#Taiju brainrot
goddessofwaifus · 8 months
Red means I love you
⚠️ W A R N I N G ⚠️
This word vomit of a fic will most likely contain: mentions of self-harm, deranged levels of obsession, possessive behavior, stalking mention, love sick vibes, blood, mentions of physical fighting, implied brainrot, scopophobia, pre-established relationship???
Taiju shiba x reader (from the reader's perspective)
Reader goes by they pronouns to avoid establishing a gender for inclusion of all.
Pet names will be mentioned because who doesn't give their love a little name that's only meant for them?
Divider by @benkeibear (always coming with banger after banger, check them out!)
Art by @innaillus (Talented fucking artist, check out their blog as well 💕💕)
without further ado, let's go!
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Upon my first encounter of you, I saw nothing but speckles of red flying through the air. You were laughing like the deranged man you are, demolishing the face of a kid who i can't even recognize due to the intense damage to his features. It's only a matter of time before he scampers away like a startled rat once you drop him. Honey eyes dart to the spot where I peeked from to watch you, I was quick to hide before you even caught a glimpse of my hair.
Your intense scrutinizing glare on the wall gave me a rush through my system, my body shaking with excitement at the thought of you finally catching me in the act of staring from afar. The way your hair flows in the wind when you're riding your motorcycle or moving fast on foot gives off the visual illusion of crashing waves against the shoreline.
If only you would hold me that way, look at me with that piercing glare, the image alone is enough to send me into a crazed mania. The staring of anyone that isn't you is irrelevant to me. Their eyes make my skin itch so badly, I scratch my skin until the friction from my nails turn it red before the irritated flesh finally gives at the persistence of my fingers, a small stream of blood running down my exposed forearm. Scratching and scratching until the itching stops, leaving droplets on my clothes. I hate their eyes, the eyes I know that aren't yours staring gazing at what isn't theirs. How dare they gaze upon your angel with such perverse eyes? I'm so sorry, my dear blueberry.
Your gaze makes me swoon. I giggle and breathe heavily to calm my rising heart rate whenever we're in close proximity to one another. I'm jealous of the girls who get to be in the same space as you. I know I shouldn't be so greedy, but your scent ,when you pass, smells of the ocean breeze and I couldn't get enough of it. I've looked for the cologne and I found it when i managed to catch sight of the bottle in your hand one time. You said it was your favorite one, but I'm always keeping an eye and ear open in the case you change your mind later. I spray it on my sheets and favorite things so I can smell you at home. Isn't that romantic~? I have a life-sized shark plush that smells like you, I cuddle him every night imagining he's you and you're cuddling me.
Lately, you've changed colognes so your scent is different. Did you maybe notice that I've been paying attention to the smell you wear? Did you do it for me? Today, you smelled of citrus and tobacco. Bitter but sweet with all the different ingredients blending together to compliment each other. I accidentally washed the smell of you out when my sheets got dirty, but you left a bottle of some mystery cologne on my desk. I thought it might have been a mistake, but the note left behind said otherwise... "I picked out a smell that I thought would fit your personality type. I hope I picked the right one and it isn't too strong or harsh on your nose." I've memorized your handwriting! So neat and perfect yet easy to read and fancy.
I decided the next day I'd wear it to surprise the both of us, I spritz some on my clothes and go the whole day wearing your surprise perfume. I pass you, hoping the smell isn't bad but I hear you inhale as we continue to go our separate ways and let out a pleased hum. You like what you picked for me? I decide to take a whiff of the perfume for myself. I gasp softly, you're always so thoughtful and observant! From that day, I wore that perfume and it made you crack a tiny smile that only I get to see. My blood boils something furious when girls would talk about how good looking you were, even making bets to see who would get to have you. I don't think they know you're already with someone~ Our relationship is special, they don't know you like I do. They don't love you, they only want. They don't need you to live.
