldiers. McKenzie called the reports “very worrisome,” but said he couldn’t point to any U.S. casualties that could have had a direct link to the alleged program. McKenzie said that Russia’s actions in Afghanistan should, however, still be watched closely.
Japan battered by more heavy rain, floods; 58 dead (AP) Pounding rain that already caused deadly floods in southern Japan was moving northeast Wednesday, battering large areas of Japan’s main island, swelling more rivers, triggering mudslides and destroying houses and roads. At least 58 people died in several days of flooding. Parts of Nagano and Gifu, including areas known for scenic mountain trails and hot springs, were flooded by massive downpours.
‘We’re next’: Hong Kong security law sends chills through Taiwan (AFP) The imposition of a sweeping national security law on Hong Kong has sent chills through Taiwan, deepening fears that Beijing will focus next on seizing the democratic self-ruled island. China and Taiwan split in 1949 after nationalist forces lost a civil war to Mao Zedong’s communists, fleeing to the island which Beijing has since vowed to seize one day, by force if necessary. Over the years China has used a mixture of threats and inducements, including a promise Taiwan could have the “One Country, Two Systems” model that governs Hong Kong, supposedly guaranteeing key civil liberties and a degree of autonomy for 50 years after the city’s 1997 handover. Both Taiwan’s two largest political parties long ago rejected the offer, and the new security law has incinerated what little remaining faith many Taiwanese may have had in Beijing’s outreach. Some now fear even transiting through Hong Kong, worried that their social media profiles could see them open to prosecution under the legislation.
Millions of Australians brace for lockdowns amid Melbourne virus outbreak (Reuters) Five million Australians face a heavy police clampdown from midnight on Wednesday to contain a flare-up of coronavirus cases, with checkpoints to be set up around Melbourne to ensure people stay at home.
Suleimani killing “unlawful” (Foreign Policy) In a new report, Agnès Callamard, the U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, concluded that the January killing of Iranian Commander Qassem Suleimani by a U.S. drone strike was arbitrary and unlawful under international human rights law, citing a lack of any imminent threat posed by Suleimani in the lead up to the assassination. Callamard will present her findings to the U.N. Human Rights Council on Thursday. The United States left the council in 2018.
Rising food prices in Lebanon (Worldcrunch) In Lebanon, the constant change of the dollar exchange rate and a plummeting Lebanese pound have led to a 190% increase in food prices within a year. Hit with exponential inflation, French daily Les Echos notes that the country is facing its most serious economic and currency crisis since the end of its 1975-1990 civil war.
Dozen of bodies found in Burkina Faso, and rights group suspects extrajudicial killings (Reuters) At least 180 bodies have been found in common graves in Djibo, a town in the north of Burkina Faso, Human Rights Watch (HRW), said in a report released on Wednesday, saying that the killings were likely carried out by government forces.
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expatimes · 4 years
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Hopes of divided US legislature drive stocks higher
A gauge of Asian shares rallied to nearly a three-year high while the dollar stayed sluggish and United States bond yields slipped on Friday as investors bet that a divided US legislature would limit major policy changes and keep the status quo on economic policies.
Investors expect Democrat Joe Biden to beat President Donald Trump and the Republicans to retain control of the Senate, allowing them to block the Democrats' agenda, such as corporate tax hikes and massive borrowing for large spending.
“Even if or when a Biden victory is confirmed, this amounts to a major upset to hopes of a Democrat sweep, and to hopes of substantial near term fiscal support,” analysts at Dutch bank ING said in a note sent to Al Jazeera.
“We suspect the bar is high to implement tax hikes with a republican senate, so is the risk is for a structurally wider fiscal deficit,” ING said.
Japan's Nikkei 225 share index rose 0.7 percent to almost its best level in 30 years while MSCI's broadest gauge of Asian Pacific shares outside Japan rose 0.3 percent.
US S&P 500 index futures dropped 0.3 percent in early Asian trade, a day after the underlying stock index rose 1.95 percent.
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US Treasury bond yields drifted lower again as investors bet that a divided US government will cap debt-funded government spending and limit bond supply.
The 10-year Treasury yield edged lower to 0.773 percent, more than 150 basis points below the pre-US election level seen on Tuesday. It had struck a three-week low of 0.7180 percent on Thursday.
Bond yields tend to fall as investors move funds into the relative safety of highly rated securities such as US government debt due to expectations of mounting political or economic unpredictability.
“There will no longer be the massive largesse people were imagining. After all, when it comes to fiscal spending, the Senate really matters, ”said Kazushige Kaida, head of FX sales, at State Street Bank's Tokyo Branch.
US networks project almost no Democratic gains in the Senate, though vote-counting is ongoing.
Keeping it loose
The US Federal Reserve on Thursday kept its monetary policy loose and pledged to do whatever it takes to sustain an unsteady economic recovery.
With COVID-19 raging in the US and parts of Europe, many investors assume more monetary stimulus from the Fed and other central banks will be inevitable.
The Bank of England expanded its asset purchase scheme on Thursday while the European Central Bank is widely expected to announce more stimulus next month.
In Hong Kong, shares of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba were 3.6 percent lower after it reported a 63 percent drop in third-quarter net income, even as revenues surged with a rise in e-commerce spending in China.
Investors remain concerned about the fate of the initial public offering (IPO) of Alibaba's payment platform, Ant Group. China abruptly halted Ant's record-beating $ 37bn IPO on Tuesday.
Ant said its listing had been suspended by the Shanghai stock exchange following a meeting that its billionaire founder Jack Ma and top executives held with Chinese financial regulators. It also froze the Hong Kong leg of the dual listing.
Alibaba Chief Executive Daniel Zhang said during an earnings call that Alibaba is “actively evaluating” the effect of the Ant Group IPO's suspension on its business and will “take appropriate measures accordingly”.
In the currency market, lower yields undermined the dollar against many currencies.
The dollar index of the greenback against a basket of other major currencies touched a two-month low of 92.473 and last stood at 92.718.
A softer dollar supported the Japanese yen, which climbed to a near eight-month high of 103.43 yen against the dollar overnight. It was steady in early Asian trade at 103.52 yen.
The euro traded at $ 1.1810 while the offshore Chinese yuan hit a near 2-and-a-half-year high of 6.6000 to the dollar.
