aesopsbaby · 5 months
Since meztli is more popular,do u think Nathan gets jealous of the attention Meztli gets?
HI HON!! Thank you for asking about Nathan,,,I'm just using anything as an excuse to draw/talk more about him <,3
Nathan could care less. He'd also probably think that Meztli is lying, given his personality-
Lo belongs to @feelin-lo
Star belongs to @startheimpactfangirl
Trickster belongs to @boiling-potato
And Nathan + Meztli belongs to me! ^^
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shoheiakagi · 4 months
I would like to see the band girls aesthetic plus more detail on Chitose and Mikototsu relationship(I'm a shameless fangirl here I can't help it) ❤ with love, redlovesashes
@redloveashes So I’m currently on my phone and away from my laptop, so I’ll like give brief overviews on the aesthetics of the girls. Once i get near my laptop, i’ll create some edits!
ABC boys as rockstars
Miyako: long and straight black hair, red lips, pale skin, long skirts and blouses, expensive jewelry, warm hugs, deep voice, kimonos, neutral colors, eyes crinkling while laughing, hands on hips and steady eye contact
Izumi: blond hair, black leather jackets, chunky combat boots, cigarettes, dark eye makeup with heavy eyeliner, long black nails, raised eyebrows, monotone voice, empty bottles of liquor, dark lipstick
Kaoru: short black hair, streetwear, abs, lips pulled up in a cocky smirk, cropped tops and baggy pants, cartilage piercing, junk food, carefree and blunt, toned legs, loud snorts of laughter
Sakuno: long and wavy brown hair, mini skirts and dresses, cherry blossoms, hair clips, giggling behind the hand, puppy dog eyes, blushing cheeks, heart shaped sunglasses, lots of pink with shades of red
Izumi learns about Chitose through her friend, Maria. After Chitose casually breaks up with Maria, the darker haired girl goes in a spiral, which unfortunately the media has a blast with. Izumi personally witnessed Maria’s breakdown, seeing her get constantly plastered in dingy bars and get into fights. So it’s safe to say that Chitose is her least favorite member of a group she already dislikes
Chitose being Chitose, doesn’t take her too seriously at first. She’s a hot girl, who’s in a group with other hot girls, so he’s having a tough time to pick his favorite right away (if he had it his way, he’d definitely have a fivesome with the entire group lmao)
even when he notices her cold attitude towards him, he still doesn’t take her that seriously. Ignoring her insults, he would have a lazy smirk on his face while cornering her against the wall
Chitose is honestly impressed when he learns about Izumi’s body count, trying to coax her into a competition on who gets laid the most
Izumi scoffs at first but slowly starts to warm up to him, finding him fun to be around. They soon start to party together, where they definitely hooked up once, twice, or maybe even more
Chitose would entertain other girls, which would bother Izumi just a little bit, before she brushes off her feelings and hooks up with other guys, which chitose definitely notices
To be honest, they will be more of a minor/supporting pair since this au focuses more on the abc boys
But I like the idea of the nation’s sweetheart secretly fucking his hot ceo lmaooo
Like just imaging all these interviews and tabloids trying to see if Totsuka is dating any other idol, and how he apparently seems to hover near this female idol a lot at award shows, only for him to be sucking on Mikoto’s dick while kneeling under his desk
but sex aside, while both are good friends with kusanagi, there was always a more intimate connection between mikoto and totsuka
secretly, mikoto would overspend the company’s budget by trying to get the best stylists and staff for totsuka, wanting him to succeed and reach his goal
but as totsuka gets even more famous, and gets even more praise, mikoto can’t help but feel that he’s getting farther away from his grasp. theyre barely able to get a glimpse of each other in the company building, let alone meet each other in his apartment, because of totsuka’s packed schedule
and it doesn’t help that the less he saw totsuka, the more totsuka is seen publicly interacting with other celebrities who are enamored with him
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nonbinaryyue · 2 years
jinsong & yuetara for the ship bingo?
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[id: an ask game bingo. the highlighted boxes are they are EVERYTHING to me, projection central, and I blorboed so hard they’re basically my ocs. end id]
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[id: an ask game bingo. the highlighted boxes are: I like them more as friends/platonically, projection central, the aesthetic is impeccable, and I’m open to it, but I don’t ship it right now. end id]
jinsong my absolute BELOVEDS. in rarepair hell with them :))))). and yuetara is rly interesting bc I’m obsessed with both Yue and Katara but I haven’t read like. any yuetara fic and I love fanart whenever I see it but I haven’t gotten invested in them yet?? def could though
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merriclo · 11 months
I want to know your LU headcanons!
