obesericewrites · 2 years
Hello! I'm sorry for barging in your own blog, but could I ask of you to consider tagging asks addressing kids and pregnancy, please?😭
Oh yes, of course! So sorry about not tagging that, i completely forgot 😅 I’ll get that handled right now and have it under #pregnant MC au ^^
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anxietytwist · 2 years
𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐬
[ 𝟹𝟶 | 𝟻'𝟸" | Demigirl | Queer | ❤️Polycule ]
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Dresses & skirts (all handmade of course)
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ᴘʀᴏɴᴏ���ɴꜱ➺ They/She
ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴛʏᴘᴇ➺ 𝘗𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘥
They've had a crush on 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 since they were kids (& they're NOT shy about expressing it ... now) 😘
𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐲 may be small but she's strong AF (can easily lift 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲, much to his enjoyment embarrassment)
Isn't a big fan of “sweet” foods, “savoy” are definitely more their thing (they mostly visit the bakery just to “bother” 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲) 🥐🥨🥖
She's usually great with kids, & oftentimes babysits whenever she has free time (she enjoys making the children of the village gifts during holidays)
They view 𝐌𝐫. 𝐉𝐚𝐡𝐚 as a father figure (especially since their birth-parents were unkind to them when they were still alive) 😮‍💨
𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐲 prides herself on her fluent understanding of multiple languages (it certainly helps with serving customer from outside their hometown/travelling abroad for sewing supplies)
Their 𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 is named “𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞” (he eats all the nasty critters that want to eat their fabrics) 🐀
𝐼𝐹: @obesericewrites
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🤷 IDK how tall 𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐧 is so I left her off the chart
Picrew used:
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obesericewrites · 7 months
—February 27th, 2024
This week, most of my time was spent writing the second half of chapter three. I've made a decision to introduce a new variable in the point-of-view change. It's going to add complexity to the story, but it'll also enhance the incentive to earn more relationship points with certain characters. I thoroughly enjoy delving into different perspectives and building the world, which will be the primary focus of this chapter as it's when you unlock the codexes. These codexes will reveal all the knowledge you've accumulated during your playthrough, as well as shedding light on the MC's past, among other items I don't want to spoil. I'm just excited! The only issue I have is the fact it’s taking so long, and real world issues I’m facing are taking time from being active here. It’s a never ending battle I’m determined to win!
Post more frequently
Write 1k words
Test character codex’s
Test world building codex’s
In the upcoming month, I'll be balancing my veterinary exam with writing the story. Despite the busy schedule, I'm committed to completing TOWMR. I truly appreciate everyone who plays the game and asks questions about the ROs. I'll make sure to answer them tomorrow! Thank you so much for reading this weeks update!
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obesericewrites · 2 years
Do we ever get to choose a weapon? I'd like to pretend to be a woodsman, to fill out the polycule.
Yes! Your MC will get to choose a weapon, it’s up to your MCs choices if they are good at using said weapon or not. The weapons I have planned are daggers, crossbows, your own fists, and a axe.
Of course since the weapons are still a WIP as I haven’t gotten to writing that part yet. These weapons may change.
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obesericewrites · 2 years
Undead MC arc, Undead MC arc, Undead MC ar-
Thank you for the angsts you've given us, dear author
- original undead mc asker
OF COUSE!! Bringing angst to the table was the least I could do, since I haven’t been posting as much 😅😂
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obesericewrites · 3 years
What would the ROs do if someone was flirting with MC and not taking no for an answer?
You are the worst. We gonna have a fist fight in a Walmart parking lot 😤
M: Would get between you both and threaten to fight if they don’t back off. M has seen this in the forest and has no problem knocking this person flat on their ass. They would force the person away from you and almost cover you with how much their hunching over you. M would ask if your alright. If you say no. M would take you back to your shop and let you use them to make large clothing.
Even though M doesn’t enjoy enclosed spaces like your shop, if your happy their happy.
S: Would grab the person by the shoulder and dig their fingers in the persons shoulder until they grimaced in pain. S brought their face close to the persons face and practically grind out these words, “No means no my friend. If you don’t back off we can take this outside and I’ll give you the same treatment when your begging for me to let you live.” When the person leaves, S will ask if your alright. If you say no. S will take you somewhere nice and make sure you have a great time.
Making sure that creep was the last person on your mind and that they where the first.
B: Would push the person away from you as soon as they recognized your uncomfortable face and situation. If the person threatens to swing on B. One punch would be all it takes for them to be knocked out. B is a strong person, their parent raised them as a farmer and rarely babied them. So when the person goes down it isn’t a surprise. They’ll turn to you and quickly herding you away from them asking you all types of questions. If you say your not alright after that. B will take you to a nearby bakery and feed you as many sweets as your heart desires.
Though Bs coin pouch will definitely suffer a bit. Seeing you smile will make it all worth it.