Gold, which is limited in supply and seen as a hedge against inflation in an era of ultra-loose monetary and fiscal policies, eased slightly to $ 1,942 per ounce after jumping more than 2 percent overnight.
Oil prices were sluggish after a bout of profit-taking in early trade. Brent crude was down 1.73 percent at $ 40.22 a barrel.
. #world Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=13459&feed_id=14744
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Gold hits its highest price ever at £1,515 an ounce amid fears of coronavirus and US-China tensions
The price of gold hit a record high Monday as investors rushed into the safe-haven amid concerns about China-US tensions, a spike in virus infections around the world and a lack of progress on a new stimulus bill in Washington.
After months of healthy rallies across equity markets – fuelled by trillions of dollars in government and central bank support – traders are beginning to step back as they weigh the long-term economic impact of the coronavirus.
With vast monetary easing measures put in place by the U.S. Federal Reserve pushing the dollar lower against most other currencies, gold is flying, hitting an all-time high of $1,944.71 (£1,515) well above its previous record of $1,921.18 (£1,496) seen in 2011. It later pulled back slightly.
Gold has hit an all-time-high of $1,944.71 (£1,515) well above its previous record of $1,921.18 (£1,496) seen in 2011 as vast monetary easing measures are put in place amid Covid-19 concerns, US-China tensions and slow progress on a stimulus bill in Washington. Pictured: A Thai shopkeeper adjusts his face mask at a gold shop in Bangkok, Thailand
Eyes are on the Fed’s next policy meeting this week, with some predicting further measures to boost the economy – possibly negative interest rates – that could put more pressure on the dollar and send gold above $2,000.
There are also concerns that a worse-than-forecast reading on second-quarter US gross domestic product could spark another dollar sell-off.
While the weak dollar has been a key catalyst for the metal’s advance, gold has also been boosted by its attractiveness as a haven in times of turmoil with China-US relations souring by the day.
‘Strong gains are inevitable as we enter a period much like the post-global financial crisis environment, where gold prices soared to record levels as a result of copious amounts of Fed money being pumped into the financial system,’ said Gavin Wendt, senior resource analyst at MineLife.
The greenback was down against most other currencies, with the euro at its highest since September 2018, while higher-yielding units such as the South Korean won and Indonesian rupiah were also up. 
Stock markets were mixed as investors fret over the impact of the virus on the economy. 
Gold is seen as a safe haven for investors amid times of turmoil, and has been boosted by a weak dollar. Pictured: Gold bars sit on a counter in Bangkok, Thailand
Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Mumbai and Wellington were all in the red, while Shanghai, Sydney, Seoul and Jakarta were higher.
The tech-rich Taipei market ended at a record high thanks to a 10 percent surge in heavyweight Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactuirng Company, which has been riding a rally in the sector thanks to people working from home during the virus.
London, Paris opened with losses, but Frankfurt was up.
Pictured: A staff member places gold jewellery in a display at a store in Hangzhou, in China’s eastern Zhejiang province on July 27, 2020. The relationship between China and the US is souring by the day. There are concerns that a worse-than-forecast reading on second-quarter US gross domestic product could spark another dollar sell-off
Global markets were mixed on Monday amid coronavirus fretting. Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Mumbai and Wellington were all in the red, while Shanghai, Sydney, Seoul and Jakarta were higher. London and Paris opened with losses, but Frankfurt was up. Pictured: A man stands near an electronic stock board showing Japan’s Nikkei 225 on July 27, 2020
Investors are growing concerned about slow progress on a new US stimulus programme, with Republicans still to present proposals worth around $1 trillion, which is less than a third of the plan set out by Democrats.
There are concerns an agreement could take some time, hitting millions of Americans whose much-needed extra unemployment benefits are about to come to an end.
Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s stock market launched a new index Monday tracking China’s tech giants. The Hang Seng Tech Index tracks the top 30 tech firms listed in the city, including Alibaba, JD.com, Tencent, Xiaomi and Meituan Dianping.
Hong Kong has become an increasingly attractive place for Chinese tech companies to list, especially as they face greater scrutiny and restrictions in the United States. 
Mixed markets on Monday amid coronavirus fretting 
Gold: UP 1.7 percent at $1,935.00 (£1,515) per ounce
Tokyo – Nikkei 225: DOWN 0.2 percent at 22,715.85 (close)
Hong Kong – Hang Seng: DOWN 0.3 percent at 24,644.53
Shanghai – Composite: UP 0.3 percent at 3,205.23 (close)
London – FTSE 100: DOWN 0.2 percent at 6,109.76
Euro/dollar: UP at $1.1716 from $1.1652 at 2100 GMT
Dollar/yen: DOWN at 105.44 yen from 105.95 yen
Pound/dollar: UP at $1.2832 from $1.2791
Euro/pound: UP at 91.30 pence from 91.07 pence
West Texas Intermediate: DOWN 0.3 percent at $41.15 per barrel
Brent North Sea crude: DOWN 0.4 percent at $43.15 per barrel
New York – Dow: DOWN 0.7 percent at 26,469.89 (close) 
The post Gold hits its highest price ever at £1,515 an ounce amid fears of coronavirus and US-China tensions appeared first on BBC BREAKING NEWS.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
China’s Coronavirus Has Revived Global Economic Fears
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Before a mysterious respiratory illness emerged in the center of China, spreading with lethal effect through the world’s most populous nation, concerns about the health of the global economy had been easing, replaced by a measure of optimism.The United States and China had achieved a tenuous pause in a trade war that had damaged both sides. The specter of open hostilities between the United States and Iran had reverted to stalemate. Though Europe remained stagnant, Germany — the Continent’s largest economy — had escaped the threat of recession.Now, the world is worrying anew.An outbreak originating in China and reaching beyond its borders has summoned fresh fears, sending markets into a wealth-destroying tailspin. It has provoked alarm that the world economy may be in for another shock, offsetting the benefits of the trade truce and the geopolitical easing, and providing new reason for businesses and households to hunker down.On Monday, investors dumped stocks on exchanges from Asia to Europe to North America. They entrusted their money to traditional safe havens, pushing up the value of the yen, the dollar and gold. They pushed down the price of oil over fears that weaker economies would spell less demand for fuel.In short, those in control of money took note of a growing crisis in a country of 1.4 billion people, whose consumers and businesses are a primary engine of economic growth around the world, and they chose to reduce their exposure to risk.By late Monday, the virus had killed more than 80 people in China. Nearly 3,000 had been infected — mostly in mainland China, but also in Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, and as far away as Australia, Canada and the United States.The emergence of the virus in China, whose government jails journalists and tightly controls information, left the world uncomfortably short of facts needed to assess the dangers.