I think you secretly loved the attention I gave you, you didn't stop at the bottle of perfume that smells of a cozy winter night cuddled in warm blankets with a nice cup of hot chocolate. Over the next few days, different gifts would pop up at my desk. All of them were red gifts. A single red hibiscus, one of my favorite flowers. The next day, you left a soft, red velvet sweater that came over my fingers just how I liked the sleeves. Red hoodies ranging from dark to light shades with dark and cute themes. The one that really stuck out was a red sweater dress that had no back, but what really caught my attention was the red bandana with the black dragon insignia in the middle of it. Your symbol, your brand, I will wear it anytime the occasion calls for them.
It seems that the group of girls,who have been harassing you and trying to get into territory that only belongs to me, are getting more desperate. A shame they'll never get the chance because you're already in a relationship. One of them threatened to out me to you, so I would get the hint to leave you alone. You don't have a problem with me, so I don't think I'll be listening to her. Apparently she got severely hurt falling down the stairs, that beautiful splotch of red she left upon hitting her head at the bottom of the staircase. It made me think of you, I blush and go on about my day. I wonder how I would look in that color. I've always liked dark colors and colors that remind me of the night sky or stars, but with the splashes of red I see, I think I want to sport that color too! I want to match you so we can be closer. Even from a distance, I feel like we're being kept apart and I hate it when I'm far from my love. The color that pulls me in and is so aggressive yet can be gentle on the eyes.
I spotted you fighting someone again. Some kid named Hanagaki or something. Hidden behind a wall further away, but close enough to give me a perfect view, you're wearing the coat I love so much! I wanna wear it one day, just to know what your natural musk smells like and burn your smell into my nose.
That sound. The red splatters and droplets that fly with each impact you make. He's bruised and bloody, while you remain spotless but still donning your red uniform. I think no one would ever know you committed a murder wearing that, because it's already red. That sadistic grin of yours that makes me wish you'd bite me until the same beautiful crimson ,that drips every second from that boy, runs like a river and stains my skin. Hope your teeth are stained with it too, that the taste of it on your tongue is as sweet as I am to you.
It makes me wonder why you call the men in white the murder squad. They wouldn't get away with murder wearing pure white uniforms, they can't explain their ways out of arrest because their uniforms stain easily. Red is not an easy stain to wash out of pristine white clothes. Blood especially or even wine spills. That's why you get warnings to not spill red stuff on white carpets when you visit another person's home or get your home carpeted with white carpet. It's even harder to clean out of white couches and furniture that is white. That's a stain that will stick no matter how hard you scrub at it.
I also love the sound of your fist breaking bones from the sheer power of your punches. You look so beautiful and calculated in your movements, violent but artistic in your display. I'm falling in love all over again, I wish to see you stained in red one day. I'll stain myself with it too, so we can match. Maybe I should get into fights so I could be roughed up like that and bloodied with angry red bruises covering me. No, I won't just let anyone touch me and coax the running red stream from my body. It has to be you, my bloodthirsty shark. Only you are allowed to beat me and make me bleed out the color I associate with us. A red flag they call you, unlucky for them, I love red. I love you. I love when you fight and make others bloody and bruised. You're showing them our love and our favorite color.
The boys you beat up at school are the same ones who would call me a pig or a cow, but also loved to talk about how my body was perfect for their sinful thoughts and fantasies.
Degenerates, you beat them black and blue for me. Bloody noses that made pools of red, puddles of the metallic tasting fluid. I felt so happy seeing you break them and teach them not to speak such unholy things about an angel. Those boys have girlfriends who are temptresses and pick on students like me for sport. They are also the same girls who've been ogling you at school, but also run away when you glance at them with your scary eyes. Look at me like that. Just a glance. Maybe a minute of eye contact between us. I don't want you to beat them up and bloody their pretty snobbish faces.
The inevitable did come to pass. I beat up one of those bitches until she was spilling my favorite color from her nose and busted lips. It made her prettier than before, I froze when I saw you walking down the hall. You saw me, you grinned and let out a laugh. Words can't describe the rush that came over me when you did that. I wanted more of that grin, so more girls got beat up and bruised to satisfy that insatiable desire to please you. Not just bruised, beaten until their faces were disfigured. Blood caked their lips and flowed from scratches made in their struggle.
