#Tabla for children
Yk, like sometimes, the greatest fault parents do? Think that "yes only i can know the best for my child." While abusing and neglecting and overwhelming them INSTEAD.
Like today was my PTM, and ibgot low marks because of favoritism of teachers with class toppers and because of my stress.
My parents have the greatest hand in my stressed depressed self. They have put me through SOO MANY classes, just because their frnds were like " oH mY cHiLd DoEs ThEsE tHiNgS! hE's ReAlLy TaLeNtEd!" Like to match with the other kids, my parents put me through hell!
I am indian. So we have many types of dances. And all these dances are taught at my dance school. So i do many things at once:
Dances [yes cuz there are too many]
Harmonium [vocal and many types of songs like classical and rabindra sangeet]
Table tennis 🏓
Drawing and art
Tuition: Maths and Science
Tuition: Language and Ssc
And then comes school! There aremany programs of school. And i had went up to even NATIONAL level of AFS EAC SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIP and came 4th in TT 🏓 and my parents are still NOT satisfied.
It's overwhelming me a LOT. And my parents are like:
"But we couldn't do it before so we are making you do them!"
"But it's good for you!"
"Shut up with you stress-talks! There is nothing called stress!"
"How can you be so stressed? You are so young."
"You have no problem with yourself you don't need therapy"
And then comes school. Fake frnds. Education stress. Pressure. Feels like hell and jail. Grades. And so many other things!
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Milford Graves, Arthur Doyle, Hugh Glover — Children of the Forest (Black Editions)
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Children of the Forest by Milford Graves, Arthur Doyle, Hugh Glover
Drummer Milford Graves rarely recorded during his lifetime, and, until recently, most of his releases were long out of print. Corbett vs. Dempsey began to rectify that with key reissues of Bäbi, his trio with reed players Arthur Doyle and Hugh Glover, and The Complete Yale Concert 1966, his duos with Don Pullen. TUM records stepped in with Wadada Leo Smith’s Sacred Ceremonies, a 3 CD set including an incendiary duo with Graves along with a trio with Graves and bassist Bill Laswell. Since his death in February, 2021 Black Editions Archive has stepped up the game, digging in to Graves’ vaults, first with an issue of a trio set by Peter Brötzmann, Milford Graves, William Parker, and now, with Children of the Forest, a set of recordings captured in Graves’ Queens workshop with Doyle and Glover in the months leading up to the Bäbi session. The two-LP set documents a January 1976 duo session with Graves along with Glover on tenor saxophone, a brief drum solo from February of that year and a March trio session with Graves, Glover on klaxon, percussion and vaccine (a Haitian one-note trumpet) and Doyle on tenor saxophone and flute. The torrid rawness of these recordings looks toward the torrential barrage of Bäbi but brings out a more ritualistic edge to the playing.
Graves had spent his early years studying African drumming, tablas and playing timbales in Latin jazz bands and that sense of time, extended from African and Caribbean ceremonial music and ritual imbue these sessions. Hugh Glover talks about this and the time he spent with Graves, whom he refers to as Prof, in the extensive interview included with the LP set conducted by Jake Meginsky. “We were listening to the music of the peoples of the interior forest of the Congo… First, the Prof’s mood sets up a tribal-like atmosphere. It’s Congo-like — possession states. The rhythms, I think they immediately stimulated the need to dance… The next thing one must know and be aware of is that Milford Graves, he is not a time-keeping drummer like most jazz drummers. Prof represents the epitome of traditional hand drumming. I’m talking about ceremonial music and ritualistic sounds most familiar with divination.” 
Hugh Glover only recorded a few times so the January duo session with him and Graves is a particular find. The first of the four improvisations starts out with the percussionist’s churning thunder, leading to the entry of the tenor player’s hoarse, braying cries. The two had known each other for a decade at that point and Glover had been part of a European tour of Graves’ quartet along with Joe Rigby and Arthur Williams. That symbiosis is immediately evident. There’s a fluid sense of polyphony and elastic polyrhythms at play as the two bound along with ebullient intensity. The music is charged with open, spontaneous interchange and while the intensity level is high, they never overpower each other. Graves’ percussion work is revelatory here, spilling across his kit with a limber, propulsive dynamism. One can hear the legacy of African and Latin American rhythms exploded out with the drummer’s lithe control of tuned skin and slashing cymbals, with masterful control of dynamics and timbre. The inclusion of a short, 2-minute recording from the session reveals their careful attention to detail as the two sound-check the room and their balance and then charge into a compact give-and-take. Their concluding 7-minute improvisation is a particular highlight as they ebb and flow with synchronous fervor. 
The inclusion of a three-minute drum solo, recorded in February, is a brilliant addition to the set, particularly since Graves didn’t release any solo recordings until his two discs on Tzadik that came out in the late 1990s. On this 1976 recording, Graves distills his unified, multi-limbed attack into a roiling tempest of energy. Each thundering salvo, each cymbal crash, each resounding wallop of the bass drum is meted out with focus and intention. Glover remarks that listening to the solo recording he was struck by “the melody, and the melody of the tones that he gets, the way he rocks from one melody pitch to another. It has always been a mystery to me how Cuban drummers in Bata were able to modulate the rhythm and the meter. Well, it takes more than one player to do it Cuban style. Prof shows you can do it as one player.” 
