vanrouchu · 8 months
trick or treat!
— rouge, adel, and merryrose
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If Rouge was being honest, he didn't know if dressing up as a prisoner for Halloween was the brightest idea considering the fact that he's knee-deep in debt. The black and white clothes earned him a few comments along the lines of: trying out your new outfit already?
To which he would respond with: "Does it look good on me?"
Still, he thought it was a convenient outfit that he threw together last minute—turning one of his collars into a chained one was easy enough with the help of a little magic. The other chains wrapped around his wrists, however, he decided to borrow from former drinking buddies.
"Sooo… What do you think?" He stuck out his tongue, contorting his expression to mimic a rough criminal. It didn't last long though, he quickly crumbled into a fit of laughter as he threw his hair over his shoulder while shooting you a wink. "Will you give me a treat or do you want me to trick you?"
You laughed at his playful demeanor and his unserious question. He was as carefree as ever, acting as fickle as the wind. You couldn't help but want to paint his expression with something else instead—criminals often have blood on their hands or faces, right?
You thought that red might suit him in this costume. So you took a piece of unwrapped candy, tugged on the chain attached to his collar to pull him down. He looked at you wide-eyed, about to speak as he opened his mouth but you quickly put the candy in his mouth before he could. Your finger lingering on his lips for longer than it should.
"A treat from me."
The blood that rushed to his face in that moment was enough to make you think that it completed his whole look.
He can't fathom how he let himself get roped into an event completely unrelated to him and his work by Merryrose, no less. He always mentioned that most costumes he would see around this time were terrible attempts that they flaunted around. He told his guild that if he cared a little bit more, he'd make costumes that would outshine everything else.
Unfortunately for him, he didn't have the chance to say anything when he got dragged into the square dressed up like a wolf. Clad in orange and fur—he thought that it was absolutely ridiculous that he let himself wear something like this. The fact that he was wearing ears, too, made it worse.
"What? You're not gonna ask for a treat?" You tilted your head, fighting the urge to tease him endlessly. He threw his head back, sighing and looked at you with tired eyes. No words left his lips but you knew that he was annoyed with you. After all, you were the one who suggested the costume.
"Do you have any idea how ridiculous I look?" He complained, "If I had my way, I'd be looking much more regal than this. Actually, I wouldn't be here in the first place."
You placed your hands on his shoulders, donning a smile as you gave him a light squeeze as a way to soothe his irritable state. "Now, now. You're here so you should make the most out of it! I'd love it if you got into your role and acted like a big bad wolf."
Surely, you said that to tease him but he was feeling spiteful.
He grabbed your wrist—earning a gasp from you—and brought it closer to his mouth. It was fake but he bared his fangs and pressed it gently against your skin as he looked at you with narrowed eyes. It wasn't sharp, it didn't hurt, but it made your heart beat faster than ever.
"If I were to act like a big bad wolf, as you say, then should I gobble you up right here right now?"
He wasn't enjoying himself much but after seeing the expression you made after his little display, he thought to himself that maybe coming down here was worthwhile after all.
Knowing Merry, he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to go down to the square and extort free candy from the people in town just by dressing up as a wicked witch who loved to curse people who passed by. He got into the role too much with the way he was acting but he enjoyed himself, especially since he managed to get all the candy he wanted.
Finally, it was your turn to fall victim to his favorite question for the night. He cocked his head to the side, shooting you a wink and held up his wicker basket. "Trick or treat?"
"You clearly have enough candy for tonight as is." You shook your head, refusing to give him any candy after seeing how full his basket was. "You should leave more room for the others, you've had your fill."
He frowned, raising an eyebrow in question to your rejection. He was acting like a bratty witch who was denied of something he really wanted—he was getting too into the role when he asked you, "so you're fine with this witch giving you a little trick then?"
"A trick? You really want candy that badly?" You laughed at his question but Merryrose was already taking a few steps towards you with a small mischievous smile decorating his face. You took a few steps back for every step he took until he grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him.
"I'll place a curse on you." He leaned in to whisper to your ear, his lips ghosting over your ear. "A curse that'll make you hopelessly in love with me."
Out of embarrassment, you pushed him away and shook your head as you tried to hide your flustered expression. "Stop that! You already know that your curse doesn't work on me."
Merryrose broke character and let out a giggle, shooting you a wide grin before replying. "Yeah, and it should stay that way. I'll make you fall in love with me without the help of stupid curses."
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
Mom I am looking respectfully
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“I don’t remember becoming their (Tsuki Watari) mother.”
Moon awakening and story CG
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chameliyun · 2 years
Fic Masterlist
Everything is on AO3 at BookishFlyingGecko unless otherwise stated, and a couple are also on fanfiction.net under the same name.
IN PROGRESS (sorted by update date):
[podfic] Shouyou Hinata and the Mirror of Erised Fandoms: Haikyuu!!, Harry Potter Rating: G Chapters: 16/27 Characters: I'm not tagging everyone it's an ensemble cast lol Pairings: n/a (lots of friendships tho) (Current) word count: 64 (because it's mostly audio) Summary: First book of the Haikyuu at Hogwarts series, narrated by yours truly and written by Jester (Killthespare on ao3)
Varian Is Not a Wizard Fandoms: Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure/Tangled the Series, Inn Between (podcast) Rating: G Chapters: 3/? Characters: Meltyre and Varian, several OCs Pairings: n/a for now (Current) word count: 14,009 Summary: Varian's portal to capture Zhan Tiri malfunctions and sends him into another dimension, where he meets Meltyre at his wizard school.
Sent from the Heavens Fandoms: Heroes of Olympus, The Lunar Chronicles Rating: T (currently only on fanfiction.net) Chapters: 2/? Characters: Linh Cinder, Leo Valdez, Calypso, Carswell Thorne, various Greek gods Pairing(s): Leo/Calypso (Current) word count: 4,837 Summary: When the Rampion crash lands on a (seemingly) deserted island, Cinder goes to look for parts. Instead, she finds a giant bronze dragon and a couple new acquaintances. Set post-Blood of Olympus, during Scarlet. On hiatus.
Bent out of Shape Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender Rating: G Chapters: 4/4 Characters: Toph Beifong, Penga, Ho Tun, The Dark One, various OCs Pairings: n/a Word count: 11,726 Summary: Once upon a time, Toph Beifong decided to start a metalbending academy. First, though, she had to find some worthy students. Based on the ATLA comic The Promise, mostly canon-compliant.
Tsuki no Hana Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: T Chapters: 1 (with breaks) Characters: Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Tsukishima Akiteru, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Mother Gothel, Ennoshita Chikara, Hinata Shouyou Pairings: Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, background Ennoshita Chikara/Tsukishima Akiteru Word count: 20,984 Summary: Tangled AU with Yamaguchi as Flynn Rider and Tsukishima as Rapunzel. Written for the 2023 Tsukkiyama Fic Exchange.
Draw Me Near Fandom(s): Death Note Rating: T Characters: Near, Sayu Yagami Pairing: see above Word count: 2,635 Summary: Post-canon AU where Near and Sayu spend time with each other after Light's death.
Midnight Coda Fandom: Death Note Rating: G Characters: L Lawliet, Watari Pairing(s): n/a Word count: 938 Summary: L celebrates his 24th birthday.
Mmm, Jello Fandom: Death Note Rating: T Chapters: 2/2 Characters: Mello, Joey (see A Shot in the Dark), Near Pairing: Mello/Joey Word count: 3,835 Summary: Unconnected AU oneshots of the pairing getting together. Currently two, but more are possible.
Frosting and Freckles Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: G Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi Pairing: you guessed it Word count: 2,716 Summary: Mutually pining idiots decide to make Christmas cookies together. You'll never guess* what happens next! *you can probably guess if you've read enough fanfiction
Is it ever over? Fandom: Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, Tangled (sort of in between so I tagged both) Rating: G Characters: Rapunzel, Pascal Pairings: n/a Word count: 1,086 Summary: Rapunzel has a dream/nightmare after moving into the Corona castle.
Barfbending Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender Rating: K+ (only on ff.net) Characters: Toph Beifong, Sokka Pairing: hints of Toph/Sokka Word count: 1,156 Summary: Toph wakes up in the middle of the night not feeling well...but she's not the only one. Set during The Painted Lady (s3e3).
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
So let’s do the less important characters, starting with Masumi.
Masumi Koutsu’s name is  光津 真澄 , Koutsu, Masumi.
光, kou, means light, though here the intended meaning is likely luster.
津, tsu, means haven, port, harbor, or ferry.
真, ma, means truth, reality, but here the intented meaning is likely clear.
澄, sumi, means clean, pure, or rarely serene.