When those girls tried to tell the teachers or student council about what I did to them, I could just cry and tell them I was only acting in self-defense. It wouldn't be far from the truth. They believed me every time and I never got in trouble. How could someone so sweet and innocent ever hurt another person? They can't hurt a fly. They're an angel, get along with other students, and have the purest heart you could ever be honored to be in the presence of.
A few more of those girls ended up badly hurt from "accidents" at school. I'm gonna paint this world red and my entire being begged for you to join me in painting our canvas. Guys who were known to make nasty comments about me, regardless of the nature of said comments, ended up just like the girls who messed with me. Bloody, disfigured, or worse in critical condition. I started leaving letters in red ink, doodles, notes for you to find in places I could often find you hanging around. They revealed my darkest desires, my love for you, how I thought you looked good in red, and the feelings you caused me. The strong urge to tell you that stuff in person was just too much for my heart to handle that day, I would tell you soon. Turns out I wouldn't have to do that since you found a way to meet me in the middle. A blood stain styled note was left in my locker, its contents are for my eyes only and only you and I will know what it said.
Rumors were going around about me being a bloodthirsty wolf pretending to be as sweet as a bunny. They grew and grew until they reached your ears. After that, they died down mysteriously after several reports of male and female students being injured with involvement of the rumors. Others were scared of being next to wind up in the hospital. Some even started new rumors around the stories of the teens being targeted for gossiping about me. They say I'm responsible for all of it. That I did it for your attention and approval. Oh, if only I could take credit for an impressive display or maybe it was just karma. Red truly is a beautiful color on you and in general. A color associated with anger, passion, love, and more often than not, is labeled a violent color. You can find it anywhere. In a rainbow, a candy store, a clothing store, restaurants, and even inside your own body.
Seeing you fight really is a beautiful sight to behold. You're wild, unhinged, quick on your feet, so angry and volatile. You strike with a unchained wrath and many victims say your hits feel like they've been struck by a freight truck or a train. One day, I hope to see blood dripping from your knuckles. Whether it be your own or from your newest punching bag, I truly believe red is the color best for you. Who knows, maybe it's personal bias but I believe you could look good in many colors. Red is just a perfect combination with your striking yellow eyes and it pops out against your wild ocean blue hair. I really love your tattoos against your skin and the one that no one but I knows lies hidden on your back.
Maybe when I see you again, I'll wear that red backless sweater you gave me that day. I remember you said that bright colors reflect off my eyes and certain shades make my skin glow with a heavenly radiance only an angel could have. I give a whole new meaning to the deadly yet furious primary color. I make it look sweet and inviting like a red velvet cheesecake. Soft and fluffy, but sweet and smooth to the tongue.
I am nothing without you.
I need you like I need food.
I need you like water.
I need you like oxygen in my lungs.
You are the pulse in my wrist, keeping my heart alive.
You are the very air I breathe.
The red I see in a rage or fit of anger is you
My powerhouse, my blueberry, my angry ocean, my animalistic partner, my mountain, my shark.
Your angel of life and darkness, your bloodthirsty bunny, your princess, your sweetheart, and your babydoll.
Your Darling Angel
You are the Hand of God and anyone who touches or defiles your angel will be seeing you and meeting our father above or perhaps fighting for their lives against the demon of a man you can be.
Till death do us part, we rain hell on those who oppose us.
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taixju · 2 years
I’m on my period and I can’t stop thinking about period sex with Taiju — he wouldn’t even be phased by it. I’m not afraid of a little blood, angel, he’d chuckle through panting breaths as he fucks your cramps away. 😢
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sobashahzadi · 8 months
first of all, can we talk about THE FECKING OPENING BEING SO GOOD?
