#TPN Smee
fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
I just think about it but the whole Ray's plan at the beginning would have failed in so many ways.
Connie could have wondered where was her plushie at the moment of crossing the door.
Imagine if Emma and Norman have run into Isabella on the way to the gate (because she would have heard them by exemple) and tell "mama, Connie forget her plushie" so Isabella would have took it and say "Connie meets her parents right now. It's better to not bother her. I'll put it with his baggage"
Can you imagine if they were come back to Ray, saying "don't worry, we meet Mum on the way and she took it"
Ray: *internal screaming*
I mean Connie was the LAST shipment before Ray. It was 3 months, more or less, before his own shipment. If he had failed, what could he have done? Said the truth? Would Emma and Norman believe THAT without seeing it? Well all the others escapees believed it. But Emma was deeply attached to Isabella, she had need to see the demons to believe it.
But i understand that making his plan tro motion when let's say Hao was shipped (i think it was him before Connie?) would have given more time, and mayvbe on security if his plan had failed to re-do it the next time, but then Emma would have to accept Connie's shippement if they were not ready. Sacrifie her to save all the others. Pretty sure that she wouldn't have, and i don't even speak about Don here.
It's kinda sad to think that, even if the escapees managed to run away from the farm, happy to be free, happy that Ray is alive and all, their survival wasn't assured until they got in the bunker and even before, until they meet Sonju and Mujika. I mean without Sonju and Mujika, Emma could have died of infection and Ray would have been killed by demons, few hours after have been saved by Emma and few MINUTES after have decided to live for his family. (Sonju saved him just in time) The escape would be over very quickly for them. Not sure that the other kids would have managed to survive alone, without their big siblings to guide them :/ (meaning they wouldn't have reached the bunker at all or at least a lot later) (meaning that Yuugo would have killed himself) (Goldy Pond wouldn't have succeeded as well that in canon, a lot more would be dead) (and can you imagine Norman's reaction after his escape TT)
The first thing I usually think of is what a crapshoot Ray's idea is to have Emma and Norman go to the gate with Little Bunny in the first place.
On the one hand, it's a testament to his faith in them.
On the other hand, he is so disproportionately lucky on his bet that the demons wouldn’t pick up on their scents right away. He had, at best, fragmentary knowledge of demon physiology from his earliest months where maaaybe he could remember how well their sense of smell worked?
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(Chapter 28; we're not going to think how they were paying special attention to him as Isabella the youngest mom in the history of the Grace Field and who's off limits to eat's child, so he's the next best thing as her progeny if he ends up not being good enough of an offering for the demon god)
The only reasons the two lackey demons don’t come after Emma and Norman right away are they’re caught up in conversation and probably a bit intoxicated off the idea of being able to eat even "just a fingertip" of Conny (and being charitable to Isabella, she probably doesn’t notice them sneak away because she’s grappling internally over seeing the life of another child she raised for five years snuffed out and having to keep up an iron façade about it.)
I like to joke that Emma is integral to the escape plan for her sheer obstinate railroading of any hiccups of probability, most egregiously expressed in it securing someone with a Minerva pen who was willing to give it up for them so they weren’t left wandering aimlessly outside the walls of Grace Field, who only got the pen in the first place because she lit off a lantern as a child that a Minerva supporter happened to come across by coincidence,
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(Comic of Krone's childhood earned from completing the aptitude test on the official site; reprinted in The Promised Neverland Art Book World)
and bringing two of the only few demons in the entire demon world who won’t eat them for different reasons to their aid when they most desperately needed it, and that only happened because Leuvis was bored one day 700 years ago and decided to help his brother and his brother's new girlfriend escape the imperial capital by bringing them his horse in the third light novel. I love TPN.
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mistamorgana · 8 months
Not going to lie NOBODY is going to probably read this shit (if you are check out my Emma birthday art instead I'm so proud) BUTTTTT I just.. love the Norman = James' son and Ray = Yugo's son theories so much like???