A bit clearing:
**亨通, koutsuu, can mean doing well, prosperous.
**Masumi doesn’t mean anything specific in Japanese, but it is notable being a unisex name, despite being predominantly used for women.
**tsu, and ma Kanji can be both read as “shin”, alluding to Shingo, the official 4th LDS member.
***tsu Kanji specifically alludes to watari, crossing, Kanji in Shingo’s name. It is similar to tsuki/getsu, alluding to En Moon, since Masumi is a Fusion user.
**Despite her name containing LIGHT Kanji, she largely uses EARTH monsters. The light Kanji might be a Yuzu allusion, though, since it is similar to zu Kanji’s alternate reading as ko.
Hokuto Shijima’s name is 志島 北斗, Shijima Hokuto.
志, shi, means purpose, will, determiniation, aspiration, ambition. Also other meanings of shi are here.
島, jima, more commonly spelled as shima, means island, or one’s domain/turf. Jima spelling more commonly used for island, though.
北斗, hokuto, just means big dipper, as a borrowed term from Chinese. 北, hoku, means north, and 斗, to, means Big Dipper in Chinese, and by itself means dipper in Chinese. This is more commonly translated as north star, though that is an incorrect, but nice sounding translation. Polaris is part of Big Dipper, but is not the star system collectively, obviously.
**しじま, shijima, is an alternate spelling of 静寂, or 黙, and means silence/silent, quiet, or calm.
**The ma part in Shijima is similar to Yuma, whereas to in Hokuto is similar to Yuto.
***As we discussed in Yuto’s post, this is one of the likely origins of “to” in his name.
**Big Dipper doesn’t have much significance for Hokuto, though it is important in ZEXAL mythos, being the name origin of Barians.
**Much like Masumi, Hokuto is a unisex name.
Yaiba Todo’s name is 刀堂 刃, Toudou, Yaiba.
刀, tou, means blade, knife, or sword, but specifically refers to a single-edged blade, or knife, such as a katana.
堂, dou, means temple, shrine, or hall.
刃, yaiba, also means sword, or blade, but can colloquially mean strong person.
The Kanji for yaiba, and tou are very similar.
**The sword temple meaning here likely refers to Isonokami Shrine, a famous Shinto shrine.
***Despite this, since X-Sabers are travelling mercanaries, Yaiba’s aesthethic is more evocative of a ronin (similar to Roxas in Kingdom Hearts, or Auron in FFX, or samurai class in general for FF), who were generally Buddhist followers, though not really committed to a specific sect. This contrasts with Gongenzaka, who is a samurai with a clear master of sorts (Yuya, though like Benkei, and Yoshitsune, they are really equivalent).
**Swords in the context of Synchros generally allude to Buddhism, or Chivalrous Knights. Yaiba’s Deck, X-Sabers, in contrast, use swords commonly used by European mercaneries, such as claymores.
**Todo surname alludes to Todo Heisuke (Heisuke Todo in English spelling), a semi-famous early modern ronin involved in Shinsengumi.
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yumekuro-en · 2 years
Meister & Black Fairy Profiles - Tsuki Watari (Moon Wanderers)
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月渡り / Tsuki Watari / Moon Wanderers
―― World Exploration Guild ――
A world exploration guild that challenges “the unknowns.” The members are a group of troublemakers who almost always cause troubles wherever they go.
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The Dream Hunter With an Extremely Strong Luck
- Hope, Aspiration -
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―― “This world is full of life-changing landscapes that can move people’s hearts.”
Name: Crow - (CV: Uemura Yuuto) Job: Explorer Age: 22 Years Old Height: 177cm Birthday: The 25th of the Month of Rainbow (July 25) Dream: To show dreams to people all around the world Hobbies: Riding his motorcycle, Writing in his diary Weaknesses: Being alone Likes: The unknowns, Explorations Dislikes: Being alone Favorite Food: Cheesecake Least Favorite Food: None Special Skills: Precise shooting, Having strong luck
An explorer who's pursuing his dream. Thanks to his extremely good luck, he managed to accomplish many great adventures. But at the same time, he often acts recklessly. Due to this recklessness of his, he has a habit of destroying historical ruins, which causes the World Guild Union to keep their eyes on him.
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The Natural Airhead Navigator Who Controls the Moonlight
- Longing / Yearning -
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―― “If there’s a world you wish to see, you can always tell me. With my ‘Moon-Reading’ ability, I’ll definitely take you there.”
Name: Itsuki - (CV: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu) Job: Moon Reader Age: 70 Years Old Height: 178cm Birthday: The 15th of the Month of Air (October 15) Dream: To live and grow old together with his companions Hobbies: Cooking Weaknesses: Always bringing the rain with him wherever he goes, Cooking (Not good at it) Likes: Festivals, His guildmates Dislikes: Rain, The Great Fox Spirit blood flowing within him Favorite Food: Thick fried tofu Least Favorite Food: Beans Special Skills: Navigation during travels, High jump
A moon reader who can read the way of the "Moon Road," a way for people to cross over between lands. Contrary to his cool and mysterious appearance, he's actually a natural airhead who can be quite naive. He often teams up with Crow.
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The Tough-Looking Painter Who Acts as Everyone's Mother
- Relief, Salvation -
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―― “Well, I guess it’s natural for you to be surprised seeing how a stern and tough-looking guy like me turns out to be a painter.”
Name: Grandflair - (CV: Kato Kazuki) Job: Life Painter Age: 28 Years Old Height: 190cm Birthday: The 19th of the Month of White (February 19) Dream: To paint pictures that can save someone Hobbies: Flower arrangement, Strength/Muscle training Weaknesses: Having a scary-looking face, His guild’s finances Likes: Sunlight, Beautiful landscapes Dislikes: People who make light of their own lives Favorite Food: Your homemade cooking Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms Special Skills: Doing housework, To glare and exercise his authority over someone
A life painter who can bring anything he paints to life. Despite looking more like a martial artist, he’s actually an all-rounder who's in charge of everything, from household chores to financial management. He's like a mother figure to everyone in "Tsuki Watari."
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The Wandering Poet With No Money
- Leisure, Easygoing -
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―― “I was asking if you’d like to write lyrics and create music together. I was thinking of making one after a while, you see. So, what do you say?”
Name: Rouge - (CV: Aoi Shouta) Job: Wandering Poet Age: 28 Years Old Height: 182cm Birthday: The 24th of the Month of Stars (December 24) Dream: To live freely and without being bound to anything Hobbies: Gambling, Bar-hopping Weaknesses: Can’t take care of himself, Being careless Likes: Freedom, Music Dislikes: Dissonance Favorite Food: The brandy from Vinbrule in the Land of Brandy Least Favorite Food: Oyster Special Skills: Singing, Dancing, Loosen someone's tongue
A wandering poet who sings and plays music as he pleases. He's despised by Noah due to his strong wanderlust, mountain of debts, and his bad drinking habits. "Gran, gimme some money~!" is what he'd always say.
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A Little King Who Seeks Strength
- Clemency / Mercy -
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―― “I want to be a strong, magnificent king.”
Name: Noah - (CV: Murase Ayumu) Job: Mythical Beasts Expert Age: 16 Years Old Height: 155cm Birthday: The 21st of the Month of Calm (March 21) Dream: To become the King of the forest and protects both animals and mythical beasts Hobbies: Observing insects, Playing catch Weaknesses: Can get attracted easily by food Likes: Animals, Flowers Dislikes: Careless people, Someone who still barks despite being weak, (Stock) Farms Favorite Food: Grapes, Jellybeans Least Favorite Food: Meat Special Skills: Can understand animals and mythical beasts well
A mythical beasts expert who studies the ecology of the "Mythical Beasts", and is also in charge of protecting them. He aspires to be a magnificent king who can protect the weak. He doesn't really like opening his heart to other people, but he has his best friend "Korokkuru" who's always by his side.
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A Knight Shaken by Loyalty and Hatred
- Disappointment, Despair -
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"――Stay away from me, you filthy humans!"
Name: Evan - (CV: Hamano Daiki) Has a close connection with: Crow Policy: Humans are treacherous creatures Likes: Landscapes full of blooming flowers Dislikes: Being ordered around, Being touched Special Skills: Having great swordsmanship, Playing the “tsukkomi” role How They Show Trust: Will start showing affection after acting all aloof towards you
A fairy who has a hatred for humans and dislikes being ordered around by others. He thinks of humans as foolish, yet he often gets carried along easily by Crow's pace. He doesn't like being called "prickly."
Note: “prickly” is “tsun-tsun” in the original Japanese.