I actually geared up so bad- THE VISUALS THE COLOURS THE CHARACTERS EVERYTHING *chefs kiss*
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THSI GUY- (I remember him being a bitch in the manga but ISTG anime ver makes me wanna actually chevy him up innit)
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so incredibly cruel GAHHHH
BUT OF COURSE KOHAKU handles it like the queen she is
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Wuabuaniowshiwdqbiudqwhiuqwdhuiwqduibedwuib melting rn
but uh also also the ost in this little scene AFTER WAS SO GOOD AHH I WANT A FULL VERSION NOW🔫😡😡
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MAUHAUH Senku being a sociopath is my spirit animal
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suika is too precious, must protect
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The way they animated his revival was so cool Omds only time I’d say anime>>manga
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WHY IS HE SO JACKED??? (Ik he is obvi but seeing him shirtless this ep kept giving me a jumpscare of his abs and I’m not complaining)
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Side eye tho
HELP the way they’re just closing they’re eyes like the absolute sigma alpha males they are
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ryusui is such an unbothered king
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me when me when in maths when I add 8 and 7 together without a calculator
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Gen is so me core if I was an empath
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Anyways I’m off to combust into flames
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angryborzois · 1 year
keychain haul les go
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frozenmoonshine · 11 months
Headcanon: What movie would the TR characters watch at the cinema?
Long time no write! But my TR brainrot is as alive and well as always! So here are my most recent thoughts, dedicated to all of you out there riding on the Barbenheimer craze:
‌Takemicchi - Openheimer (because Hina dragged him along)
‌Naoto - Openheimer (he's into edgy stuff)
‌Chifuyu - Barbie
‌Baji - not going, there's stray animals to feed and pet, ain't nobody got time for stupid movies?!
‌Kazutora - Openheimer
‌Mitsuya - Barbie (Luna and Mana forced him, of course)
‌Hakkai - Openheimer (he wanted to go with Taka-chan, but Yuzuha wanted to see Openheimer, and he couldn't handle that many girls around without her)
‌Taiju - neither, both are sacrilegious! Goes to church instead.
‌Koko, Inupi - Openheimer (Koko didn't want to go at all, but went because of Inupi)
‌Pah & Peh - not interested at all, they stayed home playing video games instead.
‌Smiley - Openheimer
‌Angry - Barbie
‌Mucho - Openheimer
‌Sanzu - Openheimer (even though he looks like a Barbie incarnate!)
‌Senju, Takeomi, Wakasa, Benkei - Openheimer (Waka genuinely wanted to see it, Benkei followed him, even though he wanted to go see Barbie, Takeomi wasn't interested at all, but followed Senju)
‌Shinichiro - Barbie
‌Izana (+Kakucho) - Openheimer
‌Ran - Barbie
‌Rindou - Openheimer
‌Mocchi - Barbie
‌Shion - neither, nobody invited him.
‌Hanma - Barbie
‌Kisaki - Openheimer
‌South - Barbie
‌Draken - Barbie (Emma dragged him along, and he's used to pink stuff anyway)
‌Mikey - he doesn't care, as long as there are snacks at the theater, he falls asleep 5 min into the movie anyway (most likely went to "see" Barbie, because Shin, Emma, and Kenchin did as well)
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kenslilove · 2 years
MINORS DNI, 18+ content, Shiba sibling brainrot😵‍💫
Taiju sits you on his cock with your wrists tied in front of you and your panties stuffed in your mouth. You’re to loud as he tries to make business calls and fill out paperwork 😔 at least you can dig your nails into the desk to support yourself from the stretch his cock gives you ///:
Yuzuha sits you on her strap with your hands tied behind your back and a blindfold over your eyes. Your so much more sensitive when you don’t know what her next move is, gasping and trembling each time her fingers ghost over your skin. She loves watching the goosebumps rise and you biting your lip swollen as you whimper //:
Hakkai prefers to have his own hands tied behind his neck, but when he really wants to admire you he ties your wrists delicately to the headboard, only silk ropes. He worships your body, reminds you just how pretty you are with lean, long fingers smoothing over your skin. He’ll tweak at your nipples, rub his thumb over your pouting lip, dip his fingertip between your soaked folds. Anything to remind you you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen.
Repost from original account <3
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I guess it’s a masterlist ?
         Tokyo Revengers:
My attempt at making the curse makes sense (+the time leaping power)
Is the curse really gone in the final timeline ? 
Edit: Yes. It is.
Final Timeline is bittersweet at best
Shinichiro and delinquency
Sano family brainrot (mostly the parents and Izana, too)
Black Dragon and a bunch of historical stuffs
         A bit more on Benkei and Ushiwakamaru
The irl Black Dragon
Yakuza and Black Dragon
Benkei's tattoos & OG!Timeline Wakasa's tattoos + their volume cover clothes
Brahman and Flowers
Senju should’ve kept her hair short
Sanzu no Kawa - why did Sanzu decide to take the name ‘Sanzu’ ?
