#TSC headcanans
taco-taco-belle · 4 years
Give me all of your headcanons about uncle Jace + the Malec kids
Yes! This is a great idea!
Max and Rafael love their uncle Jace very much. When they have sleepovers at the New York institute he lets them stay up as late as they want eat all the junk food that their little hearts desire and when Clary is not around he takes them up to the training room and let them pick out their favorite weapons to play with. Even though Max is a warlock and not a shadow hunter jace treats him and Rafael exactly the same giving them both the same amount of in his words guidance and his special junior shadow Hunter training program. Whenever he and Alec go out on patrol Alec always checks Jace for stray children that he’s trying to sneak out of the apartment to come along. Claries background picture on her phone is of Jace on the couch with Rafael on his shoulders watching cartoons and Max on his lap while Rafael is watching TV Jace and Max are both asleep. Jace teaches Max and Rafael about some of his ancestors like James Lucy and will Herrondale. Max and Rafael are convinced that Kit and Jace are brothers not cousins so whenever they see kit they run up and bear hug him yelling uncle kit! Uncle kit! Jace thinks this is hilarious and after a while kit stops protesting that he’s not there uncle to. Jace usually lets Max and Rafael watch whatever they want but he never! Ever! Let them watch DuckTales! He teaches them about what he calls feathery demons from hell Jace explains that they are the worst and nastiest demon out there. Four Raphael‘s seventh birthday magnus and Alec get him a blue pajama set with little ducks on it Rafael and Max run screaming into their room and lock the door when Alec ask Jace why he’s tearing up he says because he’s so proud. Simon and Jace are constantly having who’s the better uncle battle which involves a lot of different presents and fun activities for the two boys. But their aunt Isabell always seems to win. Clary was on the fence about having kids for a while but after seeing how much their uncle Jay’s meant to Max and Rafael and how much he loves them she decided that maybe it was time to start popping out little Herrondale’s after all.
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taco-taco-belle · 4 years
My 100 followers celebration!
I still can’t believe that 100 people on here actually follow me now! When I first started Tumblr my goal was to get to 30 in a year😂 and I am so glad not just for the followers but that I met such amazing and kind friends!
All you have to do is send me one of the following emojis with a request if it needs one
🌹 with a ship and a request for what you want to happen in the one shot and I will write it for you it might take some time but I promise I will post it as soon as I can! I will except ships from these fandom‘s tsc fota The aurora cycle and Stranger Things because why not?
🧡 with a headcanan request with the same fandom‘s above and I will write it for you!
🎸 with a song and what artist sings it and I will tell you which ship I think it applies to the most!
💓 and I will give you a compliment
💌 and I will tell you what my first impression of you was
🦄 and a question about some thing that happens in one of my ficks that I am currently working on and I will answer you in the most vaguely way possible you can choose from The things that bind us part three A crack in the ice chapter 2 and a fota fick that I am developing but can’t give you the title of yet😂
🎙 and a genre of books you like and I will recommend an audiobook for you
📋 with a book TV show or movie and if I have watched or read it I will give you a short review with my thoughts about it

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taco-taco-belle · 4 years
Hi everyone since I’m feeling a little down because I’m at my grandfather’s house for a barbecue and can’t swim since I’m feeling a little under the weather. I am opening my inbox for any and all headcanan requests four tsc and fota! I will also be posting part two of my Kitty fick later today after I edit it I can’t do that right now though because I don’t have my magnifying equipment to do it. So if anyone wants to be added to my writing tag list just message me and I will put you on!❤️❤️❤️
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taco-taco-belle · 4 years
OK so I’m having a super bad day to make me feel better anyone have any ideas for Some TSC related headcanans that I can right?
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