“It’s the uncertainty of how the global economy is going to respond to the outbreak,” said Philip Shaw, chief economist at Investec, a specialist bank in London. That will depend on the severity, the spread and the duration of the outbreak, he said, and “we don’t really know the answers to any of these questions.”What was left to the imagination resonated as a reason for investors to unload anything less than a sure thing.Stocks in Japan and Europe fell more than 2 percent. In New York, the S&P 500 was down 1.6 percent, with stocks of companies whose sales are dependent on China especially susceptible. Wynn Resorts, which operates casinos in the gambling haven of Macau, a special administrative region of China, dropped more than 8 percent.The virus and its attendant unknowns conjured memories of another deadly illness that began in China, the 2002-3 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, which killed nearly 800 people.“In many ways, it looks similar,” said Nicholas R. Lardy, a China expert and senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. “We are seeing fast increases in the number of cases. The hospitals are overwhelmed and are not even able to test people with symptoms. I’m expecting the cases to go way, way up.”In the end, SARS significantly slowed the Chinese economy, dropping the annual growth rate to 9.1 percent in the second quarter of 2003 from 11.1 percent in the previous quarter, according to Oxford Economics, an independent research institute in London.The episode is coinciding with the Lunar New Year, a major holiday in which hundreds of millions of Chinese journey to their hometowns to visit relatives.With air, rail and road links in central China restricted as the government seeks to block the spread of the virus, hotels, restaurants and other tourism-related businesses are likely to suffer.Some economists assume that those effects will quickly dissipate, leading to a revival in the consumer economy within months. That is how events played out in 2003.“Our baseline is that it will be a fairly big impact but relatively short-lived,” said Louis Kuijs, the Hong Kong-based head of Asia economics at Oxford Economics.In the hopeful view, economic damage will be contained by the Chinese government’s aggressive response in effectively quarantining the outbreak’s center — Wuhan, a city of 11 million people, and much of the surrounding area in Hubei Province.But Wuhan is a hub of industry, sometimes called the Chicago of China, intensifying the quarantine’s implications for the national economy.“This is really unprecedented,” Mr. Lardy said. “The economic effects may be much larger than SARS. Wuhan is a major industrial city, and if you’re basically shutting it down, it’s going to have a major effect.”Already, China’s government has extended the Lunar New Year holiday by three days, through Feb. 2, ensuring that migrant workers will not return to their factory jobs as soon as anticipated, almost certainly disrupting production. Suzhou, a major industrial city near Shanghai, has extended the holiday until at least Feb. 8.Given that China’s economy is the source of roughly one-third of world economic growth, the slowdown could be felt widely.Most directly, China’s neighbors would absorb the effects, especially those dependent on tourists from China — among them Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Over the weekend, China announced that it was barring overseas group tours by its citizens.If China’s factories are hobbled by additional restrictions on transportation that limit factory production, that could become a global event. It could hit iron ore mines in Australia and India that feed raw materials into China’s smelters. It could limit sales of computer chips and glass panel displays made at plants in Malaysia and South Korea.It could trim sales of factory machinery produced in Germany and auto parts made in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. It could even affect the purchases of additional American farm goods that China agreed to under the trade deal signed this month.The shock is hitting just as China contends with its slowest pace of economic growth in decades, reviving fears that its reduced appetite for the goods and services of the world could jeopardize jobs on multiple shores.“China is obviously slowing down in a structural way,” said Silvia Dall’Angelo, senior economist at Hermes Investment Management in London. “The global economy is clearly more shaky, with sluggish growth. It is clearly more vulnerable to shocks.”The SARS outbreak prompted the government to stimulate the Chinese economy by directing surges of credit that financed huge infrastructure projects. But whatever damage China confronts this time, its willingness to respond will be limited by the government’s concerns about mounting public debt.“They are much more constrained now,” said Mr. Lardy, the China expert. “I think people underestimate the conviction that the top leadership has, that they really want to reduce financial risk.”But as global investors try to gauge the outlook, one element is the same as ever in China: Information is scarce. Trust in the authorities is minimal.During the SARS outbreak, the government was slow to acknowledge the existence of the virus as local officials actively covered up cases, allowing the threat to multiply.This time, the government has sought to project the sense that it is forthrightly reckoning with the crisis. President Xi Jinping has publicly acknowledged the threat, while warning local officials not to hide reports of trouble.But in the current moment of agitation, any perceived lack of information tends to weigh in as bad news.“This is, of course, still a government system where transparency is not really held up as an important criterion,” Mr. Kuijs of Oxford Economics said. “This is still an overall system in which discretionary decisions by bureaucrats are driving everything instead of very clear rules.”Clifford Krauss and Matt Phillips contributed reporting. Read the full article
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steve-explores · 5 years
Hong Kong Summer Foodie Adventure August 2019
After a two month absence, I am back in Hong Kong for another short foodie adventure located near to my home away from home, JW Marriott Hong Kong.
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KOKOMI: Shop 002 LG Pacific Place, Admiralty
The Japanese causal dining restaurant was packed during lunch hour and I promptly queued like everyone else to try to find out what the fuss was all about. I was not disappointed as I indulged in a delicious bowl of Japanese rice topped with a generous serving of minced fatty tuna, ikura (salmon roe), and uni (sea urchin). Every mouthful is a savory piece of treasure from the sea, delivered in a neat little package for a relaxing lunch before returning back to the daily grind.
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Sun’s Bazaar: Shop 112, 1/F, Pacific Place, 88, Queensway, Admiralty
After a couple of hours of emails, I found myself wandering to Sun’s Bazaar to enjoy its afternoon tea break delights. The menu offerings change daily to keep it fresh for diners and each tea break set can be customized with signature drinks from their bar. For my Tuesday tea break, I ordered the Taiwanese Braised Chicken Rice paired with a signature glass of Peach Oolong with Mini Taro Balls. The chicken rice was aromatic, spicy and perfectly charred for a satisfying meal while the Peach Oolong tea was refreshing, helping to doze the flames on my taste buds as I ventured back for more spicy goodness.