The three March improvisations with Graves, Glover, and Arthur Doyle provide a notable link in the trajectory toward the session recorded a few weeks later that would be released as Bäbi. Glover reminisces about the March session here, noting “When we played, though, Doyle and I, we weren’t thinking of BÄBI [a name Graves used for his conceptual approach to improvisation]. We were thinking of… well I know I was thing of, and I’m pretty sure he was thinking, how do we keep up with Prof!” While that may have been going through their minds, that uncertainty never reveals itself in their playing. Graves begins the 12-minute improvisation that opens the set with tuned cascades of rim shots and toms and the two quickly join in, with Doyle’s raspy tenor crying out against the shifting percussion. The modulating rhythms and meters of Graves’ solo are the foundation of the buzzing whorls that develop in three-way, spontaneous orchestration which never flags for a moment. The shorter second piece kicks off with an extended section of chattering drums, making way for the two partners to interject barking, ecstatic exclamations that mount with intensity as Graves hurtles in with clanging cowbell. The final piece is the most abstracted, with Doyle’s high-pitched flute skirling against the chafed yawp of Glover’s klaxon and Graves’ coursing flow. Here, improvisation and ritual are melded together with pelting focus. 
Glover concludes his interview reminiscing  that “It was like Prof was saying, there is no ensemble, there is no musical configuration that I can’t play with as long as I’m allowed to play what I want to play. In other words, his confidence factor was like, I know I have the essence of where any group wants to go. If they allow me to do my thing, I’ll take them there.” The sessions released on Children of the Forest are a fitting testament to that belief and provide a welcome addition to the documentation of the lineage of Graves’ musical legacy. Here's to hoping that Black Editions continues to mine the Prof’s archives. 
Michael Rosenstein
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mywifeleftme · 8 months
294: Nashenas // Life is a Heavy Burden
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Life is a Heavy Burden Nashenas 2022, Strut (Bandcamp)
Nashenas is one of Afghanistan’s most beloved twentieth century singers. Born in Kandahar in 1935, he was raised in Karachi, British India (now Pakistan) before his family returned to Afghanistan during his adolescence. By his early 20s he had become a popular vocalist, with a weekly national radio slot singing traditional poetry, adaptations of popular Bollywood songs, and (with increasing frequency) his own compositions in Dari and Pashto.
Most of his work is in the ghazal tradition, a form of Arabo-Persian poetic ode (classically a simultaneous address to an absent lover and to God) that has remained popular in the East for nearly 1,500 years. The songs have a meditative consistency of rhythm, his vocals carrying the melody as he accompanies himself with drones on the harmonium while a tabla player supplies percussion, verses broken by instrumental refrains that answer the vocal melody. Nashenas has a panged yet resigned style suitable to the form, never leaning into cheap emotional theatrics. He spools out his words patiently, great feeling leavened by enlightened reservation. I picture him with his eyes closed, sitting cross-legged as he hums and croons the words that billow from the incense burning within him till the room has filled with it. Despite the focus on his voice though, this is quite dynamic music: the drumming on songs like “Life is a Heavy Burden” provides a raw, intense counterpoint to Nashenas’s steady vocal, while the blissful harmonium drone of “I Am Happy Alone” finds a common note with the primary colours of music made by children, outsider folkies, and the untrained.
Physical media wasn’t common in Afghanistan when Nashenas was establishing himself, and radio broadcasts were the primary outlet for performers. What recordings he did make were largely for radio archives, and many of these were apparently destroyed in the wars that have ravaged the region for decades. As a result, little of Nashenas’s prime is well-documented, and prior to this compilation virtually none of what does exist had been released in the West. Life is a Heavy Burden: The Songs and Poetry of Nashenas collects highlights from a brief run of Iranian 45 pressings of Radio Afghanistan recordings from the late ‘50s. The liners elaborate:
Although hard to fully confirm, it appeared these records were part of an arrangement between someone in Radio Afghanistan and Royal, one of the major labels in Iran. …Recordings were presumably supplied to the pressing plant in Tehran to be manufactured and then sold to the Afghan diaspora in the country, or exported back to Afghanistan. It was ultimately unsuccessful, with a few singles released by Nashenas, Zaland, his wife Sara, and others such as Ustad Mahwash, Ghulam Dastagir Shaida, and Ahmad Wali. Whoever arranged it apparently did not inform the artists themselves!
You’d never know how screamingly rare these pieces are, or that they were not sourced from masters, from the job Strut Records has done with Life is a Heavy Burden. The fidelity is brilliant, clearly of another epoch in terms of technology but unmarred by the dust and rough handling endured by near-70-year-old second-hand discs. I’d recommend this one to anyone with an interest in mid-century music from the Middle East and South Asia, or its influence on Western pop and experimental music from the ‘60s onward.