"But Ray was supposed to be the only one with a connection to his biological mother!" WHATEVER, WHATEVER
Also ouggghhh just the THOUGHT of Smee helping Norman in Lambda to atone for his past mistake of killing James (he'd lure him out of hiding with the news that he had a son, aka Norman and OH GOD then he'd kill him)
only for Norman to find out Smee killed HIS father, get mad at him and then BAM Smee dies ❤️ perfect angst AND gives Norman more reason to want to rid of all demons
When Smee told Peter James said "Tell him I'm sorry" after Peter asked if he had any last words that shit would so be meant for little baby Norman I'm so sorry
And for Ray and Yugo, it was probably something silly like "oh they took Yugo's DNA and used it to get Isabella pregnant eventually" but still like imagine how bad that would hurt
You also cannot tell me Ray is not a mini Yugo my ears will be closed I will not hear a thing you say
As for how Norman got into Gracefield? If his mother (I say Matilda) was a cattle child, since James was dead and Peter was in charge, I feel like Peter would send him to GF
Can't completely explain it but I feel he would for sure, BUT he did have the decency to 'save' Norman by taking him to Lambda
If Peter referred to himself as Norman's dad I just know James would be rolling in his grave
Anyway that's enough for me but I'd totally elaborate further in DMS these are my fav TPN theories
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chidoroki · 7 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 181
Chapter 181: "Beyond Destiny"
I keep thinking how Alex mentioned last chapter that he can only call for help during the spring and of the one panel that showed the snow melting and flowers blooming by the time we reached the scene where he takes Emma to the city, which leads me to believe it's actually early 2050 instead of late 2049. I know I'm in the minority thinking that since this chapter clearly states it's been two years since Emma disappeared, but I personally don't believe they meant that timeskip literally.
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Referencing the search she, Don & Ayshe went on is a nice callback, but with both situations having their parallels, why couldn't ya think of this idea sooner sweetie?? Ah well, at least this leads everyone in the right direction in the end. Regardless of any of that, I love Gilda's outfit here.
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Sigh. This arc had so much potential to give so many more characters some spotlight and we get crumbs.
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I am politely asking the world once more to please let my boy say "fuck." You can't tell me Ray hasn't been swearing like a sailor with how frustrating these last two years have been for him. Also, seeing Phil using the WM pen raises more questions, such as who's pen did that originally belong to? My first bet would've bene that it Yuugo's, as he's really the only one we've seen with a pen aside from Emma (who still has hers), but with how chaotic life at the shelter was moments before it blew up, I have my doubts he would've even thought to give the pen away to Ray or one of the other kids for safekeeping. It would've been a pretty big hint towards him and Lucas not returning as well so I can understand why such a scene was left out, if it happened at all. Anyways, with Norman on the other end of the conversation with Phil, it's obvious he somehow has a pen of his own but how he acquired such pen doesn't seem that surprising to me, since Norman was actually shown to have one in season two and I can easily believe it was another gift from Smee or another supporter. If not, Norman seems like the type who would be able to create another pen just like the original, which could result in the one Phil's group is using, if it isn't actually Yuugo's. Other that than, seeing how the pens are still fully functional (and assuming they're both originals from the demon world and not newly made), I'm going back to my own question I had last chapter about whether or not Emma and Alex have ever tried using the pen she has in her possession. Surely they could've figured something out about Emma's past if they just looked through it.. unless demon god thought that far ahead and deleted all information off said pen.
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I know it's the same moment as the previous chapter where Phil's group gets close to Emma without realizing it but it still makes me so anxious! I'd absolutely be yelling at my screen had this encounter been animated.
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Now they're teasing me on purpose. Just let them meet, damn it! AAhhh.. at least Ray's looking handsome, even though he's completely worn out.
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Oh how very convenient for the necklace to somehow fall off her neck and be found right in front of where she eventually reunites with her family. This necklace also looks like the kind that you just slip on over your head, as there doesn't seem to be a visible clasp anywhere on the chain, so how it managed to go up and over her head without her noticing is some sorta demon witchcraft right there. Look at how that thing is glowing! It's sentient I tell ya. I do like how much Emma values the necklace though despite not having any memory as to why it's so special to her.
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Speaking of keepsakes, I'm also very fond that Ray still uses his scarf. More importantly though, this panel is such a relief! I'm so relieved the reunion takes place rather quickly in the chapter so it gives the characters more time to figure out the situation and sort out their feelings. And I may be wrong about this, but it kinda looks like Emma is raising her eyebrow at the sight of all these people suddenly surrounding her with such surprised faces. Hold on tight honey, it's about to get even weirder for you.
