cinematicjourney · 2 years
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The Boy Friend (1971) | dir. Ken Russell
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ofallingstar · 2 years
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The Boy Friend (1971)
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da-ill-spot · 1 month
New Music: Living Legends - The Return feat. Aesop Rock, Blu, Chino XL, Kool Savas, Planet Asia, Twigy, Vast Aire & 2Mex (Prod. by Statik Selektah)
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jpopstreaming · 4 months
🆕🎶 「 TOMENAI!! 」 new single by Young Yujiro, TWIGY is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now on our weekly updated playlist and discover new sounds from Japan 🎧 https://spoti.fi/42HdAgd
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entheo-music · 5 months
MICROPHONE PAGER - Rapperz Are Danger
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seymourmusicclub · 2 years
Twigy - Dateme
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just read twigi and im sobbing crying obsessed about it, it was that good, no, FUCKING AMAZING GREAT anyways I didn't read all of the ANs but did see some, hoping things are going well for you! if not i hope they would soon :'D
STOPPPPPPP you're so sweet omfg. i'm so glad you liked it so much thank you!!! i'm deadass kind of afraid to finish it because then it's OVER. i feel like i've been with them so long now 😭 but i'm excited for you and other people who love it as much to get to read their ending <3 i'm done hoarding it
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waraueuphoria · 5 months
dad making fun of how skinny my arms are KILL YOURSELF ALREADY FAGGOT
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(Art by @yudidoodles)
Why do all my Pokémon insist on resting on my head? My head if for my hat! Not Pokémon!
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fav pics of Twiggy :)
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sandrockianblues · 7 months
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of talks about the sandrock builder customization and how people been wanting more body types, although I’ve seen people being rude about it tbh, just the way talk about the female builder’s body is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. how do you feel about this?
Hi anon, thank you for asking me my opinion on this 💜💜
While it’s been more than a year of people vocalizing their desire in having sliders/ options/ different presets- only recently has the female builder’s body been complained about to the extent where I think a larger issue needs to be addressed.
Body shaming is still body shaming.
To pull some quotes I’ve seen:
“…small and childlike”
“…body types are definitely something that looks like an adult.” (In ref to Grace and Heidi bodies)
“…give us more mature body types too”
“I’m a baby.”
“…really awkward”
“Downright comical”
“…would love my builder to look more adult.”
“my builder looks like a toddler being walked to school by her husband haha.”
“I’m not a fan of looking like a child.”
“general proportions” (in ref to what the “issue” is)
“currently is kinda twigy”
And in discussion for future installments or advancements within the game:
“it’d be great if they got rid of that look.”
“I do hope they move away from it in the future.”
*this is about the female player body- I cannot speak on behalf of the male player body completely*
As someone who is personally significantly shorter than the builder myself and has a petite or smaller frame- this was very degrading to read comments of.
While I’m a huge advocate for any sort of character customization implements that can be involved such as height sliders/presets/ weight sliders/ whatever else, and I believe that you should have the right to vocalize your wants-
What I don’t believe is that it should come with mocking and criticizing the current female body of the player.
And I truly hope that this look isn’t just scrapped and gotten rid of.
Those under 5’2” are already misrepresented or just not represented enough as adults in games a large majority of the time. We often get stuck with characters that have larger or more curves than we do. Characters of average or taller height. Modelesque to curvaceous characters.
I’m not saying these physical wants for characters shouldn’t be implemented or that they should be ignored. I’m saying you can ask or wish for them without putting down those who do have smaller builds. Those without an hourglass figure or who legitimately are a foot or two shorter than the person they choose to become romantically involved with.
While this is something that me, family, friends, etc have dealt with our whole lives- those of us who have fallen on the very shorter side of the scale, I’m not going to standby and watch it be incorporated into a game that has quickly become one of my top two favorites in the past year of playing it.
Criticizing- not critiquing, there is a huge difference- the female player body as it stands right now and making harsh jokes about it is seen by those who happen upon these posts or threads and can identify with the body themselves. I know a number of short and petite people who are playing My Time at Sandrock, and if I’m being completely honest, this may be the first time we had a more comfortable experience with a character that can be customized for ourselves.
The builder is in their early 20s and also created by a small Chinese indie game company called Pathea. Think of how many of those who are more prone to those heights or body frames have been criticized alone. This game is possibly more prominent in China right now given that they have an online website we ourselves can’t translate. They’re aware of new merch and such we’ve yet to receive official news on.
Also for reference:
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Yes, average height.
It may be fun to joke about how it looks to you, but for some people… this is our reality.