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luminerium · 8 months
@weird-ecologies tagged me to share 9 3 books i've read in the last 12 months or and 9 books on my tbr list for this year. unfortunately i haven't been reading much recently bc depression :)
BUT here are 3 books i've reread recently:
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the house of untold stories by peter chiykowski | adult children of emotionally immature parents by lindsay c. gibson | las venas abiertas de américa latina (open veins of latin america) by eduardo galeano
plus a bunch in my tbr list:
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libro de la vida (book of life) by jimena barbeito | un libro sobre drogas (a book about drugs) by several authors | libro de la muerte (book of death) by pablo esteban | 118. el universo en una tabla (118. the universe in a table) by several authors | breve atlas anecdótico de la ciencia (brief anecdotal atlas of science) by juan manuel carballeda | pensar con otros (thinking with others) by guadalupe nogués | fiebre: breve colección de epidemias (fever: brief collection of epidemics) by juan manuel carballeda | ministerio de invierno (ministry of winter) by juan cruz balian | tabú (taboo) by andrés rieznik
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sofipitch · 2 years
Can I say how much I hated HATED the freaking “lEStAt oNlY kILleD eViLOeRs” retconning bullshit AR pulled in TVL??? I get that there has to be some retconning to make it work and some of it is well done but that in particular is ridiculous and I will never accept it as canon. I really enjoyed TVL until the paragraph where Lestat is quickly going thru the events in the first book and shits on Louis’ whole account of events it is so condescending. “I can’t blame him for misunderstanding me I guess and I forgive his mistakes and the outright lies he told about me cuz I love him. How could he know I only ever killed bad people tehe he was a mess it’s really not his fault” (still overall like the book)… I know it’s the Louis girl in me and Louis isn’t perfect by any means but nah what we aren’t gonna do is invalidate everything he said and every experience he had just because you became obsessed with Lestat and started hating Louis.
I agree 100% and I am also a Louis truther. Usually what Louis lies about in IWTV is his feelings, as well as simply leaving certain scenes that might be too personal out (only part of what Lestat said that I believe, they were happy and it was unfair of Louis to hand wave that time). I tend to believe what he says goes in terms of what happened, so I believe that if Lestat actually stuck to the principle of "eating the evildoer" he would have told Louis. Like Louis struggles with eating humans and Lestat is so visibly concerned and upset there's no way that if that's what he did he wouldn't tell and give that option to Louis. Like even if Louis can't read minds why couldn't Lestat pick out the evildoers and bring it to him?
Also there are just discrepancies in Lestat saying he only ate evildoers, the children Claudia brings Lestat full of laudanum are CHILDREN, I'm sorry I don't believe children/babies are a tabla rusa but I also don't believe they are capable of being evil. And there is really no other way for that scene to make sense, an adult passed out from drinking maybe but it just isn't the same in terms of "she brought him a child to feed on as revenge bc of what he did to her in making her". Lestat also is described as killing TONS of slaves when they burn down the plantation, simply bc they found out that Louis and Lestat are, you know, blood sucking murderers
I also just hate the whole evildoer thing in the first place. Lestat actually comes up with the idea on his own before he meets Marius but decides a lot of ppl might do evil or commit crime do to circumstance, namely poverty. Instead of deciding to eat the rich Lestat just decides evil is hard to define and abandons the idea. But when Marius tells him to do just what he rejected he goes "Aye aye boss 🫡" It was a dumb way for AR to write her way out of that philosophical quandary
AR also uses the whole evildoer thing to promote her own weird views, namely super anti drug (AR was DARE paying you off for this?) campaign, which can get a little, well racist. QOTD specifically mentions Armand going to Latin America to find drug dealers and steal their money, which it's not like drug lords aren't an issue but how is it that they came to mind first and not the American elite rich who own companies like Walmart? I also don't believe in the death penalty and yes these are serial killer books but AR really tries to sell you the idea that they are good and moral for killing "bad" ppl, and in PL mention having a dungeon stocked full of prisoners as food 💀 It's fun as a horror concept but I REALLY get the feeling through reading that AR thinks this is good and not extremely fucked up for these wealthy pharmaceutical company owning vampire (I'm describing one guy but they all get their wealth inhumanely, landlording mostly, which AR seems to think is an honest living) to just get to decide what crimes are deserving of death
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kartikrayatt123 · 3 months
Ganga-Cauvery: A Jugalbandhi of Hindustani & Carnatic Music
Date: 20th July 2024 Time: 6:00 PM onwards Venue: Al Thuraya Ballroom, Pullman Doha Hotel
Beats N Tunes Returns with a Musical Extravaganza
After a four-year hiatus, Beats N Tunes is thrilled to announce its grand return with the much-anticipated event, Ganga-Cauvery: A Jugalbandhi of Hindustani & Carnatic Music. This unique musical fusion is set to take place on 20th July 2024 at the prestigious Al Thuraya Ballroom, Pullman Doha Hotel, West Bay, Doha.
An Evening of Legendary Performances
The evening promises a mesmerizing blend of two classical music traditions, brought to life by two of India’s most acclaimed musicians. Purbayan Chatterjee, a President of India awardee and leading sitar maestro, will join forces with Ambi Subramaniam, celebrated as "the new king of Indian classical violin" and often compared to "India’s Itzhak Perlman."