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And this first panel is darn heartbreaking, for her family and us readers. They probably dreamed of this moment for so long, to finally reunite with Emma and live together again, but they certaintly never imagined her to react like this. Safe to say that our girl was taken off guard by this encounter as well. Here Emma was, expecting a chill day out shipping with her adoptive father and now she's getting hugged outta nowhere by a bunch of strangers. Poor girl looks seriously stunlocked.
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I am so incredibly proud of my boy for figuring out that this girl is indeed their Emma. I'm sure anyone could've looked at the necklace in her hands and made the assumption this was her, but the way Ray was able to piece everything together about what exactly happened to Emma and what the real reward was amazes me to no end. He looks so angry and full of regret in that second panel before he reveals the truth too, almost as if he's a bit hesitant to let the words out of his mouth, but he knows this is absolutely something everyone needs to hear and unfortunately for Ray, no one is better at delivering hard truths than him. Once he reveals to everyone the true price of the reward, he looks completely crushed and I seriously need to go and hug him pretty please! I'm certain Ray has been constantly thinking up many possibilities of what the reward could've been over the last two years, but this reveal has gotta be something he never expected. Or perhaps it was, considering he realized it so quickly, but I doubt he'd be happy to be correct in this moment anyway. I can't imagine what Emma must be feeling hearing all this crazy stuff either.
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Okay but what if she just said no here instead? Would demon god actually changed His mind or am I being too hopeful? Emma's optimism might be rubbing off on me, but I just want her happy! I don't like that sad look in her eyes or the slight pause she takes before finally answering Him.
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She's such a damn sweetheart, I'll literally never get over how big her heart is and how much she loves and cares for everyone, especially over herself. I can imagine the sad tone in her voice for the first couple speech bubbles, but then she'll lighten up as she rambles on about the better future that's on the horizon and will be so grateful she's able to grant such wonderful lives for everyone she holds dear.
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It goes without saying but Emma's family doesn't take the news of her memory loss too well. While I am glad that a majority of them were present to hear about the real reward (given how important it was) and that everyone eventually celebrates Emma agreeing to live with them at the end of the chapter, a part of me wishes the initial group who found her was a bit smaller? All the attention is completely overwhelming her and I can't blame her for shoving them aside for freaking out so badly. If it was Ray, Norman, Phil and a couple others from GF who found her first, they could've broken the news to her gently (once Ray figured it out) and then fill in the rest of their family one by one, if Emma still decided to join them in the end.
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Phil is so good at picking up on major details, whether it be GF's secret or Emma's anxiety. And then ya got Norman who is just totally relieved to see her again. I had forgot to mention this during ch179, but another reason losing Emma hit him so hard was because he had just reunited with her a couple weeks prior to their arrival in the human world. Norman spent all that time planning his escape in Lambda and ways that would allow him to reconnect with Emma, Ray, and the rest of their family and he finally had a moment of peace when they all arrived at the paradise hideout to feel that hole in his heart being full again. Then you had all that drama at the demon capital that pitted them against each other for a little bit until they reconciled and fought together during the GF raid. He had to be so happy once they finally obtained freedom and to live by each other's side without fear of being separated again, until they split up once more without any indication how long it would last or if a life without Emma was gonna be Norman's new normal. So of course he breaks out into happy tears here because all that matters to him is that she's real and in front of him again.
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Hearing him tell her how thankful he is that she's healthy, eating well and injury free is a great parallel to his speech in ch30 right before he gets shipped out, only instead of saying their goodbyes at the end, they can introduce themselves and start all over. I gotta wonder what Alex thinks of all these kids suddenly surrounding his adoptive daughter, though I pretty positive he's chill with it since we do see him a bit later sitting back and watching all their happy faces.
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Although it's a real convenient way to tie up loose ends about what's been happening with their family these past couple years, I'm still thankful we get a little insight about everyone's dreams and progress they've made. Naturally I wish could've seen so much more of everyone, but I'll take what we can get. Poor Emma has gotta be so confused on what Norman is talking about though.