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obesericewrites · 3 years
How would the ROs react if they see MC in a room working on making clothes to the point that they forgot to take care of themselves and when the ROs ask MC To take a break but like the stubborn little gremlin that they are they refuse and said ‘If you want me to get out of work so badly you’ll just had to carry me out of this room’
M: You’d be thrown over Ms shoulder in seconds. If you scream and kick they’ll ignore you and continue to carry you out of you work shop. They’d carry you straight to your small kitchen and place you down on one of the wooden seats. If you try to get up and scurry back to your little sewing cave M would grab you by the nap of your clothing collar and drag you back, treating you like a rowdy child. M would put some stuff together and make you eat some bread and stew, when you finish that they’ll make you drink a whole jug or water. Eyeing you like a hawk as you drink every last drop.
When your done with that M will point towards your room and say a single word, ‘rest.’ If you refuse they’ll threaten to let Dawn make breakfast in your kitchen, which is enough to make you almost run to your bedroom.
S: is damn near ready to strangle you. They’ll reach out and mime doing it to but the S will inhale deeply through their nose and turn around and storm out of you work shop. What feels like seconds later you find a bowl of stew in front of your face. When you pull away and get a good look at them, they’re holding a loaf of bread in one hand while they have a blanket thrown over their shoulder.
You’ve made yourself a buddy. S will watch you work, making sure to remind you to eat and drink. But then you’ll get tired and doze off, when you do they’ll pick you up and take you to your room and leave you to sleep. They may or may not have added some sleeping herbs to make their job easier.
B: Thinks about it for a second but they don’t do it. They’ll try to make the sound of all the food their making so appealing that they hope your mouth waters. If that doesn’t work they’ll sign and join you, asking questions about what your doing and why is it so important that your not taking care of yourself. When you say what it is they’ll help you, B has lived with your and their mothers for a long time so they know their way around a needle. When you both finish the project they’ll herd you towards you bedroom and convince you to sleep.
Let’s say when you wake up, half of your favorite foods are sitting on your nightstand. Still lightly steaming as well.
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obesericewrites · 2 years
My all time favorite thing from this blog is the existence of a soft looking but hella strong MC.
Strong yet soft looking MC is going to be in the story as well! So, even with these little scenarios; you’ll see the real deal deeper in the demos next few chapters ^^ (which I’m working on in class rn)
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obesericewrites · 2 years
Just figured out a line of coding I’ve been wanting to use for awhile. Now I can sleep in peace knowing how to code cycling choices.
It honestly took me way to long to find out what those choices where called. I’ve been  SCAVENGING the twine cookbook, trying to figure out what the blasted line of coding was called. Luckily, Reddit saved the day and a days worth of research. \(-‘-)/
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obesericewrites · 2 years
All i can think about during that one ask where mc beats the shit out of the assassin is mc going like "i am a just tailor but-" while fucking pulling their sleeves up revealing several scars and muscles
Mc knows their way around a needle and has muscles the size of a melon, rip assassin that's on u 🏃
Well, the MC is a tailor…but they also have Mr. Jaha giving them chores around the barn; along with the general lifting and constant arm work.
Plus, carrying those heavy bags of fabrics is no joke! A good ten pounds of moving fabric outta make you stronger sooner or later. Those who wish to have buff MCs are the definition of someone who looks soft but can definitely kill you ^^;
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obesericewrites · 3 years
So sorry, I loved the demo, the first thing I read in a while that I didn't skim at all, but It was very confusing. I didn't understand at all what was going on or what the MC was doing. Do you think you could make it a bit more clear that's we're a child? Or that he's not human? It made sense after I found out from Tumblr but while reading the demo I was so confused
Well, to answer all of your questions.
The MC in the beginning of course has little to do with the synopsis of TOWMR as it’s filling you in on the PAST actions instead of the PRESENT actions you will face in the rest of the chapters. It is—of course—just setting you up for the next chapters.
I believe I made it pretty clear that the MC was young, as when you choose your gender; you pick lad, lass, or child. Which is pretty clear that you are young. In my opinion, of course. Along with the term adults and referring to the children of the village as ‘your peers’ or ‘around your age’. So if that isn’t clear, I apologize but I think I made a few clear hints.
The ‘he’ I believe that you are referring to is Jaha, I more or less explained him more here as his species won’t be heavily explained in the future chapters. Since it isn’t important. Him not being human is merely hinted and allowing you as a reader to subtly know that this is a world of fantasy.
Im using the whole ‘show don’t tell’ type of writing.
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obesericewrites · 3 years
Hey author, if you don't mind can i ask a few question about the demo? First off, in the demo it was said that Mr. Jaha have scaly tail and pointy ears (he also growls), what IS he? Like, what creature? Can you give us a more detailed description of what he looks like? Second, how old is the mc in the prologue?
So for Mr. Jaha... He is background is a bit messy but in mainly includes elves and some dragon hybrids. He looks very elven in the face, its his legs and arms that give away his dragon heritage.