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The Childish and Mischievous Fairy
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――"Humans really are sooo helpless~★"
Name: Navi - (CV: Yamashita Daiki) Has a close connection with: Itsuki Policy: This world and all the humans living in it are so helpless Likes: Apples Dislikes: Onions, The Dream King Special Skills: Playing pranks (on someone), Giving nicknames to humans How They Show Trust: Will play pranks on you
He may look friendly and innocent, but for those who are not careful, they’re in for a world of hurt. He doesn't remember anything about his past, but expresses a clear disgust at certain things and actions that humans do.
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The Prophet Who Turns a Blind Eye to the Light
- Resignation, Acceptance -
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―― “......Yes, there is no sign of death in here.”
Name: Himmel - (CV: Horie Shun) Has a close connection with: Grandflair Policy: You can’t change the future Likes: Sleeping, Meditating Dislikes: Sadness Special Skills: Can perceive dangers by smell How They Show Trust: Will perform a dance for you
A fairy who can "smell" the signs of death and disaster. However, he believes that regardless of the knowledge, there is nothing he can do to change the future, and so he remains pessimistic and makes no attempt to fight back at all.
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The Forgetful Fairy
- Shame, Disgrace -
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――"Huh? What was I doing just now...? Hmm...I can't remember at all!"
Name: Shaymie - (CV: Amasaki Kouhei) Has a close connection with: Rouge Policy: I want to remember all the fun things I’ve had Likes: Singing, Smiles Dislikes: Painful feelings Special Skills: Can imitate someone’s voice perfectly How They Show Trust: Will remember your name
A fairy who will forget everything just within 3 steps. "Huh? What was it again after that? Hmm...I just can't remember! But anyway, that's just how things are, nice to meet you~!"
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The Grandpa Who’s Full of Wisdom
- Mortality, Inevitability -
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――  "You can wipe sinks and faucets with potato peels to make them shine. Be sure to remember that."
Name: Chitose - (CV: Yoshitomi Eiji) Has a close connection with: Noah Policy: Death is both equal and absolute and is not something to be sad about Likes: Peace Dislikes: Disputes Special Skills: Having extensive knowledge of miscellaneous topics How They Show Trust: Will show you his sorrows
A fairy who has an appearance of a gentle, calm elderly man. He is kind-hearted and likes to take cares of others. He’s also willing to teach other people anything they’d like to know, however, his view of life and death is different from that of normal humans.
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Shadows gather around a warm bonfire. Echoes of happiness and nostalgia resounding in people's voices. Voices so pleasant, I find myself wishing I could listen in forever. ……But all at once, I find those soothing voices twisting into a cacophony of sound and I--…
NOAH : ………..!! I jolt awake in my bed. In my room. Outside the window, I see the sun shining high in the sky.
NOAH : (I remember now……. I was so busy at work yesterday, I ended up going to bed at the crack of dawn.) Lively voices. I hear them coming from downstairs. NOAH : (…… Shut up)
With a small sigh, I leave my bed. NOAH : Come on, Korokuru KOROKURU : Kyu!
CROW : Ah! Hey, Itsuki! You ate all the fritters! ITSUKI : You also ate six, you crook! So what's the problem? CROW : I only had four! GRANDFLAIR : Both of you are acting like children. Can't you even eat like adults!?
EMMA : Well, Gran's food IS delicious. I can see why they'd fight over it. ROUGE : My wine is perfectly good, too! Hey, hey, hey, guys, are you even listening to me? Are we going to go through this again today? NOAH : (… Too noisy.)
Emma was the first to notice me, her voice dragging me out of my lost train of thoughts.
EMMA : Oh. Good morning, Noah. Would you like to have lunch with me? NOAH : No, I'll eat alone. CROW : Oh! Noah, what took you so long? Gran's food's here, eat up! ITSUKI : He made enough for everyone. We're a little short on fritters, though.
GRANDFLAIR : That's because you guys eat so much. ROUGE : Well isn't Noah a sleepyhead-~♪ NOAH : I'm not in the mood, Rouge… Gran's food is good but I'm just not very hungry.
ROUGE : Haha. Gran, Noah's acting the same as usual, today. GRANDFLAIR : Noah, I'm not going to force you to eat it, but please at least try. It's nutritious and energizing. I even made some for Korokuru. KOROKURU : Kyukyu ~
The food is delicious and I have no complaints. I eat in silence, listening in to everyone else's conversation.
ITSUKI : Huh!? I was saving that Quiche for later…! Crow, give it back …! CROW : Hah! If you're gonna blame anyone, blame yourself for taking your eyes off me! GRANDFLAIR : Enough fighting at the table! Eat quietly! ROUGE : All this clowning around, and the one thing they don't knock over is the food.
EMMA : Fufu, that's true. Every day is so noisy, lively, and full of laughter.
NOAH : (.....I'm just not good at..... These kinds of things.....) NOAH : (.....What am I even doing here?)
But... For some reason, I also feel kind of relieved. It's got me choking up. And I can't shake these sudden memories of my dad...
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When They Wonder Why You Chose Them - 1
٩(^◡^)۶ Hehehe! Welcome to the first round of phase 1! I wanted to do like a little headcanons countdown until the official release of Yumekuro, so here we are! I'll be doing headcanons for the same prompt for all of the Meisters of a specific guild every day starting today!
Fairies and side characters will come really later on because (✌゚∀゚) if I included them, there would be, like, around 90 characters and dear kai's ass, I still have finals HAHAHA (◑‿◐) Anyways, have fun reading and omg I'd love to hear why you like a specific character <333
Featuring: Members of the World Exploration Guild | Tsuki Watari
Type: Headcanons
Prompt: Each character musing over why did you pick them to be your first partner in this journey
Warning: Pre-Game Launch Character Assumptions
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The thought had never really occurred to Crow—and why would it?
All the adventures that the two of you have gone on together—the moments spent traveling on his bike beneath the unforgivable sun with the only balm being your soft laughter as you clung to him from behind, and all those nights under the moon with the stars as your witnesses as the two of you whispered to each other about everything and nothing…
How could such a thought—such a concern—ever enter his mind, what with all the fun the two of you have had? What with all the irreplaceable memories the two of you had made together?
It’s only when he watches you converse with the other meisters and fairies, happiness practically dancing upon your features as if it were its own magic, does the thought occur to him.
Are you having fun with him? Did you ever feel that same boost of utter joy through your veins as the two of you snuck into ancient ruins, hands held together so that neither of you would get lost?
Or are you just going along with him? Is it only him truly meaning his smiles?
He doesn’t confront you about it, stricken as to what your response would be. Scared that he had disappointed you with whatever expectations you had of him.
Truly, he was much more content to live life as it is with you, even with his doubts a dedicated whisperer in the back of his mind.
Try as he might to hide it, you do notice how agitated he’s been lately, throwing himself more recklessly into dangerous ruins in spite of your warnings, getting more injuries than he usually does in spite of fortune’s favor on him.
It takes time for you to understand, but when you do, you can’t help but lean in close and cradle his face with your hands and tell him that he’s a handful, that’s for sure, but you didn’t choose him because you had this grandiose image of him.
When you murmur your reason for his ears alone to hear, you can’t help but find delight in the way his blush travels all the way down from his face to his chest.
“Ah…Hahaha. Ahahahaha! I guess I’m really lucky to have been picked by you, huh? Say, do you think I can get… even luckier now?”
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Occasionally, in what brief reprieve he’s afforded between one adventure and the next, Itsuki’s mind strays to that particular conundrum.
Did a particular aspect of him stick out to you the most when you’d first met?
He knows, from having listened to others, that he gives off a certain vibe, but he hardly believes that being mysterious equates to being trustworthy.
And oh, how honest you are in your faith for him, even more so than he has for himself.
It had left him staring at you a couple of times at first when you didn’t question him whenever he was forced to choose whatever outrageous route the Moon had decided to pave the only road to your destination that day.
He’d asked you, once, if you were scared; yet, your lips had only curved shyly into a minuscule smile as you turned your gaze to him, eyes twinkling as bright as the stars outside, and told him that all adventures were scary, in their own way, but how could you be scared of the journey to it when the navigator always looked so sure of the path?
From there on, it was as if whatever invisible wall between the two of you had disappeared.
He starts seeking your company whenever he can during quieter lulls in your trips.
The conversations between the two of you cover a number of topics that are of newer ground or older ones to either of you, and he never fails to leave with a type of completeness filling up something he’d always believed would remain empty inside of him.
Yet, he hesitates on this one question, not wanting to burden you with his curiosity, with his concern.
But ask you he does, one day, when he has his head on your lap with his ears and tail out at your request. He nearly loses his train of thought when you scratch just perfectly at the base of his left ear, all too aware of the swishing of his tail behind him and your amused eyes following the movement, but he keeps firm as he awaits your answer.