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This boy is trying is absolute hardest to not breakdown in front of her. It reminds me of how he comforted Emma the night after Conny's shipment despite him being just as frightened to learn the house's secret as she was.
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Okay but props to our girl though for sticking around and at least hearing them out. If a bunch of strangers came up to me and started sharing their life stories with me, you can bet I'd make a move to run the first chance I get.
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It's crazy how seeing a panel of our favorite girl cry such big tears can make me so happy but aaahh, I'm so thankful that the love she has for her family is powerful enough that it overrides her dumb amnesia. Demon god can be a bastard and take away her memories but he can't do shit about her strong feelings! Also, I always liked how her tears land on the necklace, considering it resembles the dragon's eye, it makes it look like as if it's crying as well.
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It took me until now to remember that several pages of this chapter were redrawn since I remember that one fantasy scene of the boys finding her on that beach.. but no way in hell am I gonna go back and rework this to accommodate those changes. I've been writing this post out for far too long already. The sun is no longer up.
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It's because of the inner monologue from the previous pages that leads me to believe it's also Emma who declares "screw destiny" here and I will literally never accept anything different because I love that phrase for her. That's the very reason I went nuts during s2ep10 when she shouts "I don't give a damn about that destiny!" at Peter. (Dub had her fire back with "Well I don't give a damn what you say!" if anyone was curious, which is equally good in my book.)
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Favorite panel/moment:
Oh, there's.. so many. There would've been more but I did already chat about some favorite moments already, such as Ray's smart mind recognizing Emma and the real reward, along with her expressing how much she's always wanted to meet her family regardless of meeting everyone for the first time. As for the rest however, of course we're starting with Ray's lost family members assisting him with locating Emma. Seeing Conny, Yuugo and Isabella appear one last time was such a welcomed surprise and I could absolutely ramble about them more, but I should really keep the rest of this short considering how long this darn post is turning out to be. I'll place the original review here though for funsies. I will mention something I only thought of recently though, and that's how I think the "Over here, Ray" is actually in Emma's voice instead of Conny, Yuugo & Isabella's like I originally believed. While I do love the idea of Ray thinking fondly about all the people he failed to save, no one compares to Emma and that girl has probably been living rent free in his head the past two years. It would also makes sense as to why he would later comment about how hearing her voice could've been his imagination since he's thinking of her so frequently all the time, as we clearly see as he sprints off chasing that voice.
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Eeehehe, Ayshe may not have been around for the reunion but her absence is definitely forgiven with this small panel! I would die for more content about these two and how their complicated acquaintanceship changed over the years, even if only barely. Norman still has to be on his guard around her and I love the idea of her lowkey threatening him often enough so he'll never feel relaxed. So glad all her dogs were able to cross over as well considering the new promise really only affected the cattle children. Rest in peace Vincent!
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One of the most important reveals is my boy Chris FINALLY waking up!! It still really sucks how he was knocked out for almost half the story but oohhh I'm so incredible thrilled that he's okay. Poor guy has so much drama to catch up on though. I'm sure once he heard about Emma's disappearance he would've offered to help look for her, but since he wasn't shown anywhere else during the chapter, it makes me believe that his awakening was fairly recent and he's possibly still recovering. I'm fine if that's the case considering he gets to join in all the fun during the epilogue.
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Everyone delighted beyond belief to hear that Emma missed them and her adorable face when they return the sentiment. Ah, Ray also looks fantastic. Love that smile on him as he's crying tears of pure joy.
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Though I very much prefer the redrawn version of the final page where it includes more of the family joining in the celebration, having Emma accept their offer and wishing to live together will all of them definitely makes for a wholesome ending.
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End of volume 20. But one day remains.
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iceicevaguely · 2 years
Alright so if Peter Ratri is supposed to be Peter Pan, James Ratri is Captain James Hook, Smee is, well, Smee, Emma is Wendy, Isabella is Tinkerbell and the Lambda Crew are the Lost Boys then…
Does that make Oliver and everyone from Goldy Pond Jake and the Neverland Pirates??