About the Artists
Purbayan Chatterjee is renowned for his ability to bridge different musical genres. Leading the band “Classicool,” he has several international albums that have topped charts globally. His performances have graced prominent festivals such as the Roskilde Festival in Denmark, the OzAsia Festival in Australia, and the Traumzeit Festival in Germany.
Ambi Subramaniam began his musical journey at the tender age of three under the guidance of his father and guru, Dr. L. Subramaniam. By seven, he was performing on stage, and his career has since been adorned with accolades like the Ritz Icon of the Year Award, the Rotary Youth Award, and two Global Indian Music Awards. Named among GQ’s 25 Most Influential Young Indians in 2021, Ambi also co-runs SaPa with his sister Bindu, teaching music to over 30,000 children.
Accompanying these maestros will be Tanay Rege on tabla and Phalgun Parupalli on mridangam, adding depth and rhythm to this exceptional musical dialogue.
Ticket Information
There are three categories of tickets available for this event:
GOLD: QR 150
Join Us for a Night of Musical Unity
The countdown to Ganga-Cauvery has begun. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness a confluence of Hindustani and Carnatic music, where East meets South in a harmonious blend.
Contact Information
For any queries regarding the program, please contact Gopal Balasubramaniam at 55841765 or email at [email protected].
Book your tickets now and be part of this grand musical celebration.
“Music Binds Us All”
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tansen1232 · 4 months
Summer Camps In kalkaji 2024
Summer Camps at Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya sound like a fantastic opportunity for aspiring musicians! Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya is known for its rich heritage in Indian classical music and dance education. Their summer camps likely offer intensive training in various musical instruments like sitar, tabla, flute, and vocals, as well as dance forms like Kathak, Bharatanatyam, and Odissi.
Dear parents🙏 Greetings from Tansen ✍ We at Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya Organising SUMMER CAMP that strives to personal growth for children by providing them fun, safe educational and recreational programs
Registration Open 👇 https://forms.gle/fqqz3bEVNWfpJktHA
📞 085272 75544 ☎ o1145796860
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These camps are not only about learning music or dance but also about experiencing the cultural heritage and traditions associated with them. They might include workshops, performances, and interactions with renowned artists, providing a holistic learning experience.
For anyone passionate about music and dance, attending a summer camp at Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya could be both enriching and enjoyable, offering a chance to hone their skills while immersing themselves in the beauty of Indian classical arts.
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winningthesweepstakes · 8 months
Bravo, Anjali! by Sheetal Sheth, illustrated by Lucia Soto
Bravo, Anjali! by Sheetal Sheth, illustrated by Lucia Soto. Random House Children’s Books, 2021. 9780593651186 Version 1.0.0 Rating:  1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 4 Format: Hardcover picture book Genre: Realistic fiction What did you like about the book? Anjali is the only girl in her tabla class.  She loves playing the traditional Indian hand drum set, and she’s really…
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asidesandbsides · 8 months
Starts With P, Part 2
Gary Lewis and the Playboys - (You Don't Have to) Paint Me a Picture / Looking for the Stars
The A-Side is a jaunty little tune that serves the pop function of having catchy words the listener can remember easily, but doesn't do much more than that. The B-Side is mostly a comedy sketch featuring celebrity vocal impressions, coming out swinging with a John Wayne right off the bat. I never knew this before, but Gary Lewis is actually the son of Jerry Lewis, and I think that might explain this. Both sides are in pretty good shape.
Popeye - A Whale of a Tale (Beginning) / A Whale of a Tale (Conclusion)
Well, I wasn't expecting that. This is a children's book on record, featuring the voices of characters like Popeye, Olive Oyl, and their associates on an adventure involving none other than Moby Dick Mopey Nick? The copyright date is 1973, when my mom was in high school, so I'm not exactly sure how this disc came to be in her collection. One of those curiosities of life. I found it on youtube, if you're interested.
The Poppy Family featuring Susan Jacks - That's Where I Went Wrong / Shadows on My Wall
There is some interesting stuff going on in the refrain of this psychedelic torch track, I kind of dig it. But my jam is the B-Side, which foregrounds the tabla drum for a truly spooky, haunting sound. Should have been the A-Side, I say.
Elvis Presley - Kentucky Rain / My Little Friend
A classic from the King's country era, both sides are a little marred by the ravages of time. "My Little Friend" is no hit (at least I've never heard of it being one), but it's a pleasant tune, though it skips a little. "Kentucky Rain" is an epic, and really shows off the power of Presley's voice.
Elvis Presley - I Can't Help Falling in Love With You / Rock-A-Hula Baby
This song, on the other hand, demonstrates the exceptional lightness and grace with which Elvis could sing. It's a shame the disc is so crackly, because it's an exceptional song, truly deserving of its place in the King's legend. The B-Side is *squints* "Rock-A-Hula-Baby." well, the King sure had quite the varied career.
Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds / You'll Think of Me
A little faint and distant-sounding, unfortunately. I've certainly heard "Suspicious Minds" sound more vital than this. Still a good listen though. I kind of forgot that it had that false fade-out, you got me good Elvis! Sure enough, the B-Side sounds a lot more present and the room, with a fuller sound. And it's not a bad song, either! "You'll Think of Me" isn't an Elvis classic necessarily, but he sings it well.