ohHO i will absolutely tell you tysm for asking!! i’ve been wanting to talk abt them for ages but just never got around to it ig ahjdkcka
Time’s actually like 32 and is just really committed to the bit of being ancient
Sky is horrific at making new friends. he grew up with the same small group of people, so he never learned how to make friends with complete strangers because there simply wasn’t the need to. so, when he first starts traveling with the chain, he makes little wooden charms for them because he isn’t entirely sure how else to get close with them. Zelda always enjoyed his woodcarvings, so maybe they will too??
as a result, the entire chain has little trinkets made by Sky. on Legend’s bag there’s charms hanging off the straps, and Twilight wears his as necklaces (both because it looks cool as fuck and it helps the shadow crystal stand out less). yes Wind has specifically commissioned him to make something for Aryll
yeah yeah bunny Legend but consider: the mermaid suit (which I like to think is more of a curse bc get fished pink man <3) giving him some marine animal qualities as well. no matter what tho that bitch is an Ariel kinnie, they’re collecting all the shiny shit they can find
Sky is obsessed with doing puzzles the Right and Proper way, meanwhile Wild cheeses absolutely everything he can
Wind believes in all of those classic pirate superstitions
the witches in Legend’s era adore him. Grandma Syrup dotes on him, Maple is like a teasing older sister, and Irene is like a teasing younger sister. this is where he learned most of his magic skills from, and he takes all potentially enchanted or cursed items to them to check out. he’ll never admit it, but Legend finds lots of comfort in all of them, as they’re one of the few people who’ve stayed in his life this long.
Wild’s a pretty good medic!! during his adventure, he very quickly realized how dangerous infection is, so they learned about a lot of home remedies and medicinal herbs, as well as how to tend to a wound from other travelers at stables and inns. he didn’t really get a choice in learning, considering how he probably got stung or bit by painful insects or accidentally brushed up against painful plants a lot during the early days of their adventure, and thus showed up to stables covered in rashes and hives and such, causing every decent person in the area to flock to them and try to help. their Hyrule is very sweet, okay?
they’re not the only one who’s well acquainted with medicinal herbs, though! while I think all of them would have a basic understanding, Time, Hyrule, Warriors, and Wind would know a lot. dw i’m elaborating
Time quite literally grew up in the forest, was raised by a tree, and had actual forest spirits for siblings—he knows his plants. he and Saria would peel willow bark and collect dandelions together
I like to think that Hyrule being half-fae makes him very sensitive to all magic-based auras, including that of plants, so they’re very good at picking out the healing herbs, even if they’re not quite sure what they’re called
listen ok hear me out about Warriors. young Time was appalled that he knew jackshit about nature and forcefully taught him. also, before modern medicine, medicinal plants were used all the fucking time on the battle field. yarrow, an herb that stops bleeding and prevents infection, is called soldiers’ woundwort because of this. i mention this because he was probably concerned about the health and safety of his troops, so he learned what the medics were doing and using.
Wind grew up on a small, tight-knit island, realistically they would’ve had to have learned how to use the things around them to their fullest advantage. that being said, his knowledge is sort of useless outside of his own era, aside from what he was taught in the war. ok i’m done talking about medicinal herbs now i promise sorry it’s a hobby of mine ahhsjdka
Legend’s terrified of dogs. in Link’s Awakening, the dogs are literally balls on chains with huge mouths full of sharp teeth (basically just Chain Chomps). if you want to get angsty with it: it comes from guard dogs being sent after him on his first adventure. he became a lot less scared to more he spent time with BowBow (the ball and chain dog) but, when he woke up, he got the belief that he could only be safe around a dog in his dreams. he’s pretty damn uncomfortable around Wolfie at first, but after lots of time and learning to trust Twilight, he’s able to slowly overcome his fear. sort of. mostly just with Wolfie. he still hates staying at stables in Wild’s Hyrule.
if Wild doesn’t want to explain/source something he’ll just say it came to him via divine intervention. Sky believes it every single time
I was thinking about Legend’s story a while ago and realized it was kind of similar to Joan of Arc’s so take that as you will. idk if this even counts as a headcanon but i’m putting it here
Warriors and Twilight are really close friends because they both understand the struggles of wrangling dirt worshipping nature freaks. anytime Twilight (lovingly) complains about Wild, Wars will counter with whatever asinine feral child antics young Time got up to and suddenly Twi will feel very blessed and lucky
whenever Four sees someone with their hair in a high ponytail he subconsciously thinks they’re very smart and respectable because Dot always wears her hair in a high ponytail
Hyrule is completely fine with not sleeping on a bedroll. they like the dirt, actually. let them sleep in the dirt.
Legend uses apples in his red potions, both to increase their potency and to make them taste better. he also learned how to enchant apples to be healing on their own so sometimes when someone’s hurt he’ll just shove an apple in their face
uhh so ik this is a lot but this isn’t even close to of all my headcanons so yeah there’s that lmao
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desertduality · 4 months
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have a (questionably rendered) fish guy scar
MY WIFEEE I would find shiny rocks to give him <333
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wifegideonnav · 8 months
top ten gideon nav moments. go.