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1000sunnygo · 3 years
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Shirai-Posuka's Oyakusoku no Neverland vol. 1 promo (June '19)
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We learned that James Ratri has his allies to help the children to cross into human world. Since almost of his allies are killed for becoming "traitor", do you think there is remaining allies or could James has his allies in human world ??? I know it's too early think about it. I always think about it because if the kids succeed, how they want to find place to stay and if they come out from the ocean, which country they will go ???
Sorry that I had been taking super long on getting back on the asks! I am fairly busy still IRL.
I did partially answer this one in your previous ask I believe, but I will address some if your other points here.
I think we can safely assume that outside of Norman's group, James/Minerva has no allies left inside the demon world.
We know Peter executed anyone he could find. Smee, and another scientist did survive however, they were the ones in charge of monitoring Norman at Lambda. We also learn that they have died later, but I think it is fair to assume that if there were other human accomplices in the demon world, they would have told Norman about it.
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We know that Norman is not interested in going to the human world. It is unclear however if it's because he has talked to someone from there, or if it's because he hasn't talked to anyone from there. He seems to be unsure about it.
I still think that if Minerva suggested in his recording that they can find a way to get them out of the demon world even with the normal crossing at Goldy Pond closed and the Ratris in charge of the others, then there must be some accomplices in the human world, but it may be difficult to communicate with them.
It is a very interesting question to think about which country they may go to when they escape. Naturally many people expect Japan, and if my theory on Lambda's number being a coordinate to the Mariana-trench, then that is very close to Japan...
However I also feel that Shirai-san likes to choose options that most people won't expect. You have noted before that when the kids discussed the human world previously, the Eiffel tower came up multiple times, and actually we have seen it recently too.
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Perhaps it is a reference to the Normans who originated from Normandy in France, but perhaps it is also a hint that the kids will end up in France once they are in the human world.
I think that would be an interesting choice that I can see Shirai-san taking.
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avadescent · 3 years
[a series of routes the tpn anime could go now that the third ep has been introduced]
★ yuugo’s entrance: remastered
★ OK I know the future seems bleak b/c a) no coordinates to GP, b) moldy biscuits, and c) sonju is the one who revealed the demons’ weakness bUT
➵ a) no coordinates to GP may be resolved with William Minerva’s entrance (Smee!? Will I get to see more of my man Smee!? more on this later) or the kids find GP themselves b/c “they have to learn to survive on their own w/o help”
➵ b) moldy biscuits means someone was there before, which means yuugo is still somewhere out there OR the potential reason why William Minerva calls the bunker this early is b/c yuugo was intercepted beforehand & taken in as one of Minerva’s ‘soldiers’
➵ (op has strong war / battle vibes + we see emma learn to hunt so I don’t see why they won’t make their own human army aka what Norman somewhat does later on, it’s feasible)
➵ also no way is any shounen anime going to pass on emma being badass come on, they gave us that cool shot of her firing the arrow, i don’t doubt they’ll continue to deliver
➵ c) sonju & mujika having more screen time b/c sonju becomes part of the goldy pond hunt (a bit of a stretch I know, but the ED features them both & I feel that indicates they’ll be in the story more, which is a win for us)
➵ can you tell I am. excited!? wait, there’s more
★ smee having a more potent role & acting as both the guide & the messenger between the gracefield kids & lambda kids / minerva resistance
★ lambda crew potentially having more screen time as well b/c of both smee/william minerva’s involvement + peter’s being featured in the op
➵ does this mean we won’t be as robbed of norman in the anime like we thought!? the op is misleading... maybe it’s misleading for a reason? owó
★ speaking of a certain rat... peter's role as a villain / final boss may be fleshed out & made front and center (the way the entire atla series basically led to defeating ozai)
➵ the way the op is framed indicates an eventual face-off between the cattle children (emma) & demonkind (peter)
➵ tell me that this doesn’t hype you just a little bit. tell me
★ if yuugo’s just been accepted into minerva’s ranks somehow, we might see yuugo’s story become more integral to the plot than it was before
➵ for all we know yuugo never actually dies b/c the kids can fortify the bunker in time (now that they know about the secret passageway and all)
★ plot aside: we just get to see more of the tpn kids being a family (admiring someone as they play the piano, chilling together in the bath, supporting & comforting each other, gardening together, fighting together, JUST EVERYTHING TOGETHER and i’m living for it)
well, i don’t know about you, but the fact that tpn s2 is basically tpn fanfic but animated has me pretty hyped, i want to see where they’ll take the original source material in these next 9 episodes
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officersnickers · 4 years
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Happy Father’s Day!