When you do, you’re probably the first person in a long while to see the stunned expression on Itsuki’s face, his ears perked up high and his tail ramrod stiff. You don’t really get to mull over it at the moment for he quickly buries his face into your lap, hiding his grin.
“Next time, If there are places in mind that you want to go to…would it be alright for me to accompany you on all of them?”
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Busy is one word that Grandflair isn’t so reluctant to use to describe himself; rather, it’s something that he takes pride in.
From larger responsibilities like practically running the guild itself to even more mundane ones like house chores, he has a touch on each and every one of them and is almost always the first to know if something goes wrong—especially if it could be horrible enough to harm any of his fellow guild members.
He takes pride in the fact that he’s able to prevent as many incidents as he can, that he’s able to make life easier for everyone involved.
Which is why, when you chose him, of all people, well.
He’d expected to take on all of your responsibilities, to be of some help to you in some way. And he does, he is, but what he doesn’t expect is for you to turn to him and do the same.
It’s not as if he’s never been treated with the same kindness he treats others, but it’s the way you persistently offer your help whenever you can that gives him pause, which is all the time you need to delegate some parts of his workload to yourself.
Suddenly, with you assisting him, he finds himself...free. Without any duties to weigh him down, and at first, it rattles him, because he’s so used to having his hands full of everything that he almost forgot what it was like to have some actual downtime.
He’s aimless, the first few times it happens. Sometimes, he takes naps that stretch out for the entire afternoon, tries out new recipes that have always lingered in his head, spends time with his comrades who are all too happy to bump shoulders with him, and—
He’s able to paint.
And not just because he has to, like in the midst of battle and his magic is thumping like a second heartbeat in his throat as he creates to live. No. He paints for the sake of putting life to canvas, and the feeling that wells up from him feels fit enough to burst in his chest because how could he have ever forgotten this feeling.
He wants to ask you why, how come, but the words make his tongue feel much too thick and heavy in his mouth. So, he expresses his gratitude with a framed portrait of the sun setting over the horizon, seen only from the roof of the guild.
Though he doesn’t get any sort of verbal answer from you, the way you brighten up when he presents the gift to you, the sheer joy on your face as you thank him, and that fond smile that appears on your lips whenever you glance at it on your desk are enough for him and his fluttering heart.
“It isn’t much, but I wanted you to have something that I could best express my feelings for you through.”
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To Rouge, it isn’t a matter of merely understanding the whys or how comes, but more so of him having little to zero interest in your reasoning.
After all, just because you chose him doesn’t necessarily mean that he has to change any part of himself.
You chose him, so you have to deal with every part of him—a bard with not a single coin to his name, breath smelling like alcohol, and mind too far away to bother seeking things like stability.
The others tell him to take responsibility, and he lets their words fall on deaf ears before he does what he’s always done best—turning tail. From them, from you, from whatever. It doesn’t really matter at this point.
But what does amuse him is how you give chase, each and every time.
There’s always a complaint or a scolding on the tip of your tongue when you find him, whether it be on a flat surface in the bar or against the building after having been kicked out, and normally he would make a joke to lighten the mood.
But it’s your eyes, most of the time, that leaves him tongue-tied.
You look at him not in the way he wants others to gaze at him as, but as if you’re seeing something—figuring out something—inside of him. You don’t ask him, at least never outright so, and in turn, he lets himself be easily hauled back to the guild with an arm over your shoulders, humming a jaunty tune in his throat as he watches you.
It takes time, quite a lot of it actually, for the both of you to come to some sort of relationship where dining together at least every morning and night becomes ordinary.
It’s during breakfast when he pops the question, trying to play it off as an afterthought than anything, really, but he times it just right when you’re about to shove another spoonful of rice.
He expects you to say something along the lines of how much you regret picking him in the first place, that he isn’t anything that you’d initially thought of; you do, and his heart sinks in his chest for who knows how long, before you look at him in the eye and say, with a quirk of your lips, that you still would have chosen him anyways.
This time, it’s your turn to be amused when a flush rises high to his cheeks once you’re done whispering your reasons for picking him into his ear. For a man who carries himself so leisurely it might as well have been borderline shameful, he sure knows how to make it seem as if you were the one shameful here.
“Hmmmm, I was going to invite you to my next performance, but if you’re going to be like this, then nevermind~ O-Ouch! Hey, I was just kidding!”
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In the earlier days, were one to ask Noah which trait of his must have stood out the most to you—must have convinced you to pick him amongst the rest, then strength would definitely be his answer.
Or, coming in a close second, his potential for great strength. After all, surely anybody would have been able to spot a diamond, no matter how roughened up it may be.
Nonetheless, time spent by your side only proved…to be contradictory to his assumptions, much to his bemusement.
On numerous occasions, he’d tried to reassure you that you hadn’t made the wrong choice in choosing him by always making it a point to show his prowess in combat right in front of you whenever a battle broke out.
A magnificent king is, above all, one who is able to protect his people even at the cost of his own life.
However, instead of comforting you, all he’d done is make you worry even more as you tended to his wounds. Though you don't say anything, he could feel your emotions practically buzzing the magic particles in the air.
He’d avoided you, after that, believing that you wouldn’t want to see him for quite some time. He finds company in the mythical beasts under his care and protection, briefly secluding himself as he tries to organize his thoughts and compose a plan that would correct his wrongs.
Imagine his surprise, though, when one night, as he was about to doze off with Korokuru already curled up on his chest, he senses a disturbance in the surrounding area and, when he tilts his head, his gaze immediately meets yours.
That surprise of his only lasts until you began fretting over him, checking here and there for any possible injuries and asking him just why had he run off like that. Bitterness immediately washes over him anew, feelings that he’d thought he’d properly locked down comes rising back up, and when next you try to pat him down for wounds, he catches your hands in his.
Although a part of him is nervous, the more determined side of him wins out and he asks you, just why did you pick him if you thought he was so weak.
You stare at him, stunned, with the pieces of the puzzle clicking in your head as things become clear, and, under his simultaneously burning and freezing gaze, explain that you don't think he was weak, never did, and that he was the farthest thing from weak when he fought and when he cared for the mythical beasts.
With your forehead pressed against his, you explain to him, slowly, as to why you’d chosen him out of everyone, watching his expression melt with each word that comes out of your mouth until you are sure the warmth you are feeling comes from both of your cheeks.
“...Oh. So that’s—the reason why—Oh. I…I just wanted to protect you. To show you that I could protect you. I’m sorry if I made you worry all this time.”
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hell yeah misato keeping that first name basis 😏
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tsuki you too?!?!!?
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oh yeah
it's all coming together
what's the bet that onagawa and watari will say it next ep
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keisurin · 4 years
୨୧˚unlikely hcs˚୨୧
⋆ ୭ karasuno, seijoh, shiratorizawa, dateko, johzenji
↳ a headcanon for every character in haikyuu that i can analyse
↳ warning: mention of periods, sexual content, sensitive topics.
↳ pt2, nekoma, fukurodani, inarizaki, itachiyama
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daichi- has a guilty pleasure of eating chips everytime before he sleeps. honey it’s not a guilty pleasure it’s all in the head
suga- is a big fan of lady gaga, knows all her song lyrics by heart.
asahi- has tied his hair into pigtails before, just for fun.
nishinoya- doesn’t know other continents exists
tanaka- one time saeko’s period leaked but he thought she was dying.
ennoshita- knows how to play the trumpet, musically talented.
kinoshita- one time he bought the really spicy korean noodles and after the first bite he gave it to sugawara and cried in the corner.
narita- has a girfriend no one know about.
kageyama- somehow accidentally went into a sex shop and his sister had to drag him out.
hinata- during exams, when he doesn’t know how to answer the questions he puts there ‘i’m sorry, i don’t know’
tsukishima- smells really good like he smells like flowers.
yamaguchi- the first time tsukishima jokingly insulted yamaguchi, yamaguchi told him to shut up and that scarred tsuki.
kiyoko- reads bl<3
yachi- saw kiyoko reading bl once and really said ‘i do not see’ she’s suddenly tsukishima but without his glasses.
ukai- his hair is greasy
takeda- has a 50% discount as ukai’s store.
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oikawa- waiting for his favourite milk bread manufacturer to sponsor him and has sent multiple emails.
iwaizumi- really good at doing heavy ink drawings, looks like some tattoo art. if he didn’t become Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic trainer, would’ve ran a tattoo shop.
matsukawa- he knows how to make those embroidery friendship bracelets and made them for him and the third years. claims ‘some girl gave them to me’
hanamaki- wants a dick, tongue and navel piercing. unfortunately has a very low pain tolerance.
kyoutani- has a nape piercing and scoliosis.
yahaba- plays roblox and has a girlfriend. later on found out if was hanamaki and matsukawa running the account.
watari- plays minecraft and that’s why he’s the superior 2nd year.
kunimi- occasionally goes to kindaichi’s house just to throw away his hair gel. has seen him with his hair down so he as the right judgement.
kindaichi- prefers hot water over cold water.
irahata- actually a fan of oikawa, thinks the boy is pretty.