Why did Sanzu decide to join Toman and why did Takeomi accept to be in Black Dragon
Initial quick analysis on Takeomi
Takeomi, self esteem and denial (+ talk about Shinichiro, Wakasa, Senju, and a bit of Emma and Sanzu too, although less than Takeomi) | +17k words
the consequences of the 30th of July (not OG!timeline)
Kisaki and being friendless
Initial post about Taiju and parallels he shares with Mitsuya
Ask that’s the reason why this ↓ was written
Where do Taiju’s behavior come from ? Continuing and breaking intergenerational Trauma (+ last part is about Mitsuya) | +7k words
        Religion is something personal to Taiju
        Where does Hakkai’s scar come from ?
Dumpster, Shinichiro's, Mikey's, Toman@Mikey, Takemichi's, Senju's, Bajitrio's, Koko&Inupi's
Translations of songs!
            Jujutsu Kaisen:
Analysing Season 2 posters (i added quite a few things in the tags)
Hollow Purple and Buddhism
Mahogara and Buddhism (please pay attention to the date i wrote this if you're caught up with jjk)
Megumi’s birthday wasn't chosen for no reason
On Noritoshi
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linpunny · 5 months
I have a cute holiday idea for some brainrot for you: Taiju just picking you up and placing you down beside him in a random doorways, and then you look up and see a mistletoe. "Aren't you gonna kiss me?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest with his signature smirk.
And kiss him I would till he can’t breath but first I’d have to pull his tall ass down to me 🤭
And the moment I reach up to close the distance he would pull away cause he loves to see me malfunction and chase after him 🥹 he would just take the slightest step back and then wrap me up in his arms while I cup his handsome face and kiss him like I’m stealing all his oxygen 🫠 then he’d mumble into my lips “there’s my needy puppy.”
Yall are feeding the delusions tonight and I’m here for it cause I’m a lonely bitch tonight literally listening to supalonely by benee on Christmas Eve sick with bronchitis 😌
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missuniversequeen · 1 year
So like I'm having taiju brainrot fluff and angst so bear with me
Btw this song inspired me
Taiju Shiba
He's a softie inside change my mind....he has made mistakes in the past and surely it's not a light things..... he's carrying a burden and didn't know how to cope with it..... needing to be the family man and looking after siblings in the young age and having an absent father didn't help it at all after his mother passed away.
Please just give this man a hug even he's brutal and more he's a human too (am i defending an abuser?) Anyway of course after kicking his ass for his past action
Not justifying his action that causing his little brother a literally trauma but it's all the past? I know it's not easy for both abuser and victims because it's a scary things it might leave an after effects for their life but in the end of the day what's matter the most is in the future timeline he's changed for better (everyone in tr actually)
No let me rambling about him like this big boy deserve love too so a little gesture of kindness would help since he's hot temper we need a lot of patience to get into this sharkie boy
I kinda see this guy with a soft but a confident darling? At least someone who knows how to deal with him and show him the way :)
Yeah that's it anyway i love this big boy muahahahhahah
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sacandochispas · 1 year
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Crossover Ship Week 2023 Día 1: Crossover de universos (Yoko Littner x Senku Ishigami)
Esto se basa en dos canones: 1) Senku ama los mechas, 2) Yoko es profesora.
Me gusta pensar que Senku fue quien le enseñó a Yoko la historia del mundo antes de La Petrificación y ella en agradecimiento le ayudó a entrar en la brigada Gurren-Laggan para pilotear uno de los robots.
Adicionalmente, juntos ayudaron a la construcción de la ciudad Kamina y lucharon codo a codo en la batalla final.
Me gusta pensar que lo que hay entre ellos es aprecio, respeto y lealtad, parecido al vínculo que Senku mantiene con Taiju y Yuzuriha; sin embargo, si te llama la atención este dúo... ¡interpreta su relación como gustes!