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KYTALY: 5th Floor, Carfield Commercial Building, 77 Wyndham St, Central
Touted as serving the best pizza in the world, KYTALY has a lot of expectations to live up to and I guess it delivers most of the time.
MARGHERITA DOP: Tomato San Marzano DOP, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, extra virgin olive oil. 
I rate this pizza as the best of the night as it is simple, delicious, and knocks it out of the park with its well-balanced flavors and crispy crust.
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LA«PIZZA RITROVATA»MASTRO STEFANO: Tomato sauce, piennolo tomato, dried capers, black olives powder, deep fried basil, Cetara anchovies, extra virgin olive oil.
This unique pizza does not feature any cheese and delivers am unusual flavor profile that will make you either fall head over heels in love with it or run away like a bad Tinder date. For me, I love the spicy flavors and savory anchovies that reminds me of a well seasoned Sichuan dish. 
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SCARPETTA:  Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, cream of Grana Padano DOP 12 months aged cheese, 3 tomatoes compote, shavings of Grana Padano 24 months aged cheese, freeze dried pesto.
This pizza rates as the strongest flavored dish of the night, with the pizza being divided into 8 pieces instead of the usual 4 pieces to account for its heavy flavor profile. As always, I love the beautiful tomato compote that provided much needed acidity to cut through the strong cheesy flavors, with a refreshing touch brought by the freeze dried pesto.
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For dessert, I would recommend the TIRAMISU “CLASSICO” consisting of sponge biscuits, cofee, eggs, mascarpone, and cacao. It is definitely one of the largest serving of tiramsu that I have ever seen, and the larger-than-life flavors definitely matches its stature and presence on the dining table.
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Top Blade Steak Lab: G/F, 2-4 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay
Famous for its affordable top-grade steaks and free-flow french fries cut and fried to perfection, Top Blade Steak Lab is definitely a recommended must-visit for steak lovers in the city.
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For tonight’s dinner, I had the honor of savoring its USA Prime 390 days grain feed flat iron cooked medium rare. The steak was well marbled, tender, and juicy without being overly bearing on your taste buds. It is definitely one of the most tender cuts of meat that I have ever experienced and I would be back for more in the future.
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Elephant Grounds: 8 Wing Fung St, Wan Chai
Well known for its great selection of beans and roast, Elephant Grounds is a great cafe to chill and relax after a satisfying meal. For my visit, I ordered the unusual Bulletproof Coffee which is a blend of Americano, butter, and coconut oil. The concoction might seem strange but I assure you that it is a silky smooth cup of caffeine heaven unlike any that you have experienced. You just have to try it for yourself to know what I am talking about. 
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Wagyu Vanne: 1F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay
For my lunch on the last day of my visit, I decided to indulge in a mini celebration at Wagyu Vanne which is currently rated as one of the best places in town to savor wagyu beef. Although I visited the restaurant on a packed Friday lunch hour, the service staff kindly accommodated me when they heard that I had to catch a flight home in a couple of hours. To reciprocate their kind gesture, I decided to order the most expensive lunch set from their tasting menu and finish my meal as quickly as possible to allow more diners to enjoy this restaurant.
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My tasting menu comprised of the world famous "HIYAMA" A5 Kuroge Wagyu Selection and Thick Cut Wagyu Tongue.
Starters began with Japanese F1 Wagyu “Tataki”, Crab Miso Soup, and Signature Tempura comprising of mushrooms, beef, and uni (Sea urchin) roll. Each starter is absolutely amazing and it helps me to forget all about the long 16-hour work days for the week, energizing my tired body in order to take on more challenges ahead.
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Main stars of the tasting menu comprised of six slices of “HIYAMA" A5 Kuroge Wagyu from three different cuts and a thick slice of Wagyu Tongue. Words cannot describe the intense yet subtle flavors of each cut as I give thanks for every bite that I had, savoring the moment and remembering it with my senses.
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My perfect lunch ended with a refreshing sorbet served beautifully as always, with a calming emerald green.
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Halfway Coffee: 12 Tung St, Sheung Wan
With just a bit of time before takeoff, I had to enjoy a quick chat with my confidant at Halfway Coffee located within the alleys of Sheung Wan, filled with artistic vibes from inviting unique stores patronized by guests that simply want to enjoy a slower pace of life in this urban jungle.
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Besides the usual blends, you have to try its signature offerings such as rose latte and longan honey latte. Each drink is served in a unique paper cup reminiscent of traditional Chinese ceramics.
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And with that, I had to bid farewell again to the Pearl of the Orient.
However, I shall return again soon to the city that satisfied my belly and stole my heart. 