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ushijima- had a fake plant but he thought it was real so he watered it until the water spilled out, thats when he realised it was fake.
semi- has worked at a femboy maid cafe. no one knows about it.
reon- can’t tell the difference of taste between all of the cheeses in the world and he’s frustrate by it.
tendou- tried to plays semi’s guitar and when he did he broke the string. said that the strings were rusty to begin with.
shirabu- one of those weak bitches that has a peanut allergy (jkjk i salute to you guys please say safe!!)
kawanishi- big softie, cried watching banana fish. tendou recommends him a lot of animes.
goshiki- has a goldish and says it gives him goodluck. he forgets to feed him sometimes.
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aone- really loves orange juice
futakuchi- when he feels sad he tells himself ‘stop, you’re a bad bitch’
koganegawa- allergic to cats
terushima- typical bitch, likes the smell of gasoline.
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laraplisetski · 3 years
Dating Shigeru Yahaba
A/n: This was really fun to write but honestly I just love to write for Seijoh anyways. Next is Shinji Watari and ill try to complete it today but if I dont ill post it tommorow. Please excuse me for the mistakes. broskies send in requests as well, I have none:-(
Words: 1002
Tags: @imthatchishiyasimp​, @kekozume​
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Have this image of Yahaba pining Kyotani to the wall.
Okay so tbh Yahaba did not notice you at first even though you guys were in the same class.
But then one day he walked in his classroom in the morning and he did a double take on what he saw.
You, the person who he paid no mind to, was giving Kyotani, the brash and lowkey violent one, a lecture for shouting too loud and making a ruckus.
And not only was Kyotani not arguing with you, he actually listened and nodded at you.
Then proceeded to shut up and sit on his seat.
(I'm sorry for adding Kyotani into everything he's just my favorite boy)
And Yahaba was just staring at you with his mouth open.
After that incident he wanted to get to know you but he couldn't bring up the courage to talk to you
Well until Kyotani just blurted out the fact that Yahaba’s infatuated with you... in front of you.
So yeah he died right there
The end
Jk jk
But like from that onwards you tried to talk to talk with him and eventually you two became friends.
And then you two started dating cause Yahaba was cute.
Anyways onto your first date.
After a lot of stuttering and well blushy Yahaba he had successfully asked you out on a date.
So he took you to a fair that was in town for this season (idk how fairs work I'm sorry.)
A cute cheesy ass date
He took you to a game in which you have to shoot one of the balloons and make it pop to get a stuffed you. 
And tried to show off his shooting skills
Keyword ‘tried’
He failed miserably and you got a teddy bear for him instead.
Also also you guys went to the Ferris wheel at least 5 times.
Cause like Yahaba’s a fucking sucker for these cheesy ass rides and he like wanted to kiss you at like the top but then he realized it doesn't stop unless you pay them.
So after 4 failed attempts you noticed what he was trying to do and he was going to fail at kissing you again but you like lowkey initiated it.
After that he looks so happy and proud of himself that you think that it's worth it.
Also the bumper cars.
Unlike the Ferris wheel he's totally mean at the bumper cars.
Like he will keep bumping into you, but if you guys are sitting in the same car.
You guys strategically bump people and like idk you guys are just mean.
He bought you snacks after all the rides and you two held hands while blushing.
At the end Iwaizumi came to pick you up cause, team dad and drove you home.
Yahaba gave you a big ass hug when leaving you and then he blushed and yeeted himself into a car. 
Okay so Yahaba’s a pretty chill guy honestly and like he likes to do whatever his s/o wants.
Unless it's like doing horror stuff he can't handle that shit.
Also I feel like unlike the others he would be very shy for asking for cuddles.
Like I imagine him just making hand signs towards you like how children do when they want something.
I will mention later but this guy likes to brag about you.
Other than that he’ll be very shy to kiss you in public and in front of his friends.
Also when you guys hold hands this man just blushes so much that you have to ask him if he wants to go to a doctor or not.
Worry not he gets fine later.
And he also loves his s/o coming to practice. 
His s/o’s friends with all the second years, especially Kyotani.
She's like the one person other than Iwaizumi who can scold him and he'll listen.
Also Yahaba found out that you beat him at basketball which is why he listens to you and honestly Yahaba’s very proud of you.
You teased Yahaba after he pinned Kyotani to the wall in that one match and you'll never let him live it down.
(I’m such a fucking Kyotani stan I swear)
Also Yahaba simps over you. 
He admires everything about you.
He likes your hair and if you don't have hair be ready for Yahaba just like running the palm of his hand over your scalp and just patting it.
He does this when you have hair as well and the first time it happens you're like wtf.
But it's weirdly not weird. 
Everyone also knows that this boy is whipped for you because every time he looks at you his heart just goes doki doki and his eyes really show it.
He also has a tendency to brag about his s/o liek how Yamaguchi did about Tsuki’s height the first time they were introduced. 
He talks about you all the time and he buys like little snacks for you to eat all day and little trinkets to make you happy. 
At every anniversary he buys you a little teddy bear charm as a reminder of the teddy bear you got him.
He still has it and he likes to keep it next to his bed and like routinely washes it as well.
Just like taking maximum care of it.
Yahaba’s not rich but like whenever he has enough money he buys you something like a rose or takes you out to get ice cream. 
Also hes a fucking cliché guy and craves cliché romantic scenes and unlike someone he actually succeeds in catching you when youre falling like 6/10 times and all the other times he just falls with you.
When he goes to play practice matches in different prefectures he misses you very much and he promises to play better for you when he leaves. 
It's very cheesy and half the time it sounds like he's going to die lmao.
But anyways Yahaba is very good boyfriend/10
Would very much recommend.
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samwrights · 4 years
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Hiyoooo~ so this special request here is from @sippn-the-tae and I specifically wanted to do this one since I return to work with Starbucks tomorrow, 5.4! I’ve missed the siren, but I’ll definitely miss you guys. I’m still going to keep writing, I’ve got about 20 req in my inbox rn and I’m working on 3 different series. Enjoy some hcs!
With them being more suburban/country-esque, I picture them being a drive-thru/cafe store.
Sugawara is store manager—no ifs, ands, or but’s about it. 10/10, would work for Suga.
He takes no shit but is as sweet as sugar.
Daichi, Ennoshita, and Kiyoko are the shift supervisors. They’d be the most proficient in leading the team and have the most knowledge on all positions.
Tanaka and Noya are definitely the barista trainers—they have the energy and thirst to learn and teach.
Asahi’s best position is oven; nobody is faster than him. However, he’s notorious for accidentally setting parchment paper on fire for leaving a cookie in the oven two seconds too long.
Tadashi and Hinata are the drive thru dream team. Tadashi mans the window and Hinata is such a people person that he just knows how to up-sell, all day. “So you’re getting a venti today, right?”
Plus, the two of them planted in drive-thru = less disasters around the store. Tadashi is the type of person who freezes, and Hinata is never aware of what people are carrying.
These two are regularly responsible for broken milk gallons.
Kageyama is the main bar person. He’s fast and proficient and can make your drink in exactly 19 seconds from start to finish while starting three others.
Nishinoya is the secondary bar person. He handles the overflow, cafe orders, and online orders and he’s good at it. 9 drink order? No problem, we’ll have it out in 7 minutes. 23 drink order? Will be done in 17 minutes.
Tsukishima is best at customer support. This person is in charge of restocking cups, lids, sauces, syrups, and ice. Also in charge of getting all the store cleaning tasks done—Tsukki strikes me as a “go fast, don’t suck” kind of person.
Tsuki isn’t allowed to be near the register or interact with customers unless absolutely necessarily. His customer service voice is entirely too sarcastic and it gets him in trouble.
Tanaka flirts with every customer. Even the married ones. Especially the married ones.
If Tanaka is working the drive-thru window, he’s the one who rakes in the most tips. Bills only, no change.
Even though Hinata and Kags work very close together, they’re never allowed to bar together. You can bet these two have flung mocha at each other on more than one occasion.
For some reason, I picture Daichi attracting the Sunday crowd of church going, middle-aged moms because they all wanna see a strong, handsome young man flex his arms while writing their names on their cups.
Aoba Johsai;
Oddly enough, I picture these boys thriving in a corner lot store that boasts plenty of space and has specialty offerings unique to their location and store type. We call them reserve bars.
Iwaizumi is the store manager and, no, you can’t change my mind.