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rinhaler · 5 months
OMG YAY !! I love tr so so much, its my main source of inspiration aside from jjk 😭 u do give me vibes of being a draken girlie !! hes so sweet i will sob
I used to write for tokyorev on my old blog I wanna start here too but the bllk and jjk brainrot it real !! But I love the Bonten trio a ton, chifuyu is my babie, Taiju is daddy yk, soooo many hotties
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goddessofwaifus · 8 months
Taiju brain rot hang in there tamaki. I’m right there with you all day everyday
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I'm fucking crying inside but also screaming but drooling but also frothing at the mouth. Brain is going into overdrive and I need to get this shit out in writing so I hope it satisfies the ever so intense and violent need to have this man and love him and let him know that he has cunt, heart, brain, everything in his giant ass hands.
Thank you for your support, dessy 😭😭😭😭 I am fuckin goin through it, he's got my tongue in a grip so I can't even talk right without foaming and snarling and screeching about his beefy ass!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕 I'm fuckin hungry for this man!!!! I'm STARVINGGGGG!!!!!!!
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hypersomnia-insomniac · 8 months
I currently only write SFW stuff. On the menu is only Tokyo Revengers, but I will try to write for other animes as different brainrots take over. If you'd like to request something, please do. I'll do my best, but I procrastinate a lot.
Entries with Stars contain darker events, as well as violence and blood. Please be mindful of tags. I'd hate for you to get triggered.
TKR Men with Sick Partner Series
Mitsuya, Hakkai, Taiju
Mikey, Draken, Baji
A First Kiss (1.3k)
Fight Scenes
"How can you hope to defeat someone who is fighting to escape the claws of death, if you yourself don’t place yourself upon the precipice? *
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
5 for senku and taiju? i feel like it could go either way in terms of lee/ler lol
thank you buddy!! i wish i could help you with your fic but all i can do i silently cheer for you!! >.<
*pushes sengen brainrot obsession under the table*
Order Up! Happy Hour Event CLOSED
Taiju watched – fascinated but completely lost – as Senku plopped something into a beaker of some scientific liquid or another and waited with bated breath for any kind of reaction.
He didn’t have to wait long. The liquid began to bubble furiously like a can of soda that had been shaken before being opened, and both men stepped back as it spilled up and over the rim, dripping across the table and onto the ground below. After a few seconds everything was still again, and Taiju looked at his old friend.
Senku looked completely and utterly dumbfounded. It was the most hilarious thing Taiju had ever seen.
“Are you seriously laughing right now?” Senku asked, turning to face him, blinking back into his serious scientist mode.
“Your face!” Taiju cried, nearly doubling over. “You looked so funny! Weren’t expecting that reaction, huh, Senku?”
“It took me by surprise, sure.” The scientist couldn’t help but chuckle as well, shaking his head as he searched for something to clean up the mess he’d made. “You’re far too easily amused, you big oaf.”
“I haven’t seen that expression in over three thousand years. Can you blame me?”
“I suppose not.”
Taiju watched as his friend set to work cleaning up, the thought of offering to help the last thing on his mind as the gears in his brain began shifting in a different direction. “There’s something else I haven’t seen in three thousand years.”
“There’s plenty you haven’t seen in that ti-HIME!!” Senku dropped his rag and shot his arms down to his sides as he was lifted into the air, giggles spilling out of him uncontrollably. “T-Tahahahaiju?!”
“Haven’t tickled you in forever, Senku,” the brunette said with a grin in his voice, digging his fingers into the scientist’s weakest spot with ease. “Still sensitive, huh?”
“Gahahahaha! Stop thahahahahahat, you bihihihihig oaf! Lehehehet me go!” Senku kicked and squirmed, but against someone as strong as Taiju, he knew it was useless. “I gehehehehet enough of thihihihis from GEHEHEHEHEHEN!! GAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Taiju easily wrestled him down to the ground and pinned him there, tickling wildly, beaming at his friend’s huge smile and flushed cheeks. It reminded him of the first time he’d tickled Senku when they were kids. The man looked so carefree this way.
“Yeah, you and that mentalist guy seem to be pretty close, huh?” he teased.