Elvis Presley - Burning Love / It's a Matter of Time
Now this disc is, comparatively, in excellent condition. Listen to those drums! "Burning Love" is a great example of latter-day Elvis in rock form, with a good portion of the energy of his earliest days. The B-Side is a little more sedate. Well, a lot more sedate. There are a lot of sides to this guy, you know? One side just likes to sing pretty little tunes with low stakes.
Billy Preston with Syreeta - With You I'm Born Again / All I Wanted Was You
Not the sound one typically expects from Motown, or from Billy Preston, for that matter. Lots of strings, and it builds in ecstatic fashion to what might be described as a big feathery climax. The side minus Syreeta, on the other hand, is just straight disco-funk. Put that on when the party is getting crazy and some one is putting a lampshade on their head.
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heyitskeiily · 11 months
Musical Theme
The name of the playlist is "Echoes of Nature." The theme revolves around nature and various music genres. The beauty and mystery associated with nature have always acted as an endless fountain of musical inspiration, featuring an array of sensational feelings (Pichl et al., 2016). These pieces portray different aspects of nature, including the whispering breeze among the treetops and the forceful thump of crashing waves, giving the listener an amazing experience.
The Echoes of Nature Playlist has six songs, which include; Vivaldi - "Spring" from The Four Seasons (Classical/Traditional), Pink Floyd - "Echoes" (Rock), Miles Davis - "In a Silent Way" (Jazz/Electronic), Lupe Fiasco - "Daydreamin'" (Hip Hop), John Denver - "Country Roads" (Country/Folk) and Ravi Shankar - "Raga Jog" (Traditional). 
In Vivaldi's "Spring" from The Four Seasons, the classical masterpiece envelops listeners in the essence of blooming life and vitality. The brisk tempo, vibrant melodies, and consonant harmonies joyously announce the arrival of spring. The strings dance playfully, perfectly mirroring the lively atmosphere of nature waking up from its winter slumber. 
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-dYNttdgl0
Pink Floyd's "Echoes" is a surreal sonic journey that immerses its audience in an intricate tapestry of sound. Incorporating atmospheric elements reminiscent of ocean waves and seagulls, the music paints an immersive sonic landscape. Just like the rising and falling motion of tides, this process is similar to the accumulation of tension before a release of tension.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53N99Nim6WE
The improvisational jazz of “In Silent Way” by Miles Davis includes electronic sounds that combine into deep stillness and peacefulness. The slow pace, gentle trumpet harmonies, and electronic sounds summon an unobtrusive mood as though that of a quiet, even lake at twilight. The listener is invited into the contemplation of nature’s tranquilitythrough this composition and to be engulfed in an atmosphere of calm.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHesqaMhh34]
However, Lupe Fiasco’s “Daydreamin’” is full of dreamy melodic sounds alongside self-evaluative lyrics that compel people to reflect on the world they live in. It is also childish as it uses playful samples of little children giggling, keeping the recordings grounded in terms of innocence and amazement. The cheerful sounds contrasted with reflective lyrics also depict the beauty and rich, imaginative nature of childhood.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XOAStfv-v0
The song “country roads” captures the essence and beauty of the Appalachian region. The fast rhythm and playful tunes carry one back to that idyll lost in their innocence when one left village life. Denver’s lyrics evoke pictures of curved highways, soaring mountains, and braided waterways that entice people to go back to natural elements.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vrEljMfXYo
“Raga Jog” is one of the Indian classical compositions, and it artfully depicts the rainy monsoon season in Ravi Shankar. Delicate sitar lines and bold tabla beat mirror the subtlety of raindrop patterns and tempest noise. The improvised nature of this piece makes it possible for the musicians to imitate the erratic characteristics of various weather patterns, yielding an ever-changing sound landscape that evokes the naturalness of life.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lcB48oQq6s
In conclusion, the “Echoes of Nature” playlist addresses how multiple composers from different music genres draw their motivational and influence basis from nature. This playlist contains classical operas to avant-garde rock and jazz experiments. Each song is an insightful perspective into nature’s complex beauty. Utilizing carefully sculpted melodies, tempos, and soundscapes, the artists successfully captured the very soul of nature. The work invites their listeners into an ecstatic communion with the wonders of nature, making a perfect link between music and the environment.
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elotroalberto · 1 year
AIFF Co-presenting DIÓGENES
Diógenes Directed by Leonardo Barbuy La Torre
Narrative | 76 min | Peru | 2023
Quechua with English subtitles
In the Peruvian Andes, two siblings are raised in isolation by their father,  a Tablas de Sarhua painter who exchanges his art in the village for supplies, while his children wait for him, cared for by their dogs.
One morning, Diogenes does not wake up. Sabina and Santiago live for three days with the corpse of their father, longing for him to wake up. After recognizing his death, they go in search of their past.