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Hong Kong - The City Nightlife
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Night in Hong Kong is as you will expect awesome with many bars, clubs and restaurants along with good entertainment. There are just to many to name so i will offer a run down of what to expect and where. This all depends what sort of night life you are looking for and how many are in your team, these bars do get full. Right there is the cosy supper for two with soft music, the bar for drinking, the particular disco bar or the bar for something else? (boys). You can also get other ways to spend a evening like the Pearl of the Water cruise, a restaurant boat. These trips are different in order to sitting in a hotel restaurant for instance you will have a nice air flow a moving landscape of the city with its skyscrapers, typically the lights the views and this is on both sides associated with you. The food is splendid and the service is very great, so have i think a nice leisure cruise or a restaurant within the city. Mind you there are some top international restaurant of the top quality the food is spectacular and the service is second to non-e. This is a list of some of the top restaurants, The Peninsula hotel (Salisbury Rd), Yu Restaurant (Salisbury Rd), Cafe Deco (situated on the peak), Grissini (Harbour Rd), and Felix (Salisbury Rd). There are of course more top class restaurants within Hk and are listed on the internet. Having had the good fortune to have consumed at on of these restaurants and boy do you feel unique, i know lots of other eating establishments will make you feel the same. Restaurant Deco is situated on The Peak over looking the city and also the harbour, the views is spectacular. Another way to spend a good evening, what about a flutter on the races at Pleased Valley racecourse. They have a race meeting on a Wednesday night and its good fun. Plenty of eating and drinking establishments and it will become a good night, watching your horse romp home can make the night even better. Lan Kwai Fong is a bussing middle of pubs, night clubs, bars and restaurants of all kinds. Unfortunately these pubs, clubs and bars do get very full so get there early to avoid disappointment. . Lan Kwai Fong is a cobble street and like the other nightlife areas, Central, Wan Chai it really is the gem from the nightlife. Stroll along Hollywood Road and you will enter the region known as SoHo, where you will find upmarket restaurants, bars. Shelley Street, Eglin Street and Staunton Street all filled with 유흥 업소 알바 places for everyone. Jump on the longest covered escalator and enjoy the atmosphere and all you could wish for on a particular date with friends. The only problem i can see for you will be which one to choose out of so many, my answer, thats your condition. The next port of call has to be The Jumbo Empire a floating restaurant of the highest quality, situated in the harbor at Aberdeen. This can be done day or night however at night its lit up like Las Vegas and it is an excellent sight. The Jumbo Kingdom is a very large floating cafe, to give you an idea of size it can accommodate 2300 having to pay customers. The decor is as though you where in a China's Palace which is a wonder to walk around. The food is obviously first class, traditional Chinese dishes and modern dishes to match most people tastes. There is a open deck cafe and diner, shopping complex, tea garden and a wine garden. This can be a 6 star gourmet restaurant of sheer delight. In addition there are cinemas (in English) with the new top rate movies and the are super comfort cinemas, with like most some other cinemas these days cafes and restaurants near by. There are theaters and one more place for the night or day is usually Causeway Bay, shopping, cafes, bistros and a restaurants.
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Hong Kong Outdoor Activities: 10Best Outdoors Reviews
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/hong-kong-outdoor-activities-10best-outdoors-reviews/
Hong Kong Outdoor Activities: 10Best Outdoors Reviews
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Hong Kong is a big city, for sure, but it’s got a great outdoors that would appeal to adults and children alike. Four-tenths of Hong Kong is officially designated country park, few parts of the city aren’t in sight of water, it’s dotted with parks large and small, and the outlying islands are a world away from the concrete jungle.
One of Hong Kong’s most famous attractions is the Star Ferry, which putters back and forth between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. Besides being highly inexpensive, it’s also one of the world’d great sightseeing trips. Nothing says “outdoors” like one of Hong Kong’s street markets, such as Ladies Market. And then there’s Hong Kong’s brace of theme parks – Disney and Ocean Park. Of course, you don’t have to head to a “destination” – simply wandering the streets and alleyways is an entertainment in itself, and the city is very safe, with hardly any street crime.
One thing to note: Hong Kong gets hot in summer time – take adequate drinking water if you are venturing out to one of the more remote country parks, and don’t be shy about using an umbrella to ward off the sun. It’s what the locals do on a regular basis.
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Photo courtesy of Hong Kong Tourism Board
Stanley is possibly Hong Kong’s best-known market. And with good reason. It’s part of a community set by the sea, with plenty of restaurants and cafes so you can pause for refreshment. The goods on sale are fabulously varied, and the traders generally cheery and not averse to bargaining. There’s no charge for entry, of course, so visitors are free to wander about and enjoy the spectacle. There’s a beach nearby, and Murray House, a 19th-century building which was moved here lock, stock and barrel from Central, stands by the shore. One way or another, Stanley is a great day out.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: It’s by the seaside, in a picturesque village, and getting there and back on the top deck of a double-decker bus from Central is thrilling.
Ed’s expert tip: Pace yourself, there’s lot to explore here, so build lunch or supper into your itinerary.
Read more about Stanley Market →
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Photo courtesy of The Peninsula
There are four main tours with Heliservices, the only flightseeing operation in Hong Kong. The first flies around Hong Kong Island, concentrating on Victoria Harbour. The flight lasts approximately 15 minutes. Slightly longer, the Hong Kong Island Experience takes in the whole of the Island, looping down over Stanley and Aberdeen and the beaches and bays on the south of the island. Longer still, the half-hour Kowloon and Hong Kong Island Experience heads north over the mountains that separate the city from the New Territories. Finally, the Geopark Experience, of a similar length, flies east to take in Sai Kung Country Park and the Hong Kong Geopark. The tours usually employ a seven-seater MD902 Explorer, and they’re piloted by expert crews. A full safety briefing is given beforehand, and safety equipment such as lifejackets are provided.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: No matter where your fly, or for how long, it’s a thrill a minute with Heliservices.
Ed’s expert tip: Place your camera as close as possible to window to avoid the reflection.
Read more about Heliservices →
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Photo courtesy of Museum of Coastal Defence
This site dates back over a century, to when Lei Yue Mun Fort was a strategic part of Hong Kong’s defenses. It was the scene of fierce fighting during the Japanese invasion on 1941, and later became a regular barracks. So its current role as a military museum couldn’t be more apt. This is a magnificent setting, and the exhibits are both indoors and out, above ground and below. The best way to take it all in is to follow the historical trail which leads visitors around the entire museum. This is probably Hong Kong’s largest museum, so allow sufficient time for your visit.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: Most of the exhibits are outside, so this is quite an unusual museum.
Ed’s expert tip: Don’t think this museum is just for military buffs: it’s for anyone interested in Hong Kong.
Read more about Museum of Coastal Defence →
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Photo courtesy of Wong Tai Sin Temple
This well-known attraction was built in 1973 and is still one of the most active Buddhist temples in the city. The lush gardens, with their waterfalls, ponds and pavilions, inspire numerous photographs. Be sure to wander through the arcade, where a palm reader will tell your fortune – some will even do it in English. Named for a shepherd boy who was said to have mystical healing powers, this temple still has a magical feeling. Wong Tai Sin is deluged at Lunar New Year, usually late January or early February, when large swathes of the population come to worship and pray.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: As well as the temple itself, there are ample grounds to wander around.
Ed’s expert tip: This is one of the easiest temples to visit as it’s right next to the MTR station.