Taiju winked playfully. “Is there something you feel like telling me?~”
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sweet-seishu · 2 years
Ship your moots! 💕
ooop, hi yes okay! hopefully i got the majority of them, if i missed any tell me and i will gladly add you<3
@portfolio-of-dreams chifuyu and yuta
@httphaitani hakkai and souya ofc
@kazuwhora tora obviously :)
@sadisticyouko-main baji bby
@the-psyco-simp hanma and mikey
@sanzucide can't not ship cat with haru 🙄
@spookyxiao well obviously kaeya, but also koko
@hoobish mitsuya obviously your brainrot for him is as bad as mine
@akicore ofc its aki
@pinkhorangnabi taiju or south 😌
@softbajis rinniepooh :)
@blondbirb fuyu as well ofc
@crown5 obviously ran
@erenyaygirl ran as well, but also eren 😌
@anxious-cherry-pie koko, but honestly i can see takeomi to haha
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Spontaneous Headcanons #16
Having Severe Brainrot over Tsukasa Shishio today
**Very Very Light Spoilers For Dr. Stone Stone Wars (season 2)**
(Under the cut because this is probably gonna be a long one akerkekjrjk)
Psst: There’s RyuKasa at the end
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- This man is too pretty for words oh my god-
- Okay but: The gentlest of lers? Like- all those big muscles and insane strength but he’s so sweet and soft to those he tickles because he doesn’t want to hurt no one.
- Not usually one to initiate tickle fights- the times he does decide to play along are usually out of revenge or if he’s been requested to tickle. Again- he’s hyper aware of how strong he is and doesn’t want to hurt no one by accident.
- Usually the person who gently holds down the target while Senku and Co. wrecks them. He’s a bolder of a man, so wriggling away is not even an option (unless you ask- then he’ll gladly let you go)
- Will always check in with his lee to make sure they’re okay. He never wants to cross anyone’s boundaries and will stop immediately when asked. He also doesn’t really tease? He tried after prompting from Senku but felt kinda awkward, so he usually just nods along and smiles.
- As for himself: It’s really hard to tickle Tsukasa. Mainly because he’s tall as heck and pretty good at not reacting.
- Like he’s ticklish- but if he knows your gonna tickle him he’ll flex to a point where he barely feels it.
- Spoiler alert: Mirai spilled the beans on his tickle spots.
- Those being his feet, knees and armpits. (Also his neck/upper back but with all his hair and the cloak he wears it’s damn near impossible to get him)
- He can’t really guard against it when tickled there.
- Stone man activated: When tickled he immediately freezes up so he doesn’t swing at anyone and just lets whomever’s tickling him have their fun. (Usually it’s Senku or Taiju and Ryusui who do this) He’ll try to carefully escape to the ground for safety, but that just leaves himself open for more tickles.
- His laugh is rich and deep and lovely sounding. It’s the kind that rumbles to his core and might make one feel like they’re standing in an earthquake with how much it shakes our primate man.
- He’s kinda embarrassed about being ticklish? It doesn’t exactly fit the theme of “Ultimate Primate Student”. He’s not openly opposed to tickles by any means, but he can’t help but feel a tad weird about it at first. Once he warms up to it all he’s more comfortable.
- Aftercare with this man- oh my goodness he will treat you like royalty. Whatever you need: food, a drink, space to breath, cuddles after; he’s got you covered.
- He’s just a solid dude through and through in my most humble opinion
-And lowkey in love with him because OH MY GOD- 
Totally didn’t come back to add Ryukasa headcanons because I love the ship now what are you saying?/j
- Ryusui is a man of desire, and that includes finding out just where Tsukasa is ticklish so he can hear his laugh whenever the mood strikes.
- Granted, he himself is horribly ticklish, so it’s moreso an attempt to even out the playing field a little bit.
- He’ll sneak up on Tsukasa when their alone and give his armpits a scribble/randomly snatch up an ankle because he knows he can get away with it.
- He loves Tsukasa’s laugh. He’ll claim it his and his only.
- Of course he get’s wrecked almost immediately after.
- He’ll flirt the entire time with him just to get that soft blush reaction Tsukasa tries to hide.
- It only gets him more tickles.
- Worth it!
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