Yahaba, Mattsun, Makki, and Watari are the shift supervisors. Yahaba and Watari for their work ethic, and the meme team landed the gig because Iwaizumi literally doesn’t trust anyone else in the store.
Oikawa only works the reserve side. This particular role specializes in making drinks with manual espresso machines, as opposed to automatic. They use specially curated blends and mixes—they are showman.
They also get to hang out and talk to everyone without being pressured to work faster. Not that anyone rushes Oikawa anyway, they come to sit and hang out with him.
Yahaba does have to help him out if he gets too swamped down there though.
Kunimi kills it on oven. Because he’s not always a necessary position, but when he’s needed he is on it.
Kindaichi is the main bar person besides Oikawa. Since they’re not nearly as fast paced as the Karasuno store, Kindaichi is able to usually hold down the fort by himself.
If not, Kunimi’s there to ease some of the stress.
If they are super busy, being a downtown location and all, Watari usually comes in to save the day.
The meme team is in charge of overnight cleaning days—Iwaizumi knows that they turn it into a party every night. He doesn’t care, as long as the store doesn’t get any health code violations.
Makki definitely blasts garbage hip-hop over the store speakers while Mattsun sneaks in beer. Iwa’s definitely found empty bottles in his garbage cans.
Kyoutani is customer support and oddly enough, he’s fckn good at it. Sometimes, restocking really just means throw shit where it belongs.
He’s also really fast at it.
Overall this store has a classy appeal to it with an even classier staff. Well, the latter is debatable.
Makki has definitely exploded a chemex brewer.
Mad Dog has thrown a drink that was returned at Oikawa’s head. However, said senior dodged and the drink hit a customer.
Iwaizumi definitely wrote them both up.
Speaking of write ups, Kyoutani is on his final. No surprise there.
Oikawa is on his second because, while it’s totally fine to flirt with your customers, it’s not okay to abandon your job post to go hook up in a bathroom. Shame, Oikawa.
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enjoy-the-manga · 6 years
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Kuroki Umi Tsuki no Ura - Watari Chie
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yumekuro-en · 2 years
Cast Commentary - Black Fairy (Tsuki Watari)
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This is a translation for the cast commentaries that were posted on Twitter! This one features the black fairies who have close relations with the meisters in Tsuki Watari!
・ Evan - (CV: Hamano Daiki) ・ Navi - (CV: Yamashita Daiki) ・ Himmel - (CV: Horie Shun) ・ Shaymie - (CV: Amasaki Kouhei) ・ Chitose - (CV: Yoshitomi Eiji)
Watch the original video of the cast commentaries here! (in Japanese)
Read more about these black fairies along with the members of Tsuki Watari here!
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Evan - Hamano Daiki
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Q1. Please tell us what you think about the character you voiced.
A: He's a character who carries something in his past, so there's a lot of room for imagination and thoughts. I'm really looking forward to what the future holds for him.
Q2. If you were to become a black fairy yourself, what kind of black fairy (of emotions) do you think you would be?
A: Maybe a black fairy who's also a gamer. I want to be on par with the Demon King and become his rival.
Q3. If you could have just one dream come true, what would it be?
A: I want to get rid of accidents and diseases from this world.
Q4. Please give one message to the fans.
A: Thank you to those who are looking forward to 'Dream Meister and the Recollected Black Fairy'. At a glance, Evan is a prickly and stubborn guy, but I think he has something irreplaceable to offer you as you deepen your relationship with him. Even if he's someone who will say no and complains a lot, I hope you will still give him a lot of love.
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Navi - Yamashita Daiki
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Q1. Please tell us what you think about the character you voiced.
A: The character I voiced is a black fairy called Navi, and he's quite a peculiar character! (laughs). His emotions are like a roller coaster, so I made sure to keep in mind and focused on the so-called neutral flow of human emotions + something more. I hope that this indescribable unbalanced mood of Navi’s will be a part of his charm. As for the rest, please check them out later in the game when it's released!
Q2. If you could have just one dream come true, what would it be?
A: I miss the days of being able to postrecord with everyone else...I want to feel that feeling of working live with everyone again!!
Q3. Please give one message to the fans.
A: Yumekuro is a game where it can be a fun reading material, and it's also fun to watch the mini-characters frolic around in the game. Please be sure to enjoy the game at your own pace!
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Himmel - Horie Shun
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Q1. Please tell us what you think about the character you voiced.
A: He left a cold impression at first due to his pessimistic nature and feelings of resignation to the world, but after I realized that there was a part of him that was searching for hope, I just felt like a parent who wanted everyone to like him and accept him to their arms.
Q2. If you were to become a black fairy yourself, what kind of black fairy (of emotions) do you think you would be?
A: I often feel depressed when I compare myself to others, so I feel like I'd be a black fairy who possesses inferiority complex and other similar negative emotions (laughs).
Q3. If you could have just one dream come true, what would it be?
A: I'd like to have a villa built in southern Italy. During the summer, I'd remotely record (voice work) from there and live in comfort.
Q4. Please give one message to the fans.
A: Hello, I'm Horie Shun, the voice of Himmel. I voiced Adam in Yume100 and I'm glad and happy to be involved in this game, too. Personally, I can't help but look forward to seeing how this game will develop in the future. I feel deeply moved to be able to walk through everything from the beginning with everyone like this. Please take care of me.
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Shaymie -  Amasaki Kouhei
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Q1. Please tell us what you think about the character you voiced.
A: Shaymie is just a silly little fairy, isn't he? It's not so much about his forgetfulness, but rather his personality! I found him to be a very endearing character who's hard-working and positive, and also very lovable. He just makes you want to protect and support him. And without realizing it, his innocence will cheer you up! That's the energy I hope to give when I voiced him!
Q2. If you were to become a black fairy yourself, what kind of black fairy (of emotions) do you think you would be?
A: It's not as bad as Shaymie, but I often forget about things easily and make mistakes, too. So, I guess I could be a really clumsy black fairy. I actually made it sound pretty cute, don't you think so too?
Q3. If you could have just one dream come true, what would it be?
A: I want to gain tremendous financial power and use it for the good of the world, for other people, and also for myself!!
Q4. Please give one message to the fans.
A: Thank you for reading until this far. Shaymie is a very cute and charming character. I'd be very happy if you could pay attention to how he interacts with the other characters, and also pay attention to his story. I sincerely hope he'll be loved by everyone!
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Chitose - Yoshitomi Eiji
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Q1. Please tell us what you think about the character you voiced.
A: He's a character that made me think, "Ah, I wish I could be such a cool old man like him, too."
Q2. If you were to become a black fairy yourself, what kind of black fairy (of emotions) do you think you would be?
A: A black fairy who crushes evil and helps the weak. Someone who wants to make children and old people smile.
Q3. If you could have just one dream come true, what would it be?
A: I wish I could go anywhere through time and space. That way, I could prevent disasters and incidents from happening.
Q4. Please give one message to the fans.
A: I hope you will come to like the black fairies and enjoy your time with them.
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aarunomura · 6 years
GiVeMe - MARGINAL#4 (Romaji Lyrics & Translation)
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Please do not re-translate or post this translation anywhere.
Give Me
Kotoba ni dekinai nanimo kamo subete Ano hi no kioku wa aimai de, nagarete
None of this can be put into words Memories of that day are hazy, flowing
Kaze kara kaze e to watari aruku Bird Mukau saki ni「risou」ga aru no oshiete?
Bird, wandering about from wind to wind, Won’t you tell me that there is “perfection” beyond this point?
Kaidoku funou na hitomi KURITAKARU na Sign, ne Hitogoto? himeta omoi shiritai nda, sugu ni
In your indecipherable eyes Is a critical sign, isn’t there? Other people’s business? What I wanna know is your innermost feelings right now
「Mou ichido」
“One more time.”
GIBU MI Kokoro no oku aishi aisaretai RABU MI Wasurekaketa arifureteru yume de, E- Sir
Give Me From the bottom of my heart, I want to love and be loved Love Me Even if it has to be in an almost-forgotten, mundane dream
Akirame kirenakute nidomo asa wo mukaeta yo (Day & Night…) Sekai ga futatsu aru, sonna uso
Unable to entirely give up on you, I greeted morning for a second time (Day & Night...)  Two worlds exist behind that kind of lie
Kimi kara boku e to modorenai wake wa Omoidoori ni naranai kara, sou deshou?
The reason you can’t return yourself to me is Because things never go the way we want, isn’t that right?
Furubita Memories, namida Karonjiteiru tsuki ne Dareka ni sugaranaide yarinaosou yo sono te
Over old memories, the moon Is mocking me for my tears, isn’t it? Instead of relying on someone else, let’s start over so give me your hand
“I’m not letting you go...”