Read more about Wong Tai Sin Temple →
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Photo courtesy of Hong Kong Tourism Board
Surrounded by high-rises, this downtown racecourse is one of the greatest stadiums on earth to enjoy a sweaty, noisy and adrenaline-pumping horse race at night. Dating back to 1844, the 55,000-seat racecourse is one of the earliest public facilities in colonial Hong Kong. Regular races take place every Wednesday and Saturday from September to June on the 30-meter-wide grass track. A 978-seat iPad-equipped betting hall is located on the second floor of platform one. Visitors can either pay HK$10 (US$1.3) to sit on the public spectator seats or HK$100-150 (US$13-19) to enter the member-only zone. There are a total of seven restaurants and bars in the complex from Cantonese dining to al fresco drinking. On the second floor of the Happy Valley Stand of the racecourse, there is a 670-square-meter museum, Hong Kong Racing Museum, tracing the past and present of the city’s enduring pastime.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: Race nights are like a circus with the whole crowd enthralled by the races and roaring their appreciation.
Ed’s expert tip: There’s a “beer garden” with racing commentary in English available at Happy Valley near the finish line.
Read more about Happy Valley Racecourse →
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Photo courtesy of Hong Kong Tourism Board
The New Territories, once home to nothing but pastoral meadowlands, are quickly becoming industrialized and commercialized. However, this park remains a bastion of natural beauty. This unspoiled seaside area of parkland features hiking trails dotted with informative visitor centers. See the area from a watery vantage point by renting a kaido (a small boat) in the town of Sai Kung, which is flanked by protected parks. Locals say eating seafood in this town is a must.The beaches at Tai Long Wan, on the eastern fringe of the park, are the most lovely in Hong Kong and well worth the hike out.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: This is perhaps the greatest of Hong Kong’s great outdoors: rolling hills, lovely beaches, even surf!
Ed’s expert tip: If you are hiking this park, take enough food and water and there are not many refreshment points.
Read more about Sai Kung Country Park →
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Photo courtesy of Hong Kong Disneyland
Escape the city center for a family day trip to fantasy by the overly cute Disneyland Resort Line from Sunny Bay metro station. Currently the smallest of all Disneylands, the 240,000-square-meter park is compact and easily navigated (like everything else in Hong Kong). The wonderland consists of seven sections including two world exclusives: Mystic Point and Grizzly Gulch. The former is the latest addition to the park and features a haunted Victorian-style castle owned by fictional explorer Lord Henry Mystic as well as the most advance trackless ride Disneyland has built. The latter is another original story designed just for Hong Kong. Set in the American West, the sandy yellow section has a hair-raising gold mine roller coaster. The comprehensive resort also contains two large-scale hotels for ultimate Mickey fans: 600-room American-style Hollywood Hotel and 400-room Victorian-style Disneyland Hotel.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: This is Disney with Chinese characteristics, well away from the city, and a great chance to mingle with Mainland pleasure seekers.
Ed’s expert tip: Stay for the nightly “Disney in the Stars” fireworks show at 9pm. It’s truly unforgettable.
Read more about Hong Kong Disneyland →
Occupying three blocks of Tung Choi Street, this enclave of more than 100 stalls represents the epitome of Asia’s market culture: a bit crowded, a lot noisy but totally stimulating. Rather than what its name suggests, the 1,000-meter-long market sells a wide selection of clothes, shoes and travel souvenirs, from US$5 sandals to Chinese necklace pendants to the “I Love Hong Kong” T-shirts. Although it’s been running for about three decades, this government-licensed street market is still set up from scratch every day. Vendors build their stalls with canvas at noon and pull them down when the market closes around midnight. Best time to go is after 7pm when tourists and merchants are at their optimal size. Nearest metro station is Mongkok via exit E2.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: Of all Hong Kong’s outdoor markets, this is one of the liveliest.
Ed’s expert tip: Bargain hard or you’ll be a bargain. A good strategy is to halve the asking price, at least.
Read more about Ladies Market →
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Photo courtesy of Ocean Park
This massive wonderland is a combination of amusement park, aquarium and zoo. It has enough activity to keep everyone in the family busy for an entire day. Built around several hills near the South China Sea, the 780,000-square-meter park is divided into two sections: The Headland and The Lowland. They are connected by a 1,400-meter-long cable car system. The Lowland houses two giant pandas, a variety of fun animal shows and Dolphin Encounter, 90 minutes of up-close-and-personal time in a pool with the friendly cetaceans. The Headland section is equipped with several thrilling ocean-side scream machines (roller coasters, water rides, etc), a vast aviary with more than 1,000 birds and Marine World, a massive aquarium with a fabulous jellyfish exhibit, a shark tunnel and a gigantic reef tank with some 2,000 fish.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: Spread over a large area with a cable car in between, Ocean Park’s rolling acres are sheer fun.
Ed’s expert tip: Dolphin Encounter participants must be at least eight years old.
Read more about Ocean Park →
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Star Ferry is the loveliest attraction in Hong Kong. This 115-year-old service is one of these rare attractions that are hailed by both tourists and locals. Shuttling between Tsim Sha Tsui on Kowloon side, and Central and Wan Chai on Hong Kong island, these short boat rides represent a lifestyle of the past: slow, soothing and stress-free. That’s exactly where the excitement and enjoyment lies. It’s fascinating to see the hyper-busy city from these boats: century-old colonial buildings rub shoulders with glass-walled skyscrapers on the two jam-packed waterfronts. Even with the subway efficiently connecting Kowloon and Central, locals still choose to ride the Star Ferry now and then for that classic Hong Kong moment.
Recommended for Outdoor Activities because: The ferry’s upper deck grants marvelous city and marine views. And what a deal!
Ed’s expert tip: Time your star ferry ride with A Symphony of Lights to achieve an optimal Hong Kong moment.
Read more about Star Ferry →
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bulbspoon9-blog · 5 years
New York Travel Guide: A Taste of Midtown
Planning a trip to New York City? Join me for our family’s picks on places to eat, sleep and visit while in Midtown New York in this New York Travel Guide. I am excited to share some hometown favorites with you AND collaborate with my very own brother, Andre Legaspi, who is a talented NYC-based street and lifestyle photographer. Photos by Andre Legaspi Photography.
Photo by Andre Legaspi Photography.