OH FUCK OK im gonna do this completely off the top of my head
10. when she brushed her teeth before pretending to be a dead corpse (as opposed to an alive corpse)
9. “i might lie down and see if this takes care of itself” (paraphrasing bc i didnt unfortunately bring my copy of htn to this gay club)
8. all of the pommel comments
7. “why didn’t it feel good?”
6. when she showed jeannemary her biceps
5. “first time you didnt call me griddle” and then she immediately dies
4. “you could never have guessed that he had seen me”
3. when she gets flustered when harrow compliments her swordfighting skill after the transference trial
2. “i died knowing you’d hate me; but harrow, you hating me has always meant more than anyone else in this hot and stupid universe loving me. at least i’d had your full attention”
1. when she hugged harrow during the pool scene
ok im definitely forgetting so many but i feel good about this list. gideon nav i love you butch lesbian of all timeee
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I loooove demomedic but I don't like how much stuff abt them seems to be abt Medic trying to "fix" Demo, worrying abt Demo's "health", etc. Idk this is probably mostly just personal interpretation but does it not feel out of character to have Medic's main personality trait be "genuine concern for another person's physical health", yes even if he loves them? Also it's just another way to reduce Demo to a sexy but ultimately useless and self-destructing alcoholic prop. Demo does not need Medic to tell him that Um Actually (nerd finger point emoji) Drinking That Much Is Bad For You, he's an adult and he KNOWS that. PLUS I know it's not canon but I've always imagined Medic as a wreck and possibly a drinker himself, yknow, if he's in a serious setting. Girl's stressed out! Girl has a lot going on! Fic where Medic and Demo get white girl wasted together (or just one of them does and the other takes care of him WITHOUT chastising, making him promise to Stop For Me, etc.) will always outweigh fic where Medic tells Demo that Actually Drinking Is Very Bad For You Please Stop For Me as if he'd be the first person to ever say that, as if he can just Fix all of Demo's problems w the power of his love. Demomedic where Medic is Demo's boyfriend and not, like, his school guidance counselor
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campbyler · 29 days
hiii i love your fic i just need to know what mikes popularity status was as a high schooler. like. was he known as a nerd with like 2 friends? did anyone even know him at all? this has been on my mind for sooo long
i’d say he def was like gently teased in elementary/middle school just like in the show, but he certainly isn’t an outcast or anything! i think it being a modern au + mike, dustin, and lucas going to one of dozens of high schools in a City help him fly under the radar a little more. definitely not popular but also not Bullied per say. especially since once they got to high school he shot up to six feet and even if people Wanted to bully him, i think his height + his bestie being lucas the basketball player would ward them off!
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celestie0 · 1 month
We know that Kickoff!Gojo is a malewhore, but what about the other frat boys? Like, are they very active?
ohh i haven’t thought about this 🤔
i think gojo is the most malewhore of them all lol. imma say choso is kind of at the same level of sluttiness as gojo but he’s the type to be in a million situationships at once cuz he’s got such an idgaf attitude n doesn’t realize when he’s leading so many ppl on 😭…also i think kickoff choso doesn’t chase he attracts lmfao. NANAMI IS IN A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP W HIS HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEART AND ITS MEEEEEEEEE IM THE HS SWEETHEARTT. and hmm geto. hmm
i wanna say kickoff geto is just as popular w the ladies as gojo is but he’s got decorum n doesnt sleep around as much LOL. i think he went through a phase first two years of college where he did hook up w ppl often and then realized it wasn’t really for him. although he’s got a sorority complex n exclusively dates sorority girls lmfao
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mermaidhugs · 19 days
hi omggg for the ask game: how about any ace attorney femslash of your choice in B4 (kabedon)? :3c love your style!!!
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kabedon-ing is good practice for desk slamming, which is an important part of being an attorney, prosecutor or attorney's assistant.
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urostakako · 1 year
Jin Itadori :)
hiii adari <3
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he loves his wife too much
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mango-mya · 1 month
au where everything is the same except elora is a different typa pirate
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BYEEEEEEEEE she's rejected so many hot singles in her area trying to illegally download Bratz dress up games 🔥🔥
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notthesaint · 2 months
Heyyy! Welcome back! I just wanted to say I love your art and now nosk is one of my top HK buds
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desertduality · 4 months
I’m an hour late but I’m here anyway to beat up your anxiety with some unposted doodles
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I finally fell asleep before I could see these but that just means I had something great to wake up to WAHHH the colored one has such warm cozy colors I love it <3 and ofc hotguy looks like the coolest person on the planet, disregarding that he’d probably look into a camera flash from paparazzi and then trip over nothing bc he’s been temporarily blinded akskjdjdh
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rat6irl · 2 months
Unfortunately you can only vote for one but feel free to elaborate in the tags on who you think would smoke weed
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beybuniki · 3 months
happy yaoi friday
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