GIBU MI Karadajuu wo KISS de umetsukushite RABU MI Sokorajuu de uwasa sarete mo ii, K-DO-NE
Give Me Shower my body with kisses all over Love Me I don’t mind if we’re the topic of gossip everywhere, but you see
Kore ijou wa nai yume no hate ni mezameta yo (Dream & Dream...) Daremo inai asa wo, taerareru no?
At the end of a dream that doesn’t get any better than this, I woke up (Dream & Dream...) Will I be able to tolerate mornings without anyone here?
「Doushite mo」
“No matter what.”
GIBU MI Kokoro no oku aishi aisaretai RABU MI Wasurekaketa arifureteru yume de, E- Sir
Give Me From the bottom of my heart, I want to love and be loved Love Me Even if it has to be in an almost-forgotten, mundane dream
GIBU MI Karadajuu wo KISS de umetsukushite RABU MI Sokorajuu de uwasa sarete mo ii, K-DO-NE
Give Me Shower my body with kisses all over Love Me I don’t mind if we’re the topic of gossip everywhere, but you see
Akirame kirenakute nidomo asa wo mukaeta yo (Day & Night…) Sekai ga futatsu aru, sonna uso
Unable to entirely give up on you, I greeted morning for a second time (Day & Night...) Two worlds exist behind that kind of lie
Give Me
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carsinoska · 5 years
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Album: Shirayuri no Saku Yoru ni Artist: Oningyou ni Naritai
Shirayuri no Saku Yoru ni
hitorikiri no watashi ni mama ga tsuretekita shiroku kagayaku doresu matotta anata
minna ni aisareteru   kirei na yokogao watashi wa hisoka ni akogareteita no
konna watashi tomo isshoni warattekureta kono jikan ga tomare to negau wa
futari de iretara soredake de yokatta te wo nigitte hitomi toji   sora wo mau watashi no subete wo aishitekureta kara anata dake wa shinjiteru   eien ni
aruku koto ga dekinai watashi wo mitsukete soto no sekai no hanashi   kikasetekureta
jiyuu ni ikiru kimi no sugata wo miteite watashi wa hisoka ni akogareteita no
kurai basho ni ita watashi ni te wo sashinobete atatakana hikari wo kuretanda
futari de iretara soredake de yokatta te wo nigitte hitomi toji   sora wo mau egao ya nakigao   subete shitteiru kara kizudarake no kimi no tame dekiru koto
tatoe sekai ni yurusare nakutemo futari no toki wo hako ni tojikomete shiroi hana saku basho de tomo ni dakiaeba towa no yume wo miru
futari de iretara soredake de yokatta tsukiyo no shita   doresu kite hana to chiru kono yo ga kegare no noroi wo kaketatte yorisoereba   atarashii sekai e to
itsumade demo futarikiri rakuen de ikite
kizudarake no hane no karappo na watashi wa ano ko ni akogarete egao no mane wo shita
kimochi warui kao to iwareta hi ni kimetanda aisareru ko ni naru wa watashi wo koroshite
odorimasho odorimasho itsudemo mata rizumu ni nosete odokemasho odokemashou minna no egao wo misete yo
kurukuru to damanori no shippai warai ni kaete nanno tame odotteru no watashi wo shiranai sekai de
ano hi suteeji kara anata wo mitsuketa no mujakina sono egao totemo itoshikatta
kamen wo hazushitara daremo wakattekurenai kirawareru kurai nara ima wo ikiteku wa
odorimasho   odorimasho keikaina rizumu ni nosete odokemasho   odokemasho anata no egao wo misete yo
itsunohika kidzuite yo me no shita no namida no imi wo itsuwari no deai demo anata no tame ni odoru kara
aru hi nakayosage ni futari te wo tsunaideita anata wo mikaketa toki nanika hajiketa no
aishite yo   aishite yo itsuwari ni michita sekai de odokemasho   odokemasho futari tomo waratteiru wa
tobimashou   tobimashou buranko ni mi wo makasetara ochiteku wa   ochiteku wa saigo made egao no mama de
Mahou no Canvas
tokun to umareta ochita haiiro no sekai hikari ni michibikarete oshiro ni kita no
chiisana oukoku no ohime-sama mitai ni nani wo shitemo jiyuu ne ijiwaru na majo mo inai
mahou no kyanbasu ni kokoro wo egaki yumemita tokimeku sekai tsukutteku no
ohana no doresu kite usagi to odoru kono yo wo watashi no iro ni somete yuku wa
otona ni shihai sareta chiisana sekai ja ikiteru riyuu nante mitsukaranai wa
konna watashi demo purinsesu mitai na rococo no heya no naka de himitsu no tobira wo hiraku
mahou no kyanbasu ni kokoro wo egaki fushigina otogibanashi wo tsumuideku no
yozora ni furimaita e no omoi ga hajike minna no haato wo akaku somete yuku wa
monokuro no yoru ni niji wo kaketara iro toridori no mirai ni kawari kirameku sora   hirogatta
mahou no kyanbasu ni kokoro wo egaki fushigina kagami no naka e ochiteyuku no
kinoko no yousei to ochakai hiraku suteki na watashi no oshiro mitsuketanda
Unicorn to Otome
kirari   sora wo koete fuwari   kaketeku no hikari kagayaku sekai e
makkura na mori wo aruita kurikaesu saki no mienai michi mo ippozutsu mae ni fumidasu yuuki osoresae tokimeki ni kaete
minikui ookami ni tsukamari kegarenai you ni kurai mori   sotto nukedashitara
kirakira kagayaita izumi de kimi wo mitsuketa no masshiro de kiyoku utsukushii se ni tobinori kakedasu
kirari   sora wo koete fuwari   kakete yuku no hoshi no kanata e watashi wo tsuretette
niji no hashi wo watari   kimi to dokomademo hikari kagayaku sekai e
itsudemo ii ko deite to hohoende mama wa iu no dakeredo konna ni semai basho ni itanja itsunohika chissoku shichau yo
kimi no gin no tsuno ni mamorare shoujo de itai no itsumademo soba ni ireru no nara tatoe maboroshi demo watashi wa ayundeikeru wa tsurettete yo   yume no iro wo shita hana no saita oka made
kirari   tsuki wo koete fuwari   kakete yuku no hoshi ga kagayaku sekai e michibiite
yume no oorora no shita kimi to dokomademo jiyuu na sora wo mezashite
ouji-sama   mune no oku no garasu no kokoro inuite yo   hontou ni kakugo ga aru no nara
kirari   sora wo koete fuwari   kakete yuku no shiroi tategami nabikase dokomademo
niji no hashi wo watari tooku dokomademo watarashirashiku ikiteyuku itsuka miru rakuen made
Bara Chiru Setsuna, Eien ni
tsumetai te wo nigiru anata no soba de nemuru watashi nagai tabi wo oeta futari ayunda kioku tadoru
konna watashi ni sotto te wo sashinobete ikiru yorokobi sae mo oshietekureta ne
kono shiawase ga setsuna no ai toshitemo sameru koto nai towa no yumemi tsudzukeru tame itoshii te de   watashi wo koroshite
shiawase ni naru hodo itsuka owari ga kuru no kamo to sono yasashisa mo sae mo totemo fuan ni naru hi mo aru
tada hitotsu no saigo no negai kiite hana ga chiru utsukushisa eien no kioku
sekai ga futari wakatsu hi ga kuru mae ni kagayaku ai wo anata no mune ni kizamitai aishiteru nara   watashi wo koroshite
hoshi no kanata de zutto mimamotteru kara itsuka futari ga meguri aeru hi ga kuru made torikago no naka   watashi wo aishite
I have never seen a song ignore the lyrics as much as they do in Mahou no Canvas. Okay, maybe it rivals Sound Horizon. Anyways, for that reason, I did not include any of the original text in romaji, otherwise it would get too messy. So here is the original kanji.