My New York Travel Guide is long overdue. I was born and raised in New York, and head back regularly to visit family and friends, and of course, for work. I try to keep a finger on the pulse of the city and check out what’s new (and what is still around), so it’s about time I shared some of my must-sees with you. As a New York native who now calls California home, I offer a perspective that comes from someone who loves and misses her hometown and feels like a tourist at the same time.
Let’s start with A Taste of Midtown, shall we? Midtown may not have the cool factor of lower Manhattan, but between you and me, it’s my favorite. The light is brighter, the streets make sense, there’s always a show to catch, and my offices used to be in midtown, so I feel like I know it best.
My favorite place to stay when visiting as a family of four is the Andaz 5th Avenue. Across the street from the New York Public Library, it’s away from the zoo that is Times Square, but within walking distance to so many locations, particularly Broadway theatres and Grand Central Station. The suites are roomy, with little kitchenettes, and the food and room service is superb.
The London NYC is another gem. This hotel used to be an apartment building, making its all-suite rooms spacious by NYC hotel standards.
Eat & Drink
Have ramen at Ippudo Westside. Don’t forget the pork buns!
The Oyster Bar at Grand Central Station has been serving up oysters and seafood since 1913.
Indian Accent serves up a taste of New Delhi inside the beautiful Le Parker Meridien.
For more casual Indian food, check out Bengal Tiger. This tiny gem used to be a favorite when I was working in the area.
If you won’t be going into Flushing, stop into Joe’s Shanghai for some slurp-worthy soup dumplings. The crab soup dumplings are the best.
Start your day with bagels and lox! If you’re on the west side, head to Best Bagel & Coffee (love their non-dairy schmears!). On the east side, go to Ess-a-Bagel. My husband loves to surprise us by bringing home a dozen when he goes back. They ship, too!
Grab pastrami on rye and a knish at the Carnegie Deli.
Tim Ho Wan is now in Midtown! No need to fly to Hong Kong for dim sum and barbecue pork buns, though you will definitely have to wait.
Serendipity 3 – if decadence is what you’re after, this is your place. Back in the day, my friends and I would stop in just for dessert and order the Outrageous Banana Split — it was HUGE, and this was before Instagrammable desserts were a thing.
Sarabeth’s has been a favorite for brunch for decades!
Magnolia Bakery has grown since they opened their first store in NYC, but if you’re craving something sweet, why not pop in for their famed banana pudding?
Bibble & Sip – craving cream puffs? Stop in for a sweet treat and a coffee, maybe before catching a show?
Check out Eclair Bakery for a taste of Paris in New York!
Danji for delicious Korean! Try the shrimp and scallion pancakes, beef sliders, pork belly sliders, egg over rice, and tofu ginger scallion dressing. Perfect place to grab dinner before watching a show!
Explore The Plaza Food Hall, downstairs in the Plaza Hotel — you can find everything from doughnuts to lobster, and everything in between. You can do a whole food crawl in this spot alone.
Whenever I’m in a rush, I look for a Halal Guys food truck (street food various locations). It’s a great way to get your gyro or falafel fix.
I’m guessing you’re looking for a slice of pizza while in Midtown…so stop in NY Pizza Suprema near Penn Station.
Need your bubble tea fix? Go to ViVi Bubble Tea on 7th, Gong Cha on E44th or Kung Fu Tea in Koreatown.
Looking for vegan food? We love P.S. Kitchen – perfectly located in the Theater District for dinner before a show, the food is absolutely delicious and all profits are donated to charity. Blossom in Chelsea has been a vegan standby, and there’s also a wonderful location on the Upper West Side. For fast vegan food, by CHLOE has several locations throughout Manhattan, including one in Rockefeller Center.
Craving fresh produce? Just around the corner from the United Nations Plaza, the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza Greenmarket is open every Wednesday and is host to farmers from the tri-state area.
Photo by Andre Legaspi Photography.
See & Do
Catch a Broadway show.
The New York Public Library is worth a peek, especially for book lovers.
Bryant Park is one of my favorite spots and is right behind the New York Public Library. If you’re in New York during the summer, stop by Bryant Park for their outdoor movie nights. Winter brings ice skating. I used to eat many picnic lunches here back in the day!
Top of the Rock for the views! And if it’s Christmas, take in the twinkling tree and go for a skate in Rockefeller Center.
Catch a performance at Radio City Music Hall. If it’s the holidays, you can see the Christmas Spectacular with the Radio City Rockettes!
Even if you’re not catching a train, stop into Grand Central Terminal. There are tons of eateries housed in the beautiful terminal.
Explore the exhibits at the Museum of Modern Art.
Go shopping! Flagship stores abound, from the three B’s (Bloomingdales, Barneys New York, Bergdorf Goodman) to Saks 5th Avenue. Plus, there are The Shops at Columbus Circle if you’re looking for a mall that happens to have high-end restaurants such as Masa and Per Se.
Sneak away from the urban jungle and stroll along the High Line. The High Line stretches down into Chelsea and Lower Manhattan, which is where we’ll pick up the guide again next time!
Photography by my very talented brother, Andre Legaspi. Follow Andre on Instagram and check out his work at andrelegaspi.com.
Paris Travel Guide: A Taste of The City of Lights A Taste of London: A Family Travel Guide A Taste of Hong Kong: A Family Travel Guide A Taste Of Cruising the Mexican Riviera: Travel with Princess Cruises A Taste of Deer Valley, Utah: A Family Ski Travel Guide
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Source: https://kitchenconfidante.com/new-york-travel-guide-a-taste-of-midtown
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wanderingfadz · 7 years
Hong Kong is one of the major cities in Asia and the world. Landing at the airport, the immigration does not stamp your passport. Instead, I was given a piece of paper that looks like a bus ticket which has the date you arrived. It’s up to you to figure out when your visa expires which is normally 90 days after entry. The first thing to figure out was how to get to the city. I took bus number A21 that passes through the city centre.
Before you exit the arrival hall, there will be a counter selling express train tickets and the Hong Kong rechargeable transport card called “Octopus”. First time purchase includes the deposit and top up totalling HKD150. The journey takes around 45 minutes to an hour. I would recommend sitting at the front seat on the upper deck of the bus so that you can admire the view especially when the bus passes through the Tsing Ma bridge. The express train was expensive for me.