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themetallicnemesis · 4 years
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Leslie takes care of everyone but who takes care of leslie
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tempo-takoyaki · 4 years
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Chapter 17 of Giver is out !
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puff-poff · 4 years
this probably won't happen but what if the new tpn story is about the windmill girl
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months
Grace Field Kids Edition Goldy Pond Edition Other Platonic Duo Polls Suggestions Post
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kittyearnshaw · 3 years
El cuarto capítulo del fanfic de Lambda ya está listo:
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Acá lo puedes leer:
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chidoroki · 9 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 119
Chapter 119: “Encounter”
Ever since the escape, the WM pen gave Emma hope, insight and a sense of direction, so seeing her drop something she held onto so tightly now that Norman is back is kinda satisfying I guess? He checks off all those boxes for her sorta. She doesn’t ditch it completely though as we see it used later on before the GF raid.
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Goes without saying but the reunion was done so much better in manga. All the emotion from Emma reflecting on their time apart hits so hard and of course seeing all the tears they’re shedding contributes to all that too. Also love how they decided to give this moment a double spread as it helps convey that there’s no longer any space between them. The only thing that would’ve made this scene better (for me) is if Emma had knocked ‘em both down to the floor. I know Norman became taller and probably a bit stronger physically since Lambda, but with the amount of speed and force Emma is putting into that hug I’m surprised he’s still standing.
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At least the anime remembered his squishy cheeks.
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I know this is a very touching moment but honey, why do you gotta say this so causally?? You’re sure as hell ain’t gonna get it back either!
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I guess another reason why the manga handles this whole reunion better is that it includes everyone, not just Emma & Ray. Yeah the anime had the escapees see Norman later at that temple they were hiding at, but it didn’t feel the same. As much as I can appreciate the fullscore trio having their own little moment for themselves, I like seeing everyone’s reactions all at once since there’s a wide range of emotions on display here. Emma also looks so pleased with herself with how large their family has become.
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I wish there were more chapters focusing on Norman’s time at Lambda. With how closely he was being watched, I can’t help but wonder how he managed to efficiently communicate with Vincent and Smee and how he orchestrated the whole escape without raising suspicions from the demons and Ratri clan working there. (remember when i said no human (on our side) has killed another? well, i forgot about this whole scheme.. so it seems norman has quite the kill count, even if those were done indirectly by an explosion.)
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Few chapters ago I wondered if Hayato & Jin knew to look for the escapees based on seeing Norman’s ID or if he told them both what to look for, and though I believed the latter was the valid reason, I can’t doubt the first option now either since his number is in plain sight. I know he typically hides it when outside paradise when attacking farms and making deals with demons so perhaps that’s why I even questioned it in the first place.
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Big history lesson incoming.
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Favorite panel/moment:
And to absolutely no one’s surprise, of course Ray slapping the hell outta Norman is my favorite. The anime pales in comparison to the sheer amount of power and lowkey rage behind manga!Ray knocking this boy on his ass. The shock on everyone’s face is hilarious as well. At least Norman is a good sport about it.
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The rest of this moment is still sweet though, like Norman quoting the letter he left Emma and seeing my boy finally break and have some tears flowing makes me wanna hug him.
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To hear the boy who cursed his life and had plans to end it all come around and say he’s happy to be alive is just.. aaahh so so very important!!!!
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I do like how the anime gave us a better look at his face with this line though.
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And I got nothing against the panel of Emma down below (because it is adorable how she questions her sudden inclusion in the hug), but I love how relieved she is upon hearing such words from Ray.
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Stupid is a term of endearment. And I wish I could say we can never let this trio be separated ever again but.. you know. Stuff happens.
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janeburgesssnow · 5 years
Does anyone notice the name references in The Promised Neverland to Peter Pan? The obvious one being Smee from the latest chapter, then you have:
Peter Pan - Peter Ratri
James Hook - James Ratri 
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smoochesforghost · 5 years
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