No, not all short people have dwarfism. No, not all petite people are just not eating enough. And yes, some of us may not have the ample assets that most women do have. And it’s something we’ve had to deal with our whole lives.
Implying that a taller height and a curvy figure or an incredible bust size is what makes a “mature” and “more adult” look is beyond insensitive. To imply that it is “what makes a girl a woman” is horrifically humbling to read.
And I do mostly see this body shaming of short or petite stature and height coming from mostly women. One cannot preach for body positivity if they continuously exclude and demoralize a body type. It’s hypocritical, it’s demeaning.
Comparing the female player body to the likes of Grace or Heidi or Jane- beyond saying it’s just the type of build one may want, as in, using them as a comparison to further degrade the current body, is yes, still body shaming and something a lot of us have worked hard to try and not compare ourselves to.
Does this have to do with me writing short female characters? Beyond the fact that I am short myself? Yes. Because it’s gotten to the point where if it’s not body shaming, it is fetishizing or glorifying the idea of being smaller than the average short height. And I want some readers to be able to read of a short character that isn’t “gremlin” or “closer to hell evil” or “feral” sometimes. Because that’s stereotyping. And we’ve been stereotyped our whole lives.
The female builder is in her early to mid 20s, around 5’2”, taller than some characters (that aren’t children), has a notable ass and chest- and yet while that’s how some of us look or it’s a bit more, “she’s not a woman”?
I have dated and befriended men from 5’ to 6’5”- and shockingly, men have been less prone to making me feel as less of a woman than the comments from my own gender have. I have shown and read these comments to my father, male friends, brothers and such only to see them become irritated that women are body shaming this body type. Pointing out the hypocrisy and some of the shallow remarks.
This is akin to a post I saw:
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Unrealistic and far fetched right? How do you think we felt- those of us who were 5’2” or below.
Someone who is quite literally the same exact height as Andy irl and in my twenties.
I could go into the whole aspect of having to reanimate or rig the characters and players for cutscenes and interactions. I can dive into the whole deal with the “baby face” expressions (and yes, some people just do have a “baby face”). I can stand on Pathea’s side who has worked tirelessly and with several issues they had to work past. The deadlines and due dates they’ve had to push back while early access fans still cheered them on for support. Or I can point out that this game is rated with an E10+ rating.
But this post isn’t about that.
Preach for what you want or options you’d like to see. But no, let’s not make callous remarks and harsh jokes on the player’s body. Let’s not just suggest they get rid of it entirely.
Women are supposed to support women. How about we stop deciding bust size and height is what makes you a “real woman”?
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cinematicjourney · 2 years
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The Boy Friend (1971) | dir. Ken Russell
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ofallingstar · 2 years
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The Boy Friend (1971)
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stestir · 3 months
Heres my rant about Amethio age discussion and why I think the age range excuse is stupid. I should probably keep this out of the main tag, but I'm tired, sick, and angry, so idc.
Big really angry rant under the line.
So please can anyone explain to me why everyone thought that VAs comment about Amethio being a teen means hes between 13-19 and also 100% CAN be a 19 years old?
Cause English says that a teen is between 13 and 19? Well we all know that English has a lot of stupid stuff in it, so doesnt really count. Plus, quick reminder, this is anime. Japan. The meaning behind teenager could be very different here.
The difference between 13 and 19 years old is so contrast that giving Amethio this range in the first place is moronic. A 13 years old still needs to ask their daddy to go out with their friends. 19 years old already expected to pay taxes, move out of the house, is probably already on a antidepressants.
And the thing is, Amethio doesnt even act like a 19 years old! He acts like a 14 years old emo that tries his very best to look serious and is desperate for attention.
The whole his beef with Friede is a big ass example of this, that Anime just shoves into your face! Amethio becames irrated immediately after Friede stops giving attention to him, everything in his actions screams "Take me seriously!" He wants to be seen as a professional serious trainer by someone who has authority [ Friede ] and is hurt when it doesnt happen. Its literally how neglected children act.
Also the whole excuse with "B-but hes working with Explorers and has his own subordinates that he commands" GUESS WHO ALSO A MINOR BUT IS A BOSS OF A SHIP? ZUKO. The literal icon of redemption arcs. He also was casted away in the age of 13 and had a whole small army under his command. Does that make him an adult? NO. Both Amethio and Zuko are clearly special, thats why they both are forced into a weapon by their respective parential abusers [ Ozai / Gibeon ], and given some special privileges to make it seem that thse abusers love them, when in fact they are just using them.