Saturday | September 30 | 12:30 PM Emerson Paramount Theatre
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mywifeleftme · 9 months
268: Laxmikant-Pyarelal // Dosti
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Dosti Laxmikant-Pyarelal 1964, Angel
Composing partners Laxmikant Shantaram Kudalkar and Pyarelal Ramprasad Sharma worked together for 35 years and, per Hindustan Times,composed about 2,900 songs for 750 different films during that span—a level of productivity basically unfathomable outside of the specific context of the insanely prolific Bollywood studio system. 1966’s Dosti soundtrack was their artistic and commercial breakthrough, and as such it occupies a significant place in Indian music history. I’ve never seen the film, though its cover features two crying boys hugging so it may be up my alley. The Wikipedia synopsis makes it sound like a melodrama without parallel (aside from several hundred others made by Bollywood that same year). The movie opens with a boy’s father dying in an industrial catastrophe, his mother fainting and falling down the stairs (to her death), and then the boy getting disabled in an accident of his own. He then makes friends with a homeless blind boy, and the two chums are then rigorously wedgied by life itself for the next three hours until a happy ending imposes itself.
Working with lyricist Majrooh Sultanpuri (a notable leftist poet), Laxmikant-Pyarelal’s songs are strongly credited with Dosti’s enduring success, and while I’m neither an expert in their oeuvre nor Bollywood music as a whole, I can tell you this is beautiful music any fan of adventurous vintage pop should adore. The songs all strike my ear as happy, but with a tear welling in their eyes. It’s more subtle stuff than I associate with contemporary Bollywood: “Gudiya Kab Tak Na Hasogy” twinkles and minces to a gentle dance rhythm, leaving room for soulful flute and harmonium (or accordion?) solos and the melancholy lilt of a mandolin. Both members of the duo had a strong education in Western and Indian classical music, and these sentimental songs find the sweet spot between the traditions, with vigorous tabla rhythms and droning strings meeting melodies that evoke spaghetti western scores (“Janewalo Zara”) or practically quote “Ode to Joy” (“Rahi Manwa”).
It was the convention at the time for a reliable cadre of vocalists to dub over the singing voices of the lead actors, and Laxmikant-Pyarelal established long-standing relationships with their favourites. Dosti features two of their standbys, with Mohammed Rafi handling five of the six songs on the 10” soundtrack I own, and Lata Mangeshkar taking the other. Both absolute legends on the subcontinent, while Rafi and Mangeshkar were each well into adulthood by the time they recorded these songs they give such naively haloed performances that if you can squint (your ears?) just a little it’s easy to imagine they might have originated from the lips of children.
The scope of my expertise in this area is extremely limited, but if it’s not clear, Dosti gets my highest recommendation. If you should come across a ‘60s record with the Laxmikant-Pyarelal imprimatur at your local used shop, give it a shot.
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nityarawal · 1 year
"My Little Pony," - Diana 
"My Little Pony,"
That Jingle
Got Stuck In My Head
"My Little Pony,"
Be Careful
What You Wish For
My Voice
Ain't For Sale
"My Little Pony,"
Oh How We Played 
With Those Dolls
In The Bath
Combed Their Hair
In Lake Tahoe
While Our Daddies
Built Homes
For Us Muses
"My Little Pony,"
A Chant
In My
Childhood Brain
"My Little Pony,"
My 14th
Pop Star Tween
Birthday Present
My Best Friend
Dirty Diana
In The '90's
Our Princess Diana
From Michael Jackson
Trolled By Gay
Monks Smear
Selling Out Her Family
On Bribes
"My Little Pony,"
So Much More
Than A
Song Writer
"My Little Pony,"
Now Dean Of
"My Little Pony,"
Set Up A
Waldorf School
"My Little Pony,"
Went To Northwestern
Put Herself
Through College
"My Little Pony,"
Treated The Gals
To Lunch
All Through
Self Sufficient
Even Southern Texas
Millionaires Kids
Bellas' Not Allowed
To Work
"My Little Pony,"
Hosted Us
In New York
East Hampton
Up The Hudson
Livingston Manor
Little Knitting
Mother Divine Stops
Omega Institute
Red Barn House
Swedish Folk
Stenciled Everywhere
By Mom
Christmas Jokes
The "Jewish Temples"
Oh, "Dirty Diana,"
Jewish Cyrkle
Red Rubber Ball
Beatles Opener
Byrds Agent
Sister Of My
Transcendental Heart
Santa Swedish Mom
Civil Activist 
Dirty Diana
Hybrid Economy
"My Little Pony,"
Oh What Would
I Have Done
To See You Sing
At Woodstock
"Star Spangled Banner,"
You Told Me
What Mothers "Wove"
On My Last
Train Up The Hudson
In The Autumn
Gold Leaves, Red & Orange
Nature's Miracles
You Told Me By 
The Fire
Your Hubby Cohen
In The Loft
Snoring Like 
A Freight Train
Tired From Hard Work
Building School Temple
"Dirty Diana,"
Dean Of Students
Yeah We'd Go To Tempe
To Beat Your Tune
"Dirty Diana,"
"My Little Pony,"
East Hampton
Dutchess County
Farm Maiden
"My Little Pony,"
For Education
Sellin' Old Gringo
Cowboy Boots
For Kids
"My Little Pony,"
Yeah We'd Move
To The Dessert
For You
"My Little Pony,"
Yeah We'd Move
To The Dessert
For You
"My Little Pony,"
Ma- "Is It True?"