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First time payment of HK$150
Tsing Ma Bridge :Spans a few kilometres as seen from the upper deck of the bus heading towards the city centre
I stayed at YHA Mei Ho hostel in Sham Shui Po which is a few kilometres outside of the main tourist area. There were other choices especially at Chungking mansion smack in the middle of Kowloon, the centre of all the action in Hong Kong. After reading the reviews of the hostels there, I decided to pay a bit more. Check in was at 3pm though so I had loads of time to wander around the area.
View from the top of the hill behind the hostel
The hostel used to be part of a public housing scheme but now converted into a hostel. At the ground floor of the building, there’s a small museum detailing the background of the area.
The public housing in the area started due to the need to house fire victims after one of the largest fires to happen in Hong Kong ( which was back then a British colony ). Behind the hostel building is a hill that you walk up by stairs and admire the landscape. There will be lots of people here during sunset either to exercise or to take photographs. There’s also a market that spans across a few streets nearby the area such as Un Chau, Fuk Wing, Fuk Wa streets and Cheung Sha Wan Road.
I would say the city centre is full of markets both day and night. The livelier spots were in Tsim Sha Tsui and Kowloon. Just walk along Nathan road and you will stumble upon all the famous markets. You can also stroll through Kowloon Park that also contains the Kowloon Mosque. Apart from the Kowloon Park , there are a few small parks along the road where you can see the residents hang out playing chinese chess, basketball or even sing karaoke.
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While you wait for the sunset, perhaps you can walk along the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade which has an almost similar view as the Star Ferry Pier. Unfortunately, when I came there were major construction works going on and some attractions such as the Avenue of Stars along the promenade were closed. However, the Garden of the Stars was still opened. the garden contains the statues of some of Hong Kong’s famous artists. Nearby is the Hong Kong Museum of History ( HKD 5 for students ) and Science Museum.
Viewed from Kowloon towards Central on the island
By sunset, the buildings on both Hong Kong Island and Kowloon turn bright with light displays. I preferred the view from the Kowloon pier near the Star Ferry Terminal looking towards Victoria Harbour on Hong Kong island. A lot of the bus lines will stop or pass through here.
Trams in Central, HK Island
To get to Central district on Hong Kong Island, you can either take the metro ( cost a bit more) or the more scenic but slower route via the ferry from Star Ferry Pier ( HKD 2-2.80 one way depending on weekday or weekend ). Ferries are frequent throughout the day. The ferry stops at Victoria Harbour next to the International Finance Centre Building ( containing a mall and offices ) and takes around 20 minutes.
The area around Central and Wan Chai is where a lot of the sky high buildings housing international financial companies are located. All these buildings are crammed on a tiny strip of flat land served by the Island line and a few tram networks. Have a ride on the trams if you don’t feel like walking. Trams rides are simple to use as it operates from East to West of Hong Kong Island on both directions. Enter from the back and exit from the front. There’s also shopping malls and the bar area called Soho where people unwind at the end of the working day.
Another attraction on the island is the Central – Mid level escalators and walkway system. Most parts are one way so depending on the time of the day, the escalators might head upwards or downwards. Tough luck if you are headed the opposite direction of the escalators as it means you’ll have to use the stairs. Along the way up, are high rise residential buildings ( I can only imagine how much it would cost to rent or buy ), mosques, supermarkets etc. It’s like a community of it’s own. It’s pretty amazing how on weekends it feels like it’s far away from the hustle and bustle of the city below because it’s so tranquil and quiet up there.
If you don’t fancy taking the stairs back down, you can also use the community buses. They are small buses for up to around 15 people though. I didn’t get a seat so I decided to walk back down along the roads. The roads are narrow and steep hence the reason why the big buses can’t make the journey up. On the way down, I stumbled upon the Botanical Gardens. It is not very big but who would’ve expected there to be space for a Botanical Garden in the midst of the concrete jungle. Entrance is free. Sweet!
One more major Hong Kong attraction is Victoria Peak which can be reached via tram. Queues are horrendous ( I waited for 1.5 – 2 hours on a weekend and missed the sunset). My tip would be to go up the peak early in the day by taking the double decker buses from Victoria Harbour / Central.  Sit on the upper deck as the bus will terminate at the peak anyway. This is assuming you don’t mind missing the sunset. Even if you want to see it, I would still prefer the bus up than the tram. Not sure how the queues are on weekdays though.
Night view from Victoria Peak
The view from the bus is wonderful as it snakes it’s way along the hair raising and narrow roads up the hills. Other reasons why you take the bus up is because it’s cheaper and the traffic will be headed downwards towards the city in the daytime so you would be going at the opposite direction.
You can take the tram on the way down and the queue would not be too bad. I was disappointed with the view from the tram as it was covered by trees. There were a few glimpses of downtown area here and there but the tram is usually packed so you won’t be able to enjoy the scenery anyway. The journey is also very short hence an anti climax after waiting so long for the ride.
At Victoria Peak , the tram stops in a mall and you will have to go up a few floors to get to the observatory at the top of the building. There’s an entrance fee. The view is amazing and you’ll start to wonder how they managed to fit in more than 7 million people in such a small mountainous area.
Another tip is to go outside to another building ( that is closer to the main bus stop ) next to the observatory building. Go up to the viewing platform and you’ll have an almost similar view as the observatory. The drawback is some of western side of the city is blocked by the structure that houses the mall / observatory I referred to earlier. If it’s any consolation, the free viewing platform has free wifi.
So the highlights of my HK trip were :
1. The day and night markets as well as the shopping areas along Nathan        Road passing through Mong Kok, Jordan, Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui and       Kowloon.
2. Watching the sunset from Kowloon Public Pier next to Star Ferry                     Terminal
3. Taking the public ferry to cross to Hong Kong Island and the Central-             Mid  Levels Escalators.
4. Bus and tram ride to Victoria Peak
Accommodation @ YHA Mei Ho (3 nights) = HK$ 570
Transport ( Octopus card ) = HK$ 250
Food ( mostly junk food 🙂 ) = HK$200
Other personal expenses = HK$110 ( including the HK$5 student entry to the Museum of History )
TOTAL = HK$1130
You can follow me on :
Instagram : wanderingfadz
Facebook page : wanderingfadz
                      Hong Kong Hong Kong is one of the major cities in Asia and the world. Landing at the airport, the immigration does not stamp your passport.
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