トクンと鼓動の中 生まれた私は 光に導かれてお城に来たの
小さな王国のお姫様みたいに 何をしても自由よ いじわるな魔女もいない
魔法のキャンバスに心を映し 夢見たときめく世界描いてくの
お花のドレス着て ウサギと踊る 世界を私の色に染めてゆくわ
誰かに支配された小さな世界じゃ 生きてる理由なんて 見つからないわ
こんな私でもプリンセスみたいに ロココの部屋の中で 秘密の扉を開く
魔法のキャンバスに想いを描き 不思議なおとぎ話を紡いでくの
世界に振りまいた 絵の具がはじけ 皆のハートを赤く染めてゆくわ
モノクロの夜に虹をかけたら 色とりどりの未来に変わり きらめく空 広がった
魔法のキャンバスに心を映し 鏡の向こうこの世界 落ちてゆくわ
キノコの妖精とお茶会開く 素敵な私のお城見つけたんだ
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dokifluffs · 4 years
thank you for the happiest years of my life
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warning: *spoilers to like parts of basically the entire show and manga but also mostly crack. soo you have been warned* also warning, l o n g
thank you hinata for your toilet song and your sunshine persona, never giving up and also all your bowel issues getting you in the most uncomfy situations with other teams, for being the greatest decoy thank you kageyama for your jingru bell, jingru bell and all your hinata boke’s, milk breaks, and probably deformation of hinata’s skull from how many times you grabbed it thank you tsuki for your arara gomen and being tol boi #1with great character development but also staying the sassiest one omfg thank you yamagucci for your gomen, tsukki and being tol boi #2 with superb confidence building thank you yachi for being the best townsperson B thank you tanaka for killing dadchi. Tanaka, nice kill! and being literally one of the best characters thank you noya for your rolling thundas and being the coolest senpai and being karasuno’s guardian and also choosing to come to karasuno simply because you liked the girls’ uniforms thank you ennoshita for being best dad #2 and tutoring tanaka and noya thank you kinoshita and narita for existing even tho you two are the most slept on akjhdkad thank you suga for being the best mom and also singing under the sea  thank you asahi for being unintentionally scary and dressing up as jesus evry year for karasuno christmas  thank you kiyoko for always looking out for karasuno  thank you dadchi- deadchi- daichi for being best dad #1 thank you takeda for being the teacher sponsor of the club and having the best quotes out there homie, you really big brain thank you ukai junior for reminding the crows that volleyball is a game where you look up 
Thank you Karasuno, for teaching me to fly
thank you oikawa for teaching me that instinct is something you polish, talent is something you bloom. also for all your yoho, tobio chan’s and milk bread being your favorite food, for hitting it till it breaks. you were always enough and i wish we could’ve seen you bring your team to nationals. hope your knee gets soon buddy thank you iwa for always calling oikawa shittykawa and etc. best bestie out there and also, you did your best. you are not a failure as an ace for aoba johsai. also thank you for making sure oikawa rested  thank you mattsun and makki for being such an iconic duo  thank you kunimi for sticking out your tongue in season 4  thank you kindaichi for being onion head and having a great character development thank you kyotani for making me intimidated of an anime character like bruh. homie, your back said “C”-  thank you yahaba for being best setter #2 tehe and also putting kyotani in his place  thank you watari for being Aoba johsai’s guardian and being tanaka written in cursive thank you yuda, sawauchi, and shido even if i didnt pay you any attention adkjah im sorry 
thank you Aoba Johsai for teaching me how to rule the court 
thank you kuroo for your hyena laugh, befriending kenma when you moved in next door, and being literally everything  thank you kenma for being best pudding head and being the best sugar daddy after the time skip to our hina baby  thank you lev for being long boi and having one of the best glow ups in s4 like literally scrumptious. Cant want to see your time skip animated and also, you’re gonna be a great nekoma ace one day bb  thank you yaku for being literally the best libero im sorry noya kajdhas omg akjda goals and also putting lev in his place  thank you shibayama for stepping in as libero when yaku got hurt in land vs. sky you did great bb  thank you yamamoto for being tanaka written in magnum sharpie, punk font and getting into a dispute with Tanaka on S I T E thank you teshiro for being best setter #2 uwu  thank you kai for being one of many underrated characters that should’ve gotten more  thank you teshiro for looking the most like a cat and being a pinch server thank you inuoka for being a lil sunshine too 
thank you Nekoma for teaching me how to connect
thank you bokuto for serving all of us your juicy a$$ but also being the best hype boi out there, capable of being so strong and proving to be so much stronger by growing out of your emo modes, for making akaashi choose to come to fukurodani thank you akaashi for playing with your fingers, for always looking out for bokuto, teaching all of us that we are the protagonists of the world, having a list of his weaknesses memorized thank you konoha for doing what we all wanna do and knee bokuto’s voluptuous ass thank you waisho for being like a normal lookin type bokuto  thank you sarukui, anahori, komi, and onaga for being part of this great team and also boosting bokuto up
thank you fukrodani for teaching me how to pour my soul into everything (every ball) 
thank you ushijima for teaching me how to harvest and farm for the ripest of fruits thank you tendo for BAKI BAKI NI ORAE NANI WO and being a weeb too. you were never a monster as a child or ever in your life  thank you goshiki for being female jirou from my hero academia and also realizing how much you need to improve at the end of s3. made me cry man  thank you semi for being suga in punk rock font  thank you reon for being you cause you rock homie. you and kai would so vibe together man. good vibes all around thank you soekawa, yunohama, kawanishi, and sagae for existing even though yall were slept on thank you yamagata and akakura for having shiratorizawa’s back’s as liberos thank you shirabu for using ushijima to your disposal like he wished. you gon be a great doctor bb
thank you shiratorizawa for teaching me how to have an intense force to my persona thank you aone for being the best iron wall and having the cutest friendship with hinata like omg his current fear is no one wanting to sit near him on the metro akdjhahds i’ll sit with you  thank you koganegawa for being the best angry bird bb  thank you Futakuchi for getting knocked over when you chest bumped aone  thank you obara, onagawa, and fukiage for existinggg thank you sakunami for having Dateko’s backs 
thank you dateko student section for making the most iconic cheer out of the entire show that’ll never die also, check out the live action stage ones akjdhas nekoma is stuck in my head 
thank you dateko for having the best cheer in the show 
thank you saeko nee-san for being the best tokyo drift driver out there with your Taiko team and being the best leader leading the karasuno cheers for da bois thank you karasuno’s voice principal for not expelling our two celled boyos, kageyama and hinata   thank you third gym for all the oya oya’s  thank you bokuto for hooking tsuki onto volleyball when he blocked ushi  thank you takeda for scaring ukai junior in season 1 when he repeatedly went back to beg him to be the coach for karasuno, begging to so many coaches and making sure they could have practice matches with other schools thank you to hinata’s tennis friend who taught him how to splatter step(?) thank you ukai senior for teaching them about the tempos thank you to the old guy that goes to every karasuno game even tho literally no one knows him bruh  thank you to Shimada for teaching our bb boi yams to float serve thank you for the twins and sakusa and so many more teams  thank you for bringing us to brazil with hinata, reuniting him and oikawa  thank you for all the commercial breaks  thank you for all the memes aka haikyuu dubbed thank you for all the radio shows with characters we may never get to see on the screen together thank you tsukki for pressing hinata’s diahrea spot thank you for dub yams’ he he he waluigi laugh thank you hinata for inspiring asahi to join the team again thank you kageyama for probably breaking hinata’s back so many times by kicking him  thank you asahi for calling out to suga  thank you kageyama for scaring the living shit out of hinata when he hit you in the back of the head with his rushed serve in season 1 in the practice match against aoba johsai thank you for all the meat buns eaten after practice, the popsicles nishinoya ate in two bites thank you noya for all the epic saves and pancakes you dove for  thank you for kageyama’s “nuff, nis, niceu-” to tsukki  thank you for tanaka and noya and yamamoto for all women are queens club  thank you suguru for getting under kuroo’s skin and making him petty asf in land vs sky  thank you alisa for being literally breathing, you and lev look so goodd post time skip like haiba sibs rule the world thank you tv that hinata had happened to be passing by, playing the game with the little giant, inspiring him to go to karasuno  thank you kageyama’s grandpa for getting him into volleyball 🥺 thank you for all the races while running, all the flying receive laps, the hill runs, the training camps, practice matches thank you for all the disputes that could happen before all the gears could be made and put into place  thank you kiyoko for saying that tanaka for some reason looks good with a banana thank you for the meat god dance, the serve cheer poses  thank you for making me love volleyball tenfold thank you for moi pon  thank you kageyama for telling hinata that he’s the greatest when he’s around, giving him his first official toss thank you hinata for telling kageyama that he sets just fine
thank you to all the voice actors for starting and staying through all the years to bring all our favorites to life, never failing us once
thank you spyair, burnout syndromes, tacica, nico touches the walls, sukima switch, galileo galilei, and more for so many amazing ops and eps
thank you for all the memories, all the laughs, cheers, heart racing moments, the moments that made us grip onto pillows, the edge of our seats, tears, addicting chants, making me simp for like 50 people, making my cheeks hurt from smiling so much, my voice raspy for cheering and screaming so much. 
thank you to this fandom for being like a second family, sharing all our love and crackheadedness 
thank you for the happiest years of my life
thank you haikyuu, thank you Furudate for bringing this amazing story to all of us and touching our lives with it 
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