Byron Katie
Queried You
Yeah- We'd Move
To Tempe
To Be Mothered
By Your Lot
At University
Of Arizona Plot
Just Tell My Son
To Call
Children Are
Lining Up
We Got Our
Writers Ready
To Detox
On Strike
Call Magistrate Judges
Influencers Children
Almost 18 Years Old
Some Hit
The Mark
Like Isha Kyan
And Vivian Wilson (Musk)
And Her 
Twin Brother
Buddha Rising
Buddha King
King Tasters
Great Grandson
Muses Dance
String Instruments
Persian Violin
Ready For Your
Next Krishna Moves
Luthier's Say
Bring #FreeBritneys
Boys Home From
She Didn't Agree
Plots Canada
With Conservators
Of Court
Australian Cons
Monarch Bribes
Bring #FreeBritney Boys
Home To The Mainland
Bit 'O Brit
Was Far Too "Nice"
But I Know You're Right
That Mamma's Not
A "B"
At All
But I Know
That "Mamma 
Maui" Didn't 
Like The "Lahaina Fires,"
Bride Price For Their Heads
Mother Maui
It's Through 
At University Of Hawaii 
Lahaina Youtubers
Drummed Her Fires
With Our Feet
Police States
No More Probate
On Our Shores
No More Probate
On Our Singers
Dr's Love
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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nisargaschool · 1 year
Nursery School Hegganahalli
Nursery school hegganahalli has classrooms, library facilities, unique child development programs, and transportation. Besides these, the school provides a safe and secure environment for children.
Across England, state-funded nursery schools play a vital role in local communities. They are disproportionately located in areas of deprivation and support families who cannot access other forms of welfare support.
The classrooms at nursery school hegganahalli are carefully designed to encourage independence and exploration in an environment that encourages social interaction. The curriculum is a balance of teacher-facilitated and child-initiated activities and learning experiences. This includes a mix of indoor and outdoor play in a classroom that is a safe and well-equipped place for children to enjoy themselves.
Classrooms at nsns are filled with toys, books, arts and crafts, and play structures that offer a wide range of experiences for children of all ages. In addition, the class schedule allows for children to attend as little or as much of the week as they wish. Children may also attend additional classes in music, art, and physical education.
The school is a cooperative preschool, which means that parents or caregivers participate in the day-to-day operations of the school. This involvement provides a unique opportunity for parents or caregivers to learn alongside their children and helps to ensure that the school is run by caring people. Caregivers typically spend one day a month in the classroom and help with the annual grounds clean up and primary fundraiser, The Little Folks Fair.
The school has a well-stocked library with books of different genres. It also has separate library facilities for Junior and Senior Classes. The library also provides unique child development programs. These include expert trainers in Vocal, Tabla, Classical Dance, Instrumental Music and Art. This makes the school stand out from its competitors.
The library also has many resources for parents to help their children learn. It offers a variety of reading materials, including books for infants and toddlers. It also has a selection of toys and games for children to play with. The library also has a project of the day and a craft room.
Gmps Hegganahalli Middle School is located in the NORTH1 block of Bangalore U North district of Karnataka, India. This co-educational school was founded in 2005 and is recognized by the Government of Karnataka. The school is also a member of the National Association of Private Schools. The school has a large student population and offers mid-day meals to all students.
School playground is an important component of pre-school education. It can help children to develop physical skills and improve social relationships. Playgrounds at schools should be designed in a way that encourages physical activity and provides safe, attractive and engaging environment. It should also provide good supervision of the students while they are playing on the playground. Playground at guhps hegganahalli is safe and well maintained. It has various unique child development programs. Its students are trained by expert trainers for Vocal, Tabla Classical Dance and Instrumental Music etc.
The school provides safe and secure transportation options for students. Students are transported in air-conditioned buses and vans. Moreover, students can avail of unique child development programs like Vocal, Tabla, Classical Dance, Instrumental Music etc. The school has bright and spacious classrooms and well-equipped laboratories.
All transportation requests/ changes/ concerns must be made through the preschool secretary. This will ensure that your child’s teacher and assistant are fully aware of any transportation change.
You can find numerous properties for sale near Mount Carmel Central School, Hegganahalli, Bangalore. These properties include 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK apartments; independent houses and villas. You can also explore various independent villas for sale at a pocket-friendly price range. You can also download the Moovit App to get current schedules and step-by-step directions for Bus routes that pass through Maramma Temple Hegganahalli.
0 notes
truelistmarketing · 1 year
Truelist : Best Buy And Sell App
TrueList is India's leading buy and sell app and the largest local marketplace for purchasing and selling items. Our app provides an enjoyable and intuitive shopping experience, enabling you to sell your unwanted items, find great bargains on pre-owned products, and interact directly with sellers from the comfort of your home. With just a few clicks, you can post ads and sell items online in India effortlessly.
We offer a diverse range of products across categories including Mobiles, Cars and Bikes, Electronics, Real Estate, Fashion, and more, making TrueList a comprehensive platform for all your buying and selling needs.