His skin discolors from his elbow down to his hands, thats were his scales begin and end. His legs are a bit of a diffrent story. Just below his thighs, his legs are compare to those of a dragon. (closes human thing i can compare it to is the legs of a bird)
He is african american and in the prologue (when he was younger). He wore his hairstyle as buzzed sides with long dreads. You'll learn more about his apperance and species in later chapters! Im glad everyone likes his character so far! ^^
As for how old the MC is in the prologue... the MC is around the ages 9-10. Which means in the future chapters, the MC will be in their early/late twenties.
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obesericewrites · 3 years
Mc, hitting a bunch of gremlins with a broom because they got into the fucking storage again and chewed on all the fucking EXPENSIVE FABRICS THEY USE FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS THAT IS SO HARD TO FIND THOSE FUCKING LITTLW SHITS-
YES THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN! Referring to this ask here
“Get out of here, you nasty beasts!” You bellow, smacking a couple of gremlins savagely with your broom. Sending a few of them flying while the others just scrambled away like rats. They shriek and you make the same noise, just in anger when you see a small group of them taking fist fulls of your most expensive fabric.
“NO! DROP IT!!! THATS SUN-SPIDER SILK!” You lung, shoving the small creatures away and snatching as much fabric as you can hold and shoving it in a drawer. You nearly kick the next gremlin that grabs as your pants, trying to climb up you chanting ‘mine!’, over and over again. “AUGH, get out of here!” You hiss.
Grabbing the gremlin by their ears and tugging them roughly off of you. The small horde of at least ten gremlins searching your things quickly.
“SHINY!” One gremlin shrieks, holding up a mask you made years ago.
Everything went quiet for a second.
Then one of the hells broke lose.
Each gremlin lunged at the object, seemingly wanting to hold it for themselves. You nearly yank you hair out when you hear them muttering about some…rice queen?! Now you know, you’ve truly lost your mind as you shove past them and snatch the mask out of their small hands and run.
Never in your life, would you have thought you’d have to run away from creatures in your own home.
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obesericewrites · 3 years
So, what exactly is MC's status in the village? Are they some sort of pariah? Are they well liked? Neutral? How much sway do they have? If they have any at all? Do we have a family? Were we always a seamstress? I just wanna know the mc a bit more tbh
And also, does the fact we're a seamstress matter at all in game? I wanna make clothes for people and talk about fashion in a critical sense for God's sake.
Ok these are already a lotta questions but also maybe can u talk about what kind or personalities we can have and if they'll be acknowledged in game?
Okay so I’m gonna answer these questions one at a time and label them as I do.
MC asks;
MCs status in the village; The MC is well known in the village as most people come to you for clothing to be fixed or for something to be made. Your status will start as neutral and as you make choices it will vary from good and bad.
Dose the MC have family? Yes! You guys do indeed have a family you can choose either you want to be close to them or not. I want you guys to decide If you want a relationship it’s your parents or just to be distant from them. In the prologue you can decide the genders of your parents as well. You are a single child but the children of the village are practically your siblings.
Was the MC always a seamstress? One of your parents has taught you how to sew when you were a child. Which inspired your career. I think I may also add that you could’ve had a past job if your MC wants to but I can’t decide yet.
Story asks;
Dose the fact that you’re a seamstress matter in the game? Yes it does. For a reference on how it affects the gameplay is you’d have steady hands and very focused eyes as you’d have to have those factors in order to do your job. In one of the platonic routes with someone to yet be introduced, you can talk to her about fashion and other things.
What kind of personalities will be in the game and will they be acknowledged? You can be stoic, easygoing, kind, hot headed, obvious and more I can’t think of at the moment. They will be acknowledged! For an example if you are hot headed you’d clash with S. If your stoic you’d get along mildly with M. If your kind B would love to be around you. That’s how your personality would work in a sense.
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obesericewrites · 3 years
A little fun fact for those who don't know, There are some people who can or is willing to get pregnant even if they don't identify as female or even through surgery! Most popular examples are seahorse dads :)
(A little bit sad that there's really not enough information about the lgbtq community and most common knowledge either comes from those within or those who wishes to spread rumors/fake news about the queer community) hope this makes sense, I am in desperate need of sleepxD Also correct me if I said a mistake
No you said this pretty well! Seahorse dads along with just afab are the people I had in mind while writing the baby au’s! You explained this really well anon, so I don’t even know what to add to this lol
But for au’s like that or just scenario’s, you can imagine your MC to be any gender because in these scenario’s your gender is never specified! The only gender that is specific in any scenario is Dawns she/her pronouns.
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obesericewrites · 3 years
im sorry this might be a stupid question but, is MC gender-locked as a cis woman / as being afab?
idk just most of the asks seem to be mainly about afab mc and now im not sure
I’m guessing this is referring to the baby au asks. No, your MC is not locked in on a cis woman / afab! You are able to pick your own gender! Plus don’t worry it’s not a stupid question, I totally understand where your coming from! :)
I would never take that option away from you guys! In the pinned page it shows how you’ll be able to pick between the genders of male, female or non binary.
Plus when I was writing the baby au I tried to make your pronouns as neutral as possible by just using they/them for your MC.
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