He doesnt look like a 19 years old either! His body type barely resembles one of Friede or Spinel, both being a clear cut adults. And before someone says "Well I think that Friede looks 20 and that Amethio is just a really twigy guy" no hes bloody not! Reminder, this is pokemon, we have Lusamine and Cyrus that look like 20 and 40, but actually the opposite. And the thing is, Amethio closely resembles Silver with his body! Whos, yk, A CANONICAL 13 YEARS OLD.
What is more hysterical to me is when the Interviews AND Anime itself start to make parallels between Amethio and the kid Trio, whos, yk, OBVIOUSLY KIDS. Like- in both interviews before the big arcs the boy was compared to Liko & Roy [ And Dot, by extension. ] Amethio was literally called a kid alongside the kid Trio, [ One of the kids that still havent found their dream ] which not only makes him a minor, but also puts him the same age group with Liko, Roy and Dot!
And Anime situation is even more comedic. Khem khem. Literally an episode that got out not so long ago, 44. Amethio is called a spoiled brat by Sango [ Which already makes him a kid, but alas ]. Guess who was also called a spoiled kid? LIKO. BY MOLLIE IN THE ABROLIVA EPISODE. Liko, whos canonically we seen as a child child in the episode 18, was called the same thing as Amethio. I get that Anime tries to make parallels between them in general, but that doesnt matter to me now. The most important thing is - they are both viewed as a kids. Yk. MINORS.
Ending this, I'll say - Amethio is a barely 14, maybe at maximum 15, and he is sure is not a 19 years old. I'm sure hes in the same age bracket as Liko, Roy and Dot.
Also AmeFriede is the worst ship that deserves its own place in hell, alongside AmeSpinel. I hate both of these. They are bad from all perspectives.
[ Also, this is the angriest I felt lately, so I wont probably post any other rants like that. This is just me being beaten down by flu and projecting my anger towards this shitty and stupid "discussion". ]
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jpopstreaming · 11 months
🆕🎶 「 Chemtrail 」 new single by In-Bou-Ron-Ja, TWIGY is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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youkaitwig · 2 months
Right... So. I'm Twigy or Zoey or Lilith. All are fine, kinda use them all interchangeablely these days. I'm a transfeminine genderfluid person. Have a preference for She/Her or They/Them but don't mind neo-pronouns. Just... no masculine ones, please.
So. Realising I was trans was a bit of a nightmare. Small rural-ish town meant that I wasn't really exposed to much in the way of anything LGBTQA. While I had thoughts of being a girl when I was young, I legitimately thought everyone had thought like that. So for years there was just this silent thought in the back of my mind. "What if I was a girl?" Little did my kid self know.
I didn't really address it until I was in my late teens. I always hated how I looked and tried a bunch of ways to try and make it work. Never did. Around this time, I also got into a few things and kinda... stopped caring if people saw my hobbies and likes as effeminate. Even looked into potentially crossdressing but it didn't go anywhere because trying to source clothing back then was even harder as I didn't know sizes nor any good stores.
I also entered a relationship with another guy online but... that's honestly something I look back on with a little pain these days. A lot of this time is honestly a muddled mess in my head. But I think it was my later teens to early adult years when I finally made that connection.
That I was most likely transgender and have been suffering from gender dysphoria for quite awhile. So while I was figuratively and kind of literally in the closet in my real life, my online presence changed a good bit. I came out and.. well kinda didn't do a whole lot. Most of the communities I'm in were already positive on the LGBTQA front so it was an easy transition in that sense.
But... oh boy. Trying to get any progress to transition in a physical state? It took multiple years and the realisation that my prior GP was pretty much dicking me around to get any progress regarding it. Been two years since I got mess sorted.
But I kinda only really started to really put in effort to changing about a year back. A bit of envy during a spiral of depression set it into motion. Started to kinda.. Figure what makes me into me. But the thing is?
I don't know. I'm trying to piece together a puzzle without a solution. But the more I thought and the less it made sense and the less my identity even made sense. But then I kinda realised something.
I've always been trying to rebuild from what I once was. What I was metaphorical broken of. When I had that revelation, I realised that I might be genderfluid because there are days and even weeks that I genuinely do feel that I fit more into the definition of non-binary. It's always been there. Like how I'm also female on others. It was this that I stopped looking at the pieces of my broken self and started to do something.
I started anew. While I had done a few things like getting piercings and my hair dyed. I started changing more. More piercings I would never thought I would ever get. Clothing that I would never thought I would own. And even getting confirmation that I have ASD.
So I exist here. Still trying to rebuild myself once more. But from a fresh start. It's kinda rough honestly because I still don't fully understand... Well, me. It's a slow process but one I am getting through.
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