The TrueList app is fast and innovative, allowing you to list items quickly and effortlessly, and features customer service support by chat,and tailored alerts based on your interests. The Electronics category features a wide range of unused electronics, such as mobiles, laptops, televisions, desktops, cameras, drones, Go Pros, watches, and accessories, as well as furniture like sofas, beds, mattresses, chairs, office tables, dining tables, and cupboards.
The Fashion category offers a vast selection of clothing, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and children, including watches, jackets, shoes, dresses, jewelry, bags, backpacks, belts, sunglasses, wallets, and hats. The Real Estate category on TrueList provides a convenient search for properties, including plots/lands, flats, houses/villas, agriculture, commercial, and hostel/PG options, allowing you to search by category and choose from rental, lease, or purchase options.
The Cars and Bikes category features a wide range of vehicles, including cars, bikes, electric cars, trucks, electric bikes, electric trucks, cycles, autos, and vans, as well as vehicle accessories. The Home Appliances category includes fridges, microwaves, washing machines, air conditioners, geysers, fans, and inverters, along with kitchen appliances like water purifiers, dishwashers, mixers, grinders, juicers, and electric cookers.
TrueList also offers an extensive range of services, such as coaching, technical services, electrical services, medical, agricultural, industrial, electrical, mechanical, construction, machines, and musical instruments. For businesses seeking sale or investment opportunities, TrueList has a section for businesses for sale and pre-launch investments, as well as partnerships.
Additionally, TrueList has a Jobs section featuring listings for various positions, such as teachers, software developers, accountants, designers, sales and marketing, office assistants, drivers, cooks, and security guards. Pet lovers will appreciate the Pets category, which offers listings for pet food, pet sales, and pet houses.
The Sports category includes outdoor and indoor equipment and gear for activities such as yoga, cardio, cross training, body building, boxing, kids sports, football, basketball, cricket, volleyball, hockey, rugby, swimming, diving, carrom, golf, archery, dart, billiards, roller skating, skateboarding, and scooters. The Arts and Antiques category encompasses sketching, stencils, oil painting, water painting, antiques, coins, stamps, academics, exam books, comics, general books, old papers, magazines, novels, and posters. The Musical Instruments category includes guitars, keyboards, drums, pianos, flutes, trumpets, violins, sitars, veenas, ghatams, bongos, saxophones, harmonicas, accordions, bugles, clarinets, tablas, sehnai, and mridangam.
TrueList is India's top classified site and a one-stop-shop for all your shopping needs. Download the best buying and selling app today and become a part of India's largest online marketplace. Connect with us on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/truelistdeepnucleus Connect with us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/truelistt Tweet to us - https://twitter.com/truelist Follow us on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/truelistt For support and queries, visit [email protected]
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kidzelearn · 1 year
Does a Rubik's Cube Make Your Kids Smart?
Each parent would believe that his youngster should have the most ideal schooling. For most guardians, well-rounded schooling spells future accomplishment for their kids. Acquainting jokes with play as an approach to learning can energize their advantage in the letter set, numbers, varieties, creatures, and other things. Presenting youngsters to training at an early age will enact their secret gifts and assist with moving them to future achievement.
Books are great instruments for learning. Nonetheless, children can some of the time find books rather exhausting that after they complete the process of understanding it, they simply place it inside the rack to collect residue, at no point ever to be perused in the future. There is one toy be that as it may, which just costs a couple of dollars, yet draws in children to think plain reasoning, however breaking down.
The Rubik's 3D square was planned in 1974 as a gadget to help youthful understudies learn and grasp three-layered calculation. Much to his dismay, his slight solid shape would soon turn into the world's top rated toy; 35 million pieces having been sold starting from the beginning of its large scale manufacturing. The Rubik's Block is a solid shape with various varieties on each level surface. It is a round of calculation and rationale. The thought is to make each surface of the body a strong variety. This part is the most incredibly testing. A standard Rubik's Shape estimating 3X3 can introduce 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 potential situations, however there is at last one answer for this large number of situations.
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What might a Rubik's shape at any point perhaps show your kid? Your kid's most memorable illustration, and one which he can utilize later in his life, is the excellence of persistence. For a fledgling, tackling the Rubik's 3D square can require hours, weeks, months, or perhaps never, with the exception of in the event that the individual playing is a super virtuoso.
Your children will likewise gain consistent thinking and discipline from playing and Learn Rubik's Cube in Fremont. Your kid's mind will be subliminally prepared to think deliberately and coherently as he investigates each diversion of the shape. Keeps him playing discipline. Without discipline and persistence, a typical player would discard the toy from unadulterated disappointment.
In the event that you would like your kid to have a brilliant future with building structures like a designer or an engineer, for instance, then, at that point, acquaint him with the Rubik's 3D shape right off the bat in his experience growing up. The plan of the Rubik's Block alone will leave him dissecting and envisioning, causing his mind to do mental pushups.
Playing with a Rubik's 3D shape helps your kid's spatial insight. In any case, what precisely is spatial knowledge? Spatial knowledge is the capacity to picture the imagination. It is the capacity to take care of issues of route, perception of points, scenes, appearances and acknowledgment of better subtleties. Like a potter or stone carver, a player can envision the final product of each and every diversion of the shape.
For more information, Visit us:-
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private tabla classes
Private Violin Lessons in Fremont
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